Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, December 10, 1835, Image 1

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a ±<JsusIA ®zsiiB asiira.: “ pLB |.|SrrK!» KVEBV TIIDUSUAt, A T M l COS. GA. P intiit" O'TiCf on l heriy Strut, near Jewett's 1,1 6 <'•inter r' iiMS.—Tuikb DobbABS u year, if paid in 1. . u r Four Dott.ARS. if not paid before rho , Vie year. Subicribars iiviug at a distance *■’!; K a V jiiirc l in all cases l<f pay in advance. *' V" \ T <> Paper discontinued, bu* at the discre- jj ,,f the publics, uuti. all arrearages aie Tile Cornmittee of No minations for Bibb cuuntv, have noiui- tnteti HARMON II. HOWARD as a cajdidaia for Sheriff. • „ - We arc authorised to ■BVj'Sa nnantKW tir.ORG K WOOD a «an- Y 1--JV didatonfor Sliodlfvf Bibb County at thn ensuing election. . sT/jZ* We are authorised to '.52; aiinonuro JOHN SPRIN0UR as a" for sheriff of IJitib ronntv Jh-arjSft 1 A. E. CIlllKERIND, Ware House Musiness. In. at the ensuing election. EDWAUO C BUL- r. V ■':'&£* KI.KV is a candidate for re-election p u ,. ./vjJ . if, the olTico of Clerk of the Inferior jV-St zti&d Court r f this county. ' ring I' 1 S V VING runted the Ware House formerly occu pied by J. Goddard & Co. he will continue to transact the above business. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, by strict attention to business canlided to hi* care, ho hopes to merit a share nfthe public patronage. He will make liberal advan ces on cotton stored vith or shipoad by him. jnne 23 Gil. 53 WAKE HOluSE AND COMSttiaJSSOrj BUSZSTSSS. TUF subscriber begs leave to in form his friends and the public, that he continues the above business in a'i its branches, at his < Id stand, (head of Cherry street and Cotton Avenue.) , vr*y_. W<rarc authorised io iniiaitKt) JACOB JOHNSON as a r; candidate for Receiver of Tax Ho thru* for Bibb county at the ensuing election. WILLI A M B. JOR- 1 'AN is a candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns for Bibb county. nug 22 9 W Rickard Tl*. Ellis is a candidate for of Sheriff at the ensuing election of ilihti county. X - tRf-> JVtrtice. Z. B. WAl>E will bs a candidate for Clerk of the Inferior Court at the ton. 1 (; oct 1~. ,1 lirt 'authorised to =*JOSEPH J. UOLLE- MAN as a Candidate for Clerk of the Inferior Conit pf Bibb county. I X •,> lure forty nugro fellows for the year IS3i>. :.i- which Jib-'’w.itrs will ho given, and every :i n ,i ti l to their lie iltli and comfnrt: some of them ■ ,r iuv I to work iti a brickyard, and some unbuild- : ■ j-, th-: City—Thpie working in the brick yard ii >: lie ef vised is urfeh as in cu-.nmoti brick yards : i • orieks are all m mid .1 by machinery. I slionld it i, mike tao eagugmnaut for tlia above negroes fora ciiri-itm w next. DAVID F. WILSON. August nth; 1^35. ‘f> ST. CR6iX SVG. I'll. 11.ids c'l iiceipi liiltv St. Croix Sugarrepciv- o.l nor !>o it M I.i rn, and forsa!.* by REA A COTTON. If 'ho hare in Store. $0 Midi of.3t. Croix Sugar, ltd 'hi Now ( Irlnans da, 2) <l'i jlMasses, t; Tierces ufprima Green CmTee, tli) Bags do do do 85 > Ft " es heavy hrmff bagging, ■ji,l Pieros ’ tow do 51 Boxes hr-'t sp i'.li*!»_ sp 2 :, r*, ■J) B >x *s T I'laeco, g'i llbls pritna Pork. 5 Tins s pure bar Iron, a tv. 1 19 where he oilers ail tho usual fic3ities in business, by making liberal advances on produce stored with hi'o, or on Ihijiineutr to his friends in Savannah. Charics- ton, and New \ or!:. The situaiion of his tV'n-fl Hou ses and dose do 'age, as ro convenience and safety, are not surpassed hy any in the city. Should addi tional security be required, insurance can he effected at a very low rate.’ The subscriber’s undivided attention will b? devoted to the above business; he therefore hopes to receive a portion of public patrouagev Macon. June. IrlB-1 J A S.C. MORGAN. DRY GOODS, Jlnd COMlMtSSI ON BUSIN ESS. HS ti:iJarsjgno-! Iiave entered into a co-pariuer- JL siiip for the transaction of the above business. The Dry Goods business wiil ha conducted under the name, and style of Fort, Hamilton it Wiley and will be innuaped and directed by It. W. Fort it I.. If. Wiley. The Ware House; & Commission Business, under the nania and style of Hamilton, Hayes it C». and w'iH be intnaged end conducted ashitlrcrto by L. Hamilton and John S. Hayes—The tindefrugnad re spectfully solicit for each csiahhshment a share of pub lic patronage. ItOBT. W. FORT. E. HAMILTON, L. H. WILEY, JNO. R. HAYES. OC5TULGEE STEAM BOAT T HIS company will he prepared to commence bu-' iiness, early in the next season—They will have a utio of Packets between New. York, and Darien and steyui yoaseht to forward goods from Darien to Macon —The agents in New' fork, Charleston, and Savannah, wiii Ik: authorised to contract for the delivery ofgooils in Macon, at a freight agreed on without interinedi- ate chargaAnd tho agent in Macon will receive cotton deliverable in .Savannah, Charleston, and Nctf York— The company’s vessels and boats, will be of first clasjs with experienced commanders, and no expense will be sparod to meet the patronage of the public. I’ll. R. YoNGKit SONS, Agents in Darien may riTth 1835. 