Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, April 14, 1836, Image 3

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'#&&&&!£& W&lL12<8&.&2rZS£z MACON: Thursday, *lprif 11, IS36. Arrived on ismirday. steamboat David Crocketr, troin Darieu. w ith two freight boats in tow. Receipt* of Cotton in Macon up to 1st inst. 75,709 Il3 j CJ . Stock on hand 8156. Receipts last year to the same time 58,292, stock 3610. The following gentlemen have been elected Direr- tnrs of the Central Pail Road and Banicing Company of Georgia, fo» the office at Mncon: .1., J. Goudaud, R. Coliins, D. Ralston, p. |1. We LX an. \V«. Soloxok, It. A- Beam.. The Board have hud a meeting, at which Je»k t Cowtas. Esq. was elected President. Extract of a letter from one of the Directors of the Central Kail Kond and Banking Company, received in this city, dated “Savannah, April 8. • Our hoard here seem determined'to act with spirit —already has an agent been employed to go north for a competent Engineer and assistants, and arrange* ineuts are making to have 1000 German laborers here to begin operations hero early in the foil. We have procured temporary accommodations from the Banks, mu) expect to do Business next week.” Events in Florida. The .Mobile > umnick oi ilto 2o;n ult contains tbe substance of a letter (ium Capt llit- hcock, which fiiruLsIioa no details ut the operations ol Gon Gaines’ command, with which our readers are not already familiar. \Y'e extract the follow ing appended to the same t ‘•Siuce hearing the above, letter rend, I have heard the opiuiou of Oatimatly, the friendly •Chief. He *atd he didn’t believe the Indians int-' entled to make peace, ainl only ofleied to do so as a rus de guerrt, to get the troops off their he offer -s ' *«</ “fc 'lit irr IHb II tru «■((-< guard. On asking him why lie thought so, h si tc«J that the hostile Indians intended' to offe and ParKcr. and two U. S. Companies, under ihe com maud of Capt. Porter, and Lieut. Irwin, were a!~o emsst-d over, and two companies of the monmed infantry. By these the roads were Ifocrually secured, and our troops, though ob liged to sleep on their arms, vex passed a quiet night. There were three men killed itt the en gagement, attached to Capt. Ashby’s Commpany. all privates, add about ten or twelve wounded of Fripp’s nil privates. S-rgt. Grose, of Fripp’s .ny. received a slight wound. -Our troops, those engaged, as well as the others, hebaved with the greatest bravery; al though for some time exposed to the most galling Is arms supf such terms as ibp Americans would not accept; I fire, not an inch ol ground was yielded. No that i», to give to the Indians all the land south of I satisfactory account of the killed on the part of the Witblacoochy, including the whole Peninsula “I obtained from Tuck-alusto Mar jo or Black Dirt, the friendly i bief, a list of of the Indian Chiefs and their forces engaged with Genera! Gaiues. Jumper men, 30 As-su bo-lnh (Puivel) 7 All-hur-tu liar-ju 30 Jar-har-tii-'cheo 30 Cur cbar Toskndsk,{Mecosukcc) j70 Me-cg-uo-po, (principal chi ci) 80 A’lrain (negro) 70 Wee a Ffocko Muttcz 70 Yar-har- hac-jo 100 Tos Kie-u-cur 50 IC-cbu a-Matte* 50 Hat llow Fui.itic* 30 Caurlci (ucgr*') 3 Co-n-har-jn I To jia-lar-gcp 40 Total 1001 ■he ludiaus has been received—it is supposed that at (east six or eight have been killed—the wounded they of course carried off, if any- ‘•Our troops are now crossing the St. Johu’s and I suppose in the course of this day, the whole force will have embarked. I have only taken a moment to iufortn you of this our de but, in 'Ometliing like a general engagement.” Draue in two columns, with the p-mtsii ■ A between them. 'The right column wu command of Genera! Smith, of Lom.- the left, commanded by Col Bankhead y precaution was takeu to guard agaius: (Vcn Fastis’ column marched from V«>! : . and Col Lindsay’s from Tampa, about the game tine that the centre of tboariny left Fort .Draue. Florida is tho worst country in the world, to make war in—no supplies—uo means of trans portation. S r$ •- . ' —-\o If I cau get at anything authentic. I will write Rfeiititc* you by the next boat.” ' «.»»»*»» i lSrc.tDE.vr.—When the public kfori. Ky.i ineiv up. and atl its ro he destroyed, it was fonnd on <1 jring .ifi-n.g tli" rubbish that, a -Id jdeea naif remained in injured. The hi-torv of this piece L inere- ing. It was in the first piace c spttire I from Btirgoyne at Sara logo, afterwards suri .‘tidered to the British by General Hud—re taken by the army under General Harrison at th-* battie of th- Th nnos, presented by Congress to Governor Shethy.- and by him to the State of From the Jacksonville Courier April 7. ■TUI•: IVAR. It is supiwsed by the friendly chiefs that there were about 1,500 Indians ami Leg ocs. S un!! Pot in Columbus.—Since the Jflth of Fcbma" ry Incases of Small Pox have transpired at Columbus, mostly among tho colored population. Of these 15 r isos, 3 have died. The Superior Court of Muscogee county, is adjourned to the 3d Monday in May. Bishop England, wo understand,, preached in Co lumbus oil Sunday last. Monday evening, having been discharged from service in consequence of ill health- They left Fort Drune on the 'kith 'larch. They stato thut the Volunteers with General Scott left Tort Drnhc on that day. forthc Wit! ilaceochy, (about 20 miles distant,) where the In dians were said to bn embodied in considerable force ; and that an engagement was expected. With the ex ception of a few easesof measles and mumps, the Vo lunteers were all in excellent health. At the last Presidential election, MY, Van Ruren was supported by all tho Nnllificrs and State Bights men in Georgia, notwithstanding his "opposition to the war” in 1812; fair- “Missouri Restrictions’’ i.i 1620; w t Augustine, March 25—Another rencon tie miththe Indians.