Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, August 11, 1836, Image 1

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Terms of Subscription.
Three Dollara, paid iu advance, will pay for the pa-
*rr out year. Fite Dollars, paid in odea nee, will pay
for the paper two years. Tex Dollars, paid in advance
will payfer the paper fee years.
Irhen not paid within sue months after the year has
remmeneed. Thru Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum
will he charged. If not paid until the end of the year,
Four Dollars per annum will he charged—with interest
Terms of Advertising*
THE undersigned informs his
friends and those of the late firm of
Cutter Cornwall, that be intends re-
uraiug the
Ware House A* Commission Business,
at the store next above the one recently occupied by
T. J. Chase, on the margin of East Macon, known as
the town ofTroy.
He further informs the public that he has bought the
Advertisements not exceed,ng oar. hundred words, half now on the way, from New
a Ptuare, or twelve brevier lines, will be inserted one time York ’ ^other places,
for One dollar. Men more than one insertion is given, . Uootls and Groceries,
75 cents for the first, and 50 cents for each continuance. JSS* 1 i n c 1 ora P ,e J e ’,' vhlch w,l! J* #0,d
Sheriffs’, Tan Collectors'and Conners' Saks are char- 1 R V ’ S 6 " 1 " be re , ad > to Co,ton
- - I early m the fall, aud be prepared to make advances
gtd hy the key.
Yearly Advertisers will be allowed two souares in each
paper for Twenty Dollars per annum; ana in the same
ratio for a larger space—payable quarterly.
.Vrw York St Darien jLine of Packets.
Arfr Blllti Amelia Strong, J. Chace, Master,
Js7fL Premium, Mr. .Matthews,
A?f\ new " Darien; C. I*. Buckley,
44 44 Macon, A. Bibbins,
• D. B. Crane, T. Baker,
All good and substantial vessels, well calculated for the
trade, with good accommodations for passengers, and
experienced commanders. One of the vessels will al
ways be at each end of the Line to receive freight, and
will sail regularly once a week. Shippers by this line
can effect Insurance at,five eighths per cent mid they
may rely upon the vessels being regularly despatched.
The subscribers arc also agents for several Steamboats
to run regularly during the boating season between
Darien, Hawkinsville, and Mncon. nnd are induced to
believe that they enn give great facilities in forwarding
goods destined fttf the interior of the State.
Darien. 1st July, 1835 3 Agents.
He would particularly notice to his friends the great
advantages his Warehouses have over those in the
dense part of the city with regard to Fire, they being
detached from other bntldings and at a distance from
any street or lane, and well enclosed
May 5 45 tf II. S. CUTTF.R.
S AMUEL CLARKE, surviving partner of the firm
of W. & H. Bryson, has taken into partnership
Francis McTeirand Robert H. Lawrence. The busi
ness will be continued at the old stand, under die firm of
on the same liberal terms as heretofore. The under
signed will give hrs personal attention, and solicits a
continuance of former favors. All debts due to, and
claims against W. A H. Bryson, will be settled by the
new firm.
.Huron Steam Boat Company.
Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Willcox.
do. EXCEL, •* J. L. Willcox.
illrf company have now their line of Beats in
B complete order for freighting. They have a
now steamboat iddcd to their line called the Superior,
nnd ten Tow-Boats.
Tun Boats w.ll run regularly betwe-n Mncon and
Darien, one of the steamboats leaving Darien every
five or six days with tow-beats. The company have
now sixteen tow-boats, all first rate boats, built express
ly for the navig ilion of the Ocmnlgee and Altamaha
rivers; these increased facilities will enable the com
pany the mean' of giving tbs greatest despatch to
cotton or goods shipped by their line.
They have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops
to carry cotton uid merchandise hetween Darien and
Savannah, ami Darien and Charleston. There are
else, Jive first rate Pickets running regularly hetween
Darien nnd New York, which come to Hawes A
Mitchel, of Darien.
Agents for the abort Hoots :
J. GODDARD, Macon.
Qovce, IIexrv A Walter, Charleston.
L. Baldwih & Co. Savannah,
Haws', Mitchell it Collins, Darien,
Geo. 1C. Roberts, Hawkinsville,
■Macon. 24th Dec.. 1835. 28
Otmalvee Steam Boat Company.
T HIS company will he prepared to commence btt-
sitiess. early in the next season—They w ill have
n Ir.e of Packets between New York, and Dririeti nnd
steam vessel* to forward goods from Darien to Macon
—The agents in Now York, Charleston, nnd Savannah,
will be authorised to contract for the delivery of goods
in Mncon, at a freight agreed on without intermedi
ate charge and the agent in .Macon will receive cotton
deliverable in Savnunoh, Charleston, and New York—
The company’s vessels and boats, will he of first class
with experienced commanders, and no expense will he
spared to meet th" patronage ofthe public.
PH. R. YONGK& Sons, Agents in Darien.
tmv 27th 1835 49
Sx h •/» !«.»• S Calf Arrangement 6T~tf*e
Ware House A* Commission Business
friends, and those of the firm of W. &
II. Urvson, that they will coutinue the
business under the hrtn of Clarke, Me
Teir & Co. at the stores occupied by XV. A. II. Bry
son; all Cotton stored with us will be insured from
firo, free of expense to the planter, which will make
our Warehouse more safe than any fire proof Ware
house in the city. The rates of Storage will he cus
tomary. Liberal advances will be made on Cotton
and Produce, and all Cotton consigned to us by cus
tomers. will be sold free of commissions. The Receiv
ing A Forwarding businesswill be continued as bereg
tofore. We hope that a strict attention to busines-
will merit a continuance of the patronage so longexten
ded to the firm of W. A H Bryson.
