Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, October 13, 1836, Image 4
i M A C O N Ci eBo R G I A TEEE GRAPH it Kiras, fis&fci ves, sc. A FRESH HUrl'Lt just received by ■* J. SI. & W. S. ELLIS, Afaconic Ilall. Cotton Avenue, among vvbicn are the following itIEDICIIVES, &c. Sulphate Quinine (frencb) Cantltarides, Sulphate Morphine, Acetate do Iodine. Acetic acid, Oxalic do Citric do Prussic do Tartaric do Ammonia, do (Aromspis) Antimoninlis pnlr Veratrine, Strychnine Emetine, Rhcubarbine, Croton Tiglium, Sornle coruutum. Oil Sinnpiue, Oil ciiniharidin. Pyroligneous Acid, Hydriotate Potassa, Fly ston e, Colocynth, Court plaister. Castor oil (fresh) Sweet oil do Charcoal, pulv. Corks velvet, Calomel, Antimony, Aloes, Rheubarb, Jalap, Digitalis, Opium, Prepared Chalk.. Acetate lead, do cunri, do Zinc, Arseniale potassa, Ether sulphuric, do nitric. Penorinc. Nitrate silver, Oil black pepper, do potassa, Irish moss, Phosphate soda, Musk, do iron, Chloride soda, Sulpha:" iron, Citr.ited kali. do potassa. Chloride Lima, do soda. Medical mnsnrd. in pots, do magnesia, Opium den erect; .: . 0. Pi.:ate • o-!a, Cyannret pot -iurn, Phosphorus, Comp. Tonic ex: , Manna flake. Carrageen, (prepared) Ointment liv'd, potassa, ispig.'iiti comp extract. do Iodine, Blur, moss, do Veratrine, Pr 'cijv. ext. bark, do Itch, Peruvian da Oxide mercury. Calisuya do Extract Jalap, Toxa do do Butternut, Red do do Hyosciamus, Chamomile flowers. do Gentian, Henna, do Belladonna, Uva l>s . do Taragici, do Rhubarb. Ilorehound, Sage, African Cayenne, Bayberry bark (pow’d) do Nux Vomica, do Rhatania, do Cicuta, Blood root, do Colchicum. do do Glycyrrhiza, Gum Arabic, Goldenseal, do Camphor, Slippery Elm (pow'd) do Scammouy, Quassia, do Myrrh, Gentian (pow’d) do Asafcctida, Cort, Aurant (pow’d) do Guiac, Lobelia and seed. Pearl Barley, Hemlock, Syringes, Skunk cabbage, Honey, Squills, Gamboge, Otto roses. Magnesia, calc’d Hops, do carb. Mezeriuin, Isinglass, Alknnet root, Quicksilver, Cortcussarilla, Seidlitz powders, do sassafras. Soda de Ladies’ slipper, Saratoga do Golden thread, Sponge, Saffron, Tamarinds, Cinnamon bark, W afers. Powdered ginger. Sarsaparilla, Root do Red precipitate, Curcuma, White do Mustard seed, Black do Mace, Pearl.ish, Cloves, Annatta, Nntmegs, Indigo, Spanish float, Logwood, Caraway seed, Anise ' do Fustic, Coriander do Copperas. Arrow root, Spanish brown, Aqua Fortis, Venetian red. Anodyne (lloffniau's) Madder, Borax, Fig blue, Nulgalls, Black lead. Brimstone, Alum, Blue stone, Cochineal, Juniper berries, Sjits Turpentine. Cubeb do V enice do Oxide bismuth, Starch, Bees wax. Salt Tartar, Burgundy pitch, Sal Ammoniac, Balsam copivi, Glue, do tolu. Rosin, do Peru, Jujube paste. lilac* drop, IMTEXT MEDICINES, Ac. do Pills, Potcrs’ do Hunters’ pills, Hoopers'a do Anderson's do British oil, Bateman’s drops, Thompson's jye water, Godfrey's cordial, Salts lemon, Worm tea, Effe rvesciug magnesia, Botanical drops. Swai m’s Panacea, Indian’s do Ess Iceland Moss, Cough Mixture, Fluid ext sarsaparilla, Syr Liverwort. Comp sarsap. copivi Bleaching Liquid, Mead's Pills, Issue plaisters, Elixer life, Ginger beer powders, .Medicated Oil silk, Digestive Elixer, Pile remedy. Chlorine tocth wash, Bay rum, Balsam hone}'. Cough Lozenges, Extract coflee, Cullen’s liquid magnesia, Potter’s catholicon, Rowan’s Tonic Mixture. Relfes Vegetable specific, Oil Wortnaeed. Ext Buchu, cubebs & Ext. Boneset, Tonic Extract, PERFUMERY A BRUSHES, Ac. Ilair Powder, Almond paste Pearl do Ground paint brushes, Rouge, do sash Milk of Roses, Oval Varnish Cold cream, Camel hair Cream Almonds. Badger’s hair Florida water, various sizes (■'raining do Flesh do Horse do Hair Mail Comb Tooth do Cloth Scrubbing Shoe do do do do do do ass'd do do do do do do silver wire, do do do Cologuo do do Lavender do do Rose do do Bears’ oil, Ward's hair oil, Marrow Pomatum, Orange Flower Water Macassar oil, Spirit bf Rose Camphor soap, Musk do Emollient do Windsor do do do Brown Wash Balls, ' Curling fluid, Antique oil, Lip Salvo, (Persian Otto Shaving Rose.)- Shoving Tooth powder, (r.uj ::»or) Powiir Puffs and boxes, F.rasivc do Preston s ilu, Extract Borgum-'!, Sr.iePing bottles, do Rose, Tr.pi - , da .Musk, Ditto.. .-eg-.o, Ilonev Water. Atkinson's Depilatory. Shaving! cakes, MFSGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac. Ainpmating cases. Cupping glasses, Trepanning instrum'-nts, do do with Pa'ent feather Brooms, do do Dusters, do do Brushes, Fitch Tools, . Counter Brushes, Hat do Crnmb do do DRUG STORE. Subscribers have resumed the Drag T he Business, at their old Stand, formerly LI lis, shot well & Co lately occupied by Mr Win G Brown, opposite the < eatrai Hotel, under the firm of H. & J. SHOTWELL, , who intend keeping a very general assortment of I Goods peculiar to their liue of business, together with a gieat variety of miscellaneous articles that may be dilficult to be found elsewhere. Their Stock is now very extensive, having received by late arrivals nearly all their Fall and winter supplies a general enumera tion of which could not be given in an advertisement, j Some of the Articles received are. (Drugs A Medicines,) Rochelle Salts. Hellebore, Iceland Moss, Flos Ben- zoine, Juniper Berries, Lapis Calaininarie, Henry's Magnesia, Madder. Mace, Ceyentie Pepper, Black Pepper, Alspice. Hemlock Bark, Bayberry do, Poplar do, Cinnamon do. Golden Seal, Sumac, Sem. Anisi, Aqua Amonia F F F, Sulph Quinine, Sago, Gum Guiac, Indian Turnip. Skunk Cabbage. Hops, Pep permint Lozenges. Oil Spruce, Acidulated Lemon Drops, Coriander Seed. C. P. Castor Oil, Cort Au- rant. Cherry tree Bark, White Vitriol. Muriatic Acid, Pink Root, Gttrn Mvrrh, Seed