Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, January 05, 1837, Image 2

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A € O A <UEORGiATEI,BG BA3TX. AS ACT ' ; To incorporals a Rc-Jc in the City of Macon, to It called ■ ' The Ocmulgee Hank of the State of Georgia. t Whereas, a ..umber ul' persons in Macon and ib vicinity, into rented in the welfare of that place, have capital which they are de.-iron at employing in facili- 1 tiling its business, advancing its interest, and lessen ing its dependence on the banks of other places, by Wtmse orders discounts era controled, and often stop ped, whan they arc most wanted, and needed in order to purchase me produce brought to this market. , Bxc. 1. lie it therefore enacted In) the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Georgia in General As- sanity met, and it is hereby enacted by Sit authority of the same. That a Bank shall be established in fi:e city of Macon, to be culL.-d and known as the “Ocmulgee Bank of the State of Georgia,”-and that the capital stock of said Bank shall be Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, divided into five thousand Shares, of ouc hun dred dollars each. Sec. 2. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That books of subscription for constituting the capita- stock of said batik, shall be opened on die lire: M in- day in February, next, mtlie City of Macop. tinder the superintendence of IT. B. Parker, E. Hamilton, C. Day, O. Gregory, Levi Pckhy, J. Goddard. U G Lamar, ana C. Campbell, who shall be -’ 'oimiussiuucrs, mid they arc heieby appointed Commissioners for Thru Thou sand iShurcs of said capital stock. in the town of Forsyth, under the superintendence of A. M. D. King, II. H. Lumpkin, and Juice 'Dunn. who shall bit Co:nm:*sione s for receiving an' scripyons tor Five Hundred shares of said capital slock. in tire town, under the superinten dence of Messrs. Malty, Goode, Bethel, L.-iiolpdrc, - floating Jordan, who shall be Commissioners fur re ceiving subscriptions for Three HtiudrcJ shares'oflaid capital s;ock. in the town of Ferry, under tlrC superintendence of Messrs. Patton, Ihdn. Duncan, who shall be Gomniis- siouers for receiving sultscripfiou* for Two Hundred shares cf said capital stock. ‘ t In the sown of Clinton, under the supcrinter.doucc of A. II. I'icutXtn, S. Lviethcr, 3. Grisiretd, who shall Le Commissioners for receiving subscriptions for Three Hundred shares of Said capital stock. in the town of Ilaivkinsville, under the Superinten dence of John RaaU, G: R. Roberts, J.Jclks, who shall be Commissioners far receiving subscriptions for Two Hundred shares of said capita, slock. In Uie of .Marion under the superintendence of II. Sulmnon, II. ilunu, II. H. T.irrcr, wiio shill be- Comtnissiiiiiers for receiving subscriptions for' Two. Hundred shares of said capital stock. in t.‘te to wn of Mouhcetlo under the snprritrtcndencc of D. A. Reese, Alftcd Shorter, Thomas Jo, dun, who, shall be Commissioners for receiving subscriptions tor Three Hundred shares of -aid capital stock. A majority of whom shall be competent to tlic dis charge of their duties, and the books ol subscription shall bu kept open fur the space of six days, between <uid during the nuurs of 10 o'clock, A. 31. and 1 o’clock, P. M. of each day, ut such house, room or office ns a majority ot commissioners shall appoint in each place, unless the number ol shares allotted to each place be sooner subscribed lor, (»n which ease the books may bn closed, as soon as tnu shares in each place may bp nil taken,) during winrii time it why‘be lawful for any person or co-partnership, corporation or body ‘po litic, established in tins .State to subscribe fur any number of si anw not exceeding 100. And niter tin-' exaltation of hie tune herein provided, the cothmis- sioiiera in. the several towns herein mentioned, whore hooks have been opened lor Uie subscription of suid capital stock, shah transmit the same, together with the sums pum luattbo tmu of subscription, as hereinaf ter provided fur, u uie Commissioners at Macon.— Prodded also,' knit if tiic wnom number of shares be not tikeu up ut the several places before mcuiihucd, within the space of six days as before mentioned, then, and in mil case, tue Indore mentioned commissioners, at tiia city of Macon, shall again open tlieir books of :-'lb*oriptiou on the tlusd Monday m February next, ibd<, and to remain open until all ue reiiiaiuiiigshares of the capital stock ut said Bunk shall .bo subscribed fur, when it snail and may he lawful lit any 'person, copdflitersbip, corporation or body politic, established in this Burn, guanas excepted) to subscribe, for tatjy 'dumber.of snares unsubscribed tor as aforesaid.—- ,'Aud the sum unis lospiictiveiy subscribed for shall be payable in gold or silver coin, or m current Bank bills uf any or* eioie.-of-ta.- Bank's; or their brancln-s. now established in Macon, Muiydgevile, Augusta or k-avuu- nah, in fiutmauiier loltowiug. to wit: - Five pw cent vhah oc paid to liie Commissioners nt the time of-subscribing tor said stuck, for w. n-.h said uomiii.ssibuers shall giva a ceriihcate ; (wHs6 pur cent a: nucli lime at uie Commissioner* at Macon ,-diad no tify, is hereiuullcr provided; nd tue remaining • J p. r cent, al such nutes mid in sue a sums us luo uiree- tors of suid Bank for Uiu lime being, ! ah, by sixty days' noUcb given in tliu pubhc gazettes ot Macon, Millodgeville, Augusta and aavufioah, appoint for that purpose; provided tliiituo payment snob no called for m the . uo uilis of Juno, July, August ami September of any year. Aud provided ;Rso, ttiat uotiiing herein con tained shall be so construed as to cause or permit the promissory notes, drafu^iinU of exchui ge, checks oh any Bank, or any other obi.gatiou whatever, ot any subscriber. to said capital .-Ruck, to be received as e- tju-.valenl to live note* os bilisuf the Banks boloiCiueu- ttoned. , ' ■ \. Aiul prodded further, That when all the shares con stituting sun! capital s.ock, fluul have been suoscribou jiir, am 5 per cent paid in ui tiic time of. subocnbmg, st? aforesaid, toen'it snail;be. die duty of thuCommis- •ioners al M.wop to give'public nonce Uieroot ill Uie public gazelles of M.icon, Miticiigeviiie, Augusta and, and tr. ih> same nine iu ,c <li ol the ga zettes afoto.said, in like mariner uouiy a place vviuiiu the city of dlacb.i, ami bkcWMt a nay auu nour, 'aUbe distance of imrty or more days Inin. the uate oi such nutiiicauou, ft rail l ie subscrtoeis ui said capital stock ta pay in an adiiiliotial ‘id par cent on tho shares so subscribed, and tor procceauig to the election ot di rectors, a,ni it shall Ou lawl'ui lur elections tiiuu and tnere to lake place, ar.d tn.- pcrsoiu. vyuonliail tiieu and there bh caosen, siiaii he tue first- Directors,- and shall receive lroai ino Commissioners the money wbici. iuay iiave been recmveii by them, audit shall be (lie duly of said Cou.missioners to pay over to raid Directors dill such sum or sums of money received by them, on Account of s.iij subscriptions, alley tfedur.fuig tbea- mount of cxpi-fiu.