Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, May 19, 1836, Image 1

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MMa * J20RGIA TEL.ES = By ill. BABTLETT. Mjicoj?, georg t.i, trvrsdaV, 19; i«36. Volume X.—nramber 47. ^ . . • iv adjoining iiieir store. All cotton consigned to them, *' AtlverUsill^. either by the planter* or dealers iii the arti'Het oror- tcecding one hundred iro e, ■ J : ^era to sell or buy ill this market, will be promptly ier lints, trill be inserted one tunc aUeU(Jed , 0 J r 1 1 Terms of Subscription. i. Titnr.K Dollar*. J*«idi* advance. trill pay for the pa- -roite mb*r. Fiv* lion.Atis, paid in adrancc, will pay vr the paper ye 0 **- Tbs Dollars, p««f in advance till pay for the paper five yean. Ilfirit not pail within air months after the year has Mtimcneed, Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum ' ■ii i- charged. If not pail until the end of the y ar. I'j’ir Dollars per annum trill be charged—with interest thereafter* Terms of Advertising _itlc-rtiscmcnts not ereei a * inure, or tieclee brevier I B fir Oar dollar. When more than one. insertion is giecn, rc „j, for the first, and 50 cents for each continuance. m which a deduction of one fourth will be made, when miitl in adeance. f . ' Sheriffs’, Tar Collectors’ end Coroners’ bales are chat- ,,, j Oil the lery. . . , t Yearly Advertisers will be allowed two tquares in each . t '.f ffr Twenty Dollars per annum; and i:i the same rati 'far a larger space—payable quarterly. Thr. expenses of uur business, and the slate of the lanes, entire, tfuit these terms should lie rigidly adhered Ur. ai* .Vrib I*orte *V Darien MA ne of Fnekets. U1UU Amelia Strong. J- Clmce, Master, i'retmuut, .Mr. MatUiew#, “ new “ Darien, C. P. Buckley, “ • « Macon, A. Bilibins, " w cl.r, D. B. Crane, T. Baker, “ All good nnd substantial vessels, well calculated lor the trade, with good accommodations for passengers, and experienced commanders. One of the vessels will al ways bo at each end of the Lius to receive freight, and will sail regularly once a week. Shippers by this line can effect Insurance at live eighths per ceut and they inav relv upon the v.ssels being regularly despatched. TIi,. subscribersaro also agents for several Steamboats to run regularly during the boating season,bet ween Darien, Mawkitisville, and Macon, and are induced to believe that,they can give great facilities in forwarding goods destined for tin! interior of the State. HAWES, MITCIIF.LL & COLLINS, Darien. 1st July, Id.$5 3 .-Igrn/s. ■ pioneer Steam Boot line. fit )ll transportation to and from Macon, is now in complete order. A superior now Steam Boat culled '-David Crockett" with two powerful Engines, aud several tirst rate freight boats have been built since the close of the last season and placed on the line. Steam flout Pioneer, Copt. Goodwiu, “ “ David Crockett, “ M'Connick, GROCERIES, B r A li E - IJ O C S E , and Commission Business. C 1 EO. JEWGTT & Co. respectfully inform their f friends and the public generally, that they have added the. \Varc House and Commission Business to that heretofore euuffucted by jliem. Their Ware JN'EW DRUG STORE. . , 2>R. zz. soonsxs ■ AS just received a large assortineht bi DHUGS &. MEDICINES, at the Store one door below W. B. Johnston’s Jewelry, which he will sell at tno derate prices; among which are ’ PAINTS, « ,, ,e i . White Lead, Red Lead, Black Lead, Litharge, Verdl- llonse isi conveniently Situated on second street, near- > gris,ChromicGreen,.Chromrc Yellow, Spanish Brown, Iv adjondiig tbeir store. All cotton consigned to them, Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, Umber, VSiietiun Red, lamipblack, Rosepiuk, Terra de Sienna, Vermillion. Prussian Blue, Osborn's water colours. They have also a convenient close storage house for the reception of merchandize from die country ; I the receiving and forwarding of which, will receive ' a particular share of their attention. Liberal advan ces will be uiudc on cotton stored, or on shipmentslo auy market, wlicu desired. They also have ou hand, and expect shortly to re ceive u large and general assortment of GROCERIES, DRYGOODS SttChasf St.Croix and I’ortoricoA Itavanuasugars, Cuba. Rio and Java coffee, Liverpool stilt, Swedes Iron, Nails, Brads, cast, German and blister steel, Heavy hemp Bagging, Bagging twine twilled sack- . itig, Ottialiuigbs, i, . Negroes clotlis, slides, lulls, caps, claoks. Powder, shot, and lead, saddles and bridles, •Vets Blacksmith tools, castings, Hardware, Calicoes, Flannels. Blankets, Wax Calf skins, Ac. Which they will sell on as good terms as can be had in this marker. -.• • B Sept 10 'I'HOV HILL. THE undersigned informs his friends and those of the late firm of Cutter ft CoruiceII, that he intends re timing the Ware Bouse N Commission Easiness, at the store next above in* oue recently occupied by T. J. Clmse. on the margin of East Macon, known as the town ofTrov He further informs the public that he has bought the Goods, A.