Newspaper Page Text
& £. K. B.4BT1ET
.WvICO.V, GFOJtGI.l, TJSFjR&JD.tF, 1’ 11, lS.iO
Volume Xt'oMuabcr fl;>.
Verio* «f Subscription.
_ pou-Aiw, |> 'id i* advance, will png for the pa-
1 ' Iff. Five Dollars, paid tit advance, trill pay
ff r :i r r f. ro years. Ten Dollars, jwu/ t* advance
!»'fjffor the paper fire years.
*"“/ U.lid ttilhia six months after the year has
IIS'* , t r ■ —'h ~
1* < „
J*t iM‘T*r
Verms of Ailvcrtisin".
it .rtiwnts ji.ji excelling one hundred words, half
* r !>c fiwfre brevier lines, will he inserted one time.
‘ . dollar. When wore than one insertion is given,
if 1 “ufgr the first, and 50 vents for tach continuance.
’ i (‘ y ' n ,-hich a deduction of one fourth will be made, when
l‘fo r ifi\Tar. Collectors'and Coroners' Sales arechar-
Ailcrriisers will be allowed two sanares in each
', r ‘f J r Twenty Dollars per annum; anil in the same
fjr a larger space-payable quarterly-
T.i' ■ rpeases of our business, and the state of the time s,
1 that these terms should be rigidly adhered to.
"Bl HE undersigned have associated with themselves
JSl in the above business Messrs. Robert \V. Fort
and Laird II. Wiley, and will henceforth conduct said
business under the name and style ef Hamilton. Haves
&. Co. They will occupy the same extensive and se
cure Ware House, sitnated near the river and will ex
tend to their friends and patrons the same facilities in
business that they have hitherto done, and promise
an equal degree of attention to the interest of those
who may favor them with their business. They
rcspoctfnlly tender to their former friends and pat
rons their grateful thanks for past lavor* and solicit
for the n**w concern a continuation of the same.
July 23d,
Line o f Packets.
jCX Bull, Amelia Strong, J. Chace, Master,
||7W. I’retnmm, Mr.’ Matthews, “
J.tL\ nev “ D.irien, C. 1’. UucKley, “
V- '-jlr ., u Macon, A. Bibbins, “
Scl.r. O. IE Crane, T. Baker,. “
\|j -oo I ••'id -alistantial vessels, well calculated for the
(rule, with good accommodations for passengers, and
niwrienceil coimnauder*. One of the vessels will aJ-
u !.s hi at each cadof the Line to receive freight, and
w jli.regularly once a week. Shippers by this line
r ,,, f.jVr; Insurance at fivo eighths per cent and they
,oi. rely rtpon th.; vessels being regularly despatched.
qVsitbscribersaro also agents for several Steamboats
ti run regularly daring the boating season between
D.trlea. Htwkiusville, and Macon, and arc induced to
believ- that they can give greatTacilitio* in forwarding
destined "tor the interior of the State.
' HAWES it MITCHELL, Agents.
Darin. It July. IS An "i
" pioneer Sturm Boat MAue.
1 1 ut transportation to and from Macon, is now in
1 complete order. A superior new Steam Boat
raied‘'David Crockett” with two powerful Lugines,
and several first rare freight boats have been built since
the close of the last season and placed on the line.
Sham lloat Pioneer, Copt. Goodwin,
“ “ David Crockett, “ M'Connie!-,
will plr regn’aily between Darien and Macon, one of
ihcin louring Darien about once a week with freight
halts in tow.
Stan 3sat SZIARliSSSOjSI,
Cap!.. Donnell,
will r.i i constantly between Darien and Savannah,
m l Word tha greatest despatch to Cotton.
Tne subscriber"* whole attention is devoted to facili
tating transportation between Mucen and the Sea
Forts. II ; lias invested a'large sum to put bis line in
tire most complete order, and believes that his arrangc-
muifs fit. givln* despatch to freight and keeping it in
S.n l order,while in his care, will make it the interest
ofC itton Shippers and Merchants ordering goods, to
rnntinne their favors.
At i t.irien he has secure and convenient Warehouses
fur reception of Goods, and his
Wharves there arc coveroi
with sheds,
which enables him lo keep all Cotton shipped on hi,
Boits under shelter and protected from the weather,
while landed for rcshipiiient.
Ar.rf.TS., Pi'.ct; A Co., Charleston,
E. I’. Butts, Savannah,
J. 1’. Rotvi.Axn, Darien
D. B. Halstead, llawkinsville.
Macon, Nov. IS, 18.14—‘Hi
.llncon Steam Boat Company.
Steamboat .SUPERIOR, Capt. George Wdlco
da. EXCEL. •• J. L.~Wjllcox.
T HIS company have now their line of Boat*
complete order for freighting. They hav a
u •« added to their line called the Superior,
sad tan Tow-Boats.
Tii; Bait* will run regularly between Macon and
Baricn. one of the steamboat* leaving Darien every
live or six days with tow-boat*. Tha company have
»« sixteen tow-boat*, all first rate boats, built express
ly for the navigation o<" the Ocimilgee and Altamnlia
rivers: these increased facilities will enable tlie com
pany the means of giving the greatest ucspatch to
cotton or good* shipped by their line.
