Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, October 29, 1835, Image 4

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4 @ t cs r is i ® * 11 a v & i COLLECTORS’ SAi.ES. SHERIFFS’ SALKS. <>>;! Vox. Sui Stitts SlieriSf ^ialca .. i v\T£7ILI. he sold on the first Tuesday in November ; rk rbe firu Tuesday in NOV EM u kit next, will i next, between the usual hours of sale, at jf s»3 oold before the court house in Knoxville Jackson Butts county, before the court house door, the t-.vfnr<l county, between tlio lawful hours of sale, following property, to wit: it ■ Knlmvieg property, or so michthereof ns will sal-. One heiferyearling, 1 box anti dice entitled jimerow, Ufy i’ib T is for ISM and costs : viz. | j sma ll mink, 1 pitcher, J tin bucket, 1 handle basket, •i"0 acres. No. 94 17th dist. ’'.any county, as the ; j c ; u (, axe> j shovel and tongs, 1 wash pot, 1 fet iron •.'reporty of!».'.V. Malljevv*.. [dogs, t pine table, 1 piue tlesk, five coiniuon sitting acres No. 411, 4th district Early county, as tr.c , c | 1; ,i r3i \ coftea mill, one 3-gallon jug, 3 jars, 1 cotfee property of II. P. Jones._ . pot, one half gallon jug, 1 pine chest, 4 barrels, 1 cut- 2* acres, No. —, 6th district Gwinnett county, asthe , , in „ | 10Xj j j )r caucite molds, 1 <]t pot, 1 small chair, 1 property of V/tn. \\ istwr. . ] decanter, 1 pr steelyards, 1 ox ring, 1 claw hammer, 3 acres, No. 19, Oth district Crawford county, as j j jvvingletroe and clevis. 1 iron rood. ] set plough the property of Stanford Merrctt. I gear, I shovel plough and weeding hoe, 1 scooter plo' Macros, Xo. 194.25thdistrict Stewart county,ns | o pine boxes, 4 small pigs, 1 stock of wild hogs bperty JetlirewN. Wood. | running in the woods number ■ the property — . 40 acres, county of Cherokee, as the property or Cogdale Hamilton. 103 acres Xo. .hi *. 7th district Irwin county, as nronerty of F,. Crew. ' Half lot of laud No. 9, 1st district, lOIJ acres to satisfy tax for 1834. 40 acres No. 531, 2d district Cherokee county, as the property of Arthur Braswell. 203 J acres, No. 148.1st district Crawford county, as the property of Xedom Summerlin. One Botin Knoxville. Crawford county, as the pro perty of Maston Sawyer. a-ig29 WILLIAM CAMPBELL, T. C. 3ibb Tax Sale. jjj a'J the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER nest, will iic sold before the courthouse in .Macon, Bibb county, between the lawful hours of sale the following •> routy. or so much thereof as will satisfy the tax or ['■ S and cd.Tti: viz. n .ora Lot No 357 11th dint 1st sec Cherokee, giv- .:.u .ij bv G uirgc McGrow, MX due 47 cents. tuners Lot No 352, 14th dist 1st sec Cherokee, giv- i i ’>v l«a<" James, tax 47 cents. ;, i.Vro Lot Xo .">17, :U dist 1th sec Cherokee, given in 1 .'.- Hobart Peaton. tax 17 cents. ; 11\ Xa 247, 4th dist Bibb, given in by Win „ ?. r 0! Jerenuan Peaton. tax 74 coats. Mell.onrn Secson lit.) No 394,17i't dist 1st sac Cherokee, given in hv .1 >ku Gegg«. lax 07 cents. V i >* Lot in Cherokee, number &c not known i 3' c i iii by Charles Liles, tax 4.8 cents not known, one blind horse, and sundry oilier acticlcs too tedious to men tion—a'! levied on as the property of Liltibcy Eubanks to satisfy a Fi Fa from a justice’s court of Butts coun ty in favor of Samuel Gee vs L. B. Eubanks, Abel L. ftubimon and George Eubanks- Property pointed out by defendant. oct 1 A!S3, as abuse, on the first Tuesday in December next. Four head of Cattle, one yeilow and white cow and brown yearling, one dim cow and red yearling, levied on as the property of Jeremiah Muxcy, to satisfy a mort gage Fi Fa from the Inferior court of Butts county in favor of William Harrison administrator of James Har rison deceased, vs Jeremiah Maxcy. Properly point ed out in mortgage fi fa. oct 1 JOSEPH SUMMERLIN, sheriff. Crawford Sheriff Sale. POSTPONED SALE 1LL be sold an the first Tuesday in Novem ber next, nt the court bouse in the town of Knoxville, Crawford county, between the usual hours of sale ? Two Horses, one a roan, the other a grey, levied on as the property- of IVilliam ('■ Wallis to satisfy a Fi Fa issued out of the superior court of Crawford comity in favor of Jeremiah 1) Matin vs said Win C Wallis and sept 26 WILLIAM B. FILES, sheriff. O N the first Tuesday in November uext, will be said at the court bouse in Knoxville, Crawford | county, the following properly to .wit: part of Lot^’o 41 4th dist Bibb, given in j 202 $ acres of land more or less. No. one hundred V.'blimu Clements. tax 76 cents i and forty five, in the seventh district of (originally ; ' - • * L >t No 17 17th dU 4th see Cherokee, given , Houston now) Crawford county, levied on as the pro- • v {■>.,-so Oo'irt, tax 43 cents, • perty cf Andrew Prondfit, In favor of Pauls II and *; >; , r -> ; Xo 1 49 Oth dist Houston, given in by Jo- j Royals vs said Andrew Prondfit levied by a constable, i ih Smith, tax 85 cents. * I Also Augustus Hattaway’s interest in a lot of land ; t'-r.M No 170 2d dist 1st sec Cherokee, property in the town of Knoxville, whereon be now lives,levied ' W Richardson, tax 195 cents. ' ' on as his property to satisfy a small fifa in favor of I-.; i'acrns N’n 23 3d dist 4th sec Cherokee, given in I John Hannon, property pointed out by plaintiff. by ‘ '.ite'i Smidi. tax 74 cents. | '•idacres N->291 17th dist 3d sec Cherokee,given in j bv i’alsert 3anford, Mx6 cants. icrei No 13.15th dist Troup, givenia by Tho- .tnas 3acrac. tax 3.5 cents. 