Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, November 03, 1836, Image 4

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AC ON O E O tt (J f A TELEGRAP DRUG rinilC Subscriber* huve resumed the If til a -EL JBtlsiiM 'iVf at their old ktand, formerly El- lii, Shotwell «.t Co. lately occupied by Mr- Wm G. Brown, opposite the Central Hotel, under the firm of H. & J. SHOTWELL, who intern! keeping a very general assortment of I Sulphate Quinine (french) Cantharides, STOKE. huve resumed the o mi uo .v,. ni: bmcmjvjES, tec. A FRESH SUPPLY just received by ii J. II. &, IV. S. ELLU. ii.iconic Hall, Cotton Avenue, among which are the following MEDICINES, Ac Strychnine Emetine, Rhcitbarbine, Croton Tiglium, Serale cornutum, <r>ods peculiar to their liue of business, together with Sulphate Morphine, arrest variety of miscellaneous articles that may be I Acetate do difficult to bo found elsewhere. Their Stock is now Iodine, very extensive, having received by late arrivals nearly , Acetic acid, all their Fall and winter supplies, a general enumera-; Oxalic do iion of which could not be given in an advertisement.} Citric do Some of the Articles received are, ' Prussic do (S>ri:cs A Medicines,) Tartaric do Rochelle Suits, Hellebore, Iceland Moss, Flos Ben- j Ammonia, xninc, Juniper Berries, Lapis Cnlaruinnris, Henry’s ! do (Aromspts) Magnesia, Madder. Mace, Cayenne Pepper, Black ' Antimonialis pulv Pepper, Alspice, Hemlock Bark, Bayberry do, Poplar Veratrine, do. Cinnamon do, Golden Seal, Sumac, Sem. Anisi, — L-: — Aqua Antonia F F F, Sulph Quinine, Sago, Gum Guiac, Indian Turnip, Skunk Cubbage, Hops, Pep permint Lozenges. Oil Spruce, Acidulated Lemon Drops, Coriander Seed. C. P. Castor Oil, Cort Au- rant. Cherry tree Bark, White Vitriol, Muriatic Acid,' Oil Sinapiue, Pink Root, Guin Myrrh, Seed Lac, Seneka oil, Lob- j Oil canthnridin, elia, Lemon Balm, Sweet Balm. Ext Colocynth, Pul.! Pyroligneous Acid, Gtu Arabic, Ground Rgec Ginger, Balsam Fir, Pearl' liydriotate Potassa, Barley, refined Borax, Bole Armenian, Cera Alba, j Peperine. Lunar Caustic, Cloves, Prepared Chalk, Cubebs, Ca- j Oil black pepper, uelln Alba, Rust of Iron, Sup. Carh. Soda, Castor, , Irish moss, Calamus Root, Cowhage, Mazcrion, Sassafras, Bals- j Musk, am Honey, Cninftsy Roat. Dragons Blood, Oil Lav-1 Chloride soda, endor, Lemon, Bergamot. Ext Bark, do Liverwort,; Citrated kali, Stricuino, Emetine, Digitalis, Elm Park. Flos of El- j Chloride Lime, dcr, Ext llyoscyuimis, Flax seed, Fowlers Solution, I .Medical mustard, in pi Henbane, Uva Ursi, Camphor, Kino, Scammony Opium denurcotized. Aleppo, Gold Thread. Ilydriodste Potass, Mustard ; Cyanoret potassium, Seed, Spts Nitre, Oil Worinseed. Croton Oil, Olive Comp. Tonic extract, Oil, Rismuth, Oil silk, Sanfords Bark. Tamarinds, Gum Copal, Svrup of Liverwort, Turkey Opium, Ca-.thnrides, Flowers of Chamomile, Oil Pepper mint, Bermuda Arrow Root, sugar Lead, Refined Li- iiuoriee, Ergot. IS'ux Vomica, Corrosive sublimate. Aloes, Gum Arabic, Precipitate, spts Hartshorn, Carb Potass, Alcohol, sarsaparilla, Epsom salts, Nitric Acid, .Ether, Alspice, Pepper, Tartariscd Antimony, As- phaltmn, Adhesive Plaster, Acetate of Potass, Bals- out Copaiva, refined Borax, snake Root, Cubebs, Rhubarb, Ipecac, sem Carni, Cream Tartar, Nut Galls, Isinglnss, Magnesia, .Mercurial Ointment, Blue Pill, sulphate Quinine, Conserve Roses, Black Drop, Jujube Paste, sal Ammoniac, Bay Ruui, Oil Churn tnon. Acetate .Morphine, sulph do. Comp Ext Bucha, do of Livor Wort, Ext sarsaparilla, Ext Pink Root! Comp Ext Cubebs, Piperinc, Iodine, Butler’s Magne sia. Kreosotfl, Assafmtida, Nutmegs, Tapioca, Mauna, Oil Rosemary, Canadian Balsam, Ext Valerian, salt Petre, Glaubers salts. Concentrated spts Ammonia. JRainls, If ye Stuffs, Oils. 250 kegs White Lead in oil 25 do Venetian Red do 30 do Spanish Brown do 2000 lbs Soap Stone Paint do G kegs Yellow Ochre do 20 canisters Verdigris do 900 lbs Spanish Brown dry 200 lbs Venetian Red do 800 lbs Yellow Ochre do 1500 lbs Spanish Whiting do Red Lead, Chrome Green, Kt'ugs Yellow, Verdi gris, Prussian Blue, Stgue Ochre, Rose Pink, Lith arge, Spanish Puinice Stone, Unibar, Lamp Black, Ivorv do, Chinese Vermillion, Black Lead, Chalk, do Red, Carmine, Water Colors assd sizes boxes, Drop Lake, Spanish Float Indigo,Calc’d Plaster, Wa ter Lime, Terra do Sieunu, Green Blue and Black Paint mixt, Blue Brown & Green Smalts, Frostings, Bluo White Brown and Purple. Gold Bronze, Car mine Saucers, Pink do. Logwood in sticks, do ground and chopped. Fustic, Madder. Camwood, red San ders, Copperas, Urazilletto Wood, Annatto. 300 gals Linseed Oil 400 do Sperm Oil fall strained 350 do da <!u winter do ISO do Spirits Turpentine 300 do Train Oil 1 bbl Liver Oil, I do Neats Foot 1 bbl Copal Varnish, Japan do Black do. Picture Varnish. Coach do. latent ami Compound Medicines Swuiius Vermifuge, do Panacea, Thompson’s Eye Water, Green's Tonic Mixture, Rowan’s Tonic Mix ture, (for the fever and ague ) Harlem Oil, Gowland’s Lotion, Potter’s Catholic-on, Barclay's Comp. Sarsa- psrrilla and Cubebs, Dalby’s Carminative, British Oil, Opodeldoc. Judkin’s Ointment, Lee’s W. Bilious Pills, N. L. Turlingtons Balsam, Bateman’s Drops Jesuits Drops, Cephalic Snuff, Aromatic do, WaJ- di's Tincture or Cough Syrup, Carpenter’s Prepara tions, Demy’s Aromatic Vinegar, Welch Medicam- entinu, Ilygean Syrup, Mead’s Pills, Walker’s Drops, Morrisou's Pills, West’s Pills, Rheumatic Medicine, Sphou's Digestive Elixir, Little’s Lotion, Nipple ' ofKale nts. Fly stone, Colocynth, Court plaister, Castor oil (fresh) Sweet oil do Charcoal, pnlv. Corks velvet, Calomel, Antimony, Aloes, Rheubarb, Jalap, Digitalis, Opium, Prepared Chalk. Acetate lead, do cunri, do Zinc, Arseniate potassa, Ether sulphuric, do nitric, Nitrate silver, do potassa, Phosphute soda, do iron, Sulphate iron, do potassa, do soda, do inaguesia, Borate soda. Phosphorus, Manna flake, Ointment hyd. potassa, do Iodine, do