Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, January 28, 1836, Image 1

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IfACON GEORGIA if. A E. E. BAKTLETT. CO.Y, G£OJ£GI,I, TIILJKSI/.2T, »<S, 1836. •j'erius of Subscription. TaREK DoLi***.p<**d«» advance. tciU pay for the pa- rone ve»r. f -|, ‘ Dollar*, paid in advance. tciU pay V the v*P tT tlt0 1 cars - Ta* Dollars,paid in advance for the paver fixe yeas. Hut* not paid iciihtn six month* after the year has Three Dollar* and Fifty Cents per annum ZTkt charged. If not paid until the end of the year, peer Dollars per annum mil be charged—wUh interest rtortaj.^- Terms G f Advertising. 4Jcertisements not exceeding one hundred words, half uptart, or twelve brevier lines, will be inserted one time * ,’y„ e dollar. Ifhen more than one insertion is given, •2- un i, for the first, and 50 cents for each continuance. !lfrm which a deduction of one fourth will be made, when •iM* advance. ' serifs', Tax Collectors’and Coroners Sales are char- et d bu the levy. * • Yearly .1 dneitisers will be allowed two squares in each fewer for T\scnty DMars per annum; and in the same for a larger space—payable quarterly. The erpeases of our business, and the state of the times, nqsirr, that 'tbrse terms should be rigidly adhered to. Volume X.-—Snmfcr 31. "NEW YOKiv cV. DARIEN Line of Packets. & BiU<i Amelia Strong, J. Chace, Muter, Premium, dir. Matthews, “ new “ Darien, C. P. Buckley, “ *• " Mac on, A. Bibbin#, “ Sehr. D. B. Crane, . T. Baker, " All good andsub*:antial vessel* well calculated for the tridr. w : th good Accommodation* tor passengers, and ejweneuced commanders. One of the vessels will al- wivs be at each end of the Line to receive freight, and will »»;| regularly once a week. Shippers by this line oan effect Insurance at fivo eighths per cent and thee uuvrelv upon the vessels being regularly despatched. Tiie subscribers arc also a»ents for’aeveral Steamboats to rmi regularly during the boating season between Btrlen. llawUinsville, and Macon, and arc iuduced to bslier-' that they can give great facilities in forwarding rood* destined ’for the interior of the State. * HAWKS ft MITCHELL, Agents. Darien. 1st July, 1335 3 Pioneer Steam Stoat F ull transportation to and from Macon, is now in complete order. A superior new Steam Boat wiled "David Crockeu’’ with two powerful Engines, sad several first rate freight boats have been built .-.iuce the close of the last season and placed on the lino. Situm float Pioneer, Copt. Goodwin, “ “ David Crockett, “ HVCormick, wit! ply regulatly between Darien and Macon, one of them leaving Darien about once a week with freight b.uis in tow. Stsaia Boat eSARaSSTOXS* Capt. Iloiniclt, trill rua coiuUutly between Darien and Savannah, aaJ afford the greatest d ispatch to Cotton. Toe subscriber'* whole attention is devoted to f.ieiii- utiag transportation between Macon and the tie a Port*. Ho has invested a large sum to put his litre in tli# most comorder, and lielievc* that hi* arrnngc- tacut* for giving despatch to freight and keeping it in giiid order, while iu his care, will make it the interest of Colton Shipper* and Merchant* ordering goods, to continue their favor*. At Darien he has secure and convenient Warehouses for reception of Goods, and his Wharves there are covered with sheds* which enable* him to keep all Cotton shipped on his Boat* under shelter and protected from the weather. <vhdo landed for reshipment. JAMES R BUTTS Asms. IfoLCoviSEi Plck & Co., Charleston, F.. P. Butts, Savannah, J. T. Rowlasd, Darien D. B. Halstead. llawkinsrille. Macon, Nor. 13, 1S34 —23 .Hatoil Steam Stoat Company. WAKE HOUSE and coimaissioiv T . Business. HE undersigned begs lea ve toiuform hisfriend* ft public generally, that he will continue the above business in all iu various branches at the old stand for merly occupied by Bennett ft Carter in East Macca. wiowe he offers at* the usual facilities in business by making liberal advances on produce stored with him, or on shipments tohisfriendsiu Savannah,(Charleston, or New \ ork. Ili* Ware Ilotiscsarecunvenientlysit uated near the rivor. and remote from otlier buildings which renders them quite secure from danger by fire. Insurance can be effected at lowest rates if required. The undersigned will give his whole attention to the above business and hopes to receive a portion ofpub- hc patronage. A General assortment of Groceries Will be constantly kept on hand and sold at the lowest price*. sept 9 II H. K. CARTER. groceries; WAKE -II OUSE, an o’ Commission G Busint-.SK. I-.O. JEWETT A Co. respectfully inform their friend* and the public generally, that tfcev have added the Ware House and Commisiion Business to that heretofore conducted by them. Their Ware House is conveniently situated on second street, near ly adjoining their store. All cotton consigned to’them, u. 1 .aniers or dealers in the article, or or- fera to sell or buy in this market, will he promptly mended to. They have also -a convenient close storage house r or the reception of merchandize from the country ; the receiving and forwarding of which, will receive particular share of their attention. Liberal admit- es will be made on cotton stored, or on shipments to inv market, when desired. They also have on hand, and expect shortly to re- rive a large and general assortment of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS Sorbs* St.Croix and PortorifoA IJavannasugars, Cuba, Rio and Java coffee, Liverpool salt. Swede* Iron, Nails, Brads, cast, German and