Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, November 17, 1836, Image 4

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HI ,4 € O N OEOKGIA T E L E G K^jP 1* r nif iigs,.71EMCI.ves, ire. *S A Kia >ll ^Vflttjwt received uy UUVG STORE.' f 1 ' ubscribara have resumed the jOr. JL Jlttsitrcsa, at their old stand, Formerly _ Ite, Stoolwell & Co. lately occupied by .Ur \Vui (.«. _ m tiro*it, ujiimdrc the Central Hotel. under tha firm of I following II. & J. SHOTXVELL, ! ° MEDICINES, &c. \v.!io ^intend kae, ing a very general assortment of] Sulphate Quinine (french) L'nnthnrides, -j-.-. u U fiy 8 tone, DR. II E00.71IS. - _ . . YJTASremoved hisstocko; J. I1.A H.S. LLL1S m Hit GSj.UJEMCJJrJRS, >1 Jennie Hail. Cotton Avcnufc, among which are the Paints, Otis, tVc Good* peculiar to their lino of business, together with I Sulphate Morphine a groat variety of mwcclioneons articleii that may be I Acetate do difficult to bo lotmtl elsewhere. Their .Stock is now I"diue. very extensive, liaving received liy late arrivals nearly Acetic acid, all their Fall and winter supplies, a general enumera- Oxalic do tidn of which could not he given la an advertisement. Citric do Somo of the Articles received are. Prussic do (Drills &. Hedit incsJ Tunaricdo Rochelle .Sails. Hellebore, Icohind Moss, Flos Ben- Ammonia, •/.oige, Juniper Berries, Lapis Calanunaris, Henry’s Magnesia, Madder. .Want,,. Csynune Pepper. Black Pepppr, Aifpir.e. Hemlock Bark, Hayberrydo, Poplar do, Cinnnm"ij rfo. Golden s'eni, Sqmniv gem. A nisi Aqtto-Athouui- F F F, ' Snlph Quinine, Sago, Gum ’ Indian Turnip. Skunk Cabbage, Heps, Pep permint Lozenges.' Oil Sprnco. Acidulated Lemon Hreps, Coriander Seed, C. P. Cantor Oil, Cori Ait- rntit. Cherry tree Bark, White Vitriol. Muriatic Acid, Pink Root. Gum Myrrh, Seed-Lae,\rieneka oil, Lob elia, Lemon Balm. Sweat Balm, Ext Colocynth, Pol. Gm AraftJo. Ground H’tce Gihsrer. Balsam Fir, Pearl Barley, refined Borax, B ."*)■■ Armenian. Cora Alha, LunarCanaria, Clnvos, Prepared Chalk. Ciihchs, La- ti dia Alha, Rust of Iron, Sop. Car!). Sods Castor, < ‘alamiis Knot, Cowhnge # Muzeriou, Sassafras, Dais- am lfoney. Cum I'rey Root, Dragons Blood. -Oil Lav ender. Inuton, Bergamot. Ext Bark, do Liverwort, Stricnine, lint dine, Digitalis, Lhu Bark, F!<» ol El der. V si Kyoscyannts, Has #.*ed.-Fowlers Solution, Henbane. *Uva Ursi. .Camphor, Kino, S.ruiitnony Alappo. G old ‘Thread itydri Oil Me Potass, Mustard do (Aromspls) Antimoiiialia puiv Veratrine, Suychnitto Emetine, tlhcnbarbiii'O, Croton Tiglium, T. Sac ale cornuttitu. Oil Sinapino,. < til cAiitharidin, Pyroligneous Acid, Hydriotnte Potassa, Peperine Oil black pepper, Irish moss, Musk, Chloride soda. Citratcd kali, Chloride Lime, Medical mustard, in pots, Opitnh detiurcolizaT, ■ Cyanuret potassium, Se d. >pU Nitre Oil Wonnseod .• Croton' t >il, (Hive t omp. Tonic extract, Oil, Bi amitli. Oil silk, Sanlbrda Bark, Tamarinds, Gnrragean, (prepared), flnin (.'opal. Syrup of Liverwort. -Turkov Opium, , Spigelin couip extract, Cn tha rides, Flowers ofChatnomUp. Oil Pepper- Bine moss, mint, Bermuda Arrow Root, sugar Lend, Refined Li-j l^rcctp. ext. bark, qnoriee. Ergot. N.ux Vomica, Corrosive sublimate, j Peruvian do 4h>es. tJm.i Arabic. Preeijiitaio. <pu Hartshorn, Carb j Cmt-soya do Poioss. Alcohol, saifaparilia, Epsom salts. Nhiic Acid, < Toxa do Jfither. Alspice. Pepper, Tnrtarised Atuitm nv, As-j ^ed do pl&tlturn, Whosive rhetor. Acetate of Potass! itah-: Chauionnlo flowers, nut Copniva, refitted Borax, snake Root, Cuhebs. j Senna. Kliuborh, Ipecac, sen* Cnnii. Cream Tartar, Nntj 8 v *T«i, Galls! Isinglass, Magnesia. A'ere .rial Ointment, Bine | Hon: hound, Pill, sulphate Quinine. Con •• rve .ores, Black Drop, j * Juptho Pnrio, sal Ammoniac, l ay Bum, Oil IMnna j African Cayenne, cioti. Acetate 51 orphi no, snlph do, Coinp Pit llndta, j Bay berry bark (powd) do of l.ivor Wort. i'..\t snmp'irilla. Ext Pink• Root- j Blood root. Comp Exi C ibebs, Pipeline. lodipe. lluth-*’* Magne -:ia. Kr»-nsote, Assufu-tida. Nittuifi, Tapioca. Mamin, Oil Rosinimry, Canadian Balsam. ■ M Valorlun, salt Poire, GlanhieTS -.aits. Concentrated spt* Ammonia. ' Syr fiSut'fSy Hits. doll keg* YVliita 1. la in oil 25 t(o Venetian Kcd dt> ■ 111) ihi Spanish Brown do ‘d'JOt'i lh.s Soap Stone Paint do . Ir kegs Vellmv Ochro do 20 mnisiors Veriligris do 9<M.t Iks Spanish Bri.wti dry • *-- ‘Mo ih.s Venetian Red do SOO lbs‘follow *.>e!ire do J500 lbs f'p.iuisli Whiting do Tied, Ciireme Gr en, Kings \cih.'.v. Veljli gris, Prussian Hine, Sioho Ochre, lioac i“iak,* IM\- arge, Sp«iii«.i Pumice Stout. Uuin^r. (.amp Bktsli, Clrrt Wriuilion. I Bark {.u.ufi Cin.ikJ uo Rod, Catn.iii.-. Water. Colors nsrd boxes. * Ciuramoo hark, DropLtko, nisi) Float iittiige.Caleld Plaster, Ws J Powdered ginger. W I.into, Tfua do g. nrt'j. i’lino ami Blank * do L'oichicitm, do Goldensenl, Slippery Elm (pow’d) Quassia, Gentian (pow’d) Cor!. Aurant (pow’d) i (.olieliautld seed, llomleck, Skunk cabbage, Squills, Giiuihoge, Hops. j Mozerium, j Alkanetroot, ! Cnrt cassarilla, I do sassafras, dies’ slipper, Golden thrund. Sail rou, Piint mint, Blue Grown or. tlroen Smalts, Frosting*, Blue WhHe'Jlrown and Purple. Gold Bronze, Car- ipine SouO'iv, Pink do. Logwood in sticks, do ground and chopped, Fustic. jMadder. Camwood, r-'d San ders, Copperas, Brazilletto Wood, Aunatto. 30!) gals Lttiseod Oil dllO do Sperm Oil fall strained 0 do do do winter du “• ISO do Spirits Turpentine 300 do Tiain Oil X Uhl 1 ,ivor Oil, 1 do Neats Foot 1 bid Copal Varnish. Japan do Black do. Picture Varnish. Coach do. Watenl find C'cnutoittui .fictlicines MWaim* Vermifuge, do Panacea, Thompsuu's Eye Water, Greon’s Tonic Mixlnre, Rowan’s Tonic Mu* or.-. (Airthe fovi r and ague ) Inn'..• >:i Ojt, Gotyland’s Lotion..Potter', • ...olicon, Br.iciay : j Coinp. Sarsa- ]>arriha utul Cubebs, Ua'.hy’s Carminative, British Oil, Opodeldoc. Jiidkht’s Ointment, Lee’s W. Bilious Pills, N. L Tiirliugtotis Bslsaui. Bateman’s Drops Jesuits Drops, Cephalic SnulV, .