Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, December 01, 1836, Image 1

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yt. BAKTLETT •7IACO.V, .GEORG JAt THURSBAY, BECE.TIBER 1, 1336* Volume X1.—-Number »• Terms of Subscription.. *,p*idi* advance. wUl pay for tlu pa- **?' *•,»« P«td *« advance, pag t* 4T f l)B0 y,ars. TM Uollari. paid in tdcancc fu’months after the year h~* I" j Thru Dollars and FiftyCents per annum if *° l p* u UKtd tke e * d °f tie * u,r ’ 'nJhus per uunum will he charged—with interest '' rcritt«i of Advertising. nests not exceeding one hundred words, or 12 [as (considered a square,) will he insetted one r />« toller. Iffwn more than one insertion is 75 cents for the first, and 60 cents for e tch sub. ifs\ Tat Collectors’ and Coroners’ Sales srechat- r 1 !* S'rilxw he allowed two sauareviueatk [z Tarets Dollars per annum; and in the same ',ra lamer space—,payable quarterly. yZZtoTr , ' fgr subscription, Interest mil be charged settled within they .l.Vll WARE HOUSE CO.TM.ftl,SSI OJ\' It ESI.TESS. tlyrick, Napier A Free man inform their friends and the (niliiic gentrally, that they are enlarg. m| their Ware House adjoining their .tore on Cotton Avenue, and will have eir goods by Macon, that thty have a Hrick Store, for the reception, of mer* rill receive and forward all goods con- • Hnrint lAnr of I 9 ache*.a jjRiti Macon. A. Bibbins, Master. •• Amelia Strong, Brown, *• •• Darien, C P. Bulkey, “ *• New Jersey, B. Matthews, “ •• Premium, J. Couborn, “ !• (New) Schr. 1). B. Crane, Baker, “ Te , M lg sre all coppered, fastened and bni.t 4i ]y f or this trade, nave experienced captains ill lesulsrly once a week from each port. _*| 4 bound for Darien will find Doboy B r [ficcf• 19 to 21 feet water will be found on the kt high water, the same depth can be carried with- 1 [mile* of Darien, 13 feet cubic carried up to the J The anchorage in Doboy sound and river is liilailv *afe and good, with ample room lor ves- Lcarry ofT the whole cotton crops, coining down I.M in Darien. HAWES, MITCHELL & COLLINS. Agents Darien. t to James Goddami, Esq. Maco.i. lit). 8 Otcon Steam Boat Company. it ready for the reception of cotton by the commence ment of the ensuing season. All cotton consigned to them by Planters and others, dealing in the article, or orders to buy and sell in the market , will be promptly attended t». They likewise inform those Merchants who forward tlseir large and safe Bri< chnndize. and will receive and forward all goods signed o them. Their charges in every instance will be as low as is customary in the city, liberal advan ces will bo made on cotton stored with them or ship- ped by them to any other market. Haying one of the partners of their firm (Mr. A- R- Freeman) located in the city of New Yotk for the pur pose of affording the necessary facilities to their busi- ness in Macon, they respectfully inform Merchants and others who have business to transact in that city, that he will be prepared to attend to any’Commission Business «ith which he may be favored. They em brace uis present opportunity to return their grateful acknowledgements to their friends and the public for past favors, and solicit a continuation of their patron age. In addition to their present stock, they will receive early this fall a fine asssrtment of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware, Cutlery, Bale Rope, Heavy Hemp", Cotton Bagging, Readymade Clothing;, Ac. Ac. Ac. suitable for the fail trade, all of which they offer for sale on the most reasonable terms Macon, August 25 61 tf WARE HOUSE .ifnil Commission Business. L m lm:it SUPERIOR, Capt. George Willcox, do. EXCEL. J. L. Willcox. IlliS company have now their line of Beats in I complete order for freighting. They Iibvo a lt< added to their line called the Superior, cu Taw-Boats. . Boats will run regularly botwa»n Macon and n. one of the steamboats leaving Darien every i sir ilnys with tow-boats. The fompuny have Lixieen tow-hoats, all firstrate boats, bit lit eepress- l the navigation of the Octnulgee and Alnmalm »: these increased facilities will enable the cuin- | the means of giving the greatest despatch to i or goods shipped by their line. Key have a Sleamlioat and a number of Sloops, Krv cotton and merchandise between Darien and Finish. and Darien and Charleston. There are [live first rale Packets running regularly between and New York, which come to' Hawes & |iel, of Darien. * Agentsfor the abort. Boats : J. GODDARD, Macon. Ivce, IIksrv & tv vr tkr. Charleston. [Bii DWis A- (' . Savannah. ies. \ii c il cclins, Darien, K i> >*• ,-ts, a .n-ville, 26 # *'n .sptrst tf. illlS company wiilbe prepared to commence On sinc.s, early*!'' ‘.lie next season—They will have leof Packets between New York, and Darien and ftfqsMl* to forward goods from Darien tu .Macon J-.!'agents in New Fork, Charleston, and Savannah, [be authorised to contract for the delivery of goods Jlk.ron, at a freight agreed on without tutermedi- B urge and the agent in Macon will receive cotton i* aide in Savannah, Charleston, and New York— Hcmnpsnv’s vessels and boats, will ho of first class lexperieiiced commanders, aiid no expend will be •J to meet the patronage of the public. PH. R. YONGK & SO nS. Agents in. Darien. .