Newspaper Page Text
fl, >t 4BTLETT.
4Vr*us «f Subscription.
. ... paid in advance, will pay for the pa-
Tl ,R ” r rtS oZlla*s, paid in advance, will pay
tW gears. T«» Dollars, paid tn advance
booths after the year has
^ZnlThnn Dollars and Fifty Ceats per annum
If not paid until the end of the year,
«*•"*-** **-
iher"fi* r - Terjus „f Advertising.
i I..*,* neats not exceeding one hundred words, or 12
J^ llneZfconsidertda square,) will he inserted, one
jr* l,r dollar. Whan more than one insertion is
% ce^sforthe first, and 50 for each sub-
given, < .
* e ykcrlfs\ TaxCollectors’ and Coroners' Sales are chat-
te i r b 'J^!dr t irtUers will he allowed two souaresiueach
Y for Twenty Dollars per annum; and in the same
villas for subscription. Interest will be c'largcd
not settled within the year.
.Tets> Tor,
SsToitricn Ei**c of Packet?'
4 ~HRIG Amelia Strong. J- Chace, Master,
Premium, Mr. Matthews, “
new “ Darien, C. P. Buckley, “
« « Macon, A. Bibbins, “
Schr. D. B. Crane. it T. Baker, “
All nood and substantial vessels, well calculated for the
“V. L at each endof the Line to receive freight, and
will sail regularly once a week. Shippers by this line
ran effect Insurance at five eighths Pa rent a, 'f * h V
may rely upon the vessel* being regularly despatched.
The subscribers are also agents for several Steamboats
to run regularly during the boating season between
Darien, Hawkinsville, and Macon, and are induced to
believe that they can give great facilities in forwarding
foods destined forth* interior of the State.
Darien. 1st July, 1835^ 3
—.1!I ft con Steam Boat Company.
Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. George Willcox.
do. EXCEL. “ J■ L- Willcox.
T HIS company have now their line of Boats in
complete order for freighting. They have a
new steamboat added to their line called the Superior,
and ten Tow-Boat*.
The Boat* will run regularly between Macon and
Darien, one of the steamboat* leaving Darien every
five or six day* with tow-boata. The company have
now sixteen tow-boata, all first rate boats, built express
ly for the navigation of the Ocmulgee and Altamaha
rivers; these increased facilities will enable the com
pany the means of giving the greatest despatch to
cotton or good* shipped by their line.
They have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops,
to carry cotton and merchandise between Darien and
Savannah, and Darien end Charleston. There are
also, five first rate Packet* running regularly between
Darien and New York, which come to Hawes A
Mitcbel, of Darien.
Agents for the above Boats :
J. GODDARD, Macen.
Bovoe, Havnr & Wxi.tkk, Charleston.
L. Baldwis A Co. Savannah,
Hawks, Mitchkll A Colli**, Darien,
Geo. K. Roberts, Hawkinsville,
Macon, 24th Dec., 1835.
Ocmultgec Steam Boat Company.
T HIS company will be prepared to commence ha
sines*, early'in the next senson—They will have
a line of Packet* between New York, and Darien and
steam vessel* to forward goods from Darien to Macon
—The agents in New York, Charleston, and Savannah,
will be authorised to contract for the delivery of goods
in Macon, ate freight agreed on without intermedi
ate charge and the agent in Macon will receive cotton
deliverable in Savannah, Charleston, and New York—
The company’s vessels and boat*, will be of first class
with experienced commanders, and no expense will be
•pared to nvsetthe patronage ofthe public.
PIf. R. Y'O.NGK A SONS, Agents in Darien.
may 27th 1835. 40
gummrr S Tall Jtrran gem en t ofthe
Ficuccr Steam A Pole Boat Line.
T ill* proprietor* ofthe above line notify their
friend* and the public, that they will have run
ning on the Altamaha and Ocmulgee river* during
the summer and fall month*, four or live Pole Boats,
pertir.alarly adapted to low stages of water, and which
will be aided by Steamboat* when the water will per
mit. Shipner* by this line may depend npon every at
tention being paid, and exertion used to give despatch
t* propvrtv shipped by it to any of the landings on
said rivers. J. T. ROWLAND, Ag't ,\ocon.
Messrs Holcombe. Peck A Co. Charleston.
K. P. Butts, Esq. Savannah.
Rowland, Crave A SnACKEi.ron», Darien.
Hai.stbad.Tatlor A Co. Hawkinsville.
Macon, June 30 1 6m
Commillion Business, Barien.
T HE Undersigned have formed a Copartnership
lor the purpose of transacting a general Com
mission and other business under the firm of
and offer their services to their friends, and the public
generally, in the above business. Forwarding Goods
and produce to and from the interior of the State, will
receive particular attention. It may be proper to
•tate that they hare no connection with any of the
Stoara transportation lines; Goods for the intorior will
always ha snipped by those who will probably give
them the greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW,
Jan 1,1836 28 GEO. T. ROGERS
Commission Business, Barien.
