Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, February 18, 1836, Image 4
HI A CON GE ORffI 1 TELEGRAPH D R E G S 81 B 2) X O I N S 8i & c. J&J-i *1 fresh suj^tfy just Received by J. II. & W. S. ELLIS, Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue. Among which arc the following mE»ICI\ES, Ac. Snlphate Quinine (french) CauifisrUles, Fly stone, Colocyiilh'. Court planter. Castor oil (fresh) Sweet oil do Charcoal, pnlv. Corks velvet. Calomel, Antimony, Aloes, Rhcnbarb, Jalap, Digitalis, Opium, Prepared Chalk, Acetate lend, do cunri, do Zinc, Arseniate potassa, Ether sulphuric, do nitiic. Nitrate silver, do potassa, Phosphate soda, do iron, Sulphate iron, ' do potassa, do soda, do magnesia, Borate soda, Phosphorus, Manna Hake, Ointment hvd. potassa,| do Iodine, do Veratrine, do Itch, Oxide mercury, Extract Jalap, do Butternut, Hyoscinmus, Gentian, Belladonna, Taraxici, Khuhaib, Nux Vomica, Khntunia, • Cicuta, Glycyrrhiza, i3A x3.i O N Friday tno lUih nay oi February next, will be soid at liie latd residence oi John F. William son .iec'd, in the county of Coweta, all the perishable properly belonging to the estate of ■■aid deceased, con sisting of Horses, Cattle, llogs, together with one road wagon ami Harness. Household and kitchen Fnr- niiure. . Terms inrde known on. lie.- day of sale. jan.~», 183.. z!> JOTEPII ATTAWAY Adm’r. GHi.EABLY to an order of the honorable the Juft do do do do do do do do do Gum Arabic, Sulphate Morphine, Acetate do Iodine, Acetic neid. Oxalic do Citric do Prussic do Tartaric do Ammonia, • do (Amraspts) Antimonialis pulv Veratrine, Strychnine Emetine, Rhcnbarbinc, Crotou Tiglittm, Serale cornntum, Oil Sinapine, Oil canlharidin, _ Pyroligneous Acid, IlydrioUito l’otassa, Peperine. Oil black pepper, Irish moss, Musk, Chloride soda, Titrated kali. Chloride Lime, Medical mustard, in pots, Opium denurcotizcn. Cyanuret potassium, Comp. Tonic extract, Carrageen, (prepared) Snigelia comp extract, Blue moss, l’recip. ext. bark, Peruvian do Calisaya do Toxn do Red do Chamomile flowers, Senna, Uva Ursi, Horehound, Sage, African Cayenne, Bayberry bark (pow’d) Blood root, do Coichicnm, do Goldenseal, Slippery Elm (pow’d) Quassia, Gentian (pow’d) Cort. Aurant (pow’d) Lobelia and need, Hemlock, Skunk cabbage, Squills, Gamboge, Hops. Mezerium, Alkanet root, Cortciissarills, do sassafras. Ladies’ slipper. Golden thread, SatTron, Cinnamon bark. Powdered ginger. Root do Curcuma, Mustard seed, Mace, Cloves, Nutmegs, Caraway s"ed, Anise do Coriander do Arrow root, Aqua Fortis, Anodyne (Hoffman’s) Borax, Black lend, Brimstone, Blue stone, Juniper berries, Cubi'b do Oxide bismuth, Bees wax," Burgundy pitch, Balsam copivi, do tola, do Pern, Black drop, PATENT .’lIEDICI VES.Ac. Lees’ pills. Conipt rt’«J ex't Pink Root, Opodeldoc, by G. IV. Carpenter, Chapman’.* anti-dyspeptic Dalby’s carminative. WASHINGTON HALL. THE Subscribers have token that com modious and well known public house in the City of Macon,—the H'asliingtov Hull, lately occupied by Mr. Al. D. llusou.— By the unremitting attention of jjoth of them, tney flatter themselves that their House v ul ob tain for them a general patronage froni the Public.— They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is inferior to no one in the State. Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun- . 4. rior Court jar the county of Twiggs, when listing as a~ court of ordinary, trill Ik sole! on tier first Tuesday in , ----- 7-- . .. MARCH next, before the Court House door in Marion ' try attoids, and their bar with the choices liquors. . I . 11 /* / I 'I'nn vtnlklaa non oltannOn nil P n l*P fill ntlll AVtUirmi county, within the usual hours of sale. Lot of Land No. 90,111 the 4th District of said conn ty, sold as the property of James Dcsbazo, deceased. Terms on the day. RICHARD DESIIAZO, Adm'tr. Dec 28th, le3r>. dec 91 The Stables arc attended by careful and experienced Ostlers. MUSTIAN & MOTT. Feb 5 1835 36 l Hr Having sold my interest in the Washington HaJ) ^ v> to Messrs. Mustian & Mott, I earnestly solicit for them A GREEABLY to an order of tl.e honorubie the “ continuance of ^ *£*“ P,te " ded Inferior Court for the conntF of Twuggs, w^a '‘Macon.'VebS^ ' " M.D.IIUSON. sitting no a court o! ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court House door in'said county, witlnn the legal hours of sale.— all the Lands and Negroes belonging to the estate of Joshua D. Bostick, late of Twiggs county, deceased; except the widow’s dower in lauds. Terms on the day. LUCINDA BOSTICK, Admix. HARDY DURHAM. Adm'tr. Dee. 28.1835. dec 31 27p « v Til . tint Tuesday 111 March next, will lie sold before the Court House in Macon, Bibb county, agreeable to ail order of the Court of Ordina ry of said county. LOT ofLaud No. 117. iu the third District of origi nally Houston now Bibli county, sold us tho property of Martha Smith, minor. Jan. 1, 1836 29 SAMUEL JFSSOP.Guar. ' O NTTIT: first Tuesday in March next, vill he sold he ore The Court House door in Zehulon with in the legal hours of sale, agreeable to mi order of die Inferior touri of Pike county sitting for ordinary pnrpo-es, one half of lot of hind No. one hundred and sixty nine, lying in the ninth district of formerly Mon. roe, now Pike county, it being the real Estate of Her GLOBE TAVERN, Cliuicm, -Tones County, Ga. FjnilK Subscribers (late proprietors of tho ■ Clinton Hotel,) tender our thanks to our friends aiitl patrons for past encouragement, ami respectfully heg leave to annoutfeo to the public, that we