Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, January 28, 1836, Image 4
MACON GEORGIA TELEGRAPH SAMS* Mutts Sheriff aiale. jftN thefirst Ttutday m 1'hit HU A H V wczt,trill be told " “ before the c-cmrt how door in the town ef Jackson, Halts county, within the legal hours af sols, The following property to-wit: dl acres of Land, laried on aatlie property of Silas Elliott, it being the northwest corner of Lst No. 125, in the fint districtof origiurdiy Henry now Bum county, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Justice Court of Burke county.' iu favor of Bailey Carpoater, (Junior,) vs Silas Elliott and Elizabeth Pswell, Administrators of E. Powell. Levy made and returned to *te by a constable. Dec. 31 JOSEPH 8UMMEKLIN, Sharif. .Houston .VHeritr Sale. j p : rt 14 ... Vi FEBUA R F next, will is j 14 ’ ‘®. 36 -jtOSSPOMED AD.T1UI18TBATORS' JL ?ALK.—On the first Tuesday in February neat, will be sold iu front of the Court House, in Ma con, all the personal property of John W. Rhodes, late of this county, deceased : consisting of beds, bed ding, and an extra good rifle patent breeched in brass. GEORGE AUGUSTUS SMITH, dec 24 2G Administrator Postponed Kale. O N THE first Tuesday in February ^«it, will be sold before the Court House uoor in Zebolon, Pike county. One ?{cgro wqtiiatj and her twochildron; sold as the property of Anderson Griffin late of -mid county, for the benefit of all concerned. Terms on the day. MARY P. GRIFFIN, Adm’x. JOHN. R. KENDRICK, Adm’r 19th da' of February next, will be William- O N thajirst Tuesday m —_ - sold before the court house door, tn the tew* of Ter. 1 RT* N friday the 19th day ... - ., ry, Houstas teunly. between the lawful hours ef sale, i «uld *t the lata residence of John r. The east half ef Lot No. 292, iu the 13th district of Houston coanty, levied on by virtue of a fi fa issuing out of a Jastiees f'oart of Houston aounty, ii^ favor of b. Bole, against Samuel Gilmore, Thos Barron, and Henry Sammcrford. Levied on and veturued to me by a constable. dec 31 27 G. M.. OUNCAN, Sheriff. Ifemryy SJayrifr Sale. W ILL be sold before the Court House door in the tow* of Me Oy*om’h, Henry county, o-i the fret lyisday in FEBRUARY next, between ths legal hours e J*,' property, to test: Two tho^^ud pounds of peed cotton moire or less, lavied on c§ the property of Stephen Winkles, to sat- isfy • 'it fa isjitaU from the Inferior Court of Henry cniiuty, in favor af Jesse Johnson rr. Stephen Stal- ntdtar and Stephan Winkles his security. 4JW& acres of Load, lot number sixty-four in the Tt-td District of Heary county, levied on as the pro perty of Thomas Swinaey, to satisfy two small fi fas issued from a Justices Court of said*county; one in fa vor of David Johnson ft. William A. Well*, and Thomas Swinney; the other in favor of Henry Swin- ney rs. Thomas Svinoey, and other fi fas against said Thomas Swinney. Levy made and returned to me by Ezekiel Griffin, a constable. STEPHEN MALONE. Deputy Sheriff. I Dec 25, 1835. 27 | CENTBAL HOTEL, THE undersigned having pur chased air. Wm. B. Parker’s in terest in tho Central Hotel, intend Continuing the business under the name and style of WflgJWM AT JRnrney, and hops from strict attention to merit a share 0, ( . p ^ ( b ) liC p P \v°^^ ON JOHN D. RAMEY.' p. g. The Stage Office at the Central Hotel. Macon, Dec. 22,1835. ^6 WASHINGTON HALL. THE Subscribers have taken that com modious and well known public house in the City of Macon—the Washington Hall. lately occupied by Mr. M. D. Huson.—- By the unremitting attention of both of sou dec’d. in the county of Coweta, all the perishable j ,, |ein , hey fla[ f er themsc i ve9 that their House will ob- property belonging to the estate of said deceased, con- • {or ,v ceneraEpatronage from the Public.— sistirig of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, together with one — - • r - road wagon and Harness. Household and kitchen Fur niture. Terms nirde known on the day of sale. jnn 5, 1835 29 JOTKPH ATTAWAY Adm’r. GREEAB1.Y to an order of the honorable the Infe- rior Court for the county of Twiggs, when sitting as a court of ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday tn IS ARCII next, before the Court House "door in Marion county, within the usual hours of sale. Lot of Land No. 90. in the 4th District of said coun tv, sold as the property of James Ileshazo, deceased. Terms on the day. RICHARD DESHAZO, Adm'tr. Doc 28th, 1635. dec 31 4 GREEABLY to an order of the honorable the Inferior Court fbr the county of Twiggs, when silting as a court of ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court House door in said county, within the legal hours of sale.— all the I.arids and Negroes belonging to the estate of Joshua D. Bostick, late of Twiggs county, deceased; except tho widow's dower in lands. Terms on the day. I.UCINDA BOSTICK. Adm tz. Dec. 28. 1835. HARDY DURHAM. Adm’tr. dec 31 27p W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in FEBRU ARY next, at Carrollton, Carroll county, within the legal hoars of salt. the following property, to wit: Lot of Land No 207 in the id District of Carroll; Benj Chapmans interest in lot 195 >n 6th District Carroll, Benj. Chapmans interest in lot 105 in 2d Dutrict Carroll, ens Negro Woman by the name of Juda, 22years old. alias the property of Benj. Chap man, to satisfy a fi fa from the sup'r. court of said coun ty, in favor of David B. Hill, with other fi Iks vs. said Chapman. Lot No. 108 in the 6th District Carroll, as the pro perty of Robort Me Far land, to satisfy a fi fa from the eup'c. court of said coanty. in favor of Jiles S. Bog- g ess rs. Me Farland; one Hsgro Woman by the name of Moriah, as the property of D. L. Harris, to satisfy two fi fas from fits sup’r court of said county, one in Ihvor of James Goddard rr. saidD.L. Harris and Benj. Chapman. Also, twenty bead of Hogs, four Cows and 9 Still*, as tho property of Thornes Duke, to satisfy a fi fa Don the sup'r. court of said county, in favor of Jiles .8. Boards rs. said Duke. This 24th Dec., 1835. 