Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, February 25, 1836, Image 3

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M A € O N G E O 11 G I A TELEGRAP MACON! Thursday, February 25, IS3G. , nines. Tb» vole came to us, sir, from °Monpol* f brancl. of the legislature, and that ,h J , vote should com*, from such a branch ol H! i!-i,laiute was among the circumstauces in in® the greatest surprise aud the ^‘concern. Certainly sir, certainly 1 ‘ ot on that account, the more iu,-lined to WlS "r It was no argumvut, with me that oth- seemed to be uniting with such heedless, f -Minus trusi, such impetuosity ol confidence Stl e frlns of executive power. I held back ", Ironcer, aud would hold back the ouger. S' . or I think I eeo, ■>! as either a true vision of ,, ‘(Vi urc revealed by the history of the past, or, h , ,||„sioii which Hppears lo me in all the fc «litii-'ss and sunlight of broad noon, that ms ■ .his Career of personal coulidence, along Hus !" ,rack of man worship, marked, every fur- , : bv the frag incuts of other freo gov-nu- !!.L that our o«n system is making progress /dose. A personal popularity honorably 10 | jj t!> t by military Bchievemeots, aud sustat * "t'.io.v by party, by patrouage. aud by au dl l' which Io.iks fur uo lll.bec.iu-e it uieaus. ’ill itself, seems to render men wiiliug to power, < vco be fore iisdnnnuds are made, *,i l tosiirteit executive discretion, even iu an In. iron of its own appetite .Sir, if, on the 3d f \Urcli last, it had been the purpose of both ,,1 ,.f congress to create a military dictator, «hit formula hid been better suited to their Irpos.i than this vote of the House ! it is true. mi-lit hive given more money if w had it m -ivcC—^Ve might have emptied the Treasury; l„ i> the firm of the gift, we could uot have i,,-i mv I it.— h u no lietter models. D hen mv,- ourinonay for any Military puyusewhut- „ T , v !int .-c.uuius to be done ! It we leave it vj,|j mun tu decide, uot only wlieihcr the lliury means of the country shall be used at all, „ Milbow they shall he usvd. audio what extern ; these fond expectations will ha realized: Hut I v -Ii ill he employ, d, what rcuiatus either tor wo shall he slow of belief, until the pow ter is ac- t’oogres or the people but to sit still, aud see bow j , m| | lv ., a |,{ i .natatorial power will be exercised ? Ou j _ Ibo 3d of .March, sir. 1 had not torgnnti.- Uuiou official, had disposed of their horses, aud all had delayed unking preparations—when fresh orders were received by Capl Johnston, from the Couimamloriu Chief, lobe inreadiucss to march Our Cotton Market has bean brisk this week at improved rates. Sales this morning at I2£ to !t>4 some choice lot- have brought 16 5-8. ( ^ 'expiring omhers of political strife- 5555555 ly' wj Letters have been received iu town from our Volunteers, dated at St. Marys. Before this, they have doubtless reached their place of desti- n1.1ion. Two or three eases of sickness only, had occurred iu the Kattallion since loaving Ma con, and those uot dangerous Alt the in formation of importance that has been received in relation to the War iu Florida, will be found in .mo:her column. From France, I.ate news from Franco indicates that the in demnity due our riizcns will he paid forthwith; aud that all irritation betweeu that government aud ours, is at fast at au end. It is to be Imped, aud calculated to make iho impression that tho' the Governor disregarde-t the feelings of thoae ho was addressing he was unwilling it should so go out to tho world ! Hut we make no hesitation iu saying, that tho surmise of the Messenger is as\ t a moment’s warning! unfounded as the whole charge is unjust aud ill*- S g hocktU g Accident /-About beral. We heard the address delivered, aud have since read it in priut, aud we believe it to be word for word as delivered. It is extremely to be regretted, that at a time like the present, when there is so natch need of uuanimity, ; ml all parties arc disposed to sus pend, if uot to bury their political animosities iu a common cause against our enemies, some rest less spirits are still found raking over the ashes of one o’clock on Monday last, a loud report was heard iu the roa r of the Millinery store of Sirs Howland, upper end of Mulberry street: People iu iho street, as well as rheiumates of the house were attracted to the spot. Ou entering the yard, a shocking spec-J taele was presented : stretched on tho pavement, neatly bereft of life, was the mutilated body of the brother of Airs. H. named Charles Cmoy, n lad about 14 years old—his clothes mostly torn STILL, LATER FROM ENGLAND. By the ship St. Andrew, Captain Tubman, we have London papers to Jan. 7th, and Liver pool to the 8th. both inclusive. The sales of cotton at Liverpool from Friday " raff l he sales of cotton at Liverpool trom rri /> 'Jan. and, to Thutsday the 7th, amounted to 20- 000 bales; at au advance of J per pound. Sales on lhe?th, 3500 bags. The aggregate result of the electiou of Counsel lors under the new Municipal Reform Bill, is— Reformers 1085, Tories 421. Majority of Re- fomers, 12G5. party feuds, aud endeavoring to keep alive the j fro||| hjm ^ face bad| $corched , oue le|S drea d ""6 embers of strife- fully mangled, aud one baud and arm torn to about publishing the Address in question J , , ho had heecll poliriu