1 A t! acre c’-c Let in Cherokee, given in by James j Bridge , :.;x 47 cents. _ . j 160 acres,- No 2 )5, 2d dist L!i sec Cherokee, given i t;i by Jasso Smith, tax *15 cents. 40 acris Xo 1 25ih dist Cherokee, given inLy X.d! IIirkt'is. tax 13 cents. 832$ acres. So 15, 21st dist Loo, given in by John FI dims, tax 11G c. acre*, Xo 35 5th dist Rabun, giveu in by 3ea- !> >;a ' > :■ tax !0ti c. \ (If ;•> and Lot in East Macon, the property of Susan Bond, tax S3 r. 3 UJ acres No 88'-'’. 16th dist Pulaski, given in by p.,.'liiiiiiuahani, tax 207 <*. Id : X > llii. 5thdist "si see Cherokee, given .V>->.dom Abaev, lax 104 cent oct. 1. 15 JOHN WHITTINGTON. D. Sh’ff. Fayette Sheriff Sals. ILL he sold on the first Tuesday in November next, before ihc court hcuseiii Fayetteville, Fayette county, between the usual ' on.-s < sale. One lot of Laud, No. 23, in the 13th district origin ally Henry now Fayette county, levied on as the pro pertyof John Runnclls, to satisfy sundry small Fi Fas fioui a justice’s court of Jefferson county, in favor of Thomas Need vs said Ruuneils. Levy made and re turned to me by a constable, oct 1 ANDREW McBPvlDF, dtp shff. in by r.-t:ve •12 • Wo It GarroU Sheriff .‘sale. O N the first Tuesday in November next, be tween the lawful hours of sale in Carroltou Carroll County, before the Court House door, will he sold the following property to wit: Fraction No. 214, in the 3d district of said county, ntlining 80 acres more or less, as the property of ' ' M.tca.i g.\ i. A- ; contiming bit acres more or less, as the property ’■iX-sttc. h- t n .-on'i K D. Uiggeubothom. to satisfy two Fi Fas fromn’jns- r ' '• S : •• j tice’s court of said county, in favor of N. Randal, with j other fi fits vs said Higgenbolham, property pointed to me by a constable. *?> o*™. No m 13th dist 1st sec Cherokee, gwen out , Francis 0 . Bro „r n . i t bv . - :Ui.v.n Morgan, tax 48 cents. ii;,) < -Xo 2-'0. l~th di*t — sec Cherokee, given in'by Solomon Thomas, tax )3 cents. VI" i :,rr<* lot in Cherokee, No A c not known, giv- - in by Wui (alias Shihcy) Johns' n. tax 91 c. i teres No 1583th dist 2 ! sec Cherokee, given in aiobn Weeke*. tax 91 c. 1 ]•;.) icres No 3i 1 3 ! dist-ltk sec Cherokee,given in I- C!mles Plumb tax 107 c. \ If.i-i • nt 1 Lot in Macon given in by Marshall ix a? 18 12$ c Levy made and relumed ept 12 ISAAC F.. COBB, sh’ff A Ho x 87J - t a ;l j„i i.otiii -M t '.on giveninby Lewis Brown s. No 112. 4th dist 1st sec Cherokee, also a - ;.t Ilugoagiven in by Henry H Cone. riv , .i i e. • acres Xo ■;•>, I2th dist 24 sec Cherokee, given in -o’t Davidson, tax 93 <S. \ ■ -s <•> 1319 I-Hh dist 2d see Cherokee, given t H ■■ !■•:■; irjah Jordan, tax 63 ecu's. 2t)2$ acres No 253 21st dist Lee, given in by T C Conner, tax 169 c. ■h'H tews in Crawford county, given in as the pro perty of Sarah Hoket, No &c not known, tax 66 cl 203$ acres No it 1st dist Carroll, given in by H r i!l- ia::i*0'i • ilover, tix 74 cents. 20-2$ teres in Pike. No Sic not known, given in by Jacob Shotweil, tax 186 c. Abriokbaildiugin Macon given in by Ellis, Shot- vcFl s'i co. tax ?132 H"e. A Lor in the city of Macon given in as the property • John Murphy, tax 868c. V II t'tse and Lot in tiie city of Macon given in as jh > ;>r.?:c r!y of E I. Young &■ co. tax $3391 c. Also for r I, Young's tax, 424 c. Mlu o and Lot in the city of Macon given in ns fjireperty of George Glenn, tax $8!) 69. |.V) No 1-21 17th dist 1st sec Cherokee, given ,,hv kVin R Brown, tax 67cents. I )5 i. ry Xo M2. 7th dist .Marion, given in by M. 0. Wiainm3, tax $54 97 c. 901$ acre* No 327th dist Campbell, given iu bv J D Mann, tax 465 c. 49) tierea No 113, Oth dist Irwin, giveu in by Tiio- rrvi i ,t 3IcClesky, tax 257 c. A 19 scr - * Lot in Cherokee No &e not known, giv en in by Jonathan Van Wagtien, tax 74 c 2*ike Sheriff Sale, fLL be sold on the first Tuesday in "eccmbcr next before die court-house door in the town of Zelmlon Pike county within the usual hoursofsale the following property to wit; one lot of land containing two hundred two and ouc halfacrcs more or less lying and being in the second district originally Monroe now Files county known and distinguished in the plan of said district by lot number (33) sold as the property of James A- Campbell to satisfy a mortgage fifa issuing j from the Superior court ofsaidcounty, John A- Camp bell assignee of Janies R. Gray deceased vs said James A. Campbell, property pointed out in said mortgage fifa. Also the same lot to satisfy sundry fifas issuing from the Justices court B. Fluker vs said James A. Campbell, said property poiuted out in the lxst levy by the defendant. Levy made and relumed to’ me by a constable this the 17th day ofsept. 1335. 