-7tli 1835 49 nr t( tall . I’"ret n gem rn t aft tie The undersigned desire to inform their Friends and the Public generally, that theyconrinuethe above business. They are raakingsome addition to their Ware house which is conveniently situated on Second-street adjoining their store, they wiilbe pre pared u> make liberal advances on Produce or Mer chandise, either in store or to be shipped to Savannah, Charleston or New York. Their personal and individual attention will be de voted to filing cotton froth the warehouse or wagon. In addition to the above, they will continue the mer cantile business at their old stand, and expect shortly to receive front the New York and Boston markets, a fresh supply' of 2>ry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Hats, Shoes, Arc. Ac.— wl icb will make their assortment large and complete. By a strict attention to business they hope to merit a share of public patronage. 16 64 GEORGF JF.WF.TT A CO. WARE Watches, Jewelry'. Silver Ware and Fd.VC l’GD OB S, At the Slowest Prices. C.G. ST. JOHN. Watch Maker and Jeweler, Cotton Avenue, oppo site the Washington Hall, respectful ly informs his friends and tho public that he is now opening a new and spleudid assortment of WATCHES A JEWEERY, of the best quality and latest fashions, consisting in part of the following articles, viz: Ladies’ tmd gentlemen’s Gold Duplex, Patent Le ver, Anchor Escapement and Lcpiue Watches; la- -.‘S3 fine lisi'J Curb. Guard, Basket A Cable Chains; Watch Hooks, Seals and Keys; Swivels, Finger Rings, Ear Rings and Broaches; children’s Ear Knobs and Wires; gentlemen's Curb and Linked Guard acd Fob Chains, Seals, Keys, Swivels, Sleeve links, bo som and collar Buttons, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Guard Seals and Keys! Medaliotts, gold and gilt Buc- kles,silver and Scotch Snuff Uiixes, gold and silver Everpointed Pencils, silver and gilt Bracelets, gilt, sil ver and shell Conibs, gold and silver Thimbles, gold, silver and steel Spectacles with glasses to suit every eye, Seed Coral. large Cotal, Coral Necklaces, Bead Bags, Chains and Purses, n variety of cut and plain" Beads, Spy Glasses, Quizzing Glasses, Pocket Books, Emory cushions, card and cigar cases, imitation fruit, lucifer matches, fire machines, Rogers A Sous’, and Wade A Butcher’s razors, Emerson’s razor straps, scissors, dirks, chess men and board, backgammon boards, dice, dominoes, steel pens walking canes, I pistols, powder flasks, shot pouches, game bags, otto i of roses, cologne, lavender and Florida water; fancy 1 soap, lip salve, pearl and tooth powder, Antes, flageo- 1 letts, accordions, shell music boxes, large music boxes, ‘ o play from 3to 12 tunes, fiddles and fiddle strings, ! gentlemen's dressing cases, hair aud tooth brushes of Far anti Cloth Caps, consistin super No 1, Otter Caps, *' “ seal, mink, muskrat and cony do mens and boys full top cloth caps, »» „ Robinson’s do 'do •> >• acorn top celeste caps, children's fancy silk caps, Ac. &c. Ac. . , — . i Fur capes, Pelerins, muffs and raffs, consisting of Birmingham and Sheffield stiver platedcastors, liouor chinchilla, lynx, squirrel, sable, ermine, genett rab- stands candlesticks, branches, fruit baskets, snuffers ! hit and svvansdown. and snuffer trays, tea fays, silver table, tea, desert, j flats made to order at shortest notice salt, mustard and cream spoons, soup ladles, sugar I Hat trimmings, alcohol andshellaok. constantly on tongs and blitter knives; marble, ebony and alabaster J hand. Oct 20 3 J MATS, MATS, MATS. K EsSmn’ A- i WMBERLF tsol tsO 11 ILLi solicits the atteuttou ot n«r- chasers to a very large assortment of S-Sats aad Caps, winch have been made by him expressly lor retailin'*, and are warranted tp he of superior style 'dad quality to any ever before offered in Macon; among his assort ment may be found, Super fashionable black and drab beaver Hats, „ do broadbrim do for elderly men, do fash do do satin beaver do WMo !’! a | Ck and dr | ab Ru “'“ ^ aVe -’ , i 3- CARHAltT with himiu Mercantile Business, U nutria.mnak- at the store located on tho corner of Mulberry and shape ud style u y hats of every variety of Third ttreeta. arui tliA bu£iiH>.w in future transacted bt^ Youths’ beaver and satin beaver hat$, latest fashions, F HjXHE subscribers inform their friends and the pub- lie, that the^ have removed to the fire proof brick store in Third-street, nearly opposite to the ((tore occupied by David Ralston,' Undo- few doors south west from the Central Hotel, where they offer for sale,, (a part of which to arrive,) 75 hhds St Croix and Porto Rico Sugars 300 hags Prime Green Rio. and Java Coffee] 150 barrels Northern Rum and Gin 25 casks Wine and Cordials pipes Cognac Brandy and II Gin 15 baskets Cltampaigne Wine, p'atl superior boxes Muscat do 40 bbls No 3 Mackerel No 1 Salniot^ ' 150 bolts heavy Hemp Bagging 60 coils Bale Rope 400 lbs Twine 6000 lbs Feathers, to arrive 4 (itveral Assortment of D y Goads, Shoes, Hals, Htit't'ivarc, Ac Ac. all of-which wffl bo sold at unusually low prices, for cash ottlv. by «etl3 2 ' WILLIAMS A BRADLEY T Notice. HE undersigned has connected JAMES D. fltWknl Notice, THE Jackson Acad emy Will go Unto operation tbs' ensuing year, undef^the charge of the