g pow . at all. as far as we have seen, the Messenger aud derfrom a fla , k> when h look fire aud exp | ode ,|, Chrouicle hare attempted to forestall public op inion against it. It would have been more just io have published it first. Will they uot now as au net of tardy justice, give it a co-extcitsive cir culation with their remarks ? r i.rii il agam-t I’r u ce, at his discretion, recess of Congress. Happily this power Wj au de»<.’»' me iinpouible that 1 should have lot-gotten— tiic rteoinmcnil.itmu iu iho message at .tic upoi- in* 1 ot ilial m^iiou, iliiljiavvcr should »e vested iiHae 1’iesiili-Ut to issue letters of uiurqjeiiu.t IMS not • railed. Bui suppose it'had been, what would iii miIi «vo been tlio tr*o condition ot tins govern , Jt ; Wbv, sir, this condition is very stioitly 1 .. uml. The wnole war power wnum i*a e t»ceu ,u i, , m L ot ibe Fresideut, lot u<> mau can U1 ‘ 5 Momnui thatrourtsai would bung ou nu 1,, w xr; Hint the Treasury, to the auiouut vo'C «'i addition to all ortliuary appioprui- ■ H .lit have been at bis aiisututo disposal r- *tmf all parties—l imseech alt true tuvers a . •' ...J liberty, to couteiupiate ibis state t>U-»msti n «‘ H ,|| nio w'liellier such be a true ° f "i'iT.u ul a uristraiiou of this government— 7V,E, urll ar couacqueuc.* tad ensued or " 1 • . , u accuumuuou ot power iu the ief t^oxeem I- ^oi-dmg to .bo -pim of . , ls ., c uUer wise ur safe ! lias it our system . ,, r .ieuee of former times ! O auy warrant* - tu p r , io c-stablisli the practice, as re gentlemen re.«ly ^ „ f Uloso '*!«. are to an example tor *uo i-o ne alter us . jotuake reprisals, and io Bin, sir, if the po.w* „. ia draw this money l.o,» . r0ilso ' b0ilevc been granted, ts tbero n ‘ * ^ „ lo our tars mat Ue should have now , r0HM)U ly 0clive a bet W nr ? 1 there s « uaU aimc0 ■Jus. h was said, i huoiv, *.*• the President with this power f ^ ^ | rnuce ,111)01 ot spirit ,-il w ur, dial sup- him with tins graui ol would have takeu this torsurb a t i our part, that she would have p-*<- . . iv without farther delay, this • ‘ • livery one trim nestles iii« laws uny story, aud an old plea wore power than Uie constitution or give him, always says, that it no uad more.i- tie could do moregood.—Foweris always t»-< fd tor good of the |fhe people ; and mciuturs • , always made, when made at all, lor tho goe-u Er tract of a letter from .V. .1/. Rothchilds, dated London, January Glh. to Messrs. J. L Sf S. Joseph Sf Co. of Sew York. “The message of your President has produced at Paris as favorable au effect as could be desired upon the question with which France has been at variance with your Government, and 1 nin happy to inform you tha* the French Government is now- prepared to make the payment, on account of the indemnity, as soon as applied for. AU kinds of storks and American securities will ex perience the benefits of this result.” Ertracl from Baron de Ilothchild's letter, dated Paris 7lh January, addressod to Messrs. J. L. &i S- Jo.nj h (f Co. Stw York. •• W’e feci much obliged for your kind attention in sending us the message, and have the greatest pleasure io announcing to you that that document, so admirable fir tho considerate, dignified and conciliating manner in which it pre^euts the facts bearing on the point about winch so inueli anxie ty was felt on nil sides, has produced here tbe most favorable sensation in every quarter, raised the scruples of this Government, and detc miu -d them to inform yours through tbe English Cabi net, that they are ready to fulfil the financial, as we I Lis tbe other clauses of tbe treaty without de lay. VVeexpect soon to receive tho instalments due. and have uodouht that this happy result will lie received by the American nation with as much joy as it b >s created generally bore.” Extractor a letter dated Havre, Jan.8—“The President's Message seems to have been very well received by the Government here, aud we be lieve it will lead to au iminedi ite cessation of all cldlh-uliies b tween the two nations, and that the provisions of the treaty will he carried into effect without loss of time. We hope to be able to say by tbe uext pack, t ship, that 'he instalments due uuder the treaty u.ivu keen paid.” 'I lie Coustitutionue! says that tho arrival of Mr. Barton is the ouly thing that remains to be feared in the American business, if th-J liberal teuorof the President's speech be adhered to ; and yet the gcuerul tone of the mc-sagu shows “This has been another brisk and busy week in our city. £$team Boats heavy laden, hav<v£ beeu constantly arriving at and leaving tbe whaijr ^ . whilst the wagons of the planters have rolled in without number. Cotton has advanced from former quotations and sells readily at 1J lo 15£, Prime qu ilities iu much demaud. The eulire crop of dterliug Hass Esq., of Russel: county, Ala-, was purchased by tbe House of J. S. Cal houn Co. on Tuesday last, at 15$y Our friends at Macon will have to hid up, or tbe plan ters beyond the Flint will gang this wa v, some time or other—wo guess ”—Columbus .Enquirer. [(■lad to hear our young sister, Columbus, talk so smarty-likc—hope she may continue to do so a thousand years lie nee. Macon feels no jealousy at her sprightliucss : Hut when cotton from this side the Flint, “gangs to Columbus” Macuu will shoulder her wallet and gaug there too—“we guess.”] Macon Tel- driving tbe flask through his arm and the fleshy part of his thigh, leaving the bones exposed !