Th,y have a and a number of Sloops,
to carry cotton and merchandise between Darien ami
Savannah, and Darien and Charleston. There are
oho, live lir-i rate Packets running regularly between
Birieii and New York, which come to Hawes A.
MitcheI. of Darien.
Agents for the ahore Roots :
. J. GODDARD, Mneon.
Bovce, Hexry. A Wat.tkr, Charleston.
J.. Bamhviv & Co. Savannah,
Hawks & Mitchum., Darien,
Gen. K. Rorkrts, llawkinsville,
Mn« on, 24th Dec., 1835. 26
T il!-, undersigned have cutercd into a co-partner
ship for the trammetipu of the above business.
Tin* Dry Goods business will be conducted under the
name and style of Fort. Hamilton A Wiley and
will he managed and directed by U. W. Fort & L. II.
Wiley. The Ware House A Commission Business,
under the name and style of Hamilton, Hayes & Co.
and will be managed and conducted as hitherto "l»y E.
Hamilton ami John R. Hayes—The undersigned re
spectfully solicit for each establishment a share of pub
ic patronage.
JNO. R. HAJ'F.3.
0 mi v g s v jn £ n i c e .v £ s.
£ GENERAL Assortment of l>i*ugs, iRcdi-
jlml. cincs, Ac. ilist received from New York, for
sain by 28 J. H. & W. S. ELLIS.
G .1 EC n JE JV S JE E n s.
A SUPPLY'of fresh GARDEN SEEDS just re
ceived—Also, The Gardener's .7San-
net, with instructions for cultivating Garden Plants,
&c.—Price 12A cts. For sale by
jan 1 28 J. H. A- W. S. ELLIS.
U»s Pork and Bacon,
100 do New Lard, for sale
July 23.
fgl HE undersigned begsleave to inform his friends &.
_1L public generally, that he will continue the above
business in all its various branches at the old stand for
merly occupied by Bennett it Cat ter in East Macon,
where he oilers a” the usual facilities in business by
making libera! advances on produce stored with him,
or on shipments to his friends m Savauiiab.JCharleston,
or New York. His Ware Houses areconvcnicutly sit
uated near the river, and remo'te from other buildings
which Tenders them quite seenre from danger by fire.
Insurance can he eflected at lowest rates if required.
The undersigned will give Iris whole attention ta the
above business and hopes to receivo a portion ef pub
lic patronage. A Geueral assortment of Groceries
will be constantly kept on hand and sold at the lowest
prices. If. K. CARTER,
sept. 9 11
1 cargo Jewett &co. respectfully inform their
^ Jf friends and tho public generally, that they have
added Uio Ware House aud Commission Bi’sincssto
that heretofore conducted by them. Their -Ware
Hoii-e i conveniently situated on second street, near
ly adjoi i g their store. All cotton consigned to them,
either by the planter* or dealers in the article, or or
ders to I-ell or buy in this market, will be promptly
attended to.
They have also a convenient close storage house
for tlie reception of raerehanitize from the country ;
the receiving and forwarding of which, will receive
a particular share of their attention. Liberal advan
ces will be made on cotton stored, or on shipments to
anv market, when desired.
They also have on hand, aud expect shortly to re
ceive a large and general assortment of
groceries, drygoods
fyc. fyc.
Such as. St. Croix and Portorico A- Havonnasugars,
Cuba. Rio and Java coffee, Liverpool salt,
.Swedes Iron, Nails, Brads, cast, German and blister
Heavy hemp Bagging, Bagging twine twilled sack
ing, Owiabnrglis,
Negroes clotlis, shoes, hats, caps, claoks,
Powder, shot, and lead, saddles and bridles.
Sets Blacksmith tools, castings, Hardware,
Calicoes, Flannels, Blankets, Wax Calf skins, Ac.
Which they will sell on as good terms as cau be had
in this market.
Sept 10 14
AS Just received a new aud extensive as
sortment of
which he iscleriug for sale at reduced prices
For Cash Only.
Super Saxony, Illuc, Black aud Fancy Colored
Broad Cloths
Blue, Black, Mixed and Fancy colored Satinotts
English Merinoes
Duffle, Point nnd Rose Blankets
Scarlet, Crimson, Green and Wliito Flannels
Priuted Salsbury do
Canton and Saxony and Gauze do
Damask Table Diapers
iirds Kyo aud Russia do
Scotch do
Black, Blue aud coloured Bombnzette3
do tin do Circassians
Negro Cloths
Bleached nnd Unbleached Shirtings & Sheetings
Hamilton Jeans
Black Itaiiau Lustring
do Gros do Swiss
do do Naples
do do Berlin
do Sinchcws and Sarsauet3
Colored Gros de Naples
Black and colored Florences
do Italian Crapes
Merino Mantles and Square Shawls
Common, Thibet wool. Valcntia, Silk Damask
and twisted Silk Shawls
Uernani, Muslin, Crape, Gauzoand Gros do Na
ples Dress lldkls
Ladies and Misses Bonnets
Irish Linens and Lawns
Cotton Cassimers Beaver Fustians
English Moleskin Apron and Furniture Chocks
Domestic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks
FloorCloth Baize Green Frieze Cloth
Furnitiiro Dimity Russia ShectiugBear Duck
Cambric do Bleached Dowlass Oznabttrghs
Bttngnp Cord Cotton Yarn
Cotton, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery
Black and colored CRtnhrics
Satin and Gauze Garnitures
Blk aud col’d Lustring Ribbons
Dark aud light col’d Prints aud Ginghams
Lace and Gauze Veils
Fig’dand plain Bobiuot Laco
Thread Laces
Cauibric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nansook and
Book Muslins
I.iuen Cambric Ildkfs
Pongee, Indian Flag and Spittleficld Ildkfs
Carved and plain Shell Combs
Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver nnd Goat
skiu Giove9
Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves
Bead Reticules
Steady-made Clothing.