blister new drug store. X>H. 51. £C03KXS TOfAS just received a large assortment of DRUGS .S-JL A MEDICINES, at the Store one door below W. B. Johnston’s Jxwsljit, which he will sell at mo derate prices; among which are PAINTS, Whit* Lead, Red Lead, Black Lead, Litharge, Verdi gris, Chromic Green, Chromic Yellow, Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, Umber, Venetian Red, Lampblack. Rosepink, Sienna, Vermillion. Prussian Blue, Osborn's water colours. OILS. Linseed, Sperm, Whale, and Train Oil*, and Spt*. Turpentiue, Copal, Japan, Coach, Leather, As Picture Famishes. BRUSHES. Flesh, Hair. Hat, '’’mining, Varnish, Furniture, Tooth, Paint, Nail, Cum Shoe, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Due ling, Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Horse, and Velvet crushes. PERFUMERY, Heavy hemp Bagging, Bagging twine twilled sack ing. Ozn.ibnrghs, ' vlr*. -tine*, hat*, cap*, clank*, Powder, shot, and lead, saddlcsand bridle*, Set* Blacksmith tool*, casting*. Hardware, Calicoes. Flannels. Blankets, Wat Calf skin*. Ac. Which they will sell on as good terms as t an be had in iin- market. £_ 11 Sept 10 S. I< Dl( KINSON7 A T the store formerly occupied by J. Abrahams ft co. 2m. on Cotton .ii'iuc jii<< tin: coeir to Patrick ft ' tin ou .id st lias now on hand a very select and •;oice assortment of Dry Goods Ac. entirely fresh and •r sale at reduced prices also 50 hhd* prime etigars. •JO X. O. molasses. 150 Bags coffee. ' v . ' ■.-tun. Cog Brandy, II. Gin, J. Rum, Malaga, Madeira, Maraaiites, Port and Lisbon Wine*, Noyean. pepper mint. Cinnamon, Hose, anil Life of man cordials. Ci gars. suuff, tobacco, lump sugar, powder, tea. choc olate. pepper, spice, indigo, salaeratus, ginger, starch, soap, lamp oil, pickled poilc, primp bagging, .fall, css- Soap t 'Eicon tiept 22it. 13 GENC V A i\ D COM MI S&IOiN EucSMESS. JX DA III EX. r iiV. undorrigned returns his thanks to his friends r ur the liberal support which lie lias heretofore et\,id from them in the above litip of business, and ■ iciisn continuance of their patronage. Hi* arrange- •its for conducting business, and particularly in gi- •<? despatch in receiving and forwarding produce ft ci.Mudizc and protecting them while in his charge, arc at least equal to thusc of any others in his line. lie will spend the summer ill and in the vicinity of Darien, and any business addressed to him will receive hi>per -onal and prompt attention. >*•JOHN T. HOWI.AND. Shav iug Soaps, Wash Ball*, Drop Lake, Essence* of Rose and Cedrat, Extrait de Mail, Flake White, Hair Powder, Orris Root, Milk of Roses, Oil* of Orange, Bergamot, Cedrat, Ciuuanion, La vender, Neroli. and Roses; Oxy-chlorine Lotion, Poarl Powder, Pomatum, Powder Puffs, Preston Salts, Pink Saucers, Taney vi als, Tonquin Beans, Viu de Rouge, Vegetable Rouge, A Macassar Oil. DYE STUFFS. Annatro, Cudbear, Fig Bine. Fustic, Gall*, Indig*. Madder, Nicaragua Wood, Alum, Turmeric, and Ground Logwood. MEDICINES. Acetic, Citric, Oxalic A other Acids, Acoustic Oil, Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of Ammonia, Atkinson’* Depilatory, Balm of Colombia, Patent Barley, Breastpipes, Brimstone, Cayenne Pop pet, Spanish Saffron, Aminoniaret of Copper, Sago, Emetine. Cicuta Plaster, Ext. Aloes, Cinchona, Col- ocvnth, F.laterium, Jalap, Kahinca, Nux Vomica, Rhu barb. Rh&tania, Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla A Cubpbr, Dandelion, Valerian, Opium A others. Phosphate of Iron. Red Oxydc of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron Ac. Ginger Powders. Hei.-i.lton’* Elixir, Magnesian Aperient English Calomel, Hoffmau’s Anodyne, Oil’d Silk or Hat Case; Iodine, Jujube Paste, Lacturarium. Lan cets, Patent Lint, Lupuline. Lobelia, Medical Spoons, Acetate aud Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oil* of Caraway, Cop.iira, Croton. Fennel, Wintcrgrcen, Se neca, De narcotised and Powdered Opium, Phospho rus, Pipcrine, Pocket Instruments. Hydriedate A Ox y-muriateof Potash, Pouer* Calholicpn, Liquor ofPo- tash, Dragon’s Blood, Scatpu*, Stoughton’s Elixir, Strychnine, Powdered Valerian, Rhubarbarine, Sali- cine, Sanford’** Bark, Lac Sulphur, Syrup of Liver wort, One Stethoscope, Swann’s Pauarea, Seiolits Powders, Tamarinds, Tincture of Colchicum A Vine ofCoIchicum, Trusses,Turbith Root, AVhite Hellebore, Colchicum Seeds, Acetate **f Colchieum, Aromatic Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of Patent Me dicine*, and all other* in common use, Garden Seeds, and Shop Furniture for Physicians.— ALSO, Couching, Cupping, and email Scaling, Instruments; and one second hand set of Amputating and Trcpiin ins Instrument*. April t!9 Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Willcox, do. EXCEL, " J. L. Willcox. filllLS company have now their line of Boats in -H. complete order for freighting. They have a o*'V steamboat added to their line colled the' Superior. end ten Tow-Boats. Toe Boat* will rua regularly betwo-n Macon and. Darien, one of the steamboats leaving Darien every i £to or fix day* with tow-boats. The company have J M* lirtoeil tow-boats, all iirslrate boats, built express- ! !y for ih? navigation of the Octuulgee and Ahaniaha r.rers; those increased facilities will enable the coin- p«ay the means of giving the greatest ucspatch to cotton or goods rhipjied by their line. They have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops, to carry cotton and merchandise between Darien ami Savannah, and Darien and Charleston. There are aho, five first rate Packets running