Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, December 22, 1836, Image 4

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MACOI GEORGIA TELEGRAPH ri uB. k i LOO ilIS.i YS remo * cams stock of *'>« HFMCM'ES, t’amis, o.|% Ac. *'io*t"re on Couun Avenue, recently occupied by ,,* r ,'. d ' Winn, and ^joining filestore of J. «L Vv. 07“ $400,i>00. ^£D .liontoe dtutt iioau d uiaukius Co. of Georgia—Sale oj 'lockJur taut Co.ujhiuy. H', untier (be provisions 01 an amended charter to the Monroe ituit ttoud Company, pa-.-ed by the Legislature of Georgia on the 1st ol this Valuable RXedicines> T\R. Relfe’s Botanical Drops, trice |1. One Uuliiivu, i J pa.^eu by thu Legislature of Georgia ou the 1st ol this he otfrs’ Um “, T S 'Sr?**'** ' ,wla "‘* ^*' ch P**vidcs for an increase oi the Capital for earn nr J . 0 ,'* , n’ a ‘ ° x V stock of said Company to six hundred thousand dol- • car.i or good notes In order... avoid any m.sun 1 , ars 1Ilc|udi u , e Lndred thousand already sufi- oi the best medicines yet discovered, for all im- puriues of the blood. Ur. Kelfe’s Asthmatic Pills. Price50ccnts find $1 Give immediate relief—Often cure the most obstinate Cougiis—Common colds are frequently removed in a few hours. derstandiug, nmsv'be iirouerio state 'that Pmu7s' Oils' "fT” 8 ^ wo hundred thousand already sun- Ur. Relfe’s Aromatic PUls. for Females. Price, and " ■ P . .P er . state tnat railits. uiis w . nbed t|le oue ba |f of which is to be appropriated to $1 50. ing articles are included in his imnnlMB viz* ' ° * die construction of the Kail itoad from Jlacon to For- Dr. Relfe’s Antibilious Pills. Price 50 cents. ? . . - . . •yih, and the other hall’to the purposes of Banking, truly valuable remedy for Bilious complaints. And whereas said charter provides for Urn extension Dr. Relfe’s Vegetable specific. Price 50 cents.— of the route of said Road, and fur the mcrease of the One „f the best remedies known for Dyspepsia, Sick capital stock in a sufficient ratio to effect that object, Head Ache. &c. the Hoard of Directors of said company do therefore Dr. Jebb’s Rheumatic Liniment. Price 50 cents.' Ilesolcc, that they will cause books to be opened for tne Jta good effects are immediate. It has often cured sale of the increased Capital Stock provided lor by said Rheumatism of years standing, in 24 hours, amended charter for that portion of the Road between Dumfries’Itch Ointment Price 374 cents. Care Macon and Forsyth, at the foliowing places, an I un- jn ONE HOUR’S application only!! No danger Jrtco foeo Vf.itches, Lucifers, Rowland's Kalydor iVafew, Drop Luke, liru lies. Fancy and Shaving Soaps, White Uar Soap, Salad, Oil, .Morton’s Cough Srrup, Rowan’s Tome Mixture, Potter's Cntholiccii Mortar, of Iron, liras*. .Marble, Glass and l\ edge- wood, Ware, Orange Flower Water, Ros» Water Mace and other spires, Alcohol, Shellac, Nitric Acid, Verdigris, Zinc, Lobelia, Myrrh. African Cayenne Popper. Valerian, Sagv Neats Foot Oil, Logwood, Fustie, Indigo, Brazil Wood, Cliem Wood, Copperas, Alum, Brimstone, Venetian Red, Glue, Badger'Hair Blenders, and Shaving Brushes. Cdmni’s Hair Blen ders and Pencils, Subic Pencils, Brooms. Polishing l’asto, Rotten Stone. Bath Bricks, Bear’s Greece, Stomach Tubes. English Calomel, Medicine Chests with directions for farmers, Lamp Glasses, Brushes. India Ink, Black and lied ink, Copper Scales, small Brass Scales, Rochelle Salts, Acetate of Zinc. Vera- trine. Morplicne, Pipeline, Strychnine, Quinine, Rlinlinrliariiie. Snlicine, Kreosoteaud its preparations. Chlorine Tooth Wash. Chlorate of Soda, Extract of Pinkroor. and other preparations of Carpenter. Ex tract Dandelion. Swaiin’s Vermifuge, Varnishes Tooth Instruments for Physicians, Black Sand. Court Pias ter, Spirit of Turpentine Swaim’s Panacea, Hatters’ Bowstrings, and all other articles usually kept in Drug Stores, Oct. 27 4 1 der the following stipulations, they being in accord- i fiom taking cold—contains no mercury or other dan- ' once with the provisions of said amended charter, to genuis ingredient. tcit: The present stockholders will be allowed to sub scribe for any number of shar- s not exceeding thirty, iticiuding the shares they now hold; All new subscri bers may lake any number of shares not exceeding thirty: the amended charter providing that no sub scription shall exceed that number In any ono name ; Dumfries’ remedy for the Piles. Price 50 ceuts, and $1. Will be found oue of the best articles known for this troublesome complaint. Dumfries’ Eye Water. A moat highly approved Wash, for sore, inflamed or weak eyes. British Auticeptic Dentifrice. Price 50 cents. A SW.tDI'S VERllIFUlL. The moat useful Family Medicinccrer ojjend lo the Pub fir. Xu family ought or ever uill lie icithout it after a trial. Patent. T HIS well known Anti-dyspeptic and Harm Medi- cine., lias proved successful these twelve years past, and is universally acknowledged by all who have tried it. to be far superior to any other medicine over employed in diseases for which it is reconinrtmned. It is perfectly safe, and no child will refuse to take it. It seldom fuls curing holer a .JIorbUH, fiti/k- etilrrtf or Boirel Complaints, Colic anti Weeding Stilts, either m grown per sons or children, and it gives appetite to almost all de bilitated persons. Worms frequently infest children, aggravate all other diseases and are the chief cause of fecera th ird Complaints, and chronic and nervous dis eases, incident to childhood, which are so numerous and frequently liital. It is much to be regretted that thousands of children are swept off, or are rendered feeble. Dale and emaciated through the first stage of life —which leads on to pulmonary complaints, Ac. &e. Worms lining especially apt lo infest persons of de bilitated digestive organs and emaciated constitutions, much mischief is oltcn doue by the ordinary worm medicines, which g»nerally consist of the strongest jjurgativos—caltimel, that destroyer of the constitution hi Iters, pink root, or spirits of turpentine, worm see oil, Ac. Articlesof this kind n ay destroy worms, bn nor shall the present stockholders, w ho have less titan most superior article for whitening and preserving the that number of shares exceed the number of thirty in teeth aud gums. any one name. The subscribers to the stock will be , Albion Corn Plaster. Price 50 cents. Gives im- required to pay in money on subscribing the sum of mediate ease as soon as applied, and gradually draws Fifty Dollars per share. The commissioners herein- the corn out by the roots, without the least pain, after designated or a majority of them will proceed to Cambrian Ton'll Ache Pills. PriceoO ceuts. The open bonks of subscription on the first Monday in Ja- relief is immediate, without the least injury to the unary uext, and will keep them open for the space of Teeth. three days, unless the stock shall be sooner taken lip, . The above Mediciues just received aud for snle by to wit. j Dec 15 II J. H. &. W. S. ELLIS. At Macon for tire subscription of 400 shares, Gen.; fitRDEIV SEEDS. L I, Griffin, T G H-dl, and JMin Jones. ) It. s'Jf. SIIOTiV'EEE At Forsyth. 