19 Macon steam boat Company, P 1 ONEE R / 9 SSS^SS -ks BOii.2 July ‘31. (1m s{ U ifCAL NOTICE. T i". s ibscribur ba t Bead appointed alcent for th i iplicitiou of Stagn t's Patent Truss, in the muw of Bibb, lie may i>: at nil times consumed T’l'u'not pr.if '.siou iHy engaged) at his nlHce on Mu!- t, t .• -troi'i. t ors ms alfected with Hernia would do n. ,; ! ti anko early nf plication M. \V\I. It BALL • Kilt < ranks, lot kail! oy WM. H. RURDSAU. VV Aiiii! iiOiiSE And oommxsmso'M- T il i! undersigned begs lea vato inform his friends & public generally, that he wiil continue the above bu-iness ip^ill its v irions branches at tbe old stand for- ineHv occupied by Benueu &. Curler in Fast .Macon, "•kore be oderi- al‘ :h“ usual facilities in business by making iib.:,-al advance on produce stored with him. or on shipments to bis frisudsin Savanndli^Charlestozi, or New York. His Ware Houses arecouveniently sit uated near the river, and remote from other buildings which renders them quite secure from danger by lire. F'lsnrimee can hcgl.Tecled at lowest rates if required. Tin: undersigned will give his whole attention to the above business'aiii) hopes to receive a portion of pub lic patronage. A General assortment of Groceries win be constantly kept on hand and sold at the lowest prices. ' Hi K. CARTER, sept. 0 H GROCERIES WARE HOUSE And LI-A E F OR transportation to and front .Macon, i* now in eoiiipjete order. A superior new .Steam Boat called ‘‘David Crockett’ 5 with two powerful Engines, nad several tirst rate freight boats have been bnift since the dose of ihe last season and placed on the line. Steam Boat Pioneer, Copt. G nod win, “ “ Darid Crockett, “ .?/’ Chrmick, will ply rcgiilaily hetwreeu Darien and Macon, one of them leaving Darien about once a week with freight bouts in tow. Steam OH^aiJS^OSy, Copt. Bonnell, will run constantly between Darien and Savanuah and afbird tho greatest despatch to Cotton. •Tiis .subscriber's whole attention is devoted to facili taiiug transportation between Macon and the Sica Ports. lie lias invested a largo sir.,', to put hialine in tile most complete ordsr, and believes that his arrattge- lneuts for despatch to freight and keening, if in good order, while in his care, will make it the interest of Cotton Shipper^ mid .Merchants ordering goods, to continue their favors. At Darien lie has secure and convenient Warehouses for reception of Goods, and his Wharves there are covered with sheds, which enables him to keep all Cotton shipped on his Hosts under shelter and protected from tho weather, while lauded for tevdiipineut. JAME3 R BUTTS Aarm JIotco'iBK, Peck & Co., Charleston, E. P. *Butts, Savanuah, J. T. Ilowi.isn, Darien I). T». Halstead. Ilawkinsvihe. Macon, \ov. IS, 1334 —'22 AVE the piaasure to return their most grateful acknowledgements for the liberal patronage they bai t recei ved from the merchants and their friends, it ’ would solicit :t continuance of it, winch they hope to merit by prompt attention to ail cotton or goods shipped by the Lute. In addition to the Steamboat Ex cel aud their tow boats now in use, . Pha Company have now btiildinga new.Steamboat, with ten new tow bouts, all of the/best materials aud exprossly adapted to tlic navigation of tho’Ocmnlgee aiuf Allatn iha rivers. These increased facilities will .-■fiord the Company the means of giving da-patch to goods intended' for the interior, ami will furnish in ducements for merchants west of the Ociuulgee river to ship the:r goods bv tbe wsy of Darien and Macon. TherfaraA first rate t’ankets running regular! v be- j tween New York and Darien, which coma to Hawes ! and Mitchell, tho agents for the .Macon Steamboat Compauy. Agentsfor the abort Hoots : 3. GODDARD, Macon. L. & Co. Savannah, IFawhs it Mitchem.. Darien. Geo. K. Ronxqrs, Hawkinsviile, Piovcfc, UrrsTiT &■ WAi.teu, Charleston. .Macon, 'doth June, 183T. 53 Om NEir WARE-HOUSE. BEG leave to tender my services to the Planters and others in thn ■Mobwe «&: Commission business. My Ware House situated ou rfio c'oiurner of Cherry and Third tlmv. in good order lor therecep tiou of Cotton. The usual accommodation of advan ces on Cotton in si ore will be imds. Orders for the purchuse of cotton will bs strictly attended to. strict aud personal atteurimi will he paid to the execu tion of orders for goods or the sale of produce, having had ten yaari experience inthe business of this place. I hope to be able to give general satisfaction to those who inav entrust their business to my care. I). RALSTON. rfy-v Nib •;V VOiliv vY DA-|iiihN him oj Cm kids. BRIG Amelia,Strong; J- Chace, Master, Preinmm, Mr. Ma'f.hbws, “ now “ Darien, C.'P.