. mIHK undersigned have resumed business as a-
B. hove, and will aa heretofore pay prompt atten
tion to all businees entrusted to their care. Wc believe
we have made arrangements that will enable us at all
times to forward goods for the interior with the least
possible delay, by steamboats when the river will ad
mit, or in extreme low river by small flats or lighters,
built expressly for that business. On our wharves
are large Storehouses, calculated for the atoring of cot
tun at the least possible expense, and our opportunitie*
to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not exceed
ed by any other House. Darien, May 20, 1835.
IV.iltE j I OUSE
lyi'ick, Napier A Free-
inail inform their friends and the
public gem rally, that they are enlarg
ing their Ware House adjoining their
store on Cotton A veuue, and will have
it ready l'er the reception of cotton by the commence
ment of the ensuing season. All cotton consigned to
liieui by Planters and others, dealing iu the article, or
orders to buy and sell mi the market, will be promptly
attended to. They likewise inform those -Merchants
who forward their goods by Macon, That they haves
large and safe Brick Store, for the reception of mer
chandize, and will receive and forward all gooda con
signed to them. Their charges in every iu tance will
be aa low as is customary iu tho city. Liberal advan
ces will he made on cotton stored with them or ship
ped by them to any other market.
^ Having one of the partners of their firm (Mr. A. R.
Freeman i located in the city of New York for the pur
pose of a ilbrding the necessary facilities to their busi
ness in Macon, they respectfully iufonn Merchants
and others who have business to tramact in that city,
that he will be prepared to attend tonny Commission
Business vith which he may be favored. They em
brace the present opportunity to return their grateful
acknowledgements to their friends and the public for
past favor:, and solicit a continuation of their patron
In addition to their present stock, they will receive
early this fall a fine nsssrtment of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Cutlery, Bale Rope, Heavy Hemp, Cotton
Readymade Clothing, &c. &c. dc.
suitable for the fall trade, all of which they offer for
sale on the most reasonable terms
Macon, August 25 61 tf
rind Commission Business.
THE undersigned respectful!
forms his friends and the public
erally, that he has become proprie r of
the large and commodious Ware use
in East .Macon, formerly occupied by Messrs H nil-
ton A Hayes, where he will transact the above isi-
nessin all its branches. He will make liberals an-
cos on Cotton stored with him, or on shipments ,ny
of his friends in Savannah. Charleston or Neiv-York,
when de»ired; and by his unremitted attention to bu
sinesi. hopes to receive such share of public patron
age aa his exertionsand accommodations mav merit.
Tha subscribers have entered into copartnership un
der the firm of
aud will, in addition to their present stock, constantly
be receiving from New-York and Boston, a large and
general assortment of
comprising Hats, Shoes, Saddlery, Iron, Salt, Bag
ging, and every other article in that line of business.
Their friends and the public generally, are invited ta
give them a call, at the store formerly occupied by D.
Flanders. D. FLANDERS,
July 23 57 3ra H. L. COOK
ware House
.Inti Commission Business.
The undersigned desire to inform their
Friends and the Public generally, that
theycontiiuiethe above business. They
are inakingsomeadditiontothcir Ware
house which is conveniently situated on
Second-street adjoining tbeir store, they will lie pro.
pared to make liberal advances on Produce or Mer
chandise, either in store or to be shipped to Savannah.
Charleston or New York.
Their personal and individual attention will be de
voted to selling cotton from the warehouse or wagon.
In addition to the above, they will continue the mer
cantile husiness at their old stand, and expect shortly to
receive IVom the New York and Boston markets, a
fresh supply of
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Hats, Shoes, Ac. Arc.—which will make
their assortment large and complete.
By a strict attention to business they hope to merit a
share of public patronage,
aept 15 64 GEORGE JEWETT A CO.
Volume XI.—•-N it mil, r 1
merchants* Insurance Company of
Capital Slock 100.000 Dollars!
A COMPANY', under the above title, has recently
been founded with an actual cash capita] of
One Hundred Thousand Dollars,
tobepuidon the first of October next, at which time
they will commence takiug marine risks to and from
the city of Macon, to any port or place in the United
States; the capital stock will be held ready at all times
to meet any loWs that maybe due from thecouipany.
IFuieli Makers tr Jewellers,
Would inform their friends aud
the public, that they have remov
ed their establishment to Cotton
Avenue, to the store recently oc-
SHttfflsrXGT'UPI cupied by J H & WS Ellis,drug-
lammrjHfflLaMWTu .ri s u, where they will h« hannvto
iiieei aiiv urates «uai ui»«Y uc uue iruru Knecciuipauv. . . .{
The claims ol this Company, when contrasted with J*"®. P* may lavor them with a call. 3 hey
those of other distant offices, heretofore having done j £* ve «" Edition to their loriper stock just rece.ved
much business here, justifies the belief that th?s local from NewYork L a largeaud sp.eudid assortment of
institution, based a* itis, will be liherallv patronized,
particularly when the terms are as liberal as in any o-
iher mariue offices.
James Goddard, Presidtnt.
Wm. B. Parker. Y
J Cowi.r.s, 1 _. .