87 ISAAC E. COBB. Sheriff. Campbell Sheriff Sale. MfllLL be i-M on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY T2/ nest, oi the court house door of said county, wUhia the lawful hours of sale, the following property to irit ; Lot of Land No. 25 in the first district of originally Garroll, now Campbell county, to satisfy one ft la from Walton superior court, in favor of Jesse M. Butt vs. William H. Ray. Property pointed out by plantiff. Lot of Land No. 853. in" the 18th district, second taction of originally Cherokee now Campbell county, to satisfy one fi fa from a Justices Court, Hall county, in favor of Thomas Wynne rs. Francis Talbert, and aundry other fi fas rs. Talbert. Levy made and re* tsraed to me by a constable. Thtee Lots of Land No*. 134 155 and 164. in the eight district of originally Coweta now Campbell coun ty. to satisfy three fi fas from a Justices Court of said county, in favor of George Chappell us. Austin Bryant and John Bryant, and controlled by said Chappell to Thomas Dotnard. Levy made and returned to me bv a constable. Seventy-five barrels of Corn to satisfy one fi fa from fbe superior court of said county, in favor of L. B. Harris rs. Andrew Sharer, Joseph Sherer. John She- rer, Robert Presley and Sanford Britton, end controll ed by said Harris to Stephen James. Levied on as the property of Andrew Sherer, anti pointed out by said A. Sherer. dec 16 27 WESLEY CAMP, Sheriffs assPAa 1 ® O .vrili first Tuesday in March next, will be sold before the Court House in Macon, Mibb county, agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordina ry of said county, I.OT of Land Ne. 117, in the third District of origi nally Houston now Bibb county, sold as the piopcrty of Martha Smith, minor. Jan. 1, 1836 29 SAMUEL JF.SSOP, Guar. O N THE first Tuesday in March next, will be sold before the Court House door in Zelmlon with in the legal hours of sale, agreeable to an order of the They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public houso, is inferior to no ono in the State. Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. The Stables are attended by careful and experienced Ostler*. MUSTIAN A. MOTT. Feb 5 1835 36 ET Having sold my interest iu the Washington Hall to Messrs. Mustian & Mott, I earnestly solicit for them a continuance of the patronage which was extended tome, whilst proprietor of the establishment. Macon, feb 5 36 W. D. HUSON. GLOBETTAVERN, Clintons Zones Comity, €Ja. 11K Subscribers (late proprietors of the ii Clinton Hotel,) tender our thanks to our friends and patrons for past cucouragomont, and respectfully beg leave to announce to tho public, that tve havo the commodious House known as tbo globe tavern, situated in the business part of tho town, and fronting the Court-House. Having leased this stand for several years, with the intention of renewing the lease or of pur chasing the property, wo consider ourselves per manently located, and shall continue to improve our accomodations as the comfort of customers shall require. Our House is now open for the reception of Travellers or Boarders. Wo shall at all times T HE -Subscribers have resumed the Drug Mistiness, at their old stand, formerly Ll- liu, Shotwell & Co lately occupied by Mr Win G. Brown, opposite the Central Hotel, under the firm of H. & J. SHOTWELL, who intend keeping a very general assortment of Goods peculiar to their line of business, together with a great variety of miscellaneous articles that may be difficult to be found elsewhere. Their Stock is now vary extensive, having received by late arrivals nearly oil their Fall and winter supplies, a general enumera tion of which could not be given in an advertisement. Some of tho Articles received are, (Drags & Medicines,) Rochelle Salts. Hellebore, Iceland Moss, Flos Ben- zoine, Juniper Berries, Lapis Calatninaris, Henry s Magnesia, Madder. Mace, Cayenne Pepper, Black Popper, Alspice, Hemlock Bark, Bayberry do, Poplar do, Cinnamon do, Golden Seal, Sumac, hem. Anisi, Aqua Amonia F F F, Sulph Quinine, Sago, Gum Guiac, Indian Turnip, Skunk Cabbage, Hops, Pep permint Lozenges, Oil Spruce, Acidulated Lemon Drops, Coriander Seed, C. P. Castor Oil, Cort Au- rant, Cherry tree Bark, White Vitriol, Muriatic Acid, Pink Root, Gum Myrrh, Seed Lac, Seneka oil, Lob elia, Lemon Balm, Sweet Balm, Ext Colocyuth, Pul. Gm Arabic. Ground Race Ginger. Balsam Fir, Pearl Barley, refined Borax, Bole Armenian, Corn Alba, Lunar Caustic, Cloves, Prepared Chalk, Cubebs, Ca- nella Alba, Rust of Iron, Sup. Carb. Soda, Castor, Notice. nr HE subscribers having connected Geo. W. Price Cv i n company with them, the Goods business will hereafter he conducted by hitn under the firm of GEO. W. PRICE & CO. by whose atlentiou we are in hopes to receive that lib eral patronage heretofore extended to us. Jan. 6 29 COOKE & COWLES. Just Received A LOT of superior quality at Croix sugar Prime Green Coffee Prime Northern Cheere White Lead, Linseed Oil and Window Glass. Sole, Gin Band, and Harness Leather Calf and Kip skins, which in addition to their extensive assortment of Goods of almost every des cription makes their stock complete. Jan. 7. 