50(1 shares. Alfred Brooks, John G Hill, yff.WL -asi received 10(1 boxes assorted fresh and Thomns W Oneal |l g J Guidon Seeds. Cullodensvillo, 100, James D Lester, E II Flewel- embracing 300 different Kinds, among which are Early !in, and Rev Alex Spear. Yo.k, Early Sugar l.oaf. Early Dutch, Early George, Large York, Early Bullock’s Hea H Large Bergen Pint nr I ntn 1 lnfnlt l.rnnii Snuiv ArL'Iift’fi Kllrlv they debilitate the stomach, and often materially m j pin., jure the general health, without removing the cause. Swaim’s Vermifuge has the peculiar advantage of re moving the cause of worms, by giving \ igor and heal thy action to the stomach, bowels and organs of diges tion—tht reby removing measles, croup hooping cough Thomaston. 200. John H Blount, Robert Collier, and Col. Thomas Beall. Zehulon. 200, Jouu L Blackburn, James Neal, and Janies B Read. % Jackson, 200 J II Stark, Gnstavus Hendrick, and Yelverton Thaxton. Covington, 20ii, Col Thomas Wright, Gen Graves and McAllen Butts .McDonough, 300, Win Beck, Col O W Cox, and I! end ley Varner. Decatur. 200, Isaac N Johnson, James Leman, and Gen Kzzard Fayetteville, 200. Tandy D King, J D Stell. and Thus. B. Gay Greenville, 200, W B Ector, W Burks and Levj Adams. Newnan, 200, Sami G Echols, G D Greer, and Th Watson. Knoxville, 100, James M D King. W A Carr, and Win Colbert. Perry, 200, James Dean, Maj J M Kelly and Maj F. E Crocker. Marion, 200. Henry Solomon. Ben) B Smith, and John Fitzpatrick Clinton 200. Daniel Gunn, James Gray, and John Mnnlicello, 200, Dr D A Reese, Edw J Hill and J j and many other complaints. It is by this means that j go „, n ud Dr N I' Harr s. C Watters. Lumpkin. 200, Win Conyers, Neill Robinson, and Tomlinson Fort. Saudersville, 100, Ishatn 11 Saffold, Samuel Ilnbin- so many grown persons have been relieved, by Us use. of dyspepsia, sick liead-arhe, foul or soar stomach. FOOL BREATH, coughs, and most of the bilious symptoms, Ac. Ac. Ac. This medicine will relieve Bowel Complaints or Dys entery, Billions Colic, vomiting, sickness, pain or weakness in the stomach or bowels, loss of appetite either in children or grown persons, in a few hours: •tiid seldom fails curing CHILLS and FEVER or FE-- VER A AGUE, and Intermittent or Billions Fevers. For snle, wholesale add retail by July 7 M J H. & W. 9. ELLIS. iHorlo t’s Pulmonic Expcctoiant CO Villi S L'Ji VI*, Tor Coughs, Colds, Asthmas Consumptions and II hoop ing Coughs. A MONG the numerous complaints with which the human fnit.dy re nltiicted, none are mote com Campbellton,200, E-Uvard B Thompson, Janies M'- Kay. and Evan Brown. The Commissioners will keep a separate envelope of each subscriber’s money, and endorse his name thereon, and will receive no money in payment for stock, except bill« on the specie paying banks of the stale of Georgia and the banks in tin: city of Charles ton S C, They will give to each subscriber a certifi cate I or the number of shares he may have subscribed, and wi 1 ) immediately after closing the books of sub- soriptioii, transmit to Gi n LL Griffin, Pres’t of the Company, in Macnu. by mail or otherwise, a list of the subscriber*' names, with the number of shares they m»y have each taken. They will also within ten dais thereafter pay over or cause to be paid over to Gen Griffin in Macou.orto Alfred Brooks in Forsyth, the money received by them for such subscriptions. Resolved further, that the present stockholders be mtiu than coughs, colds, Ac. and' none uiote fatal in ; required to pay on the first Monday, 1 uesday and their results, unless timely care is taken to stop their progress before they become too firmly seated upon the lungs. Notwithstanding the many remedies that have been offered to the public, not any have hereto fore proved successful in procuring a certain and spee dy relief. Toe proprietor having been an eye witness (for sev eral years) of the astonishing rirtues of this extraor dinary Medicine, at length deems it his duty to offer it to the public, inn way that it may receive a more ex tensive circulation; aud at a price that the poor may receive the benefit of it as well as the rich. This syrup is particularly efficacious in removing coughs arising from rolds, attended with hoarseness -and soreness about the windpipe; likewise shortness I bon of merchants, planter and all others, inviting then: Wednesday m Jaunrry next, an instalment of Thirty Dollars per share, and may suit their couveuieiice in the payment of the money either to Gen. Griffin, Pres’t, Macon, or to Alfred Brooks, secretary, iu For syth. A true extract from the minutes of the Board of Di rectors, this 7th December, 18:16. ALFRED BROOKS, Stc’ry A FF.W WORDS. The Legislature of Georgia in granting the above charter lias created stock inferior to none in the U S. aud by the provisions of said act, it is spread before the people of our State, and 1 beg leave to call the alien- of breathing, tightness across the breast, accompanied with a tickling cough; and in all consumptive cases its use is particaiatly recommeuded, likewise whooping cough is greatly relieved by its use—children laboring under tins distressing disease in innumerable instan ces have hern astonishingly benefitted-in a few' dnys; the pleasantness of it is a great advantage, as children will take it with os much pleasure as they will pre serves. N. B.