Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, October 15, 1835, Image 1

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wem Ry M- & *4- Bun, ' F ' ri c* » ti-vSi j3L2P-J" l *" ..cBtis:m» r.VKUT tuuusdav. I /’ ■./ I riO.V, G I. r.if < /t[ly tslml. nttij Jticitt'. " Conus ...xj.s. -i’.i *v:r. Dow-Mt* a year. p. , \ „. ■' -c-LUiS. if nor |> iiJ -lie 1 '".J. Subscribers living at it disruuce j . lt j re | in ill cases lo pay in , .inti iii-'J, !>u* ritjhe distvfe ■ .... 'tut; all- Kfrrai .gmt *». j The.Committee of ?\;>- •, •• u- for Bibbcounty. luae n<ii:ii-.f v 11.11 HAltM'JSi H. HOWAKD asu j , r md'do'e far Sheriff. ' ~ j '^riTZI '.Vc arc fjnithon : -.ctl t«| ■"* -.iiriuas J GL'Cin'-P YTt'KVD a eaif-J f.>r Sfitvrilt’cf Coiiiiljr si I .*■>’ in *;n ethwltm. J JZ.fCOA, Georgia, TIJUJiSWIY, O OXER ioi 1835. CHICK BRIA G, j6 .■i^ileCSS, ill; Luttro june v Ld livJ- ..Hfilwl & C*b. •fhe'nb.riv ii(i,.ril-Tito: r 'UtrririftiTG Ti.r’.-ihm eil, by •-otiGded :•> hi* caie. he ho; liilio patronage.’ lit; willy I't-iu storsd \vi;h or shiiru;. J -Bo-' S3 V' o a iff com,' strip: nueni ?* to merit a ake libera! a OCAHJLGEE STEAM BOAT i i .ilSl-om, 111'. will !• prepared to foaiuieiieu bu . early in .. jxi so »»oa—'1 hey will have i'artels l*mv, :i New Vurk.'aiid JJaricil apt, teaiti ve.- ub to larva fd goods from u.irien to Maoou -Too agents in New 1 oik, Charleston, and Savannah, authorised to con tact for the delivery of goods MAeoX S i EA \l BOA r ( V> njuniy, t ‘••'••'V ... RE HOI SE ■.. AND 1 1:1 Alitcon. ot a frcighfagreetl on wi.hotu iuteriacdi- , | j: ch itffnffijyiB agent in silicon will receive cotton _ : ilelhUtile m Savannah, Charleston, and New Y</rk— '} Tue company's vessels and boats, wilt be of first- class j with experienced commander?, ami no expense will be spared to meet the patronage of the public. I’ll. it. VO.Vflii & SO.VS, Agents in Darien. may «7tb |s:i*i -1!) TIJ «9j9g W ai’«i-uvithiifHod tv JOHS ’-IPRiy' < *1 as : i .ajJ Jlil.'li cotjjjij ! iioTl. * <7. at hi •i fti «I Oi I a: i!ii' : :i> : .vAUD d - I. Y is ;| rtuniVtal 'To?re-^’.ectiou criher begs. leave / £* •t’l 'rt i-i-i I’riemls and the public,! the aho-,-o- hnsii^w iri • 't !'I'fasicbes, atbisijd Rtobd, (h, _ Cherry fdreot am! Cotton Av« w.. .0 .if* -nlrers all the n-'nal facilities irr hn-iiiess, by inaumg liberal advance? on prndiiCyVtared with bi n, or on '.li^tnouN to Idjr THcuflk in yavotmA^ (’lia,-|»f - ■■ ><’1, am! ;New Ytiifc. Tk-' shuaron ofhis V/.-.r? |Jon*. —j * es attd el-sp siorage.-e.a-to conven; nice and saltHv. - l-y -any in the’ city, .-imii',1 '« J ' turjiil ,-s>nir:iy be .requirwl. tnrarr.rice canbeefiects i O iS E E it /J/isJ. is&i' t vr:*;, lowrate, TilP stjfccrih^r’s!»od»VitfecT at^ ntmn orp « r ^,1 V i ; V . ; A t airodiuni-a nnen'.| t'.r:;.' ofetc*. Ill 0f «t > Inferior . will I».tdevoted to the nbovo Insitress: lie Utarefr < fiihLS 1'iimilV. -. tuty tj n hopes to rceeivo a portion-of ptildic patwita^fe. - J ;it!l»Hr:cd to i «. MCJiaA.V, <V(i arc V,euii ; vvcc lAviO'd.JOHNSON mu. r-i'tJi-1*«r ;lecliver of Tex. Slo turns Sir TJYilt county altlir en-ninfr 1U c.Kin. " ,.r" w ilA Ai $ -TOR ii.lia-i).; f.n uiiPiii*- -t.u torn - fir ISibb i-oiv.iTv. 9' 5-. ' , T>uv UAODS, >'A. O 1? fi a. . A • OC . 1 Can Alt •s'" M’ Cj.vb. n u.' Union. c.tbli.-ihii>?nt is now. in-complete oi-rfoi, ■ vt-.n^vc arf-itj-olitbms h ive been in i :-• J.'