About Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1836)
MACON GEORGIA TEE GRAPH M’l. “.jj he approached twelve mile swamp. wav buiweeu ihU and Augustine. ■ I " 1 , ’lute ludi.ius wiln guns in iheir hands, i>° m t hc bushes into the road, not more than ,w *\ „„h.'d vards before him Seeing hi.n they md suit u ihe m i,l. He them as fast as bis horse could 1 Pji.' l, ands-’iiia -m* ia mo “’J' 1 - ,t ' 3 turned^, .ire entirely inadequate p oinvs where tbs progress of the war will require lie presence of riic army, -in the inoau :imc. we i.tve no donht, from movement* which have a! ready takou place, that the ueighlto iag slates will generously sie|> forward to aid us iu prost-cuiing i war. for which, the resources 01 the Territory THE SPECIAL MESSAGE, Of the President of the United States, on French Affairs, was scut to Congress on the 18th. It shows, what we have all along be lieved, that France does not intend to pay the Henry Tax Collector's Sale. B _ _ , N ACT to establish, change imu regulate election I LfORt, Llucuun house in the town oj MeVonough j ^ ML precincts in the several counties iu this Statu and j Henry county, wilt be avid, on inejirTuesday in j , ..r.sli juose vvuo may attempt to defeat the same. / . nU rt tied from “■rhi'-Tpoft seined blit little credit at first, j 1 ;i|| lens alter the nrriv.il lu re, u little alter ! Dirk.’ a colored man, from Si. Au- Jn» master's business, who ’ pined stoppi**6T niter. »; •' 5 , dark. i»l scut out l)U f j >j' ttL .|ve .Mile Swamp about live o’clock, ,, at Derbm Bridge iu the swamp for ,r,rWithout seeing ludians or Indian signs. Tbereportof ihe mail ruler Mint there were Indi- ia 12 Milo Swamp, wau strengthened hy 3 wirn received on Tuesday morning from AJau- hrin, t" which place Alaj. I- l). Hart imuiedia V. neat IU order to learn the truth of the affair Lm .Messrs. Ilynom aud Brush, the persons L| m have been attacked. Mr, brush and Mr. Bynom report, ihat being on tlnir way from St Augustine to Mantlariii, ,rerc fired upou iu »he swamp hy a party ol Jniiiatis waylaying the road They supposed .| >t . r ,. were at least tweuty Jndinns, who were on I, dilc of the road, secreted in thc thick bushes. \iur ili-* volley pouted upou. them ihey levelled ,| lf ir *u!is and "fired without seeing any oue, iu ilircctiun iu winch they saw the flash of the .-iPs, tvlien 7 or 8 Indians rushed out into the r,Mil before them to sens * Iheir horses. At this M.iiacnt Bynom and Brusn, each drawing a horse ii»u,lfired at the nearest Indians, and m ti c ! ..ne time dashing their spurs into their horses, hrulte through and escaped unhurt. As ihe pis ■,,i, were discharged, oue of the ludians was | to ,-rjr ••(>!” but whether any was killed or t , t they could uot tell. Several bullet Holes itcfcfwuud through these two persons clothes, ,tj.Iuiie through Mr. Brush's hat. Col. Mills with about Ili men from this place al „| Mniularin, proceeded yesterday moruiug in . urb ol ilie Indians aud we understand he luten- ilnlto pass ihe swamp and stay last nighl.il <i. Aiiciistiiie. Vesterday. Alaj. M’ Kay, aid to Gen, Ileruan- ime with a guard of six men, from St. An- Prom the Charleston Courier. Retracts of Letters received in this City. “TALLAHASSEE, JAN.* 14 “The Legislative Council have just passed a la w. uuiiinrisr.g the Governor to call out the mil* iti.i by draft, and to receive Volunteers ; hut it will bo some time before any effective force can lie assembled on our frontier, for as yet, we hate no arms or suiitnuiiuioti. Gov. Eaton has scut tho Adjutant-General to Augusta, for arms, but it is impossible to say when they will get hero. Provisions are also wanting, to,suhsist the army after it is raised. Gov. Eaton has nuthuized me to say, that men aud arms will be gladly le- ceiveti in the Territory from any place. The pre vailing opinon among the Officers of the Army, that the 8emim>le Indians are to be subdued by a small force, is entirely erroueous. Tbev are commanded by Powell, a half breed, as brave a man as evei lived, nnd wko, in the late haul •, proved himself to be a good Gcneril, to which Gen. Clinch and Ins regulars can hear testimonv- He says he can hold his present posi tion ttsainrt iTio United State, 5 years; and if ov er he i. p rniiit d to get tut’ h on hero part of • t.o Peninsula, it is a matter <•! some doubt if the w hide of ihe U. S. Army can get him out. Some time ago. the winou ami childreu, iu their cano es, were sent South, uearCnpe Sable and Ten Keys, no doubt to prepare the Comity Root, of which a Flour is unde, aud upon which they are accustomed to live. I very much fear that my plantation and negroes are destroyed, for st! the t/ie time 1 left home, nothing was known of the Indian war, and I have littic doubt but that some of them have been sent down on the Cape of Florida. Every settlement oil thc Keys are iu danger; even Kay-West when I left i\ could have been taken by 50 Indians, tile town, and every one iu it destroyed, as the troops had all left there. I expect every day to hear that all is de stroved at New River aud Cape Florida. 1 think indemnity. .ThePresent recommends npre- Jfir afr’S S?