Veratrine, do Itch, Oxide ntercuty, Extract Jalap, do Butternut, Hyosciamus, Gentian, Belladonna, Taraxici, Rhubarb. Nux Vomica, Rhatania, Cicuta, Glycyrrhiza, do do do do do do do do do Gum Arabic, do do do do do Camphor, Scammony, Myrrh, Asaffetida, Giuac, Pearl Barley, Syringes, Honey, Otto roses, Magnesia, calc’d do carb. Isinglass, Quicksilver, Seidlitz powders, Soda do Saratoga do Sponge. Tamarinds, Wafers, Sarsaparilla, Red precipitate, White do Black do Pearlash, Annette, Indigii, Spanish float, Logwud, Fustic, Copperas, Spanish brown, Venetian red. Madder, Fig blue, Nutgalls, Alum, Cochineal, Spts Turpentine. Venice do Starch, Salt Tartar. Sal Ammoniac, Glue, Rosin, Jujube paste. do Pills, Peters’ do Hunters’ pills, lioopers’s do Anderson’s do British oil, Bateman’s drops, Thompson’s jyo water, Godfrey’s coraial. Salts lemon, VV orm tea, Effervescing magnesia, Botanical drops, i Swaim’s Panacea, Salve, Bleaching liquid, Ess Mustard, Citrate Consumption Specific, Cerate of Copaiva, Cosmetic Cold Crcatu, liays L>nimcnt, Chapman’s Mixture, Bullard’s Oil of Soap, Scolts Pills, Hamilton's Worm Lozenges, Judkin’s Specific Ointment, Scotch Oint ment, Hallman’s Anodyne. Surgical and .liedical Instruments Pocket Instruments in Cases, Silver Spring Lan cets Evans Crown thumb 1-anccts, Obstetrical Instru ments. Fox’s SpriugTurnkeys, Teeth Forceps, Cup ping glasses, Tweezers, Surgical Needles, Gum Elas tic Syringes, Meinlic do, Stetheoscopes, Apothecaries Scales and weights, Spatulas ass’d, Mctalic Staffs and Sounds, Hair Sieves. Medical Spoons. Urustics Ground Point Brushes assorted sizes, Varnish do, j Indian’s do Sash Tools do, Badger’s Hair Blenders Graining do, Ess Iceland Moss, Camels Hairdo. Fancy and plain Hair Brushes assor- Cough Mixture, ted. Palters do do, Cloth do do, Hat Crumb Brushes. Fluid ext sarsapa’tlla, Hearth do, Dusting do, Counter do. Shoe do, Hat- tfyr Liverwort, ters’ Brushes, Table do. Flesh do, Shaving do, Fur- Comp sarsap niture Bruslws. Whisk Brooms, do Brushes. Class Ware, Store Furniture. Window Glass Window Glass assorted sizes from 7 by 9 to 22 by 28 inches, Coach Glass, do Picuire Looking Glass Plates, Tincture Bottles from £ pint to 2 gallons, do Specie assorted sizes, Salt Mouth do, I io 8 oz Vials, Grouud stoppers White and Green Vials assorted, Nursing Bottles, Globe Bottles. Graduate Measures, Glass Funnels, Retorts aud Reservoirs, Proof Glosses Drum Vials, Otto of Rose Vials, Pungcnts Tubes or Fillers, Glass letups, with shades, do without shades, Glass Candlesticks, Suspending Lamps, with shades, extra shades. Cologne, water Fancy articles, Soaps riovv Double distilled Cologne Water in fancy and plain 1 Bottles, Florida Wafer. Milk of Roses. Orange Flow- Macassar on, er Water, Lavender, Harrogate salts. Pearl Powder, Pomatum, Macassar OH, Rose water. Oil of Roses, Musk, German Cologne water, Honey water, Preston salts, Antique Oil, Transparent wafers, Puugeufs, (eut glass,) Metalic shaving Boxes, Camels Hair Pen- Bleaching Liquid, .Mead’s Pills, Issue plaisters, Elixer life, Ginger beer powders, Medicated Oil silk, Digestive Elixer, Pile remedy, Chlorine tocth wash, Bav rum, Balsam honey, Cough Lozenges, Extract coffee, Cullen’s liquid magnesia, Potter’s catholicon. Rowan’s T mic Mixture, Itelfes Vegetable specific. Oil Wormsaed. Ext Burhii, cubebs & Ext. Bonesct, copivi. Tonic Extract. PEKFLMEKY & BRUSHES, Ac. Hair Powder, Almond paste Pearl do Ground paint brushes, Rouge, do sash do Milkof Roses, Oval Varnish do Cold cream, Camel hair Cream Almonds. Badger’s hair Florida water, various sizes Graining do do do Cologne do Lavender do Rose do Bears’ oil, Ward’s hair oil, Marrow Pomatum, Orange Flower Water. Spirit of Rose Camphor soap, Musk do Emollient do Windsor do do do Brown Wash Balls, Curling fluid, Antique oil, do Flesh do Horse do Hair Nail Comb Tooth do Cloth Scrubbing Shoe do do do do ass’d do do do do do do silver wire, do do do cils, Wash Balls, Olio of Rose Vials, Variegated soap, do Transparent ft >r shaving. Rose soap, do Cinnamon do Ceylon, English Windsor, soda soap, Conrt Plas ter, Teeth powder. .lliscellancoKs Kitchen’s Patent Cocoa, Lucifer Matches, Bar soap, Variegated do, Turpentine, Fine and Coarse sponge, Cox'a Currying Knives, Clay Pipes, do Glazed, Lamp Glasses, l-iiup Wjck, Bees'Wax, Diamonds, French ' Chalk, Emery course and fine, Black sand, Pearlash. Castile soap,'.Scotch, Kappie and Macaboy snuff, sha ving Boxes, Honey, Glue, Blacking, Lemon syrup, Barbers shaving Qakos, Chloride Lime. Wafers' Tn- - pars sealing Wax, »t..reh, sand Paper, - tdelihle Ink, Corks, Cork Wood, Violins, do strings, Bellows, -Ma gic Matches, Swift*. Bath Brick, shellac. . «, J!?.- Intending to be pern.-iuently engaged In this busin- i p . * •»». the subscribers will use every exertion in thoir ^ . , ’ power, to render it worthy the patronagf of their old | .**,in and now customers. Ordersby efcter will meet the 1 Uans ,h,,nii ' do same attention aaif made in person. | HARVEY SlIOTWELL, JACOB SHOTWELL. Painting «f every description parried on b Pa'ent feather Brooms, do do Dusters, do do Brushes, Fitch Tools, Counter Brushes, Hat do Crumb do Lip Salve, (Persian Otto Shaving do Rose.) Shaving oil, Tooth powder, (superior) Powder Puffs and boxes, Erosive do Preston salts, Extract Bergamot, Smelling bottles, do Rose, Tapers, do Musk, Dutch cologne,' Honey Water, Atkinson's Depilatory. Shaving cakes, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac. 