Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, November 19, 1835, Image 4

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& r o r ss t »? C € I t g r a p i) «• r r.lSIMM* TON UAL L. f TI1K Somiben have taken that coin-1 SHERIFFS* .SALES. 1 -- , . . BuUs saheriii »ale. modious and well known public bouse in ; "sra/ILI. bo sold on ihe lim Tuesday in O ember tlio City oTMneim,—the Hadw^lwi Hall, I 'ij y next, between the usual hours of sale, nt lately occupied by Sit. It. tlnssii. ■_ Jackson Butts comity, before llie court house door, the Ry ihc unremitting attention of both ol j following prejiwrty, to wit: t!mu, they flatter themselves that their 1 louse mil o!>- j four ^ 0 f (Jqttle, one yellow and white cow anil tain tor them a general patronage front the Public, j brown yearling, one dun cow and ted yearling, levied They have secured tbs valuable services of a Iaidy, j OJI;ls j), e property of Jeremiah Mu,eg, to satisfy u inort- wliosc ivputiitiou as a manager of a public house, is j p; | ;i Irma the Inferior court of Butts county in inferior to no one in the Stale Their tallies will be furnished with the best the coun try itfmus, mid their lur with the choicest liquors. Tilts ■ rabies arc attended bv care fill and experienced <).>:,crs. SiSrSTIAN So MOTT. Fob 5 1635 30 3a ' Having sold ntv interest in the Washington Hall to .M JJustian Molt, I earnestly solicit lor them a coiiiinuance of the patronage which was extended to .'lie, whilst proprietor of the establishment. Macon. Ash 5 36 51.1). IHTSON. PI,AM\YTIO;\S For sale it* I-ee Cotutiy* HR subscribers would cal! the attention or plnn- t. r* to their lands in Leo county, where they o! for for sab. a number of valuable Plantations lying on the waters of the Flint river, and chiefly in the virtui- tv of the new'Town, laid out on this river, at well’s Feyry, the lots of which will be sold off on the loth ofl). l embcr. at or bofot * which time, any o! Ore following I'eserilwd lands may ho purchased. Oita tract containing 10ft0 acres, lying immediately ots to.- west side of the Flint liver, two niilmt from Si hot well's Ferrv. known ns the Indian Phdema town, lilt)acres of which are open and •** cultivation , a j t of this farm is haitimoc land, nil of which, i except a few acres, can be cultivated* Also, near the above another of land of l«00 acres, ol which 200 are in cultivation ; this has some l.ammoc and oak and hickory, wat is chiefly pmo of the hrst quail- ' ,s *n acres situated two miles from Starkville, oil the .Maekalco creek, and eight miles from Vhotwell s Icr- ry, a ltd is known as the Hughes place; it has ,0 a- cres in cnltivatioo. with good cabins on it: a largo portion of tills land is dry haitimoc, o t,t and hickory it. has a good stream passing through if, with a brist Mil! ntvl CoUnn Gin on it, and sufficient for a Saw Mill in connection. lOf/.i acres o:t Ihtdtdw cree villo, chiefly oak, hickory and c’lltivation. , .. . 00) acres near the TCindiepong, known at the In dian Canard towns: 100 acres in cultivation, an ex cellent house aul other ont buildings. Several other tracts of first quality land, m quant! fits of from 202 1-2 ti» GOO acres in different parts of the county. , . , The above lends ar» all well supplied with spi.tigs ond water soursc.-*; several Saw-and Grist Mills are alre tdv in op'-ration, aad others being erected. fa. or of William Harrison administrator of James Har rison deceased, vs Jeremiah Alnxey. Property point cd out in mortgage !i lit. oct 1 JOrfEPII SUMMERLIN, sheriff. O X the first Tuesday in December next, will he sold iu il.e Town of Jackson U.itts comity, the following property to wit: Two Cream coloured mules eighteen months cld. one Chesmit sorrel mare five or six years, one Iron gray Imrsc four years old, one fine rfurrel .Stud Horse live years old, ten head of cattle. live cows four year lings and one Bull, also three Bales of Ginned Cot ton; levied on by virtue of an attachment from the .■Superior Court of said county at the instance of Will- iam Stroud Vs William .Mercer. Sold by ordered said court at October term 1835. Oct. Mod 1835. JOSEPH SUMMERLIN, ShTF. POSTPONED SALK. fl irihl, be sold on the first Tuesday in December V y next, between the usual hours of sale, at Jack- son >ii Biitts county, the following property in wit; LevieiFon as the propertvof l.eaiider A. Erwin. 18 Brass Candlestick*. IT Tin Candlesticks, 3 Brass I amps, 1 Walnut Sideboard, 14 Feather Pillows and 2 Bolsters and I Settee, and -l large Tables and 1 Blanket, to satisfy a fi fa from Bibb Inferior Court in fovor of Hiingertord & Stoddard vs said L. A. Er win; properlv pointed nutbv defendant. Oct. 23d Jnito. JOSEPH' SUMMERLIN, Sh’ff. Pike Sheriff Sale. — WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in December v next before the court-house door iu the town ol Zebulou Pike county within the usual hours ofsnle the following property to wit: one lot of hind containing two hundred two ami one halfacres more or less lying and being in the second district originally Monroe now Pike county known and distinguished in the plan of said district by lot number (33) sold' as the property of James A. Campbell to satisfy a mortgage fifti issuing OUR months after, date application will be made S’ to the Honorable tin: Inferior Court of Bibb County when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of John W. Rhodes deceased, consisting of one tract of laud No. 102, 3d district Lee comity. Sept. 4, GEORGE A. .SMITH. Adm’r. JfoClt months alter date l shut! uppl) to the In- ferior court of Pike