13 JOSEPH H. SHIVERS. D. sheriff. Pike Sheriff salt*. O N the first Tuesday iu November next, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Zebnlon Pike county .between the lawful hours of sale, thft following property, viz : One small road waggon, and one sorrel hor«e, lev ied on as the property of Jacob Levins, to sitisfy n fifa issued from the superior court of Pike county in favor of Hardy Crawford vs Jacob Levins, net. 1 45 J. II. SHIVERS. D. Sheriff. £arrol! Sheriff Sale. O N the first Tuesday iu December iiext, will bo sold before the Court House door in the town of Carrollton, Carroll county, within the lawful hours of sale, Lot of land No. (235) two hundred and thirty five, in the fifth district of said county, levied on as the property of Russell Duty, to satisfy a ii fa from a Justice’s court of Habersham county, in favor of D. M Horton vs said Duty, and sundry* other fi fas from a Justice's court from Habersham county, vs said Du- Iv ; levy made and returned to me by a constable this 10th October 1835 DUDLEY AYRES, D. Sh’ff . _ Will be sold os above one negro woman by the A House an J Lot in the city of Macon, given in by name of Diner, about sixty years old, three fractious Go irge Pi Wagner, tax 765 c. _ _ | of land iu the 2nd district of said county viz: No. 89 acre* No 531 1st dist 4t!i sec Cherokee, given in i 285, containing 165 acres, No. 186, containing ’00 by George Grime*, lax 66 c. I acres and No. 187 containing59 acre* all as the pro- 3 lots In Talbot. Xoi Atc not kuowu, given m by j, er ty 0 f Jonathan Walker to satisfy three fi fas from Jo’i’i Carter, tax )$16 84. _ . | a Justice’s court, of said county, in favor of Thomas A House and Lot in Maean given in by Alexander Castleberry and others with oilier fi fiis vs snid Wal- D-.-nald, tax $1076. . ! ker ; lew made and returned to tnc by a constable S ' >- '* i ' Charakea, Vj Sic. not known, given m &-,« loth October, 1335 ISAAC E. COBB. Sh’ff. bv Wifilmn Bivins, tax 47 c. j ~ --- -- ■ -i ;No 5, 5th Dist in Coweta, given in by APPLICATIONS. Hugh Kuax, tax97c. ' •y); t , .j Vo 89 oil Mac.m Reserve, given in by BjiOL'R months afterdate application will bo made Washburn, tax §34 83 e. S? to the honorable inferior court of Crawfordconn- 10 ,ir. ■ <. No 271 31 dist 1 't sec Cherokee, given in i ty for leave to sell the interest of William J. Wayn- i rv Thompson, tax 289 c. ; man deceased (it being one half) in thff Factory known .... — . . ■ ’ 1 as the Franklin Factory in Upson county, Ga. ALEXANDER M. K. SWIFT, adm’r. July 6 1835 2 F OUR months after date application will be made to the honorable inferior court of Talbot county •jVI acr'-s No 60 3th dist Early, given iu by John T Porter, tax 95 r. \ two acre Lot in Vincville, given in by Wm Bono, tax \ lr.. , J00 aerss \> J15 19th dist Cherokee, giveninby Joim Mortdand, tax 82c. 202$ acres in Sumter. No 14 28th dist givon iii by Wrtin Simmons, tax 691 c, If ix 957 i x non SMi! bv. T i No 107 Oth dist 2d sec Cherokee, givon in 'i Bacon, lax 133 c. .. ntid Lot as the property of Amos Benton, - • iu Early county, also a house and ipt in operty of 3:unuel Moore, tax 9:53 c. and Lot in Macon given in by William and f /'t in Macon given iu as the property -L'llth, tax 12-5. *, [’ -,... nn 4 t.,jt in 31aeon given in by Williamson !;. tax 243 e. i*.'- \'.| 4 i l. 31 dist 3.1 sec Cherokee, given iu n— \ McDonald, tax 3Ste. 14 acres iu Jones No Ate not known riven in by ITmvnv, tax $2021. rrei in Cherokee No Sr.c not known, given in m ,-i :r’v of Kimberly ,t Chisho'.m, tax 487 c. - a-2 --rek' ; No A.- -not known, giveu in by lis'oloi tax 545 e. . i A33QLEM JOURDAN, T. C. SI liniCAL JVOTICI5. f ill!! -.a'iscriber has bean appointed agent for the apulieaiion of Stagnet’# Patent Truss, in the county of Bib'i. He may be at all times consulted ve-a let proft*. rally engaged) at bis office on Mil!- i-- r. ■ -reel, l orsom affected with Ueruia would do veil t » make -arly a r plication. ■f '-sn. , nie 3 ty 31 WM. B. BAI,tr« "ST*' DUR montlis after date I shall apply to the Iu- Mv feriorconrt of Pike county when sitting for or dinary purposes for an order to sell the real estate of James f.owrey late of said county deceased, this 1st eept. (835. 13 ASA SESSIONS, -Adm’r- MAOUit .Months after date application will be made JP to the Ilonorable Inferior Court of Pike county, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the Estate of Anderson Griffin, late of said county deceased MARY P. GRIFFIN, Admr’x, Sep. 10. JOHN R. KENDRICK, vldm’r. F OUR months after dale a plicatian will be mada to the court of ordiuary of Butts county for leave to sell a part of lot No. 47 in the 24 th district of formerly Muscogee uowTalbot county for tii- bene fit of Levina Thompson a minor, this Sept 18 1835. 13 JOHN E. JONES Guard’ll GEORGIA : Houston county. L EWIS COPPI.DGE applies for letters of ad- minis ration on the estate of William Coppcdge, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of saul deceased to file their objections if any they hare in my office teilhin the time pre scribed by laic why said letters should not be granted Giveu uuder u.y hand at office this 28th sept. 1835. 14 CHARLES II. RICE, c.c.o. Georgia, £Sutts count;/. T'HFTREaS Elizabeth C. Dennis applies to me for letters dismissory from the ad ministration of John Dennis deceased Tf:csc are thtreforc to cite and admonish all end singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office icithin the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they hare, why said letters should nolle granted. Given undcrniy hand at office this 14th August 1835. 8 JOHN McCORD, c. c. o. GEORGIA : Campbell county. W HEREAS Joel Yates and John A Hopkins ap ply to me for letters of Administration on the estate of John Nations, late of said county deceased. These are Ihtrrfure. to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office this 30th sept. 1835. 