'Amputating cases. Cupping glasses, Trepanning instruments, do do with aii H Dll. M LOOMIS. AS removed his stock ol" Carrageen, (prepared) Spigeliu comp extract, Blue inoss, Precip. ext. bark, Peruvian do Oalisaya do Toxa do Red do Chamomile flowers, Senna, Uva Ursi, Horehound, Sage, African Cayenne, Bnyberry bark (pow’d) Blood root, do Colciiicuni, do Goldenseal, Slippery Elm (pow’d) Quassia, Gentian (pow’d) Cort. Aurant (pow’d) Lobelia aud seed, Hemlock, Skunk cabbage, Squills, Gamboge, Hops. Mezerium, Alkanet root, Cortcassarilla, do sassafras, Ladies’ slipper, Golden thread, Saffron, Cinnamon bark, Powdered ginger. Root do Curcuma, Mustard seed, Mace, Cloves, Nutmegs, Caraway seed, Anise do Coriander do Arrow root, Aqua Fortis, Anodyne (Hoffman's) Borax, Black lead, Brimstone, Blue stone, Juniper berries, Cubeb do (>xide bismuth, Bees wax, Burgundy pitch, Balsam copivi, do tolu, do Peru, Blac; drop, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. Lees’ pills, Compt tl’d ex’t Pink Root, Opodeldoc, by G. W. Carpenter, Chapman’s anti-dyspeptic Dalby’s carminative. If Ml GS,. 7IFIfICI.\'FS, Paints, Oils, Ac. To the store on Cotton Avenue, recently occupied by .Mr. J. D. Winn, and adjoinin ' the store of J. & \\ . Baldwin, where he is also opening anew supply which in- - r- u hole-ale anil retail, at the lowest prices for cash or good notes. In order to avoid any misun demanding, it may be proper to state that Paints, Oik and Glass are considered Cash Articles. The follow ing articles are included inhis supplies, viz: Loco foco Matches, Lucifers, Rowland’s Kalydor Wafers, Drop Lake, Bru-hes, Fancy and Shaving Soaps, White Bar Soap, Salad, Oil, Morton’s Cough Syrup, Rowan’s Tome .Mixture, Potter’s Cntholican Mortars of Iron. Bra is. Marble, Glass and Wedge- wood, Ware. Orange Flower Water, Rose Water, Mace and other spices-, Alcohol, Shellac, Nitric Acid, Verdigris. Zinc, Lobelia, Myrrh, African Cayenne Pepper, Valerian, Sage, Neats Foot Oil, Logwood, Fustic, Indigo, Brazil Wood, Coem Wood, Copperas, Alum, Brimstone, Venetian Red, Glue, Badger Hair Blenders, aud Shaving Brushes, Camel’s Hair Blen ders and Pencils, Sable Pencils, Brooms. Polishing Paste, Rott.-n Stone, Bath Bricks, Bear’s Greece, Stomach Tubes. English Calomel, Medicine Chests with directions for farmers, Lamp Glasses, Brushes. India Ink, Black and Red Iuk, Copper Scales, small Brass Scales, Rochelle Salts, Acelate of Zinc, Vera trine. Morpbene. Pipeline, Strychnine, Quiniue Rliubarbariue, Salioine, Kraosote and its preparations. Chlorine Tooth Wash. Chlorate of Soda, Extract of Pinkroet. and other preparations of Carpenter. Ex tract Dandelion. Swaim’s Vermifuge, Varnishes. Tooth Instruments for Physicians, Black Sand, Court Plas ter, Spirit of Turpentine, Swaim’s Panacea, Hatters’ Bowstrings, and al| other articles usually kept in Ding Stores. Oct. 27 4 Campbell luferiw Court sitting j.r Urdinunj purposes September Term 1835. Eaii- Nisi f T appearing to ihe court, upon the petition of James L. Cole-nan, that John Nations, late of said county, deceased, did in his lifetime execute to the said Colo- man bis bond for titles to lot of land No 23, in the 14tli district of the 1st section of the late Cherokee Land Lottery, and the said John Nations aAer naving receiv ed the consideration for the same departed this life in testate without having executed those titles. And it further appearing to the court, that the said bond has been regularly assigned to the said James L Coleman It is, therefore, ordered by the court that John A Hop kins aud Joel Yates, administrators of the said John! Nations, deceased, do shew on or before the January Teimofthis court, why they should not be required to B A GREEABLE to an order of the honorable court of Pike county, sitting for ordinary u'i'i uc sold ontncjirst Tuesday in JANUARY , *** fore the court house door, in Kacnan Court,- icithin th, legal hours of sale. CoUnt 3, Three negroes, namely, Melly, Isham, Rial beloi ing to the c-tate of James Carson deceased the benefit of the heirs of said deceased ’ 10 01 SARAH CARSON Jl S I RHODES Oct. 01 [ Adair. Houston Sheriff Sale. O N the Jirst Tuesday in DECEMBER next, trill be sold before the court house door, n the town of execute titles to the said lot of land in compliance with Perry, Houston county, between the lawful hours of sale, said bond. And that this rule be published once a j One lot of land No. 52, in the 15th. Dist. of Hous month for three months in some public gazette of this j ton County, Levied on as the property of Samuel state. 1 Douglass to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Richmond A true copy from the minutes as appears on record, Superior Court in favor of Talbot and Walker, for the sept 13.1336, 66 t E. P. BOMAR, Clerk. , lse 0 f p Walker, against Samuel Douglass and George M. Walke . No. 202 in the 16th Dist. of Houston county, Le in Houston Superior Court, April Term, 1836. isi—To fo Alexander Pope, vs. Lesly Coats. Rule Nisi- forecloae mort- It appearing to the Court from the petition of Alexander Pope, that on the tweuty-se- County in favor of Abner Wellborn against said Mc- U SIVAIM’S VERMIFUGE The most useful Family Medicine tcer otj'crcd to the Pub lie. No family ought or ever will be without it after a trial. Patent. T HIS well known Anti-dyspeptic aud Worm Medi cine, ban proved successful these twelve years past, and is universally acknowledged by all who have tried it, lo be far superior to any other medicine ever employed in diseases for which it is rccommenned. It is perfeedy safe, and no child will refuse to take it. It seldom fails curing I'.olcra Jflorbus, Jfys- enterj/ or Hot cl Complaints, Colic und Hie t cling Files, either in grown per sons or children, and it gives appetite to almost all de bilitated persons. Worms frequently infest children, aggravate all other diseases, and are the chief cause of fevers. Bowel Complaints, and chronic aud nervous dis eases, incident to childhood, which are so numerous and frcqaently fatal. It is much to be regretted that thousands of children are swept off, or are rendered feeble, pale and emaciated through the first stage of life —which leads on to pulmonary complaints, dec. &c. Worms being especially apt to infest persons of de bilitatod digestive organs and emaciated constitutions, much mischief is often douo by the ordinary worm medicines, which generally consist of the strongest