county when silting for or dinary purposes for an order to sell the real estate of James Ixiwiev late of said county deceased, this 1st *epUS36. ‘ 13 ASA SESSIONS. Adm’r- IPAOUJl .Mouthsalter tialc application will be made JUT to the Honorable Inferior Court of Pike county when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to the Estate of Anderson Griffin, late of .said county deceased. MARY P. GRIFFIN, Jdmr’x, Sep. Iff. JOHN It. KENDRICK, Adm'r. "jtuCTt mouths after date a plication will be mode Administrators Sale. ► URSUAN V to ail order from the inferior court purposes, will on the first Tuesday in December next, within tiie legal hours, be sold before the Court House door, in the town of Newnan, Coweta county, lots of land Nos. sixty nine, seventy, and one hundred and one, all in the first district of Coweta comity, being a part of the real estate of Levi White lute of said coun ty deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d subject to the widow’s dower. Terms made known on the day of sale, sept 28. 1835, 15 TURNER PERSONS Ailin'r to the court of ordinary of Butts comity for leave to sell a partoflot No. *17 in the 24 th district of formerly Muscogee now Talbot county for th». bene fit of Levina Thompson a minor, this Sept 18 1835. 13 JOHN E. JONES Guard’n I Tfoor mouths after date application will be made . to the Honorable Inferior Court of Twiggs O N the first Tuesday in January next, will be sold at the Court House dooriii Upson county Ga., one half of the Factory known as the Franklin Facto ry, it being the interest of W. J. Waymuau deceased, in said Factory—Terms cash. A. M. K. SWIFT, Adm’r. Knoxville, nov. 2d 1835. 11) county,when sitting as a court of Ordinary for leave to sell the real estate of James Desliazo, late of said county deceased. Nov. 2, 1835 RICHARD DESHAZO, Adm'r. FLA OUR months alter dale application will he made JL 1 to the Honorable iuierinr Court of Twiggs coutily, when sitting as a court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the lands and negroes belonging to Ihe estate of Joshua D. Bostick, late of said county deceased, nov. 2. 1835 LUCINDA BOSTICK, Adm’x. 1(1 IIARDY DURHAM, Adm'r. , . •> from the Superior court of said county, John A- Caaip- ;. 4 miles front lark-, j, e )| assignee of James R. Gray deceased vs said James li i nutoc 0 nc.cs in j Campbell, property pointed out in said mortgage *iiiii i'll . . it r • ♦ nit; iviiuDiiig jiru|j(TiY m wu Tits subscriber* aro willing to aell any ol inotr j cart, one ox yoke, four stack amis 'it a reasunab e rate, not wishing to retard ti«c j 0 p rorl)< or less, eight oi le'tlinx of the country, by keeping ailtiiRir lana* out j (he field, levied on as the pr . . mortgage ft fit. Also the same lot to satisfy sundry fifa* issuing fiom the Justices court B. Flnkcr vs said Janies A. Campbell, said property pointed out ill the last levy iiv the defendant. I Sivy inade and returned to me by a constable this the 17th dav ofsept. 1835. 13 JOSEPH I'L SHIVERS, D. sheriff’. O N the first Tuesday in January next will lie sold before the Court House door in the town of Zebuloli Pike county, within the legal hours of sale the following property to wit. Ouc yoke of oxen & tacks of (odder, fivc'hnrrelg or ten acres of cotton in of the market. property of William Har- fll......... . . a . | man, and Joseph 1). Harman, to satisfy a ti fa issuing Persons wishing to settle plantations arci tnvnou | f rnnl ,|, 0 Superior court of said county Kinchcn Kit- view for th riuelves. mid to call on Mr. finotwc.i a. j clii,,*! V « said William ami Joseph D.* property tioin- liis residence, iu Pimlcrtown, for further uisortiwi lion. Oct. 324 COOK* COWI.Erf. A. SHOTW F.I.L, property poin ted .out bv plaintiff*, oct. 31, 1835 1!) JOSEPH II. SHIVERS,D. sty 450 PACKAGES of Mow Cyoods* ISAAC AlCWHALL. \S taken store one door from the Post Office, lately occupied by Messrs. I.ippitt &. Iltggins, and Ires just received 3Gd Packages shoes of every description. 40 do Men’s and hoys Boots, 600 Pair of India Rubber shoes, 8 Bales ofS-l «Xt 10-|. Blankets. 1 do brown horse hhinkete, 2 do Rose8( to 124 do, 1 do Bed Tick. 50 tioz. yarn 4 hoes, 20 do silk cotton & worsted do, 2 Bales grey wool kersey, 3 do Blue & Mixed Cassinett, (I do Negro cloth, 5 do whits and rod Flannel, 20 do white & brown shirting & sheetingcotton, 2 cases silk umbrellas, 2 do gingham do, 2 do striped Snttinets, 2 do plain mixed do, 12 do fancy calicoes, 2 do cassimers assorted, 1 do buckskin. 180 boxes spani.-h cigars, <; doz. curried calfskins, 3 do white sheep skins, 25 bags old Java Coffee, 40 quarter boxes ofbitm li Raisins, 10 drums ot sultanua do without seeds, Ladiescaskni.ire, merino & worsted hose, Silk hose and gloves, l’ina kid, Beaver, castor and v/oolen gloves, tVltli & 8-4t!i Linen Table covers, Velvet vesting.cotton IldkCs, Flag silk IldkCs, Corah do Fancy plaid cravats, *c. Ate. .Also . . Water Proof, India Rubber goods, consisting of Travellings Bags Buskins, Monkey Jackets, wrap- pars Stn loots. Coats pantaloons, Stagemens Capes, Caps, Air Cushions, and Pillows, Water botfles, Gun Cases, Life preservers, Ladies Aprous *c. &c. Travellers and Spnrttmn will find a convenience frn-n ilia use of the Ruhlier goods, as they are water proof. Tim above will bo soi l by piece or package on the most reasonable terms. Macou. Ocl 27. 