Rev. W.'A. FLORENCE and I A E>\*. ot highly approved qualifications. Having the advantage of a Chemical, an Astronomical and Philosophical "apparatus, tlfey will be able to give thorough In struction in all the branches of liberal education. - , Mur ic, Painting and the Fine Arts will be taught— also, the Latin aiid Greek Languages; The highly reputable character of Mr. aud Mr*. Florence as teachers, cannot fail to elicit for the insti tution a liberal patronage, and to place it, in poiut of, celebrity, at least, upon a level with any similar insti tution in the State. ■ ' r The moral and healthy condition of the village will afford ail additional inducement to parents and guar dians from abroad to send their children; for the ac commodation of whom boarding may b« had, either in private families or at regular boarding houses, at the mostreduced prices. WILEY W. GAITHER, Jackson. ()<•; 14 tljan Sec Board of Trus. Academical Notice. Third streets,and tho business in future transacted by >dlHE HILL ACADEMY, Monroe county, will th e establishment alone, wilj be distinguished by the H open on the second Monday in January next, tit.-of WM. 13. PARKER A 4"o, undertherectorsh:pofMr.MAUPSlNT.T,(Uiepre- th* said J.D. C. beiug the Company and having an in- : ‘ !nt rector of Franklin Academy, Putnam county,, te-fstiti the said firm only. nlv 7 54 »f WM. B. PARKER. sept HOUSE A.VB CO.7J.fIlSSIOJ%‘ n LSI.VESS. THE undersigned will continue to transact the above business in all its ♦ AH various forms at their old stand. They will, as hitherto, make liberal advnnces on produce and merchandize in store, or to be snipped either to Savannah Charleston, New York or Liverpool, and will devote the same persona! and undivided attention to ail' business entrusted to their care, aud particularly to that of selling cotton from the warehouse or wagons. Having disposed of their warehouse in East Macon, they will in future confine their business to one house, which they are enlarging considerably for the storage of Cotton, and where they will be happy to serve those who have given them their patronage from the East side of the river. Feeliug grateful for the liberal patronngehere- tolbre received, we hope by a strict attention to bust ness to merit a continuation of the same. HAMILTON, HAYES & CO. Macon. 1st September, 183fl 200 pieces Best Hemp Bagging for aale at market rates, by " H. 11. A CO. sept I 62 |Piftitcrr Steam A Pole Jioat A.iue. Ill . proprietors of the "above nue nolily their frienJs and tlie public, dint lh«y will have run- ’ on the Altamaha aud Octnulgee rivers during [mnmer and fall months, four or five Polo Boats, .rularlii adapted to low stages of water, and wilich be aided by Steamboats when the water will per Shippers by this line rosy depend upon every at- ton being paid, and exertion used to give despatch Ironertv shinned by it to any of the findings on [ rivers". J. T. ROWLAND, Ag’t Macou. AGENTS. [tri IIoi.combk, Peck & Co. Charleston 11. P. Butts, Esq. Savannah. _ ltowi.xxD, Crave A SH*CK*t.roR», Darien. HtLsTKAn,TAVt.oR A Co. llawkinsvilla. P»caii, June 30 1 6m "itmission Business, Barden. K undersigned have resumed business as a- bove, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten- I to all business entrusted to their care. \Fe believe [lure made arrangements that will enable us at all Vi to forward goods for the interior with the least kbit* delay, by steamboats when- the river will ad- J or in extrema low river by smalj flats or lighters, expressly for that busiuess. On our wnarves ll(e Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot I it the least possible expense, and our opportunities V’pvnrd cotton inland or coastwise, are notexceed- ky anv mher House. Darien, May 20,1835. HAWKS. MITCHELL & COLLINS. ” WARE HOUSE [.VR C0.71.711SS10.T BUSINESS. THE UNDERSIGN; D will con- btLiue to transact the above business, ut I the Ware House occupiedby him last cason. Grateful for the liberal patronage re- r‘<l firum his friends and the public, by strict atten- 1 to bnsin »a.H confided to hi* care.' he hopes to merit ^sreof tho public patronage. k will rank i liberal advance-* on cotton stored with ‘.or on shipments to J an-. Charleston and »Vork . 6. UCKFRING. •*con, August II 59 .. Icciiry for ITIcssis S. A ill. Allon, 'IU. undersigned will generally he o purchase' of bill* on London and' Paris. Buy and se ■ and checks on the north, &c. Ac. D. PONCE. Stocks will be purchased and sold on commission. I per from any part of the United States will be re lied for collection if made payable o< either of the »** in Georgia or South Carotin *. Orders for the refuse of Northern funds will be carefully and r®Pfly executed; consignments of Cotton will be akful.'y received with an assurance of best exer- 1 to render satisfactory sales. l^i'insh, Qct 3i 6 4t rifE SUBSCRIBER- '» k purchased Mr. Laird H. Wilks’s intor- «*tin the late firm of Fort, Hamilton & Wt- rno ** AW,, - T ' 0!, > Hates & Co. and given IRA t’llT an interest in the same. The Dry Good- P»ine*s will oe continued at tho same place, under F hrnt of Idn Hamilton &Co. f 'he Ware Houses and Commission Business a- fwtofore, undertha firm of HAMILTON. HAYES FORT. HAMILTON Si Co. »-’3 52 Gallon* Winter strained