Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, October 22, 1835, Image 1

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i - me will be atitinirist-'fl to contract fertile del in Macon, at a freight agreed on withe ate charge and the agent in Macon will deliverable in Savannah. Charleston, ant vessels and boats, will be of first pin ■d commanders, and no expense .will I the patronage oftho public. livery nth expenenc psred to niec! I-, pat.pwiv & (*'j. 5avannali, U vwESife MiTcrijy.i'., Darien, true. K. Ko8kbts, Hawkiti.-iviiis*. Boros, Unsay & WalteSI C-liarl- U.icon, 25th June, 1335. 5:) • :vin;j fjurieil ali init, or in extrdb built expressly are.largo Stpreln ton at the least pi to forward fcotto ed by any other ] iiuonui, <_u :< i 'epitaairy;, li ■ 't'-imi-tt Darien, AI; consignments of Cotton from the planter orebtton dea ler, or orders to sqll 'or bpy cotton in this faarket.— Their Wat.* House is -'conveniently.situated to the bu siness part of the .city. Liberal advances will be made upon the produce of.our country. > They are now offering a large assortmentof seasorf able Dry,Goads, of hewest style and'fashion. Theii slnjpk <jf Hard ware is extensive; atjd'.vyitll-tiduptiadtu wants of the .country. Their assortment of .Groceries is verv- goad, among which will be fojtnd. Choice Madeira! Port, Claret, Muscat, anti CSoai- - paigne'Wines' Real London Porter^ Garden Lemqii and Raspberry. Syrup. Latter, Soda, and Wine Biscuit Rfiat Sperth Candles Baldwin’s Tallow do - I.oafaud:luufip Sugars . .■'sfiVjjSc v - Wjjite Havamm do Superior Spanish and American SopAn . A large supply of: Sugar, Coffee, AT.:—.-e. ;h'o‘.fc:i Bagging. Bale Rope, Twine. &?. &i: fjn >iundersigned returns 11 or die liberal snnporrv received from them in the abbv solicits a continuance of their p prints Ibr conducting business, ving despatch in recoiving-tmd merchandize and pratedtmgn mad and p jitne 151 rfin IIE In-nranca Bank of Col J2t. Cotton o-i the River, a ml against Fire in thiseity. Apply to row Macon. Cct. 27. 1871, 19 aider water Cull am 01, LOWING lickeii tin lly inform their y. that they, have ssiou lfusipess to Initiation of the satin ; Negro Hamilton Joans tbalUijtee. W’ould iiif V c 1 ■ r ; - • •• --TT-rv.- 5 roe s-*3 57gS C»SJ3 ' ' indistinct copy itntiatty.w k AV V/.4 laortinem of Li t t.t- -' to,> otic door Leiovi cli l,o v\ ill sell m n o CSS. f 'A s. piifAw y - i'oun utix,?.. v .-,r. Suty* ■VirOtl ill all'c* ,t it, V.: produce Iran-porta lion to and I r ota .Macon, is now m ii complete order. A superior new .Stomp Boat Called ‘'David .Crockett” with two powerful Ettgihes, and seve.nd first ram freight boats Have been buiit"since tiie .close ofllic las! season and placed on the line. Co: auv. The situ oil of his Ware Moir- — , . . - , 7, 1 ..j ... ,, ..r Caiied “David.Crockettwith twe V,.7 ' V ' ’ nr and sevc.ral first rate freight boats! v any in the city.. Shoidd uiddi- -the close of the last.season aiwlpli reqmred.Mngnrance can he effected ct ,> . ... '. The subscribe*^undivided attention ™ ean l tioat * o the above business; he {'■_ -refore I l ' “ JJii’jiJ Crocbcit, portiou of public patronage. will ply ragnlaily between Dariei ’ • the 1 !'