Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, October 29, 1835, Image 3

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f ® f J f | r a # % * iiiUii ' VN1;M >-" £ ' «S^26SS^ 1Pl$2>SS^^.IS*S£ J MiCOlV: Thxrstlmji October 29, 1835. COTTON this morning, I3.J to 19,} cents. FreW»t so Savannah, 1 cent per lb, owing to the very low state or the River. Frtjj^r up from Darien, I.} cents per lb. ‘ tes, to her ultimate object—and to (-fleet nb- 'J’ho injury sustained by her West India proprietors by the measure is nothing—the sinking of all her West India possessions would be n mere trifle, when put in competition with the accomplishment of a favorite state measure. 1’. is not so much separation of the .States that C>reat Britain desires ns the depression of t lie in If they do separate aud go to war among themselves, so much the better; but the emanci pation of the negroes aud puttiug a stop to the making of cotton in this country, i> the great ob ject. It may be contended, that the interest Great Britain feels for the prosperity of her manufac tures, would be a guaranty against her wish to injure the cotton growing business. But what is the prosperity, the existence of a few manufac tures, to the Rchievinent of a deep scheme? In (^Distant Patrons, who are in arrears to the Georgia Telegraph office, are requested to send the game of Draughts yon give away oue man in the ntnonts they are owing, l»y persons coming order to take two from your adversary. Bouna- loMrroii with cotton. When more convenient parte in u certain battle, blew up his own works the money may be sent by their Representatives a,, d several thousands of his own men, to ensure for their hands. These symptoms with more or less intensity continue for a longer or shorter period, until ih< acme of the disease has a-rived, and the period oferisis supervenes. During this stage, tiie mind of'he patient is continually liarrassed with vis binary ideas, the whole soul is absorbed in tho’t of wealth, professedly, however, in those of love At) insuperable propensity for elopement- now seizes upon the patient’s imagination, and whole families are thrown into consternation lest site ** scape by a nocturnal exit. This stage is very various in its duration in different individuals. In general, its violent 1 will lie iu proportion to the suddenness and ve ftcineuce of the incursion. When the attack up proaches gradually, with the ordinary premnni tory symptoms, mentioned above, ike disease u sually runs its course slowly ; when, on the cou trary, the iuvasinn is sudden and vehemeut, tnay expect the disease to he rapid and violent in i*s progress In cases of the ialier kind tho crisis suddenly declines ill wedlock which is al most universally attended with elopements, and the never failing consequence, great confusion of families. More frequently however, this stage runs on for years, until the patient worn out by exhaustion, and the continued anguish of “hope to Milledficville, and paid to our Delegate® there, a victory. Great Britain would do the same.’ d * , ^ rire ‘h” ^ lensjh subjects herself to the pu B — rifytng luflucneofa erooA-ertstidfc which she picks . .... ^ «living auuiicjuc oi crnuKcn suck tviiirti sue uicks Humanity ami the rights of persons, enter very j up at the alt!JI of M vinen. or resolves to enjoy l:..l- .I._ .i_i:i • c , - . . ■ J J V liv York paper, giving an account of a l ir^e importation of Abolition Tracts aud money : England /—and a promise of £50.000 more if Knitted, to aid the Abolitionists in exciting in- surrertioas in the South. This fact taken in cou- ncction with the mission of Thompson and (Jar- j riam the Abolition emissaries from the same . in commerce in manufactures, as well as iu arms. could Great Britain cripple her rival thereby still a |, un .| ;MKO o{ superannuated matches, and much more than herself, secure her asceudeiicv ; make dissatisfaction alter marriage; disappointmen her still more the empress of the world; engross * s almost a certain consequence, aud divorces commerce; and monopolise the growing as well are by no meaus nufrequeut. ... _. r , . , As tin. disi-a-o opein'.cs almost exclusively .Is the manufacture of cotton . npou the miud, in iu treatmeuttho medicinet men iinlaiu sees w ith jealousy our iucrensiug; great- tis are our chief resources. Recourse must ear ness. She sees iu us a dangerous rival, in arts I? be had to severe moral discipline, and fre ijuen't reproaches from parents will prove ofinue rotmtry, rtiav throw some light, on the origin al . ~~ '.",7^”* utility in tile first stage of the complaint. But ihe present -crusade against the rights of the b 10 u crcst ° Great Britain to crtpplo our when tho disease has become somewhat confiri. ^ ^ growth-—it is her policy to advance her own in- cd those remedies will prove of little benefit, yet ’’ . . torests; it is her disposition to injure ours. If their frequent application mrty tend to mitigate ,! d Cr V met Z " e 4r^'-bitisiu1,cr;;o,Jto injure ns, and at the ! violence. When it has assumed this ob?,i» mi. something more than mit the eye—rsome- . . ato character, we should resort to rigid coufiuc dtipir than the mere fanaticism of ® W 'L '“‘T!!