Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, March 30, 1837, Image 1

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j $£■ ■ J? 1* ' ' ’ V * \ * ... - M. 9W- . EL ' NTtfrin GEORGIA TE LiACi By^.PAKW^T- .Tf-fto.v, cf£0/tew, tuvrso.iy, .jj.ircd so. iss7. voitiiise X.I.-— ‘26. Terms of Subscription Tims* •* advance, will pay for the pa- rone year. Five Uollaiis, paid in advance, will pay rthtssper two years. T*» Dollars,paidin advance \ln pn]j for the paper five years. ll’Acn not paid within six months after the year has n aeneed, Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum Mb’ charged. If not paid until the end of the year, four Pillar* V tT annum bc charged—with inte rest thereafter. Terms of Advertising:. Advertisements not exceeding one square, or 12 brevier rS, will be inserted onetime for One dollar. IF hen ‘Jpre duin one insertion is given, 50 cents fop each "sffffir, 'tox Collectors'and Coroners' Sales are that- will be allowed two squaresiiieach -t for Twenty Dollars per annum; and in the same tZtio for a larger space-payable quarterly. Adver- a en ts not to be renewed ofltner than quarterly. 9 On aU accounts for Advertising, Job Printing, Afc. well as for subscription, Interest will be c.urged, 'A,, not settled icithin the yeST^ NEW JLINE DARiENAND NEW YORK PACKETS. W BRIG ANN, Capt. Gorham. VICTORY, “ Brows. .. MERIDA, " Thompson. .. FRANKLIN, ** Harlow. Sch’r AUSTIN, “ Buboes*. .bove named Vessel* compose a Linfi of "I 1 picket*between Darien and New York. lately JSblUhed. They aro all first class Vessels, and com- „ hw officersexperienced in the trade; and have ^^itSStieJfor passengers Shippers by fids Line uuv he assured of the greatest possible «lcs- , l hpins civtirt in oil cases. , h s„ *k*a. a Nve. Agents, New York. Row las o, Crass & Shackelford, Darieia. Darien. Jau It ld37* ^ £ R Persons disposed to patronize this Line can arrangements and obtain information in regard »*• .f « ¥ p'~ la “ -«• d"*'S aea - Agent Macon Commission Business, Darien. r||HE under.-igued have resumed business as a Ji. bove, and will as heretofore pay prompt alien tion to all business entrusted to their care. We believe we have made arrangements that will enable us at all times to forward goods for the interior with the least possible delay, by steamboats when the river will ad mit, or in extreme low river by small flats or lighters, built expressly for that business. On our wharves are large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot ton at the least possible expense, and onr opportunities to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not oxcel-' ed by any other House. Darien, .May 20,1836. HAWES. MITCHELL & COLLIv- Factorage A Coinuiissiou Business. BO.ITIJYG, He. ■ T HE subscriber has located in the city of Savan nah for the .above purposes, and taken stores nearly opposite the City Hotel. The steamer “ Chieftain.** Capt. White, will be reedy in all the present month to receive freight for Macon, and will continue regularly throughout theses-, _ — -- son. the river admitting, and unavoidable accidents Everpointed Pencils, stiver and gilt Bracelets, gilt, su lly intercepting. v . er and shell Cotnbs, gold and silver Thimbles, gold, Goods for forwarding will experience no delay,and I 3l, veraml steel Spectacles with glasses to suit every the interest of the owner only taken into consideration iff* ®® ed Coral, large Coral, Coral Necklaces, Bead oct 13 2 3. F. DICKINSON. Bags, Chains and Purses, a variety of cut and plain — ^TfJBBsi I ® ea *’ S PX Glasses, Quizzing Glasses, Pocket Books, i Watches. Jewelry, Silver Ware and jFJJI’C r GO ODS, At the Lowett Prices.,, , , C. G. 31, JOHN, Watch Maker and Jeweler, Cotton Avenue, oppo site the Washington Hall, respectful ly informs his friends and the public, that he is now opening a new and j splendid assortment of WATCHES dfc JEWELRY. of the best quality and latest fashions, consisting m partof the following articles, viz: Ladies’ and gentlemen's Gold Duplex, Patent Le ver, Anchor Escapement and Lepine Watches; la dies fine Gold Curb. Guard, Basket & Cable Chains; Watch Hooks, Seals and Keys; Swivels, Finger Ri. a, Ear Hingsand Broaches; children’s Ear Knobs and . ‘res; gentlemen’s