2tn Carroll Sheriff Sale. fkX the first Tuesday iu December next, will be “ Jr sold before the Conrt House door in the town ofCnrrolltou, Carroll county, within the lawful hours of sale. Lot of land No. (2iU-) two hundred and thirty live, in the fifth district of said county, levied on as the property of Russell Duty, to satisfy a fi fa from a Justice’s court of Habersham county, in favor of D. M Horton vs said Duty, and sundry" other fi fas from a Justice’s court front Habersham county, vs said Du ty ; levy made and returned to me by a constable this 10th October 1835 DUDLEY AYRES, D. Sh’ff Will be sold as above one negro woman by the name of Diner, about sixty years old, three fractions of land in the 2nd di-trict of said county viz: No. 285. containing 165 acres. No. 186, containing ICO acres and No. 187 containing5f) acres all ns the pro perty of Jonathan Walker to satisfy three fi fas from a Justice’s court, of said county, in favor of Thomas Castleberry and others with o»her fi fas vs snid Wal- ker ; lew made and returned to tne by a constable this 10th October, 1335 ISAAC E. COBB, Sh’tT. citations: GEORGIA : Cratrjord County. W HEREAS Elizabeth Strcetinnn applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of \V illiani Strcclmnu deceased. These art therefore to cite anil aA eotiish oil and singular Ihe kindred and creditor* of said deceas ed, to he and appear at my ojpu, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have irhy said letters should not Le granted, Given under mv hand at office October28lli, 1835. " W. II. BROOKS, c. c. o. CrhOKGtA; ltunslun County. C HARLES F. l’ntilloapplies Icr letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Canoli Johnson deceased; Miles llurrcll applies for letters of Administration on the estate of Wiliam Ilarrell decesed; Huff are therefore to cite and admonish all and singui lur the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by laic, to sbmr cause ij any they bare, why said letters should not be granted. Given under niv hand at offirce October 31st 1835. "CHARLES II. 1UCE. c. c. e. I'O.STTONED SALE. A GREEABLE to an order of the honourable In ferior Court of Crawford county when sit ting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, before the court house door in the town of Knoxville, in said county, all the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Alexan dria B. Taylor late of said county deceased, as follows, one hundred and one’fourth acres of land of lot No. 73 iu the second Dist. of said county, also, 101 acres of land of lot No. 26; twenty six iu the second district of said county. One Negro man by tlio name of John, about 30 years of age. one negro woman by the name of Siller, and her two children, Isaac and Doc tor; a negro woman by the name of Dorcas and her two children Aaron and Charles,all to be sold for the benefit of the heirs ami creditors of the said Alexandria U. Taylor deceased. v W.M. B. FILES. \ JAS. M. TAYLOR. ) rs " November 1st 1835. ]9 Fashionable Kat & Cap St or MULBERRY STREET, MACON. FD3ILM) KLiSsKf i Of the Laic Firm nj RussHl &■ ly J ox com.-Ki: ok Tiimn asd uuli^Z,”*****. \ AS Just received from As Just received from New-) ,,.. aim is now opening a very larJ?J* _ L-nt of, Fancy and Staple fj n ; sornnem oi, raucyana atari (Hardware, Crockery, Hats,Sboi'*«S] Dicli will he sold at very reduced *«■ All Ills STOCK IN PART CO&T Blankets—Rose I hiffle and Point y,^ s Of, qualities. ’ a Dous siz^, Flannels—Red, White, Green, and v .. Green Baize, and Drugget. Ie “°», Satinets—A Complete assortment of V itif»< :mf! rnLntrc *3rii A GREEABLY to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Twiggs county, when silting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the first Tues day iu January next, at the court house door iu the town of Marion said county, the lauds and negroes be longing to the Estate of John Barton, late of said comi ty deceased, situate and being in said county, ako on the same day, will be sold at the court house door in Warranton, Warren county, the lands in said county belonging to said deceased. Tenns on the day. pov. 2. 1835 19 MARTHA BARTON, Adm'r. tne first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Levi While, dec. late of Coweta county arc requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate, will hand them in properly authen ticated, within the time prescribed by law TURNER PERSONS, adm'r. Newnan, Coweta county, nov. 2d 1835. 20 I >TATF sales. SSouston Sheriff Sale. /Ok \ the first Tuesday in December next, will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Perry Il iuston county, during the legal hours of sale: One sorrel or cream colored marc, a black horse i ami n negro woman named Franky, about fifty years of age, levied on as the property of John C. Rogers, to satisfy a Ilia iu favor of John* C. Reese bearer a gainst Thomas E. Rogers and John C. Rogers, issued from the Superior Court of Jasper couulv, proper ty pointed out by Wilson II. Cay. Also at tile same lime am) place, nrillkc sub), n half acre lot in the town of Perry, with a store House ihere- | on, at preaent in the occupancy of Ira II. Flint, as the properly of Moore & Kelley to satisfy- sundry fifas from a justice court in favor of James A. Evcrctr, bear er, levy made by a constable and returned to me; pro perty pointed out by plaintiff. Oct, 27 1835. 