-Vroiualic do, \Vni di’s Tiucturo nv Cough Syrup, Carpenter’s Prepara tions, Henry’s Aromatic Vinegar, Welch Medh am entum, Uv geau Svrnp, Mead’s Pills, Walker’s Drops, Morrison’s Pills, West’s Pills. Rheumatic Medicine, Fphoti’s Digestive Elixir. Little’s potion. Ninplo Salve, Bleaching liquid, I’.ss Mustard, Citrate of Kale Consumption Specitic. Cerate of Copaiva, Cosmetic Cold Cronin,. llnys Liniuieut. Chapman’s Mirture, Bullard’s Oil of Soap. Scott* Pills, Hamilton’s Worm Lozen 'es, Judkin’s .Specific Ointment, Scotch Oim- mont, I tollman's Anodyne. Surgical ««d .IWatiraf Wnstruments -PocXot ihUgspients in-Cases, Silver Spring rets i.vatis Crow' thumb Lancets, • >bvtetric il Insfru- mants. Fox’s Spring Tu.-nkeys, Teeth Forceps. Cup ping glasses, Tweezers,"Surgi. al Needles, Gtint Elas tic Syringes. Metalic-do, ritetlrco^copes, Apothecaries Scales and weights, Spatulas nss’d. Afotalie Staflls and Sounds, Hair Sieves. Spoons. It rushes Clround Paint Brushes assorted sizes, Varnish do, 0 i-di Tools do, Badger’* Hair Blenders Graining do, Camels Hairdo. Fancy and plain Hair Brushes assor ted. Palters d® do. Cloth dodo. Hat Crumb Brushes. Hearth do, Dusting do, Counter do. Shoe do. Hat- tor*’ Brushes, Tuf lo do, iCIesli do, Shaving do, Fur-j uiturc Brushes, Whisk f:rooms, do Brushes. Glass Ware. Store Furniture. oot - do Curcuma, 51 ustard seed, .Mace, ( Cloves, j Nutmegs, [ Caraway seed, | Auiso do ! Coriander do i Arrow root, I Aqua Forti*. j Auodyna (Hoffman’s) | Borax, I Black lead, brimstone, Blue stone, Juniper berries, Cubub do - txidc bismuth, .ces wax, titirgnudy pitch, Balsam copivi, do tulu, do Peru, Blue. drop, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. I^cs’ pills, Compl tl’d ex’. Pink Itoot, Opodeldoc, by G. W. Carpenter, Gnapman’.s anti-dyspeptic Dalby’s earmiiiaiive. Colocynth, Court plaister. Castor nil (fresh) Sweet oil do Charcoal, pulr- Corks velvet, Calomel, Antimony, Aloes, Jtheubnrb, Jalap, Digitalis, Opium, Prepared Chalk. Acetate lead, do. cuori, do Zinoi Arspniate potassa. Ether sulphuric, do nitric, Nitrate silver, do poiassa, Phosphate soda, do iron, Sulphate iron, do potassa. do ' soda, do magnesia, Borate soda. Phosphorus. Manna flake, Ointment hyd. potassa, do iodine, do Veratrine, do Itchi Oxide mercury, F.xtraet Jaiap, do Buttcrtiut, do llyosciatnus, do Gcntiau, do Belladonna, do Taraxici. do Rhubarb, do Nux Vomica, do Rhatauia. do Cicuta, do Glycyrrhiza. Gum Arabic, do Camphor, do Scuiumuny. do Myrrh, do Asafmtida, do Guinc, Pearl Barley, Syringes, Honey. Otto roses. Magnesia, .calc’d do carb. Isinginss. Quicksilver, Soidlitz powders, Soda do Saratoga do Sponge. Tamarinds, Wafers, SursapariUa, Red precipitate, White do Black do Pcarlash, Annatta, Indigo, Spanish float. Logwood, Fustic, Copperns, Spanish broww, Venetian red Madder, Fig blue, N ii tgalls, Alum, Cochineal, Spts Turpentine, • Venice do Starch, Salt Tartar, Sal Ammoniac, Glue, Rosin, Jujnbc paste. Tb tfu: store on Cviioii Avenue, recently occupied by Mr! J. D. Winn, and adjoining the store of J. & W. Baldwin, where he is also opening anew supply which he offers'at wholesale and retail, at the lowest prices for cosh or good nous. In order to avoid any tnisun dersiauding, it may be proper to state that Paints, Oils and Glass are considered CkusA Articles. The follow ing articles arc included in his supplies, viz: * Loco foco Matches. Lucifers, Rowland’s Kalydor Wafer.-, Drop Lake. Bm he*, Fancy and Shaving .Soajis, Wltite Bar Shap, Salad, Oil, Morton’s Cough Syrup, Rowan’s Tome Mixture, Potter's Catbolican •Mori.ifs of Iron. Bras*. Morbje, Glass and Wedge- vvood. Ware. Orange Flower Water, Rose Water, Miice and other spices, Alcohol. Shellac, Nitric Acid, Vdrdigns. Zinc, Lobelia, Myrrh. African Cayenne Pepper. Vafei ton!Sage, Neats Foot Oil. Logwood, Fit-lie,' Pidigo. Brazi’Wood, Coent Wood, Copperas, Alum, Brim-tone, Venetian Red, Glue, Badger Hair Blenders, and Shaving Brushes, Camel’s Hair Blen der- ind Pencils, Sable Pencils, fitooms. Polishing Paste, Rotten Stone. Bath Bricks, Bear’s Greece, Stomach Tubes. I nglish Calomel, "Medicine Chests with directions for farmer-. Limp Glasses, Brushes, India Ink. Black and Red Ink, Copper Scales, small Bra.— Scales, Rochelle Salt-. Acetate qf Zinc. Vem- trinc. Morphene. Pipen'ne, Strychnine:. Quinine, RWtbaxbtr tie. Saliciue. Krs-osot« and its preparations. Chlorine Tooth Wash, Chlorate of Soda, Extract of Pinkroot; and other preparations of Carpenter. Ex tract Dandelion. Swaim's Vermifuge, Varnishes. Tooth Instrument* for Phy-iciahs, Black Sand. Court Plas ter, Spirit of Tn^rpentino Swaint’s Panacea, Hatters’ Bowstrings, and all other articles usually kept in Ding Stores. Oct. 27 4 ~ SWAIM’S VERMIFUGE. The most useful Family Vtdieinr etcr ojjertd to the Pub lie. Mo family ouzhl or ever tcill be tcithout it after a trial. Patent*. Academical Notice. THE Jackson Acud- emy "’ill go tuto operation the ensuing year, under the charge of the Rev. W. A. VLOltENCL and l.ADY. ol !ii.:kly approved qualifications. Having the advantage of u Chemical, an Astronomical and Philosophical apparatus, they ITN’DER an order of the Inferior Court of Bill „eji ty, sitting for Ordinary.ytyrflews, trifi l £ fin e Ike court house! within the usual Hours oj sale " ' On the first Tuesday-iirDl CvMBt R next at M cori. Bibb county, all tliat part of Lot No 166, in the Stibh Shcri/T Sale. W ILL bt sold on the first Tuesday in December next,at the court house in the city of Maeon,be- ticeen the usual hours of sale, I/' One lot <tn<i improvements in East Macon, cont&in- _ _ t ing one acre, it being pnrtoflot No. 4. containing ten 4tb district of originally ..Houston, now Bibbcoumv acres, whereon Lewi* J Groce now lives, levied on not included in tiie widow’s dnw«r. - < private families or at tegular boarding most reduced prices. WILI-Y W GAITHER. Jackson, OctJ4 tljan See Board of Trus. tic and Worn Slcdi- T IIIS well known Anti-dysycpt cine, has proved successful these twelve years pas), and is universally acknowledged by all who have tried it. to be far superior to any other medicine ever employed in diseases fur which it is recominenned. It is perfectly safe, and no child will refuse to take it. It seldom faiis curing holcra .llorbus, Sli/s- enters/ or Bo tret Complaints, Colic anti Bieetling Myites, either m grown per sons or children, and it gives appetite to almost nil de bilitated persons. Worms frequently infest children, aggravate all other diseases and are the chief cause of ftrrrs, Boieel Compfaints, and chronic and nervous dis eases. incident to childhood, which aro so numerous and frequently fatal. It is much to bo regretted that thousands of children arc swept off, or aro rendered feeble, pole and emaciated through the first stage of life —which leads on to pulmonary complaints, Ac. &e.