.to tnemheiW cf tite lagislrme. and. all jay pleas? t >cn:b ' T.I >.V t - R. IIDSON. October d, I'-jo. 1;.1 Con rttimioa-ttU-, tl,: M.itiiu 'l ei- rn li-inn ani C-i-.i.ifnis opsYnel t-i'i a- .w • foiur in-ai' rind forward 1 (hi* pro; r.riuv., T. 11. IJ. TyjjTPi/J7 E*fT~ A -i-i a.a?s»; '.m-.*', ."tit r.uj iiutch Coloi ”8^ 11 ■. !l i hTs sned have buffered into a co-parlner- Jl ship f>r the frinsbctipn of tib- above basibesV; Tt,e .Dry * hiod< bnsiusss will ha conducted ttitder the naui'; and style of Port, Hiuajllolidi, Wiley end y.-iil be m 1 n.igcd and directed by It. W. r'orl it I...TI. ’.Viley. The Ward Ilottso & Commission Dusims^ under' : it and style of Hamillnn, llayo? & Co, n.Hl.w,!i •iMinjiigod and coudncteilasliith'crro bv li. {/«! i'.-ei and Jebti ‘i’. Hayes—The undersigned ret sp cWiiily o’iich forcae’irestnb’is’imem a share of pnb- lie jwtro'rige. ,'•• , - M ROBT. \V. PORT. Ii. IT A MH.TON-, 1 L. T! vVILCY. . JN.O, R. HAVliS. i3b ■ j -JE iii v* , :i;L' A >fJtia;iou tO ;md fioui /ilacQH, is now ni Ja. complete order. A superior new iSieam l?oat v idefl ' fJavid Crockett' 1 with two powerful engines ::u i sevoralfirst rat.jfreight hn.-ushavc been built sint- sac ciosa of the!last season and placod on the line. Attain iiuat ■Pioneer, 'Capt. Gao !win. 21 “ David* Crorl-ett, M'Cohnick., will ply regttkitlybetween Darien mid Slacon.-oncLof t.ieni leaving Darien ahon; once a week with freight bo-i'vS in tow. S> a Soa! in’v 1 f - ’ w. Ai.E ftoU® !•) - di Is53& ■'■’SI H uti'Lgfr'iji •«! hcgslvave to iufanu Bis frietnh; JS. pabiii:!y, thatdiewiRcoatihn, 1 ;hcahdy b : • 1 in nji. it# vurioitsdiraticlrsa «f thi> «bri,Uin<l !uf,- :it*rlv (i.-cupted bv Bcnuett Carhy in i.a.-f jWr.con v-a.-ni !;<»-<j*i<*ys «2'"tpn heuat frciii’ies in busine.-s b;, jnncmr.’ilfrr.t; a-l. iacrs on priduee .stored wtdt (liui 'or on sliipfijonts to iii---fri utdsiii Savannah.jC^nflesnui or K-> < York. Jin 'Ware Tto.isas nrscvitvenien;ly «af- n iled near th,i ,-jvar ati.-! rem its from otlrtr bailJin wbick r mdei-s lii.un jait-; secure fame danger by fit e. lesuf.inye <1 in-!) 3 o'fertrd «it losvcrrm:fi-r if reifu-y-vd T.i s UuJer.yignt'd '.yd! eivc kis-^hole -.ifftfentFon fo-ta ibavb liupes io receive it portion of pttf lie.patronage. A (fa;‘h) aWurtmonr of *trori-ric will be cauatanjly ':it 011 Jund and eoid ’Tt the lowe* j’iVM. * ‘ tr.iv. CART:';. ?epk : -' 11 K3 ld( >3’ ■f m icd-* h Usft fijrn oorh S ib IV. Kl-Uii y£. a svppi , i: J u>cs j.i.Apjn?? .Of.Kh i\c\V ua ) :S’*SiU OliUA- - lj giutull >! wn^r*’ i. -.v.’ tt ik-co. r.';; ccUiiliy iliTcrai thei o-i- an-; bo patuic generally, that they iwtve '• and Coiumission B;Cin; ss t.i l-d'ore i’Oij.iiie;ed by; them; Their Wure if.; J t-;rsecond sir-s/chcar- are. AiiT'il'mi coitsigocd to b'ie:ii, : . rrie v' dm'Kjr. in. tiie i ii clfe, shgtrf Uu - to veilbuy ^jtj-ykis m.trkel, ‘wj!! be .pj 1 toail--ili»- ' : Tuc'v Mye : -■ • .1 'c.-.ay.-»iont c!y>"?* f , of t'. . : : piiva i t ; "■'imj-.;./.'.' front cottu'Yv :• he jv.'98\ i::.’p J'i li', I'fwbiy!:, \v;ii r i par.'-'-o.'-i.'' in-re of iitvir ::-t r'rl.'u. i.'h.'ral o tv ti- let win ov • :.A ' - y®*» • or'ojs'nhipi; - i-e'i •! They «i.-•■fli au b-iH-I 'Una- t*v;r»ct shortly to r.-- , • f'.uYv: 3; 5t. Pwix tml P-ortoricpJv. Iluv-'iiiuac- Cab-i. tCio end Java cohec, Livcfpmd ralti' -awcdc.