Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1835, December 31, 1835, Image 3

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3bSp & t o .r a < * © 111 q r « p $ ♦ f . |i,A relief of Beimjfilt King. S', nme;i*l the roiwiitiUjon of this State so as ti n nw with the property qualifications of *® „f ihe Genera! Assembly. |,ie !p incorporate the Central nail Western uharf Company, in the City of Augusta. ’-j o amend the Oath to bo administered at I.tce- , in this Stato. am cnd -he Arts giviuR to Master Carpeu- J ami -Masons a lien ou buildings ererted by '"•i"'. inromorate a Volunteer Company of Rifle- J ia“he county of Liberty; . To uuicml the Act incorporating the Georgia j. ti , |., in j Company, and to give said Company ftiukitfn privileges. To amend ar. Act intitled an Act to incorpor- . the Central Rail Road and Canal Company, all ‘. h , r g the name of the same, and to give said Company Ranking privileges and powers. Vo incorporate the Georgia Mining Company tho Kstileo Milling Compauy, and the Chero kee Mining Company. To authorise Rcnjamiu II. Walden of Bryau coiuity to establish a Ferry across great Ogee- rlu-e River. , . ,, „ , . To add that part of the Cross Street lying east an ,l ii.ljoiuiug the public burying ground in tho (own of VV'riglitsboro’ Columbia county, nud make the same !l P’ m of sa ' <1 burying gniuud. To make permanent tho site of the public buddings at Chattooga, in Walker county. IV the relief of Win. Cliue of Muscogee coun- '■ For the relief of purchasers of lots of laud in Thomas county. To incorporate the Chattahocl’ce Rail Road Company. . . To amend the Act authorising David I errell, j,-.. lo erect a mill dtim across Fliut River, in the countv of Crawford. To "incorporate Oglethorpe University, at Mtd- nnt. near .Millcdgevillc. To amend an Art entitled nu Act to incorpor- a(t . die Georgia Rail Road Crtnpatiy. To amend an Act to incorporate the Carroll ton Academy. To authorise the citizens of McIntosh county to elect th ir road Commissioners. To enable the Corporation of the City of Sa vannah to obtain and collect the Jail fees of pris oners committed to the Jail of Chatham co.. &r. To prescribe the mode of collecting Coroner’s fees, in ibis State. Tn clnugo the time of holding tho Superior Courts in Wayne county.. To authorise the Governor to draw bis War rant on tho Treasury in favor of the Trustees id Franklin eouutj Academy. To authorise the Trustees of Laurens county Academy to receive all Dividends that may be due them at the uext distribution. To incorporate the Eatoutou Manufacturing Coaipauy, in the cotiuty of Putnam. Fertile relief of Samuel BulKinglon. To establish ail additional election precinct in the county of DcKnlb. To consolidate the Academic and Poor School Fund of \V ilkiusou county. To incorporate Mount Pleasant Academy in die country of Muscogee, Sec. To Pardon John J$ Childers of Hancock conn tf. To authorise tho creation of oue or more Com panics of Cavalry in each county in this Slate. anJ furnish them with arms. To coufirin to tho City Council of Augusta the title to tile South and East Common of said City. To chauge the name of Frederick Clark to that of Frederick Bunker. To extend the civil jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, iu the City of Sav iuuali. To incorporate the Great Western Kail Road Company. To amend the. Act of 1336. which vests the ap poiatineut of Patrols iu the Justices of the Peace. -a> far as respects the comities of Lumpkin and McIntosh. To authorise the Commissioners of the town of Rruuswiek aad Frederica, to sell BOO acres of the town Common of Rruuswiek. To change the time of holding the inferior Courts iu Jasper nud Jucksou couutics. For the relief of Isaac E. Cobb. To permit elections for Colonel to be* held at the various precincts in the several counties of this State. in authorise the Trustees of the Academies in Columbia county to relieve Wm. W. Simpson from the payment of certain mouies. To compensate Petit Jurors iu the county of Camden. I’o incorporate Tranquil Institute, iu Liberty county. To incorporate Republican Academy in IJnr- vii comity. To reduce the Feesou Grauts for Land draw*, in the late Laud uud Gold Lotteries, and all for mer Lotteries. To revive an Act passed 20th Decomocr, 1S33, authorising the Justices of the luferior Court of Washington county to levy an extra tax for the purposes of building n Court House. For the relief of George S. Bradford of Cher okee enmity. To change the names of certain persons there in named. To iucorporate the Rruuswiek aud Florida R iil Road Company. To authoiisc the issuing of Grauts for all Lots ot Laud drawn m the Cherokee country. For tho relief of Win. rf. Dumi and W. \V. Hardwick of Columbia comity. To authorise the Inferior Court of Campbell comity io levy an extra tax. To repeal an Act to prevent Teachers receiv ing pay out of the Poor School Lunu.iu she coun ties of Lowndes, Sumpter, Irwin and, tin less examined by the Inferior Courts of said coun ties. To repeal the first Section of <n Act appoint ing Trustee!! for the Sumptercounty Academy, at Americufl. For the relief of S. S. Chipley. To authorise II nry Crowell to build a Mill Dam across Flint River. To alter mid change the law regulating