Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, March 09, 1837, Image 1

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Term* of Substcripiioii T „MS Dollars,^ in admire, icUtpay far the pa- rtHf 9 ** hit Fi»*Uoli uts. |-nJ in adonice, ,ciU pay, fr**! 1 *"' , M p ars. T«| UlMfl pui in advance J Q^firthn jwpSrjfc* WAiJU llikURE t' i .v.v j on ii us i 4 \>. itUrsigneddcsiretu inform tln-ir | ;n:il tli*t I'ttiiiir jj•■m*r:. s iv. that they continue the »bn.Ve business.They 1 "iiiicsom^ adtUiii>nio tiicir \\ r are : ■ iiriiihthvftichisconvcnieiiily situated ou ’ months tfer the year has \ Jtf h» cUrM hZ /wUl be charged—Ath interest I**jj?* ta *6 literal advance* on Produce or Mer-, ™ jJ^j, ffjUars per annum * {cEtandise. either in store or to be thinned to Sfcvannch. (IU1VU HI UlUAb UUl ttol SAW » UUICB UU'l IV'IIIVL chandise, either in store or to be shipped to f Charlc'lon orNew A . rk. 5«f# 'r^Colieetore'and Coroners' Sales are chat- Uora tcW fc •«•»««* “W sQuoree in Dallam per annum; and in the ! spoet-—payable quarterly. At '»» • t , •#*»«* y»»rierly : «><* hi ac'ounts for Advertising, Job Printing, be. %'L Tsnhienption. Interest irill be c.urged, each same Adter- td individno! attention will be de- ihe'viiirthonserii wagon, c, i ut:v will cnnriimef the mer- oMsturid, and expectvhnrtly to receive from the New York and Boston markets, a fresh supply of ' ' !&ry Gooils, Crroccri^s- Hardware, fiats, $Iiocs, itc. &c.—which will cake their assortment large ant! complete. By a strict attention to business they hope to merito share of public patronage, sept 15 64 GEORGE JEWETT & CO. Commisssosf Hi is mess, Darien. ‘A ittrhes. it\v<ilry. Silver AV tti't' utitl ni.v c i«c fto& s; At *He Lowest Prices... . . i . G.-til'. JOHN. Watch Maker and Jeofeter, Cotton Avenue, oppo- J gjle the Washington Hail, respectful ly informs his Iriends and the public, that he ia now opening a new ar. I; spjendid assortment of WATCHES * JEW KMlC. of theh -equality and latest fashions, consisting :u j pwitrf llie following nr.icks, viz: •. ' i Ladies’ rmd gentlemen’* Gold Duplex, Patent M* ver, Anchor Escapement and Lepiue Watches; la- ftii.nn! tinslrtA-. Gan Is Cham*! NEW LIME Wmm NEW YORK PACKETS. DA ® »or.v, "l B«™ .. MERIDA. “ 1'nojigsox. franklin, *• Harlow.. -o I ir b U SS i v«wi* oir f S^ P ir'<cts between Darien and New York, lately A.'I’„ey are all first class Veajels, andcomr “'t'lihvofficersetiinnOftoad in the trade; and ham ^^'Sttr&Nv-Senb.,New York. . Kowi.iso. CaASK S»w«j^ur.»»», Darien, v ‘^"persotw^V®** 4 * 1 ®-P ulrai,i7e t . hil . , ' ine ra * taunts and obtain information in regard mi> irra & aoplicatmn to the 1111- , 8! h,nWi0f RO \vlaN1>, •/«.! 4.(1 l.M l/rt . St f At ••• , iit 11E undersigned have resumed business as a A hove, and wilt as heretofore pay prompt atyn tion to all business entrusted to their care. We believe we have made nrraugmneiT-. unit will enable us at all timps. to forward goods lor . the interior with the least possible delay, by steamboU* when the river will ad mit, or in extreme Ipw river by small fiats or lighters, built expressly for that busiuess. - On our. wharves are large Storehouses, calculated for. the storing of cot ton at die least passible expense, and our opportunities to forward cotton inland or coa-uvi.-e, are not exceed ed by any other House. Darien, .'lav tiO, Idle. IIAWga. MITCHELL ^ CDLLIAtt Co«i;ntJ*su,n liusiuciis. TLT, ajKQUr Ijpaipt-uretA* “ fc P*** w * Z dies fine Gold Ctiib. Guard,Basket & Laole Chants, Wmch Hooks, Seals and Keys; Swivels, ringer Kings, Ear Rmgsnud Broaches; children’s Ear .vnobs andiWires; gentlemen’s Curb and Linked Guard and Fob Chains, Seals, Iveys, Swivels, Sleeve links- bo som and collar Buttons. Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Guard Seals and Keys, Medalions, gold and gdvBuc kles, silver and Scotch Snuff Boxes’, gold and silver Everpoimed Pencils, silver and gilt Bracelets, gut, sil ver and shell Combs, gold and silver Thimbles, gold, silver arid steel Spectacles with glasses to suit ev®iT oye. Seed Coral, large Coral. Coral Necklaces, Bead 1 Bags, Chains and Purses, a variety of cut arid plain Fuc;or,tgc IS O.lTSJb'O, ttel T HE subsirilierhus locat'd in the city ofSavau- tnih for thu abuye piitpnscs, and taken stores nearly opposite llie City llott-l. The steamer “ Chieftain ** Capt. WhiU; will be ready in all the present month to receive trcirht for Macon, urid will continue mgitlarly throughout tit-sea- son. the river admitting, ami unavoidable accidents only intercepting. 