Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, January 14, 1836, Image 4

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.ICON GEOIGI A TtiiE GRAPIi ! >~j ICi Jta £> j tent is Sheriff Suit. x«lxN the first Tuesday inFEBRLA ii Y ntxt^cill be sold before the court house dour in the towu of Jackson, bulls county, within the legal hours of sale, The following property to-wit: el acres of Land,; levied on as the properly of Silas Elliott, it being the i northwest corner of Lot No. JSitj, in the first district of j origiualiy Ilenry now tiuUsconnty, to sm»fy | ^CoVrTfar the count, of Twiggs, when sitting uiOSTl’OSEO ADMINISTKATOB8' SALE.—On Uie ihst Tuesday in February . next, will be sold iu front of the Court House, in Ala- icon, all the pcrroual properly of John W. Rhodes, late of this county, deceased: consisting of beds, bed ding, and an extra good rifle patent breeched in brass. GEORGE AUGUSTUS SMITH, dee 24 26 Administrator UKEEABhF to an order of the honorable the Infe- li fas from a Ju^ice Court of liurko c»unt/,m favor ; ~~cou,t of ordinary, will be'soldon thefirst Tuesday in bilas Elliott and x. c Anar in Marion of Bailey Carp Elizabeth Powc ‘ made and return Dec. 31 JO ' Vdl ■ kS .I'rP M lSv i MARCHmeu, before the Court House door in Marion '• A" I'®the usual hours of sale, cl ic «■ by a consdiuie. . . _ ; i ... i ....a n. on nimrirt of said coun- fmRMB I SUM M i i RUN, Sheriff. Fonstoii Sheriff Sate. the first Tuesday in FEBUARY next, trtll be TJr sold hefort f c: uit house door, in the tarn of Per ry, Houston county, between the lawful hours of sale. The cast half of Lot No. 39*. in the 13th district of Lot of Land No. DO, in the 4th District of said coun ty, sold as the property of James Deshazo, deceased. Terms on the dav. RICHARD DESHAZO, Adm’tr. Dec 23th, 1635. dec 31 GREK ABLY to on order of the honorable the Education* T HE subscriber tenders to lus patronsand friends, hin most cordial thanks, for the past and present liberal patronage, which they liave bestowed on his School. He would, again, e’nibrace the opportunity, respectfully, to inform Parents and Guaruiai s, iu the City and Country, tliat his SCHOOL is still in opera tion, and will continue in progress till 15th July, with out vacation. Those who conteamlatc patronising this School, would do well to make an early applica tion, so that competent assistance may be, iu due time, procured. The principal scarcely need say, that liis best exertions will be devoted to the utmost improvement of his pupils: and, expecting to fix his ^ _ residence permanently in this city, lie, therefore, j 0 Fstrong!! Bailey & Strong, will practice law in 1.1 .C. .11.. inaiillimon VVltll Ollpi* tnneil. ! — C — . J r n V 11 _ I9x..., n .s .. CEAiTRAIi HOTEL. THE undersigned having pur chased Mr. Win. B. Parker’s in terest iu the Central Hotel, intend continuing the business under the tiauio and style of flA Famcy, and hope from strict, attention lo merit a share of public patronage. GEO. P. \\ AGNON, JOHN D. RAMEY. O’ P. S.—The Stage Office at the Centrui Hotel. Macon, Dec. 22,1835. AS&SOVAI. J.A. &S. S. VIRGIN H atch Makers Sf Jewellers, Would inform their friends and _ the public, that they have remov- cd their establishment to Cotton ' Avenue, to the store recently oc cupied by J H & W S Ellis.drug- gists", where they will be happy to THE INDIAN’S ET7IOU Scrofula, Salt Rhemir, EAiNaCEa. Erysipelas, Dyspepsia, LiVer C^ p fe r rities orthu Blood, Chrome lufiuiuatiui: ofllieK j ■ ' Sore Eyes, Mercurial Diseases, Ac. * —CASES OP CURES— Charlestox, March 27, istj I was seized, about three years since, witbVd' sing Rheumatism, caused by taking a severe col' ^*{?’ under the influence of lucidity, and which i. abied me from business neatly ever since. ~ „— z y--------- — f ; j_m_ Inferior Court for the county of Twiggs, when A Henry Siunmcrford. Levied ast and returned, to me by a countable, dec 31 27 G.M. DUNCAN, Sheriff. Vitrrj A . . . r ILL be sold before the. Court House door in the w w towa of Me Dor.uugh, Hmry county, on thefirst Tuesday in FEBRUARY next,between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Two thousand pounds of seed cotton more or less, levied on as the property of Stephen \V inkles, to sat isfy a li fa issued from the Inferior Court of Henry cnunl/.in favor of Jesse Johnson rs. Stephen Stal- naucr and Stephen Winkles his security. 202J acres of Land, lot number sixty-four in tnc Third District of Henry eonnty, levied on as the pro perty of Thomas Swinncy, to satisfy two small fi las issued from a Jusiices Court of said county; one in fa vor of David Johnson cs. William A. Wells, and Thomas Swinucy; the other in favor of llenry Swtn- uey rs. Thomas S vinney, and other fi fas against said. Thomas Swiuney. Levy made and returned to tnc by Ezekiel Griffin, a constable. STEPHEN MALONE. Deputy Sheriff. Dec 25,183i. 27- door insaid comity, within the legal hours of salm- al! the Lands and’Negroes belonging to the estate oi Joshua D. Bostick, late of Twiggs county, deceased; except the widow's dower in lauds. Terms on the dav. LUCINDA BOSTICK. Adm U. HARDY DURHAM. Adm'tr. . Dec. 23. 