Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, February 04, 1836, Image 4

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J*» -s*** jff A C ON O E OHO U T E E E' O RAP II _ *- • &-■«»•■ H.- - — ■•., I, I ■ ,..gJ!Lg D HUGS ME S> I OX W13»* & c. fmA supply just Bcccivcd by J. II. & W* S. EI-OS, Masonic lift!!, Colton Attune. Among wliii.ii arc the following lUEDIfVKES, Ac. Sulphate Quinine (licueh) Cuiith»ridt>s. Sulphate Morphiim, Fly stone. Colocyiuh, CourrpInUter, Castor oil (fresh) Sweet oil do Charcoal, pnlv. Corks veil et» Calomel, Antimony, Aloes, Kheubarb, Jalap, Digitalis, Opium, Prepared Chalk. Acetate lead, do cunri, do Zinc, Arscniaie pota*Mi. Ether sulphuric, do nitric, Nitrite silver, do jiota-ua, Phosphate soda, do iron, Sulphate iron, do potossa, do soda, do magnesia, Derate sod.i. PluMphohis, klnnua flake, Ointment hyd. potassa. do Iodine, do Veratrine, do Itch, Oxide mercury, Extract Jalap, do Butternut, do Ilyosciainus, do Gentian, a do Belladonna, do Tanxici, do Ithuharb. do Nux Voiuica, do Klmtania, do Cicuta, do Glycyrrhiza, Gutn Arabic, do Camphor, do Scammony, do Myrrh, do Asufclida, do Ur.iac, Pearl Harley, Syringes, 11 uiicy, Otto rosea, Magnesia, cslc’d do carh. Isinglass, Quicksilver. O N Ftidsv the 19th day of February next, will be sold at the lata residence ol Joliti F. ‘ Williain- ^ ■ WASHINGTON HALL. TH L Subscribers have taken that com modious and well Uuowu public house in son deo’d. iu thecotIKtv of.Coweta, ail the perishable If!*1the City bQIacon,—d|* e property belonging to the'e dale of saijl -deceased, con- bwtajgE. lately'.occupied or nlr. M. L>. llusou. sistiljg of Horses. Cattle,"'Hoes, toge-'htr with one Sy the unreuuuittg aUentmu of both id mad wagon and Harness. Household auu kitchen Fur-, lbou»._ ihey Hatter tlieinselrta Mat their House w..l «t>- niture. Terms nude known on the dav of sale. I taiur for them a genera! patronage worn the FnoUi.. jau 5, 1815 29 JOTEPlf ATT AWAY Aiadr. They have secured the valuanU service*ol a Cady, "i wi.kabi.v to». « ,» •»■«*'*(• r" w “ “ A * >Wta* ■ ^ZSSSSXSSUvM, *. b„. T THE . Subscribers have rcsuiiicu di« Fray Fattiness, at their old stall'd, formerly El lis, Shntwell & C'o lately occupied by Air Win G. Brown, opposite the Central Hotel, under the firm of 111 Sc J. SHOTWELL, who intend keeping a very general inxlrtment of Hoods peculiar to their line of business, together with Notice. Egy-IIE subscribers having connected Geo W. Price * in company with them, the Goods business will hereafter bo conducted bv him under the firm of GEO. W. PH ICE & CO. hv whose attention vve are iit hopes to receive that liii- erhl pafrnnnge heretofore extended to us. 29 COOKE & COWLES. A Just Kcerivctf I.OT of superior quality st Croix sugar Piime Gfeen Coffee Prime Northern Cheese White Lead, Linseed Oil and Window Glass, j * YOUNG man hv the memo of j am „ *, -/i. bout 21 ot.22 years of age, fl 0 rir* ° Wer *’ * louud face, -bout 54 feet high* had onlT 1 ?*' 0 *- frock coat, and a fur cuj>—'Wroucd a 1* ’ “in bridle and martingales of me on the llOd, n no said to Forsyth. Monroe,and was io l,r l? C ' 1st but nothing has been heard ofA*-** The horse was a small brown horse will, sinT « '- ouhis rnfnp,7 nr eight years old. The L ‘ s P c 'ka Acetate do lodino. Acetic acid, Oxalic do Citric do Prussic do Tartaric do Aninjouta. do (Arotnapts). Autimotiialis putv Vernlrine, Strychnine Emetine, Rhuubnrbinc, Croton Tiglium,* Secule cornuttnn, Oil Sinnpine, Oil cantlwridin, Pyroligneous Acid, llrdiiohqo Potassa, Foperine Oil black peppor, Irish moss, .Musk, Chloride soda, Titrated kali. Chloride Lime, Medical mustard, in pot*, Opium donurcoti/.etf, ' Cyannret potassium, Cump. Tonic extract, Carrageen, (prepared) Spigetia comp extract, Ulne moss, Preeip. ext. bark, Peruvian do Calisaya do Toxa do lied do t 'bamnmile flower*. Sienna. Uva l r.-i, llorehottnd, Sa gc, African Cayenne, Baylieriy hark (pow’d) Dlood root, do Colchicutu, do Goldenseal, Siiippcry Elm (pow’d) Quassia, Gentian (pow’d) Curt. Aarant (flow'd) l.ohelia and seed, Ilemluck, Siktuik cabbage, Squills, Gamboge, Hops. Mc/erium, A Iks net root, i ti I.EA BI. Y to till order of the houvruldc the h:fc- : ricr Court fur die county of Tu-igys, trktn sitting | a ti j uTu° J TntyJuy u: ' ant iVliefr bar with tho cboiccat liquor*. • a great variety ofu»isccIti»ueous articles il.^t inay be HAHl II uert, lr,ort t/<c l ourt Humr ooor u Alurwa . .Stablesarc attended by careful and experienced : difficult to he iouml elsewhere. Their Stock is now j • rontitj/.ieuiiw the itsuot hours oj sate. ... 