*;. ami having now on the way, from New York, and other places, lire/ Goods and Groceries, lugciher making his stock complete, which will he sold low for ready pay, he will be ready to receive Cotton early in the lull, and be prepared to make advances He wontyparticularly notice to his friends the great advantages his Warehouses have over those in the dense part of the city with icguid to Fire, they being detached from other bntldiligs and at a distance from any street cr lane, and well enclosed May 5 .15 tf 11. S. CUTTER. •Igcttey and Commission Easiness, Darien. T HE undersigned returns histhaukstnhis friends for the liberal support which he has heretofore rcreivod from them ill the above line of business, and ni l rdy regulaily between Darien and Macon, one ol tlieni leavi'.'.g Darien abant onco a week with freight hens ill tow. _ solicits a continuance of their patronage. His arrange* Vli'lliuboilt Charleston, enpt. tSOEUieJI, t lnente f or conducting business, and particularly in gi- ivillruu constantly between Darien ami oavauuaii, v j„g despatch in receiving and forwarding produce & and afford tlio greutest despatch to Cotton. Tno subscriber’s whole attention is devoted to facili tating transportation between Macon and the fceu Ports, lie lias invested a large sum to pul his line in the most complete order, and believes that his arrange* meats lb.- giving despatch to freight and keeping it it: good order, while in his care, will make it the interest of Cotton Shippers and Alerehntils ordering goods, t<- continue their favors. At Darien lie lias secure and convenient Warehouse. for reception of Goods, and his IVharces thir* arc cu , rrrrd with sheds, . ‘ which enables him to keep all Cotton sli pped on hw Boats under shelter and protected from ,U.e weather, while landed for shipment. r iiot.covBF., Pkck & Co., Charleston, P. Butts, Savnuuali, J. T. RuwiJtxn, Darien I). U. Halstead, Hawkinsville Macon, Nov. IA 1 *31 —-'■* Icspatcn in receiving and torwarding pi merchandize and protecting them while in his charge, arc at least equal to those of any others in his line. He will speud the summer in and iu the vicinity of Darien, and any business addressed to hitu will receive his per sonal and prompt attention. Mine 15 18:15-5:$ JOHN T. ROWLAND. % .Huron Steam It otic. Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Wihcox. do. EXCEL. •* J- Li Willcox. IDS company have now their liue of Beats n. complete order for freighting. They have r T new Steamboat added to their liue called the Superior and leu Tow-Boats. The Baals will run regularly between Macon owl Darien, one pf the steamboats leaving Darien every live or six days with tow-boats. The company havi now sixteen tow-boats, all first rate boats, built express |y for the navigation «•’ the Ocmulgee and Altamuho rivers; these increased facilities will enable the com pany the moans of giving the greatest siwpatch U cotton or goods shipped by their line. They have a Steamboat and a number of Sloop . to carry cotton and merchandise bptweeu Darien an.' Suvanunh. and Darien and Charleston. There an also, five first rate Packets running regularly betwcci Darien and New York, which cotue to Hawes A Mitcbcl, of Darien. Agents for the abort Hoots : J. GODDARD) Macon. Boren, Henry Walter, Cliarlcsion. L. Baldwin & Co. Savnuuali, Hawks, Mitchell &. Collins, Darien, Geo. K. Roberts, Hawkinsville, Macon, '24th Dec., I8J5. *" Ocmulsce Steam Boat Company. *B0| rgillLS company will be prepared to commence bn B. siness, early in the uext season—They will hnvt a liue of Packets between New York, and Daneu awl slcam vessels to forward goods from Darien to Macon —The agents in New York, Charleston, and Savannah, will he authorised to contract for the delivery of goods iu Macon, at a freight agreed on without intermedi ate charge and tlio agent in Macon will receive cotton deliverable iu Savannah, Charleston, and New York The company’s vessels and boats, will be of first class with experienced commanders, and no expense will be •pared to meet the patronage of the public. PIL R. YONGK & SONS, Agents in Darien may 27th 1835 40 • ^ SUWE!i, Ac. A Fresh Assortment .fast Opened. •->0,000 pr fur sale by J. NEWIIALL, viz, Ladies’ Seal, Morocco, Prunella and Lasting Slips, walking awl Bootees. Walking Bolivar fox’d Bootees, bl’k and col’d. Leather slips, ties, walking and Ilonteos, Misses’col’d Lasting. Bootees ami Slips, do Leather, Kid and Lasting Slips and Sandals. Childrens’leather, col'd, piuuvlla & morocco Shoes, Gentlemen's Bootees, i >xford ties and low quarter nc Shoes, Russetl and black buckskin do. Seal skin Pumps, russetl and hl’k Slippers, Light llooLs and .