*$ ZSSSZT' Ai iiiL next, otticesn titc lawful hours of sale, theJotiow- ' oec. i. lie u enuetcuOy uie oeuate autt House of Re- ing Lois of Lund, or so much thereof as tail satisfy the ! presenlaticcs of the State of Georgia in General Assent- Tax for the ytar 1534, and costs, nz: oty met, aud u is hereby enacted by the authority of tht same. Tout from aud utter the passage of this act, all paration for war! -inline bringing despatches to the olli- its ot this the Legislative Council will adjourn in 4 or 5 ‘ ■ l ‘ ~ 1 dajs, to meet again in the Spring. The Govcr- » t’s proclamation will appear today, nnd Gen, t ai l’s orders will be issued to the militia ; he is a brave aud gallant officer, and no doubt but he lie will get a number of Volunteers, lie told me , lace, lie states lin t although tie tliiligt-niiy Maine,I the mad, ,,u<! especially that part of it ihiougli Twelve .Milo Swamp, be saw uo signs ot I iiiimns. AI ■! < • r M'Kay left this morning mi bin return to St. Augustine that the distress lie saw among the iuhabitauts.4 need assistance, during the absence of such Vo- Awpiirtw as brought to tow n last night by was enough to make the heart sick ; women and \|> It lair tiiat an Ionian was yesterday evening : cliililern begging the officers and men uot to • Hi ue:ir M essrs. Palmer & Kerris’ present cstab- : leave them to he shot aud scalped by tile (jdians; Mniient. one mile from Mr. Blair’s plantation, j every house burnt, and plantations destroyed, luil within seven of this titv. Air. F erris, aceoai- | and evciy thing on it, cvcu the Ieg9 of thc fowls , mying the man to tile place where lie said lie cut ofT. and their bodies stuck full of lighlwood mi the Indian, futiml there a moccasin tract— splinters. I hope that Volunteer* will offer them .,u Indian, sign.—Col. Warren and Aliy. Hart selves to assist us, and 1 think our Governor will with 15 men, set off at day light this morning to t send au officer to Charleston in a few days, to ., iiiir the hamutot k where the iiuiiau was said I obtain supplies for the Hki'To arny. PUBLIC MEETING. \r au adjourned meeting of the citizens of Macon, Held at the court house on Monday eve ning, the 25th iust. called for the purpose of de vising the best means of giving sufficient aid to our fcliow-eitizcus of the Macon Volunteers, who are about to march to Florida to aid our hrethicn of that Territory in repelliug the ruth less Savages who are uotv murdering their in habitants and desolating their fair and fertile rouulry. Jerry Cowles,-Esq. was called to'the Chair, and C. B. Cole appointnd Secretary. Gen. R. A. Beall, alter stating his views of thc events aud situation pi many members of tho Volunteers, offered the following resolution, which was adopted hy a large majority : Resolved, That this.faceting deeply sympathise with their suffering fellow citizens of Florida, in their struggle again,t savago barbarity. And where •«. the Alacon Volunteers have 're ceived orders ami are about to march iu ihoir de fence, be it further ^ Resolved, That this meeting recommend the City Council of Macon, to appropriate the suin of two thousand dollars, oue half of which shall he placci iu the bauds of the captain of the Ala- con Volunteers, to he disbursed hy him for tho benefit of such of bis men as will need pecuniary assistance in their outfit upon said march, and thc o.licr half to he retained iu the bauds of a committee of citizens, to he appropriated to the indigent families of those who shall go ou said expedition, according to their several necessities, at the discretion of the committee, aud that tho Chairman uniify the City Council of thc forego ing rc&olutiou aud request their adoptiou of the same. - * The Chair then announced R A. Beall, James Rea aud James R. Butts, the Committee under the foregoing resolution. E. D. Tracy, Esq. offered the following roso Iutiou. which was adopted : Resolved, That R. \. Beall, James Ren, aud Jauics It. Butts, Esqrs. he a committee to re ceive such sums as may lie subscribed hy private iudividuals, to lie disbursed hy said committee iu aid of the families of such Volunteers a- may ! acres, No 37, 7th Uist tleury. lying on Walnut creek, the property of Robert X. TLming, tax 33£ c. One Lot iu the town of McDonough, the property of Whitfield Huf, tax 43| c. 40 acres, No 7ti2 16th dist 2J sec Cherokee, as the property of James Allen, tax ’doj cents. ItiO acres, ,\o I Ski 9th dist 4th sec Cherokee, as the property of Richard Knight, tax 35Jc. 20*4^ acres, No 110 3d dist Henry,as the propeity of James G Perrymon, tax 73£ c. 40 acres, No 129 12th dist 1 it sec Cherokee, on Nim ble Twig creek, as the properly of John H Skinner, tax 424 c.- ' 40 acres, No 272 12th dist 1st sec Cherokee, as the property of fhomas H Yarborough, tax 244 c - ICO acres, No 112 9th dist 2d sec Cherokee, as the property of John C Henderson, tax 47J c. ICO acres,'’-No 197 12th dist 3d sec Cherokee, as the property of. Sarnabas Godwin, tax I84 c. returned by Alsa Beveas as agent. 40 acres, No C37 2d dist 4tb sec Cherokee, as the property of Presley G Dcccnport. tax 8i>4c. 40 acres, No 11212d dist 4th sec Cherokee, as the property of Keaton Upchurch, tax 25$ c. ICO acres, No 143 Cth dist 1st sec Cherokee, as the property of Moscs T Caps, tax 354 c. 2024 acres, No 64,17th dist DeKalb, as the proper ty of John C Gorham, tax 384 c - 2024 acres, No 49 1st dist Campbell, as the proper ty of John C. Cannada, tax 1,03$ c. 40 acres. No CSC 19th dist 3d sec Cherokee, as the property of IVUliam Fleming, tax 66$ c. 50 acres, No 22 3d dist llenry, as the property of William Moor, tax 31$ c. 2024 acres, No 206, 8th dist Henry, on Tnsaha wa ters, as the property of John Freeman, tax 38$ c. 40 acres, 478, 3d dist 1st sec Cherokee, as the pro perty of Silas B Buckhanon. tax 25.1 c. jan 28 HUGH LONG1NO, t. c. h c. elections tor Governor, members of congress,, mem bers of ihe legislature, electors to vote lor President and Vice President of tho United States, aud all couu- ty officers. 