—We learn by the arrival of the steam bout sl.intce, from Volusia at Picoiata thin all tile troops had cnuceutrtPed at Volusia on the 22mi aud had commenced crossing the St Johns. Two companies had crossed and advan ced n short dist inct) from the river, and piled tiicir arms. T .ree sentinels were posted over them', and the remainder of the companies were lying down when they wore fired upon; the three sentinels were killed.and seven others were wounded before they had ti ne to rally. They soon rallied however, and killed one Indian ne gro. 'The force which attacked them was not n ! very large one, and they disappeared before any — y — ' fun her execution could be done. The killed I\vo of the Macon Valuntcers returned home on | mid wounded belonged to G»pi Ashby's compa ny of Col Brisbane’s Kegimeut of foot. Sritue tbeubove was in type,we have beeif po litely permitted to in ihe tho following extracts from a letter anted Volusia, February 22ud after noon. “Wo" commenced crossing this morning.— Then a few companies ot Col. Brisbane's Reg iment hajj crossed and the baggage train ; when about 2 o'clock we heard a brisk firing about half a mile trout us which lasted about .13 min utes Indians were driven backiuto tin* swamp, and if m u of C p.aiu Ashby’s company are killed, and six be' lodging to Aaltfiy, ana Fripps wounded. In at tempting to cut off the retreat ol the Indians Extract of a letter received by a gentleman of Savannah, dated ••Volusia. March 27th, 1830. . “The left wing of the Army of Florida, Brig. Gen. Eustis crossed the St Johu’s yesterday, and marched this morning for the seat of war. . Col. Butler’s command for whose safety so much anxiety was manifested.has returned safe. Their detention was caused by bad roads- Three guides have arrived to-day from St Augustine to uecotupauy the Army. 'The mounted men seut in pursuit of Col. But ler, engaged a body of Indians, aud hut for the 'cowardice of the Lieutenant the whole force would have surrendered to them. 'The ludians wore entirely run down by the horses wheu he made his men retreat. Three of the Indians were hogging for mercy. The whole number of troops here before the movement was fifteen hundred,.including 750 horse/’ SShrrioiI, On Tuesday evening last, at the Baptist CKurehin this piace; by the Rev. Mr. Holmes, Mr. Robert Kcl- « to Mrs. Lucinda Bird, both of this city On the ROth March .last, by the Rev-Thomas Shel- vr„,t,: i a .. , . , . f r , , ' ion to Mr-. Lucinda flird.bofo of this cif Nothing definite has been heard from Gen 0a , he ^ -, larrh | 3 .„', hy & )> ov . Scott since the report of his cauuoii j.annouuced man Mr. Jf'm. K. Johnston, of Irwintonp Ala, to Miss Ins arrival at the U ithlncoochy on the 2 !tb «t. ifnnriannah Nichols, r>P Jefferaon comity, Ga. Shortly after the troops left T’ort Draue, the in JlCd i HawkhisVllle; the lion. James Fathiliy Judge of COUNCIL CHAMBER; SATuaoAv,9th April,T830. REGULAR MU TING. I Tallahassee, Apiil2- From the SeatoflFur.—'To the poiiteuess «*f Ad jutant Gen. Brown, we are indebted forth© per usai of a letter fruin Gen. .Scott and ono from Col. Gadsden, dated Fort Drune 22 March briu’t by express. Geo. r^cott, complains of embar- raiimeat for want of subsistancc, created by the unexpected movement of Gen. Gaiues from Tam pa, and the consequent supplies provided for the other division of tho army. He apprehends also that Cui. Lindsay may follow tlm same route, though a Ic,ter has been despatched to hiui by a friendly fudiau, directing him to take the position of Cbicuchatcy, by 25th inst. and . advi sing hiui that Geu. Clinch -would force a passage of the Ouititlacoochee, between the 24th aud 2dih. This combined movement has probab y facet* effected, as we are happy to learn through a votuutecr recently arrived from Tampa, that the dians burnt tho place of Mr Brooks about 4 miles , from tho Fort. From tho latest accounts, it • In would appear that tho ludiaus are scattering.— t^^operjar^oorts^jthf^oiidiern^Lircuit^ Trails have been discovered in different diree j lions from the u ttion . They receutly stole four j or five horses from Col. G, Humphreys, near j Micanopy, and have driven off several cattle.— 'grftRESENT Isaac B. Rowland, Mayor, Messrs, should the ludiaus separate into straggling par Jf Campbell, Cowles, Higgins. Ross, Ralston and ties, it will be impossible to remove them this Vigal.-Aluernt-'n. * spring, and wc shall be the prey of ft roving en- ',fie minutes of the previous meeting were read etuy driveu to desperation bv the prospect before 1 ai V’ a l > P Jove d. . ' „ them, hy hunger and starvation or death. Total ?he bruige keeper reported the amount of tolls re- ruitt ffiust await the citizeus of Alachua, unless Government come to their relief. Mr.'Lowe, who arrived froin Alachua last eve uing, brings tho news that Col. Lindsay met the j Rejw/rwf, T Vhaufac May ludians a fow miles the other side of tbe W'th of the momiiiv comraciin; ftf.Ci a iiemp tiaggiug l W» do Tow do .‘I Jibda prime New Orb-.msan-l Porto Rico sugar * JlMibls: New Tnglaad Ruiu - Lask.