risible green, Adclaid,
Superfine blue, mack, invisible
brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats,
Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock
Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coatteoa,
and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinet
Coattees and Frock Coats,
Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive,
and green Cloth Pantaloons,
Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons,
Y’onlh’s cloth and satlinet Dress and Frock Coats,
do do do Pantaloons,
Black and blue Cassiniere, black and colored Velvet,
black Florintinc, black Bombazine, dark and light
colored Y’alcutia, English Silk, colored and white
Mcrseillcs Toilinet, Swausdown and Sattinet Vests
Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats,
Mixed, brown Cloth A. Patcrsham Box Coats.
Lyon Skin Overcoats,
Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, Ac.
JYegro Clothing.
Men’s & Y'outh’s Fur Ilats,
do. do. Wool do.
do. do. Cloth, Seal & Hair Caps,
Fine Boots & Shoes—Negro Shoos, Ac. Ae.
Oct. 15. 17
Orm ttfsTee Steam Boat Company.
T i IIS company will be prepnred to continence bn-
si ness, carly'in the next season—They will have
a litic of Packets between New Y'ork. and Darien and
* vessels to forward goods from Darien to Macon
—Theagent*in New Y’ork, Charleston.and Savannah,
wiil be authorised to cnutract for tlie delivery of goods
*n Macon, at a freight agreed on without intermedi
ate charge and lite agent in Macon .will receive cotton
deliverable in Savannah. Charleston, and New York—
Tu.. company’s vessels and boats, will be or first class
with experienced commanders, and no expense willl>c
spared to meet tlie patronage of the public.
PH. IL Y'ONGE A SONS, Agents in Darien.
mav *J7th 1835. 49
S. !<\ DIC KINSON. '
A T the store formerly occupied by J. Abrahams Aco.
on Cotton avenue apd next door to Patrick A
Martin on 3dsthas now on hand a very select and
choice assortment of Dry Goods Ac. entirely fresh and
for sale at reduced prices also /
50 lilids prime sugars.
20 N. O. molasses.
150 Bags coffee.
120 bhls N. E. Rum.
Cog Brandy, II. Gin, J. Rum, Malaga, Madeira,
Marseilles, Port and Lisbon Wines, Noyeau, pepper
mint, Cinnamon, Rose, and Life of man cordials, Ci-
gais, snuff, tobacco, lamp sugar, powder, tea, choc
olate. pepper, spice, indigo, saloeratas, ginger, starch,
soap, lamp oil. pickled pork, prime bagging, salt, cas
tings, Ac. Ac.
Macon Sept 22d. * 13
At Darien* Ga>
> jfHIK undersigned have resumed business ns a-
-1. bove, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten-
*ion l > r.|| business entrusted to tlieircare. We believe
'ye line made arrangements that will enable us at all
times to forward goods for the interior with the least
pu-'ilile delay, by steamboats when the river will ad
mit, or in extreme low river by small flats or lighters,
“'••'It expressly for that business. On our wharves
•»r.. large Storehouse*, calculated for the storing of cot-
t 'tnat the least possible expense, and onr opportunities
to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not exceed
ed by anv other House.
Jlnri-n, May 20,1835. 40 _.
rgVlE mrlersigned returns his thanks to his friends
-«■ f ''r the liberal support which lie has heretofore
fro hi them in the above line of business, and
“'men-a continuance ofthoir patronage. IIis arrange-
m 'it's fir conducting business, and particularly in gi-
T| 0;rdespatch 11 receiving an.! forwarding produce A
™ l 'fc.iandixe and protecting tliem while in his charge,
’ r< j | 11 *“ast equal to those of any others in hi* line. 1 fe
m ‘pond the summer in nnd in the vicinity of Darien,
anv business addressed to him will receive bis per
ln! a td prompt attention.
ti ! > , »l* Canal Flour,
*9 10 half bbls do
20 Kegs Lard,
50 Boxes Cheese,
j n- 10 Half 'dil* Nol Mackerel,
_ received and for sale bv
i'toof Building* corner Mulberry A Second st.
45 tloz. Gentlemen?* Miats,
F OR sale very cheap. The subscriber desirous of
disposing of his entire stock of HATS, will sell
them at very reduced prices, and many of them at the
usual cost at the manufactory,
IVetc Store—‘-Tresis Goods.
