Newspaper Page Text
•4 fresh supply just
Received by
I. H. & TV. S. LLL1S,
Masanic Hall, Cotton Atcnuc.
Among which are the following
Sulphate Quinine (french) Caulharidei,
irk^u— Fly stone,
Court plaister,
Castor oil (fresh)
Sweet oil do
Charcoal, pulv.
Corks velve^
Prepared Chalk,
Acetate lead,
do cupri,
do Zinc,
Arseniate potassa,
Ether sulphuric,
do nitric,
Nitrate silver,
do potassn,
Phosphate soda,
do iron,
Sulphate iron,
do potasan,
do soda,
do magnesia,
Borate soda,
Manna flake,
Ointment hvd. potassi,
do Iodine,
do Veratrine,
do Itch,
Oxide mercury,
Extract Jalap,
do Butternut,
Niix Vomica,
Sulphate Morphine,
Acetate dp
Acetic acid,
Oxalic do
Citric do -
Prussic do
Tartaric do
do (Aromspta)
Antimonialis pulv
Croton Tiglium,
Serale cornutum,
Oil Sinapine,
Oil cantnaridin,
Pyroligneous Acid,
Ifydriotate Potassa,
Ob black pepper,
Irtsii moss,
Chloride soda,
Citrated kali,
Chloride Lime,
Medical mustard, in pots,
Opium denurcoti/.ea,
Cyanuret potassium,
Comp. Tonic extract,
Carrageen, (prepared)
Spigelia emup extract,
111 no moss,
Precip. ext. bark,
Peruvian do
C alisaya do
Toxn do
Red do
Chamomile fluwors,
Uva ITrsi,
African Cayenne,
Bay berry bark (pow’d)
Blood root, do
Coiclticttm, do
Slippery Elm (pow’d)
Gentian (pow’d)
Corl. Aurant (pow’d)
Lobelia atid seed,
Skunk cabbage,
A root,
do r issalrus,
Ledies’ supper,
Golden thread,
Cinnamon bark,
Powdered ginger.
Root do
Mustard seed,
Caraway S'v'td,
Anise do
Coriander do
Arrow root,
Aqua Fortin,
Anodyne (Hoffman's)
Black lead,
Blue stone,
Juniper berries,
Cubeb do
Oxide bismnth,
Bees wax,
Burgundy pitch,
Balsam copivi,
do tolu,
do Peru,
lilac* drop,
Lees’ pills, Compt tl’u ex’t Pink Root,
Opodeldoc, by G. \V. Carpenter,
Chapman’s anti-dyspeptic Dnlby’s carminative.
Gum Arabic,
Pearl Barley,
Otto rases,
Magnesia, calc’J
do carb.
Seidlitz powders,
Soda do
Saratoga do
Red precipitate,
While do
Black do
Indigo, Spanish float,
Spanish brown,
Veuetian red.
Fig blue,
N utgalls,
Spu Turpentine.
Venice do
Salt Tartar,
Sal Ammoniac,
Jujnbe paste.
Peter*’ do
Hunters’ pills,
kloopers’s do
Anderson's do
British oil,
Bateman's drops,
Thompson’s .ye water,
Godfrey’s cordial,
Salts lemon,
Worm tea,
Effervescing magnesia,
Botanical drops.
Swaim’s Panacea,
Indian's do
Ess Iceland Moss,
Cough Mixture,
Fluid axt sarsaparilla,
Syr Liverwort
Comp sarsap.
Bleaching Liquid,
Mend’s Pills,
Issue piaislers,
Elixer life,
Ginger beer powders,
Medicated Oil silk,
Digestive Elixer,
Pile remedy,
Chloriuc tocth wash,
Bav rum,
Balsam honey.
Congh Lozenges,
Extract csffee,
Cullen’s liquid magnesia,
Potter’s catbolicun,
Rowan's Tonic Mixture,
Relfes Vcgetahli specific,
Oil Wonnseed.
Ext Uiu-hu,
citbeba & Ext. Boneset,
Tonic Extract.
FW1IIL Subscribers have resumed the It rug
1 Business, at their old stand, formerly El
lis, Shotwell & Co lately occupied by Mr Win G.
Brown, opposite the Central Hotel, under the firm of
who intend keeping a very general assortment of
Goods peculiar to their line of busiuess, together with
a great variety of miscellaneous articles that may be
difficult to be found elsewhere. Their Stock is now
very extensive, having received by late arrivals nearly
all their Fail and winter supplies, a general enumera
tion of which could not be given iu an advertisement.
Some of the Articles received are,
(Drags A Medicines,)
Rochelle Salts, Hellebore, Iceland Moss, Flos Ben-
zoine, Juniper Berries, Lapis Calnmiuaris, Henry’s
Magnesia, Madder. Mace, Cayenne Pepper, Black
Pepper, Alspice, Hemlock Bark, Bayberry do, Poplar
do, Cinnamon do, Golden Seal, Sumac, Sem. Auisi,
Aqua Antonia F F F, Sulph Quinine, Sago, Gum
Guinc, Indian Turnip, Skunk Cabbage, Hops, Pep
permint Lozenges. Oil Spruce, Acidulated Lemon
Drops, Coriander Soed. C. P. Castor Oil, Corl Au
rant. Cherry tree Bark, White Vitriol, Muriatic Acid
Pink Root, Gum Myrrh, Seed Lac, Seneka oil, Lob
elia, Lemon Balm, Sweet Balm, Ext Colocynth, Pul.