—The directions accompanying each bottie will he signed by Il ia L Perkins, the sole proprietor. Each bottle is sealed with the impression of MOR TON'S PULMONIC EXPECTORANT COUGH SYRUP, plainly stamped on it. For certificates, see the directions. WM L. PERKINS. We have just received a fresh supply of the above and can safely recommend it as a very excellent medi cine. Oct * . 2 If. iV J. SIIOTiVE* I.. Ag’tn UlUUUlll'Bb ll» HIM UIP Iff UIC IMV UIIU | . » , p i i is to spare, if anv.isfor otliora i. is righteous t Iicar ~ l . do . , £" r > ' in should reap of that which he may sow. If *■*» or cherry turnip do Early e to participAte the stock will all be taken , ar, F ,oaf < A15 *^ do do Green’s Vegetable Tonic Mixture*. O l Freer and Ague Conqueror, fur Intermittent or Fever and Ague. Tnis inestimable Febrifuge has womuiud itself, by repeated trials, to bo superior to any ar'.icla yet oliefred to the public; it is infallible in Intermittent aud Fever and Ague; in recent cases it exterminates the ChiUs aud Fever in front twenty- four to forty eight hours; being ofa vegetable compo sition. tbo public will apprehend no injurious ellccts frion deleterious mineral.-; it operates us a mild but olicctu tl purgative, and may be givi ii with great ad vantage in Dysentery, Bowel complaints, Depraved Appotlte, Phmjloiicy, Jauudic*. Ni lit Sweats, and many other affections of similar origin. For proof of the efficacy of this mixture, try a bottle. The inventor being uvare of the many unprincipled frauds that arc duly pricticud on the public, has tikan the precaution to prefix his.signature <o the genuine. For sale by •apt l« KI II. .v, J wSHQTWEI.I.. Agents to come forward and aid in the construction of this all important work of improvement and participate in the creation of the Bank. Ho that cannot contribute much let hint give agreeable to his means, especially those tliatjiave heretofore complained of the unaccom modating disposition of the Banks,to that class I would say come forward and make yourselves the proprie tors of the institution, for certain it is, and always will be, accommodations is first din to the proprietors, and i that which ' that all men von refuse to participate immediately, that the three days shall hnve expired, does any one ft ar the joss of his capital should he vest it in said stock. I will say to all such, those that may subscribe for stock within the three days specified and shall for cause or without canse, become dissatisfi :d, | •■••s" 7—fl 'nibei vv I will hereby pledge myself to take his her 01 their] ®* fI Y drumhead or BeifcenDwarf curled PARSLEY slock, at any time between the first and fourth day of j “° December next, paying the cost of stocks together I vyiththe full amount of dividend that may be due and j unpaid. And will consider this my written obligation ' and biudiig until the Kith day of Decmber, 1837.— ’.Macon December 7tb lt-36. L. L. GRIFFEN. The Federal Union and Georgia Journal will give the above two insertions, and forward their accounts to Genera 1 Gritfin in Macon. A. B. R <». NcIIOAALII, HI. D. If enlist, t.ftl'LL’TFULLY announces his pennaiient re sidence in Maeon. To those who are unacquaint ed with his merits, lie would say, that for the last five years he has availed himself of all means of iustruc tion. lie has been near thiee yesrs a licentiate of the Flat or Late Dutch, Green Savoy. Ark lie’s Dwarf, Yellow Savoy, Red Dutch, Green Glazed, Early Drumhead and Large DrumheadCABBAGE- Rutabaga, long Hanover, white flat, white globe, red top flat, early garden rock, fine Scotch or Aber deen flat, large English, Norfolk flat, and early Dutch or spring flat TURNIPS. White, rc«l and yellow ONION. Early Freneh sugar, early white scarcity, long man- gul wurtzel, Swiss chard, early blood, Jong blood aud early orange turnip BEET. Scarletorauge and blood CARROT. Long white and Guernsey I ARSNIPS. Early Tuscarora. early Sioux A early sugar CORN Large white marrow fat. eaily Charlton,eat ly bishop, dwarf marrowfat, dwarf prolific, dwarf blue imperial and early Washington Slay PEAS. Early Mohawk, early China, early six weeks, refu gee. Rob Roy. and white kidney dwarf BEAN Lima, Dutch case knile Dutch white, scarlet and variegated cranberry POLE-BEAN Early short green, early aluster, early flame, lon2 and extra long CUCUMBER. Nutmeg, jreen citron, pomgranate, and cantelope MVS K.MELON. Early Dutch summer, bush crook, crook neck win ter andcocoa nut SQUASH. Mammoth, large yellow aud cheese PUMPKIN.. Extra cabbage head, ice head, early white head, ice, coss. mag mini bottuni coss, rose, large gre«. n, imperial sugar loaf, and royal cabbage head LETTUCE. Long scarlet, long salmon, early scarlet, long white Naples, purple scarlet top, cherry turnip, black and white fall Spanish, and white turnip RADISH. Watermelon Scotch and sea Kale, early and late Cauliflower; Cayenne and bell Pepper, Cress or Pep per Grass, Tomato, Celery, Vegetable Oyster, purple Egg Plant, Sage summer Savory, Parsley, long white and short green Okra, giant Asparogus, Nastnrtion, Bene Plant, London and Scotch Leek, Saffron, Sweet •Mignonette, white Mustard, sweet Lavender, Lemon Balm, Ac. Ac. Grass and Flower seeds. The Gardener's Manual. N. B. A liberal deduction made to Merchants in theco untrv- Dtc 8 10 ~ ileal sn.iUJcit a.tuin:.v J UST received and for sale, at the Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue, bv J. H. St W. S. ELLIS. White ONIONS,*y bullock s heart do Yellow do Large drumhead do Red do Flat or late Dutch do Early blood turnip BEET, Green savoy do Early French sugar do Grceu glazed do Early white scarcity White cape hr coli do or sugar do Large English Norfolk Orange CARROT, TURNIP, Long white PARSNIP, White flat do Earl cluster CUCU.MBERSquashoi bell PEPPER, Long groen do Cayenne do Sup’r WATER-MELON, Curled do Fine NUT.M EG .ME LON, Early golden sionxCORN .Mam:m, b PUMPKIN, Early Tuscarora do Dutch summer SQUASH,Early sugar . do Imperial sugar loaf LET-Early Washington June TUCE, PEAS, Ice head do Early charlton do Long white Naples 11A-L»rge white marrowfat do DISH, Dwarf marrowfat J Scarlet short tup do Long salmon do Early mohawk six weeks LOVER, BAGE. White do Early george do Locern Grass seeds, aud Dutch do Flower seeds Early York do Purple EGG PLANT, Large york or harvest do Vegetable