1835. dec 31 27p would respectfully solicit, incommon with other teach ers, a liberal share of public patronage. He would also, with great pleasure, add, that the present moral character of his Students, is seldom exceeded, ill their freedom from vicious habits 24 4t P- MAC INTYRE. Macon Academy, Male Department. Dee. tilth, 1833. FOBSVTH .Vale anti Female .Icetdcmies. serve any who may favor them with a call. They “ b ™ ne « “early ever since. r Imveina^btion to their former stock, just received V*™* ,n Ute A! »rit*,U? KRISTOPHER It. STRONG, <4 AM DLL T. ; from fl ew York a large an J splendid assortment of I m tins city, upvvaids ol four lnontLs. uida Utl BAILED A GREED T STEONG, under the itches, 6 Jewllry, *C. f , the Superior Courts of Talbct, Stew ait, Randolph. Sumter, Lee. and Marion, counties of the Cliattnhoo- cliie Dist. The junior, & one of the senior members of said firm,will attend those couits regularly, and Strong & Bailey will attend the courts of the Flint and Wilkinson, Tw'iggs, Pulaski, Fnyett, & DeKalb aa heretofore. Business confided to their management will receive their united attention and vigilance whether it be for collection or Iititration. HENRY 15. HATTESOIV; Carroll Sheriff Sale. I, be sold on the first Tuesday in FEBRU ARY next, at Carrollton, Carroll county, within the legal hours of sale, the. following property, to wit: Loi of Laud No 207 in the 2d District of Carroll, j w j, eu sitting as a court of Ordinary, for leave Benj-Chapmans interest ,iu lot l9o ‘I 1 .o- - If J to sell the lands and negroes belonging to the estate Carroll, Benj. Chapmans interest in lot 10;> m 2d - - — ' I Aubli .Months alter onte application will beuiauc . to tlie Honorable Inferior Court of Pike county , when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the Negroes belonging lo the Estate of Anderson Griffin, late of said county deceased. MARY P. GRIFFIN. Admr'x, Sep. 16. JOHN R. KENDRICK, Adm'r. jUK months after date a -plication will he made . to the court of ordinary of Butts county for leave to sella part of lot No. 47 in the 24 th district ot formerly Muscogee now Talbot comity for tliv bene fit of Levina Thompson a minor, this 8cpt 16 1635. 13 JOHNK. JONES Guard'n I lViur inonthslifterdate applicaiion will lie made ^ to the Honorable Inferior Cour ^Twiggs county,when siuing as a court of Ordinary or leave to sell the real estate of James Deshazo, hnjol said county deceased. Nov. 2. 18115 RICHARD DESIT 470, Adm'r. [TOUR months after u.uo .j, ’.icaiion will be made 1 to the Honorable Inierior Court of Twiggs ITTiHK Trustees, of thejForsyth Male and Female A- ^ cadetnics take pleasure in announcing to tho pub- g*orl rtlil Fa inter, lie that they have again secured the services of Air Jl FFERS his professional services lo the citizens It HOPE INS, a gentleman of high attainments and of Macon . His room is over the Darien Bank, long experience in the art of teaching—He has had j whpre his SBec imens may be se«n. dec *4 charge of the Female Institution at this place for the j ———W.l'5 A KKKSilAIU jr. Fortrait of the latest fashions, w lick they will sell cheap for cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es capement, duplex, lepine, alarm and vertical Watch es. of the best .polity; gold, silver and steel guard Chains, Seals and Keys, Ear Knobsand Drops. Breast Pins, Fiuger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, gold and silver ever potnted Pencils, silver table, tea, salt jmd-mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and cream Ladles—all of which will be warranted free from alloy ; silver Cups, butter Knives, Castors, sil ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Trays and Snuf- ers, Musical Boxes, Accordians, Flutes, HageoletLs. Fifes, Drums, &c. Swords, sword Canes, Knives and Pistols; among which is Ruggles’pocket Rifle, that will shobt fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den tist Files, shell, silver, gilt and horn Combs, Card ca- of Joshua P. Bostick, late of said county deceased, nov. 2. 163-*' LUCINDA BOSTICK, Adm'x. 16 HARDY DURHAM. Adm'r ty, in favor of David B. Hill, with other fi fas rs. said Chapman. Lot No. 153 in the Cth District Carrolh as the pro perty of Robort Me Farland, to satisfy a li fa from the mip’r. court of said county, in favor of Jiles S. Bog- gess vs. Me Farland; one Negro WoiBiiiby ute name of Moriah, as the property of D. L Harris, to satisfy two fi fas from thesnp’r court of said county, one in favor of James Goddard rs. said D. L. HiurisandUcnj. Chapman. Also, twenty head of Hogs, four Cows and 2 Stills os the properly of Thomas Duke, to satisfy a fi fa fVom the sup’r. court of said county, in favor of Jiles 6'. Boggess cs. said Duke. This 24th Dec., 18.55. 27 ISAAC E. COBB. Sheriff. Carupbelt Sheri It' Safe. Wyilil. be sold on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY rstrt, ot the court house de rr of said county, within lh» lawful hours of sale, the following property to tcit: Lot of Land No. 25 in the first'district of originally Carroll, now Campbell county, to satisfy otic fi fa from Walton superior court, in favor of Jesse M. Butt rs. William II. Ray. Properly pointed out by plantin'. Lot of Land No. 853, in the 13th district, second section of origiualiy Cherokee now Campbell county, to satisfy one fi fa from a Justices Court, Hall county, iu favor of Thomas Wynne vs. Francis Talbert, and sundry other fi fas rs. Talbert. Levy made and re turned to me by a constable. Three Lots of Land Nos. 134 155 and 161. in the eight district of originally Coweta now Cauipbellcoun- ty. to satisfy three fi fas.from a Justices Court of said county, iu favor of George Chappell rs. Austin Bryant and John Bryant, and controlled by said' Chappell to Thomas Dotliard. Levy made anil returned to me bv a constable. Seventy-five barrels of Corn to satisfy one fi fa from The snperior court of said county, in favor of L. B. Harris rs. Andrew Sborer, Joseph Sherer, John She- rer, Robert Presley and Sanford Britton, and controll ed by said Harris to Stephen James. Levied on as the property of Andrew Sherer, and pointed out by said A. Sherer. dec 16 27 WPS LEY* CAMP. Sheriff. 