16 F. P BOMAN, c. c. o- ESECUTORS’ SAIiE. "3"N conformity with provisions in the last W ill and B Testament of Jane Sibbald, late ot Clarke coun ty deceased, will be olfered for sale at the Court House in Campbell county on the first Tuesday in January next, a tract of land lying in the seventh district of ori ginally Coweta, now Campbell comity, containing two hundred two and a half acres, and known ill the plan of said district by No. thirty six ; sold for the benefit of die heirs and creditors of said deceased.— Terms one third cash, balance in 12 months. Note with approved security will be required. Titles giv en when the last payment is made. Oct. 22, 1835 17 WILLIAM CRAIG, \ Fx’rs EBENEZER NEWTON, $ ^Tfe Srthe first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will he sold, within the legal hours of sale, before the courthouse door in Clinton Jones county, the remain der of404 acres of Land (after the widow of Wright Parnienterdeceased shall have taken her dower out of the same,) belonging to the estate of said deceased, ly ing in Jones county oil the road leading from Clinton to Macon, it being die place whereon the said W right lived in his life time. Also, three NEGROES, to wit: Mary a woman a- bout 50 years old, Fanny a girl about 14 years old; Liiziuh a girl about 7 years old, also belonging to the estate of said deceased. Sold in confounity to an or der of the Inferior court of said county while sitting as a coust of ordinary. Terms ca--h. sept 28 MARIAH PER.MENTER. adm’r W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the Court House in Zebulon, Pike county, One Negro woman and her two children.— Sold as the property of Anderson Griffin, late of said countv, for the benefit of all concerned. Terms on die day. * MARY P. GRIFFIN, Admr’x JOHN R. KENDRICK, Adm’r. sept. 21.1635. 13 NmriLL be sold on die first Tuesday in February V V next, before the Court House in Lumpkin. Stew art count;,-, lot ofland No. 147, in the 20th District for merly Lee now Stewart county, as the property of An derson Griffin, late of Pike—for the benefit of the heirs &c. Terms on the day. MARY P GRIFFIN. Admr’x. JOHN R. KENDRICK. A '»>’r- BSTATI2 SALES. ILL b° sold in front of the Court House in „ . Macon, on tne first Tuesday in November next all die personal property of John W. Rhodes deceased, consisting of household and kitchen furni ture, a quantity of carpenters tools, and a v ery supe rior rifle patent breached in brass, for the benefiit of the heirs and creditois of said deceased.—Terms cash, sep 4,1635. 11 GEORGE A. SMITH, Adm’r. Y order of the Inferior Court, when sitting for ordinary purposes for Houston county—will be sold before the Court House door in Perry on the first Tuesday in November next, 150 acres ofland being a part of lot of laud No. 55 iu the 11th district of Hous ton county, belonging to the estate of Henry Rogers, deceased. To be sold for the benefit of tbq heirs and creditors—Terms made known on the day. DAVID ADAMS, Adm’r. J ti;y 20 1835. '4 ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in NOVEM BER next, at Drayton, Dooly ’county, the in terest ofjohu M. 19. Tavlor deceased, also the interest of Noah W. Taylor a minor, in Lot No, 137 in the28th district of originally Leo now Dooly county, sold by order of the court of ordiuary of Butts county for the benefit of said minor and die distributees of said de ceased. CHARLES BAILEY, Adm’r of John M. D. Taylor deceased, and July 9 Guardian for Nouh IF. Taylor. i GREF.ABLE to an order of the honorable inferior A. court of Crawford county when sitting for ordin ary purposes, will be sold on die first Tuesday in NO VEMBER next, before die court house door in the town of Knoxville of said county, nil the Laud and Ne groes belonging to the estate of Alexander B. Taylor late of said county deceased, as follows : 101$ acres of Land of No. 7 in tlio second district of said county, al so 10!.-{ acres ofLand No. 26 in second district of said county, one Negro man by the name of John about 30 years old, one Negro woman by the name of Siller and her two children Isaac and Doctor, also ouc negro wo man Dorcas and her two children Aaron and Charles, all to bo sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said Alexander B. Tavlor deceased. Terms cash. WM. il. FILES. Xadm’rs sep 1 JAMES M- TAYLOR, 5 a t “‘ rs ‘ W ll.Lbe sold at the late residence of Wiley Hef lin deceased, in Henry county on Wednesday the 25th day o f November next the following property to wit: one negro boy twenty-two years old, dirco horses, one mule, thirteen head of cattle, one yoke ox en, one cart, fifteen head sheep, eight head coats, six ty head hogs, also all the present crop consisting of cotton, corn, fodder, wheat, oats, &e. household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, and other articles too tedious to mention, the sale to commence the 25th Nov. next and continue from day to day till conclu ded. Terms all tinder five dollars cash, all over twelve months, with approved security, sept 24 1635. 13 WILY J. IlEFLiN Ex’r. ILL be sold at the court-house in Stewart county on die first Tuesday in December next one lot otHand No 120 in die 23d district for merly Lee now Stewart drawn by Hiram Bellah ille gitimate, and minor sale f--r the ..enefitof said minor. 