-} Boots, 500 pair Rubbers. Coarse and common shoesof every discription. Also, 300 Packages of Dry Goods, CONSISTING OF Brown and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Cal- licoes, Satinetts. Cassiuiers, Blankets and Flannels, 120 doz. palm leaf Hats. 10 cases low price fur Hats, :1 do best quality do- 4 do fine satin heaver do. 30 doz. good wool do. Gingham and silk Umbrellas, llavanna Cigars The a! o.e are offered in lots to suit purchasers on 'he most favorable terms Next door to the Post Office. march 22 39 fashionable - S^at <& Cap Store VULBFIUIY STDFF.T, MACON. OILS, Linseed, Spciai, Whale, and Train Oils, and Spts. Turpentine, Copal, Japan, Coach, Leather, dt Picture Varmshes. BRUSHES. Flesh, Hair, Hat, framing, Varnish, Furniture, Tooth, Paint, Nail, Com Shoe', Scrubbing, Sweeping, Dus ting, Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Ilorse, afid-VclKfit Brashes. PERFUMERY Cologne, Rose Honey, Florida. Lavender, & Orange Flower Wate«, Aromatic Vinegar, Bears’ Oil, Antique Oil, Chlorine Tooth Wash, Cream Soap and other Shat ing Soaps, Wash Balls, Drop Lake, Essences of Rose and Cedrat, Exlrait de Moil, Flake White, Hair Powder, Orris Root, Milk of.Rpsos, Oils, of Orange, Bergamot, Cedrat, Cinnamon, Lavender. Neroll. and Roses; Oxy-chlorine Lotion. Pearl Powder, Pomatum, Powder Piifls, Preston Salts, Pink Saucers, Fancy vi als, Tonquin Beans, Viij de Rongc, Vegetable Rouge, & Macassar Oil. DYE STUFFS. Annatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue, Fustic, Galls, Indigo, Madder. Nicaragua Wood, Alum, Tartu eric, and Ground Logwood. MEDICINES. Acetic, Citric) Oxalic & other Acids, Acoustic Oil, Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of Ammonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balm of Columbia, Patent Barley, Brcastpipes, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep per, Spanish Saffron, Animoniai et of Copper, Sago, Emetine, Cicuta Plaster, Ext. Aloes, Cinchona, Col- ocyulh, Fluterium, Jalap, Kaliinca, Nux Vomica, Rhu barb, Rhauutia, Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla & Cubebs, Dandelion, Valerian, Opium & others. Phosphate of Iron, Red Oxyde of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron &c. Ginger Powders, Hamilton’s Elixir, AJagnesian Aperiynt English Calomel, Hoffman’s Anodyne, Oil'd Silk or Hat Case; Iodine, Jujube Paste, Lactucarium. Lan cets, Patent Lint, Lnpulinc. Lobelia, Medical Spoons, Acetate and Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oils of Caraway, Copniva, Croton, Fennel, Wintergreen, Sq- neca, D'enarcoiiscd and I’owdefbd Opitmi,' Phospho rus, Piperine, Pocket Instruments. Hydriodite & Ox y-muriatc of Potash, Potter’s Catholicon, Liquor of Po tash, Dragon’s Blood, Seatons, Stoughton’s Elixir, Strychnine, Powdered Valerian, Rliubarbarine, Sali- cine, Sanford’s Bark, Lac Sulphur, Syrup of Liver wort, One Stethoscope, Swaim’s Panacea, Seidlitz Powders, Tamarinds, Tincture of Colchicum, Wine ofColchicum, Trusses, Tttrbith Root, White Hellebore, Colchicum Seeds, Acetate of Colchicum, Aromatic Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of Patent Me dicines. and all others in common uso, Garden Seeds, and Shop Furniture for Physicians.— ALSO. Conchiiig, Cupping, andstuall Scaling, Instruments; and one second handset of Amputating and Trephin ing Instruments.April 29 Candle Factory & Provision Store. f Mil It undersigned *t«kc< tlii- m.-thud iuierr w his'former patrons ahU friends and the public generally, that he has again commenced business, near liis old stand, on Cherry street, where he will be hap py to execute their orders. Fine Candles by the box or pound, constantly for sale, very cheap." Also, Meal, Bacon, Butter. Lard, Onions, Fruit, and altuost every thing in the provis- ionJine. r i To those of his creditors who have ett kindly indulg ed hint, he returns his sincere thanks, anti expects shortly tb -be'hide to satisfy all their claims. feb. 18. 34 D. DALMEYDA elaction and Commission Business. H Take this method of informing my friends and the •_E pnblic generally, that 1 have taken up the above business, and respectfully solicit a share of patruuage. All Goods consigned to uic shall be strictly attended to, according to directions. ■ dec 24 20 C. L. HOWLAND, ■. Jbaxnp Git. Gallons Winter Strained Lnlhp Oil very handsome—just received and for sale by H. & J. SHOTWELL. Jan. 14. 30 Oppositethc Central Hotel. ' Just iteceivexi W A LOT of superior quality st Croix sugar Prlihe Green Coffee ..- , r Prime Northern Cheese Wliite Lead, Linseed Oil and Window Glass. Bole, Gin Band, and Harness Leather Calfuud Kip skins, which in addition to their extensive assortment.of Goods of almost every des cription makes their stock cdtuplefB." Jan. 7- 29 GEO. W. PRICE & CO. DD HE Subscriber will make liberal advances on BI Cotton shipped to his friends in Savannah, Charleston, Philadelphia, New York orBoston W. 5, 18:tf». ROBT. COLLINS. 1 STRIKE the eyre again." Insurance. T HE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will insure Cotton ou the River, and also take a few risks Apply to ROBF. against Fire in this city. Macon. Oct. 27 1BF.RT COLLINS. Newark Cider. I1BLS first quality Newark Cider just reeeiv- and for sale by march 10 37 ‘ CHARLES CAMPBELL. Paints, V arms lies, dtc. W HITE LEAD, Venetian Red, Chrome Yellow, Red Lead, Litharge, Lamp Black, Whiting. Terra de Scinna, Spanish Brown, Linseed Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Copal Varnish, Japan Varnish. Leather Varnish, Picture Varnish, also, Window Glass, Faint Brushes, Sc. Feb 18 3&S.RvJ- 1L & W. S. EI.LIS, [d qr. Casks Madei.a Wines © 8 | do do do March 10. 