% Malag-TWitre ••• ■ -< i* ’20 bbls prime green Coffee. • . ’ 65 Bags do do * . UO bbis Baltimore Howard St Flour *21 do Fine do 2d bbts prime quality flavahnah sugar 50 Roxe - do do •* 8 half boxes do do- 5 Crates Crockeryassorted 8 Buies Georgia Nankeens, made from cot!on grown in this States . ' 20,000 best ilavaimabCigars—for sale by 42 RKAA- CtiTTON. ’ Di'iinrtiacut, tigevme, (fit, 9tA April, 1830. rWYHL Branch of tho United States’ Bank, At8»- j, vamiah having relu-“d • ri • elfftte bills t; ;ie payable at that office, --'•cSEsSl^- "r. Public notice is 1 iclsy given, that the bills of the.-Uuited stat: - ' .,k audits Bran ches will no longer he received in pat ment-at this Le- partmein. 4~2 ‘2t T. ilAV.N-iS. Trcasv.rcr. A List ol LcUem ~ " ~ K LM ALMNG In t! o Tost Otlivo in Clinton,.Ga. on tlie IstApiil. lcsJO. —iioler -Vilen *2, tVm. U. Atwood 2. Julius Alplii- erd, .Madison Anstns. : " ; N| -.v." B—Jiunes-itarnes 2, Samuel L'enticy, Jolin Baker, Stewart UoyingtoB, Wm. Ball, Solomon Baker,Clark Bianfurd 2. it 11 Broom- j*, r C—>1 C Cower. John. F Cttncr, Dr Peyton Cle- le. free negro nn ffraga sate in 1821; his “Tariffwtn j .towo the river, soineoftiMr ijjeii, towed !>y the in 1621; and his “Fedoralisni” and ••Magic" at all times. These charges were as well know n in 1632 os now. Siill our opponents voted for him, and urged him upon the country as the. fitiinctst man for Vice President then, anu-President hereafter. How can they then now, in the face of these focu, bring for ward charges against him which they have admitted were of no force l ■ lather tlioy must acknowledge that their support thou was heartless, or ffiat tlieir opposi tion now is unjust and vindictive. Let them take oi- • horn of the dilemma, i sense or decency and self resp *ct, \ve should suppose, would, at the '.least, com- maiiJ their siienco. How can they charge sinv of the pres-nt supporters of .Mr. Van Boren of inronsisten- cy, without acknowledging their own ? How can tltey :;ccit-.- 1 old Clark me.i of having changed, without ad- niitting tb■■ t they themselves have ebanredf If Mr \ an Korea was emitted to support In Jtv’ui. hisgrea'- •■r experience in the public service more entitles him to it now. If he was no Federalist, no Abolitionist ihcn. ha Las not become one since. letter above referred to, was received oy Col. The advance w as nttucked by a party of I is<ud*ay on tbo 25th who immediately ttmk his s, titituberuol kiruwo, hut not large. They position about 40 miles lirum 1 ampa. Ihutin- ‘ emy is now euciosml by nearly five thousand men aud will bo forced i.o give buttle or snr. eoder.— Comm 'doie Dallas, at Peusucola bus been in structed to co-operate, aud the Revenue Cutters required to repair to tbe western coast of Peusu coin. Should it be uecessary, measures will be taken to send provisions to tile mouth <>f iVtthlu cooetiee, whence boats can ascend to Camp G ra bu m.—Floridian, ‘•T'r P. rilc's Cai.lilatrJ Thiiappellation is pbtn- in>u-!y claimed for J>:dge W lule. hy his advocates in this .Slate, who -.rein the minority, in contra distinc- ti i iio Mr. Van Bnrcn, who is thcoandidatc of thema jority! In tlie primitive days of the Republic, the term '•the People.” was supposed to comprise, if not. the whole, at least a majority of the whole; and the u:t»;npt would have been treated with ridicule, to de signate as “L'/c people,” any portion less titan a major ity. But in these days of new lights and nullification, times have changed—among other absuidiiics rntiien- <!..d for by the uoliifiers^is, that the minority shall con- iro! tin' majority ; and that ihe terra ••the people/'j i.'te irts le.-s than a utility of the people ; lienee, their e i'i !i lale is always "the paoplo’s” candidate. j »\’iu» is to lie the choice of ibe pe.*pic, cannot, of j „„i returned or bte'u course, ho determined till after the election. Lot if a- ny one is entlilei! to tbe distinction of the ptopie’s candidate, Judge \Vhite cert/iiiily not. lie is not the choice of a majority of tho Mates, nor ol a tr.ajur- i:/-jf mill ;>e n> .•• if honig brought out by caucuses, or conventions, forfeits the ci.iiin to that title, thru/.as Judge White forhited it: he being ns much the pto- of caucuses as is Hr. Vuu itiiruil. In Masuclmsctts, Mr. Webster is claipscd a* the jiroj.le’s candidate—by the opposition in Ohio, i’eiin- •ylvauia, Otc. G.n*. l!.irr:son iscai-ed tho people /it .’ate. do wo have three "Teoplo’s candidate-” ip opposition to Mr. Van Uureu—who perhaps hisi ■ >»e of tiio people in his favor than all the other three to gether!—and yd Mr. Van Bnrcn is sti; uKtibed ns ffie caucus candidate ! the candidate who foisud upon ffioeountty-hy cunemdictati >n! Ac, Even admitting that the friends of Mr. Van nnren erred in holding a convciKioii and rcconfinending the people to support a iua« when- tl.ey would bn* c «« p- ported without that recouinicndation—dues that or should that error prejudice Mr. Van Ktircn’s ciaims? If itdoes, if Mr. Vun Bureti’s claims arc to be for- leiicd for the indiscrotion of bis friends—if bo is to be sacrificed to atone for the sins of others, what shall be douc with White and Webster and Ilnrrisou 1 their friends have beeu equally wicked—they have also held • oaventions aud rocomtnended tlieir favorites. Shall Van Kurcii he punished for being tho iio tiimc of a convention, while other uominecs of conventions are deified ns “People’s candidates'’ ? e pause for