Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, March 16, 1837, Image 1

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ffflas* T'lSSZrtm*"* ' TksDoluiks. paid in advance SsftuK&sr m 'ft'ewns of Su^sciiption !)ou,^,H« advance, will pay for the pa- tUm Onu.\*3,P'iui .** advance, will pay .In;! ^^^FtfULwkhin *ix months /fur, the year has Halbert 1 " j Cww Outers fifty , Cents pcr utauqi if *•» F« w •ntU,th».end of tMeyutr, '’ft'\) tit irJ piP on;nun id ill he charged—trith^ulcresl tf* 1 *’ Terms of Advertising. . . , j-.*,,.»»>* nol effddinqonesquare, or 1*3 brevier it inserted one time for One dollar. IVktn one insertion is ghm, 80 cents for sack $fe| 'rnSliorlon'and Coroners' Saks ureehat- [‘fciiiisersteiU be smarts in each f* r !“ -r Dollar* per annnin; and u; the same YVAliE SSOUSIS Coiiin liss id it IS mess. SpISVfWKj^!^ tu iujunn their Frjends nnd the Ptibljc generally, iltat pjey continue the iJbovVbusifes. They are uialvingsotnoadJilejut^llieir Ware house whiciiisconvei|t^Sittjr^(uhtc<I pit IVatfeSkcs. Acwclry, Siivi*;* Warp and 5* Cr oon &• - [ At the Lowest Prices. *, I * • >* C. O. tfl'i JutiiV. Watch Maker] ami Jeweler, Cotton Aveuue; oppo- j site the Washington Hail, respectful h Iv informs his friends and the public, that' hd is now opening a new and splendid assortment of mil *T • >» store or to ho shiiipedtoSavannah. j " ‘ U'.i'lT [• i Si'** cV .5 L 6,111. Charleston or New York. ' ] 0f thfe beiftWlrtfR? grid <Ml*Mt*Eai4unia,caH*u>tiDg-iu TJteir personal and individualattention wiH bo oe- j^rortortbc IWMlr»ng attie!e»,yin; boa ntT* voted to selling cotton from the warelmuseor wagon. LaUie.4’ ^itd genflehien’s Cold Duplex, Patent I/:- ~ AnehbF'Esch|HU!ont and Lepine Watches; In line GoldPtirb. Guard, Basket & CanJo Chains; Hooks, Seals and Ktiyh; Swivels, Finger fresh supply of , ] Kings, Ear Ririgsand Broodiest children’s Far Knobs ry Goods, Groceries* |»ri<l|Wtres; gentfenwhVJ^rfrfc jkod lJnkod Gnardand Hardware, Hats, Shoes, «S.c. iVc,— which will make their assortment largo aod complete. By a strict attention tt L L 4L - sh«rc of public pntipnag sept 15 fij Gl Commission ruts, ness, Barrets. i Fob Chains, Sbal sem nhd collar B Swivels, Sloovo links, bo- olis, 1 Breast Pins, Finger Rin£s, in " • •' ' I -s- -> tZSBFv \ • WzsgjZ’ J^.-rtiS.^'' gt; f‘^p| ' v.;;: M5 «7 firORQFJE WI.TT & CQ. : 1 r jrt 11IB undersigned have resumed business as n> -H- boye, and will as heretofore pay. prompt at ten mSTaND MEW YORK PACKETS. Dft ®" C 'T V,"”"*"' 1 V. VICTORY, “ Brown. .. MBIUBA. “ IWu^sov. „ p . \SKI.IN. " Haki.uw. - r AU'TIN, “ Bubokss. ,^ y> hove named Vosaela cotnposo a l,inn of . between Darienond New York, lately X ,\' ir J <Cl ?r,i ie y aT B ail first class Vessels, niideout- et T^Hs.ted. ‘ ^vnxptrieneed iu tlw trad<': and have nn'mt* I by - >IH i;, r passengers. Shippers by g„nf iccoattn ' 1 ‘ . ire j; 0 | ti, e greatest possible >Ies- thiskhtom'/.^,."^ (rfUnwea. . patch bwMf e. »>jrK. Agcntu, New York. A l ‘ E I ,' , «n I'nivE & SttACKELKORD, Dariotl. vis dispose-: f® patronize this can ’ nts aiidob!.tm information in reg.nd arm g J 1 -.,. r apnlicatmn to the un to ’> rates of Wight, J BQ.WLAN D„ <t,T,iinfltk Ageut Aliicon. j tion to nil business entrusted to theireare. We believe ! we bare-made arrangements that will enable us at all 1 times to forward goods for the interior with the least | possible dolny, by steamboats when tho river will ad mit, or in extreme low river by small flats or fighters, b'tiiir expressly for that httsiness. On ottr wharves arc large Storehouses; calculated for the storing of cof ton at the least possible expense, and our opportunities to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not exceed 'd by any other House. Darien, .May lid, le:15. IfWVKri. M[TOHT.IT. * OOl.UVs grary r-wi’arb VVnricn jj uaia Macon X SSj me o f l^ctclcei.s A. Bib bins, Mastef. Amelia Strong, Browu - Darien, C. P. BulkW, “ New Jersey, B,> Motlhe'Vs, Premium, J- Couhorit, (New) pMl SJir. U. B. Crane, lP*.ker, " ‘ ** ,-viussiy for this trade, ...... , , r .. • i -ail regularly once a week front i-achport. UmmdVor Darien will flW . UJ ^accessU to '31 feet water will * ni it high water, tl|e same depth esu be Mrr.ed wdt> , -ix miles of Darien, 13 feetc-ibte carried up to ti.f riir. Tne anchorage iu Doboy sound «' ,d " V ^ T ' s urMiilaily safe aud good, with ample room ,or * i Ju mcarry off the whole cotton crops, coming dow u ['uctoMuc iv, CjhtttinTuiukf ’ JUtt>!4MVbh. T HE subscriber has located in the city of Savan nah for the above purposes, mid taken stores nearly opposite the City llolel. The steamer “ Chief lain ” Capt. While, will he ready in all the present month to receive freight for Macon, and will continue regularly throughout the sea son. the river admitting, and unavoidable accidents only intercepting. Goods for forwarding will experience no delay,and the interest of the ou-uer only tnkeuiutoeonsidcraiioii wtiJl 2 .S. F. DI0K1N.SQN. Verdtid shellCotid>^. gold and silver Thimbles, gold, silver and steel Spfeetades- with glasses to suit every eye. Seed. (^ural. large Coijal. Coral Neoklaces, Beai Bags, Charns and Piij.