- Worms being especially apt to infest persons of de bilitated digestive organs and emaciated constitutions, much mischief is often done liy the ordinary *-omi medicines, which generally consist of the strongest purgatives—calomel, that destroyer of the constitution bitters, pink.root, or spirits of turpentine, worm see nil, &c. Articles of this kiud may destroy worms. Lit they dobilitafO the stomach, and often materially in jhreJhe general health, without remnving the cause. riwAiji’s VitKMtri'GE .has the peculiar advantage of re moving the cause of worms, by giving vigor and heal thy actin' *fyj stomach, bowels and organs of diges tion— ' e emovilig measles, croup hooping cough ami n -tier complaints. It is by this moans that so many gimvn persons have been relieved, by its use, of dyspepsia, sick head-ache, foul or sour atomaeh, FOF1, BREATH, coughs, and most of the bilious symptoms. &c. lie. &c. This medicine willralseve Bowel Complaints or Dys entery, Billions Colic, vomiting, sickness, pain or weakness in the stomach or bowels, loss of appetite either in children oKprown persons, in a few hours: and seldom fails curing CHILLS and FEVER or KE; VT.R Sc- AGFE and Intermittent or Billious Fevers. For sale, wholesale and retail by J. H. & as the property of Solomon Groce to satisfy one Ft k a from Bibb supetior court, in favor of Parish, VV iley & Co. vs Solomon Groce—poihtedout bythedeien- will he able to give* thorough in- ( dant. .. -.. stxucticn in all the branches ofi One negro man named Davy, CO or Oo year* oia liberal education j levied on as the propertv of Elijah Eotton.dcceased Music, Painting and the Fine Arts will be taught—; to satisfy one Ft Fa from Bibb superior g’hrL in tavor also, the Latin and Greek Iamguages. ( of Rufus K Evans vs Elijah Cotton pr p y P The* highly reputable character of Mr. and Mrs-’ ed out by the Administrators ol said decea* • Florence as teachers, cannot fail to elicit for tfie insti- One house aud lot tin Cotton Avenue, e g tution a liberal patronage, and to place it, in point of brick store at present occupied by Benjamin xt.. celebrity', at least, upon a level with auy similar insti- ner—levied on as the property o* yVilnam li. t-one, tution in the State/ to satisfy sundry Fi Fas. one from ^'hb superior court The moral and healthy condition of the village will' in favor af the Commercial Bank vs \V illiant B Cone., afford an additional induceuicnt to parcnis ami guar- One house and part of the lot iu l astMacon. wnere- diaus from abroad to send tlieir tlnldi-o: Tei the ac- on Pleasant Heath now lives, it being No lb, as tne commodation oi whom boarding way o hail, cither in property of Rice Durrett. to satisfy one 11 Fa from a private families or at tegular boarding nous-.s. at the justices court ir favor of John Creech ys nice Dur rett. Property pointed out by the plaintm; levy made aud returned to me bv a constable, nov 2 5 ' BFNJ RUSSELL, dep. stiff. Campbell Siitnti sale. W ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in DECEM BER next, at the court house in the town of Campbellton. Campbell county, within the usual hours of: sale __ „ Gideon Brown’s interest in fraction No. 114, con- distiiignished literary attainments, moral character * taining 170 acres and 2 roods, in the 14th districtfor- und industrious habits, we confidently recommend our i merly Fayette now Campbell county to satisfy snn- Institution as presenting n.« many inducements to geti- drv Fi Fas in favor of B. Mnroney at\d others, proper- eral patronage, as any oilier institution in Georgia; ty pointed out by the plaintiff—levy made and return especially when we take iuto consideration the mural ■ cd to me by a constable. D- D- S3MII H, Sheriff. character and health of the neighborhood. Oct21 5 _____ Our course of instructioi. will embrace, in addition ! Fayette SiierlffSale, to the elementary branches of the English language. FORt the court house in Fayetteville. Fayctt a thorough knowledge of Grammar. History. Geogra- county, on the first Tuesday in Di LIMBER ;4ty, with the use of tlio Globes. Celestial and Terres- uttt trill hc soW the lairful hours of sate, tial. Composition, Rhetoric. Moral and Natural Phi-j \ os . 29, 3:1,34, 42. and 43. all in the 6th Dist. of losophy, Chemistry, Algebra and Mathematics, mixed Fayette county, each containing 202^ Acres, all Icvi- Acadentical Notice. |HE HILL ACADEMY’, Monroe county. will T ag . open on the second Monday in January next, under the rectorsh p of Sir MAOSfc'INBT, (the pre sent rector of Franklin Academy, Putnam county, aud formerly n principal teacher in the Scottsbornugh Institute;) and from 'bis reputation as a gentlemau of aud pure. Mr. Maussinet will also teach, critically the Latin, Greek, French and Italian languages. With regard to Sir Maussinet as a gentleman and scholar, we are referred to a number of literary gen tleman in this State, among whom are the names of Dr. Brown, (the founder of Scuttshorough institute.) and Dr. Ambrose Baber, of Macon. Nov 1 5 M. W. McCRAYV. ) BENJ BRANTLEY. (Trustees C. Y. CALDWELL, f TrUitus - THOS. DYSON, J ~ NEW GOODS. A LARGE.and general assortment of Fancy and Staple Goods For the winter trade, just received by nov 10 6 CRAFT & LEWIS, ed on as the property of Alexander Ware to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of Jack- son county in fevor of Wiley_\V. YY’cbb, vs Greene R. Duke, George Shaw, Horatio Webb, Sylvanns Ripley, John Appleby and Alexander Ware aud Allen Matthews, security on the -tay of exeention. ALFRED BROWN, Dept. Sheirff. Oct. 1836. 