regularly between Darien and New York, which come to Hawes A Miicbel, of Darien. - Agents for the above Beats : J. GODDARD, Macon. Rotce, ITcsjtr A AVatrieit, Charleston. I- OiLDWt.i A Co. Savannah, Hawes A Mitchell, Darien, , Geo. Zv- Kooerts, llawkinsville, Macon, ’.Mib Dec., 1835. _ 8fi Ocmnlgee Steam itorft Company. " tAhXgbI - o„ uCMtimrca/'a JlsUittf , ,V »it sale very cheap. The subsciiber desirous ol' I’ disposing ofliis eutirc stock of llATS, will sell .cm at rcry reduced prices, and many of them at the •iia! east at the inanufactorv. nov IS AVMH BURPS ALL. The .Wacom ('lathing Store I S removed to the store lately occupied by Ve**r» Myrick, Napier ft Fireman, next to MrWm B ' ihnsoii's Jevrblry atom, where may bo found a good —nrtinent of Clothing, SFatH, Soots, Shoga and Fancy Articles- curuistiug in part of ’ine blue, black, brown, green, olive inixt and silver grey Frock Coals me bine, black, brown, green, claret and olive Dies* Coats trown, green, mixt and silver grey Coatcee - ipcr drab mixt brown and grem Over Coats tVta-nhsta ovffr and ILifttiu; Coats—Ladieff Cloak* •litlcinon’s cainblct Cloak*, mole-skin l lull ting eooU, iiinet and bcavertecn round Jackets, Pantaloon* veotiisOoroteg/i C-.male Institute. T HE above iuftitutiqn. recently under the man- ngement of Dr. Robert C. Brown, has been purchased by the subscriber*, and its exercises will be resumed under their direction, ou Monday, the Ilth January. JS36. We assure the public, that all oar labors and exer tion* will be directed to the promotion of female edu cation. No pains will be spared to procure the ablest assistant*, end the fullest supply ef school apparatus. Iu proportion as the number of our pupil* increases, /here will be a teacher for each cbi*s in the school.— The plan <>f education will be the lame.aa that in the best regulated College* for malea. in our country, and similar institution* for female* in continental Europe- There will be four classes or dapsrtmenu.vie : the Piep irs'.ory, Third, Second and First: and when a pupil enters the third, she will require three yeais to graduate. Every pupil who graduates at our institu tion, will have ts go through a rigid examination before aboard of literary gentlemen, when, if she exhibit suffi cient attainments, »he will receive an appropriate testi- menial, bearing the seal of the Institute. Pupils jvillbe' received atanv time, and for tny length ol time, and will ho charged but for the period they shall hive remained with us. Every branch of educa tion will bo taught which can Constitute a wall educated and domestic woman. There will bo but oru> examina tion in a year, and the a, only tho Senior Clasa will bo examined, unless there bo a special request to oxucice the others. * Two afternoons in every week will be devoted to nee dle work. Every Saturday evening, ell the pupil* will assemble fur the practice of sacred vocal music—and on the-first Saturday of everv month, sneh assemblies will be open to the friends of tie Institution. Mr. Victor Lauste will have tho exclusive control of the Musical department. This gentleman'* qualifica tion* are too well known to callfur auy comment. The Principal has had an experience of eleven years as a teacher in this State and South Carolina—during f Ml IDS company will be prepared to commence ha- X siucos, early in tho next season—-They will have a line of Packet* betweeu New York, and Darien and r.aaia vessel* to forward goods from Darien to .Macon —The agents in New York, Charleston, nnd Savannah, will be authorised .to contract for the delivery of goods it Macon, a* a freight agreed pn without intermedi ate charge and the agent in Macon will receive cotton deliverable in Savannah, Charleston, and Now York— Tito compauy'e vessels and boats, will be of tir.-t class with experienced commander*, aud no expense will be spired to meet the patronage of the public. PH. R. YONGE A SONS, Agents in Darien. imv -*7tli I '’35 49 cujmmmN nut*inkss, At Darien, Ga. r.|1 HE undersigned have resumed business a* a- .1. hove, and will a* heretofore pay prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to th**ir care. We believe w* have mado arrangements that will enable us at all time* to forward goods for the interior with the least poiiible delay, by steamboat* when the river will ad- wit, or in extreme low river by email fiets or ligfc’— bailt rxpreixlv for that business. On our wha and Veits of almost every description 'otton aiitt woollen nett Shirt* and Drawer*, Flan- which time he hasnst only turned hi* whele attention to i*|. Canton Flannel, plain and twilled Cotton Draw- j his vocation, through tbe neean* of beoks, but has im- •n. I.inen and Cotton Shirt*. Flannel Shirts, Collars, j proved many opportunities of visiting the mast pepn ■ tn^oins. Gloves, Hosiery. Russian Belts, Black Ital- ; Ur female seminaries in the above States. ,.m and white Cravats, Cotton, worsted and Gum El-! O ur term* will boas low as we can possibly afford i-tic suspender*, a great variety of Stock*, Unjj^ella* \ Board can be obtaihed in the Borough at $10 per month filoth, Fur. and Hair Seal-skin Cap*. r —and those who may board in the family of the Prin- 30 ca*es Haw, Fino Boot* and shoe*. Indie Rubber ! cipsl will bare the strictest attenticn paid to their de- ^hoes, Ladici. India Rubier shoes. Also j portment. dress, manners, Ac. Parents willbe furftish- Fine blue, black, invisible green, and Royal purple ! ed with monthly reports of the literary traemtions of .’loth*. Buff Cassimurc, Tailor’s