8eptl6 1835 13 SAMUFL BELLAH Guard’n when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate of Benjamin Kinehour deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. GIDEON POWLF.DGE, wlm’r. July 12 10 4nt 5 NOUR montlis after date application will be made ’ to tlio honorable inferior court of Bibb county when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot of Lund No. ] 17 in Bibb county, it being die re al estate of Martha Smith n minor, aug 5 7 SAMUEL JESSOP, guardian. S A OUR months after date application will bo made, to the Inferior Court of Afonroo county, when silting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the ne groes belonging to the orphan children of Alexander Leggett, deceased. ANDERSON BALDWIN, Guard’n. August 20. 9 I N OUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Pulaski Comity when sitting forordinary purposes, for leave to sell d;e real estate of Turner" Howell late of said county decoased. BENJAMIN HOWELL, Adm’r. Pulaski co. sep 3. 10 ORKEAOLE to an order of the county court of Walker Alabama, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Decem ber next before the court house Door m the town of Carrollton Carro’l county Georgia, between the lawful hours of sale. Lot of Land No. 159 TOtb district, Carroll county for the benefi* of the illegitimate cliOdron of Mary Tull-—Terms made known on the dav of sale. Sept.the 13 J835. 13 ALIEN RUFF Guard’a A ~ ~ GRKKABLV to an Oordcr of the Inferior Court of Pike county sistina for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court House in McDonough, Henry coun ty, between the usual hours. The following lots of land viz: No. 127, No. 130, No 191, and Corty acres of No. 162, all in the tiiird district of Ilenrv county. Sold as the property of Anderson Griffin, -ate of Pike county deceased, far the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on llic day. sept 21. 13 3IARYP. GRIFFIN, Admr’x. JOHN. R. HENDRICK. Adm’r. U NDER an order of the court of Ordinary for Up son county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the court house in said county, Fractions No. 185, 186, 209, 210, and 2J1, in die sixteenth district formerly Houston now Upson co. belonging to the estat of DavidT. Milling, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs. D. WALKER. -■rret 28 F r ‘r in riaht of his wife. H7I OUR months after, date application will be in:ulo to die Honorable the Inferior Court of Bibb County when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of John W. Rhodes deceased, consisting of one tnctoTIand No. I02, 3d district Lead ofealc. comity. $ept- 4, <JEO(i(JE A. SMITH - , Adm’r.- A t,RE, AUEi. loan order of the Honorable the inferior court of Pike county when sitting lor ordinary purposes, will be sold before the court house in Zcbulou on die first Tuesday iu January next, within die legal hours of sale, one lot of land No. six teen, in the 2nd district, also north side of No. four teen containing one hundred and nine acres more or less also in 2nd district, and both iu formerly M onroc now Pike county. Also on the first Tuesday in February next will be sold before the court house in Franklin county, the following parcels or lots ofland: viz. One parcel of twenty five ncres lyiug on North Fork of Broad river bounded eastwardiy bv James Loury’s lauds, and all other sides by Nathan Bond’s lands, also one parcel of two hundred acres granted to Hugh Neely, also one parcel of land of fifty acres granted to John I«oury. also one parcel of one hundred acres formally owi ed by Wm. and Mery Loury, and also one parcel nf(07) ninety seven acres formerly owned by James W. and Susannah Cook, all lying and being*in the county of Franklin as is represented by grants and deeds to same ; and also on iiret Tuesday in March next, will be sold before court bouse in Cherokee, lot No. (303) three hundred and sixty dirce, in the 16di district of 2nd section, the above lots and parcels of land com prise the real estate of James Loury late of Pike comi ty deceased ; sold for the benefit of die heirs and cre ditors of said deceased. Terms made known on day This !5th day of October, 1835 17 ASA SESSIONS’, Adm’r. A dministrators Salt*. P URSUAN r to an order from the inferior court of Coweta county when sitting for ordinary purposes, will oil the first Tuesday in December next, within die legal hours, be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Newnan, Coweta county, lots of land Nos. sixty nine, seventy, oml one hundred and one. all in the first district of Ocweta county, being a part of the real estate of Levi White iate of said coun ty deceased, aud sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dcc’d subject to the widow’s dower. Terms made known on the day of sale. sept 28.1335. 15 TURNER PERSONS Adm’r GREEABLY to an Order of die Inferior Court of Monroe county, when sitting for ordiuary pur poses: Will on the First Tuesday in January next, witliin the legal hours of sale, be sold before the Court House door in the Town of Forsyth Monroe county, the negroes belonging to the Orphans of Alexander Leggett deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. ANDERSON BALDWIN, Guard’n. August 20 9’ P URSUANT >o an order of the court of Ord inary of Houston county, will be sold wit!.in the lege hours of sale, oil the first Tuesday in December next before die court house door in the town of Lagrange Troup county, lot ofland No. one hundred and twen ty diree in the fourth district of Troup county ns the property ot Penny Joiner for the benefit of said Penny Joiner a minor. Sept 30,1“35. 