Curb and Linked Guard and Fob C» ’us, Seals, Keys, Swivels, Sleeve links, bo som and « Uar Buttons, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Guard Sea. iad Keys, Medalions, gold and gilt Buc kles, silver an,. Scotch Snuff Boxes, gold and silver I Corner Cotten Avenue and Cherry Strtet. ,, if j match fin . machiu ^ t R oser s & Sons', and S receiviug and has in store agenral stock of w „. , n a inns i ...kin i, Wade dr Butcher s razors, Emerson s razor straps. Groceries and stable goods among which are _k_.. ....i h-.Unmmnn I Emoiy cushions, card and cigar cases, imitation fruit, 50 bags prime green coffee 10 do old Java (very fine) 10 hhds sugar 50 bbls flour 150 bbls domestic liquors. 30 qr casks wine (some of which are favor ite brands 20 each, whale and half bbls crackers 100 kegs nails assorted 20 kegs 3d do 30 bbls mackerel 65,000 lbs Goorgia cured bacon 2,000 do leaf lard And many other orticles which makes his stock and yfffiysrU&ltccricn lAiic ofPar.ket^ B1UG Macon, A. Bibbms, Mastef. •• Amelia Strong, Browu, “ •• Darieu, C. P. Bulkey,; •• *• New Jersey, B. Matthews, 1 ii Premium, J. Couhorn, “ <• (New) ■ Schr. D. B. Crane, Baker. .. These vessels are all coppered, fastened and bui.t expressly for this trade, have experienced captains .nil nil regularly once a week from e ® ch f >or ‘‘ Vessels bound for Darien will find Dubov f i,y of access: 10 to 21 feet water w t }l be foand on the Bar at high water, the same depth catrbe ca med wifli- i„ -lx miles of Darien, 13 feetcuhic earned up to the city The anchorage in Doboy sonnd ->'id river is pirticiilaily safe and good, with ample room tor ves- mIs to carry off the whole cottoe crop*, coming down the river* to Darien. ,iva HYWES, MITCHELL & COLLINS, Agents Danin Refer to Jams* Goddard, Esq. Mucoa. Oct 10, 1836. 2 ~NlXCON STEAMBOAT COMPANY. sTF\MBOAT, j. STONE, Capt. Maiidsi l. ST .. SUPERIOR. “ G*o- Willcox EXCEL, ° J -D; WfLL^x T HIS Company has now there Ime of Boats 11 complete order for freighting. They have a C. p .OW = will run regularly between Macon a nd one of ihe Steamboat*leaving Darien every five or six days T The t coinpany have 16 tow boats (allI first r ?** ^oat*,) built expressly for the navigation of the Ocmulgee ana Aisumaha river., their increased fam ilies‘"'fin able the company the means of giving *• *!*"**‘ despatch to cotton, or goods shipped by their line. They have two SCHOONERS to carry cotton and merchandise between an. FrKETS There are alxo sevon first rate PACKETS rnnili g regularly between Derienaud New York, which come fo Hawes* Mitchell &- Collins. Agents for the above boau:^^ ^ ^ L. n*LDW!5 &■ Co Savaimah. KtR. Bores A Co. Charleston, IIawkx. Mitchkle A Collws, Dane#, Gxe. R. Roberts, Ilawkinsville. J.m28 18 •WtiJrA Company has now in opera tion. three Steamboats, viz. the ? Ocmulgee, Capt. Blankenship apt* nh; and die Ala- boats leave Darien for Macon, alternate y ; with low boats, and being built expressly !e, and commjnded by cxpenenced Cnp- nnbled to perform the tnp with despatch, plying between Darien and Savanna n,.„, nrnaha. Capt. Lewis Wilcox, and Comet, Capt B-ant- lev. between Darien and Macon The two boau leave Darien for Macon. altern ^ ,/ every week fot tne trade, uinsare enabled to perform.— —- ,. and hold forth inducement* for those persons to snip by the Company who wish to get their goods or pro duce expeditiously to market. The company having bv its charter, the privilege of insuring, wul, at a moderate rale of premium, take risks on goods or pro duce shipped by its boats, or placod in charge ot iU agents forkhipment. Agents for the above hosts; RF.A & COTTON. Mneon. _ GODF.Y & KIMBERLY, Ilawkinsville. P. It. YONGK A. riON8, Darien. GRANT A YONGE, Savannah. BOYCE, IIENR.Y A WALTER, Charleston. Jan 24 17 WARE HOUSE ,!.YD CO-TIJIlSStO-V ULSI.yCSS. .llyricU, Napier & Fre<c- 9 —” Uf man inform their friends and the L ♦ .