— / The thumb of his right hand was blown over the top of the store, and fell in the street! Prompt surgical assistance was rcudered, but there is lit- hope of his-recovery- .1 tiio people. For mv part, si', 1 was couieut, | »t a i ibis was foreseen, and that failure in bis uuil am couieut, to show to France that we aie 1 - * ,J * 1 - prepared to maintain our just rights, against het, 1» Uu exertion of our power, witcu ueec* lie, ac cording to tbe forms of our coustnutiou ; mat, if we make war, we will make it cousutuuoiially mill if wo voto mdiiny will appropriate it cousti- nnitmallv; and in «t we will trust all our interests, lu'ii in peace and war, to what the intelligence aud strength of the count y may do for mem, without breaki -g doivu or cuda.igcrmg Uie taunt- cf our free institutions. Mr. President.’ it is the misfortune of the Senate IuImvc fullered with the PresnlCui ou in nay great qui-stiuns during tlie last lour or five years, i h ire regretted this state of things deeply, both <m personal and on public account; but it has been unavoidable. It is no pleasaut etnpbiy- m -nt, it is no holiday business, to .naiuiaiu oppo- ptM-sonnl popularity, against a rushing and over whelming confidence, that by wave upon wave, am! cataract after cataract, seems to be hearing awry, and destroying whatsoever would wiih- M ntd it. How much longer we may be able to support this opposition to any degree, or whether w.; ran possibly hold out till the public intelli gence and the public patriotism shall be awake ned to a due sense of the nutdic danger, it is not for me to f >renre or to foretell. 1 shall not despair tu the last, if in the meantime, we bo true to our principle*. If there is n steadfast adherence to those principles, both here and elsew’here; if, »>ne and all, they continue the rule of our com uct i-- tho Senatevd>ud the rallying point i>f thou who think with us aud support us out of the Set.-ate, I am contcui to hope on, and to struggle oH-— IVbiiu it remains a contest for the pres. r>ati<>u of tli» constitution, for tho security of the public liberty, for the ascendency of principle over men. I mil'willing to bear inypart in it. If we can uiuiurain the constitution, if weean preserve this security for liberty, if we can thus give to true principle ill just superiority over party, over P'lVins, over names, our labors wll boriibly r \ i H" we fail in ail these, ib.-y are alren- dv ii* o I' V,,, K w *'° W '*I write tbe history of tin, govo»; l, m' e " , > i,s commencement to its of Alnhamn, was in the chair. n egotiatious would uot briug on a rupture of the ni r.xagemcut so imperiously demanded by the two .Mates. At tbe same linn- there is very great abiliiv displayed in tbe drawing up of ibis docti inetiL i.vhich would do honor to tbe most expe rienced framer of protocol*. The President maintains .**»* right of speaking as he pleases; and declares t.hixt nobody c.-tu demand nil nccouut of his worn's except the American people. At the same tin.-e ho declares that he had no inten tion if meant1 tit or insulting the Freach Gov ernment. This wil aid tbe work of Euglaud as a mediating |sower very greatly: it is aaiu even the Preid-inni was informed of the offer of this mediation ait the time of framing the Mes sage. and person, connected, wiiinbe British cm- bassv a ftii in that ti-is mediation is accepted by the Americans. The Ptench Govorunicut was i against power aud against majorities, and p robably aware of this when it made known its to contend for stern and sturdy principle, against own accentaucc of the offer. The C’onsti'u- oWli acceptance . — tiouncl then congratulate* both nations ou tho termination of the affiir, autd adds, that a lesson may be learned from the whole business, that to preserve diplomatic secrecy with a cove rumen t constituted like that of die Uuited .States is im- possihlc, and that as all the irritation produced in France lust year arose from th” publication of Mr. Livingston's correspondence, this should servo as a caution to Ministers for the future. ’Mr. King. _ . Xhcc of tbe charleston Courier. v j j, NGTO N, FEH.ll. , .. . , was in 'he Capitol yester ‘ or. Livixgstoi, -e|| surprise,! to see how 'Ivy, and I was very mt». •»(. jmve preyed upon fait h time or trouble, or bo,. - ^ t . ... .,-«was pale and «'»physical appearance. IBs . and almost emaciated ; his eye* were sunken _ -ambling Mflcss; his voice was feeble; his gait f r ,, ln and lj L . teemed like one who had just rise- . , J# HPV hi, bed, aft?r a tedious and most exhausting Vi-’ * upd prejudices against it and its author not war- til,,,, . t .1. I ..ll ,1- ..a uAllllilli lit* mil • _ • » Cor. Schley's .llacosz ,iddress, Some hearts aie so infused with gall, and sumo mental visions aro so jaundiced by envy and spleen, that they can ueilhei feel aright, u<»r sec aright, on any occasion. A distorted image is presented tiw their understandings, aud they judge and net from vitiated impressions. To a man laboring under an affection of the liver, ev ery thing wears a bilious hue; and to a disap poiu'eti oml nroken down politician, wo need not be, surprhiMl that actions pure and disinteres ted in themsfl* re*> appear