Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, February 11, 1836, Image 1

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    MACON ORfilA
.7/.iCO.r,, TIZUltSD.35' jF£^ifK«ir 11, 1S»&
l olnme X^—IV'mnber JJ3.
t eruis u> ^ubscnptiou.
1'hrsc Dollar*, paid in advance, will pay for the pa
ver one year. FiV* i iollars, paid in aft ranee, will pay
,or thopaper two years. T»:.v Dollars,paid in advance
will payiar the patter fire years.
Il/ua "»t p«ia within six months after the year has
,i,„ tiued. Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum
will be charged. If not paid until the end of thctpxr,
’t'our Dollars per annum will he charged—with interest
thcnajtr rj. crmg 0 f Advertising
A and
1IW3SWP, rSrcsitn s,s.
T il E undersigned beg* leave to inform his friends &
public generally, that lie will continue the above
business in all its various branches at tho old stand for
merly occupied by Bennett & Carter in East .Macon,
whore he oilers a" the usual facilities iu business by
making liberal advances ou produce stored with him,
iJrrrtistmeats not exceeding one hundred words, half or "j 1 s * , inpients to his frieudsin Savannali.jCharleston,'
i • . f • ' Tii l . j. 1 * Or aNcW i ore Ills ivnrR .it
a equate.
or tieclce brevier lines, trill be inserted one time
furOse dollar, When more than one insertion is girrn,
"5 cents for the first, and 50 cents for each continuance.
‘J-fr.un which a deduction of one fourth will he made, when
naiil in adcanee.
1 Sheri if s', Tax Collectors'and Coroners' Sales art char-
si d by "ihc Dry.
• Yearly Advertisers will be allowed two squares in each
jcr fj r Twenty Dollars per annum; and in the same
fjdo fur a larger space—payable quarterly.
The expenses of our business, aud the state of •betimes,
n jnire, that these terms should be rigidly adhered is|
4Tj[ .
Line, of Packets.
4 BRIG Amelia Strong," J- Chace, Master,
. Premium, Mr. Matthews,
new « Darien, C. 1*. Buckley, ■ “
“ •• Macon, A. Bibbins, “
Schr. D. B. Crane, T. Baker, “
All good and .substantial vessels, well calculated for the
trade, with good accommodations for passengers, ami
experienced commanders. Oue of the vcssuls will ul-
\ V ayS he at eaca end of tl»e I.iue to receive freight, and
will sail regularly once u week. Shippers by this line
031) effect Insurance at five eighths per ccut and they
iu ly rely upon the vessels being regularly 'despatched.
Tie’ subscribers ato also agents for several Steamboats
to run regularly during the boating season between
O irii'ii, llawkinsville, and Macon, and arc induced to
believe that they cau give great facilities in forwarding
sojJs destined thr Ole interior of the State.
DaritU. 1st July, H35 3
' i*ion ter steam lioal Eine.
I A )ll transportation to and from Silicon, is now iu
’ complete order. A superior new Steam Boat
railed “David Crockett" with two powerful Engines,
and several first rate freight boats have been built since
the close oftlin last season and placed on the line. (
Steam Jlnat Pioneer, Capt. Goodwin,
“ “ David Crockett, “ HP Cormick
xvi:l ply regulaily between Darien and Macon, one of
Ucui leaving Darien about once a week with freight
boms in tow.
Steam 3aat £*HAR3rESI©]&I,
Capt. Donnell,
will run constantly between Darien and Savannah
und afford the greatest despatch to Cotton.
Tiie snhscrilier’s whole uttemion is devoted to facili
tating transportation between Macon and the
ports. Ilo has invested a large sum to put his line in
the most complete order, and lielievcs that his arrange
meats for givuig despatch to freight und keeping it in
good order, while in his care, will make it the interest
of Cotton Shippers ami Merchants ordering goods, to
continue their favors.
At Darien ho has secure and convenient Warehouse
for reception of Goods, and his
Wharves there arc covered
with sheds,
which enables Inin to keep oil Cotton shipped on his
Boats under shelter and protected from the weather,
while landed for reshipment.
IfuLCoacK, Pkck * Co., Charleston,
E. 1’. Butts, Savannah,
J. T. Rowi.asii. Darien
D. B. Halstead, llawkinsville.
Macon, Nov. 18, 1834 —22
.7letron Steam RootI'ompany.
— ~
or New Vo A. His Ware Houses arc conveniently sit
uated flear the river.' and reinole from other burl dings
winch renders them quite secure from danger bv lire.
Insurance can be effected at lowest rates if required.
The undersigned will give his whole attention to tho
above business and hopes to receive a portion of pub
lic patronage. A .General assortment of Groceries
will lie constantly kept on hand and sold at the lowest
prices., sept 9 II II. K. CARTER.
W A RjB -II « I! S E ,
anti Comtnissidn
O. J EWETT & Co. respectfully inform their
xm. X£. XiGOMXS
H AS just received a large assortment of DRUGS
& MEDICINES, at the Store oue door below
W . il. Johnston’s Jewelry, which be will sell at tuo
.derateprices; among which arc »
White Lead, lied Lead, Black Lead, Litharge, Verdi
gris, Chromic Green, Chromic Yellow, Spanish Brown,
Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, L'uibcr, Venetian Red,
Lampblack, Rosepink, Terra do Sienna, Vermillion.
Prussian Blue, Osborn’s water colours.
Linseed, Sperm, Whale, and Train Oils, and Spts.
Turpentine, Copai, Japan, Coach, leather, A. Picture
Flesh, Hair. Hat, ^raining, Varnish, Furniture, Tooth.