Lamp Oil very handsome—just received and for sale IK. by H. &J. SHOTWELL. I ' *’• 80 Opposite the Control Hotel. TROY HILL; THE undersigned informs his friends and those of the late firm of Cutter Sf Cornwall, that he intends re suming the Ware Mouse tf Commission Business, at the store next above tha one recently 'occupied by T. J. Chase, on the uiargiu of East Macon, known os the town ofTroy. He further informs the public that he ha* bought the Goods, &c. ami having now on the way, from New York, and other places, Bry Goods and Groceries, together making his stock complete, which will be sold low for readv pay, he will be ready to receive Cotton earlv in the full, and be prepared to make advances— He would particularly notice to his friends the giea advantages bis Warehouses have over those in th dense part of the city with regard to Fire, they bein detached from other buildings and at a distance from any street or lane, and well enclosed May 5 45 tf H. S. CUTTER. Factoragr A Couiniission Business. BOATIJTG, AT, FBI HE subscriber has located in the city of Sayan- fl tiali for the above purposes, and taken stores nearly opposite the City Hotel. The steamer « Chieftain ” Capt. White, will be ready in all the present month to receive freight for Mucoq, and will continue regularly throughout thesea- *ou. the river admitting, and unavoidable accidents only intercepting. Goods for forwarding will experience no delay . and the interest of the owner only taken intoconsideraiioir,. oct It! 2 S. F. DICKINSON merchants’ Insurance Company #f Macon. T HE public are hereby informed that the whole of the Capital Stockof this Company, of ’ One Hundred Thousand Bollars in ca.-h, has been paid in, and is now prepared to lake risks according to previous uotice ; viz. to and from the city of Macon to any port or place in the United .States, on equally advantageous terms to the assured as other Marine Companies. James Goddard, President. __ mantle clncksto run eighteen days without winding. military and military Trimmings, and a variety of other artielestisunlly kept in his line, all of which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. He respectfully invites citizens and persons generally vis itiug our city to call at his store and examine hi* stock, where he is ever ready and happy to attend* to those who may favor him with their calls N B—Particular attention paid to Watch Repair ing. Having selected the best of materials for repair ing Watches, be is now prepared to manufacture any part cf a Watch, and will warrant every piece he makes aa perfect as the original, aud bis Watches to perform well. Oct 27 7 RSMOVAK. J.A.&S.S. VIRGIN Watch Maker* fir Jewellers, , Would inforni their friends and the public, thflt they have remov ed their establishment to Cotiefn Avenue, to tha store recently oc cupied by J H & W S Ellis,drug' gists, where they will be happy to serve any who may favor them with a call. They have in addition to their former stock, just received from New York a large aud splendid assortment of " Watches, Jewelry, &c. of the latest fashions, - wnich they will sell cheap for cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es capement, duplex, lepine, alarm and vertical Watch es, of the best quality; gold, stiver and steel guard Chains, Seals aud Keys, Ear Knobs and Drops, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, gold and silver ever pointed Pencils, silver table, tea, salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, sonp and cream Ladles—all of whieji will be warranted free from alloy ; silver Cups, butter Knives, Castors, sil ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Trays and Snuf- ers, Musical Boxes, Accordions, Flutes, Flageoletts, Fifes, Drum*, &c. Swords, sword Canes, Knives and Pistols, among which is Haggles’ pocket Rifle, that wijl shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den tist Files, shell, silver, gilt and horn Combs, Card ca ses, Pot^ct Books and Parses, silver Snuff boxes, sil ver Toys, stiver Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt and glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of other articles usually kept ip ^teir line. N. B. We 'havp the best of materials for repairing Watches of alfltintW, S. S. V’s practical knowledge of the business induces him to think that he can, and will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work n his hands. Spoons &c- engraved- Oct-1 •f «V«c Stock of SFKINO AND SUm.lJlER CLOTHING, JUST RECEIVED BY was. II. BXmDSAXtL, A T the new Fire Proof Buildings, corner of Mul berry and Second streets, including the follow ing: Summer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Cloth, Grass and Brown Linen Circassian and Rouan Cassimere FROCK COATS. Summer Cloth, twilled Merino, grass Cloth, grass aud brown Linen, aud Rouan CaSsimere COATEES. Summer Cloth, Bombazine, Erminet, Cyprus, wor sted and Valentin Crape, Napoleon Cord, Angola Cas simere, brown and grass Linen autb Drilling, Fancy Drilling, Pongee, Mexican uiixt, Rouan Cassiuiere and Jeans PANTALOONS. Boys summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and Rouan Cassimere FROCK COATS, COATEES and PANTALOONS. White and buff grass Cloth, buff and brown Linen, Pongee, Rouan Cassimere and Jeans ROUND JACK ETS. A large assortment of fancy VESTS. Fine Linen Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers. Sec. &c. &c, 40 Wn. B. Parker, A J Cowles, ( Di F. H. Wellman, Tnos. Taylor, J Directors oct 6 1-tf James Rea, Secretary. Uoliissns, Sugar, Coffee, Bagging. Ac SPP •)> hhds Prime St. Croix Sugar. . OO 30 do Porto Rico and New Orleans Sugar, 30 Barrels do. do. 29 Boxes Brown Havannah Sugar. 