Oyster, Bibb She rill Sale. ILL be sold on the jirst Tuesday in January \ V next,at the court house in the city of Macon, bc- u Hu usual hours of sale, Two Lots in the city of Macon, Nos. 1 and 1 square 71—levied onus the property of Z. T. Loa ner, to satisly one Fi Fa from Bibb Inferior Court in. lavor of Smith, Mills A Co. vs. ZT Conner. Prop erty pointed out by plaintiff's attorney. Part of Lot No, 79. lying in the 4th district, former ly Houston now Bibb county, containing the same mure or lt^s,whereon Mrs. Cotton now lives —levied on as the property of Isaiah E. Thompson, to satisly one 1 i Fa lrom Bibb Superior Court, in fa vor of Rufus K. Evans vs. Isaiah E. Thompson. Pro perty pointed out by Rufus K Evans, dec I 9 BENJ. RUSSELL, dip. shff. POSTPONED. Also, icilt be sold as above, Qne lot aud improvements in East Macon, contain ing one acre, it being part of lot No. 4. containing ten acres; whereon Lewis J Groce now lives, levied on as the property of Solomon Groce to satisfy one Fi Fa from Bibb superior court, in favor of Parish, Wiley A Co. vs Solomon Groce—pointed out by the defendant , One negro man named Davy, 60 or 65 years old— levied on as the property of Elijah Cotton, deceased, to satisfy one Fi Fa from Bibb superior court in favor of Rufus K. Evans vs Elijah Cotton—property point ed out by the Administrators of said deceased, dec I - 10 BENJ. RUSSELL, dtp, shf. II AD: re an order of the Inferior court ,J Piheemm-j _ ty. siuing for Ordinary Purposes, intt be sold with n the lawful hours oj sale, btfbn tke Court House, On the first Tuesday in JANUARY nex., at Hami. ton. Harris county. Lot No. 230, in t e 21st dis trict formerly Muscogee, now Harriscoun v Sold as the property of Frederick sessions, late ol Pike county, deceased, for the benefit of all concerned Terms on the day ASA bESSIOhfe, Adnir June 30 1 — ' POSTPONED SALE ■'ll * ILL tie sold before the court house door u« || con, Bibb county, tinder an order u: ih e [jj ieuor court ol said county, on die fi*st Tue t ’<{ a . j JANUARY next, Lot No JbO, and « part of Lot No. 159, boil, j 0 ^ | 4th district originally Houston now Bibb coumy,_ c ot tbe benefit ol tlie or phans of Benjamin Parker ,, ■ ceased. BUKWLLL I’AKKLR,A m'l 1 (Jet 27 4 , I ILL be sold, at tlie late r»sideuce ol~AUt, fl Christian, late of Pike county, deceased, 00 I O N the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the 24tb day of December uext, all the personal p fCfei .. the court house, in Stewart county, within the ly belongmgto said estate^. Dual hours of sale, under an order of the Inferior court j Consisting of Horses, Hogs. Cattle, Household aid nf<sni/7 countu sitting for ordinary purposes,tcill be sold \ Kitchen Furniture, _ of said county, **«««*.J«r o amlyjp Ah0i in the town of Zebulon, on the first Tuesday j, belongin'* to the estate of Benjamin F. Nelson late 1 January next: One Lot and _one Fraction of land,!*, of said county deceased. Sale positive, and terms , mg the same whereon said deceased lived, and r out THOMAS S. CHAPPELL, | Adm , rs Nov 3 .WM. NELSON, Negroes, being the whole of the real estate olsaidde. ceased Terms of sale, made known on the cays MARY A, W. CHRISTIAN. AdmV sept 22 65 JTGREEABLY to the last tci/l, and testament 0 JT iM. James H. Killtn, deceased, mil be. sold at the l 0 ;, Zebulon. Pike eounty, the following property, to wit: j specify. One improved lot of Land, consisting of parts of Nos 56 and57, and containing 20*2j acres, situated in the 7 th distnc* originally Monroe now Pike county;- ^ t hepremises on the day Also six Negroes, viz : Luke, a nnt vate Negro fel the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, be fore the court house in Muscogee county, wil low. aged about 21, W inn v,> » children — 'LT fore tlie court nouse in amscogve euuniy, wnb- celleut cook, laundress, &c. and h «f J!"?"?*' in t h e le"al hours of sale, under an order cf the Infer,. Sold in pursuance of an order from the rnferior.court 1 “ Tf l r„, nrdinnn will be sold, of Pike'county, when sitting as a court of ordinary.! 0. court of .aid county, sitting for ordinary purpose,, I Butts Sheriff sale. W ILL 6e sold on’ theJirst Tuesday iu FEBRUARY next, at the court house door in the town of Jack- son, liuttscounty, between the usual huursof salt, Oue Lot of Land No 30, in the ninth district of ori- giimlly Henry, now Butts county, containing 202^ a- cres, adjoining Crede Wise; James T. Maddox and others—levied on as the property of Frederick S. Fell, to satisfy a Fi Fa from Chatham Superior court infavor of Frederick W. Ileineniauu vssaid Fell, pro perty pointed oat by D. J. Bailey, Esq. Dec 2 9 R1CHA RDJtfcDUFF, Dtp SVff. Crawford Sj erifT Sale. O N the Jirst Tuesday iu JAXUAtiY next, will be , sold before th< court house door in Knoxville, Crawford county, between the usual hou'S of sale. _ Lot of Land No. 96, 111 the 1st district of originally Houston now Crawford county—levied on as the pro perly of Benjamin Simmons, to satisfy a Fi Fa from Putuani Superior Court; Edward Varner vs. Benja min Simmons. Pointed out by plaintiff Part of Lot No 149, lying on the east side of Pach- alaga creek, in the 14thdistrict of originally Muscogee now Crawford—levied on as the property ol John . GREEABLE to an order of the honorable lnfcrio r Cowsin, to satisfy' a Fi Fa issued from the Inferior | court of Pike county, sitting for ordinary purpose 3 Court of Bibb county; Murdock Chisolm vs John , iei , t be soW ji rst Tuesday in JANUARY Cowson. Pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. \ fore the court house door, in Xewnnn Coweta county Nov 30 9 WM. CAMPBELL, Shjj'within the legal hours of sale. Three negroes, namely, Melly, Ishatn, Rial, belong ing to the estate of James Carson deceased, sold lor the benefit of the hetrs of said deceased. SARAH CARSON ) Oct. 01 4 JES E RHODES T ill un the 3<«A LH.CK.WBl.K next, of the late residence of Benjamin Lewis, deceased, in the POSTPONED SALE. TTNDERan order of the Inferior Court of Stewart ■ J countu sitting for Ordinary Purposes, will be — . ...... . , -. _ sold or the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, within residence of said deceased, tn Houston county, on Jtf Cs . [| legal hours of sale, before the court house door