Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, October 27, 1836, Image 3

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MACON6EOKG1ATELEGRAPH ssa^(s©ssr. Thursday, October W, 1836. " .noMinnlioiw of the 1/nioii Part)'. ro* rRXsin*"* of tbe * k,tkd STAT * 8 > MARTIN VAN BITBEN, of New- York. roil VICK MMUMMT OF THE UMTKD STATES- BICIIABD M. JOHNSON, of Kentucky. (tporcia Union Electoral Ticket THOM Ad *’• ANDERSON. of tranklm. WILLIAM B. BULLOCH, of Chatham. SAMUEL GROVES, of Madison. THOMAS HAYNES, of Baldwin. RF.UBEN JORDAN, of Jasper. •ITT MILNER, of Monroe. WU.IIAM PENTICOST, of Jaekoov. JOHN RAWLS, of Pulaski. THOMAS SPALDING, of McIntosh. WII1IVM B WOFFORD, of Habersham. THOMAS WOOTTI X. of Rilkes _ T'oTtON lti a 17 cents. I'arancy in Congress — We are authorize d to un- tiuurce the name of (.1 ti. John V A andford, as a candidate far Congress to supply the vacancy occa sioned by the death af General John Coffee First Monday in Nor ember. The Freemen of Geor gia will not forget, that the first Monday in next month is the day fixt by law for the choice of Electors ol Pre sident and Vice President. At the same time an elec tion will be held fur a Representative in Congress to till tbe vacancy occasioned by the lamented death of Gen. Coffee. Our Electoral Ticket is now complete. The name of Pitt IP. Milner of Monroe, is substituted for that of janes C. Watson; and John Pauls of Pulaski, for that of Wilson Lumpkin—who declined the nowina- tiou. Full returns from all the counties have been receiv ed, from which it will appear the Union Ticket is e- U-cted by an average majority of about 760. By com paring tbe aggregate with that of last year, it will be k0 en, die vote tills year is several hundred smaller to the Union ticket than it was last year. This is owing in port to the death of Gen. Coffee; but probably more to the Union White men, who have deserted the party. The Nullifiers’ ticket also, it will be seen on the other ti mil. iia gained a few hundred from last year’s vote. This is to be accounted for in a consid ernblc degree, to the ticket being headed with the name of Gen. Glascock, which deceiveu many Union men. We are free to eoutiss our party has lost some thousand or two since 1834; and vve are free also, to confess the cause. It was known from the first, that Van Burcn would "tote heavy” at the start; but hav ing started with him, and the party finding itself able to carry lain, and Dick Johnson besides, it will get u- long easy enough hereafter. Let the party, (and eve. ry m. nii or of it,) do its duty on the first Monday in n, xt month, mid we need not Ear i.i reaftcr. Nulli tication alias Wkigism Le so low in the mouth, it won’t hear itself groan ! Who are the Collar men 1 they who put themselves in the place of hones and draw their idol through the streets of Philadelphia. They are collar men. Who are man worshippers t They who follow Har rison at a distance, and make the welkin ring with their shouts. They are man-worshippers. Who break the commaudments 1 They who make unto themselves idols of fiesh and of bone; and who bow dow-n and worship the work of their own hands. Who is a hypocrite ? He who betmys bis friend for a bribe—and joins his enemies to obtain power. Who arc trying to deceive the people ? They who have the name of White in their mouths, and Harri son in their hearts. Who call themselves Whigs ? They who would de prive the people of their rights; and who are trying to carry the election of President ir.l o the House of Representatives. Who call themselves State Rights men ? They who contend that the President may inteirferc with • the do mestic concerns of a State; and wl 10 would practice a fraud upon the people by taki ng the election of Chief Magistrate out of their handt; and placing it in the hands of Congressmen. WHIG PRIMER LESSONS. Who is the first man ? He who m the- Whigs wor ship and bow down to, even Wm. jH- Harrison. How was the first man made I Ho was made of Clay! and unto Clay will he return. For what end was he made ! To serve and glorify his creator, and to magnify him. Who is the meekest man ? He who vvaiteth patient ly at the gate, even Daniel Webster. Who is the shortest man ? He who turned his coat to climb into a chair; even Hugh L. White. Who is the bigest man ? Hb who swallowed the whale, (Nullification,) even John C. Calhoun. Who is a great stumbling block? He whom we (the Whigs) have cast among Lions, (Abolitionists,) even Rickard M. Johnson. Who is onr greatest stumbling block ? He who has passed through the fiery furnace (of falsehood and de traction,) without the smell of fire being left upon his garments, even Martin Van Buren. Who is the bravest man ? He who disobeyed his instructions, even Benjamin Watkins Leigh. Who is a tyrant ? He who slew our Goliali, (U. S. Bank,) even Andrew Jackson. 