* 1 *: T 1° o'-the . patient at home, carcf.iHy guarding lam; \'r',nt Abolitionists, than their zeal for the su Pr°‘ e *>1*® would hesitate in tho means she cui- her agaiusi the society of gentlemen, young men • _i 1 j particularly. This is docidcdly the best remedy 7 have ever known tried—it cures the formida- cjius.- of morality or their philanthropy for the negro rate, wo have been for some time propar Cil to believe. We are now matrimony, band. and tho true value of bus ployed ! The Indian Question, with the aid of Northern .. ... ... . . . , , 1 ole symptom, cuquctrv, aud is a very calhnkcoli e ... .. .atisfied that the *y ,T M’ a,n y »‘ a * ***" a powerful instrument m her i for r „ ni ,, s . Let parents but make a timely and Nortli. ru Abolitionists are the dupes of foreign ! I,au,ls lo , ® tard ,,H3 E r °wth of the Southern < persevering application of this remedy, and their on nissiiries; and that these las. are the secret. Slate<: * Thp slave question is a still more P*>» -. dim^iters «,il root. l am the proper road to a „d hired spies of Great Britain! British j cr ' ul W ,lh what.success one has been used, \ . • , r * | . we have seen to our cost. How the other tray puhev is the origin «>r this ml. n .< os i i.mi.css. J 1 . r . i ,i. tv' ,e be used! nwful to conicmplatc. the zeal nml inonev of 1 appoti Olid Ihe ISorin- * .... . . The heouly of ihis scheme is, ihe knack ( s«*ile room should bo had recourse to, aud s Britain has, of making the American people the s, . r 'f t watch bo kepi over :he patient, lest in the r . , , • i ! violence of the paroxysm she be templed to make ins;uinculs of thetr own destructum! our throats , llo ,. tllnl:lI esc .{ p6 . , have kno , VI1 s ' r , mc fe , Iialo , are not only lo bo cut, but we are to furnish the j so furious aud ungovernable, as to obviate the knives they are to be cut with! the expense will i necessity of breaking open doors, by making be ours, the benefit hers. The pious, charitable *neir exit through windows. Ill one instance Should auy symptoms of an elopement ntaui 1 fesl themselves, close confinement of the body irn Anti-Slavery Societies are the means; and i!.c prostration of Southern Agriculture the-end ! It ma- lie objcctc'i that such a policy would be ,;,i(i,|:d on the part of Great Britain ; that the ixistcnce of her manufactories and :i large por- lioa of her commerce i* dependent on Ainer- ic.m cotton : and that self interest would Jeter her from any such attempt. But we shall on- Jravor to show, that this is not >he case ; that her policy is far f ri m rucenreging the grow th of American cotton, or the employment of Airier- ica:i shipping- Great Britain has a stupendous irJinsl in the prostration of the Agriculture of the > jtLtrn Stairs—which she is aware cannot lie .nut' bin by Vbolitiou of Slavery in those States! Fir this purpose the prejudiccsof Northern pe'o- '■ , . , . 1 ' ... . . pared to meet the event l [i against slave holders, nuts* be kindled ; their 1 Smrvoleiice for tlie-slavcs.inust]be aroused : their I iiiy i.appealed to; their sympathies, as well as | ntir jealousies and their envy, arc excited, ft nr.s a part of the same policy thin but lately a- j rwsed such a tremendous sympathy all over the j sliilt: Northern states for the Poor Indian. ” J i'j order to li\ them forever philanthropic worm 11 aud children of the North, are to be the instruments of luassacrciug their brethren of vhe South. The Statesman of G. cm Britain .are too wise, to be seen openly in Ibis i-llair. But van we doubt of their influence in aud control of British auti Slavery societies, and their emmissarics iu this country ? Let our otvn Statesmen look to it. Let ihe North reflect upon it, and—Let the South be pre- m —— FOR THE GF.OUG2A TKLKGRAPII. monomania. Among the numerous treatises at present ex tant upon the diseases of the mind, there is not one iu which 1 find auy notice of a peculiar spe cies ef ipouumunia which seems to be prevail ing ro a considerable extent, in certain portions the Southern 0 p t j le jj. .states, and particularly in Georgia. I hi J preposterous and at the same time ' As there is consequently a w ant of information '■v.irrautable sympathy is now transferred fo ! on «»»c subject of this singular malady, aud as it . ' I I? 7.0 i'is almost exclusively ol a d mestic nature, at tuferimr «i>i>rtssci o w . . onct, therefore, interesting to every individual of society. 