in the day, the 9th JAN UA H V next, ..... snid rnnntu ! All the'rtsal and personal property of said decea^ I saiacou y, WeRTO*#. I consisting of that well known settlement whereon bt I sold as the property of Alexander Nelson, late of said | lived, containing seven valuable lots ol land, having | count" deceased Sale positive, and terms cash, a saw and gristmill thereon, the land very productive P THOMAS S. CHAPPELL, l . ; and possessed of other advantages, making it equals nov 3 WM. NELSON, i any body of land in the State. .r M j-^.a TitfirfuMtii JANTJARV 1 Also, 20 likely Negroes, horses, cattle, hogs, sheen ' hLc dotr of] ^various other species of property too numerous,, Terms of sale made known on the day. Dec2 9 JOHN KILLEN, Ex’or (Lr Persons wishing to purchase are invited to ei- J. K. for the benefit of the creditors of John Johnson di> ceased. W- G. MILNER, £ Adm’rs. Oct 24 5 E. VV. WELLS, ( W ILL be sold on the Jirst Tuesday in JANUA RY next, before the court house door in Zebu lon Pike copnty, between the usual hours of sale, Simon and Cloye, each about 55 years of age : also, 202$ qeres of land, lying in the 22d district former); Lee nuw Muscogee comity. No 34c—sold asthopri j perty of Alexander Nelson, late of Stewart count;, deceased. Terms on the day. Nov 24 8 THOMAS S. CHAPPELL, } WM. NELSON, S SN,Ti««™d“ •* *» JAMES NEAL, ? JOHN NEAL. S Guar’ns. house door in Perry, Houston county, All the real estate of John Lupo, deceased, said county, subject to tlie widow’s dmver. Terms made known on the day. Nov 23 8* JOHN KILLEN. A In Houston NIicrilF Sale. O N the Jirst Tuesday tn JANUARY next, will be sold before the court house door, in the town of Perry, Houston county, between the lawful hours of sale. Six bags of ginned cotton, now in possession of John Howell, as the proper.y of William Tonibhn, to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of George Patton, issuing out of Houston Inferior court against William Tomblin. Heel 9 GEORGE M DUNCAN,Dtp Sh'ff. POSTPONED SALE. Also, tcill be sold as above, No,204 in the Cth Dist. of Houston county. Le vied on as the property of John McLeroy to satisfy two Fi Fas issued from a Justices Court of VVilkes County iu favor of Abner Wellborn against said Me' Leroy—Levied on and returned to me by a constable. Lot No, 80 in tlie 5 Dist. of Houston County, as the property of Charles Griffin, or all Charles Griffin’s •nterest ill the same, to satisfy two Fi Fas from the Jus- ticesCourt of said County of Houston, in favor of Win. B. Dupree and others against said Clmrles Griff fin—Levied on and returned to me bv n constable. Dec 1 GEORGE VI. DUNCAN. Pep Sh'ff. Fayette Sheriff Sale B EFORE the court house in Fayetteville Fayette county, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY, next, icill be sold, within the lawful hours of sale, 202£ acres of land, whereon Jesse Pittman now lives, in tlie 9th district of Fayette county, number not known—levied on as the property of Jesse Pittman, to satisfy an execution in favor of Thomas Griffin vs Smith Suddeth, Jesse Pitman and William McBride, levied on and returned to me by a constable. Nov 16 9 ALFRED BROWN, Dtp Sh’ff. Also, will be sold as above 101 j acres, being the ast half of Lot No. 326, in the 4 th district of originally Henry now Fayette coun ty; William Pritchard’s interest in the same—levied on a* the property of the said William Pritchard by e xecution in favor of John G. Dunlap and others: re- , rned to me by a constable. Si Nov 30 9 ANDREW M-BRIDE, Sheriff N the first Tuesday 111 January next. at’Macon, Bibb county, part of Lots No. 7 and 70, in the 13th district of formerly Monrce, new Bibb, lyiu on the waters of the Tobesofkee ; sold as the property of Christiana Scott, for the benefit of all concerned Terms on the day. JOSHUA JORDAN, ? TrllsU es. 14th district Houston county, be sold, All the perishable property of said decea.-ed_co..- co , t sisting of cotton, corn, lodder, horses, f* 1 ’" 1 ' "“* s : : 490 acres pine land, lot No. 98, in the I lid s- ict sheep, blacksmith s and plantation tools, household I - -■ • and kitchen furniture, and other articles too tedious to mention. Two negroes hired and some land® routed. If all should not be sold in one day, the sale will con tinue from day to day until all is sold. Terms made known on the day of sale. Nov 5 7 NATHAN G. LEWIS. Adm'r. A T the late residence of Joel Brown, h.te of Ber ry countv deceased, will lie sold, on Saturday tiie 4th FEBRUARY next, the personal property. ’ Consisting of Corn and Fodder, household and xit- cheii furniture, «&c. Terms of sale made knownd the day. Dec 9 11 JAMES RANSOM, Adm’r. Houston Tux Uollccinr’s >a c O N the Jirst Tussday in FEBRUARY n it ; ill it sold before the court house door, in Pe 1 ij. l b ssttn county, within tlie legal hours, the following j ro a y, or ” I so much there f as will satisjy the tax for tl e y( it 1834, ««nt 2 65 JAMES HOY. O N Thursday the 22d day of DECEMBV R next will be sold at the late residence of Seth Honeycut late of Twiggs county, deceased. All the perishable property belonging to the estate do j of said deceased, consisting of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Dwarf blue imperial do j Sheep, Corn and Fodder, Household and Kitchen Early chinadwarf BEANS Furniture. Plantation tools. A c. Ac. Terms twelve months credit. THOMAS S. CHAPPELL, Nov 10 6 Adm'r Dec 8 11 8 VAIM’S PANACEA, Swaim’s Vomnlugc, Superior Mustard, Fresh Olive Oil, do Castor Oil, do Honev, do Jujube Paste, B till Polishing Brick, . 1 Ijrwell’s Tetter Ointment, Elf'Tvesciag Magneqia, Saponaceous Compound, Fancy Soaps, Otto of Hose, Sal Aeratus. The above, with a variety of articles iu the line just received by J. H. & W S. ELLIS, Nov 17 7 Cotton Avenue. Green's 'Tonic -Uivturc, AM D RotvamlQ Tonic M i x I it ro. A Ui>-IDsupply of each. Just received, and for do by II. &. J. SH'lTWI.I.L -ept 15 6! Opposite Central Hotel, Macon Oc'iiiiuo K(>u:iii(I’s Tonic fixture, A KES1I supply just received and for sale by jitt. Nov 17 7 J- H. A* VV. S, ELLIS, Cotton Arcane, Macon chartered board of examiners on Dental Surgery in Baltimore for the state of », ary land. All who mav need his services, may confidently rely upon having justice doue them. Office at the-Central Hotel, dee 8 4t 10 ii. l>AN«Ti\<; SCHOOL. N. MOUNT, from New York, respectfully announces to the public,'thar he will open his Sotioul on Tuesday next 13th inst. at tbe courthouse. Days of Tuition, Tuesdays and Fridays, from 4 o’ clock P M for Ladies, Misses and young Masters ;aad from 7 in the evening for gentldWn Mr M assures those Ladies and Gentlemen w ho may please to honor him with their patronage that the nio-t modern and fashionable Dances will be taught by him, and that they may safely rely on his iierenmtiug care and at tention. Early applications are requested to be made to Mr M at the Central Hotel. Private Lessons «vi|| be given if required. 