F. II. Wellman, f Directors
Thos. Tatlor, J
June 16 51-tf James Rea, Secretary. ..
d| MHOS St Croix, P. R. and N O.
150 bags prime green Coffee,
40 hhds prime retailing Molasses,
50 bbls N. E. Rum.
40 „ American Gin,
35 „ Whiskey.
250 ps heavy Hemp Dundee Bagging,
50 coils Rope, 6000 lbs bagging Twine,
A General stock of Groceries,
in store and for sale on accommodating terms bv
sept 1 62 Mulberry ft.
T HE subscribers have formed a copartnership uu-
der -lie firm of
for the purpose of Importing and t*an.*acting a
will open a large and extensive* stock of Good* (direct
from Europe) suited to the Southern market, about
the lstof September, in Faber’s block of buildings
at the corner of Fraser’s Wharf and Fast Bav.
Charleston, July 26 5.8 !>t '
Shoes. '
CASES Gentlemens fine Calf, sewed, Brogans
3 do stout Kip pegged do
1 do fine calf. Boys do
1 do stout sewed Men’s Shoe*
1 do Ladies Prunella Slips
Just received, aud forsato Jpw by
Ann25 61 tf C. L. HOWLAND A CO.
THE undersigned will continue to
transact the above business in all its
various forms at their old stand. They
will, as hitherto, make liberal advances
on produce and merchandize in stpre,
or to be shipped either to Savannah, Charleston, New
York or Liverpool, and will devote the same persona!
and undivided attention to all business entrusted to
their care, and particularly to that of selling cotton
from the warehouse or wagon*. Having disposed of
their warehouse in East Macon, they will in future
confine their business to one house, which they are
enlarging considerably for the storage of Cotton, and
where they will be happy to serve those who have
given thpm their patronage from the East side of the
river. Feeling grateful for the liberal patronage here
tofore received, we hope by a strict attention to busi
ness to merit a continuation of the same.
Macon, 1st September, 1836
200 pieces Best Hemp Bagging for sale at market
rates, b;
H. 1I.ACO.
For Sale,
61 hhds St. Croix Sugar of superior quality
50 bags Coffee,
45,000 lbs Swede Iron,
100 kegs Nails, assorted,
25 hhds choice Molasses,
150 whole and half bbls Canal and Ricnmond
5 pipe* pure II. Gin and C. Brandy warranted
pure and three years old,
20 bbL old Monongahala Whisker, 5 proof,
bhls pure Hum, and20 Gin,
Plait} and Ornamental fainting-
T HE subscriber has taken the shop Ibnuerly oc
cupied by .Mr. Thos. McCleskev, nearly oppo
aite the new market, and is now prepared to execute
all kind* of
House and Sign Painting,
Chair Painting,
Oil Nut and Burnished Gilding,
Gilding and Glazing,
Paper Hanging,
Enamelling seals.
Having in his employment some of the most effi
cient workmen to be found in the Suite, he will be n-
ble to undertake largely and execute with neatness.
April4 6m_ 41 DANIEL T. REA.
C APT Marryatt’s complete works in 1 volume,
Pencilling* by the Way,
Gilbert Gurney,a novel, in 2 volumes,
The Naval Sketch Book, 2d-series,
I.ifo and time* of Kienzi,
Spain revisited, by the author of a year in Spain,
Private Life of LaFayetlc; Kienzi,
Adventuresof a Rifle Brigade,
Cotton on the Religions state of the country,
Tomlin’s Law Dictionary,
Milford’s Pleadings, &c. &c.
Just received and for sale by
'watches, Jewelry, dec.
ofthe latest fashions, waich t|iey will sell cheap for
cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es
capement, duplex, lepine, alarm mid vertical Watch
es. of the best quality; gold, silver and steel guard
Chains, Seals aud Keys, Ear Knobsmid Drops, lireost
Pins, Finger Rings, gold, silver aud steel Spectacles,
gold aud silver ever potnted Pencils, silver table, tea,
salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and
creaui 1-adle*—all of which will be warranted tree
from afloy ; silver Cups, butter Knives. Castors, sil
ver plated ami bronzed Candlesticks, Trays and Snuf-
era, .Musical Boxes, Accordions, Flutes, Flngeoletts,
Files. Drums, Ac. Swords, sword Cane*, Knives and
Pistols, among which is Buggies’ pocket Rifle, that
will shoot filly yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den
tist Files, shell, silver, gilt aud lio(o Combs, Card ca
ses, Pocket Books and Purses, silver SnntTboxes, sil
ver Toys, silver Thimbles, Scissors, cum I, gilt and
glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of other articles
usually kept in their line.
N. B. We have the best of materials for repairing
Watches of all kind*. S. S. V’s practical knowledge
(if the business induces him to think that be can. and
willjgive satisfaction to all who may entrust their work
in bis hands. 8pnnns A c-engraved- Oct-1
IPiglc/ics, Jcivctry, Silver Ware, ffc.