I Gm Arabic. Ground Race Ginger, Balsam Fir, Pearl
Barley, refined Borax, Bole Armenian, Cera Alba,
Lunar Caustic, Cloves, Prepared Chalk, Cubebs, C'a.
nella Alba, Rust of Iron, Sup. Carb. Soda, Castor,
j Calamus Root, Cowhage, Mazerion, Sassafras, llals-
j am Honey, Cuinfrey Rout. Dragons Blood, Oil l.av-
> elider. Lemon, Bergamot. Ext Bark, do Liverwort,
I Stricnine. Emetine, Digitnlis, F.lnt Eark, Flos of El
der. Ext Hyoscvamns, Flax seed, Fowlers Solution,
Henbane. Uvsf ITrsi, Camphor, Kino, Scamihony
Aleppo, Gold Thread, Ilydriodnte Potass, Mustard
i Seed, Spts Nitre. Oil Wormseed. Croton Oil, Olive
j Oil, Bismuth, Oil silk, Sanfords Bark, Tamarinds,
j Gum Copal, Syrup of Liverwort, Turkey Opium,
j Ca- thnridee. Flowers of Chamomile, Oil Pepper
mint, Bermuda Arrow Root, sugar Lead, Refitted 1 j-
quorice, Ergot. Nux Vomica, Corrosive sublimate.
Aloes, Gum Arabic. Precipitate, spu llartshprn, Carb
Potass, Alcohol, sarsaparilla, Epsom salts,Nitric Acid,
.Ether, Alsniee, Pepper, Tartarised Antimony, As-
phalttim, Adhesive Plaster, Acetate of Potass. Bals
am Copaiva, refined Borax, snake Root, Cubebs,
Rhubarb, Ipecac, sent Carui, Cream Tartar, Nut
Galls, Isinglass, Magnesia. Mercurial Ointment, Blue
Pill, sulphate Quinine, Conserve Roses, Black Drop,
Jujube Paste, sal Ammoniac, Bay Rum, Oil Cinna
moii. Acetate Morphine, sulph do. Comp Ext Bucha,
do of Liver Wort, Ext sarsaparilla, Ext Pink Rootl
Comp Ext Cubebs. Piperine, Iodine, Butler’s Magne
sia. Kreosote, Assafa-tida, Nutmegs, Tapioca, Manna.
Oil Rosemary, Canadian Balsam, Ext Voleriuti, salt
Petre, Glaubers salts, Concentrated spts Ammonia.
Faints, Jtyc Stuffs, Oils.
250 kegs White Lead in oil
25 do Venetian Red do
30 do Spanish firotvn do
2000 lbs Soap Stone Paint do
(5 kegs Yellow Ochre "do
20 canisters Verdigris do
900 lbs Spanish Brown dry
200 lbs Venetian Red do
800 lbs Yellow Ochre do
J500 lbs Spanish Whiting do
Red Lead, Chrome Green, Kings Yellow, Verdi
gris, Prussian Blue, Stone Ochre, Rose Pink, Lith
arge, Spanish Pumice Stone, Uiubcr, Lump Black.
Ivorv do, Chinese Vermillion, Black Lend, Chalk,
do Red. Carmine, Water Colors assd sizes boxes.
Drop Lake, Spanish Float Imligo.Calc’d Plaster, Wa
ter Lime, Terra de Sienna, Green Blue and Black
Paint mixt, Blue Brown dk. Green Smalts, Frostings,
Blue White Brown and Purple. Gold Bronze, Car
mine Saucers, Pink do. Logwood in sticks, do ground
and chopped. Fustic. Madder. Camwood, red San
ders, Copperas, lirazilletto Wood, Annatlo.
300 gals Linseed Oil
400 do Sperm Oil fall strained
350 do do do winter do
ISO do Spirits Turpentine
300 do Train Oil
1 bid Liver Oil, I do Neats Foot
1 bbl Copal Varnish, Japan do
Black do. Picture Varnish. Coach do.
Patent and Compound .Hedicines
Swaims Vermifuge, do Panacea, Thompson’s Eye
Water, Green’s Tonic Mixture, Rowan’s Tonic Mix
ture, (forllte fever and ague ) IlarUem Oil, Gowland’s
Lotion, Potter’s Catholicon, Barclay’s Comp. Sarsa-
parrilia and Cubebs, Da'by’s Carminative, British
Oil, Opodeldoc. Judkin’s Ointment, Lee’s W. Bilious
Pills, N. L. Turlingtons Balsam. Batemun’s Drops
Jesuits Drops, Cephalic Snuff, Aromatic do, Wnl-
di's Tincture or Cough Syrup, Carpenter's Prepare-
Vinegar. MV
H AS just received a large assortment of DRUGS
& MEDICINES, at the Store one door below
W. B. Johnston’s Jewelry, which jie will sell at mo
lerate prices; among which are
Whits Lead, Red Lead, Black Lead, Litharge, Verdi
gris, Chromic Green, Chromic Yellow, Spanish Brown,
Notice to Contractors for Excavation
and Embankment.
~M~>ROPOSALS will be received at the office of the
, j(L Monroe Rail Road Company, Macon, Georgia,
Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, Umber, Venetian Red, 0 n the 4th, Gth and Gtliof August next, for Excavating
Lampblack, Rosepiuk, Terra de Sienna, Vermillion, and Embanking about 10 miles of said Rail Road, coni-
Prussian Blue, Osborn’s wuter colours. | prising about 7 miles near the town of Forsyth, and 3
miles immediately adjoining that portion now under
contract. For further particulars apply to
DANIEL GRIFFIN, Resident Engineer.
J. EDGAR THOMSON, C. Engineer.
Jiilv 7 5t 55
Linseed, Sperm, Whale, and Train Oils, and Spts.
Turpentine, Copai, Japan, Coach, Leather , 6c Picture
Flesh, Hair, Hat, Craiuing, Varnish, Fumitnre, Tooth,
Paint, Nail, Com Shoe, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Dus
ting, Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Horse, and Velvet
Cologne, Rose Honey, Florida, Lavender, & Orange I
Flower Warn., Aromatic Vinegur, Bears’ Oil, Antique Monroe Kail Road Notice to
Oil, Chlorine Tooth Wash, Cream Soap and other Stockholders.