have removed to tho commodious House known as the globe tavern, situated in the business part of the town, and fronting theCourt-llouse. ^ Having leased this stand for several years, with the intention of renewing the lease or of pur chasing the property, we consider ourselves per manently located, and shall continue to improve our accomodations as the comfort of customers shall require- Our Mouse is now open for the reception of Travellers or Boarders. We shall at all times endeavor to keep such a House, as will ensure T HF. Subscribers hove resumed ibo Brltg Business, at their oJd stand, formerly El lis, Shotwell & Co lately occupied by Mr Ai m G. Brown, opposite the Central Hotel, under the firm of M. & J. SIIOTWELL, who intend keeping a very general assortment of Goods peculiar to their liue of business, togedier with a great variety of miscellaneous articles flint may be difficult to be found elsewhere. Their Block is now very extensive, having received by late at rivals nearly all their Fall and winter supplies, a general .enumera tion of which could not be given iu an advertisement. Some of the Articles received are. - (Drugs A Medicines,) Rochelle Balts. Hellebore, Iceland Muss, Flos Bcn- zoiue. Juniper Berries, Lapis Calnmiuaris, Henry’s Magnesia, Madder. Mace, Csyenne Pepper, Black Pepper, Alspice, Hemlock Barit, Bayberry do, Poplar do, Cinnamon do. Golden Beal, Sumac, Bom. Anisi. Aqua Antonia F F F, Sulph Quinine, Sugo, Gum Gttiae. Indian Turnip. Skunk Cabbage, Hups, Pep permint Lozeuges. Oil Spruco, Acidulated Lemon Drops, Coriander Beed. C. P. Castor Oil, Cort Au- ruut. Cherry tree Bark. White Vitriol, Muriatic Acid, Pink Root, Guni Myrrh, Seed Lac, Seueka oil, Lob elia. Lemun Balm. Sweet Balm, Ext Colocyiilh. Pul. Gui Arabic. Ground Race Ginger. Balsam Fir, Pearl Barley, refined Borax, Bole Armenian, Cera Alba, Lunar Caustic, Cloves, Prepared Chalk, G'ubebs, Ca- nclla Afba, Rust of Iron, 8'up. Carh. Soda, Castor, { Notice. . fftiHE subscribers having connected Geo W. 1 rice tir company with them, the Goods business will hereafter be conducted hy him under the firm of geo. w. price & CO. bv whose attention we are in hopes to leceive that lib eral patronage heretofore extended to us. 29 COOK 1 & rOWI.ES. A Just Received LOT of superior quality st Croix sugar Prime Green Coffee Prime Northern Cheese . White Lend, Linseed Oil and Wyndhw Glass. Sole, Gin Band, and Harness Leather (b! groceries, F. DICKLhoUN hasjutt rece.ved 30 hfads at. Croix and Porto Rico -•» 125 bags green coffee, ^ D 6‘ r '- 25t bbls N..E. Rum, Gin and AVhisL*- 100 Canal family Flour, . c . ’ 100’ Irish Potatoes, (yellow! 200 sacks salt, r 20 tons Iron, assorted, 10 do assorted castings. 20 bbls cider. Cognac, peach and apple Brandy, Monn». v , Irish Whiskey, Holland Gin, JamailTuf ha!a ^ cordials, Madeira, -Teneriffe and ^ Lohrxl Pnrtpr Ai.,v;n«.iV; - . IT Calf’and Kip skins, which in addition to their kohol, Porter, clarified Vinegar, crackers, chee^'n* 1, [tensive assortment of Goods of almost every des- Vp C .^' e R S T?^!^ s “‘ ul0n ’ Molasses,Jt ice w .v,.;, rnmnlete. heat ,‘ lo,,r - Raisins without seed for cookin. T tk boxes, Lemon syrup, Loaf and LumproW «• rhntvinff do hi nnmi,, ttr-nt.l. ..., i • ® 1 extensive cription makes their stock complete Jan 7 29 GEO. W. PRICE & CO. s’agJiiorpHp Pat & Csp Store MULBERRY STREET, MACON. od Keese dec.-i.setl. sold for the benefit of the heirs of' puWic pa , r0 nage; and we hope to afford such nc- stud deceased. Terms on .lie day. Dec. 25, JNto j knuwJlMmM m wiH prove satisfactory to those who cull on us. 29 BFVF Rl.Y DANIEL. Adm’r. do do do do Camphor, Scam motiy, Mvrrlt, Asafuetida, Guise, Pearl Barley, Syringes, Honey, Otto roses. Magnesia, calc’d do carb. Isinglass, Quicksilver, Seidntz powders, Soda de Saratoga do Sponge, Tamarinds, Wafers, S. rsapariila. Red precipitate, AV’liile do Black do Peariash, Annatta, Iutlig i, Spanish float, Logwood, Fustic, Copperas, Spanish brown, Venetian red. Madder, Fig blue, Nutgalls, Alum, Cochineal, Spts Turpentine, Venice do Starch, Bah Tartar, Sal Ammoniac. Glue, . * Rosin, Jujube paste. O N the first Tuesday an March next, before the j court house door in the [own of Ainericus, Sum-; tercounty, within the legal hours of sale, will be soldi the undivided interest of Benjamin Hey no ur in two ! NEGROES, also, On the first Tuesday in April next, will be sold within tire legal hours of saie. in the town of Tal botton, thirty three acres of laud of lot No. two hundred and forty, in loth district as the real estate of Bcnjunin Kcynotir, under order of (he Inferior court of Txiimt countv when sitting for ordinary purposes. Jan 7.1836 3;» GIDEON POWLV.DGF Adm’r. will be sold 'The usual great promises of good TABLES, BARS, &c. wc thiuk unnecessary to particular ize.—Good Lots ami other conveniences for Dro vers, readily furnished. WOOD & WEEKES. January 20, 1834 19 tf . • - J.A. &S. S. VIRGIN Hutch Makers if Jeicellers, Would inform their friends and the public, that they have remov ed their establishment to Cotton Avenue, to the store recently oc cupied hy J II & W S Ellis,drug gists, where they will be happy to serve any who may favor them with a call. They O N The first Tuesday iu Marc., nex at McDonough, Henry comity, the interest of John M I) Taylor, deceased, also the inn-rest of No ah W Tavl’tr a minor, in Lot No. 197 in the 7th dis trict of Henry county, sold by order of the court of or dinary. of Butts county, for the benefit of said minor, and the distributees of said dec eased. Dec. 7. 