purgatives—calomel, that destroyer of the constitution bitters, pink root, or spirits of turpentine, worm see oil, &c. Articles of this kind may destroy worms, bu they debilitate the stomach, and often materially in jure (he general health, without removing the cause. Swaim’s Vermifuge has the peculiar advantage of re moving the cause of worms, by giving vigor and heal thy action to the stomach, bowels and organs of diges tion—thereby removing measles, croup hooping cough th< and many other complaints. It is by this means that so many grown persons have been relieved, iy its use, of dyspepsia, sick head-ache, foul or sour stomach, FOUL BREATH, coughs, and most of the bilicas .symptoms, &c. &c. &c. This medicine will relieve Bowel Complaints or Dys entery, Billions Colic, vomiting, sickness, pain or weakness in the aiomach or bowels, loss of appetite either in children or grown persons, ip a few hours; and seldom fails curing CHILLS and FEVER or FEJ VER & AGUE, and Intermittent or Billious Fevers. For sale, wholesale and retail by cond of May, in the year eighteen hundred and twenty Leroy—Levied on and returned to me by a constable two, in the couut) of Wilkos,and State aforesaid,Les- ; Lot No, 89 in the5 Dist^of Houston County, as tho ley Coats, executed and delivered to the said Alexan der Pope, his certain mortgage deed of conveyance, sealed with his seal, and bearing (late the day and year aforesaid, by which said mortgage, did the said Lesly Coats then and there mortgage or convey to the said Alexander Pope, the tract or lot of land known as the iiuinter eighty-two in the fifteenth district of said county. Houston, and corite* jing two hundred Fayette SlterlffSale, 1FORE the court house in t'aycttevillc, hujett county, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will be sold, icithin the lawful hours of sale. Nos.29, 33, 34 , 42, and 43, all in the Gth Dist. ol Fayette county, each containing 202,* Acres, all levi ed on as the property of Alexander VV are to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of Jack- son county in fevor of VViley VV. Webb, vs. ^ Greene R. Duke, George Shaw, Horatio Webb, Sylvauns | J Ripley, John Appleby and Alexander Ware and Allen j ' I EL be sold bef ore the court bouse door in $j~ -Matthews, security outlie -aay of executi on. T* con, Bibb county, under an order of the i* - ALFRED BROWN, Dept. Sheriff. ferior court of said county, on the fi*st Tuesdn, • Oct. 1836. 4 JANUARY next, y * Lot No 160, and « part of Lot No. 159, both i n o 4th district originally Houston now Bibb county,—r 6 the benefit of the or phans of Benjamin Parker J* ceased. BUR WELL PARKER, Adm’r 6 Oct 27 4 O N the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY vex t. utiTj. sold at the court house door in the town of chv tuga, Walker county, icithin the usual hours of salt, " Lot No 203, in the twenty-second district of’«u county under an order of the honorable Inferiorcotm of Jackson county, when sitting for ordidary pul ses, it being all the real estate of Lucy Archer, late ©f said county deceased Terms made known on tk. day of sale. JOHN A. WALLS, Adm’r Oct 3 2 prop 1 two Fi Fas issued from a Justices Court of Wilkes two and half acres, as well for and in consideration of the8umof one dpllarin hand paid as thus Letter to secure to the said Alexander Pope, by the twenty fifth day of December then next, the payment of the sum of elereu hundred and seventy six dollars, then and there duo and owing from the said Lesley Coats, to the said Alexander Pope; and it further appearing to the court that the raid sum of money, together with the interest thereon, is still due and unpaid, and the said Alexan der Pope having prayed the foreclosure of the said mortgage deed of conveyance, in terms of tho statute in such cases provided. It is therefore, on motion of James M. Kelly, attorney for the said Alexander Pope, ordered, that the principal and interest due by said mortgage deed, and also all cost be paid into court within six months from the present term, and that on failure thereof, the equity of redemption of and in the the said mortgage promises, be from thenceforth for ever barred and foreclosed; and it is further ordered, that this rule be published in one of the public Gazettes of this State once a month for six mouths, or served on the said Lesley Coats, or his special agent or attorney, atleast three months previous to the next term of this court, if he can be found. A true extract taken from the minutes of said court this] 2d day of May, 1836. Vet *9 3t LE WIS J. JORDAN, Clerk July 7 54 J. II. & W. S. ELLIS. Pratt’s Nipple Shields. rEllIE Medical College ofGeorgia at Augusta have JL give« their opinion of the superiority of Doctor Pratt’s Nipple Shield to any tiling else hitherto offered for the same purpose, which opinion can be presented if necessary tu physicians and others. The opinion of Dr Baber and other physicians in Macon., who hjvc examined the instrument, accords with that of Doctor Dewees and the Medical College of Georgia. The Instrument is for sale in Macon by the subscriber only, price $5, with printed directions. H. LOOMIS. Sign of the Golden Mortar, Mtdberry street. Certificate of Doctor Dewees “ Doctor Elijah Pratt: Dear sir—As I feel it a mat ter of much public importance to possess a moans of lessening the terrible sufferings of sore uipples, 1 have much pleasure in being able to say that the “ Shield” you offer for the preventing and the cure of this mala dy, is better adapted to this purpose than any I have heretofore seen. In the two or three instances I have known them to bo used, much satisfaction has been expressed; and I have no hesitation to believe it will generally succeed. I am so well persuaded of this at this moment, that I cannot forbear to express a wish that our city through the various apothecaries may be supplied with them. I am yours, &c. Philadelphia, VMhJan. 