Trimmings, Milita- tho Institute As the number of our boarders willbe limited, those within.' to place their children with us, will pleaso ad dress ns by letter, before the conuaenceEietit of the term. LUCIF.N LATASTE. PriacipeL VICTOR LATASTE. Doc.Sd. 2'i St . NEW GOODS. WM. H. BUKDSALL, M AS Jnst received 3. new and extensive as sortment of DRY GOODS, XtSASIf BLADE CIOTHSM, HATS, SHOES, fyc. which he is». Turing for sale at reduced prices jFor Cash Only. un stock corns re, is rsur, or the vollowmo : Super Saxony, Blue, Black and Fancy Colored Broad Cloth* Blue, Black, Mixed and Fancy colored Satinctts English Mcriuoes Duffle. Point and Rose Blankets Scarlet, Crimson. Green anti White Flannels Printed Salshury do Canton aad Snxony and Ganze do Damask Table Diapers Birds Rye and Russia do Scotch do Black, Bine and coloured Botubazetie* V do do do Circassians Negro Cloths i.inseys Bleached and Unbleached Shirtings A Sheeting* Hamilton Jeans Black Italian Lustring do Groede Swiss do do Naples do do Berlin do Bin chews end Sarsanem Colored Gros do Naples Black aud colored Florences do Italian Crapes Merino Mantles and Square Shawls Common, Thibet wool. Valencia, Silk Damask and twisted Silk Shawls ITernani, Muslin, Crape, Gaazeand Gros de Na ples Dross Udkfs Ladies and Misses Bonnets Irish Linens and Lawns Cotton Cassiacra Bearer Fustians English Moleskin Aprou and Furniture Checks Domestic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks Floor Cloth Baize Grtcn Frieze (’loth Ftiruicure Dimity Russia SbeetiugBear Dnck Cambric do Bleached Dowlas* Oznaburghs Hangup Cord CoUol Yarn Cotton, Worsted and Latubs wool Hosiery Black and colored Cambrics Satin aud Gauze Garnitures Blk and col'd Lustring Ribbons Dark aad light col’d Prints and Ginghams Lace aud Gauze Veils Fig’danJ plain Bobiset Lzco Thread Lacea Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nansook and Book Muslins I inea Cambric Hdkfs Pongee, Indian Flagani Spittlcfield ITJki Carved and plain Shell Combs Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver aud Goat skin Gloves Ladies Beaver, Geat shic and Silk Gloves Bead Reticules 3%cadv-aiado Clothing. Superfine blue, Flack, inviiible green, Adelaid, brovitfj aad green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Sunerfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue, olive, green and mix'd Cloth Coatteei, and blue, steel mix'd and fancy colored Sattinet Coattecs aud Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive. and green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black end fancy colored Sattinet Pautalooaa, Youth's clothaad satlinet Dress and Frock Costs, do de do Pantaloons. Black and blue Caasimere, black and colored Velvet, black Florizitise, Mack Bombazine, dark and light colored Vclentis, English Silk, colored and white Marseilles ToUinet, Swansdown and Sattinet Vest* Camlet Cloaks aad Great Coats, Mired, brown Cloth A Petorikam Box Coats. Lyon Skin Overcoat*, Fine Linen Shirts. Collars, Bosom*. Sock*, &c. JYcgro Clothing. Men's £ Youth's Fur Hat*, do. do. Wool do. do. do. Cloth, Soal A Hair Capa, Fine Boots A Shoes—Negro Shoes, Ac. ftc. Oct. 15. 17 A N ACT to authorise th- issuing of grants l>i t*,e State of Georgia, to the fortunate drawers of all lot* of land, situate in the counties of Cherokee, Cass, Cobb Forayth, Floyd, Giluier, UuipkiB, Mur ray, Paulding, Union, and \Valk8r, which were drawn in the .'ate land and gold lotteries; aad to iwpoel all laws repugnant to the same. Whereas, the legislature of Georgia, while it has hi therto been directed to promote thegcitere) goad ot its citizens, has at the «an.e time kept constantly i a view tiie Indian tribes settled within its chartered ksuit* ; and whereas time and experience have demonstrated that the habits and principles of the ted man ar* adv erse to the progressive and enlightened character of the present day, and the longer he is kept in the neigh borhood, and the oftener he is brought into contact with civilized man, that he rapidly sinks into a corres ponding state «fdegradation, and whereas tits present executive df tire United States has, for years past us ed the loo-t untiring efforts to transfer the remaining reimia-'tof the Cherokee Indians to a climate and soil beyond the Mississippi, far more eligible for them than that they at present occupy, with an offer of protection and ample support during their removal and cany set tlement : they would have been surrounded wit'seero- forts which are withheld from the yeonu.nry <4four country who emigrate to the west; to a country to which other Indian tribes have voluntarily gaue, lu.. in which tli# national character and habits ofthe Cin-- rokces wirtltd remain unchanged. It is assumed with confidence that the great mass o f those Indians won!< long ago have acceded to these humane and benevu lent offers, but for the intriguing and selfish motive* of their chiefs, in whom, by old custom, they have hi- tlierio confided their destinies, and whereas a crisis- ha* arrived when necessity demands that the past pol- cy of the St.-.te. in relation to this tribe of Indians, should be carried out. to wit: securing to these auc. ginesa distant establishment, where they can eiijoi their old and established habits and peculiar modes o government, and thereby keep up their identity as separate people ; to place our citizens in possession o! undisturbed lands which have long been withheld ! . them ; the occupation and cultivation of which wotii. strengthen the Slate and add to the sum ot human ba, pines*. And whereas recent and melancholy expo;, etice has proven beyond doubt that a white popni. lion and dense Indian one, cannot with safety ii.ter- LlS’i' ol Leueia tuuoiiiii^- .... . ■ . . »t Clinton Georgia, on the first day of January , A. le’Ofi. John S Aderhold John ilLvant. Kcuirk Basimove, Wm M Beall, Sainiif 1 Blow, Amanda F liiiiii.