Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, October 01, 1835, Image 4

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€5f e o r fg f a ® 1I x a r a |> TAX COLLECTORS’ SALES. Crawford, Tax. Sale. o SMKiiH'KS' SAL S. SHERIFFS’ SALES. l\ ill • li- Til be said 1 fore U Crawford county, batw thi following property, o iilV the Tax for ISM wii ' 250 acres, No. i' 1 17Ut property ofB. W. IW 250 acres No. 411, properly of II. 1*. Jones. it: NOTKMBER nut, will court house in Knoxville n the lawful hour* of ■•ale, sj m ich thereof as will sat- costs : viz. li*t. Early comity, as the ,\ ih 3 ur Joiiry sihenif £>aie« FORE the court house in McDonough Henry county, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the usual hours, will be sold One nClio woman*named Tempe—levied on as the | property of Goldman Hilile to satisfy a (i fa from the i inferior court of Fayette county in favor of ElijahP- \l!en vs Goldman Biffle and ’Joseph Griffin security court of I on the »tay. 8TJfc-PIIEN MALONE, d. sh’ff". sniJ county in favor of David Cloptou and others vs , ttn ff ^ No.’— 8th district Gwinnett county, a. the *aid WhUenlmnt, levy made and returned to utc by a perly of Wm. Wi-ner. •JiOA acr ■■>, No. li). Ctb district Crawford county, as e property of Stanford Merrett. lth district Early county, as the ✓ Tivoli Sheriff daie. first Tuesday in October next he-1 ttvecn tlie lawful hours of solo in Carrolioul | Carroll County, before the Court House door,! will bo sold the following property to wit: A part of two Lois of Land, viz. 40 acres more or ’ fi-.s of lot No. 65, aad To acres of lot Xo. til, all fyiug in the Gtb district Carroll as the property of J. Whiaen* hum to satisfy sundry ft fas from a justice’s! WASHINGTON HALL. THE Subscribers have taken that coni- modious and well known public house in ({| J { the City of .Macon,—the Washington Hnii. ■JO2 \ acres, No. 194, 25th district Stewart county, as the property Jethrew N. M ood 40 acres) county of Cherokee, as tha property of Cozdidc Hamilton. . , •1J0 acres No. 1505.7th district Irwin county, as the property of E. Crew. Half lot oflaud No. 9, 1st district, 101$ acres to satisfy tax for 1331. 40 acres No. 531, 2d district Cherokee county, as | the property of Arthur Braswell. , ; 202$ acres, No. 143.1st district Crawford county, as the property of Nedom Summerlin. , One Lot in Knoxville. Crawford county, as the pro perty of Maston Sawyer. , 1 ad-29 WILLIAM CAMPBELL. T. C. /ILL be sold before the Court House door, lit the town of McDonough, Henry County, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the lawful botirsofsalo: One bay Horse,and one Bureau, levied constabl Lot No. 125 in die 7th district of said county—as die propern of Cii ii le- Craw find to sati-fv a ti t.t from justice’s court of Coweta county in favor -M. ’J’. Bob- j on as the property of James Henry, to satisfy a fifa is- erts with other ft fas vs said Crawford, levy made and sued from the Superior Court of Henry county in ft- ‘ vor of Alexander Brvan vs. James Henry ‘TA T s' * returned to me bv a coasts • attg 22 ISAAC E. COBB, shff Also, will be sold as above. One negro woman by the name of Ann about 28 years of age; as the property of Clayton Williams, also Jesse II. Chambers’and Clayton Williams' interest in lot of Land No. 193 in the sixth district of Carroll JAMES LOVE. Shff. APPLICATIONS. Bibb Tax Sale. the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, wdl v ? he sold before die court house in -Macon, Bibb -county, between die lawful hours of sale the following property, or so much thereof as will satisfy die tax ,or 1334 and costs: viz. 40 acre Lot No 357 I lth dist 1st sec Cherokee, gtv- comity, to satisfy a fi fa front Carroll superior court in favor of Giles B. Taylor vs Alinan Chambers & Co., — 1, ,. Plnutnii tlTStl.*! 111 -S F OUR mouths after date application will be made to the honorable inferior court of Bibb county .en in by George McGravv, tax due 47 cents. lOncro Lot No 252. Milt dist 1st sec Cherokee, giv en in by Isar Jones, tax 47 cents. 49 aero Lot No 517,3J dist 4thsec Cherokee, given property pointed out by Clayton Williams Lot of Land 207 in the Gth district of said county, as the property of Benjamin Chapman to satisfy two fi fas from the superior court of said county, cue in favor of Ambrose Chapman vs Benjamin Chapman, Jilcs S.Jloggcs and James II Rodgers and one in favor ^ I of Farris Carter vs Benjamin Chapman aiidJilesS. w | iell sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell when silting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot of Land No. 95 itt the fourth district of Houston county, now lying in the county of Bibb, belonging to a part of the cLildreu of die subscriber, some of whom are tniuors, and of whom the subscriber is gtiardiatt. june 12 1835 52 JAMES HEARD. •J.10UR months after date application will be made B 1 to die honorable inferior court of Bike county Bogges his security on appeal, property pointed out j a || ( | ]u rfl;l j Ps tate of Herod Keese late of said county by Benjamin Chapman. deceased, for die benefit of die heirs-rtnd creditors. Nine negroes, to wit, Penelope and her 3 children, | j||1)e 1;W o BEVERLY DANIEL, adm'r. Betsy a girl 5 vears old, Henry a boy 3 years old, fcefh i - ahoy 10 months old, Dave a hoy 9 years old, Annith a KADI 1 1C months alter date application will be made Georgia, Hut is county. W 'HEREAS Elizabeth C. Dennis applies to me for letters disntissory troin the ad ministration of John Dennis deceased T/ies: are thtrefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of suid deceased to be and , - , , - , . , T , . Wear at my office untl,in the &nt prescribed by law, to then, they flatter themselves their House w d ob- hew cause if any they hate, xchy said Utters should not be Jam for tllem a general patronage from the Public - J J J They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, SUItGJCAL AO'J’j ,, * CERTAIN CUKK For T J «■ HERNIA, (oiclUpj lately occupied by 31 r. 31. D. Httson.