a re ply. steamboat tired upon each other into the swamp One man wounded. Tbe loss of tne lotlinn is not usi-eriaiuetl; they no dun >t suffered. Tltey wore beam « off wall spirit and cured much sooner than is their habit. It is said that the fu ditius wcie seen to throw five of their into the titer, mid a urgru with ihrui was killed A detachment of 200 inoiiutcd men had gone off smith east from Vulttsi i, on ih<* moruiug of tin- 22ml to return in the evening. The troops are represented to he iu title spirits. The plan of operations, we understand to bo as follows : The left wing of tbe army, consist iug ol JtiUl) men under Geu Eustis is to march v;a Volusia to the U ithlaiiio* hy to reach that pdiiii by the 25th (to day.) Geu. C’liuch, with tiie right wing 2uMUincu from Furl Draue, aud (.'ol. Lindsay "tth tbo centre. 1000 men fiom T-impa Bay. to t.c there at the 9-.uu> tune, and it is expected if me ludiaus have unt loll that point tl) t a decisive engagement will" take place which will terminate the w ar. Capt Dmiiuuck, with thirty U. S. Troops, arrived here on Mouday last from i’icolata. On. Friday last three boats with Indians were seen crossing tbe 65t Johns river near I’icolata. A strum lioiit »us lying in the stream at the suite Utile, hut before she Could get under way rimy had disappeared and roue* aletf their boats so that they could not be discovered. Indian'tracks have beifn secu in tho heighhor- Loud ut sit Joseph’s since the trtiops have left. Geu Tope and Si tali' arrived at I’icolata on \V« dursday eveutug last. Abatlallion of caval ry from Georgia are expected tai ari ivo there a- bout the 1st nl April.—LltraUl. . POSTSCRII’T. Satckday. ~(iih Fob.—Important from Vol usia.— t tie siei-uicr Snutce arrived at IHcolata la-t night Item Vo nsia. i.y tvliuh we Icaru that the detacbm’tui20') mounted Volunteers which b,id licet) sent out under Lieut Cel. Butler, had heard of up to yesterday mornitig. On the 23d a detueliuieiit cunsistiug of27 Volunteers and two guides, were sent in scarrii ol them, with orders to proceed as far as New ttinyrna, , ml mi ihcii way, about 6 miles from Volusoi, they led in with a party of liitli-' ii'. ttltuui 16 in number, in aifopcu pine harreu, a!.out 2 unles from any thicttei or scrub. They tutneked the iudiaus nnd killed otic ami wound ed another, when the Lieuteunut coiuman. ing Uie dcfachuK-irt orders d a retreat for i remforce- o.cut. VV.c are iulufumil iliai every tn«u in the tlctpvhtbl.nlhehavctl nduitrohly and the whole can- p;:ny ol iod/ans in%bt have liecu taken or cut up, had it not been for the condui t of the officer A court martini e as ordered to try b.rn imniedi- ately. Ucii. bus is has been detained at Votu- si.i w admit for ihe'ietorn of Got Butlers detach incut and a ir.v.t ol guides, and has thus been uiiidde to comply with Geo s’coU’e orifors to meet him nt rhe rtriibiucbachy on tne 25ii>. Col. iiutler find tiro good guides, with him when lm Icit.Volusia. Gcii, bustis lias aeiil fo lotyn foi more guides. —111. D.wrtt.x April 5. Latest from Florida—We are furnished by Gapt. Rogers of the dchr. imperial, .which ar rived here on Wednesday evening ,’Jrilbult. from Picoiata, with tbe uewsriiat a uumi/er of Indian- were iu tbe uetgbhurhood of Volusia. On tbe 24tb inst. a sentinel was shot down by tiicui, ami they fired into the camp, killing two men wfib were unconsciously playtug cards, aud wounded it third. General Scott was understood to have marched ou the 25th ult/lor the Ouithfacuochee from Fort Draue. /lets to cross the river, and reach the Indian encampment. There he will give tbe euetny battle, if they do not come to terms, it was not kuowu whether auy commu nication bad been opeued by Oseola, wttb tbe army since bis famous talk with Geu. Games— It is reported that the Louisiana volunteers have proceeded to Tampa. Provisions are said to be very scarce iu Florida. Cattle arc pleuty enough but coru and bread is , ifficult to be had- The military stores are pearly all removed from IV coiaia to lilack Creek—aud each cargo of pro- vismus that arrives at the former plat e, is uot per milled to he lauded, but directed to be conveyed to.the latter. No. more troops are expected at i’iuplata. very late from Major General Scott.—We were putiu possession of some lulerestiug information from Florida, by a geutiraau of tbo Louisia >a Volunteers, who left Fori Brantcit Monday last. Gen. Scott marched to the OuitbUcoorbee ou the 25th inst. with bis whole force. 'J’be L-on- jsi.iba'Volunteer* had proceedco to l ampu Bay, where they were to beUisUauded. We regret to icaru Ih.iliuo ollllis gallant brigade were uillhe sick list, it is uot generally known, lb it 2d of me New Orleaus Greys were at the lab of riau Auiouto. So iiule have the perils of iuuiau war fare affected these brave follows, that they go directly to Texas, whenjlbey are disenarged by Geu- idciitt. It is geucraily relieved w ltoii our informant left, that the ludiaus had retreated to the everglades, and mauy were mioivu to be iu the rear ot General Scott’s ariny. It was pret ty well ascertained that Oseol.i alone, of all the ludiau Chiefs, was for cdutiuuiug the war. No hope waseutertuiued ot gelltog tlie Indians to stand another regular engagement. [We post pone some curious particulars of Gaines’s bat- aud Indian fighting m general until our uexl.] lacoochv before bo joined Gen. Scott. Col. Lindsay firod upon the Indians, who 'after retur