Who have on hand, and offer for sale on their usual
liberal terms, the following, and also a large assort
ment of every article in the
Grocery Tine,
which business they continue on the same extensive
scale as conducted heretofore by W. A H. Bryson.
1000 pieces best Hemp Bagging.
50 do Osnabnrgs,
150 do Cotton Osnahurgs,
700 lbs hemp bagging Twino,
110 hhds Sugar,
40 do prime Molassea,
500 bags prime Coffee,
100 do green and white Java Coffee,
200 kegs cut nails, assorted,
5000 bushels clean Liverpool Salt,
850 sacks do do. in good order,
700 bbls assorted Domestic Liquors,
ti pipes Cognac Brandy, 4th proof,
5 pipes pure Holland Gin,
2 hhds Jamaica lltim.
100 bbls and qrcaaks of different kinds of Wines
10.000 lbs rock Salt,
10,000 lbs Casting, assorted.
Also, a full assortment of Smiths’ Tools.
Angusta. July 20, 1836. 57 2tnp
Merchants’ Insurance Company of
Hutch Makers tf Jewellers,
Would inform their friends and
die public, that they have remov
ed their establishment to Cotton
Avenue, to the store recently oc
cupied hy J H & W S Ellis,drug
gist*. where they will be happy to
serve any who may favor them with a call. They
have in addition to their former stock, just received
from New York a large aud splendid assortment of
Watches, Jewelry, &c.
of the latest fashions, which they will sell cheap for
cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es
capement, duplex, lepiue, alarm and vertical Watch
es, ofthe best quality; gold, silver and steel guard
Chains, Seals and Keys, Ear Knobs and Drops, Breast
Pins, Finger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles,
gold and silver ever potnted Pencils, silver table, tea,
salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and
cream Ladles—all of which will be warranted free
from alloy ; silver Caps, butter Knives, Castors, sil
ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Trays aud Snnf-
era. Musical Boxes, Accordians, Flutes, Flageolet!*,
Fifes, Drums, Ac. Swords, swurd Canes. Knives and
Pistols, among which is Ituggles’ pocket Ride, that
will shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den
tist Files, shell, silver, gilt and horn Combs, Card ca
ses, Pocket Books and Parses, silver Sunff boxes,sil
ver Toys, silver Thimtilef, Scissors, coral, gilt aud
glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of other articles
usually kept in their line.
N. 11. We liave the best of materials for repairing
Watches of all kinds. S. S. V’s practical knowledge
of the business induces him to think that he can, and
will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work
in his hands. S poons &c- eng raved- < )ct- 1
A 414 Pieces HEMP BAGGING,
*Lr 200 barrels Canal & Philadelphia Flour,
fresh ground, and warranted sound,
205 bags and 20barrels Coffee,
67 hhds St. Croix and P<Tto Rico Sugars.
90 barrels do
50 boxes Brown and White Havauua do
90 hhds Cuba Molasses,
56 barrels Gin,
75 barrels Rum,
20 barrels Pork,
30 hhds Bacon, assarted,
10 tierces Rice.
14 boxes Sperm Candles,
20 boxes Tobacco,
30 M Segars, ofthe best quality.
July 20 5G
From the Southern Literary Messenger.
Science! meet daughter of oM Time thou art.
Who allerest all thing* with thy peering eye*1.
Why pre> ’at thou thua upon the poct'a heart.
Vulture: whose wings are dull realities!
How should he lore thee, or how deem tbec wise,.
Who would'st not leave him in his wavdering,
To seek for treasure iu the jew oil'd skies.
Albeit be soar with au undaunted wing >
Hast thou not dragged Diana from her ear.
And driven Hamadryad from the wood'
To seek a shelter in some happier star 1
The gentle Naiad from her fountain food I
The elfin from the green grass? and from me
The summer dream beneath the ahrubb^y t
Watches, Jetcelry, Silver Ware, Sic.
C. G. St. JOHN
W ATCH Maker A Jeweler Cotton Avenue op
posite Washington Hall, Respectfully- in
form* his friends and the public, that he has taken the
store formerly occupied by the Hawkinsville Bank
where he is now opening a new and splendid assort
ment of WATCHES & JEWELRY ofthe best qual
ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and
judgement expressly for this market, among his assort
ment may be found Gold pocket Chronometers splen
did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever's and Ruby Cylinder
Watches with Extra Jewels and indepenentsecouds of
the most approved makers aud rated to suit the dim'
ute and a general assortment of Ladies A Gentlemens
Gold and Silver Patent Levers Lepiue aud plain
Watches, Fine Gold Chains, Seals. Keys ; Ear rings
Breast Pin- and Finger rings. Gold and silver ever
pointed pencils, Gold and silver spectacles, silver
spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, cancs, pistols,
Ac. Ac. Together with a great variety of other arti
des kept in hisline
N. B. He lias selected the best of materials for re
pairing wa'clies and will give satisfaction to those who
may favor him with their custom.
A share ofpitblic patronage is respectfully solicited
Oct 27 18
T HE subscribers have formed a copartnership no
der the firm of
for the purpose of Importing and t'ansacting
will open a large and extensive stock of Goods (direct
from Europe) suited to the Southern market, about
the 1st of September, iu Faber's block of buildings,
at the corner of Fraser’s Wharf and East Bay.
Charleston, July 26 58 9t
To .llcrchan is and Tailors.
