Newspaper Page Text
macon geosoii telegkap
TkurstHW' December 15. I83C.
^ % xr kit. Transactions have been more lim-
? " week, and lew lias come in than in some
Ati l Jrct^re. I’e^erday but few wagon. were
wm- chiefly to the bad weather. A slight im-
°*' nl however in price was perceptible. Sales
,Tf a^de from \Vngons °t 13 a lf.J cents. Mostly
" we 1 l ttra fine lots would coniniaud I5J.
itH* 15 - «•*“ -
• U islcr>»nd Col. James Liddell, of Jackson
T,. (wen nominated by the Union party, to fill
<U »ac3nry -f Mr. Towns in Congress. Mr. L. has
f j’ fa rs occupied a prominent station ia the
to be Secretary under the Gth section of the act to re.
organize die _ General Land Otlice, approved the 4th
?d ***** * n l ^ c P^ e °f A. J. DoneUon, resign'
From the Stamford af Union.
In consequence of the resignation of our able Rep
resentative, the Hon. George VV. B. Towns, an El-
ecUonwUl take place on the FIRST MONDAY IN
JANl AUY NLXT. to supply the vacancy.
The Union party have nominated JAMES LID-
DELL of Jackson County.
Col. Liddell is a democrat of the old school—a dis
ciple ofTHOMAS JEFFERSON; the friend of GEN
ERAL JACKSON, and a UNION MAN to the core.
He has served many years in the Legislative of Geor
gia, both in the House and the Senate, where he has
acquired a high reputation for sound judgment—strong
ana discriminating intellect nnd a happy and peculiar
tact in the transaction of public busines—but above
all, for honesty of purpose and integrity of character,
he is, like Caisar’s wife, above suspicion.
Col. Liddell is a funner.—He is one of these self
made whose example upon society is above all price,
and who should be held up continually, as models to
the rising generation.
We appeal to the Union |>arty, to the working men
of tlie country, to stand up to their principlea and their
interests—to turn out in one solid phalanx on the first
Monday in next month, and elect James Liddell the
farmer—the intelligent and honest statesman, to. our
State in Congress.
At a meeting ofthe “Union” members of the Legis-
0 f this Slat®; and if elected would do credit to | lature, together with a nnmbei of the Union party from
delegation in Congress.
Confess assembled in Hie capilol of the U. S. on
MonJav- r, t |, There was a pretty full attendance
j both Houses. Mr. Senator King; and Messrs
triiilland. Hayne-, Jackson, a d Owens from Geor.
. w ere in their seats. Mr. Lowrie, Secretary of the
. t , i . (Mll jn his resignation of that otlice. Messrs.
i r A Fulton, Senators from the new State of Ar-
r„ ; , lV( . r ,. qualified and look their sects.
,y f wrr .. disappointed in receiving a copy of the
Wident’s Mca-actf by the Express Mail, and conse-
jenllv are unable to present it to our readers in full
I n week. |t came K> hard yesterday through some
If the >fii|t Jgeville papers 7 but so late in the week as
[. enable u- tp publish a portion only in this paper.—
, balance in our next.
Tho MU to devote pari of the Surplus Revenue ac*
hailir W Georpia to the object of Rail Ronds, liaspns-
Ljif,,. Ilea-<• of Represeut.’ilives—nn'd the prospect
tii is fair tor its passage in the other House also-
different parts ofthe State, at Buffington’s long room,
on Monday evening, the 5th December.
On motion, Genera] Robert M. Echols, was called
to the Chnir, and vi. L. C. Franklin, Esq. was ap
pointed Socrelrry.
Tho objeet of the meeting being stated from tlie
Chair, and some discussion being bad.
On motion of Col. Stephen D. Crane, it was resol
veil that the nice ling proceed to nominate a candidate
to till the vncancy in Congress occasioned by the res
ignaliqn of Col. Towns.
General Foard, of Early, prooosed the name of Col
James i.iddell, of Jacksou County, whereupon the
meeting, with one acclaim, nominated Col. Liddell a*
the candidate of tlie Union party of Georgia, to fill said
On motion of Col. Crane, a committee consisting of
Messrs. .S'epheu D. Crane, Wm. W. Gordon, W. 1'
Foard, N. II. Powell and Jesse Robinson, were ap
pointed io wait on Col. Liddell, and inform himofhis
nomination, and ascertain whether he accept or
On motion, it was resolved, that tlie proceedings be
signed bv tlie Chairman, and Secretary, and published
in all the Union papers of this'Stine.
The meeting then adjourned.'
Q. L. C. FRANKLIN, See'y
Stock oh baud 1st Oct. 1836. . t bales 8702 j
Arrived this week - - .. bales 19690 |
Arrived previously “ 157914 157914
Exported this week,
Exported prov ionsly
Stock on hand
bales 13815
. .< 61086 74801
fatal Accident.—A youug lady by the name
of Crowder, daughter of Mr. Joltu Crowder, who
resides 16 or 17 miles above this place, lost her
lifo on Saturday eveuiug last, through tho ua
pardonable carelessness of her brother. VV e
understand that Miss C.’ had 'been absent several
days <>u a visit to a neighbor, aud when wiih-
in a short distance of home, uret her brother, (18
or *0 years old)- who lead hocn t<» inttster, ban
his rifle upou his shoulder- tie jokingly remarked
to bis sister, that h* had a good mind to shoot
her lor being gone so long—raised bis gun. and
pointed it towards her at the same time—sprung
tlie trigger, when Hie rifle fired, aud the ball en
tered her sid ’.just above the hip. Wbeu he found
he had wounded her, he became very mncli alar
med, and Hurried home for assistance. The fa
ther rushed to the spot, fouod his daughter lying
npon herface. raised her iu his arms—hut alas’
she was goue!—She breathed a few times, hut
never spoke after his arrival—her spirit it .d tak-
• d its evfrlnsiiug flight.—Greenville Mountanxec
Dec. 8. . ”
“We mimic naturein ouratNuistrife,
And here present the halcyon joys of life.”
T HE fourth exhibition ofthe Corps will take place
this evening, Thursday, 15th. The pieces se-
. ected are, the Tragedy of
Or the FE.lTJl OF ROEE.i,
. And to conclude with the farce ot the
_ Or the Would be Actor..