1 -hall beg leave to call the attention of tho public lo its consideration, by offering a few remarks upon its character, symptoms, mode of ireatmcu , &c. '1 he amazing rapidity w ith w hich this singu lar disease has spread thtoiigh the .-outheru States, resembles more the effects of a furious tornado, agitating the ntinos here, than the na tural progress of a disease from sonic contagious , source. Alni:>siawholerity,towiiorneiglihor- lioace t!iev would uot engage in any . . , ™ . ° r B J hood, becomes ancctcd will) ns ii.lliicuccin a few I lh.- iujftring oppressed The people of the North as a body cannot the cistrnctionof their lireihrcn of the South |«or any tbeck to the production of tho gre--«t 'i:!:cru Staples—(iliougb some Northern poli- ! ’ii> might be glad to lessen the influence of the lentil in C’ongres*)—they arc too we 1 ! infannei! | tl, i:« know, dial the prosperity of their own iniufactures and commerce materially depend thorn rheme tjtat would deteriorate their own interests ■ :: oss seduced into it by artful and curn’ing r‘ a " natter some false garb or other. But with F’ffat Itritain the case is entirely different. She no interest in our Agrirnlture; she takes no ■h-uht in our prosperiry. Scnteil on her Island in the midst of the Ocean, her interests F'-'niiliiig to every dime, her mousing ryes peer every nook, anti herngeuts are at work in r<rv romcr of the earth. tVilh her extensive M' 1 India possessions, adapted to the culture of ’’ n snd rice and sugar to an Indefinite extent I* 1 Bi overgrown and starving population, it t req'iires the abolition of slave Inbor in the ''d States to create such a demand for Bril- r ft'* Iribnr. as will at once ridTier of her pan- r s invigorate her commerce, increase her rov- nut li«r mamifaet,tries in motion, and give p ’•niter employment to the thousands of her I ^'ives and peasantrv. than eollecting in mobs L ’ ^s’rnying the property of the wealtliv! adopt measures to effeet such a resttb, it is [ ■ninfer, will not lie above the deliberation of _ : 'h idiilnnthropists noreven British statesmen ■ ‘ '■ r.annot he done openlv. will be attempted dwndcdly. Where ir would not be croner I *i'’ »cnd no Ambassador, she can send I ' s a'ono-i» / What the govemment cannot do. I 1 ' 1 ''tv nay. Iler Mission tv societies and ■ . ’ r "'i <,, ies have done more to spread Brit Bjjjrence, than British arms! And if by her s,av tv societies and Abolition Missionaries, days, and as it does not necessarily incapacitate individuals from pursuing their ordinary occu pations. it is not urcommnn to find -its subjects moving iu the various-circles iff society, as ilio* laboring under no indisposition whatever. This latter condition is owing to the circumstance of its effects being confined almost exclusively to the miud, the bodv seldom experiencing its in fluence, except in cases that linvo assumed a chrouic form, wlieu its futiclinus are apt to be come d ranged, in proportion to the severity of tho attack, and the term of its duration. Similar to soino other diseases incident to the human family this affeeiiou is confined entirely to the female sex, generally making its appear ance about the age of puberty, aud seldom oc curring in subjects advanced in life. Its preva lence is owing, ! think, to a predisposition ac quired iu early life, which becomes developed at the period just stnted, anil is the result no doubt, of education, and the habits of the indivi- rtnal. There is a peculiarity characterising this species of monomania w hich I do not think exis ting in any other ; viz, that handsome ladies are more olmoxiou3 to its attacks others, those dedominnted coquotts, never so far as iny observations extend, escape its ravages, and arc invariably most violently afflicted; nomc of thorn I have known to labor under its -influence for years. As the disease is not mentioned iu a- ny of the systems of nosology, 1 shall take the lib erty to iniroihice it under the class of nervous diseases, and jreat of it as a species of monoma nia tinder the term. Mania for matrimonial spe culation. It is usually characterised in its pro gress by the following symptoms : Frequently