Shaving Soaps, Wash Balls, Drop Lake, Essences of I ffc t IIE Board of Directors of the Monroe Rail Road
Rose and Cedrat, Extrait de Meil, Flake White, Hair j Ji. Company have resolved, that the third instal
Powder, Orris Root, Milk of Hoses, Oils of Orange, ment of Ten Dollars per share be required to be paid
Bergamot, Cedrat, Cinnamon, Lavender, Neroli. and on the 28th day of October next, and a fourth iustal-
Roses; Oxy-chlorine Lotion. Pearl Powder, Pomatum, I ment of Fifteen Dollars per share be required to be
Powder Puffs, Preston Salts, Pink Saucers, Fancy vi- paid on the 5th day .of January next. Those stock-
als, Tonquin Beans, Vin de Rouge, Vegetable Rouge, j holders who are desirous to do so, can pay an addition-
& Macassar Oil. j al instalment on the day that the fourth instalment is
DYE STUFF8. (called in. and be allowed interest thereon at 8 per cent
Aunatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue, Fustic, Galls, Indigo, j until the fifth instalment be paid.
Aluui, Turmeric, and! Forsyth, July 23 57 ALFRED BROOKS, See,
Bibb Sheriff" Sale.
W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in September
next, at the court house in the city of Macon, be
tween the usual hours of sale,
Lot No 2. square 59. in the city of Macon, levied on
as the property of John Marchants, to satisfy two Fi
Fas from a Justice’s court in the 71Gth district Bibb
county, in favor of James Hightower vs James Hawk
ins and John Marchants security—levy made and re
turned to me by a constable. I ■"< '7o~thV7nfe'iWrZir'tZr # >p,lc * Uon vcJIJ h e ,
One lot of cooking utensils, one watch, one hat, and <• i- Henry county w(,, n
sundry other articles levied on as the property of Bev-! be i®j n _ t0 lbe e Sta \ e 0 f ’!? *** ** l«nd
erly Reu, to satisfy one Fi Fa from Bibb Inferior court 1 C0H ® deceased tv II m?,’ 1,1(1 of e tj
in lavorofC B Cole transferred to Charles Crawford, i j u J^2 49 ILLY J. HEFfJv ^
vs said Reu, pointed out by plaintiff. I ’
~ ’ " ■’“""OCR mouths after date applicatfo^jTr—~
to the honorable the inferior court of ft 6 ® 8 *
when sitting for ordinary purposes fnr , utts conrj.
lot No 28, in the 3d district of' Coweta *«ll
F OUR months after date appneanonwilt K
to the Inferior court of Houston conn. 6
tor ordinary purposes, for leave to sell nil ,?'' SIttin t
tate lying .n said couuty of Houston,and „ *•*«*-
belonging to the estate of VVillram H rw gr# flrl
ed, for the benefit of the heirs and credit,,,!-’ dec °-»*
“4' 7 65 'oabw.c-SSK^
F OUR months after date a]
to the inferior court of
rig lilu
Parish, Marshall & co vs Charles J McDonald guardi
an of Solomon Humphris. aug 3
H. II. HOWARD, sheriff.
Also, trill be sold as above, at the same time and place.
Three fourths ol Lot No 79 in the 4th dist originall”
Houston now Bibb county, containing 150 acres more
or less; whoreon Janies A Hall and Mrs Cotton now
live, levied on as the property of Isaiah E Thompson;
to satisfy one Fi Fa fiom Bibb Inferior court in favor of
Rufus K Evans vs Isaiah E Thompson—pointed out
by plaintiff.
One House and Lot in EastMacon containing half an
acre more or less, it being part of Ten acre Lot No 4,
whereon John S Goodwin now lives, levied on as his
property to satisfy a Fi Fa from a Justice’s court in fa
vor of James Hollingsworth vs John S Goodwin—pro
perty pointed out by defendant—levy made by Win B
Chapman, constable.
One 4 acre Lot on the road from Macon to Milledge
ville, 2 miles from Macon whoreon Mrs Jones lives, le
vied on as the property of Lewis J Groce to satisfy one
Fi Fa from Bibb superior court in favor of Thomas S
Bennett vs Lewis J Gross—property pointed out by J
J Bennett, aug 3 BENJ. RUSSELL, dep. shff.
—* — —~ ^owetacODnli, c “ra
benefit of the orphans of William I’avnp /• ’ ‘ or He
May 28 49 ABNER BAN
11 111 If 11 mil I Ini m I In v it'll I WIT.
f VJUR mouths alter date,applicsui^nlriTrT—
to the honorable the inferior court nS Ba0e
couuty, when sitting for ordinary pnrnos« r
te sell part of the real estate of AhuerV’iam ■ *****
of said county, deceased. May 8 - j atpion,ln B
F OUR months after date application
to the honorable Inferior Court of r m>i *
county when sitting for ordinary pnrnov>«
sell the real estate of William Setveli | a t e of j at e ,! >
' S THOMAS,Sr 05 '
ty deceased
June 9, 1836
Madder, Nicaragua
Ground Logwood.
Acetic, Citric, Oxalic & other Acids, Acoustic Oil,
Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of
Ammonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balm of Colombia,
Patent Barley, Breastpipes, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep-
tier, Spanish Saffron, Ammoniaret of Copper, Sago,
Emetine, Cicuta Plaster, Ext. Aloes, Cinchona, Col
ocynth, Elateriuni, Jalap, Kabinca, Nux Vomica, Rhu
barb, Rhatania, Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla & Cubebs,
Dandelion, Valerian, Opium & others. Phosphate of
Iron, Red Oxyde of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron &e. Ginger
Powders, Hamilton's Elixir, Magnesian Aperient
English Calomel, Hoffmau’s Anodyne, Oil’d Silk or
Hat Case; Iodine, Jujube Paste, Lactucariiim. Lan
cets. Patent Lint, Lupuline, Lobelia, Medical Spoons,
Acetate and Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oils of
Caraway, Copaiva, Croton, Fennel, Wintergreen, Se-1 Ji. Macon with a view to a permanent residence,
neca, D(-narcotised and Powdered Opium, Pliospho- will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of
rus, Piperine, Pocket Instruments. Hydriodato & Ox j JZatSf Caps. £*UrS tbiC.
y-muriateof Potash, Potter s Catholicon, Liquor of Po- J comprising every variety of style and quality, usually
tash, Dragon’s Blood, Seatons, Stoughton s Elixir, J called for at a similar establishment. Among his as-
Strychnine, Powdered Valerian, Rhnbarbarine, Sali- sortmeut may be found
cine. Sanford’s Bark. Lac Sulphur, Syrup of Liver- Beaver, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Roarum and
wort, One Stethoscope, Swaim’s Panacea, Seidlitz woo j fj ats .