26 hhds. Porto Rico Molasses, 24 do Cuba do 90 Bags Coffee, 220 Pieces Hemp Bagging. 80 Pieces Tow do ' 50 Qr Casks, 15 Boxes Tobacco, HHDS St Croix, P. II. and :\ ‘J. Sugar 150 bags prime green Coffee, 40 hhds prime retailing Molasses, 50 bbls N. E. Rum, 40 „ American Gin, 35 ., Whiskey, SALT. A General stock of Groceries, in store and for sale on accommodating terms by EDMUND RUSSELL, sept 1 62 Mulberry st. Oct 5 M Cigars, forsale by 7. 4 _ REA & COTTON. T 1 HE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will insui- Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks against Fire in thiscity. Macon. Oct. 27 ly to BERT COLLINS. — BACON. F OR SALE asuperior lot of Bacon, just received from Tennessee wagons, and a furihei supply to arrive, all of which will be sold on liberal terms. * July 7 54 tf WM. B. PARKER A Co WANTED. _ S IX good Journeymen PAINTERS, for which li beral wages will he given. Apply to ; DANIEL T. REA. Macon Ga. O’Thc Charleston Courier will give tbo above four insertion*. *ep!*8 M Store Mouse to Bent. ONE or both of the More Houses ad ■oining the subscribers; fora Urge and general assortment they could be easily united and would make a desirable stand for business. To any one desirous of renti’iii tti m for such purpose, the terms will be mode- ™ 8 Wv to "gFORGE JEWETT A CO. veji. A xlkJk Bushels Salt IF 300 sacks do , t Bacon. Mackerel Flour. , , , , And a few hhds; "Boston Hams.’* for sale by 6 B. BUSSELL, Mulberqr street. For Sale, 250.000 !o n r,aw 61 hints St. Croix Sugar of superior quality, 50 bags Coffee, 45,000 ibs Swede Jlron, 100 kegs Noils, assorted, 25 hhas choice Molasses, 150 whole and half bbls Canal and Ricnmond Flour, 5 pipes pure H. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old, 20 bbls old Monongahala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Rum, and20 Gin, 41 DAVID RALSTON. Commission Business, Baricn. T HE firm of SNOW &, ROGERS is this dpy dissolved. The undersigned will continue the Commission Business on his own account, aud devote his whole attention to this branch of business. The friends ofthe late firm and a^ars may rest assured that no exertion on his part sbcT be wanting to promote such interests as may be intrlsted to his care. Partic ular rttention will be paid k> forwarding Goods and Produce GEO. T. ROGERS. Darien, 1st Nov. 1836. The subscriber, ofthe late firm of Spow & Rogers, begs leave to return his thanks to the friends of the late concern, and would respectfully solicit the contin uance of their patronage to Mr Geo. T. Rogers, who will continue the Commission Business on bis owh account. Darien, 1st Nov, 1836. „ 6 6t ISAAC SNOW. Netv Fall anil Winter Clothing. A T the Macon Clothing Store, one door above Wm. B. Johnson’s Jewelry Store. The sub scriber is now receiving his Call attd Winter Stock of Clothing, (which has been manufactured by Lewis Fitch the pasf summer,) and which will be sold off as cheap, for cash, us atrany other establishment, CONSISTING OF Super Black, Blue. Brawn, Green, lnvisiblo Green and Claret Dtess Coats. Super Black, Bine, Brown, Green, Invisible Green Claret and Mixed Frock Coats. Brown, Green, Mixed and Cadet mixed Coatees. Fine Blue. Black, Green, Brown and Mixed Pants. Super ribbed, striped, corded and plaid Casiuiere do Beavertecu, Cord aud Liou Skin Pantaloons. > uper Blue, Brown, Green, Mixed and Drab Over Coats. Goat’s Hair and German Cainblet Wrapper do. Gentlemen's super Blue, Black and Invisible Green Broadcloth Cloaks, Ladies’ super Olire, Green and Claret Broadcloth Cloaks Ladies' figured Merino, plain 'do. and Circassian Cloaks. Super Blue and Pjlot Cloth Over Coats. Drab, Blue and Olive Duffle Over Coats; Lion Skin and Green Blanket Over Coats; Kentucky Jeans Frock Coats and Pantaloons ; Cloth, Satinet,' Peters ham and Bnaverteen Hunting Coats, Cothand Satin et Round Jacket*. Black and Blue Cloth, black figured and plaid Vel vet, plain and figured Fugtish ISiik, dark Valencias. Toihnet. Woollen Velvet, black and striped Satin, Bombazine, Tabby Velvet, and Satinet Vesta, Fine Linen and Cotton Shirts, plaid and striped Gingham Shirts, Silk, Cotton, Merino patentand lamb Wool Shirts, net cotton and woolen, flaunel Canton, flannel and twilled cotton Drawers. Wool, Lamb's Wool, patent Merino and brown cot ton Half Iloso. Fine Wool, Buck, Hors skin, Beaver, White Kid, Liened Berlin. Lisle thread, black, white and colored Silk Gloves. Black and white Silk Half Hose ; Russian Belts, Money Belts, nett, worsted and cotton. Silk and Gum Suspenders, Cravat and Cravat Stiffeners. Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Bombazine, Satin, Velvet plain and plaited Stocks, blqe, black and white crimped Silk Stocks, Spitalfield, English Silk, red and yellow Ban dana, white and red Pongee Silk Pocket Handker chiefs, plain and ruffled Bosoms 'Collars, furses, Cloth, Fur and Hair Seal Skin Caps. Wool Hats, a large as sortment of Fur Huts, Silk Hats. Boots and Shoes, a geod stock of Negro Clothing, also fine blue and black Cloths, Canvas, Padding, gilt and lasting Butt in* Cotton Wadding, Military Ball Buttons, Cord. Ta* sels, Stars, Laco, Epauletts, &c. &e. HORACE FITCH. Gentlemen wishing their Cloaks made at the North •II, bv leaving their names with me, have them mail" ‘the best manner, aud most fashionable style. H.F. Nov. 17 <* 7 HA TS, -SHOES# 80 WYE TS At c >sr. T HE subscriber having determined to abandoti th : trade in the above articles, will dispose of them atcost; his assortment beiug good, purchasers will find it to their interest to call, sept 15 64 WM. H BURD3ALL. J UST RECEIVED an-l for sale at my Book rftore near the Post Office, viz. • A number of Blank*, iff'a superior quality, 50 Violins,, from §25 a §2 50. r>0 Umbrellas, a superior article, from §10 a §3 Flutes, Flageoletts, Clarionetts, &c. &c. Nov >4 8 JAMES S. OLCOTT. Blankets and JYegro Shoes. extensive stock, forso'e by 1IOV l‘ HAFT & LEWIS. A Pa cr Uiuigings. LARGE stock—some splendid patterns, forsale by Nov 24 © CRAFT & LEWIS.._ A Einatation for sale or rent. ACRES OF LAND, 120 of which are cleared, with the necessary houses, Ac lying one mite above Vitifiville- Terms liberal. Ap ply to J— COW Lto, or ,, it 8 9t H. CRAFT. WM. II. BL’ltDSAJLL" H AS Just received a new and extensive as sortment of &eady-made Clothing. Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adeluid, olive brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown aud green Cloth Frock Coats, Superfine blue,olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattees, and blue, steel mix’d and faucy colored Sattinet Coattees aud Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, aud green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pautaloons, Youth’s clotb aud satlinet Dress and Frock Coats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet, black Florintiue, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valentia, English Silk, colored and white Merseilles Toiiinet, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed, brown Cloth & Patersham Box Coats. Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, Ac F. F. LEWIS A T. F. NEWTON, .llerchant Tailors, H A VE entered into co-partnership under the firm of Lewis & Newton, for the purpose of trans. acting bnsiness in their line. They expect to have on hand lrom New York, in a short time, a genera! assortment of Cloths, Cassi- meres, Vestings, Ac. Which, together with the stock on hand will tnsko their assortment complete- Also, a general assortment of Ileady-Made Clothing which will be sold low for cash They solicit a share ofthe public patronage. 1. F. LEWIS, Aug 18 60 T. F. NEWTON. WASHINGTON HALL. THE Subscribers have taken that com modious and well known public house in the City of Macon,—the Washington Kail. lately occupied by Mr. M. D. liu.-—x.— By the unremitting attention of both of them, they flatter themselves that their House will ob tain for them a general patronage! from the Public.— They have secujfed the valuable .services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is inferior to no one in the State. Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. The Stables are attended by careful aud experienced Ostlers. • MUSTIAN A MOT? Feb 5 1835 36 and formerly u principal teacher in the Scotisborough Institute;) and from his reputation as a gentleman of distinguished literary attainments, moral character and industrious habits, we confidently recommend onr Institution as presenting as many inducements to gen eral patronage, as any other institution in Georgia; especially when we take into consideration the moral character and health of the neighborhood. Our course of instruction will embrace, in addition, to the elementary branches of the English language, a thorough knowledge of Giammar. History. Geogra phy, with the use of the Globes, Celestial and Terre*, tin). Composition, Rhetoric, Moral and Natural Phi losophy, Chemlstiy, Algebra and Mathematics, mixed and pure. Mr. Maussinet will also teach, critically the Latin, Greek, French and Italian languages. With regard to Mr Maussinet as a gentleman and scholar, we are referred to a number of literary gen tleman in this State, among whom are the names of Dr. Brown, (the founder of Scottsborough institute.) and Dr. Ambrose Baber, of Macon. Nov 1 S M. W. McCRAW, Y BENJ. BRANTLEY, C Y. CALDWELL, THOS. DYSON, • Trustees. CENTRAL HOTEL, .flacon, Georgia. T HIS establishment is now under tho control of the subscribers, who nksig e themselves to ren der comfortable those wlio n*y call on them. PETER J. WILLIAMS, Feb25 35 JOHN D. RAMEY. T A GOOD TAVERN STAND Eor Sale- tu Perry, Houston county, the staud at present occupied by Phm ney Oliver The House has long been occupied as a Tavern, and is ,too well known to need descrip tion. Perry is a small, but thriv- ug ilia rich prosperous county, and is the litoronah fare for a great deal of travel. Attached to the house are 3£ acres iff ground, with stables and o- ther out houses. If not sold before the first Tuesday in January, it will on that day be sold at public outcry to the highest oiilder. Term* will be made to eitit purchasers. Apply to the subscriber at Vienna P. O. in the 14th district, 8 miles west of Perry, or to M. Liartlett, in Macon. Nov 3 5 MOSES COLUNa. HAT s Crockery &. Hardware. A T New Fork Cost for sale by GEO. W. PRICK A < CO. Oct. 27. 