29 GEO. W. PRICE &CO._ .Veto Store ansi JIVw Goods. A. P. WILLCOX, A T the Brick store nearly opposite the Post office, is now opening a prime assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry C?opds» His stock consists in part or the following : Light and dark plain, and rich figured Silks; French, English & American Prints and Ginghams ; Plain and figured Swiss, Jaconett, Mull, Book, Nainsook and cambric Muslin ; checked, striped and plain white Cambric ; colored Cambrics; silk and cotton Velvet; Long Lawn; Bishop Lawn ; Irish Linen ; Linen cambric; cashmere, raw silk Thibet, Bagdad and Merino shawls; sew ing silk. Gauze, Valencia, fancy silk and crape, Faucy Ildkfa ; Gauze scarfs; Green, white, and black gauze Veils; Black lace Veils; spittlefield, bandanna and Book* ansi Station* 'wS-T’-tfTF which 1830, New Novels. \v e haveU pon, Dorsey’s choice Village Hymn. for Flute, Piano Forte, Violin, sical Books of all kinds, Miscellane on. a Medicine do. Blank do. Almanacks bv^’ groce, very fine Paper of all kinds W friends and the public generally to call the interest of all to supports respectable i hfihment among 113. O00 *e!t^ dec 3 23 OLCOTT & i; LLg ' j ..... r . , . pongee Ildkfs; Ladies’. Gentlemen's, youth's and chil- Calamus Root, Cowhege, Mazerion, Sassafras, Bals- dren's Gloves and Hosiery a great variety; Red,white, am Honey, Cumfroy Root. Dragons Blood, Oil l.av _ _ iy. D 29 BEVERLY DANIF.L, Adm'r. Inferior court of Pike county sitting for ordinary; , purposes, one half of lot of land No. one hundred and endeavor to keep such a House, os will ensure sixty nine, lying in the ninth district of formerly Mon. j public patronage; and we hope to anord suen nc- roe. now Pike county, it being tke real Estate of Her-, commodatious as will prove satisfactory to thus* od Reese deceased, sold for the benefit of tho heirs of; who call ou us. said deceased. Terms on tho day. Dec. 25,1835 J The usual great promises of good TABLES, BARc 5 , Sic. we think unnecessary to particular ize.—Good Lots and other conveniences for Dro vers, readily furnished. WOOD & WEF.KES. January 20, 18114 19 tf Auction and Commission Musincsa. t Take this method of informing my friends and the pukSf generally, that I have taken np the above bttsinetsfciid respectfully solicit a share of patronage. All Goods consigned to tne shall be strictly attended to, accotding to directions, dee 24 26 C. L. HOWLAND, GKEEABLL tonu order of the Honorable the 1 A '. - P , Inferior court of Pike county when_sitting lor A GREEABLE to an order of the coutt ofOrdinary of Crawford county, will be sold at Knoxv.lle on Saturday t venty-sixth March next, and ou Tues day twenty-ninth, at tho Franklin Factory, the peri shable property of Wn J Waymnondeceased, consi sting of Dry Goods, Crockery, Hardware, Tin ware, Cotton Bags, Cottoa, Cotton Yarns, Horse, Mule, Cow, Wagons, Cart, Household and Kitchen Furni ture, and other articles to uumerou* to mention—sale to continue from day to day, until all shall have been sold. Terms Blade known on the dav of sale. Jar..9.1*33 29 ALF.X. M. K. SXVIFT Adm’r. _ O N TH E first Tuesday iu April next, will fee sold within the legal hours of salo before the Court Huuso door of Thoraaston Upson county, agreeable to an order of the court of Ordinary of Crawford coun ty, a Negro woman belonging to Uie Estate of Win. J. Waynman deceased. Terms rash, Jan. 9, 1835 29 ALEX. M. K. -SWIFT Adm'r. O N the - first Tuesday in Match next, before the court house door in the town of Amer.cus, Sum- tercouuty, within the legal hours of sale, will be sold the undivided interest of Benjamin Kcynour in two J NEGROES, also. On the first Tuesday in April next, will be sold j within the legal hours of sale, in the town of Tal i botton, thirty three acres of land of lot No. two hundred and forty, in 16th district as the real estate of Commercial Hank, I Macox, 30th Nov. 1835. T is resolved by the Board of Directors that an in •talrr.ent of Twenty-five Dollars on the share be paid by the stockholders of this Bank on or before the 12th day of February next. True copy from the minute*. 23 THO. HARDEMAN, Cashier, xiaBidvAr. J.A.&S.S. VIRGIN Welch Makers If Jewellers, Would inform their friends and the public, that they hare remov ed their establishment to Cotton Avenue, to the store recently i,dr — — ; .. . , ... have in addition to their former stock, just received Thursday the third day o* March next, will be, fron New y 0 rk a large and splendid assortment of sold at the late residence of James Anderson, Watches, Jowelr?, &C. sold at the late residence of Janies Anderson, j late of Butt* county deceased, all the personal estate of said deceased, consisting of corn and fodder, cotton, rattle aud hogs, sheep and horses, plantation tools, Household and Kitcheu Furniture, and various other articles—on the same day wiil he hired one Negro boy belonging to said estate, and also on the same day will be rented about 14 acres of cleared land. Terms made known on the day of sale. Jan. 21 1836 30 THE ADMIN! TRATORS. ordinary purposes, will be sold on the first Tuesday iu February next, at the court house in Franklin co. the (fallowing parcels or lot* ofiaud: viz. One parcel of twenty five acres lying on North Fork of Broad river hounded eastwardly by James Loury’s lands, and all other aides by Nathan Bond’s lands, also one parcel of two hundred acres granted to Hugh Neely, also one parcel of land of fifty acres granted to John Loury, also oue parcel of one hundred acres formerly owred , , , by Wm. and Mary Loury. and also one parcel of(97) ncr s trade lor unumber of years, a woman, ninety seven acres formerly owned by James W. and bout 30 years old and a gnl Munab, 13 ye Susannah Cook, all lying and being in the county of Franklin as is represented by grants and deeds to uome ; and also on first Tuesday in March next, will be so Id before court house in Cherokee, lot No. (363) three hundred and sixty three, in the 16th district ef 2nd section, the above lots and parcels ef land com prise the real estate of James Loury late of Pike coun ty deceased ; sold for tbe benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of said deceased. Terms made knovrn on day of sale. This 15th day of Oc tober, 1835. 