- Ituckley, “ “ *1 Aiacotii A. Bilibins, “ St hr. I). Ii. Crane. T. Baker, “ AH goo-I aifd.-ubstiHitui vessels, well cr.icnlated for the trade, wiii) good nccommWla'tions for passengers, and experienced command -rs. One of the vessels will ai- wavs be at each end of the. Liiic to receive freiahl, and will saH rf-anlariy oncc.u \veek. Shippers by this line can effect insurance nt five eighths per rent'- mid they may rely upon the vissafs being resulariv despatehea; The stib.-v:fibers tre also agcqtsfor su.Vohil Steamboat* to run regularly (Btriiig the boating season between Darien.- Hawiirtsvi|!e, an'* A^acon. anil are iuthiecd to believe that they cart give great Iheiiities in forwarding goods destined i-M-tho interior of the State. HAWES & MITC1LEI.L, Agents, j TXarien, 1st.Juiiv'I$ft&- 3 v* COATMIb.SSuN .liUJSU\TCfcs!Sj S^arien, ^-e. / .■a X HE .undersigned have resum-.d husinoss as a- H b«>ve, and ivillas heretofore pay prompt atten tion to aibbasiuesse-ntrusteiisto their care. Wo believe • wo have made arrangements that iviii enable all La times to forward goods for the Interior with the least ^ possible delay, by steamboats when the river iviii ad- jittiU county; attain the legal hears t.fsetc. mit, or in extreme low river by sinali flats or liuhteiy, built expressly for" that business. On ottr wharves are large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot ton at the least possible expens e, and our opportunities to forward cotton inland or coastwise, arc notexceed- cd by any other House. HAWES & MITCHELL. Darien, May 20,1335. 40 AVAR'S SSOUS33 AND COMUISSION BUSINESS. « pjP MYRICK, NAPIER & 5TREE- Ir & will lie thankful for nil favors - * a *^ e nbovo line of Business, manifes- ted cither in siiipments of Merchan dise !>y their Biends St acquaintances, consignments of Cotton from tho planter or cotton dea ler, or orders to sell or buy cotton in this market.— Their Ware House is conveniently situated to the bu siness part of the city. Liberal advances will be made upon the produce oi'our country. ; They are now offering a large assortment of season able Dry Goods, of newest style and fashion. Their Stock of Hardware is extensive, a „d well adapted to i so r lClls 3l c @ u i n , l< j,|. fe of their patronage. His -anunge- wsnts ot the country, r.ieir assortment ol Groceries niet)t ;, r „ r conducting business, and particularly in «- 13 wry good among wdnch will bo found, viu (]asp . llcll itt r , !Ct iving and forwarding produce A L hmee Madeira. Port, Claret, Muscat, and Cham- merchandize ami protecting them while in bis charge, paigno Vv tties an? at feist enuai to t!n>se ofany others in h:s iine. He CTaiapboU &heriif .Jalc.. \i i • •■ ai; tlif :.i-v. uesiiu . m a A NUA d » K-Ynext, ".’lure tiie court house in t amps belu .a. Campbell county, between the Usual hours of sale, Lewis M. PanlettV interest in four Negroes, to wit: Sckih a woman about 2d years old, and her d children, Leonard a hoy about 4 years old, Martha a girl about •2 years old, and Sarah a girl about & months old, to sat- iiiy t!;reo . i Fas from dark superior court, one in fa vor ol i iivaboth'Hester amt Wyatt Ilesier ex’rs of Stephen I/ester deccnsed, vs Jesse C paulett and Le wis Si Faniett, one iiy faver of Robert il Mtisgruve vs Said Jo-c C Paulett and Lewis Si l'aulett, and 1 in..fuvor of James Jiobcrtson iV co vs tbe same. Pro* porky poilijed out by Aiariiu L> Lodgers'esq. Lot of i and Numlier one hundred and livo, in the seventh district of originally Coweta now Campbell emu ly. con:ai:iing 202^ acix’s n:ore or less,levied on as the jmipsriy of Joaaihait A Johnson and wife, to sa- tisty a 1 i l a in fuvarof McFaddiu & Hull, again-C the said Jonathau A. Jblihsou & wife, issued iroiu ajusli- ca’jcotiri in the c.i’tnty oi' Chatham. Levy made and. retnriied tonic by a eoiistabie—and also lo satisfy a Ft Fa in ftvoi of Henry !loii]it against Priscilla Johnson, issued from ajusitce’s coimin Chatham county, levied (in aud returned to ire bv a cotis.’able. n< v 23 'WESLEY CAMP, sheriff. Stttts k.herikf SJAls. the first Tuesday ia JAN If A Ji Y ncjt, iriJl behold hifirre tlie court hottsedour in the town cf Jackson, AGENCV AND COMMISSION stfg&srsss. IN DARIEN. T rfP. undersigned returns his thanks to his friends 'ortho liberal support'which he has heretofore received from them in thn above line of business, and One lot el' Land uheveou Yelvertou Tbuxton now lives, in tlie third district of Ibruitrly .Monroe noyv Butts county, adjoining D Lindsey,",con taining 2tr-'-l acres uiore or less, levied on as the prop erly of .the said Yelverton Thnxion to satisfy sundry sniall Fi Fas from a justice’s court of said county in fa vor of Ermine Case vs sajdThaxtcn and Calvary- F Knight security, and Green C Thaxton security on stay .'of execution. 