« public generally, that they are enlarg- QESb&ihim ing their Ware House adjoining their store on Cotton Avenue, and will have it ready for the reception of cotton by the commence ment of the ensuing season. All cotton consigned to them by Planters and others, dealing in the article, or order* to buy and sell in the market, will be promptly Attended to. They likewise inform those :Herchants who forward their goods by Macon, that they have a large and safe Brick Store, for tho reception of mer chandise, and will receive and forward all goods con signed to them. Their charges in every instance will he u low as is customary in the city. Liberal advan ce* will be mado on cotton stored with them or chip ped by them to any other market. . _ Having one of the partners of their firm (Mr. A. R, Freeman) located in the city of New York for the pur- Psseof affording the necessary facilities to their busi- ■««• in Macon, they respectfully inform Merchants »nd others who have business to transact in that city, that he will be prepared to attend to any Commission Basinets with which he may bo favored. They era- brace the present opportunity to return their gnitejul Acknowledgements to their friends and the public for Put favors, and solicit a continuation of their patron age. In addition to their present stock, they, will receive »«riy this fall a fine assortment of Dry Uoods Groceries. Hardware, Cutlery, Bale Rope, Heavy Hemp, Cotton Bagging, Heady made Clothing. Ac. Ac. Ac. •aitable for the fall trade, all of which they offer for sale on the most reasonable terms Macon, August25 61 tf J French Quinine* U8T received and for sale by J. H A W S. ELLIS. Nnv 17 7 Cottou Avenue. M*cnit. IN anlu »ai# at tMs oflte e. scissors, dirks, chess men aud board, backgammon boards, dice, dominoes, steel pens, walking canes, pistols, powder flasks, shot pouches, gamo bags, otto of roses, cologne, lavender and Florida water, fancy soap, lip salve, pearl and tooth powder, flutes, flageo- letts, accordions, shell music boxes, large inusie boxes, oplay from 3 to 12 tunes, fiddles and fiddle strings, gentlemen’s dressing cases, hair aud tooth brushes. Birmingham and Sheffield silver platedcastors, liquor stands, candlesticks, branches, fruit baskets, snuffers and snuffer trays, tea tniys, silver table, tea. desert, salt, mustard and cream spoons, soup ladles, sugar tongs and bntter knives; marble, ebony and alabaster mantle cloeksto run eighteen days without winding. Military and Military Trimmings, and a variety of other articles usually kept in his line assortment very good Country merchants and others are requested to call 1 H {! a ? v ^ lc . l} ’ 01 °. l f er „ t , and examine for themselves. T. P. STUBBS. allof " ,1 ” h . he . w)1 “I 1 at ,ho 1 . owest cnsh P nce *: ™ march 22 25 3m I respectfully invites citizens ana persona general! j vis- ~ — iting our city to call at his store and examine his stock, J IJJolUSSCS Sugar, Coirce, Ac* I where he is ever ready and happy to attend to those U3T received aud for s^e on favorable terms by who may favor hinl with tj leir C3 | It . - »USSmSMjMs, I N B—Particular attention paid to Watch Repair ing.^ Having selected the best of materials for repair- £. nUSSJEJLI,, 100 hhds prime Cuba Molasses, 47 „ St Croix and Port* Rico Sugar. 200 bags prime Cuba Coffee, 100 „ „ Laguna d* 59 „ „ white Java, 100 bbls NE Rum, 150 „ Northern Gin, ISO „ Baltimore Whiskey, 30 „ Monougahala Whiskey, March 9 33 ing Watches, he is now prepared to manufacture any part of s Watch, and will warrant every piece he makes as perfect a* tho original, and hi* Watches to perform well. Oct ,27 7 Great Bargains in Wry Goods, J'or i T HE subscribers would inform the public th<u they have formed a connection iu business under the firm of t'IRGlJb'S ft STRIA'GJFJBJLC O IF, And will continue at the old stand of J. A. A 3. S. Virgin, on Cotton Avenue, where all favors iu their T Cash. T HE subscriber* being determined to abandon... „ , the Dry Goods business, will sell their stock for Iwill be punctually attended to, actual cost for cash Purchasers from the city and Q ' country will find it to their interesttocali and examine, and country merchants can replenish their stock* at New York prices. The following comprise a part of the stock? 