-s.Uu;. may have incurred iu maaa- jgiug ike same. And tiic filofcsani .Directors fust Cbo- scii Ill :h; Iiittiti.-er, t ie time notified, us liefer.i mentidiied; snail bn e«ptt:dc of acting - by virtue ot 8tic!i e.' until liia end or expiration ot : ln« hrsi Monday iii AovemWr nexi, ensiling said election, and. snail inrtkwith com * iniec kie operation of siud Bank at urn city of .M.icou, Mud penciled /aether. That in case it should at any time happen, that an election of Directors sir mid not lie to ije ou any day, wlicu pursitAui to tins act here- luMtcrpr vnled it ought to nave been made, the said corporation shall hot tor that vatisc be i.e -mcd to be dissolved; bin it shall be luwful on airy other day, wi;h- iniUe'spuccfof three inontaa thct’eafier F of wrndi pnb- lic notice sii'ill be g.vea iu Uie public gazettes ol Ma con, In hul.l and make an election of Directors, ia suen in inner as is-iicroiibkicr provided for, mvl as anuy be rcgulatdd by the aud bye-U.vs or' tun said corpo- rauoo.—P.-muiled, also, that urease ol Urn removal, rasiguattou, absence or death of any Direcuir.liib pkute dnay be titled up fur the rtiiuaiuacr of the term for Which he was elected by Uie rcuiaiiiing Directors. drc. & And to u enacted by Ihe authority ufotcsaiJ, Tftatif tilin'.'snail be a f.uiiire in toe payment of any ndin or .sums su.iscnnqd by any pcrsoa.copartbership, corporation, or body poliac, Wac.i tm same is requir ed to be paid by this act, orvv.ieu it shall be required to t>4 puid by the Directors of said Bank, the share or shares upon which such failure shall hupjieu or accrue, shall be tor such failure forfeited, aud me sum or sinii* -which may hare been paid tlierrou, shall enure to hie, benehtol .-aid corporation—aud the share or shares so forfeited shall be msposed oi' in such manner as the 1 Directors ora majority oi them may provide.—Frovi- <W always, that public tioiiee was duly given in thd ytibhc gazettes as b-loremeutioned. i»sc- -1. A id be it further enacted, That all tliosc who tdsdl Become sulfecriberstollie said bank, theirsucces- sBSs and aasigus shall l>c, and they arc hereby declared, created aad cevnauum d a corporation and body politic. .by tl'O name and styk- of “ i'he Ocmulgcc Bank of » tho c’tate of Heorajj,” and by tliat name shall be,and "ere hereby made able and rapablein law, to have and VT hold, piirrhaat,receive, possess, enjoy and retain, to th-m and ihi irsucccssors, lands, renD, Hereditaments, goods, chattels and.effect^ of whatever kind, nuitire n>r ijaalky tire sauti may be, and tue same- to sell, graut, Mctoise, alien oc ti; pose at, to sue and' be suud, plead .und be Iin-pie «u<v],'.;.;<.v-r and be answered, defend aodbc defeucied nt courw of record, or auy other place wh ibaxjwr, and aiso to make use and have ft common . A and we same to break, tutpr ajid renew .at their TkWaaurc,and also to ordain, establish aud pul tnexe- cation, such byo-Iaws, rales and regulations us seem jsoocx iry and’ convenient for the government of sjid cwporauon. Provided;, that such byc-lawa, rules and reaufmoiu be. not contrarv- to the Constitution and iavv^of tr, - Btate, or of the L'nitcd States, and gener ally ta do and execute all and singular, such matters fbi Wi*m way or seall appertain, subject, nevt ri .cl. s to the regulations, restriction, limitations, am: j-roViSions heieiuafter prescribed. ■': c. ... And be it enacted by the authority cforcsaitl, I rnttufce todovvtng rules, revu. itions, InniMiBpua ami p:.,vi i shall fonn ar.d iis uikirimentai arucic* of’the ; con.-utulioii of said corporation, . .. 1 '’ ,f - ! iDJLBfi. .' • 1st. That for thegood management and well order ing the allairs of me said corporation, seven directors shall be chosen, a majority ol whom shall be coinpe- tenttu the discharge of theif duties, who sliail be hrst elected after bU percent of said capital slock shall have been paid, in gold or silver com, or in current notes of eitherof die banks of .Macon, Mitlcdgeviile, Augusta, or triivannah, or of the branches of Banks in either of those places, as before mentioned; and on the first .Monday in November, in each and every yeur there- alter, the Directors shall be choseu by the stuckliold- ers, or proprietors ofthe capital stock of said corpora- •bon,- when a plurality of voles given in, shall be requir ed to make a choice, and those who shall be auiy cho sen at any such election shah be capable of serving by virtue of suclrchoice, until the end of uie first Monday m .November next ensuing the time of such elect,on; or until a new buard shah have beau elected,as hereinbe fore pioviUjii—and no longer—and the suid Directors, at their lust meeting, after such election, shall choose one or" their number as President; and m case of his retnovai, resignation, absence or death, tbc said Direc ted .. fiaitprooeeu to fill the vacancy Ly a new clecuon from tneirbody for tiic 'remainder of lire year—provi ded nothing-herein contained Shull be so construed as . to prevent silcu President trum appointing any one of- tbc other Directors to be President pro tern, during ins temporary absence cf tiot morc thuird mouths.— And provided further, that in case it should at any time happen, during the months -of June, July, Au- ghst and. September; that two or more Directors shall uc absent from die city of.Macon;, then, in that case, five Directocs, or a majority of them, shall be compe tent to do the business of said corporation during the months betcrq mentioned. ., fid. Thu number ol votes to which each share hold er shall be entitled, shall be in the iuliowing propor tion:—That is to say, for one share, one vote; for two shares and nut'exceeding live, two votes; and for tVery live shares above five, one vote. Provi ded, uo pt-rsou, corporation, or. body politic shah be entitled in his, her, or tlieir. own right to more than thilty vole*. Provided, that, after the first election, no sliaru or shares shall -colder a right of eutfrage, that shall not liava been hulden and transferred on the buoks of die Bank; three caleudai mouths previously to tiic day of clet-non, and be heiu absolutely and bona fide, iu bis or her own' right, or iu that of his wife, or as executor', administrator or guardian, or ill the right aud use of suiuu copartnership, corporation, or body polific, of which he or she may be u member, and not .in trust fci, or to tiic use ol any oiner person, to be de clared upon oath, when required by uie Cashier of said Corporation. Provided, also, that any stockholder, be in’ absent, or unable, from any cause, to appear at the ■piuce of such election, may authorize, by uower of at- lui'iiuy, under seal, any person to vote for him, her or them, and to which tiic above declaration upon oath shail and may he attached, if required as before men tioned. ■ . . • •*d. None but a stockholder, entitled in his own right (which lie shall declare upon oath, if required as be- -lure mentioned) to fifty siiares of said stock, and not being A director any other bunk, shall be eligible as •i director; aud if any one of the directors of said cor poration shall, after being elected, become a director of any other bank, or accept of any appointment or of uce from auy other bank, of cease to ue a stockholder, lie shaft be no longer ut to serve, and his seat shun be vacztcti—if. the remaining directors, or a majority of them, shell, upon their next meeting, pass aud enter on their mniuiu uouk, an order, declaring aim no longer to be a director.' . 