2$OUlt mouths alter date applicaiion will be made to the court of Ordinary of Bibb county for leave to sell three fifths of Ix>t of Land No 16 in the 8lh dis trict originally Troup now Merriwether county, be- i mging to the orphans of William Pace, late of t-aid couuty deceased. dec 10 24 SVBOURN HIXSON, guar. last eighteen months, -i.tedby his daughter Miss E- | R | ta uuTZlT^S'S A^spieudid Geo- i Macon about H,e first of January, 21 “**2jL | ver Toys, , silver.Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt ; and graphical and Philosophical Apparatus chased, and will be ready ' M' L tion by tbe commencement Male Department the services a gentleman of high qualifications, nave oeen en- j . Z J ivilj give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work gaged for the next year. This gentleman has bocn in j to. according to directions- tlie employ of the Trustees for the last eight months, j "• dec 24 26 and iu addition to the branches usually taught iu Aca demies, lessons will be given in the French Language by Mr Murry. The Trustees further state for the iu- fonnntion of the public, that Mrs HARRIET IIAR- NER respectfully tenders her services to the Young Ladies and Misses attached to tiie institution, or any others who may he placed under her instruction, in the various branches of Music on the Piano Forte.— The character of this lady as a Teacher of Music, is so well known to the community, that the Trustees deem it unnecessary to say any thing further upon tliat sub ject. ’ Angus AT D King, 3 I„ HOWI.AND, JHridemi JT’o. 2. Bank of Darien, December 7, 1835. r MY HE Board of Directors ef this Bank, have this h day declared a Dividend of Three per cent, on the amount of capital stock paid in for the last Six Months, which will bo due and payable oil and after the 1st day of January next, to the Stockholders, or their legal representatives. KBENEZER S. REES. Cashier. Darien, Dec. 15, 1835.26 dec W Josce Dunn, Henry 11 Lumpkin, James H Gordon, Benj H. Rutherford, ^ Trustees. 4t$ CV t0 t |, u justices of the court of Coweta county when sitfne for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the negroes belonging to the estate of James Carson, deceased,'of said countv. for the benefit of the lega tees. JESSE RHODES, Adm'r, SARAH CARSON. Adm’r*. December 5.1635. GUEEABLE to an older of the Honorable tiie Inferior court of Pike county when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday in -February next, at the court house in Franklin co. the following parcels or lots ofland: viz. ~ JCeut it uionUts .vu i ui.o .jj v...i •• '.uo ® to the honorable th<i inferior court of Pike county when sitting fi>r Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land No 125 in the 3d district of originally Mon roe now Pike county, it being the real estate of James Crawley a minor. JAMES CRAWLEY, dec 17 25 Natural Guardian. f NOL’lt months after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Talbot coun ty, where sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of John Riley, late of Talbot county, deceased, for the oenefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOSEPH RILEY. Adm’tr. Dec. 26.1635. dec 31 27 4m THE IIIFF .IC.MJHEJUi' Monroe County. Y IIE Trusteess respectfully inform the patrons of this school and the community, generally, that the present rector and reetress Mr. & Mrs. Cleave- laud will be continued another year. Thefirst term commencing the second Monday in January next. To those who have been interested the present year we deem it superfluous to add any thing- But to the community we say that our fondest expectations have been more than realized; both with regard to the un tiring industry, and the vvholsmne discipline of the Teachers, and also in regard to tha proficiency of the students generally; with these remarks we dee in un necessary lo add any thing further in commendation of this Academy, more than to say that both the school & neighborhood have been entirely healthy the present year. Terms of Tuition made known by application to either of the Trustees*, or to the teachers. M. W. McCKAW, JOIINT. POPE, BENJ. BRANTLY, C. Y. CALDWELL, JEPHTHA BRANTLY Trustees nov 2nd 1833. 19 3mm .VOTIVE. HE Copartnership heretofore existing between DEAN & DUNCAN, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent. Persons having demands against the firm, will present them to either; and those indebted, will please call and settle as early as possible. JAMES DEAN, . GEORGEW. DUNCAN. Perrv, November 20, 1835. 3t 26 .VOTIVE. ,L persons are forewarned from tresspassing on Lot No. 1)12, in the 12th District and 1st Section. 3t 26 JOHN MIC LUSK Y. f itOLR mouths after date 1 shall apply to the In ferior court of Pike county when sitting for or dinary purposes for an order to sell the real estate of James Lowrey late of said county deceased, this 1st sept.i835. 1? A?\ SESSIONS, Adm'r- uiii-t : Catup’jiUi .^uu.g WHEREAS Nancy Harris and James Cox ap- r ply to me for letters of administration on the estate of George Harris, late of raid county, deceased. These are therefore Incite and atironish all and singular the kindred end creditor* of said deceas ed, to he and apptar at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office December 8th, 1635. 