^-Va, Juans JDarnr-. il. Harriet Bird, Olyrk Blandfoid, The* Burtett, G C Brooks, Joseph Bynum Jamas A Coleman, VV Candler, John Cane, James M Cole, Y Camden l .da.und Doumas, AViUiam Denaing, John Davis t. John Dtmias Chas A Ellis Ilarrefl Flowers, W A Franks I’haris Goare 2, Alien Green, John Glover V. Miss Mary Griffin, Daniel Gtinn, Jama* Gilpin, Tt •ter Hawkins 2. Columbus Hamner 'ntl otiv'Jofinsen, M ilhins Jackfon Wm Key ooiiu . Lewis, James Lowerry, Wm P \V Lear, ard II T Lord. Arther Liberees, John E Lester •-.. Dauid McCloud 2. Aron Milter, Thomas Millc.. L'iioiuas Marshall, Elizabeth Nelson, Kirk McDanic: lizaheth Moore, M A Marshall, George Miller, : 'nnch Nichols, Dick T Odam. Spiva Owens Burton Paul. Mrs B Philips. D II P Philips £ f • feasant B Patterson. Joseph Kumney •.Vtn R Smith, Xolm Sims, James Sinies, John Smith James Sumner, Elijah Smallwood, Moses Smith, An- •iisdis ^Uirgio, John Simmons, John Stillwell, ftlaii ah Smith John B Todd, Maryan Thcn’proo, Julius TumOr Vt'm Vanganett Hosey Wi lls, John Woodall, Anderson Week**, l.’obt \\ oodall. Travis A Weaver John S Zacherv. JAMES SMITH, P. M. dive ters, arvos ere Urge Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot- ten at the least possible expense, and our opportunities to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not exceed ed by any other House. IIAWES A MITCIIF.LL. Darien, May 20.1635. 40 Commission Business, Barren fflHE L'udersigned have formed a Copartnership lor the purpose of transacting a general Com- ■isaion and outer otioinesa under the firm of SNOW & ROGERS, »ud offer theireerviccs to their fricuds, and the public Cenerallv, in the above busines*. Forwarding Good* and produce to and from the interior of the State, will receive particular attention. It may be proper to •tate tint they have no connection with any of the «teant transporutionliuec; Goods for the interior will always be eliiuped by those who will probably give Uwm the greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW, ,_J» 28 CEO. T. ROGERS T HE Undersigned tenders his thank* to his friends fot the liberal patronage he ha* for many yea'* re 5.* lv *d'and aiHiires them that the same zeai with which in his individual capacity he applied himself, will ‘breet hi* effort* in protecting thoee interests which confided to the new establishment. 2* > Hawn, Jin. I, 19.16 ISAAC SNOW. ALMANACKS FOR 1836. Hy ’Ehe Grom, Doaen, or *ingie,Jor sale by , Cloths, . I ry Trimming*, &c. Ac., all of which will be »e!d at reduced prices for cash. Macon oct. 22, 21 HORACE FITCH. F. F. LEWIS,* m'ttCE^»'T TAtlOK, H AS taken tho stand a few doors above the CJo- thiug Store of Mr. L Fitch, on Mulberry street where he continues to carry • the Tailoring businesa. He assures ull those who may favor him with their custom, that their work will bt done at the shortest notice, and iu the best manner. ^ Hu lia-on hand asupply ofthe best materials in hi* line, consisting of CLOTHS, Blue, Black, royal Brown, Claret, Raven, Green, fte. - CASSIMEREB*—A good ossomoant. VES’XIKGS, A good variety ofthe best quality. Petersham, aud a complete assortment of TAILOR S TRIMMINGS. lie respectfully solicits a share of the public pat ronage. Macon, Oct 30 1631—24y ~d jf LOIR A MOLASSES. -Jt* V barrels Canal Flour, 8 bhds Cuba Molasses, now crop, just received and for sale tj REA A COTTON- In Store, 50 hbds St. Croix Sugar, prime quality, 150 bags Coffee. 209 pieces Hemp and Tow Bagging, 50,000 Havatina Scgnr*. choice. 26 TAINTS fy OILS. -g OS Kegs White Lead, II. 100 Gal)*, Linseed Oil, lift do Whale do 160 do Lamp do 150 do Spirits Turpentine, Copsl Varnish, Furniture Varnish, Litharge, Chrome Yellow, Chrome Greea. Umber. Ivory Black, Prussian Blue, Vermillion. India Red, Pans Green. Verdigris, Smalts all colours White Frosting, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Red Lead, Yellow Qcre, Whiting, Glue, and Gold Leaf—Just received and for vice by nov. 5th 1835. 19 CHARLES CAMPBELL. Fire proof Buildings, corner of Mulberry and Second Streets- JCeto Stor&BwIPresh (Xoocls. T HE subscriber is now opening, on second street, next uoor to Patrick ft. Martin, and nearly op posite the Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS. Which will be told at prices much reduced, being bo’t on reasonable terms and cheap, they will be sold ac cordingly. Hit slock comprises in part as follows: WOOLENS. 