T HE undersigned has for sale a small lot of s|t
perior superfine BROAD CLOTHS, consist!
ingof general and fancy colors; also, some extra fine
aud large gentlemen's Cloth Cloaks. These goods
were selected in New York by a first rate judge and
a workman in those articles, with a view to make them
up for his customers—circumstances having interven
ed to prevent Lis doing so, they hare continued care
fully packed in the boxes in fresh aud fine order, and
will be sold at prime cost, and time given for unexrep-
tioneble paper, if applied for immediately,
nng 4 58 2t WiM. B. PARKER.
J UST RECEIVED by boats 13aud 16,
500 kegs White Lead iu oil,
100 gals. Liuseed oil. of superior qualities,
aug 4 58 H. & J. SHOTWELL.
"PioneerSteam * Polo float Line.
I •. proprietors of the above line notify their
Ji. friends and the public, that they will have nin-
ni'ig on the Altamaha and Ocmnlgee rivers during
tile summer and fall months, four or five l’ole Boats,
particularly adopted to lew stogis of water, and which
will bo aided by Steamboats when the water will per
mit. Shipoors hy this line may depend upon every at
tention being paid, and exertion used tc give despatch
to property shipped by it to any <>f the landings on
said rivers. J. T. ROWLAND, Ag't Vaeon.
Messrs Holcombe, Peck A Co. Charleston.
E. P. Butts, Esq.’Savannah.
Rowland, Crane <V Shackelford, Darien.
Halstead, Taylor «& Co. Hawkinsville.
Mnpo". June 30 1 Cm
. Pi
Commission Business.
THE undersigned respectfully in
forms his friends and the public gen
erally, tbaiheb:is become proprietor of
the large and commodious Warehouse
in East Macon, formerly occupied by Messrs Hamil
ton A. Hayes, where he will transact the above bnsi-
nsssin all'its branches. Ilo will make liberal advan
ces on Cotton stored with him, or on shipments to any
of his friends in Savannah, Charleston or New-York,
wh in de-ired; nnd by bis nuremitted attention to bn
siness. hopes to receive such share of public patron
age as his exertiousaud accommodations mav merit.
The subscribers have entered into copartnership un
der tho firm of
aud will, in addition to their present stock, ccnstanlly
bo receiving from New-York and Boston, a large and
general assortment of
comprising Huts, Shoe*, Saddlery, Iron, Salt, Bag
ging. and every other article in that line of business
Their friends nnd tb« public generally, are invited to
give them a cull, at the store formerly occupied by D.
Flanders. D. FLANDERS, .
July 28 57 3tn H. L. COOK
~ Comntinsion Business, Darien.
, - HIE undersigned have resumed business as a-
H hove, aud will as heretofore pay prompt atten
tion to all business entrusted to their care. We believe
we have made nrra:
Capital Stock 100,000 Dollars l
A COMPANY, under the above title, has recently
I men founded with an actual cash capital of
Gitc Hnntlrccl Thousantl Dollars,
to be paid on the first of October next, at which lime
they will commence taking marine risks to and from
the city of Macon, to any port or place in the United
States; the capital stock will beheld ready at all times
to meet any losses that may bo due from tbecnmpnny.
The claims ol this Company, when contrasted with
those of otlier distant offices, heretofore having done
much business here,. justifies the belief that this local
institution, based as it is, will he liberally patronized,
particularly when the terms are as liberal as in any o-
thcr marine offices.
James Goddard, President.
W*. B. Parker,
J Cowles, I
F. H. Wellman,
Thos. Taylor,
.Tnue 16 51-tf James Rea, Secretary.
H AVE purchased Mr. Laird M Wilkt’s inter
est in the late firm of Fort. Hamilton & Wi
ley, mid Hamilton. Hates A Co. and given IRA
E. FORT an interest in the same. The Dry Goods
business will he continued at the same place, under
the firm of
Fort, Hamilton & Co.
and the Ware Houses and Commission Bnsiness ns
heretofore, under the firm of HAMILTON, HAYES
June 23 52
T HE subscribers having purchased the entire Stock
»f Mr. Isaac Newhall. now offer for sale, at ve
ry reduced prices, and on very accoroinodatingfenu*,
60 cases Bouts and shoes, of all descriptions,
14 cases fine fashionable Hats.
682 pieces American anil English prints,
2 rases silk and Gingham Umbrellas,
50 doz palm leaf Hats.
Blanket*, shirtings and sheeting, aud various wher
articles. Also constantly receiving
from the manufacturers. Merchants and Planters will
do well to call and examine, as they can be sold less
than they can be bought in New York nnd laid down
here, by 10 percent. C L HOWLAND,
July 7 54 N G PHILIPS.
N B. The Auction <.V Commission
Business, will be conducted at the same stand, next
door to the Post Office. Tho patronage of the public
is respectfully solicited. C L HOWLAND &- Co.
JUST RECEIVED from New-York,and for
I S now opening at tbe store opposite th» Washiu,
Hull, it new and handsome assortment of
Spring oiul Summer Clothing*
which Iras been made up by L. Fitcb, and will be sold
cheap for cash, consisting in part of
Super Mack, brown, green and olive camblett f. Coats,
*• “ 44 '• “ “ dress Coats
•’ 44 “ •* " bombazine, f. do,
44 “ 44 “ 41 44 dress do
44 44 44 44 “ summer cloth.
Brown and white grass linen frock coats it coattees.