1834. Wm. P. Dewees.” GEORGIA—Houston county. W HEREAS Hngh L Irwin, administrator of the estate of Ratliff Eckles, deceased, applies for letters of Dismission— Also, Hugh L Irwin, executor of the estate of Tho mas A Irwin, deceased, applies forletters of Dismission, Thef arethereforeto cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ear at my office within the time-prescribed by law, to io cause if any they hate, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand July 4. 1836. 54 _ I c C. Hw MCE. O. C. •. GEORGIA—Houston county. W HEREAS Thomas N. McWilliams applies to me for letters of dismission from the estate of Rebecca Eckles, These art, therefore, to eito and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by late to shew cause, if any they hate, why sauI letters should not be granted. Give” under my hand, this 28th April, 1836. 45 t CHAS. H. KICF.. c. e. o. property of Charles Griffin, or all Charles Griffin’s interest in the same, to satisfy two Fi Fas from the Jus tices Court of said County of Houston, in favor of Win B. Dupree and others against said Charles Grif fin—Levied on and returned to me by a constable. No 21. in the 14th Dist. of Houston County. Levi ed on as the property of Edmund MeLin, to sa tisfy a Fi Fa, issuing front a Justices Court of Baldwin Conn-* .... , . „ * ty, in favor of Jilet and Bnchannon. against said Ed- “ ,ttl 1 ‘".1 ° x r ^ d 1 1 n . ar >' b « s fbr^eave^o sell^all the l.i UUR months afterdate application will be *i/ e Yt to the honorable the inferior court of Houston county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, forlesreja sell the negroes belonging to the estate of John ley, late of said county, deceased. 5 Aug 20 K. H. LUCKEY, Ad’mr. F OUR months after date a to the luf-rior court e application will be na4g of Houston county, whtn niund Mcl-in and Wm. J. McLin—Levied and retur ned to meby acoustable. GEO. M. DUNCANN- Dept. Sheriff. ' Also, will be sold as above, Lot of Laud, No. 194, in the 5th district of Hous ton county, containing 202j acres, more or less—levi ed ou as the property of Adam Poss to satisfy one Fi Fa from a justices court in Wilkes county, in favor of Joseph Gatrill vs said Poss. i roperty pointed out by L. P. Hopper—levy made and returned t-> me by a constable. JOHN C. MOUNGER, Sheriff. Oct 7 2 O N the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will be sold before the court-house, in Campbelton. Campbell county, within the legal hours of sale. Lot of Land No 59, in the first District, formerly Carroll, now Campbell county. Also, on the s une day, before the Court-house in Gilmer county, Lot No. 50, in the 4th district, first sec tion Sold as the property of Wiley Heflin, late of real estate belonging to Elijah Low, late of Morgan coun'y, deceased, sept 5,1836. 63 MOSES COLLINS, Adm l-onisior. ¥ A OUK months after date we shan to the honorable the Inferior court ui 1'ikt coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for an order to sell all the real estate of Irby Stamper, late of Pike _ _ county, wnen su- Ilenry county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs tnig for ordinary purposes, for leave to so/1 the real county deceased, sept 1 63 SPENCER STAMPER M. W. STAMPER, > Adm’rs F OUR months after date application will be made to the Inferior court of Houston county, sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real es tate lying n said county of Houston, and a negro girl belonging *o the estate of V\ ilham H. Riggins, decia s . ed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. JOAB W. C. HORN, Adm’r. JulyT 55 F OUR months afterdate, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Pike county, when i Terms on the day. nctl 3 VVTI.EY J. HF.FI.IN. Kx’r W ILL be sold on thefirst Tuesday will f EM B1R next, at the court house door in the town of ebu- Ion, Pike county, between the usual hours oj sale. Lot of Land, No 139, in the 3d district of original ly Monroe now Pike county,—sold as the property of Carlton Greer, deceased, in Marion county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms on the day. sept27 66 ROBERT GREER, Adm’r. ift GKLLABLE to an order of the Iuferior CouTt JL o GEORGIA : Campbell county W HEREAS Sidney Wilkerson applies to me for letters of dismission from the Estate fo Thomas W. Wilkerson,deceased: These are therefore to cits and admonish all and singi- lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be ant appear at mu office icithin the time prescribed by late to £ ive cause if any they have, why said letters should not l granted. Given under my hand at office, June 11, 1836. 52 t F.. P. BOMAR. c. c. o do i by M iron Jan. 14.' 29 H. &J. .SHOTWELL. pumps, Gti.n elastic catheters, Silver do Sston Needles. Spring lancet blades Tooth claws, Dentists’ cases, Teeth keys, do do (moveable but- Gum Lancets, tons, Medical spoons, Scarificators, Scales and Weights, Abscess Lancets, Teeth Files. Tourniquets. The subscribers intend keeping a full assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS. OILS, SHOP FURNITURE, &c. consisting of all artHes in the Morton’s Pulmonic Expectorant COUGH S\'RUA*, Far Coughs, Colds, Asthmas. Consumptions and Whoop ing Coughs. A MONG the numerous complaints with which the human family ?re afflicted, none are more com mon (ban coughs, colds, &c. and none more fatal in their results, unless timely care is taken to stop their progress before they become too firmly seated upon the lungs. Notwithstanding the many remedies that have been offered to the public, not any have hereto fore proved successful in procuring a certain and spee dy relief. The proprietor having been an eye witness (for sev eral years) of the astonishing virtues sf this extraor dinary Medicine, at length deems it his duty to offer it to the public, in a way that it may receive a more ex tensive circulation; and at a price that the poor may receive the benefit of it as well as the rich. This syrup is particularly efficacious in removing coughs arising from colds, attended with hoarseness and soreness about the windpipe; likewise shortness of breathing, tightness across the breast, accompanied with a tickling cough; and in all consumptive cases its use is particularly recommended, likewise whooping cough is greatly relieved by its use—children laboring under this distressing disease in innumerable instan ces have been astonishingly benefitled in a few duys; the pleasantness of it is a great advantage, as children will take it with as much pleasure as they will pre serves. N. B.