26 * E. V. BOMAR. c. c. o. twenty five acres lyiug on Norlh Fork of Broad river bounded eoMwardly by James Loury’s lauds, and ail other sides by Nathun Bond's lands, also one parcel of two hundred acres granted to Hugh Neely, ulso one parcel of land of fifty acres granted to John Loury, •Iso one parcel of one hundred acres formerly olvied bv Wni. and Mary I*oury, and also one parcel of (97) ninety seven acres formerly owned by James W and Susannah Cook, all lying and being in the county of Franklin aa is represented by grants and deeds to same ; and also on first Tuesday in March next, will be sold before court house in Cherokee, lot No. (363) three hundred and sixty three, in the Ifitli district •>.- 2nd section, the above lots and parcels of laud com prise the real estate of James Loury late of Pike coun ty deceased ; sold for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of said deceased. Term* made known on day of sale. This 15 th day of Ocober, 1835. 17 ASA .SF.SSIO NS . Adm'r. GEuKtilA: Houston < ownty. H ARDY’ Hargrove applies tu me for letters of Dismission from the estate of Hopkins Lip- One parcel ot | trol deceased ; W ILL bo sold on the Tint Tuesday in February next,before the Court House in Lumpkin. Stew art county, lot ofland No. 147, in the 20th Distri-'t for merly Lee now Stewart county, as thepropertv of An derson Griffin, late of Pike—for the benefit of the heirs dt-c. Terms on the day. MARY P GRIFFIN. Admr’x. JOHN It. KENDRICK. Adm’r 3 T N D Ell on order of the 'Inferior court of Fayctie eo- unly when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on thefirst Tuesday in FEBRUARY, before, the court house door in the. town of Knoicillc, Crawford county, bit ween the usual hours of sale, One * ot or Land, No. 10G, 7th dist. originally .tension now Crawford county, for the ben «fit of tb h irs and creditors of Robert Tucker, late of Payette county deceased. Terms made known un the day of sale, dec 1 23 JOSHUA STEPHENS adm’r Hugh L. Dcnnard applies for letters of Dixmission from the estate of John DennaH deceased; These, arc therefore to tile ind a ImonL-h all and in- gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to bi appear at my office within the time prescribed by la to shew cause if any they hare, why sain letters should a f granted. Given under my hand at office October 31st 1: i • CHARLES II. RICE, c. o. t. U'ILL be sold on 'he first Tuesday in i cuminy Y u next,-before the Court House door in Jones County, tho following landy, to wit: 1014 acres part of Lot No. 75: and also, 101J acres part of Lot No. 56. tho property of William Johnson deceased Sold for the benefit of the heirs. Nov. 16,1835 Dip “3 CHARLOTTEE JOHNSON, Adm’x O N TEc first Tuesday In March next, will be sold at McDonough, Henry county, the interest of John M I) Taylor, deceased, also the interest of No ah W Taylor a minor, in Lot No. 197 in tiie 7th dis trict of Henry county, sold by order of the court of or- dinary. of Butts county, for the benefit of said minor, end the distributees of . aid deceased. Dec. 7, 1855. CHARLES BAILFY, Adm’r. ef John 51 D Taylor, Uec’d, and Guardian for Noah W Taylor. ’ 24 GEORGIA: Butts county. HKKK tS Elizabeth C. Dennis applies to me Tor letters disinissory from tho ad- niinistraticuof John Dennis deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appeared my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given nudermy hand at office this 1-1 ih August 1835. 8 JOHN MtCORP. c. c. o GEORGIA : Coweta County. W HEREAS James McCrackin applies to the inforior cr.urt of said county when ritting as r court of ordinary, for letters dismissory from the administration of the estate of Watson Pat man deceased, These are therefore to cite ami admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceas ed to file their objections (if any they have,) in my office trilhtn the time prescribed by late, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office this 6th July 1835. 5 DAVID MOSELEY, c.c.o GEifllGIA : Crawford County. W HEREAS Loinuei D Slatter and Nancy Skit ter apply to me for letters of Administration on the estate ofThomas S. Sl itter deceased. Hose aretliereforeto cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office uithin the time prescribed by late, to show cause ij any they hare, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand at office, January 2,1836. 28 WM. II. BROOKS, c.c. o. G M >RGlA—Butts ccnnty. RASMUS G. MAHABLE, tolls before C. M H x Coody. a of the Prate in and lor-said county, and the 614th District, 0110 estray Mare, about '13 years old, a bright blaze face, and ihe left hind foot white, shod all round, and in tolerable order. Ap prals- d by G. W. Crior and A. F. Thompson to forty dollars. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 22d dav of December. 1835. lire 31 JOHN GOODMAN, c. r. c. O N'The first Tuesday in Mu/next, will he told at the Court House Door in Marion county, the interest of John M D Taylor, deceased, also the interest of Noah W Taylor n minor, in Lot No. J37 in the 28th district of originally Lie. now Marion county. Sold by orde: of tiie Court of Ordinary of Batts County, fer th« benefit of the minor and the distributees of said decen-:fd. Dec. 7, 1835. CHARLES BAILEY, Adm’r •of John M. J> Taylor, dec’u7and Guardian for Noah W. Tavlur. 24 'B M7ILL be so 1 -! hefort tfa 1 Court House door, in the " T tom* of Ztbuhm, on thefirst Tuesday in MARCH next, the following property to trit: One lot of Land number twoi-nndred and fifty-three, ‘in tho Second District of originally Monr>>e now Pike county, i Also, Nine NOgroos of the following description, viz. •Scott a man, Ann a woman, Jim, Nathan, S un, Bob, Tom, 'iirx ftd ’aka cliildr-jti belonging to tho estate nf John A.cic, Ik 11. late of Pike county, deceased.