Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, November 05, 1835, Image 4

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1 n tors t« € f i f ft r a 1> ft | SHERIFFS’ SALES Igift Batts Sheriff Sale. I be sold ou ihe first Tuesday in Denmho" j r * next, between the usual hours of sale, nt Jackson Butts county, before the court house dour, the nnvimp Riff oA«n j following propeny, to wit: 11F. “ocklraldere “the Monroe Kail Rond Folir ^ a |> ” f Callle - ®«® >«»<"» a » 1 dc °f » nd CGiWmy are hereby notified to appear at the ] brown yearling, one dun cow and .ed yearling, Court Home in Porsvil. on Saturday the iJth of No- ! 011 as 'be orderly otJenmmk Jfo icy. to satisfy a inort - - - - * .... i •mm-F| fa front-tin Inferior court ol veniber next, for tholmrp-se of electing nino Direct ors for said Compauv. Forsvlh, Oct. 20, Ia55. ANGUS M. D. KING,- ) JOSEF. DUNN, {Commissioners. 17-3t H. II. LUMPKVN, _V_ i* i * a NT a Tio i\ s For sale iu tec donut r■ t UK subscribers would call tho attenluui of plan JL to their lands in Lea county, where they of- f.-r for sale a number of valuable Plantations lying on tho waters of the Flint river, and chiefly in tho vicini ty of iU« now Town, laid out on this river, at Shot- w#Bhi Ferry, the lots of which’will be sold off on tho 15th of Uccutuher, at or before which time, any of the following described lauds uiay be purchased. One tract containing 100:1 acres, lying immediately on the west side of the Flint river, two miles from Sboiwelt’s Kerry, known as the Indian Fhiioma town, 100 ucres of which are open and iu cultivation; a large part of this farm is huuiiuoe laud, all of which, except a few acres, can be cultivated- Also, near tbf ■drove, another body of land of 1000 acres, of which ‘>00 era ill cultivation; this has sumo Immmnc and oak and hickory, but is chiefly pine of tho first quali ty.. " Sid acres situated two miles freiu Stnrkville, on the Muekaloe creek, and eight miles from Ihotwoll'i Foi> ry, and is known as the Hughes place; it has 70 a- cres iu cultivation, with good cabins oil il: a largo portion of this land i« dry haintqoc, oak and hickory— atroaui passing throng!) it, with a Grist Mill and Cotton Gin ou it, aud -snllieient fur a Saw Mill in connection. 10 J > acre i on .Muckelca creek. 4 miles from 6'iark- vilia, chiefly oak, hickory un.l imumioc—SO acres in c iltivatioil- ‘600 acres near the Kin diepong, known as tho Li- .d’jiu Canard towns ; JftO acres in cultivation, au e.v cvllsnt house and other out buildings. Several o.hor tracts of first qnafity laud, in quanll tier of from 202 1-2 to o'.Kl acres iu different parts of the county. Thu afiovt: lauds are all well snpulie ! with springs iMld water courses; several Saw and Grist Mills arc air s in operation, and others being erected. The subscribers are willing to sell any of their lands at a reasonable rate, not wishing to retard u.u Wiling of the country, by keeping all their Janas on: of tho market. ?ersoaa wishing to settle plantations are invited to view for ihomselvos, and to call on Mr. Shotweli at his refill -sice, in l’indertown, for farther tntoriua ' Oct. 2 >d COOK & COW I.Rts, A. SIIOTwEl.L, 450 PACKAGES of Mew Goods, ISAAC NEW HALL. jnr.13 taken store one door from the Post Office, jQL lately occupied by Messrs. Lippitt & Higgins, and has just received. 200 Packages shoes of every description. 40 do lien’s and hoys Boots, COO Pair of India Rubber shoes, jt> Bales «f 8-1 & 10-p Blankets, 1 So brown horse blankets, 2 do UoseHJ to 12.J do, 1 do Bud Tick. 50 daz. yarn J hoes, 20 do silk cotton Sc worsted do, 2 Bales grey wool kersey, 3 do Blue &. Mixed Cossinett, 0 do Negro cloth, f» da white aud red Flannel, 20 do white&brown shirting & sheetiugcotton, 2 cases silk umbrellas, 2 do gingham do, 2 do striped Sattiuets, 2 do plan mixed do, 12 do fancy calicoes, 2 do cassimers assorted, 1 do buckskin, l-'O boxes Spanish cigars, 6 doz. curried calf skins, 3 do white sheep skins, 25 bags old Java Coffee, 40 quarter boxes of bunch Raisins, iO drums of snltanna do without seeds, Ladies easkmerd, merino & worsted hose, Silk hose and gloves, Fine kid. Reaver, castor and woolen gloves, G-4tii & 8-4th Linen Table covers, Velvet vesting, cotton IldkTs, Flag silk Ilditf s, Corah d» Faucy plaid cravats, Arc. &c. Also Water Proof, India Rubber goods, consisting of Travellings Bags Buskins, Monkey Jackets, wrap pers, Surtouts, Coats pantaloons, Htageinens Capes, Caps, Air Cushions, and Pillows, Water bot'lcs, Gun Cases, Life preservers, Ladies Aprons Arc. Arc. Travellers and Sportmen will find r. convenience from the use of tho Rubber goods, as they are xcarrantcd ‘.voter proof. Tho above will be sold by piece or package ou the m03t reasonable terms. Macou. Oct 27. 2m 18 LIN HOF STAGES BETWEEN i-J- T AUi? BSACOM. Three times tiic’cJi—ruz Perry's Mills, Flonruoi/s Mills, Jacksonville,ami Ifaickinscitlc. & TR AVELLERS nre res- ~—^pectfolly informod that the above ’Line will start on the loth of Oc tober next, leaving each end ev ery other day. The Coaches are all new, built ox- oressjy for 'he Lino cv of the most approv-1 construc tion. "The proprietors having tokon great pains to in sure the comfort and convenience of passengers, flnt- ter themselves that this route will be found tho most convenient and expeditious betweonthe interior of this State and Darien or Now York. To connect this line with die north, there are two regular Lilies of Pockets between Darien and Now Vjrk to leave each and once every week nr oRenor, (beiidls transimt vessel*) *** that with fair winds the pn-iago from New York to Macon may be made in six i r e'ght days. I n-re wit! dn bo at least eight Steamboats to run r.