100 ps. English and American Calico, from 10, 12| a 374 cts per yard, 30 „ Blue Calico, from 15 a 18 cts per yd. A good assortment of Ginghams, Curtain Calicoes, 6 yd* for the dollar, 3-4 Browu Homespuns, 10yd* for the dollar, 3-4 „ ,, 7 yds for tho dollar, 4*4 „ fin* „ S yds for the dollar, Bleached „ fYom 124 a 20 cts per yd. Fine and common Irish Linen, A splendid assortment of plain and figured silks, sa tins and shallies, fancy hdk’fs, shawls, ribbons, cam brics and muslins, figured and plain French and En glish merinos, crape camblets, black bombazines, fine and coarse flannels, furniture dimity, cotton fringe, super broadcloths, cassimeres nudsatlinetts, a good as sortment of rose and common blankets, bed tick* some for 30 cents per yard, a good assortment of ladies kid, and prunella shoes, cases thick brogans, a good as sortment of hats, and many other articles to* numerous to mention, all of which will be sold at co*t. ■March 2 22 WILLIAMS A BRADLY. Groceries. OA HUD Sugar. /m\j 15 do Molasses, 20 bags Coffee, 10 bbls Rice, 12 “ Cider, 12 “ Beer, 24 doz Porter, Ale, and Cider i# bottle*, 35 boxes Raisins, 12 sacks Almonds and Filberts, 20 M best and comrnoi Segars; 12 boxes sperm Candles, Just received and for sale by C. L. HOWLAND A Co. Feb 23 21 Corner Cotton Avenue A 2d sts. See our Advertisement. T’DR. STRINGEFLLOW will be absent a short time from the city, after his return from Charleston, he will attend to Dental Operation*, in all iu branches. Single 01 whole set* of teeth sot on gold plate or pivots, plugging, Ac. All work war] ranted to stand. Iiis office for gentleman will be at our store. Ladies will be attended to at bis house by leaving their tard the day previous. Dentists can be supplied with incorruptible Teeth, Gold foil, and materials generally, of which no intend to keep a good supply. J. A. VIRGIN, S. S. VIRGIN, March 16 24 Dr S. L STRINGFELLOW. Sugar, Cofree and iffolaiKi. f).f| IIIID prime St Croix Sugar, iw 25 hhds new crop Cuba Molasses, 3<)0 bags Laguira Coffee, prime quality, 20 do Cuba do primo quality. For sale by reb22 21 REA A COTTON. entrai flail Road tc Banking Ca. of Georgiy. Savannah, 21st Feb. 1837. SECOND INSTAEMF.XT. « ESOLVED, Thai *n instalment of 24"per cent on the Capita! stock of this corporation be call ed in—the same to be paid on the 29th of April next, at the Banking house in Savannah,—and that this call be published by the Cashier conformably to charter. Extract from tho minutes of Tuesday, 2lst Febru ary, 1837, v R. R. CUYLER, cash’r. IOOS AT THIS! Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, 0c. VUCGINN A STKINGFELLOW Would inform their frieuds and the public that they still continue at their stand on Cottou Avenue, and h i yejust received afresh supply of Goods, con sisting in partof the following articles: Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ gold lever anchor escapement independent second lepins and vertical WATCHES; silver lever plain and extra jewelled lepino and vertical do. all of which were se lected with choice tosuit this market, and will be war ranted to perform well; Ladies’ gold Neck Chains ; Gentlemen’s gold and silver Guard and Fob Chains: f old and silver gu#rd and fob Keys; Ear Knohs aud )rops; Breast Pm*and Finger Rings ol all kinds; gold, silver, gilt, aud pearl Belt Buckles and Slides, Bracelets and Head Belts; gold and silver everpoint- ed Pencils, steel Pens ofthe best qualities, gold, silver and steel spectacles, Quizzing Glosses, silver table, tea, dessert, salt and mustard-Spoons; soupandcream Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Butter and Fruit Knives, silver Cups, Thimbles, Castors, Candlesticks, silver, brass, andbtouzed; coral,giltandglas* Beads; ladies’ Bags ofthe latest fashions, Pusres and Pocket Books, (.'lari- onetts, Flageoletts, Flutes, Fife*, Accordiaus, Music Boxes large and small. Drums, Organs snd Violins Walking Sticks qf various kinds ; silver, gilt, shell, horn and ivory Combs . Tea and Coffee Pots, Bread Basket* silvei and japanned, fine painted Waiters, Knives, Razors, Saunders’ celebrated Razor Straps with tablets. Pistols of various kinds, Dentists’Files, Gold Plate, Wire. Foil Ac toy Watches, Rattles and Whistles for children; Sauff boxes, Percussion caps. Pipes, Segar Tubes, Pocket Compasses, Mathemati cal Instruments. Ac. MILITARY GOODS. Swords, Belts, Epauletta, Plumes, Sashes, Buttons, Lace, stars, ornaments too nnmorous to mention, which will be sold cheap for cash, or approved city accep tances. N. B.