*eA; a variety of cut and plain Beads,' Spy Glasses; Quizzing Gla.-ses, Pocket Books Emory ciih'hihns, card and cigar easts, in-.italipn fruit htrifijrmatpjtcs, fire machines. Rin- -rs A-. Sdns’. aiid Wade «Xr Butcher’s razors, F.njtjr-oii-i razor strap.*; scissors, dirks, chess tuen and hoitfrl. backgammon boards, dice, dominoes', steel pens, walking canes, pistols, powder flasks, shot pouches, gaum bags, otto •if roses, cologne; lavender and Florida water finev soajii lip Salve, pearl and tooth powder, flutes, fl-jze gentlemen's dressing Binningliam atiil .Sljeffield silver platedeaslors, liquor stands caiidlCstlclfs. branches; fruit baskets.' snuffers and-snuffer trtiy.Oea t-ays, silver table.' to'a. desert; salt, mustard' and cream spoons, soup ladles, sugar tongs and blitter knives; marble, eboity and alabaster mantle clockstd juti eighteeh days without winding. Uliiilary and.military Trimmings, and a .Variety of other articles usually kept in his line, .« .# Hii-n rgii I? rivers to Dariett, , ,va HAWES, MITCHELL A^P^tlNS. Ai-nits puneu. Ililer U> Jamks Goudsbd, Esq.Maco.t. (let 10. H.Ui. 2 -i-rritT ‘SIIACOM STEAMBOAT COMPANY. -TKAMBOAT, J- STONE, .. SUPERIOR, 1EVCEL, Capt. Man pet i„ « Gv.o. U’n.r.cox «* J. i.. Wirtc-'x T H JUS Company has uow there line of Boats n cmplom order for froiabnug. They haven „r.,«b - a called the J. S rON.’., low pre*^ . .itiue, added to tni line, vvliicli will run regularly be v -on Savannah and Darien. * sih UMBOAT SHPEBlORi Copt Gi Wuxcei, EX CEB-'' irill r J. Wilocox r.m regularlv bitwacn'Macon and Darien, one o s-.»,«i.n:italeavitu Darien every bvpor mxdayi, .Steamboat* Teavjng Darien every "tL'" oinpauy hav* 1C low boat* (all first rate boats.: Iitti’.t expressly, for Cm navigation ^ .... Xhtiiuiaha rivets, their u.eroased lacil tics wi.Un- ... tl. 9 eimip.iuy dm means of gtvml the greatest ,1 to cnUQP* or soods Hhippwl M ihmrlm 'Kiev have two SCHOONERS to carry cotton and ,U .p'huJiM I to tween Darien ani Charhston- Tii ire are also seven first rate PACKh J * ritnuing ....•, -ii- between Durienand New lurk, which come in*ilitre*; .Mitchell & Collins. A,eats for tho above ^ : GOpDARD( }1h£or , Baumvin <Si Co Savynah. Ken, Bores & Co Charleston. livn-KS. MircpittK &. Cot-t.iNs, Daneit, R. Robkrts, Hawkinsvdle. Ian 34 T- u ’ " v 1 Greut liiu'gttms tu Oiy Gouds, • l or Casiz. i ■ HF, subscribers being duoirajincd to abandon die Dry Goods business, >vill sell their stock for actual cost for cash i-urohaijeijS, jf'>m tiio city and. country will liml it to ilicir iutercsUocallaitii examine, and cmiiitry merthuu.ts can repleijwh their stock* at Now 1'nrk prices. , v, The following comprise i part of the stock: ,(t i/ 100 ps. English, uhd American Calico, from 10, i3^a c s per yard,- 30 „ Blue Calivp,: from 15 a IS cts per yd. A good assottuipul vf Ginghams. • > lovt.nK Curtain Calicoes,.(> yds for the dollar, - 3-4 Brown liouie-puiis, 10 yds for the dollar, 3-4 „ ,, 7 yds for the dollar, : t- t .,, lino ,. 0 yds for the dollar, flinched . „ . finut 13J a 20 els per yd. Fine mid common Irish Linen, A splen did assortment of plain and figured silk*, fa .ins and *ha.‘>.’es. fancy hdkTs, sliawls, ribbous. cam- hrics and mus.'i*:*, figured and plaio French and En glish merinos, c.uioe cuiublels, black bombazines, fine and coarse flanne ls, furniture dimity, cotton fringe. su;ier broadcloths,/tassihiercs a good as sortment of rose and xominoti blankets, bed ticks some for 20 cents per yard, P goo<l assortment of ladies Irid, and prunella' shoes, thick brogaus, u good as. surtment ofhatsj and many other articles loo numerous to mention, all of- which wit.' bn gold at host, i - i March 2 22 U ILl lAMS & RBADLY. r (fclroccrpff -"*■ iting our city where lie is over ready and happy to aUcud to those nfhn may la vor hitri willi'their calls. -iwr r> 'i n ..LuIi'ic.^l Repair-] ? B-— Particular attention paid to Wnfch .BIB llav J ibg selected tlic )iest of imaterials Tor repair ing Watches, part makes as pe perform well. "Obi’9) 7 lOOK AV THIS l Watches. he is.naw prepared to n of a Wajch, anif will warrant es as perfect a-the original, and r '|g' 7 Ofct 27 da HUD Snsiftv 115 do Molasses, 20 bags Coffee, V .. 