37 WM. II. BURDSALL. m3* .Vc/c. Store—I'rcstt Goods. T HE subscriber is now opening, on second street, next door to Patrick & Martin.,.and nearly op posite the Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy 1)IIY GOODS. Which will be sold at prices much reduced, being ho’t on reasonable terms and cheap, they will be sold ac cordingly. His stock comprises in part us follows: WOOLENS. 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 London Dutlil Blankets—10-4 and 12-4 fine Mackinaw do—Negro Plains and Linseys— super blue, black, brown inixt Cloths—Fine uud com mon Satinets, assorted colors—superfine Valcntia and Toilinet Vestings—super white and red Flannels—do Merino do. , STUFFS. Black and colored 6-4 Merinos—do do Bombazetts— fine 6-1 Bombazines—Pink Ratinet—figured Circas sians. COTTON GOODS. super and common plain and twilled Calicoes—swiss, Jaconet, Mull arid Book Muslins—black' and colored cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in J pieces very fine —colored and white Homespuns—Rowen cassiineres and checks—birdseyc and Russia Diapers—Liribh cambric Hkfs, Russia sheetings, dec SILKS. Black stiper Poi de soie silks—do Italian Lustring do —rich colored silks very cheap—Levantines, sarsnets and siucheivs. HANDKERCHIEFS. Mandarin, Heruinci. embroidered Romani, Bagdad, rich satin, figuered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool and martin-gauze Hkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbous— Handsome thread Edgings and Quiltings—Blond Ed gings aud Bobinet Laces—and many other articles which cannot fail to give satisfaction as to prico ai quality. dee 17 25 ARCHIBALD McARN. Georgia Candles, Ac. (fey POXES Georgia tallow caudles, 10 do sperm do. 250 galls, best Lamp Oil, 300 do Liuceed Oil, - With a variety of Groceries, jftst received and for **ale by inarch9-37 CHARLES CAMPBEELL. PA UN TING. H OUSE Painting, plain and ornamental, cither in the city or country. Chairs repainted and ornamented. Lookingglass or picture frames gilded or bronzed. Signs fainted, nud Fancy painting of various des criptions will be done by applying to f. II.&W. S. ELLIS. Will. H. mJltUSAJLJL,, ” H AS Just received a new aud extensive as sortment of 1 ' TBC Spring. I love not Spring—I cannot bear This kind of fickle woman weather. The mingling 'ip of smile and tear, And “ne’er the same an hour together." One moment, and its sunny ray Is smiling bright as hope’before you, The next, and ere you cross the way, ’Tii raining, hailing, snowing o’er you. I love not Spring—its blooming flowers Are very well for poet’s verses, But he that feels its “sunny showers" Is apt. in prose, to vent his curses. Give me the season of the year When nature more sedate reposes— Can man life’s ills more calmly bear Because they’re felt “among the roses”? I love not Spring—though with it come The swallows from their farthest station, And then heard the ceaselc?* hum • " OTTnll the insect generation; I’d rather have a chceriug fire. And plenty of good books beforfi the— E’en Winter I much t/rore admire Than Spring, whose chilly rains pelt o’er me. I love not Spring.—you search in vain, The market through to find a dinner. Atid scarce are able to obtain Enough to feed a “young beginner " ' Let Mauldin Mis es long to see The charms of this “delightful season;" Such charms. I must confess, to me Are not the fruits 6f “rhyme or reason." happy, therefore, and only obey my last injunc tion— never to cohle near iiie iu ipy retreat. God bless you a 1 !!" Deeply affected)"snivelling an* dibly- and wiping his paternal eyes with his tail, the old rat withdrew, nud was seen no more for several days, when bis youngest daughter, moved rather by filial affection than by that curiosity which has been attributed to t!iqs fat, stole to-'fats t edi of iuoi, which turned out to t>3 » hole, made by ins own teeth in ati etiotmous Cheshire cheese J”—/.c«;/on T.lttrary Gazette. * From the New Orleans Bulletin America!* Oix, Well.-About ten year since, whilst boring for salt water near Hueksville. Ky. after penetrating through solid rock upwards of'200 feet, a fountain of pure oil was siruck, which was thrown up iu it continued stream more than 12 feet above the surface of the earth.—Al though in quantity somewhat abated, after the discharge of the first few minutes, during which it THE QUEEN ANL) THE QUAKERESS. In the autuin of 1818, her late Majesty Queen Charlotte, visited Rath accompanied by the l’ria- cess Elizabeth. The waters soon effected stritU a respite from pain iu the royal patient, that she pr.iposei^an cxtursioulp a park of some celebrity in tile neighborhood, then the estate of a rich widow, belonging to the Soriety of Friends.— Notice w . - gi ven of ihe Queen’s inien'ion, a mes sage returned she should be ftclcome. Opr-it* luslrious travellernad perhaps, never befotc held ativ personal intercourse with a member of the persuasion whose votaries never voluntarily paid taxes to “the man George called King by tho vaid ones." The lady and gentleman who were to attend the august visitants bail but feeble ideas of the reception to he expected. It was supposed that the Quaker would at least say thy majesty, >hv highness, or madam. The royal carriage arrived at the lodge of the park punctual to iti e dp <*■ pointed hour. No preparations appeared to have been made, no hostess c; domestics stood ready to greet the guests. The porter’s hell was rung ; he stept forth, deliberately, with his broad britn- cd beaver oil, and unbendingly accosted the lord Id waitiug, tilth ‘•What's thy will, friend ?’’ This was almost unanswerable. "Surely," said the nobleman, ‘your Indy is aware that her Majesty— Goto your mistress and say the Queen is here.” ‘•No truly,” answered the man. “it needetb, not. I have no mistress nor Indy : h(:t,friend Rachael. Mills expecieth thine ; walk' iu.” • Queen and princess were handed out, and wal ked up the avenue. At the door of the house .stood (ho p'niuly attired .Rachael, who, without even a curtsey, but with a cheerful nod, said— ‘•How's thee do. friend ? I am glad to sec theo- and thy daughter. 1 wish thee well! Rest aud refresh thee aud thy people, before I show thee mv gronr-cls.” What could be said to such a per- was supposed to emit 75 gallons iu less thuij a . son ? Some condescensions wero atielhjVied. minute; it still continued to flow for several 1 implying that her Majesty came no: only to view davs successively. The well being on the mar- •« Ifttricn. i-d business us Cotnmission Business, • Hi ME undersigned have resutnet it hove, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to their care. \Ve believe we have made arrangements that will enable us at all times to forward goods for die interior with die least possible delay, by steamboats when tho river will ad mit, or iu extreme low river by small flats or lighters, built expressly for that business. On onr wharves are large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot t«n at the least possible expense, and our opportunities to forward cotton inland or coastwise, fxra not exceed ed by any other House. Darie.Oj May 20, 18.15. HAWES. MITCHELL & COLLINS. Commission Business, Darien. T 1IE Undersigned have formed a Copartnership lortlie purpose of transacting a general Coin- toission and other business under the firm of SNOW A: ROGERS, *0.1 offer their services to their friends, and the public generally, in the above business. Forwarding Goods *uJ produce to and from the interior of the State, will tfc.-ive particular attention. It may be proper to *t*te that they have no connection with any of the ^'•eain transportation lines; Goods for the interior will *bv;iv* ba shipped by those who will probably give "•o tlm greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW, J*n 1.1836 28 GEO. T. ROGERS FT) Ik . oitiscnber having e.-Uablisueti nuuauii id JCL Macon with a view to u permanent residence will keep constantly on baud a general assortment of !£ats,.€sapsi 2’ars &c. comprising every variety of style and quality, usually called for at • similar establishment. Among his as sortment may be found Reaver, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Roa -urn ana wool Hats; Mens Fur and Hair, Seal Caps, Boys black, blue and brown cloth Cops, BoritbaZiue do black and .drab silk plush it new style, .Merino nud Circassian &c iVc, From his long experience aud personal attention to the business of manufacturing hats in some of the most extensive establishments ut the north, ho is ena bled to assure all those who may favor him with their patronage that he can furnish them with an arti cle which for cheapness, neatness and durability shall be fully equal if not superior to auy before ofiered in the southern market, As his work will be principal ly inaiuifaptured ut bis establishment in Macon, when desired lib will finish huts to order iu any style to suit the purchaser. From the facilities thus 'ubtitiued and from assiduity and attention to his business lie hopes to deserve as he trusts lie will receive a liberal share of patronage. Oct 7,1835 GEORGE A KIMBERLY ICTWanted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon skins I The Attention of the Public 8 respectfully railed to every extensive assortment ° r NEW GOODS, now opening by the subscribers at their new store cor j** r °r Cotton Avenue and Cherry street, which are "acred an very liberal terms at wholesale or retail.— •*»realso receiving a verv lariro stoek of . Ileady mat/c Clothing, ..'liable for the season, comprising almost every article ,Jf gentlemen's wear. April 13 42 FORT. HAMILTON & WILEY. I Hn . n MTitfieTry Stable. OsEPJi WAIN W RIGHT at his old Stand, on me Court House square, still carries on the*ab- Ho k^ 10 *'** Horae* kept by the month or day—and r*es and Carriage* to hire—on the most moderate Jan. 14 29 JLatcst style Drah Bats. GEO. A. lilMBEKLY H AS now on baud, and in progress of manufac ture, an assortment of the above named II ATS which for style and quality cannot be excelled ; and a plicea lower than usual in this market, march 17 ,37 l-’or Sale, : • 350.000 HSUESri. 61 iibds 8t. Croix sugar of superior quality, 50 bags Coffee, 45,000 lbs .Swede Iron. 100 kegs Nails, assorted, 25 hhds Choice Molasses, 150 whole aud half bbls Canal and Richmond Flour, 5 pipes pare II. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old. 20 bbls old Mononguhala Whiskey, 5 proof, ■76 bbls pure Rum, and 20 Gin. April6 41 ^ DAVID RALSTON. New Goods. T HF. subscribers are now receiving tbeir usual apply of SPRING GOODS, consisting of a great variety tif Fancy and staple Dry Goods, Ac. Their customers, and the public generally arc respect fully invited to call. April4 - 41 GEORGE W. PRICE, & Co. Pianuo Covers TfUST received, and for sale by •f April 4 41 GEORGE VV. PRICE & Co. Swaim’s Panacea, Indian Panacea, DO TTE It'S CATBOJjICOJY, l A supply just rec’d by H &. J SHOTWELL. Plain ami Ornamental Painting. rjp HE subscriber has taken the shop formerly oc- M. cupied by Air. Thos. McCleskey, nearly oppo- siie the now market, and is now prepared to execute all kinds of House and Sign Painting, Chair Painting, Oil Nut And Burnished Gilding, Gilding and Glazing, , / Paper Hanging, Enamelling seals. Having in his employment some of the most effi cient workmen to be found in the State, he will be a- ble to undertake largely and execute with itfatness. April4 6m 41 DANIEL T. REA. iIVdcAei, JTcicclry, Silver Ware, Nc. . C, G. St. JOHN «TATCH Maker Jeweler Cotton Aventte qp- V v posite Washington Hall, Respectfully in forms his friends and the pnblic, that he has taken the store formerly occupied by the Hawkinsville Bank where he is now opening a new and splendid assort ment of WATCHES & JEWELRY of the best qual ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and judgement expressly for this market, among his assort ment may be found Gold pocket Chronometers splen did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever’s aud Ruby Cylinder Watches with Extra Jewels and indepenentseconds of the. mos) approved makers and rated to suit the clim ate and a general assortment of Ladies & Gentlemens Gold and Silver Patent Levers Lepine and plain Watches. Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, Ear rings Ltreast Pino and Finger rings. Gold and silver ever pointed pencils, Gold and silver spectacles, silver spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols, &c. &c. Together with a great variety of other arti des kept in hisline . N. B. He has selected tho best of materials for re pairing watches and wjl| give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their custom. A share ofpublic patronage is respectfully solicited Oct 27 18 . Seady-made Clothing. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown aud green Cloth Frock Coats, Sfififrfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinel Coattees and Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab; brown, olive, and grccti Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, bla£k and fancy colored Sattinet Pautaloons, Youth’s cloth and satlinet Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and bine Cassimere, black 'and colored Velvet, black FJorintine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valcntia, English Silk, colored and white Merseilles ToiKnct, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patersham Box Coats, LytniSkin Overcoats,, ’ Fine Cinen Shirts. Cofiars, Bosoms, Socks. Ac. f k, PIECES Hemp Bagging 94 do Tow do 24 hhds prime New Orleans and Porto Rico sugar 10 bbls New England Rum 20 half quarter Casks Malaga Wine 20 bbls prime green Coffee 85 Bags do do OO bbls Baltimore Howard St Plotrr 21 do Fine do 26,bbls prime quality Havannah sugar 50 Boxes do do 8 half boxes do do 5 Crates Crockery assorted 8 Bales Georgia Nankeens, made from cotton grown in this State. 26,000 best IlavannahCigars—fbr sale by , 42 REA A-. COTTON. Bolting Cloths* ^'OS. 3.5,7,9, 10, Anchor Brand, for sale by April 21 43 CRAFT & LEWIS. Carriages, Piano Fortes, &c. A FEW line toned Piano Fortes; three splendid new built Carriages, for sale by April 18 43 CRAFT & LEWIS. Goods at Cost! T HE subscriber wishing to close his prosentstock of Goods by the first ofJuly, is now offering his Goodsat cost. Ilisstock consists ofa general assortment of Fancy and staple Dry Goods, China Glass and Crockery ware, Hardware and Cutlery, Hats, Boots Shoes, Ac. Ac. Tailoring done as usual. 37 A. P. WILLCOX. Mulberry street near Washington Hall. March 10 gin and near the niou'b of a small creek empty ing into the Cumberland rtver, the oil sor.n found its way thither, and for a long titue covered its surface. Some gentlemen below, curious to as certain whether the oil would take fire, applied a torch; quick as a flash ivas exhibited the ns- iotiishing sjjpctaclc of the surface of the river in a blaze, which soon climbed the most elevated cliffs and scorched the summits of the most ele vated trees, to the no small discomfiture of some of the neighbors. It ignites freely, aud produces a flame as brilliant ns gas. Its qualities were then unknoiYU. hut u quantity w as .barrelled, most of which soon leaked ou:. It is so penetrating as to be difficult to confine it ip a wooden vessel, aud lias so much gas as frequently to burst bottles when filled and tightly corked. The color is green, but upon exposure to the air assumes a greenish hue. It is extremely volatile, has a strong, pungettt aud indescribable sur II. aud tastes much like the heart «'f pitch pine. Fora short timo after the discovery, a small quantity of tho oil would flow while ])umping the salt wa ter, which led to, the impression that it could al ways be draw u l»y