Lac, Seneka oil, Lob elia, Lemon Balm. Sweet Balm. F.xt Colocynth, Pul. Gm Arabic Ground Race Ginger. Balsam Fir, Pearl Barley, refined Borax, Role Armenian. Oer.i Alba, Lunar Caustic, Cloves, Prepared Chalk, Cubebs, Ca- nelia Alba, Rust of Iron. .Slip. Carb. Soda. Castor, Calamus Root. Cowhnge. M izerion. Sassafras, Bals am Honey, Cmnfrev Bo it. Dragons Blood. Oil Lav ender, Lemon, Bergamot. Ext Bark, do Liverwort, j Stricnine, Emetine, Digitalis, f.lni Eark. Flos of El der, Ext Hyoscyamns, Flax seed, Fowlers Solution, Henbane. Uvn Ursi, Camphor, Kino, Scammony Aleppo, Cold Thread. Hydriodste Potass, .Mustard Seed, Spts Nitre Oil Worroseed. Croton Oil. Olive Oil, Bismuth, Oil silk, Sanford# Bark. Tamarinds. Gum Copal, Syrup of Liverwort, Turkey Opium, > Ca- tharides. Flowers of Chamomile. Oil Pepper- i mint, Bermuda Arrow Root, sugar Lead, Refined Li quorice, Frgot. N'ux Vomica. Corrosive sublimate. Aloes, Gum Arabic. Precipitate, -pts Hartshorn, Carb Potass, Alcohol, sarsaparilla, Epsom salts, Nittic Acid, -‘Ether, Alspice, Pepper, Tartarised Antimony, As- phaltum, Adhesive Piaster. Acetate of Potass. Bals am Copaiva, refined Borax, snake Root, Cubebs, Rhubarb, Ipecac, sem Carui, Cream Tartar, Nut Galls, Isinglass, Magnesia, .Mercurial Ointment, Blue Pill, sulphate Quiniuo, Conserve Roses, Black Drop, Jujube Paste, sal Ammoniac. Bay Rum, Oil Cinna inon, Acetate Morphine, snlph do. Comp F.xt Bucba, do of Liver Wort, F.xt sarsaparilla, F.xt Pink Root' Comp Ext Cubebs, Piperine. Iodine, Butler’s Magne sia. Kreosote, Assafoetida, Nutmegs. Tapioca, Manna. JS EW DR l G ST< ) RE. I globe HOTEL—E«*t .Huron. Ga. itr** VfikUfW re j R n jfc THE undersigned have united in „ _ , *'«■• iGOlLIS -jMBKihar busine-s.ui.derjhe tirm o! WOOD j 1V : - -T; ! STTM & cannon. u» d take,, «.,e^ & MEDICINES, at the Store one door below W. B. Johnston’s Jkwelbt, which he will sell at mo ierate prices: among which are PAINTS, White Lead. Red Lead, Black Lead. Litharge, Verdi gris, Chromic Green. Chromic Yellow, Spanish Brown, Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, Umber, Venetian Red, Lampblack, Rosepink, Terra de Sienna, Vermillion. Prussian Blue, Osborn’s water colours. OILS, Linseed, Spei-n. Whale, and Train Oils, and Spts. Turpentine, Copal, Japan, Coach, Leather, &. Picture Varnishes. BRUSHES. Flesh, Hair. Hat,''"’raining, Varnish,Furniture, Tooth, Paint. Nail, Com Shoe, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Dus ting. Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Horse, and Velvet Brushes. PERFUMERY Cologne, Rosr Honey, Florida, Lavender, & Orange Flower Wate.. Aromatic Vinegar, Bears’ Oil, Antique Oil, Chlorine Tooth Wash, Cream Soap and other Shat ing Soaps, Wash Balls, Drop Lake, Essences of Rose and Cedrat, Eztrait de Meil, Flaks White, Hair Powder, Orris Root, Milk of Roses, Oils of Orange, Bergamot, Cedrat, Ciiiuaraon, Lavender. Neroli, and Roses; Oxy-chlorine Lotion. Pearl Powder, Pomatum, Powder Puffs. Preston Salts, Pink Saucers, Fancy vi als. Tonquin Beaus, Vin de Rouge, Vegetable Rouge, & Macassar Oil. DYE STUFFS. Annatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue, Fustic, Galls, Indigo, Madder, Nicaragua Wood, Alum, Turmeric, and Ground Logwood. MEDICINES. Acetic, Citric, Oxalic & other Acids, Acoustic Oil, Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of \i:nnonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balm of Columbia, Patent Barley. Breastpipes, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep per. Spanish Saffron, Auimoniaret of Copper, Sago, Emetine. Cicuta Plaster, Ext. Aloes, Cinchona, Col- ocymn, niateriom, Jalap, Kahinca, Nux Vomica, Rhu barb, Rhatania, Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla & Cubebs, Dandelion. Valerian, Opium & others. Phosphate of Iron, Red Oxyde of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron &c. Ginger Powders, Hamilton’s Elixir, Magnesian Aperient F.nglish Calomel, Hoffman’s Anodyne, Oil’d Silk or Hat Case; Iodine, Jujube Paste, Lactwcarium, Lan cets, Patent Lint, Lupuline, Lobelia, Medical Spoons, Acetate and Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oils of Caraway, Copaiva, Croton, Fennel, Wimtergreen, Se neca, Denarcotised and Powdered Opium, Phospho rus, Piperine, Pocket Instruments, Hydriodate & Ox s.a vreosoie, Asanmiu. £ i ",» r„7vX’,rinn »|J 1 y-muriate of Potash, Potter’s Catholicon, Liquor of Po- Oil Rosemary. Canadian Balsam, Ext Valerian,_ salt f . IWn „. n, ’ , Seatons. Stoughton’s Elixir. Lees’ pills, Coinpt fl’d ex’t Pink Root, Opodeldoc, by G. W. Carpenter, Chapman’s anti-dyspeptic Dalby’s carminative. Petre. Glaubers salts. Concentrated spts Ammonia Paints, Dye Stuffs, Oils. 250 kegs White Lead in oil 25 do Venetian Red do 30 do Spanish Brown do 2000 lbs Soap Stone Paint do 6 kegs Yellow ( Ichre do 20 canisters Verdigris do 900 lbs Spanish Brown dry 200 lbs Venetian Red do 800 lbs Yellow Ochre do 1500 lbs Spanish Whiting do Red Lead, Chrome Green, Kings Yellow,. Verdi gris, Prussian Blue, Stone Ochre, Rose Pink, Lith arge, Spanish Pumice Stone, Umbar, Lamp Black, Ivory do, Chinese Vermillion, Black Lvad, Chalk, do Red, Carmine, Water Colors assd sizes boxes. Drop Lake, Spanish Float Indigo.Calc’d Plaster. Wa ter Lime, Terra de Sienna, Green Blue and Black Paint niixt. Blue Brown & Green Smalts, Frostings, Blue White Brown and Purple. Gold Bronze, Car-1 mine Saucers, Pink do. Logwood in sticks, do ground and chopped. Fustic, Madder. Camwood, red Sau- ders. Copperas, Brazilletto Wood, Annatto. 