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 London Duffii Blankets—10-4 and 12-4 fine Mackinaw do—Negro Plains and Linseys— . super blue, black, brown mixt Cloths—Fine and com- *»-. free persons of color from compounding or dis- mon Satiaei^ assorted colors—superfine Valenti* and P eU!i *ng °f medicine* in druggist and apothecaries Toiliaet Vestiags-enper white and led Flannels—do ? tore “. alld to compel druggist* and apothecaries to Merino do. i keep arte me and other dangerou* powon* under lock STUFFS. “*“! k »>- * c Black and colored 6-4 Marinos—do do Boiubazetts— fine 64 Bombxziace—Pink Ratinet—figured Circas- mingle in the same region ol country, especially in tin Oherokefe counties, in many of which the Indians pre dominate, whose minds arc uninformed or uninfluen ced by moral pinciples, and whose habits ami ferocious customs mnke them insensible to the effects of penal sanctions; thereby placing our citizens, their wives ft children, and all that is dear to them, at the mercy 01' the savage, stimulated by vindictive passions—And whereas, from a knowledge of the Indian character end from the present feeling* of these Indian*, it is confidently believed that the right of occupancy of t the land* in theit possession, should be withdrawn, that it would be a strong inducement to them to treat with the geaera : government and consent to a remo val to the west—And whereas the present Legislature openly avow that their primary object in the measures intended to be pursued are founded on real humanity to these Indiana, and with a view in a distant region to perpetuate them with their old identity of churar er. under the paternal care of the government ef the United States ; at the same time frankly disavowing any selfish or sinister motive* towards them in their present legislation. Section I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General As sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That immediately from and after the passag- of this act, it shall be the duty of lug excellency the governor, to cause grants to issue for all iota which have been drawn iff the late land and gold lotteries, now situate in the counties of Cherokee, Can, Cobb, Forsyth. Floyd, Gilmer, I.umpkin, Murray, Paulding, Union, and Walker, in the name ofthe fortunate draw ers thereof, upon his her or their application, upon the pajrmentof the fee. now established by law, into the treasiny of thi? Slut*. , Sec. 2. And be it further enacted by the. authority a- foresaid, That if any Indian, descendant of an Indian, nr other person entitled to the privileges of an Indian, shall be in the possession or occupancy of any lot or lots of land which may be hereafter granted according to the provisions of this act. or any part thereof, it shall not be lawful for such grantee, or any person clai ming under him. her or them, to dispossess, molest, or in any way disturb the possession of such Indiin octue pant, (provided such Indian or person entitled to the privileges ofan Indian are entitled to the possession under ary ofthe laws now in force in this state,) until the twentv-iif'h day of November, J836, and not then if a future legislature shall deem it necessary to give- such Indians further time to remove from the lands within the limits of Georgia; and sneh occupant shall be protected in his possession and occupancy of such lot or lots of land In the same manner as pres cribed by law, until the time as pointed out in this act. See. 3. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws which militate against the true intent and meaning of the firegoing act, bo, and the same are hereby repealed. -JOSEPH DAY. Speaker of the House of Representatives. ROBERT M. ECHOLS. > ~ ' President ofthe Senate. Assented to, December2I, 1835. WILLIAM ttCHt, P Y. Gor.mor. ■A i . i. .Si. man by the name ol James Power*, a- & bout 21 or 2' years of age, florid complexion, ■nnd fare, -'bout 5J feet high, had on a stet 1 milr' ruck coat, end a fur cap—borrowed a horse sadd.c rid le and martingales of me en the Oflili Dec. to go tx " .aid t» Forsyth. Monroe,and was to be back by the -f inat. but nothing has been heard of him since.— "he horse was a small brown horse wilh white specks •nhismrap, 7 oreightyears old. Tht-laddie was c, icw one, with brass stirrups. The bridle and martin- rales of black leather. A reward ofTen Dollats wil >e paid for the horse, and Ten for the thief if stolen. Macon. Jan 7. 29 JOSEPH WAIN WRIGHT. ^ILTVXAM-ACSSS. O.M1C Almanack*, and Beers Alctaaicksforcsic C bv J. II. & W.S. ELLIS. n ; .t .V C B -V G 9* tf 2IS I* S. PAIR Gtqiilemen’s Banning Pnrops, 100 do Ladies' fine Pinnella and Kid slipper*, Fronch pattern, by Jsu 1 ^3 ISAAC NF.WHALL Found. I N the streets of Macon by a servant, a gum of tsc nev, which the owner rati hove by proving h:S property—apply to CHARLES CAMPBELL, Mr.con, Jan. 20, 1S36 2t A SUPPLY' of Row.imlV.Tome Mixture, aeertais •cure fer the Fever and .Ijpie. just received aad for sale bv J- II- & 'V. 9 F.LLI8. jniin Ifi-52 Cotton Avenue. Rf'icon. »WG~riTJirjE nici.vBS. 4 GENERAL Assortment of I>r«gS, IHldh- cine*, Ac. iu*t received from New Y ork, fi. sale by 28 J. H. ft W. S. ELLIS. Cotton Avenue. starts. COTTON GOODS. super end common plain end twilled Calicoes—swigs. Jaconet, Mull and Book Muslins—black and colored cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in £ pieces very fine —colored sn<i white Homespuns—Rowen cassimcres and checks—birdseye and Russia Diapers—Linen cambric likfs, Russia sheetings, ftc SILKS, Black caper Poi de ooie silka—do Italian Lustring uu —rich colored silk* very cheap—Levantines, earsnets aud einchews. HANDKERCHIEFS. Mandarin, Herninei, embroidered Romani, Bagdad, rich gatitt, figuered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool and marlin gauze Hkfa—rich figured gauze Ribbons— Handsome thread Edgings and Quilting*—Blond Ed ging* and Bobinet Laces—and many other article*, which cannot fail to give satisfaction as to price and quality. dec 17 25 * ARCHIBALD McARN Kcmoral. GAMPBE&Zi H AS removed to the new Fire Proof Buildings corner of Mulberry * Second Street, where wiil he found a good stock of Staple Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, and r>hoe», with a ge* eral stock of Gro ceries, Iron. Silt, ftc. for sale at the market prices. Macon nov. 4tli 1833. 