Paint. Nail, Com Shoe, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Dus
ting, Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Horse, and Velvet
Cologne, Rose Honey, Florida, Lavender, A Orange
Flower Wats,. Aromatic Vinegar, Bears’ Oil, Antique- Scotch
Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Willcox,
do. EXCEL, “ J. L. Willcox.
T HIS company have now their line of Beats iu
complete order for freighting. They have a
uew steamboat added to their line called the Superior
am! ten Tow-Boats.
The Boats will run regularly hetwo-n Macon and
Darien, one of the steamboats leaving Darien every
live or sir days with tow-boats. The company have
now sixteen tow-boats, all first rite boats, built express
ly for the navigation of the Ociiutlgcc and Altamaha
rivers; these increased facilities will enable the com
pany the moans of giving tho greatest despatch to
cuttou or goods shipped by their lino.
They have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops,
to carry cotton and merchandise between Darien and
Savannah, and Darien and Charleston. There are
uUo, live first rate Packets running regularly between
Darien ami New York, which come to Hawes &
Mitehcl, of Durden.
Agents for the nhore floats :
J. GODDARD, Macon.
Bovce, flr.XRV A Walter, Charleston.
L. Ualdu is «!fc Co. Savannah, \
IIvvvi -A' Mitchell, Darien,
Gi:o. K. dnuKtirs, llawkinsville,
Macon, 24ih Dec., 1835. 2(1
x«LX friends and die pilblic generally, that they have
added the Ware House .and Commission Business to
that heretofore Conducted by them. Their Ware
House is conveniently situated on second street, near
ly adjoini g their store. All cotton consigned to them,
either by tiie planters or dealers in the article, or,or
ders to sell or bny in this market, will be promptly
attended to.
They have also a convenient close storage house
for the* reception of merchandize from the rountrv ;
the receiving and forwarding of which, will receive
a particular share of their attention. Liberal advan
ces will be made on cotton stored, or on shipments to
anv market, when desired.
They also'have on hand, aud expect shortly to re
ceive n large and general assortment of
Sueh as St. Croix and Portorico& Havannasugars,
Cuba. Rio and Java coffee, Liverpool salt.
Swedes Iron, Nails, Brads, cast, German and blis/cr
Heavy hemp Bagging, Bagging twine twilled sack
ing, O/.naburglis,
Negroes chillis, shoes, hnts.cnp*. clnoks,
Powder, shot, und lead, saddles and bridles,
■Sets Blacksmith tools, castings, Hardware,
Calicoes, Flannels, Illunlket.s Wax Calf skins, Ac.
Which they will sell on as good terms as t an be had
iu tills market. ’. 11 • Sept 10
T HE undersigned returns his thanks to his friends
•or the liberal support which he hnsJicrctofure
received from them in the above line of business, and
solicits a continuance of their patronage. Ilis arrange
ments for conducting business, and particularly in gi
ving despatch in receiving and forwarding produce A
merchandize and protecting them while in his charge,
are at least equal to those of any others in his line. He
will spend the summer in and in the vicinity of Darien,
and any business addressed to him will receive bis per
sonal and prompt attention,
tune 15 1*35-53 JOHN T- ROWLAND.
1$ eloz. Gat HrmtiVs •Jlaf.s,
HI OR sale very cheap. The subscriber desirous of
r disposing of his entire stork of HATS, will sell
:Iieiii at eery reduced prices, and many of them at the
usual cost at the manufactory.
uov 18 WM II BURD8A1.L.
The .liaron CTotkint7 Store
I S removed 10 the store lately occupied by Messrs
Myrick, Napier A Freeman, next to Mr Wm B
Johnson-’* Jewelry store, where may be found a good
assortment of
Clothing;, I Tutu, Boots, Shoes artel
Fancy Articles- consisting in part of
Fine blue, black, brown, green, olive mixt and silver
grey Frock Coats
Fine bine, black, brow*, green, claret und olive Dress
llrown, green, mixt and silver grey Coatees
Super drab mixt brown and green Over Coals
Petersham over and Hunting Coats—Ladies’ Cloaks
Gentlemen's camblet Cloaks, mole-skin Hunting coats
Satinet and beaverteen round Jackets, Pantaloons
and Vests of almost every description
Cotton aim woollen nett Shirts and Drawers, Flan
nel, Canton Flannel, plain and twille.d Cotton Draw,
ers. Linen and Cotton Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Collars,
Bosom*. Gloves, Hosiery. Russian Belts, Black Ital
ian and white Cravats, Cot ten, worsted and Gum El
astic suspeuders, a great variety of Stocks, Umbrellas
Cloth, Fur. and Hair Seal-skin Caps.
::0 cases Hats, Fine Boots and shoes, India Rubber
Shoes, Ladies India Rubber shoes. Also
Fine blue, black, invisible green, and Royal purple
Cloths, BuffCassimere, Tailor's Trimmings, Milita
ry Trimmings, Ac. Ac., all of which will be sold at
Oil, Chlorine Tooth Wash, Cream Soap anil other
Shat ing Soaps, Wash Balls, Drop Lake, Essences of
Rose and Cedrat, Extrait de Meil, Flake White, Ilair
Powder, Orris Root, Milk of Roses, Oils of Orange,
Bergamot, Cedrat, Cinnamon, Lavender. Neroli. and
Roses; Oxy-chlorine Lotion, Pearl Powder, Pomatum,
Powder Puffs, Preston Salu, Pink Saucers. Fancy vi
als, Tonquin Beans, Vin de Rouge, Vegetable Rouge,
«£: Macassar Oil.
Annatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue, Fustic, Gulls, Indigo.
Madder, Nicaragua Wood, Alum, Turmeric, and
Ground Logwood.