T IIE siibscrihcr is now opeuing, on second street,
next door to Patrick A Martin, and nearly op
posite tlie Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of
Staple and Fancy DR Y GOODS.
Which will be sold at prices much reduced, being bo’t
on reasonable terms and cheap they will be sold ac
cordingly. His stock comprise.* in part a» follows:
8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 L .udon Dnlfil Blankets—10-4 and
12-4 fine Mackinaw do—Negro Plains and Linseys—
super bine, black, brown mixt Cloths—Fine and com
mon .Satinets, assorted colors—superfine Valentin and
Toilinet Vestings—super white and red Flannels—do
Merino do.
Black and colored 6-4 Merinos—do do Bombazetts—
fine 0-4 Bombazines—Pink Ratinet—figured Circas
snperand common plain and twilled Calicoes—swiss.
Jaconet, Mull and Book Muslins—black anil colored
cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in } pieces very fine
—colored and white Homespuns—,'t.owcn cassinteres
and checks—birdseyc and Russia Diapers—Linen
cambiic Hkfi*, Russia shee'ings. Ac
Black super Poi de soie silks—do Italian Lustring do
—rich colored silks very cheap—Levantines, sarsnets
and sinchcws.
Mandarin, Ilerninci, embroidered Romani. Bagdad,
rich satin, fignered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool
and martin gauze Hkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbons—
Handsome thread Fdgings and Quiltings- Blond Ed
gings and Bobinet I-aces—and many other articles,
which cannot fail to give satisfaction as to price and
quality. dec 17 25
The Gross, Dozen, or single, fer sale by
Of the Late E:rm of Russell 8f Dickinson.
DVJ^AS Just received from New-Y'ork and Boston
MS. and is now opening a very large aud general as
sortment of. Fancy and Staple Dry Guccis, Groceries,
Hardware, Crockory, Hats, Shoes, Ac. Ac. AU of
which will be sold at very reduced prices.—
Blankets—Rose Duffle and Point, Various sizes and
Flannels—Red, White, Green, and Yeiiow,
_ Green Baize, and Drugget.
Satinets—A Complete assortment of Various qual
ities and colours.
Bombazines—Bombazotts and Circassians.
Prints—French, English, and American (latest pat
Muslins—French, striped, plaid and plain Cambric,
and Jackonett Muslins,
do Swis3, Figured, and plain.
Ginghams—Small aud largo plaid and stripe, Varie
ty of patents.
Silks—Italian, tirade Swiss, Gro do Nap, Polt de
do Lustrings, ssnshews, sarsanets, and Florences,
Also, a fow [interns of Figured, (new style.)
Cballys—Black, and Figured.
Linens—1-itlis Irish a fine selection (and cheap.)
do 5-lths Sheeting,
do G A 8-4tbs Table,
do Covers.
Handkorrhiefs—A Sna selection of Ladies Fancy,
Consisting of Chally Thibet, Mosaic Cause, Herman
Satin, Bagdad and Black Love,—Also, 1 Julies Linen
Cambric, and Long Lawn, Gentlemens Pongee, Spit-
tiofield Bandanna aud Flag.
Hosiery—Ladies plain and Clocked Cotton, plain
and Ribbed, Worsted, plain and Ribbed, White and
Black silk—Also, Gentlemens Lamb’s Wool, Cotton
and Silk, balf,V r hite and mixed.
Ribbons—Black Whito and Colored Taffetas, Cause
and Garnetnre.
Laces—Wide Boinct Footing, Cambric Inserting
and Edging, Thread Inserting and Edging, Blonds
Edging, Worsted do.
Bonnets—Tuscan Gimp, Straw and Silk.
Marseilles Quilts—Superior article and cheap.
Domestics—Bleached and nnbleachcdshirtings.
do do Sheetings.
7-S cotton Gznaburgs.
ool’ddo do (suitable for negroes’ clothing.)
3-4 and 7-3 Plaid Ginghams.
Furniture, do
Tickings—Delaware, Hudson, Dorchester, and
Ainoskeag. together with a large assortment of Ladies
and Gctltlstnans Cloaks Umbrellas, Parasols, Hats,
Shoes, Ac.
Jllso a large stock of Groceries, viz:
'1AA BAGS Coffee Portorico• Java Laguira
5 1/ aud St Domingo.
50 hhds. Sugar St. Croix Portorico and N. Orleans.
6 Boxes Lump do.
8 do Brown and Whito Ilayanna, de.
18 Ilhds New Orleans Molasres.
lOOBbls N. K. Rum.
75 do. Whiskey.
100 do Gin.
Pipes Cog Brandy, Jamaicai and St. Croix Rum.
and Holland Gin.
Bbls Cicily Madeira, Port, Lisbon, Marseilles,
Muscat and Sweet Wines
Salmon Fish, No. 1
Mackerel, do. 3
Herring, do. (in Boxes).
sepf 10 12
T HE subscriber having made arrangements with
some of the most extensive Carriage Manufac
tories in the nothcra cities, will have on hand, and be
constantly receiving, the coming season, a» extensive
assortment of,
and vehicles of all descriptions, which will be of the
best workmanship and materials, and which will be
sold on as good terms as can be purchased in any city
in the Southern country. Also, an extensivo assort
ment of
aud every other article appertaining to our line of bus!
ness. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to
give us a call.