10 .'ft dec” JP STOLE !V, TAVERN FOB SALE. THE house in Macon formerly known as the Yellow House, and recently as Er win’s Tavern, is offered for sale. This House is three stories high, and contains 36 rooms, exclusive of those in tlie base ment story; with a fire-place in almost every room. A well of w ater, good stable, and other out buildings attached The furniture would be sold with the house if desi.ed. Terms will be made liberal. Apply on the premises tn ALEXANDER RICHARDS. Dec 15 11 tf - A GOOD TAVERN STAND For Sale- Iu Perry, Houston county, the stand at present occupied by Phiu- uey Oliver The House has long been occupied as a Tavern, and is too vvll known to need descrip- tion. Perry is a small, but thriv ing village in a rich prosperous county, and is tbe thorough fare for * great deal of travel. Attached to the house are 3£ acres of ground, with stables aud o- ther out houses. If not sold before tho first Tuesday'in January, it will ou that day be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder. Terms will be made to suit purchasers. Apply lo ihe subscriber at Vienna P. O. in tlie 14th district, 8 miles west of Perry, or to M. Bartlett, iu Macon. Nov 3 5 MOSES COLLINS. U NDER an order of the Inferior Court Bibb of coun ty, sitting for Ordinary puporses, will be sold be fore the court house within the usual hours of sale, On the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, at the court house in Lowndes county, Lot No 469, in the 10th district formerly Irwin, now Lowndes county, containing 490 acres. On the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, before the court house in Carroll county, Lot No. '63. in the 10th district of said county, near Carrollton,—contain ing 202J acres. All sold as the property of James McDonald, late of Bibb county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs.— Terms on the day. August 4 58 JEMIM A MCDONALD. Adm'rz. GREEN McDONALD, Adm’r. ,V Urt Fever and .Isrue—itownu's • Punic Mixture —-Inipiire Mixture, for snUhv 44 J II. A tv S F.I.IJS Jledfciiie Chests, *T osT. on .'uturday, 3d inst. on the roim between I A the Echoconnee and Wellborn’s ferry, or he, tween there and Mr. Andrew’s in Twiggs county- ROM our More eri the eve of the 2d inst. a large ! A CALI* SKIN POCKET BOOK, music box. that plays 4 tunes, 1 marseiltev hvmn, i 1 containing eighty-tive dollars iu hank bids, and one hunter* horn .the others not recollected. Whoever 1 #8 gold piece. Also, a number of notes, receipts will give inhumation ofthe -ante, shall be rewarded for : al * d accounts—among them two cotes on Jeremiah their trouble i Btzemore. one for $20, the other for .$12; one.§10 December 8 JO J A. A* S. S. VIRGIN. 1 note on Henry Durden: and one $10 note on Kiri- jgi t'OLEN-Yesterday from if Rtore it. Broad burden. A liberal reward wi l he paid the fin- CT street, a Large Gold Hunting Lever WATCH, i der of ,a ' d P^et book on it and the com 11s minis Richard l»nwi« London nnn.K-r RiQi I tents to the subscriber in Jones county , I miles from Macon on the river road, or at tho t elegrupti office —and any information will he thankfully received. ‘ * 4- II THOMAS J. DRAUGHON. A Rr.EABLE to the last will and testament of Thomas Chappell, late of Twiggs county, deceas ed, will be sold on Tuesday 27lh DECEMBER uext, be fore the court house in Twiggs county. Three Negroes. Jim. a man about forty years of age Berry, a boy fourteen years of age and Chany, a wo man 35 years of age, n first rate cook, washer and ironer. Terms cash Nov 3 THOMAS 8 CHAPPELL. 7 JOSEPH I CHAPPELL. ( jLxceutoj’s saie. « N the first Tuesday 111 JANUARY next, in con lurmity to tile will ofthe late Maj William VV ightnian, of South Carolina, deceased, aud by vii- tue of an order of the court of ordinary ot Chatham county, will be sold at the courthouse in the'city of Savannah, within the legal hours, the following valua ble Real and Personal estate of said deceased: All th«t Rice PLANTATION, on Savannah river in Chatham county, including tlie tracts called Drakies Red House, Creek field and Isla island; containing ou Isla Island 573 acres, in Creek Field, 160 acres, and on Drakies Point 84 acres, all cleared and under bank, with 2700 acres more or less, of high land, to which a neiv*aud commodious pine Inrid house is at tached- Together with two largo threshing yards, to each of which is attached a larg- two story barn, aud to one a threshing machine; and also such buildings as are usually found on well settled plantations: such as Carpenter’s, Cooper’s, Blacksmith’s shops and well finished negro houses; also sundry articles consisting of farming utensils, ox carts, timber carriages, carts, vvagous, one gig and harness; one curricle, boats, large flats, and with nine mules, oue horse and a variety of stock, consisting of oxen, cattle, sheep, hogs, &c. On the plantation is a large and valuable Rice Mill, known as the Paragon Mill, having three waterwheels, driving twenty-three pesUes, worked by tide and re serve water, supplied by very extensive and ample canals, with new and well ti tished gates. Th mill cau beat out 40 tierces of rice in two tides, and lias, ivithir a few months past been put in complete repair, wifli additional screws and new stones. As regards location it is surpassed by none on the river, and is generally well supplied with toll, being 12 or 14 miles f rom the city of Savannah, l.ikevvise a large arid vvel finished saw Mill, with twogangof saws worked b; tide and r serve water,and recently put in complet • repail, capable of sawing 7000 feet in two