Doors open athalf-pastbo’clock, Exhibition to com
mence at”, Precisely. Admittance 60‘cents, Chil
dren half price. Dec 15 11
ff?* Look at This.
T HE subscribers have lately received a variety of
merchandise consisting of '
Miry Goods, Hardware, Groceries,
Superior Oils for ianips and .paints ( Saddlery, lists,
Bonnets, <Vc. A c. which they believe will bear com
parison in quality and price to auy in the city. Per
sons wishing to purchase are invited -to call and ex
amine lor themselves, as extravagant catalogues aud
labored puffs, are too often impositions. One estab
lishment is located on the corner of Third and Mul
berry streets, die other on the corner of Poplar street
and Cotton Aveuue. WM B. PARKER &. Co.
Dec 15 11 tf
New Carriage Establislunent
J* I'.rpras Mud, due on Friday from New Or-
L .—tl»i* rdfr having been thrown between
tiwivule and this place, and so badly i. j tired as to hi*
tnbli’t# proceed. The Mail was brought in tlie next
Knura »: tho usual hour.
Draiuetk Corps. It will he seen by the ad-
.< .. at, that this company of amateur actors pro-
c riling another ! iitcrtiunnient this evening.—
»li-nlahic effort* of the young put lemon enmpo-
L this Corps to afford variety and amusement a-
nJrt ti-e bustle of business, is ■ .’eservn g of eneour- we doubt not they will receive it.
I.iiiast.i., of Jackson county, has he.m noini-
:ha i.(.position, no 1 bus accepted, as a rnndi-
Cengress to supply the vacancy occasioned by
resignation. ’ Wo would *ny to Col. ‘.rr>-
r.i may “hang tip your fiddle, for you v, ill be
|e.5rjsi',1."—Sr.r. Rrpubtcan.
Mr. Hep. yon have made a false step: It
I- t’ol. i.iilrtcii plays well his fiddle, your mighty -ME.
■ no pause to h.urh .' A 'war horse* (in peace)
...!: I»e,—in a Congress race he'll prove a taekee. j
'..•fs.—The Georgia Journal says: “It was
curious coincident *, that on the day when
: of Georgia assembled to give the vote ot
lir Hugh i.. White, that nature hegself
o n trfiitc mantle.” (The ground
. r (' w it snnv and ice.)
;. ’. have eoitUItlK d its coiuciJnncps
sayiag that ott that day, certain Il'Mti
1 .! i i f r than u uni about tlie gills, and fi ll
t mat tin* i.e irt, co-i .ridf.ita! to to,' iciness
MiUaigecille, (J’Ji Dec 1836.
Hon. James Liddell,
Dear. Sir—We, (as the committee appointed for
that purpose) have tlie pleasure of informing you, that
at a very numerous meeting ofthe Union party of
Georgia, held at this place on yes erdsy, for the pur
pose of nominating a candidate for 1 ongress to fill
tlie vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Col
Towns, you was unairimou-ly iwminatid.
You will be pleasod to inform'us, us soon as your
convenience will permit, whether or not, you will serve
if elected, that we may forthwith cause your name to
he announced in the papers.
With great respect, vours, &c.
S. t>. CRANE.
Milltdettille, 6th Dec. Is3ti.
Gentlemen—Your’s of this morning, informing ine
that i had, at a numerous mectiug ofthe Union party,
held in this place on yesterday, been nominated as a
canuidate to fill the vacancy in Congress occasioned
by the resignation of Col. Towns, lias been this mo
incut hand d me, and in answer to your polite request,
that 1 should inform you whethe , or,uot, I would serve
if elected; permit me to sav, that however highly
I appri ciaie this testimony of tie confidence and ap
probation of my political friends, I would have prefer
red. tbit tii * nomination had fallen on'btoe more capa
hledf rendering service to liis constituents. But as it
has been III nr pleasure to place me in nomination, I
cannot ref es- a compliance with' their wishes, espe
cially when expressed with such flattering terms.
V ery respi ctfully,
your obedient servant,
Messrs. S. D. Crane, II'. II'. Cordon, O'. P. Hoard,
X. H- Poirtil and Jesse llobinson.
“AIilledokville. Dee 12.
*T)r !>'i«.!u *.-« of the se.-sion has heoti uim li n tar-
ibjr: ,r ..days’debate on the disposition of two-
nb nf the surplus Revenue t< wards buiklii r the
tii mid Atlantic Rail Hoad, which has finally
- .1 tlie Hon e.
T.i. (hurt of v 'rrors i-yet to be disposed of, and
|J etote aiicli debate and consume a great deal of
I Ta ‘ li.ll authorising tlie establishment of free Man
: EiUir Schools in each county, is now nctore the
h, ai d will probably take the rema ning third of
I and consume much time in debate,
f h.i! In- been miroJuc< d into the Ilourej in con-
fitv irith the wishes ofthe Grand Jury of Bibb,
|-nn.ia» the uf the-Inti-rinr Court of said
■ ’•} In ass-s.s an ex,ra t ix of 50 per cent on the
• ii. lor the putpose of building n Jail; mu: also
rRiitioiial tax ii»r the support of invalid paupers.”
ol Uie iiuUcUJj.
Oulkans, iiec.
9. 1
—Sales y
esteriiay were:
lb els
naic.N JUla
du -
do -
do -
do prices not known
Bacon, Hams
Barging, llemp
Bale Rope,
Beef, Mess
Candles, Sperm
Coffee, Java
Flour, Northern
Iron, Swcd & Ru
Mackerel, No. 1
No. il
No. 3
M eal,
Oil, Sperm
Pork, Mess
Steel, Cast
Spirits,C Brandy
Peach do
Apple do
Gin, Hoi
Rum, North
Sugar, N.Orleaiis
St. Croix
Tobacco, 1st qua!.
2d do
Tea, Green,
Wives Madeira
Prices at
I Prices at
j Prices at
j Augusta.
I Columbus.