Aeptic, Citric, Oxalic A other Acids, Acoustic Oil
Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of
Ammonia, Atkinson's Depilatory. Balm of Columbia,
Patent Barley, Breaslpipcs, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep
per, Spanish Saffron, Ammoniaret of Copper, Sago,
Emetine, Cicnta Plaster, F.xt. Aloes, Cinchona, Col-
oeynth, F.laterium, Jalap, Kahinca, Nit.x Vomica, Rhu
barb. Khatania. Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla A Cubobs,
Dandelion. Valerian, Opium «fc others. Phosphate of
Iron, Red Oxyda of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron &c. Ginger
Powders,. Hamilton’s Elixir, Magnesian Aperient
English Calomel, Hplfinau’s Anodyne, Oil'd Silk or
Hat Cose; Iodine, Jujube Paste, Lacittcarium, Lan
cets, Patent Lint, Lupnline, Lobelia, Medical Snocms,
Acetate and Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oils of
Caraway, Copaiva, Croton, Fennel, Wintergreen, Se
neca. Denarcotised and Powdered Opium, Phospho
rus, Piperine. Pocket Instruments, Hydriodato «!fc Ox
y-niimateof Potash, Potter’s Calholicon, Liquor of Po
tash, Dragon’s Blood, Seatons, Stoughton’s Elixir,
Strychnine, Powdered Valerian, Uhubarbarine, Saii-
cine, Sanford’s Bark, Lac Sulphur, Syrup of Liver-
xvort. One Stethoscope, Swann’s Panacea, Seidlite
Powders, Tamarinds, Tincture of Colchicum, Wine
ofColehicuni,Trusses,Titrliith Root. White Hellebore,
Colchicum Seeds, Acetate <-f Colchicum. Aromatic-
Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of Patent Me
dicines, and all others in common use, Garden Seeds,
and Shop Furniture for M^sitjaitf,—•
Couching, Cupping, and small Scaling. Instruments;
and one second hand set of Amputating and Trephin
ing Instruments. April 20
CaAhhiags WAifcSHOirsa.
♦5 H*AS Just received a uew utul extensivo as-
JiJtL sorituetit t.f
XHAPfi 3
which ho is c Tci'ing for sale nt reduced prices
For Cask Only.
Super Saxony, Blue, Black ami Fancy Colored
Broad Cloths ,
Blue, Black, Mixed and Fancy colored Sniinelts
F.nglisli Mi-rinoes
Tlufilc, Point and Hose RlnukcU
Scarlet, Crimson. Green aud White Fluitncls
Printed Salshury do
Canton ami Saxony aud Gauze do
Damask Table Diapers
Birds Eye aud Russia do
Veenulitre Steam Roat Company.
reduced prices for cash.
Macon oct. 22, 21
F. F. lJbWLS,
H AS taken the stand 11 few doors above the Clo
thing Store of Mr. L. Fitch, on Mulberry
street where he continues to carry on the Tailoring
business. He assures all those who may favor him
with their custom, that their work will b«. done at the
shortest notice', and iu the best manner.
lie lias on hand a supply of the best materials in hi*
line, consisting of
Blue, Black, royal Brown,-Claret, Raven, Green,
CASS1MERES,—A good assortment.
A good variety of the best quality.
Petersham, and a complete nsuortnielit of
He respectfully solicits a share of the public pat
Macon, Oct 30 1834—21y
T IIE subscriber having made arrangements with
some of the most extensive Carriage Manufac
tories in the nothern cities, will have on hand, and be
constantly receiving, the coming season, a" extensive
assortment of,
and vehicles of all descriptions, which wilj bo of the
best, workmanship and materials, aud which will be
sold on as good terras as can be purchased in any city
in the Southern country. Also, an extensive assort
ment of
and every other article appertaining to our lino of bust
ness.. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to
giro us a call.
Opposite corner from Washington Hall.
Sept 2 fim 11
SO 4 K IIIIDS. prime St. Croix Sugars,
"5 xLK 20 barrels N. Orleans do
100 do Canal Flour,
100 do Howard st. do
125 pieces Hemp Bagging,
30 bags Cuba Coffee,
20 half qr. casks Malaga Wine,
50,000 Havannah Segsurs, of the best quality,
For sale by
Jan. 14 30 RF.A A COTTON
Black, Blue and coloured Bomhnzcttes
do do do Circassians
Negro Cloths'
Blenched and UubloaehetJ Shirtings & Sheetings
Hamilton Jeans
Black Italian Lustring
do Gros de Swiss
■do do Naples
do do Berlin
do Sinchows and Sarsauets
Colored Gros do Naples
Black and colored Florences
do' Italian Crapes
Merino Mantles end Square Shawls
Common, Thibet' woo). Valet!tia. Silk Damask
and twisted Silk Shatvls
Ifernaui, Muslin, Crape, Gauzoand Gros de Na~
ples'Dress* Hdkfs
Ladies aud .Misses Bonnots
Irish Linens ami Law ns
Cotton Cussimers Beaver Fustians
English Moleskin Apron and Furniture Checks
Domestic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks
FloorCIoth Baize Green Frieze Cloth
Furniture Dimity Russia Sheeting Bear Duck
Cambric do Bleached Dowlass Ozuaburghs
Hangup Cord Cotton Yarn
Cotton, Worsted aud Lambs wool Hosiery
Black aud colored Cambrics
Satin aud Gauze Garnitures
Blk aud col’d Lustring Ribbons
D-^rk aud light col’d Prints and Ginghams
i.ace and Gauze Veils.
Fig’dand plain Bobiuot Laco
Thread Laces
Cambric. Saxony, Swi-ss, Mull, Xansook and
[ .Book Muslius
I inen Cambric Ildkfs
Pongee, Indian Flpgaud Spittlcfield Ildkfs
Carved and plain Shell Combs
Gentlemans English Buck, Beaver aud Goat
skin Gloves
Ladies Bcnvor, Goat skin and Silk Gloves
Bead Reticules
Heady-made Clothing.
Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid,
brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats,
Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock
Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattces,
and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinct
Coattees and Frock Coats.
Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive,
and green Cloth Pantaloon*,
Bine, black and fancy colored Sattinct Pantaloons,
Youth’s cloth and satlinct Dress and Frock Coats,
de .do do Pantaloons,
Black and blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet,
black Florintine, black Bombazine, dork and light
colored A'alentia, English Silk, colored and white
Merseilles Toiliitet. Swonsdowu aud Sattinct Vests
Camlet Cloaks and Great .Coats,
Mixed, brown Cloth A Patcrsham Box Coats,
Lyon Skin Overcoats,
Fmo Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, dec.
JYegro Clothing.
Men’s A Youth's Fur Hats,
do. do. iVosl do.
do. do. Cloth, Seal A Hair Caps.
Fine Boots A Shoes—Negro Shoes, &c.
Oct. 15. 17
Bp WILLIAM St’11 Li. F, Governor if the StatcnfGa.
I have been-ibis day saiUfikctor:!}
7 V informed, that a (harder was*committed in
tlie c outny of Franklin, in this state on the 4th i return,
(January, )'npon the body of /»illiam Sizemeire. of An
derson District,South Carolina, bv JAMES M il.-
KERSOX, of said cuuu*y ; aiid it being represen
ted to me that the said James Wilkcrson has lied from
justice, 1 have thought proper ter issue this iny Pro*.
Iir-reby offering a reward of Two Hundred and fifty
Dollars to any person or persons who may apprehend
and deliver the said James Wilkersou to the sheritf or
jailer of said county of Franklin ; ami I do further
charge and require all officers, both civil and military,
to be vigilant iuenJeavcrin
said fugitive as aforesaid.
James Wilkersou is represented to fce’fifty or f.fty-
five years of age. dark skin, rather he;n y made, round
shoulders, and about 5 feet i> or 8 inches high..
In testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set iny hand,
and caused the great seal of the state to be affixed
thereto, at the capitol in MRicdsivilld, this 14th
idsy of January, 1830, ami of tho American Inde
pendence the irist. WILLIAM SC 11 LEY.
By the Governor,
William A. Tknnillk, secretary of state. 2t
A N ACT to proscribe and point out the mode of
collecting coroner's fees iu the several counties
of this State.
Whereas, the laws in this State defining the duties
of coroner in tailing inquests on the body of a dead
person and also defining their fees, have not pointed
out any mode for the collection of their fees; for rem
edy whereof
Section 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House cf
Representatives of the state of Georgia in General yts-
scuMy met, aud it is hereby enacted by the authority of
the same, That from and after the passage of act,
it shail and may be lawful for the coroners in this State,
to issue an execution against the properly of the per
son cr estate, who. hy the existing laws are liable iti
case of inquisition for the amount of his fees iu said
case, which shall he directed to and levied by a consta
ble of the county, under the same rules and regula
tions as provided in justices’ courts in tins State.
Sec. il. Andie it by the authority a
foresuid, That tho coroner shall be entitled to thirty-
ohe and a fourth cents for issuing said execution.
Sec. 2 And be it further enacted by the. authority afore-
said, That all laws or parts of laws militating agayi.t
this act, he, and the same are heieby repealed.
Speaker‘of the House of Representatives.
President of tho Senate.
Assented to, December 26. 1835.
Craw lord ftiituii; Sale,
T 'OSI/iSOtiCft AiT/f.
MLL'be sold 011 tiie first Tuesday in March
next, at the Court Douse in the town of
Knoxville, Craw ford county, the following property,
viz r
One Lot of land No. one hundred A ninety three,
(11*3) in the sixth district of Crawford county," levied
on as the property of Moses G'iddins to. satisfy sundry
suvdl fi fits issued i'rom a Justice’s court in the < ounty
c4Ysi»ski in favor of Jno. Rawls<Sr Co. vs s: id .Mur
es Gidditis—property pointed cut by ' the plaintiff—
levied and returned to me by a coilrtnble. 5*1
Jan. 25. v WM. FlLEsS. D. Sh’f.
Also u-ift be sold as abort
The interest of Ephraim Lovett in five Negroes
to apprehend and deliver r.oW iir possession of .Mrs Mary Lovett, via; liana u
woman, an-i Caroline, Lucinda. Mage, «nd. II<*nny,ihe
four last named children— (ho above intejest sotd to
rati-dyafi lafrotu CrawlbrJ stipt-rior Court, Reuben
Turner vs said Ephraim I.ovett. Terms of sale cash.
WM. CAMPBELL, sh'ff.
Also irillbe sold as abate, on the first Tuesday in April,
Ona Lot of land in the fir.-Ulistrict cf Crawford coun
ty, No 103. levied on as tho propfrty of Elijah Will
iams to satisfy a fi fa issued irojgi the superior court of
.Morgan county iu favor of Edwmd Williams. Proji-
erty pointed out bv Jas M Harris
feh I WM. CAMPBELL, she'if.
Mloiostcu Sheriff" Sale.
O N the Jirst Tuesday in 'I ARCIi next, will le sold
before the court house door, in the town of Perry,
Houston county, between the lawful hours ef selv.
Twenty acres of lot of Land, 'N o, 174, in the 15th
district, to satisfy a fifa from a justices coitrt, m favor
of John B. McCarter vs Walter L. Campbell. John
Stapler, Wm. N. L. Crocker and Robert l’cacock, se
curities of Flint river Academy—levied on and re
turned to me by a constable—properly pointed ont by-
Robert Peacock. JOHN C. MOU.NgER,
Jan -S Sheri f.