— FoM - ir ;r.. be:i t of tho imirs and creditors. Terms 1 the day -. f - ale. This 22d day of De- JOTIV AKiy, .Tr. WILLIAM AKIN'. ScotIsDoroutih Female Institute. I IHE above institution, recently under the man agement of Dr. Robert C. Brown, has been purchased by the subscribers, and its exercises will be resumed under their direction, on Monday, tho 11th Jauuaty, 1836. We assure the public, that all our labors and cxer tions will be directed to the promotion of female edu cation. No pains will be spared to procure the ablest assistants, and tbe fullest supply of school apparatus. In proportion as the number of our pupils increases, there will be a teacher for each class iu the school.— The plan of education will be the same ax that in the best regulated Colleges for males, in our country, and similar institutions for females in continental Europe. There will-be four classes or departments, viz : the Pie-pnralory, Third, Second and First: and when a pupil enters the third, she will require three yeais to graduate. Every pupil who graduates at our institu tion, will have tc go thro ugh a rigid examination before a board of literary gentlemen, when, if she exhibit suffi cient attainments, she will receive an appropriate testi monial, bearing the real of the Institute. Pupils will be received atanytime,and for any length of time, and will he cliarged but for the period they shall have remained with us. Every branch of educa tion will be taught which can constitute a well educated and domestic woman. There will be but one examina tion in a year, and then, only the Fcnicr Class will be examined, unless there he a special request to examine the others. Two afternoons in every week will be devoted to nee dle work. \ - Everj'Saturday evening, all the pupils will assemble for t*e practice of sacred vocal music—and on the first Saturday of every month, such assemblies will he open to the friends of the Institution. Mr. Victor l.ataste will have the exclusive control of tiie Musical department. This gentleman’s qualifica tions arc too well known to call for any comment. The Principal has liad an experience of eleven years as a lose her ill this State and 8011th Carolina—during which time he has notonly turned his whole attention to his, through the means of books, but has ini f >roved many opportunities of visiting the most popu ar female seminaries in the above States. Our terms will be as low as we can possibly afford Board can be obtained in the Borough at $10 per month —and those who may board in the family of the Prin cipal will have the strictest attenticn paid to tlicir de portment, dress, manners, &c. Parents will be furnish ed with monthly re.ports of the literary transactions of the Institute. As the number of our boarders will be limited, those wishinr to place their childrcu with us, will please ad dress us by letter, before the commencement of the term. Ll’CIEN LATASTE. Principal. VICTOR LATASTE. Dec. 24. 26 5t entirely free Irom pain, and am now happy 1,/ that I consider myself perfectly well; ” 1 M. rULKEK, 13, Marnet-it CttARLESTO!', May If |£>, < The undersigned has been labouring under I! * rial Rheumatism for three years pas;; dttrirw nM,' period he: was an inmate of the City Hospital aid™* der the medical treatment of tin -’hyniciaiia oft] itLl.] ENGLISH & CLASSICAL SCHOOL- 1IIE Subscriber feeling the obligations which he owes to the citizens of Macon for the liberal pa tronage he has received since his return to the city, takes’this opportunity of returning them his most sin cere and grateful thanks, assuring them that he siiallal- wavs make it his particular care and study to render his’serviees useful and acceptable, worthy the atten tion of an enlightened community. Having engaged the servres of a young niau, a scho lar of his own, well acquainted with his mode of in struction, who has a very correct knowledge of the mi nor English Branches, and in whom he can place tiie utmost confidence, as a youth of good moral conduct, & steady habits, he respectfnly announces to his friends, id tiie citizens generally that he will receive during ,e ensuing year, an additional number of pupils.— The School is located in the most commodious part of the city, at the corner of Plumb and Fourth Streets, opposite the late residence of David B. Butler. Esq., uow occupied by the Rev. Mr Olcott; the situation cannot be excelled by any in Macon: it is pleasant healthy, and retired, affording the Student at^ extens ive field for excrcbe and amusement, which in moder ation is most essentially requisite. The School will re-open on the first Monday in Jan’y —No Scholar admitted less than a quarter. Terms of Tuition per quarter. -Spelling aud Reading $4 Writing and Arithmetic 5 Grammar. Geography, History, &c. 6 Greek & Latin *8 Dec. 17. 5t 25 JOHN O’KEEFFE. ' NOTICE TO TEACHERS A Man who can come well rccommonded for mor ality as well as qualifications, as a teacher, who can teach tho Latin Grammar, as well as the English, and lower Branches, can fiud employment by the sub scribers at Stone Creek Academy. Twiggs Co. Ga. THOS. S. CHAPPELL, ) > hands. Spoons <3tc- engraved- Oct- 1 WATCHES, Jewelry, Silver Ware Fancy GC OSS. (At the lowest prices.) C. G. St. JOHN -^TJTATCII Maker &■ Jeweler Cotton Avenue op- V ? posite Washington Hall, Respectfully in forms his friends and the public, that he has taken the store formerly occupied by the Hnwkinsviile Buuk where he is now opening a new and splendid assort ment of WATCHES & JEWELRY of the best qual ity and.latest fashions selected with great lasie and judgement expressly for this market, among his assort ment may be found Gold pocket Chronometers splen did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever's and Ruby Cylinder Watches with Extra Jewels and indenenentseconds of the most approved makers and rated to suit the clim ate and a general assortment of Ladies &. Gentlemens Gold and 8ilver Patent Levers Lepine and plain Watches, Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, Ear rings Breast Pile* and Finger rings. Gold and silver ever pointed pencils, Gold and silver spectacles, silver spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols, &c. <&c. Together with a great variety of other arti cles kept in 1:is line N. B. He has selected the host of materials for re pairing watches and will give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. A share ofptthlic patronage is respectfully solicited. Oct 27 13 ELISHA DAVIS, JEREMIAH A TIIARP, Dec. 17. 