| < AX. auuoiinci catididiiti tarns for election. J 151% er oi i i inhirfl will riuKConstantly hr:ween Darien an 1 Savanna!;; ( and allbrd the greatest despatch to Colton. ; Ine subscribor'r. whole attention is devoted to f ifili- 1 rating transportation between Macon nml tire Sen • >/y vj pj7,y t v',. '\ Ports, lie bits invested a large .«n.n to pnt his line in' ^ ‘ ’ D. i 1 1 .VI ,£r'C>. i the must complete order, and ualieves that bis urruiige- • ! have entered into a eo-pariuer- ] meuts fo. deeps wh to freiglit and keeping it in ’ m_of Ilia aibove business, | good order, while in hlc'eare; witi make it the interest finds,; to p,ra. , ’j /.rp! by Cnji! Itobrrl AT C’, 0iid note by Mrs Ha sun. '^1 Hs establishment is now in complete order, A sad extrusive ariaiigcnients hate bccii unde ■ , liiemliers of tiio legislature,, imd-.all .as v.lw may pteans-to call. .-V THOMAS U: ilUoUX, ' hh -.lgeville, October S, ld35. i ,"I' .e Augusta Cun uiiatin.i-dis', li.c Macon Tc.I- ■ • a. cautlurri Banner; anirCoiuminu ScntinH iv . .;•• i ,> give the above four iusertiotis ua-J forwnrd ts i i coimtstptb* proprietor. T- 1L II. J Q i£ \J a?ri, a»C a itiCa . iwVLa unrtmciit. ph, Aniericiiu and Da ten Cologne Vfiter- ft,- of Hair, •: Dry tlonds btijin :ss wifi be oomlpeicd under the of Cotton Slippers and .Merchants orderin; n.e aii^l style of I'on, Rl.imihon A. IViley and continue therr favors. I be managed and directed by 11. W, i'.-irt & L. II. AtDarienha lias secure.sit'd convenient'’ lsincss, for reception of Goods, ana hi* a Co. Wharves there cite c verei • ’nod r- - WH!l ShO&S, which enables him to keep nil Cotton shipped..on his -Boats under shelter and protected from the weather, it A ■under the name .and style of Jia: and will be muiiage<l atid.con.ia Hamilton and Joli spectfnlly solicit ft iic patronage. July 33. IJT. O. R. ilAYLS. . FORT. ,TOX, .while landed for reshiptnent. - JAMfiS ll BUTTS Aoents. 1Ioi.comhe, Reck^sJc Co.,. - Charleston, F. 1*. Bbrrs, Savannah, J. T. Roiyi.Asn, Darkm -.1). 3. Il-dstead. llawldinville. Macon, Xov. IS, lHdt —id r 4#-v* £v 4? si -DAjfea Tin till undursigneil bogs lea ve in i nfunti !ib fric-uds A 11 public generally, that he will continue the above business in all its various branches tit the old stand for merly occupied by Bennett & Carter in Fast 31 aeon, wbhre ha oilers ■«;* , .b(i usual Tacilities in business by jtaotting libera! ndvane *s on produce stored with him. iftsi to his friemisin Sovannah.jC.harleston, or Ntrv i'nrit. His /.V'are Houses are^onvenienlly nalcd near the river, and-remote from,othct -buildings which raadgf* ibem fjuire secure from danger by tire. ! i 'trance-can he c-fr'.c: bl at lowest rates if required. • i'h2 undersigned will give his whole' attention ts? .the above busincssand hopes to receive a portion of pub lic patroijnge. A General assortment cf Groceries will ba co i-t tn'iv kc>rt "it luitj and sold at the lowest pile,is. ' ‘ ' I1.K. CARTER. ' TE? .Hi M. *J added til that 'heretafe House i'Con I ■ adjoi. i g ' w.uiE+imtrsE. f?£SS dherry . B i’G leave to tender my-.'Sar to the Plantcis aud-others-ii torage & Commission busin ;ss. ~ - Ware House situated oriti I Third now in goo'd order for'the recep lion of Cotton. The Visual accommodation of. advan ces on Cotton ill store will bo made. Orders for the purchase of eoUon will be strictly attended .to. A strict and personal attention will be paid to the execu tion of orders for goods or the sale of produce, havldg bad ten-years experience iirthe business oftbisplacei I hope able to give general satisfaction to those who may entrust their business to my care. I). RALSTON. WAKE HOtSE Uoivatul’s Tonic \1 ixturc.. A SUPPLY of 'tow'llml's Tonic .