-robirly between Darien, Uawkinsville, and Macon, s um ofV.-liieb will atari two or three times a week ; an excellent slagc nut* three times a week (with the pr.ib-ibilitv ofits ranuing evory day ufiertho 1st of Oc tober.'' between Darien &• Savannah, and Steamboats m iking the {> usage ill eleven hours, leave almost eve- t v other day, conveyance by stage twice and Steamboat once a weak to St. Mary’s n:id East Florida, so that travellers arrivin’iti Darien can have their choice of nroscediur in either direction by stage or steam. JOSEPH S. PAGE, Agent for Proprietor*. \ Darien, Amt 10-*5t*nw-8 gage Fi Fa from the Inferior court of Butts county ill favor of William Harrison administrator of James llai- rison deceased, vs Jeremiah Maxey. Property point ed out iu mortgage fi fa. oct 1 JOSEPH SUMMERLIN, sheriff. O N tho first Tuesday in December next, will be sold in the Town of Jackson Butts county, the following property to wit; Two Cream coloured mules eighteen mouths old, one Chcsnnt sorrel marc five or six yeais, one Iron gray I torse four yearsokl, one fine Sorrel Stud Horse fivo years old, ten head of cattle, five cows four year lings ami one Bull, also three Bulcs of Ginned Cot ton; levied ou by virtue of an attachment from the Superior Cent of said comity at the instance of Will iam Strand vs William Mercer. Sold hy order of said court at October term 1835. Oct. 23d 1835. JOSEPH SUMMERLIN, Sli’ff. POSTPONED SALE. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, between the usual hours of sale, ut Jack- soil in Butts county, the following property to wit : L’avied.'on as the' properly of Lenuder A. Erwin. 18 Brass Candlesticks. 17 Tin Candlesticks. 3 Brass ! amps, 1 Walnut Sideboard, 14 Feather Pillows and 2 Bolsters aud I Settee, mid 4 largo Tables and 1 Blanket, to-satisfy a fi fa from Bibb Inferior Comt in favor of Ilmigeribrd & Stoddard vs said L. A. Er win; property pointed outby defendant. Oct. 23d 1835. JOSEPH SUMMERLIN, Sli’Jl. Tike Sheriff £salo 0 ^KYETILL bo sold on the first Tuesday in December v V next before the court-house door iu the town o! Xcbulon Pike county within tho usual hours of sale the following property to wit: one lot of land containing two hundred two uud one half ucres more or less lying uiiJ being in the second district originally Monroe now Pikocouiny known and distinguished in tho plan of said-district by lot number (33) sold us the property of Junes: A. Campbell to satisfy u mortgage fifa issuing from the Superior court ofsaificounty, John A- Camp- ball assignee of Janies R. Gray deceased vs said James A. Campbell, property pointed out in said mortgage fi r o. Also the same lot to satisfy sundry fifus issuing fioni tho Justices court B. Fluker vs said James A. Campbell, said property pointed out in the last lew by the iL-fcudaui. Levy made and returned to tue hy a constable this the 17th (Hy ofsspt. 1835. 13 JOSEPH II. SHIVERS. D. sheriff. EXECUTOKS’ SAL.E.' t , I f N confomiity with provisions iu the last W ill and j Testament of Jane Sibliald, late of Clarke conn- i tv deceased, will be offered for sale at the Court lions"- kl . ... 11K ,„ iix Campbell county on the first January : [TlOtift Mouths alter date application will be made - 1 '. ex, ;. n t '2 ct J 3,ld b * n 5 111 l l'“ f, C ' „!!!!! v^conVdni’uL ' ^ tAiha UnnnrahU Inferior Court of Pike cnnntv guiajly Cmveta, now C amp ' them, they flatter themselves that their House will ob two hundred two and a half ncres, and known jn tne /, , ... r, ., plan of said benefit of file jjM Oi.’il nionths aRcr date I shall apply to the In- i 1 ferior court of Pike comity when sitting foror- •kiiary purposes for an order to sell the real estate ol James faiwrey late of said comity deceased, this 1st ■»ep;.1835. " 13 ASA SESSIONS, Adm'r- to the Honorable Inferior Court of Pike county.- when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the' Negroes belonging to the Estate of Anderson Griffin, late of said comilv deceased. MARY P. GRIFFIN. AJmr'x, Srp. 16. JOHN R. KENDRICK, Aim'r. if YOUK months after date a plication will be made to the court of ordinary of Butts county for leave to sella part of lot No. 47 in tha 24 th district of formerly Muscogee nowTalliot conntv for tlk. Iicne- fit of Levina Thnuipson a minor, this Sept 18.1835. J‘»HN K. JONES Guanrn ~ citations: SURGICAL AOTJCE, a ckrTain CCRK foe THi ll ERMA, (on UI PTURR) TEII P.V Till. APPT.IC.VTION or ^ Georgia, Rails county. 7’IIEREAS Elizabeth C. Dennis applies in me for letters dismissory from the ad- ministration of John Dennis deceased. Thrse a re therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office icithin the time prescribed by lair, to sheie cause ifaiiy they hate, ithy said letters should not be granted. Given nadcrniy hand at office this 14th August 1835. 8 JOHN Mc.CORD, c. c. o. Terms one third cash, balance in ] 7 j inferior to no one in tho State. with upproved secun y \m 1- ■ q • .j,| Their tables will be furnished withklie hest (lie cotin- on when the last pnvnie'flt xsTnado. Oct. 22, Ibdo I 17 WILLIAM CRAIG, |jy WASHINGTON HALL. j _n THE Subscribers have taken that com-'j nradioo* and well known public house in ; ' the City of Macon,—the Washington Hall. ( lately occupied by Mr. M. D. Hnsou.