111 the following counties, to wit: Gwinnett, Hall, Clark, Ue&alb, Larly, Hancock, Cherokee, Tal bot, Houston, r'ranklin, Meriwether, Libert. Cass, Jones, Crawford, Decatur, Walton, Upson, Campbell, Muscogee, Lee, Putnam and Newton, shall and may be held at the following places, exclusive of the several places of holding elections iu the aforesaid counties al ready established by law, viz: In the county of Gwinnett, at thc house of James Gordan ; lit the county of Hall, a the house of Jyhn D. Floyd; Iu the county of Laxly, at the house of William Wil liams, iu the 4th district, aud one other at Dills and Chambers’ mills iu the olh district of said county; lu the county of Hancock, at the store house of Charles Medlock, and one other at Poplar Hill, at thc house of Thomas Youngblood ; in the county of Meriwether, at the house of Elias I> R li G & ivi s Di al nr » -A c. fresh supply Jus 1 Received hr r J. II. & W. S. ELLI^ Masonic Hall, Cotton Arcnnev Among which arc the following MEDICINES, Ac, Sulphate Quinine (french) Cantliaride^, Sulphate Morphine, — dp Butts Slieriir Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March next, b-ifore the Court House door in the town jf Jackson, Butts county, between the usual honrs of sale: 101$ acres of land levied onasthe property of Jos eph Parker, it being the one half of lot No. 22, in the 4tli district of Alouroe county when surveyed, now Butts; and thc north half of said lot, to satisfy a fifa from a Justice’s court ofsaid county, in favor of Jere miah M’Glendon, vs said Joseph Parker. Property poiuted out bv Plaintiff- Levied and returned tome bv a constable. JAMES W WATKINS ShJ. 'Jan 22. 31 . us, on iheir J toIiivc ht'i'i! seen. Uhai report our men will hrin Mura we cauuoi anticipate. ‘J lie ic.idvnts on Hit-banks of the St. Johns’j fflin thisplaro to I’icniati. lav.- removed their; .'itinij s to this city and Mandarin. Many of the ! ji n, i.io.is aye entirely ahandtiucd.Considerable j inRiliiis pi evaded during the last few days.—! S 1. r families, roused from their slumbers have j ■only left their dwellings 1111 he night time, and | - :;ht safety by repairing to our city. .Many oilier reports iinautlicinieaieil, of Indi- - lining been seen at various places, between tin n:id i'icolati ami ."»!. Augustine, are in eireti- lnii.i, and we wait auxiuusiy for iheir rcfuiaiiuu u; (-aafirinatiou, Mr ll-igau bringing thc in til from Micaonpy, til a a express from Geu. Clinch, arrived ai this r.’. lost night. II, tilings a rumor lint on i'i„!«.liy Ibu7lh in>t, some Indians burned the Hiirj h.iti R ig rs —tho same house 111 which Mr. Rogers, ti.M. Tompson, Lieut. Smith, and liio iwo otliers H.re shut. The Iiidiaus fired a lew ->hois at C imp King, aud were iu return fired up-u by ■lie viitlii r*. Mr. lUigtn also states tiiat, he heard that Cols l’.i>h am! B llainy. xvitli 181 men from Middle Ciu-itl 1, Ii 1.1 rnirlil'd 1 lie vieinilv of Camp Lang Suic, Gin t’liueii's Head Quarters. On Satur- iv Paris with ;jtl nit<1. discovered about the • i'll.- ininilicr of Iiidiaus, who, on seeing tile i>lides. fled ilinmgli ihe open prairie to a ham- tn.irii. wh'.'U they prepared for biitile. No action Wo iiivc intelligence, which wc believe in ay 'O','"''I on, lhat .Spring Garden p'aulaiioii, «wn- by Col. If r/. ami ,Mr. Forrester, lias neen burn .. ^ MACON: TJmrstlutj, January 28. 1S3G. 05^ We are indebted to the Hon. John P. King tor a copy of the documents transmitted ir Ca:np King, of the unfortunate to Congress in relation to the boundary line between Ohio and Michigan territory—mik ing a pamphlet of over 200 pages. Election of Senators, General W. D. L. Ewing, of Vandalia, has been elected Senator from Illinois,.to fill tho vacancy occasioned by the death of the Hon. Elias K. Kane ; and R. C. Nicholas has been chosen Senator from Lou isiana, in place of Air Gayarre resigned. Both of tiie above named gentlemen are friendly to the present administration, hintecrs 011 the intended campaign. Young Johnston then moved the follow ing re solution, which was adopted without a dissenting voice. Resolved, That as it is important to send to the people of Florida a sufficient number of men to afford them relief, without endaugeriiig thc lives of those n I10 go, and as it is necessary lhat means should lie raised of a pecuniary nature, to equip a company to be raised, say iu oue week, in ad dition to the companies already organisod—wc, the citizens of ALicou, believii;g that from three tc five thousand dollars will be sufficient to effect : such object, agree that we will adopt any course tqat may be devised for the raising of such an a- mount as a loan to said company, they pledging the in iunt which may fa I due to them from ihe I General Government for the rcpayineut of the saiJ s un of rnoii-y. And believing also that thc raising of said sum of money will he more easily effected by a Committee than hy the citizens at large, we >grec to appoint tho following uamed I gentlemen as members of that Committee : Us- (siau Gregory, F. .Simms, AI. D. Clarke, David F. j