Brown and white German and French lineu do. do.
black aud green bomaziue costs,
pants. French A German lin. do
bl’k «t green camblett do lasting A Circassian do
olive A brown do do Dntch and mixt do
br'wndt white grasslin do white and buff' mersailles
do do drilling do vests,
do do imp. cord do do do valentia do
linen & doe skin do fig. A rib. mersailles do
crape dril. it honey comb plad it spotted do do
pants. do A fig’d shelly do
merino, casimer. lasting do English it French silk do
cautoons and cord do bl’k A fig’d velvet do
cloth A casimere do Florentine and bombazine
witli a general assortment do
of common do with a good assortment of
white & grass linnen short common do
Fine linnen and cotton shirts, linnen and cotton
drawers, Angola nett shirts ami drawers, *tc. Ac.
Also, stocks, collars, bosoms, gloves, cotton, random,
linen, black aud white silk half hose, black horse skin,
buck skin, black and white silk and linen gloves, su“-
J endera. a variety, Spittillield. pongee, flag and ban-
ia hdkfs. Italian plaid, fig’d and red bordered cravats,
white do. stripe rousian belts, braces, fine brown linen,
(for childrens’ aprons) blue, black and green broad
cloths, white drilling, bombazine, mui merino cassi-
mero, line palm leaf hats, common do, children’s leg
horn do. and caps, also, a large assortment of
Huts, Shoes, Boots, Sc.
which I invite niv friends and public to give me a call
at the store next door to W. h. Johnson.
Gentlemen wishing their clothes made to measure at
the North, hy leaving their measure with me can have
them made in the best and most fashionable style.
«_ oi ja nr\D 4 r»l' purr
KEGS No. land 2 White Lead
300 galls Liuseed Oil
With a general assortment of Groceries, for sale, aj
the lowest market price.
I11IDS Bqstou Hams, a prime article, for family
use, inline order; just received, and for sale by
July 28 57 C. L. HOWLAND A CO.
T HE undersigned has connected JAMES D.
CARHART with him in .Mercantile Business,
at the store located on the corner of .Mulberry and
Third streets, and the business in future transacted by
that establishment alone, will be distinguished by die
title of m B. PARKER &Co.
tbe said J. D C. being the Company ami having an in
terest in the said firm only.
July 7 54 tf WM. B. PARKER.
F OR SALE asuperior Jot of Bacon, just received
from Tennessee wagons, and a further supply to
arrive, all of which will be sold on liberal terms.
Julv7 54 tf
Summer Clothing
^^F almost every description,
May 5 45
G. W PRICE A t Co.
Carpeting nnd lings*'
"MUST received, a large assortment,
May5 45 G. W. PRICE & Co.
From the Zodiac.
The Gcutlc Nurse.
Tho finyar of disease had placed
Its seal upon my broiv;
And deep the lines that fingsr traced,
Though all ore vanished now :
And weariness hung o'er my bed,
Aud pain w»i hovriag nigh,
While dreary visions, wild and dread,
Woke many a deep-drawn sigh. -
Sly sleep!—oh, how unlike tbe sleep
Of childhood's early days,
When yet 1 had not leani'd to weep.
Or trod life's weary ways;
When calm aud sweet, os evening spread
Her dusky wing o'er earth,
Sleep came, with soft elastic tread,
And hush'd wy gladsome mirth.
I woke from sleep, and on my view,
There fell a vision bright,
Of one, with h-art of kindness true,
Who watch’d o'er me that night:
And Pity’s voice fell on mine ear,
With tones to sweet and law,
it sooth-d my pain, ami bade me bear,
That gentle music Dow.
I’ve seen that light and graceful forat
While floating in the dance :
I've seen that dark and laughing eye,
When brilliant was its glance ;
I've heard that voice, wheu swelling cu?
In music wild and sweet;
I've heard her light guitar's deep tones.
With thrilling cadence meet.
I've seen those dark and wavy locks,
Shading her ample brow,
And gazed upon her till I loved-.
Not as I lovo her now.
for yet 1 see her, as she sat
Beside my couch of pain.
And patieut watch'd till morning shell
Her beams o'er eartli again.
That gcntlohand; I feel it yet,
As when it bath'd my brow,
Aud all her kindness and her care,
Are present with me now
Ob, may a heavenly light e'er guide
Her beauty and her youth;
And keep her that her steps ne'er slide,
From joy, and peace, and truth.
Stockbridge, Mass a. o. tv.
4 SPLENDID assortment of Carpeting and Rags,
Also—Oil Floor Carpeting 5£ and 8 feet wide,
ApriljlS 43 For sale by C RAFT & LEWIS.
Summer Clothing.
Large assortment jus! received by
april 27 44
Gergia Caudles, Ac,
QAk p.OXES Georgia tallow caudles,
/C9 t]jr 10 do sperm do.
250 galls, best Lamp Oil,
300 do Linseed Oil,
With a variety ef Groceries, just received and for
sale by march 9-37 CHARLES UAM^BEEI L.
Cuba .HoUtses and Bale Rope.
HHDS Cuba Molasses prime quality,
100 Coils bale Rope, best quality.
May 5 45 for sale by REA A. COTTON.
sale bv
50 bags and 50 barrels prime green Coffee,
20 hhds prime 8t Croi* sugar,
30 bbls Rum, 30 bbls Whiskey, and 20bbls Gin.
We will also sell onr DRY GOODS, a splenditl as
sortment, at, nr about cost, as we wish to turn our at
tention to the cotton and grocery business.