18 GEO. M. DUNCAN, sh'ff be sold, within the legal hours of sale, before the courthouse door in Clinton Jones county, tne remain der of 401 acres of Land (after the widow of Wright Partnenterdeceased shall have takeu her dower out of the same,) belonging to the estate of said deceased, ly ing in Jones county on the road leading from Clinton to .Macon, it being the place whereon the said Wright lived in his life time. Also, three NEGROES, to wit: Alary a woman a- botit 50 years old, Fanny a girl about 14 years old ; Luziah a girl about 7 years old, also belonging to the estate of said deceased. Sold in conformity to an or der of the Inferior court of said county while sitting as a coust of ordinary. Terms ca«h. sept 28 MART All PER.MENTER. adm'r. . rSTlIIE Subscriber having established iiiiuseil in E Macou with a view to a permanent residence, and taken the stoic recently occupied by Mr. F. F. Lewis, directly opposite the Central Hotel, will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of XSats, Caps* l‘ars &.c„ comprising every variety of style and quality, usually called for at a similar establishment. Among his as sortment may be found Beaver, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Roaruni ana woo! Hats; Mens Fur and Ilair, Seal Caps, Boys black, blue and brown cloth Caps, Bombazine do black ami drab silk plush a now style, Merino and Circassian Ate &c, From his long experience and personal attention to the business of manufacturing hats iu suinc of the most extensive establishments at the north, he is ena bled to assure all those who may favor him with their patronage that he can furnish them with an arti cle which lor cheapness, neatness and durability shall bo fully equal if not superior to any before ottered in the southern market, As his work will he principal ly manufactured at his establishment in Macon, when desired lie will finish hats to order in any style to suit the purchaser. From the facilities thus obtained and 4rot» assiduity and attention to his business he hopes to deserve as he trusts he will receive a liberal share of patronage. Oct 7,1835 GEORGE A KIMBERLY EPWantcd Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon skins lie expects in a few days to remove to the store now occupied hy Mr E B Weed ly Bombazines—Bomkazetts and Cirn • Prints—French, English, and Atncri^mL erns.) "^(bttJijj Muslins—French, striped, plaid and „i,- „ ond Jackoneu Muslins nu l ,i MiCa^ do Swiss, Figured, and plain Ginghams—Small and large plaid and ty of patera*. * lr: R 1®. Silks—Italian, Grode Swiss, Grode V Souis. n, L Lit, do Lustrings, senshews, sarsanets anil- Also, a few patera* ofFigm-,.,] Challys—Black, and Figured. Linens—l-4ths Irish a line selection do 5-4llis Sheeting, do C & 8-4ths Table, do Covers. Handkerchiefs—A fine selection of l.j- „ Consisting of Chatty Thibet, Mosaic GinJn Satin, Bagdad and Black Love,—Alsoj"*Ld' Cambric, and Long lawn, Gentlemen's |w tleficld Bandanna and Fla WATCHES, JctccJnj, Silver Ware Sf Fancy GOQISB. (At the lowest vriers.) C. G. St. JOHN 7"ATCH Maker & Jeweler Cotton Avenue op posite Washington Hall, Respectfully in- Hosiery—Ladies plain and Clocked Coa™ l and Ribbed, 'Worsted, plain and liilihcd uc™ Black silk—Also, Gentlemens Lamb’s Yi mJ e *** and Silk, half,White and mixed. ' Ribbons—Black Wbite and ColoredTafili ^ and Garnelurc. M *' G *t Laces—Wide Boinot Footing, Cambric |> and Edging, Thread Inserting and tdriac ru? Edging, Worsted do. S Bonnets—Tuscan Gimp, Straw and Silk. Marseilles Quilts—Superior article and r | Domestics—Bleached and ltnbkael ■-dshinij?’ do do Sheetings. c 7-S cotton Oznaburgs. coi’ddo do (suitable for negroes'(Wv;,, 3-4 and 7-8 l’laid Gingham?. Furniture, do Tickings—Delaware, Hudson, Dortbog., Ainoskeag, together with a large assortment of yf and Gcutlcmuns Cloaks Umbrellas, I’ar>-otc « Shoes, &c. ' ’ •’* forms his friends and the public, that he has taken the i Also a larg e slock o f Groceries ri- i... ,i.. 11-,.-i t,...-an. . r.^ . ’> 11 - W ILL be gold at the late rcs'dence of tVdcy Hef-1 tin deceased, in Henry county on Wednesday 1EL be sold on the hrst Tuesday m January next, before the Court House in Zebulou, Pike county, One Negro woman and her two children.— Sold as the property of Anderson Griffin, late of said county, for the benefit of all concerned. Terms on the day. MARY P. GRIFFIN, Admr'x JOHN It. KENDRICK, Adm'r. sept. 21.1835. 13 the 25ih day of November next the following property to wit; one negro boy twenty-two year* old, three horses, one mule, thirteen head of cattle, cne yoke ox en, one cart, fifteen head sheep, eight head goats, six ty head hogs, also all the present crop T consistiug of cotton, corn, fodder, wheat, oats, Ac. household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, and other articles loo tpdimiR tn mention, llie sale to rommenro tbo 9tiifi too tedious to mention, the sale to commenco the 25th Nov. next and continue from day to day till conclu ded. Terms all under five dollnrs cash, all over twelve months, with approved security, sept 24 1835. 13 WILY J. HEFLIN F.i'r. W‘ ILL he sold at the court-house iti Stewart county oil the first Tuesday in December next one lot of laud No 120 in the 23d district for merly Lee now Stewart drawn hy lliraut Belluh ille gitimate, and minor sale for the benefit of said minor. Sept 16 1835 13 SAMUEL BEL LA II Guard’n ^ GREEABLK to an order of the county court of Walker Alabama, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in Decem ber next before the court house Door iu the town of Carrollton Canoli couuty Georgia, between the lawful hours of sale. Lot of Land No. 15910th district, Carroll county for the benefit of the illegitimate children of Mary Tult.—Tenns madu kliun u on dip day of sale. Sent the 131835. 