41 T ie DoctorV This is the title of a queer book, just published and for sale at Olcott’s bookstore in this place. Those fond of oddities w ill find this work an odd specimen. CO.VGRESSIOdWIL. .ETUR.TS, FULL RETURNS. UNIGN NULLY ‘jt t- - . ► - r m S £ s- = - « e - = Appling, «>3i:s5e&»<SS!:2cDw*'SS>'!t§»*3» Baldwin, 3 Ji O (w O' C? 1 W,(w O Baker, Bibb o-oS4oaJMaai4»K'a'Oii-- Bryan £ g 2 2 - £- S^ 5 =? S S ^ o Bulloch oocoleSo Burke, _ — — — _ — _ OCTCaO’cacecesag Butt*. ssasssaaSssssksss Camden, Campbell, S. ? © s. Carroll, gg e g2ggggErE^-g-g ; Cass, Chatham, C heiLee, Washington, ->» ou ix ao os cc naiwoaoooao? Wayne, 88£3S8S»iif!?S8iS8S£8 Wilkos, Wilkinson iC C3 xr** foC •fit FOK THU CAORGlA TXlteGliAFIt. Dedicatiou OF THE MACON FEMALE COLLEGE. This ceremony of Saturday last, will form the theme of a bright page in the history of Georgia, and more particularly of the immediate community where the enterprise has been projected, and where the plan, de- sgin and purpose wiil be consumated of redeeming from long, criminal neglect, their portion ol God s las: best work, the mind and intellectual faculties of Heav en bestowed woman : of raising to the intended and her capable equaiity, that Being with whom are most sweeUy, and intimately linked MAN ’8 dearest, best, ore sent, and eternal interests. MACON will now occupy a proud and enviable a station among the cities not only of Ogletiiorpe s Geor- chartered the schooner South Boston, and proceeded for this place where they arrived last night about one o'clock, and from them we have received the above in formation. The schooner Atlas is also on her way, two. The above is all the intelligence we have been able to collect at this late hour—indeed, it is sufficient to state that there is not n life lost.—dins Con. UOth inst. Gkano Golpii, Oct. ti. Editors look out.—A duel was lough: in Louisiana opposite this town, on Wednesday morning 2th instant be seen V. E. Howard, Ksq.editorolthe Missisaippmu a,id J G. Boncheilc. Esq. editor of the Glate Right* Banner, growing out of some editorial p3rsouaiitms indulged in by both parties. Col. rail, Air. Price and Howard, acting as the second a:id friends ol V. R. Howard—and Maj. Coffee . A. K Johnson, and Meu- efee. as the second and friends of Mr. Lonchel!. The parties stood :• at distance of ten yards. The first dm of both proved harmless—but on the sceond shot, Mr. Howard wounded his antagonist, his hah striking the right:and passing through into the left thigh. The gia, but of our widely extended and nighly cultivated < w 'j„ n ,i is nut regarded as dangerous and Mr Bou- nation. She will be the operative mother of an In- j chclle. will in all probaoitity, be able to he ou his feet Cobb * 2 8 f) —j —-1 —-1 —1 slitution, calculated more than ail others,s to Taise, re fine, and mend the heart of man, to make the desert and intellectual wild bloom and blossom as the rose,— sweeten, purify exaL, and felicitate mail’s sub state, and enlarge to an immeasurable extent, capacity fur that bliss held in reserve for the lavor- Ite sons of God in the realms of interminable joy. In the presence of a bright assemblage of the beau- city ami country, and the 1 Seminary, was performed ceremony of laying the corner stone enclosing a jar containing a specimen of the current literature of the Day, and the various gold and silver coins of the nation. Mr. L. Sinclair delivering a neat, appropriate, impressive address; die effect and merit of wnich were iu eight or ten days Both gentlemen acted wijii a canine**, deliberation and bravery becoming a better Cause—as was unan imously adtni!ted by all who witnessed! he unpleasant .The Pews of the Protestant Episcopal Church will be reeled for one year from the first Monday in November next on Monday the 5th day ol November at 3 o’clock-P. M at the Church. Oct. *27. 4 Clark, . -r. ITu'MtaO 1C tC tC -s^S-*---**!**'**:^ Columbia, ■»«»«) .. .. aa ca o> in a; ea 2. 1 i £ o S o S G £ Coweta, • <w £ Sh CC *- S Ci~» — ca «*.«- J- u « fe §t 13 ci & iu 2 S< & y ca G and respectful attention of the numerous auditory. (S ou ca oo & c -i *■ *“ Men of Georgia! fellow citizens of our common country! be uow but true to yourselves, your country, and your God, be steadfast, liberal, onward, and per- scvoring, in this most happily conceived, and justly ! due tribute to the rights and natural perfections of our better hall, and Georgia shall have erected a splendid model and monument of taste, justice, excellence, and I social love, that shall record her name iu letters of I gold imperishable as marble, failing only when all our j earthly glory and distinctions shall be lust in the dis- 1 pJay of *‘a new heaven and a new earth.” G. P. C. ■•If The day after our last paper was if uco. we re- eeivofi a coimiinnicatioii from JfawkinsviJlo, signed bv u respectable number of individuals belongin'.