17 ASA SESSIONS. Adm’r. W I i.i, lie sold on tne first Tuesday in February next, before tbe Court Housein Lumpkin, blew art coanty, lot of land No. 147, in tbe 20th District for merly Lee now Stewart county, as the property of An derson Griffin, late of Pike—for the benefit of the heirs &c. Terms on the day. MARY P. GRIFFIN, Admr'x. JOHN R. KENDRICK, Adm'r- r .NDER <2* order of the Inferior court of Fayette to- unly when sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be Sold on thefirst Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, before the court house door in He town of Knoxville, Crawford exmnty, between the usual hours of sale. One JLot of Land, No. 106, 7th dist. Originally Houston now Crawford county, for the ben efit of the heirs and creditor* of Robert i ucker, late of Fayette county deceased. Terms made known on tbo day of sale, dec 1 23 JOSHUA STEPHENS, adm’r. /ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in February O N tbo first Tuesday in April next, agreeable to an order of the Inferior Court of Morgan coun ty when sitting for otdinary purposes, will be sold in the town of Forsyth Monroe county, the Negroes be longing to tho estate of Thomas Summerlin late of Mor gan county deceased, consisting of one fellow Kyal, 25 or 26 years old, and has been working at the Tan- Mary a- ___ ^ years old- sold for die benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased; terms made known on the day of sale by tho Jan 16 30 ADMINISTRATORS. I .lour months after date application will be made ’ to the Honorable Inferior Court of Twiggs of tbe latest fashions, which they vriU ssll cheap for cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es capement, duplex, lepine, altrm and vertical Watch es, of the best quality; gold, silver and steel guard Chains, Seals and Keys, Ear Knobsand Drops. Breast Pius, Finger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectac) is, {,'ohland silver ever potnted Pencils, silver table, tea, salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tangs, soup and cream Ladles—all of which will be warranted freo from alloy ; silver Cups, butter Knives. Castors, sil ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Treys and Situf- ers. Musical Boxes, Accordians, Flutes, Flagcoletts, Fifes. Drums, Sec. Swords, sword Canes, Knirca and Pistols, among which is Ruggles’ pocket Rifle, that will shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil. Den tist Files, shell, silver, gilt and horn Combs, Card ca ses, Pocket Books and Purses, silver Snuff boxes, sil ver Toys, silver Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt and glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of other articles usually kept in their line. N. B. We havo the best of material.* for repairing Watches of all kind*. 3. S. V’s practical knowledge of the business induces him to think that he can. and roiintv when sitting as a court of Ordinary 'or leave will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work to sell the real estate of James Deshazo, "lai* of said his hands. Spoons Ac- engraved- Oct-1 couuty deceased. Nov. 2, 1835 i WATrUDfi couuty RICH ATP PFSH4 70. Adm’r. 1UUR uionUis after da-.e P|ilication will he made to the Honorable Inierior Court of Twiggs county, wheu sitting as a court of Ordinary, for leave to sell the lands and negroes belonging to tke estate of Joshua D. Bostick, late of said county deceased, nav. 2. ie3*. LUCINDA BOSTICK. Adm’x. 16 HARDY DURHAM, Adm’r •gi;OUK monjhs after date application will be made ® to tbe court of Ordinary of Bibb county for leave to sell three fifths of Lot of Land No 16 in the 8th dis trict originally Troup now Merriwether county, be longing to the orphans oT William Pace, late of said county deceased. dec 10 24 RE BOURN HIXSON, guar. next, before tho Court House door in Jones county, tbe following lands, to wit: 1014 acres part of Lot No. 75: and also, 101| acres part of Lot So. 56, the property of William Johnson deceased. Sold for the benefit of tbo heirs. Nov. 18, WI 9tp 93 CHARLOTTEE JOHNSON. Adm’x. The first Tuesday in March next, will be sold at McDonough, Henry county, the interest of John M I) Taylor, deceased, also the interest of No ah W Taylsr a minor, in Lot No. 197 in the 7th dis- Xriet cf II»nry county, told by order of the conrt of or dinary. of Butt* county, fur the benefit of said minor, and the distributees of said deceased. Dec. 7, 1835. CHAULER BAILEY, Adm’r. of John M D Taylor, dec’d, and Guardian for Noah W. Taylor. 24 O N The first Tuesday in May next, will be sold at tbe Court House Door in Marion county, tbe interest of John M D Taylor, deceased, also the ihursstof Noah W Taylor a’minor, in Lot No. 137 in the 28th district of "originally Lee, now Marion county. Bold by order of the Court of Ordinary of Butts'County, for the benefit of tho miuor and the tbtributees of said deceased. Dec, 7, *835. CHARLES BAILEY, Adm’r vf John M. D Taylor, dec’d, and Guardian for Noob W Taylor. 24 yiOtIR month* afterdate application will be made to tho justices of the court of Coweta county wh»n sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the negroes belonging to the estate of James Carson, deceased, of said county, for the benefit of the lega tees. JESSE RHODES. Adm’r. Dee5 SALAD ”V'*' jJjOlJK. months alter da'c ,:,.j uo u. ,.