'Ostlers. Ml’liTL4.\ & MO,TT. I very exteiuiva, bgviog received by late arrivals nearly Lot ofLaud No.90, in Oc 4tu Duiricto. saidcnun-1 .. . 51^35 dj all their Fall and winter supplies a general (•immcia-, . . ,1 ; !>;• ‘ oW «pnpfttty of James Desha/.o, deceased, i 0 _ | lioll of tt Wcll coaId t!0l Le glveI1 in advertisement! makeg theur Hock fomptelo. . , lt-iui* on the dav. • : , , , , i UJ* Having sold my iiitercstiti the Washington llall! Some ofArticles received are, -Jam /. 29 —— | n ivW-HAKD DL&hA/O. t „_.M^, r s. Mustian & Mott, I raraestiv solicit for tliea. j. _ (»ru*!* dfc Medicines,) ; S’ashiotiable F«t A ®?2„®^° re Tfft I eerv extensive liuv : n» received bv late arrivals nearly I Calf and Kip Skins, which in audiliol; to their j pitisuas . 1 . y . - extensive assortment of Goods of almost every dcs- . srstthrir Honors J ho. lUuihlnnn, Ja n • • a a . . V 'll »/ /f Mi/ F II VI "111 T— I ... . . B AJNWftiGliT Sole, Gin BandraudIlamess Leather Vikr Inferior CourtsittinoJot orthni^Zfy-—i. Calf and Kip skins, which in audition to their j pursuant ftadjom nmeut, tkhZlh Juiwarg, irtf*’*' 1 a Continuance of the patroungc which wa illCIIAKD DESIIAZO, Adw'tr. I)cc fl-'th, 1>35. dec 111 A G Iff. EARLY to an order of the himorfiltle tkc tom Inferior Court for the county of Twiggs, when ■.• v siting as a couti of ordinary, will lie cold on the first; % - vv^'t »•» a ifn ’ Tuesday fit MARCH next, before the Court House j . | j | |-^ |lj J \ door in said county, withiu the legal hours of side.— _ . , „ till the Lands and Negroes belonging to the estate of difit-CD* «>OSOO uOHllty, CsrQa extended winter tirouiictor of the estsUiduiiwt •on. fob O :.J -M- D. HI .ION. (Drug* A medicines) S' Rochelle Suits. Hellebore, Ic. lend MosSyFlos Ben- j zoiue, Juniper Berries, Lapis Caltiiuinaiis,'Henry’s ' MULBERRY STREET, MAC OX. i Aqua Auionia F F F, riulpli Quinine, Sago. Gum, Guiac. Indian Turnip, Skunk Cabbage, Hops, Pep- O .v in c. nr-i rue-way in siairn next, vvui iie . - i*- sold before thS Court House in Macon, Bibb * 11 1 ‘ ,, . /a’vjv rjv IV | county, agreeable to an order of the Ct-uri of < 'rdiun- j x<* » ! ly of said rouRlv, j situated iu t in- business part of the town, mid j LOT ofLanj No. IJ7, in the third Di-triel of oiifi- iVnntiug ti;t f’ourt-IlotliC. j uaih-Houston now Bibb county, sold as the property ! Havmg |fn=e:l this staud f* r several year 1 of .Martini cmiith, minor. .1 . f 1 f eh«S tile property, vve consider ourselves p*r THE nrst 1 uesdav 111 March next, *ib i)en,d ntancutlv Iwcatcd. ;uul sliull coutiunc to improve Bariev, refined Bole Armenian, Cera Alba, LunarCruitic, Cloves, Prepared Chalk, Cubebs, (.a- : . — ■ , — neila Alba, Rust of iron. .Sup. Carl.. Soda, Castor, j »«>‘' B. Reid, and J B MlHaysc*, Jnslicrs-i’nf" 1 ^ I T Appearing to the court;mi the fho\\Lr5} l>SI - U i.iU.ngto,,- H,„t Nath m Brjont >},,£**»«* ! limp did make and execute to veer i )( tit; r „ Y- ** under penalty of nisie hundred dollars, 10 ““’‘M j Ice to. your petitioner to the south half oik,-, n' [.two hundred and and five, and north ]i.-,ir„r < f. ^0 I No two hundred apd feitr T both lyinc ami 1 r‘ U ‘f^ { second district of (oimerly Alonnie Uiw 1,”. ,:i? ll * iLc { 11,1,1 whereas the said Nathan Bryant died vvhi' 0 "* 1 ^ I editing titles to said half Inis ofJalid !o year ,1'." ^' } er, and whereas, your petitioner has | clerk’s olfice of this 1 tltenefoie I'^filcUiiMi* erks oltice ol tins <ouu a copy «f said u) j Htr icrefoie oplered by the court that tln°* < . : 5t r legal re(ire?eutnlives of the said N»>; itiT. _i .. -'"-‘.in It],.... before the Court House door in Zehulou with- , llllr ^^ nccomod.aions us the comfort of customers m the legal knurs of sale, agreeable loop oroer cl the, ”, ; Inferior court uf Pike cotmty sitting for ordin.nv s h ::11 require. _ . . . r purpose*, one half of lot or laud No. one hundred and. Our-House is now open tor the icccptiou >1 sixty nine, lying iu the ninth district of formerly" Mon. j Traveller* or Boarders, vve shall nt all limes roe, now Pike county, it being the real Estate of Her- 1 endeavor to keep such a House, us will ensure Calamus Knot, Cowhuge, Mazerioitj Sassafras, Bals- ! * f. . ,l ' am ilonev, Cumfrcy Boot. Dragons lilood, Oil Lav-! , 1 . [. 