ning the fire, fled to the hammock. Thirty In dians were found dead. Ouiy otie white man was killed. Further particulars and the conse quences of this engagement we are unable to loam. The steamer Sauteo reached this place last night. It left Volusia Sunday momiug. Noth ing had been heard from Geu. Eustis. since the day after he left Volusia. Tho three divisioos of the army must havo.met ere this. The cousequeuces we are anxious to leain. Homo invalids who arrived a few days since from Volusia,'report that of 700 men, belonging to Col. Brisbane’s Regiment, 300 were unable to proceed on the march, through sickness, orca sinned hy the hardships to which the men were - unaccustomed, aud the prevalence of tin mcasle- 1 among them. Poor fellows, they doubtless find that fighting tho Indians is not “what it wa» -cracked up to be.” Brigadier Gen Pope has been honorably dis charged from tho service of the United States by Major General Macomb, there being no ueed of so large a force from Geargia as a Brigade. We learn moreover, that Col Crane is instruc ted to discharge likewiie the bat tuition of mounted Infantry under Major Ross, wbich’reached New- unnvtile on Tuesday evening, and is daily expec ted at I’icolata, from the same State, as soon as it shall arrive. Its services in the estimation of the cotnm.iiidiug officers in Florida not being re qmrcdr , .■-' »• (tea Pope with those of his staff who have not already Ipft, will leave this evening in tho Flor ido for Savannah. By the arrival of the Dolphin from St Angus line, we learn that General Macotub left for Tampa Bay yesterday. or draw bis warrant in fovor i_v contracting for .‘jiiWi.Ot) i A communication whs- received from sundry citi zens of-tlie city, requesting council to lay out' new streets in front of -the two aero lots, Jfcc. Which was re- ferred to the streetiommittee. _ iwtion Helen Ai. < mm-ts.ML L—R S i.tacu. t'-—i.aton Flcwa/lch 2. Smmiei Fackler 2, Joseph', 1 ’ - Floweu. - ■ G—'Wiilcvriilover, \Villinm G.aiilden,' Morgan Grif fin, John Gtini, Joseph W Griffith,.Jiuuee Gelpin, Dr Whereas mxny- viotations of tlie peace aad good or-.! C B ly iiylnii- | ‘ ' ‘ d^I)a;tJte1*If»B8, Miss EliZaVetb lies.. TfiosX, Jackson. _ Iv—Win Rey. L—Thomas Lightfoot. Tho- Levingstoo. James l.oweirj 2. JcreimahJ.oyd - /. . ... j L—fL C Moore, Jrunes Manning, War.-an filasseit- I stale 2, (River Morton,. 8c^phen'MoonaiFoin 2, R&pCuui / Miiciieti. John Marsh 'J,. Lewis Moiiendoii,-Nahcy A true extract IVoai the minutes, this nth day of A- t McCrary. F Mathews. Rarvi H«lMfoJohn McCrarv, pril. 1630. jK6Si I. OWI N', c. c. 1 Amos Me.M.liion, J Mizell'A Co. Mitfiens & Carter, John Massengale. Mathew Mathis, W P. L Mitphell, Mrs Elizabeth Morrii, Samuel Moucrief, Gideon Ma con to give tb ihe Mayor or Aldcruiaii of tire respec tive wards, information of. all cases of disorder or vio lation of the Jaws of the-City or State—and tlmt this Board pledges itself-to suppress the same as far as in thejr power lies. Conncil then adjourned Proclamaifeit. A GREEABLE to the above resolution. I h?rei y is sue this my Proclamation, reiptiring and enjoin ing all officers of Council, to be vigMnnt in the dis charge of th«ir various Ames: Sl also to re<jncstthc aid of all good citizens, in furnishing the corporate author ities with sucb information as may lead to tlie punish ment of crime, and the suppression of vice im- inorahty within onreity; hereby pledging my efficient co-oporationin the premlsus. the Council Chamber,-this !Hh day of April. 1836. ' ISAAC B. ROWLAND, Mayor of the City of. Macon. J. L. Owen, Cdrrkof Council. ■ Line oi' Siascs between Mfarien and Jflacon. Extract of a loiter from nue of our Volunteer*, d tted Camp Volpsia. March 2(i o A great battle has jui.t been fought. General Fuslis behaved most cowardly—and as ho deser ved, was killed by aft ludiau.” We have received nothing later than the above —Columbia S.C. Bulelin, Sth inst. Extract from the Washington corresponded of tho Charleston Courier. “We have a rumor current in this city to-day, which may be very likely, but on no solid foun dation, that Gen. Gaines lias been pul under ar rest, mi charge of having disobeyed orders, <in shewing himself iu Florida, when he was order ed to take up a position near the frontier of Texas. Although the report, sj far as I cau learu, is not confirmed fcom auj authentic source, it has set speculation to work, to discern ottiercauses which may have led to this arrest, and to perplex itself as to the character of the trihuu d hy which such a distinguished officer would be tried Bui all these speculations, iu the absence of any positive assurance of the fact ou which they may rest, may he regarded as idle. i Tirice a tdeck—via Perry's Mills, t touriiuy s Mills, Jacksencillcand H'tirkiiiscillc: T HE public «re hereby informed that this 8{ageis now in full operation. The proprietors have made a contract with the Postmaster General to carry the Mail between Darien and Macon: and they are now running their Stages twice a week between both cities. The Stage leaves Darienon every TUESDAY and SATURDAY morning at 4 o’clock, and urriv- s at IIAWKINSVILI.E on each THURSDAY and MON DAY -morning, so as p- meet the Mobile, New-Or- leans and oilier Western mails. The Mail is dueot MACON on each Thursday and Monday afternoon, und at DARIEN each Thursday and Sunday afternoon. JOSEPH S. PAGE. Darien. March 24 42 3t Agent for Proprietors ini’ The Savannah Georgian and Republican,- Ma con Telegraph and Messenger, will publish tlie above once a week for three weeks and send their accounts to the Darien Telegraph for payment. , P—John Pntiik. Burtou Paul,.Nathan Passmore 3, J -G Parkersou, James T Pnjlerson. VV,If Pope- K— B -F Jtcnfroe, Stephen Renfroe, Syrus Robin son, A Richardson. . jS-jy: . S—S VV. Smith. Ephraim gain: l.irs, Chloe Smith, Martha Simmons. Jesse Short.' Vou&g Smith,- Wm ■■smith, James Scales, Rtsbt S-.:ns. V—John Verdell, •' v -' . . .. ■ W—James or.Thomas V.’ntninaek.Jas Wadsworth. Joseph C White ’2, Isacc \\ illinvlism, .Win Wheatley, John W/lliuoi', Wiiiis Wilder. John U Watts, Allder- s< n M^cekes. Jacob AVutson, AlLo Wheeler. 