Poor Schools, so far as relates to Tattnall county To repeal the 2d section of an Act passed Do-' comber, 1832. to make Ranks aud other Corpora tions subject to Garnishment. To provide n Fund for the use of tho Medical College „f Georgia. To alter and aineiul the 47th and 51st Rules Inr the Government of the Penitentiary. To require the Surveyor General to record till Head Right Pints received at his Office, before •he kind is gran ted. To add n part of Joues to Bibb county. To add a part of Laurens to Montgomery co. , To ascertain tho mode of paying Petit Jurors in .McIntosh county. !’o amend tht Militia laws of Georgia, so far as relates to tile first Regiment, iu Chatham couu- ly, r o iitnenn an Act to incorporate the town of "olujnlus, Muscogee couuty. To incorporate the Chasseurs oj Horse in Cam den county. To repeal the Act appointing Commissioners ,0 select a site fot tho Public Buildings in Marion •'OHllty, appropriate money for the use of Acade turns in (in; Cherokee Circuit. i‘n amend tho Act to exempt from sale eertain articles, chiefly necessary for the subsistence of debtors’ f.trni!i?s. To authorise the Inferior Court of Henry eoui:-J tyj|to*lcvy ail extra tax. To authorise tho trustees of Muscogee Acade my to sell a portion of the Female Academy lots iu the town o r Columbus. To permit tho Aitoruies of tho State of Ala bama to plead and practice in the several Courts of law and equity in this State. To amend the Act to prevent the circulation of Rank Rills under the denomination of Five dol lars. To nuthoriso the issuing of it Grant for the south half of lot No. 176, iu the 9th dUt. of Hous ton, &.C. To authoriseearh couuty in this State to r<-taiu the general tax of 1835 aud 1836, for tho county- purposes. To exploit] the Act to «uthorisc and oinpowci City Couucil of Augusta and the trustees of Rich mond couniy Academy to convey to the Alliens Rail Road Company tcu acres of tho town com- mou lots of Augusta. To amend the several Ads regulating tho Pi lotage of vessels to and from the Ports of this State. To aud a part of Wilkes to Taliaferro county. To iucorporate the Iron Steam Rout Company, with powers of (usntaucc. To iucorporate “ the Rank of MillcdgevilJt,” •villi Banking and Insurance privileges, located at Milledgcville. for the Telegraph. THE DEAD BEAUTY. BY II. B. M. - ■ "".-rPywt _ ABOLITIONISM. Unwarrantable efforts are being made by the opposition to identify Mr Van Buren with the Abolitionists, and thereby blast his prow- She lay a* if in slumber: in her cheek, ing popularity in the South.' The •published tho soft carnation linger’d still, , v J A r w T v n 1 , j \\ hich spoke a ceaiper fix’d above, yet weak, letters and sent line nts of IVIr > an Buren have For, dying, she had dared, as those deep blushes speak, time and again given the He to their slanders; A hope of life, despite the heavenly will, and the whole course of his friends in Congress r An d well she might, for she was beautiful, and throughout the country, sustain him in his j As clouds that brave the sun's refulgent b ams, position. Stijl, with a recklessness of princi- j Partaking 0 fhis splendor: mude’sspell pie and a disregard to truth unequalled on any j ' wS^ on^SSunglreanis:- lormer occasion, do the piratical opposition) J persist in their warfare. ° tw on.l° Ve ' t‘r“ l ^*fWai»vhann ;- 1 « , . , . n . . . n 1 hat only good for which we seek to live,— On this subject, a Representative m Con- ] That caustthe fiercer passions all disarm, gress from Georgia writes us as follows : ! And spell- ike, soothe them into blessed cam,— “H. o/R. Washington, Dec. 16. | Fel ’ ,0 be lost T how couW slie fail but s rieve 1 “ Two memorials, praying the abolition of! O, memory, long thou’It urge thy gentle sway, slavery within the district of Columbia, were 1 . ,anc y P a ‘ nt her as in youthful hours, this day presented and laid on the table, with- j s^ph-like'm^ out discussion, by a majority of 150, less than Stealing the fragrance of spring's choicest dowers, forty voting against this mode of disposing of j I£ow like such flower ber filte _ by sudden batld the Question* A. subsequent motion to have » Forced how [is parent steui!—tho power uiixficn, the memorials printed, was disposed of in the At whose strong bidding empires fall, and stand, same manner, after some little discussion, by a ! 8e "^f°I tb thu agent of Ins drcad commana,- majority of at least 130 or 140. The ayes " **“"* “ ■5‘2' Fim£7rO£ GG I’. ITS R. f)LCOTT wiii for - U e gntittitfioo of hia friends and the public, give a lecuire on Phrenology, on ilte evennigof-the PmvKXpvni House, precisely at 7 o’clock, lie flatters liihiscii that he shall give interest to his subject, aud salisluc- tou to iiis hearers. 177* Ladies are especially and respectfully invited to attend. Admission gratis. - dec 31 27 ntjllK copartnership heretofore existing under the ’— 1 firm of ahotieeU, Broicn Sf Co. is this day dissolv ed by mutual consent. The business will be cuuiinu- cd 'ey If. S{ J. akotuxtl, who willsettle the accounts. HARVEY SHOTWELL. Macon, Dec. WM. G. BROWN, JACOB SHO’fWELL.- 11st, 1835. 