1 *V ! , . t v . ii.a l>-.» or'id'^inr- i ender, Lemon, Bergamot. Ext Bark, do Liverwort,! . **' . • 1 'A. -- with the intention ofrtucwiug the leaseo.Fot.gur Ku ;,, tine f oigitalis, Flo Eurk, Flos ol j;|_ ; constautly on hand ajgeneral der, Ext llyoscyamns, Flax seed. Fowlers Solution, j . tiflpS, & virS w*.C» Henbane, ~ Aleppo, Seed. Oil Gu deceased, file their objections if 'i'," %»M ! why the executor of,the estate „f ,|- '|7v , Vl - ! Bryant should lint he directed after i|„. exuira^^^" having estublisncu „ k :...e:l .11 ( three months publication of,hii rule to mai of .Macon with a view to a peruiaii'ent ■ residence, 1 vour petitioner to rtiid half lots nf !-....1. '!' e 1# :e, j your petitioner to shiil half lets of land am. store recently occupied by Mr. F. t. j sa id bond ; ami it is further ordered thrtV, T' ' ojiposite the Central Hotel, will keep i this rule he published for threbniomh? in j| lc p" 1 '-' ' assortiueui of ! Telegraph. A true copy from the miuntp. court. 29 II. G. JOIIK&ojic. •" Ii od Reese deceased, Sold for die benefit of-the heirs of i public palroutigo; uad vve hope to afford such ac- s.iici deceased. Terms on the day. Dec 25,1635. ' eouunodaiio*as as will prove satisfactory 10 those I -29 BEVERLY |)AXH 1. AJut'r. , who cuH o0 us . . * O N the first Tuesday iu -March next, be tort court house door in the town of Americn*. Sum- I ‘ter county, within the legal hours of sale, will be sold the undivided, interest of Bi njamin Keyiiour in two N’EG ROES, also, 1 On the first Tuesday in April next, will I*c sold J j within die legal hours of sale, in the town of Tal j j button, th.riy three, acres of land of lot No tvyo j ! hundred ami forty, in lt>th district as the real estate of i j Benjamin Keyiiour, under order of the Inferior court! I of Talbot counlv when sitting fi»r ordinary purpo.-es. j Jan 7, 1S:!«> tip GIDEON POV. id.i)GE Adm’r. j j dJvN The hist Tuesday in .March uexi, wlii he sold j j at McDonough, Henry county, the interest oft John M I) Taylor, deceased, td-o tlie interest of No-! I ah \V TavJor a minor, in Lot No. If;7 in the 7th di <- J trict of Henry county,sold by order-of the court of er- dinary. of Butts county, for the benefit ef -jsid minor. ! and the distributee ol'-aid dercas, d. (lee. 7. Tel!.' Tim usual great promises of good TABLES. BAR"*. Sec. vve think unnecessary to particular ize.—Good Lots nml oilier conveniences for Dro- ' vers, readily furnished. WOOD & W'EEKKS. Jauunry £U, l&JM 19 tf aBMOVAIi. Cort ca**arilla, Kcidlitz powders. do sassafras, Soda do L*di -s’ slipper, Saratoga do Golden thread, Sponge, Saffr-n, Cinnamon bark, Toma rinds, Wafers, Powdered ginger. Sarsaparilla, Root do Red precipitate, Curcuma, Vlu.-t.-.rd seed, While do Black do Mare. Poarlash, Clove*, Annnjta, Nutmegs, Indigo, Spanish float. Caraway seed, Logwood, Anise do Fustic, Coriander do Copperas, Arrow root, Spani-li brown, Aqua Fortis, Venetian red, Anodyne (IloflinanV) Madder, Borax, Fig blue. Black lead, Nttigalls, Brimstone, Alum, Blue stone, Cochineal, Juniper terrier. Sp.ts Turpentine. Cnbeb do Venice do Oxide bismuth, Starch, llecs wax, Salt Tartar, Burgundy pitch, Sal Ammoniac-, Balsam copivi, Glue, do tola. Ro*in, do Peru, Black drop. Jujube pa*tc. sv«, J.A.&S.S.VIRGIN \ Watch ATakrrs te Jetrellrrs, sNj) / ,-*£pk Would inform their friends and h, . i. / x- a ■--**' the public, tliat they have remov ed their establishment to Colton A came, to the store recently oc cupied by J II &. W S Ellis,drug gists, where they will he liapuvto serve any who mav favor them with a call. Tlioy CHARLES BAILEY”, Adm’r. of i ! . ,:iVe in addition to'their.foriner stock just received ivlcr. dec’d, and Gomdiau for Noah !ru?M New Vork n Ergc aud *pleud.d assortment of, ;->.i j batches, Jewelry, etc. 711.1. Le soTTbfinre ihEv.nort ~A' of the ! .test fashions, which they will sell cheap for do of Liver Wort, Ext sarsaparilla, Ext Pink Root, ft ..... L’.. * Ditint-i no !\fnirlin Oil Rosemary, Canadian Balsam, Ext Valerian, salt Pctrv, Glaubers salts. Concentrated spts Ammonia. Faints, Oyc Stuffs, Oils. 250 kegs White Lead in oil 25 do Venetian Red do 30 do Spanish Brown do 2000 lbs Soap Stone Paint do (5 kogs Yellow Ochre do 20 canisters Verdigris do 900 lbs Spanish JJrowu dry 200 lbs Venetian Red do 600 lbs Yellow Ochre do WO CEL HATS. Received tbisdav £3 CASES or Wool IIATS, and C*f 3 do. 1st and 2nd quality fine Fur Hats, 4 do. boys Bools. ISAAC NEW HALL. Next door to the Post Office. Dec 3. Si’. C M KEY Linsey—Red do. .Mixed and Blue siont HT Cassinett: Mixed Twilled Ker.