Hill be sold as above,
Lot No 20, in the ninth district, to satisfy a fi fa
from a justices’court in Wilkes county, in favor of
John B. 8mith vsJohn Ball, Jesse Rail and Charles
Daad, together with other fi fas—levied on and return-
to me by a constable.. JOHN C. MOUNGER.
Jauz8 sherij".
barrels Canal Flour,
8 hhds Cuba .Molasses, new crop, just received
and for sale hy REA A COTTON.
In Store,
50 hhds -St. Croix 8ugar, prime quality,
150 hags Coffee.
200 pieces Hemp and Tow Bagging,
50,000 Havanna Sugars, choice. 26
f HI Ills company will ha prepared to commence bn-
Ji. sines*, curly in tho next season—They will have
a h'ac of Packets between New York, and Darien anti
steam vessels to forward goods from Darien to Macon
—The agents in New York, Charleston, mid 8avanuah,
will ho authorised to contract for the delivery of goods
in Macon, at u freight agreed on without intermedi
ate charge and the agent In Macon will receive cotton
deliverable 111 Savannah, Charleston, and N ew York—
Tiie company's vessels and boats, will be of first class experienced commanders, and no expense will be
spared to mc-oltho patronage of the public.
PH. tt. YONGi: A SO.N8, Agents iu Darien.
may V7th 1835 49
commission business,
At Darien* 6a,
411IF uiiJersignetl have resumed business as a-
JL hove, nod will as heretofore pay prompt atteu- u, ltof Caps, and Shoes, with a general stock of Gro
turn to all businem entrusted to their cure. We believe ceries, Iron, S ill. A c. for sale at the market prices,
"e have :naJo arrangements that will enable us at all! M,-ir«u nov. 4th 18:15. 19
ti""-s to forward goods for the interior with the least | j^bbls Canal 1^^ '
possible delay, by steamboats when the river will ad-1 ** .3W johdfhbh. do
wit, or in extreme low river by small flats or liglitcrs, j ' ” j- c „ s j j’ r ,j
built expressly for that business. On our wliarves j choose*
ure large Storehouses, calculated for tho storing of cot-! 10 Half Mils No 1 Mackerel,
•un at the least possible expense, und our opportunities reC6 j ve( j an j f or ga i e bv
to fiirward cotton iuland or coastwise, arc not exceed- nov . 5. 1835. 1!) CHARLES CAMPBELL,
w hy nuy other House.^ & MITCIIF.I I ! fire l ,roof Building* earner .Mulberry & Stroud st.
Darien, May 20,1833. 40
Just rtreiccd
fj P* dk Bags prime green Coffee
JL 25 hbdsst Croix P. R. and N. O. sugar
6 Boxes Loafsugar
10 hhds Molasses %
50 bhls N E Rum
30 “ superior Wliiskry
Jamaica and st Croix Runs
Hoi. Gin, Cog. Brandy
Sperm and Tallow Candles, soap, starch,Chocolate,
&c. ALSO
Saif, Iron-Castings, Bagging, Bale
Rope, together with a complete assortment of
Fancy, and Staple Miry Goods.
Jan. 21, 30 E. RUSSELL
•VriP Store—Fresh Goods.
T ill-: subscriber is now opening, on secondSitreet,
next door to Patrick & Martin, and nearly op
posite the Commercial Bank, acomplete assortment of
Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS.
Which will he sold at prices much reduced, being bo’t
on reasonable tenns and cheap, they will be sold ac
cordingly. His stock comprises in part as follows:
8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 London Duffil Blankets—10-4 and
12-4 fine Mackinaw do—Negro Plains and Linscy:
H OUSE Painting, plain and ornamental, either
in tho city or country. Chairs repainted and
ornamented. Lookingglass or picture frames gilded
or bronzed.
Signs painted, and Fancy painting of various des
criptions will be done by applying to
J. H. & W. S. ELLIS.
REF.N, Blue, Brown and Crimson Merinos,
P" Coloured and Black Merino Circassians,
Merino Prints. Furniture do.
White and red Flannels, with a variety of Eng
lish aud American Staple Csc-L, received and for
sale cheap hy - CHAS. CAMPBELL.
. B i iTiToT - Exchange
O N Savannah and New York, at sixty and ninety
days, will be discounted by
Jan 14 36 RFA A COTTON.
A N ACT to authorise tiie Judge oi the upt-iior
Courts in the several counties hereinafter nam
ed, to audit all accounts-for cost3 and other incidental
expenses, attending the arrest and prusecutb-n of the
Cherokee Indians, under the criminal laws of this
S ate, aud to provide for the payment of the same.
Secfimi 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House rf
Representatives of the Mate of .Georgia in General As
sembly met, and it is hereby cnartul by the authority of the
same, Tuat Irpui and after the passage of this act. the
Judge of the Superior courts in the counties of Che
rokee, Cass, Cobb, Floyd, Forsyth. Gilmer, Paulding.
Lumpkin, Murray. Union and Walker, he, and he is
hereby authorised, at any court held iu the comities
aforesaid, to audit and liqcidute all account-against the
counties aforesaid, for costs in criminal cases (where
(bare is an indictment found against ail ludian and he
shall be unable to pay the same,) arising out of the ar
rest or prosecution of any Cherokee ludian in their
respective counties, provided that the same be done
according to the fee bill of this State.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority a-
foresaid. That all accounts or bills for costs liquidat' d
as aforesaid, aud signed officially by the Judge of the
respective counties aforesaid, shall be presented to the
Governor, who is hereby authorised to draw, his war
rant upon the Treasury for the same, payable out of
i any fund ttof otherwise appropriated.
i riec. 3. And be it further enacted by the authority a-
foresaid, That all law* and parts'of laws militating a-
gainst this act, be, and the same is hereby repealed
Speaker sf the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.