27 OK TON’S CELEBRATED COUGH SY- RU P, just reced ed and for sale bv decttl 27 11. & J. SHOTWELL. and nocs which were taken on these questions, will prove, that the friends of Van Buren at To compensate the Siiperiutcndants of precinct i Hie North, with scarcely an exception, are op- . . * * ... 1 3 .1 „ C *1.« A tf elections iu the county of Tronp. (To be Continued.) MACON: Thursday, Jicccmbcr 31, 1835. Cotton ,TIarliCt. There has been little alteration in prices since our last, and little coming in. We con tinue to quote 12 1-2 for prime qualities. BWMBH posed to the measures of tho Abolitionists.” The following letter is from the Richmond Enquirer • SCENES AT WASHINGTON. “ Washington, Dec. 16. •• This ha* been the most interesting day to those memkera who represent the slave holding States, that we have yet had ilnring the present session of Congress. Mr Farificlil of Maine, this morning, introduced a-petition, praying for the abolition of slavery iu the District fo Colum bia. The memorial was hardly antmuuccd by She droop’d, and was as if she ne’er had been. And there’s a time for all t:> fail, When the eye shall lose the fire Which kindled at the wrong’d one’s tale. Or glow’d as swept th’ enchanting wire Tho loved one’s fingers they admire. ,n , . -i . . „ the Speaker, before Mr Cramer of New York, To Correspondent a Ju cmlo Education ^ zea | OIIS supporter of the Admiuistnit ration and in 1 ypc. o£ , be |{.,|timore nominees, moved to lay the We arc indebted to the attention of Mr Grantland and other Representatives from this State, for Public Documents and letters. FIRE ! A Fire broke out yesterday mor ning in the carriage making buildings on Fourth street. By the early and prompt endeavors of many early rising and active citizens, it was soon extinguished with the employment of only household buckets, supplied from a pri vate well in the rear of the flames. This is perhaps the third case in which no memorial mi the tabic: which motion was sccon •led by the gentleman who introduced the mem orial. Mr. Mason of Virginia, in order to test | the sense of the House, cal cd for the yeas and j nays, and the motion wascarricd by a vote of 139 ! to "thirty-one. Upon this qtiestou. however ; some voted in the affirmative, upon the ground, that the member who introduced the petition was iu favor of its being laid upon the table.—.Mr A'I.kIj of Vermont, for the purpose, evidently, of securing an occasion to evince his strong uffVc- tiou for the inn leru ablitionists, moved that tin* memorial ho printed, and supported his mortion wi'h a speech, characterized by file uiajj com- cngi„c or lire co-pa,,, ta bee. brought into action. A properly organized company should be had, and it is to be hoped that such measures will forthwith be taken, and inducements offer ed, as shall ensure the formation of a sufficient company’, headed by officers willing and effi cient. But for Providential and accidental circumstances, the late fire must have ravaged at least the whole block. The air was perfect ly still, the seat of the devouring element rea dily accessible in many ways, and a bountiful store of water in the place before mentioned, A Melancholy Occurence took place in Craw ford county a few days ago. Mr Thomas Slatter, an old and respected citizen of that county’, in a personal rencontre with his son in law (Mr Geo. R. Hunter, a practising At torney in Knoxville, aud a young man of fair promise,) received a wound with a knife,which j proved fatal in a very few minutes! This aw ful event has cast a gloom over an extensive family’ connection, and a large circle of ac quaintance, indescribable. The lion. Thomas U. J J . Charlton depar ted this life in Savannah on the 20th instant. Grrnt Fire in Ji’ew Torh ! Some of the particulars of this dreadful oc currence will be found in another column. Up wards of 600 buildings were burnt, and some twenty millions of dollars worth of property’ destroyed! and many’ thousands of people ren dered houseless ! It is the greatest conflagra tion over recollected in this country ; and pro bably next in its disastrous consequences to the great Fire in Loudon in 1666. Cannot some plan of building be resorted to, and with materials less destructible than those now in use I Every year the country sustains an immense loss from firc$; and no s>ep seems made towards averting the calamity. Impor tant discoveries, inventions and improvements are made in every thing but in guarding against Fires. A plan of building, cheap, durable, and indestructible by fire, is a desideratim long sought. The Dear Fight! took place in this city on Wednesday of last week, as previously adver tised. The expected combat excited a good deal of interest, and attracted crowds. The Bear had been purchased from a travelling Menagerie by a company, for tills express pur pose. It was the largest of the species ever seen in these parts ; but from his long confine ment in a cage, liigh keeping, and incipient j domestication, he appeared less pugnacious, when the first volley of dogs were discliarged at him, than was expected, or wished ; and seemed disposed to treat the affair as a jcke ! At length however as the onset confirmed, he began to cxiiibit signs of ferocity, and a wil lingness to 1 stand up to his fodder.' And it is believed, Irad he displayed his heroism altoge ther on the defensive, or not assaulted bipeds as well as