15 ISAAC HOLMES. Guardian. ~‘Pin Ware Manufacturer. MUI.BEURY, JtEAIt TUMID STREET. HE subscriber continues to manufacture TIN WARE in every variety, and has now on hand a general assortment, which he will sell wholesale or retail at the Savannah or Augus ta prices. He has also just received an assortment of Ja panned Tin Ware, consisting of Trunks, sugar Boxes, Waiters, Dread pans, Canisters, sugar Bowls, Milk cups, Tumblers, Pepper boxes, Gra ters, Toy cups. Rattles, candlesticks, Lamps, spit Boxes, sand Boxes, Porket Lanterns, Sec. &c. Also, patent Bakers, Foot stoves, hlocktin Tea Pots, Plates, Basins, Tumblers, &c. JOB WORK done at the shortest notice, ian 2 WILLIAM S. ELLIS. D AVID B. BIIT'I.ER ESQ. fs my professional ngeut at all dines when I am absent from Macon. Mr. Butler will bo found at the M. & F. Ins. Bank, april l-ly-41 F.DW. D. TRACY Fashionable ESat Cap Store MULBERRY STREET, MACON. riPlHE Subscriber having established himself in B Macon with a view to a permanent residence, and taken the store recently occupied by Mr. F. F. Lewis, diiccdy opposite the Central Hotel, will keep constaiidy on hand a general assortment of ££ats; Saps, Furs «&c. comprising every variety of stylo and quality, usually called for at a similar establishment. Among his as sortment may be found Beaver, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Roaruni anct wool Hats; .’lens Fur and Hair, Seal Caps, Boys black, blue and brown cloth Caps, Bombazine do black and drab sill:plush a new style, Merino and Circassian &c &c, From his long experience and personal attention to the business of manufacturing hats in same of the most extensive establishments at the nordi, ho is ena bled to assure all those who may favor him with their patronage that he can furnish them with an arti cle which for cheapness, neatness and durability shall be fully equal if not superior to any before offered ill the southern market, As his work will he principal ly manufactured at his establishment in Macon, when desired he will finish hats to order in any style to suit the purchaser. From the facilities thus obtained and from assiduity and attention to his business he hopes to deservo as he trusts ho will receive a liberal share of patronage. Oct 7,1835 GEORGE A KIMBERLY O’Wanted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon skins lie expects in a few days to remove to the store now occupied by Mr E B Weed ly Brought to Butts co. Sail, ^Sffe N die 6th instant, a Negro Man who says his name >Si>' is John, and belongs to James M Childs living in ihestatc of Mississippi, county ofliinds. lie isabout forty five years old, 5 feet 8 inches high. The negro says he left his master Child's camp in the county of Henry while going to Mississippi, and was purchased in South Carolina. The owner is hereby informed that the above negro is now in jail, charged with the offence of burglary or hense breaking, and that the prosecution will not be urged till the owner is heard from—who is requested to come forward, prove aud take the property, after paving the charges, oct 15 tf '"6 *YVM I, WILSON, jailer. Str«ys, H TRAYFD from the subscriber’s plantation in the 14th Houston, on the 1st 111st a largo grey Mare, her right eye out. Also three Mules, one a small bay, the others of a dun color, one with a small white spot on the right side of his rump. They were heard from on the road towards .Macon. Any information con cerning them will be thankfully received, and a liberal reward given for their del'verv to me. oct 15 16 4t LF.GRAND GARY. m - ~ BOOKS Neatly printed at this Office". WASHING TON HALL. n n THE Subscribers have taken that com- . modious and well known public house in (Ja I ■ kjU the City of Macon,—the Washington Hall. JJiJjM. lately occupied by Mr. M. 19. IJusou.— gy jpg unremitting attention of both of diem, they flatter themselves that their House wiil ob tain for them a general patronage from the Public.— They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is inferior to no one in tiie State. Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. The Stables are attended by careful ami experienced Ostlers. MUSTIAN &. MOTT. Feb 5 1335 36 [CF Having sold my interest in the Washington Ilall to Messrs. Must inn & Mott, l earnestly solicit for them a continuance of the patronage which was extended to me, whilst proprietor of the establishment. Macon, feb 5 36 M. 1). IIUSON. jeffshsont hms. Macdonough, Oct. 27, 13-34 THE subscriber lias taken this well known stand for the purpose of keeping a house of Entertain ment, and solicits a share of pub- lie patronage, for which be is in e£)£** hopes of giving general satisfac tion, his table shall be supplied with the best die coun try can afford, and his stables well attended to. 19 ISAAC HARVEY. GLOBE TAVERN, CJIintoss, Sones ©oanty, ©a. PJJNUE Subscribers (late proprietors of the J. Clinton Hotel,) «cndcr our thanks to our friends ami patrons for past encouragement, ami respectfully beg leave to announce to the public, that we have lemovci! to the commodious House kuowu as the globe tavern, situated in the business part of the town, aud fronting the Court-House. Having leased this stand for several years, with the intention of renewing the lease or of pur chasing the property, we cotisider ourselves per manently located, aud shall continue to improve our accomodations as the comfort of customers shall require. Our House is now opcu for the reception of Travellers or Boarders. Wo shall at all times endeavor to keep such a House, as will ensure public patronage; and we hope to afford such ac commodations as will prove satisfactory to those who call on us. The usual great promises of good TABLES, BARS. &c. we think unnecessary to particular ize.