it comes on without any premoni tion. .More usually, however, it manifests itself which came under my observation, a young la dy-who bad been subjected to vciy rigid confine ment by her parents, during the night, disappear ed by way of a sky-light from the third story of a large building, making her passage aloug the top of the house and into the sky-light of an adjacent one. where at the silent hour of midnight was consummated the object of her elopement, viz: her marriage to a young man of supposed wealth. It is therefore highly requisite to allow but little ventilation iu the chamber of ihe pati ut. when the disease 'has nsstnncd this aggravated form, the doors should be locked and the win dotvs well secured. It is highly uccessnry our young ladies should he properly instructed, to appreciate tho human character. In this age of speculHtio'fl. however, talents and virtue are seldom put in competition with wealth, which seems to ke bearing down ev ery thing under its tyrauuic sway. Nothing can bo more revolting to the fee iugs'of au enlighten cd mind, than to witness the beauty and iutclli gence of our country, offered as a sacrifice at tile shrine of mammon; young ladies of l7 married to the veterans of ’76! and “mirabiL diclu." young men of 21 to tho wealthy dames of a se coud widowhood!! This mania for matrimonial speculation must be pnt down, else tho sacred ties of wedlock shall become hut an emblem of dissatisfaction. The means for its removal have been pointed out, | let parents take to themselves the trouble of ap plying them, and ere long society will he adorn ed with a glorious revival of virtuous lovo. by the acauisitiou, in her angelic character, of that fair creation, “Whose smile, tho met on ruin s brink. Has power to make e’en ruin dear.” MEDICUS. [ The learned writer of the above valuable essay appears to labor uuder a mistake, in con fining the disense'he treats of. exclusively to the female sex. In the course of our practice, we have seen the symptoms equally violent in the o- iher gender. Handsome, smart young men, not unl’-cqucntly become subject to the disease, and too often fall victims to the mania of matrimonial spi aviation, or fortune hunting-]—lids. Pennsylvania Elections.---'Ihe Philadelphia U. S. Gazette of th- 15th inst. says:—‘•The ro- avery in the Southern Pfntes. and I ’•* of cotton, rice, anti sugar therein to any ( ’ m, ” , ^ abandoned ! Then will he erea- | 1 on ml f, (r BritLh labor, throughout n!l ""ia;is. British commerce | advances, the passions become whimsical, but the mind is entirely absolved in contemplation of the means of obtaining a rich husband ; an into- ^ n the stage of aggression by n versatile disposi- f flect it... „ •" •* ' "'r " """.i ’ I tion, much uneasiness of mind, a great desire to « he emancipation of slaves tn , K> | , !rcss ir , , ll0 fmest style, aud according to the “ states, or suh.oct them to the eondt-1 jnosl j m p rove d fashions, lofty expectations, ns- | 1 ‘-t. Domingo, she will effect a Revolution i piriug hopes, mid a remarkably fastidious^ feci ” lr »portn n t toiler interests, than any that | iog «n the subject of matrimony. A* the disease , Ported for the last century. ^ ’^davery i„ the nnorne ,| ie means 0 f obtaining IcrahJc aversion to a country resilience is expe rienced. neglect of all ordinary business, anil an insuperable propensity fo attend balls, parties, "j" . .' ' and other places of amusement. The inostre- n "' 1 '‘ r, " sh markable feature « f the disease, aud that, in fact, I rcs ’ n, W British West India cotton, and w lt|rl> is a patltagnomontcsymptom of tho eom- "i wilt supply the markets of the , plaint, is ihe inordin-ite desire for matrimonial I speculation. About this period, young ladies,- . especially those remarkable for beauty, and apt British | ia ve a great many suitors, all- of whom they c civo -iseard,under theefltpectaiion that a wealthier ho United , son of Mammon will at length make application i,i ,c, pation of the slaves in ibo I 1 ’nJirs , - ■ wn .i in, re ro e a him to P ar »'C"1 .cly the people turns which wc give this morning, placo the c lection of Joseph Rimer as governor of this Stale, beyond doubt. The number of votes giv en for hint on Tuesday, so far .as reported, equals that of 1832, and the vote of bi» opponent, Mr. Wolf, is diminished by the recession of the Mith- lenhurg votes 33 per cent.” The Philadelphia Herald of tho samo dale says: “Wo have received some ndditioud re turns of tho election since our Inst and are ena bled to speak with nioro certainty ofits result. The Whigs have carried the