Jnlv7 54
.i Jb'eu- Stock of
A T the new Fire Proof Buildings, corner of Mul
berry and Second streets, including tbe follow-
niehts that will enable ns at all; ■»£ :
march 31 40 HORACE FITCH.
N. B. Those that have not settled up their last years’
account will not forget that I want mv dues. H. F.
Willi H. Bl'KDSALl
H AS Just received a new and extensive as
sortment of
Ready-made Clothing.
Superfine blue, Mack, invisible green, Adeluid, olivo
brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats,
Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock
Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees,
and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinet
Coattees and Frock Coats.
Snper. blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive,
and green Cloth Pantaloons,
Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons,
Youth’s cloth and satlinet Dress and Frock Coats,
do do do Pantaloons,
Black and blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet,
black Fiorintine, black Bombazine, dark and light
colored Valeutia, English Silk, colored and white
Meneilles Toilinet, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests
Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats,
Mixed, brown Cloth A Paterskam Box Coats.
Lyon Skin Overcoats.
Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks. Ac
Paiuts, Varnishes, Occ.
W HITE LEAD, Venetian Red, Chrome Yellow,
Red Lead. Litharge, Lamp Black, Whiting.
Terra de Scinna, Spanish Brown, Linseed Oil, Spts.
Turpentine. Copal Varnish, Japan Varnish. Leather
Varnish, Picture Varnish, also,
Witulotc Glass, Paint Brushes, Stc.
Feb 18 35 By J. H. & W. S. ELLIS
T HE partnership heretofore existing under the
firm of Saltmarsh Sf Overton is this day dissolved
by mutual consent. O. Saltmarsh is authorised to re
eeive and liquidate all demands in any way connected
with said firm. O. SALTMARSH,
Jntinary 1.1836. 3mp 54 W. H- OVERTON.
Lime For Sale.
PPLYto WILLIAM DANIEL, who has made
arrangements for a quantity, and will be deliv
ered at his shop, or by the load, at any place in the
city for cash. April 25 44 WM. DANIEL.
(i7$ tffet LBS prime Bacon,
<>]9 2000 lbs Lard,
May^12 45 For sale by CRAFT & LEWIS.
Hicc. Raisins, Ac.
tiTp/Slk TIERCES Rice,
,vst'%P 60 bags Coffee,
15 hhds Sugar,
20 boxes best Malaga Raisins,
Loaf Sugar,
Best Apple Vinegar, &c. &c.
April 13 43 For sale by CRAFT A LEWIS,
4© Hhds best quality family Molasses just re
From Chamber’s Edinburgh Journal.
One cannot well step over a threshold, without be
ing able to distinguish whether it beloug to a bouse
of no children or of many children. There is a prim
ness and ueatuess about the childless mansion, which
is entirely wanting iu the mauy-chlltKd. From the steps
outside tbe dour, to the innermost penetralia, all is chili
and cleanly decot um. The severest duties ofthe lady
consist iu sligtit repairs of slight derangements ol the
domestic economy; there-adjustineiitoi rufikdcrinnb
cloths after morning calls, the replacing of table covers
after meals, or the removal, front half-worshipped
chimney ornaments, of single particles of dust which
'• have no business there.” If the house were some
thing kept under a glass case, it could hardly pre
serve a more toy-like precision of outline, or a more
perfect exemption from all disturbiug circumstances,
ilverlasting silence reigns—or is broken only by
founds which otherwise wouluuotbe heard, such as
he footfall ofthe solitary utaid iu a distant kitchen, or
he flutter ofthe left wiug of a favorite canary dipped
uto his watfer-glass. Every thing which tends to de
rangement or to ttoisei*banished. Coal merchentserc f
given up if their wares have tho least propensity to
cither dust or cracking. The cat’s infant family are
regularly dismissed as soon as they can properly leave
the maternal bosom. The visit of a friend’s children is
dreaded as a descent of caterans tipou the peaceful
Lennox was dreaded of old; and t he damage which a
few minutes of them will occasion, although imper-
cepfible to ordinary eyes, is not repaired iu less than
half a day. In entering such a house, the tnind is
oppressed with a sense of awful propriety. The ty
ranny of unimpeachable cleanliness come* upon the
heart like hyperborean gales. One feels like the dove
of Noah, as if there were no place to set whereon one’s
foot. You pass awe-struck among the reflections of
glittering furni.ure, and fear to offeud chairs and so
fas by sitting down upon them. The very coal-scuttle
has a kind of touch-me-not air about it, while the neat
ly gilded brush bosido the bell-pull seems to plume it
self much more upon its service towards the ornamen-
tol than the useful. Twenty years may have elapsed
since the sitting up of the house, but every article
still seems fresh from the shop of the upholsterer.
The fine edge, the primeval shine, the Eden inno
cence of every thing, is still there.
In a domain thus sacred from disturbance and al
most from use, the worthy couple arc stuck up like
statues in shrines. The lady sits in a perpetual accu
racy of attire hr a window or by fireside—sewing at
one endless seam, or engaged on some volume, from
a circulating library which is on the point of declaring
itself exhausted. Her husband occupies au opposite
chair, like a companion picture, with perhaps the
next ensuing volume of the novel His feet are rais
ed upon the fender; the l.ght.s properly “rrangedat, known auc(i pers01ls fll!Iv three . and . twe -nty ere , fc
his back; be is euuued with suppers and gown, and | ,i ,t._ i .k:.u . ,i l/j , • . f
allowed to those families which n lie wed to escape
irom nursery domination. A little fellow one day said
complainittgly to his matuma, *t This is not a' nice
house; iu hum’s we cau cut the sofas and pull out tho .
hair; but here we cau’tget any fun at all.” Mate tun.
in this case, had been something strict in her disci
pliuo : the state of matters in Sam’s may be imagired.