4 not iucluded in the widow’s dower. On the first Tuesday in JANUARY next at tli courthouse in’ Lowudes county. Lot No 469 im)* 10th district formerly Iiwin, now Lowndes countv containing 490acres.. -’ On the first Tuesda&Nl FEBRUARY’ next b e f or . the court house in Carroll county, Lot No. <63 in th 10th district of sniff county, near Carrollton — com*;* ing 2024 acres. ,am ' All sold as the property of James V D uald.late 0 f Bibb county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs _ Term's on the dav. August 4 88 JEM1M \ McDONALD. Adm’rr .GREEN MCDONALD. Adm’r. f t \ DEK an order of the Inferior • OOrt 7} Pike conn* tu, sitting for Ordinary Purposes tcill be sold icith in the lairful houts of sale, before the Court House, On the first Tuesday in L'ECE M El R next, at Co lumbits, Muscogee county, Lot No. 3», in the fifth district of mid connty. On the first Tuesday in JANUARY ner:. at Hatnil toil, Harris county. Lot No. 230, in tre2lstdis- triet formerly Muscogee, now Harris coun:v. Sold as the property or Frederick Sessions, late i f Pike county, deceased, for the benefit of all epneerued Terms on the day ASA SESSIONS, Adm’r. " JcnellO 1 O .v Thursday the 22d day of DI Cf MBI R not trill be sold at.thc late residence of Seth Honcycut luir of Ticiggs county.deceased, All the perishable property uclongine to the estate ol suiddeccused. consisting or Horses. Cattle, liege Sheep. Corn aud Fodder Household aed Kitchen Furniture. Plantation turds. A c A c. Ti itn*'twelve months credit. - THOMAS S. CIIAPPl'Il Nov 10 6 " ' Adm’r « thrfifteenth day of DECFMBf R next el iu lute, residence of Thomas Chappell, late of Tvincg county, deceased, trill be sold, The Perishable Property of said deceased. conFst- ■ng of Horses! Cattle. Hogs. < ofn and Fodder, seme household and kitchen Furniture, and various other articles. Terms, twelve months’ credit Nov 3 THOMAS S. CHAPPhLL, } *. , JOSEPH J, f'll A I’PELL, ( Ex °k. A GRi FAULr. to the t#M i.-tU and testament of Thomas, late of Tuiggs , ounty, thecas- id. tcilLbt sold on Tuesday 27/A D1C EMBER mxt,lc- !■■■■■ Houston Suci-itr Sale. . I O N the first Tuesday in DEC EM BKR next, icillbe i jorcllw court house tn Ttnggs county. sold before the court house door, in the tumn of j Three Negroes. Jim, a man about forty years of age. Perry, Houston couxty between the lawful hours of sale, i ! »errv_. a boy fotttjecn years of age and Chany, a wo- One lot of laud No. 52, in the loth. Dist. of Hons Notice, j — - —-— -o - - - I DO hereby notify and forewarn all persons oftra- George M. Walke . ding with my wife, Elizabeth Minshew, an. char- i No. 202 in the 16th Dist. bt Houston county, i . ° r * i i «•. u...i i > j Inltii Mnl.omv tt» sati than 35 years of'age. a first rate cook, was'herund toiTUouniy, I.evied^ on as the property of Samuel i ironer. Terms cash; Nov • * • . - • /* _ rt; r»_ fvnttt I?mlinvi11111 ■ Douglass to satisfy a Fi Fa issued from Richmond Superior Court in favor of Talbot und Walker, for the | use of F Walker, against Samuel Douglass and ; Le- ging the account to me, as she has left my bed and board without provocation, and as such I am deter milted lint tn pay any such nccoimts-made by her. Nov 1 6 4tp NATHAN MINSHEW. jttn. GEORGIA—Houston county. W HEREAS John Bryan and Achilles S. Edgeworth apply for letters of adininistra tion on the estato of Little Bryan, deceased. There are therrforeto cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and vied on as the property of John McLeroy to satisfy two Fi Fas issued from a Justices Court aCW tikes County in favor of Abuer \\ ellborn against said Mc Leroy—Levied on and returned to me by a constable. Lot No, 89 in the5 Dist. of Houston County, as die property of Charles Uftffin, or till Charles Griffin s interest in the same, to satisfy two b i I as Iront the Jus tices Court of said County of Houston, in favor of Win. B. Dupree and others against said Charles Gnf- fin Levied on and returned to me by a constable. No 21, in the 14th Dist. of Houston County. Levi- July 7 54 YV. S. ELLIS. Pills, Peters’ do do Hunters’ pills, Hoopers’* do Anderson’* do British oil, Bateman’s drops, Timnipaou’s .ya water, Godfrey’s cordial, riaits lemon, Worm tea, Effervescing magnesia, Loianical drops. .Swaim’s Panacea, Indian’s do Ess Iceland Moss, Cough Mixture, Bleuchiug Liquid, Mead’s Pills, Issue plaistors, Elixt* life, Ginger beer powders, Medicated Oil silk. Digestive Llixer, Pile remedy. Chlorine torth wash, Bav rum, Balsatu honey. Cough Lozenges, Extract coffee, Cullen’s liquid magnesia, I’otior’s catholicon. Rowan’s Tonic .Mixture, Relfes Vegetable specific. Oil Worrasecd. AWj, Ext Buchu, I Window Glass Window Glass assorted sizes.-from 7 by 9 to 22 by 23 inches, Coach Glass, do Picture Looking (Bags Plates. Tiucture Bottles front j pint to 2 gallons, do Specie .'-sorted.sizes, riait -Mouth do, I m3 oz Vials, Ground stoppers White amf'Grson Vials assorted, Nursing Baidas, Globe Botilcs. Graduuto Measures, Glass Funnels. Uetortffaud ReserTbirs.-i’roof (jlasses Drain Vials, Oito of llore Vials, Pungent* Tube* or Fillers. Gins* I simps, t\ith shade*, do without shades, (Ila*s CamUcjrtickit, tiuspendiog Lamps, witlt shades, extra *had*j. ( olognc do do Lavender do do Rose do do Bears’ oil, Ward’s hair oil, Cafoqttc, irntPr Fancy articles. Soaps j 0^^Flower'Water, Double (iisnded (,«::ogne Water in lancv and pi.uu < vi Bottles, Florida Wa’cr. .Milk of JIo»w, Orango !'low er Water, Lavender, Harrogate salts;” Pearl I’owJer, Pomatum, .Macatsar Oil, .Rose water, Oil of Roses, Musk. Gentian Cologne water, Honey water, Preston salts. Antique Oil, Transparent wafer*, PuugeiHS, (cjtiglass.) .Mota)in rhaving Boxes. G.-tmels Hair Pen cils, Wash Bills, Otto of Rosa Vials, Variegated soap, do Trainparont for shaving. Rose soap, do Cinnamon do Ceylon, English Wiml-or, soda .