-i tf.iii, N i'ih-r iiiad cast, .and blister ... S Capt. ftnnnctt; -v. 11 ran constantly between Darien and* davannab, ujd afiiird tiie greatest d-^spatch to Cotton. I'.vrsubscriherY whule attention is devoted to facili- iiing truusporlation between -Macon and tho .Sen ‘’oris, flo lias iuvested a largo sum to pat bis line in -W most complete order,.and believes that hjs arr iiige- nuMit-t fo. ..ivs,. despatch to freight ntid'kcopitis it in comf order, while iu his care, will make it the interest of Cottbp Shippers aud Alevcbaiits ordering goods, to continue favors. - - . \l Darien he has seenre and convenient Warehouiies for. recaption of Hoods, and his. ?h \rv£S ’ h or 5 jjrs c iverei with sh?ds, vhich enables him to keep all Cotton shipped 011 iu,- jJoat.* under shelter and protected from the \vea3fcr. while lauded for reikiptnCnt. ■ " JAM PS 11 BUTTS ■ I lot.CO-.IBE. Pr.CK & Co., K, P. Bptxs, J. T. Ronu.wn. i>. B. Halstead: Macon, Vov. 1*'', l^U — mt£-m IV /R:C- I OUSE. 'ij lliiH leave to tender my service to the Planters aod-others in ’ torageiVCommissionbtisinisn-Jlt 6 A'are House situated ontlie oounjtff of . .. itv and Third .U-i- mnv ingoml order Tor therccep li.uiof C'orton.,' Tito iisua! accommodation-of advao- - - on Cotfon in store will b? made. Orders for i-the ; ricMia'sc of.cniKi'A ivtlf be strictly attendod to,,. A -tiicfpnd peisbual attention will bo. paid to the exisett- fi9ttoforaOT for goods or the sale of produce, having :1 •;i y nr; experience iuthe business riftbis place, i hopo to’benble to "iva general satisfhciidn to those •v ho may entfnat thetr hpsineyslo my care. D. RALSTON. Charleston, Savanttali, Darien HawkinsviUe. i hi fV.t -.-Mia [>. . o.rc to return tVur most grateful — H :ieiu> ibrthelihcral patronage they haio recei ved fro:.i ■ merchujits.and their friends, >fc wpnld solicit a onntiau luce of it, which they hope ’to merit by promy attention to 3$ cotton' or .goods siiippod by the Limb lo addition lathe 'atianbontiix- '-cl and their tow boats now inure, The Company have now building -a new .Steamboat, with ton new tow boats, all of tho host materials and fcxwrewly adaptedato the navigation of tliifAlcmulgc j ana .Aitamaliit rivers. These increased facilities V.hi I afford the Company the means of giving despatch to •■nods intended for the interior, and will furnish in ducements for merchants vvost of the Ocmulgae river to ship their goods by the jvny of Darien and Macon. Tacrearefi first,rate Tickets running regttlatly bc- twemi New York and Dirrion-, -svlifc?! iidxity HawV-'. and Mitchell, the agents for tire' Macon Steamboat Company.. ,'yi '*?•f; 'ijj ig'ntsjbr the nhoee Bouts : /. GODDARD, Macon L. BaLnwiv & Co. Savannah, * Hawk* & Mitchem., -l>arieti, Hjfo. KyRosnaTs, IlitwItinsviHe, Roycr, & ’.Yai.tkh, Charleston. Macon, -doth June, 1835 53 Cm . . WAaa ssoWIb~ ' ' -- AND ! ' v E03I I I'SSIO^F RUSIVE S. MWUCK, NAPIER & FUky- V 4> MMAN, will bs thankful for all-favors ' " - I in the above line nf Business, ma’niftis-' •'."SBS ted. cith?r ill-shipinapts of .Merehan- . diseby the irfi lends acqaaiittnitces, co'i-jgnincnts of Cotton from tlte planter or cotton dea ler,, or nrdjrn to sell or buy cotton in this market.—■ Their. Ware-House is conveniently situated to tho btt- ines.s part of the city. Liberal advances will be made upon the produce of onr country. Ciioy aro tuny offering a large assortment ofsDasbn- -able Dry Hoods, of newest style and fashion. Their lock;of Hardware is 'extensive, and welladap'tefffo wants ofthecou'ntry. 'fheir dssortineiit of.Groceries iy v ery good, amougAvhich will be found - Choice M idoira, Port, Claret, Muscat, anffCIram - iiaigite Wines .. '.*• •- 'A?