*uZ ^•to the honorable the inferior’court oi Tike county when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of 1ft nd No 125 iu the :’d district of originally Mon- rce now Pike county, it being the real estate ol‘ James Crawley a cinor. JAMES CRAWLEY, dec 17 25 Natural Guardian. P OUR months after date, application wnl be made to the honorable Inferior Court of TaJbot coun ty. where sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging so the estate of John Riley, late of Talbot county, deceased, for the Benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOSEPH RILEY, Adm’tr. Dec. 26,1835. dee 31 27 4m f lUU It montii* after date, application wui he made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Pike county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for an or der to sell all the real estate, and the negroes of John Akin, o n late of said connty. deceased, for the ben efit the of heirs, ccc. JNO. AKIN, jun. > Nov. 7. 1835 29 WILLIAM AKIN. { jrotnt WATCHES, Jcicelnjy Silver Ware fy Fancy GOODS. (At the lowestpricts.) C. G. St- JOHN W ATCH Maker &. Jeweler Cotton Avenue op prsite Washington Hall, Respectfully in forms his friends and tho public, that he has taken the store formerly occupied by the Hawkinsville Bank where he is now opening a now and splendid assort ment of WATCHES & JEWELRY of the best qua!- ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and judgement expressly for this market, among his assort ment may he found Gold pocket Chronometers splon- did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever's and Ruby Cylinder Watches with Extra Jewels and indepenentsecond* of the most approved maker* and rated to suit die clim ate and a general assortment of Ladies &. Gentlemens Gold and .Silver Patent Levers Lepine end plain Watches, Fiue Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, Earrings Breast Pin-and Finger rings. Gold and silver ever pointed pencils, Gold aud silver spectacles, silver spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols, &e. <Lc. Together with a great variety of other arti cles knptinhisline N. B. He has selected the best of materials for re pairing watches and will givo satisfaction to those who may favorhimwith their custom. A share ofpublic patronage is respectfully solicited. Oct 27 18 ender, Lemon, Bergamot, Ext Bark do Liverwort, Stricnine, Emetine, Digitalis, Elm Bark, Flos ol El der, Ext Hyoscyamus, Flax seed, Fowlers Solution, Henbane, Uva Ursi, Camphor, Kino, Scammony Aleppo, Gold Thread, llydriodate Potass, Mustard Seed, Spts Nitre. Oil Worinsecd. Croton Oil, Olive Oil, Bismuth, Oil bilk, Sanfords Bark, Tamarinds, Gum Copal, Syrup of Liverwort, Turkey Opium, Caxtharides, Flowers of Chamomile, Oil Pepper mint, Bermuda Arrow Root, sugar Lead, Refined Li quorice, Ergot. Nux Vomica, Corrosive sublimate. Aloe*, Gum Arabic, Precipitate, spta Hartshorn, Carb PotassgAIcoho), sarsaparilla, Epsoin salts, Nitric Acid, -Ether, Alspice, Pepper, Tartarised Antimony, As- plialtum, Aabesivo Plaster, Acetate of Potass, Bals am Copaiva, refined Borax, snake Root, Cubebs, Rhubarb, Ipecac, sem Carui, Cream Tartar, Nut Galls, Isinglass, Magnesia, Mercurial Ointment. Blue Pill, sulphate Quinine, Conserve Roses, Black Drop, Jujube Paste, sal Ammoniac, Bay Rum, Oil Cinna mon, Acetate Morphine, sulph do. Comp Ext Bttcha, do of Liver Wort, Ext sarsaparilla, Ext Pink Root, Comp Ext Cubebs, Piperine, Iodine, Butler’s Magne sia, Kreosote, As.-afcetida, Nutmegs. Tapioca, Manna, Oil Rosemary, Canadian Balsam, Ext Valerian, salt Petre, Glaubers salts. Concentrated spts Ammonia. JRaints, J>ye Stuffs, Oils. 250 kegs White Lead in oil 25 do Venetian Red do 30 do Spanish Brown do 2000 lbs Soap Stone Paint do 6 kegs Yellow Ochre do 20 eanisters Verdigris do 900 lbs Spanish Brown dry 200 lbs Venetian Red do BOO lbs Yellow Ochre do 1500 lbs Spanish Whiting do Red Lead, Chrome Green, Kings Yellow, Verdi gris, Prussian Blue, Stone Ochre, Rose Pink, Lith arge, Spanish Pumice Stone, Umbar, Lamp Black, Ivory do, Chinese Vermillion, Black Lead, Chalk, do Red, Carmine, Water Color* assd sizes box.’*, Drop Lake, Spanish Float Indigo,Calc'd Plaster, Wa ter Lime, Terra de Sienna, Green Blue and Black Paint mixt, Blue Brown &. Green Smalts, Frostings, Blue White Brown and Purple. Gold Bronze, Car mine Saucers, Pink do. Logwood in sticks, do ground and chopped, Fustic. Madder. Camwood, red San ders, Copperas, Hrazilletto Wood, Annette. 300 gals Linseed Oil 400 do Sperm Oil fall strained 350 do do do winter do 180 do Spirits Turpentine 300 do Train Oil 1 bbl Liver Oil, 1 do Neat* Foot 1 bbl Copal Varnish, Japan do Black do, Picture Varnish. Coach do. Patent and. Compound Jtledicinea Swaiuix Vermifuge, do Panacea, Thompson’s hjo Water, Green's Tonic Mixture, Rowan’* Tonic Mix ture, Morton’s cough syrup, IlarUem Oil, Gowland’s Lotion, Potter’* Catholicon, Barclay’s Comp. Sarsa- panilla and Cubebs, Dalby’s Carminative, British Oil, Opodeldoc. Judkin’s Ointment, Lee’s W. Bilious Pills,- S, L. Turlington* Balsam. Bateman’s Drops Jesnits Drop*, Cephalic Snuff, Aromatic do, Wal- di’« Tincture or Cough Svrup, Carpenter’s Prepara tions, Henry’* Aromatic Vinegar, Welch Mcdicam- entura, Hygcan Syrup, Mead’s Pills, Walker's Drops, Morrison’s Pills, West’s Pills, Rheumatic Medicine, Sphon’* Digestive Elixir, Little’s Lotion, Nipple Salve, Bleaching liquid. Ess Mustard, Citrate of Kale Consumption Specific, Cerate of Copaiva, Cosmetic Cold Cream, Hay* Liniment, Chapman's Mixture, Bullard’s Oil of Soap, Scott* Pills, Hamilton’s Worm Lozenges, Judkin’* Specific Ointment, Scotch Oint ment, Hoffman’s Anodyne. Surgical and .'fiedical Instruments Pocket Instrument* in Cases, Silver Spring Lan cets. Evan* Crown thumb Lancets, Obstetrical Instru ments. Fox’s Spring Turnkeys, Teeth Forceps, Cup- green and yellow Flannel; Plain and figured Book ing : Fine linen damask Table cloths and Napkins; Figured red, green, purple and brown Table cover*; Bleached and brown linen Drill; Bleached and brown cotton Jean; Bleached and brown sheeting and shirt ing; Bedtick, canton Flannel, stocks; suspenders; Bosoms; collars: Ribbons; Braids; Tapes; sewing silk; spool and hank cotton, with a general assortment of Cloths, Cassiineres, Vestings. Satinets, goat* hair and worsted Camlet: Blankets, dec Ac Ready made Clothing ; and Clothing made to order. 