° >ip, Con'r: Plas- t “r, Teefli powder. .1ItsccUamous Kitehon’s Patent Cocoa, Lucifer -Matche ij B;ir soap, Fluid ext sarsaparilla, ■iyr Liverwort, Comp sarsap. cubebs & Ext. Boneset, copivi, Tonic Extract. , PKRHTIEBV A BRUSHES, &c. j Hair Powder, Almond paste Pearl do Ground paint brushes, Rouge, do sash Milk of-Roses, Oval Varnish Cold cream, Camel hair Cream Almouds. Badger’s hair Florida water, various sizes Graining Pratt’s Nipple Shields, T HE Medical College ofGeorgia at Augusta have given their opinion of the superiority of Doctor Pratt’s .Xipplt .Shield to any thing else hitherto offered for the fame purpose, which opinion can be presented if to physicians and others. The opinion of Dr Baber and other physicians in Macon who have examined the instrument, accords with that of Doctor Dewees and the .Medical College of Geqrgiu. The Instrument is for *alo in Macon by the subscriber only, price $5, with printed directions. H- LOOMIS. Sign of the Golden Mortar, AluWcrry street. Certificate of Doctor Deletes ** Doctor Elijah Pratt: Dear sir—As I feel it a mat ter of much public importance to possess a means of lessening the terrible sufferings of sore nipples, I have much pleasure in being able to say that the " Shield” you otter for the preventing and the euro of this mala dy, is better adapted to this purpose than any 1 have heretofore seen. In the two or three instances I have known them to be used, much satisfaction h» s been expressed ; •■ml I have no hesitation to believe ,'J wilr generally succeed. I am so well persuaded of this ^t this moment, that I cannot forbear to express a tvisJ: that 1 ttr city through the various apothecaries inay be supplied with them. I am yours. Ac. Philadelphia, 13th Jan. 1834. W»i. P. Dewees.” appear at my office within the lime prescribed by law to j e j"“ a ^' t ’hcnropcrty of Edmund McLiti, to sa tisfy a shew cause, if anytheycan, why saul letters should not be p. p ;l > from aJustices Court of Baldwin Coun ty, in favor of Jilet and Ftiehaiinon, against said Ed mund McLiti and Wm. J. McLia— Levied and retur ned to mebv aconstable. GEO. M. DUNCA^N - v Dept t her iff. Also, trill be sold us above. Lot of Land. No. 194, in the 5tli district of Hous ton county, containing 2024 acre*, more or less—levi ed on as the property of Adam Foss to satisfy one Fi Fa front a justices cn’tir' in Wilkes comity, in favor of Joseph Gatrill vs said Foss, i roperty pointed out by L P Elotipcr—levy made and returned F me by n constab’e. JOHN C. MO.UNGER. Sheriff. Oct 7 2 O N the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, will be sold before the court-house, in Caitipbelton. 1 ampbell county, within the legal hours of sale. Lot of Land No 59, in the first Distiict, formerly Carroll now Campbell county. Also, on the same day, before the Court-house in Gilmer coirtity. Lot No. 50, in the 4 th district, first sec tion Sold ns the property of Wiley Heflin, late of Henry county, deceased, for th? benefit of the heir* Term* on the day. „ r , 1 3 WILEY' J lIF.Fl.TN.Ex> stinted. _ Given under tny hand at office, this 17th Oct. 1336 3 C. H RICE, c. c. o. GEORGIA. Butts County. W HEREAS, George L. Thompson ap plies to nte for Letters of Administration on thoeslato or Green B. Reeves, late of said county, deceased. - These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased ia be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by lair to shew cause if any they can why said tetters should not be granted. Given under my handat office this 17ta day ofOcto-1 her, 1836. 3 JOHN McCORD.c.c « G Ft > KG IA—Crawford county. W HEREAS John Blackstone applies tome for let ters of administration on the estate of Elbert Powell, late of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned lo be and appear at my office within thetime pre scribed by law, lo shew cause if any they hate, why said application should not be granted. Given under mv hand this 17th October, 1836 4 ' YV. II. BROOKS, c. c 0; Y'uriagatca do, Tnrponti id, Fine and Coarse sponge. Co*.’* Curry iug Knives, Clay Pipe*, do Glaved, Lamp fztnip Wick. Bee* Wax, Diamonds, French Macassar oil, ->pirit of Rose Camphor soap, Musk do Email tent dp Windsor do do do Brown Wash Balls, Curling fluid, Antique oil, F!e»h Horse Hair Nail Comb Tooth do Cloth Scrubbiug Shoe Lip Salve, (Persian Otto Shaving do Rose.) Shaving oil. Tooth powder, (superior) Powder Pufts aud boxes, Lrasive do Preston salts, Extract Bergamot, Smelling bottles, do Rose, Tapers, do 5(usk, Dutch cologne. Honey YVater. Atkinson's Depilatory. >havin'? cakes! SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac. Amputating cases, Clipping glasses, Trepanning instrument*, do * do with * (stalk. Eutory eonr.-e r.nd ii my Black «kffd. Pent I ash. • '•V'tdi' sOap.'.Vpo'cli, R;ippi:> and .Ur;tahoy siui.l', sha- \ ing Boxc*. 11 tnev. Glue, Blacking, Lemon syrup. Barbers shaving Cakes, ChioridO Lime, Wafars, Ta- l-ur* jea’ing Wax, atai-cli, sand Paper, Iiidelildo Ink, Cork.Wood, Violin.*, do strings, Bellows, Ma- t *ia ..Maieif*, ^vif:*. Bit:!i.l!rick.*h?Uac. • j , #iis* <10 pumps, .. Jmamnug io he p.-rmiiiKiiUy engar.-d tn thw bu*in- • Pocket ease*. 1 Gnm elastic cathMonv **Jt "Hb'crtbcrs will Jt^-avery «xo»imui nr titcir; «. )ri „ K j, : mcets. Stiver >• do - - power, to render .toyorty, I*;FMr«»i»ii?<of.Ckeir old , . van >' thumb do Seton Needles. ■ • itnil now cWMo:«L*rj* Oi'Tcrab * ctfjr \vui *n *oL t..u ; .*’ ca>c.^ 9 . . bprin^ Inucet Maries ^tCWtBii kjfnHib iitpSirf* d 1 ; | Tt-eih keys, . Tyoih rlaw ? , J| • i L\ XNV'-CrY L-ntVTt r .* flo <M» (moveable but- Gtttn E.aiicsts, r , . . . . JAG'lf. Ufl« T’’\T-I k ;| ton,. Medical spoons, ttimtmg rtfcW4ffwrip:..#Afag5gS’«fnlcator«, Scales and Weights, YTacnn J.iu, 1-1. ^9 I). *. J. .SlIOl U 1.1.1. Ahsress Lancets, Tenth Files. • V r.iclaWr 'I'onic Sislutfi : lonmiquets. rfN ; V‘-jcr .in Aga- Gyaprfror, ;'yr In'. tmittm:t or! I’h-subscriber* intend keeping a full nxsartment of " Mr n:rl Ag«a.