—Good Lois and other conveniences for Dro vers; readily furnished. WOOD & WEEKES. January 20, 1834 19 tf E A G 1£ l O T B 3j . Formerly kept by Capt Robert M’Comb, and now by Mrs Huson. T HIS establishment is now in complete order, and extensive arrangements have been made to accommodate members of the legislature, and all odiers who may please to call. THOMAS R. HUSON. Milledgeviile, October 3, 1335. IFF The Augusta Constitutionalist, the Macon Tel egraph, Southern Banner, and Columbus Sentinel will please give die above four insertions and forward their accouiils to the proprietor. T. R. II. FOSS SAIiE OK EeASE” ” T HAT justly celebrated Tavern and watering place, the Indian Spring Hotel. A particular description of this well known place of resort is hardly deemed necessary; suffice it to say however, that it is situated on one of the most public roads in die State. The main building contains two large ar.d airy parlours, a large public room and bar; one hundred and sixty feet of jiiazza, twelve feet wide, with a dining room on the back part, eighty six feet in length. Iu the upper story there are eighteen bed rooms, and a piazza of the same extent as below. Al so adjoining is a building one story high, two hundred feet in leugth, containing twenty-four bed rooms, with a piazza-, the entire length of the building; to gether with an extensive kitchen, cellar and the ne cessary outbuildings for such an establishment. Persons wishing to purchase or lease this valuable property, are requested to examine the premises for themselves—ascertain its condition, and satisfy them- eelvcs of its value, both as a stand for a tavern, aud a watering place. Unquestionable titles will bo given to the purchaser For terms apply to the suoscriber iu this place or to Janies A. Nisbet, Esq Macon Ga. Athena, Oct. 15 3t-17 JOHN N16BET. Mansion House. I This well known establishment 2 3 IT has been taken by the uudersign- : ?r“| g Q | LJl. ed and pm in thorough repair, aud furnished entire with new Furni- g- ASuture aud Bedding, forthe reception of Boarders. From its locality, it is both convenient to the Travellcrand the Merchant. The undersigned in addition to the conveniences mentioned, would state, that ho has also pu' in equal repair anil furnish ed the private apartments also with new furniture and bedding. The houso will be well provided with at tentive and trust worthy servants. Attached is a large and commodious Stable, with die best of ostlers and provender. The .Mansion House will bo ready for the reception of Boarders about the 10th October, and it is hoped, from the attention which he will individually give it to merit public patronage. Savannah oet 1 4t 14 JOHN I. DF.WS. ray Rgf SEAL Skin Trunks, for sale by £ ©3 WM. II. BURDSAl.I. .Nov 20 o-> SURGICAL A Lt K ! ITAI ^ CLRE 10,1 T| tf: ^ ii E« vN 1A, (or KI PTUrj, > KVFKCTED BV THE APPLICATmv . V DR. STAGNER’S CATeTt tr 1-1 W. STEWART informs Jt& oi Baldwin, Twiggs, BiLb, Crawforf , VS ton counties, who are subjects of the -C aa '""Hi diat he will succeed E. M. Pendliton u t°'i ved to Charleston. S. C., in the a Ppli tjs Stagner’s Patent Truss. u! od of 5, In all cases when a cure is not effected „ ration wiil he required. The fact th-.«, rctC6 ts having been effected in the county of \Y, J whom certificates have been exhibited ujVV 11 ' f,t s all the Physician-- in the above eoumv ^V ' 1 thing further unnecessary to be said at if:’, r Root. W. Stewart may be seen and'rJSV Brown’s Hotel, .Milledgeviile, from die fid, . instant; in Macon, at Dr. Ball’s offee UU 9i- I<fc in Knoxville, Crawford county, tin 2fith*•, Perry, Houston county, till 31st instant - » rion, Twiggs county, till 5th March c-nmi n ' Milledgevijle again. lie expects to coming iu f: :j round during the winter and spring nioothY tend regularly at the same time and place • , tion in the above will he made public 116 feb 12 4835 36 EDMUND KUSSEUT- Of the Late FirmtJ RussAl Dick;,, OS COliSF.R OF THIRD A.\D MUI.BEKRV ■"AS Just received from New-York tmd T and is now opening a very large and sonnient of, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods ■* Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Shoes, &c. V/V-V’' which will he sold at very reduced prices I '“ 11 IHS STOCK IN PART CONSISTS Of Blankets—Rose Duflle and Point, Various si-V . qualities. * n, *» Flannels—Red, White, Green, and Yellow Green Baize, and Drugget. ’ Satinets—A Complete assortment of Variow, ities and colours. ' ’' I ' Bombazine?