whole of their coun try-ticket, including the Asscmblyti rn,— a most gratilyiug result indeed, and one scarcely looked for We should not be surprised if Ritncr’s mn- jhrity iu the State were 30,000, so great is his gaiu in those places heard from.” ELKCTfOJY UETUttiX3. Senators, and Representatives. Appling Baker Baldwin Bibb Bryan Bulloch Burke Butts Gamilpn. Campbell Carroll Cass Chatham Cherokee Clark Cobb Columbia Coweta Crawford Decatur Ds Kalb Dooly • .Early Efflng’itn Elbert Emanuel Fayette Floyd Forsyth Franklin Gilmer Glynn Greene Gwinnett Habersham Hall Ilaiicock Harris Heard Henry Houston Irwin Jnt-kson Jasper Jefferson Jones Laurens Lee i ibcVtv Lincoln Lowndes Lumpkin Madison Marion' McIntosh Meriwether Monroe Montgomery Morgan Murray i, - i Muscogee Newton Oglcthcrp Paulding Pike Pulaski Putnam Rahim Randolph Richmond crivcn .Stewart Sumter Talbot Taliaferro Tattnall lolfair Thomas Troup Twiggs Union Upson lYalton Ware Warren Washington Wayne Wilkes Wilkinson Walker r ‘'ggetl; Hall, it imes: Dennnrd, Murray; Jordan. Kenan Baber; Lawshe, Hauler, Mines; Bird Cone; IVatkinson, Lawson ; Allaway, Burton, Burke 1VDaniel) Bailey, Harkness', Brown, Clark■ Nightingale, Cochran; McCoy. White, Boggess: Harrison, Rodgers, Hardin : Espey. McAllister: Gordon, Milltn, Shiek, M’Connell: Candler, Mitchell ; Clavtou, Stroud, Moure, Mr A fee: Mays, 'very: Wright. Gunhy, Mcssingale, Echols : Wood, Smith, Crowell; King, f 'olberl, Scarborough; Mines, Cnrry, Mays ; Dobbs, Murphy, Diamond, Graham ; Bowen, Patterson ; Ward. Powers: Wal lhaner. Heard : Davis, Craft, AleCurry, Strain : Drew, King ; Landrum. Allen, Hemnhitl ; Lomakin, Barker ; Hays. Freeman : Mitchell. Ish, Ilarrison Cooper ; Burnett. King ; Dart. Houston, Dawson; F stor.. Janes, 115 05-4 19“ 015 313 201 495 :J70 (JG0D7:; 114 UP 19 5 UH ^ l a I 3 I- l~ i^* ! 14 1! 4,052,055057 0.53 191 UH5 043|(J43 015 0-1» 314 3203133162821284 -^0 288 Lo‘ 4 <>50-3 -183451 451(427 423 437 060 OTe i 060 0G0,07:ij07:ir>73 073 b'i!) 002 3 ?3 34! 342 316 GOO i'Ot. 601 ?000 312531 276318296312:581 5;?/[531 534 33/3313313:11 166(168 ‘ 174 175 17-1 <73 140,942 ■145 J;i7 183 43011642808-! 1»» 436 ipn (45 450 117 4-10.111! 125 26926125 256.1631175 569 572566574 403 -105 204 2'*1 195200 145; 147 ,92 397391 100 ,;‘94 : 600 •252 13-2 580.393 195 161 387 635 265 ] iff 285,263258 206,12i >140 233 405^92 232266 267)392 407 (641407,612 453(324 452 243 680 256 235 134 130 191 503 149 >17 623 1100 323244 349 740 072 252 043 284 170 141 330099 08iI164 23.5’50(i 066 118 1431144 144 06,- 2071312 227:634 019100 (048 035046 ;029| <: 728 025 Blackman ; Bamho. Ezzard, Hamilton,Martin Steelman ; Smith. Tloteombe, Carr, Dunagon ; McAfee. Clark. Sanford, Bates, •^unrler: Vinson. Ingram, Smith, iVIirrc; Henry, Bei l, •food; Peddy, Sellers : Kemp, Petit. Burk. Hemingway: Kelly, Engram. Duncan, . Paulk; Young, ' Liddie ; Burns. Pittman. P-ntirosl, ( Reese: HiV. Robinson. Burney, Startlcton : Flownny. Turner, Hutchings : Day, Gray, Lewis. ;Ki!)nin : Russell. Stanley. YopjV, I Lntohon ; Ford Walthour : Fleming. Casscls, jT.atnar: Wright, Lockhart. Pike : Blaekshear, Obarr: Shaw. Potk. Adair. Strickland, Burkhalter : Bivinr. Wood; McDonald Dunham 'tentell: Johnson. Philips. Rutherford; Flcwellcn. Gordon. Black, Barron McFarland ; Nesbitt Floyd.-Van La’iliugham, Leonard Baker ; Carson. Hepburn: Bonner, Calhoun. (Floyd ; Harris. T.oval. Litekie. (Taylor: Landrum. Hubbard, McKialy, : WallhaH ■; Rri/son.. Harris ; Baker. Williams, j Clayton; Rraceukll, Howell, Gordon; Harris, Hudson, Meriwether, Moseley; Kelly. Cojfe, ■ Rivers; Camp. \ Walker; Schley, Rhodes. Stallings, McCall ; F.. J. Black, Green, Robinson ; Dismukes, Cowart; McCrary. Powell; Towns. Drane, Moor; Nelms. Jeffries, Sharp; Rogers ; Hatten, Xeivuan; Reynolds, McIntyre, Alford ; Dougherty, Lewis, Smith ; Tarver, Solomon, Chastain ; Thomas, Mollawav, Davis, Collier. Echols ; Early. Bryan, Hill Me Dani l; Hilliard, Gibson; Wilder. Chandler. Hams. Sa fold; '{abort-ton, Hurst, Whitfield, Sheffield; Robson, Wiilis; Bolton Bradford, Brown, Little ; Rivers, Hatcher, -Tin's; Tanner, 6.5312.97 714 107 375 44<j 502/23 •146: i (J7 797 j. “2 1657 477 220003 87c-' 628 7% 38y 443 344 744 644 642 641-40: •: 40a <52443 147 318322 •2572452463U 314 638678,683.^1^0 .55250 251071 288279285037 143) 1411142,167 9920351099 757 |60jl6»l71;064 409.49a496,227 . i-i', i)i ii n/t. 310309310 191 641630632215 lOOlOO100016 045045 023023 875 866 619901 626722 *93394 111 !43 346:142 759 752 6.5:-;l655(i54 191*219189 52*367.452 111 i68 765 J7I 240 J64 19.5 215 JI8 J88 728 045089 026 723 871 7511768 621 I/O 213 726 3?9j 391 393 434! 