- to the Union party, nominating an individual as a candi date to fill Gen. Coffee’s vacancy in Congress. From the, lateness of the hour at which the nomination is 'name; the utter impossibility of hat iug it known iu ell the counties before the Election, and there being u’r.-miv another candidate nominated; we have con e-nth:.! to suppress the communication for die present, hs; it: publication might distract instead of uniting th* party. We trust our friends at Hawkinsville will op prcciutu our motives, am! acquiesce in the course we have pursued. It is uo disparagement to the claims of others, tha tii.- nomination of Gen. Sanford lias generally met ue appru.uifimi of the party; and that lie will be suj porin', with ' a ri- t.-i iasm. His eminent qualifica tions atid public services present strong claims to the affections of the |icoplc. The Russian nobles, (we arc told by travelers,) jonetiines by way of past time, build splendid palace.- of ice—with ice furniture, and ice decorations !— These palaces look brilliant and beautiful for a night > but the projectors tremble ill the midst of their glee, lest tomorrow's situ should dissolve their fairy castles. So with the Whigs and Nullifies: Their fabrications are as fair to the eye and as frail as are the ice pala ces of tbe Russian lords. Like their prototypes, the ivliigs dread the daylight; for the bright sun of truth is equally destructive of their works. Like the ice palaces aforesaid, lli existence of this | arty is a for red state, supported by falsehood and prolonged by misrepresentation; its prospect of success depending altogether upon its adroitness in deceiving the people. The Whigs know that White can never be Presi dent: and yet they fraudulently use his name to ad vance the cause of Harrison.. They know that Mr. V-n Burcn has no fellowship "itli or for the Abolitionists, nor they for him; nnd yet they accuse him of Abolitionism, and of bo: g the candidate of the Abolitionists. Fabricating and circulating falsehoods against 5Ir. \ nn Buren and his supporters, characterise their mode of warfare, nnd constitute the' chief employment of their pens and presses. As soon as one falsehood is detected and nailed to the* counter, another is propa- gated. It is unnecessary to follow them into all their menndcrings for tbe purpose of exposing their false hoods: the people cannot be the dupes they take them for. The great gains of the Whigs, the brilliant pros pects of White, &c. &c. me nil stuff, made to help their cause and deceive the people. Nullification lias gone down—Whigism is about to explode—and Whiteism will soon dissolve into thin air. The Rev. Saxdci. J. Cassells, of Washington, Georgia, lias accepted a call to the Presbyterian Church in this city, and we understand will commence his pastoral duties early in November nexj. AGGREGATE VOTE OF THE STATE FOR NINE MLMBERS OF CONGRESS. Glascock, Towns, Cleveland, Haynes, Grantlniid, Owens, Holscy, J. Jackson, Dawson, 47,448 50,000 1>9,5«0 ‘29,490 29,343 29,337 29,2*28 ‘29,2*27 28,994 Alford, Colquit, Coffee, King, Habersham, Nisbct, J W Jackson, 28*273 Black, 28,174 *28,305 ‘28,077 23,544 28,458 28,447 28,419 A writer in a late Messenger more distinguished for his breaches of the Decalogue than for his love of truth—in the course of his false accusations makca the following interrogatory:' . “Have not the floors of Congress been covered "i! , "'."“sands of petitions breathing destruction to *11 that is dear to us in the South? Is it treason to •*)* that those petitions have been presented and bus- «>ned by Van Burenites alone ?” • -** * • Bit is not treason to say those^petitions were presen ted and sustained by Van Burenites alone, it is false to say so; which the writer well knew. The Jour nal* of the last session of Congress will show, that the fiend* of Van Buren acted uniformly against the pe tition*, while the opposition were mostly in favor of them. In every vote touching the slavery question, friend* of Van Buren acted invariably with the South. Mr. Van Boren himself gave the casting vote °n in iiiqiortant question, in favor of Southern insti tutions. So far from Van Buren or his party being in favor of the Abolitionists, we do not recollect the name of a single individual attached to that party that sides LEGISLATIVE RETURNS. Appling—Legget; Hall. Anker—Holmes; Colly ..aldwin—Mitchell: Harris. Hammond. ilitib—Lawslie; John B. Lauiar. James Lamar. ■ iutts—Wilson; csiiuuuerftn. tt hiie. tiurke—Lawson; Byne, Harris, Hurst, Bryan—Hines; Bird. tin.loch—Cone; Wilkinson, Lockhatt. amplell—Cochran; Cauip. While. uroket— icCoiinel, t’oard. Coweta—Echols; Wood, 3iuitli. Cobb—t,uess; Mays. nmden—Hopkins; Clark. Cone. - Vi«.7urm—McAIl