Powders, Tamarinds. Tincture of Colchicutn Wine -v Iens Fllr and Hai ’ r> Seal c Boys black blue
ofCoIchiciim, I nisses, 1 urbith Loot, \\ hite Hellebore, I and brown cloth Caps, Bombazine do black and drab
Colchictim Seeds, Acetate Colchicum, Aromutic silk plush a new style, Merino and Circassian &c dec, George Harris, deceased, by virtue of a FfFa issued
Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of r&icui Me-1 p»Am k;> „..i ! ^ J . • /v r a.
f j 1 HE Subscriber having established luiuseif in
Butts SlicriiF Snilo
O N thefirst Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, trill be
sold fit the court house in the town of Jackson,
Butts county, xrithin the legal hours of sale,
A negro man named Daniel, a negro woman nam
ed Milly and her child, levied on and returned to me by
constable as the property of Wylie Ferrel. by virtue of
sundry Fi Fas from a justice’s court of Butts county,
in favor of Henry Summerlin vs said Ferrell—pro
perty painted out by the plaintiff. July 28.
Campbell Sheriff Sale.
O N thefirst Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, will
be sold before the court house door in CampbelUon
Campbell county, between the usual hours of sale, thefol-
Lot of Land No 616, in the 18th district, and 2d sec
tion, originally Cobb but now Campbell county, levied
on as the property of P. J. Murray by a Fi Fa in fa
vor of the officers of Hall county superior court
No 153, in the 14th of Fay»tte when surveyed, but
now Campbell county; levied on as the property of
.. • i i .r „ i-: p.
dicines. and all others in common use, Garden Seeds,
and Shop Furniture for Physicians.—
Couching, Cupping, and small Scaling, Instruments;
and one second hand 6et of Amputating and Trephin
ing Instruments.April 29
JPralt’s Nipple Shields
T HE Medical College ofGeorgia at Augusta have y
given their opinion of tho superiority of Doctor I desired he will finish hats to order in any style to suit
Pratt’s Nipple Shield to any thing else hitherto offered the purchaser. From the facilities thus obtained and
for the same purpose, which opinion can be presented from assiduity and attention to his business he hopes
if necessary to physicians and others. The opinion of I to deserve as he trusts he will receive a liberal shar<
Dr Baber mid other physicians in Macon who have j of patronage. Oct 7,1835
From his long experience and personal attention to : f rom Campbell superior court, in favor of the Central
the business of manufacturing hats in some of the | Bank vs George Harris and L B Harris, and others—
most extensive establishments at the north, he is ena-1 property pointed out by G. Harris’ widow,
bled to assure all those who may favor him with j July 26 DAVID D. SMITH. Sheriff.
their patronage that he can furnish them with an arti- j Fayette Sheriff Saler
cle which for cheapness, neatness and durability shall | EFOItl 'the
be fully equal if not superior to any before offered in
the southern market. As his work will be principal
ly manufactured at his establishment in Macon, whi
(L/"Wanted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon
. kins
examined the instrument, accords with that of Doctor
D.-wees and the Medical College of Georgia. The
Instrument is for sale in Macen by the subscriber only,
price $5, with printed directions. H. LOOMIS.
Sign of the Golden Mortar, Mulberry street.
Certificate of Doctor Dewees
“ Doctor Eiij'ah Pratt: Dear sir As I feel it a mat- r p 09 j te tbe Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of
j ter of much public importance to possess a means df j £., , , ,i nnv «nnne
lessening the terrible sufferings of sore nipples, I have
Store*—Fresh Goods.
T HE subscriber is now opening, on second street,
next door to Patrick & Martin, and nearly op
TBEPORK the court house in Fayetteville, Fayette
ered m S B county, on the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER
next, will be sold, within the lawful hours of sale.
One lot of land No 25, in the 4th district of original
ly Henry now Fayette county, levied on as the pro
perty of Junius Bludwortb, to satisfy two Fi Fas is
sued from the inferior court of Fayette county one in
favor of T M Peck & Co vs said Junius Bludworth,
the other in favor of Henry. Vanbiber vs Benjamin
Flemming and Junius Bludworthseciirity.
One negro boy by the name of David, about twenty
five years old, levied on as the property of John D.
Mann, by sundry Fi Fas in favor of Thomas Byrus
and others, levied on and returned to me by a consta
ble. July 26 Af.FREl) BROWN, Pep. Sh’ff.
much pleasure in being able to say that the “ Shield”
yon oiler for the preventing and the cure of this mala
dy, is better adapted to this purpose than any I have
heretofore seen. In the two or three instances I have
known them to be used, much satisfaction has been
expressed: -*nd 1 have no hesitation to believe it will
generally succeed. I am so welt persuaded of this at
this moment, that I cannot forbear to express a wish
that i nr city through tbe various apothecaries may be
supplied with them. 1 am yours, &c.
Philadelphia. 13th Jan. 1834. Ws. P. Dzwees."