quadrupeds in his offensive opera tions, he might have fought till this time with out being much the worse for it. But not sho wing a proper discrimination in his attacks, lie excited the indignation of the spectators, who thereupon joined in the combat with clubs, rails and bars of iron, when he was soon over powered aud the breath beaten out of him. In the midst of the fight, a young lad, son of Mr John P. Evans, who was inside the ring, was seized by the Bear, and thrown down ! and the spectators were horrif ed, at seeing the enraged animal with ' the bey under him, his head in his mouth, and his life in the most im- ttlinent danger! The spectators promptly flew to his assistance, aud the lad was happily res cued alive, but not without several severe gash es. We trust this will be a caution against tolei ating such spectacles within the limits of the! city. At a similar exhibition iu this place sev-. eral years ago, it will be recollected, sundry incidents happened : one man had the calf of his leg tern off by the Bear, and remained a cripple for life. slavery in the District ol Columbia—The moment lie had finished Iiis tirade, Mr Vanderpoc! of New York, (who is the intimate friend of .Mr. Van Ruren, and resides in lhe village in v. hieli the Vice President was born.) in order to airest the debate,'and to secure an early exhibition of the sense of the House against the mischievous machinations of Northern abolitionists, moved that the moiiou lo print the memorial be also laid upon the table, and c.ilicd for the yeas aud nays upon this inatioii, which were ordered hy the House. The question was taken, nud carried hv a vole of 168 to 59. Some, no doubt, voted for printing who would vote against any direct measure to interfere with slavery iu the District. This day’s work must serve to convince every b.idy who becomes acquainted with it, how reck less "those ineu arc, who persist in even insinuating tint Mr Van Ruren and his Northern friends in auy manner favor the diabolical schemes of the Northern aunlillouists.—Mr blade of Vi, whose sensibilities are so much disturbed by the tolera tion of slavery in the District oT Columbia, is a certain gentleman, whom Air Van Ruren found iu possession of a snug aud lucrative clerkship iu tho State Department in 1829 when he entered upon the duties of Secretary of Slate. He had been a busy travelling politcinu. aud Mr Van Ruren removed him. It is needless to say. that liehas been a most implacable auti-Van Ruren “Whig," ever since. 51 r. Francis Hr auger, who has twice been run and beaten iu New York, as the anti-Van Ruren candidate for -Governor, vot ed for printing the memorial as did also the whole of his little anti Masonic, anti Van Ruren corps i Depend upon it. that the friends of Mr Van ‘ Ruren arc. to a man. from principle and feeling, strongly opposed to the schemes of the Northern Abolitionists; aud if you will look over the yeas aud navi upon the questions decided today, you will see that those who voted against laying the Maine petition upon the table, or in favor of printing, were the open and avowed opponents of Mr. Van Ruren. The vote of today gives the abolition question its quietus fur the session, and .*?u ample pledge that the Democracy of tile N irib heartily opposed to any interfer ence y>om abroad, with our domestic relations iu the South. ■ ■ " ■ Another boat Accident.—Tile Mefamora, com manded by Capt. Smith, on ber first trip from Apalarbicola to this place, was snagged, and in a few minutes went to the bottom with a large caigo of goods for this place. It is certainly a great want of prudence iu boat owners to atien. nt the navigation of a river that in consequeuce of its lowness is scarcely navigable for a tin-pan.— The truth is. our river is made to suffer in repu tation, when the bfamo should be attached to an other source.—Columbus Sent. Died. On Friday, the 18th inst., at Ids residence in Oglethorpe, the Rev. benjamin Pope, of the M. E.-Church, lie had been but a few years engag ed iu the ministry; during which, he was distin guished lor talcntR; piety, and zeal: and now. in the prime of life, and midst of usefulness, h is been called to reap the reward of his labors of love. At Mount Vintage, on the 16th inst., Mrs. Ger trude Jacoha Rrcithaupt. relict of the late Col. Rreithaupt, aged about 70years. Mrs. R was a native of Holland came to this country at an early age with her father. Van Rerkel, the Minis ter, aud was first married to Col. Scuiidi, of the U. S. Army. T IDE examination of the Students of the Viue- viilc Academy commenced ou Thursday, aud ' terminated on Friday last. The inclemency of the weather was much regretted both by the ^nitrous aud Rector and Rcctress of tlii- rising institution, as the second cause that prevented the attendance of many visitors who.lost an intellectual treat. The writer of this arucle profess-s not to he a veiy astute judge of such matters, yet he has attended many very many private and public examinations ot the students of several of the first rate Seminaries in more than one of the states, and according to his bumble judgement, never did Students shew themselves or the high qualifications of their instructors better. Clas ses were closely examined iu all the