-ey; Neghn Shoes : Blankets ;• Red and I\ liito Flannels. ISAAC NEWIIALI. Next door to the Posl/3ffice. Macon, Nov. 26. 22 genii Shoals 2W;anuihctarii:R Co= MVRICK, NAPIER & FREEMAN H AVE received a supply of Cloths and Yarns from the above Manufactory, (if superior fill- suit ; **y *<:q clerk ol said Court, in one of •!« j n y^. the purchaser. From the fiicilities thus obtained and ol the state, and in two oilier public places in -ak’ Coiup Ext Cnbehs. Piperitic, Iodine, Butler’s Magno- from assiduity and attention'to his business he, hopes ty of Craw ford. »ia. Krehsote, A*safii-tida. Nutmegs. Tapioca, Manna, to deserve as he trusts ho vvill receive a liberal share A true extract fiom the minutes tf.-anl Ccm*. - - of patronage. Oct 7,1835 Jan. 11. J630 :i0 W.M.'II. BROriRs c c« GEORGE A KIMBERLY “ ttirWanted Boaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon skins « llo expects in a lew days to remove to the store now- nosnt-ieii bv Mr F B Weed lv I list Files, shell." silver, gilt and horn Combs. Card ca ses. Pocket Books uud Purses, silver Smitf boxes, ail- im. Inferior court of Pike county when s.ttm; lor lver TovSf sl!rer Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt and i j ™ ll ";' r - v purpose w.U be -oid on the first Tuesdaym : „] !!M jjk a j gf tt ,. e | l^ns.-and a variety of other articles March next, before court house m Cherokee, lot No ; ; lfU . lilr J;e|lf iu , heir ,; lle . three hundred and -.xty three, in the ll th d.-tr.rt of . \ ft. \Vc | llive ti , eb?sl 0 f materials for repairing 2im section, the above lots and parcels oP com- Watches of all kinds. S. S. V’s practical kuowledg’c . the real estate ol James 1 onrv late rf Pike conn- 1 oftfce busiuers induces him to thi ' * ' tvd'-ceased : sold for the benefit of the heirs and cre- j ditor* of said deceased. Terms made known on day J of tale. This J5tR day of October, IS:i5. 17 : ; s sskins. . mir.-.:.'/ .iit- ; .lay 01 >J -r; n u -xt, v. 11: lie s i!d at the late r-sideiice of James Anderson, late of Butts county deceased, all the personal estate of! j said deceased, consisting of com and fodd.-r. cotton,) I cattle and hogs, sheep and horses, p'antat 0.1 tools,! j Household and Kitchen.Furniture, and various otfcr- 1 articles—on the same day will lie hired one Negro will tiiiuk that he cau. and ! ive satisfaction to all who may entrust their work | hands. Spoons &c- engraved- Oct- 1 O WATCHES, Jctcclry, Silver Ware fy Fancy GOODS. (At the loirestpries.) C. G. St. JOHN 4C0 do Sperm Oil fall strained 350 do do do winter'do 180 do Spirih. Turpentine 3C0 do Train Oil 1 bid Liver Oil, I do Neats Foot 1 bid Copal Varnish, Japan do - Black do, Picture Varnish. Coach, do. Fa tent and t'omjwntta .fledicines Swaiias Vermifuge, do Panacea, Thompson's Eye ; Water, Green’s Tonic Mixture, Rowan’s Tonic Mix- ! tore, Morion's dough syrup, llnrkcm Oil, Gowlaud’s | Lotion, Potter’s Cntliolicon, Barclay’s Comp S'arsa- j pariilla and Cuhcbs, Dalhy’s'Carminative, lSriti.-ii j i Oil, Opodeldoc. Judkin’s Ointment, Lee’s W. Bilious i«EuivGIA, ( fcUI-.CCA BitUWA135F. Houston conuly. J vid M Brou n apply 10 mefor letters of administration on the estate 9! I.’ie* £n. v , deceased— ’ ’ Daniel B Lowe applies for letters of admiuhtnii™ on tl e estate of Nathan McGrme, deceased— 'J'iiomas N McWilliai is applies for letters of adwic- istrntinn on the estate of Rebecca Ecklcs. deceased— And Daniel B Lowe, administrator ou the estatetf John Chambers, afplios for letters of Disinissioa— 1 : And John S TavTor applies lor disiijssimi frcmtLt estate of William I O’Neal, ileceast^— j These are thi r. fore to cite ami admonish all and \lar the ki ltd red and creditors of said defeated la k id j appear at my afire tcil/iin the time preset Jed ly Is,,-, t, ! sheic cause if any they hare, tchy said Liters sk-wld mtk i a ranted. j .Given under mv hand at olnce. this SlstdavofJa. ; nary. 1833. 31 CHAS.'ll fltCii c'.r.„ j Ur.URGIA, (. &A.M1..8 Gnil-Ha applies 10 n>- : Pike county \ @xJ for letters of adiulttuiratiflii iihiIk- (-estate of Lurk in Iliacason, !;:;<■ of said cenmy dcr?as I ed ". - ... ! These are therefore to cite and cel monish all and dm. : rick winch they otter to Merchants and Planters at the , larthe kindred and creditors of sail darned toK-eci 1 :u lorv .l-i .i'i'i. A .-ienii Sop d ].