The most useful Family Medicine ever offered to the Pub
lic. No family ought or eter trill be without it afier a
T HIS well known Anti-dyspeptic and Worm Medi
cine, has proved successful these twelve years
lions, Henry’s Aromatic Vinegar. Welch Medicatn-
entura, Hygean Syrup, 'lead’s Pills. Walker’s Drops, j past, aud is universally acknowledged by all who have
Morrisou’s Pill*. West’s Pills, Rheumatic Medicine, ! tried it. to be far superior to any other medicine ever
Huir Powder, Almond paste
Pearl do Ground paint brushes,
Rouge, do sash
Milk of Roses, Oval Varnish
Cold cream, Camel hair
Cream Almonds. Badger’s hair
Florida water, various sizes Graining
do ass’d
do silver wire,
Cologne do do do Flesh
Lavender do dc do Horse
Hose do do do Hair
Bears’ oil, Nail
Ward’s hair oil. Comb
Marrow Pomatum, Tooth
Orange Flower Water, do
Mucassur oil, Cloth
Spirit of Rose, Scrubbing
Camphor soap, Shoe
Musk do
Emollient do
Windsor do
do do Brown,
Wash Balls,
Curling fiuid,
Antique oil,
Lip Salve, (Persian Otto Sharing do
Rose.) Shaving oil,
Tooth powder, (superior) Powder Puffs and boxes,
Erasive do Preston salts,
Extract Bergamot, Smelling bottles,
do Rose, Tapers,
do Musk, Dutch cologne,
Honey Water. Atkiuson’s Depilatory.
Shaving rakes,
Amputating cases. Cupping glasses,
Trepanning instruments, do do with ai
Patent feather Booms,
do do Dusters,
do do Brushes,
Fitch Tools,
Counter Brushes,
Hut do
Crumb do
Gnat elastic catheters,
Silver do
Seton Needles,
Spring lancet blades,
Tooth claws,
Macon Jan. 14. 29 H. A J. SHOTWELL.
Lamp Oil,
a superior quality,
Mav 5 35
Dissecting do
PocKst cases.
Spring MncoU,
Evans’ llinnib do
Dentists’ cases,
Teeth keys,
do do (moveable but- Gum Lancets,
tuns, Medical spoous,
Scarificators, Scales and Weights,
Abscess 1 .miceis, Teeth Files.
The subscribers intend keeping a full assortment of
FURNITURE, &c. consisting of all snides in the i
liua uace*sary for the supply of ohysieiaus. Plantations „ , „„ ,
or Families. They will he supplied with the best that ? a Zj ngt Zchv
can be selected out of the New-York and Philadelphia #». .»* ^
markets Orders from Merchants aa j Physicians,
Vvillrecsiva prompt aitr-Vj.uu i A l’PLE ViNEGAR for sale b
Jhjn. 2g 81 fi. M. A. W. 2, EJ«l L*. j 4&4Jti!«n 41 -J-. EE d
Sphon’s Digestive Elixir, Little’s Lotion, Ni.
Salve, Bleaching liquid, Ess Mustard, Citrate ofKnle
Consumption Specific, Cerate of Copaiva. Cosmetic
Cold Cream. Hays Liniment, Chapman’s Mixture,
Bullard’s Oil of Soap, Scotts Pills, Hamilton's Worm
Lozenges. Judkin’s Specific Ointment, Scotch Oint
ment. Hoffman’s Anodyne.
Surgical and .fled i cal lustra incuts
Pocket Instruments in Cases, Silver Spring Lan
cets Evans Crown thumb Lancets, Obstetrical Instru
ments. F'ex’s Spring Turnkeys, Teeth Forceps, C up
ping glasses. Tweezers, Surgical Needles, Gum Elas
tic Syringes, Metnlic do, Stetheoscopes. Apothecaries
Scab-sand weights. Spatulas ass’d. MnlaJic Stall's and
Sounds, Hair Sieves. Medical Spoons,
Ground Paint Brushes assorted sizes, Varuisli do.
Sash Tools do, Badger’s Hair Blenders Graining do.
Camels Hairdo, Fancy and plain Hair Brudies assor
ted. Palters do do, Cloth do do, Hat Crumb Brushes.
Hearth do, Dusting do, Counter do. Shoe do. Hat
ters’Brushes, Taile do, Flesh do. Shaving do, Fur
niture Brushes, Whisk Brooms, do Brushes.
Glass Ware• Store Furniture.
Window Glass
Window Glass assorted sizes from 7 by 9 to 22 by
28 inchet, Coach Glass, do Picture Lookilig Glass
Plates, Tincture Bottles from J pint to 2 gallons, do
Specie assorted sizes, Salt .Mouth do, 1 to 8 oz Vials,
j Ground stoppers White and Green Vials assorted,
Nursing Bottles, Globe Bottles. Graduate Measures,
• Glass Funnels, Retorts and Reservoirs, Proof Glasses
Drum Vials, Otto of Rose Vials, Pungents Tubes or
Fillers, Glass Lamps, with shades, do without shades,
Glass Candlesticks, Suspending Lumps, with shades,
extra shades.
Cologne, irater Fancy articles, Soaps
Double distilled Cologne Wuter in fancy and plain
Bottles, Florida Wn'er, Milk of Roses. Orange F'low-
er Water, Lavender, Harrogate salt*. Pearl Powder,
Pomatum, Macassar Oil, Ruse water, Oil of Roses,
Musk, German Cologne water, Honey water, Preston
■alts, Antique Oil, Transparent wafers, Puugeuts,
(cut glass,) Metalic shaving Boxes, Camels Hair Pen
cils, Wash Balls, Otto of Rose Vials, Variegated 6oap.
do Transparent for shaving, Rose soap, do Cinnamon
do Ceylon, English Windsor, soda soap, Conrt Plas
ter, Teeth powder
Kitchen’s Patent Cocoa, Lucifer Matches, Bar soap,
Variegated do, Turpenti le, Fine and Coarse sponge,
Cox’s Curryiug Knives, Clay Pipes, do Glazed, Lamp
Glasses, Lamp Wick, Bees Wax, Diamonds, French
Chalk, Emery coarse and fine, Black sand, Pearlash
Castile soap, .Scotch, Rnppie aud Mac-aboy snuff, sha
ving Boxes, H>>ney, GJue, Blacking, 1-einon syrup,
Barbers shaving Cakes, Chloride Liine, Wafers, Ta
pers sealing Wax. starch, sand Paper, Indelible Ink,
Corks, Cork Wood, Violins, do strings, Bellows, Ma
gic Matches, Swifts, Bath Brick, shellac.