Wiison and James Rea It was then r-sob el hy the meeting, that ‘he thanks of the citizens ut Alacou he teudered to James Goddard nnd James K. Butts, for the g-mr-iLS offer of iheir Steam Boats to carry thc Voluuiecrs to Hawkiusville, the place named b“ the Commander-iu-Chief for thc company •o rendezvous. On motion ofY. Johnston, Esq. it was order ed, that the Chairman and Secretary |<igu the proceedings nf the meeting and have them pub lished in ihe City papers. ’flic meeting then adjourned. J. COWLES, Clir’m. C. IL'Colk, Sec. Fayette Slierilf Sate. B P. FOR I. the court house in Fayetteville, Fayette county, on the first Tuesday in .MARCH next, trill be sold, icithrn the lawful hours of sale, One spotted stud Horse, levied on as the property of John II Joues, to satisfy an execution in favor of Samuel Cone sen. vs John 11 Jones aud James. Lot of Land No twelve (12,) in the fourth district of originally Henry now Fayette county, whereon .Malcoine Bethunc now lives, levied on as the proper ty ofAIalcome Bethunc, to satisfy' an execution in fa vor of Jphn Cargile vs said Betbuue. Lot of LandNoonchiiudred and twenty three (123,) in the fourth district of originally Henry now Fayette county, levied on as thc property of James Lanier, to satisfy’ sundry Fi Fas, Samuel Darden and others vs said Lanier. ALFRED BROWN, sheriff. —also, will be sold as above— 22 acres acres of the north west corner of lot No 131 itf the 7th district of Fayette county, levied on as the property of Uriah Glass, to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of T D King vs said Glass. A. McBRIDE, dtp stiff. Captain Seymour gratefully acknowledg es tile receipt of 8100 from Air. James Goddard, 8100 and a bale of Blaukeis from Air. Charles ’i’he Jackson Mississippi furnishes tifo \ ""J a . ,r “" k of c '" ,I,i "S O™ Mr- Jacob .:. .... r ** , . « 1 S'hot well,Tor the necessity of the voluutecrs to ffratilvmz intelligence ot thc election of Kob- | fq or j l3> gratifying intelligence ert J*. Walker to the Senate of the United States, over the combined forces of Plummer :her with the whole crop, estimated at * the wiiig and Poindexter the nuiiificr. The Mississippi asserts, that there is a clear ma jority ot 14 for Air Van Duron in the Legisla ture, and that the White delusion is over. The Senate of the United States is now com plete, all the vacancies being filled. It is be- / lieved the present administration will now have \y a majority of two in that body. iinnlred hogsheads of Sugar. All lira ue* - ■ about one hundred and six'y, were taken t-lhy tbo I.i.li ius—these, together with the ue -'■'"■3 lal;cu from tho plantations iu .ilosquiia, »*kr about .’120 they have lately taken into their posSv aiioil. From the 'Tallahassee Floridian. Stiiil/tole I Far.—Since ihe cngagcin''ii! on ih Hiililiuonciiec, uoiiiteulligcuce hai been had 01 flic main body of the Indians. The situation of liio I.1I1 ibiuuis east nf St, John’s, and south "/ Si. Augustine is truly deplorable. New b'.inrin lias been burnt ami all lira G110 plantu- b'Mis in ihat luighborhiiod arc broken up. Many Cotton .llarkct. Since our last, the market has taken a new start. Cotton brisk this morning at 14 a 15 c. COUNCIL CHAMBER, ) S.vrimoAT, 23d Jan. 1835. J REGULAR MEETING. P RESENT I. G. Seymour. Afavor, Messrs. Cow les, Higgins, Ross, Ralston, Vigal and Williams, Aldermen. Tiie minutes of the previous mseting were read and approved. The committee on pttmps made their report, which was received. Thc Treasurer had until the next meeting of conn cil given him to conform to a resolution of a prexiou meeting in relation to forfeited lots. On motiou nf Alderman lliggins, Resolved, That the committee appointed at the last mpetitiTof council to select a depot for the Forsyth Rail Road, he discharged from the further considera tion of thc same.—AnJfurther, that a committee, con sisting of thc whole hoard, take the same into their consideration. A communication was received from the executive , THE SEMINOLES. ✓ Most distressing intelligence continues to be f the negroes "have been c arried off', or have ' received from tiie seat ol war. The enemy, j'-tit'il the savages. The Indians arc dispersed ' considered so weak and spiritless as to excite ] committee of the Female College, about to be erected 111 small parties, nvl xvhen pursued the) lake j contempt rather than apprehension, has all of a in this place, asking council to grant them the privilege rtf u;c in lira thickets which .abound every where . . ., SS iimcd a character bold, impious and of making l rick, for the purpose of greeting the col- •ail light with d-spuratii n, until they are SWldenassumea acnaractcr OOICI, in«ugu«m , <geedifico . and necesrory buildings, on the brick no matter by what numbers they may be powerful—coniplctciy organized,_ wchjtoo yard receIltJ y occupied by John F. Evans, whereupon Failed. It is literally n war of extermination suiJ no impc is entertained of putting an end 10 it. but hy tho most vigouros measures. In the mean time, the tiuiuber of thc rniimy is daily increasing hy dcspcratloes from other tribes, aud siMr.in.liiig slavesr The Mickuooky tribe is C'y.isi’.lercd die lendiug baud of »ho s8ciniuo!es— They have always been uotrd as the most d.'tcr- nimvd md ruthless of tho savago race. Their dii f. Powell, is cool, daring, nod brave. He is • inir-lirocil, aud utiiiss the gallantry and cour- ,1 tt of dm white man with the subtlety and tuaning of tbo Indian. Besides ho is said to !"ia-.rss some knowledge of military tactics, hnv- '"S drilled at 'I’limpn, for many years as often as , e tiiou-lu proper.