C. G. St. JOHN
W ATCH Maker A. Jeweler Cotton Avenue op
posite Washington Hall, Respectfully iu-
furnis his friends and the public, that lie lias taken the
sture formerly occupied by the llnwkinsvilie Bank
where he is now opening a new and splendid assort
ment of WATCHKa A. JEWELRY’ ofthe best qual
ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and
judgement expressly for this market, among his assort
ment may be found Gold pocket Chronometers splen
did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever’s and Ruby Cylinder
Watches with Extra Jewels and indepenent seconds of
the most approved makers and rated to suit the clim
ate and a general assortment of Ladies A Gentlemen*
Gold and Silver patent Levers Lepine and plain
Watches. Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Keys Ear rings
Etrpast Pin-and Finger rings. Gold and silver ever
pointed pencils, Gold and silver spectacles, silver
spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols.
Ac. A-c. Together with a great variety of other arti
cles keptiu iiisline
N. B. lie has selected the best of material* for re
pairing wa'ches and will give satisfaction to those who
may favor him with their custom.
A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited.
Monroe Kttil KCoatl Notice to
I1E Board of Director* of the .Monroe RailRo: 1
Company have resolved, -that the third ingtid
mentof Ten Dolbrs per share be required to be paid
on the 2Sth day of October next, and a fourth instal
ment of Fifteen Dollars per share be required to be
paid on the 5th day of January next. Those stock
holders who are desirous to do so, can pay an addition
al instalment on the day that the fourth instalment
called in, and be allowed interest thereon at 8 per cent
until the fifth instalment be pnhl.
Forsyth. July 23 57 AL1 .ci’.l) BROOKS, Sic.
T HE undersigned-have formed a connexion for
the transaction of a general FACTORAGE
and COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city, under
the firm of COOMBS A DOUGHTY.
Savannah. June 1 50 E. W. DOUGHTY
WJM. tl. UtliDSALL,
AS Just receirmt a new ami extensive as
sortment of
Heady-made Clothing.
Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive
brown and green Broadcloth Dross Coats.
Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock
Superfine blue, olive, green aud mix’d Cloth Coattees,
and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinet
Coattees and Frock Coats.
Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive,
and green Cloth Pantaloons,
Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons,
Y’outh’s cloth aud satiinet Dress aud Frock Coats,
do do do - Pantaloons,
Black and blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet,
black Floriutine, black Bombazine, dark and (ight
colored Y’aleutia, English Silk, colored aud vyhite
Merscilles Toiliuet, .Swan-down aud Sattinet Vests
Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats,
Mixed, brown Cloth A Patersham Box Coat*.
Lynn Skin Overcoats,
Fine Shirts, (foliar*. Bosoms, Socks. Ac
Fashionable Hat & Cap Stoic,
.llulbcrry Street, .flacott.
T HE Subscriber having established himself ill
Macon with a view to a permanent residence,
will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of
comprising every variety of style and quality, usually
called for at a similar establishment. Among his as
sortment may be foithd
Beaver, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Roarum aud
wool Hats;
Mens Fur and Hair, Seal Caps, Boys black, blue
and brown cloth Caps, Bombazine do black aud drab
silk plush a new style, Merino and Circassian Ac Ac,
From his long experience aud personal attention to
the business of manufacturing bats in some of the
most extensive establishments at the north, he is ena
bled to assure ail those who may fivor him with
their patronage that he can furnish them with an arti
cle which for cheapness, neatness and durability shall
he fully equal if not superior to any before offered in
the southern market. As his work will be principal
ly manufactured at hi* establishment in Macon, when
desired he will finish hits to order iu any style to suit
the purchaser. From the facilities thus obtained and
from assiduity and attention to his business he hopes
to deserve as he trusts he will receive a liberal share
of patronage. Oct 7,1835
(O’Wanted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon
•I Jh'ce Sloek of
spring: and summer clothing;
W3MC. H. BUSlDSfAStl:,
A T the new Fire Proof Buildings, corner of Mul
berry and Second streets, including the follow
Summer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Clot!;, Grass and
Brown Linen Circassian and Rotian Cassimere
Summer Cloth, twilled Merino, grass Cloth, grass
and brown Linen, and Rottan Cassimere COATEES
THE undersigned informs his
friends and those of the late firm of
Cutter Sr Cornwall, that he inteuds re
suming the
Ware House N Commission Business,
at the store next above the one recently occupied by
T. J. Chase, on the margin of East Macon, known as
the town ofTroy.
He further informs the public that he ha* bought the
Goods, Ac. and having now on the way, from New
York, and other places.
Dry Goods and Groceries,
together making his stock complete, which will be sold
low for ready pay, he will be ready to receive Cotton
early in the fall, and be prepared to make advances.—
He would particularly notice to his frieuds the great
advantages his Warehouses have over these in the J
dense part of the city with regard to Fire, they being
detached from other buildings and at a distance from
any street or lane, and well enclosed
May 5 4-5 tf H. 8. CUTTER
.Merchant Tailors,
H AVE enu red into co-partnership under the firm
of Lewis A Newton, for the purpose of trans
acting business in their line.
They expeettohave on hand Irom New York, in a
short time, a genera! assortment of Cloths, Cassi?
meres, Vesting*. Ac. Which, together with the stock
on hand will make their assortment complete.