* Ihtture; atertei lia. cure for the Fever and A.gae; past received au X for sale by ' -pane lh-52 151 HE undersigned have associated with J1 in the above business Messrs. Robert W, Fort aud Laird H. Wiley, and will henceforth conduct said, business under the name and -tyle.of Hamilton, Hive They will occupy tlie same extensive mid se cure Ware House, situated near the l iver and Will ex tend to their friends and patrons the same facilities in business that theyhavirhitherto done,' atid promise an equal degree of attrition to the interest of those who may favor tliem'witji their business. They resjtectfnllv tender to their former friends and pat rons their grateful thank: for the new concern a con PAIRING.; ■; - T DUSE Painting, plaiu-and onL iiieuta!, ettlier 18. in the city or country. Ciutirs top aimed and :ty or country ornamented, l.ookingglass or picture Irani or bronzed • Signs painted, and Fancy painting of various des criptions will be-done bv applying to J. HI- & \V. S. ELLIS. Cotton Acenue. Mixed Paints of every color on hand. . aim Mi* • . UivUGi! it Alii DI(JI Paints, Oils, JJ:/e Sfvls. Cotton Avf.noe, Macon, II. & W. S. ELLIS, having taken -the Dm. eaiod onyCcoud street, near- j \U-C0ttqu consigned to them, Her.-, or dealefs jzt tho article, or or ders to sell or buy in this market, Will bo promptly' attended to- - ' They h ive -ii.;o -i c mvenient close Worage house for too reception of merchandize, from the ■country ; the receiving-and forwarding of which, will receive a particular -hire of their attention.- LiberuPadvuu- ,vii: 1.1. made Oil eoUon stored, or oa' shipments to do inch as -St.-Croix aiid Portorico* Tlavann luha. Rio and Jiva colfee. Liverpool salt. ; Gorman aud blister es Iron, Nails, Brads, steel, ivy hemp Bn-gging, Bagging twine twilled sack ing. O Aiiibnrglis, roescloths, shoe’.'hats, caps, claoks, , der. shot; and lead, saddles and bridles, LUa'ek-v.nilh tools, rastings. Hardware, _ rivy will sell on as good terms as < ini bo bad sit A CO A 3 1 A-Ai 1,1 A .7 1 AH 'Omi-1= r Bi H . :;b.-crib ■: having m : !e arrau .- -i,:- with Ji >..13 of the most extern iv-a Carriage Afanufac- ories in ths nothern cities, will have on li iiid, and be onstantly receiving, the coming season, a- extensive ssortuient of, . e \ !l t \ GES, BA R; )UC 11 ES* '/) V r 1 siv : id vehicles of uii r.orrriprisa . whieii will be of a a r j. .| .. >rkinaiislHp and materials, and which will bt sold o:i as g'> j: icrms as c >;i be parch >.- ,••! in any city intlie Southern country. Also, an extensive tisuort- meut of li DDL/: v. a and every otlicr arde! • >. ;■ itiiitiingto mir hue of busi ness. Persons wishing to pure:, ise would do well lo give us a call. _ •V :.. Y A. HART. Oppos’tc cor r fmr.i It'ashingloji Hall. Sept 2 6m ll cular pains will be taken to have on hand mod icines of the very best quality. lust receiving and oil band Patent medicines, Per fumery', Surgical Instruments, Paliits Oils Window G!a -. Garden Seeds, Ac. Ac. j ij i is-' 1 -J _ X.XI£4C/ ST received and lor sale by “ I d-i. 5 Crates a - D f* A tpariar ar?.' i i -r ' \ .v i' ft'T ■ <T1 V\IPQm ■ xl S I S \ . - 7b ; ,Vl 1 ■ I.i .1 e‘ • ! 