164 a 17
174 a 18,
13 a 17
16 a 17
15 a 16
14 a 15
14 a 15
15 a 16'
11 a 12
20 a 25
22 e 26
30 a 32
i 18 a 20
17 a 20
18 a 22
12 a 14
124 a 14
12 a 14
28 a 35
28 a 32
40 a 45
40 a 44
35 a 45
12 a 18
18 a 20
134 a J84
7 a 8
54 a 6J
C) a S
16 a 18
12 a 15
| 12 a 15
15 n .16
14 a loj
14 a 16
12 a 14
16 a
14 a 15j
14 a 164
u To
85 a 874
874 a 100
§12 a §13
10 a 13
8 a 10
7 a 8
64 7
6 a 64
6 a '4
18 a 20
14 a »
6 a 9
§4 50
§3 50
§12 a §13
§11 a > 2
11 a 12
9 a I
74a 8
8 a j
56 a 62
45 a 50
50 a 6. 4
87 a 100
7 ha 8
9 a 10
120 a 137
125 a 1374
11 a 12
84 a 114j
29 a 25
16 a 19
§7 a §8
5 a 6
44 a 5
f*4 a 6
23 a 25
112 a 125
125 «t 250
’ 12 a 20
100 a 112
200 «250
125 «150
624 a 65
loC a 175
50 a 624
175 a 225
12 a 13
125 a 200
125 i 75 a 100
87 a 100 - 50 a 56
65 46 a 50
125 a 175 125 a 175
65 i 53 a 60
65 | 52 a 564
125 a 200 1125 a 150
12 a 14 I 10 a llA
15 114 a 124
15 134 a 14 14 a 16
18 a 22 IS a 20 18 a 22
8 | 9 a 10 7 a 9
250 a 275 1250 a 275 225 a 275
10 8 a 10
50 15 a 50 j 40 a 50
16-« 20 16 a 25
100 IlOO a 1124 100 a 150
75 I
25 a 37 30 « 374 37
(200 a 300 300 a 400
150 150
j 60 a 76 I 65 a 75
T HF. subscriber will receive in a (civ days a large
stuck of
Carriages, Barouches, Air.
Most of ih.-m made uv the best workmen in Newark
and New Haven. LUKE BLISS.
Macon. Dec 14 11
rum sisjiKru G,iitur*v
J UST received and for sale, at tho Masonic Hall,
Cotton Avenue, bv
J. n. & W. S. ELLIS. ,
White ONIONS, i.ariy bndock s heart do
Y’elioiv do Large drumhead do
Red do a Flat or late Dutch ' do
Early blood turnip BEET, Green savoy do
Early French sugar do Green glazed do
Early while scarcity White cape brocoii do
or sugar do Large English Norfolk
Long white PARSNIP. White flat do
Earl cluster CUCUMBERSquashorbell PEPPER,
Long green do Cayenne do
Sup’r W ATERMELON, Curled do
Fine NUTMEGMELON,Early golden sioux CORN
Mammo h PUMPKIN’, Early Tuscaioia do
Dutch siiiumer SU.UASH,Early sugar do
Imperial sugatr loaf LET-Earlv Washington June
Ice head do Early charltou do
Long white Naples RA-lgirge white marrowfat do
DISH, Divarf marrowfat do
Scarlet short top d'» Dwarf blue imperial do
Long salmon do Early china dwarf BEAN:
Long scarlet do Early mohawk do
Scarlet or cherry turnip do Early six weeks do
Early sugar luaf CAB- Red CLOVER,
BAG E. White do
Early george do l.uorn Grass seeds, and
Dutch do Flower seeds
Early York do Purple LGG PLANT,
Large york or harvest do Vegetable Oyster,
Earlv Jriiinbead or BergenD.varf curled PARSLEY
Dec 3 11
Saturdat Nov. 24,1S36 J
P RESENT the Mayor,- Messrs Cowles; Campbel
Higgins, Russ,Ralston, Vigal Williams. Aider-
The minutes of the previous meeting were read
aud approved.
The following is the report of the CoinmiPee of Fi
nance made kt the last meeting. -
Agreeably to the resolution oliere by the Mayor,
aud adopted by the Council, iu the words f'ollceving
“On motion of the Mayor, (Alderman Ross in the
“llesolved, 1'liat the Finance Committee be instruc
ted to take into consideration ’.be fiscal concerns ofthe
city, and report what measures, if any arc necessary,
to raise tlie mioiint of mo. ey due. or which, during
the current year may become due for the expenses of
the government of tlie city, the salaries of oHicers, and
for tlie payments of all contracts or biiiq that have
been or’may necessarily Lave to be made during the
present council year.”
The Committe of Finance would respectfully report:
That the corporation of the city of Macau is now
•'ndebtod in tlie estimated sum of Eighty-six thousand
six hundred dollars, as near as may he. to say, <
§65,750 to the several Banks, loaned to ;<ny the first
instalment of §62.500 on 2500 si,ares of stock of the
Central Rail .load.and Bauking Coinpanv, subscribed
for by order of Cuuticil, aud 9 months interest on the
same. :
§10,000 to Edward Molyneux, Esq. Savannah, loan
ed by a previous Couuuil, lbr which the city Commons
are mortgaged.
§300 to ditto, for one years interest on above loan.
§1100 to the Trustees of Bibb Comity Academy-
being the balance of two-thirds of one half amount' <
second instalment of sale of city lots made 18.53 with
this bequest. ...
$4,000 to O. Saltmarsh—being balance due on a
loan by a previous Council to build the bridge.
§3,000 to various individuals for sundry expences
incidental. 1
§2,000 to the city Officers for balance of salaries for
the current-year.
The loan from the several Banks of §05,750 was
made by Notes payable 28th December proximo, with
a solemn pledge that tkey should be met at maturity.