13 ALIEN RUFF Guard’,! GREEABLY to an Ooriler of the Inferior Court 19 Payette Sheriff Sale. 7"ILLlw sold before the Court House door in the ' town t«f Fayetteville Fay cite county, on the first Tuesday iu December next, within the usual hour* of sale: 202J acres of land being lot ono hundred and seven ty eight in the 13th district of originally Henry now Fayette county, levied on ns the property of Charles property D." Vandiver liv sundry Executions issued from a jus tice conrt of Haucocii county in favor of John G. Gorsa levied on and returned to me hv a constable, oct25 1835 18 ALFRED BROWN, sh% CROCK till Y, China and CJlass ^are, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T HE Subscribers take this method of innrmuig the public, that they h *~° recently purchased tho stock of CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLArfS WARM fornnrly- owned by 1*. B. TAYLOR & CO. and h ive taken tho store heretofore occupied by them, opposite Messrs.Stoval,i>innnon»&Co’« Warehouse, Brond-streot, Augusta—when* they intend keeping constantly on hand, a large &. extensive assortment of Crockery* China and Sriass, Which they offer fur sale on the most advantageous forms t> .Merchant* from the Country and others. _ Bcin^ connected with a largo importing Uohkj in HoRton, an*) ous of t!io parinor^ residing in Knjlntui lor th^ purpuso of nuking ilio Lost selection of Good.-s thoy foul confident they can (hptiult WAKE on terms equally advantageous with nny otlicr market in the United States. ... „ , I’tirou i- tr* are reapeetfully invited to call and ex- atnina onr assartment. WILLIAM WOODBURY A CO. Sept. 22 I! l.n SAMS OF TOWN LOTS. A New town ha-* been laid out calle-l Alexandria, ./SL >n Flint River.) situate at Shatwcdl’s Ferry, 1m enunty. ’Pin stago road from Augusta to Now-Or- I >am, via Florida, passes timmgh this place ; also, tho state road from Columbus to St. Mary*; tho Kad II iad from tho the Flint river, wld be Iqid through tlw oontro of this town, Tho location is toa well kuawn to need fitrther description. I lute* may lie seen at the hotels in Augusta, Millodjevillo, Macon, Columbus and Apalachicola Bay. A sale of Lots will take pl ica i,n the L>tii Dooctnjvr nqstiiii^.atthe place, and qtlemlance ^ One of Ihc Proprietort. Csampbcll Sheriff »ale. ILL bn sold on the firrt Tuesday in December next, before die Court House door in Camp- hclllon, Campbell County, within the legal hour* of sale. Ihe following property to wit: Lot of land No. 57' 1 , in the 18th Dist. Second Sec tion formerly Cherokee, now Campbell County, to satisfy one fi fa from it Justices Court of Laurens county, in favor of Hardy Griffin vs KcndredDcen; levy made and relumed to me by a constable. Lot of land No. 107, in the 14th Dist. of formerly Fayette now Camp! lell county, to satisfy ono fi fa frein a Justices Court of Warren county, in favor of Mager Peace vs Martin Johnson levy niado and re turned to me by a constalde. Lot of laud No. 74 in die Sin Dist. of formerly Cow eta now Campbell county, to satisfy two tt fas from a Justices Court of Columbia comity, in favor of A- braham Marshal vs Avcrett Nolen, levy made and re turned to mo liy a constable. Three lots of land Nos. 103,121, and 122. in the 14lli District of formerly Fayette now Campbell coun ty, to satisfy two ft f.ts in favor of the State of Georgia v* William G. Arledge, for his tax for the years 1831, and 1832; levy made and returned to inc hy a con stable. Oct. 12. 1835. WESLEY CAMP. Sh’fif. .Ao of Pike couuty sittiug for ordinary purposes, will be sold on tho first Tuesday in DEC EMBER next, before the Court House in McDonough, Henry comi ty. between the usual hours. " The following lots of laud viz; No. 127, No. 130, No 191, and forty acres of No. 162, all iu the third district of Ifcurv county. Sold as the property of Anderson Griffin, late of Pike county deceased, for tiie benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the dav. sept 21. 13 MARY P. GRIFFIN, Admr'x. JOHN. R. HENDRICK, Adm'r. EXECUTOR’S SALE. I N conformity with provisions in tho last Will and Testament of Jane Sibbald, late of Clarke coun ty deceased, will be offered for sale at the Court House in Campbell couuty on the first Tuesday in January next, a tract of land lying in the seventh district of ori ginally Coweta, now Campbell county, containing two hundred two and a half acres, and known in the plan of said district by No. thirty six ; sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.— Terms one third cash, balance in 12 months. Note with approved security will bo required. Titles giv en when the last paymeut is made. Oct. 22, 1635 17 WILLIAM CRAIG, EBENEZER NEWTON, > Ex’rs. ■ INDEK an order of the court of Ordinary for Up 5 1 son county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the court house in said county, Fractions No. 185, 166, 209, 210, and 211, in the sixteenth district formerly Houston now Upson co. belonging to the estate of David T. Slitting, deceased. 8 old for the benefit of the heirs. D. WALKER, sept 23 F.x'r in right of his wife. store formerly occupied by the llawkinsville Bank where he is now openirg a new and splendid assort ment of WATCHES & JEWELRY of the best qual ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and judgement expressly fur this market, among his assort ment may be found Gold pocket Chronometers splen did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever's and Ruby C\ Under Watches with Extra Jewels anil itidepenenfseconds of the most approved makers and rated to suit the clim ate and a general assortment of Ladies & Gentlemen* Gold and Silver Patent Levers Lepiv.e and plain Watches. Fine Gold Chains, Seal*, Keys. Ear rings Breast Pin-’ and Finger ring*. Gold and silver ever pointed pencils, Gold and silver spectacles, silver spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols, &c. &c. Together with a great variety of other arti cles kept in his line N. B. He has selected the best of materials for rc- pairirg wa’ches and will give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. Oct 27 18 BAGS Codec 1‘ortorico Java Ln- and St Domingo 50 lihds. Sugar St. Croix Potlorico am! X (U-* I 6 Boxes Lump do. 8 do Brown and White llnvanna 18 Hhds New Orleans Molasses. lOOBblsN. E. Itum. 75 do. Whiskey. 