4t 25 ^Trustees. *>F* IRHIA — Hibb’County. r OLLI’D before Mitdicli CnxtrollbyTho- Hluusctt. one bay Horse, nine or ten years old. blind in the right eye, three white fc t, «roi» nod paces. Appraised by !.evi Calhoun and Rii-hnjd Bassett to fifty dollars. EDWD. C. BULK LEY, c- 1. c. Jan T. 16RG. 28 ^ Aim'n. | -VgMi ciipannershif iit-.reiolore existing under die ^ firm of Shoticcll, Brown tf Co. is this day dissolv ed by mtuna'i consent. The business will be continu ed !-y II. Sf J. Shotwell, who will settle the accounts. HARVEY SHOTWELL, WM. G. BROWN, JACOB SHOTWELL. Macon. Dec. 3lst, 1635. 27 V17IUBBEAS niy wifo n'ANCY GARNER, V C he ieft hnr bed and board without any just cause whatever, these are therefore to forbid Ml per sons trusting or harboring her on my accouut, its I shall pay tio debts of her contracting.' JOHN GARNER. Jones co.. Geo. Dec. 29th, 1835, dec 31 27 4tp S TORE on CL. riy street to rent, adjoining Tclegraph Office Inquire of the printers. WASHINGTON SEMINARY* Talbotlots, lla. T HIS Institution is now unsurpassed by a- ny of a similar kind in the whole western sec tion of the state, situated as it is in a densely popula ted part of the country, in a flourishing and healthy village, it is destined to occupy a high ground, as a seminary of learning iu all the various branches of lit erature and science. The operations of this In dilution for the ensuing year, will commence on tiie second Monday in Janu ary next. The .Male Department tinder the superin tendence of .Mr Thomas A Thatcher, whose qualifica tions are of the highest order. The prices of Tuition in this Department are as fol lows : The Languages, per quarter, $3 00 Mathematics, Chemistry, History, Phi losophy, Rhetoric, Astronomy, Ac 6 50 English Grammar and Geography, with the use of tlv Globes, " 6 00 Reading, Writing aud Arithmetic, 4 00 The Female Department will ho continued under the superintendence of Miss A Thachtr, who, we vul ture to assert, is not surpassed by any female Instruc tress in the state. The prices of Tuition in this De partment are as follows : History, Chemistry. Rhetoric, Philoso phy. Astronomy, &c &c perquarter, Arithmetic, English Grammar, Ameri can History, Geography with tiie use of Globes, Reading, spelling and Writing, Miss Compton will instruct Y oung Ladies on the Pia no Forte at §18 per qnartcr. Henry Mims, it Fitzpatrick, A Lawrence, E W Bright, G IF B Towns. Edward Delaney, I Talbotton. Dec 5 4t 24 TOWN OF ST.JOSEFU Lots For Sale. F~*n IIE Lake Wimico, and St. Joseph’s Canal Cora- ,'iany, having contracted for the construction of a kail Road from tiie bay of St. Joseph's to councct with the River Apalachicola, via Lake Wimico—also for the buildjng of wharves and Ware Houses, at both ends of the road, to be ready lor the transactions of bu siness by tiie 1st of December next, have laid off into convenient lots, the new town of St. Joseph, on a beau tiful elevated plain, about-half way tip the Bay on the east side, at the point where the rail road will terminate.—The wharf is to be carried out to 17 feet water, and the Rail Road track to extend to tiie extreme end ofit, so that vessels can load and discharge cargoes along side the cars. The lots in the town of St. Joseph will he offered forsalc at public auction on the 1st of December next. Terms 3-4 cash. The balance in three equal pay ments, for which notes will be required, at 12 24 36 months, with intrest from the day of sale. Title bonds will be issued by the company to. the purcha?- er, on their complying with the terms of sale, and a fee simple title when the last instalment is paid. ROB’T BEVERIDGE, Pres’t. Lake Wimico and St. Joseph’s Canal Co. St Joseph. W. Florida, Octl. 1835. 19 Sale of Fotsiai the To ten of St Joseph Postponed. rcS)IIF. sale of l>ots in the Town ol St Joseph, has been postponed till the 18th of January next, when it will take place on the sanie terms as heretofore advertised. ROB’T BEVERIDGE, pres’t Lake ll’imico and St Joseph’s Canal Co. St Joseph, W. F. 10th Nov. 1835. .Vete Store amt .Vcip Goods. A. P. WILLCOX, A T the Brick store nearly opposite the Post office, is now opening a prime assortment of Facicy and Staple Goods, His stock consists in part 0* the following : Light and dark plain, and rich figured Silks ; French, English & American Prints and Ginghams ; Plain and figured Swiss, Jaconett, Mull, Book, Nainsook and cambric Mnsliti; checked, striped and plain white Cambric; colored Cambrics; silk and cotton Velvet; Long Lawn; Ilishon Lawn ; Irish Linen ; Linen cambric; cashmere, raw silk Thibet, Bagdad and Merino shawls; sew ing silk, Gauze, Valencia, fancy silk and crape, Fancy lldkfs; Gauze scarfs; Green, white, and black gauze Veils; Black lace Veils; spittlefield, bandanna and pongee Ildkfx; Ladies’, Gentlemen’s, youth’s and chil dren’s Gloves and Hosiery a great va'riety; Red,White, green and yellow Flannel; Plain and figured Hock ing : Fine linen damask Table cloths and Napkins; Figured red,'green, purple and brown Table covers; Bleached and brown li»en Drill; Bleached and brown cotton Jean; Bleached aud brown sheeting and shirt ing ; Redtick, canton Flannel, stocks; suspenders: Bosoms; collars; Ribbons; Braids; Tapes; sewing silk; spool and hank cotton; with a general assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Satinets, goats hair ami worsted Camlet: Blankets, &c &c Ready-made Clothing; and Clothing made to order. 