4 JTIolasses Hhds 1 est quality family Molasses just re- 40 June 9 >.*iv«* and forsale by 54 SMITH RODGERS A CO A FEW •«*•« superior water proof BOOTS, just received WM, iter prool H. BURD SALL. Not 17 Roots unit Shoes, Domestics. »Ye. 75 CASES Boots and Shoes, consist ing in part of Geutlemens fine calf Boats, sewed and pegged. f Stout pegged and wafer proof Boots. Fine calf and stout Shoes and Pumps. Ladies Seal, Motocco and Prunella Walking Shoes. Slips and Bootee^ Childrens Shoes oi all kinds. A complete assortment of Negro shoes. „ 20 cases Domestic Cottons, bleached and'ilnbleach ed, consisting of fine Shirting and Sheeting, stout do. 30 pieces Sattinetts of various patterns ALSO, Fine 4-4 and 7-8 Flannel; Blankets; Calicoes, Hats; Ac. just received, and for sale on most liberal terms, by C. L HOWLAND A CO. oct 13 2 Next door to the Post-Office. UST RECEIVED from Kew-York, and for ■ale bv mm, ROBGEBS Sf Co. 50 bags and 50 barrels prime green Coffee. 20 hhds prime St Croix sugar, 30 bbls Rum, 30 bbls Whiskey, and 20 bbls Gin. We will also sell our DRY GOODS, a splendid as- sortment. at, or about cost, as we wish to [turn our at tention to the cotton and grocery business. July 7 54 _ ■ Notice to Shippers of Cotton. F IVE-cents per bale will be charged for Wharfage on all cotton shipped at our wharves. REA A COTTON, J. GODDARD, J. T. ROWLAND, ROGER McCALL, J. R BUTTS, P. R YONGE.jr. Oct J 1 4t P.RYONOK A8QNS Strayed or Stolen, t N Meriwether county, on the 30th night of Septem ber, one Bay Mare, dark body with a long switch tail, 15 orlO hands high, six years old last spring. A reward of Ten Dollars will be paid for the delivery oi said mare, or any information, so that I get her, or lifty dollars reward for the thief, .f stolen ; the subscriber living in Fayette county, the sixth district, Geo. oct 20 3 MITCH AEL T. SIMMONS. Land and Negroes for Sale. T HE subscribe! offers for sale the PLANTATION whereon he now lives. 7 miles .below Macon, in Bibb county, containing 860 acres good nine laud. There hus been for the last5 years a good SAW MILL in operation unon said plantation, but has been stop ped this year on account of some repairs wanting done. Stone Creek, the stream which said Mill is ou, is a never failing stream, and the mill is better situated on accountof pine timber than any null within the vi cinity of Macon. Also, ten likely NEGROES will be sold, together with Horses, Mules, Caltle, Hogs, Ac. Ac. Said prouertyis now offered for sale on accommodating terms; a credit from on® to three years win be given if required, sept 8 36 E* Notice and Caution. rfft HE subscriber- hereby forewarns all persons x- S -gainst trading for or receiving the following NOTES made by him and payable to Lemuel WebS, or-L. Webb,to wit: Four small notes for twenty-five dollars, each due 25tli December, 1836. One note for one hundred dol lars, due as above, conditioned to be void on the sub scriber paying C. K. Allen, one hundred dollars, cr on bis taking up a note of that amount in C. K. Al len’s hands. All the above notes bearing date the 9th day of August. 1836' The said notes having been fraudulently obtained and withont consideration, the subscriber is determined not to pay them unless com- pelled by law. WILLIAMS HERRING. Nov lb 7t Notice. ( DO hereby notify and forewarn all persons of tra ding with my wife, Elizabeth Minshew, and char ging the account to me, as she has left ray bed and board without provocation, and as such I am deter mined not to pay any such accounts made by her. Nov 1 6 4ip NATHAN MINSHEW, jun, GEORGIA—Houston county * W HEREAS James Alima / applies to nip for letters of administraf on on the estate of Burwell Allman, These are, therefore, to cite and dmonish all and sin gular rhe kindred and creditors oj -> lid deceased to be and appear at my office wit Ida the tint, prescribed by law to shew cause, if any they have, why si idletters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 1 lib Nov. 1836. 7 '" ’ CHA8. II. m «- •- GEORGIA—Campbell county VT®7"HE'ilEAS Mary Whitehead, and William V v ’ Smith apply to me for letters of administration on the estate of Gideon Whitehead,-late ot'stid county, deceased, > ■ • _ ■ ' The.tearc therefurtto cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be grunted. Given under my hand at office, this 11th November 1836 « K. P. BOMAR. c. c. GEORGIA—Houston county W HEREAS Daniel Frederick applies to me for letters of administration on the estate of Will iam C Wannamaker, deceased: These are therefore to cite and admonish all ar.d sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased lobe and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law *o shew cause if any they have, why saia letters should it ot be grantfd. ' - ■ >' ; •' Given under my band at office, tins 28th October If36. 