—At the battle of VA iiblacorho. lit';|H>rtcdtlic uniform of our army, au«l eontm- "®‘l to occupy a conspicuous posilon, where lie c,| u!d observe every movement, lie is an one- “J "ol in be despised, a* every one present on l 'e nccasiou, will bear witness. '• e are sorry to observe by the Charleston pa- P-r».th:it Gen*. Elist's, is wholly uninformed "'tli as ta the situation of our finulier, aud the r «ourcc* of tho'enemy. Thickets almost iin- Kaa'rabio nbouiiil every where, which may be '."Mrded dsuniimiul fortresses, from whence it is impossible to dislodge them, but with loss pro- poruoued to their uuintiers, for ou several occa- a doxen linvo lieeu known to resist ten their iiumher as long us one survived.— , c *ii probiilily muster a thousand to fifteen mndreti warriors and have the advantage of choo- ' ,R *"®' r posilio”, ns w ell as the manner of fight- ”8 - hat is, either in a body, or in detached jarties. The best judges in these ma'ters are of * "P'unu, lhat two or three thousand men will . ri ,n"ir«d to bring the contest to a successful nnination, so that tho nrroy may bo divided li«° t ",' ,or 'broe parties, and each divisiou contending with the united force of r t ‘ lle, *y r ' It is not intended we understand, to 'an I* ° ffensiv ; e operations until au cffScicut force t organixed, and arrangements made for !l “g supplies of provisions at tho remote plined, nnd directed by no ordinary leader.— | it was Resolved. That the executive committee of the Fe- i'lie number of the Seminole warriors is said ,0 amount ,a 12 ur 1500 and conalaally ia- crcasinsr by accessions ot Creeks anti runaway numno, nf iiiakiinr brick for the erection of creasing by accessions of Greeks and runaway or captive negroes. A number of Volunteer companies from this State arc on their way to the scene of fiction ; elusive purpose of makitig brick for the erection of tiiat building, and in case, from the excessive use of said yard in making brick, the same should, in the o- piuion of council, be deemed a nuisance, that the , , _ lumu MLiu U1 j ‘ council reserve to themselves tho privilege of limiting and tiie Governor we understaiid has ordered ■ ( j ie C0ium ittee in the use thereof, a draft of 3500 men for immediate service. Resolved, That the committee appointed to revise The Macon Volunteers particularly arc de- ■ the ordinances relative to thc burying ground, be in- ,11 fnrtlmir nramntnoss in res- strucied to inquire into the expediency of laying out a serving all praise, lor their promptness in res- uew buryin „ and that they ascertain the most ponding to the call of thc commander in duet, 8 ., lla i,i e location, and report ot the next meeting of nnd their noble devotion in thus leaving their ; this board. homes and their business, at immense personal Resolred, That the proposition from die Mayor of - - this city for a loan, to enable thc council to pay the first inelabneut to the Cehtral Rail Road and Banking -.ompany, he payable on die first of November next. Resolved, That thc Mayor do issue his warrant on the treasurer for two thousand and six dollars and sixty cents for bills approved hy die committee on finance. Resolved, That Messrs. Vigal, Campbell, Higgins and Ralston d» constitute the I’nmpcommittee. The bridge keeper made thc following report, viz. Report of tolls for die preceding week, ending Fri day, 22d iust. §159 06$ A true copy from the minutes, this 27th January. 1838. JESSE L. OWEN, c. c. sacrifices, to fly to the succor of thc distressed. The whole people of Georgia are feelingly alive to tho distress of their fellow citizens in Florida, and volunteers are starting from all our prinnipal towns to her aid. The citizens of Charleston, S. C. also have displayed a liberal and patriotic spirit; and wc trust other states will not bo behind. Wc understand thc Volunteers from this section of the State have been ordered to ren dezvous at Alacon, whence they will go by steam boat to Florida. Four additional com panies are expected here by Friday or Satur day. . . Congress has passed an act appropriating 8120,000 for defraying the expenses of the Seminole war. A letter received in Savannah from a res- pcctablc citizen in Camden county, states tiiat 500 Indians were within 40 miles of St Alarys, committing depredations. TEXAS. A New Orleans paper of tho 11th says: ‘It is rumored that Santa Anna lias marched into Texas with an army of 11.000 men.’ • To Cabinet .linkers. Thomaston Cabinet Hare House for sale. T IIK subscriber being desirous of leaving th * part of the country offers for sale the well known stand in tho town of Thomaston, including shop, lot benches, lathe, lumber house, See &c. with every con venience forcarrying on tlieabove business. For fur ther particulars. inquire of the subscriber in Thomas ton. *jan23 3l WILLIAM POWERS- AUCTION, By P. G. Shick St O. Cohen, O N the first Tuesday in February, will be sold at the court honse, between the usual hours of sale. One half of Lot No. 230,3d District, Cowetacounty, nov/ in Heard county. jan 9 3L Terms cash ^Fob Printing don© at Odce. Pike SlicritF Sale. B EFORE the court house in Ztbulon, Pike county. will be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, within thc usual hours of sale. The west half of lot of Land No nineteen (19,) in the third district of originally Monroe now Pikccounty to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa issued from the superior court of Piko county in favor of Llsy Buutiu vs Benjamin Buntin, property pointed out in mortgage fi fa. jau 28 JOS. H. SHIVERS, sheriff. Carroll Sheriff Sale. W ILL be sold at Carrollton. Currotl county, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, within the law ful hours of sale, Lot of Laud No 1?4 ia the 4th district ofsaid coun ty. levied on as thc property of John S Adams, to sat isfy a Fi Fa issued from the superior court of Troup county in favor of Henry II Lumpkin vs said Adams. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. jan 28 J<)HN DEAN, dep sheriff. jj 0 j Ma g on sheriff- saig. O N the first Tuesday in MARCH next, will he sold before the court house door, in the town of Perry, Housloo county, between the lawful hours of sale, Twentyacres of lot of Land, No, 174, in the 15th district, to sutisf) a fifa from a justices court, iu favor of John B. McCarter vs Walter L. Campbell. John Stapler, Win. N. L- Crocker and Robert Peacock, se curities of Flint river Academy—levied ou and re turned to me by a constable—property poiuted out by Robert Peacock. JOHN C. MO UNGER, Jan 28 Sheriff. POSTPONED SAt.E. Will be sold as aboce, Lot No 2fl, in the ninth district, to satisfy a fi fa from a justices’ court in Wilkes county, in favor of John B. Smith vsJohn Ball, Jesse Ball and Charies Dood, together with other fi fas—levied on and return- tome by a constable. JOHN C. MOUNGElt, Jan 28 sheriff. SAMUEL B. TAYLOR, »Ittorney at Lute, H AS permanently located himself at Hawkins- ville, Georgia. lie will practice in all the coun ties of the Southern Circuit, aud in the «onnties|of Ij^ouston and Bibb, of the Flint. Jan‘28 31 4t g Boudley; on lot No. 150, in the 11th dUirict; In thc county of Frauklin, at a place known by the name of King’s Bench; In tiie county of Houston, fourprecincts, one in the 5-list district, one in the 769th, oue in the 779th, and one in the 887th district, G. AI. for said county—aud at tho several places of holding justices courts iu said dis tricts ; in tiie county c f Clark, at the place of holding jus tices’ court in th<- Athens district of said county; In the county of Libert, ut the store house of Asa Dobbs. In the county of Cass, at the house of J. G. B. A- dams; iu thecouuty af Walton, at thc house of William Wiiffamsou; in thc 415th district, G. AI. In the county of Lee, at the house of Elias Hodges; In the county of Muscogee, at thc house of James U- Glenn; In the county nf Putnam, at Perryman's store, in the 300th district, G. M. Bee. 2. And be it further enacted by the authority a- foresaid, That the election precinct heretofore estab lished at the house of Jesse Green, in tiie county of Cherokee, shall, from aud after the passage of this act, be changed to the house of Edward Townsedd—the election precinct heretofore established ut the house of George Pecnus, shall, after the passage of this act, be i changed to the place of holding justices courts iu said ! district—and the precinct heretofore established at the | house of Jamos Diamond, in Rockbridge district, is [ hereby abolished. i T!w election precinct heretofore established in the 17th company district, >« Liberty county, shall hereaf ter be held at Bird’s store, in said eCunt)'- ^ The election precinct in the 476th district, G. M- at tiie house of Curley Grateheuse, to the store of AI & J. Warren, in said district, in the couuty of Newton. Tiie election precinct heretofore established at the house of Alexander Cabiness, in the 537th district, G. AI. Upson couuty, in future shall be held at the house of Alfred H. Brown, in said county. The election precinct heretofore established at the house of Whitman 11. Owens, iu the county of De catur, be removed to the house 6f Lyman Shepherd, on Spring creek, in said county. That au election precinct be established at the house of John Howell, in the county of Crawford, and at thc house of Mary Hammock. Tiie election precinct heretofore established in the 301st district, G- AI in the couuty of Jones, at the house of Mrs. Baldwin, be removed to that of Mid way Post Office, tiie place of holding justices’ courts and musters for saiu district, iu said county. In the county of Cobb, at the place of holding justi ces’ court in the 851st district, G. M- Scc. 3. And be it further enacted by thc authority of the saute, That the election precinct iu the 19th district of Bryan couuty,: ow held at the house of John Ro gers in said c>’" v, be, and tiie same is removed to the house of Jac- 8 i iinau. any law to the contrary not withstanding Sec. 4. And be it enacted by thc authority aforesaid, Tiiat the elections that may be held at thc several pre cincts established 5y this act, shall be conducted iu the same way, and governed by the same law that is now in force, regulating elections in the aforesaid counties, or other counties having election 'recincts, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. JOSEPH DAY, Speaker of thc House of Representatives. ROBERT M. ECHOLS, President of’tlw Senate. Assented to, December 23, 18:15. 