Kter; Gordon, Drysdale, Bulloch. nrroll—Bell; Harrison. Rodgers. ■•'u ’hia—Avery; Knbinsou.Gunby, Alford. cauford—King; Carr, Colbert. lark—Mitchell; Stroud, Barnett, Moore. ass—Morgan; Espy. ccalur—Curry; Hines.Keith, Dooly—Bowi n ; Bush. D- Aali—Johnson; Powell, Diamond. Murphy. Early—Holmes; VVilsou. ffingham—Waldhauer; Hines. Elbert—Heard; havis, While, Johnson. r,aunt I—8 wain ; Drew. Floy, — until; Ellis. Forsyte—Wharton; Hays. Fayette—King; Landrum, Allen. Fruni.lin—Freeman , Knox, Mitchell, Nash. Gilmer—Coojier j Price Gwinnett—Blackman; l.zzard, Hamilton, Kambe, Ship Grime—Janes; Moseiy, Sanford, King. Glynn—8 lock ton ; Dart, Berry. Harris—Wliiie; Henry, Pryor. Heard—Wood; Peddy. Henry—8ager; Beck, Bentley, Lore. Huncock—Ingram ; N-niith, Culver. Turner. Houston—Dean; Kelly, Dupree, Duncan. Habersham—Smith; Kimsey. Cleaveiaud, Holcombe. Hall—Dunnaguu; Keith, Roberts, McAffee, Clark. Jtukson—Liddel; Burns. Penticost, Pitman. Jasper—Reese ; Burney. Hill, Price. Iricin—Polk; Young. Jones—Hutchins; Day, Gray, Renfroe. Jrjferson—tie; Campbell. Smith. Liberty—Hikes; Spencer, (Quarterman- Lincoln—Lauiar; Lockhart, Jennings. Lumpkin—McLeod; Crime. Laurens—Wright; Allen, Hampton, lei- Shotwell; Ford. Loundes—Pike; Blacksheor. Madison—Polk ; Strickland. Daniel. Meriwether—Burks; Reeves, Fletcher. Murray—Baker , Carroll. Morgan—Floyd; Ogilsby, Swift. Stallings. McIntosh—Powell; McDonald, King. Muscogee—Lawhon; Flournoy, HoUand. 4/<m»oe-*-Ruthcrford; Black,Flewellin.Gardon, Barron Marion—Bond; Jones. Montgomery—AlcLenan; McArthur. Newton—Floyd; Hines, Loyall, Cooper. Oglethorpe—Hardeman; Hill, McKinley Cook. Paul ing—Walthall; Brison. Pulaski— Bracowell; Kent, Whitfield. Pike—Harris, Blackburn, Williams. Putnam—Gordon ; Merriwelher. Branham, Hurst. Rabun—Moseiy; Kelley, Coffee. Richmond—W alker; Rhodes. Jenkins, Miller. Randolph—Wood; Conyers. ■•dewart—Robertson, Dish ukes. Sumter—Cowart; McCrary. Sc rite*—Green; Roberts, Scruggs. Ttlfair—Rodgers; Hatten. Talbot—Powell; Towns, Drane- Thomas—Reynolds; Daniel, Blackshear Twiggs—Smith; Solomon, Fitzpatrick. Tattnall—Surrency; Sharp. Talliaferro—Gresham; Stephens. Darden. Troup —William* ; Dougherty, Lewis, Union—Butt: Welborn. Upson—Goode; Blount. Collier. Ifashingtou—Saffold , Floyd, Warthen, R bison. I Fulton—Echols; Easley. Bryant, Moon. Ware—Fulwood; Hilliard, Walker—Faris; Davis. Wayne—Robson; Jones. Warren—Gibson; Andrews. Blount. Franklin. Wilkes—Willis; Bolton, Bradford, Brown. Wilkinson—Bell; Rivers, Hatcher. Craw lord, De Kalb, _ <v — ( i-fliingltam, Elbert, Emunuei, Fayette, tloyd, Franklin, - O.8.0L iitSiiiicScccSSSa F**rsyth, iTtluier, —” A- - - Glynn, j- ts w ti ti r. ^ v i cl lireenc, 88asi8!8ez£ s g22 82 8.8 Gviunett, Habersham. Issiisiisiiisissi inn: Hancock, fSHSIffSI8888881 Harris, •'5S|li8s58888*8>j5j Henry. HHIRSiSSSTsaS! Houston, gg3i=iii'iiissssss Irwin, Jackson, 818*8881818885881 Jasper, Jeffersou, Jones,, ........ zimumi Lincoln, Lee, Liberty, S23ilsl§2s£?2££l£ Lowndes — me, ce cc <c Lumpkin, illiliilMIlMIIl j MadiSoU, »s*?9saii««s*?si; Marion. 8*888118811158812': M« inlosk, g?iiills§i&s6£s^<c£|l HAT.*, ■ FOR THE MACON GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. Tike next President. Union White men of Georgia—This is a question of more importance to you at this moment than any othfc-r cl.-ws of politicians low in existence, you turned out with uu honest zeal in the support of Judge White because J*oU believed him to be a man whose honest and indepei.’d2Ut republican principles marked him as a fit and proper t *ierson to succeed the noble old Hero, and pure Statesman Andrew Jackson. Can you now put your hands on yOtU* heart and say that he is the same man he was, w'.heJi you- first declared for him— has he not deserted entirely the best adminirtratiou that has directed the affairs of this government since the days of Washington ami* Jefferson. Up to the last Congress he has strenuously advocated the measures of Andrew Jackson, nnd the rep ublican party, but the period of the last Congress was ai.‘ unfortunate period with Judge White—the republican pgurty and the prin ciples of the administration had no ci.arms for him ; tile whole man is at once, changed, transL°misd into a figure a* dark as the shades of Federalism, n* .'lidcous as nullification, as delusive as the false glare fil *kmk Gold, and as uou-descript as Modern Whiggerv itself- But you will ask what proof them is of these fuel Crockery «k. 2£are.ware. A T New ioik €os;.fm sale by GLU. W. PRICE & CO. Get. 27, 4 molasses,, Coffee, Daggin?, dec. iiiids Pi,line St. Croix Sugar. 30 do Poriu Rico and New Orleans Sugar, - 3i> Barrels do. ; do. 29 tioxe* Brown Ilavannah Sugar. 2ti hints. Poito into Molasses, 24 do Cuba do 90 Bags Coffee. 2*20 Pieces Hemp Bagging. 80 Pieces Tow do 50 ur Cask* U .tie, J5 Boxes Tobacco, 5 M Cigar*, tursa.e bv Oct. *27. 