2—Joint ! S Zachery. 4'i ' JAM: 3 §MITH- t P. M. HE undersigned takes this mode to express to 3 his friends his thanks for their recollection of him at the late Flection of County Officers, and to state that his contemplated removal from the county Will render it impracticable to avail himself of their intended kindness. apri! 14. 42 G. W MALLORY. /Tk A (he first Tuesday in JULY next, will be sold mLF it MeDaiioiirii. Henry county, the interest of John M. D.Tavlor, deceased, also, the interest Of No ah U\-Taylor a miuoi, in hr! No. 197, iu the 7lh dis trict of Henry romijy. sold by order of the court of or dinary of Butts county, for dip. benefit of said minor, and the distributees of said dctieSsed April 7, 1830. CHARLES BAILEY, Adm’r of John M. D. TavTer. dec'rf, and Guardian for Noah W.Tavlor. ' 4> ' - ' ' GEORGIA—'Byitts county. ■ Jane's B. Tomlinson toUs,before C. M. Coody, Justice of the Peace, a stray fiMack ititirc, right turd Foot white, and a small-« ariu her Face, and a ring round h. i. neck.;ffinittT years old. ap-- praised l»v. >\ in Gilmore end Pollard Payne,, to forty dollars, 21st March. JOHN GOODMAN, c.,i. c. April J4 4’2 j - Wanted to fllire, WOMAN who understands cooking and wash ing. Apply m this office. April 14 4~2 Itp Bills linve pnssed the .Senate of tin- U. Hint*’* to admit .Michigan nn<l ArknnttiW into the Ui.toa. Tho Columbus Enquirer must have been “fool'd," on tho l.»t of April: ever since it has beep in spasms a trying to be witty, Augusta, April SI. COTTON couiicuesln lair demand tu former prices. The demand is principally for good and fine qualities; iuforior is very dull.' The late fa vorable accounts frutn Liverpool, stating no ad yauce of id, has hail no effect oq the market— just sustained former prices—say 15 a llty, most- IjT 17jl_n I8J. ExtracD of L ihrs rcceivi d in Charleston dated mar l olusia March 25. “I have poly u iHuiiiciit’i* time to iuiorin you ol :i smith engagement which took pbice,between u portion ol ou Rcgititent and a party of the In diana yesterday. 'J-he order for th« troops to Cross tlie liver c»r. Johu’s Bid been given early iu tho inuriiinj-, and two companies commanded by Captains Ashby nod Frtpp crossed in the ir.oi'iiicg, aud took post on to t sido opposite to that which.we lately occupied." A short rime af- [ ut they were attacked by a party of Indians, care fully concealed iu tlie boshes and bautmocks ar ound. At first firing, the Irish Volunteers, un der Gapt. lieury, and Contain llibieii’s Compa ny immediately crossed, and Col. Brisbane with Iiis.Staff, aud several others, followed iinimdiaie,- ,’v after. When we landed the firing was very general, and the fighting was'at gi. ai dis-advau- iHge on the side of our troops; they were all more or less exposed, and ii was <>my when the Indians forgot thi ir eustoiuary caution, that our Col. Strong, nttachuu to the Staff of .General Pope, arrived iu this City yesier uty alieinian, lie left Picoiata ou Sami day last, aud passed through Jacksonville at Id o’clock on Sunday.—*' Wo have uot s«ou Coi. a. bat understand that Geu. Pope and Staff are ou then return home— Geu. Macomb deeiulug tiiotr services unneces sary. We team further, that Gon. Macotub would uot assume the command, but fo-uvo Geu. Scott to carry nut the campaign ; aud (hat it was supposed ail tho troops Jroui Georgia would shor tly bo discharged, as tne receut movements of the army—would probably terminate the war.—Rug'. Seif, Wc hear it rumored that the Creek Indians are exhibiting iudicatsons of a turbulent aud hostile spirit. Ten or fifteen families it is said, have al ready fled to Columbus for safety, leaving their home*. Tho (admits attacked tho plantation of one man, shoj down his cattle heforp his face, broke open his corn crib, cut the cotton bagging frim his cotton bales, and drove off with them six negroes. Such is the story that has reached here. We hope it is exaggerated. If, contrary tin our expectation, the reports are true, the chiefs of thn nation should he instantly seized and hold as hostages for the good conduct of their tribes. Tho Crock Indians can bring iuto the field 10,000 warriors. The whole uattou is25,000 strong.— Georgia Journal. The Attention of the Public I S respectfully called to a very- extensive assortment of NEW OOOD§, now opening by the subscribers at their new store cor nerof Cotton Avenue and Cherry street, which are offered on very liberal terms at wholesale or retail.— We are also receiving a very larce stock of Hearty made Clothing, suitable for the season, comprising almost every article for gentlemen’s wear. April Iff 42 FORT. HAMILTON & WILEY. Twenty Boilqra Reward. B ROKE JAlL-in r«rr''i!ion. < arroil enmity, on the nigiit.of the’22d‘_March last, :IHI€S B. Moore* wfortvas confined in the'same for debt.