Opposite corner from. Washington Hall.
Sept 2 6m 11
I. At
Kegs Whito Ijtad,
150 Galls, Linseed Oil,
da Whale do
do Lamp do
do Spirits Turpentine,
Copal Varnish, Furniture Varnish,
Litharge, Chrotno Yellow, Chrome Green.
Unilier. Ivory Biack, Prussian Blue,
Vermillion, India Red, Paris Green,
V-jrdigris, Smalls all colonrs Wiiite Frosting,
Venetian Red. Spanish Brown,
Red Lend, Yellow Ocre, Whiting, Glue,
aud Gold Leaf—Just received and for sine by
nov. 5th 1835. 19 CHARLES CAMPBELL.
Fire proof Buildings, corner of Mulberry aud Second
of Hew Croods,
H AS taken store one door from the Post Office,
lately occupied by Messrs. Lippitt A Higgins,
and has jnst received.
260 Packages shoos of every description.
40 do Men’s aud hoys Boots,
600 Pair of India Rubber shoes,
8 Bales of8-4 A 10-j, Blankets,
1 do brown horse blankets,
2 do IloseBJ to ]2£ do,
1 do Bed Tick.
50 doz. yarn h hoes,
20 do silk cotton A worsted do,
2 Bales grey wool kersey,
3 do Blue A Mixed Cassinett.
6 do Negro cloth,
5 do white and red Flannel, <
20 do white Abrown shirting A sheet! ag cotton,
3 casos silk umbrellas,
3 do gingham do,
3 do striped Sattinets,
2 do plain,mixcd do,
12 do fancy calicoes,
2 do cassimers assorted,
1 do buckskin,
180 boxes Spanish cigars, tr
0 doz. curried calf skins,
3 do white sheep skins,
35 bags old Java Coffee,
40 quarter boxes ofbnnch Raisins,
10 drums ot sullanna do without seeds.
Ladies caikmero, merino A worsted hose,
Silk hose and gloves,
Fine kid, Beaver, castor aud vreolon gloves,
6-4th A 8-4th Linon Table covers.
Velvet vesting, cotton Ildkf’s,
Flag silk I Idkfs, Corah do
Fancy plaid cravats, Ac. Ac.
Water Proof, India Rubber goods, consisting of
Travelling* Bags Buskins, Monkey Jackets, wrap
pers, Snrtout*. Coats pantaloons, Htagetnens Capes,
Caps, Air Cushions, and Pillows, Water bottles, Gun
Cases, Life preservers, Ladies Aprons Ac. Ac.
Travellers and Sportmen will find a convenience
from the use of the Rubber goods, as they are warranted
water proof.
The above will be sold by piece or package on the
most reasonable terms.
Macon. Oct 27. 2m 18
The .Titsron Clothing Store
£ ta removed to the store lately occupied by Messrs
Myrick, Napier A Freeman, next to Mr Wui J;
Johnson s Jewelry store, where may he found a good
assortment of
Clothing, Hals, Boots, Shoes and
Fancy Articles- consisting in pauof
Fine blue, biack, brown, green, olive mixt and silver
grey Frock Coats
Fino blue, black, brown, green, claret and olive Dress i
Brown, green, mixt and silver grey Coatees
Super drab mixt brown and green Over Coat*
Petersham o»cr_iud Hunting Coats—Ladies’ Cloak.-
Gentlemen’* Muiblet Cleaks, mole-skin IItinting coat.-
Batln.-t and beaverteen round Jackets, Pantaloons
and Vests of almost every description
Cotton amt woollen nett Shirt* and Drawer?., rian-
nel, Canton Flannel, plain and twilled Cotton Driv
ers. Linen and Cotton Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Collars
Bosom*, Gloves, Hosiery. Russian Bells, Black Ital
ian and white Cravats, Cotton, worsted and Gum El
astic .suspender*, a great variety of Stocks, Umbrellas
Cioth, Fur, and Hair Seal-skin Caps.
39 case* Hats, Fine Boots md sho-t*, India Rubber
Sh'ies, Ladies India Rubber shoes. Aiso
Fine blue, black, invisible green, aud Royal purple
Cloth*, BuffCassiinere, Tailor’s Trimmings, Milita
ry Trimmings. Ac. &c. t uil of which will be sold at
reduced prices for cash.
Macon oct. 22, 21 HORACE FITCH.
E. F. LEW 18,
A8 taken the stand a few doors above the CIo
thing Store of Mr. L. Fitch, on Mnlbern
street where he continues to carry on the Tailoring:
business. lie assures all tnuse who may lavor bin;
with their custom, that their work will be done at the
shortest notice, and in the best manner.
_IIe La* on hand a supply of the best materials in hi.-
line, consisting of
Blue, Black, royal Brown, Claret, Raven, Green.