to their depraved minds full of corruption The illiberal attack Utade upon Gov. Schley in tho Georgia MosseD^ 1, *bo llth, we should not have thought w-rtb noticing, were it not copied and enlarged upon ii: tho Augusta Chronicle, and perhaps other papers tif the same stamp. If we noticed it at all in the MessCPgW at the time, it was only to regret that the editor. I who professes he did not hear tho Addross he fine's fault with.) should, instead of endeavoring to obtain a copy and ascertaining whclhei bis cen. sure was just or not, attempt to excite feelings ,tfr If*cbstcr*s Speech. In our paper of the 2dtb ult. we published Mr. Hciitdu’s speech iu the Senate of the U. S. on his resolution to appropriate the Surplus Reveuue iu the Treasury to the defence of the couutry— iu which the loss of the three million appropria tion of the House at the last sessiou is charged upon the Senate. This subject bus produced a great deal of excitement, iu Congress aud out of it; ami all are anxious to read the debate. We shall gratify public curiosity as fur as iu our pow er; to-day we give the remarks of Mr Webster; and shall publish the speeches of the other lead ing members as fast as wo have room. Whether we have war with France or uot, the aspect of our Foreign Relaiious; the exposed condition of our commerce & our seaboard ; the unfriendly feelings of the Indians aud of Mexi co, ju.idieJ tho 3 million appropriation on the part of tbe House of Representatives, aud will forever gain it applause for wisdom and patriot- ism: while its defeat will stamp the Senate (ibiit august uihunnl! ) with iufatny. That vote a- loue, is euough to braud Webster, Clay, Cal houn, aud Wli'tc as enemies of their country, aud wither forever any former laurels they may have earned. Nothing else could have beeu ex pected of Daniel Wcbstet, by any one who recol lected bis course during the most alarming crisis of tho last war ; but from '.he consistent patriot ism of Judge White and the burning ardor of llcury Clay and John C. Calhoun at tbe above mentioned period, something better teas expected. Tbe reasons given by «nch are far from being satisfactory. The boasted devotion of Mr Web ster to the constitution is a solcmu mockery, “lie would have voted against the appropriation if the eueiny had been at ibe gates.” for fear tbe constitution might he violated if the President bad all that money at, his disposal ! Aud supposing war had ensued, and the eucniy had ravished tbe country—would the enemy have spared the eoiisiiiutiunJ No! the constitution aud the country would have suffered together. ') he hypocritical excuse of Judge White, for voting ngaiust the appropriation, viz. “that the President had uot asked for it—aud that it would be eruel to place so great a responsibility in bis hands !’* accords well with some other of his pro fessions wo have seen of late. However great our veneration may heretofore have been for the Judge, and whatever confidence wo may hereto fore have placed in his wisdom, mid patriotism, charity now constrains us to belief c, since he has giveu himself up to the WFiigs and Nullifiers, that he has arrived at his dotage, and outlived his di> cretioo. The imaginary fears of Webster & Co. for the safety of the coustitutiou, have about as much reason in them, as there was in those of a little girl w o once beard or rend of: A girl of 14 was left alone in the bouse as tha oven was hea ting whilst her mother stepped over to a neigh - hor’s. When the old lady came back, she fouod her daughter in the greatest distress, aud sobbing as if her heart would break. For a long lime she refused te answer tho earnest entreaties of her mother as to what the matter could■ be—but a 1 last she Baid : “1 was thinking, dear mother, (said she.) if I was to live, and should grow up, and should get married, nml should havo a little daughter, (here another explosion of sobs aud tears intervened,) and it should gel big enough to go alone, aud I should beat tho oven, and sbOItM go to a neighbor’s ns you have dotio now, mother^-and Hi y baby should get up in a chair, autl should crawl iuto the oven, and should burn all up to a crisp, oh. oh, ob, what should 1 do !” \ •’bum <um Taoors.—A letter was received ou Friday last by tbe Governor, from Maj. Cooper Jated at Darien, oil the 15th inst. Maj. Cooper states ibat the troops arrived at Darien on Sa turday morning, the 13th. Two Steamboats had left for Picolata with ISO men, aud others were procured to take ou the reniaiudcrof the Battal ion immediately. The letter mentions nothing of sickness or accidetns,$o that we take it for granted—“all’s well.—Standard of Union. Soldiers to the field!—In adddition to, th^ troops already on the way to Florida, the Governor lias ordered the following Volunteer Companies of Cavalry to inarch w ithout delay, viz : The Macon ludepeudcul Horse, Capl, Juhusiou ; The , Twiggs Cavalry, Capt. James Harrison: The) Walton Cavalry, Capl. John L. Gresham: The Buckskin Hussars, from Dooly, Capt. David Gra ham, and tbe Butts Cnvalrv, Capt. Thom s Wilson—making in all. about four huudrnd. About twenty companies of Volunteer iufan- try Save tendered their seviccs to the Governor, to inarch at a moment’s wnmiug whenever theit- serviees may be rquired.—ii From the Tallahassee Floridian The War.