Of dhe amount of §1100 balance, due the Trustee Af
Bibb County Academy, yotir Committee ivonld re
mark, that this bequest of two-thirds of one half of the
proceeds of the sale of tlie city lots in 1833, was made
to the Trusses by the City Council of 1833, our pre
decessors, and this hoard, considering that* it was as
binding on us to liquidate the contracts of our prede
cessors (letting them be ever so unpopular) as it made
by ourselves,-this hoard did, on the representation of
the Trustees in April last, “ that there was §3580 then
due them; who, relying on the good faith of Council,
had made contracts, and erected an Academy,” .y-
T HE BUBat 1.IB1.E0 feeling the debt of grati
tude which they owe, and the many . biigatioiU
winch hind them to the citizens of Macon and its vi
cinity for tlie liberal patronage they have individually
received during their residence in the city, take this
occasion of returning them their most sincere **ud
ginteful thanks for all past favors, alid hope, by tfy ir
untiring assiduity in the att of teaching to merit tin ir
They now most respectfully announce to their pat
rons and the public at large, that they hate formed a
connection, and will conduct topeth< rilte
Jflale Department
of ihe above insiituiioo during the ensuing year,
where they hope by their united efforts and nnitnut-
H»ig exertiotv in the discharge of iheir profession; !
duties, to be enabled to give general ..-satisfaction and
merit the approbation of all. An additional room in
the Academy, spacious and comfortable, lias been pro
cured, by which means they will he the better enabled
to make such divisions of their time and labor in ILe
management of their school as they innj deem best
calculated to facilitate and expedite the progress- ol
their scholars. The stride-1 a! eption will !>« P i!; ”
the morals and manners of all con-niitteo to iheir cate,
as well as to iheir proficiency iri.ih.eir various studies.
Terms and .rates ot tuition as usual.
A commence meat >of the present arrangement Win,’
take place on the first Monday in January next
A limited number of young misses will also be ad
mitted. at least, until the Ectnnle Department shall
have iroiit; into operation
H tj ' 4t P. MACINTYRE,
^ Ult 4. b) kf |i,
MiilrdgeriUc, Oih Dec. 183S.
„ SCarned.
On Thursday last. 8th iust by the Rev S G Bragg.
Mi Thomas Harrold to Miss Mary Ann Bullock, both
lliis ritv.
Valuable BSediciues.
Kclfe’s Botanical Drops. Price §1.
?he rR’.'lD.NTS HEALTH.
I‘m Ii.jIk- of tile 6U1 says, “the heillh of the Prcs-
I, , ,IM * -{odually iiu, rov.-d, but lie is still extremely
I- • j;i4'L-utila 10 uieei company. ^Ile sgive bis
V ? n ' u limiM every ijay, lo c(»mmilllJc;iUof)i*
[ V irtf , i ,ul J y .11* cabinet; but ho is absolutely
I' -MeJ bv ai* plirsician (Dr. Hunt) from reciev-
|i rt f 0 *”- 91 the effort to converse threatens a
| ' >■ " ■ ii c n Jrr.igj, rt lneli, in his present weak
"•on, Bight be attended with instant snflvca-
‘OCinnati Whig of Nov, 28, says: “It is with
r ;-b0",m., ll | ',, , |„. Hon G. L. Kinuaril who
L. bi.y sc ’Idl’d a far days ago on imard tlie
1., 1 l ;, ra. (iii d hi the hospitable dwelling of
Li'j, ru! - 0 " '1 ur.lay evening last, aud was
> ' r ‘* a 7afternoon wall disiiugui-licd uaiks
aged about 35 years, and was a
, 'i 11 '* member of Congress from Indiana.
1.. , . '‘’b, 1 ’’rendered the more distressing, as, we
* " : ' T | °n hi* vay to Pniladelphia. with
‘ ' u in irrieil to a l.i lr in that city, whom
r .i»\;”, 'Ring with \Vnshi11gtou.
r. '*'' ri ' Mr y. ofthe 19ih ultimo annmin-
1, ) ~.’ 1 bf Ike Hoij, Samuel IV." Manlis. at his
ln laladega, on Monday, the ]4th Novc
New Ordeans, Dec. iu.
from ITorida.—By the arrival of Uie seuooner B_.-
ron, Peajaail, Iroin i ampa iiay, we leant uiat vjcii.
Jessup lelt Fort ttlooK on tile 2ctit till, vvun lour UUlt-
ured iiiounltd men aud one hundred loot. Fite latter
were to ne stationed ill FOit .tidliama. A lie 1 amitied
intn neie to proceed until Uief lell in with the lelt
whig of ueucral E'aii s anuy.
We are iu.’ormed from high autliority, tliat the Tex-
mn Governuieut in tends entering a .urinal complaint
belure the Gabmei at v) .isliinglou, against tlie prac
tice pursueudiy American cuizens of introducing into
lilt tr territory, m vessels Iti ioug.lig io the E 1 . outlet,
negroes coining firom otner qu.ute.s tiiau lilts Union ;
.si I
Tf *atches, Jewelry, Site r Ware, He.
J. A. id S. S* ViKGLY,
G ouid inform Iheir friends and the
public (hut they still continue at their
stand 011 oliiui Avenue, and hive just
received afresh supply of Goods, con
sisting in partof the following articles:
Gentlemen's and Ladies' gold lever
ihchor escapement independent second lepiue aud
vertical IVA'I'flli.S; silver lever plain uhil hxtra
j welled lepiue aud vertical do. all of which weie se
lected with choice tosuii this market, and will be war-
r.nied to perftrin veil; Ladies' gold Neck Chains ;
G -ntleineii’s gold and silver Guard and Fob Chains:
1 old and silver guard and fob Keys; Ear Knobs and
Drops; Breast I’ins and Finger Kings of all kinds;
gold, silver, gilt, and pearl Beit Buckles and Slides,
Bracelets nnd Head Belts; gold and silver everpoint-
ed Penci s s .-el Pens of the best qualities, gold, silver
and etc. I spectacles. Quizzing Glasses, silver table,
tea. dessert, salt and mustard Spoons; soup and cream
Ladles, Sugar Tongs. Butter and Fruit Knives, silver
Cups. ’('Iiiinl.lcs, Castors. Candlesticks, silver, brass,
nndb.oiiZed; coral, gilt and glass Beads; ladies’ Bags
ofthe latest fishirms, Pure* and Pocket Books, lari-
nnetts, Fhigeol 'lts, Elutes, Fifes, Arcordiaus, Music
Boxes large and small, Druntb, Organ* and Violins,
and further, matuuir Munster -t v V“f*“ , 6 to “ Walking Sticks .,f va,’i,.ii» kinds ; silver, gilt, shell!
instructed 10 ask 01 our government d al a vetocl be | hor(J Hn<J ivory Combs , Tea nnd Coffee Pots, Bread
ordered touiui.-c aiou^ io present tuicii m- ■ * - - - — ■
troductionof unlawlul slaves, and m»o utat a smah
force be stanoned ul the mouth 01 Uie Sabine, toguard
against their being landed on Uie coast ul Uie Euiltyt
Mates and immediately transferred to tlie iexiutt ter
ritory. Adjacent to Uie mouUi of the 3ubme are nu
merous inlets and coves, vvliere small vessels may cos
ily be concealed, and from these points, at present very
remote freni any setUemenls or garrisons, it is easy,
without the tear 01 detection; to transport staves a-
cro.s Uie aaumc, ana Uiereby escape Uie laws ol uoui
countries, inasmuch as Uie constiiunou ot i exas ad
mits ot die i nportatioii of negroes Irom the Uu„od
States, while it prohibits it from cvciy other country.