18:15. _ CHARLES BAILEY, Adm’r. of have in addition to their former stock, jitst received John M D Taylor, dec’d, and Guardian for Noah from New York a large and splendid assortment of w. Taylor. ' 2i I V/atches, Jewelry, &.c, W ILi. be sold lx fur. the Court House door, in the of the latest fashions, which they will Bell cheap for toirn of ’/cbulon. on the first Tuesday in MARCH f—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es- next, the folloiring property to irit: J capt-ment, {luplex, lepine, alarm and vertical Watch- One lot ol lonid niiinh-T two i.tindred and fifty-three. 1 es, of the best quality; gold, silver and steel guard ill the Second District of originally Monroe now Pike Chains, Beals and Keys, Ear Knobs and Drops, Breast Pills, Peters’ do do Hunters’ pills, Hoopers’* do Anderson's do British oil, B'ttemau’s drops, Thompson's eye water, Godfrey’s cordial, Salts lemon, Worm tea, Effervescing magnesia, Botanical drops. Bwaim's Panacea, Indian’s do Ess Iceland Moss, Cough Mixture, Fluid ext sarsaparilla, Syr Liverwort, Blcaciiiug Liquid, Mead’s Pills, Issue pi.listers, Elixer life. Ginger beer powders, Medicated Oil silk, Digestive Elixer, Pile remedy. Chlorine torth wash, Bay rum, Balsam honey. Cough Lozenges, Extract coffee, ' , Cullen's liquid magnesia, Pqiter’s eatholievn. Rowan’s Tunic Mixture. Relfes Vegetable specific, Oil Wnrimeed, Ext Bnehu, county. Also, Nine Negroes oflhe followingde-cription, viz. Scott a man, Ann a woman, Jim, Nathan. Sam, Pol, Tom, Eliza and Jake children belonging to the estate of John Akin. Sen. late of Pike countv, deceased.— cold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known ou the day of saie. This 22d day of De cember, 1835. JOHN AKIN, Jr ) ... dee 31 'v It.LIAM AKIN. ( Attmrs. A greeable loan order of the Honorable the Inferior court of Pike ciTunnr when sitting for ordinary purposes, wiil he sold on the first Tuesday in March next, before court house in Cherokee, lot No three hundred and sixty three, in the JCth district of 2nd section, the above lots and parcels of land com prise the real estate of James Loury late of Pike coun ty deceased : sold for the benefit of the heirs and cre ditors of said deceased. Terms made known on dav of sale. This loth day of October; J835. 17 ABA SESSIONS, Adm’r. 0 \ Thursday the third day of March next, will be sold at the late resilience of James Anderson, late ofBfiUs county deceased, all the pemona] estate of said deceased, consisting of com and fodder, cotton, cattle and hogs, sheep and horses, plantation toois, llou-ehnid and Kitchen Furniture, and various other articles—on the same day wid be hired one Negro boy belonging to said estate, and also on the same day wiilbo rented about 14 acres of cleared land. Terms made known on the day of sale. Jan. 21 1836 30 THE AOMINI TRATOR3. A «iiv Kt.ABt.l. loan order of the court ofOrdiuary of Crawford county, will be soid at Knoxville on .Saturday t venty-sixth March next, and on Tues- d'.y twenty-ninth, a> the Franklin Factory, the peri shable property of Wm J Wavnm»m deceased, consi- siine of Ory'Goods, Crockery, Hardware, Tin ware, Cotton Bags, Cotton, Cotton Yarns. Horse, Mule, Cow, Wagons. Cart, Household and Kitchen Furni ture. and other articles 10 numerous to mention—sale to continue from day to day. nntil .ill shall hjire been sold. Terms made known on the dav of sale. J..n 9.1*36 29 ALEX. M h'. VVfFTAdm’r. 0 3 Til -. first Tuesday iu April next, will be sold within the legal hours of sale before the Court House door of Thomaston Up.-on county, agreeable to an ord«r ofilic eonrt of Ordinary of Crawford coun ty, a Negro woman belonging 10 the Estate of Win. J. Wavnmnn deceased. Terms cash, Jan. 9, 1836 29 .ALi X 'I K SWIFT Adm’r. Comp sarsap. cubebs Si F.xt. Boneset, copivi, . perfumery Hair Powder, Pearl do Rouge, Milk of Roses, Cold cream, Creatn Almonds, Florida water, variona sizes Graining Tonic Extract. A RKIiSIIES, Ac. Almond paste. Ground paint brushes, do sash do Oval Varnish do Camel hair Badger's hair Flesh Horse llair Nail Comb Tooth do Cloth Scrubbing Shoe do do do do as;!d do do do do do do silver wire, do do do Patent feather Brooms, do do Dusters, do do Brushes, Fitch Toe's, Counter Brushes, Hat do Crumb do Cologne do do Lavender do do Rose do do 1 Bears’ oil. Ward’s ha r oil, Marrow Pomatum, Orange Flower Water, Macassar oil, Spirit of Rose, Camphor soap, Musk do Emollient do Windsor do do do Brown, Wrt-ih Balls, Curling fluid, Antique oil. Lip Salve, (Persian Otto Shaving do Rose,) Shaving oil, Tooth powder, (superior) Powder Puffs and boxes, Erosive do Preston salts, Extract Bergamot, Smelling bottle*, do Rose, Tapers, do Musk, Dutch cologne. Honey Water, Atkinson's Depilatory. Shaving cakes, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac. Amputating cases. Cupping glasses, Trepanning instruments, do do with air Dissecting do pnmps, Poeket cases, Gti.n elastic catheters, Spring Lancets, Silver do Evans’ thumb do Sctou Needles, Dentists’ cases, Spring lancet blades, Teeth keys. Tooth claws, do do (moveablo but. Gnm Lancets, lab*, Medical spoons. Scarificators, Scales and Weights, Abscess Lancets, Teeth Files. Tourniquet.-, The subscribers intend keeping a full assortment of DRUGS.’ MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS. SHOP FURNITURE, Ate. consisting of all arti-Ics in the nno nreesmry fur the supply of vhysiciaus, Plantation* or I unnlies. They will be supplied with the be»t that can be -elected out of the Now-York and Philadelphia ! market*. Order* from Merchants and Physicians. | will receive prompt attention. .Jim. 28 ::i J. H. A. W. B. ELLIS O , the first Tuesday m /ipiil next, agreeable to an order of the Inferior Court of Morgan coun ty when sitting for oidinery purposes, will b»* void in the town of Forsyth Monroe county, the Negroes be longing to the estate of Thomas Summerlin late of Mor gan county deceased, consisting of one fellow Rj’ul 25 or 2fi years old. mid h-s been working at the Tan ner's trade for a eiiniber of years, a woman, Mary « bout 30 years old and a gill Mariah 13 years old— sold for the benefit of the heirs and civditors of said de ceased; term-made known on -he dav of -ale hv the Jm lfi 30 ADMINISTRATORS. Pins, Finger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, gold and silver ever pointed Pencils, silver table, tea, salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and cream Ladles—all of which will be warranted free from alloy ; silver Cups, butter Knives. Castors, sil ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Trays and Sniff ers. .Musical Boxes, Accordians, Flutes, Flageoletts. Fifes. Drams, Sic. Swords, sword Canes, Knives and Pistols, among which is Rtiggles’ pocket Rifle, that will shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil. Den tist Files, shell, silver, gilt and horn Combs. Card ca ses, Pocket Books and Purses, silver Snuff boxes, sil ver Toy*, silver Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt and glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of other articles usually kept ill their line. N. B. Ave have the best of materials for repairing Watches of all kinds. S. S. V’s practical knowledge of the business induces him to think that lie can. and will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work in his hands. Spoons&c- engraved- Oct- I o at the f’nurt Hon-c Door in Marion county, the interest of John M D Taylor, deceased, also the interest of Noah W Taylor a minor, in Lot No. 137 in the 28th district of originally Lee. now Marion county. Bold by order of ths Court of Ordinary of Butts County, for the benefit of the minor nnd the distributees of said deceased Dec. 7, -*835. CHARLES IIASLEY, Adm’r of John M. D Tavlor, dec’d. and Guardian for Nouli W. Tavlor. '24 jroTiCE. 1 WI1.L sell to the highest bidder, on the 1st day of MARCH next, at the <loorofthe eoitr* h< nscin tho town of Perry, a tract of LAND drawn by the or phans of Jas. B Oliver, situate in the 14th district of the county ofHonston, containing202| seres.which is known and distinguished in tho plan of .aid district by No 1fi8. Terms on the dav of inn 28 31 B wm r. 01 ivru. RING rov absent e front will art as my Agent. Jut, 29 32 Macon. John Bakr F. F. LEWIS. Removal. A P. WILLUOX ha* removed to the store • lately occupied b Wm. II. Burdsall. where he lias for sa'e n general assortment nfSf:tj>lr ntl«l Fancy Dry Goods. Hardware A Cut lery. flats and Cult*. Boot* and shoes. China (Mass and Crockery ware A r. S r. feb 3- 32 : Removal. W. II. lt?/^3)SAU H AS removed his Store to the new Brick Build ings, corner of Mnlberrr an t Second streets, Macon, nearly opposite his old stand and in front of Col too Avenue, f -b. 4. 32 WATCHES, Jcicelri/. Sifter Ware Sf Fancy GOODS. (A t the loietsl prices.) C. G. St. JOHN W ATCH Maker & Jeweler Cotton Avcnne op posite Washington Hall, Respectfully, in forms his friends and the public, that he has taken the store formerly occupied by the Hswkinaville Bunk where he is now opening a new and splendid assort ment of WATCHES A JEWELRY of the bestqnal- ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and judgement expressly for this market, aiuoug his assort ment may be found Gold pocket Chronometers splen did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever’s and Ruby Cylinder Watches with Extra Jewelsand indepenentseconds of the most approved makers and rated to suit the clim ate and a general assortment of Ladies A Gentlemens Gold and Bilver Patent Levers Lepine and plain Watches, Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Keys. liar rings Breast Finland Finger rings. Gold and silver ever pointed pencils. Gold and silver spectacles, silver spoonS, pen and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols. Six:. Sic. Together with a great variety of other arti cles kept in his line N. B. He has selected the best of materials for re pairing watches and will give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. A share ofpublic patronage is respectfully solicited. Oct 27 18 1IK1STOPHER IL STRONG, SAMUEL T. BAILEY, & CREED T. STRONG, under the firm of Strong. Bailey & Strong, will practice law in the Superior Courts of Talbot, Stewart/ Randolph Sumter, Lee. and Marion, counties of the C'hnttalioo- rliie Dist. The junior, Sc one of the senior member* of said firm,will attend those courts regularly, and S*rong & Bailey will attend the courts of the Flint and Wilkinson, Twiggs, Pulaski, Fayett, & DeKnlh an heretofore. Business confided to their management will receive their united attention and vigilance whether it He for collection or litigation D AVID B. BUTLER ESQ. i» my professional der, Ext Hyoscyamns, Flax seed, Fowlers Solution, Henbane. Uva Ursi, Camphor, Kino, Scammony Aleppo, Xiold Thread. IfydriodHte Potass, Mustard Seed, Spts Nitre Oil Wor'msced. Croton Oil. Olive Oil, Bismuth, Oil silk. Satffords Bark. Tamarinds, Gum Copal, Syrup of Eiverwort. Turkey Opium, Ca tharides, Flowers of