1 Goods for forwarding willexperience no delajr.and the interest of the owner out taken into consideration net lTl d I.S. F. DICKINSON. Agent.Macon. v ,t: y uarieti Line of M*nckct.s ,-)Ct€ yUcotu A. Bibbtns, Mustty. •> Amelia Strong, . Brown, * •• Darien, C. P» Unlkey, «• Nftvv Jersey, B. MoUhcvvs, ‘ ■ •• Premium, J. Oopbdrn* •< (New) Schr. ». B. Crane. Baker, T*'v&iiijui ara hii tuuuoicu, - far UiU trad*, h<tvo e*p«rwOced captuu^ ‘Vsuil regui trlv tmee a week fromown p"^*- 'D in to 1 f'r Dirieu wiB inid liohoy B r • a ‘ . „,:n I... I.enul on the SSrOTferwiii I J r higii water, the same depth cube carried wd► 1 miles or Dariuu, I d feet cubic carried np to the :... Th 0 uuchnrago in Doboy sound arid river is saf« «■•«*» «•*««. "»itl» an ’> ,1 ° ‘"j'v S „' u l, t „carry off tin. whdo cotton crops, comtng down aj i ' a n\WrlS"MITCHF.LL & COLLINS, . 11 . ” * Agents Danen. Uefer to Jamks Godoaiio, Esq. Macoj. -iMhikmamammL ..... vm'ro VT. J. STONE, Capt. Mavoei t. a,.A tJJAi.s .» Gr.o, WtLtxns ;] F KCEL, “ J. I. Wulc -X r tlK Company ha* now, there line of Boats 1 1 com/’m orl-r for freighting, They have , i c4>uiiMs.M* 'j . r ston2. IoV pre.^^ure run regularly he ■ Capt G Wu-i-cov, J. Wilt.cox '01, Savaliua't and Darien. tilllMiJO.Yf SUPERIOR ij J, ,'MrtlarJyim‘wau.'. an IDarien, oue of i ;Lm'.mats leaving Darien every five'or six da,s. fJ’ZSy U >vo 13 (alifiwt rdeboatsj vo two dClIOONERS to carry cotton and - u i.i'-e kitweeti Darien am kbarleston- T ,'!r, a.o also seven first rale PACKETS running , r ; ,' between p«riohnud New York, wluCh como ll i.v.:4. 'ditoheil vN: Collin-'. Agj.1.4 1 or Ut-J above boats ’ GODOARI)j Macon. I Bviowis & Co' Savannah. Una. lloYCK Ot Co Charleston, limn, Mircat.iK & Coins*. Darien, Gk». K. Ropiiirs, Hawkmsville. Jan ’AS 18 daii ilxce Steamuoai Coinputsj. ■ TH B Pubbc are iflrirmt u th ill « Company has now in opera tion. three Steamboats, viz. the fOcmulgee, Capt. Blaukeusbip, and trie Ala- ri.15be.woen Darien find oevanuau; and tuo Ma> iitiita. Capt. Lowi* Wilcox,and Comet, CaptB.aut- r. between Darian and Macon It. Tito two host* leave Dsrien for Macon. allp twt y erv week with tow boat*, aud being built express y r the trade, and commanded by exper.Q..ced ^C / .p- iiM ate enabled to perform the trip w.lh despatdi. ,d U.W forth inducements for those .per*™? *» dtp tho Cniuormv whu wish to get their goods P • ice erptJilioiuly to market. The company having it* clMrter. the privilege of iusuriug, w n. at a ademta me of pmnriutn, take n»k* on ffood* pr pro- ice sitippe.1 by it* bout*, or placed jn cliarge ot its 'nuts ibrshipment. Agents for the almve boats: UFA & COTTON, Silicon. GODEY & KIM BELLY. Hawktnsvtilo. P. it. YONGK »V. SON3, Darien. GRANT & YONGE, Savannah. BOYCF., HENRY* WALTER, Charleston. Ian 24 17 ; - WARE HOUSE .YD CO.ri.TUSmIO.Y BLSMJYbss- *' MrriCk, Napier Ac l rc-r- inau inform their friend* and the public gent rally, that they are enlarg ing their Ware House adjoining their store on Cotton Avenue, and will have orcul isargaimi«*Dry Goods, for, firry.’*. nZNHft subscribers being determined to abaudon JK. the Dry Goods bi;*i;irss, will sell their stock for actual cost for cash I’linjVa.ets from the city and country will find it'to Utcir{utcre«iltocall and examine, and country merchants can re^tieuith their stocks at New York prices. Tho'Cillowing cmtiprisq'n part of the stock: 100 ps. English mid American Calico, from 10, 124 a 37i c j per yard, •' 30 ,, Blue Calico, from lo u 16 els per yd. A good assortment of Ginghams, Curtain Calicoes, 0 yds for die dollar, 3-4 Ijrowu Homespuns, 10yd* lor tho dolkiT, 34 ,, „ 7 yds for the, dollar, •|-4 ,, fine „ (i yds (or the dollar. Bleached „ from 124 a 20 cl* per yd. Fine and conimpu'lrish Lir,cu, A spVijdid lissortinent of plain aud figured silks, sa- lius and stialiies, fancy lujk’is', shawls, ribbons, caiu- brie* mid muslins, ligurorl