— o o“. A "i«*Tto, By the unremitting attention of both of (jrJNliiit £» ATE. shew cause ifranted. Given undertny hand at office this 14th August 1-S35. whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is 8 JOHN McCORD. c. c. o. inferior to no one in the State. i^——# I Their tables will be furnished with the best the coutt- ESTATE SALES. Administrator Sf Guardian 1 s Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in OCTO BER next, at 3IcDonough Henry county, die interest of John 31. D. Taylor deceased, also-the inter est of Noah W. Taylor a minor, in Lot No. 197 in the 7th district of Henry county, sold by orderof the court of ordinary of Butts county for the benefit of said mi nor and the distributees of said deceased. J ulv 9 CHARLES BAILEY, Adm'r of John AT. D. Taylor deceased, and Guardian for Xoah TV. Taylor. R obert w. stewart*^ oi Baldwin, Twiggs, Bibb, Cr : - ton counties, who are subjects of jL'V’*»dt dial be will succeed E. M. BendfetZ ' , e - ved to Charleston. S. C., in th e .V. i,0 U.. Stainer’s Patent Truss. ‘ * Lr,;c: ( In ail cases wiicit a cun- is n,,;.. ation will be required. The f ac 't a lr> a\ ing • been effected in the corner .rR***! i . - ... , county of Wfc. whom certificates have been exhibit*) A*” icians in the above cn U ntr° ?e TNI Executor's Sale. W ILL be sold in the town of 3IcDonough on the first Tuesday in October next, within the usu al hours of sa’e, a square 50 acres of Land situate in j -P-ft the southwest corner of Lot No. 227 in the ltd district of Henry county, sold agreeable to the last will andtes- . tion, his table tament of John Barr deceased, sold for the benefit of i try cari a.Tord, and hi try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. The Stablesare attended by carefuland experienced Ostlers. MUSTIAN & 3IOTT. Feb 5 1S35 3G (D= Having sold my interest in the Washington Ifall thing further unnecessary to besaidjllS) ^ to .Messrs. .Wustian *V 3Iott. I earnestly solicit for them j Hoht. W, Stewart may be seen' t V a continuance of the patronage which was extended Brown’s Hotel, 31 illedgeville, front ti i- r,1 1: tome, whilst proprietor of the establishment. j instant; in 3Iacon, at Dr Ball’sofir. 3Iacon, feb 5 36 31. D. I1USON. j in Knoxville, Crawford county, ti'l Wm' 1 " , iv rrv . Houston coMutv. tili :;j.. ,!l l: - rion, Twiggs county,‘till Sth Mareh*^!.’ Slucelonough. Oct. 27. ISB f Milledgevillo again. He expects to cuntin' 1 ^’ ) round during the winter and sprit,. “** d regularly tit the same time THE subscriber has taken this well known stand for the purpose j of keeping a house of Entertain- j inent, and solicits a share of pub lic patronage, for which he is in j hopes of giving general satisfac-! hall be supplied with the best the conn- i tables well attended to. tend regularly at the same time and pla^T'^’ : lion m the above will bo made vvllir ' ’ J ” r » feb 12 4835 2G in by Robert Peaton, tax 47 cents. . 202$ uercs, No 207, 4lh dial Bibb, given tuby Wm Peaton, tax 74 cents, 1G0 acres No 303,17th dist 1st see Cherokee, given In by John Boggs, tax G7 cents. A 40 acre Lot in Cherokee, number &c not known woman about 22 years old. Andy's boy 5 years old. JL' to the honorable inferior court of Crawford cottn- Rnchel n girl 7 years old. Bob a man about' 23 years ty for leave to sell the interest of William J. Wayn- 0 |d—as the property of Joseph Chambers X Jesse II. man deceased (it being otto half) in the Factory kno'wn Chambers to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of Jesse as the Franklin Factory in Upson county, Ga. Layne and others. ALEXANDER M. K. SWIFT, adm’r. July 21 DUDLEY AYRES, dry sh’ff. | July 6 1835 2 given in by Charles Siles, tax 43 cents. 152 acres, part of Lot So 41 4th dist Bibb, by William Clements, tax 7G cents 40 acre Lot No 17 17th dis 4th see Cherokee, given lozart, tax 48 cents. . . . . j of Uriah Ascne, lew made and returned to nteby No_140 9th dist Houston, given tit by Jo- constab i e * TIIOS. THORNTON, sh’ffi. Sheriff Pale. 4 T the court house in the town ofZebnlnu, Pike county will he sold on the first Tues _ day in October uext. within the usual hours of i H 1L ‘ estate ol Benjamin Kmeltottr deceased, for the sale, the following properly, viz : I btnefit ufthe cred.tors. Ouo Lot of Land No. 13 in'the second district for i jlOUU months after date application will be made to the honorable inferior court of Talbot county when sitting for ordiuary purposes, for leave to sell all -iu by Jesso 43 cents. 202$ acres ” *" J " " eiah Smith, tux 85 cents. ’40 acres No 470 2<1 dist 1st see Cherokee, property of Win Richardson, tax 105 cents. 