-■■;). JO j appear at nty afire icithiu the titter prrsctiiuiIf/tw'j ■NOT ICE. j shew cause if any they cun tchy said letters shadisUh HE firrr. of Wood <& Camp is this day dissolved 1 '.'ranted. TI ued Ire Thomas Wood, who is duly ai thorized to close ]. the business of the concern. THOMAS WO' D ; el 1 Macon Oct. 20th f-.55. EDWARD CAMP. nnr\ H. <; JOHNSON.c. Tin-.11 « , , , 1 ., . . 1 di’a Tincture or Cough S J.\ 11 h Maker & Jeweler Cotton Avenue op- | Henry’s Aromatic j o-ite WttMiiiuvtou Hall, Ko^pcctfuliy in 1 I* ATE NT niEDHlLVES, Ac. !/:«*’nil!.,.. Compt tt’tl cx’t l'ink Root, Opodeldoc, by G. W. Carpenter, j Cfiapmnti’s anti-dyspeptic Palbys carminative. ■ i;. i : Luictia t utility. 11 :d *>* MAS Aristarchus Wood r.isp.lies ferkt-ti TJjy patent Portable i c J l 7 u - 0 "5;^;.t"d" t,,m0,1 the ofAnkU O' j 'J’htscetre therefore tocReend ttd-<ouiih olliil I» A lv I'] OVl'lJNS. - ! singular the ki.tdri d emit creditors cfsr.iil cicn- r§| I HE attention of the public generally is invited to i f ! ^> 1° a!> ^ l: f’l ({tl ftl a’p '.IP'- '• ,n ^' ‘‘ A an examination of the above-named article. It ! prescribed If;/ line, lei show ettusr. if cry they La Pills, N. L. Turlington.) Balsam, Bateman’s Drops j *•- "»» econnniical. expeditions, mid easy nir.deol exeeu- j wi n said l< tiers should no! Lt plant' d, j Jesuits Drops. Cephalic hlnuir. Aromatic do, Y\ al- l ting ad baking and boiling business, and wholly hv > Given under tuv handat office this 1-J'i iVvafJrt- - ' ' " ' " r --“ - • reqnir. j nary. 183« 31 " DAVID .MOShl.i.V, c c. eut [JtjEORGIA : liutisieuiUy. J 061 AH St. JOHN.' 1 j 111'- B iv.A ^ ^ h hz .belli <-.1 hc.i-.u phon’s Digestive Elixir, Little's Lotion. Nipple j 'I lus mav certify that I have appointed Mr. Ja«on I ... . ” 'j 1 **’’ 1 '‘j 1 - Salvc, Bleaching liquid, Ess Mustard, Citrate of Kale ! B»"U*F ««,«» bwTnl agent, to make A vend ! ■^ZraretlJnfore to rife and admonish oft aJtai • h Syrup. Carpenter's Prepare- i means ol coa , and ofitliat but a small quantity is ri tic Vinegar, Welch Medicare- i ed. ICHABOD 1>. 1IONIE, Aeen V" ! cntum.Hygem. Syriip, Mead’s Pills, Walker’s Drops, I 1 or H- *, n . ! Morrison’s Pills, We-t’s Pills, Rheumatic Medicine,; *.*, 8phon’s Digestive Elixir, Little’s Lotion. Nipple i This may do Pills, Peters’ do Hunters’ pills, lloopew’s do Auderson's do British oil, Bateman's drops, Thompson’* eve water, Godfrey'# cor-Lai, Balts lemon, Worm tea, Effervescing magnesia, Botanical drops. .Swaini'* Panacea, Indian’* do I’m Iceland Moss, Cough Mixture, Fluid ext sarsaparilla, Syr Liverwort, Comp snrsnp. eopiyi Bleaching Liquid, Mead’s Pills, Issue plaist'-rs, EJixer life, Ginger le-er powder?, Medicated Oil silk, Digestive Elixer, Pile remedy. Chlorine tor til wash, B iy £t-n, Balsam honey. Cough Lozenges, Extract colfee, Cullon’s liquid magnesia. Potter’s catlmlicou. Rowan’s Toxic Mixture, Kelfcs Vegetable yj»ccific, Oil Wormseed. Ext Burim, cubebs So Ext. Boueeet, To.-iic Kxiract. PERFI TIERY A BltUSVIES, Ac. Hair Powder, Almond paste, Pearl do Ground paint hru-lier, Rouge, do sash Milk of Rose*, Oval Varnish Cold cream, Camel hair Cream Altnosds, ' Badger’# hair Florida water, various size# Graining to an order eftl.e court of Ordinary ofCriwford eon,,- j ^ { ~ hml lbcir CIH!01 „. tv - " !S ^ ro ' vo "' 0,, belonging to the Estnic of \\ m I ( q , )arc 0 r p!iW ie is respectfully solicited. Oct 27 18 J. Wavninnn deceased. Tornurash. Jan. 9. 1636 29 AfjFN. M K SWIFT Adm’r. O N the first Tuesday iu April next.- agri-cable to an (order of thfliifi-rior Court of Morgan cuun- j finu of St long. Bailey & Strong, will practice law in | tv when silting for oidiuary pt, will be sold in the Superior Courts of Talb« t. Stewart, Randolph Camels Hairdo, Fancy and plain Hair Brushes assor ted, Palter* do;do. Cloth do do, Hut Crumb Brushes. Hearth do, Dusting do, Counter do. Shoo do, Hot- iTi,i<Ti.PHi-i/ it x-i lxiNf s ium -r . ter*’ Biushe*, Ta'- to do, Flesh do. Shaving do, Fur- !• i i. IV- l oDei-o , * F’! niture.Brushes, Whisk Brooms, do Brushes. B.A11.IA. A CREED i .STRONG, under die I Glass I**«/•#>, Store Furniture. application of Stugnet's Patent Truss, in the ! mail deceased, cku-.-n of Bibb. He may be at all times consulted j These arc to dlt {{hduelmaithhclUri wh-u net prof’s.- rn.nt.llr engaged) at Ins office on Mul- s ; lar !UU , cralilors ofsa4 /. herrv street. 1 cm:ps afF-cted w:!b EJortn:: would do | well to make early :q plication Vtwrnn nine S „ , 7-1 W M. Famp Oil. H*7’L\TER Stiained Lamp Oil just rereiud and i 7? for sale by CIlAvS. CAMiTHT.L. i, IS’G 2-? do do do Flesh Horse lla-r Nail Coinh Tooth do Cloth Sc rubbing Shoe do • do do do do do ass'd do do do do do do silver wire do do do die town of Forsyth Monro.