and plain French and En glish merinos, crape chtuklets, black bombu/.iaes, fine •uni course flannels, furniture dimity, cotton fringe, super bioadcloths, c asst mere* and sattiiiu.ts, a good as sortment of rosts and oooimon blankets, bed ticks soma for 20 cent* per yard, a good assortment of ladies kid, .uul prunella shoes, cases thick btogaus, a good as sortment of hat*, anuiuiiiy other articles loo uuuierqu* to meuliou, all of wliicli will be sold al cost. March.2 22 WILLIAMS & BBADLY. o play from Bio 12 tnnes. fiddles and fiddle strings, gentlemen** dressing cases, hair and tooth brnshes Birmingham and Sheffield silver platedeastors, hquor stands, candlesticks, branches, fruit baskets, snnflers anjsnnffor trays.,ten tfiys, silT e v table, tea. desert, salt, mustard and creari; “spoons, soup ladles, sugar tongs and butter knives ; tumble, ebony and alabaster mantle clockstu run eighteen.aavs withont winding. jJIilttnrK ami Military Trimmings and a varietybf other articles usually'kept in hi* line, alt of which he will sell at tho lowest cash prices. He respectfully invites citizens and person* generally vis iting on nitty to call at his store" and examino his stock, where he i* ever ready and happy to attend to those who may favor him with their calls. N B—Particular attention paid to Watch Repair ing. Having selccted.the best or materials for repair ing M’atihes. he is now prepared to manufacture any part of a Watch, and will warrant every piece he makes as perfect as the original, and his Watches to perform we!!, , . Oct 27 7 Oroccries* (HID Sueur, lb do Molasses, 20 bags Coffee, 10 bbls Rice, 12 “ Cider, 12 “ Beer, 24 doz Porte r. Ale, and Cider in bottles, 35 boxes Kai fins. >2 sacks Almond* and Filberts. 20 M beat mid common Segars; 12 boxes speorm Candles, Just received and for sale by C. L. HOWLAND & Go. Feb 23 21 Center Cotton Avenue .V. 24 sis. Sugar, Col fee and Molasses. -jJy.'JJX II Hi) prim* rft Croix Sugar, /oS '^P 25 lilul* new* crop Cuba AIol Iolasses, 2dfl bags Lagv lira Coffee, prime quality, 20 do Cuba. n»:«nk ■.•••ritv do' prime quality. For sale by feb-22 21 REA & COTTON. Ventral J&ail %Z.oad, K ISanhing Co. of 4Ae*rgia. .Savannah, 21st FeKI837. *ECOXD rXSTALMEXT. fJESOLVED. Thar a a instalment of 2|.'per cent ' Sli o" the. Capita 1 slot It of this corporation be call ed in-— the same to bo paid' on t^e 29th of April next, at the Banking house in l lavmuiuli,—and that this call bj published by the Cashl er conlormalily to charter. Extract from the miuiitt w .ol Tnpsday. 21st Febru- ar» • id37, if R. CUi'LER, cush’r. Feb 22 22 O' Stocklioldera iutht- vicinity of Macon can make navmentatthe bratich ban it in that city fjp HE subscriber has just received ffom New York iiiv for the reception of cotton by the commence it of the ensuing season. AR cotton consigned to a by Planter* and others, dealing m tho article, or •rs to buy and aell »n the market, Will be promptly ndaJto. They likewise inform those Merchants i forward tlieir goods by .Maoon, that they ha.e a e and safe Brick Store, for the reception of mer- Jilize, and will receivo and forvvard nil goods con- leil o them. Their charges in every in-tance will is lowu is customary in the city. Liberal ad van- will be raado on cotton -tored with them or smit hy them to any cither market. laving one of the nartuersof their firm ( i.r. A. tv. emau) located in tnb pity of NewAork for thopttr- o of affording tbe necessary facihues to tlicjr bust- s in Macon, tliev respectfully inform Mnrchant* others who have busimwo to transact in Uiat city, : be will bo |.. . parefl to attend to any Commission lines*'viih wluch ho may bo favored. Iheycm- Mtlwprr-mit opportunity to return thoir gratelttl nowledgcnu'ut.4 to their friend* and the public tor t favors and solicit a continuation of their patron- _ fresh assortment c f Conftctionar ies &’ Groceries- Consisting in part of the following choice at tides:, Monanguhajn WhiaJtey, v.. ^ do Best Holland Gin. Cog Brandy, Jam Rum, St Croix do Peach and Apple Brandy, Champnigne do \ Madeira Wine, Port do Tcnaeriffe do Muscat do Sherry do Claret *lo Malaga do . Chnuipaigne in ptsandqts. London Brown Stoat, p's and qfs. Anniseed, Mint and other Cordials, Lemon Syrup, Raspberry do . 