160 acres No 23 3d dist 4th sec Cherokee, given in merly Monroe now Bike eouutv—levied on as the pro perty of William T. Reneau to satisfy a fi fit in favor July 12 GIDEON BOWLF.DGE, adm’r. 10 4m by Caleb Smith, tax 74 cents 40 acres No 201 17th dist 3d sec Cherokee, given in CLIOUlt mouths after date application will be made JL to the honorable inferior court of Bibb county when sitting for ordiuary purposes, for leave to sell Also tcill be sold as ab .re, _ I Lot of Land No 117 in Bibb county, it being the re- One Lot of Land No. * 17 in the 2d district formerly | al estate of 3Iartha Smith a minor." the heirs and creditors of said deceased, terms made j known on the day of sale. ELISIIA M. K. 3r. CUTCIIEN, cx’r. inly 9 1835 19 ISAAC HARVEY. w Administrator's Sale. ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in October GLOBE TAVERN, Clinton, Jones County, €' r ® HE Subscribers (late proprietors Clinton Hotel,) tender our thanks to ou EDMUND RUSSElT Of the Late Firm itf It uses-It % Q i(kjr ON* CORgJtn OF THIRD -V?D ML*LEERJi r , IR I AS Just received from New-York an/p 1 ' I. and i.- now i peinn: a u r. i, ;r .. 1 sortment of, Fancy and Staple Drv Go ' Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Shoes A, j Ifltt/til Itn enLl n > ........ I > . * Gtot». ^ HE Subscribers (lure proprietors of the j whichwiUbeseldatvery reduced price,;.! _, ■ H . est > by order of the inferior court of Houston , friends and JS for encouragement, and county when nttiof for ordinary purposes, before the , c ,, / , * J* , . .. court bouse door of Scrivcn county, about 220 acres ‘espet’lftilly ieg leave to announce to the public, of oak and hickory Land belonging to tlm of i thatwc Imve iciGOved to the commodious xiouse to the estate of William S. Brunson deceased, adjoining lands of the kntivru as tile estate of Thomas Telfair deceased, of the estate of William W. Oliver deceased, and George Bollock, all lying in said county of Scriven, about seventy acres of said land cleared. Also, at the same time and place will be sold about 50acresofpine land,adjoining lands j GiiOBE tavern, situated in the business part of the town, and fronting the Court-House. Having leased this stand for several years, by Robart Sanford, tax G cents. ’ 202$ acres No 10.15th dist Troup, givenin by Tho rn is Sacraa, tax 83 cents. A 40 acre a:ro Lot in Cherokee, givcu in by James Bridges, tax 47 cents. IGi) acres, No 203, 2.1 dist 4th sec Cherokee, giveu .ia by Jesse Smith, tax 4G cents. 4t) acres No 125th dist 2d sec Cherokee, given inby N til Harkins, tax 43 cents. 202$ acres. No 45, 21st dist Lee, given in by John II Sims, tax 110 c. 202$ ncres, No Go 5th dist Rabun, given in by Sea born Jones, tax 10G c. A Ilonso and Lot iu East .Macon, the property of j Susan Bond, tax 83 c. •202$ acres No 288, 16th dist Pulaski, given in by j Rub oil Cunningham, tax ’JO" Jrnnroe now Pike county—levied on as the property of Wiliiam T. Rencnn to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Du- gar & Battel, levy made and leturned to nte by a con stable. JOSEPH II. SHIVERS, d. sh’ff. atig 24 ang 5 SAMUEL JESSOP, guardian. Payette Sheriff Sale. ILL lie sold ou thg first Tuesday itt October next, before the court bouse in Fayetteville, Fayette county, between the usual hours o! sale. One Lot cf Land No. 120 in the 7th district of Fay ette county—levied ou as the property of J antes 31 cCnr- cel by executions issued from justices’court of Chat ham county in favor of Edmond G. Ball and others vs said McCareel. ALFRED BROWN, sh’ff ntig 15 (71 OUR months after date application will be made, l to the Inferior Court of 3Ionroc county, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the ne- ‘ ‘ tbi lie orphan children of Alexander Butts Sheriff Sale. YTM7ILL lie sold on the first Tuesday iu October .... ...... , i tl next, between the usual hours of sale, at . JbO acres, No 110, 5th dist 3d sec Cherokee, given ■ {Jmts county, before the court house door, the in by Absalom 164 cents. j following property, to wit: O'® ocrc lot near .Macou givenin by Abraham Law-. One negro woman-named 3Iaria without any chil- rence, tax 290 c. . . . _ , dren healthy and a first rate cook between 30 and 12 acres on the Macon Reserve given in by Joseph; 35 year; , of known as Leander A. Erwin’s Wood, tax G1 c. . . cook, 20 feather beds, 80 mattresses, 50 bolsters, • ? ^ 0 '9th dist 1st see Cnerokee, g'veu ; pillows, 50 pr sheets, 50 counterpanes, 30 blankets, iu by \\ tllia’.n Morgan, tax 48 cents. . 50 pr pillow cases, 50 bedsteads, 10 -mall tables, 40 • i . aarc< ' ~ 11 'bst —sec Cherokee, given j was ), stands. 1 set large dining room tables, ]20chairs, 1,1 Thomas, tax .cents. . ; 1 fine soft, 1 fine centre table, *2 large line carpets 2 A l«0acre lot in Cherokee, No &c not known, gtv- j f or j e pianos, 8 pr andirons, 80 window curtains, 30 groes belonging to I Leggett, deceased. ANDERSON BALDWIN, Guard’n. August 20. " 9 F OUit mouths after date, application will bo made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Pulaski County when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Turner Howell late of said county deceased. BENJAMIN IIOWELL, Adm’r. Pulaski co. sep 3. Hi of George Pollock & William W. 3Iixon, all lying itt Scriven county, and belonging to the estate of said deceased. To be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors—Terms on the day. THOMAS TOLLOCK, Adm’r. SARAH BRUNSON, Admr'x. July 20. 