-|-Th:s itt-'tiunhle IVltrifugi*: .HfUGH, MKOICINEfi, PAfNTri, OILS. .31104* ji.ur FURNITURE, Ar. consisting of a!! arti-les in the ! ’ - is.iltf tllhdti fine flece**ary for the Supply of physicians, Piantation* ■ iec*;r.t ca*es | 0; rSBhlUcs". They will he supplied with the Iie-tlha: ’ ;v. >ii:y«; can he solceteJ out of the New-York and Phibid Jphia •' •coirpo- j markets t Orders front .Merchant* ssi .Physicians, j •••'■■its! *i!l receive proinul atr-oiinn. ' .7, LTliis i:t ji t* uT.ta! id itsclfthv'ii!j. tp h“; sn.h fla’ahy ijpielo t'nt mi'ehg-l to i'l l puhiie; i' is tnf 1 ) T ii'rmilion't and F< . r atul Ague; in *; sttcrmio ties tlio Ctiili, uud-l'ever ml lour to For.v e&it Riarsih .agtt'ik'a"' yijon. I'f' pnhl(y will arpiwfyud iu> pij* » if’.leBr! n'* mi.: •r-.L; it rpsrsCO t* a inim trit; I’T'ctunt aargative, rttvj ttriy ’• # .*giv-h with grgjt *1’)’j<j,-la Dy*•fit-'lov,.'! Chuiylaii’ts.' T ? s -piZ-f ! * .;.MUvY1’!';,i Iicv. J1 r : 5<v. N« ii* Swear*, ;u;d n invoili'f a.T. titiar ongin. ; jjjrnf if] p.’ie e li -tay ol'ti* mixture, tty a hot do. The inventor f ’being aware of ton anay unpriutflpled fr.n is that are Aiily Ttratdic.tJ on tho nuhlir/ha, liken the precaiition > lo tirefi! hissignator*! to the genuine. EYrsalo by m<pi 15 «4 H. Sir. J AifOT-VVRl.L, Agent* ; r ftiT'Pever an ! TVgne—RowanV Tonic .Mixtnre j —Qniilwie Mixture, for salo hy ; FT -J. It. * YV. S. ELTjtS. J Marion’s Pulmonic Bxpcctot atit COUGH SVMUJP, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas. Consumptions and II hoop ing Coughs. A MONG the numerous complaints with which the human family rYe afllicted, none are more cmn- mou man cough*, colds, &c.,atid none mote fata; in iheir results, unless timely care is taken to stop their progress before they become too firmly seated upon the lungs. Notwithstanding the many remedies that have been offered to the public, not any have hereto fore proved successful in procuring a certain aud spee- jo dy relief. j 0 The proprietor having been an eye witness (for sev- Jo eraf years) of the astonishing virtues of this exlrnor- jo diuary Medicine, at length deems it his duty to otter it Jo to the public, in a way that it may receive a more ex- do ass'd tensive circulation; and at a price that the poor may Jo reccn e the benefit of it as well as the rich, jo This syrup is particularly efficacious in removing jo coughs arising from colds, attended with hoarseness jo and soreness about the windpipe; likewise shortness Jo of breathing, tightness across the breast, accompanied do silver wire, with a tickling cough; and in till consumptive cases its Jo use is particularly recommended, likewise whooping do cough is greatly relieved by its use—children laboring do under this distressing disease in innumerable insbtn- Pa’ent feather Brooms, ces have been astonishingly bent lilted in ft few dtiys; do do Dusters, the pleasantness of it is a great advantage, ns children do do Brushes, will tako it with as much pleasant as they will pre ■Fitch Tools, serves. Counter Brushes, N. B.—The directions accompanying each bottle Hat do will he signed by Il m L Perkins, the solo proprietor. Crumb do Each bottle is ,ealed with the impression of '-IOR TON’S PULMONIC IXPLCTORANT COUGH SY RUP, plainly stamped on it. For certificates, see the directions. U’.YI L PERKINS. YVo have jnsj received a fresh supply of the above and can safely recommend it as a very excellent medi cine. Oct*. 2 H. »V J. SHOT\VKi_L. Affts. Brought to Macon Jail, O N the 5th inst. lour negro fellows, viz. Taffoe about 25 years old. black complexion, about five , feet 8 inchei high: also, Lewis, between "0 and 35 a,r years old, black complexion and stoutly-built, about 5 feet 7 inches high. They say they belong to Kilkrrese & TaylorKtlkreese lives in Charleston. S. C. slid Taylor in Marengo county, Ala. Also, Spencer, n- boitt 18 years oid. black complexion and slei dcr built.’ about 5 Icet Sinches high; he says he is the. property of Thomas Cole of Montgomery. Ala. George, a- bout 45 or 50. years old, black complexion, about 5 feet high; he says he belongs to Solomon Pope oi Lowndes county, A'a. The owners of ti e above no gross aro requested to come forward, prove property pay charges and take them t.wajr. “ GEORGE-1. PITTS, Jailor. <. I'.OH G IA—Houston county W HEREAS Daniel Frederick applies to me for letters of administration on the estate ol YY'id- iani C YVannamaker.deceased: These are therefore to cite end admonish all ana sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law >o .'hew cause if any they have, why said letters should not be or*',' 1 riP-d • 1 6 Given :*uder my hand at office, this 28th October U36. ' 5 f ’■ H RICK. r. c •> ■MNOUR month* alter date application will bo made JT to the honorsihi's the inferior court of Houston cotintv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sel' the negroes belonging Cp )he estate of John Qnig- ley, late of said connty. decease.-- . „ a us 20 ' It. H. EUCKEY, Ad'mr PjSTPO.Nl-n SALT. O N the first Tuesday in JANUARY' next, before the court house, in Stewart. county, within the legal hours of Sale, under an order of the Inferior court of said county, silting for ordinary purposcs.witl hc sohl Three Negroes, — . „ .- ----- --- -- - belonging to the estate of Benjamin F. Nelson, late ' ’on tedious tomention. < rtbs 11 mT kt.cxi 1. critic JOSEPH J.