1 evy. made and returned to nte by Darid F.vaiis, constable. N’ov 2(i 4 JOSEPH SUMMERLIN, sheriff.. Real London Porter Carden Lemon aad Raspberry Syrup Butter, Soda, and Wine B'seuit Real Sperm Candles Baldwin’s Tallow do I.oafamJ Lump Sugars White llavuntia do Superior Spanish and American Sega rs A large supply of Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Cotton Bagging. Bale Rope. Twine, &c. &e. M-icpn. '■ •':• 2 1335 3m 2 eqstai ( - will spend the sunnier in and tn tlie yiriruiy of Darien, and any business addressed td-UIm will receive his per sonal and prompt attention, juuo 151835-5’! JOHN T. ROVv LAND. 30 aAXISSSOS? d 1 corge Jewett iteo. respecifnlly inform their ^ IT friends and the public generally, thn! they have added the Ware House and Commission Business to that heretofore conducted by them. Tlmir Ware House i- conveniently situated on second str et. ncar- |. atljrti i g tiie'r'store. All cotton consigned to thrtn, culler by i:.a planters or dealers in the article, or or- ders to sell or buy in this market, will he promptly aueniled to.’ They have also a convenient close storage house for the reception of merchandize from the country ; the receiving and forwarding of Which, will receive TO U N OF S T.JOzErji Sjois S’©? Sals. T ill Like Wiraico,and St. Joseph's Canal Co-ar ptnv, h iring coiUJracted far the construction oi recuving ana lonv.-mmig P which, win receive I St t-M.1 tVo-.n inn bay of JMOJ.V* to .co«»ect ( ofthejr attention.’ Liberal advan- •;• i.ner, iia Like U ini. ... . .jjj otado on cotton stored, or on shipments to Voiding of wharves aud Ware tinses- tubotb Z\ u Zk,x. whe... desired. They also have on' hand, nafl expect shortly to re ceive a lar"" and g-ncral assortment of groceries, drygoods fyc. fyc. Such as. St. Croix mid Porwricq& Hrivn’inasugars, WAUK HOUSE And GommT.=sj.®j8 sirsmsss. T HE undersigned hav»associated withtheuiselves in the above business Messrs. Robert W. Fort and Laird II. Wiley, and will henceforth conduct said business under the name and style of 1 lamiiton. Hayes Sc Co. They will occupy the same extensive and se cure Ware House, situated near the river and will ex tend to their friends aud patrons the same facilities in business that * they have hitherto done, aud promise an equal dagrea of,attention to thn interest of those who may favor them with their business. They respectfully tender to their former friends and pat rons timir grateful .thanks for past favors and solicit for the now concern a continuation of tho same. E. HAMILTON, JNO. R. HAYES. July 23d. 4 Cm IftsturancD. a I HE Insurance Batik of Columbus, will insure Cotton p:i the River, and also take a few risks gainst Fire in thiscitv. Applvto ROBERT COLLINS. Macon. Oct. 27. 1334. 19 Kowand’s Tonic Mixture. SUPPLY of Roivand’s Tonic Mixture, a certain cure for tho t’ceer .and Ague, just received and for s ale bv J. IL & W. S ELLIS, . jnne F'i-5-2 Colton Arcane. Macon. A puytlm;. OUSE Painting, plain and ornamental, cither in tho city or country. Chairs repainted and ornamented, l^rokinggluss or picture frames gilded or bronzed. Signs painted, and Fancy painting of .various des criptions will be done by applying to ' J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS. Colton Arcnue. Mixed Paints of every color on hand. jan 3-i?!) | UST received and-for sale by I J. IL Sc W. S'. ELLIS, Cotton Ai'cnuc. iloffinan’s Anodyne LiqttorBalsani Capivi, Lenitive Electuary, Do Canada, Conserve Roses, Soda Powders, Ojiiuin, Saratoga do Sulphate Quinine, Seidlitz do CJm'phoi, . Lemon Syrup, Castor Oil (fresh and supo-Best Starch, 31A CON nhoTths raid, to be ready fortimlwiu«tio>uofbi^ mu«bv ;!i • 1st of iJeL-omlier ilex:, aave laid »u iutn M l. • i':,"itloN, the new totva of »». Joseph, on a bean- Uil e v.