tides, wit 1 a grist mill attached, used for grinding corn for the negroes. Also a substantial and well built Dvveilirg House, with nine ruoms and pantry lathed and pla s tered, with piazza, and a brick building used as a store room, and wine room, together with a fine garden ai d extensive stables, carriage houses, A c. Averyprime gang consisting of 174 NEGi-OES among whom are 2 first rate drivers, 8 prime curpm ters. coopers, blacksmiths, Hostlers, house serv ur ts, seamstresses, gardeners, &c Also, a TRACT OF LAND containing 105t 11 cres more or less, situateinChatfi.ini county; on Ja* Great Ogeechee river, aud thro’ which the canal | a - ses, containing good rice land, and land well adapti ( for the making of brick, with a good supply of vv.i* r thereon. The above property may be seen by applicutio 1 u the premises, to Mr. Win- B. Richardson mating n and all letters for information addressed tpost pain) 11 John C. Nicoll, Esq. Savannah, or ttio subscriber at Charleston, South Carolina, will meet with inime li it > attention. t onditions declared at sale. Purchaser to pay ft r necessary papers. THOMAS F. i’URsF, Nov 4 7 Qualified Execu ay. or at Suck Irwin county, given in by Ezekiel Hall: t ix - 4 ..ents, 100 acres pine land, half of lot No 1 »l, i 11'jeSth district Houston county, given in hy Jana s Rib hens: tax 24 cents. 101$ acres pile land, part of lot No 2 I. in the — district of Houston county, given in hy -amuel Alel- vin: tax 19^cents. 2024 acres oak and hickory land, 3.1 quality, lot No 22S, in the 18th district Lee comti>, givet. in by Benjamin Bryan; tax$1.22. 2024 acres pine land, lot No. S, m the 8th di.-trictef Houston county,given in hy V* illiaui Langsler. tsi 23j cents. 2024 acres pine land,lot No IC6, in Marion county, given in by William Jordan: t re 25 «:c-its. 40 acres laud, 3d quality, lot No. 7!, iu tfij first dis trict and third section Cherokee purchase, given in bv Bricey Hollay: tax I84 cents, 160'acres land, 3d quality, lot NO 82. in tin oth dis trict and 4th section Cherokee purchase, given in by Benjamin Sliirey: tax .'504 cents, 2024 acres pine land, lot No 288, in the ’ ot Ii district Dooly, given in by Jesse Wall: tax ■ .40. 2024 acres pine laud, lot No 149, in the 5’h district of Houston county,given in by Rici us rimm: tat 234 cents Nnv 17 7 F. W.\ t’SON. T. C. Notice. HiSTIRL be sold on tlw first Tuesday in Febrnan w tf next, atthe court house door in Hartford. Pn- laski county, at public outcry, TWENTY LIKEI-1 NEGROES. Terms of sale on the day. Dec8 9 8tp NELSON CLAYTON. N B. The Columbus Sentinel will publish the a- b ve until tlie day of sale aud forward their accoatb to this office. MNOUR months after date, application will Le niff: JSl tothelnli.rior<.ourt of Butts county, when sit- tu g for ordinary purposes, ‘or leave to se.l ell the teal estate belonging to Daniel McClendon, a minor. Nov 18 8 JOHN GOODMAN; Guardian > Ex'ors W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY' next, before tbe court house door in Perry. Houston county, between the usual hours of sale, A Negro Woman about 27 years of age; and her child, about twelve months old, as the property of * no ne,r ® William S. Brunson, late of said county, deceased — j Terms, twelve months’ credit Nov 3 THOMAS POLLOCK. Adm’r W ILL be sold before Court lioo>o son, Butts County, on the first Tuesday iq JAN UARY next, A negro boy named Norris, also 50 acres more or less of land, tlie same being a part of lot No. 95. in the second Dist, originally Henry, now Butts County, also, lot No 128, in 2d dist originally Henry now Butts, containing 2924 acres of land—sold by order of tlie Couitof Ordinary of Butts County, fortfie benefit ot the heirs of James Anderson, late of Units County .OLu moulds alter date application v\,., l< lire* to ihe Inferior court of Twiggs conniy, smir; lor nrdiuury purposes, for leave to sell the l and an 1 ; Negroes, belonging to Seth IB in vent late of said county, deceased THOMAS S. ( IIAF1ILI, Nov 24 8 /l l ii'r 'HNOI K snom us after date application win tie n.» to the Inferior comt of Houston county, when sitting fur ordinary business for leave to spll all the real estate helongiug to Elijah Low, late of Morgan couu'y. deceased, sept 5, 1836. 63 MOSES COLLINS, Adm de benisnon. F OUR months alter date we shall make applicnfion 10 the honorable the Inferior court of 1'iKe coun ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for an order t" scli all the real estate of liby Stamper, late of Pik* county deceased, SPfcNCER STAMPER. ? Adm - rs sept! 63 M. W. STAMPER. _ POSTPONED SALE; ILL be sold, on Saturday, 17th day of DF.- CEM BER next, at the late residence of Jere miah Smith, in Rutland’s district. Bibb county, All the perishable property of said deceased, con sisting of 3 head of horses 1 mule, 4 head of cattle corn, fodder, plantation tools, 1 set blacksmith’s tools, oue cotton gin, household and kitchen furniture. Jtc. Terms on the day. HENRY’ 8MITH, Adm'r. Nov 1 7 Also will be sold oa above, at Rome, Fiovd County, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, Lot No. 749, in the 3d Dist. and fourth Section of originally Cherokee, now Floyd County, containing 40 acres more or less, JOHN ANDERSON 7 Admrs DAVID KIMBALL $ AUmrs ' Oct 17th. 1836. 4 plantation* and families, wiih directions for 1 on by me to Jar a'iag. ir sale by J. If. A W. 8. ELIJS. ' four twenty five Nov It 7 Cotton Aventip note, due twenty »* ft no 'ilJtSS. IV D by by Also, Puttv. and for su.'e, 10 12 16 18 •e While .ul. Linseed Oil, nl water color*, ELIS. C-iiloii Av Spts. -TTNDCK an ordt-rofthe Lon. Intent! Court of Ta Out county sitting for ordinary purposes, will le sold at the Court House, within the usual hours of saw On the 1st Tuesday in .it tl i Court House. Talbot eounty. five Negroes, two Negri women two children and one negro man. Also on the 1st Tuesday in FEBRUARY not, at the Court House in Sumter county, one lot of Pi.i 1 land. No. *H1 in die 28th Dist. originally Ere, njw Surote- county, all sold as the property of Johi ij. y late of Talbot countv deceased for the use of tl,e he r - of said decease. Term- made known on the lay of sale- ' JOSEPH RILEY, AJ u’r . . , - - . Oct 1836. 