23 Macon, Dec 1 S’sTshionahle Hat ft Cap Store MULBERRY STREET, MACON. Mail Hoad Stock. P URSUENT to appointment of th e Cit» r of Savannah, the undersigned Comm • t6c * will open books of Subscription for Stock ^5 ,s '? e!, tral Rail Road and Banking Company of r the Branch of the Insurance Bank of ' 4 con, on Wednesday the 10th day of Fehtuirr n-* 1 ** the succeeding day from the hour of 10 to2 P. M. All Stockholders who have heretofore paid five di liars per share, will be required ^ additional instalment of twenty dollars per shJ!^ 15 all new subscribers to pay twenty five dollars oer si, 4 ** respectively. January 6, 1836 ' 28 AMBROSE BABER, ROBERT COLLINS. ROBT AUG. BEALL, JERKY COWLES, NATHAN C. MUNROE,J Eemnuiicsj., 'BP! HE Subscriber will make kberaUdu^," J Cotton shipped to hi* friend* in Charleston, Philadelphia. New York or IW nov.5,1836. ROBT COimS* EA &■ COTTON will make hbenl on Cotton shipments to Savannah or York. Jan. 14. 29 1 'Illt. Subscriber having establish- .. ... in Macon with a view to a permanent residence, and taken the store recently occupied by Air. F. F. Lewis, directly opposite the Central Hotel, will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of XlaiSf Gaps* dfers &c. comprising every variety of style and quality, usually called for at a similar establishment. Among his as sortment may be found Heaver, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Roarum and wool Hat*; Mens Fur and Hair, Seal Caps, Boys black, blue and brown cloth Caps, Bombazine do black and drab silk plush a new style, Merino and Circassian Ac Ac, Frcm his long experience and persona! attention to the business of manufacturing hats in some of the most extensive establishments at the north, he is ena bled to assure all those who may favor him with their patronage that he can furnish them with an arti cle which for cheapness, neatness and durability shall be fully equal if not superior to any before ofiered in the southern market, As his work will be principal ly manufactured at his establishment in Macon, when desired he will finish bats to order in any style to suit the purchaser. From the facilities thus obtained and from assiduity and attention to his business he hopes to deserve as he trusts he will receive a liberal share of patronage. Oct 7,1835 GEORGE A KIMBERLY O’Wunted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon sh. He expects in a few dav3 to remove to the store now occupied by Mr E It* Weed ly Insurance, — T HE Insurance Bank of Columbu*, w'j in-. Cotton on the River, and also take »f e! rS' against Fire in this city. Apply to ROBERT COLLINS Macon. Oct. 27. 1884. 19 HUB WHY I?, 3IA.TTESOIY, Portrait JPainta O FFERS his professional services io the citbl, of Macon. Hi* room is over the Dari,, p„ where his specimen* may be se»n ntata over the Darits £*0 se»n. dec it H. W.' If AKERSHASni; H jPortrait Hainitr AS arrived at Macon, and tnay be fuund inaj till 5 at the room oTer Mr Bur (bail's store oa A! nib,-, street. Jan. 14, 1835 29 ' A NEW Post Office is established at Bozbinik Houston County Ga. N. BUZBAY P JI ’ 3t 29 JLivery Stable, ~ J OSEPH WAIN WRIGHT at his old Stand, ca the Court House square, still carries oa’ie’ai. ove business Horses kept by the month or daj-iti Horses and Carriages to hire—on the most nothm, terms. Jan. 14 29 {JAUKS—l -adies’ Ermine Capes, white do, tqci;. S' rei tail Boas, Ladies’ Opera Tie* for tbsatek. Also just received. Men’* and Boys' Seal Cipi. it iarge discount bv the Case or dozen. Jan. 6. >836 ' 09 ISAAC NEWHAI.L Next door to the Pont flfin A "* _ i..iv iit.iv wanted lor Finn Kivtrkc-Jrnf, Houston county, for which liberal wsgti tk be given. Good recommendations will be required. WOOL HATS. Received this day 8 CARES of Wool HATS, and 3 do. 1st and 2nd quality fine Fur Hats. 4 do. boys Boots. ISAAC NEWHALL. Next door to the Post Office. Dec 3. 23 Stolen front the Subscriber, A red sorrel Horse, about IS band* high, well made, three or four white feet, a «'ar in his forehead, 6 or 7 years old, „ „ racks a little, and when pushed has a ■o jr ;»_*s.«^. c vc h j„ his rack. Any person who will apprehend the thief and horse so that I get him shall receive twenty dollars for his trouble, or ton dollars for the horse. ISAAC NOLEN. Iudian Springs, Du 12 35 W ILL bt sold before the Court House door, iu the town of ZelmloK, on ths first Tuesday in MARCH next, the foilo-etng property to icit: One totot i-aiufnumbertwoiiiindrrd and fifty-three, in tbe Second District of originally Monroe now Pike county, Also, Nine Negroes of tho following description, viz. ft-otl 1 man. Ann .1 worn-ui, Jim. Nathan, -Vara, Boh, Tnn>. Elixa and Jake children belonging to the estate- of John Akin. Sen. late of Pike County,_ deceased.