—Six companies of Militia will take up their liue of march to morrow for St. .Marks., whero they will embark for Tampa to join the troops already there. They are well armed aud equipped, and make a very soldierlike- appearance. They go uuder the command of Gen. - Call aud Colouel Read. Captaiu Searcy comiffUuds tho I.eou Volunteers—Captaiu Thompson, the Tallahassee Guards—Capl. Ta tum. the Leois Militia—Capt. Shaw, the Gads den Volunteers—Capt. Allison, ihe Franklin Volunteers—aud Captaiu Townsend, the Jcf- fersou Militia. Extract ofletterfrom Mr. Wyatt, to a friend iu East Florida. “There has been a fatal error on the part of Government in relation to the strength of these indiaus. aud the facilities which they have for procrastinating tho war. The whole strougth of the Indiaus cannot now be estimated at less than 4000 effective warriors including the negroes.— Tho country they will occupy is about 300 miles long and about 125 broad: two thirds of which(thecentre) iscovered with a chain of Lakes studded w ith Islands and almost endless glades aud cbequcied with lagoons. & deep narrow streams, tnakiog iu all directions into the sea arched over as it were with mats nf ever greens aud high grass. That part which is out of water or rather subject to a partial inundation, may be considered classed as follow s : Spots of open pine woods, thick evergreen scrubs and grassy glades; and uow and then high and fertile hammocks. The open pine woods offer an inex haustible quantity of comply or arrow root, au excellent substitute for bread, and easily prepared. The high hammocks, a variety of fruits, whilst the waters every where arc filled with fish aud fowl, ami the whole forest with wild game. Three years ago when I examined this country I met with clans of indiang in Towns and fish eries. who seemed to know nothing about any white people except the Spaniards, with w-hoin they were intermixed. The Spaniards having Squaws for wives aud Indian men aud half- breeds engaged as fishermen and sailors. Many of those Indians, 1 was told were excellent sai lors and well acquainted ou the coast of Cuba ; That they had frequently passed in their large canoes at a favorable lime from the Keys to that Island. From these facts, and the strong partia lity they have had for these Spanish fishermen, I should not be surprised if they aie fed up with the vain hope' of filially escaping to some of these *V. India Islands, with all their negroes. If those Indians are not encompassed on the laud side by block-houses, aud on the water by armed vessels or boats, so ns to break up all communication between them and these Spanish fishermen, and our tunaway negroes, they may keep up a petty war with us for the uext 5 years, as Powell, the celebrated Chief insultingly" told the Agcut lie could do, a short time before hos- tilitics commenced.—ib stion o| sickuess. I,atn told that neither he ooi nit)- of ibe Administration party are a' ali sau- Rum« os io the result of the mediation of Great Britain. The war lone is still loud in both houses.” Nkw-York, Feb. 13. NINE DAYS LATER FROM FRANCE. By the packet ship Rhone.’Captain Lines, we have received Pans paoers to tbe evening «<t January 7lb, aud Havre of the 8th, containing London dates to tho eveuiug of th 5th. Tbe President's Message had reached Pari*, n pd was received with general satisfaction.— * apt. Line* informs us that it was supposed the indemnity Money would be paid, on the siren f,th of the Message, without waiting for tht re- * nil of tht mediation. This opinion is rather countenanced than other wise, by ihe clause in »•>'-Addles* of the Chamber or Peers, adopted “J vote of 99 to 8. which speaks of the Message ■•giving ground to hope for a speedy adju*t- P»entof tbe dispute. by the facts. On tbe contrary, so far from i'’ , ‘7 ,u S political allusion, calculated . portion of his hearers, the Ad- lo wouuit “• .* r . ... dress appears • ii i.„ ..n'd, ns far as we can see, can hardly he toruwc , _ to anything of the son- it, by auy honest Araerica.u bis country . td b® very carefully worded, and in- \\ hat run be found in who is a friend to calculated to bi>ar on hi* political feelings ?” If it be a crime to iove one’s couutry and to express an ardent attachment for it; or to rovcrcuce the b'LAG under which tbos® i". addressing were marshalled, and under which so many of his h.-ave countrymen had ris ked their lives,—then is Gov. Schley to blame. The surmise of the editor that, “if the Ad dress is published, tho objectionable part will The Federal Tuition of lhel9tb, says: “Five companies of cavalry, the Macon Inde pendent Horse, the Twiggs Cavalry, the Walton Cavalry, tbe Ifuck-skiu Hussars, (from Dooly,) and the Butts Cavalry, making about four hun dred horsemen, and about twenty companies of infantry, have tendered their services for the campaign in Florida ; but could not be accepted. because the requisition on the governor bad al- leady been filled up.” There is a mistake iu the above: So fur from the services of tho Cavalry companies above named ‘■not being accepted, ” they are under marching orders ! The publication of the abore erroneous state ment is much to be regretted, and will take some time to repair the injury it created. The Macon company were nearly disbanded: Many of tho not appear,” is as ingenious as il is disingenuous; pombers believing the statement in tho Fedsra- ST. AUGUSTINE. Fell. 15 Indian Devasta tions.