— : .. „ A 7,'„ 1Cxr } 0 * 0F By the unremitting attention of both of! Jell. & 1 Jlejrrt Aji »S /'.4/£A'y I'll).. ■ ' ‘■30BE11T W. STEWART informs the chv* li of Baldwin, Twiggs, Bibb, Crawford, and it^ ton counties, who are subjects of the above ,1 - 0,!s that he will succeed E. M. Pendleton, who I as * feas ®' ved to Charleston. S. C., in the application ofn 0- Stagner’s Patent Truss. Lir - •T52 a x mdd for e a general patronage from the Public— the'heirs nml croditlrs of said d.i-Led— T |‘ u >' *»»e KCiired the valuable services of a Lady, ItW.rA T,l, iminncc in 12 montl.s. Note reputation as_ a manager of a public house, is try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. The Stublesare attended by careful and experienced Ostler*. MUSTIAN & MOTT. Feb 5 IS35 36 EBENEZER NEWTON, inkJlT tho first Tuesday - in DECE.MBER next, will uL™ lie sold, within the legal hours of sale, before the courthouse door in Clinton Jones county, the reniain- derof 404 acres ot Land (alter the widow of \\ rh-'M to yi eHsrs- Mnstian & Mott, I earnestly solicit for them Pannenterdeceased shall have taken her dower out the same,) belonging to tho estate of said deceased, ly ing in Jones county on the road lending from (Minton to Mncon, it being’the place whereon the said Wright lived in his life time. Also, throe NEGROES, to wit: Mary a woman a- bout 50 years old, Funny a girl ubout 14 years old ; Luziah a girl about 7 years old, also belonging to tho estatoof said deceased. Sold in conformity to an or der of the Inferior court of said couuty while sitting as n const of ordinary. Terms ca*h. sept 28 MARIAH PERMENTER, adm'x. GKO ltd IA : Campbell county. W HEREAS Joel Y'ates and John A Ilopkinsap- ply to me for letters of Administration on the estate of John Nations, late of said comity deceased. These are therefore, to cite uml admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of saitl de ceased, lo brand appear at my office with In the time prescribed by law, to shetc cause, if any they have tchy said letters should not he granted. Given under ms-hand at office this 30th sept. I'416. 30 E P BOMAN, c. c. ir Carroll Sheriff Sale* jOlN tho first Tuesday in December next, will he 'Ir sold before the Court House door in ihc town of Carrollton, Carroll county, within tho lawful hours of sale, Lot of land No. (235) two hundred and thirty fivo, in the fifth district of said county, levied on as the property of Russell Duty, to satisfy a fi fa from a Justice’s court of Habersham comity, in favor of J*. M. Horton vs said Duty, and sundry’oilier fi fits from u Justice’s court from Habersham county, vs said Du ty ; lory made and returned to uie bv a constable this 10th October 1835 DUDLEY AYRES, I). Sli’ff Will bo sold as above one negro woman by the natno of Diner, about sixty years old, threo fractions of laud in the 2nd district of said county viz: No. 235, containing 165 acres, No. 186, containing 100 acres and No. 187 contnining50acres all as the pro perty o? Jonathan Walker to satisfy three fi fas from a Justice’s court, of said county, in favor of Thomas Castleberry and others with nihor fi fas vs said Wal ker ; low made and returned to tuo bv a constable this 10th October, 1335 ISAAC E. COBB. Sh’ff. Georgia, Coweta, county. II ERE AS James AlcCrackiu applies to the inferior court of said county when sitting as a court of ordinary, for hitters dismissory from tho administration of the estate of Watson Pat man deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish alt and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed to file their objections (if any they have,) in my office with in the time, prescribed by laic, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 6th July 1835. 5 DAVID MOSELEY, c. o.o. W ILL lie sold on the first Tuesday in Jaunary noxt, before tho Court House in Zebulon, Pike county, One Negro woman and her two children.— Sold as the property of Anderson Grifiin, lute of said conntv, for the benefit of nil concerned. Terms on the day. ' MARY P. GRIFFIN, Admr'x JOHN R. KENDRICK, Adm'r. sept. 21 1835. 13 A GREEABLY to an Order of the Inferior Court of Monroe county, when sitting for ordinary pur poses: Will on the First Tuesday injuuuary next, within the legal hours of sale, lio sold before the Court ilotiso door ill tho Town of Forsyth Monroe county, the negroes belonging to tho Orphans of Alexander Leggett deceaspd. Terms made known on the day of sale. ANDERSON BALDWIN, Guard'n. August 20 0- 'ESTATE SALES. TSHH’lLLb- sold in front of the Court House iu y/v Macon, on tne first Tuesday in November next all the personal properly of John W. Rhodes deceased, consisting of household and kitchen furni ture, a quantity of carpenters tools, and a very supe rior rifle patent breached in brass, for thc^ benetiit of the heirs and creditots of said deceased.—Tonus cash, sep 4,1835. 