—The directions accompanying each bottle will be signed by Wm L Perkins, the sole proprietor. Each bottle is sealed with the impression of 'I OR TON’S PULMONIC EXPECTORANT COUGH SYRUP, plainly stamped on it. For certificates, see the directions. WM I. PERKINS. We havemst received a fresh supply of the above and can safely recommend it as a very excellent medi cine. Oct V 2 H. & J. SHOTWELL. Ag'ts. IniJV ib'QTICF. T HE undersigned, at the request of P. Gordon. Esq. deceased, will close his profes sional business. All communications addressed to me at Eatonton, Georgia, will be promptly attended to. Oct 14 3 3t JA3 A MERIWETHER. Attorney at Law. - 4 Jr mix’s Vcgofttbie Tonic Mixture. ■ ■ l Fcret and Ague Conqueror, fur Intermittent or flj Fever aud Ague. This ieetthntHe. Febrifuge 'hn \f.ijpant<;d itself, by repeated trials, to be superior | ^ re any arflcfc yet offered to the public; it « infallible ii n Vncces«rvfor ihesup'ply of^Tiyricialu,'Plantations AalniCTmiMCnt and Fever and Agws;4ii recent cases ■ or Fa , lrilies . They will lie supplied with the botthat . •« . germinates the Chills and Fever in from twenty- can be selected out of the New-York and Philadelphia v ft nr to forty eight hours; being ofn vegetable eontpo- markets Orders from Merchants an i Physicians jtifioii, tho public will apprehend nt» injurious effect* r-lfovi ;1 foteriotis iainer.iL-.; it operates os .a mild bat effectual nnrgalrre, and may bu given with, great ad- ♦antage iif Dysentery, Bdwel complaints, Depraved "Appetite,rlatulanev. Juindlee, N'i’.ht Sweats, and ’laitt.* other -iff-’ctrm. rtf simitar origin. Ffir proof of t* 1 .- <i k<’v.'-ot'yiii* mixture, try a bottle. The inventor bare ; vote T fie .uaiy unprincipled frauds that are Ji incticed on the public, has tikeq the precaution to r 'fix his signature to the genuine., For sale by - i.tC. j»4 H ,v.l SHOTWELL. Agents JfTt‘OR i nid Ague—Rowan’s Ton Jr —Mixture, for sale bv tyftlse 44 J. H. x-;v. s. vrillreeeive promnt att'.etion. Jan 28 31 J. H. & W S. El LIS Green's Tonic Mixture, AND Rjnvand’s Tonic Mixture. \ 7 GOOD supply of each. Jnstreceived, and for sale by H. & J. SHOTWELL. sept 15 64 Opposite Central Hotel, Macon. persons having demands against the estate of Selden J. Delantar, late of Pulaski county, de- ih:—Rowan’s Tonic Mixture ; ceased—and all those indebted to said estate, iviii make , settlement in ter^s of fee |.,iv, with -ELUff. 0*4* r ^ELSON CLAYTON, Adm’r Valnublc Slaves at Auction. O N the first Tuesday in November next, (1st day,) will. be sold to the highest bidder, before the court house door, in the city of Macon. Twentfj Faluable Stares. Among them are four able bodied men; two buys, nearly grown, 17and 18 years of age; five women; the remainder consists of boys and girls from 8 to 16 years of age. Tetms—One third cash; one third on tho 25th day of December next; and the remainder on 12 months’ credit. Two approved securities will be required for the credit payments. Titles unquestionable—sales positive. C. L. HOWLAND &Co. Auctrs. «•* »0 « i^«. - ■■ Wanted, A N honest and pious young man as a clerk in a il. Bookstore. None who cannot produce good reaonimendations need apply Oct20 3 _ JAMES S. QLCQTT. We are authorised to announce the name of ABNER HAMMOND, Esq. acan- idate for Tax Collector for the ensuing year. Aug 52 61 UEoIiUlA : Crawford County. W HEREAS William B Files and JamesM Tay lor, administrators of the estate of Alexander B Taylor deceased, apply to me for letters of dismis- ' >n : These ere therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be ami appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, tu shew cause if any they hate, why said letters should not be. granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 5th Jnly, lW3f, 54 t B. F. LANE, d. c. c. o. GEORGIA. Pike County: IIEREAS,James H. Christian,adminis- trato/ of the estate of Nathan Baker, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for letters of dis mission. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all and sing ular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause (if any they have,) within the time prescribed by lav, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand.atoffice, this 13th July, 1836. July 21 56t II. G. JOHNSON, c. c. o. of Monroe county, will be sold on the first Tues duyin DECEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, before the court house door, in the town of Jack son, Butts countj ; One lot of land, number (30) thirty, in the 4th dis- tri.etof formerly Monroe, now Butts county, contain ing 202j acres more or less, adjoining lands of Richard Nolen and others, belonging to the estate of Daniel Tomlinson, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on the day. sept 28 1 WILLIAM GILMORE, Adm’r O N the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, at the court house door in Twiggs county, to the highest bidder. Lot No, not known in said county, containing 202j acres more or less, it being the placti whereon llosea W. Sullivan, deceased, formerly lived,—sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale, sept 8 64 ISAIAH CULPEPPER, in right of his wife. WILLIAM SIMMONS, Guardian for Berry Sullivan ABEL DANIEL. and personal estate of Samuel Leak, late of said coun ty. deceased. iG ARLINGTON LEAK. ) „ . Til.MON LEAK, JANE LEAK, Executrix. August 29 62 F OUR months after date, application will be nude to the Inferior court of Bibb county, sitting tor Ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real estate ol Benjamin Parker, late of said couuty deceased, sept 8. BUR WELL PARKER. Adm. F OUR months attar date.appli ’ion will be made to the honorable the inferior court of Houston county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave te sell lot number 118, in the J2lh district of said coun ty. being the real estate of Jeremiah McCormick, de ceased, for the benefit of said estate, sept 12 64 JOHN R S ENTER FIT, adm’r F OUR Months after nate, application will be made to the honorable Inferior court of Crawford coun ty, for leave to sell all the real estate of \\ ni. J. Wayn- man, late ofsaid county, deceased, for the benefit cf the heirs. ALEX. M. K. SWIFT, Adm’r. sept 5. 