4t!i. The director.!, for the time being,' shall have poi.Oi- tu appoint such officers, and clerks under them as they shall deem neiessary for the executing the bu siness of said corporation; Frovideu such oInters and clerks give bond and security for the taitnl'ul perl or Bi anco oi' their duty, which shall be satisfactory to such directors, or a majority of them, who shall make an ontiy on the minute book of sai.d Corpormiuu. signi fying tlieir ascent and approval of such uiltcers auu clerks, and then security accordingly. - , ' util. T he board Of directors, Of "whom the Presi dent or l'rcsiuetit pro tcin shall-always be one, *haii convene at tfio Hanking house of said Corporation, ul least once a week. Pioviued, tba. the mid or lix- cliange business of the said CorporaUon may be trans acted by a commiuce ol directors, ou such days as there ■ may be lio meeting of tiic board of directors,' wuo shail, at the next weekly meeting of directors en suing, be bound to examine such business, uone by such coium.llec, and eater ou the iniuute book or jour nal of said Corporation, their approval or disapproval of tlie business so done by said committee. uth. Tbe lauds, tenements and hereditaments, winch it shall be lawlifi tor tlie said Corporation to hold, snail only he such as shall be requisite tor its im mediate accommodation iu relation to the convenient transaction of its business, ami such as have beeu, bo na tide, mortgaged U> it as security, or conveyed to it iu satisfacuon oi debts, previously contracted, iu the course of iu buxines*, or purchased upon sales upon judgments, which slufil have beeu obtained for deuts; and only to prevent sacrifice of such property so mort gaged or sold upon judgments. Art. Tue total amount of die debts which said Cor- potation shall ut any tune owe, wneti\or by boud, hill, note,' obligation or other contract, shall not exceed ihree.tinics the amount of tlieir capital stock, over and above' the amounts actually deposited witu them for safe .keening—aud iu base of excess, tlie acting board oi directors, or such of them as may ba tu the otale at the time, under vvnbse administration it, shall happen, and me jtefsou who shall hold tlie olhee oi Cusuicr, at the time of such excess, together with lije, shall he liphle tor the same, m their individual, nanirai :uld private caphcilies, anil the board of directors, tue Cashier aud his. securities, acting as above, shall not exonerate themselves, or any of their heirs, eiecuiors or aduiiiiislrutors in uuy court of record having’ juris diction over the same’, from such liability, under any pretence whatsoever, other than by giving public no- lice ol such lact m tlie public gazettes di file city of Mimihi. or any other two gazette's of die State, sustain as such excess shall conic witniu their knowledge, and la cose of limure to give such public notice, this ^fiali be so construed as to prevent said directors and Cash- ler and Ids secunues Itom recovering out tit tlie cited* of the said Corporation, nntii ail its other creditors uie paid ytf and their claims satisUeo. ... ,dlh. The directors sltaii nave power to issue, to the subscribers tlieir ceruhcaics i.j si^ck, iu exchange tm liidpe grab ted by file comnussiuuers, v.bicn shall bs traustcrabie outy or> the books ot the bank, kept ior purpose, by personal entry ol the stockholder, hi*, her or their iegm representative or attorney, duty au ’ tiorized by ipeeail power for Uiat purpose. Jlli. I ue oilix -obligatory and or credit, notes, ami other contracts, whatever, on bciiah ol said corporation, siiuli be binding auu obligatory oip ihc. tmd company, provided the same be sigued by the 1'residetu mid edutuerogued uj- the Cashier ol said Corporation, a no tiic lauds of said Corporation shall be, in no case, nek. liable ior any cou.iact or etigageiuen; wualovcr, units tac same shall be so signed and countersigned, cl a. tested us aturexaio, cmy checks on any other oauk in tlie fiiuted & tales, which shall be bmiuiig a . igne J by file Cashier only—and me books, papers, cone, poudeiicc, and the funds and accounts ul uie eonipaiiy snail, at all times, on subject to me inspection oi me board of directors, and stocknohlera, wuen con vened, according to the provisions ol tins act. 10th. A nuinuer of stockholders, not less than ten, who shall' he pruprieturs of ucl less than one Uiousaud shares and upwards ot said -stock, shall have power, mid may ar any time, by giving sixty days nonce in Uie pubhc gazettes of Macon, Augusta, aud Savannah, call u hunting of the Stockholders of said Corpora tion. Jlth. Dividends of the profits of the (Corporation, or of so much thereof as shall be deemed expedieut and proper, shall be declared und puiu hail', yearly fthe first Ji.ui year after the bank shah have been iu opera tion uxcepitu,) it the said divulenux shall tiein lime to time Uc determined by a majority of Uie directors, at a meeting to be held lor tliatput pose, oil the second Monday in April aud November of each year—and shall in" i. o case exceed the protits acquired by file Cor poration. Ifitji. I'he directors shall keep fair and regular en tries iu a book, to be provided lor that purpose, called a minute bo ok, or journal, of tlieir proceedings, m which shall ixe entered a list of all holes, drain, or e?- chatiges uiscoL'.lued, together with the lianics of ail the parues to sueli tidies, drafts or exchanges discounted uy the said-boar-l oi directors,' or the committee ap pointed 'by them—aud also the yeas auu nays of the directors voting ot t all questions whatsoever—aud these minutes shall &t alf times be produced, when called lor, ny any meeting e>f directors or stockholders, when cuuveucd according to the provisions ot this act. iztb. No person, copartnership, corporation or bo dy politic whatever stun be permitted to borrow mo ney, or otherwise obtain any credit from said Corpo ration upon the faith or.pledge of his, her or tlieir stock in said Corpora.ion, but shall be subjected to tlie same rules ana regulations a* is generally required from and imposed upon the other customers ol said Corporation. And mould any of the >aid Corpora tion be indebted by note, droll, bill of exchange, or o- ther obligations, v.liicii shall be past dur, under pro test, or in mhi, theo, in that case, it .