branches oflitera- ture and the sciences usually taught in Academies ol' the highest order, and generally acquitted themselves •n a manner that convinced all who \ver?proseut that thsy had been well aud thoroughly taught, and with iiuusuai correctness understood what they had preten ded to learn. The examination was not confined io theory only but extended also to practical usefulness. The classes both male and female in the English, Lat in, Greek and French Grammars, and those who read uud pursed iu those languages with but very few ex- ceptmus indeed, exhibit! d the pleasing fact that they had been well grounded-in the root of their studies, that tney understood the definitions- and rules, aud therefore almost invariably applied them with accura cy. Aud the same may be said of those who were ex amined in Philosophy, Arithmetic, Algebra, Ac. Ac. Sums and propositions were given, written down by the Students, marked out and demonstrated with that ease nud certain result, and clear and accurate demon stration. which without the possibility of doubt evinced that lliey perfectly understood their subject. It is such education, and such only, that will be retained by tiic studeut, and be carried out in the useful and practical purposes of after life. I know of uo Institution that promises to tho after generation greater blessings ac cording to the extent of its patronage. Mr. Armstrong •lie Rector, received his literary education at the Uni versity of North Carolina, where it was blessed with the able services of Doctor Caduell, and Professor Harper, and afterwards was transferred to West Point where he graduated. Hence, his clear aud accurate knowledge of the language* aud sciences, and his high qualifications for the government of youth. Mrs Armstrong is a lady of good education, and possesses in an eminent degree that laudable ambition for intel tactual improvement which is a praise to her sex. Iu this institution under such government, all things may indeed be said to be done ‘-decently and in order.” The exercises will be resumed on the first Monday ) in January! next. Board may be had in respectable families either for male or female students, upon rea sonable terms. And it is confidently believed bv one no way interested in the increase of the members in this school, that no parent or guardian will have cause to regret the money which may be expended upon their child or ward, under such instruction. Dee. Hi, 1835. 27 please announce thefotloneing Ticket: ’ HEBEAS my wife NANCY GARNER, has left my bed and board without any just cause whatever, these are therefore to forbid «ll per sons trusting or harboring her on my account, as I shall pay no debts ofher contracting. JOHN GARNER. Jones co., Gen. Dec.29rh. 1835, dec 31 27 4tn $9o> f&si&kfmm KU.,.T,lVAr.—About the 1st No\ HILLY, a shin, thick set leiloiv, lias y scar on the fmciiTsid m*d oue on hi-' •grani'-UVepXflftbmay;hi*rr! .cait.i. n free' uiun—is very artful, and Sr : :uve a forged pass—baa many relations . aiding <o D >ct. Payne, oj MilledgeviUei it is prw- lo he may change bis name. A reward of thirty dollars wiil be paid for hi* ceuvety in any jail, so thai die subset iber gets him. W. J. MclNTOSIL Darien, Dec. 21.1835. (Oaken in or about Macon. Mr. Chas. Campbe'.l will take charge of him and nav the reward. deo2t ° Georgia, MSutltt Comity. TJN RASMUS G. MAKABJUE, tolls before C. M. _H_J Coody. a Just.ce of the Peace in and for said county and the Gl4tll District, one cstray Mare,about l't years old, abright blaze fixee, and the left hind feat white, shod all round, and ill tolerable order. Ap praised by G. W. Crior and A. F. Thompson to forty dollars. ’Sworn to aud subscribed before Uie, this 22d day of December, 1835. dec 31 JOHN GOODMAN, c, i. c. A GREEABLY u> an order of the honorable the ! Inferior Court for the county of Twiggs, when sitting as a court of ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in 51 ARC 11 uext, before the Court House door in said county,within the legal hours of -sale,— all the Lauds and Negroes belonging to the estate of Joshua D. Bustirk. late of Twiggs county, deceased; except the widow’s dower in lands. Terms on the day. LUCINDA BOSTICK, Admix. HARDY DURHAM. Adm’tr. Dec. 23.1833. dec 31 27p NOTICE. 'f\l’l'iSDAY the itiiii.. . of January »cxt,L 9 return day for Bibb Inferior Court, Febru ary Term, 1826. E. U. BERKLEY’, c. i. c. "December 31. 27 f E.YTItAU IIO'F^U 7U n P. THE undersigned having pnr- sSy chased Mf. Whi. B. Parker’s i.- j I '> g T vp to rest in the Central Hotel, intern ■waj * 0 ■ j I continuing the business tinder t.l» name amLltyle of TfPagtion Staisicy, and hope From stri. attention to merit, a share of public patronage. GEO. p. WAG NON, JOHN D. RAMEY. OHr P. S.—The Stage? Office at the Central Hot-!. •Mucon, Dec. 22. 1835. 