pumping. But all subsequent attempts to obtain it, except be a spontaneous flow, have eutiiely failed. There have been two [spuntaueous flows within the tivo last six years, j The las: commenced on the 4th of July, 1835, aud continued about six weeks, during which time 20 barrels of oil was obtained. The oil the nark, but to testify her esteem for tho society to which Mistress Mills belonged. Cool aud uu- aived, she answered, ‘‘Yea, thou art right there. The Friends are well thought of by most folks i but they heed not to the praise of the world ; for the rest, many strangers gratify their curiosity by going over this place ; and it is my custhm to- conduct them mys*lf; therefore, I shall do the like by thee, friend Charlotte! Moreover;,,.I thing well of thee, as a most dutiful wife and’ mother. Thou hast hail thy trial), an,! so naff thy good partner. I wish thy grandchild well through hors." (Hhe alluded to the Princess Charlotte.) It was so evident that the friend meant kiudly, nny respectfully, that oflcnce could not bo taken. She escorted icr guests through her es tate. The Priuccs tllizahcth noticed, iu the hen house, n breed of poultry, hitherto unknown to her; am! expressed a wish to possess some of these rare fowls, imagining that Mrs. Mills would regard her wish as a law; hut the Quakeress quickly remarked, with characteristic evasion, ‘ They are rare, as thou sayest; but if auy aro to be put chased, iu this land, or in nny olbcf" countries, I know few tromeu likelier than thy self to procure them with ease.” Her royal high ness moreplaiiilycxprcsscd her desire to purchase "some of those she now beheld. "I do not buy and sell,” answered Rachael Mills. ‘•Perhaps you will give me a pair ?’’ persevered tho prin cess with a conciliating smile. “Nay, verily," and salt water w ith w hich it is invariably com- replied Roche!, “I have refused many friends i bined during these flows, arc forced up iMo the and that which I ht»r& denied my oivu kinsivo- puntp, supposed by the gas, above 200 feet, and thence through the spout into a covered trougti, where the water soou becomes disengaged s.ud settles at the bottom, whilst the ol* is rcnr.ily skimmed from the surface. A rumbling ucise resembling distant thunder, uniformly attends the flowing of the oil, whilst the gas which is then visible every day at tho top of the pump leads tl.e patsing stranger to enquire whether the well is on fire Plaid muslins. A New and splendid article for Ladies Dresses, just received by CRAFT & LEWIS, april 27 44 Summer Clothing. A Large assortment just received by april 27 44 CRAFT & LEWIS. Cuba .Dotasses and Bplc Rope. HHDS Cuba .Molasses prime quality, .to *! jt 100 Coils bale Rope, best quality. May 5 45 for sale by REA «fc COTTON. Carpeting: and Rugs, g UST received, a large assortment, May 5 45 G. W. PRICE & Co. Lamp Oil, JURE a superior quality, -May 5. , 35 ., G. W. PRICE & Co. Carpeting. \ SPLENDID assortment of Carpeting and Rugs, Also—Oil Floor CarpetingU nnd 8 feet wide, •.nril H 43 For saleJiv - CP \FT & LEWIS. Rit e. ituiSIllS, Ac. TIERCES Rice, V 60 bags Coffee, 15 hhds Sugar, 20 boxes best Malaga Raisins, Loaf Sugar, Best Apple Vinegar, Ac. &c. April 18 43 Forstie by CRAFT &. LEWIS. Notice. rpjIIE subscribers havingconnected Geo W. Price ® in company with them, the Goods business will hereafter bo conducted by him Under the firm of GEO. W. PRICE & CO. by whose attention wo are in hopes to receivo that lib eral patronage heretofore extended to us. Jan. 6 29 COOKE & COWLF3. New Books. H ORACE, translated by Francit/ l’lucdrus, do by Smart, Rosamond, by Maria Edgeworth, Humphrey Clinker, illustrated with Plates, The Gipsey, a new edition, - Paul Clifford, do. Paulding on Slavery, being a vindication o Southern rights. Memoirs of Hewes, and the tea party in Boston One iu a Thousand, by James, Stories of the Sea, American in England, ' Mahmoud, a novel, American Almanacs for 1836, Just received and For sale by J. S. OLCOTT. • MRS- W ADE. Passing, by accident, yesterday, tho dwelling of Mrs Wade, the iutended victim of Brown in the tragedy which lost him his life, ive were prompted by uatural motives of curiosity to cater .nud survey die aparlmeut where the deed was done, itnd to make some inquiries respecting tho couditiou of the lady. The room iu which the murder wa# attempted nnd the suicide accotn plished, is smnll. and was occupied as an office. The deceased could not have stood more than two feet aud a half from Mrs. Wade when he Icve.leu the pistol at. her heart. Ho csiiled her into the front room for the purpols, he said, of showing' her some j a;’ers. While fumbling in his pocket for them, h* exhibited great agnation, but was smiling all the while- When ho drew forth the deaiffy instruments with such fell intentions, his innniier was playful, and excited uo suspicion, lie expatiated ou tho beauty of tho pistols, and said to Mrs. W. *‘i willjust snap ofcc at you."—■ On his saying tilts, she attempted to leayq the room. lie placed his foot steriily against the door. "No ! (said he,) now is my time—I meant to have done this before to day, but uow will an swer.” Providentially, the pistol was guarded, aud it was fouud necessary, to pull back tho guard •—the weapons both wore ueiv. This al lowed Mrs. Wade time to get more than half behind the door. Wheu the pistol was dischar ged, she screamed out to her sister—"Oh! Vir ginia,—I am shot !’