Intending to be permanently engaged in this busin
ess, the subscribers will use every exertion in their
power, to render it worthy the patronage of their old
and new customers. Orders by etter will meet the
same attention as if made in person.
Painting of every description carried on by
- — - —
employed in diseases for which it is rccouiuieniied. It
is perfectly safe, and no child will refuse to take it. It
seldom fails curing Cholera .11 or bits, ISys-
eatery or Botrel tComplaiuts, Colie
anti Bleeding Files, either in grown per
sons or children, and it gives appetite to almost all de
bilitated persons. Worms frequently infest children,
aggravate all other diseases and are tbe chief cause of
ftrtrs. Bowel Complaints, aud chronic and nervous dis
eases. incident »o childhood, which are so numerous
and frequently fatal. It ia much to be regretted that
thousand* of children are swept off, or are rendered
feeble, pale and emaciated through thfe first stage of life
—which lends on to pulmonary complaints, Ac. &c.
Worms being especially apt to infest persons of de
bilitated digestive organs and emaciated constitutions,
much mischief is often done by the ordinary '• orm
medicines, which generally consist of the strongest
purgatives—calomel, that destroyer of the constitution,
bitters, pink root, or spirits of turpentine, worm see
oil, &c. Articles of this kind may destroy worms, but
they debilitate the stomach, and ofteu materially in
jure the general health, without removing the chuso.'s Vermifuge has the peculiar advantage of re
moving tbe cause of worms, by giving vigor and heal
thy action to the stomach, bowels and oVgans of diges
tion—thereby removing measles croup hooping cough
and many other complaints. It is by this means that
so many grown persons have been relieved, by its use.
of dyspepsia, sirk head-ache, foul or sour stomach,
FOUL Bit HATH, coughs, and most of the bilious
symptoms, &c. Alc. &c
’ This medicine will relieve Bowel Complaints or Dys
entery, Billions Colic, vomiting, sickness, pain or
weakness hi tho stomach or bowels, loss of appetite
either in children or growr. persons, in n few hours:
and seldom fails curing CHILLS and FEVER or FE
VER it AGUE, and Intermittent orUillinus Fevers.
For sale, wholesale and retail by
July 7 54 J II. & W, S. ELLIS.
Staple and Fancy Dll Y GOODS.
Which will be sold at prices much reduced, being bo’t
on reasonable terms and cheap, they will be sold ac
cordingly. His stock comprises in part as follows:
8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 London Duffil Blankets—10-4 and
12-4 fine Mackinaw do—Negro Plains and Liuseys—
super blue, black, brown mixt Cloths—Fine and com
mon Satinets, assorted colors—superfine Valentia and
Toilinet Vestings—super white aud red Flannels—do
Merino do.
Black and colored 6-4 Merinos—do do Bombazetts—
fine 6-4 Bombazines—Pink Ratinet—figured Circas-
super and common plain and twilled Calicoes—swiss.
Jaconet, Mull and Book Muslins—black and colored
cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in ^ pieces very fine
—colored and white Humespuns—Rovven cassimeres
and cheeks—hirdseye and Russia Diapers—Linen
cambric Hkfs, Russia sheetings, &c
Black super Poi de soie silks—do Italian Lustring do
—rich colored silks very cheap—Levantines, sarsnets'
and sinchevvs.
Mandarin, Herninci, embroidered Romani, Bagdad,
rich satin, figuered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool
and martin gauze Hkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbons—
Handsome thread Edgings and Quiltings—Blond Kd-
cinps and Bobinet Ibices—and many other article
which cannot fail to give satisfaction as to price and
quality. dec 17 25
Fftinp Oil.
500 Gallons Winter strained Lamp Oil vety
Houston Sheriff' Sale.
O N thefirst Tuesday in SE *TEM BER next, will be
sold before the court house door, in the town of
Perry, Houston county, between the lawful hours of sale,
Lot of Land No 13. in the 13lh district of Houston
county, containing 202£ acres (oak and hickory land)
more or less, levied on by two Fi Fas. issuing out of a
justice’s court of Jackson county, agtynst Janies H
Raney in liivor of Jared VV Montgomery—levy made
and returned to me hy a constable. Aug 1 58
F OUR months after date application
to the inferior court ol l4e
ordinary purposes, for leave to sell tho laid »
grossof Frederick Sessions, late of said - *" dnc '
ceased. MayJ9 ASA SEsl'lots
GEORGIA—Crawford County. - == =^=k.
W HEREAS Cyrus Robinson anpliesiom e
letters of administration on tl!l P csteleo n f Cf
Kohinson late of said county, deceased
These are therefore to cite and adutontih all and
lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased ^
appear at my office within the time prescribed bn
shew cause tf any they can why send letters slumU Z ;
granted. '
Given under mv hand, at office, 25th Jolr tsac
™ L_ B. F. lam; l: St
GEORGIA, Bibb County.
WM/HEREAS. John D. Pitts applies roe to f or w
V V ters of administration on the estan.
ton Page, deceased,
. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said dccies-
cd to file their objections (if any they here,) in Z
office within the time prescribed by law, u bj sof' 1
letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, July 57. Jgsg
July 28 57 HENRY G. 11038, c.e.a,
A LL persons having demands against the estate of
Sterling Camp, late of Butts Comity deceased,
are notified to render them in to the subscriber,proven
as t-He law directs, within the time prescribed by J»w.
POLLY CAMP, Administratrix.
July 20 <*
GEORGIA: Houston County. ■
11' HERKAS Elizabeth C. Chain applies for lev
f? ters of Administration on the estate of Julia
J. McBride, deceased—
These are therefore to cite and admonish all am tit-
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased io b ul
appear at my office within the time prescribed by tee 1 ,
shew cause if any they ha te, why said letters shouUsetbi
Given under my haud at office July 7.1536.
55 CHARLES IT RICE, c. c.jb.
GEORGIA: Houston county.