-hall be lawful lor the buorii <■! a i rectors, for die time b^.ng, to declare the stock or shares, belonging to mi di person, for leited to the bank, to the amount tie, she or they may be so in- uebted to said Corporation as above. true. 0. And be it inucied by the authority aforesaid, Tliat all property, cither real or personal, which this Corporation may hereafter acquire, or hold, shall be subject to a taxation not exceeding the ratio of other taxable property in this Slate. And the corporation of die ciiy ot Macon, shall have power to tax auy prop erty, whether real or personal, held in tlie city of Ma con by said Corporation, in the same ratio of taxauon against the like property in tlie said city—but shail not have power to levy a city tax ou the capital stock of stud Corporation. Sec. 7. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the sam Corporation shah not, at any tinie, sus- pemdor refuse payment in gold or silver of any of its notes, bills, or omigaUons, and itfihe said Corporation at any time refuse or neglect to pay, ou demand, any note, bill, or obligation issued by file Corporation, ac- cording to the contract, promise, or understanding therein expres- ed, the charter hereby granted shall be forfeited, i'roviued however, That ichen a demand shall be made on this Rank by any Ranh, or Rranch Bank, by tUetf, or its agents, this Baiui shall hace the right of rcatemitig the bills thus dcmamUil, tetih the bills of the Rank or its Branches waning the demand. Bkc. fi. And be U enacted uy the authority aforesaid, That no notice or protest shall be necessary to charge auy maker or makers, indorser or indorsers of any note, bhl,. draft, or oilier obligation, discounted by saiu bauk, and in ail suits commenced by said Corporation upon auy note, bill, draft or other obligation, upon winch there shall be auy indorser or indorsers, the ma ker Or makers, together with fife indorser or indorsers, or their representatives, may be embraced and sued in tlie same action, and no proof of nouce, demand or protest shall be required ou any trial to authorise u re covery. Sue. 10. Andie it enacted by ike authority aforesaid, That the persons aud property of the stocknolders, for the bine beiug, of sard bank, shall be pledged and bound/ over aud above the amount of said stock paid hi, iu proportion to the amount ot tlie shares that each indiviaual, copartnership, corporation, or body politic may hold in said bank, tor the ultimate rede i.pfion of the bills or notes issued, by, or froui said bank, in the same manner as iu common commercial cases or sim ple cases of debt. •. ' - ' tStc. 11. Mild be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, Tliat this Corporation shall continue until Uie first day of January, lbo7 : and die directors, liiunediately pre ceding die dissolution of said bank, whenever u may happen, hist appointed, aud acluig, shall be hold, bound to account to ihe % company, ami all others haviug claims upon said company, for the just, proper utM correct Closing of its concerns, to all persons interest ed, according to their respecuvc claims or mterests— and file oditers last acting in said bauk, shall be, alter the dissolution ot’ said bauk, hound to continue to act iu settling the aiiaire'of said Corporation, and m doing aj]l filings; needful and necessary to be done ior that S ui pose, during such lime as the aforesaid last acting ireclors may order—this they shall do under penalty of forfeiting their bond, for the use of whoever may have claims, aud sue ibr recovery. Sec. il. And be.i further enacted, That in consider ation of the granting of this charter, the Corporation utoresaid snail be required to pay a bonus of twenty- fiy-tf thousand dollars, to the Trustees of the Ueorgiu f emaie JJollege at Macon; five thousand to be paid ou or betbri- saiu Bank commences discounts, aud the re sidue in animal instalments thereafter of tcu mousand dollars each. Nothing shall be so construed as to uu- thorize me directors ol this bank to proceed to. bunk ing until fib. per coal, of tlieir capital stock is paid in tn specie. t JOSlsFU DA f, } Speaker of the House of ifeprcsentatives iiOiiEltT .\1. BCHOBS \ Fresident of the Senate. • Assented to fiOtlt December, lodb. , Wlx.Ld.-ul ’BCHLBY- From the Penny Magazine. M Thu May Fly. “ The Angler’s May-tty, the most short lived in its perfect state ot any of the insect race, emerges from the water, where it passes its aurelia state, about six in the evening, and dies about eleven at night,”—ll'hite’s Hclburne. ~~ The sun of the eve was warm and bright, ‘ When the May-fly burst his shell, ' . A«d he wanton’d awhile iu that fair light, O’er the river’s gentle swell i \ And the deep’ning tints of til" crimson sky tstiil gleam’d on tlie wing of the glad May-tly. The colors of sunset pa <s’d away, The crimson und yellow and green i / Aud the evening star’s first twinkling ray In tile \va» eless stream was seen; Till the deep repose of the stillest night Was hushing about its giddy flight. The noon of the nigfit is nearly come— There’s a crescent in the sky:— ■The silence still hears the myriad hum ' Of tlie insect revelry. The hum has ceased, the quiet wave Is now tlie sportive May-fly’s grave. Oh! thine was a blessed lot to spring , , in thy lustiitood to air, ’ . , i And sill about on untiling wiug. Through a world most rich and fair, ■' To drop at once in thy watery bed, lake a leaf that tlieWillow branch has shed. Aud who shall say that his thread of years Is a life more blest than thine! Has his feverish dream of doubt and fears, Such joys as those which slime ., • In the constant pleasures of thy way, 31 os; happy child of’the happy May f - ■ _ For thou wert bom when the earth was clad . With her robes of buds and flowers, . •And didst float about with a soul as glad Asxxbird in the sunny showers I And the hour of thy Uqadi had a sweet repose, Like a melody, sweetest at its close. Norton brief tlie date of tlie cheerful race— ’Tis its use that measures time— Ami tlie mighty ripirit that fills all space -, , With His life and His will sublime, May see lhatthe .May-tly and tlie Man .Each flutter out the same smalt span. ■ Ard tiic fly tliat is born with the sinking sun. To die ere the midnight hour, , May have deeper joy, ere his course be-run, : ‘ Than man in his pride and power; Aud the insect’s minutes be spared the fears, And the anxious doubts of our three score years.', The years and tlye minutes are as one— The fly drops in his twilight mirth, . And the man, -.vhen his long day’s work is done, ' Crawls in tiie self-name earth. Great Father of each! may out mortal d ty 4 Be the prelude to au endless Ma-y! LIST OF ACTS. Of the Legislature of tlie State of Georgia at its ses sion in November and December, l»idd. ‘ alter and repeal tlie road laws of this State so far as respect* the county of Glynn. . To increase the capital stock of the Brunswick can al and rail road company. _ To extend tlie chhirter of the Planters’ Bank ofthe State of Georgia aud to continue the rights, granted by existing acts to said bank. To alter aud amend tho fi 1st section of an act to cs^ tablish a bauk to be called the Central iir.ukof Geor gia, so far as to require notes running at said b.itik to be renewed once in twelve months instead of once iu six months. - . To incorporate the Pioneer Steamboat Company. To provide for the election of a public printer aud to regulate the printing required to bo performed by the Legislature. To regulate the compensation of lax collectors and receivers. To alter the law in relation to lapsed legacies. - • To incorporate the Centerville liilie Company in Camden county. To enable William John Campbell, Allen and Wil liam Campbell, subjects of tlie United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, to receive and hold certain real estate iu the county ofUichmond in this dtate. To direct the deposites of the fund to be derived to tliis State from the surplus reveuuc of the United States and to regulate tlie same. To incorporate the M illedgcviile ar.d Chattahoochee Canal and Bail Road Company. To alter and amend .in act incorporating the trus tees of Christ Church in liie city of Augusta. Toamend enact amendatory to tii-act incorporating tiic Georgia Rail Road and Banking Company, pas sed 1635, so far as to construct a branch rail road to Washington, Wilkes County. Toamend an act to incorporate the Br ledreville with banking and insurance priv sed lfc.