4 Administrator's Sale. Will be Sold A T the court house in Knoxville Crawford county on the first Tuesday in October next, the follow ing Lots of Land : G5 and 56 in the 2d district of origi nally Houston now Crawford-county ; one of the ab ove Lots is well improved, having a comfortable dwel ling house &c., sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Amos Hides deceased, agreeable to an or der of the court of ordinary of Cratvford county. July 28 ELIJAH HICKS, ad’m KN * >Uli months aficr, date application will be made JL to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Bibb County when sittiug for ordinarv purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of John W. Rhodes deceased, consisting of one tract oflaud No. 102, 3d district Lee county. GEORGE A. SMITH, Adm’r. Sept. 4,1835. . 11 jJ^OUR .Months after date application will be made, JSL to the Honorable Inferior Court of Pike county, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the Estate of Anderson Grifiin, late of said coiiutv deceased M ARY P. GRIFFIN. Admr’x, Sep. 16. JOHN R. KENDRICK, Adm’r. looking lasses, ses 1 Bureau stove, 1$ doz. brass candlesticks, ) doz. do. common, 8 tin covers, 2 doz. table cloths, 3 doz. towels, 2 back gammon boards, 1 walnut sideboard, 1-birch slab, 1 do folding leaf table, 1 set cut glass ware cormis'ing of decanters &c.. 5 common castors, 1 settee, crockery fi fa from Bibb superior court in favor of Httugerfurd A-. Stoddard v* Leander A. Erwin, one other ft fa from Bibb inferior court the saute vs the same, and other fi i fas v» Leander A. Erwin. Levied on as the property of John N. Fall, Lot No. on in by Win (alias Shincy) Johu.v n, tax 91 c. 1 Jt) acre- No 158 8th dist 2d sec Chctokee, given in bv John Weekes, tax 91 c. ' ISO acres No 311 3d dist 4th sec Cherokee, given in by Charles Plumb, tax 107 c. A House and Lot in 3Iacon given iu by -Marsh-ill Bittnt in, tax $48 12$ c. ’ A House and Lotiu .Macon given in by Lewis Browu tax 270 c. 40 acres, No 142, lth dist 1st sec Cherokee, also a House and Lot in 3Iucon given in by Ilenry II Cone, tax 765 c. I GO aero No 63,12th dist 3d sec Cherokee, given in liy Joseph Davidson, tax 93 c. 40 acres No 1319 Hth dist 2d sec Cherokee, given iu by Zachariah Jordan, tax 63 cents 202$ acres No 253 21st dist Conner, tax 169 c. _ , . <* s . • • | n'o» uuua (.utituji utc same uuui: uuu suuaiv 1UI tx 202$ acres in CrawforJ county given in as tiro pro- t ^ vo fractioll;I , lying on the waters of Octnulgee river teara.iHoivet’ No &c not known, tax (iGc. ^ I and including a valuable Ferry and containing four , “9-i “ rM dist Carroll, guen tn by VV ill- j mn j red and seventy seven and one half acres—levi»d laiusn Glonr, tn 7J eenh. on by virtue of a fi la from the superior court of Butts r -"fi Rcros !!' Ptke, No &c not knowu, gi\enm by j county in favor of William Wright, Edwin Van Ant- Jncob anotweU, tax 186 c. _ . vverp and Andrew G. Butt vs John N. Fall, property A brick I).Hiding itt Maeoa giaen in by Ellis, Shot- pointed out by the defendant, well &. co. tax $13216 c. .... . ang22 JOSEPH SU3I.MERLIN, shff. A Lot in the city of 3Iacou given in as the property ° POSTPONED SALE, of John .Murphy, tax 868 c. _ _ Also will be sold as abort, A Homo anf Lot in the c.ty of .Macon gi ven in a> One cart and oxen, also Lot No. 55 containing 22 a- t to proparty ol L L 3 °u:ig &■ co. tax .>uJ. 1 c. Also j cres improved, No. 29 containing 2 acres, No. 32 con- • or E. L I ouug s tax, -1..1 e. _ taining 2 acres, one half of Lot \'o. 43 east half 2 acres, A I and I^)t in tits city of Macon gt\ en in as n |j 0 p t | le a i, ove j 0 ^ being of the Indian Spring reserv- ths .E 0 P 8r, >'™ Pe Bn l tax ’ . . : ill Butts countv. and one Rifle sun—levied on ns th 160 acres No 131 17th dist 1st sec ClieroKce, given * 71 OUR months afler date a 'plication will he made to the court of ordinary..of Butts county for TrTY 7,r‘ r 6C f :a: ’' I Lave tosella part of lot No 47 it. the 24th district of , I fine toilette glass, -1 lamps, 1 cooking | fornicr|y Mtl? ' ogee ..owTaibot county forth, bene fit ofLevina Thnuipsoit a minor, this Sept 16 1835. 13 JOHN E. JONE S Guarel’n Administrators Sale. W in front of the Court House in 3Iacoit, on tne first Tuesday in November next all the personal property of John W. Rhodes deceased, consisting of household and kitchen furni ture, a quantity of carpenters tools, and a veiy supe rior rifle patent breached in brass, for the benefiit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.—Terms cash, sep 4,1835. 11 GEORGE A. SMITH, Adm’r. with the intention of renewing the lease or of pur chasing the property, we consider ourselves per manently located, aud-shall continue to improve our accomodations as the comfort of customers shall require. Our House is now open for the reception of Travellers or Hoarders. Wo shall at nil times endeavor to keep such a House, as will ensure public patronage; and we hope to afford such ac commodations as will prove satisfactory to those w ho call ou its. The usual great promises of good TABLES, BARS. See. wo think unnecessary to particular ize.—Hood Lots and othei’couvenieuces for Dro vers, readily furnished WOOD & WEEKES. January 20, 1834 19 tf Administrator Sale. ^ g Y order of the Inferior Court, when sitting for orilinary purposes for Houston county—will be sold before the Court House door in Perry on the first Tuesday in Novembernext, 150 acres oflaud being a part of lot oflaud No. 55 in the 11th district of Hous ton county, belonging to the estate of Henry Rogers, deceased. To be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors—-Terms ntado known on the day. DAVID ADA.MS, Adm’r. July 20 1835. 