-ua.l plain, about half wav up the Bay 'i i'i! east side, at the point ivln-re tho rail rotd *.i! tir iil'i i'e — Pha wharf is to he carried out to 17 f" : 'Vi -t. and the. Rail Road track to extend to the f( nj :t 1 ofit, so t'lat vessels can load and discharge Mr D-s along side the cars. __ Th-s lots in the town of St Jo-">>!i will V.s off-red feri,-! ,it pa'ilic. auction on the 1st ol’December next.- ’f ont 1-4 cash. The balance in three r.qital pay. ■ :i “v,-. fir w'lich notes will he required, at 12 21 oil hi-uiii, with iutrest from the day of sale. Title bonds *‘il b: i ime l by the company to the pnrclias- ,: >«a t'isirc-rupiviiig \vi}lt the terms of sale, and a f “ *i n;>] > title when the last instillment is paid. ROB’T BEVIKIDGE. I’res’t. kili? Wimioo and St. Joseph, C. C. Jj! I n ph W. Florida. Oct. L 1335. 19 4 FLOUR CHEESE LARD. •J ik bills Canal Flour, 9 10 half bids do 20 Kegs Lard, 50 Boxes Cheese. 10 Half bids No 1 Mackerel,' Lit received and for sale bv nor.5. Idii. 19 CHARLES CAMPBELL. Lt'proof Buildings corner .Mulberry A- Stroud -i. REMOVAL. H _ pH^aaiss a ^fiaw.' I »3 reuiiiiud to tho n*w Fire Proof Building* BB coruer of Alulherry & Second Street, xvhero found a irood stock of Staple Dry Goods, ILti good stock of Staple Dry ■ ICapt, and .Siioa.i iv th a ge— ral stock of Gro- Bun, S ill, Ac. for sale at the market prices. nnv. uh It) - roxi I ’ ’-DC Almanacks, aud Beers Almanacks tor sale ^ >»■ J. H.&. W. S. ELLIS. CAJ" M Cuba. Rio and Java coffee. Liverpool salt, •Swedes Irou, Nails, Brails, cast, German and blister steel. Heavy hemp Bagging. Bagging twin.: twilled sack ing. Oznaburgh«, Negroes cloths, shoes, ha's, caps, elaoks, Powder, shot, and lead, saddles and bridles, Sets Blacksmith tools, castings. Hardware, Calicoes, Flannels. Blankets-, Wax Calf skins, Ac. Which they- will sell on as good terms as can be had in this market. Sept 10 11 ESMOW. J.A. &S.S. VIRGIN U’utch Makers St Jewellers, Would inform their friends and the public, that they hai o remov ed their establishment to Cotton Atcnut. to tho store recently oc cupied bv J II A W3 Ellis,drug gists, where they will be hapnvto serve any who may flavor them with a call.' They have iti addition to their former stock, just received T HE subscriber having niado arrangements witii supie of the most extensive Carriage .Manufac tories itt the nothern cities, will have on hand, and be constantly receiving, Ihe coming season, n’ extensive assortment of, CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, and rchieles of all descriptions, which will be of the best workmanship aud materials, and which will be sold on as good terms as can bo purchased in any city in tlie .Southern country. Also, aa extensive assort ment of SADDLERY, HARNESS. aud every other article appertaining to our line ofbuJi ness. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to give us a call. - -u*l ri:' - - ' i WRIGLEY A HART Sept 2 Opposite corner from Washington Halt. till! 11 rior,) Indigo, Siveet do do do Madder, Mustard - dc do Bine Stone, Gum Arable Ahnatta, Epsom Salts, Logivood, Brimstone, Camwood, Calomel, ' Glue, Tart Emetic, Aqua Fortis, Morphine, Nitric Add, Black Drop, Pearlash, &c. Ac. Oil Canthnradis, Paints, Varnishes, fyc. 1SEW GOODS. W5I. II; BUilBSAlsli, AS Just received a new and extensive as sortment »:f DRY GOODS, *UEL&3>XTsSiAI>32 a?r©3?Z2£Z£a, HATS, SHOES, Sec. which he isuTerittg for sale a taxi! {feed prices For Cash Only. ms STOCK COSSISI3, IN I’AivT, OK TUB- FOt.t.OlVXNQ 1 Super Saxony. Blue, Black and Fancy Colored Broad Cloths Blue, Block. Mixed stud Fancy colored Satiueits English Merinocs Duffle, Point and lltyse Xilanke’s Scarlet, Crimson, Green atul WJtite Flannels Printed Salsbury • dai Canton and Saxony cud Gauze do Damask Table iriapi'M birds K.yo aud Russia 1(0 Scotch do Black, Blue and coloured Bombazettes do aid do CirtSisstSlW Negro Cloths Linseys Bleached and Unbleac hed Shirtings & Sheetings Hamilton Jeans Black Italian Lustring do ■ Gros do Swiss do d-:* Naples do do Beriitt do Sinchews ;md Sarsnnct3. Colored tiros dc Ntades Black ami colored Florences do Italian Crapes .Merino Mantles and Square Shawls Common. Thibet Wool, Valentia, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls llernani, Muslin. Crape* Gauze nod Gros do Na ples Dress lldkfs Ladies and Misses Bonnets Irish Linens and Lawns Japan Yarnirh, Copal do Leather do White Lead, ltd Lead, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre. Chrotno Yellow, Verdceris, Chrome Green Spirits Turpentine, Prussian Blue. FOR SALE. F IVE well improved Lots in .Macon having good Dwellings with all other necessary out build ings; ALSO, Two hundred acres well timbered Pine Land with- from New York a large and splendid assortment of • hi ouo and a half miles of the City. :^^tch3S» iySuV^l'.'y* ^f O. Mv Saw and and Grti miff, ci _ POLYPS A* OILS. 8 Kegs White Lead, | 3 150 Galls. Linseed Oil, jqq da Whale do " i jyj do Lamp do i’ ,.. do Spirits Turpentine, „ yj 11 .»aniish,- Furniture Varuish, L’.iroms Yellow. Chrome Cirena. Bla -k. Prussian Blue, '"'r,li' - U >‘ a ^ e '^’ ^ ari!i Green, V.