The Congress of Texas will also pass a taw, prolimu-
ing the introduction of any but slaves born in Uie Lul
led Stale*. These praiseworUiy determinauous ot the
Tcxian .republic will certainly silence the eueratesof
that country who have allegid the existence ot an in
tention on Uie part ol the Texiai.s to open a direct tral-
tic with the Atman slave coast, lor Uie purpose ol sup
plying Uicir country with negroes. It wiU also dissi
pate Uie tear* ol the iaie lasi.dioUs intermedlers in
Eexian aliairs in Uie Dritisii iiouse ot Parliament, and
prove to the world, Uint ou uns score at least there can
be no objection to the anuexuUon ot Texas to the
American Cnion, aud also Uiat 111 the wisdom ol her
) r n " ^, 0l,r ier. which i* generally understood
r , n j, «"<ttJence of Mr. Webster, says,—“the
I q .^achnsettw can in no cvwit be given to
i lM "‘ " r Judge White.” It adds, that had
■■ u son* to the House of Representatives,
Htb would have voted for Mr. Van Uuren.”
Ic^irs•—'V® unilerstanil that tlie votes of
r ; rd liv n ''^, i nl ,, iid Vice President, have been
hu»rw, le Governor* and Council. The whole
:ie ^vote*given U74,761.
-l ' re , Vot,! for tlie Whig Electors about
t°nhi tv" ' an 6 ircn candidates 33,100. Major-
L J v e ” r, "fl Electors 8100.
*tels [m* ,na j°ri’y fo» the Webster Electors, on
• v Utat >r KeU ’ ,s j lls . t “bout eight Uiousand, the ina-
I Action t8tlm ' lled 11 Would be in a few days after
the rrcidagi—htyircv Jvteo 5,
provisions and justness of her regulations she is every
way worthy ot iiuviug iier destiny associated wiUi ours.
The weather during Ure past week has been gener
ally pleasant, but has been marked on one or two days
by a severity 6l cola seldom experienced in tins climate
at Ulis season ol Uie year. Ice was made some two or
three inches in thickness, dome rain loo mis fallen,
aud in a considerable degree iiilerrupleu'the progress
ol oul-uoor operations. '1 he inouey market is some-
wrhat easier, and Uie banks are beginning to uttbrd rev
del, and ere long Uie obstacles which a scarcity ot cash
interposed to tue movements ol trade, we mist will be
wholly removed and business flow on with its accus
tomed activity.
Cotton.—Tne market on Monday and Tuesday was
very inanimate, On Uie subsequent days ot die week
however it recovered and more spirited operations
entered into. Wittun Uie last two days u good deal
has been done, large parcels changing nands at lull pri
ces. Sales reported by Uie board ol ilr >kcw amount
to 16,138 bales, since the date el last Price Lurreut.
Arrived this week 19,990 bales. Exported during Uie
saute time, 16,744 bale*.
- 14 a 144
Good Fair
15 a 16
. 164 a 174
£ »J?
It like!* silvr-i and japanned, fine painted Waiters,
Knives R iznrs Saunders’ cel- braird Razor Straps
with tablet*. Pistol* of various kinds, Dentists’ Files,
Gnld : Plate, Wire. Foil Ad for Wat'he*. Retries and
Whistles for children; SnnfTboxes, Percussion caps.
Pipe*, “tegar Tube*. Pocket Compnsses, Mutbumati-
cal Instruments, Ac.
Swords Belt*.' paiib-D*. Plume*. Sashes, Bnttons,
Lace, star*, ornament* too nmnorous In mention, which
will bn sold cheap for cash or approved city accep
N. 11.—We havea choice selection of materials for
repairing Watches, and are prepared to make any
new part, which will warrant to perform as well a* the
J. A. & S. S. Virgin feel grateful for past favor*,
and would still a shate of the pulic patro" ge.
hoping to give satifaction to all who may favor lliem
iu .heir line
Dermn'ier 1 11
ul' the best medicines yet discovered, for all ini
purines of the biood. .
Dr. Kelfe’s Asthmatic Piils., Price 50cents r.nd $1
Give immediate relief—Ufceu cure the most obstinate
Goughs—Common colds are frequently removed in a
few hours.
Dr. llelfe’s Aromatic Pill*, for Females. Price,
§1 50.
Dr. Relfe’a Antitulious Pill*. Price 50 cents. A
truly valuable remedy for Bilious complaints.
Dr. Kelfe’s Vegetable specific. Price 50 cen s.—
Oue of the best remedies kuovvu for Dyspepsia, Sick
Head Aehe. eVc.
Dr. Jebb’s Rheumatic Liniment. Price 50 cents.—
Its good etiects are immediate. It lias often cured
Rheumatism of years standing, iu 24 hours
Dumfries’ Itch Ointment Price 374 cents. Cure,
in ONE HoUR’jj application only!! No daugqr
Irom taking cold—contain* uo mercury or oUtei dan-,
erons ing r *dieut.
Dumfries’ remedy for the Piles. Price 50 cents,
and §i. Will be found oue ofthe best articles known
lor mi* troublesome complaint <
Dumfries’ Eye Water. A most highly approved
Wash, tor sore, inflamed or weak eyes.
British Alitieeptie Dei tii'rice Price 50 cents. A
most superior article tor whitening and preserving the
teeth aud gums.