4- TOTLWTZ ZraeilOBS. Wish to hire forty negro fellows for the year 1636, JL for which liberal wages will he given, and every attention paid to their health and comfort: some of them are wanted to work in a brick yard, and some on build ings in the City—Those working in the brick yard will not be exposed as much as in common brick yards, as the bricks are all moulded by machinery. I should like to make tire engagement for the above negroes before Christinas next. DAVID F. WILSON. August Gth, 1835. 6 His stock in part consists o; ! Blankets—Rose Duffle and Point, Various/ qualities. us wsu( [ Flannels—iled, White, Green, and Yellow | ^ Green Baize, and Drugget. Satinets—A Complete assortment of ities and colours. ““ 51 W- Bombazines—BombazetU and Circassia^ Prints French, English, and American erna.) '“f 6 Mttslius—i- rench, striped, plaid end plainC - 1 - and Jacknnett Muslin., do Swiss, Figured, and plain. Ginghams—Small and large plaid and stripe V- ty of patents. r ’ Ev Silks—Italian, Gro de Swiss, Gro de Nap p c • Souis. r ’ " 0 do Lustrings, senshews, sarsacets, and Fi. n»_ Also, a few paterns of Figured, (new sub \ Challys—Black, and Figured. ’ ' Linens—4-4ths Irish a line selection (end clean) do 5-4ths Sheeting, do G & 8-4ths Table, do Covers. Handkerchiefs—A fine selection of Ladies Fr : Consisting of Chally Thibet, Mosaic Cause, Henri Satin, Bagdad and Black Love,—Also, Ladies Lao Cambric, and Long Lawn, Gentlemens l’on»et- V tlpfipbt RnnilnniM niul Itiff Administrator <& Criiardian’s Sale. B 71 OUR months after date I shall apply to the In ferior court of Pike county when sitting foror- and glass ware, knives und forks, spoons. Arc.; also i dioary purposes for an order to sell the real estate of all the kitchen utensils, consisting of pots, ovens, kr. James Low rev late of laid county deceased, this 1st 1 large tavern bell, tubs, buckets, water pails—levied j sept 1835. 13 AS A SESSIONS; Adm’r on as the property of Leander A. Erwin to satisfy one 5^^7'IEL be sold on the first Tuesday iu NOVEM BER next, at Drayton, Dooly county, the in terest of John M. D. Taylor deceased, also the interest NOTICE. T appears to be reported by some malicious lying vehicle, that some Mr. Pattersons of Troup Co. ssw a dead man at my some years ago ; \t)r the satisfaction of any person interested, I will just say that I am prepared to Convince any live man that the whole story is a malicious fabrication, and palpably false to all intents and purposes. Pike co. Ga. aug. 28. 1835 Gt D. MADDEN. Scull Shoals Manufacturing C?o. MYIUCK, NAPIER & FREEMAN AVE received a supply of Cloths and Yarns of Noah W. Tnylora minor, inLotNo. 137 in-tbc28th | CITATIONS. ■ . • m | 1 1 - XX v Kj Ulv III up'.l 17 x/l VUJJU 11. II tlftlp iiu, .ee, given tn In J ^ j G*', 65, and G3, all in tlte tiinth district of fornterlv Hen ry now Butts county, the same being one square* lot A tn by Wm U Brown, tax 67 cents 405 acres No 112, 7th dist Marion, given in by M. D. Williams, tax $-54 97 c. 292$ acres No 32 7tb dist Campbell, given in by J ' D Maun, tax 465 c. 490 acres No 116, Gth dist Irwin, given in by Tho mas J McClesky, tax 257 c. A 40 acre Lot in Cherokee No Ac not known, giv en in hy Jonathan Van Wngtien, tax 74 c. A lloitu and Lot in the city of Macou, given iu by- George P. Wagnor, tax 765 c. 80 acres No 551 1st dist 4th see Cherokee, given in by Georg# Grimes, tax 63 c. ' 3 lots in Talbot. Nos &c not known, given in by John Carter, tax $16 6-1. A II t’.tse and Lot in Micon given in by Alexander Donald, tax $1076. 40acrci i*» Cherokee, Xo&c. not known, givenin by William Bivins, tax -17 c. ' 202$ acres No 5.5;h Dist in Coweta, given in by Hugh Knox, tax 97c. 20J$ acres No 89 or. Macon Reserve, given in by J - W.i-Ymr:]. : ,\ >'.!! -dr. 40 ucrcs. No 271 3d dist 1-t sec Cherokee, given in by Drury Thompson, tax 289c. 250 acres Xo GO 5:lt dist Early, given in by John T Porter, tax 9J r. A two acre I/Jt in Via :viUe, given in by Wm Bono, tax 42 c. ISO acr -- No 125 19:h dist Cherokee, given iu by- John Moreland, tax 82 c. 202$ acres in Sumter. No I I 26th dist given in by Mariin Simmons, tax 691 c 160acres No ]:’>< Gth dist bv William Bacon, tax 135- 'A IIoimo and Lot ur . tix 957 c. 230 acres iu Early c Mo jo. property of s i A House nod Lot iu Jarvis, tax -123c. A lino ■ ■ m l Lot in M i-an g of Sol. Smith, tax 425. A H j t »ii and Lot in Macou ; S:u:iit, t.i\ 21 - c. 40 teres No 1IJ. 3d dist :: 1, tfy Jam -s A Me Dona’ 1, tix r>3( 202$ acres iu Jon-- Xo Ac t Idas Harvey, tax $2021. 169 acr-• in Ch-.-rok- e Xu A-.c no! ku iwn. giv.-n in (te th j pi ooort .• of K irnherly A Chisholm, tax 187 c. ~ti ucre. in Cherok'.-; No A c not known, given in bv GhUhohn, tax 54G e. A8SOLEM JOURDAN, T. C. in Butu county, and one Rifle gun—levied on as the j property of Leander A. Erwin to satisfy a ft fa from j Bibb inferior court in favor of Sarah A. Wallis admi- | nistratrix of .Mortimer Wallis deceased vs Leander A. Erwin, property poiuted out by the defendant. One negro woman hy the name of Rachel 45 years I of age, one negro boy by the name of Bob 35 years old, also negro boy George 21 years of age—all levied on as the property of Leander A. Erwin to -atisfy a in irtgagc fi fa from the superior court of said comity in f tvor of Era -ratu G. .Marable vs L. A. Erwin, property 1 aiated out in mortgage fi fa. aug3 JOSEPH SUMMERLIN,tk'f. Georgia Pike county. 