„„• > 'j” n l 'ts all c.nlonn Wliite Frosting, H, |/bid- Spanish Brown, il (; ,u I 1 ' ■ /«llow Ocra. iVhitins. Glue, n, v -.. ‘.' V^J'Ht received and for s'ae bv 13 CHARLES CAMPBELL- hr.*... H;i rlfli ugH, corner of Uulberrv and Second of the latest fitnoiis, w iich tuey will eell ciieap for cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es7 capeuieut, duplex, lepine, alarm and vertical Watch es. of the best quality; gold, -diver and steel guard Chaitis, Seals and Keys, liar Kuobsand Drops. Breast Piilk. Fiui^PKitigs, gtiid, silver and steel Spectacles, gold and silver ever potn'ed Pencils, silver table, tea, salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and cream Lillies—all of which will be -warranted freo from alloy : silver Cups, butter Knives, Castors, sil ver placed arid bronzed Candlesticks, Trays aud Snuf : ors, M t-denl Boxo<, Aceordians, Flutes, Flageolctts, Fifes. Drums, Ac. Swords, sword Cane*. Knives anil I’i-Uijs, among which is Rnggles’ pocket Rifle, that will ilmotfifly yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den tist Filer, shall." sili'fcr, gilt and horn Combs. Card ca ses, Pocket Books and- Purses, silver Snuffboxes, sii- . ver Tovr, silver Thitublas, Scissors, coral, gilt and . glass Beads, steel Pen*, nil I a variety of othor articles tunnlly'kept in their lino. N. 3. \re hiviTtha bast of materials for repairing Watches of all kinds. S. S. V’s practical knowje.lge of th" l>u-di,9*s induces him to think that he can. aud will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work iu his hiids. Spoons Ac- engraved- Oct-1 My Saiv and and Grist mills situated seven miles from town, with several tractsof I .and and thetimberon the Mil! Tract; all on terms which will he profitable to a purchaser. ^ D. RALSTON. ‘ Si,t ’scril harV*,'/!' ’• , r ' >l,s '.zned in Ids friends in Savannah, j ding faun fresh wounds, Bleeding nt the nose Ac. Ac l|9f -Itk iNew York,or Boston. | Prepared hy G. W. CARP NRER.and forsal -hy . jt) ROBERT COLUNS. ' stmt. 2! ~ ■yr will- make liberal advances .>u i SOLUTION NR U)SOJ )’l the cure of Cancerous 1 deers. Old *orcs, Ti.-t- te-rs, King worms and will immediately stop b!<*e- J. ft. A W- Sr ELLISr S. U. DICKINSON. A T. the store formerly occupied by J. Ahrahams'&co. Jsi on Cotton avenue aud next door to Patrick A Marrin on 3d st has now on liand a very select and choice assortment of Dry Goods Ac. entirely fresh and for sale nrreduced prices also 50 hhds prime sugars. •20 N. O. molasses, 150 Bags cott’ee. 120 bhls N. E. Rum. Cog Brandy, II. Gin, J. Rum, Malaga. Madeira, Maundies, l’ortand Lisbon Wines, Noyean, pepper mint, Cinnamon, Rose, and Life of man cordials, Ci gala. snuff, tobacco, lump sugar, powder, tea, choc olale. pepper, spice, indigo, salaeratus, ginger, starch, soap, lamp' oil. pickled park, prime bagging, salt, cas tings; Ac. Ac. Macon Sept.2-'d. 13 Medical Herbs, fyc. Poplar Bark, Gitm Gamboge, African Pepper, Foxglove, 11 ay berry Bark, Elder Flowers, Lobelia inilata, Skunk Cabbago Uva Ursi,; Gentian, Seneka, Ilorehound, l.obelia Sceil, Sage, Setpentaria, Bouaset. Gum Mvrrh, Macon, feb 11 1.335 34 Roioalid's Tonic Mixture. ARE ANTED a certain cure for the Fever and Ague also tlie genuine I (ygean medicines For sale otily hy COOKE A COWLES. Mrtcon. Oct. S. Hi Authorized Agents. PERFUMERY. C f)LOGNE/Floi:da. IL'-e, Lavender, Hingarv mid Orange Flower Water, Naples Compound Palm Ensollent. and Cosine tic .Jioap. Barbers Shnvi'iL" Cakes, Otto of Rose. Mi": of I.'o.-c. A- Po-.vder. 51 unsmYand Bears Oil, i’reston and Satts Ac. Just r -reived and foriwld by 3110rWELli BROWN A Co. Sept 9th r 1835- 1*1 ' NEW BOOKS. O LCOTT A ELLS have just received a largo in voice of miscellaneous books—school hooks and stationary —They have the Gift for 1.236; the Gipsey: Tales ol the Peerage; Book of my Lady; Mon .kins; all of Abbott: works; Bum's notes complete; Com plete set of the family Library—in short, books of nil kinds are ou hind—la->ey articles of an excellent qhnl ity A -"y!t*.—They hop.: to make 'heir store worthy of tlie attoiitio.