-CHAPPELL. - } Ex ' 0TS O N thefirst Tuesday in DECEMBER next wilt he said before the cour house door in the t orn of Mc Donough. under an order of the Inferior court of Fay ette county when sitting for ordinary purposes Lot No 27. in the third district of Henry county : also, 175 acres in the same county and district. No 6. it being part of the real estate iff Abner Champion. Tate of Fayette county—sold for the benefit of the heir* and creditors of Said deceased, sept 7 WILLIS CHAMPION. Adm’r. 64 FRANCIS CHAMPION, Adm’rx O N the first Tuesday in Jtiiiuury.tiext, will, within the iegai hours, be sold before the Conn House door, in the town of Montireilb, in ’JSSypcrci unit. ci. cording to the fast will and testament of Jereph YYil- son.deceased, sixteen negroes; p.ieviiled they are not otherwise disposed of Also will be sold at the late res idence of the deceased in Jasper ci mill, on 'J nesdr.y thn 20th of De< embernext,5ill lie perisbalde property of said deceased, consisting of horses, cuttle, lugs, household «r.d kitchen furniture, and other articles too tedious to mentiac. the above to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and cridetors of said deceased.. Tho te-m» to be made known on each dav of sale. Oct31 5 ABLE P. WILSON, Ex’or. ■R/&/ IL1. bt sotd-ih ike first 'lvtsaaij in JANUARY V V next, before the ci url house elver in the town rf iofoulon, Pike tcuniy, thejolloteing ptipniy. tv wit : O110 improved lot cl l and, consisting of parts of Nos 56 aud r.7, and coutainiiig ^ acres, situated in tho 7rh district originally A/onroe now 1 ike county;— ’ Also six Negroes, viz : Luke, a first rate Negro fel low. aged about 21;1 YV inney, aged about 50. an ex cellent cook, laumiresa, A:<;. and her four children — Bold in pursuance of an otder Ircin if:e inf(ri«.r court of Pike county, when sittiog ns a cmai ol ortiicaiv. for-the benefit of the creditors of John Jehtison de ceased. YV’. G. MILNT.R, I . Oct 24 6 J!. YV. YY ELLS, g***'?:- W ii.1. he sold on Monday, tite. 19th day of DF. Cl 211 BLR next,.at tho bouse of Aristotle l,. t'lii e, deceased. Pari of the perishable property of said deceased, consisting of the crop, of cotton, botses. one wl iat fill), otie '.yagqji, one cart, and a number of articles of sniei county deceased. Sale poskivo. and tertps cash. THOMAS S. CHAPPELL, ? . . . Nov 3 YVM. NELSON, ( A lm ' I NOI’R months afle-r date .application will by mad-- ’ toll'd Infwior court of Houston couniy when sitting for 'ordinary business for leave to sell ail the real estate belonging to Elijah Law. late of Morgan coutt’v. dccenscd. snpt 5.1836. 63 MOSES COLLINS, Adm de bonisnon. F OUR months after date we shall make applic itton to the honorable the Inferior court of Pike coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for an order to sell all the real estate of It’by Stamper, late of Pike county deceased, SPENCER STA51PER cep 1 1 63 M. YV. STAMPER, 4 ^ POSTPOSEtt SALE. 'NDER an or let f the Inferior Court of Stcwar county sitting for Ordinary Purposes, u itt be sold on the. first Tuesday in JANUARY next, within i Years of ape legal hours of sale, before the court house door in the I David .Neal, deceased said county. Two Ncgrors, sold as the property of Alexander N elsdn. late of said county, decca-dd- 5ale positivi and terms cash TH ) HAS S. CHAPPELL., . nov .. NEI.-ON. < A<lm rp _ of the luti-rior Coii'^i davof sale. tT1AKLES A. KHU-OIU . Butts county,Oct28 5 Adm’r. ii j .be sold on the just 'luvst try it, . I / - RY next, before tho court house door in ZUu- "lon Ph\c county, biticuii the usual hours of sale, Simon and L’loye. each ahem 55 years of age ; also. Jacob shout 17, C'f'Oi.d 14. Arclidc! 8. a id Rran bo 4 8old as the property .of the heirs of Nov 2 5 JAMES NEAL, JOHN NEAL, • Guar’ns F OUR months afterdate, application will be made to tbe Inferior court of Bibb county, sitting for Ordinary purpose* for leave to sell the real estate of Benjamin Parker, late of said county deceased, sent 8. BURYVKLL PARKER Adm F OU IT months after dnte.appli *ioh will be made to the honorable the inferior conrt of Houston county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to self lot number 1 IS. in the 12t it district of said coun tv beingthe real estate of Jeremiah MrCortitick, de ceased. for the benefit of said estate. sept 12 «4 JOHN R SFNTFRFIT. adm’r. F ot U .Months after rate, applicntiou will be made to the honorable Inferior court of Crawford coun ty. for leave to sell all the real estate of YVm. J. YVnyn- man. late of said county. deceased, for the bonefit of the heirs. ALEX. M. K. SYVIFT. Adm’r. sept 5. 1836. 65 F OUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferior < onrt of Bun* County, sitting for ordinary pnrposesfor leave to sell the reat estate of Dennis Mc’Carlv, late of said County deceased. Oct 21st. 4 \ DAVID MARTIN. Ydm- W ILL he sold on Tuesday the20th December next, in tho late residence of Green 1) Reeves, deceased, in Bull* connty, all the corn, fodder, mules ana mare, cattle, and the stock of hoes, household and kitchen furniture, and tho plantation tools helonsinv (o the deceased. Also, the Knud whereon said dec’d lived will be rented. Terms on the dav. oy0 6 THE ADMTNT3TP 1TORS, ILL no sold before tho court Sion-'** '<a- 1LL be sold jo the.highest bidder, at ihc home of David Martin in Butts Coitmyion 8afutday ,‘«*>b of DLLCLMBLR next. 4R-"ilie perishabto property belonging to the estate of Dennis McCarty, late of said Loitfi*) flsceascd- Con.-isling i)foi;e 8or- iol Mate, Caddie uio Bridle, one Conk shell, and cue Pock-1 book. Teim.-made known on the Jay. Oct. 21 1836. DAVID MARTIN. Adnir. A GKF.EABF.E to aii order if the honorable Inferior /*F court of Pike county, sitting for ordinary purposes iciit he soin on thefirst Tuesday t» JANUARY next. tc. fun the court house door, in 'lewnan Coweta county, within the legal hours of sale. Thiee negroes, unui.ely, -Mclly, fsham, Rial, belong ing to the estate of James Carson deceased, sold lor the benefit, of the Ke:ra of-said deceased. SARAH CARSON ? .'Oct. -01 4 JES E RHODES? Af-mr. Oct 20 3 4t Excltnngc iLLSoot Savannah. Charleston and Netv oik w ill be discounted hvarplicntmii to sent >■* 66 lJEA « COTTON. w cott. Bibb connty, tinder an order of the In- i feriqr court of said county, on the fi-st Tuesday in JANUARY uext. Lot No 160 and* part of Lot No. 159, both in the -1th district originally Houston now Bibb county.—for the benefit of the hr pha is of Benjamin Parker de. ceased. BURYVF.LL PARKER, Adm’r. Oct 27 4 W r LL be sold, on the first 'Tuesday iu JANLTy R Y’ next, before the court house door in Perry. A .