4 |, mM w * i»- 1 „u.. r ,k» ‘ I i.ipsev nr bearer; and Mime other papers not recollee- ; dollar'nitte and ine fif-n, dnll** Anv person finding the cime and returning it to ! sO* N/A« first Tucsdayin FEBRUARY nent tri'l le t wen tv fifibDec.mlier next ^s n subscriber,:.»Jer truth Bif-neT* in Bihb county, sold at the court house door in the tom if ( hat siderntion for which thie* were -iron ha* failed 1 otfieiring it at the Telegra|ili printing-office, will eon- tuga, ll'alker county, within the usual hours o' -ale, H . e " ii" .K *! le* a favor on the swnM Lot No 203, in the twentv-second district of saiu rmmed not to pay them miless^ompelled hv h»w. I)pc 10 tl •>, GUI! FORD I.1P8EY. county under an order of the honorable-In e-inr.oi.i- makers name Richard Powis, London, number 8491 —with a small crack on the dial—aud had attached to it a peculiar made, small Valice Key. A reward of thirty-five dollars will he giv en to the person who will return it to this office, and fifty dollars for sion and convictiou ofthe thief. Ansiista. Dec. I 10 3t. pec 9 B ^ H i tvvc I' oh Tuesday nth inst. in Macon, or he- tvveen here and Bailey's Mill, a seal skin POC KET BOOK, containing one note on Isaac Nowher- WjN.-AII persons are forbid from trVdiug J r tf or * I4 - 5 &P*J£ bl " W jfe A for the following promissory notes ofhand ere- » r . : onc W ® * Mo 9 re for * 10 ’ P a >’ ab,e to Guilford 011 1*0 mn In Inmno P Pnnvknrtnn linnvnr I SUSANNAH MILLS Crawford county. Dec. 6 3t ID FWNH T ' Subscriber will make lihpral advances on 9 Cotton shipped to his friends in Savannah, Cltarieston, Philadelphia. New York or Bouton IR’iS'.. ROBT. rOl.I.INS 6>-lu» Ui JaRdt inii Oriico. / ^ «*- O ** VCKS SALT,lor s,11,»by Nov 3 5 EDMUND RUSSlLL. We are ■mihorisud name of ABNF.K HAMMOND, Esq idiite for Tax Collector for the enstiin? year. !W 52 «l JAMES HOLLINGSWORTH 1 ■ pa. a : fe Tax Receiver at the ensuin Ncv 10 6 , of Jackson county, when sitting for ordiduiy p irp, ro announce the being all the real estate of Lucy Archer, h te o a can sa jj county deceased Terras made knee n dav of sale JOHN A ' Oct3 2 lozen S'.iut WOOLEi N SOCKS. Ji received and lor sale, at §2 per dozen, by Deo 8 10 W. il. BUKDSALL. tie WALES. Adn’r. N Wednesday, the 20il: day of Juunury next. will, within the legal hours, be sold, at the iate residence of John Varner deceased, part of the per sonal propertv to wit: One stud Horse, known by the name of Sir Tho mas. Sir Thomas is now rising eight years old; he is a beautiful bay of fine form, large bone and treat muscular power, fifteen hands, three inches high he was got by Thomas’ celebrated running tors* Sir An drew. and Sir Ahdrew by Marsk, and Marsk was one of the best sons of Old Dionied. by a Medly mure; Sir Andrew, (dam Virago) was a good runner, and by the old imported Whip; his grand dam by portlier a full brother to Thomas’ selebratcd running mare. Queen of Mav. and out of a Shark mure, got bv the old imported Shark. Sir Thomas can i-hovv as fine cobs a* any horse in the State. Also, at the same time and place two Yoke of Ox en, and nuinv other articles too tedious to mention.— Terms made known on the day of sale, MARY VARNER. 7 ... R. II JOHNSON, J Admrs ' Campbell county, Nov 25 9 3t S. thf first Tuesday in FEBRUAR Y next i ill bt so tl before the court bouse door in Perry, Hi ns? m county, hy order of the Inferior court of said rcun y. <it ting as a court of ordinary, All the r -at estate of William H Riggins, dec »>ed, ^ *.»««« Also on.: N- gro Girl belonging to Mud°est».o. S .Id J “PT'arnt *** for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Ter r* on shew cause, if any they can. why said letter. ihe day. Nor 83,_8 JOABW._C. granted^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ UjjjJlth N«^' r Job Frintin? done at this Ottice, i-3L. 8 1 p. lomak, c 5 lOt K moriuiB afterdate, application will be H 1 to the Interior court of Bibb county, f itting fit Ordinary purposes for leave to seil the real estate cl Benjamin Parker, late of said county deceased, sept 8. BUR WELL PARKER Add L F OUR months after dute.appl. ’ion will fie tore- to the honorable the interior court of Houston county, when sitting- for ordinary purposes, forteaw te s“ll lot number US. in the )2th district of said co«n i v being the real estate of Jeremiah McCormick, 3‘ > ceased, for the benefit of said estate. sept 12 64 Ji.HNR SENTERFIT. admj Tltrl. li .vloiaii.saiti I* oate, application will fie main' 1 to the hmorabic inferior court of Crawford coun tv, ft*r leave |o seil all ihe real estate of U m. J. Wayn- man, late ofsaid coiiutv. deceased, for the benefit oi .no im-us. ALEX. xM. K. SWIFT, Adm’r. -ept 5. 183i>. 65 i , mi,iiinutiuisT.iter date, application will be nia* to the luiciN'ir 1 ourt of liutts County, sitting fur ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real estai^ of Dennis .Vlc’Carty, late of said County deceased. Oct. 21st. 4 DAVID MARTIN. Adnir- F OUR months after date application will be made to the honorable Ihe inferior court of Butts coua* ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave t® seil seventy-live acres of land, being part of lot No-’* in ihe second district formerly Henry, now Batts county, il being part of the land belonging to the es tate of William Rhodes, deceased. To hesold for t& e benefit of the heirs. Dec 8 II SAAI’L BELLAII, Adm’r F OUR month-a'ter date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court ol Bibbco ty, when sitting for ordina-y purposes, tor leave to the real estate of James Jones, alias James Norman- minor. Dec 12 BRANCH FUI.KS Gmrl, GEORGIA—Houston county W HEREAS James Alima applies to ^ j foe letters of administrai «m on the estate Bnrwell Allmau, , These are. therefore, to cite and Inmnisk all ana « gularthe kindred and creditors oj . iid deceased to te appear at mu office within the tin prescribed by a . shew canse if any they hate, why m id letters sltoulu r.o granted. • Give* under my hand, this J i'h Nov. 183o- 7 CHAS. il. RICE. c. c. o- GEORGIA—Cam pbelf county william JUl.REA> Mary Whitehead, and M 1 * 11 * Smith apply to me for letters ofadnufit* on the estate of Gideon W hiiehead, late ol said £01 deceased, ■ . „ , There arc. thinforcto cite one. oon i n. si alland si f the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to » j,