19 SUGAR. COFFETE, Ac. of* AX HHDS. prime St. CroixSugare, U 20 barrel* N. Orleans do 100 do Canal Flour, 100 do' 125 piece* Hemp Begging. 30 big* Cuba Coffee, 20 half qr. auks Malaga Wine, 50,000 IIavannah Segars, of the Veit quality, For sale by Jan. 14 30 REA ft. COTTON «k 4X bbU Canal f lour, /sae^tF lOhalfbblado 20 Kcge luird* 50 Boxes Cheese, 10 Half bids No 1 Mackerel, Juft received and for sale by nov. 5. 1835. 19 CHARLES CAMPBELL. Fireproof Building* corner Mulberry ft- Stcond st. fUjIIIi copartnership here.tofor eexistuig utnfir the fi nn of Shotwdl. Brown If Co. is this day dissolv ed by mutual consent. Tho business will be rontinu- ed by II. Sf J. Shotwell, who will n.ritle the accounts. 3 HARVEY bHOTWELL. WM. G. BROWN, JACOB SHOTVVELL. »-— 11.1 igas 2T Just received re fm Bags prime green Coffee JL 25 bbdsat Croix P. R. and N. O. sugar C Boxes Leaf sugar 10 hhds Molasses 50 bbl* N E Rum 30 “ superior Whiskey Jamaica nnd st Croix Rum Hoi. Gin, Cog. Brandy Sperm and Tallow Candle*, *oap, itarch,Chocolate, ftc. also Salt, Irou-CasUntfs, Ragging, Bale RopP, together with a complete assortment of Fancy, and. Staple Dry Goods. Jan. 21 30 F. RUSSLLL, PAiiNTiING. jjfOUSE Painting, plain and ornamental, either JjL is the city or country. Chairs repainted ^and ornamented. Lookingglas* or picture frame* gilded or bronzed . . . . Signs painted, and Fancy painting of various «Jee criprionswiUkedonebya^pIvirgto ^ SIJJa Jacxso.i Butts Coostt, Jan. 15, 1836. Dr. mu. Jf. Simpson U ESPF.CTFULLY informs the vicinity of Jiici- son, and the public generally, that he has located himself tn south East Corner opposite Asa Mann’s in said village, where he will attend to all business in bis line, viz: the Practice of Medicine, Sar- gery, midwifery* Dentistry, &c. He flatter* himself that he will be able to give gene ral satisfaction to all those who m&v favor him with their.patronage. He also feels grateful for past favors conferred upon him, and expects a ccotinuance of the same. 3t 39 N ACT to prohibitthe employment 01 slave* .uni Section I. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the slate of Georgia in General - ls- Lany* Oil. Gallons Winter strained Lamp Oil very vW handsome—just received and for eale by II. &J. SHOTWEI.L. Jan. 14. 30 Opposite the Central Hotel. SEJLL.IJYG OFT. S AM determined to sell my entire Stock of Goods, which comprise almost every article suited to the trade of thi* place, Merchaate and Planter* will di well tn rail. Nov. 19. 21 DAVID RALSTON irifAUTION.—• All persons are cautioned against trespassing on Lot of Land No 294. 23d district of Wilkinson county, as the law willbe rigidly enfor ced agaiust all violator*, jan 20 Itp 6 30 JONA. STANFORD. sembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That from and after the first day of January next, any person or persons having iu his, her or their employment, any siavsor free persons of color in any apothecary shop or druggist store in this State, m the apothecary branch of their business, in putting up. compounding or dispensing purchasing or vending anv drug or drugs, or medicines of auy discription, kind or sort, whatsoever, shall be guilty of a high mis demeanor, and ou conviction thereof inany courthav- ing cognizance of the same, shall be fined the sum of one hundred dollars for the first offence, and for every subsequent offence shall be fined in the sum of five hundred dollar*, one half of said 0ne to go to the in former. and the otlier half into the county treasury for county purposes. .Sec. 2. And be U further enacted by the authority a- foresaid, That every druggist or apothecanr, or any o- ther person or persons vending any medicines of a poisonous quality, shall not Tend the same to any per son sr parsons of color, under the penalties aforesaid. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority a- foresaid. That nothing in this act shallbe so construed, as to prevent druggist* aud apothecaries from employ ing any negro or free person of color, in that branch of their business which doe* not require them to open theit drugs or medicines, or compound or dispensing the same: but they maybe permitted to employ said verson* to perform the laborious part of thetr work, under the immediate direction and control of some white person. Sec. 4. Andbe it further enacted by the authority a- foresaid. That all laws and parts of laws, militating a gain3t this act. be and the same are hereby repealed. JOSEPH DAY, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ROBERT M ECHOLS, President of the Senate. Assented to, December 26,1835. 29 2t WILUAM SCH.IVY. Governor. /JfEREAS ray wife NANCY GARNF.L ' has left my bed and board without any just cause whatever, these are therefore to forbid *11 per sons trusting or liarboring her on my account, as I sh:._i pay no debts of her contracting. 1 JOHN GARNER. Jones co.. Geo. Dec. 29tlnl835 ; __dec31_27_4tv GEORGIA jCOURT of ORDINARY. Crawford County, y adjourned term, Jan. 11. ' I T appearing to th* Court from the petition ol \h tr. McDonald, that Ytm Lacey deceased, late tf Monroe county, did on the twenty-first day of Februa ry 1829, make and execute hi* bond conditioned t<» make tides to Lot No. 116 in the 7tlt district of Lee county, when the plat and giant is taken out, and it further appearing to the Court that sBond is com plied with so far as taking out the *aht Grant: now this is to notify the administrator of the aaid Wa» La cey and all parties concerned, that As said tdminietra- torwill he ordered to snake and eaecute titles to said Lot of land according to th* condition of said Bond, unless good and sufficient esuse be shown to the con trary in th# term required by I#w : is i# farther orde red that three months notice of this #rder h# published by the clerk ofsaid Court, in one of the public Gazette o f the state, and in two other public places ia said coun ty of Crawford. A true extract from the minutes of said Court. Jan. II. 1836 30 WM, IT- BROOKS,c. c. o. 