Also, a general assortment of Readv-Made Clothing
which will be sold low for cash They solicit a share
ofthe public patronage.
Aug 18 60
J UST RECEIVED from New-Vork, aniYor
sale bv
50 bags aud 50 batrels prime green Coffee,
20 hhds prime 8t Croix sugar,
30 bbls Rum, 30 bbls Whiskey, and 20 bbls Gin.
We will also sell our DRY GOODS, a splendid as
sortment, at, or about cost, as we wish to ’turn our at
tention to tlio cotton and grocery business.
Jnlv7 54
Bovs summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and
While and buff grass Cloth, huff and brow n I.inen,
Pongee, Rouan Cassimere aud Jeans ROUND JACK
A large assortment of fancy VESTS.
Fine Linen Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers,
Ac. &c. Ac.
FBI HE undersigned continues to transact the Ware
M. House and Commission Business, situate cen
tral to the Cotton Market, on the corner of Cherry and
Second streets, within a few feet from Cotton Aven e,
formerly occupied by James C. Morgan. Liberal ad
vances will be made on produce or other articles stor
ed or shipped. , Cotton will be sold from wagons or
store at 25 cents per hale, and stored at customary
wtes. . L. L, GRIFFIN.
■ Aug 25 6m
•tiaue to transact the above business, at
the Ware House occupiedby him last
. . Grateful for the liberal patronage re
ceived from his friends aud the public, by strict atten-
uon to business confided to his care, he hopes to merit
a ffiare of the public patronage.
He will maks liberal advances on cotton stored with
nim.oron shipments to Savannah. Charleston and
JWMon^Angustll 59 6m
A ^ of Harney, Bridle and Upper Loo*
- 7- , th "> f «»Mle by CR4FT A LEW |SV
vuiy j j 65
T HE subscribers having purchased the entire Stock
of Mr. Isaac Newhall. new offer for sale, at ve
ry reduced prices, and on very accommodating terms,
60 cases Boots and shoes, of all descriptions,
14 cases fine fashionable Hats,
662 pieces American and English prints,
2 cases silk and Gingham Umbrellas,
50 dpz palm leaf Hats.
Blankets, shirtings and sheeting, and various other
articles. Also constantly receiving
from the manufacturers. Merchants and Planters will
do well to call and examine, as they can be sold less
than they can be bought in New York and laid down
here, by 10 percent. C L HOWLAND,
July 7 54 N G PHILIPS.
.V n. The .iuetion It Commission
Bi'iSittess, will be conducted at the same stand, next
door to the Post Office. The patronage of the public
is re.- ipectfully solicited. C L HOWLAND A Co.
Has fling and Iron.
slk/O Pieces heavy Hemp Bagging
J. “ "’I" 10 tons Iron assorted
25 bbls Flour
15 hhds Molasses Just received and for sale by
may 19 CHA8. CAMPBEFL.
To Country Merchants—JY'ew Goods.
L .Y). WILEY, PARISH A CO. are >n receipt of
■ a complete and splendid stock of fresh Imported
DRY’-GOODS, suitable for the Fall and Winter trade,
and which they offer for sale upon liberal term*. Their
assortment will be kept constantly full and iitc eased
by weekly arrivals from New York.
Charleston, September 12, 1836. 66 2w
A G supply of the best quality Lamp Oil,
kv constantly on hand, and for sale bv
Insurance Bank of Columbns.
■WTOT1CE ishcrebv civen that an additional instal
ls ment of 33} dollars per share, of the capital
Mock of this bank will be required to be paidonthe
1st Monday in November. By order of tbs Board.
Aug20 61 B*. HEPBURN, Cask
nrrun run sale ok xccommodatikg terms,
m gm Pieces HEMP BAGGING,
200 barrels Canaicc Philadelphia Eloiu, 1 br’wn A white ” ; nsslip do white .and bull inersailles
I S now oponing at the store opposite th“ Washing-
Hall, a new and handsome assortment of
Spring and Summer Clothing,
which has been made up by L. Fitch, and will be sold
cheap for cash, consisting in part of
Super black, brown, green and olive cambleit f. Coats,
<• *< “ *• “ “ dress Coats
•* “ “ •• 11 bombazine, f. do.
“ « “ 11 “ “ dress do.
•• “ “ •* “ summer cloth,
Brown and white grass linen frock coats A coattees,
Brown aud white German and French linen do. do.
black and green bomazine coats,
pants. French A German lin. do
Ll’k &. green camblett do lasting A Circassian do
olive A brotvn ic do Dutch and rnixt do
fresh ground, and warranted sound,
205 bags and 20 barrels Coffee,
67 hhds St. Croix and Perto Rico Sugars,
90 barrels do
50 boxes Brown and White Havanan dp
90 hhds Cuba MoUssea.
56 barrels Gin,
75 barrels Rum,
20 barrels Pork,
30 hhds Bacon, assorted,
10 tierces Rice.