- aud rushed, oxhausted.iuto the yard. ,..")' Tho sister called up tlio" stair-case to another man, Marflia Asft, it becomes me not to graut to any- W r e have long had it to say that these birds belonged only to our house, nud i can make no exception in favor of thine.” This is a fact, some friends, indeed, are ,Ji»r stifly starched, but old Quaker familidi'ifili exist, who pique themselves on their independent indifference to rank, and respect their fellow mortals only in proportion to the good they have douo in their generation. —Court Journal■ A. Removal. P. WILLCOX has removed to the store lately occupied b* Wm. H. Burdsall, whftre he has for sale a general assortment ofSItiplC and Fancy Dry Goods. Hardware A Cut lery. Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes, China Glass and Crockery ware Ac. Ac. feb. 3 - 32 Removal. Witt. S. EiraBSA&Si . H AS removed bis Store to the new Brick Build ings, corner of Mulberry and Second streets, Macon, nearly opposite bis old stand nud in front of Cotton Avenue, feb. 4. 32 .person by. that Mrs. Wado was murdered. At this moment, they heard the report of another pistol,- and on entering tlio apartment, found that Brow n had placed the weapon close to his breast, and sent its deadly eontetits through his own heart. The blazing powder had set his vest aud shirt onfiio. both of which were iu a blaze, while the miserable youug man was gaep- iug his last. The recovery of Mrs. Wade is yet considered doubtful. The wholo contents of tho pistol aro still in her left breast, aud some fears aro enter tained that inflammation may ensue. She was yesterday iti -a hl^h fever; but it was hoped that ano l nos and other remarkable measures would have a tendency to arrest its continuance- From what we can learn, in relation to this sad affair wo think it at least charitable to believe that the whole was the effect of s’jdden but strong mono mania.—Phil. Gaz. Borrowing.—We ha vc often frowned, when the following question has been put to us by the newspaper borrowing gentry ; “Will yoti lend me your last paper? I only want to read ti.” Now, what in creation dosuch folks think that newspapers two printed for, except to- read ? And if they want them to read, why dont they pay for them, and thus remunerate the printer? A man might, with the same pro pricty go to a baker, aud say, “Sir,won’t you lend mo & loaf of bread?'I only wanttooatit.” Old Times.—In the reign of Queen Mary- 1555, a barrel of beer, with the cask, cost only sixpence; and four large loaves of bread were- sold for one penny. Concerning structure of reputation or wcakli it is as necessary to resolve on beginuiug, as on the means or end: to be always commencing thing, leads to 1 ? indetermined conclusion, Because it diverts the mind from serious pur pose, and fixes it on adventitious dissipation, which seldom or never accomplishes any thing laudablo or useful. , , Blanks for sale at this office. Hypocrisy. — 'I h' re is much hypocrisy in j .Ctendiug t<> give up the plerstires of the world front religious ii)"iives, when weoiily withdraw from it because find a gre ter*, »t fication in the pleasure of retirement. “My dear children.” said an old rat t<> his young ones, "the infirmities of ago arc pressing so heavily pun •”<*. that i have determined to dedicate the short remainder of my days to mortification and penance, in a narrow and lonely hole which I h ivo lately dis covered—but let me not interfere with your co- Novai Importation.—Five largo Airicatf. Male Asses of nearly milk wiii^e color, were oft. Satuday, landed from tho brig Commaquidp. which arrived hero on Friday from Gibraltar-' These animals are altogether unlike in appear— > anco to the English Ass or Donkey, one oj^ winch may be occasionally seen here* and which, is a diminutive little animai, and of vety littlo- uso as a beast of burthen, r'he African Assi? on tho contrary as largo as a middle sized horse, and has been, as far back as the days of Scrip-- tnre an animal much prized for its useful qoal -- ties in Asia and Africa- The present *mpor-.* tation already in tho country—is likely toqsro^c 1 a valuable acquisition.—lottr. off Cord.- ft * 14 ~~ An unfortunate rencontcr took place djy, the 3d inst. in. the tokn of Opelousas, fee-' tween Alston YouxenLOOD, Esq- and LieuS' N. Tilton, of Wilmington, Del.) in which latter received a mortal wound of which he died- In a few hours. Sir Francis Head, the Governor of Canada has dissolved the Leeishture of thafl’ province, finding - it impossible to set along smoothly with so refractory’ a body. Sir Fran cis, who seemed disposed to favor the reform ers in the onset of his administration, has found them to be revolutionists instead of reformers, and complains of having been unnecessarily embarrassed and unjustly accused by them, and lovereu—urn iei uu "ui ...... j , . ,... joymeuts; youth is the season fot iljasurc—bo l preveuted tiom remedying i. grievances