300 gals Linseed Oil 400 do Sperm Oil fall strained 350 do do do winter do 180 do Spirits Turpentine 300 do Train Oil I bbl Liver Oil, • do Neats Foot .1 bbl Copal Varnish. Japan do Black do. Picture Varnish. Coach do. Patent anti Compound .lledieines Swaims Vermifuge, do Panacea, Thompson’s Eye Water, Green's Tonic Mixture, Rowan’s Tonic Mix ture, (forthe fever and ague ) llarlaun Oil, Gowland’s Lotion, Potter’s Catholicon, Barclay’s Comp. Sarsa- parrilia and Cubebs, Da'by’s Carminative, British Oil, Opodeldoc, Judkin’s Ointment, Lee’s W. Bilious Pills, N. L. Turliiigtons Balsam. Bateman’s Drops Jesuits Drops, Cephalic Snuff, Aromatic do, Wal- di’s Tincture or Cough Syrup. Carpenter’s Prepara tions, Henry’s Aromatic Vinegar. Welch Medicam- entum, Hygean Syrup, 'lead’s Pills. Walker’s Drops, Morrison’s Pills, West’s Pills, Rheumatic Medicine, Sphon’s Digestive F.lixir, Little’s Lotion. Nipple Salve. Bleaching liquid. Iss Mustard, Citrate ofKale Consumption Specific, Cerate of Copaiva, Cosmetic Cold Cream, Hays Liniment, Chapman’s Mixture, Bullard’s Oil of Soap, Scotts Pills, Hamilton’s Worm Lozenges, Judkin’s Specific Ointment, Scotch Oint ment. IIotTman’s Anodyne Surgical and .iledical Instruments Pocket Instruments in Cases, Silver Spring Lan cets Evans Crown thumb Lancets, < ‘bstctrical Instru ments. Fox’s SpringTurnkeys, Teeth Forceps, ( up ping glasses, Tweezers, Surgical Needles, Gum Elas- tic Syringes. Metalic do, Stetheoseopcs. Apothecaries Scales and weights, Spatulas ass’d Mctalic Staffs and Sounds, Hair Sieves. Medical Spoons. Brushes Ground Paint Brushes assorted sizes, Varnish do, Sash Tools do, Badger’s Hair Blenders Graining do, Camels Hairdo, Fancy and plain Hair Brushes assor ted, Palters da do, (’loth do do. Hat Crumb Brushes. Hearth do. Dusting do, Counter do. Shoe do, Hat ters' Brushes, Ta! le do, Flesh do. Shaving do, Fur niture Brushes, Whisk Brooms, do Brushes. tash, Dragon’s Blood, Seatons, Stoughton’s Elixir, Strychnine, Powdered Valerian, Rhubarbarine, Sali- cine, Sanford’s Bark, Lac Sulphur, Syrup of Liver- y wort, One Stethoscope, Swatm’s Panacea, Seidlitz Powders, Tamarinds, Tincture of Colchicum, Wine ofColchicuni, Trusses, Turbith Root, White Hellebore, Colchicum Seeds, Acetate of Colchicum, Aromatic Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of Patent Me dicines. and all others in common use, Garden Seeds, and Shop Furniture for Physicians.— ALSO, Couching, Cupping, and small Scaling,Instruments; and one second hand set of Amputating and Trepbin ,ng Instruments. April 29 SWAIN’S VERMIFUGE. The most useful Family Medicine eter offered to the Pub lie. No family ought or ever trill be trilhoat it after a trial. Patent. HIS well known Anti-dyspeptic and Worm Medi- T' employed in diseases for which it is recomuienned. is perfectly safe, and no child will refuse to take it. It seldom fails curing holera .Tlorbtts, Dys entery or Botcel Complaints, Colit and Bleeding Piles, either in grown per sons or children, and it gives appetite to almost all de bilitated persons. Worms frequently infest children, Glass Ware, Store Furniture. Window Criass Window Glass assorted sizes from 7 by 9 to 22 by 28 inchest. Coach Glass, do Picture Looking (Hass Plates. Tincture Bottles from j pint to 2 gallons, do Specie assorted sizes, ."Salt Mouth do, I to 8 oz Vials, Ground stoppers White and Green Vials assorted, Nursing Bottles, Globe Bottles. Graduate Measures, Glass Funnels, Retorts and Reservoirs, Proof Glasses Dram Vials, Otto of Rose Vials, Pungents Tubes or Fillers. Glass Lamps, with shades, do without shades, Glass Candlesticks, Suspending Lamps, with shades, extra shades. Cologne, tenter Fancy articles, Soaps Double distilled Cologne Water in fancy and plain Bottles, Florida Wn'er, Milk of Roses. Orange Flow er Water, Lavender, Harrogate salts. Pearl Powder, Pomatum. Macassar Oil, Rose water, Oil of Roses. Musk, German Cologne water, Honey water, Preston salts, Antique Oil, Transparent wafers, Pungents, (cut glass,) Metalic shaving Boxes, Camels Hair Pen cils, Wash Ralls, Otto of Rose Vials, Variegated soap, do Transparent for shaving, Rose soap, do Cinnamon do Ceylon, English Windsor, soda soap, Conrt Plas ter, Teeth powder. JUiscellaneous Kitchen’s Patent Cocoa, l.ucifer Matches, Bar soap. Jeters Buictl Complaints, and chronic and nervous dis eases, incident to childhood, which are so numerous and frequently fatal. It is much to be regretted that thousands of children are swept off, or are rendered feeble, pale and emaciated through the first stage of life —which leads on to pulmonary complaints, &c. &c. Worms being especially apt to infest persons of de bilitated digestive organs and emaciated constitutions, much mischief is often don* by the ordinary worm medicines, which generally consist of the strongest purgatives—calomel, that destroyer of the constitution bitters, pink root, or spirits of turpentine, worm see oil, &c. Articles of this kind may destroy worms, bu they debilitate the stomach, and often materially in jure the general health, without removing the cause. Swaim's Vermifuge has the peculiar advantage of re moving the cause of worms, by giving vigor and heal thy action to the stomach, bowels ana organs of diges tion—thereby removing measles croup hooping cough and many other complaints. It is by this means that so many grown persons have been relieved, 65 its use, of dyspepsia, sick head-ache, foul or sour stomach, FOUL BREATH, coughs, and most of the bilious symptoms, &c. Ac. &c. This medicine willrelieve Bowel Complaints or Dys entery, Billions Colic, vomiting, sickness, pain or weakness in the stomach or bowels, loss of appetite either in children or grown persons, in a few hours; and seldom fails curing CHILLS and FEVER or FEj VF.R & AGUE.and Intermittent orBillious Fevers. For sale, wholesale and retail by July? 54 _J. H. & W. S. ELLIS. Pratt’s Nipple Shields' known as the “ Globe Hotel,' formerly kept by W J Gibson &. Co. The premises are undergoing thorough repair and improv imont, and will be ready for the reception of Travellers and Boarders by the 20th init. The utmost exertions of the Proprietors Bibb heri/f Sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in November next,at the court house in the city of Macon, be tween the usual hours of sale, One lot and improvements in East Macon, contain ing one fourth of mi acre, more or less, whereon Hugh f'X N the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next at court house door in Twiggs Ccunty, to the Li„fo st Lot No. not known in said county, containing 202i acres more or less, it being the place whereon iS \\ . Sullivan, deceased, forme- 1 ’, —-* ■ - - sea T Powell now lives, levied on as his property to satisfy benefit of the heirs of said decease'd^"’'^ will not be spared to render their accommodations as Rodger good as any in the city-and by giving their personal o75S£ and enure attention to their business, they hope to me-, „ ? J hh L nBrilirMlllrt ( one Fi Fa from Bibb inferior court in favor of Ham- known on the day of sale, sept 8 ~ cu ' ( .4^ crms m ®de — ’ ISAIAH CULPEPPER WILUAM-silfMONs'^ be sold on thcf.rst Tuesday in Dl.CLMlTI p TO™ V T next, at the court house door in the town of Zebu- ilton <fc Hays vs Ross & Poweil—property pointed out by Hamilton. One lot of pine land,containing 202£ acres more or ' -era now lives, levied on Harden, to satisfy one Fi . , r . - , - r,»,- i„„» ; Fa from Bibb superior court iu favor of Joseph W illet the Planters of the country. Good lots, &c will he I F,fty acresof land ’ lnore or less > w,th Uie provided forthe accommodation of Stock Drovers on , rr> , 1 »■ *->**«»*, »v, m me *>u uisinct 01 orisin.i fair terms. HENRY WOOD. road R fr “" tin S San, “ el T . Ba,l ?> 8 ' vh " reo11 ‘ h ™'°- !y Monroe now Pike county,-sold as the properw c jher B Strong now hvea lev.ed onus his property to rarlton Greer deceased Mari()n o' satisfy two Ft Fas from Bibb superior court, one in fa- vorof Jerimiah Pearson, survivor, &c vs Chris opher B Strong, the other in favor of Sarah !' Munson vs Christopher B Strong and Samuel T Bailey. sept 29 BENJ. RUSSELL, dep. shff. ments thereon, in Vineville, on the east ride of the ^LiX *£3’ origin r \fntirnn nntu Pi L-n nm, m — IJ -« ® sept 8 66 4t SAMUEL CANNON. WASHINGTON HALL. THE Subscribers Lave taken that com modious and well known public house in the City ofMacon,—tiie Washington Hall. lately occupied by Mr. M. D. Iluson.— By the unremitting attention of both of them, they flatter themselves that their House will ob tain for them a general patronage from the Public.— They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is inferior to no one in the State. Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun try affords, and tlieir bar with the choicest liquors. The Stables are attended by careful and experienced Ostlers. MUSTIAN & MOTT. Feb 5 1835 36 CENTRAL IIOTEE, JTIacon, Georgia. T HIS establishment is now under the control of the subscribers, who pledge themselves to ren der comfortable those who may call on them. PETER J. WILLIAMS, Feb 25 35 JOHN 1». RAMEY. O . , sold/it the courthouse in the town of Jackson, Butts county, within the legal hours of sale. One town lot in the town of Jackson. No Two on in Marion county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Teitns on the dar . 66 ROBERT GREER , Adm’r. A GkE. ABLd to an order of the Inferior cilm of Monroe county, will be sold on the first Tnec day in DECEMBER next, within the legal hours Clin kol/ivo vL.s AAii hA 1....... J *. ^ ™ * N (Ae^rst^Mdai/I^NO^MBEu' next, will be ^n.'Bu^county 0 ^ 1 1116 t ' 5 ° wn One lot of land, number (30) thirty, in the 4th dis trict of formerly Monroe, now ButU county, contain ing 202$ acres more or less, adjoining lands of Richard square No Three, adjoining David J Bailey and others. rc-Tip,, " j ' ".l” —‘“““m fronting the public square, seventy feetin front and Ai/r— ° f . D ? niel PjKOCJL.a.71.1 TIOJT. Georgia: By W ILL! AM SCHLEY, Governor of said State. To the honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of the respective counties of this State : W HEREAS a vacancy has occurred by the death of the Hon. JOHN COFFEE, e- lected on the first Monday in October, 1834, a Repre sentative front this State in the House of Representa tives of the Congress of the United States, for two years, from and after the 3d day of March, 1835- Now, in order .hat said vacancy may be filled, and in pursuance of law, I have thought proper to~issue this my writ of election, hereby requiring you, the said Justices aforesaid, to cause an election to beheld on Monday, the seventh day of November next, at the several places of lioldiug elections in your said couuty, one hundred and twenty back levied on as the pro perty of George T. Speak to satisfy a fi fa from Butts Superior court, in favor of the Justices of the Inferior court of said county vs said Speak; property pointed out by David J. Bailey, sept 29 56 A negro man named Joe, levied on as the property of Hugh Hamil, to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa issued from the Inferior court of Butts county, in favor of Samuel Maddux vs said Hugh Ifamil—property poin ted out by Plaintiff. RICHARD McDUFF, aug 2 Dep Sheriff. Tomlinson, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs ot said deceased. Terms made known on the dav sept 28 1 WILLIAM GILMORE, Adm’r. I ^Ol’R months alter date application will be made to the honorable the inferior c- urt of Houston county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, forleaie to sell the negroes belonging to the estate of John Qui r ley, late of said county, deceased. ®" Au g. 20 K. II. LUCKEY, Ad'mr. F OLK months after date application v.