23 Macon, Dec 1 comj.Ietelv _ L.M ARRIS. Charleston, Dec.5-0, W . The subscriber had for nearly two years a sern lifc uleer upon the knee, covering a surtace at tin ? large as her hand. It was so severe as to confine ul to the house nearly the whole of that lime. She many remedies iii vain, and began to despair of fw! getting relief, when she fortunately tned TU Ictl*,- Panacea, and is happy to state that four bottles heslJ it entirely, and she has remained perfectly well io*iW time, nearly a year. ELIZA STRONG, Georges) ClIAULF.STOIt, July IjT I tvas afflicted four years with an ulcer in the L occasionally accompanied with erysipelatous inflam! •nation and excessive pain in the ieg and ancle join. Several eminent Physicians exerted their skill upon it. hut without'Permanent benefit. In this state, five hot tics of The Indian’s Panacea made a perfect cure MARGARET A. WEST, J21, Meeting*. Chas.lestos, Jan. 20, ]£& This may certify tliat I was afflicted witb’a scroft. Ions disease for several years, doting which time I tnj -ployed several eminent physicians both in Philadelphia and Charleston, and also took several buttles of Swaitn’s Panacea, but all without pennanent benefit During the last winter I wasTakeu with an ultcraud throat, which soon became so severe ns lo prevent mv taking .sufficient food to sustain life. I remained imhi) situation several days, emaciated, and threatenedwii absolute and unavoidable starvation—when, as a fat resort, I had recourse to The Indian's Pauaem, acd found from it almost immediate relief, recovering so rapidly that in four weeks I found myself qnite well as I liave remained ever since. ANDREW COZIER, King*. A colored woman, belonging to Mr. AdamTnnno, Charleston, was affected for nearly two vears with a distressing pain in her head, accompanied" with n!«. ration in her nostrils, aud a constant discharge ofven offensive matter from her nose. She was entirely rs- lieved by taking two bottles of The Indian's Paiiaett. I’ut van Co. Ga.. K!4. This may certify that I have been afflicted with the liver complaint these five years ; that I have been doc’ tored for it by several of our best physicians wilt out effect; and that I was cured by taking nine boitlesof ’The Indian’s Panacea, with some other idle mernnit pills, directed by our doctor. l\ JOHNSON’. For sale by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS, Fashionable fSTat <& *C ? ap Store M ULBERIl Y S TREE T, MA C ON. $6 50 00 4 00 Trustees. the ary Term, 1826. Inquire of the primers. I December 3J. NOTICE. TUESDAY ihe 19th day of January next, i< JL return day fov Bibb Inferior Court. Febru E. C. BULKLEY, c. 1 27 Vomit ter ttet t Itun/c, E .Macon, 30th Nov 1635. T is resolved by the Board of Directors that an in stalment of Twenty-five Dollars on the share he paid by the stockholders of this Bank on or before the 32th day of February next. True copy from the minutes. 23 THO. HARDEMAN, Cashier. BANK OF AIJGITSTA STOCK. 5,000 SHAKES. F Bn IIE Board of Directors of the Bank of Augusta, B by virtue of an authority, from the Stockhold ers, will proceed to sell at Auction, in front of their Banking-house, -on Thursday, the 14th of Jauuary next. FIVE THOUSAND fell ARES of the capital stock of said Institution he same being five sixths of the increase to its capital, authorized by tiie follow ing act of the Legislator". “See. 1st, Be it enacted. That the charter of the Buuk of Augusta be, and it is hereby declared to be prolonged-to the first day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty’. “See. 2d, That it shall ho lawful for the Stockhold ers of the said Bank, at any meeting to be called for the purpose, and in the manner proscribed in the ex isting charter, to increase the capital of said Bank from time to time, aud in such portions, as tiie may deem to be expedient, no) exceeding in the whole, six bundled thousand dollari in addition to the present capital of the said Bank.” ,,Sec. 3d, Upon every atch increase, being agreed upon by a dcision of the Stockholders-, one sixth part of such increased stock, si all be reserved for the state at par, until the end of th- session of the I cgislaturc, next after the capital sha‘1 be so increased, and that the other five sixths shall !•» disposed of by the Direc tors for tiie time being, in Jie manner pointed out by the second rule of tho or ginal charter, fur the bene fit of file individual stock] dders, if any benefit there should be in thodispositioi therco, tbe inten set of the state in sitih cases being equalized by receiving its por. on of increased stock., ut par, as herein before providad.” By order of the Board nf Directors. RO/’FRT F. POE, Cashier. T '->nIt of Angtista. nov>;. 1835. 