-county, th A Negus-# bf longing to the estate ofThomas Suiomcriin late of Mor gan county deceased, consisting of one fellow Rynl. 25 or 2<> years old, and h--s been working ar the Tan- , ner’s trade for n • umber of years, a v> wiuau, Mary »- j liotr 30 years old and n piri Mari all. 13 year* 'old— ! sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of siiiddc- • ceased; term* made known on the day if side by the | Jan 16 30 ADMINISTRATORS. Patent feather Brooms, do do Dusters, do do Brushes. Fiwb To >ls, Cooniar Brushes, Hat c do Crouih do Cologne do do Lavender do do Rose do do Bears’ oil, Ward’s hair oil, Marrow Pomatum, Grange Flower Water, Macassar oil, Spirit of R.j.-c, Camphor soap, , .Musk do F.moiliuiit do Windsor do, - • do do Brown, Wash Balls. , Curling fluid, -... . Antiqiia oil, Lip Salve, (Perrtau Otto Shaving . do Rose.) ,Shaving oil. Tooth powder, (superior) Powder PufiV olid boxes, 1 Iranive do I’reston salts. Extract Bergamot, t*n.*!ling botilc 1 , do R-'-c, Tapers, do Musk, Dutch cologne. Honey 'Valor, AtkivwaaV iK-piiaiory. Shaving cakes, SlJHRIt ll, 1NSTRVME VTS, Ac. Amputating ca jas, . Ciijqiing gla«es, Trepauuuig instriuuouts, ib> do with air Dissecting do pump*. PocVat cue*, Gnn| plastic catheter*, ripring Lancets, Silver do F.vaus’ tliumh do Bourn Neydlvs, Dentist*’ cases, * ripring Innpot blade#, Teeth keys, Tooth claw*, do do (mevenbL- lint-Gum L-iui ,-L*, ta?is. Medical spoon*, Scarificators, . "e " Scales nml Weight*, Abscess Lancaf*, 'lVetli File*. Toain ; qu?tx, . '• - . The Kubscrihars intend keeping a full nssortnient ot DRUGS. Mr’.DIClNES. PAINTS. GILS. S1IGP FURNITURE, At consisting of all urlple* in (he "title EScckxaty. Jor the supply of otiysicious, Plantations vr Famih.-s. Tbc> will l»c* sti,.|ili.!d with the best that can be selected oat of the New-York and Philadelphia market* Oril-i* froa« Morchauts and Physicians, will receive jir.i.u i sttemi >).. fan. 28 31* J II. A TV. S. LI.LI3 O \’ The first Tuesday in Mav next, will he sold n* the Gonrt House Door in Marion comity, the interest of Inhn M D Taylor, dceeasad, also the interest of Nnnh W Tnvlor a in'nor, in l.ot No. 137 in the 2- 3 th district of original!.' F.oe. now Marion county. Sold hv order of the t.'ourt of Ordinary of Butts County, for thn benefit of the minor and the distributees of said deceased l)er. 7, ’835. CM \RLF.8 BAILEY. Adpi'r of John M. D Tavlor, dee.’d, and Guardian for Noah W. Tavlor. '24 . A'OTIFF. ! ' WILL sell to the highest bidder, on the 1st (lav " of MARCH next, at the doorofthn conri Iu use iii tin town of Perry, a tract of LAND drawn hv the or- j pliuns of Ja«. R Oliver, situate in the J4th djsiric: o' j the county ofMottston. co.lUiningS02|) aeres.wliich is : known and distinguished, in the plan of said district hv j No 1(58. Terms bn the day, of sale | jan26 31 WM tl. Ol lyrp. i ^30 nr K’.is/J. RUNAWAY.—About the 1st Nov., BILLY, a short thick rot fellow, has a scar on the ibrebca.! and mu. on his great io:\ aud may iaroOhittuc.T out as a freo man—is very artiiii, and may have a forged pass—bus many relations belonging to Duct, Pnyip-. is pn>l>- nble lie may cb.-mge hi* name. A reward of thirty dollars will lie paid lot his delivery iu any jail, mi that the subscriber gets him. W. J. McI.NTOoII. Darien, Dec. 21,1835. Iflaken in or about Macon, Mr. Cha*. Campbell { will lake charge of him uud pay the reward, di r 31 z ■HF" GST or mi-daid, three Note* of hand. JLd by Richard S. Kudgcr*. two for thin eurit, and one fur ten dollar*, dared about Janus r,- or February last, and due 25th December. je '.. r >. jiqiaihle In the niidersigiied. All person* areeaUtinned nyatm-t tradin'.'for the sauie, and Itio maker liom|>ay tngjbcii) to any other per.-on, a* I mu ud id crtablsh copies of tint name JERKMIAli JOH.VnON Jan 28 2fpd .1 MIoote Fquntt* ETWFEN t'ot»m(ma and .Mma i pn v \(n Sumter, Lce.and Marion, conutie* of the Chattuhoo- chio Dist. The junior, A one of the senior members i of said firui.w ill attend those court* regularly, and! S-rong & Bailey vviil attend the courts of the Flint and Wilkutsoti. Twiggs, Pulaski, Fayelt, A DeKalh aa heretofore. Business confided to their mnmigement vvill receive their united nttontiuu aud' v igilance whether il 'n- for cnllcctioii or litigation D AVID U. BUTLER F.sti. is mv professional agent at nil time* when I am absent from Maron. 