147 j 1451445 114661 ,J65.660 662 i y ^ n ■ -.. hjlltun, Cain; !> i/ut of land NI tiati formerly ( satisfy one It (' county, in favor of II levy made and retut Lot of land No. It Ctto now Camps a Justices Court of Waive Magcr Peace vs Martin'Johns-:.: turned to me by a constable. Lot of lanil No. 74 in tho 8Ui I eta now Campboll eounty, to s 140 148 a Justices Court ‘of Columbia t 116 126 : hrahani Marshal vs Avarett Nolo llo 1L5 turn:-J to me by a constable. • 74 tj7 Three 1ms of land N.os. 107 415 ! I4tlt District of formerly Fuyette now CnmpTcU cuun- ,itl rij ] tv, to satisfy two ft fas in favor of the State of Georgia -o/*oif ’ vs William G. Arledge, for his tax for the years lr-'.K 96916 120 119 104.423 tUi» 401 326 325 319 32i ■m 316 Arleilge and 1332; lew made and re turned to stable. Oct. 12, 1835. W-KSLEY CAM! tfjGuTO 073 U Ditto VAL. T ih by thetn opposite WnsHtejs^ ton Hull, to their Ylew brick building on lliti corner of Cherry street and CotYAn. AVesiue, where they have o- pensii a vary getieral and ije-.v r-.stfbi^niejii of seasc.r.- able goods, which, will i>e sold on the. most Ubmil terms, ^either nt .wholesrdo or retail—Such Voutitrv 765 760 | merchants ns purchase in tills market to repicnivii 088 076 i ‘dietr stocks, are invited to call on us. 37 23.5 i FORT, HAMILTON & WILEY. 063 063 1 Macon Ocf. 26 1635. 13 046 911 167 168 | 195194 ! The Book accounts and notes of ii:o late firm of •M531H * Baxter, Fort & Wiley.'will ha kept at CGreoanting . if.® - room where those indebted can make payment. 018020, FORT. IfAMir.rON U-'fi "V. O08OUO 7.'8 7‘bl flMIfi Copartnership heretofore existing I ctwion ~ ■ ’ “ |tc subscribers in Mscon-Gat, was li ssolvcil br 615471 215 T02 530 627 58-5 158.452; 13? >65 489:557 >06430002 129 123 126 148157 234293 2-6228 >18269 :9926g 3.341398 136061 .522 ■287 541,536.533,336 58458658^609 150137(124441 564 565 5671483 349.3 IT 61661:, 006 (KM 1002 418 183117133115 2I4i2262:« 146; 146-147 ,232.2:33(232 •>04 200201 528 510:525 2971282288; 33-5 323j325|33.5u396 1 39( I21;i30jl!7il27jOOO,06C 6311555637.09J 682:636 540546 SJ 7 853 31S s IP ( 814 819 852 85 4 024180 13 ()| 9,013,013|187 188 ^ 1 jm. the i‘»n->< r 1 mutual consent on th 1st of June last.—The bus:- *.:!,*) ne - s of the firm in that place will he discontiiittcd oO/jlicG j front aud afler tbu date. /i. I>. BEKRS. .1. n. St JOHN, . , D..W. St. JOHN. 344 167 173 169ll/3 i Macon Oct. foil:, 1HS5. 1 18 751 413 I9F 440*472 ' UT" The Subscriber >yi!i continue the Exchange & r .',t ‘ V 1-. * CoimhiSsion Business for Ins otvn account. r'* OS.S1AN onreour. m ‘PHO'VSALS. i'26 1 1LL be received by either of the suiiscrih”:•*u:i- 449 ^ V til Saturday the 7th day of November ;r->:‘. jac i for the impravement'ofthe parsonage lot cl'the McuT- ,!w. ! odist Episcopal Church, 110 * ’- !1 Alaooii, with n dwelling house and till necessary ‘ ' j out buildings and a half of an acre to ho enclosed with 158 good fence, the improvements ore all to bo of wood. 300 j apian and specifier,tion of the same can he seen at 220 ) the Store of Fort. Hamilton & Wilcv.on Cotton Avo- 250 ! nue. A bond with good security will ho required of the undertaker for flic faithful performance of the contract. Oue third of the contract will he paid in advance and the balance as the work progresses E. HAMILTON, CIIAS. COI.LINS. I THO.-?. HARDIMAN, ( tludJ. Co:h!. ROB’T.W. FORT, ! R. K. EVANS ) 149 48-5 129 12*' lot 297 234 25( 231 (256 N the first Tuesday ill December next, will be sold before the Court House door in tiie town of Perry Houston county, during the legal hours of sale: One sorrel or cream colored inare, a blank horse and a negro woman named Frankv. about fifty years of age. levied 611 as the property of John C. Rogers, to satisfy a fifa in favor of John C. Reese beaTer a- gaitlst Thomas E. Rogers and John C. Rogers, issued front the Superior Court of Jasper conntv. proper ty painted octby Wilson II. Cay. Notice. V order of the Trustees of -tho Presbyterian Church, the Pews will be rented on the first Monday in Nov nest for one year, there will also he saM in Fee simple one now. subject to a tax of 10 per cent, oet 15 ' K. TYNER, src. end Irca.t'r. jKONROE BAIL ROAD. HE Stockholders of the Monroe Kail Road Company are hereby notified tn appear r.t ;he Cuurt llonse in Forsyth on Saturday the Mlh < f No vember next, for the purpose of electing nine Direct ors for said Company. Forsvth, Oct. 20, lco5. ANGUS M. D. KING, ) JOSEE DUNN, If. II. LUMPKIN. Conw.issioncrs. F©K SALE. ■ FIRST RATE NEW YORK CITY BUILT BAROUCTI, EP.MU.ID