—The whole of the country south of St. Augustine, has been laid waste during" the past week, aud not a building of auy value left stan ding. There is not a single house now remaining between this city and Cape Florida, a distance of 250 miles, all, all. Jiave been burnt to tbe ground. On Sunday morning last, a dense smoke was, «<-en iu th« south, in the direction of Bulowville, and it was conjectured that the buildings on that plantation were in flames,{and it was known that there were none but Indians in that direction.— The smoke was seen in tho same direction on Tuesday. On Thursday, it was reported, that General Hernandez's houses at St. Joseph’s were ou fire, and in the afternoon, this report was confirmed by two of General Hernandoz’s negroes who stated that they had rode from Alala Com- pre to St. Josephs, that morning, and came within a quarter of a mile of the house, and had a full view of the burning buildings. They state the-houses to havo been fired about? o’clock that inorniug and that every house except the corn bouse wrs burning at tho time they were there.— The Indiaus had posted seutiuels at some dis tance from tho houses,-while the main body were dancing around tho. fire. The negroes can give I us uo correct idea as to the number of the Indians j but say there was a large crowd of them. The | plantation of Col. James Williams wa* also set i fire to and destroyed at tho same time. Mr. Du- j pout’s plantation of Buen Retiro, is also destro- [ yed. There now remains no doubt of the des truction of Buloivville. It is tbe opinion of inauy that after tho battle at Dunlawton tho Indian's procured a largo reinforcement pud returned to attack Bulowville. Tho amount of property des troyed is immense, at Bulowvilio alone, the buil dings are said to have cost 50.000 dollars. The property destroyed during the last week, on these plantations cauuot be less than 200,000 dollars. "St. Augustine. (E. F.) Feb. 15 “It is rumored in the city, that an attack was made on the outer Picquet on Saturday night Ian—thore were 15 muskets fired at the Iudiaus, I without effect. We expect an attack every nigbt j from the enemy—should they attempt it, they f will meet with a warm rccojnioTn” LIVERPOOL, Jan., 2—Cotton—The import of the week is 14514 bales, viz; 5583 from the U. States, 4832 from Brazil, aud 403 • from Bombay. The sales of the week aro 28004 bags, kf which 3500 bags American, 2000 Egyptian, aud 100 Brazil havo been taken on speculation, oud 100 Ainericiu and lJk) rfurat for export. The prices, of American cotton h ive had a farther advance of jd par lit. anil those of Egyptian $4 per lb The stock of Colton belli iu this port was decla red, on Thursday, to bo 184700 bags, namely, 96340 bags American21970 Bruvil, J8280 Egyp tians, 4840 West ludja, aud 32,270 E Judia. Jan 7—Tbe sales since Friday amount t-< 20000 bags, at an advance of £d per lb. To-day’s sales aro3500 bags,The arrivals arc 5 American, I Brazil, ana I Egyptian vessel. LIVREPOOl., Jan, 7—Yesterday there was n very animated demand for Cotton, which was met freely by holders at full prices aud upwards of 8000 hales were sold, chiefly to the trade, To day the inquiry has been more moderate, yet without change tbe sales being estimated at o, 500 bale?. FOR THE .VACO:.- OEURCIA TELEGRAI’H. IrlACOxV—No. 2, Ivy XX* * * * * « 'Twassolemn night, aud not a star Peep’d through me hunky pail above; Louu peals ot' ilmuder shook tho air, Swift sped the fiery- bolu, of Jove, -■Etdu.s scut his armies forth, The fiercest of ins stormy hand. Prom icy caverns of the uorth They- spread, and tempests swept the laud: The waving pines bent to the ground, Obedient to the raging blast. Aud on the woods and fields arouud. The ruin and iiaii fell thick and fust. A night of storm, fit for mad prank, If such, of witches in the air On broomstick riding, fit sheepshank, “Cutting their rushes here aad there. ***** ’Twas midnight, aud the fire was out. Deep darkness reign’d tinoiigi.outtuedwelling. Hush’d, was the hdid storuioihout. Or iu low meanings sadiy swelling, When, hark! a groan unearthly rang Upon each Vatikoe’s tympanum, Spun out with doleful nasal twang. With curdlin* biood, each bearer dumb, . Stood list’ning, first with pale atl’right, ' Again the sound, when both as one, Sprung to tbe ashes for alight. No coal was there, the cold hearth stone Long had been cold, for want of embers. What should they do? A lot of matches One of then suddenly remembers, ls safe beneath a pedlar’s hatches, A Yankee pedlar’s rare without a flint And steel; in vain w-ere torn This time their knuckles, for no dint * Could draw a spark, the flints w ere horn. No doubt they thought of Yaukee tricks, Of wooden hams and pine knot nutmegs, How red paint they hud made from bricks, And crows eggs often sold for pulleteggs. No Yankee son can travel till He first lias learnt to cheat his father. Then he’s of age, and o’er the hill Prtts off with razor, strap and lather, To shave the world, and lie allows “He’s ’bout as slick as turkey gravy," These, thought of Hainan and the gallows Which he had built for Mordccai. Neither would get the brimstone lights atone, Or neither one would stay behind, For fear, perchance, the