1 Mr. Butler will he found at the 31. it F. In*. Bank april l-Iv-il EDW. 11. TRACY LATV. O BA 11 I M1 WARNER. .Vtonicy and Counsellor at Law, is permanently located at Greenville,.Me riwether County. Georgia I le vvill attend the < ’ourls ill the Covvela Circuit Talbot and Harris iu the Chat- tatinochio Circuit. All business iu the line of his prr- fcsMOti will receive prompt attention. Jan. ItO. :!t 31 SAMi E r; U. TA ■ LOR, »Ittorney at 1,'ttr. AS pcrnianentlv located h-.n.<elf at Hawkins- ville. (ieqrgia. fie vvill practice in all the enmi ties o ’ the Soiithsh) Circuit, and in the ’counties of II > • n:> aia! Bibh. of the Flint. J.-urJ-t 31 lip jrven dollr* ». ioZ iido Font mission JUnsiness. t Take this ux-thod of inforniing my Iriemlsand the public generally, that I have taken np the above business, aud resp -cifollv solicit a sham of patronage. AH (Joods consigned to inc shall be strictly attended to, according to directions. dec 24 2<> C. L. HOWLAND, Fonttnrrciftl li'tnk, I Macov, 30l!i Nov. 1835. T is resolved by tlie Board of Director* tlut an in- *i*lnu-ni of Twenty-five Dollars ou die share be paid by the ri.M-khohicrs of this Bank on or before the 12th Jiv of Fcbiiiarv uext. 'I’rue copy firotn the minutes. * WJ ’ mo. IIAKDE.MA:x, Cashier. IIE.TRY B. MATfESOA, Fortrait Fainter, O FFERS hi* professional services o thu citizen* of Macon, llis room is over the Darien Bank, where liis specimens mav bis se"ii. dec 24 ' " ' '“"r. m. iiAifKijsiiAra. jT. i Fortran Fainter Window Glass Window Glass assorted sizes from 7 by 9 to 22 by 28 indies, Coach Glass, do Picture Looking Glass Plate*, Tincture Bottic* from j pint to 2 gallons* do Specieas-orted sizes, Salt Mouth do, I to 8 oz Vials, Ground stoppers White and Green Vials assorted, Nursing Buttles, Globe Bottles, Graduate Measures, Glass Funnel*. Retorts aud Reservoirs, Proof Glasses Dram Vials, Otto of'Rose Vials, Pungent* Tubes o» Fillers, Glass Lamps, with shades, do without shades, Glass Candlesticks, Suspending Lamps, with shades, extra shades. Fot t oxiie..irater Fancy articles, Soaps Double distilled Cologne Water in fancy and plain Bottles, Florida Wa'er, 31 ilk of Roses. ((range Flow er Water, Lavender, Harrogate salts. Pearl Powder, Pomatum, JJacnssar Oil, Rose water, Oil of Roses, Musk, German Cologne water. Honey water, Preston salts. Antique Oil, Transparent wafer*, Pungent*, (cut glass,) .Metalic shaving Boxes, Camels Hair Pen cils, Wti*li Balls, Otto bf Rose Vials, Variegated snap, do Transparent for shaving. Rose soap, do Cinnamon do Ceylon, English Windsor, soda soap. Court Plas ter, Teeth powder. .Tfisrr llau cents Kitchen’s Patent Cocoa, Lucifer Matches, Bar soap. Variegated do, Tiirpenti ie. Fine and Coarse sponge. Cox’s Currying Knives. Clay Pipes, do Glazed, Lamp Ghisses. Lamp Wick, Bee* Wax, Diamonds, French, Chalk, Emery eonrsa and fine, Black sand. Penrlnsh Castile soap, .Scotc h, Rappicaud Mneabny snuli', shu- vine Boxes, llnwy, Glue, Blacking, Lemon syrup, Barbers shaving Cakes, Chloride Lime, Wafers, Ta per* sealing Wax, starch. sand Paper, ludclihle Ink. Corks, Cork Wood, Violin*, do strings. Bellows, 31a- gic Matches, Swifts, Bath Brick, slit-liar. liartlen Seeds, (herbs, Flotrer Seeds. Onion, Beet. Turnip, Carrot, Parsnip, Cucumber, Watermelon, Mnskmtnon. (beautiful) squash, Pump kin, LoltnCe, Reddish, Cabbage, Bjfoeoli, Ci nliflovver, Kale, Pep >er, Peppergras, Cress. Tomato, Vegeta ble Oyster, solid Celorv, stitumcr savory, Parsley, spillage. Endive Mustard, Ok,V«> Asparagus, Nastur- tion Itoquet'e, Corn salad, Curled Chervil, English Borrel, Leek, saffron, svveot Mignonitte, Alnrjiirain, Tliiine, Lavender, Basil. Lemon Balm, Early Corn, Early Peas, Pole Peas, Bunch Beaus, Pole do, Lima Ate. several v arieties of each, also an assortment of FLOWER SEEDS, Herbs, and Grass seeds, all carc- till 5 Hilt B’ vvlikh the * -vner can hav* by d- scrihir ' wr.i appivingti! the Stare office a> Macon,*On. Dec. 23. 1(«p 2S 3. \S atrrjveil at Macon, and may bo found from 9 j fll |] v i >v t '| !e shaker* and warranted Firth, tic- -at the room ovcrMr Hardsall s store on .Mulberry , c011I , all i (; ,, b y a Treatise bn (iardening. He. ' C: :_ ** at? LL— • \ . l Intcn^in^to be permuneutfv cn^uped itr this Xnsiirance. ess, the .subscriber* will use everv exertion in their rilHK Insurance Bank of Couimlui*. vvill insure ; pevver, to render it worthy the patronage of their old .