10 hbls Rice, . . , 12 “ Cider, 12 !*• Beer, 24 doz Porter. Ale, and Cider in bottles, 35 boxes Raisins, ■ • 12 sucks AluioiiiU and Filberts. 20 flf best and common Segura; 12 boxes sperm Candles, Just received and for sale by D. L. HOWLAND & Co. Feb 23 21 Corner Cotton Avenue ,V. 2d sts. Ocawlsel: SlnamboM Company. ■ I’H |.; public are informed thai this Company has now in opera- f »io-». ibreo StPanihonTs. viz. tbe ?Octnnlgee, Capt Blankensliip. plying bsiween Dsrieii -md oavauii .b; and the Ala tintalia, Capt. Lewis Wilcox, and t-oniet, Cnpt Bi ant r ley, between Darien gudMucon .i, a ,„,i»| u The two boats leave Tjsnen for Mncoti. alternately every week,' fin me trade. tvins are enabled to perforpi— - , . .. and hold furih inducements for those persons to ship ■k with tow boats, nttd being hnilt expressly ide, and commnmled by experienced Cap- enabled to perforpi the trip.witli atspalcn, forth inducements for those persons to ship by the CouipAuv who wish to get their goods orpro- iTiicc erptiidoady to market. Tho company having by its cliirter. the privilege of insurii|g. wul. at a rate rale of pre.uium, take riiks oii'g ,odsor pro- suipped by its boats, or placed in charge ot its molerale ■luce sii agents furshiphient. Agents for the above boats: REA*.COTTON. Mnr.nn/' ■ »u GODRY & KIMBERLY. Hawkiusvdle. P. R. YONOE&■ SONS, Darien. GRANT & YONGE. Savannah. BOYCE, HENRY .fe WALTER, Charleston. Jan 34 17 - WARE HOUSE .1 .YD CO.II TIMSMO.Y JBLSIJbESS. • * Jlyricfe, Napier * Ere«- 7 T"~ IP ill Slit infonn their friend* yd i'mhlie'genf rally, that they are enlarg ing their Ware Hmssa adjoining their mg their - , „ , store ou Cotton Avenue, ond will have it ready for the reception of cotton by the coninigocc- ment of the ensuing seasou. All cotton consigned \f> ihemhv Planters and others, dealing ill the article, or orders talmy and sell in the market, will lie promptly attended t). They likewise inform those .Merchants w*io forward their goods by Macon, that they have a luge and safe llrick Store, for the recoption of mer- fh.vtulize, and will receivo and forward aU goodscon- »'3ned in them. Their charges in evory m-tance will bcMlnwas is customary in tho eity. Liboral ailvan- **• Will be msdo oil cotton stored with them or ship* h„t h ' them :o any other nmrket. - ii • • i of ’’'O partners of their fmp (Mr. Having on^ m •- r ,j ty 0 f New York for th Free m«n jlocateo P*** of affording the uect^.. s:,, . A. R. the pnr- v facilitios to their husi* affording the ueccv ' Vjv, inform JlerchnnU Macon, tlioy respect.."’^ , ct in that city, V*d Olliers who have busihess to tra^ - bave Diisinc.-s ui iro^, .Commission 'who will)>« prepar' d to attend to any 'n'Vy em- flaiiness -silh which he’may be favored. * . • l,r «e the present opportunity to return their grau “bowledgement* to their friends and the public (ot put f»Tors, nnd solicit a .continuation of their rntron- 1» addition to ihair present stock, they will receive ®*dy this fall a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hardware. Cttilery. Bale Jlope x Heavy lltmp, C otton noggin", .Readymade Clotiiina - , * r - * c - ■nitj-vfil. f.,r the fall trade, all of which they offer for o he most reasonable terms •'Leon, August25 61 tf ■ • Sogtir, Coffee^aiid Ulolasses.' rj HHD prime Sc Croix .Sugar, <1 *gp 45- 25 hhd, new crop Cuba Molasses, • ■ 200 ba^< Ln-ghira Coffee, prime quality,' 20 do Cnba dir prime qnality. For sale by Feb22 21 ; REA &. COTTON. Ccisfrat ISaii Mloati ,v Eton king Co iif Georgia. Savannah, 2l*t Fkb. 1337. >ECO.VD IXSTALMEXT. K ESOLVED, Tiiat nu instalment bf 2.) "per cent on the Capita' stock of this corporation be call- •d in—the same to be paid hii'the”59th of April next, it tlic Banking house in riav^nnali,—and that this call published by the Ca's.'iier cirn/ irm ilily to charter. Extract, frqm tlic miuiiies of Tuesday, 21st Febru- arv. 1337, R. R. CUYLER. cash’r. 