Chamomile, Oii Pepper mint, Bermuda Arrow Root, sugar Lead, Refined Li quorice, Ergot. Nux Vomica, Corrosive sublimate. Aloes, Gum Arabic. Precipitate, spts Hartshorn, Carb Potass. Alcohol, sarsaparilla, Epsom salts, Nitric Acid, .Ether, Alspice. Pepper, Tartarised Antimony, As- phaititm, Adhesive Plaster. Acetate of Potass, Bals am Copaivu, refined Borax, snake Root, Cubebs, Rhubarb, Ipecac, sent Carui, Creatn Tartar, Nut Galls, Isinglass, Magueaia. Mercurial Ointment, Blue Pill, sulphate Quinine, Conserve Roses, Black Drop, Jujube Paste, sal Ammoniac, Bay Hum. Oil Cinna mon. Acetate Morphine, sulph do, Comp Ext Bucha, do of Liver Wort. Ext sarsaparilla, Ext Pink Root, Comp Ext Cubebs. Piperine, Iodine. Butler’s Magne sia. Kreosote, Assafu-tida. Nutmegs, Tapioca, Manna, Oil Rosemary, Canadian Balsam, Ext Valerian, salt Petre, Glaubers salts. Concentrated spts Ammonia. I*aints, Bye Stuffs, Oils. 250 kegs White Lead in oil 25 do Venetian Red do 30 do Spanish Brown do 2000 lbs Soap Stone Paint do 6 kegs Yellow Ochre do 20 canisters Verdigris do 900 lbs Spanish Brown dry 200 lbs Venetian Red do 800 lbs Yellow Ochre do 1500 los Spanish Whiting do Red Lead, Chrome Green, Kiugs Yellow, Verdi' gris, Prussian Blue, Stone Ochre, Rose Pink, Lith arge, Spanish Pumice Stone, Umbar, Lamp Black, Ivory do, Chinese Vermillion, Black Lead, Chalk, do Red, Carmine, Water Colors assd sizes box.*s. Drop Lake, Spanish Float Indigo,Calc’d Plaster. Wa- ter Lime. Terra dqj^ienna. Green Blue and Black Paint liiixt, Blue Brown Si Green Smalts. Frostings, Blue White Brown and Purple. Gold Bronze, Car mine Saucers, Pink do. Logwood in sticks, do ground and chopped. Fustic, Madder. Camwood, red San ders, Copperas, Brazillctto Wood, Annatte. 300 gals Linseed Oil 400 do Sperm Oil fall strained 350 do do do winter do 180 do Spirits Turpentine - 300 do Train Oil 1 bbl Liver Oil, I do Neats Foot 1 bbl Copal Varnish. Japan do Black do, Picture Varnish. Coach do. Patent and Compoiend «ITedlcines Swaims Vorunfuge, do Panaccn, Thompson's lye Water, Green’s Tonic Mixture, Rowan’s Tonic Mix ture, Morton's cough syrup, Harlatm Oil, Gowland’s Lotion, Potter’s Catholicon, Barclay’s Comp. Sarsa- pari ilia and Cubchs, Dalby’s Carminative, British Oil, Opodeldoc, Judkin’s Ointment, Lee’s W. Bilious Pills, N. L. Turlington* Balsam. Bateman’s Drops agent at all times when I am absent from Macon. Mr. Butler will be found at the M. A F. In*. Bank, april l-lv-41 EDW. D. TRACY law: Jesuit* Drops, Cephalic' Snuff. Aromatic do, Wal- di's Tincture or Cough Svrnp, Carpenter’s Prepara tions, Henry’s Aromatic Vinegar. Welch Medicam- entutii, llygcan Syrup, Mead’s Pills, Wulker’s Drops, Morrison’s Pill*, West’s Pills, Rheumatic Medicine, Sphon’s Digestive Elixir, Little’s Lotion. Nipple Salve. Bleaching liquid, 1 ss Mustard, Citrate ofKale Consumption Specific, Cerate of Copaiva, Cosmetic Cold Cream, Hays L'liiiuenl. Chapman's Mixture, Bullard’s Oil of Soap, Scotts Pills, Hamilton's Worm Lozenges, Judkin’s Specific Ointment, Scotch Oint ment, Hoffman's Anodvne. Surgical anti tledical Instruutents Pocket Instruments in Cases, Silver Spring Lan cets Evans Crown tinm.j Lancets, Obstetrical Instru ment*. Fox’s Spring Turnkeys. Teeth Forceps, Cup ping glasses, Tweezers, Surgical Needles, Gum Elas tic Syringes, Metalic do, Stetheoscopes, Apothecaries Scales ami weights, Spatulas nss’d. Metalic Staffs and Sounds, Hair Sieves. Medical Spoons Brushes Ground Puint Brushes assorted sizes, Varnish do Sash Tools do, Badger's Hair Blenders Graining do, Camel* Hairdo, fancy and plain Hair Brushes assor ted, Palters do do, Elothdo Jo. Hat Crumb Brushes. Hearth do, Dusting do, Counter do. Shoe do, Hat ters’ Brushes, Ta’. le do, Flesh do. Shaving do, Fur uititre Brushes. Whisk Brooms, do Brushes. Glass Ware, Store Furniture. Window Glass Window Gloss assorted sizes from 7 by 9 to 22 by 28 inches. Coach Glass, do Picture Looking Glass Plates, Tincture Bottle* from £ pint to 2 gallons, do 8pecie assorted sizes, Salt Mouth do, I to 8 oz Vials. Ground stoppers White and Green Vials assorted, Nursing Bottles, Globe Bottles. Graduate Measures. Glass Eiintiels, Retorts and Kesenoir*, Proof Glass* r Drum Vials, Otto of Rose Vials, Pungent* Tillies. 01 Fillers, Glass I .amps, with shades, do without shade*. Glass Candlesticks, Suspending Lamps, with shade; extra shades. . i>.ats, (Daps, S’urs &c. comprising every variety of style and quality, usually called for at a similar establishment. Among his as sortment may be found Beaver, Siutin Beaver, Otter, Castor Roarum and wool Hats; Mens Fur and flair, Seal Caps, Boys black, blue and brown cloth Caps, Bombazine do black and drab silk plush a new style, Merino and Circassian Ac Ac, From his long experience and personal attention to the business of manufacturing hats in some of the most extensive establishments at the north, he is ena bled to assure all those who may favor him with thoir patronage that lie can furnish them with an arti cle which for cheapness, nearness and durability shall be fully equal if not superior to any before offered in the southern market. As his work will Ire principal ly manufactured at his establishment iit Macon, when desired he will finish hats to order in any style to suit the purchaser. From the facilities thus obtained and from assiduity and attention to his business he hopes to deserve as he tnists he will receive a liberal share of patronage. Oct 7,1835 GEORGE A KIMBERLY O'Wan ted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon skins