W HEREAS John J. Howell applies for
letters of Administration with the wiliattm-
ed, on the estate of Alonzo C McBride,deceased—
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and finer-
lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to U aid
appear at my office trithin the lime prescribed by lar, to
shew cause if any they hate, why sa tel letters should not te
Given under my hand at office, this 7thdav ofjttlr,
1836. 55 CHAS. H PJCLc.c.o.’
’■’TNDERon order of the Inferior Court of bibb coun-
iLJ ty, sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold be
fore the court house within the usual hours of sale.
On the first Tuesday in OCTOBER next, atjMaeon,
Bibb county, ELEVEN NEGROES, men, women,
and children.
All sold ns the property of James McDonald, late of
Bibb couuty, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs.—
Terms On the day. August 4 58
JEMIMA McDonald. Adm’n.
GREEN McDonald. Adm’r.
cuejirgt Tuesday in UC'TOBtti next, will besolel
before Ike court house, in Carrollton, Carroll
county, icithin the legal hours, under an order of the In
ferior court of Bibb county,
Lot No 5ft, in the 3d district of Carroll county, sold
as the property of Caroline Spruce, a minor, for the
benefit of said minor. Terms on the day
ang4 58 JAMES W. GRJvfiN. Guard
Jan. 14
handsome—just received and for sale
bv Pi. & J. SHOTWFI L.
30 Opposite the Central Hotel.
4 HHDS ham-,
for sale bv
June 23 59
choice quality, just received and
Sw.nim’s Pannccit, Indian Panacea
A supply just rac’d by II & J SHOTWF.M
rE IHF. Insurance Bank of Columbus, wilt insure
JL Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks
ly to
Macon. Oct.27 ' 'ROBERT COLLINS.
.Slid Carriage ICepasiCoru-
.MINER, respectfully informs his friends, that
ho has Leased the Ware-house and Lot. known
as Burton’s, late Mr. John Rees, near the Planter’s
Hotel—and has all those superior buildings construc
ted into Stables and Carriage Houses.—Hus on hand,
and will keep, a general asorUuentof CARRIAGES
forsale of the letest fashions and hestfinish. Hiscou-
ncction in this branch ofhis busiuess, is such, as to in
duce him to believe, he can offer greater inducements
to tbe purchaser, than any like Establishment at the
South. His Stables are all Dirt Stalls—wide, high
and airy; can accommodate any number of Horses on
Livery from I to 200—price par day. each Horse,
longer or shorter time, 50 cents.—Horses and Car
riages of every kind usually hired, can be had ou tlie
imvt reasonable terms. The proprietor pledges him-
selffo do every justice to his Friends—who may pat
ronise him.
For Sale.
] Pair of Extra fine Northern Carriage Horses, 7
and 8 years old, of line blood, price $1200, sold for ro
1 Pair Sorrels, 15$ hands high, 6 and 7 years old,
fine Traveler*, well broke, can be recommended for
family use—belonging to a private gentleman who is
going to travel, and wishes to sell immed ately.
1 Pair Dark Bays, J6 hands high, 0 and 8 years old,
sound and gentle—and I Saddle Poney, young and
sound. also,
Two Barouches* I Buggy, 1 Sulky and two Gigs;
all have been used some.—Sold for cash.
Miv 21 3nt. 50
THE Subscribers have taken that com
modious and well known public house in
the City of Macon,—the II ashiuaton Hall,
lately occupied hy Mr. M. D. Hnson.—
By "the unremitting attention of both of
them, they flatter themselves that their House will ob
tain for them a general patronage from the Public.—
They have secured the valuable services of a Lady,
whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is
inferior to no one in tire State.
Their tnblcs will be (tarnished with the best the coun
try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors.
"The Stnblcs are attended bv careful nnd experienced
Ostlers. MUSTIAN & MOTT-
Feb 5 1835 36 _ __
.7/acon, Georgia.
T HIS establishment is now under the control of
the subscribers, who pledge themselves to ren
der comfortable those who mav call on them.
Feb26 35 JOHN D. RAM! Y.
For Sale.
A comfortable dwelling house with out
buildings complete, situated on Poplar
street and Cotton Avenue, a delightful
situation with one or two tots and fine wa
ter, will be sold on reasonable terms for
cash. For terms apply in Maoou te
May 26 46. WM.
Clinton, Jones County, Ca. :
FffNHH Subscribers (late proprietors of the
ti Clinton Hotel,) render our thauks to our
frieuds and patrons for past encouragement, and
respectfully beg leave to announce to the public,
that we have temoved to the commodious House
known ns the
globe tavern,
situated in the business part of the town, and
fronting the Court-House.
Having leased this stand foT several years,
with the iutentron of renetving the lease or of pur
chasing tho property, we consider ourselves per
manently located, and shall continue to improve
our accomodations as the comfort of customers
shall require.
Our House is now open for tho reception of
Travellers or Hoarders.. We shall at all times
eurlenvor to keep such a House, as will ensure
public patronage; nnd we hope to afford such ac
commodations as will prove satisfactory to those
who call on us.
The usual great promises of good TABLES,
BARS, &c. we think unnecessary to particular
ize.—Good Lots and other conveniences for Dro
vers, readily furnished
January 20,1834 10 if
A GREEABLE to an order of the honorable Inferior
court of Pike county, silting for ordinary purposes,
will be sold on thefirst Tuesday in OCTOBER next, be
fore. the court house door, in Lumpkin, Stewart county,
within the legal hours of sale,
Lot of Land No 147, in the 2 (| th district of formerly
Lee now Stewart county, sold as a part of the real es
tate of Anderson Griffin, late of Pike county, deceas
ed. Terms of sale made krtown on the day. July 2,
1836. 54 JNO R KENDtllCK. Ao.,.’r.
MARY P GRIF ’f\ tl.n’rx.
A ,.. ,jABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of
Morgan county, when sitting for ordinary purposes
will be sold on thefirst Tuesday in OCTOBER next,
trithin the legal hours, before the court house door in the
totem of Forsyth. Monroe county.
All "the NEGROES belonging to the estate of Tho
mas Summerlin, late of Morgan county deceased, to
wit: Rial, a negro irthn 27 years old, n tanner to trade.