11 GEORGE A. SMITH, Adm'r. Houston Sheriff Sale. N the first Tuesday in December next, will be 1 jr sold before the Court Ilonse door in the town of Perry Houston comity, during the legal hours of sale : Ono sorrel or creain colored uiare, a hlack horse an! a negro woman named Franky, about fifty years of t e, levied on as the proporty of John C. Rogers, to isfy a fifa in favor of John C. Reese bearer a* gains’ Thomas E. Rogers and John C. Regers, issued from the Superior Court of Jospor couutv, proper ty pointed ontby Wilson II. Cny. A 1 - at the same time and place, will be sold, a half acre lot in the town of Perry, with a store House there on present iu the occupancy of Ira II. Flint, as the property of Moore & Kelley to satisfy sundry fifes from a justice court in favor of James A. F.vorett, hear er, ' -vy made by a canitabl*- and returned tonio; pro perty pointed out by plaintiff. Oct, 27 1835. 18 GEO. 1C. DUNCAN, sh'ff Payette S: e~ JF Sale. W ILL be sold bofore the-Court House door in the town of F jycltevillc Fnyeitc connty. on the first Tuesday in December next, within the usual hours of sale: 202.J acres of laud being lot one hundred and seven ty eight in the 13th district of originally Henry now Fayctto county, levied on as the property of Charles D. Vandiver hy sundry Executions issued from a jus tice court of Hancock county in favor of John G. Gcrse levied on and returned to me hy a constable, oct 25 1835 13 ALFRED BROWN, sh'ff. Campbell Sheriff sale. W ILL bn sold ou tho first Tuesday in December next, bafore tho Court House door iu Camp bellton, Campbell Connty, within tho legal honrs of sale, tho following property to wit: Lot of land No. 578, in the 18th Dist. Second Sec tion formerly Cherokee, now Campbell County, to satisfy one "fi fa from a Justices Court of Lnurcus county, iu favor of Hardy Griffin vs Kondred Dceu; levy made and returned to me by a constable. Lot of land No. 107, iu the 14th Dist. of formerly Fayctto now CainpHell connty, to satisfy one fi fa from a Justices Court of Warren county, in favor of Mnger Pence vs Martin Johnson levy made and re turned to rneby a constable. Lot of la, id No. 74 in the 8th Dist. offormerty Cow eta now Campbell county, to satisfy two fi fas from a Justices Court of Columbia county, in favor of A- braknm Marshal vs Avcre'.t Nolen, levy made and re turned to mo by a constable. Threo lots of land Nos. 103, 121, aud 122. iu tho 14lli District of formerly Fayette now Campbell coun ty, to satisfy- two fi fas in fiu-orof the State of Georgia vs William'G. Arledge, for his tax for tho years 1831, and 1332; lew made and returned to me by a con stable. Oct. 12. 1335. WESLEY CAMP. Sh’ff |1 order of the Inferior Court, when sitting for fll ordinary purposes for Houston county—will he sold before the Court House door in Perry on the first Tuesday in November next, 150acres oflatui being a part of lot of land No. 55 in tlic 11th district of Hous ton comity, belonging to the estate of Henry Rogers, deceased. To be’ sold for the benefit of the heirs aud creditors—Terms made known ou the day. DAVID ADAMS, Adui'r. Ju|v20 1835. 4 W ILL be sold at the late residence of Wiley Hef lin deceased, in Henry couutv on Wednesday the-25th day of November next the following property to wit: ono negro boy twenty-two years old, three horses, one mule, thirteen head of cattle, ono yoke ox en, ouo cart, fifteen head sheep, eight hoad goats, six ty head hogs, also all the present crop ^consisting of cotton, coni, fodder, wheat, oats, &c. household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, and other articles too tedious to mention, the solo to commence tho ; 25tli Nov. next and continue from day to day till conclu ded. Terms ull under five dollars cash, all over twelve months, with approved security, sept241835. 13 WILYJ. HEFLIN F.x'r. W ILL be sold at the court-house in Stewart county on the first Tuesday in December next one lot of land No 120 in the 23d district for merly Lee now Stewart drawn by Hiram Bellah ille gitimate, aud minor sale f -, r the i.enefit of said minor. Sept 16 18:15 13 SAMUEL BELLAII Guard’n P URSUANT to nil order of tho court of Ordinary of Houston county, frill be sold within the Jegi hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next before the court house door in tho town of Lngrango Troup conntv. lot oflaptl No. one hundred and twon tv three -in fhe fourth district of Troup conntv ns the property ot Penny Joiner for the benefit of said Penny Joiner a minor. Sept 30,1835.’ J5 ISAAC HOLMES, Guardian. [fix' Having sold my interest in the Washington Hall llobt. W. Stewart may be seen and consulted a continuance of tho patronage which was extended- Brown’s Hotel, Milledgoville, from the 6th to t]- P iX' to3ne, whilst proprietor of the establishment. instant; in Macon, a? Dr. Ball’s office, till m , • Macon, feh 5 36 31. D. HU SON. v :n - r ’~ ^ JZFZ'S&SQS? HAIL. Mitcdonough. Oct. 27, 1 S31 THE subscriber has taken this well known stand for the purpose of keeping a house of Entertain ment, and solicits a share of pub lic patronage, for which lie is In ‘^“ f r i r r Ti f ~" lopes of giving general satisfac tion, his table si ait ue supplied with the best the coun try can afford, nod his stables well attended to. 19 ISAAC HARVEY. In all cases when a cure is not effected no rr„, ration will he repaired. The fact, that many having been effected in the county of Warren f* whom certificates hare been exhibited, togeiherf”* all the Physician.