He expects in a few days to remove to the store now occupied by Mr F. II IVeed ly TIJY FA TENT FORT ABLE BAKU OVEINS. T HE attention of the public generally is invited to an examination of the above-named article. It i* an economical, expeditious, and easy nindeuf execu ting all baking and boiling business, and wholly by means of coa , and of that but a small quantity is requir ed. ICHABOD B. IlOXIfi, Agent For II. NOTT A Co. and JO.SIAH St. JOHN. This- may certify that I have appointed Mr. Jason Ilnrr my only true' and lawful agent, to make A vend the ahovr named article in the counties of Monroe and Bibb, and also to sell individual rights. Gentlemeil who has e already subscribed for the article will be ac commodated as soon as possible at Mr. Burr’sestablishj nrent at Macon Ga. I. B. HOXIE. Agent For II. NOTT A Co. and JOSIAH St. JOHN. Macon. April 10 1835 43 chewing do m papers, Spanish long nines do. snuff, 50 boxes sperm and tall C,£an . dies, 50 boxes bar and shaving soap. Mardi '°' v C5t >- spice, ginger, cinnamon Peariash, salt i>ei r L^P w , copperas, chocolate, ten, matches, wrtinniihl “""S 0 ; bed cords brass, biass hoop and iron hooDbnrl *' 5 ** r ’ tubs, measures, coolers, Ac. pint and haft * n 5ftl straws tumblers, decaliters, blacking srimlu " “ Ci, K oil. powder 50 bags ass’d shot, nails doie h' I C ’^ weeding hoes, trace and halter chain* silt, ° u!i - mills, shovel and tongs, fire dogs, wnffle’ir.m, ' r<>S *» ing irons, fry pans, tea kettles, cart boxes a*' cards, Ac. Ac. Macon. Jan 27 es „'f ol:oc GEORGIA, ( »EBI C(Xl!lfiTSvA^T- Houston county J Iff, vidM Brownapnlvin, I* letters of administration on the estate of hL n' ot deceased— 3 Daniel B Lowe applies for letters ef on tl e estate of Nathan McGraic, deceased—- 1811,111011 Thomas N McWilliams applies f or ietierT ( ,r,j ist rat ion on the estate of Rcbtcca Eclles, deceased' And Daniel B Lowe, administrator oi; t| iP , John Chambers, applies for letters of Di*nii-i on e ° f And John S Taylor applies for dismission fr™, ,1 estate of William F O’Neal, deceased— 1 ’*' e These are therefore to cite amt admonish all anil si lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to appear at my office te ’Uhin the time prescribed l v , shew cause if any they have, why said letters shuld t granted. w w Given under my hand at office, this 21st mry. 1836. 31 CIIAS. H FICF JT, F our mouths after date application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Twiggs couutv. when-sitting as a court of Ordinary "or leave to sell the real estate of Janies Desbazo, lai i of said •ouiity deceased.' Nor. 8. 1835 RICH ARM PUSH V ZO, Adm’r. SIN OUR iiiouui*after u.iie ppucaiiun will be made to the Honorable Inierior Court of Twiegs county, wheu Kitting as a court of Ordinary, for lea\ ,• to sell the lands and negroes belonging to the estate of Joshua D. Bostick, late of said county deceased, nov. 2. 183*> LUCINDA BOSTICK, Adm’x. - 16 HARDY DURHAM. Adm’r jgfcOUR months after date application will be made- -* to the court of Ordinary of Bibb county for leave o sell three fifths of Lot of Land No 16 in the 8th dis trict originally Troup now Merriwether county, be longing to tlie orphans of William Pace, late of said conuty deceased. dec 10 24 SEBOURN HIXSON, guar. GEORGIA : Coireta County. " - ■ W HER FAS Aristarchus Wood applies f Pr i elte „ of Administration on the Estate of Armt,, chits Wood deceased : These are. therefore to cite and ad eonish oil and singular the kindred and creditor of said dec as- ed, to be and appear at my cffiie, within the tiv't prescribed by luw, to show cause, if any they hate why said letters should not be granted. 9 Given tinder my hand at office this 18th day of Jin uary, 1836 31 DAVID MOSELEY, c c . o. GEORGIA : Coweta County. IIKKEAS James McC'rackin applies to the inferior court of said couatv i\| ien sitting as a court of ordinary, for letters dis'mUsor. from the administration of the estate of Watson Pat. man deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindrtdand creditors of said dettsi- cd to file their objections (if any thiy hart,) in office within the time prescribed by'law, why said ‘etters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office this Cth July 1£35 5 DAVID MOSLLI Y/c.c.o GEORGIA : Houston County. H ARDY' Hargrove applies to me lor letters if Dismission from the estate of Hopkins Lip trot deceased ; Hugh L. Dcnnard applies for letters of Distnisdtn from the estaieof John Dennard deceased; These are therefore to cite tnd admonish all ana «• guJar the kindr. d und creditors of stiiti deceased lobt ii appear at my office within the time prescribed by In to shew cause if any they hare, why said letters should n ■ granted. Given under my hand at office October 31st It ' i CHARLES H. PJCF. c c. t. O Cologne, tenter Fancy articles, Sempis Double distilled Cologne Water in fancy and plain nmiiu iar*DULD 1 <', in n Bottles, Florida Wa’er, Milk of Roses. Orange Floiv- BADI.AII WARNER, Attorney and Counsellor er Water, Lavender, Harrogate salts. Pearl-Powder, Pomatum, Macassar Oil, Rose water, Oil of Roses. Musk, German Cologne water, Honey water, Preston •alts. Antique Oil, Transparent wafers, Pungent*, (cut glass.) Metalic shaving Boxes, Camels Hair Peu- SAItllJEi; B.'TAYLOR, .Ittomey at Fair. H AS permanently located himself at Hawkins- villc, Georgia. He will practice in all the coun ties of the Southern Circuit, and in tho counties of Houston and Bibb, of the Flint. Jan 28 31 4tp at Law, j* permanently located