-' V Real Lutt'doj Porter Garden Lemon attd Raspberry Syrup Butter. Soda, and AVine Biscuit Real Sperm Candles Baldwin’s .Tallow do Loaf and Lump Sugars While Havaous do ' Superior Spanish and American.Segars '• V large supply >f Sugar."CoSes, Molass,is. Cotton Bagging. Bitle'Rope. Twine. &e. &c'" * ur..,. 2 Nib .V VO'vN & -DAKiibiN Jaint oj Rackets* T@f BRIG Amelia Strong. ' J. Chace, Muster, ,r<v Pyetaintn, Mr. Matthews, “ Jjarien, C P. Bticklejy . 1‘ Macon, A. Bibbing; Sfi.r, D. B: Crane, t . - T. INker,/ “ A|lgopd luiflinbsiau’ial veSs»]-. w; II calculated forjise trade: with good ncjonimod-'ici. Igrjjr. . enger ■ audj ttV..rino/i,oAti*.rv*«*'/?Av.. . fA , 1 a r I* tO \V1 H .l!*-. Volume \....>rvni A JNEW iJlU tii : ’U : . ,®R« J£i. .4iefO'-f: -*-• • X W AS jttstreceiteil a iargL-aSM>|-:niVt::.|d f ( . ; S. blt'liM ti, at tiie'Sfto'e. otti- tfcof4a-i,,v V\. D. JouxsroA s Jj:tviu.ftt,.wl'.teh W will sell at- n . derate prh ; among which are • - . PAINTS, Wiuti i<ead. Red Lead. lHack Ia:ad. Litharge, Y« gris, Chromic tireeri, Cbrt.mlc Y'ellow . r jainbh I 1. v . Veliow OchrefStone -Otlire^l'ntber*. YetietiWi i n. Lampblack, libsepiiik. Ttrra tie Sienna, X cin.if a rriissiau lihii" Otlicnu's'water- ^oluuia OILS, run regulady during' the boating se;u,un nv;v ry.i, Darien, iiawkifisvitle,-and Macon, and are induce I to ; L 1 elicve tliat thev can f ivt ioo.ds destined fttr the. inti ILViYf S J Darien. 1st July, 1835 At2?ar;.oii rieai.taeiliiies ia-forwc irfdr'oF ilt« State N MlTCHTLl 3 aJx.. 'i-A* Pi f.yntTRTf^A- . . . . ■ ' ■ ■ ; y, . < ■ ' 1 ale . Xt!iau.-yc Vir.f.-ff. i , :t : ; ''(,1,. At.t.ot.e ' f'On, < f. ij.. r ’4 ea'h W n-!■ ' t K.irn- Sr.nt ;re t ifer ■ . ><;;•; ;• V.3..-1- r. -t ,, u. • Wl.ife, Hair Bria . Milk i ts, Udi'-’tif .Onuu c - Aider, Neuili. ha ' 1 fPow® ■ge S'toreliolijes; calculated for tliVstoring cfcot- -rfiv. the.Ieaist possible ex [ten si:,' and mtr opperliiadics , T,-, .ir .* _., L „y.cb4i„todJ,- m3 ,,, AARE HOUSE And ' m ■. ' git ?R i;udcr>igi;c,l havc-jssocialed withthetnyet'ius JL in the,o-'jovo business Mesyr.t. Robert.\V. Fori i Lafird H. Wiley, and will henceforth conduct said • un i -r tlienaore uutl tyle of Hamilton, Have., v. Co. 'ITjey will occupy the same extensive and se- ore Wara House, rilriated near the riveraud williix- •uil to th-ir friends nud[ patrons tire same facilities in urines that they have hitherto'dopei and proin -f • ire,pud degrtfa-of attention to the interest of thi s,, may fiivor them With their business. Tlmv iicclihlly tender to thdr former Trieild# and'pat ro'.t* tboir .grateful thanks for past favors and spline ’to n-'w concern a cnntiuaitiou of the same. I’. (I \MH.T >N, J VO. 1 11 \YCS 4L fvn* ’ 4 ^Supancs; HU lo luranco Baiik of Oolnmbns. will insure vlotton on She Rioer. and also take ti few risks against Fire in this city. Apply to nour.RT Collins. Macon. Oof. 27. IS*, i. 10 Ron hiul’-ri-Tonic Mixture. 4 ;;tiPPLy of RowanJ'sTonic Mixture, acerufin citfn for tho flecer nhd H Jac. just received and for sab by J. II. i W. S HUMS, inn? H5A2 Arenue. Moron.. PAINTING. warOUSE Painting, plain and ornainpiuab ejtiicr fm. in thn city.or coantry. Chairs repyufted am! crmnoSirted. Lookittgg}as«.or pieturr fyatne..; gilded or bronzed .. - - -• -• r - Signs piiiutod. and Fancy painting of Various tics •riptions will be done by applying to - > ' . . J-H.&.'\V. 8. ELLIS. :. Celt,in- Acsnue. Mixed Paints.Cf everv color on Itand. mri 4-2?) . . " . - '• built are large* Storehouses, ton n't t to forward ..cotton inland . d by inv other.House. -, • - 1-"- ■;'ff-M Aaimbnf-'" ASiLanr > Jt-uv; Paficii, May.20,.18^,-.