'Feb 22 22 ' XT’ Stockholders in the vicinity of Mixon can make payment at the branch bank in that city. " fjp 11E subscriber has just received from- New York u fresh assortment ot Conti clionui ics a Groceries- Consisting in part of the following choice ai tides u Monangalmla Whiskey, , < If mil do . o- Best Holland Gin. Cog Brandy, . Jam Rum, St Croix do Peach and Apple Brandy,. Champaigne do ' Madeira NVinc, Port do Tenneriffe do Muscat do Sherry do Claret no , V Malaga do Champaigne in ptsandqts. London Brown Stout, p's and qtf. Anniseed, Mint and other Cordials^. Lemon Syrup, Raspberry do Strawberry do Ginger f do Stoughton’s Bjtters. French Cordials, Candies—Tens, Best Priucipee aod Spanish Segars. Americnti do MonAtaiu and Honey duo Tobacco. Fine cut aud Bonn's natural leaf do, Maccoboy and Scotch Snuli, Butter and Sugar Crockers, Cheese, water Crackers, Raisins, pine Aj pie Cheese, Louf Sugar, Mustard. .. Sperm. Patent and Tallow Candles, No. 1 Soap, ■ A1 nonds, Filberts, Madatra Nuts, English Walnuts, Pickles, Champui^ne cider, in bottles, , ... Newark ciiler, •’ . Kiln dried Matches, Starch, pepper, spice, &c. &c. E- E. BROWN, Feb 2'* 21 tf Mulberry st. near the market. lJ’uhces, Jeizelrij, Stiver Ware, c, J. A. AS. S. VIRGIN, Would inforni their friends, and the public that they still continue at their stand on Cotton Avenue, and hive just received afresh supply of Goods, con sisting in part of tho following articles: ,Gentlemen's aud Ladies' gold lever anchor escapement independent second lepiuo aud vertical WATCHES.; silver .lever plain and extra jewelled lepine and vertical $o- all of which were se lected with choice tosuit this market, and will be war- anted to perform veil; Ladies' gold Neck Chains ; Gentlemen’B gold and silyer Guard and Fob Chaius: „’old and silver guard and fob Keys; Ear Kuuhs aud itrop* ; Breast Pins and Finger Rings ot all kinds; .-old. silver, gilt, and ,pearl Belt, Buckles amj,Slides, Bracelets and Head Belts; gold and silver everpoint- •d Pencils, steel Pens oYlhe best qualities, fold, silver aud steel spectacles. Quizzing Glasses, silver table, tea. dessert, salt and mustard Epcous; soup attdeream ladles. Sugar Tongs, Butter and FrtiifKui)ea, silver Cups. Thimbles, Castors, Candlesticks, silver, brass, ■lid biotized; coral, gilt and glass Beads; ladies’Bqgs iflhe latest fashions, Fures aud Pocket Books, ( lari- 'iiictts, Flsgeuletts, Flutes, Fifes, Accordiam, Music Boxes largo and .siualj,- Drtinys, Organs and Violins, Walking Sticks of various kinds ; silver, gilt, shell, horn and ivory Combs , Tea and Coffee Puts. Bread Baskets silver and japanned, fine painted Waiters, Knives, Razors, Saunders’ celebrated Razor Strap3 with tablets. Pistols of various kinds,Dentists’ Files, Gold Plate, Wire. Foil &c for Watches, Rattles and Whistles for children; Snuffboxes, Pprcussiou caps, Pipes, Segar Tubes, Pocket Compasses., Mathemati cal Instruments. &c. ,. BIXLJTAHy GOODS. Sword-i, Belts. Epaulettsf Plumes; bashes. Buttons. Lace] stars, ornaments too numerous to mention, which will be sold clteap for cun, or approved cjty acce^i- touc^ r <. B.—We have a choice selection of materials f«r repairing Watches, and aro prepared to make any new par^ which will warrant to perform as wellas the original. ; , - ' J A. &, P- S. Virgin fipelgrateful for pa^t favors, and would gtill solicit a sfiaib of the pnlic patronage, hoping to give satilaction to all who may favor tliem iq Jjeir line. ' '■■■■j December 1 ‘ ' ’ HdiTS, Mo1WJS, sa'oi-.,.- GEOliGE A. v.lffaZY^BERES: ESPECTFCLLY solic Us tliCuttentiondf pur- chasers to a yery large a xsortiiient of • . L^ats and Craps* ■ which bavo been made by hiariiexpressly for roteilin and are warrtuted to be of su perior stylet and quality any -over before offered in ?&acon; among his assort ment may be found, ' Super fashionable black and -drab beaver Hats, <fo broadbrim do for do fash do do satin beuv do do du black and dn Wide, meridian hiid narrow b rat; raccoon and cony huts shape. tid3tyle, v ' IKb-j: Aar.Jp^ WAtillJXtivdN' TSIE Suh-Jn4hf-rs Ir>it miifj fa'. - i ; ?«xi- ^ _ . Y M Jikirtt YflM'FbJtiilTo h i. MfodiorO'Sipt'pdMjft b'uise Iji lime ibl*fyiff*rtil*Cit]r OlM.lntll:—• h-i 1! if/l'id" fit!/. ' o\ - : Ullffik lii tely- dfecn j - .-•• • l l .1- M r. I By the.ltnfeqiiwing ttuetYjtpri' ef of them. They flutter thiunselves that t!i.4r ,f i lonse'wlll dfi- -d; :iiu- for them a genera] [eitrOn«'*e iVn>iir tTtb PhMSf A or. ut Tftey hfivfe-see-ir«<>1 tfie »nlnaW<f»ervieas of a Lrhly,'! i-ilriMts whose ■'tiejntfcrtioii tfff'h inatiager tiftf Jfiblifrkoufe; is 4 mm a!-«!? J0ej(Ey C11JB i mwe'bAw: Their tables’svillhe iUrfifsl-WI W'(H t*e best thS’d-miS’- try afibrUs. and tlieir : bar , WHlftHG'#tei(’'o.-'t liquors. The Sthble'sarc'atteiided'bt-s^r^fftliitid expfertehrtd Ostlers.’ > 'tfESmN’* MOTT 1 ."’ l?«r. • ' ' -3B'; - •- .-•<• P'"I«. ;-'Ti:i.:.t-/a.Mlo RACES IJ.J.corftmeili'o outlie secoiid Tuesday in A- flffl -next,.and 'continue 'five days, when the following nilfsi.-: ••. .!! i,. :: ti ! ftlff'l i r51.4'f estal>lis.itiu;nt is l “G c^x^trpi of “o* j /t.h^wiIi^cribcrs^Tv^o thpinsehTBs to jren. 3sttlriy’Afile heiits; Porte 2d day-2 mile heats; Puf&' ! 3d .dnh3 mile heati^ Purse 4tKdhy 4 ruHe'lieats, Purse $20-. 