- in the above county, tniet* thing further unnecessary to he said at ibis lime r 5I ^ llobt. W. Stewart may be seen and Knoxville, Crawford county, till 2Gth instant -‘^ Perry, Houston comity, till 3!st instant; then » ii" 1 rion, Twiggs county, till 5th March ensuing, Milledgeville again. He expects to continue round during the winter and spring months and f tend regularly at the same time arid place: any ahe!!' tiou in the above will bo made public. feh 12 4835 36 Tin Ware Manufacturer. tUULEEIUtT, NEAR THIRD STREET. IIE subscriber continues to manufacture TIN WARE iu every variety, and has now on hand a general assortment, witch he will sell wholesale or retail at the Savannah or Augus ta prices. He has also >iist received an assortment of Ja panned Tin Ware, consisting of Trunks, sugar Boxes, Waiters, Bread pans, Cauistcrs, sugar Bowls, Milk cups. Tumblers, Pepper boxes, Gra ters, Toy cups. Rattles, candlesticks, Lamps, spit Boxes; saud Boxes, Pocket Lanterns, &c. &c. Aiso, patent Bakers, Foot stoves, hlocktiu Tea Pots, Plates, Basins, Tumblers, See. JOB WORK done at the shortest notice, jan 2 WILLIAM S. ELLIS. P AVJD B. BUTLER ESQ. is my professional agent at all times when X am absent from Macon. Mr. Butlor will he found at the M. & F. Ins- Bank, npril l-ly-41 F.PW- P. TRACY. Fashionable Hat & Cap Store M v LB E It 1! F S Tit EE T, MAC ON. GRl.KAULE to an order of the county court of iJL Walker Alabama, when fitting for ordinary purpose*, will bo sold on the first Tuesday iu Decem ber uext before the court house Door in tho town of Carrollton Carroll county Georgia, between the lawful hours of sale. Lot of Land No. J59 lOih district, Carroll county, for the benofi* of tho illegitimate children of Mary Tull.—Terms made known on the dnv of sale. Sent the 13 1835. 13 ALIEN RUFF Guard’n A G REE ABLY to au Oorder of the Inferior Court of Pike comity sitting for ordinary purposes, will he sold on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court House in McDonough, Henry coun tv, between the usual hours. ' Tho following lots of land viz: No. 127, No. 130, No (91. and forty acres of No. 1C2, all in the third district of Henry countv. Sold ns the property of Anderson. Griffin, late of Pike county deceased, 'or the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms oil the day. sept. 21. 13 MARY P. GRIFFIN. Admr’x. JOHN.R.HENDRICK, Adm'r. a | iN mill an order ol the court of Ordinary lor tip 4J son conntv, will be sold on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the court homo in said comity, Fractions No. 185,160, 209, 210, and 211, in the sixteenth district formerly Houston now Upson co. belonging to the estate of David T. Milling, deceased. Sold for tho benefit of the heirs. D. W A LKER. sept 28 F.x'r in right of his wife. GLOBE TAVERN, €*linton $ 3Tones Cionnty, Fg^IIE Subscribers (lute proprietors of the JL Clinton Hold,) 'eiulcr our thanks to our friends aud patrons for past encouragement, and respectfully beg leave to announce to tbe public, that we have icmoved to the commodious House known as tile globe tavern, situated ill the business part of the town, and fronting tho Court-House. Having leased this stand for several years, with the intention of renewing the lease or of pur- chisinjffte •property, we consider ourselves per manently located, and shall continue to improve our accomodations as the comfort of customers shall require. Our House is now open for the reception of Travellers or Boarders. Wc shall at ail times endeavor to keep such a House, ns will ensure puhlic*patronage; and %vc hope to afford such ac- comritodatiuns as will prove satisfactory to those who call oil us. The usual great promises of good TABLES, BARS, &c. we think unnecessary to particular ize.—Good Lots and other conveniences for Dro vers, readily furnished. WOOD & WEEKES. January 20,-1834 19 tf FOR SALE OB LEASE T HAT justly celebrated Tavern aud watering place.the Indian Spring Hotel. A particular description of this well known place of resort is hardly deemed necessary; suffice it to say howevor, that it is situated on ouo of the most public roads in the Stato. The main building contains two largo and niry parlours, a large public room and bar; one hundred and sixty fuetof piazza, twelve feet wide, with a dining room on the back part, eighty six feet in length. In tho upper story there era eighteen bed rooms, and a piazza of the same extent as below. Al so adjoining is a building-one story high, two hundred foot in length, containing twenty-four bed rooms, with a piazza, the entire length of the hnikiing; to gether with an extensive ki'chen, cellar and the ne cessary outbuildings for such an establishment. ’Personswishing to purchase or lease this valuable property, are requested to examine the premises for themselves—ascertain its condition, aud satisfy them- celvcs ofits valuo, both as a stand for a tavern, and a watering place. Unquestionable titles will be given to the purchaser. For terms apply to the subscriber iu this place or to James A. Nisbet, Esq. Macon Ga. Athens, Oct. 15 3t-17 JOHN NISBET. EDMUND BUSSELL Of the Late Firm oj /{uss-ll Sf Dickinson. OS CORKKR OF THIRD ASD MULBERRY STREj XJ ' J SfAS Just received from New-York and IW JL and is now opening a very large am] general J •orptient of, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceri , Hardware, Crockery, Hats, Shoes, &c. Ac. All f which will he sold at very reduced prices ' u Mia STOCK IN PART CONSISTS OF Blankets—Rose Duffle and Point, VarioGe sizes aud qualities. " a Flannels—Red, White, Green, and Yellow, Green Baize, and Drugget. Satinets—A Complete assortment of Various qua!