14 boxes Sperm Candles,
20 boxes Tobacco,
30 M Scgars, ofthe best quality.
July 20 • 56
Charleston, S. C.
do do drilliug do vest*,
do do imp. cord do do do Valcntia do
linen A doc skin do fig. A rib. mersailles do
prapii flril. A honey comb plad A spotted do do
pants. do A fig’d shelly do
merino, casiiner. lasting do English A French silk do
cantoons and cord do bl’k A fig’d velvet do
cloth A casiiuerc do Florentine and bombazine
with a general assortment do
of common do with a good assortment of
white A grass linuen short common do
Fine liuuen and cotton shirts, liuuen and cotton
drawers, Augola nett shirts aud drawers, Ac. Ac.
Also, stocks, collars, bosoms, gloves, cotton, random,
linen, black and white silk half hose, black horse skin,
buckskin, black aud white silk and linen gloves, sus
penders, a variety, Spittiifield, pongee, flag and ban-
S INCE the entire destruction of Roanoke, in Stew
art county, the undersigned have purchased a be
autiful site about three miles above, upon which they
propose to establish a TOWN, to be called Eiver-
pool. This place is very advantageously situated,
upon a high and sandy bluff, which has proved to he
healthy from the first settlement of the county, up to
the present period. The water is very fine—itscom-
mercial advantages and facilities must be equal if not
superior to any intermediate place between Columbus
and the Gulf.' It will command the comities of Mari
on, Sumter and Randolph, in Georgia, and a consider
able portion ol Barbour ced Russell, in the State of
Alabama. The site consists of three Irac'ions atid one
square, amounting to nearly four hundred acres, which
will be laid offin Lots of convenient size, and exposed
for sale on the 17th October. The • ompany have di
vided the Stock into 100 shares, a portion of which
maybe taken at $150 pef share, if application should
be made before the sale. HENRY W JERMGAN,
sept 20 4t 65 JOHN 11 HOWARD.
Land and Ycgrocs lor Sale.
T il t. subscrihei offers for sale the PLANTATI* >N
whpreon he now Jives. 7 miles below Macon,
in Bihb county, containing 860 acres good pine land.
There has beenfor the last5yearsagood SAW MILL
in operation unon said plantation, hut has been stop
ped this year on account of some repairs wanting
done. Stone Creek, the stream which said Mill is on,
is a never failing stream, and the mill is better situated
on accountnf pine timber than any mill within the vi
cinity of Macon.
Also, ten likely NEGROES will be sold, together
with Horses. Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Ac. &c. Said
* -J* •-
simerc, brown and grass Linen and Drilling Fancy
Drilling, Pongee. Mexican rnixt, Rouan Cassimere
and Jeans PANTALOONH. ■
terms; a credit from one to three years will be given
if required, sept 8 36 E. DAVIS.
F OR SALE usuperior lot of Bacon, just received
from Tennessee wagons, and a furthei supply to
arrive, all of which will be sold on liberal terms,
July7 54 tf WM. B. PARKER A Co
THE HON. MRS. NORTON.—Among the various manu-crints,
&c. brought to light by the late trial or Lord Melbourne, tbr fol
lowing p ivionate, but exquisite versee, »aid to have been address,
•d to Mrs. Norton by a certain distinguished literary lover, bate
I been considerably circulated in Loudon. They nro tent to us by
l a ferettra correspond-;:;t, and appear notv id print for the 6r»t
tim- M..-ror.)
Willi a Lock ol Hair.
<;0 lo her breast, my envied curl!
And if the way b< cold and wet,
Cling to the bed of liquid pearl,
Whose fragrant warmth breathes o‘e* you yet.
Twill atvell around each silken ring.
As when my temples throbb’d .ibo've ,-
And, truants! when thou closest cling,
Tell her you grew bn thoughts of love.
Oh, wildly envied ! you tvill lie,
l T pou that couch of rosy .-now,
While passionately fast it ill IK-,
The warm, tran.-paront veim below.
And fou will feel thegfc wy swell.
When dreams of love grow w ild beneath,
And. trunnti! uye love me well,
List if in sleep my name she breathe •
Go to my mistress. Softer fingers
Will smooth yonr tangled meshes now,
And while their tapering pressure lingers,
YVill lay you to her lip and brow.
And when amid her fragrant breath.
Each silken fibre fondly stirs,
Oh, tnt-ints, tell her until death,
3Iy life, my soul, thus thrill to hers.
From Miss Twamly's Romance of Nature:
Love and tlie Thistle.
As Cupid was flying about one day, *
With the fiowrrs end Zephyrs in tvantad play,
He ‘spied in the sir, r
Floati g here and there,
A winged seed of the 7ltiillgl.ji-iwer,
And merrily chased It from bower to bower.
And young Love cried to hisplaymates, “See,
I’ve found the true emblem flow er for me,
For I am aa light
In my. wavering flight
As this feathery flow er of soft Thistle-down,
Which by each of yofl zephyrs about is blown.
Sec, how from a Rose'a soft warm blush
It flies, to he caught in n bramble bush
And as oft do I,
In my wanderings, hie
From beauty to those who hare none, I trow;
RecklessaaThi.tle-down, on I go.”