20 T tlL subscriber having established nmiseif iu Macon with a view to a permanent residence, and taken the store recently occupied by Mr. F. F. Lewis, diiectly opposite the Central Hotel, will keep constantly on baud a general assortment of . Xfats, Caps, Furs &c, comprising every variety of style and quality, usually called for at a similar establishment. Among his as sortment may be found Beaver, Satin Boaver, Otter, Castor Roarutn ana wool Hats; Mens Fur and Hair, Seal Caps, Boys black, blue and brown cloth Caps, Bombazine do black and drab silk plush a new style. Merino and Circassian &c &c, From his long experience and personai attention to the business of manufacturing huts in some of the most extensive establishments at the north, he is ena bled to assure all those who inay favor hint with their patronage that he can furnish them with an arti cle which fur cheapness, neatness and durability shall be fully equal if not superior to any before offered in the southern market, As his work will be principal ly manufactured at his establishment in Macon, when desired he will finish hats to order in any style to suit the purchaser. From the facilities thus obtained and I from assiduity and attention to his business he hopes 40 deserve as lie trust- iu, will receive a liberal share of patronage. Oct 7,1835 _ . • GEORGE A KIMBERLY (LPW anted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon skins lie expects in a few days to remove to the store now occupied by Mr E B YVecd ly Stolen from the Subscriber, A red sorrel Horse, about 15 hands high, well made, three or four white feet, a star in his forehead, 6 or 7 years old, racks a little, and when pushed has a caich in his rack. Any person who will apprehend the thief and horse so that I get him shall receive twenty dollars for his trouble, or ten dollars for the horse. ISAAC NOLEN. Indian Springs, Dec 12 2"* «a» jiL injRu. 1 RUNAWAY.—About the 1st Nov., BILLY, a short thick set fellow, has it I scar oil the forehead and one on his great toe, and re ay hire himself out as a free man—is very artful, and may have a forged pass—has many relations belonging to Duct. Payne, of is prob able he may change his name. A reward of thirty dollars will be paid lor !iis delivery in anv jail, so that the subscriber gets him. \V. J. McINTOSH. Darien, Dec. 21,1835. If taken in or about Macon. Mr. Chas. Campbell* will take charge of him and partite reward, dec 31 27 PERFUMERY Fii&TCir SOAFS. &C-.&C. A G EN ERA L assortment. TrL French, American and Dutch Cologne Water. Florida water, Lavender water, do Rose, do * Milk of Roses, Kephalia for tbe Growth of Hair, Orange Flour water, Peuifield Bears Oil, Macassar Oil, Extract of Burgamot, Extract of Musk, Extract of Roses, Marrow Pfflnatnm, Honey water, (tocleans® and thicken th* Htir.) Spirit of Rose, Toilet Powder, (Violet and Rose scented.) Castalian Soap, Naples Compound Tablet, Camphor Soap, Palm do, 31usk do, Emolicnt, do Brown Windsor, do Family'soap, (cheap article) Cosmetic tables. Barbers and Prentiss’ shaving cakes* Cosmetic Wash balls, Prentiss’s curling Fluid) Antique Oil, Otto of Roses, Pearl powder, Rouge, Wards hair oil. Persian otto of rose life salve, Carbonic Dentifrice Erasive powder, (to remove oiler gtcace from or vvoqUeit, • * Cold cream, For sale by J. II. & W. 8. ELMS WOOL HATS. Received thisday 8 CASES of Wool HATS, and 3 do. 1st and%£d quality fine Fur Hats, 4 do. Iiovs Boots. ISAAC NEWHALL- Next door to the Post Office. ’ Dec 3. 23 ■ . 2d FLOUR & MOLASSES. • barrels Canal Flour, . , 8 hhds Cuba Molasses, new crop, jus! twj”* and for sale by REA & COTTON In Store, 50 hhds St. Croix Sugar, prims quality, 150 bags Coffee. 200 pieces llenip and Tow Bagging, 5°,QUO H.tvanua Segars, choice. Georgia Conference. . T IIE Preachers both Itinerant and Local, v ing to the Georgia Conference, will please on me, on their arrival in the city, at the house 0 - ■ William Fort, where I shall be prepared to each, his place of residence during the Coofere*** *■ sion, which commences on the 13th January v JOHN W. TALLEL Macon, Dec. 23,1835. - *»ia.iks for sale ac this omce. s V A V1NG been since tiie first of July J&31, the .E.S. owner by conveyance from Elijah Cotton, of all the timber & trees, (of more than 30 inches diam eter) upon Lots Nos. 40. 75, & 76 in tho 4th of Hous ton (now Bibh) with liberty of entering at any and at all times jn the spaceof20 years upon each and every of said lots, arrt upon all parts of them. I hereby give distinct notice that I will prosecute to the extenfof the law, any and all persons, (whether thev claim under said Cotton or otherwise.) who shall hv cutting or in juring my timber, or by enclosure obstruct, or binder my free entry upon the said lots, or, otherwise im pair my right therein. November 10. 1335. 20 DAVID RAI.STON. 3ob i^riutia-jr done at tliis OuiceT Femoral. CHARLES CAWgL AS removed to the new lire Proof n corner of Mulberry & Second Street, ‘ will be found a good stock of Staple DO 1 ^ Hats, Caps, and Shoes, with a ge>'cra! sloe cerics. Iron, Silt. &c. for sale ct the uiarkc 1 Macon nov. 4th 1635. 19 1 .— ATFTre Proof Buildings, corner oi Mulberr) • Street. Macon, Dec. 9. 24 , t jit G REY I.inscy—Red do. Mixed and Cnssinctf: Mixed Twilled Kersey; Negro Shoes ; Blankets ; Red and White Flannels.^ ^ ^£\VIIAEL Next door to the Tost Office. Macon, Nov. 26. 22 . hand, «*• dec ff E WARK CSDEK—1° Ebb «■ c ,j t r. 30 more shortly expected, best Net r • ui 27-u "fJTl'OK SALE —A good secouu band ^ ^ J? and HARNESS, iu excellent rep«% 37* sold at a bargain Apply at this office. gV M ORTON'S CELEBRATE® CO RUP, just received aud for sale bJ^ypiJ, dec 31 27 on application to j^corr^ PaintiNgT OUSE Painting, plain 1 ^Tp*****! in the city or country. Chat* <1 ^ ornamented: Lookingglass or pictu or bronzed . „r ^uio: 1 Signs painted, and Fancy painting iptious will be done by g £LlJ^ cnptious Mixed Paints of every color on jan 8-29 CSto* hand.