7I1EKEAS ieiias Parker, applies tome for Letters of administration ou the estate ofE- lizabeth Burnside alias Elizabeth Parker late of said comity deceased. And whereas John and William Akin; apply to me for letters of administration on the estate of John Akin seu’r late of the said county deceased. These are therefette t» cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by laic, to show cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office the 16th day of sept. 1635. 13 II. G. JOHNSON c. c.o. Georgia, Pike county. ■^j^/H Kl.AS Wiley M.I1 rooks guardian of Elbert ami Eliza Brooks, orphans of Samuel 31. Brooks deceased, applies to me for dismission, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the persons concerned, to he at my office within the time prescribed bv law to shew cause if any they have why the said Wiley M. Brooks shall not be dis missed from said guardianship. Given under tny hand at oliice this 1st April 1833. H. G. JOHNSON, c. c.o 42 Georgia Houston County. JII: REAS Leary Stanley applies to me for let- ' ters of Administration on tne estate of Edward Jones deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu- district of originally Lee now Dooly county, sold by order of the court of ordinary of Butts county for the benefit of said minor aud tha distributees of said de ceased. CHARLES BAILEY, Adm'r of John AT. D. Taylor deceased, and July 9 Guardian for Xoah IF. Taylor. Administrators' Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the honorable inferior court of Crawford county when sitting for ordin ary purposes, will he sold on the first Tuesday in NO VEMBER next, before the court house door in the town of Knoxville of said county, all the Land and Ne groes belonging to the estate of Alexander B. Taylor late of said county deceased, as follows: 101$ acres of Land of No. 7 in the second district of said county, al so 101$ acres ofLand No. 26 ill second district of said couuty, one Negro man by the name of John about 30 years old, one Negro woman by the name of Siller and Iter two children Isaac and Doctor, also one negro wo man Dorcas and her two children Aaron and Charles, all to be sold lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said Alexander B. Taylor deceased. Terms cash. WM. B. FILES, ? , , JAMES M. TAYLOR, ] "’ from the above Manufactory, of superior fab- which they offer to Merchants and Planters at the Factory prices. Macou Sep 3 1835. 10 brushes. 4 Supply of Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Shoe, Nail, Health. Flesh. Scrub, Ifatters, Paint, Horse, Ftir- Furniturc Graining, and Varnish brushes. Just received and for sale bv SHOTWLLL BROWN &. Co. Sept 10 11. sep 1 W 1 ILL be sold at the court-hoitsc in Stewart county on the first Tuesday in December next one lot oflaud No 120 itt the 23d district for merly Lee now Stewart drawn by Iliram Bellnh ille gitimate, and minor sale f-*r the ..enefitofsaid minor. Sept 16 1835 13 SA3IUEL BELLAII Guard’n A GREEABLE to an order of the county court of Walker Alabama, when sittiug for ordinary Houston Sheriff Sale. /f'kX the first Tuesday in O- 1'OB KK next Will lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ■p. — - '■ ' V besolJin the town ofPerry Houston county between the lawful hours of salo . . All that Lot of J-attd :No 25 itt the ninth district off*'/ 1 /. Houston county—levied on by virtue of two small li 1 ” fas issuing from a justice's court of Burke county iu favor of .Moses Mulkey administrator of S. T. Royal deceased, against Artemas Powell and John S. Royal, levied ou and returned to me by a constable. Lot No. 19 in the twelfth district of said county—le vied on by virtue of a fi fa issuing from a justice’s r ourt of Greene county in favor of Grant iV Hall against appear al my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause ij any they hare,'ichy said letters should not be en tinder my hand at Office Sept 6, 1635. 11 CHARLES II. RICE, C. C. O. Georgia, Crawford county Bn/11EREAS Alford McGee applies tome forlct- V X ters of administration on the estate of William Lacy late of Monroe county deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and , John Smith, levied on andrctttrned to me bv a cm.sta- ^ ul . ar ,he , U,uhtd ond creditors of said dcceas- 1 bio. - \ e l to be and appear at my effiie leithin i/ie.time Lot No. 63 in the tenth district of said county—lev- \ prescribed h;; law to shew cause if any they can !<1 see Cite llie property of Autos Benton, rtiuijr, also a bouse and lot in uusl Moore, tax 963 c. M icon given in by William •n in a- (lie property en in bv Williamson Chare bv apt I T SURGICAL NOTICE. l>Ji -man ot Bibb. He t: Jrofessiouully tanner's i’ ppitcauon. 1 v 51 ied on by virtue of a fi fa isstt'tig from a justice’s | court of Gwiunet county in favor of Allen Clark n- j gainst Alexander C. Hamilton, levied on and return d I lo mo by a constable. Lot No. 258 in the thirteenth district of said couuty —levied on by virtue of a fi fa issuing from a justice’s court of Campbell in favor of Wood & Kolb against Peter \\ ulace, James Bell and William Stoker, levied on and returned to me by a constable. Lot No. 159 in the fifteenth district of said countv— levied ou by virtue of n fi fit issuing from Jones supe rior court til favor of Wadsworth aiid f.angdou indors ees against Anderson Satterwhite. Twenty acres of standing corn on the plantation of John Killer levied ou by virtue of a fi fa H-uing from II on -ton superior court in favor of Richard Allen n- gainst Elisha Skinner, property pointed out bv Mr. Norwood. Two negro men, to wit, Warrick about 45 years old and Sain about *2o years of age—levied on by vir- tuo of a fifa i-siiing from Honston superior court in favor of ( buries i\ Gordon agam : Juli.