-Hl be mado to the Inferior court of Houston couuty, when U NDER an order of the Inferior Court of Bibb cuun- ‘ sating for ordinary business for leave to sell all the ty, sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold be-, r, ‘ a * estate belonging to Elijah Low, late of Morgan fore the court house within the usual hours of sale, ; couu'y. deceased, sept 5, 1836. bli On thefiist Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, before 1 MOSES COLLINS. A dir the courthouse in Floyd county, Lot No. 631, 3d dist. i B A ullt months after naif w 1st section, originally Cherokee now Floyd county. JT On the first Tuesday iu DECEMBER next, at Ma con, Bibb county, all that part of Lot No 166, in the 4th district of originally Houston, now Bibb county, not included in the widow’s dower. On the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, at the courthouse in Lowndes county, Lot No 469, iu the 10th district formerly Iiwiu, now Lowndes couuty, containing 490 acres. - fefiaii-liioivt ai Li, ( «'UOU to the honorable the Inferior court ofTifcecoun- ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for au order to sell all the real estate of Irby Stamper, late of Pike county deceased, SPENCER STAMPER > , sept 1 63 M. W. STAMPER. (Adm’rs I ^OUR months after date apphralioii wih b. nmde to (he Inferior court of Houston county, sittin- On the first Tuesday iu FEBRUARY next before j lat^ly,^ the court house in Carroll county Lot No. <b3. in the belonging 10 the estate of William H. Ki^vins deceaa- 10th district of said county, near Carrollton,- contain-, ed. foTiho benefiuif ^"heirsandcredS^of srid*d£ ing 202j acres. All sold as the property of James McDonald, late of giving due notice thereof, for a Representative to till Bibb county, deceased,’for the benefit of the heirs. 55 JOAB W. C. HORN, Adm'r. the aforesaid vacancy. And I do further require you to make a return of said election, to the Executive De. partmeut, in the time prescribed by law. Given under iny band and the great seal of the State, at the Capitol in Milledgeville, this the [l. s.]first day of October, eighteen hundred and Terms on the day. August 4 58 JEMIM A MCDONALD. Adm’rx. GREEN MCDONALD. Adm'r. ^JiSuLK an order of the inferior court of Fayette sixty-first. By the Governor, William A. Tensillk, Secretary of State. Oct 4 1 3t county, sitting for ordinary purposes will be sold ■- 1 — . • “ , , . | on thefirst Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, beticeen the &SK ‘”' i “ r A “wSiAM e ^! 1 TBv! b ' i V™ Lot No 72, in the 4th district of Henry now Fayette county, Bold as the property of Jesse D. McIntosh deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.— Terms made known on the day of sale, aug 8 60 DAN’L B HEAD. Adm’r MARGARET L MclNTOSH, Adm'rx. I TNDER an order of the Inferior f'ourt of Pike conn ) ty, sitting for Ordinary Purposes will be sold icith- iu the lawful hours oj sale, before the Court House. On the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, at Zebu- Ion, Pike county, One Negro Woman, & 60 aeres Land, being a part of Lot No. 4. in the first district originally Monroe now Pike county. On the first Tuesday iu DECEMBER next, at Co lumbus. Muscogee county. Lot IVo. 89, in the fifth district of said county. On the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, at Hamil ton, Harris county, Lot No. 330, in the 2lst dis trict formerly Muscogee, now Harris county. Sold as the property of Frederick Sessions, late of Pike county, deceased, for the benefitof all concerned Terms on the day ASA SESSIONS, Adm’r June 30 1 T HE Medical College of Georgia at Augusta have given their opinion of the superiority of Doctor Pratt’s Nipple Shield to any thing else hitherto offered for the same purpose, which opinion can be presented if necessary to physicians and others. Tiie opinion of Dr Baber and other physicians in Macon, who have examined the instrument, accords with that of Doctor Dewees and the Medical College of Georgia. The I nstrumeut is for sale in Macon by the subscriber only, price $5, with printed directions. H- LOOMIS. Sign of the Golden Mortar, Mulberry street. Certificate of Doctor Detcees J ‘ Doctor Elijah Pratt; Dear sir—As I feel it a mat ter of much public importance to possess a means df lessening the terrible sufferings of sore nipples, I have mucli pleasure in being able to say that the “ Shield" you offer for the preventing and the cure of this mala dy, is better adapted to this purpose than any I have heretofore seen. In the two or three instances I have known them to be used, much satisfaction has been expressed ; and I have no hesitation to beliero it will generally succeed. 