Albion Corn Plaster. Price 50 cent*. Gives im
mediate ease os soon us applied, and gradually draws
the corn out by tlie roots, without toe least pain.
Cauihriait'Too'h Ache Pills. Price 50 cents The
relief is immediate, without the feast injury, to the
The above Medicines just received and for safe by
Dec 15 II J. 11. A W. S. ELIAS.
, THE house in Macon formerly known
as the Yellow House, and recently a* Er
win’s Tavern, is offered for snie. This
House is three stories high, and contains
36 rooms, exclusive of those io the base
nient story; .with a fire-place in almost every room
A well iif ’water, good stable, and other out buildings
attached, fire furniture would be sold w ilh lire house
if desired. < Terms will he made liberal. Apply mi
the premises fo .ALEXANDER IUCI1AKD3.
Dec 15 U tf , i
Ccntial Bail Bond & Banking Com-
tpany «f Georgia
December 6, ’1836.
4 DIVIDEND, at the rate of ten iper centum per
annum, on the capital of this institution, em
ployed in Banking, has been this day declared by the
Board of Directors.
The same wili be paid to stockholders, or their le
gal representatives, on and after Thursday the 15lh
December, inst.
Stockholders at and in the neighborhood of Macon
who dasire their divideuds to be paid'at the,'Blanch;'
will please give notice to I. B. Rowland, Esq. Cash
ier. 11 R, R CUYLi R- Cash.
T SIE Commander in Chief requests tlie services
of a BATTALION consisting of five Compa
nies of Mminted Men. to complete a Regiment under
command of Colonel Ciiarle* H Nelson, now on the
march to Florida Tran-portation subsistence, &c
,Yc will be furnished for that purpose, until the Bat-
tnlinn shall reach the appointed rendezvous in Florid.;,
Those who are willing to accept this invitation will
immediately report to Hedd Quarters, and receive
marching orders.
lie order ofthe commander in chief.
11 2t BULLING H ROB 1 N> l d' ec-mp
Of the Grand Jury of Bibb county, Noremlcr Term,
1836. .;
E, th, Grand Jury of the county aforesaid, in
closing our duties of the presci t term, tender
our congr inflations to our fellow-citizens of the coun-
iv on the favorable change which the state ot our com
munity presents iu the gradual decrease ot crime* and
Swledged it* justness by resolutioxq amiordered the j =” SthSS^while
treasurer cl the City to pay them S2oM) y winch re-1 .. . v f- •« fmiHuv a!.
* , .. 1 • . t . - mi i u city is growing np iu our niwat rapiaix> ai-
leased them 1mm emharrassment at the time, ihe / s ,, 4 - t . f a wraith are crown-
Trustees have bound themselves and Successor* to t!. .• j .''^^"“laudable Mlorrs^of the industrious and enter
City Council “ not to sell or convert to any other use | ;r‘ h senS( , of lnora( right which
thar, for Academical purposes, any part of the -caue- j ; - g C0 , IinlI1 „f t) . promis e ? to give stability,
my rot without consent of the citizens of Macon, c:v- . . 1 „ * • tj
A ,11 t • ‘ j permanence, and increasing value V its society.
rpf * eemntf i • This Jury however have wituesed with deep regret
1 he amount vt SoDOO uue various individuals, is an , v y .. . r- - t : nrr pn«ttifr nr.
.* * j j* • -i . * * , , t and alarm an evil which seems to be nut increasing 11,4**
estimated amount ol uicicien'ai expenses due ami ac-i .
, Halil- 1 1 0,1 - 1 the numerous retail ot^blishnieiits or sjuntiioiis
ermn. uau>. ^ ^ iiqiiors—In addition to the great injury that results to
LeJp'urer j>ar* of our popnlnlio»i.growing,we believe,
W . U. HZTs
AV1NG determined to close Ins busines*. will
dispose of lii«*tccko r Good* consisting of a*v
ive assortment of f'
Staple and Fancy Ary Goods
iicdfjifmadr Clothing,
at rery reduced pruts. Pnrcliaser* will undoubtedly
find it to their interest to avail themselves of the pre^
«e*>t f• vnrable opportunity of supplying themselves
with CHEAP GOODS. ' Oct 13 r 2 is
Ware llonse and Wharf Properry
For Sale.
T HF. undersigned offers for sale hi* well known
property on the river bank in Macon, consist
ing of tVare House. Store House, M liarves, &c. Ac
For Sale.
T V :'NTY-FOUR Halt acre LOTS, situated in
the Western part of rite City, eligible for re
sidence*. These lerU will be sold at public out erv
on the 27th inst on the premises Term*, one-third
ca*h, one-third at 6 months, and one-third at- 12
Dec 15 2t 11
A LARGE and general assortment of
Fancy and Staple Goods
For the Wint.-r trade, just received by
tjbVlO e V CnAFT 4 IrEWIt*
Central Bail Road &. Baniiiifr Cc. of Urcorgia.
December, *. 18 ti.
A N I'.I.ECTIi iN for nine Directors of this iusti
intion will be held at the-Banking House in-Sa
vannah. on tne first Monday in Jahiiarv next.- -The
polls will be open froin 10, A. M. to 2 1*. 31. By or-
dei of th Board of Directors.
. 11 R. K. CUYLER, Cnghier,
tf- T. on .■'iiturrki^. 3d inst on tlie road between
H I the Echocounee' apii VVBlboro’*-Jerry, or be
tween there aud Mr Atidrevy’* in TwiggR county,
containing viglity-tive uollars -in bank bills, and one
$5 gold piece. Also, a • number of notes, receipt*
and account*—among them-two notes On Jeremiah
Bazemore. one for §20, the other for §12; one §10
note on Henry Durden; and one §10 note on Jvin
ney Dmden. A liberal reward vvi.l be paid the fin
der of said pocket book on returning it auii the cote
tent* to the subscriber in Jones county,* miles fron.
Macon on the river road, or at the Telegraph office
— and auy information will he thankfully ri ceived
M OoT oil Tuesday titb inst. in Macon, or he-
6 i tween here arid Bailey’* Mill, a seal skin I’OI
KuT BOOK, containing oue note on Isaac Newber
ry for §12.50, payable to Wiley A. Thomas n» bear
er; one on Wm. for §10, payable to Guiltord
Lipseyor be irer; and some other papers not recoliec-
red. Any person finding the same and returning it re
the subscriber, at Jer miuli Burnett’* in Bibb county,
or leaving it at the Telegraph priming ofiice, will con
fer a favor on the owner.