00 ■300 00 500 00 700 00 3CO 00 j dyx coiuforteblc Umsf who-quiy eynj (i.ii.ibem , l• R J, 1x1.25 35 ,PLT: RJ„'\Vri.Li;\M$, ,;jMhh !>I RAMfY,;.-. '5th d;fy mile heats. 3 fet ino. pitr^a Aftel'the Rcrtlar Raceien the 5lh 'lav, lher“ w ill MMiiiHiii m'Fa in first’ w «<|. -v.-' *.*— ftHi bea MAtfVy'k-mitefieits, a». $J5 eiitpiiiqe. ifiero has hr entf red. '■ The track l:as heed; 1 *—better than it l:rs f ver been before. ., ,. acorn l op celeste caps, children’s fancy silk cap is, &c:&C. No, Fnr, Pelertns, nmffs uprTruffs, consisting of; tee chinchilla, lynx, squirrel, sabl o, erntiue, genett, rab bit and styansdown. Hats made to orderatshorte Ft notice. Hat trimmings, alcohol and^helfack, constantly oi. liaud^ Oct 2U ,3 New UFall anil Winter CIoThitas;. ' A T the .Macon Clothing Store, one <1 ooi ahbve f Wm. B. Johnson’s Jewelry Store. ' I ” ’■ scriher is uow receiving his Fall and Winter St* »ck of Clolliiiig, FJHFS1M SM> 'jVpFl-h mi bn* Si J UST received and for sale, at the Masonic Hall, Cotton Auehbat'bvi .. .. - i 'to -j J. 22. ci IV. S. SLSpIS. ■ m -o . IHite-OAlONS, • i Lutiy bmfcftk’s ; t, which has been mauiifactup by Lewis Fitch tue j Yellow , do Large drumhead. . qn past stunmer,) and which will be sold oft’,as cheap, for ‘ , “ J at Augusta liave glv^iuheir opiajon ol‘ the superiority ,af Jloct Jr *f SlikUl ip any tiling eLe.hithertct nllbred • spjnut;purpo^y, ivhiqlqofhuiqp caufio presented try tp.pbysif iaps an^.oihers.. ,'i fie opinion of er an]l. Q;her'q>l;ysiei-ins j^Maeon who have, flluqicd Vie iustmuieut, accords with, that of Doctor [-'^^esth» Metlical College of Georgia.: ’rhe. icdkvte-j.sfefii;; 1 . s ;: 0 • r m ^! gKa'M 1- -j i |,, Sign of the Golden Mortar, hlulbcrry street. 1 Cer$e<:leoJ'VpclqrlJcuecs. , iM “ Dccicr Rlijap ffratt: Dear ifir^-^a I feel it ter,of apuch.pNbfi<‘ {; importance, tp possessi a lessening, the ter,liidorutfeiing.-, of sore nipples, Lhavo iniic.h pleaiipre iu, being utile, to shy that the k.Smtlcf, s will be hrouintiv iittswered, I- : 13 JAMES SMITH. ‘ 'NATHAN <’ MllN Trustees. tl Jlciv Cm’riagc Establishment. ■ | .„mW3S5TOELS 0 Slew, Cheap anti scsisonahic GO OVS. rBA HE subscriber h:»sjiust received at tho store on 3 Third street, t wd doors south of .Messrs Rea &' n HE subscriber urill receive in a lew.daysa largo L stock of Carriages, Barouches, Sc. .Most of tlieui made by the best workmen in Newark and New Haven, ; vh \ 1 - LUKE BLISS- Macon. Dec 14 w 11 --'.I 1 gc ■ t J rrcncit Quinine* I ST received aud fur -.,le by J. II .v IV S. ELLIS. - W|>T 17 7 Irrni/c. Moron. flGLETHOPE INSURANCE & TRUST CO. ■ OF Tim CITY OJF.UsICOJb'. T v public are hereby informed tlmt the late Mer- •b Kf Insurance and Trust Company of this !—. clluh ' i ‘i v been incorporated by the Legislature city liasreceuiv , t | ie n |, ove title, with authority to of this State, ituo^ a . ock tn juy oOO Dollars, and to iii'-rciise -,dry other prKUegec. W0. exercise i HI'aT and •» Jh jjp^ pg^i - in; and wfli, at all times be held «nr.adio“<s-l. ^ ^ ^ bvthiH Company. Uwks are tuken to|hef# citv toon, port or place,0:1 as liberal tern sured no any other In •am *“ 1 ** f Jamfs Rxa, Sec’y. Jan 2C 1« 1 tk; ( Blanks sole at tltL* oilidC. T50 SACKS SALT,for sale by Nov 3 5 EDMUND RUBSEUL- T llE subscribers inform theirlriends and the pub lic, that they have removed tp the fire proof brick store in Third-street, nearly opposite to tho store occupied by David .Ralston, ,anda few doors south west from the Central Hotel, where they offer Cat sale, (« part of which to arrive,) 75 hhd* St Croix aud Porto Rico Sugars 300 bags Prime Green Rio, and Java Coffee] 150 barrels Northern Rum and Gip 25 casks Wine and Cordials pipes Cognac Brandy and H Gin 15 baskets Champaigne Wine, part superior boxes Muscat do 40 bbls No 3 Mackerel No 1 Salmon 150 bolts heavy Hemp Bagging 60 roils Bale Rope 400 lbs Twine- . . . ,1 6000 lbs Feather*, to arrive. A Utneral Assortment of Dry Goods, Shoes, Ilats, Hardware, ifcc- See. all of which will be sold at unusually low prices, for cash only, by “ ~ VVI oct 13 2 ILLIA1IS &. BRADLEY-i (£7* Ztook at This. T HE subscribers hare lately received a variety of toajxfluililiso consisting of Dry Goods. Hardtcare, Groceries, Superior Oils' for lamps and pain's; Saddlery, Hats, Bonnets, etc. A c. which they believe will bear coni parison inquality and price to any iu the city. Per sons wishing to purchase are invited to call 'and ex amino ter themselves, as extroragent catalogues and u bored puffs, are too often impositions. One estab- ishmeiit is located<>n the corner of Third and Mul berry streets, the other on the corner of Poplar street and Cotton Avenue. WM B. PARKER A Co. Dec 15 11 tf For Sale, ‘150.000 ttMXnc 01 hlids St. Croix Sugar of superior quality, 50 bags '.Cpffee, ■ - r.l 45,000 lbs Swede Iron, 100 kegs Noils, assorted, 25 hhds choice Molasses, 150 whole and half bbls Canal and Ricnmond Flour, 5 pipes pure II. Gjn and C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old, 20 bbls old Monongabala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Rum, and20 Gin, 41 DAVID RALSTON.' .500 Jan, 14 Gallons Winter strained Lump Oil very handsome—-just received and for sale by H. <fc J- SHOTWELL. 