— The above reward will be given .ier .the apprehension of said .Moore and delivering him t-uhe sheriff or jail orof said county. JOHN DEAN, Sheriff. AprR7_ lit .’ 42 .. ’ iiisNE-B.,. THIS hc.-utiifiil and thorough bred horse, the. property ‘of Geo. B Robert son. willsmud theyrbsent season at the siabie of MristiaiJLA' aeon. aud _ i-«ow ready to serve-mans >it Fifteen OwfMpt Thirty iinliais thifosffason, j ayable tie: iir>t of July, utwbjch tiine the season vrtii t*xp:te; One Dollar caohT to' the gt»cffi;%t each none Fifty- Dolrtrs to iiisttrea ut*ro hi be fo .tool', payable its soon a- she is knov.n to be so, or U parted with, i vory necessary attention Wifi be paid’ to preVcnt^f.cCiiicttts or escaoes, hut no fiabilitv foi eiil er. . '• J-rilN L. MUSTIAN. '* Description —MINER is a 'fotautifid..4stxk brown. From the Savannah Georgian. Mr Editor—Pleuso insert the following com- ntmiiration ; .n the hnsincss hours of yesterday, the sum of Eighteen Thousand Dollars in the Bills of tho U. States Bank, payable at Savannah, were paid out at tho Marine and ‘ ire Insurance Bank, to Mr Henry Harper, and hy Mr Harper again ret Ms " ’ * troops were enabled to fire wtthaity accuracy. •‘The rumeauirs ol Ashby auti I’rtpp weir the only .companies fairly engaged .villi tbr - di .us. Upon the approach ol the other with tbe In two companies’, the Indians commenced retreating’ '1 he fight w as continued lor M ine tune atadis- (uuco. The compauicB of Capt. Alien, Denny* GEORGIAN EXTRA l Saconnu/i, April JO, 12 o'clock Jl. f LATEST A ROM FLORIDA. By tbe Steam Tucket Florida, Capt Uebard, arrived yesterday from I’n-idata, .via Jarksoii- ville, Acc. we received tho JacKSoitvillo Courier oi Thuisday last, from which wc malt exiracts. We since received by the Dolphin, Capt 1'eauu- » t r, arrived this moriiiug Irmu I’icolata, a letter daied last Wednesday, wtncb will ho found be low. We must await paiieutiy lbs tidings bv ihe next boat. We trust they will he auspicious. ••Piculata. Flo mb a, ? Ajitil 0. ISdH- > “1 did intend to write you at some l.-ogui Oy tho Florida, hut she comes off’, giving os no Uiue to write. ><e have uo n- its w ■ itovyr -from the army since it lull Fort D., ..uvl ' we are therefoio .ippreheusive that our iroops iiavc- gone to I’ampa without fin ing the rueiny. Une thiug is cerium ths pas-age of the VVi hi tcoochy has uot been disputed, nor has any battlo heeu fought in that viciuity, or we should have been apprised of it. The centre of the army marched from Fort urned t» the .Matiue aud Fiio Insurance Bank, saying they had been refused payment at the of fice of the Bauk of the United States in this city. A note was then addressed to James Hunter, Esq. bv «ha Cashier of tho Marine and Fire In surance Bank, asking payment for Twenty Sev en Thousand Dollars’ of tha Bills of the United States Bauk payable in Savannah, to which the following answer was given : Sir ; * have received your letter of this daio asking payment of ccr ain bills of the Bank of the United States, and have in reply to say. that the charter of that Institution having expired oil tho 3d' of March last, and with ir my office of cashier of the Branch in this city, I am no longer authorised to redeem the Bills of the Bank, ex cept hy receiving them in payment ol debts. I will ndd that any amount of these Bills which y ou may hold will be promptly paid on presentment in Philadelphia. [Siguedj JAMES HUNTER, Agent. Charleston. April 9. From Liverpool —The aliip James & Thomas, Capt. Carfill, arrived last oveuiug from Liver pool. having sailed thence on the 2/tli Feb-oiie day later th in oar previous advices She bjro’t no papeis, however, aud ttto letter bag bei tg pla ced in the Post Olfi*e, we weie unable to learn whether her commercial advices are of a snlise q.K-ot date to 1hose received via New York, A List of Letters. T HE following letters were remaining in the Post Office at Perry, April 1, 183(5, which, if not ta ken out before the 1st day of July next, will be sentas i dead letters, to the General Post Office: A—Elizabeth Jane Allen 2, Allison Allen 2, James Anderson, Isaac Alger, Jonas F Arnett B—John G Byroiu. Catharine Brown. A S Bryant, Sarah A Brown. Sarah Brown, John Benton, William Burgess, David Bowen, Robert F Baldwin, William Bell. James Beaty, Reddick Bryan. V—Henry Carr, John Chain, John Chain &■ Co. 2, Walter L Campbell, A B Carrell, James W Cannon, Robert Clelaud. D—George M Duncan. Dean & Duncan 2, James Dean, J«hn W Draughan, Thomas Dutfilt, John or Henry T Donaldson, Pleasant Davis; Daviu Dunn, Catharine Davis. . nr-**-' E—Micajah Evils, John Evans. F—John Fuller John ill Fuller, Wellington Ford, Matthew Freeman. Martha J Feun, David .Fudge. G—Elizabeth Grizzell, Charlotte Jane Gerry. II—Isaac Ho me-*, Robert Heiriy. Lieut. William L Hunt, William IfoUfoshed, William Herrington, Thomas Harris, Mi- Hemingway, Rubt Hodges, David Hamack, James fjolderness, Stephen R Ham. | ■ J—James Jicohs, Justices of the Inferior Court, I I ewis J Jordan. Mrs da rah Johnson. Henry Jackson, James H Jenkins John M John, William G John, Elias Jonienn. K—Daniel Kirkland. L—Tobias Lee, L C Lancaster, D B Lowh. Will iam Lane, Benjamin Lewis, Mrs Elizabeth .Lindsay 2, Reuben H Cuckey. M—Stephen F Mitchell, Aaron S. Mangham, J D A S Mangretn, John Mercer, Angus Menu, David i. ■Morris, Robert Misseldine, kob-rt F Misseldine, Wil