2f> ciarUon and Commission Business. j Take this method of informing my friends and th A. -public generally, that I have taken up the above business, and respectfully solicit a share of patronage All Goods : me shall be strictly attendee to, according to directions, dec ' '2jJ C. L. HOWLAND, A GREEABLY to au order of the honorable the Infe rior Court for the county of Ticiggs, trhen siiting as a court of ordinary, trill be sold on the,Jirst Tuesday in MAltai next, before the Court House door in Marion county, irithin the usual hours of sale. Lot of Land No. 90, in tbc.lth District of said coun ty, sold as the property of James Desliazo, deceased. Terms on the day. RICHARD DrSIL-YZO, Aelm'tr. Dec 28th, 1835, dec 31 I N OUR mouths after date, application will be,made to the honorable Inferior Court of Talbot coun ty, where sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of John Rilev, late of Talbot county, deceased, for the uenefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOSEPH RILEY. Adm'tr. Dec. 2fi, 1835. dec 31 27 4m (Lt. be sold before the Court House door, in the torni of Zcbulon, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, the folloteing property to wit: Ono lotol Land number two hundred aud fifry-tlirce, iu the Second District of originally Monroe now Pike couniy. Also, Nine Negroes ofthc followingde. cription, viz. Scott a man, Ann a woman, Jim. Nathan, Sam, Bob, Tom, Eliza and Jake children belonging to the estate of John Akin, Sen. late of Pike county, deceased.— Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day of sale. This 22d day of De cember, 18:*5. JOHN AKIN. Jr. > . . . dec 11 tv It LT AM AKIN. ( rtam rs. Bit its SfieritT Sale* ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Fel ruary next, at the Court House, in the town of Jack- son. Butts county, between the usual hours of sals. The following property to-wit: 81 acres of Land, levied oiras the property of Silas Elliott, it being tht northwest corner of Lot No. 125. in the first district of origiunhy Henry now Butts county, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Justice Court of Burke county, in favor of Bailey Carpenter, (Junior,) vs Silas Elliott and Elizabeth Powell, Administrators of E. Powell. Levy made and returned to me bv a constable. D’-< ' JOS "PI! SUMMERLIN, Sheriff. Bank of Darien. December 8, 1S35. A N election will he held at the Banking House in this city, ou Monday, the 4th of January, IS3Y. fi r three Directors of this Bank, oil the part of die u:- dividualStockholdersfortlieensuing year. The pol's will be opened at lOo’clock, A.Mt, and closed at 2 o' clock, P. M. By order EBENEZER S. REES, Cashier. Dai.en. Dec 15.18:15. 20 CFiviiiend~J\'o. 27 Bank of Barieti, December 7, 18»,?5. f gYIIE Board of Directors of this Bank, have this it day declared a Dividend of Three per cent, ou the amount of capital stock paid in for the Inst Six Months, which wilt be due aad payableoti and after die 1st day of January next, to the Stockholders, or d:eir legal representatives. l.RENEZER S. REES. Cislncr. Darien, Dec. 15, 18:15. 2-5 Education. T HE subscriber tenders io patronsand friends', ' bis most cordial thunks, for the past and present liberal patronage, which they have bestowed on bis School, lie would, agai-i. embrace the opportunity, respectfully, to inform Parents and Gnardiara, in th. City and Country, that Ids SCHOOL is still in opera tiou, and will continue iu progress till !5th July with out vacation. Those who conteninlato patrouisim: this School, would do well to make an early applica tion, so that competent assistance may he, in due time, procured. The principal scarcely need say, that his hesfl exertions will be devoted to the utmost improvement ufTlis pupils: aud, expecting to fix hit residence permanently in this city, he, therefore. would respectfully solicit, in common with ether teach ers, a liberal share of public patronage! lie Would also, wiUi cront pleasure,'add, that the present moral character of his Students, is seldom exceeded, in their freedom from vicious habits P. MAC INTYRE. Macon Academy, Male Department Dee. 24U' 1815. 4t 2<C- ' SnlfsMtt.i . WATCHES AtY£> .iEWxJLU*. B Y -authority, Augusta I -dependeni Fire Com pany ’ * . LOTTERY. To he drawn on Thursday. 31st inst. Prize3 paid by the undersigned, for the Manager. Tickets Ttco Dollars. For sale by C. G. ST. JOU X, for-ihc Manager, dee 24 vs 2(i Cotton Arcni/e. ISAAC G. SEYMOUR, for Mayor. JERRY COWLES, T C. A. HIGGINS. DAVID RALSTON, HENRY G. ROSS. GEORGE VIGAL, "> JAMES WILLIAMS. ( HENRY K. CARTER. 4th Hurd. 1st Ward. '2d Hard. 3d Ward. iMoasfoii Sheriff" Sale. O S the Jirst Tuesday in FAB VARY next, will be sold before the courthouse door, in the town of Per ry, Houston county, between the lawful hours of sale. The east half of Lot No.292, in the 13th district ol Houston county levied on by virtue of a fi 1'a issuing out of a Justices Court of Houston county, it: favor of L. Bole, against Samuel Gilmore. Thos Barron, and Henry Stnninerford. Levied on and returned to me by a constable. dec'.D 27 G 51. DUNCAN, Sheriff. Henry Sheriff Sale. YYJJYT11 ■ L 6e sold before the Court House door in the V V town of Me Dtmough, Henry county, on the first Tuesday iu FEBRUARY next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Two thousand pounds of seed cotton more or less, levied on as the property of Stephen Winkles, to sat- JtruJLl4JE. T HE Copartnership liereloforr.existing between DEAN A. DUNCAN, bus tin's day been dis solved by mutual consent. Persons having demands against the firm, will present them to either ; and those indebted, will please call and settle as early as possible. JAMES DEAN. GEORGEW. DUNCAN. Perry, Nnveuiher20, 1835: 3t 26 A ~ .Y<7 ’STf'ET; ~7P /SELLpersons are fiir.