100 do Gin. Pipes Cog Brandy, Jamaicai and Si. Croix Kt*. and Holland Gin. Bids Cicily Madeira, Ton, Lisbon, )'aw& Muscat and Sweet Wines Salmon Fish, No. 1 .Mackerel, do. 3 Herring, do. (in Boxes), sept 10 12 A GREEABLE to tho last Will and Testament of Mcsseck Easom’ late ofTwiggs couuty dec’d and an order by the Honorable Inferior Court of said county when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, at the conrt House door In said cuii'uty, tho negroes belonging to the estate of deceased, not included ill said last Will anil Testament as specific legacies.—Terms on the day- Nov. 2, 1635 CHARLES J. EASOM. F.x'r. NEW DKUtf STOKE. ©S. IK. IiOOMIS H AS just received a large assortment of DRUGS & MEDICINES, at the Store one door below \V. B. Joh.vsto.n’s Jzwei.rv, which he will sell at mo derate prices; among which arc PAINTS, White Lead, Red Lead, Black Lead, Litharge, Verdi gris, Chromic Green, Chromic Yellow, Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, Umber, Venetian Red, Lampblack, Koscpink, Tern de Sienna, Vermillion. Prussian Blue, Osborn’s water colours. OILS, Linseed, Spent), Whale, and Train Oils, and Spts. Turpentine, Copai, Japan, Coach, Leather, &, Picture Varnishes. BRUSHES. Flesh, Ilair, Hat,draining, Varnish,Furniture,Tooth, Paint, Nail, Conn.. Shoe, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Dus ting, Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Horse, and Velvet Brushes. PERFUMERY. Cologue, Itosr Honey, Florida, Lavender, &, Orange Flower Wate*. Aromatic Vinegar, Bears’ Oil, Antique Oil, Chlorine Tooth Wash, Cream Soap and other Shei ing Soaps, Wash Balls, Drop Lake, Essences of Rose and Cedrat, Extrait de Meil, Flake White, Ilair Powder, Orris Root, Milk of Roses, Oil* of Orange, F. F. LEWIS, M AS taken the stand a few doors ;:lx»c iLe CV thing Store of Mr. L. Fitch, on Kofait street where he continues to carry on the Talon- business. lie assures all those who may favor 1* with their custom, that their work will k usne auk shortest notice, and iu the best manner. lie has on hand a supply of tho best ali line, consisting of CLOTHS, Blue, Black, roy al Brown, Claret, Raven, Gn: vVc. CASSIMERE3,—A good assortment. VESTIKTGS, A good variety of the best quality. Petersham, and a complete assortment of TAIL OH'S Till31 jUHGS. He respectfully solicits a share of the jmbfce * ron age. Macon, Oct 30 1834—24y FOR SALE, M Y House and Lot iu the city ol .Macon, ur.ti river, and fronting on Fourth street. Inaji settee apply to C. B. Cole Esq. jttue lii " 52 ROBERT COLLMAX ’ A GREEABLE to an order of the Honorable the Inferior court of Pike county when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold before the court bouse iu Zebulou on the first Tuesday iu January next, within tlm legal hours of sale, one lot of land No. six teen, in the 2nd district, also north side of No. four teen containing one hundred and nine acre* more nr less also in 2nd district, and both in formerly Monroe now Pike county. Also on the first Tuesday in February next wui be sold before the court house iu Franklin county, the following parcels or lots of land : viz. One parcel of twcuty live acres lying on North Fork of Broad river bounded eastwardly bv Janies I.oury’s lands, and all other sides by Nathan Bond’s lnmls, also one parcel of two hundred acre* granted to Hugh Neely, also one parcel of land of fifty acres granted to John Lourv, also one parcel of one hundred acres formerly owr id by Win. and Mary I.oury, and also one parcel of(97) ninety seven acres formerly owned by James W. and Susannah Cook, all lying and being in the county of Franklin as is represented by grants and deeds to same ; anil also on first Tuesday iu March next, will be sold before court bouse in Cherokee, lot No. (363) three hundred and sixty three, in the If th district of 2nd section, the above lots and parcels of land com prise the real estate of James I.oury late of Pike coun ty deceased ; sold for the benefit of the heir* and cre ditors of said deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. This 15th day of October, 1835. 17 ASA ^ErfSIONS, Adm’r A GREEABLY to an Order ol tlio Inferior Court | Bergamot, Cedrat, Cinnamon, Lavender. Neroli. and of .Monroe count)-, when sitting for ordinary pur- 1 Roses; Oxy-chlorine Lotion, Pearl Powder, Pomatum. poses: -Will on the First Tuesday in January next, Powder Puffs, Preston Salts, Pink Saucers, Fancy vi- wilhin the legal hours of sale, be sold before the Court a ls, Tonqnin Beans, Vin de Rouge, Vegetable Rouge, House door in tho Town of Forsyth Monroe county, tho negroes belonging to the Orphans of Alexander Leggett deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. ANDERSON BALDWIN, Guard',!. August 20 9- ff PURSUANT loan order of the court of Ordinary ST of Houston county, will be sold within the legs! hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, before the court house door in the town of Lagrange, Troup county, lot of land No. ono hundred and twen ty three in tho fourth district of Troup county as the property ot Penny Joiner for the benefit of said Penny joiner a minor. Sept 30,1^35. 