CASSIMERES,—A good assortment.
A good variety of the best quality.
Petersham, aud a complete assortment of
He respectfully solicits a share of the public pat
Macon, Oct 30 1831-
i>&.£ras ik. ■
ffi U3T received and for sale bv
Cotton Avenue.
Hoffman’s Anodyne LiquorBalsam Capivi,
l.cuiuve Electuary,
Do Canada,
Conserve Roses,
Soda l’owdore,
Saratoga do
Sulphate Quinine,
Seidlitz do
l.emou Svrup,
Castor Oil (fresh andsupc-Bcsi Starch,
Sweet do do do
Mustard de do
Blue Stone,
Gum Arabic
Epsom Salts,
Tart Emetic,
Aqua Fortis,
Nitric Acid,
Blank Drop,
Pearlash, Ac. &c.
Oil Canthirodis,
Faints, Varnishes, Sec.
Japan A'aniish,
Yellow Ochre,
Copal do
Chrome Yellow-,
Leither do
White Lead,
Chrome Green -
Red Lead,
Spirits Turpentine,
Venetian Red,
Prussian Blue.
Spanish Brown,
Herbs, Sfc.
Poplar Bark,
Gum Gamboge,
African Fepjier,
Bayherrv Bark,
Elder Flower*,
Lobelia Inflaia,
Skunk Cabbage
Uva Ursi,
Lobelia Seed,
Gum Myrrh,
Macon feh 11 1835
32&. XX. &GO&XXS
AS just received a large assertment of DRUGS
■ A MEDICINES, at tho Store one door below
W. B. Johnston’s Jewelry, which lie will sell at mo
derate prices; among which are
YViiita Lead. Red Lead, Black Lead, Litharge, Verdi
gris, C hromicGreen,Chrouiic Yeiiow,Spanish Brown,
I) A SHil\ ■ r j sl\ 1 i, i L *
THE Subscribers have f. ken that coni-
n:cTdions and well known public house in
the City of Macon,—the liushington Hail,
lately occupied by Mi. M7D. Huson.—
By the unremitting attention of both of
tiicm, they flutter themselves that, then liaise w ill ob
tain for them a general patronage from the Public.—
.'hey have secured the valuable - r\it os of a L.tdv,
whose reputation as a manager of a public ; cu.-e, is
inferior to no one in the Mate.
Their tallies will be furnished with tho beat the coun
try affords, and their bar with the c.hob ost liquors.
The tables are attended by carcfv.l andecperieiu oS
Feb 5 1835 33
Erf Having sold my interest in the Washington lfnll
to Messrs. Mustiar & Mott, i earnestly solicit fortbeiu
a continuance of the patro'nage which was extended
tv me, whilst proprietor of the establishment.
Macon, fob 5 36 M. D. HUSON.
C?Iiaton, Jones County, ta,
T ill'. Subscribers (late proprietors of the
Clinton Hotel,) tender our thanks to -or
friends ntid patron* for past encouragement, and
rcspoctfnlly beg leave to announce to the public,
that we have icmovetf to the com in odious House
known as tho
globe Tavern,
situated in tho business part of the iowu, raid
fronting tlie ('oun.Hous'e.
Having leaied this stand for several ycar.t,
with the intention of renewing the lease or of pur
chasing the -property, we consider ourselves per
manently located, aud shall contiuue to improve
our accomodations as the comfort of customers
shall require.
Our House is uow open for the reception of
Travellers or Hoarders. Wo shall at all times
endeavor to keep such a House, as. will ensuro
public patronage; and we hope to afford such ac
commodations as will prove satisfactory lo those
who call on us.
The usual great promises of good TABLES*
BARS, Ac. we thiuk unnecessary to particular
ize.—Good Lots and other conveniences for Dro
vers, readily furnished.
January 2f\ 1834 10 tf
.. OUJU Shoals r^IatvufactarTng Co*
H AVE received a supply of Cloths sod Yarns
from the above Manufactory, of superior fab-
ick which they offer to Merchants and Planters at the-
factory prices. Mason Sep 3 1833. 10
Tin Ha re Manufacturer.
HE subscriber continues to manufacture
TIN WARE iti every variety, and lias
nov oil hand fi general assortment,which lit will
sell wholesale or retail n: il;c Savamiab or Augus
ta prices.
lie ha* also just received tin assortment of Ja
panned Tin Ware, consisting of Trunks, sugar
Boxes, Waiters, Bread pans. Canisters,. sugar
Bowls, Milk cups, Tumbler*. Pepper boxes, Cra
ters. Toy cups. Rattles, candlesticks, Lamps, spit
Boxes, sand Boxes, Pocket Lanterns, Ac. Ac.
Also, patent Bakers, Foot stoves, blocktiu Tea
Pots, Plates, Basins, Tumblers, Ac.
JOB WORK done at the shortest notice,
D AVID'S. BUTLER ESQ. is my proressionSi
agent at all times when 1 am absent from Maeon.
Mr. Butter will he fuuml at the M. A F. Ins. Bank.