3 G, H. RICE, c. c. o. F OUR months alter date, application will he made to the Inferior court of Butts county, v. Leu sit ting for ordii ary purposes, for leave to sell all tl.e real estate belonging to Daniel McCtendon, a minor. Nov 18 8 JOHN GOODMAN, Guardian. Valuable MILL Properly forsale. T HE undersigned ofl'ers for sale his two SAW .MILLS, within three miles of Macon—belli M ills are now in successful operation.' On the premises is also a GRIST MILL. Attach ed to the Mills is 1500 acres of finely timbered LAND, with all the buildings requisite for conducting the busi ness. Added to these advantages, is a Spring of pure water, a healthy situation, aud its near location to the rapidly growing city of Macon, where a market can al ways be had lor Lumber 11 fair prices. Persons wish ing to purchase, are invited to call on myself on the premises, or o«- Roger McCall at Macon. sejt 21 65 ELEAZAR McCALL. WAOLit months afterdate appiicaiion wilt he made IT to the Inferior court of Twiggs county, sitting for 'ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the l.aiid and Negroes, belonging to Seth Hcueyeut Isle of said county, deceased THOMAS 8. CHAPPELL, Nov 24 6 , j j - ; Ari !*' r - F OUR months alter date application wiilbe mad# to the honorable the inferior court of Houston county, when sitting tor. ordinary purposes, for leave to sell eth negroes belonging-to the estate of John 4iuig- ley)laleof said county, deceased. Aug SO R. H. LUCKF.Y, Ad'mr. I TOO acres first B *»te FAR.a IJ\'G Ld JI’Dff. FOB SALE, 4"N bodies from 320 to 2500"acr > ,ali lying in the counties of RusselJ, Chambers and Macon, Al.'i-^ bama, near Columbus. ; These 1st Is were selected- with a great deal of care, by a comp ent judge, .With a special eye to the culture of corn " ldcolion. My a-, gent John D. Pitts will be fully auth irised to sell those H nds, and may be found for the ne t six weeks atthe M clntoJi'Ha'lt, iw'CoJumhns {wig* 1 not in the Creek Nation) prepared to >-hew the same Also, the well known tract of La d bug in the Os- wichee Beud, containing2600 acre This ttact can not be surpassed by any lands in th - state of Alabama Nov 17 7 J. COWLES. French Quinine, J UST received and for sale by J. H & W S. ELLIS. Nov 17 7 Cottou Avenue, Macon. persons indebted to the >*state ot Jeremiah i4L_ Smith late of Bibb county de eased, are reques- 0>u to make pay input to flm und. i signed; and those haring demands upon said estate »ill present them tu terms of the law, for settlement to Nov 17 7 HENRY SMITH, Adm’r. «1OORE WARD. • The above reward will-be paid for the apprehension of my boy Wiilimm*, sometimes called Bill Black. William left me about 25th December last; he is a yery bright mulatto, about. 5 feet 10 inches high, tbi. k set. full faced, small red, or rathe I blood sbotteii eyes, and straight yellowish hair. I have no aonbthe will change bis name and try to pass nun self for a white uiati;- which he may be able to do un less to a close observer. He was formerly the proper ty of M, Myers of this place, and traveled with him through thp up country last summer. The above re ward will bo paid for his arrest if lodged in a safe jail so I get him. Y. S. PICKARD. Savannah, Aug 9 Gnj f F OUR months after date application will be made to the Inferior court of Houston county, when sitting for ordinary business for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to Elijah Low, late of Morgan county, dee’ease’d. sept 5,1836. 63 MOSES .COLLINS, Adm de bonis non. F OUR months after - date we shall make application to the honorable the Inferior court ofFike coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes,' for an order to sell all the real estate of Irby Stamper, late of FiU county deceased, SPENCER STAMPER ? . sept 1 63 M. U. STAMPER. S" I NCUR months after date, application will be mad* . to tlio Inferior court of Bibb county, sitting for Ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real estateef Benjamin Parker, late of said county deceased. ' sept,8. BURWELL PARKER Adas. .AOUK month* alter date.nppl . mm will be u aim * io the honorable the inferior court of Houston county, when sitting for.ordinary purposes, for leave te sell lot number 118, iu the 12th district of said cqgn- ty. being the real estate of Jeremiah McCormick, de ceased, for tho heuefit cf said estate. sept 12 64 JOHN R SEKTERFIT, sdtn'r. F OUR Months after date, application niille tu-tA to flic h ipofabic Inferior com t of Crawford coun ty. for leave fo sell all the real estate of Wm. J. Wayw- decefifed. for the benefit iff ALEX'. M. K. 65 man, late of said county, decei , the heirs. ALEX. 31. K- SWIFT, Adm V. ' sept 5. 1830. 1'AOUR months after date, apphcatiov JF to the Inferior Court of Butts C t>,r ordinary purposes for leave to sell hcotion yrili he matin County, sirring for ordinary purposes tor teave to sea th* real eslMo of Deunis Mc’Carty, lato of said Courtly deceased. <ki.2lsh 4 DAVID MARTIN, Adnw- xsjgvp- We are authorised to announce the- »ame of ABNER HAMMOND, Esq. a esn mate for Tax.Collectcir for the ensuing year. Any ~>2 : 61 WE are authorized to announce DEMPSEY J- CAKiv, Esq. a candidate for ■iriverofTax Returns -• 2 JAMES HOLLINGSWORTH is a candidate for Tax Receiver at the en*uiug «- lection. Nov 10 A , - =WTOUTHS’ CLOTHING,for saleby \ Nov ,4 8 CSAF1 &, LLw 40