- 49 v. [h :AGENCY ^tT;C0^1.MlSJY I?: ' ■ T HE undersigned rduriLs lib: nk tohig niaiids [ IronrilteiJ 0 of tho liberal support phicli liV.h; s h^pto&Jo|; Foivaen. reccivod from them fa the above Uric of b • :;i"c, and Mi solicj;-.' a.continuance of their pair me r?.'H:s nr .Mtge- nients for coudactrrig-bn.sin.esand parlicuUm - in gi ving despatch in 'receiving and foetarayduig w fv tnerohaudme miff protecting them tviiilo -n bis charge; are at leas) c-qual lo ,.f any oti'cis inhis hno. 11a will spend theAit.'.vi.’irr in and in • vi< ;u:t.y o'. Dy .ien, and any business addressed to him will r.-ceive hi-' {'< sonal and prompt attention. :^Juati 151335-53. ^ T. PffV, LAND. : S.O'&W S. VQpligkJ AVI NO estaiilishetj huuselfin •' tor Arid Commission Mercian, attention to. the iuicrcstofhis friends. fiefi rentes. Messrs;" Holcombe, Peek & Co. Charicsfou. Messrs. J. U*. &-J. T. Heard. August*. J. K. JClhvifu & Co. do Stovall <5c.Simmonr, do G.B. I.antar Hsq. Savannah. David BaUioii. Macon. A. H. Ralsion, do ‘ - Mmol jffubCfcSe. _ | ce ts, Fl tenfcjliiiri .-.T35 Aced^^i Rril^t^J^loVSiiW,' Coraway. Copaiya.. Fcirficl.M mtyigjten Se- 1 : ! na';'o;i-cri anil-Ptriftfew'I.On.iioi.'hosplw- iUs, i’iperinc, I'ockculrtstrifiv.e.tii- flytlrmdmV .V Ox y-muriiiteo'f Pi^rm.PrfvrV.tajtJiplicon'. l:ii,-m « 0 f »*i ah •Colehicum Seeds, ,'Aootolp, vf'.trij’. i ;:mu A&fbn r - n :!<• of V.: a .if • ; - '■ ....... • i- . wtiduwp ! V.*fav." tsr mv&icvs.- r - f littgSRsSj}. f 1* "and. Shop Fit. Coucbiug, and .u” .second I; jug CB./rutrvJ:ty. yi^prii S9 r,'\ Up : s ' v “ 6 l r iTa, xa. a" |.rey*!..t)g to a.i ci.< r.: i«guri (•■•.illtry, adirn me .... ion it'om.objV’.ei-; St'a fn! l.n.rcmiij,- •«,;.hcs^^^^^^^ty?',.jroni'ev<.tfy posse-3 saine.advrihuigeAfp'Aw^iStave'thcjf ufet:- ny to <nv|icn<Uri,ad.veutu.rbc:jha\o?ji4i*,SrV.' i will 7rJ .lC O '. ^XFJth.yii H— ?tf*,>:cr(t>rf having mad 5. -jiaj ifi.i, tuoj! exiensiv vran: :.trri uv.ip! nwik.isuck- Heavy hemp i»j igmg, 3 . lug, Ojo iburghs,.' . • • *. t r; v Xagroew cjoiltv. s.ivj. hvs. cap-, tviok*. Powder. -l;at, atm leyl;.«nMd!<-s a;:d bti lb .y •'.:.*l:ii;o/..-. ::i li <: . .. llanlwafc, ’.'nllcric v Fiauu--''.-<. Elankois, Wax Ilalf skins .Y'i'ea Jh v will.ceH.oirns.gmri termsfas'dau-li! menu wiih «. Mauttfitc- • natheiij cities, will have on hand, and lie in 1 Vutl/rcc.y'.vimt, tha coming epa#on, a- exteu-ive 1 > oriurcat of. ; - , • * - ’ y■' . -'■*' ; i .• pi* BAROUCHES,, t5 i .'uclc- trriui deiefiptioris. which will oe of the >U .'.-'irkanu-iiip aiid material-, tiid^which will be . I sold Mn as good terms us can bo purchased rn any city j in ti. 1 ,': Soa:!ioru country. Also, ati extensivo assori'- SAPpLERV. tt lBXESS. .and uv;; rv o',!, r article appertaining lo our line of busi ness. ptfstme wishing to purchase would do well to calf. . ‘XVRI’tL' V & HART. Opposite rjfscrfnmi Washington Hoi!, v&l ^ had r Ml.) feilhy ,tVRR ’ Bri.ddu: / .t/ J/fL; lyoVi:. o.- how lives: 11 :t-pt 2 fita. It FOR SALE I NlVr wcll imptoved Lota in .Mncon baying good, iriy’Rings with alt otiier u cassary out build. : :l in. I fit :- i • or. ■t '. i l_o ;J. kory Irma.four lo.: r.n\ l, 'l'.ir-re •t •r.' i d'Vvl: j/ ilot;o tiirec *k vyikof y.sriavjy-t .«u-, ess: gA'soy-vw/r tr ri yin hs t<t»«S ik. . t'<i deeali, y.'.h.t,', ri-JijS* '1 n't re HaJjpv a -1 :• .ho aoi f ALSO, ' Two hundred acre; well limb ired Pino Laud with- , , , ,vLJ| in otto and a ludf miles ofthe Cjtv. J..l.S. \-*>:vkjt!N also, • • y Saw ami and Grist mill- -ducted - v.