at Greexiville,Me riwether County, Georgia He will attend the Courta in the Coweta Circuit Talbot and Harris in tho Chnt- tahonchie Circuit. All business in the line of his pro fession will receive prompt attention. Ju^aaftSt ££ Blotto Rose^VhS.'Vara^.tcd'^iT do Transparent for shaving, Rose soap, do Cinnamon do Cevlnn, English Windsor, soda soap, Court Plas ter, Teeth piowder .llisceUaucotss Kitchen’s Patent Cocoa, Lucifer Matches, Bar soap, Variegated da, Turpentine, Fine mid Coarse sponge. Cox’s Carrying Knives,-Clay Pipes, do Glazed, Limp Glasses, Lamp Wick, Bees Wax, Diamonds, French Chalk, Emery coarse and fine, Blark sand, Peariash Castile soap, Scotch, Rappicnnd Macaboy snuff, sha ving Boxes, Honey. Glue. Blacking, Lemon syrup, Barbers shaving Cakes, Chloride Lime. Wafers! Ta pers sealing Wax, starch, sandPaper, Indelible Ink, Corks. Cork Wood, Violins, do strings, Bellows, Ma gic Matches, Swifts, Bath Brick, shellnc. Garden Seeds, Herbs, Flower Seeds. ^ Onion, Beet. Turnip, Carrot, Parsnip, Cucumber, great toe! and may hire hftnself out as Watermelon, Muskmelon, (beautiful) squash, Pttnip- a free man—is very artful, and mnv kin. Lettuce, Faddish, Cabbage,Broeoli, Ctnliflower, i have a forged pas—lias many relations Kale, Pepper. Peppergras, Cress, Tomato, Vegeta- Doct. Payne, is proh- ble Oyster, solid Celery, rammer savory. Parsley, Commercial Ban/.-. I Macon, 30th Nov. 1835. T is resolvod by the Board of Directors that an in stalment of Twenty-fivo Dollars on flic share bo paid by the stockholders of this Rank on or before the 12th day of February next. True copy from the minutes. 23 * THO. HARDEMAN, Cashier. $30 BFTF.IBB. RUNAWAY.—About the 1st Nov., BILL Y, a short thick set fellow, lias a scar on jhc forehead and one on his Itemoval. E. B. HEED \S removed has Store talhe New Brick Bnild- ings. qptner of Mulberry mid Second streets, Macon, and in front of COTT< ».V AVENL T E. feb. 4 a A cais :r« ^~T836, ^NOMIC Almanacks, and Beers Almanacks for sab- F br I. If. A- \V.< FI.US OUR months after date, a application will be made of Houslnn rennty. for to the InTeror court leave to sell the real estate of William S. Branson, late of said county, deceased. THOMAS POLLOCK. Feb 1# 33 adm’r. Jau. 16. WILLIAM NELSON. F M R months after date i belonging to >-*—»■ = «- - able he may change his name. A reward of thirty ; spinage. Endive Mustard, Okra, Asparegns, Nastnr- dollars will be paid for his delivery in anv jail, so that tion Roqnette, Com salad, Curled Chervil, Fnglish the subscriber gets him. W.J. McINTOSH. j sorrel, Leek, saffron, sweet Mignonitte, Marjoram, Darieu, Dec. 21.1835. , Tliimo, Lavender, Basil, Lemon Balm, Early Corn, If taken in or about Macon, Mr. Chas. Campbell Early Peas, Pole Peas, Bunch Beans, Pole do, Lima will take charge of him and pay the reward. dec31 27 i &c. several varieties of each, also an assortment of _ —-—-—— — - FLOWER SEEDS, Herbs, and Grassseeds, all care- Book Found. fully put up by the Shaker* and warranted Fresh, ac- nVELN Colombo* and Montgomery, Ala componied by a Treatise on Gardening, Ac. > winch tho owner can have by describing and i Intending to l»e permanently engaged in thisbnsin- appiyuigaitho Stage office at Macon, Ga. Dec. 23. ess, the subscriber* will use every exertion in their ,> ** ^ I power, to render it worthy the patronage of their old Li e_e.r y _ fifa ft / C. _ 'and new customers. Orders by etter will meet the county when sitting as. a court of ordinary, for leave ij)j’>Uii. months afterdate application will be made * to the justices of the court of Coweta comm when sitfng for ordinary purposes fur leave to sell ul: the negroes belonging to the estate of Janies Carson deceased, of said county, for the benefit of the le<M te>s. JESSE RHODES, Adm’r, Dec'5 SARAH CARSON. Arfm’rr JHjOl K month* afterdate application will be inau-. — 11 to the honorable the inferior court of Pike county when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell lot of land No 125 iu the 3d district of originally Mon roe now Pike county, it being the real estate of James Crawley a jiinor. ' JAMES CRAWLEY, doc 17 25 Natural Guardian f lOUR month* after date, application will be made to the honorable Interior Court of Talbot coun ty, where sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the estate of John Riley, late of Talbot county, deceased, for the nenefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOSEPH RILEY. Irfm’lr. Dec. 20, 1835. dec 31 27 4in I jYOUK. momiis after date, application wilt ue made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Pike coiinty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for an or- de# to sell all the real estate, and the negroes of John Akin, sen late of said county, deceased, for the ben efit the of heirs, jcc. JNO. AKIN, iun. ) , . , Nov. 7, 18:15 29 WILLI AM AKIN, j Adm r ”' I NCUR Months after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin couu- iv for leave to sell part of the Negroes belonging to Mary R Jordan, a mi not. Jan 8. 