2t 31 W1LLIAAI SCHLEY, Governor. A N ACT to proscribe aud point out the mode of collect! o. tins State collecting coroner's fees in the several counties lEBECCA BROWN and Da li apply i i of Elias Brown, GEORGIA, ( »|1 louston county, i JL%> letters of administration on thc estate deceased— Daniel B Lowe applies for letters of administration on tl e estate of Nathan McGratv, deceased— Thomas N AlcWilliams applies for letters of admin istration on the estate of Rebecca Ecklcs, deceased— And Daniel B Lowe, administrator on the estate of John Chambers, applies for letters of Dismission— And John S Taylor applies for dismission from thc estate ofWilliam F O'Neal, deceased— Thcscarc therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred aud creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be granted/ Given under my hand at office, this 21st day of Jan- naiy, 1836, 31 CHAS. II RICE c. c. o- GEORG1A, ) V AM EH GRIFFIN applies to ine Pike county. ) (P for letters of administration on the estate of Larkin Higgason, late of said county deceas ed. ‘ These art Uwrefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at niy office within the time prescribed by law to skew cause if any they can why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 2Jst day of Jan- uarv. 1836. H. G. JOHNSON, c. i.c. uLuRuiA : Coweta County. W HEREAS Aristarchus Wood applies for letters of /Administration on the Estate of Arnstar- clius Wood deceased : , Thtseart therefore to vile and ad'.onish all a ft,, singular the kindred and creditor of said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office, tcithin the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this 18th day of Jan- nary. 1833 31 1V\V« « ’« ’ v ' " <>• jrorie*.. I WILL sell to the highest bidder, ou the 1st day of MARCH next, at the door of the court house in tho town of Perry, a tract of LAND drawn by the or phans of Jas. B Oliver, situate in thc 14th aisiric) of the county of Houston, containing 2024 acres.which is known and distinguished in the plan ol said district by No 168. Terms on the day of sale, jan28 31 WM B. OLIVER. ff OST or mislaid, three Notes of hand, given 1 i by Richard S. Rodgers, two fur thirty doll rs each, aud one for ten dollars, dated about January or February last, and due 25th December, IS ij. payuble to the undersigned. All persons are cautioned against trading for tho same, and the maker from paying theni to any other person, a3 I intend to establsh copies of tho same JEREMIAH JOHNSON. Jan 23 2tpd 31 Whereas, the laws in this State defining the duttes of coroner ia taking inquests on the body of a dead person and also defining their fees, have uot pointed out any mode for the collection of theii fees; for rem edy whereof .Section I. Be it enacted by thc Senate and House of Representatives of the state of Georgia in General As sembly met, and it is hereby enactea by the authority of ^ the same, That from aud alter the passage of this act, it shall and may be lawful for tiie coroners in this State, to issue an execution against tiie property of the per son or estete, who, by the existing laws are liable in ease of inquisition for the amount of his fees in said c <se, which shall be directed to aud levied by a consta ble of the county, under the same rules and regula tions as provided in justices’ courts in tiffs State. Sec. 2. Aud be it further enacted by the authority a- foresaid, That the coroner shall be entitled to thirty- one and*a fourth cents for issuing said execution. Sec. 2 And be it further enacted by the authority afore said, That all laws or parts of laws militating against this act, be, aud the same are hereby repealed. JOSEPH DAY, Speaker of thc House of Representatives. ROBERT M. ECHOLS, President of the Senate. Assented to, December 26,1835. WILLIAM SCHLEY, Gorcmor. N ACT to permit tiie elections for Colonels to be Fly stone, Cofoeyntb, Court plaister, Castoroil (fresh). Sweet oil do Charcoal, pulv Corks velvet. Calomel, Antimony, Aloes, Rheubnrb, Julap, •' Digitalis, Opium, . Prepared Chalk.. Acetate lead, do citpri, . do Zinc, Arseniate pntassft. Ether sulphuric,.- do n.tric, Nitrate silver, do potassa, Phosphate soda, do iron, Sulphate iron, do potassa, do soda, do magnesia, Borate soda, Phosphorus, Manna flake, Ointment hyd- potassa, do Iodine, do Veratrine, do Itch, Oxide mercury, Extract Jalap, _ do Butternut, Hyoscianius. Gentian, Belladonna, Taraxici, Rhubarb, Nux Vomica, Rhatauia, Cicuta, Glycyrrhiza, Gum Arabic, do Camphor, (Jo Scamutony, do Myrrh, do Asafaffida, do Guiac, Pearl Barley, Syringes, Honey, Otto roses, Magnesia, calc’d do carb. Isinglass, Quicksilver, Seidlitz powders, Soda do Saratoga do Sponge, Tamarinds, Wafers, Sarsaparilla, Red precipitate, White do Black do. Pcarlash, Annatta, Indigo, Spanish float, Logwood, Fustic, Copperas, Spanish brown, Venetian red, M adder, Fig blue, Nutgalls, Alum, Cochineal, Spts Turpentine, Venice do Starch, Salt Tartar, Sal Ammoniac, Glue, Rosin, Jujube paste. do do do do do do do do do Acetate Iodine. Acetic acid, Oxalic do Citric ydo- ■ r Prussic do j Tartaric do Ammonifr, ' do (Aromspts) Antimonialis .pulv Veratrine, , Strychnine Emetine, , , Rheubarbine, Croton Tiglium, Secale cornutum, Oil Sinapine, Oil cantharidin, Pyroligneous Acid, liydriotate Potassa, Pepcrine Oil black popper, Irish moss, Musk, Chloride soda,. Citratcd kali. Chloride Lime, Medical mustard, in pots, Opium denurcotized, Cyanuret potassium, Comp. Tonic extract, Carrageen, (prepared) Spigelin comp extract, Blue