-u miles Woaid iufns: : j oiuityh. WiUiscvera! iraclsofJ. nd and lliehmherott - i the public, that the v ii ,vc i wnovi • ( . flili"Tract: ivli on tyrms 'vlii. b will lm piofilnb!,' cdt.isir iblisHSC.-:;! C ' j on n-ch • .-r. D, tM "'ON. —— — j —- jBpietl by, J .H &. YV ^ | Vr if Lewis 'i di, ■lit of ready made alnio> •pared • tabli-hmcjil in iruhACi: FITCH DRUGS MlEDlCfNES, P<thit 1 .s Oils, Dtje Stuffs. Cottov Avesue, Alxcox-. ff VV-i S. ELLIS, having taken tiie Drug fp? • Store formerly:occnpiedby Djr- Win. i>. Ball ,-.ud 'Ir. F. S. JoliUion, intend keeping s :< neral ’as? ortm- nt ofDrugs. .Memcines. Paiiits. Oils. A c. i’amilics, Physicians, Merchants, uin! ilumefs may lepeiidupon having their orders or prescriptions filled u tliahest manner atul of the best materials. " Particular pains will be taken to have on hand mrd- ejnes of the very heat quality. Just receiving and on band. Patent medicines. I’cr- 'iiui'Jrv, Surgical Instruments, Paints Oils Window rilas'. Garden beetle, See. &c. JstiiJ liS35—SS MB' ■I 1 -T received and for sale by ,'F J. il. & IV. S. 'ELLIS, Cotton Arcnuc. j I foiiiuan’s Anodyne LiqnorBalsam Capivi. Leuitive .dectuary, Do Canada, Coasarve Roses, • Soda Powders, Opium, Saratoga do rfuiphato Clnitiine, Seidlif/. do Caiupliot, Lemon Syrup. Castor Oil (fresh and snpe-Best Starch, ridr,) Sweet do do 5.1 Mustard dc Hum Arabic Epsom Salts, Brimstone, Calomel, Tart > .mctic, Morphine, Black Drop, fil Canthenuli-. Faints, nrv\ goods. W3Fi 13. BUS»5)'.:ALL. xua - \-S Just received a new ami exfc-usive tiS. • >f*r'trieut cf •" URY GOODS, ■ esosEissjfcS'v- ■li i't'S, SHOES, P-c. tvlsifi! la i> offering for sale nt.i i duccil prees Par ('ash Oulu. ins Vt.ick coivsisrs, in paht. or TitE fot.t.iiwixo : Ul:,ck . a « <l F " nC ? t : ! io-.'J'esf. sluue.vJi iOw WyiSS' Sihce i pas.-itd i;i«S:Ytf£.iu„.i ; Eriglish Mcririoe* . i $Kti ers 1 oc.titsidri j llti cci t Duffie, I’aiot irnd Ro-e Llaiiklts Scarlet. Crimson. Grcu and White .Flannels Priniecl Salstniry ' ; <-■' Canton ami Saxony vtfd Gauze do Hamasli 'Trihle Mliapcrs • irdri Cye and Russia do Scotch ' do Black. Blue aniTcolourrri Boniha/tUos do do -- . dot- Circassians Negro Cloths Linscys . •».-;in-JCf»aviJi<^il .t]«; ih Bleached arid Utibleachc" rilurtiiigs &• Shcclings «cotanicre:a! town at tl ' , . _ - .."t • _ - l.lfflAIfltfr'^n*.: !if.-tniltou jchus , .; Black ftalian Llistirng. do Gros de.Swiss do d Naples do do Her !Ju <!t Siuctews aUii.Sarsancts httnls atjd tiie jufbheaitlrtv/i ojii^ fa. yoitt!m':i!^pri-'siy+ vyrih ilie h.pekjtWult-’tiirF' ■ . nnicii a; lo t) lL cm, 0! the nch: i-utds; the'ajJV'.'triijrges tluiComi;rv‘j,ciiir.vV''d'. in regard Iriw-a:!.ficflfc'rsbs,' the.cliunce ol eric'.irfg uiiils. arri v.hat ttfi^ht be ri'lffiiately antk.'pated-froiii ibe ptx- ; - 1 - ■ ’ . ,vj 1 tii;i:.« \ mii.-t ; ■ do ■A. iVjr rt.l .] 1*. > -O K,! tfa i " rl -!;<>;•.riind.vcs- ;i • i r \ 1 *'i v isd if'i :!ii-J a r,itches^ ■ -' t -;!i ui thirty ittt.1 f»tr »f'S»'£w3t fi*SriifM.,"vr deb tb.-y iviii sellclipp?for cj di—raj;ri>t}li, r of fa I at: 1 aver levers, an if-cs- capemita;. Irp'iue,. afafllt* and vyerttgal 'Vatcli-' UM ' " aad .ktriel guard -, Breast •I ripecta.ejes, lyrrf ab'e, tea, rituL I: a'jv fitr yasli ti* any o'I loulitri'. Japan Varnish. Copal do Leather do White Lead, Jted Lead, . i. ,y Venelian Red, Sp.mi-!i Brown, >}fr(!ica ! [ler.ltSj Sfc. Indigo, Madder, Blue Stone, Annatta, !. _ Camwood. Gltte, Anna Fortes Nitric Acid; Pyarla-li, A c. &c. Varnish s, :. r. Vi.! •'■. *' ■: - . -.KChrome Yellow, ' Verdegris, Cliromo UrcCfi ■Spirit'.Turpentine, Pras.riati Blue. DH ‘KIA Sr >N. • occupied by J.Abra fi l iu'i s'.frt- forraerlj Cotton av an-' ...t t next door lo Patricl ,iu on :’d th i- now on hand a very -"lect and ■ .