-warned from tresspassing ou l.e Vo. 912, in the 12th District and 1st Section. JOHN M’CLUSKY. v in January next, I will offer ■Ce a,! my property iu Macon, for sale oil a credit of one, two and three years, unless prcv ic.usiy ru'd.— The iV are-llouse and Wharf lot, will be delivered on tiie first of October t!ext,froin which time th«* .-red it will begin If persons should wish to purc hase 1«:- levieu on us mo property ot tstepncu vv mules, io sat- fore that tiinc. appiy to Charles J. McDonald, who isfy a fi fa issued from the Inferior Court of Henry !' V1 H co,,!!a,u uealc with me on the saibiect. PAiinfir. ill iiivnr nf Tpccp Jnoiwr.n rs. .S'ft»nhr»n Sfiil- i Aill Sir 1/AJMIjK The Apalachicola Advertiser has followed the emigrants to the new town of 8t Joseph, aud assuming a new name, came to us this morning as the St Joseph Telegraph. The Editor speaks in rejoicing terms of the advantages of his umv location, and congratulates bis fellow towusmeu on the superiority of St Joseph, in all respects o- ver Apalachicola. A few months ago the spot was an uninhabited aud desert plait], now it is the abode of a thriving population, has a rail road about to be pnt iu operation, and is prepa ring for a heavy season of busiucs.—•Mobile pa. For the Telegraph. EQUAL RIGHTS. To tht Members of the Legislature, Gf.stlkues : As equal rights, equal privilege, aud destruction to all monopolies seems now to he the trder of the day. I have a line to address to you nu the odious practice, of a man’s paying for justice. The practice of the law ought to ho free fur every man; the established custom now in operation in this couutry, compels a man to pay for his rights, as he cant appear in a court of justice to plead his own cause or his neighbors, unless lie is duhed with the title of L. D. or Doc tor of Law,--why is not every man as good a judge of his owu case ns any body else, and why should a certain class of the community have peculiar favors above the rest, especially when life and property arecqttallyatstake; It is shame fill, it is ridiculous, iu a free republican gove-u- ra<’iit like this. I would suggest then, The City of Macon in account with Nathan Barker, Treasurer. * DR. To Paid liire and subsistence of negroes § G93 93 salaries of city officers „ assistant deputy marshals for oil aud attendance oil bridge for repair of pumps for hordes aud subsistence Fire master for magazine for damaged powder city assessor salary of clerk of board of health first payment for market house cupola for do refunded to Danen Bank refunded to G P Wagnon 1st pay’t lot No 1 sq 71 marshal, secret service monCy miscellaneous accounts 1620 03 balance on hand 2483 16 2622 24 329 89 268 18 494 38 381 ‘>5 100 528 655 12 300 00 100 2500 210 20 98 50 50 cotiuty, iu favor of Jesse Johnson rs. Stephen at a! naker and Stephen Winkles his security. 202j acres of Land, lot number sixty-four in the Third District of Henry county, levied oil as the pro perty of Thomas Swinney, to satisfy two small fi fas issued from a Justices Court «f said county; one in fa vor of David Johnson rs. William A. Wells, and Thomas Swinney; the other in favor of Henry Swiii- Thomas S vinney, and other ft fas against said Thomas- Swiuney. Levy made and returned to me by Ezekiel Grifliii. 11 constable. STEPHEN MALONE. Deputy Sheriff. Dec 25, 1835. 27 December 24. 26 13,454 40 CR By cash from formertreasurerin current notesl2G9 00 do iu Macon Bank „ 25 1st instalment on half acre lots 4434 20 1st do on 2-acre lots, extended lease 451 1C 8th do do original lease 605 25 lease of 12 acres of city common 12 00 1st instalment of water lots 14 80 J P Evans on account rent of brick yard 93 90 Retail Licenses 120—Dray do 295 415 auction do 100—billiard do 25—badges 12.137 public exhibitions f * V 20 fire master balance unexpended, 30 marshal for fines 41—costs on do 13 94 54 94 city tax for 1834 1451 90 marshal on tax executions for 1834 1355 fctx on auction sales 92 23 city tax for 1835 2995 24 V"’ Macon. Doc 24 THOMAS _ lidate fttx^Cl that the ' 8ll ‘'ig election. \ 13,454 46 NATH. BARKER, C. Tr. ~3."SAULSBURY is a dec 31 27 Lynch Law be established, which gives every ; jjS l( 4. man the privilege of judging of his own rights or l,„ wrongs, aud npplyiug Iiis own remedies, w ithout J •A e are authorized to announce R B, WASHINGTON, as a candid ate for Alderman ,.f firgr Ward. having to pay a man for leading him into difficul-' mrUH AKK tll&EH—jo bn 1, on lmnd7Thd ties against his own inclinations. Then let a r (0 moro sbort iy expected, best Newark Cider tribunal of Lynch Judges he established—and let dec 31 27 °t JAS. LEWIS, it be a penitentiary crime if they make auydecis- VNOR SALK —A good second hand SULKFY I ion contrary to the dictates of their own cgMCi-i f and HARNESS, in excellent repair, will be j cnees aud according to EQUITV. (sold ot a bargain- Apply at this office, .dec 31 27 3tf BmlliiS for 8319 3* . CIS PUttCC* Carroll Sheriff Sale. TIH. be sold on the Jirst Tuesday in FEBRU ARY next, at Carrollton, Carroll county, irithin the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Lot of Land No 207 in the 2d District of Carroll; Benj. Chapmans