Assented to, 22d December, 183 i.
31 2t WILLIAM SCHLEY, Governor.
Marion, January, 1836.
O RDERED, That Jas. M. Brackwell, of Haw-
kinsville, he, and is hereby appointed Judge
Advocate of this Division, with the rank of Major,
he is to he obeyed and respected accordingly.
By order of Maj Gen.. Wimbkrlev.
32 JNO. G-.SLAPPFY, Inspector
Pike Sheriff Sale.
B EFORE the court house in Zriulcn, Pike county,
null he sold, on the Jirst Tuesday in APRIL nszT,
within the usual hours of sale,
The west halfoflotof Land.No nineteen ( IP,) in the
third district of originally ,Monroe now Ffikocounty te.
satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa issued from the sup.erioreourt
of Pike county in favor of fclsy Buiitiii vs Benjamin
Btintin, property pointed out iu mortgage fi fa.
jail 28 * JOS. II. SHIVERS, shenf.
Carroll Sheriff Sale.
W HU. be sold at Carrollon, Carroll county on the
Jirsl Tuesday in MARCH next, within i te laa
fat hours of sale,
Lot of Land No 114 in the 4:!r district of said coun
ty. levied on as the properly of John S Adams, to sat
isfy a Fi Fa issued from the superior court of Troup ■
county in favor of Henry H Lumpkin vs'said Adams.
Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. jau 26
JOHN Di'.AN, dep sheriff.
Fayette Sheriff Suit*.
B EFORE the court house at Fayetteville. Fayette
county, on the Jirst Tuesday in MARCH next,
tali he sold, within the lawful hours of side.
One spoHed sintl Horse, levied on as the property
of John 11 Jones, to satisfy ail execution iu favor at'
Samuel Cone sen. vs John il Jones and James Jotter.
Lot of Laud No twelve (IV,) in the fouttli district
of originally Henry now Fayette county, wheretwt
Malcnme Bethuueuow lives, levied on as the proper
ty of .Malconie Bcthuric, to satisfy an execution in far
vor of John Cargiie vs said Betiimiie. *
Lot of Laud No r-ue bund red and twenty three (123,)-
in the fourth district of originally Henry now Fayette
county, levied on as the property of James Lanier, to
satisfy sundry Fi Fas, Samuel Darden and others vs-
said Lanier- * ALFRED BROWN, sheriff.
—also, tcill be sotd as abate—
22 acres acres of the north west comer of lot No 131
in tjio 7th district of Fayette county-, levied on as tiie
property of Uriah Glass, to satisfy a Fi Fa ill favor of
T D King vs said Glass. A. McBRIDF, dtp shf.
Rail Roatl SlocFi
lURSUANTto appointment of the City Council
of -Savannah, the undersigned Commissioners
will open books, of Subscription for Stock in the “Cen
tral Rail Road and Banking Company of Geoigia” at
the Branch of the Insurance Bank ufCohttnbiii at Ma-
con, on Wednesday the 10th day of Fehruary next, and i
Bulls Sheriff Sale.
O N the first Tuesday in APRIL next, will le said
before the court house door in the town of Jackson,
Butts county, within the legal hours of sale,
50 acres of land levied on as the property Of Joseph
Parker, it being part of lot No; 22. in the 4th district
of Monroe county when surveyed, now Butts; and-
the north half of said lot, to satisfy a fi la from n Jus
tice’s court of said county, in favor of Jeremiah M’-
Clendou. vs said Joseph Parker. Property pointed
out bv plaintiff. Levied and returned to n:e bv a con
stable. JAMES W. WATKINS, Sh'f.
Jan. 22. 31
Henry Tax FoUector’s Sate.
B EFORE the Court house iii thvJrwn of McDonough
Henry county, will be sold, on the Jirst Tuesday iu
APRIL next, between the lawful hours of sale, the follow-
£*" 'ing Lots ofLond, or so much thereof as will satisfy the
/Tax for the year 1834, and costs, viz.:
■ ■ 1 Forty acres, No 918, t!d dist 1st set Cherokee, j,iv-
en in by William T Crews, tax 46} cent*, and cost.
202^ acres, No 37, 7th dist Henry, lying on Walnut
creek, the property of Robert N. Fleming, tax 3$}c.
One Lot in the town of McDonough, the property
of Whitfield Huff, tax 43} c.
me suce^zgdi/from thehourof 10 o’clock X! M. 40 782 16th dist 2d sec Chowkcc, as ike
0 ^ "rrtnoHv nt .fnmre All An #nv >.,*
STrjuin s Panacea, Indian Panacea,.
A supply just rcc’d by H A J 8HOTWELL.
Ji'ete Rooks and Stationary.
J UST received—among which are the Token for
1836, New Novels, Ac. Wc have Watts A Rip-
pot;, Dorsey’s choice Village Hymns, &c. Gamuts
for Flute, Piano Porte, Violin. Ac School and clas
sical Books of all kinds, Miscellaneous do. Law and
Medicine do. Blank do. Almanacks by single doz or
groce, very fine-Paper of all kinds. We invite our
friends an>J the public generally to call on ns, as it is
the interest of all to support a respectable Book estab
lishment among us.
dec 3 23 * OLCOTT A ELLS.
to 2 P. M.
All Stockholders who have heretofore subscribed and
paid five d« liars per.share, will be required to pay an
additional instalment of twenty dollars per share, and
all new subscribers to pay twenty five dollars per Share
respectively. Notes of specie paving Banks of the
State will be received for stock. January C..1836 28
ROBT. AUG. BEALL, > Commissioners.
RemoTiti. ,
CHARTS G ‘kMlP33£,2,
H AS removed to the new Fire Proof Buildings
comer of .Mulberry A Second Street, where
will be found a good stock of Staple Dry Goods,
Commission Uttsiness, liar ten.