4 REA & COTTON. Congress before the last he voted for > be 4th auditor. Mr. Taney as .Secre- uy, Mr. Stevenson to be Minister to Kng- P. P. Barbour to be United States Judge; ress he voted against them all—with the ■ty, with Clay Calhoun and Webster. .. _ J White, this entire shilling over from the true repub- irinciples, and closing in the ranks of Clay, attery of those who are your enemies, and who use on merely as tools, we mean the nullifiers of Georgia. But this is not now the worst feature in this impor- ’ the Union, and a Men Mon Monroe, ilfSffiip Morgan, iniiifftiM MI Murray, immmwmm msmssssssssi mini lend their aid to the success of such a combina tion? we cannot believe it. Yet if, contrary to our best hopes and all our expectation, they do, mid William H. Harrison, for lie is the man which the nullifiers would exalt, is elected President, a long tart:well to all oar liberties. It cannot be disguised that the contest has now set- down between Harrison and Van Buren, and the mil liners openly avow tkat they prefer Harrison, a strong . and violent abolitionist to Van Buren. And having — ! pretended to be in favor of White all along, only to , _ I deceive the honest White men to carry their votes. Union White men, we earnestly appeal to you for file sake of your country, fly into the breach and avert tlie storm that is gathering over our vet happv people. A SOUTHERNER. Putnam, Pulaski. iSSIISSISSSSiiSSsi '1*118*1885885115 Rubuu Akotber Girad will. It i* knid that a rich ano philanthropic French gentleman, wno lately died on the west side of the Schovlkdl river, op posite Philadelphia, has left one hundred and twenty thousand dollars to be divided among the r _ v benevolent societies in the city and county of with them; nor a single Abolition press in favor of! Philadelphia, which are not any manner under WcVw! Buren * I : t; niilHuripuia. m 1 clerical influence. Randolph, mM&mz: mmmmni (w (v UMIiHfUIflSH Rich Srr,ven ’ Stewart. lliiliillilSiNlI Sumter, Taliaferro, Tatnall, FOR TUE MACON GEORGIA TELAGRAPH. Hr. Bartlett.—I have ever been a great admiror, of the French character Their versatility is unrivalled, tii-fir geuius not to be surpassed, but among all the dis- ! plays that this wonderful moss of genius possess as in : no character are they so resplendantly triumphant { a.* that of a cook. I was much amused the other ! da y, in visiting an old friend of mine, who tiow keeps ; a little Confectionary and cookery. A number of | gentlemen having returned from tne play house at a late hour of the night called upon him for some re- fre shinents, whereupon a table was directly spread, an-d viands of the first chop speedily produced, consis ting of a fine stuffed Muscovie duck, Turkiy a id rousted partridge, (a fare enough to make a Bishop smack lus mouth.) * The company enjoyed the same w’ith fine appetite and great glee, a little Chainpaigne washed down the good feast and retired highly satisfied at their repast. But although all were Sited, yet a remnant was left, when a second company entered to claim food, when lo and behold a tnrdy old country man spoke aloud, landlord, 1 will thank you to give me a ___ piece of that Dog, whereitpon the whole secret waa gG ; revealed. Tha duck, turKty. and roasted partridge aJl were consolidated in the body of a fine Raccoon. NEWS OP THL WILLIAM GIBBONS. We have the gratifying, the joyful intelligence to communicate to our readers that TIIL LIVES OF TH . PASSENGERS in the William Gibbons ARE SAFE. We have not language to express our pleasure at having it in our power to relieve the intense anxiety oo'-.4*6'cS-'t?ci.i-<-3»l | that has prevailed our whole city, for several days past The boat went ashore at New Inlet, between 20 and 30 miles North of Hatteras, about* half past 4 o’clock on the morning of the 10th inst. where she (ay until day light, efforts were then made to get off, when the 1 boat got nearly into the channel, and about 2 p. in. ^ i most of the passengers were landed upon tile bench. Ttu. Si MjOVMtS. H AS removed hi> stock ot lilt «.£*, .WEGICToVES, Paitits, G-ls, Ac. To the store on Cotton Avenue, recently occupied by Mr. J. D. Winu, and adjoining filestore of J. «V <1. Baldwin, where lie is also opening v. new supply which he offers at wholesale and retail, at tne lowest prices for cash or good notes. In order to avoid any misun derstanding, it may be proper lo state that Faints, Oils and Glass are considered Cash t tides. The loliow- ing articles are includedin his supplies, viz: Loco foco -d itches, Lucifers. dowhuid’s Xalydo Wafers, Drop Lake. Bril he*. Fancy and sl-avii Snaps. White Bar Soap, Salad, Oil. Morton’s Cough Syrup, Rowan’s Tonic Mixture, Potter’s Cafholican .Mortars of Iron. Brass. Marble, Glass and U edee wood, Ware. Orange Flower Water, Rose Wat--, Mace and other spices, Alcohol. Shellac Nitric Acid. Verdigris. Zinc, Lobelia. Myrrh, African Cayenne Pepper, Valerian, Sage, Neats Foot Oil. Logwood Fustic, Indigo, Brazil Wood, Coem Wood, Copper,.