11 . Strawberry do Jliuger do Stoughton’s Bitters, j ; French Cordials, Candies—Teas, * Best Principee and Spanish Segais. *• American do Mountain and Honey due Tobacco. Fine cut and Bonn's natural leaf do. Mnccoboy and Scotch Snuff, 1 Butter and Sugar Cryckers, Cheese, wajer Crackers, , : j Raisins, pme Al pie Clieese, LoafSugarrtMtinlard; Sperm, Patent and Tbllow Candles, No. 1 Soap, . ' , Al nonds, Filberts, Msdaira Nuts, English Walnuts, Pickles, Chaiupaigne cider in bottles, Newark cider, Kiln dried Mutches, rri"’'’" 1 "' *'£'£ brown. Feb 23 21 tf Malberry st. near the market. LOOK AT ‘inis ! Wahccs, Jcv elrtj, Silver IS arc, c. J, A. & S. S. V1BGUI, Would inform their frieuds and the pnblic that they still continue at their stand ou Cottou Aveiiue, and h > vejust received afresh supply of Goods, con sisting in partof the following articles: Gentlemen’s aud Ladies’ gold lever anchor escapement independent secuud lepine and vertical WA'H'HKS; silver lever plain and extra jewelled lepine and vertical do. all oi which were «e- lerted with choice tosuit this market, and will bo war- raritctl to-perfirm veilLadies’ gold Neck Chain* ; Gentlemen’s gold and silver Guard and bob Chains . gold and silver guard and fob Keys; Ear Knobs and Drops; Breast I’m* and Finghr Rings ol all kiiulsj gold, silver, gilt, aud pearl Belt Buckles and-hlides; Bracelets and Head Belts; gold and stiver everpoint- oil Peucils, steel Pens ofthe best qualities, gold, silver and steel spectacles, Qnizziug tJlasses, silver table, tea. dessert, salt and mustard Spoons; ronp and cream Ladles, Sugar Tongs. Butter anfi Fruit Knives, stives Cup?, Thimbles, Castors. Candlesticks, silvor.’brass, and Dtonzed; coral, gilt and glass Beads; ladiea’ Bags ofthe latest fashions, Pure* and Pocket Books, (.'lart- onetts, Flageolett*. Flutes, Fifes, Accordians, Music Boxes large and small. Drums, Organs-, and V lohiis, Walking Slicks of various kiuds ; silver, gilt, shell, horn and ivory Combs, Tea and Coflep Pots, Bread Baskets silvei and japxuned, fine pamted \Vatters, Knives, Razors, Saunders’ cel"bratsd Ratzor Straps with tablets. Pistols of various kinds, Dentists biles Gold Plate, Wire.‘Foil &c for Watches, Rattles and Whistle* for children; Snuffboxes, Percussion caps. Pipes, ? < egar Tribes, Pocket Compasses Mathemati; callnstniment*. &c. MILITARY GOODS. Swords, Belts'. Epauletts, Plumes, sashes, Buttons. Lace, stars, ornaments too uumorous to mention, which will be sold, choap for cash, or approved city accep- j^ C jj We have a choice selection of materials for repairing Watches, and are prepared to make any new part, which will warrant to perform aswellasthe 3. S. Virgin feel grateful for past favors, and would still solicit a sliare of tlie pnltc patronage, hoping to give satifactiouto all who may favor tbem in .heir line. , , December New Carriage Establishment. H HE subscriber will receive in a few daysa large L Stock of Carriages, Barouches, Sc. Most of them made by the best workmen '-n Newark and New Haven. LUKE BLISS. Macon. Dec 14 " mits, mMAmtis ^EOltGE A. JHLlSStlCIifr RPFECTFULLY soliciis tWrit'lentlou of pur- chdaers to a very l.ifgd assortment of 82ats and^^ps* wiiicSi * and to any ... „ ment may be found, Btiper fashionable black and drabjieaver Hats, do broad brim do for eide^iy ineu, ,, do fash do do satin beaver •; fio Sign ('jibe GMtn Mortar, Mulberry street. ‘ ' 1'nt‘Jicatc oj Doctor Dcutcti “ Doctor Elijah Praia Dear sir—As I feel it a mat ter rif much public importance to possess a means of lessening llie terrible bufferings of sore nipples, Lhav^t much pleasure in being able to say that the “ Shield, vou oiler for the r,?evrn!iim and the entre of this mala dy, is titter a’danted to this purjiosq tlfnii any I have lieYetoforc hjtta* In the two or three L-tstances 1 ’ cm to ba used, ninth i^usfin tion lias been i: 'lid I have no ’vjsitation to bell/ve it wfil ' generally succeed. I am so'well perspadeef ol ihis at i tliis moment, that I cannSi forbear to fibres* a wish ; tluitour city i&rouglt the fttriotis apothecaries may be HR — . . ■ ] supplied with"them. 1 an. yo*r*. Ac. • , IIE Feiuaje Isepuitn.vnt oi fiitKiUltion lltiv ' Phitailrtphin tSihJfm. 