'VD bv - wptlO ii J. II. A. Ah S. ■ 11 v.'im a STRIVE wi 111.1 T Dwelling- SALE roved Lots in .Tx:e iili all oilier nece. li fuiKin’sAoodyiv Lenitive i ilectaary, Consarve Roses, Opitun, Blllpbate < i Camphor, Castor Oil (1 ricr.) Sweet do do Mustard do 1 iiin Aruliic Epsom Sails, ALSO, ■ Two hundred acres well timbered Pine Land witli- - in <1:11 and .1 half miles of the City. ■ i ALSO. My Saw and and Grist mill- situated seven miles d" from town, with several tracts of Land andthctiu.h tod ! the .'Jill Tract ; ail on terms which '.'. ill bn profitable n | o a mirchf: "r. . • i. AL'TONr 1 art .metic, Morphine, Droj>, Oil Canthnradis, Paints, Japan Varnis.h, Copal do Leather do White L-nd, Ji its, Sit a: s, cl. S’ IIAVI’ tlic Clcthin^ Store of iDiwis Tiu h, ZL Bid olTer for sale a iiood a-sortinent of ready made ; -14. I Si’.oC'J, Coots, with almost every arti cle iuiim Gentleman's iim*, and am prepared to sell a~ Mv.tiica! Herbs, iyc. irk, (I mu Gamboge, tnb'.ishment in the lip IH1RACE FITCH. African Pepper, lb:yberry Bark, 1 ulielia luilkta, Uva I’rsi, S. I’. Dlt'KlASOA. - store formerly occupied by J.Ahriihauis vtco. »u avenue ami next door to Patrick & on .:.l st lias now on hand a very select and issortnicnt of i)ry Goods .Vu. entirely fresh aud in reduced prices also oil li.hds prime sugars. •JO X. O. incl.u.a.'si l.'iii Bugs codec. HO hh!s X. li. Rum. Cog Brandy. 11. Gin. J. Rum, Malaga. Madeira, l-irsailles. Port and Lisbon Wines, Noycuii. pepper- 111. Cinnamon, ilo-e. and Life* of man cordials, Ci- ii-s, -uiilV. toii.icco, luiup .sugar, powder, tea, ciioc- at--. pepper, spire, indigo, sata.eratu-. gihger, starch, . 10. !.uiu».)ii. ])ii'klej poik. prime bagging, salt, cos- ngs. a. ■■ ■ Ac. Macon Sept '/'Id. 11> Lobelia Seed, S ipentaria, Gum Jlvrrh, M icon. f»b 11 1-3 oxglovo, Skunk Cabbage Gentian, 11 orchound, Sage, Bo noset. iLnriuJ's Untie Alirtarc. W’RANT. a eertain cure for die i'e-, Ague also the g iniino I(ygea'n iti ai u only bv COOKE A COWl >i’. Oet. Pi 1 njfinr'.'.* I i > NEW BOOKS- Subscribers ri-.-peetthliv inform t’a i-f.ii trs and sj-ies. —ALSO — new ai.J good. T. L .'MITII. OLL TfO.Y t\R :OSOT g-q , ; ; . afCaneeroiis Lleets. Old sores. T. ling worms and will immediately -top !>■ m fra-it, Bl-eding at the nose &«'. Jv > 1 -.1 bv li. W. C \:;!X x "Xand f r sale i . , 31 (3 J. H & W. S. ELLIS. FEE EL MS: ttY. C lEOti.Nli. Florida, Rose. Lavender, Hungary pul Orange Flower Water, Naples Compound : a m Kmollent. and Cosmetic Soap. Barbers Shaving . ' ikes, < >tto of Rose, .Milk of Rose. & Tooth Powder, tl a ussaraud Bears Oil, Preston and Satts A:c. J list received and forsale by SHOT WELL BROWN & Co. Srj.i 9:h, 1835 II r I 1H . J9. that they are n mid very general assort: Arrangements have liver, iind- to n-e-'v • time po sible tie ni-'A'pubhr ri in ! i. and Medicine, mid ai-o ' 1 -r ' i v.v-',. .> .haven general asrorti,'.- nt of S.-'n >) ! Maps, and Famdv appaiat-s. fen.-, i t paper, paint boxes nti'l brusben : fan"' - work and dr -s bax-'s. ear 1 and ■■' . ' nil kinds, penknives and ver ; o'lite ’ ;• ■■■ ■' and miEi boxes and i'jsti unet’ts A • A liberal discount m t ie ■' ■ " their schools with miv >f — ■■>• •• • >, Rl .ok- m great variety on hand and made am. i-p*t-rn -ii d quality lo order. 