- 4lnm, Brimstone, Venetian Red, Glue, Badger IIai Blenders, and Shaving Brushes, Camel’s Ilair Blee ders »nd Pencil*, Sable Pencils, Btooms Polishin Paste. Rotten Stone. Bath Bricks, [tear’s Green StoKtai'h Tubes. English Calomel, Mediciue^ Clu-st* with directions for farmers , Lamp Glasses, Briislu - India Ini*. Black and Red Ink, Copper Scales, sun, Brass ScaL6 s . Rochelle Salt*. Acetate of Zinc, V er; trine. Morphene, Pipeline, Strychnine, fituiniue. Rliubarliariiie, Saltcine, Kreosoteand its preparations. Chlorine Tooth Wash. Chlorate of Soda. Extract ol Pinkroot. and other preparations of Carpenter Ex tract Dandelion. Swain.’s Vermifuge, V armshes Tooth Instruments Tor black Sand, Xourt i if*- ter. Spirit of Turpentine aJwaJOi’s Panacea, Hatters Bowstrngs, and all other articles usually kept in Drugstores. Oct. 27 4 ■' T !?’’ PUBLIC ate respectfully lUiurmed tha; Mr. Keuworthy, The Celebrated Vcntriloquixt, will arrive iu Mavon. and on I rid ay, 28 th October, (to-morrow evening) offer to the citizens and public generally, at the City Hall, an Entertainment or his curious and amusing powers of VENTRILO- viUISM. This is the most singularly amusing aud surprising talent with which man hasever been gifted. Its exercise has furnished materials for many an **auld wife’s tale,” of earthly being holding familiar con course with spirits of the invisible world. The iguo- .rant ard superstitious in ancient as well as modern t:me* have not hesitated to assign to it at once the a- geucy of the Black Prince himself. The adroit anu needy professor of his ta|eut in times past, filled hi- pockets at the expense of the world’s credulity, by pretending to call to his aid the powerful auxilliarv of “Charm, Lamen, Stgel, Talisman, Spell, Chrystal. Penticle, Magic-Mirror and Geomantic Figure.”— Philosophy has offered her store of conjectures, and Mr, K now purposes illustrating, by giving, 1st. A Lecture on Ventriloquism. 2d. Illustrations of that Facultt is a se ries OF COLOQUIES. Doors open at half past 0--Performance to com mence at7 P. M . For further particulars see bills ol the day. Oct27 4 It Pump Contractors. rg 111E City Gouucil wilFproceed, on Saturday the B -29th inst. to elect a Pump Contractor * for the torm of one year; whose duty it shall beta keep the Pumps in all and every respect in order. • Boml with good security will be required in the sum of 8 Candidates for the office to leave their applications with the clerk ou or before the. day of the election, naming their securities aud the amount they will con tract for. • By order of the Council oct ‘20 • 3 J. L OWEN.c. c. COU-NCIL CHAMBER, > Monday Evening October 17. 1836. \ ADJOURNED REGULAR MELTING. P L ..SEN T, the Mayor; .-itssrs Cowles. Camp- fi 11, Higgins, Ross, \V illiauis aud Vignl, Aider- men The minutes of the’ previous meeting were read- aud approved. . The Finance committee report iu favor of bill* amounting to $93*2 87. A resolution wa* passed authorising the Clerk of council to advertise for the election of a pump con tractor for one year. The committee on the fire department were ordered to have ihe engines forthwith put in good order. A resolution was passed extending the time of city tax returns to he made'until tjaturcay 22d inst A resolution was passed appointing Mes-rs Cowle*, Rnlstou and Digging a cou.liiilt<e to makeariunge- uietits tor the reeepliou and accoumiodctiou oi tiie Delegates to the i .ail Road Convention to assemble in • this city on th.e first Monday in November uext. A petition was read ti:,om J. Cowles l sq. asking an exchange of a'.certain piece ol land oil the hill, which was refcired to a comuiittee. who reported favorable to the prayer of the petitioner which report was ordered l» be read and adopted. Council then adjourned. Extract from the minutes, this 2Gth October, 1836. JESSE L. OVV LN, c. c. COUNCIL CHAMBl U. i Monday 24ih Oct. 1836. y ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING. P RESENT the Mayor, Messrs Cowles, Higgins, Ralston aud Williams. Aldermen. The minutes of the pievtous meeting were read and approved. i Amount of. lire Bridge Ke e P p -* report of 3 oils, re ceived at the Bridge, the vyeek ending-. 21st. $165,75. 3'he Committee on Finance Report in favor of bills amounting to $10.00. The Committee ou the Fire Department Report, that the Fire Engine and apparatus ate in good and efficient order. ORDINANCE LOAN. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of of Macon, and it is hereby ordained by the aut thonty.'of the same, . , Th t the Mayor be authorized to borrow the money to pay lor Rail Road Stock running, due the 1st N'o- ceuiber next at the different Banks in the itj . aad that all Loan* heretofore effected remain in full force. ORDINANCE EMPOWERING [HI. MAYOR. Be it ordained by the Mayor and.Council of the City of Miicuii.and it is hereby ordained by the au thority of the same. That the .\Iayor be hereby authorised aud instructed to sign a deed iq his official capacity convey ing a cer tain parcel of Land to Jerry Cowles on the side of the Hill in Exchange* for another parcel of land, on the Hill, deeded by said Cowles to the Mayor ,and t oun- cil. agreeah'e to report.of a r-perial Committee of j the 7th mst, said deed of conveyance liaviug been ap proved of by the Council. | A true extract from the minutes, this *26lli day of Oc- I ober, 1S36 JESSE 1. < \V[N.r c. SusursiBCc. S 1HE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will in«ute Cotton on the River, and also take a few risk* gainst Fire in this city. Applv i ' ' ’ll O f Macon, flet. *27 HU RT COLLINS. BACON. F OR SALE a superior lot of Bacon, just received from Teunessee wagons and a fnrilie. supply to arrive, all of which will be sold on liberal inns. July7 54 tf WM. B. PAKKI R A Co. W ] of David Martin in Butts County,oil Saturday the lOtli of DELCLMBEK next all the perishable property belonging to the estate of Dennis McCarty, late of said County deceased. Consisting of one Sor rel Mare, Saddle aud Bridle, one Conk shell, and one Pocket book. Terms unde known on the day. Oct- 21 1836. DAVID MARTIN. Adntr. Telfair, SSSSSSSSSSISSSSSS Thomas, Tr-op, $gg§mes&mm ^ iisiiiinifliiiri Union, WMBSK—.: . , n ti S !0 BG H SsegS p. E P 9- o. P' •’ *" *?“ roojoloios in ihe ^uno ,«»ilioo unul Hie noil Upson, S!g £. £? ^ g- g ^ £ x’ i i) - i wnnng, vnu ue wodmen upon a sand bank and <5c e> — wo ■ ~ "* < bilged, the remainder of the passengers and crew did stfe fefefe i not gain the shore until about 10 o’clock bn Wednes- tiSoar. si»-»tjj~£ai>- *-.« -< ac Jay morning, When the boat was abandoned, with no hope of her being saved, she being a total wre k.— The passengers remained on the beach until Wednes day evening, when they got on C'lticka acomica Is- MtcwM —— — «* — — m— land, from whence some proceeded to Elizabeth city, Walton. Warn |8SW«ki89»Sf W ILL be sold before Court House door at Jack- son, Butts County, on the first Tuesday iti JAN UAiU next, A negro boy named Norris, also 50 acres more or leas of laud, the same being a part of lot No. 95. in the second Dist, originally Henry, now Butts County, aisu, lot No i28, in 2d dist originally Henry now Butts, containing *202j acres of land—sold by order of the Conil of Ordinary of Butts Couuty, for the benefit ol tne heirs of James Andrrson, late of Butts County deceased. Also will be sold as above, at Rome, Flovd County, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next. Lot No. 749. in iho 3d Dist. and fourth Section of originally Cherokee, now Floyd County, containing 40 acres more dr less. JOHN ANDERSON J . , . DAVID KIMBALL J Admrs * Oct, 17 th, 1836. 4 A GREEABLE toanorderof the honorable Inferior i curt of Pike county, silting for ordinary purposes wilt be sold onthcjiist Tuesday in JANUARY next, he fore the court house door, in Newnan Coweta county, within the legal hours of sale. Three negroes, namely, Mellv. Isham, Rial, belong ing to the estate of James Carson deceased, sold, lor the biiiqfit of the heirs of said deceased. SARAH CARSON > Oc? oi 4 j:s-i i.'iioms p (lmr - ILLiie sold betbie the court b'oipje dim/ in \TWT 0»N“NO , and other places u the yioiuify.. Thirty-three perrons con. Bibb courfy, under an order'of tlie In ferior court of said county,.on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, • Lot No 160 and * part of Lot No. 159, both in the 4th district originally Houston now Bibb county.—for tbe benefit of die orphans of Benjamin Parker dc- r eased. BURWFLL PARKER.Adm’r. On 27 4 \ ' I N -UR mot.ii.^ :ii,i i i:,. i. uppi'i. in i v.ii ov made to the rpte^ior onrt of Butt* Coi.nly, siltiut: fi»r o rdinarv purposes for leave to sell tlie real e*tate of Dennis Mc’Carty, late of -aid 1 oiinu deceased Oct. 21st, 4 DAVID MARTIN, Admr. tmiUl'iince bauk ol Loliiinbus. W OTICL ishereby given that an additional in-tal meat of 33j dollars per share, of the capital stock of this bank .will be required to be paidontho 1st Monday iu November- • By order of th>- Board. Aug-20 61 B HEPBURN. • o»h. Fayeite SJicriH'Nale, B ’FORE the court house in Faydiccille. Fayette county, on the first Tuesday in IH Cl MBER. next, trill be sold, within the lawful hours of sale, - Nos. 29, 33,34 , 4*2, aud 43, all in the 6th Dist. of Fayette county, each containing 2024 Acres, all levi ed on ns the property of Alexander Ware to s«tisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of Jack- :on county iu favor of \\ ilev V* Webb, vs. Greene R. Duke,' George Shaw, Horatio Webb, Syivanns Ripley, John Appleby and Aleiander W are and Allen Matthews, security on the *tav of execution. t ALFRED BROWN, Dept. Sheriff. Oct. 1836. 