Dec 10 II 2t GUILFORD 1.1P8EY.
A T the late residence of Joel,Blown, h te of Heu
ry county deceased, will ho sold, on Saturday,
the 4tk FEBRUARY next, the personal property.
Consisting of Corn and Fodder, household and kit
chen furniture, «&c. Terms of safe mado known on
the day. Dec 9 II JA3IE8 RANSOM. Adm’r.
The §40(10 due O. Salt marsh is a balance from a
loan of §16,000 made of him in 1833, for the purpose
of building the bridge across the Ocmulgee river, con
necting Fast Macon with the principal City, for t.'ic-in-
demnification of which the tolls from the bridge were
applied until March last, when by consent they were
stopped thus being appropriated, and since when the
tolls have gone into your treasury.
The receipts for Taxes for 183G, will not realize over
§1000 to §1COO, if that sum—the amount refunded for
over paid on tax 1835, reducing it to this amount from
the assessment of §61.'1 for the year 1836. There-,
ccipts for toll at the bridge averages §150 to §130 per
week, which will keep in repair, pay bridge keepers
salary, lights, &e. and support the public hands. The
annual instalments due on lots the 1st of January next,
will be about §2500—this however does not come uii-
Due der the of this board, but is for onr sncees- *°
sors. The Licenses amount to §500. These, are all "
the incomes of the Corporation of the City.
Council unanimously feeling the inadequacy of the
receipts of the City Treasury, to its obligatory expen
ditures lor the good government and necessary im
provement, did apply to the sitting Legislature of the
•State, to amend the Charter of the City so far as to
leave it to the judgement of the Mayor and Council,
how much they shall tax the city property, within a
rate that Nvonld not be onerous—believing that in the
3!ayor and Council should alone be vested the discre
tionary power of fixing tlie rajo of taxes; for none o '
flier than they can know the probable amount'of ex
pellees, and it is asking but the confidence of the com
munity who clect them, and who hold in their suffrage
a check fi r any abuse ofthe confidence. This appli
cation, we are informed, will not be granted. .
'charter now stands, we are limited to the pittance of
15J rents on the §100, the same as the State lay, uie
Legislature, in Iheir wisdom, having reduced it, with
an overflowing treasury, to the smallest amount they
conceived requisite to bind the people together—but
with all due deference to the judgmc t of the Legis
lature, your committee cannot conceive the analogy,
and must protest-against individuals from the most re
mote part of the 8tate legislating on the wants of any
particular community. The tax at its present rate of
151 cents on the-§100, is less tl on many of our smaller
towns in the State and immediate neighborhood, and
will not pay the salaries of the officers. This,' howev
er, and the rejection of the application of this board to
the Legislature, is for our successors to contend irith
To us the question comes, how are we to pay the debt:
contracted ? Your Committee would recommend that
flic City Surveyor be directed, under tlie superinten
dence of a Committee, to lay ott'on the City Common
in conformity io the present plan of the city, Lot*,
to be sold for a lease of 999 years from 1st January
inst. by public outcry, payable one half cash, one fourth
in six months, one fourth in twelve months, and from
tlie proceeds ol the sale the debt* of the City, amount
ing to §86,660 bo paid.' And in case of there not be
ing realized a sufficient amount to pay the aggregate
debt, then to sell the Rail Rond and Banking Compa
ny Stack, or so much thereof as may be requisite to
supply the deficit; whereby the good liiith of, at least,
this board of Council may be maintained with those
who have given it credit.
C. A. HIGGINS. ) Committee
J. COWLES, > of
II. G. ROSS, ) Finance.
Nov. 29, 1836. /
Those who voted for receiving and adopting the a-
bove report, were Messrs Cowles,. Campbell, Hig
gins, Ross, Ralston, Williams and Vigal.
Against it, none.
On motion Aid. Higgins,
Resolved, That to the Committee ofthe whole board
be submitted so much of the above report as relates to
the safe of lots with power.
On motion of Aid Higgins,
Resolved, That to the Finance committee with the
3fayor, be submitted so much of tlie above report as
relates to the sale of stock in the Central Rail Road
and Banking company.
On molfon Aid. ftoss,
1 Resolved, That (he 3Iayor advertise the safe of pric
hundred lotq more <y less in the city of Macon, to take
place on Tuesday, 27th December, inst. That said
advertisement be inserted in the Milledgeville, Augus
ta, Savannah, Columbus, Athens and 3Iacon papers,
or in one paper or more in each of those . places, at his
Qn motion «f Aid Campbell.
Resolved, That Lippett &. Higgins be employed as
auctioneers to sell the city lots.
Resolved, That all resolutions, rules or ordinances
heretofore passed, which have for direction the laying
out and sale of lots on tire eity common, be hereby
considered null aud void.
Resolved, That tlie Pump contractor do enter into
bond within three days here aft: r, with requisite secu
rity, for the tiiitbful performance of his contracts for
the year, under such restrictionsand obligation as are
agreed to between council and the contractor.
The committee of Finance report in-favor of E. B,
Weed’s bill for §45 23.
The bridge kce|ier reported having received at the
bridge duri-.g the 3 weeks ending Friday 2d instant,
§565 U0. , - -
Council then adjourned.
Extract from the minutes, this 6th Dec. 1836. 1
JESSE L. OWEN, c. c.