—We have a choiee selection of materials for repairing Watches, and arc prepared t* make any JBMTS, II.1TS, If.ITS GEORGE A. KIMBERLY R ESPECTFULLY aoliclU the attention of pur chasers to a very large assortment of Hats and Caps* which have been made by him expressly for retailing, and are warranted to be of superior style and quality to any ever before offered in Macon; among his assort ment may be found, Super fashionable black and drab beaver Hats, 110 broad brim do for elderly men, do fash do do satin beaver do do do do black and drab Russia beaver, Wide, meridian and narrow brims,otter, uutria. musk rat, raccoon and couy hats of every variety of shape „ nd style. Youths’ beaver and satin beaver hats, latest fashions. Fur anti Cloth Caps, consisting of super No 1, Otter Caps, “ “ seal, mink, muskrat and cony do mens and boy* full top cfpth caps, ,, ,, Robinson’s do do -» ,. acorq top celeste caps, children's fancy silk caps, Ac. Ac. Ac. Fur capes, Pelerips, muffs and rufls, consisting of chinchilla, lynx, squirrel, sable, ermine, gouett, rab bit and swansdown. Hats made to order at shortest notice. Hat trimmings, alcohol andshellack, constantly ot. hand. Oct 20 3 Sew Fall and Winter Clothing. A T the Macon Clothing 3tore, one door above Wm. B. Johnson’s Jewelry Store. The sub scriber is now receiving his Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing, (which has been manufactured by Lewis Pitch the past summer,) and which will be sold off as cheap, fur cash, as at any e ther establishment, consisting or Super Black, Blue. Brown, Green, Invisiblo Grcon and Claret Dress Coats, ■i —..l >.-^ M „,r TO Tn WASMiNUTON ft .'tf. THE Subscribers have com modious and well Jounta , Jiic house in the City of Macon,-—the vashixgtcn Hall, latefy occupied^by Mr M. D. iluson.— By the unremitting at; a.ion of Loth of them, they flatter themselves that their House will ob tain for them a general patronage from the Public.— They hare secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is inferior to no one in the State. Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. The Stables are attended by careful and experienced Ostlers. MUSTIAN A MOTT. Feb 5 1835 3G CENTRAL HQ.T-LL, .llacoss, Georgia. T HIS establishment is now under tho control of the subscribers, who pledge themselves to rem der comfortable those who may. call on them. PETER J; WILLIAMS, Feb 25 35 JOHN D. RAMEY. ISb9 Macon Academy. T HE Female Department of this Institution hav g become vacant by the resignation of Mr Darby the late Rertor, the Trustees are desirous to ejnploy a competent Teacher to take charge ol the samp. Tho already large population of the city pla ces it out of the reach of the embarrassments which so frequently attend Schoo's dependent mostly upon aid from abroad for a support always precarious and flue ttiatine. The Trustees therefore feel well assured that to a Teacher of high character and qualification,s a very liberal patronage is curtain, an jfroin6iich they invite propositions. Communications addressed to either of the Trus tees will be promptly answered. AMBROSE BABER, Y F.DW D TRACY. {.Trustees JAMES SMITH. 1 lru H us 13 NATHAN C MUNROEJ FitFSH SI1.1RFR G.fRDEJV mm JOCKEY CLUB RACES [/ILi.commence on the 1 second Tuesdad’ in A- pril next, and continue five days, w hen the following purses will be run for: Istday Alijehcats, Pnrso $200 0® 2d day 2mils heats, Purse 300 0# 3d day 3 mile liuiits, Purse ’5C0 OS 4tli day 4 mile he_uu, Purse 71.0 0® ! 5th day mile heals, 3 best iiiS. purse SCO 00 After ihe Regular Races on the . r ’th day, thi 1—will • be 11 Mitlerzoe, mile heats, entrance, there has j been four entered. The track has hcen put in first- j rate order—better titan it has ever been before. The rtilesof the Club in ail instances to govern. By order of the'Clnb. March 8 23 JESSE L OWEN; Sec A Tr. IT Stockholder* in tho vicinity of Macon can make I new part, which win warrant t* perform as well as the payment at the branch bank in that city. 08LETH0PE INSURANCE & TRUST CO. OF Till. CITY OF .1I.1VOJV, T \iE public are hereby informed that the late Mer chants’ Insurance and Trust Company of this city has recently been incorporated by the Legislature of this State, uuder the above title, with authority to increase the Capital Stock to 500,000 Dollars, and to I exercise TRUST and sundiy other privilege*. 