But iu genera! there is something ia children \\ ldcli
defies die best regulations. They cannot move,
breathe, or look, without doing mischief. Order Hies
bofore tliero liiCes; ruin follows their steps. In the
average *fhouses, symptoms of their existence may
be seen upon tho walls, the floor, every article offur-
iiituro—the whole, after a few years, acquire a kind of
dimness, as if of orer-handlieg. All is rough and
round. Iustcad of die everlasting neatness and unim
peachable cleanliness of the no-ch Ided mansion, the
utmost that can be expected is a temporary and par
tial good order—confined perhaps to asiugle room and
for an hour at a time—a gallant but unavailing rally
against the prevailing influences. It is usually ut an
early period ofthe forenoon that the domestic powers
thus make head against the enemy. At any later'pe
riod all is in vain. The fairest provinces of the em
pire are nvei run by the Validation invasion, and before
evening there is a detritus of ruin in every corner,,
composed of broken toys, sofa pillows, footstools, and
all other things capable of being moved or destroyed.
Every house is of course un-childed before it is inany-
childed. Every lady has to look back upon a period
when she delighted in having tilings neat about her.
She had then centinelled her vestibule with handsome
statues, bad vases placed upon the ground, and bijou
terie strewed upon the tables. But in time all this
was seen to be mere vanity and vexation. She be
came aware that there was a kind of browsing line,
beneath which no small article was safe. She cam>*
to wish that even the chairs could be hung high along-
the walls, as in an upholsterer’s warehcom, in order
that they might be out of harm’s way. Like a belie
walking home from a gay party in the'midnight storm,
site has now reefed in every prominent finery and is
content to scud along through existence the bc-t way
she can. Little more than the wreck of the former
self of the house remains, and her only hope is. that,
when this piti css pelting is over, she may prevail up-
I on Mr. Balderstone to ftiruish anew, so that they may
spend their latter days in the same agreeable circinm*
stances which they knew at the outset.
Yet even now it is with no shade of discontent the4
either of the worthy pair regard tbe wreck and ruin
produced by tboir children. While full of affected
queriilousncss respecting the noise, the confusion, and'
the mischief, they secretly sympathise in that very ex
cess of youthful vitality which leads to all that they
complain of. To be besieged, climbed, kissed, and
torn to pieces by the wildest and ino^t riotous of young
rogues—to be sprawled over by unreflecting little
misses—to see the whole parlor put in disorder by
blind-man’s-buff—are mireries which Mr. and Mrs-
Bulderstonc endure with the greatest possible satis
faction. In early morn the chatter of little voices is
beard breaking the silence of night, and tho primeval"
1 parents of the human race could not have more enjoy
ed the first burst of the feathered orchestra of Para
dise. than do onr pair enjoy those sounds, which tell
them that God bas vouchsafed to their darlings a new
day of health. From that time there is not a minute
throughout the whole day that can properly be cal
led quiet: but what although it be so ? The voices of
children, iu general, speak either of happiness which
it is delightful to contemplate, or of tvoes which it is
delightful to soothe Little reason is there to pity the
mother who spends her day chiefly in the midst of her
blooming and playful progeny. At length comes shut
of eve, which, in sweeping all away to their dream
less pillows, and reducing the house once more tn
silence, 'eaves room for ad'Uibt whether, by its peace,
it has brought a relief or taken away a pleasure.
As the youngsters advance in age, the house as
sumes characteristics somewhat different. You may
no longeron opening a sideboard drawer in the dark
fora Knife or a spoon, find your fingers entangled in
the mane of a vvondea horse minus the trunk and legs;
but you will perhaps find your most valued books
scribbled with drawings and 'craps of school know
ledge. and be obliged to give tip a dressing-room that
it may serve for a study to the boy*. Then is the time
for back-greens being stocked with rabbits ; and pia-
uo-fortrs spoiled by drumming misses. If, when the
eldest begin to verge upon maturity, there should be
others at all the inferior stages of existence, how vast
a system docs tho household become I The young
meu bring their friends as they cal! them, and 1 the
young ladies bring their boarding-school companions.
Bovs of ten bring boys of ten. and even misses of four
and five have similar mih-es introduced from next
door to play with them. It is a great era when mas
ter Thomas or Miss Eliza can veuture to descend with
these acquaintances from frowsy back rooms where
hitherto they have observed a modest obscurity, to the
full blaze of the dining-room, where father and mother
sit in state. Happy, in this respect, are the eldest of
the family. There is an eagerness on the par) of pa
rents to receive their first-born info the pale of man
hood and womanhood. It awakens a new feeling in
the parental bosom. Accordingly the intrusion of a
few dashing young beans aud smart school misses is
rather liked than otherwise. But when the younger
branches grow up, they not only want the advantage
of this novel feeling on tho part of their parents, but
have n fight with their elder brothers and sister^ to
establish their claim to adolescence. When far past
the age at which the eldest were treated as men and
women, they are still considered as mere boys and
girls. Their pretensions to long-skirted coats and pro
per young lndv-like dresses are scouted arid the friends
brought by them to the house ate condemned to the
upper bed-room*, although in reality better people
than those who some time ago were admitted to tho
honors of the parlor. The struggle which second and
third children have to go through, before they are ac
cepted as meu and women hy the first, is worse than
a family dispute for the throne of Turkey. We have
rimes to forward r go^ds '‘for The interior with” tlTeTeas't I „ Summer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Cloth, Grass and
-■- - ' Brown Linen Circassian and Rouan Cassimere
possible delay, by steamboats when the river will ad
mit, or in extreme low river by small flats or lighten,
built expressly for that business. On onr wharves
ore large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot
ton at tbe least possible expense, and our opportunities
to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not exceed
ed by any other House. , Darien, May 20, 1835.