1 am so well persuaded of this at Bus moment, that I cannot forbear to express a wish that« ur ci ty through the various apothecaries may be lied u’ith them. I am yours, &c ® LIST of Letters remaining on hand in the Post fai Office. Cinton, Geo. 1st October, 1836. A Richard Jones Maulden Amos K B Messrs W & V Kolb Joseph Brantley John Kenedy 2 John Bryant domes King John Boyne John Kitcluugs Rebecca Blow I. William Barron James Lowerrv Reddick Buzeniore John Lamar Ichabod Balkans Alfred B. Lary Levi Branson; M James Brooks Viney Mills C Ransom M J Mitchell Jesse Cay Joseph McGhee Elizabeth Crawford Major Mullins Mrs Sarah Christie W A Alerrit Isom Choat Stephan Moneyham3 Bartlev M Cox Janies Aleiloue John Chiles Henry Muckley William Clements Alexander M'Dougald D Joseph T Moore John O Daniel Mrs Mary S McMath Thomas Dillard Kirk P McDaniel Newel Drew Messrs Mullins & Carter Thomas S Dunbar N John Dunbar Thomas Nelson Allen R Dudley Mrs Eliza Newsom E P R S Edwards Richard Picket * John Edwards Balam Peter Mrs Polly Edwards Nathaniel Perritt Thus Eubanks R F O Roberds Benjamin Fenney William Reynolds Jonus II Fenney S Boswell Freeman L Smith G Miss Mary A Stiles William Ganlden 3 E locumb Nathaniel W Gordeu Thomas D Slade John Gay Miss Maria A Sumner James Godard Miss Mary A W Smith Joel Godard Miss A C Shaw James Green Jessee * hort N S Glover 2 T H Thomas B Tooke Lewis Hammack Miss Jane E Toyko John P. Hammack William Tye Mrs Laticia Holliday 2 John Trimble Mrs Milla Holliday 2 J John or Simon Hern John Verdell J William Vincent 2 Robt A Jones W Luke Williams John Jacksun 2 Stafford Williams John Jefferson Lewis &Wilkinson Mr Jones Anderson Weokes Isaac Johnson Alark Whittaker Lovit PJourdan J C White. oct 6 1 BENNETT BELL. P M. supp Phi’ndrlphja, \SthJan. 1834’ Wm. P. Dewfes.” <lo Dissecting I’orket rases, Spring Lancets, . vans’ thumb do • a Lists' cases. I lievs, pumps, Gu,n elastic cathotcrs, Eilver do Seton Needles, Spring lancet blades Tooth claws, but-Gum Lancets, .Medical spoons, Scales and Weights, Teeth File*. do do imoveab!i tons, tVarificatow, Ab*..e.<» !/meets. Tourniquets. The subscribers intend keeping a full assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS, SHOP FURNITURF., Ac. consisting of all artHes in the Tine necessary for the supply of uhysiciaus. Plantation* or Families. They will be supplied with the be-t that Green’s Vegetable Tonic Mixture. O R Fever %nd Ague Conqueror, for Iiiteimittent or Fever and Ague. This inestimable Febrifuge has warranted itself, by repeated trials, to be superior to any article yet offered U> the public; it is infallible in Intermittent and Fever and Ague; in recent cases Variegated do, Turpentine, Fine and Coarse sponge, j it exterminates the Chills and Fever in from tweuty* Cox’s Carrying Knives, Clay Pipes, do Glazed, juimp j four to forty eight hours; being ofa vegetable compo- Glssses, Lamp Wick, Bees Wax. Diamonds, French i sition, the public will apprehend no injurious effects Chalk, Emery coarse and fine, Black -and. Pearlash 1 from deleter ions minerals; it operates as a mild but Castile soap, .Scotch, Rappieand Macaboy snuff, -lia- 1 effectual purgative, and may be given with great ad- ving Boxes, Honey, Glue, Blacking, i.einou syrup, 1 vantage in Dysentery, Bowel complaints, Depraved j Barbers shaving Cakes, Chloride Lime. Wafer-, Ta* I Appetite, Flatulency, Jaundice, Ni.-ht Sweats, and per? sealing Wax, starch, -and Paper, Indelible Ink, [ many other affections of similar origin. For proof of a,r Corks, Cork Wood, Violins, do strings. Bellows, Ma- \ the effii ary of this mixture, try a bottle. The inventor l gic Matches, .Swifts, Bath Brick, shellac. being aware of the many unprincipled frauds that are | Intending to be permanently engaged in this busin- daily practiced on the public, has taken the precaution j ess, the subscribers will use every exertion in their * power, to rer.der it worthy the patronage of their old ; mid new customers. Order- by etter will meet the same attention as if made in person. HARVEY 8IIOTWELL, JACOB SHOTWELL. Painting of every description carried on hy Mncon Jan. 14. 29 11. <V J. SIH1TWKLL. THE SUBSCRIBERS H AVE purchased Mr. Laird 11 Wiley's inter est in the late firm of Fort. Hamilton A Wi ley, and Hamilton, Hates & Co. and given IRA E. FORT an interest in the same. The Dry Goods to prefix his signature to the genuine. 1 or sale by sept 15 64 H. A. J 8HOTWELL, Agents can be selacted out of tbe New-iorkaud Pliilad Ipliia business will oe continued at the same place, under markets Orders from Merchants at J Physicians, the firm of will receive pronmt atcution Jan 28 31 J. II & W. <5 El LIS Green's Tonic rUtxture, \ AND X* tvand's T~o nic Mixture. 4 GOOD supply ofeach. Just received, and for eil* by II. & J. SHOTWELL asp 115 61 Opposite Central ITr.’ol. Macon A PPLE ,r .tNEGAR for sale by ~~ ~ April 28 -14 J. H W. fv ELLIS. Fort? Hamilton A Co. and the Ware Houses and Commission Business a. heretofore, under the firm of HAMILTON. HAVES • & Co. FORT. HAMILTON Sr Co. June 23 52 , v ! 1 Insurance. T HE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will insui Cotton on the River, and also take a few risk, against Fire in this city. Macon, Oct. 27 Ap $i BERT COLLINS. 9 iOO REWARD. The above reward will be paid for the apprehension of niy boy William,- sometimes called Dill Black. William left uie about 25th December last; he is a very bright mulatto, about 5 feet 10 inches high, thi< k set, full faced, small red, or rathei blood -hotten eyes, and straight yellowish hair. I have no uouhthe will change his name and try to pass him self for a white man. which he may be able to do un less tu a close observer. He was formerly the proper ty of M. Myers of this place, and traveled with him through the tip country last summer. The above re I jlOLR months afterdate, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Pike county, when sit ting (or ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real and personal estate of Samuel Leak, late of said conn- tv. deceased. GARLINGTON LEAK. , T1LMON LEAK, JAJNE LEAK, Executrix. AugnatBO I |30L R months after date, application wifi be made to the Inferior court of Bibb county, sitting for W 11.L be sold on the first Tuesday iu NOVI.M BER next, before tht court house door in B alter county, within the Lgal hours of sale, Lot No. 16, in tbe 28th district 3d section, for the benefit of the orphans of William Jones, late of Camp bell county, deceased. Aug 20 