•Mwil Mv-41 I !>W. D. TRACY
T HE finrr or Wood A Camp is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. The business will be contin
ued by Thomas Wood, who i* duly authorized to close
tho businessvf the concern. THOMAS YVO 1 D,
Macon Oct.20lh IKtT«. EDWARD CAMP.
T HE attention of the public generally is invited to
an examination of the above-named article. It
is an economical, expeditious, aud easy modcof execu
ting ail baking aud boiling business, and wholly by
means of coa , and of that but a smail quantity is requir
EorH. NOTT A Cq. and
Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, Umber, Venetian lied, i may certify ® ake r &^vend
Lampblack,, Terre do Sienna, Vermillion, only trne and lawful agent, to make A tend
China and Class Ware*
T HE subscribers take this method of infvming
the public, that they bore recently purchased
WARE formerly owned by P. B. TAYLOR A CO.
and have taken the store heretofore occupied by thorn,
opposite Messrs. Stoval, Simmon* A Co’s Warehouse,
Broad-street, Augusta—where they intend keeping
constantly on hand, a large A extensive assortment of
Crockery, China and Glass,
Which they offer for salo on the most advantageous
terms to Merchants from the Country and other*.
Being connected with a large importing house in
Boston, and one of the partners residing ir England
for the purpose of making the best selection of Goods,
they feel confident that they can furnish WARE on
terms equally advantageous with any other rnnrkot in
the United tjlates. _
Purchasers are respectfully invited to call and ox
) amine our assortment.
William woodbury a co.
I Sept. 22 14 4m '
tlie abovr named article in the counties of Monroe and
Bibh. and also to sell individual rights. Gentleihcn
who haVe already subscribed for the article will be ae
couimodated as soon as possible at Mr. Burr'scstabiisbf
mem at Macon Ga..
I: B. HOXIF.. Agent
For II. NOTT A Co. and
Macon. April 10 1835 43
JTcw Books anti Stationary.
J UST received—among which are the Token fot
1836, New Novels, Ac. Vre have Watts A i'.ip-
pou, Dorsey’s choice Village Hymns, Ac. Gamuts
for Flute, Piano Forte, Violin, Ac School and clas
sical Books of all kinds, Miscellaneous do. Law and
Medicine do. Blank do. Almanacks by single doz or
\Vc invito our
Prussian Blue, Osborn's water colours.
Liusccd. Speiio, Whale, and Train Oils, and Spts.
Turpentine, Cupai, Japan, Coach, Leather, A Picture
Flesh, Ilair. Hat. •'’raining, Varnish, Furniture, Tooth,
Paint. Nail, Com Shoe, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Dus
ting, Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Horse, aud Velvet
Cologne, Rosr Honey, Florida, Lavender, A Orange
flower Wate.. Vrom’atic Vinegar, Bears’ Oil, Antique
Oil, Chlorine Tooth Wash, Cream Soap and other
Shat ing Soaps, Wash Balls, Drop Lake, Essences of
Rose and Cedrat, Lxlrait do Meif, Flake White, Ilair
Powder, Orris Root, Milk of Roses, Oils of Orange, groce, very fine Paper of nil kinds.
Bergamot, Cedrat, Cinnamon, lavender. Ncroli. and i friends anti tlie public generally to call on us, ns it is
Rases; Oxy-'-hlorine Lotion, Pearl Powder, Pomatum, the interest of .ill to support a respectable Book estab-
fflHE Insurance Bank of Columbu*. will insure
EL Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks
against Fire in thiscity. Apply to
Macon. Oct.27, 1834. 19
REEN, Blue, Brown aud Crimson Merinos,
MJF Coloured and Blurk Merino Circassians,
Merino Prints, Furniture do.
White and red Flannels, with a variety of Eng
lish and American Staple Goods, just received and for
sale cheap by
"gr AM determined to sell ray entire .Stock of Goeds,
i which comprise almost every article suited to the
trade of this place. Merchants and Planters will do
well to call. Nov. 10. 21 DAVID RALSTON.
T HE Subscribers have removed from the store
recently occupied by them opposite Washing
ton Hall, to their new brick building on the corner of
Cherry street nnd Cotton Avenue, where they have o-
pened a very general and new assortment of season
able goods, which will be sold on the most liberal
terms, either at wholesale or retail—Such country
merchants as purchase in this market to roplenirh
their stocks, are invited to call on ns.
Macon Oct. 26 1835. 18
The Book account* and notes of tho late firm of
Baxter, Fort A Wiley, will be kept at ourcounting
room where those indebted can make payment.
Powder Puffs, Pieston Salts, rink Saucers. Fancy vi
als, Touquin Beans, Viu de Rouge, Vegetable Rouge,
A Macassar Oil.
Annatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue, Fustic, Galls, Itidigo,
Madder, Nicaragua Wood, Alum, Turmeric, ami
Grouud Logwood.