1836 29 VV.M. B JORDAN. Guard’n. F OUR mouths after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Bil b County for leave to sell the land and Negroes lielonging to the state of James McDonald, lule of said County dec’d JEMIMA MCDONALD, Adm’x. jtn 14 GR*TV ATeDON \ 1.0 Adm’r tJL It iiioiitlis-ntter ilale. anp.n .mow w i.i o<- iuutie to the Inferior Court of Bibb county, wheu sit ing for ordinary purposes, ior leave to sell the real e- *tnte belonging to Caroline Spruce, a niinbr I "l 30 JW’-’S W I'sj Guar. F Ol u Montu* uoer date,.Application will beuiade t" the honorable the Inferior Court of Pike county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell ail the Estate of John Johnson deceased. WILLIS J. MILNER. ) , , ELIA9 W. WELLS, s - Zebnlon. Jan. 15, 183-: . -30 Ut.ol.GIA: Pike County. W HEREAS Francis L Matthews administrator of the Estate of Isaac Matthews rieceafcd, up plies tome for letters of dismission : These are therefore to cite and admonish cllartd singular the kindred and creditors of soid dt- amted, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any thiy can why said letters shall not be granted thin. Given under my hand at office this 5th dav of Jau'} I'36. 29 II. G. JOHNSON, c. c.o. GEORGIA : Crawford Countys W HEREAS Lemuel D Slatter and Nanry blat ter apply to me for letters of AduiiucUation. on the estate of Thomas S. Slatter deceased. these art. therefore to cite and admonish ah and siege fur the kindred and creditors of said deaasui. to lies l ■tppear at my office irithin ths time prescribed by lax. Is show cause ij any they hate, why scid Utters should nolle granted. Given under my hand at office, January 2, IsCG. 26 WM. H. BROOKS, c.c.o. GEORGIA : Crawford County. W HEREAS Benjamin Watson applies to me for letters of administration ou -the Estate of William West deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sha- lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to U a si appear aL my office within the. time prescribed by lau to shew cause if any they can why said letters should notit granted. Given uneer my hand, at office, this 11th dav of January. 1836 29 WM. II. BROOKS c. c o. ■. t.ORGlA : Butts County. W HEREAS, David Kimbell nnd John Ander son apply to uie for letters of admiii.stni'jon on tho Estate of James Anderson deceased; These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singt- or the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be uni appear at my office within the time prescribed by latr, Is shew cause if any they hate, why said Utters should net it grantee!. Given under my hand at office Jan. 11,1836 29 JOHN McCORD, c. c. o. GEORGIA : Butts County. W HEREAS Josiah Diaper Administrator on the estate of James M. Rhodes deceased, applies to me for letter* of dismission ; These are therefore, to cite andeidmonish all and sing ular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to dint cause (if any they have.) within the time prescribed by law, why said let lets should not be granted. Given tinder rnv hand at office. Feb. 1, 1836. JOHN McCORD. c. c. o- l. OliUt.l—Blob County. W 1IEREAS James Gates, senior, applies to for letters of administration on the estate of Christiana Gates, late of said county, deceased, These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased. M be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. _ . Given under my hand, at office, this 1st day of I eD ' marv. 1836. 32 HENftvr ROSS, c c. o._ I j^OUK months afterdate, application will be.nmde to the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county for leave to sell the Real Fstate belonging to the orphans of Joseph Wood late of said county deceased. Jnn 14. 1836 29 REBECCA WOOD Guar. nV*(TR mouths after date application will he made to the Inferior court of Stewart county j*. •». iiurnui conn oi eirowari county w lien sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land and Negroes belonging to the estate of Al cxatidnr Nelson, late of said countv deceased, 30 S - CHAPPELL, j AtJmr>9 application wit. be in.tile to the Inferior court of Twiggs connty sitting for ordinary purposes fiir leave to sell a lot of land in Carrol lcounty, drawn by the orphans of Robert Reyn old* late of said connty. Icn. 10 THOMAS S rHAPPPM..Grr/rr' 1 71 *UR months nftcr date application will he made to the honorable ti e Inferior court of Campbell TiOSEPH WAINIVRIGHT at his old Stand, on game attention as if made in person. ’•J* the Court House square,still carries on the ab- HARVEY SIIOTWELL, ove business Horses kept by the month or day—and Horses and Carriage* to hire—on the most moderate terms. Jan. 14 29 JACOB SIIOTWELL. Painting of every description carried on bv Macon Jan, 14, 29 H. & J. SIIOTWELL. Macosi Jocky Cl«1) Ilacos . T gl HE annual Usees over the Central Cotirfe H_ commence on Monday the 21st of JIarchn » when the following purses will be run for, free .of ■y Horse. Mare or Gelding in the world. First day mile heats purse worth 2nd do 2 mile heats, purse worth 3d day 3 mile heats, purse do 4th do 4 do do purse worth Cth day mile heats, best 3 in 5 purse worth EPThe Georgia Journal. Columbus Fnijtnrer. leston Mercury. Columbia Times, Nashvil.c fjor* Augusta Sentinel. American Turf Register, aa 11 . idiai; will publish the above weekly six times a 1 ward thoir account to the secretary for pavmtat- 32 JOHN L. MUSTIAN-JgfL- NOTICE. ; , william A LL who arc indebted to the estate of ar4 Jones, late of Campbell county. ^ eFC j .. p a y. requested to come forward and-makeJnimep' mont, nnd those w ho have claims against sa J )r( jj n g to $i ; C0 $200 $400 Eoo $300 Ch»f to sell two-thirds of 181 acres of lot No. 94, in the , i 7, b district, originally Coweta now Campbell county, j . . . . nr< -nr..... 0 ; for tho benefit of the orphans of William Jonc*, late ' aro ref l ,,est ed to render in their accoim * “ , of said conntv.deceased. ’ I law. Jan 20 JAMES McCRACKlN_A£W- Jan20,1836. JAMES McCRACKIN, Adm’r. Blanks far sale at this office. -‘tV