100,- 000 dollar* of said Capital has been paid in. and will at all pines be held in readiness to pay any losses duo by this Company. Risk* are taken to and from thi* city to any port or place, on as liberal term* to the 1 a ' sured as any other Insurance office. Loans will I e | token, and bill* of Exchange purchased, Ac. WM. if. PARKER. Pres’t James Rba, See’y. Jan 26 17 yjp HE subscribers inform theirfriends and the pub- original. Virgins A Stringfellow feel grateful for past favors, and would still solicit a share of the pulic patronage, j hoping to give satifaction to all who may favor them 1 in -heir lino. March 16 24 New Carriage Establishment. T HE subscriber will reccire in a few days a large stock of Carriages, Barouches, He. lie, that they have removed to the firo proof .Most of them made by tho best workmen In Newark brick store in Third-street, nearly opposite to the store occupied by David Ralston, auda few doors south west from the Central Hotel, where they offer for sale, (a part of which to arrive,) 75 hhds St Croix and Porto Rico Sugars 300 bags Prime Greeu Rio, and Java Coffee| 150 barrels Northern Rum and Gin 25 casks Wino and Cordials pipes Cognac Brandy and H Gin 15 baskets Champaigne Wino, part superior boxes Muscat do 40 bbls No 3 Mackerel No 1 Salmon 150 bolts heavy Hemp Bagging 60 coils Bale Rope 400 lbs Twine G000 lbs Feathers, to arrive. A General Assortment Dry Goods, Shoes, Rats, Hardware, $e. Ac. all of which will be sold at unusnally low prices, for cash only, by oct 13 2 WILLIAMS A BRADLEY Flonr. BBLS Flour, prime quality, just received OU and for sale by REA A COTTON. March 2 22 Lost or Mistaken. T AKEN from the court house about time the Irishmen were examined forthe murder of Mr. Hucknby. a fine DOUBLE BARREL SHOT GUN of long size. The gun was detained for guard pur poses, and is wo th 50 or 60 dollars. It is suppose to have been carried off by the man who was last or guard. Any information respecting said gun will be thankfully received and liberally rewarded. Jyireba? &f W4L DANIEL. and New Haven. Macon. Dec 14 11 LUKE BLISS. ft?* Look at This. T HE subscribers have lately received a variety of merchandise consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, Superior Oils for lamps and pain's; Saddlery, Hats, Bonnets, Ac. &c. which they believo will bear com parison inquality and price to any in tho city. Per sons wishing to purchase are invited to call and ex amine for themselves, as extravagant catalogue* and a bored puffs, are too often impositions. One estab- ish meat is located on the corner of Third and Mul berry streets, the other ou the corner of Poplar street and Cotton Avenue. WM B. PARKER & Co. Dec 15 11 tf Super Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Invisible Green Claret aud Mixed Frock Coats. Brown, Greon, Mixed and Cadet mixed Coatees. Fiuc Bluo. Black, Green, Brown and Mixed Pants. Super ribbed, striped, corded and plaid Casimcredo Beaverteen, Cord and Lion Skin Pantaloons. Super Blue, Brown, Green, Mixed and Drab Over Coats. Qoat’s Hair aud Geriqan Cambist Wrapper do. Goutlomen’s super Blue, Black and Invisible Green Broadcloth Cloaks, Ladies' super Olive, Green and Claret Broadcloth Cloaks. Ladies* figured Merino, plain do. and Circassian Cloak*. Super Blue and Pilot Cloth Over poata. f rab, Blue aud Olive Duffle Over Cuats; Lion Skin Green Blanket Orer Coats; Kentucky Jeans Frock Costs and Pantaloons; Cloth, Satinet,* Peters ham and Beaverteen Hunting Coau, Cloth and Satin-1 et Round Jackets. Black and Blue Cloth black figured and plaid Vel- ' vet, plain aud figured English |3ilk, dark Valencias Toilinet, Woollen Velvet, black and striped Satin, Bombazine, Tabby Velvet, and Satinet Vests, Fine Linen and Cuttun Shirts, plaid and striped Giugham Shi **,Silk, Cotton, Merino patentaml iamb Wool Shirts iet cotton aud woolen, flannel Canton flannel and; rij" d cotton Drawers. Wool, Ls jb \vool, patent Merino and brown cot ton Half II s • Fine W »’ Buck, Ilofseskin, Boaver, White Kid Liened B / j, Lisle thread, black, white