Acetic, Citric, Oxalic. A other Acids, Acoustic Oil,
Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of
Ammonia, Atkinson’* Depilatory, Balm of Columbia,
Patent Barley, Breastpipcs, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep-
por, Spanish SaffronJAinmoniaret of Copper, Sago,
Emetine, Cicnta Plaster, Ext. Aloes, Cinchona, Col-
ocyyilh, Etateriiliu, Jalap, Kakinca, Nnx Vomica. Rhu
barb, llhatania, Lead. Savin, Sarsaparilla A Cubebs,
Dandelion, Valerian, Opium A others. Phosphate of
j Iron; Red Oxyde of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron &c. Ginger
I Powders, Hamilton’s Elixir, Magnesian Aperient
English Calomel, Hoffmau’s Anodyne, Oil’d Silk or
Hit Case; Iodine, Jujpbe Paste, Lr.ctucarinm, Lan
cets, 1’atcnt Lint, Lupnfino, Lobelia, Medical Spoons,
Acetate and Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oils of
Caraway, Copaiva, Croton, Fennel, Wintcrgrcen, Se
neca, Deitarcotised and Powdered Opium, Phospho
rus, Piperino, Pocket Instruments. Hydriodote A Ox
y-muriate of Potash, Potter’s Catliolicup, Liquor of Po
tash, Dragon’s Blood, Seaton*. Stoughton’s Elixir.
Strychnine, Powdered Valerian, Rliuharkariiie, Sali-
cine, Sanford’s Bark, Lac Sulphur, Syrup of Liver
wort. One Stethoscope. Swann’s Panacea, Seidlitz
Powder*. Tamarind*, Tincture of Colchicnm. Wine
ofColchicum,Trusses,Turbith Root, White Hellebore,
Cotchicuin Seed*, Acetate' of Colchicum. Aromatic
Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of Patent Me
dicines, and all others in common use, Garden Seeds,
and Shop furniture for Physicians.-<-
Couching, Cupping, and smnllScaling.lnstruments;
and one second hand set of Amputating and Trepliin
ing Instruments.
April 29 45.
lishment among us.
dec. 3 23
For sale by the subscriber,
oct 15 16 F.DMITNn P TT <*«tP»
A SUPPLY of Kowand’sTonic Aii;.. ,e. a rta.i.
/tL cure tor the Fever nnd Ague, just received and
for sale by J. H. A YV. S ELLIS,
jniM 16-52 * Cotton Arrnue. Moron
XT, 7 \ iT T03. 183*.
A^lVMlC Almanacks, and Beer* Almanacks for sale
by J. II. A W. 3. ELLIS,
sept Ii> 11J
T HE-subscriber has been appointed agent for the
application of Stagncr's Patent Truss, in the
county of Bibb. He may bo at all times consulted
when net professionally engaged) at hi* office on .Mul
berry street. Persons affected with Hernia would do
well to make early application
Afaron nine 8 tv 51 U~M. h FAT f
’■71 1 JR the cure of Cancerous Fleers, Old sores, Tet-
JT ters, Rht" worms and will immediately stop blee
ding from fresh wound*. Bleeding at the no*c Ac. A c.
Prepared by G. W. CARPENRER.and for sale by-
sept. 21 13 J. II. A W. S.-ExjUS-
JKail Bond Stock.
P ITRSUl-N'j'to appointment of the City Council
of Savannah, the undersigned Copunissioners
wiil open books of Subscription for Stock in the “Cen
tral Rail Road and Banking Company of Gooigia” at
the Branch of die Insurance Lank of Columbus at Ma
con, on Wednesday the 10tli day of February next, and
the succeeding day from the hour of 10 c’clork A. If.
to2 P. M.
AU Stockholders who have heretofore subscribed and
paid five d« liars persharc. will be required to pay on
additional instalment of twenty dollars per sliar ■. and
all new subscribers to pay twenty five dollars per Share
respcilively. January 6, 1826 £•->
ROBT. AUG. BEALL, } Cosugtusivners.
MLamp ( it.
INTER Strained Lanin Oil jnst received and
for sale by CIIA8. CAMPBELL..
Jan. 6,1836 28 * _____
Jb'OTICF. 9 r :
FrSTlHE subscriber being «iiscngaged at present, «G
_tL fers his services to thepublicasaJliLL AViucht.
lio will take jobs if early application is made at mode
rate price*, and perform tlie work in the beat ■ tyle; still,
shoulditbenecessary, canbe wcllr; coif’in.BelgL
W 31. 11. -ANDRKVf 3-
Perrv. l)ec.21, 1835. -'.t 26
~ toiots.ctft
■g - ’STAVING catati: bed himuelfin Si»Tr.i:i;aiyjauVcc.-• tor and Commission .Merc! -ut, v. 11 dt.\etc liiSr
attention to the interest of lbs friend*.
•Ufa References.
Messrs. Holcombe. Peck A Co. Ckirlestoite.
Messrs.J. W. & J- T. Heard, Au ;c.
J. I\. Kilbum A Co, d >
Stovall A Siintnon*. il r-
G. B. 1 amar Esq. Savannahs
David Ralston, Macon.
A. F. Ralston, do . »•
.1 l-ockct Book Tesieufit.
B ETWEEN Colnmbus and Montgomery, A lav.
ivliich tlie owner cau have by dt -cribing ;u,d
apply in-; atth&Stoee office atBlucor, G* D'-e.
JOtp ZS “