0 Opposite thtCentral Hold Cotton, alarge aud desirable stock of Fancy (md staple Ifrtj Foods, Hard Ware. Shoes, Hats, Groceries, &c. nil of which will ue disposed' of on accommodating terms. The citizens of M:\con and surrounding coun try aro respectfully invited’ to call and 1 examine fbf themselves. ’ GEO. C. McNKILL. N. B.—A Complete assortment of READYMADE CLOTH*ING of every de.icription. Dhc-Sii r 3m SUBSCRIBERS H AVE purchased Mr. Laird If. Wit-xv’s inter- estin thelnto firm of Fort, 11a.mii.ton &. Wi- l*y, and IIamii-ton, IIavxs Sfe Co. and given IRA E. FORT an interest in tho same. The Dry Goods business wUI .be continued at tho same place, under the firm of Fort, Hamilton A Co. and tho Ware Houses atni Commission B.usiiiosa as heretofore, under the firm of HAMILTON* HAYES &Co. FORT. HAMILTON & Cb. , June 23 52 Copartnership.. T HE undersigned have formed a connexion for the transaction of a general FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS iit this city, under the firm of COOMBS & DOUGHTY. JOHN S: COOMBS, Savannah,June! 60 K. \S . DOUGHTY. TUN OR I’over and Ague—Rowan’s Tonic Mixture O —(luinine Mixture, for sale b; tor sale by spril 26 44 , , I H. * W. S..F LIS cash, as at guy other establishment, ■UUP J yr CONSISTING or,; qj™ Imud.’ manufacture any Stnier Black. Bine. Brown, ■ Greet}, Invisiblo Green iece he aud Claret Dress Coats. ' Super Black, Bin t, Brown, 'Green, Invisible Green Claret and Mixed Frock Coats.. Brown; Green, Mixed and C ndet mixed Coatees. Fine Bine. Black, Green, Brown and Mixed Pants. Super ribbed, striped, corded, and plaid Casimeredo Bcuverteen, Cord nnd Lion Skin Pantaloons. < . >>uper Blue, Brown, Groen, Mixed and Drab Over Coats. . j 1 j Goaf's Ilair. and Germau Ca mbict Wrapper do. Gentlemen's super Blue, Bla- ck and Invisible Green Broadcloth Cloaks, ' ‘ >r ’ Ladiesl! super Olive, Greeii is ltd Claret Broadcloth Cloaks.' : 1 . 1 • -trj ii.^: Ladies’ figured Merino, plain do. and Circassian Cloaks. -. ■ >! -i W' it It 1 Super Blue and Pilot Clotii Oveir Coats. Drab, Blue and Olive DnfiJe Oyer Coats; Lion Skin and Green. Blanket Over Coats; Kentucky Jeaus Frock Coats and Pantaloons; Cloth, Satinet* Peters haul and Beaverteen Hunting Coats, Cloth and Satin et Rqiiiitt Jackets'. Black and ISlite Cloth black figured and plaid Vel vet, plain nttd figured English. |SUk, dark Valencias!' Toifittet, WuMled Velvet, black and'striped Satin Bombazine, Tabby Velvet, and Satinet Vests, •' Fine. Linen and Cotton S.tirts, plaid and striped Gingham Shi 's.Silk, Cotton, Merino patent mid kuujb WooiSiiirts mt cotton aud woolen,fiaunel Cautou, fiaunej and. rii' dcqitou Dravyers, Wool, l/i J \y ool, patcrut Merino and bfown cot ton Half II s Fine W f Buck, HorsTsitin; Beavef, White Kid; Lietied B’ / 3, Lisle thread, black, white and colored Silk Glow ■;**■ .' • Black*, white Silk Half Hose; Russian'Belts. Money Br a, nett, worsted iuid cotton, Silk and Gum Suspenders, Cravat and Cravat. Stiffeners. Sijk anu Gingham Umbrellas, Bomlnizine, Satin, V'clvet nlaii., and plaited Stocks, blue, black nnd white crimped Silk Stocks, Spitulfield, English Silk, red and yellow ’Ban dana, white and red Pongee Silk Pocket If auditor chiefs, plain anil rufiled Bosoms Collars, Parses,Cloth, Far and Ilair Seal Skin Caps, Wool Hats, a large as sortment of Fur Hats, Silk Hats, Boots and Shoes, a •cod stock of Negro Clothing, also fine bluenud black Cloths, Canvas, Padding, gilt and' lasting Butt •»*,' Colton Wadding, Military Ball Buttons, Cord, Tas sels, Stars, Lace. Epaulette, &c Ate. Nov. 17 7 HORACE FITCH. Gentlemen wishing their Cloths uuaile at the North will, by leaving their names with me, have them made in the best raannor, and moot.fashionable style- ILF,, Red do Fiat or lute Diifch’ Larljrblood turnip BExviYGreeu savoy .do Early. French sugar do Green {glazed ‘ ’do Euriy '.viiite scarcity Whitc'capp br .ooh <’<> or sugar . do Largo I- ngli.-Jt A'urlrilk Orange; CARROT. TURNIP, . Long \v(uta PARSNIP, Whitc-Ila’t m>, Earl,cluster,CUCLj.MR^itft’qiia.-jh oi.bejl PEPPER, Lqng greet; do Car^iao - *'<!•!'