1836. 65 F OUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferior < ourt of Butts County, sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real estate of Dennis Mc’Carty, late of said County deceased. Oet 2l«t. 4 DAVID MARTIN. Adrnr. * */ILL be sold, before the courthouse, within the f f legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, at Lagrange, Troup county, Lot No. 76,' in the 4th district of said county. And on the first Tuesday in January next, at Ma con. Bibb county, part of Lots No. 67 and 70, in the 13th district of formerly Monrce, now Bibb, lyiu. on the waters of the Tobesofkee ; sold as the property of Christiana Scott, for the benefit of all concerned. Terms on thg day. JOSHUA JORDAN, j 1V|tffew «»»t 2 05 JAMES HOY, W' GEORGIA—Pike county W HEREAS, Alfred Buffington, guardian of the orphans of Jacob Buffington, late of Monroe county, deceased, applies for letters of dismission. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred aud creditors of said orphans to shew cause, if any they can, within the time prescrib ed by law why ho should not be dismissed from the guardianship of said orphans. Given nndermy hand at office this 22d Sept. 1836. 66 t H. G. JOHNSON, c. c. o. GEORGIA—Crawford county. W HEREAS Alfred McGee applies to me for let ters of dismission from the estate of William Lacy; also Alexander M K. Swift applies for letters of dismission from the estateof William J. Waynman,— both of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and star at my office icithin the time prescribed by law to w cause if any they can why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, 5th Sept, 1836. LJ 53 t B. F. LANE, n. c. c. o. GEORGIA : Crawford county. W HEREAS, Jones Hicks and Gracy Ilicks, applies for letters of Dismission fror the estate nf Daniel Hicks, late of said county, dec’i Thtscarc therefore to cite and admonish alland sing lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be ann - otar at my office within the time prescribed by late, to w cause if any they hate, why said letters should not b< granted. Given under my hand at office, this^thday of Sep m 64+ ' ~ ~ '«tnhe. I8:ifi I.ANF WE are authorized to announce DEMI’SEY J. CARR, Esq. a candidate for Reciver of Tax Returns. 3 oct 20 GEORGIA, Campbell County: W HEREAS, John H Coryell applies to me for Letters of dismission from the estate of Tuni- eon Coryell,deceased ; These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gnlar the kindred and creditors ofsaid deceased, to be and appear at my office withjn the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters’ should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 23d day of Sept. 1836. 1 t F.. P. BOMAR. c. c «. GEORGIA—Crawford county. TSM^IIEREAS Saradel Pool applies to me for let- v V ters of dismission from the administration on theestate of Richard Bullock, deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditorj ofsaid deceas ed, to be and appear at my office, icithin the firm prescribed by laic, to show cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given, under my hand, this 30th day of Sept. 1836 oet ft IF B. F. LANE. n. c.c. o S IX months after date. I shall apply to tho Justi ces of the Inferior Court of Jones county, sitting for ordinary purposes, for Dismission from the Guar dianship of tiic orphans of Philip Lightncr. late ofsaid county, deceased. TIMOTH' June 4 mp McPHEKSON,■ Guardian. ILL be sold, at the late residence ol Allen Christian, late of Pike county, deceased, on the24th day of December next,all the personal proper ty beloneingto said estate. Consisting of Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Household and Kitchen Furniture. &c. Also, in the town of Zebulon, on tho first Tuesday in January next: One Lot and one Fraction of land, be ing the same whereon said deceased lived, and Four Negroes, being the whole of the real estate ofsaid de ceased Terms of sale, made known on the days. MARY A. W. CHRISTIAN. Adm’x. sept 22 65 O N the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next will be sold before the cour house door in the t wn of Mc Donough. under an order nf the Inferior court of Fay ette county when sitting for ordinary purposes. u Lot No 27, in the third district of Ifenry county; also, 175 acres in the same county and district. No 6, it being part of the real estate of Abner Champion, late of Fayette county deceased.—sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, sept 7 WILLIS CHAMPION. Adm’r. 64 FRANCIS CHAMPION, Adm’rx P URSUANT to the last will and testament of Nathan Williams, late of Butts county, deceased, will be sold before the Court House door in Jackson, on the first Tuesday in December next: Two negro women, a negro man and five children, all likely, the plantation on which the deceased resided at the time of his death, in high cultivation und well im proved ; a cotton gilt, fin and thresher. Also will be sold on the following day. at the late residence of the deceased 1 road wagon and 6 head of horses, a considerable stock of cattle, hogs, and sheep. Also, a large quantity of corn fodder ami oats, farming utensils, household and kitchen furniture, and various other articles of perishable property. Terms made known on the day of sale. NATHAN II. WILLIAMS, ? Vr . STEPHEN W PRICE, $ l x n ‘ sept 1 62 t .OKU IA—Houston county. IIEREAS John Bryan and Achilles S. Edgeworth apply for letters of adtninietra tion on the estate of Little Bryan, deceased. Thesearc thereforcto cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be auil appear at my office icithin the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they can, why said, letters should notlc granted. Given under my hand at office, this 17th Oct. 1836 3 C. H. RICE. c. c.o GEORGIA, Butts County. HERE AS, George L. Thompson ap- w ¥ plies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Green B. Reeves, late of said county, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to h and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to shew cause if any they can why said letters should nolle granted. Given under my hand at office this 17th dav ofOcto- ber, l«3fi. 3 JOHN McCOR D. 'c. c. o. ‘■'TNDER. anord. r oftheHon. Inferior Court ofTal* ,.|U bot county sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Court House, within the usual hours of sale On the 1st Tuesday in JANUARY, next at the Court House. Talbot county, five Negroes, two Negro women two children aud one negro man. Also on the 1st Tuesday in FEBRUARY' next, at j the Court House in Sumter county, one lot of Pine , land, No. ‘Ml in the 23th Dist. originally Lee. now Sumte 1 couuty. all sold as the property of John Rilev, late of Talbot county deceased for the use of the heirs of said decease. Terms made known on the day of sale- JOSEPH RILEY, Adm’k Oct. 1836. 4 GEORGIA—Crawford county. W HEREAS Johi..Blackstone applies to me for let ters of administration ou the estate of Elbert Powell, late of said comity, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish alt persons concerned to be and appear at my office within thelime pre scrib'd by /aw, to shew cause if any they hare, why said application should not be granted. Given under mv hand this 17th October, 1636 4 W. H. BROOKS, c. c o- WASHINGTON HALL. THE Subscribers have taken that com modious and well known public house in the City of Macon,—the Hdshington'Hall, lately occupied by Mr. M. D. Husoth— By the unremitting attention of both of them, they flatter themselves that their House will ob tain for them a general patronage from the Public.— They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is inferior to no one in the State. Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. The Stables are attended by careful and experienced Ostlers. MUSTIAN & MOTT. Feb 5 J835 36 W ILL be sold to llis highest binder, at the iuuse of David Martin in Butts County, ou Saturday the 10th of DEECEMBLR next, all the perishable property belonging to the estate of Dennis McCarty, late of said County deceased. Consisting of one Sor rel Mare, Saddle aud Bridle, one Conk shell, and one Pocket book. Terms made known on the day. ■ Oct. 21.1636. DAVID .MARTIN, Adntr. ILL be sold before Court House door at Jack- w: ^PPLE VINEGAR for sale by .April26 44 J. Hi. &W. 8. ELLIS. son, Butts County, on the first Tuesday in JAN UARY next, A negro boy named Norris, also 50 acres more or less of land, the same being a part of lot No. 96. in the second Dist, originally Henry, now Butts County, also, lot No 128, in 2d dist originally Heury now Butts, containing 202A acres of land—sold by order of the Comtof Ordinary of Butts County, for the benefit of the heirs of James Anderson, late of Butts County deceased. Also will be sold as above, at Rome, Floyd County, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, Lot No. 749, in the 3d Dist. and fourth Section of originally Cherokee, now Floyd County, containing 40 acres more or less. JOHN ANDERSON 7 . . DAVID KIMBALL j Admre ' Oct. 17tb, 1825. 4 CENTRAL HOTEL, Macon, Georgia* T HIS establishment is now under the control ot the subscribers, who pledge themselves to ren dor comfortable those who may call on them. PETER J. WILLIAMS, Feh25 35 JOHN D- RAMEY. Academical Notice. THE Jackson Acad- A Ciny wiil go into operation the ensuing year, under the charge of the Rev. W. A. FLORENCE and LADY, of iiizl ly approved qualifications, aving the advantage of a hemical, an Astronomical and I'hilosophical apparatus, they will be able to give thorongh in struction in all the branches ot liberal education. Music, Painting and the Fine Arts will be taught— also, the Latin and Greek Languages. Tho highly reputable character of Mr. and Mrs Florence as teachers, cannot fail to elicit for the insti tution a liberal patronage, and to place it, ill point o. celebrity, at feast, upon a level with any similar insti tution in the State . ... The moral and healthy condition of the village will afford an additional inducement to parents and guar dians from abroad to send their children; for the ac commodation of whom boarding may be had, either in private families or at regular boarding houses, at fee most reduced prices. WILEY W. GAITHER. Jackson. Oct 14 tljnn Sec Board of Trus._ Brought to Macon Jail, /■&N the 5th inst. four negro fellows, viz. lal l ee ’ mLv about 25 years old. black complexion, about nvo feet8 inches high. also. Lewis, between30 allll yr years old, black complexion and stoutly built, about feet 7 inches high. They say they belong to Ktlkrw & Taylor;—Kilkreese lives in Charleston, fe. t • a “ Taylor in Marengo county, Ala. Also, 6pencer, - bout 18 years old. black complexion and slender Dun , about 5 feet 5inches high; lie says lie is the proper of Thomas Cole of Montgomery, Aia. George, a- bont 45 or 50 years old, black complexion, about o feet high; he says he belongs to Solomon Pope o Lowndes county,'Ala. The owners of t> e above ne groes are requeued to some forward, prove proper j. I pay charges and take them away. a |t Ocx20 3 4t GEORGE I. PITTS, Jatfer.