15 ISAAC HOLMES. Guardian Tin Ware Manufacturer. APPLICATIONS. H AOUR months after date application will bo made JL to the honorable inferior court of Talbot county when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real estate of Benjamin Riucbourdcccared, for the libiielit of the heirs and creditor*. GIDEON POWL11DGE, adm’r. July 12 10 4ui Gentlemen's Fine Fonts, Jilit received and for sale by WM. II. BURDSALL, finis 17 Broshes. A Supply of Clothe-. Ilair, Tooth. Shoe, Nail, Hearth.Flesh.Scrub, Halters,Point, Ilorso,Fnr- JLirniiure Graining, and VarnLh brti-lies. •last received qqd for sale bv 8HQTWEU* BROWN & Co. Sept 10 11. ff.lOUK months after date application will be niado JL to the honorable inferior conrt of Bibb county when sitting for Qrdinary purposas, for leavo to soil Lot of Laud No. 117 in Bibb county, it being the re al estate of Martha Smith a minor. | aug 5 7 SAMUEL JESSOP, guardian. * i! I.’ m.uu'.* ufier d-ile application will bo made j -Jl fo the Inferior Court of Mouroecounty, when ; sitting for ordinary purpose* for leave to sell tho ne- ; stoqs belonging to the orphan children of Alexander I Leggett, deceased.frIS ANDERSQN BALDWIN, Guard',,. August 20. Kfl 9 the first Tuesday in January next will be sold at the Conrt House door iu the county of Bibb, within the usual hours of sale, Lot of Laud No 95 in the 4th Dist. of Houston County, now Bibb, belong ing in part to a portion of my minor children of which I am guardian, and in pnrt to those of my children who have arrived at full age—Sold for the purpose of malting a division, tinder an order of the In crior court of this county when sittiug for ordinary purposes, nov.5th It;35. 20 JAMES HEARD, Guard'it. MUI.RERRY, SUB T'URl) STREET. rg^ HE subscriber continues to manufacture JL TIN WARE in every variety, and lias now on hand a general assortment, which ho will sell wholesale or retail at the Savannah or Augus ta prices. He has also just received an assortment of Ja panned Tin Ware, consisting of Trunks, sugar Boxes, Waiters, Bread pans, Canisters, rugar Bowls, .Milk enps, Tumblers, I’cppcr boxes, Gra ters, Toy cups. Rattles, candlesticks, Lamps, spit Boxes, sand Boxes, Pocket Lanterns, &.c. &c. Also, patent Bakers, Fool stoves, blocktiu Tea Pots, Plates, Basins, Tumblers, &c. JOB WORK done at tlio shortest notice, jan 2 WILLIAM S. ELLIS. & Macassar Oil DYE STUFFS. Anna!to, Cudbear, Fig Blue, Fustic, Galls, Iiidigo, Madder, Nicaragua Wood, Alum, Turmeric,, and Ground Logwood. MEDICINES. Acetic, Citric, Oxalic & other Acids, Acoustic Oil, Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of Ammonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balm of Columbia, Patent Barley, Breastpipcs, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep per, Spanish Saffron, Aminoniuret of Copper, Sago, Emetine, Cicuta Plaster, Ext. Aloes, Cinchona, Ccl- ocynlh, Elateriuui, Jalap, Ivahinca, Nnx Vomica, Rhu barb, Rhatania, Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla & Citbchs, Dandelion, Valerian, Opium & others. Phosphate of Iron, Red Oxyd« of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron &c. Ginger Powders, Ilam.Uon’s Elixir, Magnesian Aperient English CalomeJ, Hoffman's Anodyne, Oil’d Silk or Hat Case; Iodine, Jujube Paste, Luctncariitin, Lan cets, Patent Lint, Lnpuline, Lobelia, .Medical Spoons, Acetate and Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oils of Caraway, Copaiva, Croton, Fennel, Wintyrgreen, Se T HE effects of the late firm of KimbeHy 4 tb holm having been turned over to,the subar.h the same are put into the hands of E. D. Tran jh 1 Wood Usqrs. for adjustment. Those having srrj- incuts to make will therefore call on those giui' : for the purpose, as no other person has an) ri;lt give discluirges or recci\-e balances.- ANSON Kl.MBKKU Macon. May 27. 1835 Ginn -W S KAVID B. llUTLEIl ESQ. is my professional M-W agent at all times when I am absent from Macou .Mr. Butler will be found at tho M. & F. Itis. Bank, npril l-ly-41 F.DW. D. TRACY W ILL be sold on tlio first Wednesday in Decem ber next anil days following nt the late resi- Puolic lectures. Macon Academy, Oet. 13, 1835. ROM the solicitations of several friends, the sub scriber proposes to deliver a course of Lecture oil Nat. Philosophy, including tho most recent discov eries in Electro-magnetism made by Professor Henry and the Brandon blacksmith. A Telescope of sufficient power for all practical purposes will be received before the close of the Lec tures. The instrument is selected hy a distinguished Professor, who has lately returned from Paris, os- deuce of Luke Bond dec. Pike county Ga four Lots qfland In a square couiaiuiiigdlO acres according to | press] v for tlio subscriber; not of sufficient power to survey, about 150 acres clear’d, well watered elegant j SC c the’inhabitants of the Moon, but to see distinctly its springs, first rate apple orchard and other valuable I mountains, hills aad valleys. The subscriber flatters improvement*. It will bo sold allowing three annual himself that the facts and illustrations gathered from payment* also, some valuable negroes, men, boys, | the best American and European scientific journals to women &c.. Also a quantity ot corn, fodder, wag- • be enahlod to offbr a course of Philosophical Lectures C FOR SALE. 1 [IE property at present occupied by the sub ^ scribcr. Sept l'fl 13 W. H.'JJIJRDSAU AOI It month*after date, application will be mad to the Ilonarsbl j the Inferior Court of Pulaski ••••tty wlii i: -tiling tin ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Turner Howell late of said county deceased, BENJAMIN HOWELL, Adm'r. Pulaski co. sep 3. lit the S TORE on Cherry street to rent, adjoining Telegraph Office.' Jnqnire of the printers. gons, hori-es. *ix yoke of oxen, cattle, hogs, sheep, blacksmith's tools, plantation tool*, and a variety of other articles two tedious to mention—The terms in full will ho made known on the dav of sale. Oct. 30th 1836. 