- ■ ,01! 1 f 1 is ■ • mi-L .V entirely fiv-li and 1 for rale;.' redueni prices also • ■ - ••• ■■ '"• - ■ in, J. Ham, Malaga. Madeira, .; hi.n i' in -. Noy, an. pepper- and i.ii",- of mm cordials. I.'i- powuer. tea r.ttus. ginger. ■ ii aggin t. - 1 Poplar ,’>ark, African Pepper, Bay hurt?v Bark, f.- -ha In'! :. Uvn Frsi, Idvirb, 00. fell 11 tax Gum Hantboge. FoxgramS Flder Flowers Skunk Cabbage- Gentian. Hnrelionnl, SageY 1 13 one -1 '34 /(*mutv i's Tonic .Uixtun . ^ I^ASRA'XTi Da certain cine Torilie IV; or ami i V Wpe also tiie •.rihuins Ifygean inedjcities or ■ I s rinlv by cook:; & coin.';'. M icon. Oct. S. 1 it Authorized ASptidt^ choc starr h. PERFtrjfERV. I’o-c. Lavi-ndet. Hungary Orance Flower Water. Naples Com|iound |*n]in Fiuo'Jeut. an I Gosuielic Soap, B ubers Shaving t- i C do .. OKo ofRore. Mill; of llo;,-. & Tooth Powder, ! Macis-ar and Beni- Oil. Preston and Salts Ac. Ac. I Je.-r v'ceived and forsale bv IlriTHTM B/tOMLN A- Co. ! Ni’U ROOKS. ; fgl. 1' Subscribers respectfully inform th public, j B_ lb it thev are now r; cciviu-r anil openingp large I aadvery ren “r.a! a-sorttuent of Bool's attd stationary; \r. inccuicn: -! arc been made to receive in the shortest j time possible tile new publication-, in Theology, I aw. and .Medicine, and also yiseeUaneons subjects. Timy li.-ivo a reneral assortinetii of School Hooks, Globes, Maps and Family apparatus, fancy paper, drawing j |i 1 per. paint boxes attd brashes ; fancy artirles ladies work and dress boxes, cart! cases and pocket hooks ol all kinds, penknives and ever pointed pencils, ntu-ic ,mi.:I tnu-ic box • at: 1 ;:i ; iimriys *Lc. ., r. A lili-ra! di ennat made to teachers, in furtli ! l::g their school; with anv ofthfi abave ai tides. Brinks in : t ■ it varielv on hand and made any size f patent and quality to or.! Colored Gros de Naples IJluck ruid eoirired Flprenecs do I tallriri Grapes Meritio Mrintles mid S.quoi' Conimou. Thibet, iGtieutia, Silk. Damask .and twisted Silk Shstyls Herunni, MusIiris Grapfi, Gauze and Gros do Nr.- pL-sDre-s Hdkfs Ladies and Misses Bonnets. ' [fish Linens and Lawns ;,,-a r Fustians Ftigiish Moleskin Apron and Furniture Gheck- ■ . i : li:! l:ip3i Red 'i'u-ks . Floor Cloth Raize Green Frieie'Cloth -'gf- -rT. Furniture Dimity Rus-ia MieetiugHear Duck m . 1'- 1 ' ch : Dow . sir R.i!!g;p "'-on! Cot tot Vartt ,'otrou, i ■' ■ : ttlilils w..oi il ; Black nud cqteryd Garni.-. ;:-s ri itiu a,. Gauze (in '• ir : .... ,,m! coI’d l.llslriilg . : n:i 1 li; ht coi’d Prints ml Gittghtms Luce auit Gauze Veils Fig ; 1 id plain Bobiuct Lace Thread Laces Gnmbfic, riaM-'iiy, Swiss, ’>!till, .Nau-ook. and Book Muslins I inmi Cambric ILfkfs Pongee, Indian Flngumt rip!; lefield H.-iitfs C-.rved arid pi ira&hel! Comb* Gentlemens English Buck, Reaver and GotU s!:io Gloves Ladies Driver. Goat tkin and Siik Gloves Bead K eiiculc; .vie.a / vn~. 50 Jiolhir.g, lliue blue, hi k. iitvisihie ■ 1 Vdelaid, o!iv; uro'.vn tind gr mti Broadcloth Drcs- Coats, oiperlh: ■ liht", black,brown am! green Cloth Fro 1- Coat rtlii ■ hlni*. olive, 1 raen and mix’d Clolh Coati.’f nr! blue, steal mix’d and fancy colored Sattiu t'n.i I -, .