£ Cotton in. the River, aud also take a ftjvv risk* ■ and (tew customers. Orders l>y ettor will meet the I against ;<rc in thiseity. Apply to ’ ! same attention as if made In perron. • ROBERT COLLINS. HARVEY SHOTWELL, For sale h v JblSS Q * ED3IFND RUSSELL. i id to file their objections (feint/ they hn;e.)t. •' j office within ti c time prescribed hy lair, tthz ] letleis should not Lit granted. Given tinder my hand :*t office this (Ul: Jnlv !'• 5 ' DAVID MOSKIAV.ftfo'. GF.OR'HA : IhHsi. n Count.-. A-jDV Hargrove rj j-liis to u e .a: j) i dsniission from tl «• estate of IlojLin? I trot'd.-c' asi d ; Hugh L. llcm.avd applies for letters of Pisnii*** 1 from the estate of John Deiuiard <iccc.~-rd: These are therefore to cite nut adnteridt nidur the kindred and creditors of said ilrecenti ■ FRENCH MERINOST /f~A REEN, Blue, Brown and Crimson Merinos, vTT Coloured and Black Merino Circassian*, Moriuo Prints, Furuitirro do. ....... TV bite and red EJenucl*, with a variety of Eng-1 appear at mytfffex i r itluu the timt priscr l". t'A- lisli and American Staplo Goods, just received apt! for ; stirir cattle if ary they hart. trhy said trltirsshr.-. 'it sale cheap by CHAS. CAMPBELL. Kills of Exchange ^fcN Savannah and New York, at sixty and ninety granted. iven unde days, vvill be discounted by Jail 14 :-:o K r A A- COTTON. my h.tiutl a! office CHARI.! S !• October Sbt 1 RICE, r- r - 1 Swann’s 1 liutiitu Ptutuci-n, f o yrj; ivs tjs, * -Itptl.v f-Tst ||V ' - ■ s t-.f. »'1'tU> MmOOi.o State- .> l.' li i received—anion!! vvliich are the Token for I O.RfJfA: Pine Cunntu. . , , w a/IIKrtKAS Francis LMattitevvs f y of the Estate of Isaac Matthews uo- J aimlies tome lor letters ofdi- mission : / „ . ! These ure then fort, to cite and adKoKtth j ; .singular the kindred nml crtelitvrs of iff, ' | t /*v f.s> nmi /»(m*/lr ni #DM OhtCf , | iniiacks Ire single dnz (>r | ■ " , • ’ groce, very’ fine Paper of all kinds. \Ve invite oat ! GEORGIA : Cra ford Canity■ v., , v ,- I friends and the public xreneruUv to c«.i! on its, as it is | ^8)S^ni,REAS Lenina* I. ftlata the interest ofal! to support a rcsncctablq Book estal - I ” « k ‘ r 10 htr letters o. ov Jisbuicnt among ns. ‘ , m: the estate ol’ThamasS. Skitter «rcevc ^ l dec 3 23 ORCOTT & ILLS.’ I Hu-sc are therefore la cite and admonish ^ m «n Subscriber’wiinjiake"" niictaTiiTu .inceiToti 1 ^ ic J Cotton shipped to bis friends in Savannah. ”?P* r ut <-* ' *” Charleston, Philadelphia, New York or Boston ^ 0 v "5 th 'V wh 9 y ’"' *' nov.ft, 183<J. ROBT, COM IN *. i ^ r,1 ff; lc,K , , , . i.„utaiv" V " T. \~a, i i-M-i, v n ; I (.iveil under mv hand at oiiue. Jam. y LA ‘\ C>Oi 1 Oi\ will uiakii liberal iidviiLCti.4 j ? * r hi iitm.. R \ork. make jinerul on Cotton shipments to riavatmah or New Jau. 14. 2*J JL i v cry R _ Stnble. J OSEPH \\ AliN W RIGHT at his old Stand, ot- the Court House square, still carries nu Rie ab ove business Horses kept by the utotiih or day—amt Horses and Carriages to liire—on the most model ale terms. Jau. 14 29 I j A’KS- yLadies* JJnuino Capes, winre do, Squir rel tail Botis, Ladies' Opera Ties for the nook. , Also jtpst received. Men’s anti Boys’ Seal Caps. 1-v Cases low prico Napped Hats. C do Satin Beaver do, 3 do superfine Fur, do. Gent’s Fur Tippits, 3(10 pair Gem’s dancing Pumps. The above vvill be sold at a large discount bv the Case or dozen. 'Kffi yo ISAAC N!AVIIALL Next door to die Post '. );>i ( -e A I St fTii. t>cl.27. 1631. 19 JaS done at tbis OiUcc JACOB SHOTWELL. Paintin? of every description curried on by Macon Jan, 14. 29 II. &J. SHOTWELL. tri iv u. i.ud ter iiu-. iiiver A'. 'oVhiy, Houston county, for which liberal waves’Wilt be given, Good rct-ouimeudatioua Will be-'rtoaired. J->HN STAPLER, ) • 1". L. CAMPBELL, > Trustees. ROBERT PI ACOCK ^ January. 14.18Bt» 29_ Jllanks 7or sale at this othcT. 8 W-V. IE iEOUOIA ; Cntir/ord County- 11KRE1AS Benjamin wat*o» ;i letters of adinioistration 011 W illium West deceased, , n c Titi-r are therefore tacit:, and 1 lar the kindred and i appear ul iny pjjice i . shnr came if any they can tchy said granttd. ,iJltk PI | Given uiieer mv hand, at oi ’’ c !;’ ■; ,■■. f- ’’’ ■Tamvrv, 29 ’ WM. IE Vc to cite and ttdfo* •uJ creditors of saul,tc ^ffutil**\ CS within Ilfo ti:»e iLru ran trhll Slltd t*M crS I r. r.OpUlA : UnUa County. , Jrfin ^ Mr 11: - RM3, David - J adta i^ V SOB apply to tlie fo. Ut«f _ - on tlie Kstateol* j«nua AntitsKon f.toypcqf t i tty .*if.rtf.sS nF:ctr < a fist ijnn'j they have, trhy 4 ^ ^ gtnnle.d. . T ,„ it, Jtf® ’ Oin.-mton.ytoirfMJ; ssmsuNosiBx r ?>£,J:j C IOMIC Almanack*, and 're s- / bv *