Mary, a woman,30 years old, also. Moriah, a girl 13
years o/d, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.—
Terms made known on the day of sale. ‘-LM July.
O N thefirst Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, before
thr court house in Stewart county, within the lawful
hours of sale, under an order of the Inferior Court of said
county, sitting for ordinary purposes, trilll be sold
belonging to the estate of Benjamin F. Nelson, late of
sail! county deceased Terms on the day.
Jnne 30 WM. NELSON. S A
ta '87’ILL be sold on tli! first Tuesday in September
V? next, before the court honso "door, in Camp-
bellton, Campbell comity, within the legal hours of
sole, two thirds of |
181 Acres of Uot of Land,
No 94, in the 7th district of originally Coweta now
Campbell county, for the benefit of the orphans of
William Jones, deceased—Terms made known on the
day of sale. JAMES McCRACKIN, Adm’r
June Iti 52
NI • ER an order of the Inferior Court of Pike coutt-
GKOKGIA, Butts County.
W HEREAS, Charles A. Kiucostnp-
plies tome for Letters <f Admiubtraiumcn
the estate of Aristotle G. Duke, late oFscidtouatr.
These are therefore to citernd admonish all cud
singular the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to be and appear at my office trifhin the
time prescribed by laic, to shc(6 cause if arty tkj
can why said letters shall not be giantidlhm.
Given under niy hand at office this 11th dav of Jniv,
1836. 55 JOHN McCOKD.c.c.o.
GEORGIA, Campbell County:
W HEREAS, James M’Cracbin andHViliis® H-
England, apply to me for Letters of Admin;st!--
tion, on the estate of Janies H. Knox, late offwi
county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditors of.said decciscd. fo 1
and appear at my office within the time prescribed hy
law, to show cause, if an)' they have, why said Is® 15
should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 4th dsr f
Jnly, 1836.
E o.
July 20 5fi
G t ORGfA—Houston county.
WM/~HEREAS Nathan G. Lewis applies
If to me for letters of administration onfoee;-
tate of Benjamin Lewis, deceased,
These, are thcreforcto cite and admonish ail tsdsisP-
lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bt
appear at my office within the time prescribed by Isvf
shew cause, if any they can, why said letters should I’d" 1
Given tinder my hand and seal. July 30,1836.
58 CHAS H. itICK.c.f.L
W ’AHA—Crawford county. .
HERFAS Wm L Johnson and Met p V
gram apply to me for letters of Admina'P' '
oti the estate of Starling Horton, deceased-
These arc therefore to cite and admonish ai!
tarthe kindred and creditors of said deceased 0 , i‘
appear at my office within the time pnscri1idtf > tt “
shew cause if any they can why said letters shi t!' 1 '- '
Given under my hand, 2d August, 1836.
58 [ n. F. LANE, n ffN
GEORGIA—Butts couuty. , rc .
S AMUEL NUTT tolls before Silas
tice of the peace in and for said |' oall - ; ' her
Bay Jtlare. five feet high, with * „ii
forehead, and blind in her right eye, J3or H J • ' .
Apprai.-edby Robert \V Harknessa«d ” m '
to $30, tiie 10th October, 1835. .
U nii wm.
ty sitting for Ordinary Purposes, will be sold on
the first Tuesday in SEPTEMBER next, within the le
gal hours of sale, before the court house in Cherokee coun
ty. tot No. 363,
in the 15th district 2d section, sold as the property of
Janies Lowry, deceased, fertile benefit of all concern
ed. Terms on the day ASA SESSIONS, Adm’r.
June 30 1
"■TNDER an order of the Inferior Court of Stewar
HJ county, sitting for Ordinary purposes will be sold,
on thefirst Tuesday in SEPTEMBER nert, between the
lawful hours, before the court house, in said county.
Two Negroes and 100 acres Land,
lying in the Hitchity bend, on the Chattahoochee ri
ver, number not known—sold as the property of Alex
ander Nelson, late of said county, deceased. Terms
on the day. June 30.
WM. NELSON. fAdmrs.
g ,1 OUR months after date application will be made
-Sc to the inferior court of Butts county, when sit
ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the land
and negroes belonging to the estate of James Ander
son, late of Butts county, deceased. Mav 27 49
Carriages, Piano Fortes, Ac.
A FEW fine toned Piano Fortes ; three splendid
.cm. new built Carriages, for sale by
April 18 43 . CRAFT &. LEWI?.
ted Cotton screw, propelled oy waw i , B( j i_
states of Georgia. Alabama and Temie^e*'-
territory of Florida, now offer the same .or s -
by counties or individual rights. nial ie by
From actual experiments which have in fail
the patentee, (who has oae of those ,ua . cl ‘'.j, a til;rc*
operation) we have no hesitation in J( j a _ v , by
times as much cotton can be packed with i ' ^ foe
two hands, as can be packed in the same ens ein
liorso screw now in use. The difference 1 .j, e jjorse
constructing this screw and its machinery,»
screw, will not exceed 25 dollars. , to ib*
Applications by letter or otherwise, a “
subscribers, at Decatur, DeKaib countv,
prompt attention. J°*/ silWPSONv,
Ang3 58 4t WM-
Cotton Ositahttrgs hr'Lst quritf
A LARGE supply of the above,
from the Scull Shoal factory, for
Mav 12 45 CRAFT.®--'
* Slorcs for Salc- . bii s w?
THE subscriber offersu> jeet-p 1 ’
building on Cotton Avenue,
ed hy Robinson & Morgan. ,
Also, the superior store ( str ret,
tenement attached) on -
adjoining Mnstian & Mott’s Hotel, an
merly owned by Wm. H Bnrdsall.
For further particulars a PP*JJ
aug4 58 tf jOHNJDjjiUJ—-
— Stove to Bent. former
THE House on Cctwn A«n • , pp>
occupied by Wm. C. Parker,
vision store. App^*®^ & LETTS'
July 21____§C-r^rrojic£
Job Printing done at