-.. . ,;.Lt to an to ot'Muuroe county, will be sold on the first Tues day in DECEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, before the court house door, in ihe town of Jack- son, Butts county; One lot of land, number (30) thirty,,in the 4th dis trict of formerly Monroe, now Butts county, contain ing 2G2<$ acres more or less, adjoining lands of Richard Nolen and others, belonging to the estate of Daniel Tomlinson, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of.said deceased. Terms made known rim the dav. sept 2 s T WILLIAM GILMORE. Adm’r O N tiie first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, at the court house door ill Twiggs evurty. to the highest bidder. Lot No. not known in said comity, containing 202* acres more or less, it being the place whereon” llqsea ! YV. Sullivan, deceased. benefit of the heirs known on .ho day of sale, sept 8 64 -* ISMAII CULPEPPER, in right of his wife. YVILUAM SIMMONS, ?, Guardian for Berry Sullivan. ABEL DAN ILL. STB 7 ! LL, be sold, before the conrt house, within tlie legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday tor, ' r°f r, 7T“ru.Vri'qfi T.‘,"the DECEMBER next, at Lagrange, Troup conntv! Lot No. 76, in the 4lh district of said cminty. ' second D.stong.nalK; llenrj, n^^ttsUoin). And on the first Tuesday in January next, at Mu- a,s "’ *.«.«? 151 ^ dtstongmaUyHonrynnw Bah*, of Christiana Scott, for the benefit of ail concerned. , bs , oM as nhovo> at Rontc , Flovd County, erntson a J JOSHUA JORDAN, 1 ~ | or,the first Tuesday in I I B.’I, «eM 2 65 JAMES HOY. ‘ Y 7VffS * f f ^■^7’ILL. be sold, at .tlie late •a ILL be soldonViefirst Tuesday in D! < 1 M Bl.K VT V net I. at the court house door in the town of Zebu- of said deceased. Terms made , , Lot ol Land, Nn 1..9, in the 3d ^nm<?r.gma3- sale. sent 8 C.4 I b’ -Monroe now Utkc county,—sold as theproperty e^ Carlton Greer! deceased, in Marion connty. tor tnc ben-fit of the heirs and creditors. Tcrtrs on the day. s.«pt27 66 ROBERT GREER Adm’r. -SngtitL be sold lieibre Court ll'inse door at Jack- V v son, Bints County, on the fiist Tuesday in JAN UARY next, A negro boy named Norris, also 50 acres mot e or side tire ol A nen Christian, late of Pike'county,’ deceased, on the 24thday of f teeeinber next,all the personal proper ty belotieiiigtn said estate, Consisting of Horses. Hogs, Cattle, Household ami Kitchen Furniture A c. Lot .Vo. 749.1i» tlie 3d Dist. and fourth Section of oriainally (ihemkeC. now Floyd’ County, containing 40 acres more or less. JOHN ANDFRPON ? Aflmto! DAVID KIMBALL Get 17tb 1FE6- 4 _____ m ,.j\ jin oyd- r ollbc Hon. Fnfrnor CourfofTa!* Ja^tnn-neS 1 tho same whereon said deceased lived, aud Four Jan —T" 31 J. If. A. YV S. I.l i.IA <?U.ifKT€, _ Houston county, between the usual hours of sale Papering for Booms. A Negro Woman about 27 years of age; and her j| U-!T received t go i.ssunn enl of hi.ltilsome pa-' child, abiutt^twclvi: months old, as tho prop, rty of Green’s Tonic A.VO | P.ownnff's Tonic Mixture. A GUUD supply of each- Just received, md for I .sale by II. & J. SHOTYVK1 L I sopt 15 61 Opposite Central Mr.'el. Yf;:con j’ LL porsous having ifctnands again*; 'the rnttate of j tier hang-ligand hindering (let 13 2 if A 1 fHOTW Fl.l . * Befdeu J Detumar. late of Pulaski ceased—aid all those indebted to said estate, will make j MttlffMnt iiv terms of tbe In w with I «to T3 r nelson clayton, AdnP r) Jab Priouaif dojjc at XUii G^f|^ r -?7<T P.K-C IYy:»t>-; t-oaf i3and Itf. . ">0 Reg* White Li>m1 hi oil, 100 gals. Linseed oil. of superior qualities, ■ :t?4 ~ 58 H. A J. ^TI- O VVEl.L. LEATHER. I N assortment nt 11 iru Brid'e itiii! Tin ner Lea ther. for sale by C R A r T A- ?.} av'ts . Julv 14 ft 1 YY r U!ia.m 8. Brunson, late of said county, deceased — Ty. m , twelve mo.-’h*’ credit Nov 3 TIT ’Y1A\.POLLOCK. Ailtn’r ef . i .c.Jirst 'tur*.faii :r. 41A Li. u- rt, at ittt our H hint in Forsyth county, will be sold, between do usual hours. Loi .\o ~ 'K«3d district first sort pn, originally. Ch- rnkep, now Forsyt|ntt Nov 10 GREljN VcItdNALD. Ada or. ir,MIMA YlcDDNALD, Adm’rx Negroes-, being the whole of the real estate ofsaid de ceased Terms of sale, made 'known on the nays.' MARY A. YV. CH RIS’I IAN. Adm’*. sept 22 65' P URSUANT to the last will and tesimv.ent of Nathan Williams, late of Butts county, deceased.: will he sold before the 0* tin Hoit-e door in Jackson,; on the first. Tuesday in Deccmbernext: Two negro women, a negro man and five children, all likely, the plantation omv’iieh thc cleceased' ; at the time of his death, in hi*h cultivation and well im proved ; a cotton gin. fan and thri-shdt, -. , ' Also will be sold on the-following day. at the late M . residence of the deceased I ro-d wagon anil 6 head of cminty uuiltrun order oi"the hoimrabn; lnieuui coutt horses, a considerable stock of cattle,-hogs, and sheep, of Jackson county, v\t*ti. Att.-i.g lot otoumi) yutpo- - nggito' ■ JkIe 0 j PPL ” ’INEGAR for sale by April 26 44 ' J.' H. & W: C. ELL! 8. Also, a large quantity of corn fodder and oau, farming On the Jst Tuesday ,i:i JANUARY’, next at the Court House Talbot county, ; five- Negroes.' :wo Negro werinen two childret; aud one negrn man. Also on the 1st Tuesday in FEBRUAR Y next, at the Conrt House iti Writ ter county, ohe lot of Pine land, No. ”11 in the *-iSth Dist. originallv T ee. new Sutirte comity, hit sold as the property of Joh> Rilov late of Talbot conntv deceased for the use Of tho heirs of said decease. Term made known on the day of -ale- J08: PII RD FV. Adm’r. ! ><■). I 4^_ A -p,.\ i.:c JllSl 1 Itlit’t.y ill l vvl.t*U*1 “«**> sjuiutilu ci.ui! rouse uvur m i/ie,t uw:K C J L»at" tligu, h dUter county, tiitim. ihc u.-um/ivars *-y »•*•*» koi No 2b.s, iti n.e tweiiiy-aecimU utstricc pt . ’ - * . -.t i ... L. ...l^tllll (dlllt ses, it being ah the real este.'e oi Lucy .-irciu-i tjtensils, honseholdand kitchen ftirnitnre’and vnriou* i ?a iu county deceased ’letnis. uaicc- knov.n on tne Albov . . . C — 1-1 m I _ . • Tull . t It tl i'v AlilllV. other irtieles ( ,f perishable property. Terms made known on tho'dav of sale NATfTYN TL YVTLUAYIS, STEPHEN YV PRICE, 81 ■ Ex’rs day ol saie Oct 3 2 JOHN A. WALLS, Adm’r. 7&0 SACKS SALT.for -ale by Nov 3 5 EDMUND RUSSELL- .-it.*it*, rf*:, . 7 a J »-•