—Bombazetts and Circassians Prints—French, English, and American fluni., erns.) ** Muslins—French, striped, plaid and plainC:c> and Juckiuiett Muslins, do Swiss, Figured, and plain. Ginghams—Small and large plaid aud stripe la* ty of paterns. 1 ’ Silks—Italian, Grodc Swiss, G.o de Non p 0 ;, , Souis. *’ *“ do Lustrings, seushews, sarsanets, aud Firm; Also, a few paterns of Figured, (new stvU \ J Challys—Biack, and Figured. Linens—4-4ths Irish a fine selection fandclc do 5-4dts Sheeting. r do 6 & 8-4 ths Table, do Covers. Handkerchiefs—A fine selection of Ladies Fju, Consisting of Chally Thibet, Mosaic Cause, hat i Satin, Bagdad and Black Love,—Also, Lacies Lti Cambric, and Long Lawn, Gentlemens Pongee,.'« tleficid Bandanna and Flag. Hosiery—Ladies plain and Clocked Cotton, jlj aud ivibbed, Worsted, plain aud Ribbed, White ci Black silk—Also, Gentlemens Lamb’s B ool, Cita and Silk, half,White and mixed. Ribbons—Black White and Colored Taffeta.*, Ga* and Garncitire. Laces—Wide Boinct Footing, Can,brie lawi and Edging, Thread Inserting and Edging, fcl; Edging, Worsted do. Bonnets—Tuscan Gimp, Straw aud Silk. Marseilles Guilts—Superior article and c-Loap. Domestics—Bleached and unbleached shirtings. do da Sheetings. 7-8 cotton Oznabttrgs. , col’ddo do (suitable for negroes’ delis-. 3-4 and 7-8 Plaid Ginghams. Furniture, do Tickings—Delaware, Hudson, Dorchester Amoskeag, together with a large assortment of b and Gentlemans Cloaks Umbrellas, I‘ara;eL-, Shoes, A c. A/so a large stock o f Groa t hs, ri. BAGS Coffee Portorico Java br and St Domingo. 50 hbds. Sugar St. Croix Portorico and X. Or!;; 6 Boxes Lump do. 8 do Brown and White Ilavauna. do. 18 Hhds New Orleans Molasses. lOOBbls N. E. Rum. 75 do. Whiskey. 100 do Gin. Pipes Cog Brandy, Jauiaicai and St. Croixla and Holland Gin. Bbls Cicily Madeira, Port, Li.'bott, Hand: Muscat aud Sweet Wires Salmon Fish, No. 1 Mackerel, do. 3 Herring, do. (in Boxes), sept 10 12 F. F LEWIS, SAII0B, AS taken die stand a few doors above tiling Store of Mr. L. Fitch, on Xu* street where he continues to carry on the Two btolaew He assures all those who m*J with dteir custom, that their work will bc>.cK : shortest notice, and in the best manner. He bason band a supply of the betticai-a-' line, consisting of CLOTHS, Blue, Black, rovai Brown, Claret, Pawn, M &c. CASSIMERES,—A good assortment. A good variety of the best quality. Petersham, and a complete assortment r. TAIL OR'S TRIMMIX^ He respectfully solicits a shire of the p8“ •' ronage. Macon, Oct 30 163-1—24y LOUK IT Tills !!! ANTED IMMEDIATELY, 500 Laborers and 209 Carpenters, to work on the following Rail Road-:—On the Lake Witnico and st. Joseph’s Rail Road, (West Florida) near the mouth of Apala chicola river, 30 miles from the town of Apalachicola: and on the Tallahassee and st. Marks Rail Road, (Middle Florida) from the city of Tallahassee to the Port of st. Marks. Any portion of tho above named number of hands will find employment on cither of the above-named Roads, at the following rates, namely: wages, for la borers, from 20 to $25 per month; for Carpenters, from -15 to $50 per month, and found. The above-named lines of Rail Road pass through dry and healthy sections of country, connecting the seaboard with the interior, where no danger is to be apprehended of fevers, <S-c. All those who wish constant employment, and lib eral wages, will do well to bend their course this way; and apply to tho subscribers, or to our Agents, on oi lier of die above-named Rail Roads. 3. D. & W. GRAY. Tallahassee, Florida, September, 5,1835 Gentlemen's Fine Boots, Just received and for sale by WM. !!. BUEDSAEL. Oef 15 17 FOR SALti. T IIF, house and lot corner of fifth and Poplar streets—now occupied by E. E. Bartlett. Also, the house and lot on Plumb street I adjoining John Hollingsworth’s lot (where the fire was last winter) occupied by 3I‘Graw. I Terms to suit purchasers,. Possession given ini inoHritpiv sent- 24 M R4RTI.F.TT MA HOGANY For Sale bif WOOD Al CAM'S’ A GOOD assortment of 1J, 2,2J > nc ‘' Stair Railing, Balusters, a:soa goo** of Table Stnffand Veneers of most kint-t. Macon. May 25, 1835-49 FOll HALE, ■j^STY IFoiise and Lot in tiie city oi M^ronA j -LYia. river, and fronting on Fourth street, settee apply to C. B. Cole Esq. nine }<> ' 52 ROBERT CODA ITOit-E on Cherry s ) T-.'li'jr.'ph (R'ic". ;reet to Inquire >tit, adjoining tne if the printers. T HE effects of the late firm ol R' n '£A holm having been turned over t» the same are pin into the hands of l- *’• J .,, Wood Esqrs. for adjustment. T“®® ments to make will therefore call oil ^ for the purpose, as no other person I- 3 -' give discharges or receive balanc^ ^ Macon. May 27. 1835 6nin _— T1JV PATENT POBTM 3©XrS5JB-RE3FEKgp h-- - BAKE OVENS- T HE attention of die public au examination of the above- is all economical, expeditious, audM’J . n j A ting all baking and boiling busi«e^__- T” 6r€ “'”ic°HAm)D*S&S * ; Tliis mav certify that I have | | Burr my oil) v true* and lawful ag> :1 - e the above named article in die’soun • ( ;: Bibb. and also to sell individ’'®* Aiclr 0 ', who have already subscribed for t* 1 flurr ?^ commodated as soon as possible at- I. 6- llO^ U 43 ment’nt Macon Ga. Macou, April 10 1835 WAWTS% om ,A SJMfe or 25 first rate boat hand ^ . ,<17 Mjrduring the season—the ^ M paid sent 9. 11 gjjjpPl JSianus for sale a -