- ities and colour*. ’ Bombazines—Bombuxetts and Circassians. Prints—French, English, and American (latest pat ents.) 1 Muslins—French, striped, plaid and plain Ctauhre and Jackonctt Muslins, do Swiss, Figured, and plain. Ginghams—Small and large plaid and stripe, Vaiir- ty of patents'. Silks—Italian, Grade Swiss, Gro de Nap, p 0 j t j e Souie. do Lustrings, seushews, sarsanets, and Florences Also, a few paterns of Fign red, (new style.) ' Challys—Black, aud Figured. ' Linens—4-4tlis Irish a line selection (and ckenn.) flc 5-4ths Sheeting, do 6 & 8-4ths Table, do Covers. Handkerchiefs—A fine selection of Ladies Fancy APPLICATIONS. CROCKERY, CUinvaad Glass Ware* wii-. hjssalk wd retail. rffTHR Sub ocher- take is ;,i JioJ of inoruling 3. tV» public, that tii-M,- b.i-.e recently purchased tbe stock »f CROCK:.KV, CHINA AND GLASS WARE form rly own.:.l by I*. 0. TAYLOR & CO. an 1 b »ve taken the store heretofore occupied by tiioiu, oppodt-.i M<!«r*. Slnvai,Siuiuiam& Co’* Warehouse, llroid-sireet, Aiigmta—where they intend keeping constantly i>:: hand, ,-i large <V ••Xterisivc assortment of ijrrjc’ccry, Chuia and €*-Iass, TV lech th v ■»!!'.• r - de an ihc most advantageous terra! t > Merchants from the Country end other*. Being,canneered with a leren ininortius house in UHOUR months afier date application will he made jjL 1 to the honorable inferior court of Crawford coun ty for leave to sell the interest of Willinm J. Wayn- 111:111 deceased (it being one half) in the Factory known a* the Franklin Fnctnrv in Upson comity, Ga. ALEXANDER M. K. SWIFT, adm'r. July 0 1835 2 F OUR months after date application will be made to the honorable inferior court of Talbot cotmty when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all tho rent estate of Benjamin Itiuchour deceased, lor the benefit cf tlio heirs and creditors. Jlllv 10 GIDEON POWLEDGE, adm’r. 10 4m I .V ck a: -Be bt _ J, H jrtOUR months after date application will be made JF to the honorable inferior court of Bibb county when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot of Land No. 117 iu Bibb county, it being the re al estate of Marllm Smith a minor, nug 5 7 SAMUEL JESSOP, guardian. t 71 OUR man tits after date application will be made, to the Inferior Court of .Monroecounty, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leavo to sell the uc- eroos belonging to the orphan children of Alexander Leggett, deceased. ANDERSON BALDWIN, Guard'n. tug iu England f- August 20. 0 i riiui of Goods, ■ YOUR months after date, application will be made -b WARE on! 8.^ to the Honorable tli-Inferior Court of Pulaski >:her inaricetin I Connty when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave ;»-,■!! ti-.f real eslate of Turner Howell late of said to call and ex], county deceased. BENJAMIN HOWELL, Adm'r. ; Pulaski co. sep 3. Ill )Oi)in:;tv A- co. , r,—s—j~r r~7- —""V I B-C'* R months after, rat application will be made — jy—. . Ji. to tho I loii.inihie the Eiferioi Court of Bii.h ■ ff '-.U 1836, , ' ’o-inty when sitting fur o -.(iuarv purposes, for Ieav anacks for sale j to s- ll the real estaie of John VV. UboJcs decca A GREEABLE to an order of the Honorable the Inferior court of Pike county when sitting for ordiiinry-- purposes, will be sold before the court house in Zebulon ou the first Tuesday in January next, within tho legal hours of sale, ono lot of land No. six teen, in tho 2nd district, also north side of No. four teen containing one hundred and nine acres more or less also in 2nd district, aud both in formerly Monroe now Pike connty. Also on the first Tuesday in February next will be sold before tho court house in Franklin county, the following parcels or lots oflaml: viz. One parcel of twenty fil e acres lying on North Fork or Broad river bounded i*nst\vaidly hy Jr.incs Loury’s lauds, and all other sides by Nathan Bond’s lands, dso one parcolof two hundred acres granted to Hugh Neely, also one parcel of land of fifty acres granted to John Loury, also one parcel of one hundred acres formerly ow: ed by Win. and Mary Loury, and aiso one parcel of(9T) ninety seven acres formerly owned by James W. and Susannah Cook, all lying and being in the connty of Frauklin as is represented by grant* and deeds to same ; and also on first Tuesday in March next, -will be sold before court house in Cherokee, lot No. (363) threo hundred and sixty three, in the ICtli district of 2nd section, the above lots and parcels of land com prise the real estate of James Loury late of Pike coun ty deceased : sold for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of said deceased. Terms made known ou dav 17 Ad m V. of sale. This 15th day of October, 1835. ’ ASA SESSIONS, T HE Subscriber having established himself in .Macon with a view to a ponnotient residence, and taken the store recently ocoitpied by Mr. F. F. Lewis, directly opposite tho Central Hotel, will keep constantly oil hand a general assortment of Hats, Caps, Furs dec. comprising every variety of stylo aud quality, usually called for-ct a similar establishment. Among his as sortment may be fouu'd Boavor, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Roarnni and woo! Hilts; Mens Fur and Hair, Seal Caps, Boys black, bluo and brown cloth Caps, Bombazine do black aud drab silk plush a new style, Merino and Circassian &c Sec, From his long experience and porsonal attention to the business of manufacturing hats iu somo of tho most extensive establishments at tho north, lie is ena bled to assure ull a!lose who may fuvor him with their