IMttJSRLL. cct 22 17 6t WATCHES' Jewelry, Silver Ware £f Fancy (At the lowest prices ) C. G. St. JOHN ATCII Maker & Jeweler Cotton Avenue op- posjto Washington Hall, Respectfully in- SAIii: OF TOWN LOTS- New town has been laid out called Alexandria, (on Flint River,) situate at Sbotwell’s Ferry, Leo. county. The stage road from Augusta to Nevv-Or- leans. via Florida, passes through this place; also, the stale road 'ami Columbus to St. 31arys; the Rail Road from the Ocmnlgco to the Flint river, will bo I laid through the cciilrn of this town. The locnliou is i too wc’ii known to need further description. Plates may he seen at the hotels iu Augusta, Milledgeville, ' Macon, Columhus and Apalachicola Bay. A sale of Lots will take place on the 15th C'ccr.v.bcr -listiing. at the place, and attendance given bv A. SHOTWllLL, One of the Proprietors. Also at the same time and place, will bo sold, a half forms his friends and the public, that he has token the acre lot in the town of Perry, with n store House there- store formerly o-cenpied by the Ilawkinsville Bank on, at present in the properly of Moore f from a justice court .. , = - r er. levy nndo by a constable and returned tome; pro- judgement expresslyJor this market, among hisassort- perly pointed out by plaintiff. Oct, 27 1335. 18 GEO. M. DUNCAN. sVf -450 PACK AU ES of STsiV T/Oi’k ; Ia-00 :'lSs ISAAC NLiWHALL. Georgia, Coweta, county. KKTHEREAS James AfcCrackiu applies to \y V {], 0 inferior court of mid enmity when ittiug as a court of ordinary, for letters dismisvorr rom tins administration of the estate of Watson Pat- 111 deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish cl! end 1 Goid pocket Chronometers splen- ; singular the kiiulrcdnnd creditors of said dcceas- did Gold Duplex, Patent Level's and Ruby Cylinder ' cd to file their objections (if any they hoe,) in my Watcnes with Exira Jewels and indepenemseconds of office within the time prescribed by'law, why said the most approved makers and rated to suit the dim- j ( etters ^otlld not bn granted. ate and a general assortment of Ladies & Gentlemens ; Giv ,,„ „ m i cr 1M y hand at olfice this 6th July 1635. Gold and hilver Patent Levers I.epute and plain r> ' DAVID MOSELEY, c. 0.0. ’ Ear iT 1 £ PLANTATIONS W& mont may be fouud ' At the Superior Court now in session Wnt. Baskin Stagncrnud T. A. Bartlett, were admit ted to the practice of tho Law and Equity in the several Courts of this Srate.---Co/. Sent TBS KSSSB7S. Ragging per yd CIS. 25 a 28 Corn, per bushel cts. 75 Corn Meal, do do a 75 Flour, northern. do do 12 14 Bacon, per lb. cts. 10 a 14 do (Inins, do do 15 a 16 Bale Kopo per lb. cts. 12 a 18 Iron per lb. cts. Si a G Mackerel per bbl. $ 0 a I2j Coffee, peril), cts. 14 a 16 Sugar, Melhsses, do do 10a a 124 per cal. do 45 a 59 Brandy, peach, do § U do Cogtttac, do do n a 2 Rum. N- E. do cts 50 a 56 Gin, llollnuilv do s U 0 ■lo Northern do cts. 58” a 624 Suit. |Mn[ per built. “ 1 Watches, Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Kr ^ Breast Pin- and Finger rings. Gold and silver over VS taken store one door from the Post Office, paiuted pencils, Gold and silver spectacles, silver lately occupied by Messrs. Lippitt & Higgins, spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols. and has just received. &c. Ac. Together with a great variety of other arti cles kept in hislino N. B. He has selected the best of materials for re pairing watches and will give satisfaction to those who in nr favor him with their custom. A share ofp-iblie patronage is respectfully solicited. Oct 27 IB FOR SALE. A COMMODIOUS carriage makers shop and Tools, situate in the most convenient part of tho Vili ige for that purpose; tor terms apply to-the -uib- ■tnber in Pcmr Ga. ERASMUS P. STUCKlEY. m. 16th|88^. 8 17 260 Packages shoes of every description. 40 do Men’s mid hoys Boots, 600 Pair of India Rubber shoes. 6 Bales of 8-4 & J0-f- Blankets. 1 do br6wn horse blankets, 2 do ItdseH^ to 12^ do, 1 jdo Bed Tick, -' 50 doz. ya*n j hoes, 20 do silk cotton & worsted do, 2 Bales grey wool kersey, 3 do Blue & Mixed Cassinett, 6 do Negro cloth, 5 do white and red Flannel, 20 do white A: brown shirting &.sheetingcottcn, 2 cases silk umbrellas, 2 do gingham do, 2 do striped Sattincts, 2 do plant mixed do, 12 do fancy calicoes, 2 do customers assorted, 1 do buckskin, ISO boxes suanisli cigars, 6 doz. curried calf skins, 3 do white sheep skins, 25 bags old Jura Coffee, 40 quarter boxes of bunch Raisins, 10 tirinns ot sultanuu do without seeds. Ladies caskntere, merino & worsted hose. Silk hose and gloves, Fine kid, Beaver, castor and vooien gloves, 6-4>h (X; 3-1 th Linen Table covers, Velvet vesting, cotton Ildkfs, Flag silk IldkUs, Corah do Fancy plaid cravats, &c. &c. Also Water Proof. India Rubber .