-.3; so far uj to authorize the increase ■ ns ital stock of said bauk ibr the benefit of Oglethorpe University. To authorize and empower the Brunswick and Florida Rail Road Company to construct a branch of I said road to any point on the Flint and Chattahoo chee river. To revive an act to incorporate the Georgia Medi- col Society, pas-ed the lfith December lo04. To amend an act assented to filst Dec. ISfifi, author izing the certificates aud acts of Notaries Public to be received as evidence in certain cases. To amend an. act establishing a bank at Macon known as the Commercial Bank. To prevent sheritis and other officers from levying on aud selling growing crops except in certain cases. To repeal the 9th section and all other parts of laws now in force in this ritate, by which caveats are direc ted to be tried where land is sought to be granted before the Governor and directing such caveats to be tried in the Superior Courts of file county where the land bus. To remove the site of tlie public buildings in the county of Liberty from Riceboro to the general parade ground or Zoucli’s old field, or within ouc mile thereof, and vest iu the Commissioners therein named full and am ple power to accomplish, the same and to provide for the payment and expense of purchasing land and e- rectmg suitable buddings thereon and to make the same perinameuL To regulate the auditing and payment of. accounts against me State. To amend und alter an act to authorize the President, Directors and Company of the Bteam Boat Compa ny of Georgia to ran a t anal or rail road from the city ot’AjJgusta to some point on the Savannah river, so as to avuid the shoals aud.other obstructions to the navi gation of said river. ’ .. ' To authorize any one distribute or person interes ted iu au estate to mstilue proceedings in equity with out joining as complainants or making respondents other distributes residing without .the jurisdiction of,.file Court. . ; To am.eud an act to. explain tlie act to oblige vessels aud persons coming from places infected with epide mic diseases to perform quarantine, passed 14th D ec - 1793 To incorporate file Bank of Brunswick with bank ing privileges. To amend the act to incorporate the Mechanic’s Bank of Augusta so as to increase the capital of said bank. ■ To impose, levy and collect a tax for the political year, 16o7, on property, real or personal, and to inflict penalties for refusing or neglecting ta comply with the provisions thereof. To iuoorporatie the Savannah and Augusta Steam boat Company. , For tiic appropriation of money for the Improve ment of the Ucnmlgeo river. To reuiovc the public building of the. couuty of Pu laski from. Hai tford to Hawaii'* ,-iiie. To regulate the fees of Pilots for file ports of this State. To regulate vendue musters in the town of Sb Marys in Camden county. To incorporate the Western Bauk of Georgia with Bank privileges to be located at Rome. . To authorize William Williams and Willis Youu, to build a bridge over the Great Ogectiee river. To repeal the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 9th sections of an act to regulate the licensing of physicians practi cing ill this State, passed in lfaaa, auu the 17th and 16th sections of the 9fii division of U,e Penal Coue, pas sed 1633, so far as the subject of fine aud imprison ment of persona practising medicine consisting of veg etable aud animal substance, caloric- acd under tlie name and style of Botanic Physicians. To incorporate the Southern Baptist College in Washington, Wilkes county. - To regulate the trial ot aiijuiersun or persons’.for an otfeuce which subjects the olienucr to one autijni- prisonment in the common jail, or both, at tlie discre tion of fire court, relative to tlie mode/jf unpcniieliog aud challenging jurors for tue trial ofthe sam . To compensate persous wtio may be compelled to attend die ciupericr Courts of fills otateiu counties o- ther than where such person or persons reside. To appropriate money for the support of Govern ineut tor the political year, 1637, aud to fix Uie salary of die Governor after the present term. To incorporate the Ocmulgee Bank of tlie State of Georgia in tlie city of Macon. To Incorporate the President and Directors of the People’ Line of Stages^' . To authorize a special term of file Superior Court of Bryan county. To incorporate a Roil Road Company to be called the Middle Branch Rail Rond Company for the pur- pose of constructing a rail road troiu Madison county to the Chattaiiooche river by way of Covington in Newton county, To authorize a lone to die Inspectors of the Peui tentiary for certain purposes. To extend the time allowed to file Savannah, Oge- cheeand Alatamoba Canal Company to finish A com plete a continuation of the canal lroin the Ogcciicc river to the Alatamalia river or its brunches, the Oco nee or Ocmulgee. To authorize tlie Treasurer of the State of Georgia to receive tlie proportion of the surplus revenue ot me United States, payable to tins State, and to sign , and deliver certificates ofUepostics Uicretor To enable defendants m actions ut common, law to give ill evidence a partial failure of tiic consideration of the contracts upon which such actions may be brought. To add an additional section to the sixth division of file Penal Code. » To amend tue’acts incorporating the Georgia Rail Road and Banking Company, and Ifie Central Rail Road and Banking Company. To incorporate the Millcdgeville Manufacturing Company. To establish a company under the name of file Sa vannah and Charleston Steam Packet company. To increase Uie salaries of the <. dicers aud cashier of the Central Bauk of Georgia. Toamend the.charter of Chattahoochee Rail Road Company and to give said Company hanking privi leges. To incorporate the town of Brunswick aud exteud its jurisdictional limits, and for oilier purposes. To niter and amend tlie several acts regulating the foreclosure of mortgages on real estate. To alter and amend ths jschcat laws of tliis State so far tis relates to file disbursiuent of money