Commission Business, Darien.
T HE Undersigned have formed a Copartnership
tor tho purpose of transacting a general Com
mission and other hnsiness tinder the firm of
nnd offer their services to their friends, mid the public
generally, in the above business. Forwarding Goods
aud produce to and from the interior of the State, will
receive particular attention. It may be proper to
state that they have no connection with any of the ;
Steam transportation lines; Goods for the interior will •
always bo shipped by those who will prohably give '
them th** greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW, j
Jan 1,1838 28 GEO T. ROGERS _ j
JAMES S. S. OLCOTT is myau-
tliorised agent during mv absence from tho
July 14 55 JAMES S. OLCOTT. ,
G. B. CARHABT will act as my
Summer Cloth twilled B'erino, grass Cloth, grass
and brows Linen, and Rouan Cassimere COATEES,
Sommer Cloth, Bombazine, Erminet, Cyprus, wor
sted and Valentia Crape, Napoleon Cord, Angola Cas
simere, brown and grass Linen and Drilling Fancy
Drilling, Pongee, Mexican tnixt, Rouan Cassimere
Bovs summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and
White and buff grass Cloth, buff and brown Linen,
Pongee, RouanCossimere and Jeans ROUND JACK
A large assortment of fancy VESTS.
Fine Linen Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers,
Ac. Ac Ac.
Basffinp and Iron.
"B Pieces heavy Hemp Bagging
Jl ri""r 10 tons Iron assorted
25 bbls Flour
15 hhds Molasses Jnst received and f.irsaleby
IIE undersigned have formed a
_/■ _ i
connexion for
the transaction of a general
general Agent during my absence from the i and COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city, under
June 10,1888- J. GODDARD, j t j, 0 fi rmo f COOMBS & DOUGHTY.
T HE subscriber has just received a supply of
Spring nnd Summer Clothing,
made of the best materials, wiiicb he will sell low for
cash lie invites persons to give him a coll.
Tailoring Business
done as usnal at his shop with despatch, and in the
neatest manner. He tenders his warmest thanks for
past patronage, nnd will endeavor to deserve a contin
uance sf the same. F. F. LEWIS.
April 21 43 Mulberry st. opposite Central Hotel.
N. B. Those indebted will please call and pay their
dues—he must bare money to meet the demands a-
gainst him. F. F L
H AVl.Ntj declimffl eing absent from the Mate,
and bavin. .. a.-ed my stock, I now offer a
Large Assortment of Goods,
suited to the trade of this place, at wholesale or retail,
on accommodating terms. I invite my former custom
ers and others, to call and judge for themselves.
P 8. Cash will be paid lor good beefHides.
For Sale.
1 3 50*0 ^ 11 Tth WKHbs°Lard,
61 hbds St. Croix Sugar of superior quality,
50 bags Coffee,
45,000 lbs Swede Iron,
100 kegs Nails, assorted,
25 hhds choice Molasses,
150 whole and half bbls Canal and Richmond
5 pipes pure H. Gin and C. Brandy warranted
pure and three years old,
20 bbls old Monnngahala Whiskey, 5 proof,
75 bbls pure Rum, and 20 Gin,
April 6 4i David Ralston^
ceived aud for sale by
June 9 50 SMITH, RODGERS & CO.
/'wl HE Subscriber will make liberal advanoes on
H Cotton shipped to his friends in Savannah.
Charleston, Philadelphia, New York or Boston
nov.5,1836. ROBT. COLLINS.
F OR Fever and Ague—Rowan’s Tonic Mixture
—Quinine Mixture, for sale by
april 20 44
Comprehensive Commentary,
F OR sale at the store of J. H. A W. S. ELLIS.
Agents and subscribers will call and get their
copies, April 6 41
To Country Mere trams Mini others.
raHIK subscriber having concluded to close bis
-sL Dry-Goods business in this place, offers his
Stock in parts, or entire, on such terms that country
dealers will find it to their interest to make him a call.
To individuals he is offering great bargains.
July 14 lin—55 JNO. RUTHERFORD
A N assortment of Harness, Bridle and Upper Lea
ther, for sale by CRAFT A LEWIS.
July 14 55
A G* *OD supply of the best auality Lamp Oil,
kept constantly on hand, and for sale by
Fresh Canal Flour.
BBLS Canal Flour,
” y 10 boxes fresh Raisins.
Jnst received by CHAS. CAMPBELL.
June 30 ”53
Witiiioir Glass.
By 10, 10 by 12, 12 by 18
Just received and for sale by
Canal Flour.
jjoj'rfN BBLS Canal Floor, fresh ground, and war-
IggY ranted sound. For sale Iu
July 14
small lot of Printing
PIECES heavy
for sale by
S'avunnnb; Jtrrm 1 5D
ig Paper.
Paper. 23 by 35 inches, good
quality; a few reams Foolscap: Cards, &c. just
received, and forsale.
July 14 55
lire White Lead and Linseed Oil for sgje
T HE subscribers will pay cash for2000 pound* ■ ■tire White head and Linseed Oil for s
clean wwt. CRAFT & LEWIS. J JL upril26 44 by L H.& W. S.-ELLfS.
knows no annoyance but that he has no annoyances.