moss, I’recip. ext. bark, Peruvian do Calisaya ‘ do Toxa do Red do Chamomile flowers, Senna, Uva Ursi, Horebound, Sage, African Cayenne, Bayberry hark (pow’d) Blood root, do O^ichicuni, do Golden seai, Slippery Elm (pow’d) Quassia, Gentian (pow’d)' Cort. Aurant (pow’d) Lobelia aud seed, Hemlock, Skunk cabbage, Squills, Gamboge, Hops, Mezcrium, Alkanet root, Cortcassarilla, do sassafras,. Ladies’ slipper, Golden thread, Saffron, Cinnamon bark. Powdered ginger. Root do Curcuma, Mustard seed, Mace, Cloves, Nutmegs, Caraway seed, Anise do Coriander do Arrow root, Aqua Fortis, Anodyne (Hoffman’s) Borax Black lead, Brimstone, Blue stone, Juniper berries-;. Cubeb do Oxide bismuth, Bees wax, Burgundy pitch, Balsam copivi, do tolu; do Peru, Black drop, PATENT MEDICINES, &C. ' Lees’ pills. Compt fl’d ex’t Pink Root. Opodeldoc, by G. W. Carpenter, Chapman’s anti-dyspeptic Dalby’a carminative. do A .. , held at the various election precincts in the seve- erai counties of this State. Section!. Beit exacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the state of Georgia in General As, scmbly met, and it is hereby enacted by thc authority afore said, That from and immediately after the passage of this act, it shall and may be lawful for all elections for colonels to be held at the various election precincts iu this State; any iaw, usage or custom in the contrary notwithstanding. JOSEII DAY, Spcaleer of the Houscof Representatives. ROBERT M ECHOLS, President of the Senate. Assented to, December 22,1835. 31 2t WILLIAM SCHLEY, Gorcmor. ' HEAD QUARTERS, GA. MUleageville, January 13,1836. O RDERED, That the following persons be, and ifiey are hereby appointed Aids-de-camp to the Commauder-m-chief, with the rauk of Colonel, and tha* they be obeyed aud respected accordingly, to wits NORMAN MCDONALD of McIntosh EZEKIEL LESTER of Burke ROBERT ATKINSON of Jefferson ROBERT WILLIAMS of Columbia FREDERICK E. BROOKING of Hancock BOLLING II. ROBiNSON of Baldwin JAMES DUDLEY THOMAS of Clark PAUL JON EH SEMMES of Wilkes ANDREW S LIDDELL of Jacksoh THOMAS MORRIS of Eranklin WILLIAM G. SMITH of Jones DAVID J. BAILEY, of Butts WILLIAM W. WIGGIN S of Twiggs THOMAS HILLIARD ofWare PETER H. COFFEE of Te fair IIENUY T. MOSELEY of Rabun WILLIAM M. VARNUM of Lumpkin OSS1AN GREGORY of Bibb BENJAMIN F. HARRIS ofMonroo JAMES M. FLOWERS ofTroup EDMOND B. THOMPSON of Campbell JOHN DILL of Early JAMES L. BURKES ofTalbot TURMAN WALTHALL of Paulding CHARLES D DAVIS of Walton ZACIIARIAH B. HARGROVE of Cass WILLIAM N. BISHOP of Murray SAMUEL FARIS of Walker lT „ n „ TM Bv the commander in chief, J. W ■ LU MI KIN, sec 0 ~ ijVIAt! WARNER, Attorney aud Counsellor at Lav?, i/ permanently located at Greenville, Me riwether County, Georgia He will attend the Courts in the Coweta Circuit Talbot and Hams »n the Chat- tahoochie Circuit. All business in the line of his pro fession will rccciv" prompt attention. Jan. 30. 3t 31 Pills, Peters’ do Hunters’ pills, Hoopers’s do Anderson’s do British oil, Bateman's drops, Thompson’s eye water, Godfrey’s cordial, Salts lemon, Worm tea, Effervescing magnesia, Botanical drops, Swaim’s Panacea, Indian’s do Ess Iceland Moss, Bleaching Liquid, Mead’s Pills, Issue plaisters, Klhser life, Ginger beer powders. Medicated Oil silk, Digestive Elixer, Pile remedy, Chlorine tocth wash, Bay rum, Balsam honey, Cough Lozenges,, Extract coffee, Cullen’s liquid magnesia. Potter’s catholiceu, Rowan’s Tonic Mixture,' Relies Vegetable specific. Oil Wormseed, Ext I5uc.hu, Cough Mixture, Fluid ext sarsaparilla, Syr Liverwort, Comp sarsap. cubcbs & Ext. Boneset, copivi. Tonic Extract. PERFUMERY & BRUSHES, d:c. Hair Powder, Almond paste. Pearl do Ground paint brushes, Rutige, do sash do Milk of Roses, Oval Varnish do Cold cream, Camel hair Cream Almonds, Badger’s hair Florida water, various sizes Graining do do do do ass’d do do do do do do silver wire, do do do Patent feather Broom*, do do Dusters, do do Brushes, Fitch Tools, Counter Brushes, Hat do Crumb do Cologne do do do Flesh Lavender do do do Ilorso Rose do do do Hair Bears’ oil, Nail Ward's hair oil,- Comb Marrow Pomatum, Tooth Orange Flower Water, do Macassar oil. Cloth •Spirit of Rose, Scrubbing Camphor soap, Shoe .Musk do Emollient do Windsor da do do Brown, Wash Balls, Curling fluid. Antique oil, Lip Salve, (Persian Otto Shaving do Rose,) Shaving oil, Tooth powder, (superior) Powder Puffs aud boxes, Erosive do Preston saiD, Extract Bergamot, Smelling bottles, do Rose, Tapers, do Musk, Dutch cologne, Honey Water, Atkinson's Depilatory. Shaving cakes, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac. Amputating cases, Cupping glasses, Trepanning instruments, do do with air Dissecting do > pumps, Pocket cases, Gum clastic catheters, Spring Lancets, Silver do Evans’ thumb do ' v 'Seton Needles, Dentists’.cases. Spring lancet blades. Teeth keys, Tooth claws, M do do (moveable but- Gum Lancets, tons, Medical spoons, Scarificators, Scales ana Weights, Abscess Lancets, Teeth Tiles. Tourniquets, The i ub.scribers intend keeping a full assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, SHOP FURNITURE, &c. consisting of all urli' k's in the line necessary for the supply of obyaicians. Plantations or Families. They will be supplied with Ihe best that can be selected out of the New-Yorksnd Philadelphia, markets- Orders from Merchants and Physician?, will receive prompt attention. Jan. 23 31 J IL & W. S 113. -