So tho sly little God still flits away
’Midst earth's lov'liest flow’rets, day by day;
And oh, maidens fair.
Never weep, nor care
When hia light ivii gs w aft him beyond your power,
Think—'tb only the do-vn of t*- Tbi-lle-Sott er
A Lot of first quality, put up iu Tin Cans for fami
ly use. Forsale by CRAFT A LEWIS.
also, a small Lot good country Bacon,
sept 8 63
A splendid Four Wheeled Carriage.
J UST lauded, and for sale by
Also, two fine Toned Piano Fortes,
sept 8 63
Paints and Oil.
KX4k KEGS Nos 1 and 2 White Lead,
300 gals Linseed Oil,
With a general assortment of Groceries, for sale, at
the lowest market price.
J UST RECEIVED by boats !3aud 16,
500 kegs White Lead in oil,
100 gals. Linseed oil. of superior qualities,
,u g 4 58 H. A J. SHOT WELL.
Hhds l est quality family Molasses just rc-
rsivai and for sale by
T HE subscribers have imported from England, J dia hdkfs. Italian plaid, fig’d and red bordered cravats,
direct, a large and splendid assortment of FALL ; white do stripe rousian belts, braces, fine brown linen,
GOODS, well adapted to the season, aud manufactur-1 (for children*’ aprons) blue, black and green broad
ed expressly for the Southern markets, which, with cloths, white .drilling, bombazine, and merino cxssi-
their supplies from the North, enables them to offer a \ mere, fine palnr leaf hat*, common do, children’s leg-
stock equal to any in the United States, and at prices
Charleston. Sept. 7,1836. 64 9t
Hats, Sliot’K, ami Bonnets at Cost.
HE subscriber having determined to abandon
file trade in tho above articles, will dispose of
them atcost; his assortment being good, purchasers will
find it to their interest to call,
sept 15 64 WM. H BURDSALL.
horn do. and caps, also, a large assortment of
Hats, Shoes, Boots, 6fc.
which I invite my friends and public to give me a call
at the store next d oor to W. b. Johnson.
march 31 • 40’ HORACE FITCH.
Lamp Oi!,
a superior quality,
May 5 W5
Pianno Covers
MUST received, and for sale by
•Jl April 4 41 GEORGE W. PRICE A Co.
■ D 11.I.S of the Farmers Bank orFlorida, payable
11 at the agency in Perry, will be received in pay .
ment for goods, or account* due the subserber.
The House corner of Cherry and Third
streets, at present occupied by Mrs. Wil
Ramson. Possession will be given the 1st
of October next For terms apply to
sopt 15 64 REA A COTTON.
Blaaks for sale at thin Office.
f jjq 111: Subscriber will make liberal advances on
y Cotton shipped to hia friends in Savannah,
Charleston, Philadelphia, New York or Boston
nov.5, 1835. ROBT. COLLINS.
4 SPLENDID assortment of Carpeting and Rugs.
\iso—Oil Floor Carpeting 5} and 8 feet wide,
April 18 43 For sale by CRAFT A LEWIS.
Window Glass.
By 10, 10 by 12, 12 by 18
Just received and for sale by
' ’■NOR Fever and Ague—Rowan’s Tonic Mixture
_F —Quinine Mixture, for sale by
l april 26 44 J. Hi A W- ^ ELLIS.
Jan. 14.
Gallons Winter straiued Lamp Oil very
handsome—just received and for sale
by H. &.J. SHOTWELL.
g(| Opposite the. Central Hotel
T HE undersigned has connected JAMES D.
CARIIART with him in Mercantile Business,
at the store located on the corner of Mulberry and
Third streets, and the business in future transacted by
that establishment alone, will be distinguished by the
title of WM. B. PARKER & Co.
the said J. D C. being the Companj and having an in
terest in the said firm only
»..iv 7 54 tf WM. B. f ARKER.
'a iiSkifV Bushels Salt
^jtTr NFNlr 300 sack? do
Bacon. Mackerel Flour.
Aud a few hhds; “ Boston Haras,’ 1 for sale by
sept 6 F,. RUSSELL. Mulberry street.
Carpeting and Rugs,
J’UST received, a large assortment
May 5 45
WO YOUNG MULES left me on thefiistday
of May, near Travelers’ Rest, in Houston coun
ty. One of said mules isadark bay the otliera brown
or nearly a black—both of them three jears old. Any
information of said mules, given to John Rushin. in
Houston county, or to myself in Macon, will be tin nk-
fullv rc eived, and a liberal reward paid to the inform
ang 18 60 tf
From the Boston B st. >
Escape of Prisoners—.-even desperate fellows,
iiiclui jug the coovict-atteiidaut. escaped from the
State Prison hospital, ai Charles-low u. between
12 aud 2 o’clock, ou Saturday uigln. The lea-
lerof this daring aud successful enterprise was
Jacob H. Edwards, a mau of great intelligence,
sentenced for life, for counterfeiting. He was au
fiicerin the customs iu Verm< ut. during the ad-
Ministration of Mr. Adams. He is a very aspir
ing man, and it has been ascertained, since the
vaciiutiouuf the hospital, that he has occasiou-
lly, sounded his bretbreu in captivity upon the
casihiliu of emigrating to Texas. He was ac-
ng apothecary to the hospital—a post of If isure,
iigniiy, and confidence, which he turned to ad-
■ uoiage by employing the opportunities it offer
ed him, in maturing arrangement* lor a coup-
r > main, when the proper tm-nieut should arrive.