-ood.«. consisting of Travellings Bags Buskins, Monkey Jackets, wrap pers, Snrtouts. Coats pantaloons, 8tagomens Capes, Caps, Air Cushions, and Pillows, Water bot'Ies, Gun For sale in Lee CoBjdly, 7^1 HE subscribers woiihl call the attention of platt- J2_ tors to their lands v.i Lee c-jnnty, where they of fer for sale a number of-valuable Phntotiona lying on the waters of the Flint riv er> and chiefly in tho vicini ty of the new Town, laid out on this river, at S!io>- : wi ll’s Ferry, the !->-=; of which will bo sold oft'on the 1 15;It of December, at or before which time, any of tho ' following described laud*; may bo purchased. One »iact containing 1000 acres, lying Immediately j on t^o west side of tho Flint river, f,vo miles from 8 lint well’s Ferry, known as tho Indian Pliileuia town; Attsaiion .’3ibb Cavalry! A PPEAR on yonr parade ground in inli uniform ASS U0Sti!le3ISli Brmvftotf-^W(»«s of which are upon and in cultivation; „ P An election for Captain wdUake pir^jhe 1 |ar - e P. ar ‘ of * is fann j 3la,ul ’.;' 11 ofw J* h > same time at Court House. ocL 23 P {ft 4,1 ai ’' : except a fev.- acres, can be, near t&p ^ . above, aii'ilher body of urnd of 1000 arres. ol v.bich Tv®/ 1 LLbe sold before the Court Ho- uS e door in the 200 aroiu. cultivation ; t'eis has some haminoc and oak ■l V r.yn -.if Fayetteville Fayette ioitnty. on the fir t and biqkory, bat is chiefly pine of die first qqali- Tuciday in Desemher iiexi. wi’jmj the usual honrs of tv. sale: _ 840 •jeres situatod two injlos from Starkville, cutho 2l)2^ -teres oi land iieing lot one hundred and seven- ■ Mitckulco creek, add {tight miles from ShotrvcII’s F al ly eight in the 1 kh district of originally Henry now j ry, anil is known as the Hughes place ; it has 70 a- Fayatto county, levied on as the , D. Vs.'.i Ever bv sundry Executions tice uour. of Hmcaek .county in f Gone levied ou and returned to me by a cons' i!>! ost 23 1835 H ALFit E O B ROW N sh'ff T HH Subscriber off-rs for sale on rsosonabli terms and a liberal credit, two lYu-t. of land. No* 75 and 115, about one and a half miles front the city of Macon. One of the lots known by the name of the Washington Spring lot, hascomfortable buildings, and is considerably improved; likewise, THREE NEGROES, two women, and a child a- bont 6 years old. Also, thirty head of hogs, and 30 head of cattle, also, one yoke of oxan and a cart. JAMES HUGHES. Macon Oci 29th 1635. Cases, Life preservers. Ladies Aprons &c.&c. Travellers and Sporimen will find a convenience from the use of the Rubber goods, as theyar itthrra-nUtl water proof. The above will be sold by piece or package on the most reasonable terms. Macon. Oct’27. 2m 18 oirv AT REDUCED PRICES. hs~V. IE Subscribers being desirous of closing their ■ ofthe market! J2. business the present season, are induced to idler j ‘ JV .. ' r ‘ )3 p d oF j Jill an d Co'ton Gin rut it, utid Bufficicnt for a Sarv Mill in coaacctiou. : , 1000 acres on Muckeleo crack, 4 times from Stork vilie, chiefly oak, hickory and h-ammoc—tO acreo in cultivation. * , ’ . , COO acres near the Kinsbepong, knrnvr .if tr.e ra dian Canard towns; 1I>0 acres in cnldtratimi, an ex cellent house and other out-building?. Several other tracts of first qualiiy land, in quanti ties of front 202 1-2 to 000 acres in different parts of the county. The above lands arc all well supplied with springs and water courses; several Saw and Grist Mills aro ' already in operation, and others luting erected. The subscribers are willing to sell any of theii 1 lands nt a reasonable rate, nut wishing to retard the { settling of the country, by keeping a!! tin fir lands one present sea-on,are induced to otter I persons wisHing to settle dhmtniiciis aro mvltod t i their Stock of Goods at very reduced prices. Their j view fi, r ffie awe Ivesian J to call on Sir. Shotwcll nt ! I I ^ 1 : NT! f.Mi N'- fine water proof BOOTS oct 15 Just received and Jer sole bv r , n ,, •, r rr W.M H BURDSALL. Stock is well assorted, consisting of Dry Good Clothing, Hats, Shoes. Saddlciy Hard Ware, Ca: - mss. Crockery. ami Glass Ware, Mill lUn - ,-f. & McrTunis end Planters genera: ; - call and examine for themselves, as they will find it greatly to their interest to do so. CHAPMAN&-CHILDERN. Macon, Oct. 2f>. 1635, • his r- siil -nco, iu Yin ' -rtowu, . -r ;:ir:>.t r infertntt- j tion. •Tit.2-2<I COO.ICS.- COWLES, A SIIOTV. ELI ■ .U A WART HOUSE eiied for sale bv. tm .