62 JAMES McURACKIN, Adm’r. GRKEABLL to an order of the Inferior Court A TOWN FOB SALS. ^t INCE the entire destruction of Roanoke, in Stew- art couuty, the undersigned have purchased a be autiful site about three miles above, upon which they propose to establish a TOWN, to be called lAver- pool. This place is very advantageously situated, up»n a high and sandy bluff, which has proved to be healthy from the first settlement of the countv, up to the present period. The water is very fine—its com mercial advantages and facilities must be equal if not superior to any intermediate place between < olumbus and the Gulf. It wifi command the counties of Mari on, Sumter and Randolph, in Georgia, and a consider able portion of Barbour and Russell, in the State of Alabama. The site consists of three fractions and one square, amounting to nearly four hundred acres, which will be laid off in Lots of convenient size, and exposed for sale on the 17th October. The < otnpatty have di vided the Stock into 100 shares, a portion of which may be taken at $150 per share, if application should be made before the sale. HENRY W JF.F NIGAN, ASAPH It HILL, JAS E GACHET, GUSTAV DELAUNAY, BENJ A WHITE, FRANC V DELAUNAY, THOMAS B STUBBS, sept20 4t 65 JOHN H HOWARD. Land and Negroes for Kale. T HE subscribe! offers for sale the PLANTATI' >N whereon he now lives. 7 miles below Macon, in Bibb county,.containing 860 acres good pine land. There has beenfor the last 5 years a good SAW MILE in operation unon said plantation, but has been stop ped this year 011 account of some repairs wanting done. Stone Creek, the stream which said Mill is on, is a never failing stream, and the mill is better situated on accountof pine timber than any null within the vi cinity of Macon. Also, ten likely NEGROES will be sold, together with Horses, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, &c. Ac. ^aid property is now offered for sale on accommodating terms; a credit from one to three years will he given if required, sept 8 36 F.. DAVIS. BACON. of Bacon, just received S ^IOR SALE a superior lot . from Tennessee wagons, and a furthe. supply to ward w ill be paid for bis arrest if lodged iu a safe jail arrive, all of which wifi be sold on liberal terms so I get him. Y. S. PICKARD. July7 54 tf WM. B. PARKER & Co .'-av’umah, Aug 9 6m X A splendid Eon; Wheeled Carriage, J UsTlanded, and for-ale by CRAFT A LEWIS. Also two fine Toned Piano Fortes, sept 8 63 Lard. A i otof first quality, put up in Tin Cans for fami ly use. For sale by CRAFT & LEWIS. also, a small Lot good country Bacon, sept 8 63 Blanks for sale :rt this Office, B } tire White Lead and Lin-ced Oil for sal april 26 44 by J. H.& W. S. ELLIS. of Houston county will, on the first Tuesday in November uext, within the legal hours, be sold be fore the Court House door in the town of Wayuesbo- rough. Burke county : One lot of Oak and Hickory land, adjoining George Po lock, on all sides, containing fifty-six acres, more or less, within a mile ofStoney Bluff Also, at the same time and place will be sold 50 acres of Pine land, adjoining George Pollock and William W. Mixou. Sold fur the benefit of the heirs of Wil- Iiom S. Brunson, late of Houston county, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. aug 3(1. 63 THOMAS POLLOCK. Adm’r. ‘■TTNbi.K an order of the Inferior Court of Jones county, sitting for Ordinary purposes will be sold, on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER next, between the lawful hours, before the court house in Jefferson, Jackson county. 150 acres of Land, more or less, in said county, adjoining Batv and Miller on th>; waters of North Oconee. Sold as" the proper ty of John Carmichael, jun. deceased of said county Terms made known on the day of sale. MARGERY P CARMICHAEL, 'ent 1 6'' Guardian Ordinary purposes for leave :o sell the real estate of Benjamin Parker, late of said county deceased, sent 8. BURWELL PARKER Adm. F OUR months after date,appf ’ion will be ma •o the honorable the inferior court of Iloust made oustotv county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave te sell lot number 118, in the 12th district of said coun ty, being the real estate of Jeremiah McCormick, de ceased, for the benefit of said estate. ^Pt 12 64 JOHN R SENTERF1T. adm’r F OUR Months after date, application will he made to the honorable Inferior court of Crawford coun ty, for leave to sell all the real estate of W m. J. Wayn- man, late of said county. deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. ALEX. M. K. SWIFT, Adm’r. sept 5, 1836. 65 GEORGIA—Crawford county, H i.RKAS Samuel Pool applies to me for ( let- ▼ W ters of dismission from the administration on thecstate ot Richard Bullock, deceased, These are therefore to cite and ad monish alt and singular the kindred ana creditor j of said defeas ed, to he and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 30th day of Sept. 1836 00“ • ♦ R F LANK, o- c.c « . 1 riday, me ictii NOVi.MBi.U next, wili.wifn in the legal hours, be sold at the late residence of Isaiah Wise late of Butts county, deceased: All the perishable property of said deceased, con sisting of horses and cattle, one yoke of oxen, one •• a- gon hogs, goats, corn, fodder and oats, household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, together with sun dry other articles too tedious to particularize. -opt 28 66 RILEY WISE. Adm’r. O N thcfirsl Tuesday in DECEMBER next will be sold before the cour house door in the t wn of Mc Donough, under an order of the Inferior court of Fay ette county when sitting for ordinary purposes. Lot No 27, in the third district of Henry county; also, 175 acres in the same county and district, No. 6, it being part of the real estate of Abner Chanipioa late of Fayette county deceased.—sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of sai I deceased, sept 7 WILLIS CHAMPION, Adm’r. 64 FRANCIS CHAMPION, Adm’rx Notice YL® 7 1- hereby caution all persons from trading for a * v certain promissory Note made by us to Wil liam O. Pratt, or bearer, of Monroe, for the sum Five Hundred Dollars, dated first day of September, inst. and made payable one day aftei date ; as tiie note was giveu in part consideration for a negro, which ne gro has proved to be unsound, and wo do npi intend paying said note until compelled by law WILLIAM GUNN, DANIEL GUNN. Jones county. Sept. 20. 1836. 3t 66 Valuable JilLL Protiert} tor hale. T HE undersigned offers for sale his two SAW MILLS, withiu three miles of Macon—both Mills are now 111 successful operation. Ou the premises is also a GRIST NULL. Attach ed to the Mills is 1500acres of finely timbered LAND, withall the buildings requisite for conducting the busi ness. Added to these advantages, is a Spring of pure water, a healthy situation, and its near location to the rapidly growing city of Macon, w here a market can al ways be had .or Lumber 11 fair prices. Persons wish ing to purchase, are invited to call on myself on tiie premises, or on Roger McCall at Macon. ‘ sen21 65 ELEAZAR McUALL. 835 REWARD,. ® ^lLLbe paid for the apprehension of EPHRAIM V w a black man, about 30 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, has a heavy beatd vvhiah causes his face to lo k rough—was formerly owned by the Messrs. Harpers of Augusta, and bought of them by a Mr Mat thews of ('olumbus; it is believed-be will try to make his way to his former master in Columbus. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension, it lodged in any safe jail so that I get him giving tne information at Clinton, Ga. HENRY. W. DARSEY. sept 22 65 9t NOTICE, T a meeting tins day of the Executive Committee W ILL be spld. at the late residence ol Allen Christian, late of Pike county, deceased, on of the Macon Female College it was ordered, ihat the corner stone of the College be laid ou the 15th October next, and that the Key Elijah Sinclair be requested to deliver an address upon the occasion.” In accordance with the foregoing resolution of the executive committee, the cornerstone of the Macon Female College will be laid on the 15tfc October, on which occasion the citizens of Macon and its vicinity the 24th day of December next,all the personal proper- . are invited to be present to witness :he ceremony, ty belousingto said estate, j sept 19 66 JAMES A NISBF.T. 8. B. T. Consisting of Horses, Hogs. Cattle, Household and Kitchen Furniture &c. Also, in the town of Zebulon, on the first Tuesday in January next: One Lot and one Fraction of land, be ing the same whereon said deceased lived, and Four Negroes, being the whole of the real estate of said ue- ceased Terms of sale, made known on the itays. MARY A. W. CHRISTIAN. Adm’x. sept 22 65 P URSUANT to the last will and testament of Nathan Williams, late of Butts county, deceased, will be sold before the Ci urt House door in Jackson, on the first Tuesday in December next: Two negro women, a negro man and five children, all likely, the plantation on which the deceased resided at the time of his death, iu high cultivation and well im proved ; a cotton gin, fail and thresher. Notice. rf’tHE subscriber forewarns all persons from trad- JL ing for a printed note that he signed for $‘-0, to Barrow & Seymore, clock-makers in Macon, for which he refuses to pav, because the contract has failed, sept 29 66 3t ZACHARIAH N BROWN. S' WANTED. IX good Journeymen PAINTERS, for which li beral wages will be given. Apply to DANIEL T. RLA, Macon Ga. [IZPThe Charleston Courier will give the above four insertions. Sept 28 66 For Sale, . Y BRICK HOUSE and lot, on tbe corner of New and Poplar streets, within-70 yards of Cotton Avenue. It is a two story house, new and Also will be sold on the following day, at the late p0 ** en « t,lt T f eye * 8 a ,° abundant boiling *P» n S f residence of the deceased I roi d wagon and 6 headof S ood ' valer ° n ,he ,pt ' J lts l . sU “ at, 0" as hea “M°" horses, a considerable stock of cattle hogs, and sheep.! yetu f 1t0 b " 8,n , esi! and the 1 e ™ ule C „ olieS f ESfS Also, a large quantity of corn fodder andoats. farming “ valaab!e .. A PP* y Messrs HamiltonnLFort,or utensils, household and kitchen furniture, and variou- U, J S0 ^' Also its 1 urnuuie. Private board other articles of perishable property. Terms made ; acc .°T’°- dated the P ro P ert >' I8S ? ld ' „ n0K known on the dav of sale. I Al, g ^ A. B. COUt^— NATHAN IE WILLIAMS, STEPHEN W PRICE, sept 1 62 •’ILL be soid, ueibit | Fx’r w ouit house, within uie ’¥ legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in; DECEMBER next, at Lagrange, Troup county. Lot j No. 76, in the 4th district of said county. And ou the first Tuesday in January next, at Ma- 1 con. Bibb county, part of Lots No. 67 and 70. in the I 13th district of’formerly Monrce, now Bibb, lyiu ou the waters of the Toliesofkee ; sold as the property of Christiana Scott, for the benefit of all concerned Terms on the day. JOSHUA JORDAN. * sent 2 65 JAMES HOY, B sept 28 Exchange ILLS on Savannah. Charleston and New lor!- will be discounted by application to 66 REA <fc COTTON. Cotton Osnabigrgts and Yarns. A LARGE supply of r,he above, of the best quality from the Scull ShoaJ factory, for sole by CRAFT & LEWIS. _ J Ma 12 45 UST received and for sale by Oct 6 1 It E. RUSSELL. Trustees. We are authorised to announce the name of ABNER HAMMOND, Esq . a can- idate for Tax Collector for the ensuing year- Aqg25 ®