1>~‘M \\ m-1 . Pr vcffs. &&COP- 'dSLCtf iii-t: my'. lt l^i-oiue v/icant ,*by‘il*c. i^jgiiHiioii of Air • i . L _ fP... ...... . n vo <!nctrnl1C t rt New Fail and Winter CielltiBg A T the Macon Clothing Storo, Wni. B. Johnson’s Jewelry S senber is now receiving his JFall and Winter Slock - (which has beeu mairiilactured by Lewis t ncli tae past summer,) aud vyliich \yill be sold otT as chqap, lor cash, as at any other establishment, coxsistiko or Snper Black, Blue. Brown, Green, InvisiWo Green and Claret, Dies* Coats. * ■ ' Huper.Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Invisthlq Green Claret ah','Mixed Frock Coats. Brown. Green, Mixed and Cadet mixed Coatees. Fine Blup. Black,; Brown and Mixed.lV.nts. griper ribbed, striped. cordedandpkiid Casimere do -Beuverteen, Cord and Liori Skin Pantaloons. tMiper Blue, Brown, Green, Mixed and- Prah Over Coats. Goat’s Hair and German Caniblet V\ rapper do- Geutlemeu’a super Blue, Black aud Invisible Greeu Broadcloth Cloaks, • . , ladies’ super Olive, Green aud Claret Broadcloth Ladies’ figured Merino, plain do. and YJirsassiau Cloaks. • Super Blue and Pilot Cloth OverCodts. Drab, Blue and Olive DitTil*} Over Coats; Lion bkm amj Green Bluuket Over Coats; Kentucky Jeans Frock Coats and Pantaloon*; Cloth, Satinet, Peters ham a-ud Beaverteen Hunting Coats, C'otli and satin et Round Jackets. t* . Black and Blue Cfoth black figured and.plaid \ el- vet, plain and figured English £>iHv dark Valencias. Toiliuet. Woollen Velvet, black and striped Satin, Bombazine, Tabby Velvet, and Satinet V ests, Fine Linen and Cotton Shirts; plaid and striped Gingham Shi - 's.Silk, Cotton, Meriuo patentnnd lamb Wool Shirts iet cotton and woolen, flannel Canton, flannel aud- ii) 1 d cotton Drawer*. Wool, l-o J W ool, patent ftlerino and brawn cot ton 11*11* 11 4 , . _ rr- l Fine W » Brtck, Howrinn, Beaver, 4* In c Kid, Liened B / i, Lisle thread, black, white and colored SiikGloV < Black white Silk Half Hose; Uussmn Belts, Money Mr ' e, nett, worsted and cotton, StlkanU Gum S ispendars, Cravat and Cravat Stifl'eners. Silk and Gingham Utribrelias, Bombazine, Satin, Velvet plant and plaited Stock*, blue, black and white crnnped silk Stocks, SpUtilfield. English Silk, red and .yellow Ban dana, white and red Pongee 8dk^Pocket Handk^r- chiefs, plain and ruffled Bosom* Collars, Purses,Cloth, Fur and Hair Seal Skin Caps. Wool Hats, a large as sortment of Fur Hat*, Silk Hat*. Boots and Shoes, u ecod stock of Negro Clothing, also fijie blue Cloths. Canvas, Padding, gilt and lasting Butt .ns- Cotton Wadding, Military Ball Buttons. Cord, Tas- «N S,.--, ^ *- XoE F1TC „ Gentlemen wishing their Cloths made at the North will, by leaving their names with me, have them made in the best manner, and most fashionable style.' n.t'. Ked do Flat or kith Dutch. . do Enrlv blood turnip BF.r.l’, Gjcrieii"«avoy Early French sugar do' Green glazed ’ ’ 1,0 Early white scarcity Whitd cape hr,'cmP «J«. or sugar v tlo Lai'S? Eniriirh Nori-il-t. Orange‘CARROT. ' ' TURNIP, Long white PARSNIP;'' White-flat do rO 'hbls Mackcri'l. Nos! 1.2 and I sfi Mils aud halt bbls prime,Flour; - -i-.o r'offcei arid iriany offirr ar- fi'djoi s til incritton,-' The do\i foVcash. ‘ Y* m W would psrtirnrtTly invite those who hro indebted to them to call immediately i and pay their notesaltd ncconnt^ as they are needing t the money to pay their own debts, j Macon. Jau 12 15 ' lsfniz # su iss^ ..-v - • • • CdAcluster CUCUMboiPI^ PH hr •f:ong gfeen’ ‘ ilo’* ’.CayeniiW' ' ' < Sffp'r vv/vi r „,,i Y pjilo EG.VJtCN,T‘arlv **;ojrx U-uA Maritmti’h. PUMPKIN., Early 'TittcMor* ‘ do. Dutch fnmnter 3QUA'SH,EJ«Vsthrar A 1 ’ *»“ Peoples Line. M R! EDITOR—Through the colons of your useful'paper, we vvottf.l recommend jho Peo- nlc?H OppVfcTtujn Iline o ! Po^t C6acl.cs, ^ roni ^ornery no thin p :icc. . Wo. fyave trayellsutliroHph the xv »ihle Youth ‘With safety; tliou^h the roads are iiunany plncas almost imputable. • Th‘« Conches and Terms allcxcvllent. the driversyohtTr. polite, arid careful; in’ short from tW speed with which they transport ihetr iik. roU tn tltpir rnn fnrt. Dutch dimmer SQUASH,EAHrmigai; ."'V mwncer* and th’e attention raid to their con fort, Imperiaf stiga'r loaf L'E’i-Early WnAfeg^ti K. f v : e i m .; r n 0 hesitation in saying that it is^ the best line leohfiad rt’o • EatiY.cfiqrifo;!’ do ; in every rwp^mtW. Su«^ RT ^ Naples RA-Lorge white m'arrdvvfat do I • EDWARD ’LEPORF^ J, York. * . I\' I* ..... wAtv lot - ' I it Ice heed do Lorig white / ? DI3H, Sea riel .-Imrt top f.oiig saltnofi Loflg'iWarlct" do do do Dwarf nrirrpwlrtt - • »l" D’witrf Wni; i«vperinf ; s do Etiriv china’ d.w a f f B V: A N: — • *■ Hfol ' HU m*n ryfooh:ri«k Subnet'or chertiy turnip do F.-irJi' ^d weeks " '• ,r!y vitt'-ir lua!' CAB-"Red-L U A EL. - ■ BAGS. White db .’*v\ ' ;* 'a do ~I,iicern .fitgss seeds, and ; Jg. do ’ Flovfler <fedW T -‘ j. • 4 ' j HEW STOSB. afevv. Clictip and seasonable 1 GOODS. T i HE subscriber has just received at. lltp store on Third street.two doors south ot ; Messrs Rea &. Cotton, a large and desirable stock qf Fancy and staple Bry Goods, II-rd Ware. Shoes, Hats, Groceries, &c. all of which will oe disposed of on accommodating terms The citizens of Macon and surrounding conn- vs-sr-m*** ’jjg tfJ&ZtiZ •yj ij._A complete assortment of READYMADE. CLOTHING of every description Dec 29 -im 13 rg4 HE subscribers inform their Iriends aud die pub- ID BltUSUIUOia iu.u.m. , * f — i; c that’they have removed to the hre prool brick store in Tinrd-street, nearly opposite Jo the store occupied by David Ralston, anda few doom south west from the Central Hotel, where they offer for sale, (a part ofwbich to arrive.) - 75 hhds St Croix and Porto Rico Sugar* . 3f)0 hags Prime Greeu Rio, and Java Canoe-] 150 barrels Northern Runt and Gin 25 casks Wine and Cordials pipes Cognac Brandy and H Gin , 1 15 baskets Champaigne Wine, part superior boxes Muscat’do 40 bbls No 3 Mackerel •< No I Salmon 150 bolts heavy Hemp Bagging 60 roil* Bale Rope 400 lbs Twine 6000 lbs Feathers, to arrive. A General Assortment of Dr y Goods, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, &C.&C. all ofwbich will be sold al unusually low prices, for cash only, by oct!3 2 WILLIAMS <Sr. BRADLEY. fit7* look at ThiSi T HE subscribers have lately received a varioty of merchandise consisting of Dry Goods, Hard tea re, Groceries, Superior Oils for lamps and paiips; Saddlery, Hats, Bonnets, «&c. &c. which diey bplieye will bear com pajison inquality and price to any in the city. Per sons wishing to purchase are invited to call and *x amine for themselves, as citraragant catalogues and ! labored pufis. are too oflen impositions. One estab lishment is located on the corner of Third and Mul berry streets, the other on the corner of Poplar street and Cotton Avenue. W.M B. PARKER «Si Co. Dec 15 II tf Boots and Shoes, Domestics, »Vc. - UOOIS ““^5 CA3K3 a** 01 " anU Shoes, consist- ing in part of Gentlemens fine calf Boots, sewed and pegged. . Stout pegged and water proof Boots. Fine"cai7and stout Shoes ami Pumpf; Ladies Seal, Motocco and Prnnella Walking Shoe*. Slips and Bootees ; Children's Shoes ot all knyis. A complete assortment of Negro shoes. 20 cases Domestic Cottons, bleached and nnbleach ed. consisting of fine Shirting aud Sheeting, stout dr. 30 pieces Sattinetts of various patterns. 1 ALSO, Finn 4-4 and7-8 Flannel; Blankets; Calicoes, Hats; Ac. jDnncaTCd. -I to “g'™ “/r J ^ort 13 2 Next door to the Post-Ofiice, fjtHE SCBSCKIISEK' Earlygeyrge Dutch • do rio\\A-*i - ru ^n. "arN York ' do Purple F.GG PLANT,. , Lrrae'.yfirk or harvest do Vegetable Ovsten. -4 . Early drumhead or Bergen.Divarf C tfrtfetl’P'AU) j Dre 8 H ' 'S ;2! ’! ery respc i ra . EDWARD-LE FORT. \ v, C HAS. L. KINGSBURY, ■$’ ^ J. B. HAI-L. K'.t< ) • WM. H. KF-MPTON, } Miss WM. DILLAHtNTY. ) EDVV. LLOYD, Maryland. 4 ■ 20 ’-—2 BAGS prime grepii Coffed,*' *■ l PO'hbib Flour. 1 . 1 ‘ 20 casks fresh Tlice' 1 . Feh 6 5ff bbls prime Northbrh IJ!*; 50 Pyo Whiskey, IilidA prim 2'i liMs pnme^Sugar. 300 Baltimcre Bacon Ilams, - ' Early Bullock s Hea t, Large-Bergen, j , S OTteS. i .‘Dutch, Green j. Savoy, Arkjie's Early Splendk! B'tstoA i'lASOo^with - and 3 pedau, iw. Savoy, Red DutGhr<Graen;Glazed, j Ju^t rec-Yvcd by ' * tew t i arlv Drumhead and Large Drumhead CABBAGE. |« jim W’ Rutabaga, fong Hanover; white fiat, white gnax:. i red top flat, early garden rock, .fine Scotch or- Aber«4 deen fist, large Eugli-h..Norfolk *>»• r'-'triW-tei Oi spring flat TURNIPS. I i White, red and yellow ONION 15 -CRAFT & LEWIS. bid* .fine Scoteaor Ab- iv^ a- g , eatva jit'tv ot oilier Bulbotui!RaQt9. l late- . ,j» j. 7 eh 2. : IS.. ■■■ . •■■■■ CIw\FT y-, V - If imi;i icuamij,*.