evil one, Might in one’s absence, have a mind To take the other, so both w ent, To seek their dearborns and procure a light, The storm was o’er, the wind was spent! Why stopp’d our heroes ? why their looks af- Aghast they stood, for not a speck, [fright ? _ Or vestige of their wagons left. Their stabling also, was a wreck, For sudden of its roof bereft. The whirlwind scarce bad left a pen, To shield the horses from the storm. Madden’d by loss, all danger then, None fear’d : no! not old satan’s form ! It was too dark, uncertain w eather, To hunt their scattering merchandise, So back they enter’d in together, When, staring red, a pair of eyes Glow'd with a burning lustre there. With beating hearts towards the place, Fxpecting each, with standing hair, To meet old Smootie lace to face. They close advanc’d, nigher, yet Higher, (’Twas in a corner of the room, Where late had roar’d a “ rousing fire,” But now immers’d in chilling gloom) When lo ! the eyes!—a pair of coals, That first, no doubt, were scarce a spark, But rak’d to air. their kindling wholes, .Seem’d burning optics iu the dark. Our herons would have laugh’d!—a shriek Burst on their ears, and quell’d young mirth, But uow intent the cause to seek, A fire soon blaz'd upon the hearth, Withlightwood torch, and “courage brac’d,” I’earles* each cranny tuey explore. Till by the groans increasing trac’d, The sound is heard beneath the floor, It was not nail’d and pegg’d at most. But lightly to the sleeper-logs; The planks are raised, and lo! the ghost! Booh! roar’d a frighten’d nest of hogs! All else I’ve got to say about it, Two dearborns were next morning found Ten miles off. Reader, do you doubt it ? For more, they were both safe and sound. Thus told he us, who told tho tale. But it is thought the rascal lied, And if he did, the slaud’rous male, Wilt be hereafter for it fri. d ! But hold! I’ve wandered from my text, Where was I ? Oh, I’ve found it, “Macon!” I heard a preacher once much vex’d By selling cotton low, thus take ou In angry strain about the same. Like “Mawworm” in the “Hypocrite," Ho storm’d cud roar’d with file and flame, And thmrqi’d aud bang’d the Holy Writ. These were his woids—I’ll make them rhyme, If there are any rhymes among them, ’Twas plain he meant alone to climb. While r ght and left to hell he slung them. “Oh Cotton Avenue: thou dev’iish place Of thieves and rogues, a low-Iiv’d race! Whom stern necessity, first forc’d to steal. - And then to swindle for your duily meal, [gate Cut-throats’ exchange, where out-laws congre- And shirtless wretches from each sister state, Combin’d, to rob the planter of his toils, Then fight each other, to retain the spoils ! The needy planter oft from home wilt start (A long tv ly off he dwells) with ox and cart, He brings, perchance, a bale or two of cotton, Yon swear oue half is mildew'd, trashy, rotten! Sometimes, ’tis true, you buy it very civil, But iu the ware-house then you play the devil; Swear its false pack’d, when scarce a mote, But those which in your optics float. You’ll go to hell, pack’d in a bale of cotton. Not priino, or fair, but fal«.‘-pack'd,rotten, Satan will probo you with a red hot giinfilet, And down your throat shall run a streamlet Of brimstone pitch, as oft times heated, As ye have oft the planter cheated! But when in hell remember this. That I shall reign in heavenly bliss. While not a drop to cool your longue,. Ye lie and roast the flames ainonz.’’ What else he said, (I left him preaching \ You must learn from some otl>c r „ource ' But while I harp ou overreaching,” Xiie planter mu** come in. of course, rorsoaja^ji cheat in ov’ry shape, F&ue pack the ends; the sides, the middle, The place where they can best efcapo Detection, till the bills of “Biddle Are safe within their greasy pocket-:. Then rail road cars to them are *»*»•*- They’re off like patent congreve socket, “As though old Nick was at their tads... - Among the Macon buyerr old, Who recollects (I now can find one /Or two,) a story often told, About a planter and a grind-stoce,. Howe’er, next week in No. 3, _ I'll try and spend an hour of tune. To benefit posterity. And tell the story o’er in rhyme, A ud probably I shall discourse Inl'indarodes or lludilrrasticals, Unless my muse should get too hoarse About the Army of Fmitasticais. A CCORDiNG to notice previously given, a i her of the physicians of Monroe county coi ed at Forsyth on Tuesday, the lGth inst. to concei rangelueuis for the organization of a Medical and j sical Society. . , ... Dr. W B. Stephz.vs was called to the ch.-ur, Dr. S. W. Bursev appoiuted secretary. Ou mutiot of Dr. Beuj. F. K*’au. it tvus Unsolved, That a committee of three be nppo: by the chairman to draft a constitution tor the got meut of the society, and report tho same at the , meeting- 4 T - Whereupon, the chairman appointed Dra. r Lasier and Searcy that committee. On motion of Dr. Lasier, it was Resulted. That the officers of the Monroe Me and Pin sical Society, consist of a President, Vice sident and Secretaty, aud that we forthwith prtcee. elect said sfficer*. When Dr. Wvnn was elected President, Dr. E phins Vice President and Dr. Burney, Secretary. On motion of Dr. Kean. Resulted, That the proceedings of this meeting . signed by the chairman afid secretary, and published i.. the Macon papers. The society I'ten adjourned until Friday, the 1st do t of April noxt. VV. B..STEPHENS, L’h’rm. S. W. Bcrxkv. See. _ : ceaTkal HOfEL, .tin eon, Georgia. T HIS establishment is now under the control cf the subscribers, who pledge themselves to ren der comfortable those who muy call on them. PETER J. WILLIAMS’, FfcbSS P.5 JOHN 1». RAMEY. Central Hail Hoad XJBtitiiiing Com-. pany of Georgia. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS. WoTlL’i. is hereby given that an election for nine J. ii I hrector* to manage the affairs of the said Com pany, will be holdeu,funder the superintendence of tho undersigned commissioners, on Monday, the 28th day of March uext, at the Exchange, in the city of Savan nah. The polls will he open from 10, A. 31. to 2, I'. 31. and from 3, P. 31. to!>, P. M. Savannah, Feb. 15,1833. W. B. BULLOCH, W. W. GORDON, It. HABERSHAM, S. II. PARKS!AN, J. P. HENRY, J. P. WILLIAMSON. J. STONE, B. BURROUGHS. J. MIMS. W. TAYLOIt. G. B. LAMAR, G. W. ANDERSON, 35 tde R. R. New Books. R 1ENZIE, the last of the Tribunes, by Bulwer, .Mahmoud, a historical romance, The Tales of a Lawyer. The life of Sir James McIntosh, American in England, bv the author of a vear in Spain. 'OLCOTT & ELLS. Feb 25 :t5 Cuba Molasses. IIHDS new crop Cuba Molasses, for sale by Feb 25 35 ItEA & COTTON, For Sale, 4 PAIR of first rates 3Iules, double Dray nnd Harness complete. Also, a Northern harness Horse, single Dray and harness. Feb 25 35 JAMES C. MORGAN.' For Sale. THE two story BRICK HOUSE, on 3Iulberry st. also, the two story BRICK HOUSE, on Walnut street. This pro perty is offered at private sale, until the 28th day of March, if not sold previous to that day, it will then be sold at auction, to the highest bidder, at 10 o’clock, A. M. For terms apply to J. P. EVANS. Feb 25 35 or REA & COTTON. V aluable property on Cotton Avenue JUsriL FOB. SAKE. ff.The Store House and JLot, occupied by Jno. D. Ilynn, do. do. do. by Chas. Collins, and the scale house and ground occupied by L. t L. Griffin; these last two lots will be sold together. Vacant Lot, 40 feet in front, nest above Gahagali’s. The House and Lot on 3Iulberry street occupied by H. Filch. _ _ The House and Lot occupied by W in. Fort, and Rea & Cotton. For terms apply to fob. 17. this 34 .THO. W. BAXTER. II.L be sold on the 22d of MARCH next, at the late residence of Andrew 3IcBride, of Henry- county, deceased, AH tlie Personal Propertyl belonging to the estate of said deceased, except such as is disposed of in the wilt, consisting of one llorse, one Gig and Harness, Cattle. Hogs, Corn and Fodder, Bacon, plantation t» ols, Household aud Kitchen Fur niture, nnd various other articles too tedious to men tion. Terms made known ou the day of sale. ROBERT DROW N, Feb 10 35 One of (he. Executors left in ihe. trill. A GREEABLE toan order of the Inferior Court of Butts county, when sitting for_ordinary pur poses, will be sold on the first Tuesday in M-AA next, before the court house door in Talbotton. Talbot coun ty., one fifth part of Eotof Eand, No. 4?) in the 24th district of originally 31 uscogee now Tal bot comity, for the benefit of tarena Thompson, mi ner of Henry Thompson, deceased. Term-cash, this 17th February, 1836. JOHN E. JONES, 35 ^ ' Guardian. P ostponed administrator’s SALE.—On the fiast Tuesday in MARCH nekt. will be sold in front of the court hotsse, in M.-icon. all the | crsonal property of John W. Rhodes, late ol fltis county, dcc-ased: consisting of beds, bedding, and an extra good rifle, patent breeched in brass. GEORGE AUGUSTUS SMITH. Feb 13 35 Adm'r. A LL persons are forewarned trading with MARY HARRELL, of Upson county, on my account, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting.- Feb 18 4t 35 GREEN B. HARRELL. LL persons are hereby forewarned from-trading with my wife Martha Dawson, as she has left my bed and board, without any jnst cats-e or provoca tion, I am determined not to pay any of her contracts from this date. PLEASANT DAW’.AON. Upson co Feh 10 35 3t Notice. R UNAWAY from the possession of the subscri ber living in Paulding county, eight miles front the Carroll gold mines, a dark complected negro wait, named ROSS, about 35 years of age. Said negro was purchased by William Clayton of Jehu Yineiry, cf Alabama; said negro has been in the habit of being hired in Fayette and Pikt counties, where he is well acquainted, and it is understood lie has a free pass aiul will probably attempt to pass fore free negro, being a. shrewd gentlemanly fellow, be may impose on some, A Reward of TWENTY DOLLARS will be given- for his apprehension and confinement in any safe jatl iu this State, so that I can get him again. JAMBS B, MOORE, Feb 04 35 Agent.for lVm. Clayton. TT N. B. Tbe Southern Recorder, Federal Union. Milledgeville, and tho Sentinel, Columbus, wiS give the above three inseuions, and fonvard their accounts to the subscriber, at the Carroll Gold mines’Post Of fice. c RGIA—PiAe county.. “ : J OHN MANNING, of the 55]st district, G. M. tolls before James Whatley, Esq. one Bay 31are v four years old nextspriug, lour feet eight inches high, right hind foot white, and a small star in her fort-head. Appraised by James Cumber and Abner Taylor, to. twenty-two dollars, thi9 26th Jnnutry, 1630. A true copy from the cstray book.’this 35th Frbrua-lB ry, 1836. 35 * If. G:. JOHNSON