-i f’letrher ex ecutor of Byrd Ferrell deceased. One negro man named Prince aged about35 years, and all the right, title and interest of George Patten in ad that Lot ami Store Houses thereon now in the oc cupancy of Taylor and fatten, also all the right, title and interest of tho said George Patten in all that Lo lling House &c. now in the occupancy of Dr. Nowton. both Lots being in the town dfper- i-ounty No-, and I t'er< not known—all h v irtue of a fi fa issuing from the snpef iouston county aforesaid iu ftvot of RoIk tdorsce against George Patton. George m. duncan shff. why said letters should not be granted. Given under ntv hand at ojice this 29th August, I10 W. H. BROOKS, c. c. n. and n-.v Isaac I) ry in sa i»d on 1 Georgia, Coweta county. IILKEAS Janies iMcCrackiti applies to the inferior court of said county when sitting es a court of ordinary, for letters <li.-nii-.-orv from the administration of the estate of Watson Pat man deceased. These art therefore to cite and admonish all and singular ih- kindred and creditors of said deceas ed to Jilt their objections (if any they have,) in my offir with m the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this Gth July 1835. 5 DAVID MOSELEY, c. c. o. purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Decem ber next before the-court house Door in the town of Carrolitou Carroll county Georgia, between the lawful hours of sale. Lot ofLand No. 159 10th district, Carroll county for the benefit of the illegitimate cltiluren of Mary Tull.—Terms made known on the dav of sale. Sept the 13 1835. 13 ALIEN RUFF Guard’n m^T’ILLbe sold at the late residence of Wiley Hcf- . / tin deceased, in Henry county on Wednesday tho 25tli day of November next the following properly to wit: one negro boy twenty-two years old, three itorscs, one mule, thirteen head of cattle, one yoke ox en, one curt, fifteen head sheep, eight head coats, six ty head hogs, also all the present crop "consisting of cotton, corn, fodder, wheat, oats, A c. household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, and other articles too tedious to mention, the sale to continence the. 25th Nov. next and continue from dav to dav till conclu ded. Terms all under five-dollars cash, all over twelve months, with approved security, sept 24 1635. 13 WILY J. HEFLIN Ex'r. GREEABLY to an Oorder of the Inferior Court of Pike couuty sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold onthe first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court House in McDonough,- Henry coun ty, between the usual hours. Tho following lots of land viz: No. 127, No. 130, No 191, and forty acres ofNo. 1G2, till in the third district of Henry county. O B. GWATiLMEY, of Norfolk, and Robert • B. Tompkins of this city, have entered into copartnership under the firm of OWATHMEY & TOMPKINS, Tor the transaction of a general Commission Business, at MOBILE, ALABAMA, lo he commenced in the month of October next. They tender their services to their friends and the public generally, and will endea vor to give satisfaction to all who may intrust their in terests to them. Richmond, Va. 31st Julv, 1835. .EP Rkferkmces. Richmond, Messrs. Rogers, Harrison & Gray, R. & T. Gwathmey; Norfolk. .Mr. Samuel D. Rollius ; Petersburg Messrs. Mordecai & Osborne; Halifax (N. C.), Mr. F. S. Marshall; Edt-n- ton (N. O.), Messrs. Haughtin & Booth, Joseph B. Skinner Esq., Joseph II. Skinner, Dr. James Norcern; Plymouth (N. C.), Messrs. J, C. W. R. Norcern. -Tarhorottgh (N. C), Messrs. R & S. D. Cotton; -Murfreesboroitgh (N. C\), Messrs. Southall & John son : Weldon (N. C.), Messrs. Wiatt &. Smith ; Charleston (S. C.), Mr. Benjam-u R. Smith ; Savan- ' nah (Ga.), William Gastoii Esq, JosephCuniining Esq; ! Augusta (Ga.). R. II. Muagrove 1 sq; 31acon (Ga.), Hamilton, Hayes, &. Co.10 lm tlefield Bandanna and Flag. Hosiery—Ladies plain and Clocked Cotton, rlij aud Ribbed, Worsted, plain and Ribbed. White uf Black silk—Also, Gentlemens Lamb’s Wool, Cotiej and 6'ilk, half, White and mixed. Ribbons—Black White and Colored Taffetas, Giw and Garneturc. Laces—Wide Boiuet Footing, Cambric Imeric; and Edging, Thread Inserting and Edging Bkrii •Edging, Worsted do Bonnets—Tuscan Gimp, Straw and Silk. Marseilles (.Dulls—Superior article and cheap. Domestics—Bleached and unbleached shirtings, do do Sheetings 7-S cotton Oznaburgs. -'J col’il do do (suitable for negroes’do Lai.) 3-4 aud 7-8 Plaid Ginghams. Furniture, do Tickings—Delaware, Hudson, Dorchester, ltd Amoskeag, together with a large assorUnent of Ladies and Gentlemans Cloaks Umbrellas, Parasols. Hals, Shoes, &c. A/so a large slock of Groceries, ri:: rihi?t\ BAGS Coffee l’ortorico Java Lagan V and St Domingo. 50 hhd*. Sugar St. Croix i’ortoricoand N. Orient 6 Boxes Lump do. 8 ’ do Brown and White Havanna, do. 18 Ilhds New Orleans Molasses. lOOBblsN. E. Rum. • 75 do. Whiskey. 100 do Gin. Pipes Cog Brandy, Janiaicai and St. Croix Rub. and Holland Gin. Bbls Cicily Madeira Port, Lisbon, Marseife, Muscat and Sweet Wines Salmon Fish, No. 1 Mackerel, do. 3 Herring, do. (in Boxes), sept 10 1*2 i!