F OUR mouths after dale application will be made
t.i tire uonoraule the inferior court ofUutts couu-
iv vv.icn anting ior ordinary purposes, for leave do
sell sevoii*y-live fere* of laud, being part of ot No. 4,
in the second district formerly Ueury, now Butts
county, it heitig p .i t uf the land belonging o tlie e*
late of William RhodcU -U: eft. seel. 'fb liesold. mrCie
benefit of the hairs. Dec 8 11
S \M’L .BELEAH, Adm’r.
in a ;-jai measure out of the frequent temptations
around them, we believe that the laws are constantly
violated bv selling liquor tG slaves botbbv the quantity
ami bv retail; we also believe that tlie law is constant
ly violated by secret and cavert means on the Sab
bath day bv many-retailer*. among us, and not only
: valving ’the slaves in difficulties, destroying iheir
vaiae, and stirriug up their worst passions, but itijur-
:*>" the moral chnracier of our community, and cr-
(lauirering its safety We therefore call all good citiz
ens of th:* community to be watchful oyer i s interests,
iiinf o;tr civil authorities to notice and in every, prac-
r .■ ■!••!(' m.intii r to prosecute and bring such offenders
to i||-t. : ce ,
We .amice also with regret, that a custom prevails
vine extent within the city of Macon «l bringing
into tlie city for sate, wood, corn, fi»dder, and coal on
the Sabbath day, to the manifest vi datipn of the Sab
bath and ihe good order of society We therefore
recoiyiuieuii that the city and other public authorities
notice and correct this growiug evil.
Iu fulfilment ol .... f.quiri meut of the law on that
subject we have examined the acqpuihs and vouchers
i it ,.*:;ingtuii Poo, i.sq. of the poor school
and. uud find that lit-- funds which Lave cpme to
ins bauds have beau fully disbursed in a manner
■ ighiy vreuitabio te that officer, and in acc> rijauce,
wita the-treiutictiitobject of tlie Legislauue in crea
ting this fund.
We have examined the offices of tho Clerk* of .me
Superior and Inferior- Couils, and find that the public
records aijil papers therein arc neatly kept and care
fully airaiiged-lur the public,- convenience in a man
ner highly creditable to those office: - *—VV e regret
however that we have to stale, thakflic f lerks ol the
Inferior Court nave ir most instances neglected the
very important law requiring bond with good security
from those applying tor license to retail spirituous li
quors lie r. . onon md anil request the Inferior
Court of our comity to sen that hereafter their Clerk*
comply Wi.fs tin* iayv, .-Hid to report any neglect there
of to a future Grand Jury.
We have also examined flic account of recipt* and
disbuistuienU ot the Comity Treasurer, and End fl;a
.-a:ne to our entire satisfaction, leaving a balance in
ms hand* uf.oue thousand and forty-six dollars and
eighty-five cents.
VVe find- from the return of tax cxccutii ns exhibited
to u» In the fax Collect ir. that he is eniiiied io an
allowance of three hundred iind dollars and
six loon cents for his Insolvent list.
Our attention having been asked by the Slayer
ofthe citv of Macon, as well a* by other of the pub
lic .iiitbbti!:rs to the subject of pauperism and the _
funds set apart for that object by the present Tax law,
vve have ihvestigatcri that subject as lar as v:e could do
so, arid regret to find that tho funds set apart for that
object aru entirely inadequate to support those who
from poverty, infirmity and disease, are entirely
dependent upon the public bounty. VV about fcci-
g it nor-e>*ary to investigate 'lie causes which have
introduced such an extent of pauperism vv thin, out
limits, we believe that the means of their support
while living* and of their decent burial when dead,
should bo provided bv Jaw and not left dependent up
on the charity of individuals—Wc therefore recom
mend that the Senator and Representatives from this
comity endeavor to hove the Tax law amended so fares
regards t!ii* county, that the Inferidt court may have
the power to lay such extra lax a. may by necessary
for this object.
We recommend to the Inferior Court to proceed
as rapidly as the state and prospect of the com-
ty fuuds will allow, in procuring to be built a
giii/.l ami so.i.cieut County Jail, the material to be sub
stantial, and tue plan combing a conilbt table dwelling
within tlie Walls ;br tjie use of the Jailor as affording
greater security and safety to the keeping of prisoners
—and as vve l.ud that flit) present county tax is not
adequate to die building siicli a Julias the public in
terest requires, we recommend that- our Senator and
liepreseii.ulncs iu the present Legislature endeavor
to have a .aw passed authorising an extra tax of 50 per
cent to oe assessed upon the general tax cfourcoun-
ty to meet litis object.
Iu taking leave td the Court, wc prevent onr thanks
to nis Honor Judge King for the promp and en
ergetic manner in w inch ne has dischdiged his duties
during the .present Term of Court.—Also, lo ; Col.
rflark Uie Solicitor General, and to Col Baily Solicitor
General,- pro- tern, for the politenr.d courteous man-:
tier in vvhicn they nave ntteuifed the calls of this body
and the prompt uud efficient manner in which they'
ii ve severally disci,urged their duties durieg t; q pres
ent Term.
VV e request that < ur Presentments be published iri-
thegazelles of tin* o.’acc.
WiEE’„\Jl IE PARKER, Foreman,.
Y ABD.-A small lot, of excellent quality, for sal,
I i by Nov 24 6 0.UAET A LEWIS.
F OUR month- alter date applicatiofr will be made
to the honorable the Inferior court of Bibb coun
ty, when sitting for-Ordiria’^ puEpteaC for leave'So sell
the re dOAtataof-‘arbes lone*, Mia* JatnV Nnrnran. a
minor. Deo BRANCH FliLKS( Guard. .
Thonrns UarUcmnn,
11 illiam. Solo men.
Tllert Cal'toun.
11 illiam IT Berldtcpi,'
John Harrey,
James Godtiard,-
Jumes Myrich, .
Jdnies Rea-, ,
Jehu Campbell, f
Asa E. Ernest.
II illiam H. Norman
Otdcick That the Piesemnx-in of the Grand Jjuy r
bw pubiisiied as requested by that body,, ‘
A mieceopy firm tl:e Aljt.nics Nov. 13 XFT’fj.
December 1 1!. G ROSS y Cl*fc,:
Caif Bl kins.
Dozen just received, vyarranted. a mperior-
artels. dec 15 11
1 G VV PRICE &, Co.
Needham Mims
'ulomoji Grace,
LtlUelon D. Percy,
James Hilliair.s,
Sin ri Bon,
Benjamin Trapp.
It itliam Ii." Cathcun,
Nathan.Ci Munroe.
aatiii'c! C Ltpptu,
John Hailet/.
John liotlwgstcorth.
Carpet ng.
J UST received, a^eivqiieces of Ingrain v_;.jpcU'
which is lor safe at reduced price-.
dec In If T5 W PRICK A. C -•