arising from ihe sale oi escheated property. , To reduce the fees on gold lots and fractions iu the late laud and gold lotteries. To amend the several acts regulating attachments in this Stute aud ti regulate proceedings in certain coses Whore Uie plaintifls shah die oftci reudiiion ol judgement. To incorporate a manufacturing compauv in the county-ot Harris, and tlie Columbus cuiuti and water company. io amend the Penal Code of this State, so farasre- lates the trial of persons committing ofiences which requre the joint action ot two or more to commit file same.' To appropriate und set apart pne-fiiird of the surplus land to be derived to tliis Stale trom tlie United States as a perntament free school and education fund, and to authorize the appointment of a committee to prepare and report a plan of free schools, <3cc. to the next leg islature. * To add an additional section to 12tii division of tlie Penal code of this State. To reorganize the office of Adjutant General of Geor gia. To incorporate the Chattahoochee Steamboat Com- P%-. , lo incorporate the Georgia female College ut 41 aeon, To incorporate the Planters’ and ’Mechanics Bank of Columbus. To repeal a portion ofthe law respecting the intro duction of slaves into tliis State. To pro vide for fija payment of volunteers in this State in certain cases tor services, iusses and expen ditures during ths late creek and Seminole cam paigns, and to point out the manner ol‘ doing the same. To appropriate a sum of money toopen audimprove the road .leading from Louisville, Habersham county, byway 91 filairsville, Union county, to the State line. - , ‘ • • ’ . - • To incorporate the Savannah Insurance and Trust ■company, and the Oglethorpe Insurance and Tr ust company in the city ol 41acon, and the Western Insu rance and Trust company of the city of Columbus. , Savanhah, Dec. 27. Line of Stages between Savannah and Simeon.—Our citizens will no doubt be gratified to learn that a num bur ofenterprizing citizens have raised, by private sub- sription, the sum of §15,000 to establish a tri-weekly line of stages between this city and Macon. We are informed tliat the horses and stages have been pur chased, and that the line will commence running a- boutthe 10th of January next.—Georgian. TEXAS, ing message w S9 *J ltd r, W of the United States, by on, Jr. his Prfvn'te -ecretury: To the House of Representatives U. S. ■ 1 It, we are but carrying out the long-established eceived Crop the Pres-| of our government-* yoEcjr wh*h hM*eetuJ tin. bauds ot Andrew tOHfyj'1 During the last session information was given to Con gress, by the Executive, that measure* bud been 10 ascertain “ the political, military aud civ.l condition of Texas." I now submit, for your consideration, ex tracts from the report of the agent who liai been ap pointed to collect it, relative to the condition of tliat country. No steps have been taken by the Executive toward* the acknowledgment cf the Independence ot Texas; and the whole subject would have been left without fur ther remark, on the information given to Cougrcss, were it not that tlie two Houses, at their last session, acting separately, passed resolutions “tliat the inde pendence of Texas ought to be acknowledged by tlie U. States, whenever satisfactory informauou should be received that it had in successful operation s civil government, capable of performing file duties, and iul- tiUmg the obligations of an independent power.” This mark of interest iu the question of the independence of Texas, and indication of the views of Congress, make it proper that 1 should, somewhat in detail, pre sent the considerations that have governed the Execu tive in continuing to.occupy the ground previously ta ken in the contest between Mexico aud Texas. The acknowledgment of a new Btate as indepen dent, and entitled to a place iu the fatui y of nations, v 1s at all Ernes an act of great delicacy and responsibil ity; but more especially so when, such Estate lias forci bly separated itself front another, of which it had form ed an integral part, aud .which still claims dominion o- verit... A premature recognition, under these circum stances, if not looked up0.1 as a justifiable cause of War, is always liable to be regarded as a proof of an unfriendly spirit to one of the contending parties. All questions relative to the-goverumeut of foreign-nations, whether of the old or the new world, faavo been treat ed by file United States as questions of fact only, aud our predecessors have cautiously abstained from deci ding upon them until the clearest evidence was iu their possession, to enable them, tiot only to decide correct ly, but to shield their decisions trom every uuworthy imputation. In all the contests tliat have arisen out of the Revolutions of France, out of tlie disputes relating to the crowns of Portugal and Spain, out of tlie revo lutionary movements in those kingdoms, out of file se paration of tlie American possessions of bom from the European Governments, and out ofthe numerous iind constantly occurring struggles for dominion 111 Span ish America, so wisely consistent with our just princi ples has been tile action of our Government, (hta we have, uuder the most critical circumstances, avoided all censure, aud encountered no other evil than tliat produced by a transient estrangement 67 good will in those against whom we have been, by force of evidence compelled to decide. it lias thus been made known to tho world that the uniform pokey and practice of the United States is, to avoid ail interference .111 disputes which merely rslttc to the internal government of other nations, and even tually to recoguize the authority of tlie prevailing par ty, without reference to our particular interests and views, or to the merits of tlie original controversy. Public opinion here is so firmly established and well understood in favor of this policy, finlt no serious disa greement has ever aruen among ourselves in L relation to it, although brought under review iu a variety of forms, and at periods when file minds of the people were greatly excited by the agitation of topics purely domestic in their character. Nor has any deliberate inquiry ever been instituted in Congress, or in any.of our legislative bodies, as to whom belonged the power of originally recognising a new estate—a power, file exercise of which is equivalent, uuder some circum stances, to a declaration of war—a power no where axpressly deleguted, and only granted in the Constitu tion, as it is necessarily involved in some of the great powers giveu to Congress; in tliat given to the Presi dent and Eenate to form treaties with foreign powers, and to appoint ambassadors and other public ministers; and in ttiat conferred upon the President to receive Ministers from foreign nations. . In the preamble to the resolution of the House of Representatives, it is distinctly intimated, tliat tho ex pediency of recognising tiie "independence of Texas should be left to tlie decision of Coiigress. I11 this view, on the ground of expediency, I am disposed to con cur ; and do