'lac /njciivr Court sitting for ordinary purport), 7nS -j: —. ,k:. «Ufc Jnoonre. lH'.tR Prr. pursuant to adjournment, this 5th Jnnuary, 1836 PrC scntlheir Honors Jno. L. Blackburn, James heal, Juo. B. Reid, and J B ltiUiamson, JatHtea—RVLKHISI. I T Appearing to the court on the diotiwig #f Faddy Whittington, that Nathan Bryatt during bis lift time did make aud execute to your petitioner fcis bond under penalty of nine hundred dstlars, 1* execute tit les to your petitionsr to the south half of Utoflsfid Nfr two hundred and and five,and n#rtii half of lot oflnnd So two hundred and four, both lying and b#i*g in tho second district of formerly Monroe note Bike county: and whereas-the said Nathan Bryant died without'ex ecuting titlee to saifl half lots of land to you r petition er, and whereas Vbutr petitioner h?» uow filed iu the clerk’s office of this court a copy of said hMi : It is therefore ordered by the court that th# executor or legal representatives of th# said Bathr.n Bryant deceased, file their objection* if auy they luve. why tiie executor of the estate of tho ##m Nathan Bryant should not be di.ected aftar th# exp.aa’.iou of three months publication of this rul# *.e s.:*ke title t# your petitioner to said half Jot* of land qgr<te#bly t# said bond ; and it i* further ordered thaw a copy of this rule be published for three mouths iu A# Csorgin Telegraph. A true copv from th# minute* of said court. 29 H. G. JOAMlNs. o. o. GEORGIA: Butts county. W 'HEILHaS Elizabeth C. Deiiais applies to me for letter* dishiistory from the ad* ministration of John Dennis deesiasd These are therefore to ti’e and admonish all and singu lar the kindred odd creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by late, to shew cause if ooy they have, why said tutors should net It granted. Given underlay hand at office thi# lith August 1836. 8 JOHN McCOBD, c. c.o. GEORGIA: Coweta County a .1 B D E -V S FED S. A SUPPLY of fresh GARDEN SEED8 111st re ceived—Also, The Gardener's .7Ian- ttel, with instructions for cultivating Garden Plants, ftc.—Price 124 cts. For sale by :-.n 23 J. H. ft W. 8. FI.I IN. /notice- T HE Charleston Fire ft Marine Insnura-ee Company, will take risks on Goods and Prod uce, shipped from Macon te Darien, Savannah. Char leston. or New York, or shipped from either of those parts t# Must. J*n. 14 2t £9 (MIN C. BAW3CN, Agr*. troops nnd Militia; and that our fellow-citizens in that territory stand in need ef assistance from ibe patriotic citizens of Georgia. The Commander-in-chief, under existing circum stances, will not ORDER the MILITIA of GEOR GIA. or anv rvartof them, to march beyond the limits of the 8tate But he earnestly invites such of the Volunteer Corps as are willing to go to the relief of their suffering fellow-citizens of Florida, immedi- Jitcly 10 signify to bun their readiness for such service. 'Bvorder of the Commander-in-chief. uyoraer jjoLMNG If. ROBINSON, 2 t 30 Aide-do-Camp. !0* The Gazettes published in Columbus. Macon, j -—ifEio LtTAiMTftST gIT '* .milcdzcviltc, Jan. 13, 18G6. T HE(.’ommauder-iu-chief has received official in- formatioi trora his oxceiiency, JOHN If. Y-A- --pear \ _ TON, Governor of Florida, Uiat a ba.tle occurred in cause if any they hate, echy add that territory on the 31st Decembrr last, between the eTSnie g, Seminole Indians and a detachment of I nited States. Giv#* under my baud at offise OctoLer Slot 4: >4 BWrilKREAfi Jamos McCracki* applies to Y V the inferior court of said c«*tnty when sitting as a court ef ordinary, for !«ers dismissory from the administration ofthe estate of Watson Fat- man deceased, 7’hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and, singular the kindred and creditor* of said deceas ed ' to file their object ions (if any they have,) in my office within the time prescribed by law,, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 6th July 1835. * H DAVID MOSELEY, c.c.o. GEORGIA: Houston County. "irWARDY Hargrove applies to *e for letters qf jj g Dismission from the estate of* Lig1 trot deceased Hugh L. Dennard applies for le.tors of Discus from the estate of John Decuard c.-scoaix*J; These arc therefore to cite and c-dxuxiiJi oil ana . te gular the kindred and creditor* df scad dux/uJl bk (t a* my office within the time srtMcrSj.d bylq (p . Lstu. dAtria, t CHARLES Tl. RICE. o. Gf ORG1 A: FiU County. ste/HF.REAS Fre#Ki* LUi-lftsui «4i«ji**#aor |f of Ute Estate of Isaac Watfla,w* apolie* tome forlotlctsofdiwntsatoat: These are therefore fa site cad odsuonieft <sU aad Singular the kindred and creditors of odd (*■ ceased, to be and appear at my ojjict within the time prescribed by laic, to shtil cause ij any they can tchy said letters shall n»l ks grunttd th- rr.. Given under my handat office its 6th day of Jan’y 1-136. 29 ’ H.G. JCBN30N.C, c. o. !H» The Gazettes published in Columbus. ->lacon. j Wfat on Chcrr~*trVeT U-' rei.L adjoining‘tEe MUWgeviUe. Augusta and Savannah will give the a-, - T X n ranh tnciff#> f 'be onmex ^obPriatinsTd^»« at th»& Office# t Blanks for salt at t’ts office