-i auil co:iudeuco of their friends end c im munity. and respectfully solicit timir patronage—Also a large supply of Ledgers A Record Books from 6 to •24 or. Ac. Ac. Macon itov. 5.1H35. ID NOTICE 1 ?t'X7'lLL be sold on the tiist Monday in December yt v next, at pidilic outcry, on tho plantation lyiiighiii FI at Crack in T.viggs county, lately tho property of It !I MusgroVe ileceaseJ, the following property viz: —55 Negroes, of whom uro u Blacknuitli, Cerponter, A Snuyer, 1500 Bushels of Corn, 4U n,K) pounds Fodder, Alules, farming uiensiiv, and sundry othor arti cles. Terms made known on t n day of-ate PAUL FITT; SIMONS Oct. ’29th 1835. 19 Tlie Federal Uuioii. anil Georgia Journal will please publish tlie above until the day of sal-*, and forward theiir accounts o tne at Auguste for paymeuL P. F. Ximc For sale bv tho subscriber, octir- 'IK EIWUND' RKSS'RLT;.- } Cotton Gnssitners'Beaver Fustians Fnglish Moleskin Apron aud l-'uruiture Cheek - Domestic Plaids ami ritripcs Bed Ticks Floor Cloth Baize Green Frieze Cloth Furniture .Dimity Russia tvicetingBenr Duek Cambric do Bleached Mow lass Uzirahttrgii- Bnngup Cord Cqttoi Yarn Colton,' IVorstctf, and .amhs wool Hosiery Black and colored Cambrics Batin and Gauze Garuitiii-es 13k and col’d Lustring Ritibous Dark and light‘col’d Priuts and Ginghams Lace ami Gauze Veils Fig’iiarid plain •Bohinet Laco Thread Laces Cambric, Saxpny, Swiss, Mull, Natisook ami Book Jlus’tins • *•. ’5 : -J$ I inen Cnmhric Hdkfs ! Pongee, Indian Flag aud Spittlcficld lldkfs Carved anil plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver aud Goat skin Gloves' Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves Bead Reticules §jj£S Roady-made 'Slothing. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Ad tin id, brown and green Brondclo'.’t Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brow ii and green Cloth Frock " Coats, Supertine hint:, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, ;uid blue, steel -mix’d and Tanc/ colored Sauiiiet Coattees -and Frork Coats. - ; - Super. hliie..hlark. invi.-lhle green, drab, brown, olive, and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and fancy colored’Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth’s cloth arid sailinet Dress and Frork Coals, do do do Panteloohs.HBgy^- Blaek and lihte Cassimere, black and colorctL-Vilvet, black Florintine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valentia, Em :i<h Silk, colored and white MerseilfcsToilinet, Ewa.u. >i-. n and-Sattinet t ests Candct Cloaks and Great Coats, .Mixed, brown Cloth A Pater bam Box Ccats Lyon Skin Ove*coats. Fino Linen Siiirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, Ac. Negro ChtHting. 51 -it’s A A’onth’s Fitr Hats, do. do. Woo! do. do. do. Cloth. Sea! St Hair Cans; Fino Boots A Shoes—.Negro Shoes-, Ac: &c. Oct. 15. 17 STousioa isheriflf £5aAo. O N the first 'Tuesday in JANUARY ,;cxt, u-illbe said before the court house door, in Ike tvim of Per ry, Hour ton county, between the lawful hours of sale, Lui of I gnid No 2!) in theShh district of said county, to satisfy onndrv Ft Fas from a justice’s coiirtin Wilke* coun y, in favor of John B Omith Vs John Bail, Jei.-o Ball and (diaries Dood . Levy made and roturntd to me by ;t constable—i'roocrlv pointed Out by tho plairi- tiffV - . G Lot of Land No 255 iu tbe 1.5th district, to satisly sundry Fi Fas from a justice^ court of this county iti favor of C F Smith aud others vs Tbonr.s Barron, 1c- vv made aiid rchtroc-d in me. by a coustahie^-property pointed out by plaintiff. - Lots of Land No 3. 4 and 29 in tlie Ofli district to‘- gelher with the i m j-rovemeu ts thereon, consisting of a' good s:iiv and grist mill, an exceih-nigiisanu gi'u house and other'comfortable b<uJ<ling.-, with aOO or more c- cres .of open l.oid,. to satisfy' two 1- i Eos firnni the supe rior court of This eoanty, one in favor of W illiaui Ilar- vin vs-Itichiird Watirde, the other in favor of John.T Owens vs said Wallace principal, :md Joshua Pattis^ bail security—property pointed out b- p.alnliff. Lot of 1 .and No 31 in the j-rdiylist to satisfy a Fi Fa r rom Wi'kcssnpt-rior court in favor of William N Ui- chardsou vs t-elibid A Sinks? .-uni Francis 51cClcn- iloft seeiirilv- on l!ie appeal —properly poiuted out by said McClendon. - - - • ' Ojie hnif acre Lot in the lowinof-Pcrry with the itn- prT>v(::hents.diereoii-f'xcept t’-.e. ivteikfchnp ocenpied by ri'in ts'P.,Sr;chey. la'ing the Lot-mbdiuifig-tke otto on the west now in the occupancy of'George Patten, and also one gig, as the property of Campbell Lassi ter. ' Two bags of ginned cotton, levied sir by a.iya rrant fir refit iii fir.or of .Mich .el Ma-iden vs Enoch Kiris- by. property pointed-out by phrii’iff. dec 1 J ■ >H N C ,M OVA G EC. Dep sheriff POSTPONED--SALE—iritf ho sold as abort, ■ * 5 ne hall'acre Lot : n the town of Perry ivi h a rtore bo-tssr thereon.' a! pres- rt in the o'-cnpaiK-y of Ira JI the property oTM«*5r*.