20 I.EVINITY BOND, HMTltL he sold on the first Tuesday in February i f I next, before the Court Housem Lumpkin. Stew | not unworty the attention of tlio citizens of Macon. The Introiluctorv Lecture will ho given on Monday evening 19th of October, if the weather be favorable, on which the altendanoo of tho citizens of Macon is most respectfully solicited. J. DARBY. ait county, lot of land No. 147, in the 20th District for merly Lee now .Stewart county, r.s tlio property of An derson Griffin, late of Pike—for tho benefit of the heirs &c. Terms on the day. MARY P. GRIFFIN. Admr'x. JOHN R. KENDRICK, Adm'r DISSOLUTION. rgl HE firm of Wood Gump is this day dissolved _SL by mutual consent. The business will bo'coiftip- 11 I by Thomas Wood, who is duly authorized to dose thg business of tho concern. THOMAS VEO f Ft. Macon Oct. 20th 1835. EDWARD CAMP. y-mnriateof Potash, Potter's Cniholicou, Liqtt tash, Dragon’s Blood, Seatons, Stoughton’s Elixir, Strychnine, Powdered Valerian. Rfaitbarbariue, Sali- cine, Sanford’s Bark, Lac Sulphur, Syrnp of Liver wort, One Stethoscope, Swaim’s Panacea, Seidlitz Powders, Tamarinds, Tincture of Colchicuni, Wine ofColclueum,Trusses,Turbith Root, White Hellebore, Colchicuni Seeds, Acetate of Colchiciun, Aromatic Carbonate of Ammonia; an Assortment of Patent Me dicine*. onRall others-in common use, Garden Seeds, and Shop Furniture for J'hysicians.— ALSO, Couching, Cupping, nnd small Scaling,Instruments; and ouc second hand set of Amputating and Trephin ing Instruments. April 29 45. Factor & Commission ESerchant MACON, GA. W ILL keep his office at the Counting room for merly occupied by J. G. & Co. where lie will bo predated to to make liberal advances on con signment ofG teds. Cotton stored, or shipped to Sa vannah, Charleston, and New York. REFERENCES—J K IvILBURN ) A SIBLEY /Augusta, R BARBER N STONE. WASHBURN Co. > L BALDWIN ifc Co. \ BOYCE, IIENRY & WALTER JNO. FRASIER Sr Co. JAMES HAMILTON* SON NORTH. MANNING & HOYT. 15 T1JY PATENT i'OGTJBLl S3 OVB&£-ESFl£CTII6 BAKK OYEiNS. J £j 1IIE attention of the public, generally is iwio'J Jfi. au’examination of tiie above-ntiiped article, t is an economical, expeditious, and easy niodeolowl ting all baking and boiling business, atidtvW. ■ means ofcoa , and of that but a small qiinntiivalup 1 ed. ICHABOD B. IlONIli, Agt* For II. NO’IT & Co. JOSIAH St. JOJfV This may certify that I have appointed Hr- " Burr my only true and lawful agent, to make A the abovt named article in the comities of.Mcnroe Bibb, and also to sell individual rights- who have already subscribed for the article will commodated as soon as possible at Mr. Burr’sC’ 11 "^ incut at Macon Ga. I. B. IIOXIF,, A? isl Foi II. NO’iT vV JOSIAH St. JOB* Macon. April 10 1835 43 rjHHE Subscribers would respeclfully I Ji. public that they have been appoint™ I ho House of Dubois & Bacon, No. IC'D lh K ' ; l New Y’ork, Piano Forte manufacturers. ” c .? r ;| jj horised to take all orders at their whole suit I as we have a printed list of theirprices antl ^ J I fie sent warranted to be made by superior wot* . 1 of the best materials. We think all who are - . ID UIV . t ^ ofolitaining Piano Fortes, will do well to Book store and examine their listofaiticksq» ^ OLCOTT bitched i prices. ssrs. 1. u. /r. Jim illuCUfUt -ut ,-. .j John Ferry. Ifood & Jtceks, Charles t/u’chi*'- j- IF. Cox, Jesse II’. Griga, Ezekiel Smith, to . , » -Fl- n ' ,. -J— C. oct. 8 font Sf Martin, Daniel McCay, James l)tchc-' c,t Hits Sparks Sf Henry B. JIM. * „r an. I 7KTOTICE is hereby given to yen ant, / s ‘ X 48 as well as to each and every other ol». j.. I that I have application to the Ifonotir.. _ .... I . . jiplication to me „ j for Thompson. Judge of Ihe County Conit county of Chamiiers and State of Alt®* .: j-^lj- benefit of tlx laws of said Slat-*, for . j solvent Debtors, and that he has a PP" l l’* 1 Jt’C'' monday in December next,between the et on in the forenoon, and three o'clock a '.' cr J! « »,.nnlv III “ flay, at the Court House in said count) 1,1 ’V,]/; ' LaEayctte. ns the time and place, whenJ shall appear to render in a schedule ol W l s T 1 Blanks for sale at this oiSpe, OFF AT REDUCED PRICES. IIE Subscribers being desirous of closing th business tho nresent season, are induced tool their Stock of Goods at very reduced prices. Th Stock is well assorted- consisting of Dry Go.- Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Saddlery Hard Ware, Co ings. Crockery, and Gkis* Ware. Mill Irons, Ate. <S Merchants and Planters generally, aro requested cal! and examine for themselves, as they will find greatly tc their interest to do so. CHAPMAN & CHILDERS. pjtear ... . effects aad take tho oath proscribed to such ra-.'s, nt whiclS time and place, all I" 1 . r | itig to Contest said application, call a fi roper to do se. &c. TrtMV T CK-^ 7*i* think iironer to do so, Nx. .. Oct. 24 th 1635^ J| 3t JOHN! ENTI.EmJ N’.s fine water proof BOO Llf Just received anil for sale by ..,p „ ;f ir, | WM H B| ’’i r 25 first rate boat band* !>«“> ., , i^^^ffiuing the reason—the log! paiif. scpttft 11 e higuc.d REA & ,f<rl