— Held for the benefit of tbe heirs and creditors. Terms reed-' known on the day of sale, This 22J day of De- I’ember, 163u. JOHN AKIN. Jr. I doc 31 WILLIAM AKIN, j *** •Man n . j Adm’rs. Months after date, application will be made to the Conrt of Ordinary of Baldwin coun ty for leave to sell part of the Negroes belonging to Mary R Jordau, a minot. Jan 8, 1836 29 WM. B JORDAN. Guard's. F OUR month* after date, application will be mad.- to tho Conrt of Ordinary of Bil.b County for leave to sell the land and Negroes belonging to the Estate of James McDonald, late of said County dt-c’d JEMIMA MCDONALD. Adm’x. inn 14 ORV 'W MrOnaj*: - in-'iitfasafu r duu-. 830 MJEWAMB. RUNAWAY.—About the 1st Nov., BILLY, a short thickset fellow, has a scar on the forehead and ono on his great toe, and may hire himself out as a free man—is very artful, and may > have a forged pise -has many relations belonging to Dnct. Payne, of Milledgeville. it is prob able he may change: his name. A reward of thirty dollar* wi’fbepaid for his delivery in any jail, so that the subscriber gets him. W. J. MeINTOSH. Darien, Dec. 21,1835. Iftaken in or about 3Iacon, Mr. Cha.«. Campbell will take charge of him and pay the reward, dec 31 27 A Socket Book Found. r. - r U " ■*“ • 13 f TWEEN Columbus and Montgomery, Ala. to die Inferior Court of bibb county, when sit- jL* which the owner can have by describing amf applyingat the Stage office at Macon, Ga. Dec. 23. ting for ordinary purposes, ior leave to sell the real e- state belonging’to Caroline Spruce, a minor Inn. 18 30 JAMES W GREEN, Guar. ■ A OUR months after date, application will be made WL to the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county for leave to sell the Real Estate belonging to the orphans of Joseph Wood late of said countv deceased. Jon 14,1836 SO REBECCA WOOD Guar. :p 28 AVID B. BUTLER ESQ. is my professional agent at oil times when I am absent front Macon. Mr. Butler will be found at the M. <fc F. Ins. Bank, sent l-iv-41 FDW. D. TRACY . ftsuloi. this oiLcc. ping glasses, Tweezers, Surgical Needles, Gum Elas tic Syringes, Metalic do, Stetheoscopca, Apothecaries Scales and weights, Spatulas ass’d, Metalic Staffs and Sounds, Hair Sieves, Medical Spoon*. Mrustics Ground Paint Brushes assorted sizes, Varuish do. Sash Tool* do, Badger’s Hair Blender* Graining do, Camel* Hairdo, Fancy and plain Hair Brushes assor ted, Palter* do do, Cloth do do, Hat Crumb Brushes. Hearth do, Dusting do, Couuter do, Shoe do, Hat ter*’ Brushes, Tal le do, Flesh do, Shaving do, Fur niture Brushes. Whisk Brooms, do Brushes. Glass Ware, Store Furniture. Window Crlass Window Glass assortedsize* from 7 by 9 to 22 by *28 inches, Coach Glass, do Picture Looking Glass Plates, Tincture Bottles from £ pint to 2 gallons, do Specie assorted sizes. Salt Mouth do, 1 to 8 oz Vials Ground stoppers 'White and Green Vials assorted Nursing Bottles, Globe Bottles. Graduate Measures! Glass Funnels, Retorts and Reservoirs, Proof Glasses Dram Vials, Otto of Rose Vials, Pungent* Tubes or Fillers, Glass Lamps, with shades, do without shades, Glass Candlestick*, Suspending Lamps, with shades, extra shade*. Cologne, watr-r Fancy articles, Soaps Double distilled Cologne Water in fancy and plain Bottles, Florida Water, Milk of Roses. Orange Flow er Water, Lavender, Harrogate salts. Pearl Powder, Pomatum, Macassar Oil, Rose water, Oil of Roses, Musk, German Cologne water, Honey water, Preston salts, Antique Oil, Transparent wafers, Piuigents, (cut glass,) Metalic shaving Boxes, Camels Hair Pen cils, Wash Balls, Otto ofRoae Vials, Variegated soap, do Transparent for shaving, Rose soap, do Cinnamon do Ceylon, English Windsor, soda soap, Conrt Plas ter, Teeth powder. JUiscellaneous Kitchen's Patent Cocoa, Lucifer Matches, Bar soap, Variegated do, Turpentine, Fine and Coarse sponge. Cox’s Currying Knives. Clay Pipes, do Glazed, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Wick, Bees Wax, Diamonds, French Chalk, Emery coarse and fine, Black sand, Pesrlasli Castile soap. Scotch, Rappieand Macaboy snuff, sha ving Boxes, Honey, Glue, Blacking, Lemon syrup, Barbers shaving Cakes, Chloride Lime. Wafers, Ta pers sealing Wax, starch, sand Paper, Indelible Ink, Corks, Cork Wood, Violin*, do strings, Bellows, Ma gic Matches, Swifts, Bath Brick, shellac. Garden Seeds, Herbs, Flower Seeds. Onion, Beet. Turnip, Carrot, Ptirsnip, Cucumber, Watermelon, Mnskmelon, (beautiful) squash. Pump kin, Lettuce, Raddisb, Cabbage, Brocoli, Ci uliflower, Kale, Pepper, Peppergras, Cress, Tomato, Vegeta ble Oyster, solid Celery, summer savory, Parsley, spinsge. Endive Mustard, Okra, Asparagus, Namur* tion Riiquet'e, Com salad, Curled Chervil, English sorrel, Leek, saffron, sweat Mignonittc. Marjoram, Thime, Lavender, Basil, Lemon Balm, Forty Corn, Early Pens, Polo Peas. Bunch Berms, Pole do, Lima &e. several varieties of each, also an assortment of FLOWER HEEDS, Herbs, and Grassseeds, all enre- fultjr put up by the Shakers and warranted Fresh, ac companied by a Treatise on Gardening, &c. Intending to be permanently engaged in this busin ess, the subscribers will use every exertion in their power, to render it worthy the natronage of their Old and new customers. Orders by -otter will meet the same attention as if made in person. HARVEY SHOTWELL, JACOB SHOTWELL. Painting of every description carried on hv Macon Jan, 14. 29 II- & J. SHOT WELL. REY Linscy—Red do. Mixed and Blue stout Cnssmett; Mixed Twilled Kmey; Negro Shoes ; Blanket* ; Red and White Flannels. . ISAAC NEWHALL. Next door to the Post Office. Macon, Nov. 26. 22 Scull Shoals XftCanufacturiBg Co. MYRICK, NAPIER _& FREEMAN H AVE received a supply of Cloths and Yarn* from the above Manufactory, of superior fab- rick which they offer to Merchants and Planters at the Factory t”-. C ps >*nrn:i 8ep 3 1835. m 10 John, i W. L. CAMPBELL, }Tmtm. ROBERT PEACOCK, ) Januart. 