- arid Frock Co::'.;. ■>uper. bate. bJ.ark, invisible green, drab, brown, oli v inti Cloth Pantaloons Hu ■, black arid fitacy colored Satlinet Pantaloons, Voutb s cloth aud satlinet Dress nud Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloon-i. Hack and blue Ca- inmro. black uml colored Vel .. - - — oint^th varitage.- over ary . da-r id.e • 01. hi river j central !'$t»twnnguW&s body of rich 3 , ; i t0 • sel ■ ■ i. is a-ferinnifiJlVem^i.-m e , f nnia la'rid; arid j;nj j a bujd bin;!’ upon the rit. r. I: i- tuiiriedia'.ch upon I ' ; ’ ! - •• i li !! r i ■ I I, i; i v j ' ! • . ' 10.U j us thn ' - am ; .. M ... I, :K( . u !c ft. 111 tin f • rv t . . - m ' ::i parts of the c, murj .’ Tiie counties -g |,ee. 8 urn tor. mid Raker, :v t.n riiut river, arid .d'otmtl m t.'.,. ufo t fortiW iantjs that 'arc best ajiipted to the culture -f < ton .and corn. Tho fact' of the country is level, (he rich lands .lying on or in til : unity -IV;: ; ottrst which are tt! lindant A ryrover failingg.the ytnber/F.alietrijtcly 8H hie 1 on , !aad.piiK<, while ■ 'tpim .trune'land much of tho Jaiid clsb. wifi rate will; the best in Goorgia, in rcgaplto die river, as faros mv kticwlodj e lextetids, iris rial Surpassed tor ti e purpOH- »u navisa- tiou bv.scarce any in the w.n. .: -n. ... 'hire' tareirieye some .temporary, obstacles, which thrip the wisdom of pur Legislathre, rpuAt soon be effected. .—The.coniempjate'd railroad.liiryviticn Thomas, j cl- . ding i’.sq: his, a charter, cuinnuuiicatinri GctauIgdoirUcrs,.wiU'greatly'bcifeftT^lIc;.• . ol coun.'ry. .It will perfect..Mi iulajid-cbmuiimication from the Atlantic citiesTo those pi ti-o Gnif oT-j^xteo t !. bqtk'froyri ib-comn-.i'.ci.-.i a.;\;.n- ! t iges and jpreaimgnt.. Tb> miLroad has its 1 it..'. - - ■ :i . t. ■ .- i 1 tO fllV ' It -ie*. 1 ml ■ V. j Spaidin nut dm tier: • • — red for tis mmaune din Iverti-. ,o< r.t . ? Pieui •: 1 ob ■ rt s • u. 1 " tv > r , th T : ; -. ,-. ’ up ngiv a-, full : , hart of ’ Mill. i’-t ■ ■ . it t.f the < muit in the - •ni'; ■ P.ntu i - 1 ■ ; : impriw ing, and 1 | t.unk si: . .- ■■ I h ! _, j ire sent ) . » • • ’ . : r ; * an iu\t-Mnvrui - '' hi j . • per • 111 r. ’a ’• * va ' •• r. Lc<i cot:u 1 f > H ■’*J ;V? LT . LO ^ i 'O R . t Lp. ; 'V»TaTr !. be : ;V I t public ■ . on lb i i. R- ctrt- I V? .. r uskj ! TOWl. I.- -T8, a- puriu iri.ufev I t : in preamble -•’-.-to < in ; -1 -o on tlte prcm.-o at j i.irit lime ccnflitloris will be m :Jc ttlrcrvi: Lv I AI d X INDL it f HOT VVEL L. y J 0 ! . 23 FARMS FOR HALE ill: sniiscvibcrs the ticoc. r.itd place, cii’hr VAT.FABI.F PLANTATIONS, cvuicr.s igil II situated not lor distant from tho foregoing described Lots. One of about ril.i'O acres directlv opposite, in . which is embraced the fair famed Fliilnha I nn.V, ..'ppi- bhtek Floriniine, black Bombazine, dark and light f baps the best in the Stat*A Tlte remaining nim bi i colored" Valentin. English Silk, eolore.d and 'white I contain yearn of tire cVriSm lands oftho count jy Merseilles To linet, Swansdown and riattipet Vests Cariilet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown floth A- Patersham Box Coats Lvon rikin Overcoats. ":ne Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosom*', ^ocks. &(: ■ Yegro Ol (tilling. .Men’s A x’-oth’s 'nr Ilcits. do. do. Wool do. (1 >. do. Chid: >'• n ■' IT"" C Fine Roots \ '-'hues—N ■-10 •' -i s. A <d Jke. O. i. 1'. CO OR I rfe COVVI.L8, AT.R.VANDER SD0TW1.LT, July 10 1835 0 tf :T von T :E'\ I and • sef.t. 2 li Ft. OI.COTT sL ELLS jT?Jan?£f.j for saIg -i-» -djs cr.Aice, mfeOtat. 'y ' I'.ini'i s.foi n I-t ' v ■ ..ertldsfoi -t \> in:i r) occupied by XI'GniW Terms,to suit purchasers,-. eft. v 1 ?-t.