- & K< lly, HfkaUsfi situ- drv Fi.Fasfro’ii ajnstiee’s court in Uils comiiy in favor of James A. Fvcrett hearer, levy made and retunibd to rive by a constable—WopeVlr pointed ont. bv ptain- riff. . G M' DU AC AS, sheriff _ Gtd'iiatbtd Siiepff Sale* W ILL be sold before the Cohn House door hi the town of IvnoxvilleV (’rav./bn!' county, on the tirst Tuesday in January next, within the legal 1 hours of.-rile thefollovving property-, viz : Two hundred In o and a halfaeres of land more or .less inthe fith-di-trier-of said ccSnty, levied on o> the '■ iiropcrty .ofiMosy.s .G'idd 'Us, to satisfy sntidiy -stitall n las, issued ottt of a Justice’s court oi 1’uiaski county, iti favor ofJohn Rawls A Co. vs-sairfitlo- -- Guldens. Property pointed our by-plaintiir. Levied on aml'tc- tn.'irad to uie‘ v a cottslaide-g Novcn b 121,1855 'VM'j’. EH •:>. ssn’ff.i t-V« olive <4- .-s ok AT REDUCED PRICE*. IffJHB Snfucribors httiiig desirous of closlng'their JI. bilsin" rs the pre-out seta. ou. are induced to offei their Stock of loods at very reduced j--. T! “it Stock is-well assorted consisting rof Dry Goo<N. Clothiu" Ifnt-, Filth's. Saddlery Hard Vf -re. fa- (’n-e!.-<»ry. and Ware. Mill irort->. Ac. Ac Mcrcb-rnta and Plat-.-ers conerally. -ire requested r - •ill and eynr.->i:M for thcm-telvee. e.t they wilt find itt •rreatly to tr.rir interest fodo so. ' rii v’.han e -"irn nr-’.. - 324-Jilti L'-S- (**~p iia4>-> ur» Mi-w ..v i>«h;«11L j ite. first Tuesday in Jai.ij..rv lu.-.xt'ivdi he so.M _ afore die Court flonstrduot in the tow ii cf aieindott Pike cotluty, within the legal hours Ol rale die foiTmvmg properly to iv it. One \ oUo oi tutyit A cart, one ox.yoko, fii*l:t slacks' oP'fbiidC'r, 'five hat rets of corn, more or-lcss, eight er^ ten yteseri of cot: on- iu. tlie liold, levied on a--tjie property of \V iiliniii Har man. and Joseph.DT Harman, to saii.-ly a ti la i. string fromtlie Giipeiior court cf sa;dxoun;y,Kin<.i.ei: ivit- vliins vs said-iVilliam 'and Jo -i-ph t>. jiroperty poin ted out by plaintiff, net. 31, tc*i& VJ Also, trill be sold as ubvre, One lot of men's and hoys' toother shoes. 1 do wont sS’s leather shoes, 1 do children’s, leather and pnmel ia shoes, 21 p-r ivomen’s do.' l loto)' iluiiil biankets. I lot ivhi e Homespun, 1 lot prints, 31ady'.s corded skirts •! ps figd muslins, 2ps book do. I lot cotton Lifts, I ps battiste, 4 ps giitphaids. 2 ps buckram. 1 ps kersey, 1 lot apron rhccks, 1 norlhet n do. J ps bedi.-ching, i ps red llanttel, 2ps irish linen. 1 brown do. 2 ps Nankin, 1 lot writing paper, J, lot shoe thread, 1 do coftoa, 3 j;r wool mitts, I pscoat lining, 2 ps-steel j9:i.\t broad cloth, 1 ps white Uainiel, l lot valentia vesting, 1 ps red padding. 1 ps black boudmet. 2 ps flax driving, 1 ps rcd.caitibricK. Circassian, I papers bosieyj', 10 nr bueii-kiu gloves,. 1 lot let ter paper, T-l'almauacks, 1 lot primers, I da-books, 1 lot girths . iid circingics, 1 httnch turkey cotton. ! iady’s cloak. 2 ns check’d nius- iiu, 2 py cambr;c. I lot fancy cravats, i ps black silk, 1 lot fancy baskets. I lot merino ai.-d-cottoi: shawls, I Iqt silk bkfs. 1 ps col’d Homc piiii, I h.i'mibdx hud 11 straw bonnets, 1 man's saddle. 1 lot of sniai(..beai s, 1 do laces, 1 lot velvet ribbon. 1 do cologce water. 1 da fancy viols, Unix ribbons and tapes, T lot flax [h/ead, 1 do spool, I do buttons. J do - tfependers, : < o bru; eu, 1 lotlucifer matches, ltet pins. 1 ilo soap. 1 doto- bae.-o, 1 do gimlilets, J do pocket books,-i .- ■ ; eticils, 1 do knives and razors, I do t'.-i .. . ] do shaving boxes and brt: 1. J 1 <t -; . < i -.<! rcis- :ors. 1 .dospe-uts ■ or--, ldo .s! , !t;g -toj • . L box cotton can’s. I hum dicinc rfld dye .-tuff, 'i lo7 Iflrivcs am! forks, t do pailock*. I do c ::: lycn ■ I ,d.o mustard. 1 do leading lines. I ( ',i i ; -liarb'-s. I do ; m.-rv.-. 1 , > ^ v. uipa, F(in augers aud chisels, i rasp, 1 ret weights •■■ \ ■ «:!<•<, I4r-t -ad. irons. 1 do tin and crockery ware, 1 do cast or-oil and. ink, 1 d . barrels. 1 do starch and jars. I do un.brolias,- 1 do ini :i s lur hats, i do cb*ddrer?’.s carts. Ido bridle-. • • box glass, t idqcoppera-. 1 iot wrapping paper. 1 do ,'urnitnre paper,—oil ’evied on as the property of Da vid ‘5. !“• idrto i*• -fy a i-'i Fa issued from the superi or conrt of Do Kalb county, it: favor of Thomas CL- f'asy. vs sa-fl David R. .'e:d. Property pninted out • hy plaiiitifi's attorney Nov 21 JOSEPH IT SHIVER.?. Ti Shy cto Na&erliFjBsfe* th.- tir-r Tue-dav in Jimrrerv next, will he-?o!d’ ^ before the (Virt Hon e In Fayetteville Payette-