liam Muncrief, S F Mims, William Musselwaito. N—Robert orGreen Noriis, .Lorenzo D Norwood, JohnL Nix. P—Simon Peacock'2, Martin Pratt 2, Jacob Pearce, Marshal Pitman, Elizabeth Pearcust. R—Isaac Royals, D B Rhodes 2, Even Rile, John Rasberry 3, John Robinson 2. S—Benjamin Stegall, Riley Strirkland or Aaron , da. Strickland. Elizabeth Spinks, I .lias. Shi i ■- T lio:n ,s Sillivan, Sheriff Houston County weil formed in all particulars. _ . the celebrated race horse Argyle, who is the favorite of the South. See Turf..Register, for the pedigree of Monsieur Tonsonaiid Cdilief. ' ^ I do certify that the ffay horse wluJirthave s<> ? cl'to Mr. (.eorge K. Rfibartsori, v.ii be five yrais oil this spring, and that tic wasgoi by Mr. Wm. K. Johnson’s horse Tonson, his <2«»ih Brenda, the dsr> of thfeiccie- brnted race horse Collier, formerlyfowneaby V. ni. Fin ney and inysplf. The 'above--;''(Miner.) 1 trained the spring he was three years did; his first stakes at Fair- field—first heat -Im. r,5s.. for which he did uot contend; second heat, he beaten by Mtb Hare’s black eolt (now Black Heath) hy about ha f a length, in tfie un precedented time of lot. 51 s. (see Turl Register.)— Haviii_-auyxuaouhuary opinion of Miner’s speed and durability, and tins being the best Wd heat 1 had, then, or have ever vet witnessed.tlver any Conrse.South of - the Long Isla'nd Course’, N. York. I piircha.-cd Mr. Hare’s Black Heath. The next foil I trained them to gether and was under r the firm c onviction, from prfo vate trials, tiiat Miner was the -best of the.two. flnd es an evidence of tha foctjl it fast'd >* Cob for 1-alf'of Mi ner, and sobl to Mr Richard Adaros the whole of Black Heath for SSOOjjjjp? next day. ..Tho he was four I trained hint attain.. Iri cfliiler.tUng for the J. C. Pnrsc over tiio Broad Rock Cottrsfe, be letdown in the second-heat; though let’’down be was up—*Ire- nette winWng, Tobaconist d..-ianced. 1 have r.o doubt nature intended him. for, n first rate four mile horse, but front some injury »; ii; < never could ac count for, he was unfortunate. This la . fuse,; Turr Register. 1 TH. . Cod Pitts, Chesterfield ro. Fv. Jan. 24, lfcSC. I sold the data of Miner to Geo. \V Johnn n sott of Mr. W. 8- Johnson, whuu '& j ears njd,-fir tin fata ol fiilSflt*;cash. - .-JOILs I) TH. i have also.sold the half of two. fiifiea,.uxfl.en a vcar.'oJd, the other when two, for $2GGQ nd, both out of tha dam oi^Mincr. . .* • J . JOHN I i.Tlf. 1 ain w. 1 acq Utaftted.wi tit tad 4>ay horse aiiner, now the proj erty of Mg. George. Ii f.o!-. i on, end lave been from the timeof feDit:. ■ , < -enl d q - Hi*'- v.-,,-aej I>y m-v hwrke JMoJrsic-vr T onsoii. oat ol Brcn> as get hy my 1 ., , ».• end will he five'years old foi.-. spring, 1836. Tin- mar Brenda is -kov. the property of my son George,- and Isas'some very promising colts arm now in Coat T—Swift Towles, Nicodemus-Thompson, Si ohen j to l.elij).-?. She is alto-foe dam of Collier by Sir Thompson, Anthony Thompson, Joseph Tdoke, M il- j Charles, who Has run iuto disuncuon rti l irgji ia. I flam M Tarvin, Thomas Thomson. have seen this Iiorrr Miui’T while in ti.lining, nefl. W—Elijah Watson, Alleii Windham, RoberttVilE.! know tl, .: fo v .. i.ndertd very proti.! ;.,g. atm that . iams, Hardy Williamson, C Wellborn. Csq. John B ■ Mr John 1. tl.. who Wick, Jeremiah W Williams. James 1 M lnte. V nn j hitn. ond berly &. Smith, Richard Waliice, Whittington l ' : - Wic- rot, in:Join •’ IS > its r. Thomas Willis, Jethro Mil-' iy ci ktaasatMC borro. li.uns, '' • . Persons applying for any letter on the above iist will pieasc say it is advertised. April 1, 18:56. 42 CHAa. H. RICE, P. iU. aiirca hm , thought highly of him highly I Hre.s-Uo seen kitij, andrer afithiraWy ’well, and I thought highs . .■ ■ He |r certainly of fine iqJV Givcif' pearance. great durability and oi fine family. Giv under my hand, this I7tli J.-utnary. Ib.J>. April 14 r. W ft JMINbON- mammmme taunuL There b.s been coined nlrcatly, upwards of six inillino*. of dollar* of the new gold coins. The whole of the Neapolitan and French indemnity money, has been *trder*d home in gold. Tliisj will give five millions more fo circulated this year Bosides tho gold circulation of the country, it is much Granted' ' the more heuelicial mode for tho claimants, of • ~ Given u withdrawing tho money from|ubroad.—Globe, * GEORGIA : Houston County. W II AREAS Jacob W.C Horn applies to me for letters of Admiaistr-iiion ibj bonis non, on the estate of W;lliant II. Riggins, de< eased. f r l F deep's tectstife t fesyfle catiuci. Ctjmlr- -fc-Stwcf’ I.,;Iio/iiig Vt .i.iCrr.# wrt! n.y.mte" wife, I_AVTf IA Tf.Vt r h|; w>5sC rOMi.'t OUctng’ idv af nT-c, v...d b+ t f I’tsVa - a such a* ur l/itse orcthi reforeto cite and admonish alt and sivgu rt-i’d I'rsan \ < < hiiinNt refafwt.r c! !,,::;,r.c aud. •r. i.: ..i_. ; .....i „r a <r. l An .Tfe-Jt-Iti foe cork o 1 wiy'Pyci I' , hr.rwfc. my |)t ’ ’ 1 ' ' , v, A ; * j ' Lir the ‘.i.idrcd and crc.dUors.of said, deceased, to be nn-. ;dc. bo continued nod ht iny ^ vm „ t ^escrihU by law to that j adding tins sunt .o ^ ol p rause ij any they hare, trlip said Utters should notbe.i '■ nn f nder my hand April ?. 1833. i'2 e. ir. rice. c. c. or : B ad.-- tne 1 wsbff nly .c»*r.:rg»loher. Shne but the j Tohigiiir wlttkiatne my ttj-: faurn’rciUL. i one,6false—the good will fed. for a ftinCHf devcto<|. ! bus! -.r:. Iter debts I will not, camift! fay. April 9 -i2 Dp FRANCIS TOWRISa