« ;ti It! ■ - lar K it Lb F. F. LEWIS, KSaCBAK k’AXkOB, M AS taken the stand a few doors above the (V thing Store of Mr. L. Fitch, on Mnibenj street where he continues to carry on the TailorJg business. He assures all those who may favor La with their custom, that their work will be uonc attk shortest notice, and in the best utanuer. lie has on hand a supply of the best materials ia la line, consisting of CLOTHS, Blue, Black, royal Brown, Claret, Raven, Gr cj, Sec. CASSIMERES,—A good assortment VESA’S!. &S, A good variety of the best quality. Petersham, and a complete assortment of TAILOIt'S TL 1MJU1NGS. lie respectfully solicits a share of die pnbl.c f- rouage. "Macon, Oct 30 183-1—2-ly _ Jo; :Fr; J’e; Its LOOK 4T THIS !!! ANTED IMMEDIATELY, 500 Laborersand 200 Carpenters, to work on the following Rail Roads:—On the Lake Wiinico audit Joseph’s Rail Road, (West Florida) near the mouth of Apala chicola river, 30 miles from the town of Apalachicola: and ou the Tallahassee and st. Marks Rail Road, (.Middle Florida) from tho city of Tallahassee to the Porr cf st. Mark-. Any portion of the above named number of bands will find employment on either of the above-named Roads, at the following rates, namely: wages, for la borers, from 20 to $25 per month; for Carpenters, from 35 ta $50 per-month, and found. 1 fff The above-named liues of Rail Road pass through ! J9. dry and healthy sections of country, connectin MAHOGANY For Sale by WOOD & CAMP, , . 4 GOOD assortment of 1$, 2,2$ inch Plant nr Stair Railing, Balusters, a so a good aster®* of Table Stuff and Veneers of most kinds. Macon. May 25, 1635-49 . FOIl SALE, V Iloii-e and Lot in the city of Macon, near ft* IT fl river, aud fronting o:i Fourth street. Inw)’ s settee apply to C. B. Cole Esq. jttne Id 52 ROBKRT COLFJ1A.V 11IE effects of the late firm of Kimberly 4 /■_ holut having been turned over to tlic sub-rriw- oc are put into the hands of E. D. Tracy aad seaboard with the interior, where ito danger i/to be j Wood Esqrs. for adjustment. Those having apprehended of fevers, &c. intents to make will therefore call oil those geat settle- phi All those who wish constant employment, and lib eral wages, will do well to bend their course this way; and apply to the subscribers, or to our Agents, on Ji- her of the above-named Rail Roads. J. O. & W. GRAY. STOLEN. B ETWEEN the ilr-t and tenth of August from in House a plain Silver Watch supposed to b worth twenty or twenty-five dollars made by T. Stror. Sold ns the property of Anderson j London No. 57299. Silversmith's and Watch makers j Gridin, late of Pike county deceased, fur the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms ou the day. MARYP. GRIFFIN, Admr'x. JOHN. R. HENDRICK. Adm’r. sept. 21. 13 W. ,’P 1 Georgia, Coweta county. Coictla Inferior Cron .-itting for ordinary purposes, Ju ly term. 1835. S T appearing to the court that Howell Elder sen. guardian for Howell Elder jttn. orphan of Sterling •Ider deceased is desirous of being dismissed from said guardianship. It is therefore, on motion, Ordered by the court, that all persons therein interested shew cause if any they have on the first Monday in Septem ber next, why 'i - till Unwell Elder guardian o: the • 1 Howell Iderjun orphan as aforesaid should not be dismissed from said guardianship in terms of the iaw in that case made am! provided. I certify tin above to fie a true extract front the min utes of the court, July 6th 1834. 5 DAVID MOSELEY, c.o ' W ILL be sold ott the litst Tuesday in January next, before the Court House in Zebnlon, Pike county, One Negro woman and her two children.— Sold its the property of Anderson Gridin, late of said county, for the benefit of all concerned. Terms on the day. MARY P. GRIFFIN, Admr’x JOHN R. KENDRICK, Adm’r. sept. 21.1835. 13 throughout the State are requested to notice this ad ver j tisment, and should tha watch be left for repair with any ol them, they will detain it and let me know it for ; which J chall be thankful and reward them for their I trouble, it is supposed the watch was stolen by a ne gro. JOHN OLIVER. Macon, sept. 21st 1835 13 ■ •SEAL Skin 'I j un\ . WM. for s If. BURDSALL w ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February Oct 15 17 75 Nov 2i Graf It: r/ie n's Fine Hoots, Just received aud for sale hv WM. {{. BURDSALL. apKin.. ;ri t for- rtv of A n- f the heirs art county, lot of land No. 147. in the -20lh merly Leo now .stew art count'-, as the pro derson Griffin. Late of Pike—for the b< nclit A c. Terms on the d > v. MARY P GRIFFIN. Admr'x. JOHN R. KENDRICK, Adm’r ’Tv-i FOIl .SALE 'i'll‘ svo :->rv frame DWELLING !' *1 i >u Second Street, formerly occupied by Mr Isaac Harvey. In quire at this nfiit'c. 48 for the purpose, as no other person has any give discharges or receive balances. , ANSON KlMBERLl- Macon. May 27.1835 GtrsD tijy patent portabU HAKE OVENS. Fjdl IIE attention of the public generally is ’ aT, ‘ 1°. an examination cf the al.-av e-m-.'.!: / ;;: f is ait economical, expeditions, and easy tuodeol ex ling ad 'miking and l.-ail t-g busitta -■ means dfeoa , and of that but a small ountilily • irc< 5 ed. IC IJ ABO!) B. HOXIE, A?c«‘ For II. NOTT & Co. i JOS1AII St. JOI1’. . This may certify.that I have appoint'd Mf Burr my only true and lawful agent, to tnak'' *' ' the abov't named article in the counties of ' f! Bibb, and al-o to sell individual rights. Grin- - _ who have already subscribed for the arta ' \ ! ■ ; commodated as soon as possible at Mr. Burr so- ment at Macon Ga. . , I. B. HONE . A?'" 1 For II. NOTT A < u JOSIAII St JOB.- bt w »«r .Macon, April 10 1' ih l.t Oct w : 1 - ■ : A & COTTOp