16. OLCOTT ELLt> \ . > - : IX tab STUFFS: M r ■ comp iv t eciv tv e-i. ^ . . ■ ."WM ms Just i ■ L - : ■ t/ii c ls t*.’ -■ " “ ' HATS, SHOE ivli'ieh-lie isofString foi* sale tit reluct For, Cash Only. ms STOCK CONSIST3, IN PAtlT. <)E TUF. Simer riu.votiy, Blue, Hlacl-: and Fa Brojtd Cloths liiite, Black, Mixed and v ‘incy,ebI6 -F.nKlisJi Meritines Dtii ! 1‘oillt ind Ros Cl; it’-tet > ScarleO Crjtnsop, Greeiiand- White Printed Shkhury Canton atid Saxony end Cauzo i.'m wlnc.v . i er since. ‘ ' ir. ih - 3U»;ne ui>: i.’ ik-.kiLu i ■ Tiespira.. . p \\ iflyUttla iietie-'t. E li ft) hat time scar rely '«.ta.-' - l 1 -'Uiuti.iieeU inf, l-V ■> one u.etitl: 1 tiiiini: try :.u am it.iw happy e ,, :v nc ... if pt. teeny well. W-'L tt., i3, JuTL-si- a CnutLiisioi.' May at. 1-3*1 - gtn-d I'.-eu .:diJUt«.x.v.nov. Mcr ■u lor tiin.-v year.*.past ;• ri’-'rij... vr' - ;ci inmate o! liio City Ite-pkai,. gi- cal u.M.uimi: of til* ' J- : •>,: obtainiu; periiir-.netii t>-:i«f.' -In a . ai.d t • - hotdes vnioph tit L. WAR,’ i A (. I mil : To V . L>. - . V . “ 'J • leacheil aftd I c Italian : ,a3*i A. ' lorcd (aros dc • '•hick And 111; :ttsv i.i this jf.ite.- ::v. i ; r ti- a pcriVr: ( in- '■ 121, M eetmg . uv. Jan. '3«), ic iltlicied v, i .'Ii a scrolfi n ine xdach tune t t i. ts both'm Pfeila&h- ’• ir. '• -k .sCiveMJpbptfg.* .*‘V mt poitiawir kS-':'. .. v. X!: hti rf- • -W J v.-iv as to Li■ .vor. - • ' I l! jf SJUtlil II ll ti VJll -> Blk ..t::l toihl i lis'.rit; ■ : 'ton Dark and li„iit col’d i .-ints aud ' .ace and G ttze \ e 11s !: in n.i 15o .:rt :.acv/ j rm- . ’.' .ii . j r.s l have remained . - dj c -red -'■ : :: - . . ., .at ■ : ' 5 ressinv n ri B .-c !■' !:■; :;l 88pit: .chela ; i i-i hr hell G util': ■ i-.lisli Buck. Denver •and Sil ; 1: vde Slothiug. nvisiblo green. .-.Ai.i adciot 1 '. Dress ('oats. rov;;i and green i lo: ipcrlim blue, tnivc. green and mix’d C’l-jh Coati and liliie, st-'.d mix'd and fancy colored -at. Coattecs and frock Coatri. in. r. blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown. :>1 green Cloth Pantaloons • black and fancy colored Satthiet Pantaloon* ••till’s ehith aud sathnet Dress and 1’roc.k Co::!s. i do do Pantaloons, k a ml blue Cassimcre. black aud colored V.h k ih irintine. black Bombazine, dark and '< "■1 Valentin, English Silk, colored and v- • 'l'odiii--t. Sv,ail-down and hattinot 3’ •' ('honks and Great Coats. ,*d ‘towii Cloth. A: Patcrabam Box Coats •i> • kin Overcoats, i • Linen Shirts. Collars. Bosoms, Socks, Ac. .Yesrro Clothing- x 3'outh’s I'ur Hats, do. Wool do. •o. do. Cloth Seal & Hair Caps, e Boou & Shoes—Negro Shoes, &C. &c. 15: IT vj.-i ■.SrX.m.'t e-L, J - .L iir'l those wi-huia -r- --.i-i-pase v property for tliem-e’vcs. I : nr-vtous to the first Tuesday :i. .. on that Hav be eff->red c public s. •ij this citv. Terms: cr-h rr ti m if«if".| ",w - TIIO •r'perty *• joT)tt:« nc- pied r- h *<»iber. Sirpi M> 13 W, H. BURLS.■ J. H.& W. S. ELLIS, Cotton Aram liquor Balaam Capivi, Do Canada, Soda Powders, Saratoga do Seidlitz do Lemon Syrup, h andsupe-Bcst Starch, Indigo, ' % | Lt"l Madder, j , ' , , . Blue Stone, . ( h^ I=>1 Arinatta, ( oil u Logwood, ‘ - |‘ttfibs’i Camwood. Domesti -Glue, Aqua I'ortis, Nitric Acid,