’ BUIE Undersigned have formed a Copartnership
tor the purpose of transacting a general Coiu-
ruission and other business under the firm of
E » l ofii-r tlic-r services to their friends, 'and the public
Cvtjerjlh, in the above business. Forwarding Goods
*»-! produce to and from the interior of the State, will
'enuve particular attention. Il may be proper to
•laic that they have no connection with any of the
Ei"am transportation line*; Goods for the interior will j
»-'v-iys lia -hipped by those who will probably, give !
utetn th« greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW, 1
Jan 1.1830 28 • GFO. T. JlPGFRS
WE HE copartnership heretofor eexi.-ung under the
firm of Shoticell, Brown A Co. is this day dissolv-
1 cd by mutual consent. The business will be continu-
* ed -y II. A J- tShotwell, who will settle the accounts.
Macon, Dec. 31st. 1833. 27
JLamp Gil. "
Gallons Winter strained Lamp Oil very
handsome—just received and for-sale
30 Opposite the Central Hold.
Jan. 14.
AM determined to -ell my entire Stock of Good*
which comprise almost.every article suited to the
ravin- . ;—r:—r—,— ,. „. , , x. wmencomprise umw
■ '•J. 1 - Undersigned tenders las thanks to Ins friends i, ;u h* of this place. Merchants and PJrnter* will d<
the liberal patronage ho has for many yea's j W( ,|| , orn ||. Nov 19 21 DAVID RALSTON.
I v. e,v ?d, auda-sure* them that the same zeal with , — - —
v| ixli in hi* individual capacity he applied himself, wi(l: ,ftuCO»
.'brret his efforts in protecting thorc interest* which FW1HL Insurance Hank of Columbus, will insure
,a »J l,r ‘ confided to the naw establishment. 2 J I Ji- Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks
_ Uarien. Jjn. t. ifi.u: ISAAC SNOW. against Fire in thiicity. Apply to
■ ” M vfJlOBI
Macon. Oct. 27. 1834, 10
* ffic Gro-*, Dozen, or single, for sale by .
ghas. Campbell Jcb Prmtinsr <3 one at this
T HE Subscriber will make liberal advances on
Cotton shipped to his friends in Savannah,
Charleston, Philadelphia. New York or Boston
g~y FA A C'OT’jf'O.N will mu'kt; 55. ia' . »
MM> on Cotton shipments to Savanna*, or Xiw
Y'i>- j S n. 14.
To Cabinet .linkers-
Thomastun Cabinet Wart House for sale.
T HE subscriber being desirous of leaving th:s
part of the country offers for sale the well luiorvn
stand in the town of Thomiston, including shop, lot
benches, latlie, lumber house, Ac Ac. with every con
venience forcarrying on the above business. For fur
ther particulars. inquire of the subscriber in Tbomas-
ton. jin 28 3f WILIJA.M POWERS.
SUPPLY of fresh GARDEN SEEDS just re
ceived—Also, The Gardener's .1/an-
uel, with instructions forcultivating Garden Plauts,
Ac.—Price 124 cta - For sale by
janl 88 J. II. <& W. S. EIXI9- Furesleby
■ 11 K.S—Ladies’ Emmie Capes, white do, Squir-
Jr rel tail Boas, Isidies’ Opera Ties for the ueck.
Also just receirod. Men’s and Boys’Seal Caps. 14
Cases low price Nappod Hats. 6 do Satin Beaver do,
3 do superfine Fur, do. Gent’s Fur Tippits, 300 pair
Gent’s dancing Pumps. The above will be sold at a
large discount by the Case or dozen.
Jan. 6, 1836 29 ISAAC NEWHALL.
Next, door to tho Post Office.
super blue, black, brown mixt Cloths—Fine and com- -• - RO
mon Satinets, assorted colors—superfine Valeutia and | .
Toilinet Vos tings—super white and red FIanncI?--ao
Merino do.
Black and colored 6-4 Merinos—do do Boinbaxetts—
fine 6-4 Bombazines—Pink Ilatinet—figured Circas
si)per and common plain and twilled Calicoes—swiss.
Jaconet, Mull and Book Mnslins—black and colored
cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in 4 pieces very fine
—colored and white Homespuns—Rowen cassimeres
and checks—birdseye aud Russia Diapers—Linen
cambric Hkfs, Russia sheetings, Ac
Black snper Poi de soie silks—do Italian Lustring uo
—rich colored silks very cheap—Levan tines, sarsuot*
and siuchews.
.Mandarin, Herninri, embroidered Romani, Bagdad,
rich satin, figuered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool
and martin gauze Ilkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbons—.
Handsome thread Edging* and Quiltings—Blond Ed
gings and Bobinet Laces—and many other articles,
which cannot fail to give satisfaction a* to price and
quality. dec 17 25
JLamp oil.
W INTER Strainod Lamp Oil just roc oi red :uid
forsalobv CHAS. CAMPBELL.
Jan. 6.1836 28
bv 28 7
Lbs Pork and Bacon,
100 do New Lard, for sale
Received thisday
8 CASES of Wool riATS, and
3 do. 1st and 2nd quality fino Fur Hats,
4 do. bovs Boots. ISAAC NEWHALL.
Next door to the Post Office. Dec 3. 23
ff 'l KEY Linsey—Red do Mixed aud Blue stout
VjT Cassinutt:
Mixed Twilled Kerrey;
Negro Shoes ; Blankets ;
Red and White Flannels.
Noxt door to the Post Office.