. Snp’r WATERMELON, Curled. "w Fipo JS’L'TJl EjUMEJ-GV gKiv irnfd Mamiuiu Jr PljMPKI- . . , DutciisuuimerSQUASII,Early siigar Imperial sugar loaf LET-Early Wushingic TUCE, PEAS, l Ice bead do Early ckarltiiu, dq Long white Naples 1 — ‘ .DJSII, you mlfev for, the pteyqutiug and the cure of this mala dy, is better .adopted to this purpose than any I havo herefoforo, seen. Ip t(ie two or three instances I havo knnv/.nahein to t>c,tisfd, much satisfaction has been expfyfispd ; "udl iiuf.e no limitation to believe it will generally ..-iuqci'ed.' 1 am so well persuaded of this at tliLj monieut, that I cannot forbear to express ,a vi ish than .nr city through the.various apothecaries may bo supplied^ with them, I am yours. Ac. Plti/adelphui. loth Jail, 1K14. M m. P. Dktvkf? ” ftiOOUS, AT LOST. UK iijrder.'igncdliuv« doieimiued on closing theit , .business and arc uow offering their stock, con- 1 sisting .of,a general ussoi liiH.-nt of | Maple nnd Fancy OryGoods, ELO\ Earlv in*iLu's'ouxCOEN'! ¥M*s Shoes,AaddiiryaStarriuart. He. HN, N Eat Iv- ''I’lVscatoia Sin ™ per cent OnNow York and Boston cost, at retail BAVrr A'i„»r ^ • df. r ttor oush; apd »-.pcrceut at v. holesalu fur cash, or good ton Juno ! i^per,pjiyal>le-lst ^aouqry;Uoi3, with interest. VVs rcspecifuily invite our feiends and the public to g'vo. t us a call. i WILLIAM FORT 4 Co es R A-Large wmfo’t'.mriiwfat'do j i-ThOTO. indebted to usrypuiddo meQ to make • -I'^ Dwarf ujtrnnylat ' do ! ^ l^ ,ne ^o aegncifupin ion ,-d ! » Dwarf blue, imperial no .'r Li*_, —_— Long sal moil * do .Euriy china, dwarf t>EA.\> | tffXrti't! -KtiCUl KD-and lor sale . by tsA, till i.oug scuri.ct do ‘Early mohawk. do : t» ® . , Scarlet or cherry turnip do Earlv six weeks! do j ' L5(> M^sPnmc Lum. <.<n and Vinskey, Early sugar loaf CAB- RmlCLOYE^, , '* J '*l" d J; ' BAGE White f|o ''•Oibblsand hall bbls prime Hour, Early «cor«o*’ do Lueei 11 Grass sheds, and j Cider, Apples, 9ngar. Coffee, t.ucl many Other ar- - - f tidesequallytleilrable, too tedious to meution. - Tho do Flower seeds i’.nrlv York, do Purple EGG PLANT, . ; above goodscan bit boiitfiit low for co.-hi L V se yorkpr harvest do Vegetable,Oyster. * i I, ’tsunxi.,Roogeu^ & Co. wfo.ild particularly invite Efiriy drumbeat' or BerganDaorf c urjed PARS LEY '-those who arc. indebted to them to call immediately ,, Jq ' and fiay their iirtteFiind accounts, os they are needing Deo 8 11 ! Ibennonev to pay their own debts. •' - • • r^~*~ •; Jlsicnn; Jan 12 15 1 ' ,/J GARfiSN SEEDS, v -I If. X J. SMOTWFCF AVE ; iist received- W) ; itox«d- > ussorted ; fresh | Oatelon Set'ris. embracing?00 different kinds,- nthoiig'vvhich are Early I York, F.aMy Sugar’Loaf, 1 1.4riy Dutch, Early Georgn.;' Large 'Ybn»;'Eariy’B’tt’H Flat Dw: Fa \ iliia Early BnUfick'.l Heii t, Largo Bergen^! red t'if) 1lat, early garden rock,- film S^coldlifor’VSheti-’! '• dedhf fliififtarge Engltih, I |' ' ' BAILS prime-grm-n Coffee, ~?j ’F0 bbpr Flour; 20 casks fresh Rice, 50 bbls pfihwi.Nofthern Gin, 50 * Rve Whiskey, 2 1 ' hhfiv prime Sngar, "300 Bultimt-fe Badon Hams, ChieftaPii. and for sale low, by ' F.: RUSSELL. t S'^edesjVo'n, .U’ '*V- \ Y . Vm • , * 1 nllo JIL-n-wHioc,-, ■ on TYaiet Rods, Ilonb arid Band do. ...... HR..J! . .Otftflfflat, -did eiiflY'Dnteb'i .*£$8 %srfind Fibtir, r spring fiat TURNIPS. . •* • « ml .« guil.j I ,25 idO [do-to/ White, 'red aiid V'jlloVvGNYON 5 .’ ■ , Just icceiv. dand lor sal..', by w- JI ■ F Early Frdiiili .-itigar, (iarly vvhitd scarcity. long fttatt- gul witytzel, Swisste'llafd.’early blood, luiig biped tend early‘oranse turnip BEHTr ' '' 1 - r ' ' 1 11 Searlet orafige'aiid bfHod fARfltOT. P I JUPTAR'llGT Long.white andGueVilsev%AUSNIPS;*--i "• 1 ' Eatljr’Tnscarufn,d.-irlv Sioit.Vffc : ii:irl/sug.-ir CORN.’ ' La'rg'c white marrow'fa (.‘f'aih’ Charlton, eii'fly bishop, divatrniarfowfat, dwaif 'proufiii 1 . dwarf blue' imperial; iiid early Washington May PEAS. ‘ 'Earijt-Mohavvlt, early.’Cliina; early 1 gee, if oil ’Roy.and white kfdney dwar'i.-i’ rtninh k’nifi,'' Duteli \i Lima, M’utcli 'case knife variegated cra'libey -* F J Lff- axiegateu era Early sber '< and extra Ion •eh wliifo eehs, refit-' ' iff cig - ^let arid’ no .tqniait* -^{SBSsS E RUSSELL. . ki‘ov toaie. ‘ U»3. Fresh .LEAF LARD, of sit I _ puiior quiiliiy, prepared-here, nt.d puuup in nraticuvercd tin canns. cmiiainiuir abort 75' list each. Also, in progress of curing. 75lK)t) libs ohoicA* » r WM. B PARKER & Co. . Jan 26o ■ 17 . . ... i.ri’l , • FEW casks Northern Lime, jit good order., for T - wWimMm : JM4H1 Nutmeg.’irfeen citroii,"^hrrtigVi’iiai^, aifd'^iirulbfi’^aj mso4,,. . JP,. W 'Early D'u’ch suipmer, bji^h crot.S, ; cr'qek tor aiidcocisi nut SCIUASI!. J* Mammoth, largo yellow aij'd'cfieese PtfMPKTN.' ” ' .1 - '-.end, ice head, Oi-.ily white hedff, ice. tie'ck tfiiit' ii'Yinw anon 30 •*.4 •(.it . Extra .