>u Friday cveuiug his energetic spirit was reiu-
fnrred by the arrival to the hospital of Jordan—
hair-brained fellow, but fearless aud kceu for
hi adventure, aud,
As one brave hero but fans another’s flame.”
he escape was derided for the uext night. This
old prison is used as the hospital, and it is the
w eakest point in the works, and there are no seu-
inels posted on the walls at night.
Edwards had provided himself with a key
which fitted the padlock ou the outside of the iron
grated door, which opened at the head of tho
tep9. A large aperture was made, by sawiug.
m the door that communicated fmin the hospital
o the arch, which left nothing to be done hut to
shove a slender artn through the bars of the outer
oor, insert the well-fitting key in the padlock, o-
en the door, descend the steps, traverse down
the yard, make an iuclined plane of a long plank,
scale the wall, creep along by the picket and
drop iuto the first dry Spot they could find. A-.l
hich was executed without the least noise,
though there were two large dogs in the yard: as
he prisouers had a hag ol provisions with the$n
is probable that they silenced iheir growlings
by feeding them. The night was very dark, and
is doubtful w hether their descent from ihe steps
eou'd h-ve been seen from the windowsof ti;<»
maiut unrd room even if the attention of the guard
had been dirtctid toward then,. Or the might have
availed themselves of the precise moment of 12
o’clock, when it was well known that the guard
on duly went upstairs to summon the relief-guard
to his post. They dropped a bag of provisions, aud
three pistols, which they look from the desk ct
the officer of their ward'—oue was loaded.
The alarm was given about two o’clock by a
sick risoner, who ueeded assistance from Ed
ward* and alter knocking aud calling sometime
in vaiu, he rang the hospital’ bell, aud brought
up the guard; and measures were iminedialelv
taken, by the Wardeu. Mr. Lincoln, to employ
the police to recapture the fugitives. Four of
them. Edwards. Jordon, Covert, aud Mallard,
were in for life—the latter compaenced hisstudiis
in prison discipline down at the Castle, aud had
been iu confinement 31 years. For further par
ticulars respei tiug them.see Mr. Lincoln’s adver
tisement, offering $700 reward, iu another column.
Mr. Liucolu has frequently notified the Legisla
ture of the insecurity of the old buildiug.
The names ofthe prisoners escaped are Wm.
Milliard, aged 64; Cyrus B. James, 26; Jacob
Edwards, 28; John Harris, alias Jo&hua li. Mur
rell, 33; Samuel F. Jordon, 33: James H Cov
ert. 52; Seth M. Fogg 18. Seven hundred dol
lars aie offered for their apprehension and return
to the State Prison, or $100 for each, together
with all necessary charges.
George Goodwin, the senior editorofthe Han
ford Courant. has retired, in a ripe old age, from
an establishment in which he has been engaged,
lor a length of time which we believe has uopre - •
cedent, lie entered the office when he was only’ _
nine yearn old. aud has been actually engaged for ’•
upwards of seventy years. Ho retires from tho-
office iu the full epjoyment ot his mental fafiul- *•
Store House to Bent.
ONE or both of the Store Houses nd
joining the subscribers; for a large and
general assortment they could be easily
united and would make a desirable stand
for business. To any one desirous of
renting them for such purpose, the- terms willbe mode
rate Apply to GEORGE JEWETT A CO.
sept 22 65 '
Boltin? Cloths.
OS. 3,5,7,9,10, Anchor Brand, for sale by
April 21 48 CRAFT A LEWIS.
Portable Marble—It is coroputed'by Dr. Mr.
Jackson, from an analysis ofthe wa*er ofBostoif,'
that our citizens drink annually litue enough to 3
make a column of marble two Jett tti diancltr and.
forty feet long !—Boston paper.
Not Bad■—A green, good naiurcff, money-'
making, up-conotry Jonathan, who said every',
thing drily, “got fixed,” and struck up a bargauf
for matrimony: having do particular regard for
appearances the parties agreed to employ agrecw’
hoin country justice to pat on the tackiiug.
commenced the ceremonies b\ reno.rkiug tint. 1
“it wa9 customary on such occasions toconimer.ii
with a prayer, hut ht nelieved h“ would ou t
that; after tieing the knot he said he believed it
was customary to give the tnarued couple some
advice, but he would omit that also: “it w-t
cU9tomarv to kiss'ihe bride, but he believed 1 •
would om’it that, t^o.” The ceremony being end.-.;.
Jonathon took the squire by the huuon-hnle, cu.i
chippiug lus fiugerto hi* nose, s ‘.id •'squire. u--M
customary to give 'he magi.-t- ai’ five dollars—iu?
/’Mere I'll omit that ''-—bull. Trans.