-" ——- - Early French sugar, eariy whito mnn- ggl wiirtzel, Swiss chard, early bloody lung biuhd a no early orange turnip liEET. »' ” Scaiietorange aud Mood CARROT; t. . .. < Long white andGnernsey F.'ViSWJ’S; _D rrr . - EarlyTuscarora; early riioux & early sugar CORN. ■ febl Large White marrowfat.feaihnCliarlfoti. ca, ly bishop, dj,varf marrowfat, dvvnrf prolific, dwarl Muh imperial,' ;iidearly Washington May. I'EA't ' “ - k _ l/'st tiwodes |fon» r iytgB*. Nails, Rods, Hoop artd Band do. ;A1 -bbls -upgrtintf Ftodr, A *J5..Jdo do rd v . • - Just receivedwnd for siile by » -y ' * • ’ ,Wmb .1,' K RMPIL'. ‘ 3? EAFLAED.'cf *u- -rr* j „...i and extra long CUCUMBER. -. Nutmeg, grfecn citron, Romgrat^ite, and camit-ope MUSKMELON. - , . Early Du ch summer, bush crock, cro«*t neok-wni- ter'andcocoa nntSuUASIl. nIT „ T ! r -iv Mammoth, large vellow audchccse I EMPKIN, Extra cabbago head, ice beud. eari v w hite head, ice, I ’ ' Invi ,1 rtVrinll imr^nll •ivlHte LilHIgYCtnuij lUHjj 4.-. v ^ . Naples, purple scarlet top, cherry turnip, black and while fall Spanish, and white turnip ItADfftH. ' Watermelon Scotch und Hea Kale, early oud late •Cauliflower; Cayenne arid bell Pepper, Cfess or 1 ep- nor Grass, Tomato, Celery. Vegeta|>le Oyster.--purp e Eg" Plant, Sage, summer Savory, Wratt);mng«v v mte and"short green Okra, giant A‘,parogri«, Nastmtion, Bene Plant,London and Scotch Luek,'saffron, bn yet Mignonette, white Mustard, sweet Layender. Lemon Balm, &c. A c. Grass and Flower seeds. The Gardener’s Manual. ' N'. B. A liberal dedriciion made- lo Merchants in theco untry. Dec 8 tfi * C L. IIOWE\ND r *t CO hnye removed totlte • stand formerly occupied by Bivan & lvolton, > •jVE purchased Mr. Laird FL Wilky’s inter- *j«. est in the late firm of Fort, Hamilton & Wi ley, and Hamilton, Hayes & Co. and given IRA E. FORT an interest in the same. Ihe Dry Goods business will no continued at the same place, under the firm of Fort, Hamilton & Co. and the Ware Houses and Commission Business a* heretofore, under the firm of.HAMILTON, HAYES &Cu. FORT, HAMILTON & Co. June 23 52 ' i addition to their present stock, they will receive Y th.'* * fine assortment of Irv t*>Qocls, Groceries. Ilsinlware, tlcry, Bale Rope, Heavy Hemp, Cotton Bagging, Icailyin. nle CIolli i«p, Ac. A’e. Ac. _ iblo for the fall trade, all cl which thbjy olterk r on the most refisonnble term,* ■ •eon, Attgii4t25 61 tf FrencH <tuiiiii3 c » L'8T received and for sale by r it ibmr S. ELLIS. av 17 ,ui//. Moron. J. H & W 7 t'ottnu At ^ H I an k/, salern tfiN * < Ik ‘ 4 '* OSLETHOPE INSURANCE & TRUST CO. (D Tin: t TJ F OJ O.Y. T HE pulilic are hereby informed that the Jat* Mer chants’ Insurance and Trust Company of this city ha* recently hten incorporated by the Legislature of this State, under the ebovo tide, with authority to increase thp Capital Stock to 500,000 Dollars, and to exercise TRUbT a id sundry othrr privileges. 100.- 000 dollar* of said Capitol has been paid in. anJ will at nil times be held in reidiness to pay any losses due bv this Company. Risk* are taken to »ud from this city to any port or place,r:i as liberal terms to the as pired as any other In-11 mice oflire. Loans will be taken, and bills of, Exelmipe pure) ased, &c. WM. Ii. PARKER. Pres’t. James Rea, Sec’y. J*fl '’ti 17 me * 4k SACKS S/I.T.for sale bv V Nov 3 5 EDMUND RUSSELL. Copartnership.. T HE undersigned have formed a connexion for the transaction of a general FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS in thiscity, under the firm of COOMBS & DOUGHTY. Savannah, June 1 50 E.W, DOUGHTY. S 710R Fever and Ague—Rowan’s Tonic Mixture ■* —Quiniue Mixture, for sale by nriior. j W. S w. s T us For Sale, 350.000 PI hlids St. Croix Sugar ot superior quality, 50 bags Cofl'ee, 45,000 lbs Sw ede Iron, 100 kegs Nails, assorted, ‘.15 rifoIs choice Mola.-'es. 150 whole and half bbls Canal and Ricnmond Flour, 5 pipes jiurcH. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old, 20 bbls old Monongahala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Bum, and 20. Gin, 41 DAVID RALSTON 500 frm, 14- Gallon* Winter strained Lamp Oil very handsome—iust received and for sale by H. A J. SHOTWI.LL. 3 Cppostte tht Central Hold L " IN SEED (HI. AND TRAIN Oil. just r.'i.-iv ed and for sale by Dec 23 13 ' J- n. «fc W. 8 F.LLIS. Winter Strained Sperm Oil- J UST received for sale by J. II. A W. S. ELI.FS Pep 9 I’J \Ly • bUlilU UMIIH 00] MVf Ii|*.v- - * corner of Cotton Avenue a^d 2d street, where they have for sale, a complete assortment rij BOOTS, SM uES & PP 0I>S ‘ AJso, a large lot of GROCERIES—viz ... ' Bbls N E Rum, bales Feathers, bids sperm Oil Clarified Oil, dry Malaga Wine in 4 and 1 casks Sherry. Wine do. Whir key and Neutral Rum •j * -, W3HJW '• : ± a .P£W;€a^ Northern Li^tv jroml arucr, for saleW JOHN J T\ ’ROW LAND, mgejt*. ’ ’ ^Janifi «- 17- • ‘ i'$to,prip5 fijnlib: »»t 4 ) {iblijand ih&f fimtr, I v«T‘ C m tl 27 ,0 ^jys^tl'^ 1 Conner, of Cofldq’Avenue. »V. Second st. —*-f- iPILOTIJ aud E MrTino ! *C^)*k4-^.t orii.t front '4540 to (b $50,_ nov’ J 0 i.*i Tjr sty CRAFT fr JjAW*?- : r &agv&.mc?z:\. „ H E, subscribers ifaviugpuicliiuvdffe ipierest of Jt i. Cowlti. ill the arm iiLtiep. ( >V rff f.A Co. i in i nitirii tt .l it#v mnnuflufi uiidcr flits j*l a. v-'-i y' ”T - ".- -,: ■,- , Uw.busings* in,future-will, be .conducted .uifdeMhe .same name tiaaiJ J1I 1.4,4., V. ...... — " -.—T ~ . by wili iam choke,. ii '..gco w muck;- k C tASH given Ii r good Bee* n axi. by / llecac J2 J. n. A. W S ..i i.LTS- CffKii’Cotton Siecc. - i. Sticks WtirrahW genuine, expecteddai- rorTON Sherry Whiskey -- --- - — Boxes and \ boxes Raisins Cognac Brandy Kegs Malaga Grapos. Princip<?& Hav-ana Segar White and Marlila Snap, sperm Cnii,rites _ . . 1 C- .th- n,iilne .ill nP Lemon Notice. ■. ‘! ' rjrVflE subWtriber tiavitig disposed of his interest in \ ill.: fifrit of Geo. W. j’ricc ft Co. to lVilliam ii. inn nrui oy un/. «» . / i^.«j -v"-: •'* ■■ ami CM U . KicS, ♦flff'wHl receive find pay i;!I lie’iisNt>f!aid fTrhi. jap 1 J- COW LES. , - Faperius for Booms. Vhi‘e and Marble Snap, sperm vatimes .* j -jt U8T received n good assortment of handsome pa ,emon Svrup, tubs family Btmer, orifcesttcrnis r erdittn"irig and bordering. . ]2 - ' RL !' Oct 13 2 H. (i, J. SHOTWELL. ..^a m a«.pivrAil !>?1 fl for LftllT, ■ r r Carpeting. ed, a few pieces vf Ingrain Carpeting reduced prices. n w PRICE *, . oyL. „ 5 4 <1° Sherry do 3 do Whiskey and Neutral Rum 50 boxes and 4 boxes Raisins Cognac Brandy 1st quality 12 boxes white and marble Soap edti-nio t.’i.tsiS) • "?77’t l OT? plabia:ihnland'fin’lilies.' with dm I’.tion? for ; usin I'i.f Mdehy J. II. &-W. S. 1.1 LIS. 'Nov 1 !? "7 " Cotton Avenuov Lemon Syrup and Family Bu«« i!v ISAAC NEW HALL, Jin to is Next door to the I'O't Office. ■jCo ail Whom it may concern. collection, ian 12 15 '?mis f mr HE Subscriber will make liberal advances on Sj Cotton shipped ti) bis friends iu Saxannaa, Charleston, Philadelphia.Nevv Yorkor Bftiton nov. 5. 1835 . liOBT. COLLINS. Pistols. PRS. Rifi". Pistols, a superior, just re- /m ceived and fo<- 'Me bv Jau5 14 J A. A 9 S 4 IRGIN. Ca/f Skins, QA Dozen just r.ceived, warranted a -upenor Amn.W article/ dec 15 41 G>W 1KICE &rCIl ®]h Ja' I Salt. Bu3feel ‘ Jli " r'ka ICcOTTON. 15 .} UST RECEIVED by boats 13and 16. S«l kegs White Lead in oil, . SAT;?, CJroc!v c j ' ■ ’ cA'iiivarc. A T New Yoi'ivj Cost for sale by t>ct. 4- I.I.O. U. ITUCE aRu'dcu Seeds. 7T1RESII frourllaltimore. jj.’ Just received !>y Jan 19 16 CRAFT A: LT ATTST., . Petit Gnlf Cotteri Seed.. ' -g AA Sacks W Htrantcd getmine. ^ItTYcrted- ■ HV frcoi Rodney. -Tu.-t nrriy ra «nd for” REA &, tayrroft. sale by Jan 19 irr utter. O Vinegnr. N consignment.—A few barrels first rate Vinegar. Country Mercbanriswill be- suppliftR T “ A W. H. ELLIS. Me torn'- bv .1. H "I 1!,? ‘ PeU Fe V r saleby' UUr ' j ^ TafeC Iffotice* -* y , rit \l‘l ES CAMPBET.T.. I fW^HE subscriber wishes to hire- ten or rtveh-e Jffl# A gm Felbiw* for six, ei"ht. or tSpn rfianths,'' afide^ uch libera 1 maf* will be « n, . / , ’ v!T WM DAN7FL D:irk Prints. A N assortment dark small I A. nov 10 ff rorralebvCRAFT&LLVI/IS. ft)) V\ hich 1 \ Mtrrch' i »•«. <