^ahbagp, head, Ji'Gr»a£0» |i KEGS piin.e family-nutter, 40 Ahlk a ml £ bbls Flou r, 10: ni , • i-atsli- -. Ittifoogs Tobacco, > n r 1 d- n -d ,4* vou Ct h HOWLAND & Co. Corner of Cotton .Vvenue <Sr, Seiond st- Jn 11 27 . -17 1, if , ■ ,. 1 . 1 tiies Churi'N. LOTirktnl-Metino Cloaks— : wy>rth' from $ 10 to ». ' tiiiv fO fl ' CR AFT dr, LEWIS. d^iiBa^' e% :iihf hie} JL J.Cm- CauJi09'-vet;,Cayehne.'and hell PepperfCf6ss'or l’ep- the business ■ - A-n.-'•‘-^lYe^ete'Mo''Oyster, pnrplti | same name. I •sphsenver.-i iraving poi ci a.-eil the interest nC Comledsnlimit-no ol’ Ufco. W- I'rifce A Co; in- fiitttro will tc vobductcd under tho- by V. lLLIAAl CCUKE, r iftBttl.W, PRICE, i Grass anjl Flower sceijs. . , > ; Tho Gardener’s Manual.. / ~. A .libetardcdur.tion'uui'de '.jo.'MvriTidhfs in j B thecu nntry Jf fc 8 ULx*1 ?<5,t£<an 'Seed.' t d ger.uinc, eipfeted dai- REA 'CGJTO’N ovalwi b-.,;,,,/;. „„i j-.r»bj' ;; *^*alxe ®fctic6.' L. HOWLAND & CO. have removed to tiro'; f^nlTE s.iSs^ her'hiivSilgcIsjibse.ipf his interest in _ startd formerly oeciipied-by-Brjanjfc Kaitou... jL, tbe nVijt Y'.f; u'ee.'YV . Pnie & Co. to Wil&bit corner of Cotton A’renne ami wi«ro they | Co o};.* Jnitl ft’. Pric'e *uho will receive ana ray haVe for«ale, ti Oomplcto bssostiliPiitifif f /-* - ;.-v/ rlj bf/iiuf'firm.; jail J J COWLES. BOOTS, SimES^DRY GOqDS. ] y A: [|Sj) ^ ria g1« r - Also,.I'Pirgedot of GROCLltlLS— w,. . p LST vecmveu a goodassortmentol haudkonie pa - a,IcHthe^Wdsisp.rm t-’M: o! „, tv . hordrri;.--,, nl>to».,^s„ -■vuLi^-gHQT.WEHLn 1 -N SKED OIL AND {TRAIN -OIL just reeeiv I ed and for sale hy . Dec 22 ' , 13 j. n. X. YV. S ELLIS. J UST received for sale by Tier 2 J. 11. c \ . F.LLES. 12 ’BY HE Subscriber will make liberal advauceson B Cotton shipped to his friends iu Savauuah; Charleston, Philadelphia, New York or Boston nov.5.1835. ROBT. COLLINc-. Pistols. "M i) PRS.Rifli-PistoIs,asiiperiorarticle,justre- JL rtti eeivecl and for sale by Jau 5 14 J. A. & S. S. VIRGIN. Galf Skins. i)|k Dozen just received, warranted a superior ASf\W article. dec 15 IF G W PRICE &. £o. SO — prime St Croix Sugar. P^PPP® P., PPP - ^nun Qaroetiug White and Mafdlo Soap. s|irriu..Gi>adlo.-' . , c.y .whaji; j.-t.tor sale ;it 1 educed prices. •1 Lemon Syrup.Juhs family BitUer, twi,,be-4,tfittps * dec J>’ It ’ U' W 'PRICE A Co : : : *L- i—iajfi—ciftLa!■ ^dVi>» 7 <. /Jiitdifttitc ciigsts, " r Just 3R,ecdiVed anilfor Salfe.’ iamilies, with .directionsifnr PWHPVpHVpwmi yHWHB Cognac Brandy. 1st giijiiy 12 boxes white cud marble So i— tsaiale.Jjoap Leiuott Syrup and jnisiui.Bniter. - — * 1 Ml jan 12 15 liy ISAAC; NEW Next dovr- ,UT A;. ' fJjmlcn Jfec-'Ju'.- VJfRF.SH frm-! BnHirni-ro, - •* pi... *';■ *“ >; Justrereived by'• Jpn r.) in CICALT * LEWIS/ ■\ i ' t . ‘’Vf,. T HE suhscribsr wishes, to .'hirefoil nrtwetVe Ne- jgrq Fellows for six, ei.’lu, or ten months, and fui winch liberal wages will he gi i n Match 2 22 WM. DtNTF.I Petit G'iilf Coirtu Sce«U acks Warranted ginnire-. Impcrltd^ jiom Rodae*. Jm REA arrived i r.d for* - CCFl’TON. 15 ■ r >p0 bags prime Green Laguira Coffee. •' nut 314 ' ' REA &. COTTON Petit Gulf Coitbn Seed. (Second year s groicth.) 300 Bm-hels, at 50 cents per bushel .'an 19 For sale b> 16 CRAFT & LEWIS. 4' 'iv' Fy Ja- 12 Salt. v .. Bushels afloat, for sale by I If. A st CO,TTON- , &tiimvJLmh ief- «’-»»»- Vinegar, causignmetit-—A few barrels first rate 'Af| - ■fy Vinegar. Coimtrf M rchants -jgjl be sapp.'itr^' on favoiabjajtennsby J. II & W. S. ELI.1S- J UST. RECEIVED by boats !3ai 500 kegs Vlnte Lead 100 Piano Pones. 3 Splendid Boston PIANOS, with 2 and 3 pedals, . Just received by . jsn JS ' 15 Vi CRAFT & LEWIS. J mg 4 ri'bilTV als. LiuseedciT. of superior qnalitics." 58 II. SL J. SHOTWELL. Bmmtrring Ojppi r FJ1 HE mih-terij cr fi." »• g lbs Dahlias* A ND a great variety of other Bulbous Roots, late ly imported from Holland, for sale by Feb 2 18 CRAFT & LEWIS. I ec. 1 9 Bnltev. 1V nn-\ 1\ miEti:ti r. For sale bv r vv. the line, Visirin, r pltr/e I*ritt inn g- M,., d a Copper_-platm- Press, an d empbO'd a good and expenena i PN<*i’ \VI,f, 'j 3 prtpared u execute all meets in Business Cards and Cards of well executed MPBBW' «- Oar*'- . ,N. assortme , ''v„i ; .«ai ■ rov ' •» I’rints. «V t ‘ s " r( 'd Pretlffc K»" t9 6 r°rsaIe-bjC'.'AI-T J c i ....ore 5 en ,ravint - per-.ui’ 1 .,, c . ,.. nt are requ ,, -■ U ; ,nd WM. tt. JOHNSTpN a»il m I % w- '■‘i ill f >1 I Hi. !Ll! ;j-j diLl ‘ if ! f! S' f HHi ■