and colored Silk Glov . Black a. white Silk Half Hose; Russian Belts, Money Br * f nett, worsted and cotton, Silk and Gum Suspenders, Cravat and Cravat Stiffeners, Silk aud Gingham Umbrellas, Bombazine, Satin, Velvet plain and plaited Stocks, blue, black and white crimped Silk Stocks, Spitalfield, English Silk, red and yellow Ban dana, whito and red Pongee Silk Pocket Handker chiefs, plain and railed Bosoms, Collars, Purses,Cloth Fur and Hair Seal Skin Caps, Wool Hats, a large as. sortment of Fnr Hats, Silk Hats, Boots and Shoes, c gcod stock of Negro Clothing, also fine blue and black Cloths, Canvas, Padding, gilt and lasting Buttons Cotton Wadding, Military Ball Buttons, Cord, Tas sels. Stars, Lace. Epauletta, Ac. Ac. Nov. 17 7 HORACE FITCH. Gentlemen wishing their Cloths made at the North will, bv leaving their names with me, have them made in the best manner, and nyist fashionable stylo. ILF SEEi&S. J UST received and for sale, at the Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue, bv J. II. & W. S, ELLIS. White ONIONS, Early bullock’s heart do Yellow do ., Large drumhead Red do Fiat or late Dutch Early.blqod turnip BEf. P, Greeu savoy Early French sugar do Greeu glazed Early white scarcity or sugar do Orange CARROT, Long white PARSNIP, do do ¥ do White cape br eoh do Large English Norfolk TURNIP, White flat do Fratt’s Nipple SItie!<Is. T HE Medical College o! Georgia utAngnstH have given their opinion of the superiority of Doctor Pratt’s Xifplei Shield to any thing else hitherto offered for the same purpose, which opinion can i;o presented if uect*»aiy to physicians and others. Ti e opinion of Dr Buber and other physicians in Macon, who have examined the instrument, accord.- with that of Doctor Dewees and the Medical College of Georgia.' Tho Instrument is for sale in Macon by the subscriber onlv, price §5, with printed directions. II." LOOMIS.* Sigttof the. Golden- Mortar, Me'J erry street . Certificate of Doctor Deuces “ Doctor Elijah Pratt: Dear sir—As 1 feel it a mat ter of much public importance to possess a mean* of lessening the terrible sufferings of sore nippies, 1 have much pleasure in being able to say that the “Shield" you offer for the preventing and the cure of this mala dy, is Letter adapted, to this purpose liian any I have heretofore seen. In, the two «T three lusHfcces I have known thorn'to he used, much satisfaction^hu* been expressed: mid I have no hesitation to believe it will generally succeed. I aiu so well persuaded of this at this moment, that I cannot forbear to express a w isn that our city through the various apothecaries may bi^, supplied wuih them. J air. yours. &e. Phihidtlphi-t. YZtkJuu. 1-3-1* \\ w. P. Drtm i." WX3W STORE. lew, Cheap and sea»ona*Ie GOODS. T HE subscriber ha* just received at the store on Third street two doors south of Messrs Rea A Cotton, a large and desirable stock of Fancy and staple Dry Goods, Hard Ware.,, Sloes, Hats, Groceries, &c. all of which will undisposed of on accommodating terms. The citizens of Macon and surrounding coun try are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. GEO. C. McNEILL. N. B.—A complete assortment of READYMADE CLOTHING of every description. Dec 29 3m 13 TflESUBSCRIBEK* H AVE purchased Mr. Laird H. Wilzt’s inter est in the late firm of Fort, Hamii-to* A Wi- let, and Hamii.to5, Hates A Co. and given IRA E. FORT ait interest in the same. The Dry Goods business will be continued at the same place, under the firm of Fort, Hamilton He Co. and the Waro Houses and Commission Business as heretofore, updor the firm of HAMILTON, HAYES A Co. FORT, HAMILTON A Co. June 23 52 Copartnership.. T HE undersigned have formed a connexion for the transaction of a general FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS in this city, under tho firm of C003IBS A DOUGHTY. JOHN S. COOMBS, Savannah, June 1 50 E. W. DOUGHTY. F OR Fever and Ague—Rowan’s Tonic Mixture —Quinine Mixture, for sale by -Driiar. 44 J. H A W. S. t :1.1s INSEED OIL AND TRAIN 6lL just receir cd and for sale by Dec 29 13 J- H. A W. S. ELLIS^ Winter Strained Sperm Oil. J UST received for sale by J. H. { Y ELLES. Der 9 12 T HE Subscriber will malte liberal advances Cotton shipped to his friends in Savannah, Charleston, Philadelphia, New York or Boston nov.5.1835. UOBT. COLLINS. Calf Skins. Shlh Dozen just received, warranted a superior /•If article. dee 15 11 G W PRICE A Co. OftHhds prime St Croix Sugar. 