interest in tat 195 in 0th District Carroll, Bcnj. Chapmans interest in lot 105 iu 2d District Carroll, one Negro Woman by the name of Juda, 22 years old. all as the property of Bcnj. Chap, mac, to satisfy a fi fa from tho sitp’r, court of said coun ty, in favor oi'David B, Hill, with other ft fas rs. said Chapman. Lot No. 108 in the Gth District Carroll, as the pro perty of Robort Me Farland, to satisfy a fi fa from the sup’r. court of said county, in favor of Jiles S. Bog- gess rs. Me Farland; one Negro Woman by the name of Moriah, as the property of D. L Harris, to satisfy two fi fas from the sup’r court of said county, one ju favor of Jam-s Goddard rs. said D. L. Harrisund Bcnj. Chapman. • Also, twenty head of Hogs, four Cows and 2 StilN. as the property of Thomas Duke, to satisfy a 6 fa from the sup’r. court of.said county, in favor of Jiles S. Boggess rs. said Duke. This 24thDec., 1835. 27 ISAAC E. COBB. Sheriff. HENRY H. MATTESOX, £”or (rail Fa infer, O FFERS his professional services ,0 the citizens of Macon.- His ronqi is over die D>xrien Bard:, where his specimens may he se»n. dec 24 POSTPONED AMiIyISTRATOMS’ fl &ALti.—Ou the first Tuesday iu February next, will be sold in front of ilie Court Ilou.-e. m Ma- ctm, all the personal property of John W. Rhodes, late of this county, deceased : consisting of bed*, bed ding, and an extra good rifle patent breeched in brass. GEORGE AUGUSTUS SMITH, dee 24 23 t •' »*■-.- GEORGIA : Campbell (jaunty. W HEREAS Nancy Harris and James Cox ap ply tome for letters of admitilstrutioii on the estate of George Harris, late of said t a iiiuv, deceased. These are therefore to cite <onish all and Angular the kindred and creditors of said dcctas- td, lo le and appear at my office, irithin the lime prescribed by law, to show cause, if ant) they have wlni saidletlers should not be granted,-;' Given under mv hand at office December 8tli, 1835. 9«’ ’ R. P. BOM AH: c. c. o. A’OTICE. laiHK subscriber being disengaged at present, of* B fers his services to the publicas a Mir.r. Will out. lie will take jobs if early application is made, at mode rate prices, and perform the work in the best style;ali(l should it be necessary, can be well recommended. WM. H. ANDREWS- t’errv, Dec. 24. ,18:45. . 3t 26 . Campbell Sheriff Sale. XJW.IL1, be sold on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, et the court house door of saul county, icilhin the lawful hours, thefollowing property to wit : Lpfof Land No. 26 in the first district of original!' Cdrroll. now Campbell county, to satisfy one fi fa from Walton superior court, in favor of Jesse M. Butt es. William II. Ray. Property pointed out by plantifT. Lot of Land No. 853, in the 18th district, second section of originallv t’herokee now Campbell county, to satisfy one fi fa from a Justices Court, Hall county. in favor of Thomas Wynne vs. Francis Talbert, and sundry other fi fas vs. Tal' ert. Levy made and re turned to me by a etpwtahle. Three I.ots of Land Vos 134 155 and 164. in the eight district of originally Coweta now Campbell coun ty.'to satisfy three fi fas from a Justices Court of said county, in favor of George Chappell rs. Austin Brvan' ■ ml John Bryari’, and comroltad by said Chappell to Thoms-- Dothard. Levy made and returned to inchv a constable. Saventv-fivo barrels of Corn to satisfy one fi fa from the superior court of said county, in favor of L, B Harrises. Andrew Sharer, Joseph ^herer. John She- rer, Robert Prcsl -y and Sanford Britton, nud controll ed by said Harris to Stephen James. Levied on as the property of Andrew Shcrer, and oointed out by | j eoti aid A. Shcrer. dec 16 27 WESLEY CAMP, Sheriff > FORSYTH - .Hale and Female gicadeniiea. IIF, Trustees, of the ; Forsyth Male and Female A- N - i cademies take pleasure in announcing to the nub ile that (bey have again secured the services of Mr B li HOPKINS, a gentleman of high attainments and. long experience in the art of teaching—lie bos' had charge of the Female Institution at this place for tie- last eighteen months, assisted by his daughter Miss E-c z.iz.v Hopki.vs. General satis fa riion has, \ve beUevUr been universally given heretofore* A -splendid Geo graphical and Philosophical Apparatus has’ been pur chased, and will be ready fbr thaiVso'of tl«}InstittJ-• tion by the commencement of tin- tcmi. In tbe-i. Hale Department the services of Mr J It MERRY,. .1 gen. Ionian of high qualifications, have boon also cu-r gaged for the next year, .This gentleman has been in the employ of the Trustees far the last eight monthot and in addition to tho branches usually taught in Acs-* demise, lessons will be given in the French LnngitagtT by Mr Murry, Tho Trustees fHrthrr state for tho in formation oft’i- public, that Mrs HARRIET WAR. NER respectfully tender* her services to the Youiity Ladies and Misses alt ,ch I to the institution, nr any others who may be placed nnd r her instruction, itr ffip varioiw branehea of Music on the Piano Forte.—• The e.bir u :er of this tadyas a Teacher of Music, is sar well known to the community, that the Trustees deenv •’meee.-sary to say any thing further upon tliat su6, Angus 11 D King, j Josce Dunn, j IJn, ry II Lump’iin, Truce II Gordon, dec 1& Bcnj II. Rutherford. ■ik p! ■Ill 1 • Ti nstd<* S U