patronage that he can furnish them wilh an arti cle which for cheapness,neatness and durability shall be fully equal if not superior to any before offered in tho southern market, As his work will bo principal ly manufactured at his establishment in Mucon, when desired he will finish hats to order in any style to suit the purchaser From tho facilities thus obtained and from assiduity and attention to his business ho hopes to deserve as he trusts he will receive a liberal share of patronage. Oct 7,1835 GEORGE A KIMBERLY [EPWanted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and llaccooi; skins He expects in a few days to remove to the store now occupied by Mr E B Weed ly Brought to Satts co. Jail, 4NN the (>th instant, a Negro Man who says his name Bw is John, and belongs to James 51 Childs living in tiiestate of Mississippi, county of Hind*. Ho isabont forty fivo years old, 5 feet 8 inches high. Tho negro says he left his master Child’s camp in the connty of Henry while going to Mississippi, and was purchased in South Caroliua. The owner is hereby informed that the above negro is now in jail, charged with the offence of burglary or house breaking, and that tbe prosecution will not be urged till the owner is beard from—who is requested to come forward, provo and take the proporty, aftor paying thechurges. oct 15 tfUi VVM L WILSON, jailer. AI7I1.1. be’soldon the first Tuesday iu February V w next, before the Court Him seln Lumpkin. Stew art county, Iotofland No. 147, in the 20ih Disiri-t for merly Lee now Stewart connty, as the property of An derson Griffin, late of Pike—for the bcuefi! of the licirf &c. Terms on the day. MARY P- GRIFFIN. Admr’x. JOHN K. KENDRICK. Ww’r- lo.<s iim sail- ; uis. ii me real eptan: in jn; : n tv. i.uoJes deceased. ELLIS. I co:isi*tjugoforie tract of laud No. 102. 3d district Lee . 1 county. Vein. -J, GEORGE A, SMITH. Adi$'r. \ Administrators Sale. P URSUAN T to an order from tho inferior court of Coweta county when pitting for ordinary purposes, will on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours, he sold bofore the Court House dnor. intlietown ofNewtmn, Coweta county, lots of land Nos. rixty nine, seventy. »o*l one hundred and on", all it: the first district of Coweta county, being a part of the real estate of Lev: White late of said coun ty deceased, and sold for the L-cm fit of the heirs and '-reditors of said dec’d subject to the widow’s dower. Terms made known bn tl.o dav of sale. 2?.1«TV, 15 TURNER PER SONS Adm'r m REMOVAL. T HE Subscribers iiave removed from the storo recently occupied by them opposite Washing ton Hall, to their new brick building on tbe corner of Cherry street and Cotton Avenue, where they have o- peneil a very general and new assortment of season able goods, which will be sold on the most liberal terms, either at wholesale or retail—Such country merchants as purchase in this uiarkot to replenish their stocks, nre invited to call on us. FO RT, IIA U1LTON &, WILEY; Macon Oct. 26 1835. 18 The Book accounts and notes of the lute firm of Baxter, Fort A: Wilcv, will bo kept at onreonnting room where those indebted call make payment. FORT. HAMILTON A WILEY, r»lHE Subscriber offers for sale on reasonable ■ terms and a liberal credit, two Tracts of land, Nos. 75 and 115, about one mul a halfmiles from the city of .Macon. One ofthe lots known by the name of the Washington Spring lot. has comfortable buildings, am! is considerably improved; likewise, THREE NEGROES, two women, and a child a- imut 6year* old. Also, thirty bond of begs, and 30 bead of cattle, also, ono yoke of oxen p.nd a cart. JAMES HUGHES. Macon Oct 29tli 1635. DISSOLUTION. HE firm of Wood A Camp is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business wii 1 becontin- il by Thomas Wood, who is duly author!- e l to close e business of the concern. THOMAS WO' >D, icon Oct.20th l-r-. EDWARD CAMP. Slants ibr sals at txxtL office, j fiSr-i WATCHE Jewelry, Silver Ware Se Fancy GOODS. (At the lowest prices.) C. G. St. JOHN W ATCH Maker & Jeweler Cotton Avenue op posite Washington Hall, Respectfuffy in forms his friends and the public, that he has taken the storo formerly occupied by the Ihwkinsviile Bank where lie is now opening a now and splendid assort ment of WATCHES & JEWELRY ofthe best qual ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and judgement expressly for this market, among his assort ment tnay bo found Gold packet Chronometers splen did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever’s and Ruby Cylinder Watches with Extra Jewelsand indepoueutseconds of the most approved makers and rated to suit the dim-’ ate and n general assortment of Ladies & Gentlemens Gold and Silver Patent Levers Lepine and plain Watches. Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, Ear rings Breast Pin 1 ’ and Finger rings, Gold and silver ever pointed pencils, Gold and silver spectacles, silver spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols, &c. Occ. Together with a great variety of other arti cles kept in his lino N. B. He hni selected the host of materials for re pairing watches and will give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. A share ofpublic patronage is respectfully solicited. LOOK 4T THIS !!! * *7ANTED IMMEDIATELY, 500 Laborcrsand » T 200 Carpenters, to work ou the following Rail Roads:—On the Lake Wimico nml st. Joseph’s Ilnil Road, (West Florida) near the mouth of Apala chicola rivor, 30 mile* from the town of Apalachicola: and on the Tallahassee and 6t. Marks Rail Road, (Middlo Florida) from tho city of Tallahassee to the Port of st. .Marks. Any portion of tho above named number of hands will find employment on either of the above-named Roads, nt the following rates, namely: wages, for la- borerz, from 20 to §25 per month; for Carpenters, from 35 to §50 per month, and found. The tibove-iiuinod lines of Rail Road pass through drv and healthy sections of country, connecting the seaboard with tho interior, where no danger is to bo apprehended of fevers, Ac. All thoso who wish constant employment, nml lib eral wages, will do well to bend their course this way; nnd apply to tho subscribers, or to our Agents, ou gi ber of the above-named Rail Roads. J. D. & W. GRAY. Tallahassee! Florida, September, 5,1835 MAC OX GA. is office nt the Cpimtuu room for- T X. C. HARD, Factor 6l Commission Merchant k will ho prepared to to make liberal advances on con signment of Goods. Cotton stored, or shipped to Sa vannah, Charleston, and Now York. REFERENCES—S K KfLBURN ) A SIBLEY >Augusta, R BARBER S STONE. WASHBURN *-t Co. ( a 1. BALDWIN A- Co. j Sava: >nah BOYCE, HENRY Si WALTER ’ “ JNO. FRASIER & Co. JAMES HAMILTON & SON NORTH, MANNING * HOYT, net. 8 15 tiefield Bandanna cud Flag Hosiery—Ladies plain and Clocked Cotton, plain and Ribbed, Worsted, plain and Ribbed, White and Black silk—Also, Gentlemens Lamb’s M od, Cotton and Silk, half,White and mixed. Ribbons—Black White and Colored Taffetas, Gause and Garneture. Laces—Wide Boinet Footing, Cambric Insertin' and Edging, Thread Inserting and Edging, Bltiub Edging, Worsted do. Bonnets—Tuscan Gimp, Straw and Silk. Marseilles Quilts—Superior article and dieaj). Domestics—Bleached jud unbleached shirtings, do do Sheetings. ~7S cotton Oziiahurgs. col’d do do (suitable for negroes’ clothing.) 3-4 aud 7-8 Plaid Ginghams. Furniture, do Tickings—Delaware, Hudson, Dorchester, and Amoskcag, together with a large assortment of Indies and Gentlemans Cloaks Umbrellas, Parasols, Hats, Shoes, &c. Jlho a large slock o f Groceries, viz: BAGS Coffee Portorico Java Lagnira and St Domingo. 50 hhds. Sugar St. Croix Portorico and N. Orleans. 6 Boxes Lump do. 8 do Brown aud 'White Ilavanna. do. IS Hhds New Orleans Molasses. JOOBbls N. E. Rum. 75 do. 'Whiskey. 100 do Gin. Pipes Cog Brandy, Jatnaicai and St. Croix Rum, and-Holland Gin. Bhls Cicily Madeira, Port, Lisbon, Marseilles, Musrat amt Sweet Wines Salmon Fish, No. 1 Mackerel, do. 3 Herring, do. (in Boxes), sept. 10 12 F. F. LEWIS, AS taken the stand a few doors above the Clo thing Store of Mr. L. Fitch, on Mulberry street where lie continues to carry on the Tailorin'" business. He assures all those who may favor him with their custom, that their work will he done at the shortest notice, aud in the lies-t manner. He has on hand a supply of the best materials in his line, consisting of CLOTHS, Blue, Black, royal Brown, Claret, Raven, Green, &c. CASSIMERES,—A good assortment. A good variety ol the best quality. Petersham, and a complete assortment of TAILOR'S TRIMMINGS. - He respectfully solicits a share of the public pat range. Macon,, Oct 30 1834—24y FOR SALE, M Y House and Lot in the city of Macon, near the river, and fronting on Fourtli street. In my ab sence apply to C. U. Cole Esq. june 16 ' 52 " ROBERT COLEMAN-^ T HE effects of the late firm of Kimberly & Chis holm having been turned over to the subscriber, the same are put into the hands of E. D. Traey nndG- Wood Esqrs. for adjustment. Those having settle ments to make will therefore call on those geutlcnicii for the purpose, as no other person has any right to give discharges or receive balances. ANSON KIMBERLY Macon. Mav 27. 1835 Bmp 50 ? Charles < ton. ¥ N.York FOR SALE. rglHK house and lot i corner of fifth and occupied by E. E. Bartlett. Also, tho house and lot on Plumb street adjoining John Hollingsworth's lot (where tbe fire was last winter) occupied bv M-Graw. Terras to suit piirchaser*,. Possession given ini mediatnlr. sept. 24 M. ft VR'l'I.E.'!’-!'’ T1JY PATENT PORTABLE BOUBaS-XtSFlECTXNG BAKE OVENS. rjl IIE attention of the public generally t s ’*j*jj** f _B_ an examination of the above-named article, t is an economical, expeditious, and easy niodcofcxec"' ting all baking and boiling business, and wholly '. means ofcoa , and of that but a small quantity 6 riqnir- ed. ICIIABOD B. HOATE, Agent For H. NOTT & Co. and JOSIAII St: JOII.V This may certify that I have appointed Mr. Ja -' Burr my only true and lawful agent, to make .v the above named article ill the counties of .Mjuirot ■■ ■ Bibb, and also lo sell individual rights. Lent ‘ !, U who have already snbscriheflfor tho article will be • commodatcd as soon as possible at -Mr. Burr'sest* meat nt Macon Ga. . , I. B. HOXIE. Agent For IL NOTT & Co.»» JOSIAII St. JOHN- Mncon. April 10 1835 43 ——- B Azotic C. „ , .-rian order of the Trustees o.* the rro* . • . Church, the Pews will lie rented on 1 Monday in Nov next for one year, there sold in fee simple one pew, subject to : cent, oct 15 K. TYNER, sec. J 'USr received and for Sate, 32,000 lbs. 3 Ilams, Shoulders and sides. —ALSO— 5.000 lbs. Lind, new and good, feh 10—35-tC ill also b( tn v ofl I] P° r a d tttas't. T. l». S " I i l ^ j rent, S TORE cm Cherry street TelogAph Office, fnquive of tjte ptiutefs tlie I oct, 22,1 WARE HOF; led w> Slf&HOSALt-