4 - *: - ■ ffTKOF.R an order of the Hon. InferiorCourtofTal- tij hot county fitting for ordinary purposes, will bo sold at the Court House, within the usual hours of sale On the 1st Tuesday in JANUARY, next at the Court House. Talbot county, five Negroes, two Negro women two children and one negro man. Also on the 1st Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, at the Court House in Slimier county, one lot of Pino land. No. *M1 in the 26th Dt9t. originally lee. now Stimte-county, all sold as the property ol John Riley, kite of Talbot countv deceased for the use of the heirs of said decease. Term- made known on the dav of sale- JOSS PH RILF.Y, Adm’t. Oct. 1536, 4 IIousIftH Sherifi Sale. O N thejirst Tuesday in DLL'RAJ RLE next, trill be sold before the court house door, tn the town of Perry, Houston county, between the lawful hours oj sale, One lot of laud No. 52, in the I5lh, Dist. of lious ton County, Levied on as the property of Samuel Douglass to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Richmond Superior Court in favor of Talbot and \\ alker, loi the use of F Walker, against Samuel Douglass aud George M. Walke . No. 202 in the lGth Dist. of Houston county, Le vied on as the property of John McLeroy to satisfy two Fi Fas issued from a Justices Court of W ilkes Connlv in favor of Abner Wellborn against 6uid Mc- L^ r „j I_L,evied on ana returned to me by a constable. Lot No, 89 in the 5 Dist. of Houston Count)’, as the property of Charles Griffin, or all Charles Griffin’s interest in the same, lo satisfy two Fi Eos from the Jus tices Court of said Countv of Houston, in tavor cf W m B3 Dunrec and others, against caul Cnarles Grif fin—Levied on and returned to tne -by a constable. No 2E in the 14th Dist. of Houston County Levi ed on as the property of Kdnmfid McLin, to sa tisfy a Fi Fa, issuing from a Justices Court of Baldwin Coun ty, in favor of Jilet and Btichantton. against said Ed mund McLin and Wm. J. McLin—Levied and retur ned to me by a constable. GEO. M. DUNCAWN* Dept Sheriff. GEORGIA—Crawford county. W HEREAS John Blackst ore applies ;o me for let ters of administration on tbe estate of Elbert Powell, late of said county, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be anil appear at my office within thelxmepre scribed liy law, to sheer cause if any they hate, why said application should not be granted. Given under my hand this !7th October. 1836. . 4 - W. H. BROOKS, c. c o. In Houston Superior Court, Apru 'Jan. Ic36. Ai.exasdxk Pope. 1 Rule Nisi—To foreclose lncrt- - ' vs. > 'B^ge. Coats, j It appearing to the Court from the petition of Alexander Pore, that ou the twenty se cond of May, in the year eighteen hundred and twenty two, in the cuuutv of Wilkos, and Mate aloitsaid,Les ley Coals,executed and deliveted to the said Alexan der Pope, his certain mortgage deed *>f convey mice, s«aled with his seal, and bearing date the day^Slid year aforesaid, by whieli said mortgage, did the'said. Leafy Coats then and there mortgage or convey to the said Alexander Pope, the tract or lot of •and known * ns the minder ciglify-two in the fifteenth district uF said county. Houston, and containing two liutitied two and half acres, as well for-'a«id in cons'deiaticdi of the sum of one dollar in hand paid as thus better to. secure to the said Alexander Pope, by tlie twttu) fifth day of December tl.-ep next, tlie payment ofitLe m:ui ofi eleven hundred and seventy six dci ats.then and there due and owing from the said Lesley ( oats, to the saitL Alexander Pope; and it fut liter appealing to the court that [he raid.sum of money', together vi.h i| e interest thereon, is still due aud unpaid, and tlie said Aleian-' der Pope having prayed the foreclosure of the saiA mortgage deed ci conveyance, in terhis of tho statute', in sucR cases provided/r therefore, oh motion Of James M. Kelly, attorney for.ihe sold Alexandn I ope, ordered tliat the principal and interest due by said, mortgage deed, and also all cost be paid into coiit*\ within sis month- from the present term, and that on failure thereof, the equity of redemption af and in the. the said mortgage promises, be from (henreforth for ever barred and foreclosed; and it is further ordered, that this rule be published in one of the public Gazetted of this State once .• month for six months, or served oa. ihe said Lesley Coats, or his special ageqt or attorney, ' at least three mouths previous to the next tcitn of tmd-Nv court, it he can be found. A true extract isken from the minutes of said rcuK, rhi- 2d day of Mav, i83t' oct 29 LLW16 3. JORDAN, OlotV-