not, therefore, consider it necessary to ex press any opinion as to the strict constitutional right of Uie Executive, either apart from or in conjunction with file SScuate, over the sqhjeat. It is to be presumed tliat on no future occasion will a dispute arise, as none lias heretofore occurred, between the Executive and Le gislature, iu tiie exercise of the power of recognition. It will always be considered consistent with tlie spirit of foe Constitution, and most safe, font it should he ex ercised, when probably leading to war, with a previ ous understanding with that body by whom war can alone be declared, and by whom all the previsions for sustaining its perils must be furnished. It* submission to Congress, which .represents in one of its branches Au Sfetes of this Union, and,in thd other the People of.theLniied States, where there may be reasonable ground to apprehend so grave a consequence, would certainly ufiord foe fullestsafisfactioii toourown coun try, aud a perfect guaranty to ;ill_otlier nations, of (lie justice aud prudence of foe measures which might be adopted. ■ . . • In making these suggestions, it is not niy.p:irpos<S to, relieve myself front the responsibility of expressing my own opinions of the course file interests of our coun try prescribe, and its honor permits us to follow. Its is scarcely to be imagined that a question of this character could be presented, ill relation to which it would be more difficult for the United States to avoid exciting tlie suspicion and jealousy of other Powers, aud maintain their established character for fair arid impartial dealing. But on this, as ou every trying oc casion, safety is to be found in a rigid adherence to principle. In tiie contest between Spain and her revolted colo nies we stopd aloof, and waited not only until the abili ty of foe new states to protect themselves was fully es tablished, but until tlm danger of their being agnaL sub jugated had entirely phase fi away. 'Then and ifotfoil then, were they recognised. ’ Such was our course in regard to Mexico herself. The same policy was ol>- served in all disputes growing out ofthe ‘separation into distinct governments of those Spanish American States who began or carried on the contest with foe parent country, united under one form of government. \Ve acknowledged the separate independence of New Grenada, of Venezuela, and ol' Ecuador, only after tlieir independent existence was 1.0 longer subject of dispute, or was actually acquiesced iu by those with wh*m they had been previously united. It is true that in regard to Texas, the civil authority of Mexico has been expelled, its invading army defeated, and the Chief of the Republic hiinsclfcapturcd .tiid all present power to control the newly organized Coy< rntncii| of Texas annihilated within its confines. Bat,on the other hand, there is, in appearance at leas’. an * m - mouse disparity of physical force on tho side o. c Mex ico. The Mexican Republic, under another Ca’’=A* five, is rallying its forces under a new leader, and men-1 acing afresh invasion to recover its lost dqgiiqioH. Upon the issue of this threatened invasion the inde pendence of Texas inay be considered us snspeiaiod; and were there nothing peculiar in file relative .satia tion of the United States and Texas, our acknowled- mpnt of its independence at such a crisis could scarcely be regarded as consistent with that prudent reserve with which we have heretofore held ourselves bound to treat all similar questions. But there are circum stances in foe relations ofthe two countries which re quire us to act, on this occasion, with even more than our wonted caution. Texas was opec claimed as. a part of pur property, and there are those among our citizens who, always reluctant to abandon that claim, cannot but regard with solicitude the prospect ofthe re-union ofthe territory to tliis country: A large pro portion of its civilized inhabitants are emigrants trom the United States; speak the same language with our selves; cherish foe same principles, poltical and reli gious; and are bound to many of our citizens by ties of frendsbip and kindred blond; and, more thap aJJ, it Is known tliat the people of that country iiave institu ted the same form of government with our own; and have, since the close of yottr last session, openly re solved,-on the acknowledgment by ub of their inde pendence, to seek admission into the Union as one of the Federal States. This last circumstance is a mat ter ol peculiar delicacy, and forces- upon us consider ations of the gravest.character. The title of Texas to the territory she claims is identified with her indepen dence; she csss its to acknowledge that title to the territory, with an avowed design to treat immediately lor its transferto tlie United Stales. It becomes us to beware of a too early movement, ns it might subject us, however unjustly, to the imputation of seeking to establish the claim of our neighbors to u territory, with a.view to itssubsequcntacquisitionto ourselves." Prus dence,'therefore, seeins to dictate tliat we shoulfi still stand aloof, and maintain our present attitude, if not until Mexico itself, or 011c of tiie great foreign powers shall recognise the independence ot’ the new Govern ment, at least until the lapse of time, or the course of events, shall have proved, beyond cavil or dispute, the ability ofthe people of that country to maintain their separate sovereignty, anil to uphold the government constituted by them. Neither of the contending par ties can just y complain of this course. By pursuing respect and influence abroad, and inspired ut home. Having thus,discharged my duty, by preset;tin,. and directness the views which, after ' simplicity ■ reflection-, I have been led to take of this i n 1 po r - ■■ ject, I have only to iadd the expression of un J dence that, if Congress shall Jifl'er with me foeir judgment will be the result of dispassion»i( .‘ dent, and Wise deliberation; with the ai8nran c jf during tlie short time 1 shall continue connected foe government, I shall promptly and cordiaSt with you in such measures may bo deemed hitcn. to increase the prosperity and perpetuate foe i, ei our favored country. ANDREW JACKSO Washington, Dec,21, IS31J. The leading of the message having been t0 , | ded, Mr. Howard moved that foe same, with t^ J cotnpaning documents, he -referred to foe Com " on Foreign Altairs, and that they be printed; motion prevailed., SOUTH CAROLINA. The Legislature of this State adjourned on\\' t day last. The Columbia Telescope ofthe 24th,r kin" ofthe business transacted, says—'“larger' tity°of business than usual was transacted, which was of much importance. Tho Court of JAppcals last established cons; all tiie Judges, is abolished, and two Appeal I arc now formed;' one consisting of fire Chau for Equity cases, and the other of foe circuit for cases of common Law. T he chief objcctioiiju of Jurisdiction) which attended this system on power,} Banking Privileges have beeu granted to th c ^ villc, Cincinnati and Charleston Kail Road Comp u . under guarded restrictions. The SCHte has saWtyi to file Stock one million vf dollars, onf of the s#,-.,f revenue. The accomplishment of this greet uoct j king is now absolutely secure. Sixty thousand dollars are nppropriated to the C J lege, forsbaiiding another tenement, a Library p *" purchsing books, »fcc. Ac. §40,000 tor extending ^ Columbia Canal—§20,000 for repairing foe Stale t « $7000 for improving the navigation of the Wj River.