14, 1636 29 Lb* Pork aad Uacoa, 100 do New LW.&fnlt DAVID RALSTON. MACON CARRIAGE WAREHOUSE, 28 Tin Ware Manufacturer. MOLBEIttlT, KKAft TUtltU STRK.:T. HE subscriber continues to manufacture TIN WARE in every variety, and has go tv on hand a general assortment, which ho will sell wholesale or retail at the Savannah or Augus ta prices. He has also just received an assortment of Ja panned Tin Ware, consisting of Trunks, sugar Boxes, Waiters, Bread pans. Canisters, fttgar Bowls, Milk cups, Tumblers, Pepper boxes, Gra ters, Toy cups. Rattles, candlesticks, Lamps, spit Boxes, sand Boxes, Pocket Lanterns, &c. Sic. Also, patent Bakers, Fool stoves, hlocktiu Tea Pots, Plates, Basins, Tumblers, &c. JOB WORK done at the shortest notice, jan 3 WILLIAM S. ELLIS. NOTICE. T HE firm of Wood & Camp is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tho business will becontin- ued by Thomas Wood, who is duly authorized to close the business of the concern. THOMAS WO D Mrcon Oct. 20th 1835. EDWARD CAMP. T/jY patent portable 33O‘0'BJ J E-2lSr£ECTmG BAKE UVEAS. T IIE subscriber having made arrangMntnts *1 sumo of the most extensive Carriage Jlaafc- lories in the nothern cities, will have oa hand, art! f constantly receiving, the coming season, ft" ertrwt assortment of, CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, and vehicles of all descriptions, which wiil b# of ii\ be«t workmanship and materials, and wbici *3 it sold on as good terms as can be purchased in:t”T in the Southern country. Also, an extfftsire 1a* | mont of SADDLERY, HARNESS, and every other article appertaining to our lift* oft® nes9. Persons wishing to purchase would do *:- ! * I give us a call. WRIGI.F.Y & IMRT. Opposite earner from Washiaglo* Sept 2 6m 11 (sjb.ORGlA : Crawford County. W HEREAS Lemuel D Mattel and Nm<7» ter apply to tne for letters o* Adio:nistiC!* on the estate of Thomas 8. Siatter deceased I lux; are therefore to cite and admonish all eti s lar the kindred and creditors of said duiesci, It « c! * appear at my office within the time prescribed bj j* * show cause it any they hate, why said Utters shnM**’ 1 granted. Given under my hand at office, January 2, Iwt- 28 WM. H. BROOK& C 1L GEORGIA : Crawford Counin. . . W HEREAS Benjamin Watsoneppfesw. 1 ^. letters of administration on the L-i • j William West deceased, , f These are therefore to cite and adw.nmsh tu tar the kindred and creditors of saiddccte*tdu■ appear at my office within the time vrrtcriM *1 ^ skew cause if any they can why said letters shoe. | granted. .tijirif Given uneer mv hand, at office, this 11“ • I January. 1836 29 " WM II. BROOK&JJJL GEORGIA : Butts County. . . j HEREAS, David Kimbell 'aud JoW I- B. HOXIE, Agent For II. NOTT A Co. and „ JOSIAH St. JOHN. Macon. April 10 1835 43 St granted. ,« Given under my hand at office Jan. i|. * ^ JOHN McCOKlLcJ- . . son apply to me for letters of lu “" on the Estate of James Anderson deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish cit s ^ ^ j ting all baking and boiling business, and tvholly bv means of coa , and of that but a small quantity is reouir Od. - ICHABOD B. IIOXIE, Agent For H. NOTT <L Co. and , JOSIAH St. JOHN. This may certify that I have appointed Mr. Jason Burr my only true and lawful agent, to make <fc vend the above named article in thp counties of Monroe and Bilib. and also to sell individual rights. Gentlemen who have already subscribed for the article will be' ae coinmodated as soon as possible at Mr. Burr’s establish! ment at Macon Ga. S 7I (>UR months after date application to the Inferior court of ri I jul to uie interior conn V p I when sitting foroi dinary purposes, for J y. the land and Negroes belonging to the c« exander Nelson, late of said county “ cC * THOMAS S. CIJAITLLL, (***» WIT T T A \f \TI SDN. I 30 J:n. 16. WILLIAM NELSON. F OLK mourns after date appli— _ , :< the Inferior court of fwigg* o° f\ u S > for ordinary purposes for leave to sell a ^ D j wI tl(«Jf SURGICAL NOTICE. ‘ T HU subscriber has been appointed agent for the application of Stagner's Patent Truss, in the esunty of Bibb. He may be at all times consulted when net professionally engaged) at his office on Mat berry street. Persons affected with Hernia would do trel) to make early application % M*rnn ,11110'*• ~ -v ,■=,! WM. S. RAI I Carroll county, drawn by the orphan olds late of said county. prf . c»«L Jan. 19 30 TTU.MAS S CHAlMTId^-; H tU ** to the honorable the Inlerior | e »o W JLamt* Gil. INTER Strained Lam; for sale by Jan. 6.1836 28 .amp Oil jest received and CHA8. CAMPBELL. Xime Fur sale by "FRENCH'“MERINO'S: ~ REEN’ Blue, Brown and Crimson Merinos, Coloured and Black Merino Circassians, Merino Prints. Furniture do. White and red Flannels, with a variety of F.ntr , aJ ? d American Staple Goods, just received aud for sale cheap by CHAS. CAMPBELL P I county, when sitting forordinary to sell all tho Estate of John Johnson decease*- WILLIS J. MlLMJMJi*'' ELIA ft W. WELLS, ) a Zebulon, Jan. 15, 1836 —sTuffT*' HKisTorm.R n- * un j e i* BAILEY, & CREED 1 ■ STKMt^ j} „ * firm of Strong. Bailey & St tong ''*“f . the Superior Courts of Talbrt, fcteww. Sumter, Lee. and Marion, counties 0 . r vesW chie Dist. The junior, & one of the , 11(W [v, ^ of said firm,will attend those court * rfj, £ . Fh®’*". S'rong & Bailee will attend the four" i» Wilkinson, Twiggs, Pulaski, h*}*•’. heretofore. Business confided to . will receive their united attonb? whether it be for collection or litiea “ BiHsof EJ « h *5|f auJ » i '” O N Savannah and ^ork, * ' dm will be discounted bv J&b 14 30 REA**' H