Their meals consist of little dishes not often cijanged—
roasts so small :ts lo have lost all sap, mutton chops,
cutlets, and other fiddle-faddles. If they venture upon
any ordinary dish, they have to sit down with cold mo
notony for a week, which is not half elapsed till they
wish that they could he conscientiously relieved liout
it, either hy plunder or putrescence. The lady makes
It her chiefbusiuess to coddle tbe gentleman, and the
gentleman makes it his chief business to take care of
the lady. There is always one pair of his spare shoes
perfectly dried hy the side of the fire. In their hearts
they pine beyond all that could be confessed for chil
dren, but invariably profess to themselves and to each
other, that they infinitely prefer the serene comfort
whicii they at present enjoy, and dread the trouble* of
rearing an iulaut.—They are nevertheless great theo
retical educators. They perceive aud discu.-s every
fault in the up-bringing of every child of every family
oftheir acquaintance, describe one set of patents as
too severe, another as loo gentic, und a third as having
no system at all, and think how beautifully they could
correct all the errors, if thjy had anything to say in
the matter. In the meantime, while railing at their
friend. Mrs. Easy, for spoiling Tom and Fanny, they
assiduously pamper their own lapdog Pinch, till the
little creature arrives at an aggravation of fat and mis
chief intolerable to ail but themselves. When Mrs.
Greenlield loses a child, and is absorbed in grief for
the event, our worthy pair severely reprehend con
duct so irrational, and are clear that no mother is jus
tifiable in neglecting the living out of grief for the dead.
Nextweek Pinch dies, and so greatare the distressand
derangement which follow, that for three davs the gen
tleman has to wear unaired slippers, and the lady
thinks of a jaunt to Paris, as the only means of recov
ering her spirits.
Very different is the abode of the many-childed. Il
the tale is not told by a group of merry little faces in
the doorway, it is pretty broadly hinted when you fall
over a tiney wheelbarrow which has been left in the
lobby. Should no such danger lurk iayonr path, yon
are sure, before advancing many steps, to see some
traitof the presence of chiIJren—a parallelogram of
corks designed to represent a house, with a doll seated
.il it. a thrown away crust, or possibly a single marble
—a small object, no doubt but one quite sufficient to
establish the distinction, for long would it be ere such
ii thing could be seen in the house ofthe no-childed
There are ofcourse mansions in which the younger
members of the family are kept too much apart to al
low of such palpable symptoms of their existence in the
very entrance—thoughoven in these, a shoe will some
times be dropped through the staircase to lie upon
the wax-cloth below, a sufficiently conspicuous betray
al of the state of matters in the upper floor; or an oc
casional burst of wild joy or equally wild grief will
tell through the whole house, and perhaps to a certain
extent beyond it, that young human beings are there
rr*i ; ” r iL a» .1 r —j-.—
inanared tbe point, liy which time they had been in
vested with tho-loga by all tiie rest of the world. Till'
that time the eldest sou monopolises the attention of
father, mother, and domestics, while the juniors are
left to content themselves with litils more than a nega
tive permission to exist The eldest daughter is equal
ly sure to have a Letter shawl than any of Fier sisteis,
who, if they can obtain a reversion of hers before it is
much worn, usually think themselves extremely well
off. The drama of Cinderella is one which is enacts
cd in a more or less complete form in every large fit.
To rear a numerous progeny through all the various
stages, and finally set them forward ill life, is unques
tionably a tusk of considerable difficulty, and attended
with no small degree of anxiety. Yet. if circum
stances bo not unfavorable, so as to produce real trou
ble and sorrow, there can be no doubt that the effect of
such a duty upon the mind is highly beneficial. The
domestic relations are of immense importance in de
veloping andkeoping awake tho affections We can
scarcely ho afflicted with hardness of heart towards
any benign sentiment, if we havo known what it was
to bo brother, husband, and father. \Vomen are po-
culiarlj - liaideto he improved in general humanity by
having children. When a mother of young infants
passes a little child which has been left neglected upon
the street, she cannot rest till she has seen it attended
to; the no-nhildcd would have never remurked the cir
cumstance. When the mother of a set of roistering
boys passes a merry group of the same order, she is
almost sorry that decorum will not uilow berto linger
beside them, to survey their sports, and bless them
with a mother’s blessing. If, advanced in life, she has
seen some of her sons leave her for distant climes,
should hr r noth ho crossed by the homeless vagrant,
who looks, but docs not speak, a petition, she thinks
that there may have been, or still may be some one to
whom lie is ns interesting ns her own child is to her
or that her own child mu* one day appear to some o-
ther mother as this wretch now appears to her and
she extend* to him the hand of melting charity.
Thus does Nature, by an abundant flow of ber finest
sensations, remunerate those whom she has called up
on to perform what many calculating people would
■consider a disproportionate share of her duties.
OfthirtyVright thousand pipes of Port wine exported
from Oporto in 1835, thirty two thousand have been
or are tube swallowed by the subjects of bis Britannic
Majesty. We ofthe United States approve ourselves
in this matter worthy chips ofthe old block, consuming
nearly half of the remaining six thousand. In France,
only twenty-two pipes were imported. The French
wisely prefer their own weaker wiues.
Au importation of water melons was made a few
weeks ago from Havana into New Orleans, from
whence portions were sent up the-Hississhmi and sold
There axe ^ifTcreucesK also m the decrees of freedom \ a * nve dollars £er pafr