Macon, Nov. 26. 22 „
T HE 'subscribers having been appointed a com
mittee, by the Trustees of the “Macon Fc-
maie University,” for the purpose of contracting for
thu erection of suitable edifices for the same, hereby
give notice, that they will receive proposals until tho
first day of March next, for making and laying the
brick alone.
It is supposed it will require from six to eight hun
dred thousand brick to complete the buildings at pre
sent contemplated.
Tiie proposals must be made by the “ thousand
brick," laid in the "wall, including every material ex
cept lime.
Tiie use of a brick yard, convenient to the build
ings, has been already procured for the use of the un
dertaker, which, it is supposed, will proportionaldy
diminish the cost of the work.
Bond and security will be required from the under
taker for the faithful discharge of his duty,
J. COWLES. ) Committee.
Robt. Atm. Beall, Sec.
property of James Allen, tax 25 j cents.
160 acres, No 196 9th dist 4th sec Cherokee, a* tfcw
property of Riehcerd Knight,lax 354 c.
202J acres, No 110 3d dist Henry,as theproncity cl"
James G Perrymon; tax’72| c.
40 acres, No 129124k dist 1 it sec Cherokee, on Nim
ble Twig.creek* -a* the property of John H Skinner, ta\
424 c.
40 acres, No 272 12th dist 1st sco Cherokee, as tl;e
property of Thomas II Yarborough, tax 244 c.
160 .acres, TVo 112 9th dist 2d sec Gherpkeo, as the
property of John C Henderson, tax 471 c.
ItiO.acres. No 197 12th d* 3t “d sec Cherokee, as the
property of Barnabas Godwin, tax 184-c. returned by
Alsa Beveas as agent.
■ 40 acres. No 637 2d dist 4th sec Cherokee, as the
property -of Presky G Dev export-, tax 854.C-.
40 acres, No 1121 2d dist 4th see Cherokee, as tho
property of Keaton Upchurch, tax 25} c.
1* 0 acres. No 143 6ih dist 1st sec Cherokee, as the
property of Moses T Caps, tax 354 c -
2024 acres, No 64,17th dist DeKalb, as the proper
ly of John C Gorham, tax 384 c:
2024 acres, No 49 1st dist Campbell, a* tho proper
ty of John C. Cannada, tax 1,03} c. *
40 acres, No 6s0 19th dist 3d sec Cherokee, as the
property of William Fleming, tax 60} c.
50 acres. No 22 3d dist Henry, as the property ri
William Moor, tax 31.j c.
2024 acres, No 206, eth dist Henry, on Tnsaha wa
ters; as die property of John Freeman,tux. 38} c.
40acres, 478, 3d dist 1st sec Cherokee, as the pro
perty of Silas B 254 c.
jan 28 HUGH LONGINO, t. o. u.c._ %
M ®]a r f> Kegs White Lead,
3. /wCIy 150 Gall*, Linseed Oil,
do Whale do
do Lamp do
do Spirits Turpentine,-
All communications, post paid, to be directed to the ^ i? u , ™ W n *
or „ t ;. rv i'eb 4 32 j } Copal Varnish, turintmc Varnish,
———— ■ ■■■—- . ~y. ’ Litharge, Chrome Yellow, Chrome Green;
Umber. Ivory Black, Prussian Blue,
Vermillion. India Red. i’ar.s Green.
Verdigris, Smalts all colours White Froslhisr.-
Vcnctiait Red, Spanish Brown,
Red Lead, Yellow Ocre, Whiting, Glue,
Seal!Shoals2Qanuiactnn»t Cc.
H AVE received a supply of Cloths and Yarns
from the above Manufactory, of superior fab-
rick which they offer to Merchants and Planters at the
Factory prices. Macon Sep 3 1835.10
Portrait Painter,
W ILL apply such time as is not employed
on Portraits, to painting Landscape, Poetical
and Historical subjects for parlors, Ac. Tho.-chaving
sketches of their own, can depend upon having them
faithfully transferred; aud those wishing designs from
particular pas-ages will be accommodated;
A few pictures of this class, now on hand, for .rale,
among the number, an original, just finished, from
Shakspeare’s “ Merchantof Venice,"—subject, Loren-
I zo A Jessica. Lovers of the art arc invited to call.
Room honrs from 9 o’clock morning, till 4 o’clock,
evening. " Fob 4 92
H. W. H VBER^tim, Jrr ^
Portrait Painter
VS arrived at Maeon, and may be found from 9
till 5 a: the room over Mr Bnrdsall’s store on Mulberry
tro '*. Jan 14. 29
o-s ivdJomiriission Easiness.
H Puke this method of informing my friends and the
It iinMie generally, that I have token tip the above
bustn-ss. aml'jrejn -ctfully solicit a share of patronage.
All Goods cc.iiigoed to me shall be strictly attended
to. according to directions,
* deo 24 . 5L* Ck L. HOWLAND*
and Gold Leaf—Just received and for >lae by
nov. 5th 1835, 19 CHARLES CAMPBELL,
Fire proo r Biiildings. corner of'Mttlbeny and Secontt
" G Y .V « p u Jii p If-
tj; /gjt PAIR Gentlemen’* BAtiig l’umps.
160 do Latfies’ fine ProncUa und lib!'
Slippers, French patlarn, l v
4 SUPPLY of ltov ann's d’oiue .'lixwire. uoiii.e .
cure tor the Fever i Ague, just received and
for safeby J. IL A. W. S ELUS,
jtltio 16-52 Cattail Avenue. STaeOS*-
f H I HF. fin)-, of Wood A C.nnp is thisdaf'dis^oA ed.
.3. by mutual consent. The business will be votulti-*
tied by Thomas Wood, who isduly anffiotired to
the business of the concern. THOMAS V/<> !>.
Macon OcL 2<lth 1835. ~ EDWARD CAMP.
for Colonel of Bibfa^Cottnty,