—§30ii0 for Lynchc’s Creek, ifcc. &e. Iu objects of public utility, as well as in ihe t meat of many private claims, the Legislature has b very liberal. A liberality however, not more foa_. accordant with foe flourishing resources of the and the sentiments of tlie people.—Coxstitulionclkt. f FROM-FLORIDA ■ By a passenger in tho steamboat Florida, Carl Hebbard arrived yesterdhy from Jacksonville, i;J learn that Gen. Jesup, alter haying scoured the Wj hoo Swamp and found no Indians, had returned y, established at Dade’s Battle Ground, utjj a portion ofthe Afiny under his command tu-re-:, I that it was his intention immediately to pursue to the Everglades; where it was suppo.-i u tiieykl gone.—Georgian. LATEST FROM FLORIDA. THE WAHOO SWAMP tjOOURED. The Jacksonville Courier of the ~-d iu^L ccmfo| tlie l’oilo.witig: “A gentleman from Black Creek states fiiatinfc genee from, tlie annyh&d arrived at foot ptaqu tidiel his departure, the amount orwbieh is, that Gen. J,J up, having reached the W uiioo Swamp, tad tnanlei| through and through it without finding a solitary hi dian. Ail had left the Swamp. From tliis it that Oseola has at last abandoned his strong hold |i c ;-| Imps to seek another, oy to retire to tlie Everglades, The abandonment of Wahoo Swamp looks v, much |ike declining. In:- the present, at least, atajtwl engagement. Although v.euo uotJ.kc file being ah’-1 ed, when foe enemy is found, bathe.', wiili and thlei- f fourths whipped it maybe; wen i:';' . h i;g is for il- time silenced, lo set mt with a who: ■ ui-my, sostei or J0y utiles forprovuiuns; yet there cun be r.u dealt I that tlie late campaign, sweeping up Uotn sides of tin I Withfacoocliee, has eflected much gor.d. Kr.owlcc; I ofthe country is'jrainad—Indtatisrouted from tiie tort and tlieir strong licit!, ui.d the bosiilrs must tiov.- hare been taught to entertain some slight suspicions, at lea*. I that tlieir swamps can be penetrated by the -jjou faces,” About one o’clock yesterday tlie dwelling of tk | Rev, Mr. Brown, nearly opposite the ruins of foe bud ding lately occupied by. tiie Post Giike’Depaifaeit, \vas discovered to be • n lire, which ter k time seeratil tiirCaten the destriletnin offhe building., Ourcitizciu. however, with,praise worthy, .hastened la tit spot, and by tlieir prompt aud well-directed efiiirt?, succeci • i in arresting its progress, and confining no thc itmncdi ite vicinity ot its origin—tiic loft ubbu' Midtcly under file roof. Too inpch praise canant Iu accorded to tlie gentlemen connected with tlie Fraas- lin Fire Company, a:.d tfie ciiizens generally forth zeal attd judgment'displayed on this uccaaiot.—Gkb. ‘Tiic HoV. Win. U'. Wharton, Minister Plcnipottn- liary from tiie Republic of Texas, and Colonel Jahr Wrtife, bis Secretary, arrived yesterday, and have ti- ken loggings at Uudoby's Hotel.—Globe. Satannah and Charleston Steam Packet Company.— 1 A meeting tof foe'Stock holders fitis Company wasticH | at the City Hotel, on Saturday last, aud the Comjisry organize j by the appointment of live Directors, uz:— Gen-. James Hamilton of ■Charleston, George Ila!! Geo. \V. Anderson, Win. Crabtree, jr. atul G. ii. Lamar, Esq’rs. oftbis city. The charter of incorporation of tliis company isi.i the' progress of passage in the Legisiattit'es orfiiis Staf and of South Carolina, and it is tnu intention, 11011;° happy to ilium; of foe company to establish alines: swill sbiaiu packets between this port and ’ Balfutiorr or Norfolk, touching al Charleston. One boat is noiv under coattract to be npivaus E 20(1 feetjo>ig,'25 feet , wi,in, and 14 feet hold, with out Ot* W'uehtnan & Bratt’s best low ptessure engiuesof 225 bor-c power and’ copper bolters, and to have ac- commodalions for 2U0 passengers, and to be ready by tiie firsl'Sieptcmbcr next.—Georgian. DjtJtic.N, Dec. 27. . Arrived.—Lino brig Amelia St ong, Brown, Jicn York: schr Virginia, Hall, Providence; sloop Aler- ehant, Lane, 6t Marvs; sloop Sapollo, HaUiaway, Sa vannah; sloop Cashier, Payne, do. Cleared.—Line brig New Jersey, Matthews, Nc»' York; new line brig /iiui, Gorliam, do. SaUed.—»iobp Cwqieito, Hathaway, Savannah; sip Merchant, Land, do.; sioop Georgia, Botios, Uo.;ido0]> tstranger, Charleston, ouvannab; schr Virginia, Hall, .C'juuuestoii; schr Iran ...u, Charlesuni; steamer Crock- ci, Cooley, Maco u. Boat News.—.trriccii.—Steamer Chieftain, White, Savannah; Root Auu v.\ion, Alacsiu; OemuigeeSu Co’a boxes 15, l(i, ii, 1,, Jlacon; Pioneer line bosu } & 7 end boxes . 7 cc. r.:. do.; stcutuer liawkinsvitle; • boai 2; P. i.. Yiunge, Jr's boxes 6 it U, Aiacoa; boat Vi lid Cm, no. • ^ ' •—Bieaiasr Ciiieftain, Savannah; steamer Dgiiun:, fiurih!n, do.; steamer iiawkinsvilic, and tow ljo,:tqip 2, Mucod, Col. Pierce.-r-Thia chivalrous soldier, the hero of Fort Drane and Micaiiopy, is now on a visit to Thoniai Spalding, Esq. The gallant Colbnel is received with open ai ms wherever lie goes. In Eavann&h, on the loth inst. he was invited lo a public dinner, as & mark of consideration for his services in the Florida Cam paign. His reply is characteristic of die generous and ardent heart foul throbs in his bosom. \V e subjoin it May he be speedily restored to tliat health and vigor which he has lost' in defence of liis country; and may that enuntry never cease to remember nis noble deeds. “ Honor to foe brave!” Shipwreck,—We copy the followit g from the Phila delphia Gazette. The brig-American, was owned h' P, IL'-Yonge A. Sons, of Darien. We are sincerely sorry lo record the event; but hope that our enterpris ing follow citizens iviUseon recover tlieir loss The brig America, Gonsales, ftiadison, Conn, for N- York, iu ballast, went ashore at 9 PI 31. foe lSfo inst- on iMantirucock Poipt. L. I. filled and sunk immedi- ately, -The captain, his wife, and tu p iwssengers were taken off by C'apt. Coleman, of the steamboat Benja min Franklin, and brought to tliis city. The mate and the crew, remained by file vessel. She ivas insured here for §3000, which will no:, it is said cover one third of her value, she having undergone four or five thousand dollars worth of repairs. The South Sea Exploring Kspniition.—“The vessels built for foe south sea exploring expedition have all been named : tho tivo barques at Boston are the Pioneer and Consort, the schooner at New fork the Pilot; and the ship at Philadelphia, the Relief Assnon as the equipments are completed, these ves sels will rendezvous at Norfolk, from whence it t® xj ected ttiat the squadron will sail ill the course of next month. Lieut J. Tattnall has been appointed to the corn- niait 1 of the Pioneer, ant Lieut. J. Gly nn to the corn- maud of the ComoD*”—’Army and N'aru Chro^wie.