500 bags prime Green Laguira Coffee. For Sale, 350.000 61 hhds St. Croix Sugar of superior quality, • 50 bags Coffee, 45,000 lbs Swede Iron, 100 kegs Nails, assorted, 25 hhds choice Molasses, 150 whole and half bbls Canal and Ricnmond Flour, 5 pipes pure H. Ginand C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old, 20 bbls old Monongah'ala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Rum, and20 Gin, 41 DAVID RALSTON. Gallons Winter strained Lamp Oil very handsome—just received and for sale by H. AJ- SHOT WELL. Ii t QnpmtidbCoOrid Mad 500 bags prime 1 jan 314 RF.A*A COTTON JPetit Buir Cotton Seed. 300 Jan 19 (Second year's growth.) Bushels, at 50 cents per bushel- , For sale by 16 • CRAFT A LEWIS. £iano Fortes. gh Splendid Boston PIANOS, with 2 and 3 pedals, A Just received by CRAFT A LEWIS. Just received by jan 12 15 Dahlias. A ND a great variety of other Bulbous Roots, .late ly imported from Holland, for sale by l eb 2 18; CRAFT & LEWIS. WE arc authorised to announce WRIGHT NEEL a candidate for Clerk *f tho Inferior Court at th* en suing election. tom qp Earl cluster CUCUMBEtcSquashor bell PEPPER, Long greeu ^ do Cayenne- do Sup’r WATERMELON, Curled do Fine NUTMEGMELON,Early gulden sioux CORN Mammo li PUMPKIN, Early Tuscarortj do Dutch summer SQUASH,Early sugar do Imperial sugar loaf LET-Early Washington June TUCE, 1 PEAS, Ice head do Early charltou do Long white Naples RA-Large white marrowfat do DISH, Dwarf marrowfat do Scarlet short pip do Dwarf blue imperial do Long salmon do Early china dwarf BEANS Long scarlet do Early, mohawk * do Scarlet or cherry turnip do Early six weeks do Early sugar loaf CAB- Red CLOVER, 1IAGE. White do Early george do Lucern Grass seed*, and Dutch do Flower seeds Early York do Purple EGG PLANT; Large york or harvest do Vegetable Oyster, Early drumhead or BergcnD warf curfod; PARSLEY* do Dec 8 11 GARBEX SEEDS. II. H J. SMOTWRIjJL AVE just received 100 boxes assorted fresh t -> - Garden Seeds, embracing 300 different kinds, among which are Early Y’oik, Early Sugar Loaf, Early Dutch, Early George, Large York, Early Bullock’s Hea t, Large Bergen. Flat or Loto li.itoi,, oreen euvoy', Arnue's Fatly Dwarf, Yellow Savoy, Red Dutch, Green Glazed, r.arly Drumhead and Large Drumhead CABBAGE. Rutabaga, leng Ifaipiver, whito ’flat, white globe, red top flat, early garden rock, fine Scotch or Aber deen flat, large English, Norfolk flat, and early Dutch or spring flat TURNIPS- White, red aud yellow ONION. Early Freueh sugar, early white scarcity, long man- gut wurtzel, Swiss chard, early blood, long blood aud early orange turnip BEET. Scarlet orange and bipod CARROT. Long white andGuerusey PARSNIPS. Early Tusoarora, early Sioux & early sugar CORN. Large white marrowfat, caily Clnrltoa, early bishop, dwarf marrowfat, dwarf prolific, dwarf blue imperial, aud early Washington May PEAS. Early Mohawk, early China, early six weeks, refu gee, Rob Roy. and white kidney dwarf BEAN Lima, Dutch case knife. Dutch white, scarlet and variegated craiibpr-» POLE-BEAN. Early short green* early olustcr, early flame, I011S and extra long CUCUMBER. Nutmeg,-irreen citron, pomgranate, and canlelopc MUSKftfELON. Early Dutch summer, bush crook, crook neck wiu- ter and cocoa nut SQUASH. Mammoth, large yellow and cheese PUMPKIN. Extra cabbage head, ice head, early white head, ice, cuss, magnum bouum coss, rose, large green, imperial sugar lo»f, and royal cabbage bead LETTUCE. Long scarlet, long salmon, early scarlet, long white Naples, purple scarlet top, cherry turnip, black aad white fall Spanish, and white turnip RADISH. Watermelon Scotch and sea Kale, early aud late Cauliflower; Cayenne and bell Pepper, Cress or Pep per Grass, Tomato, Celery, Vegetable Oyster, purple Egg Plant, Sage, summer Savory, Parsley, long white and short green Okra, giant Asparagus. Nasturtion. Bene Plant, London and Scotch Leek, Saffron, Sweet Mignonette, whito Mustard, sweet Lavender. Lemon Balm, &c. &c. Grass and Flower seeds. The Gardener’s Manual. N. B, A liberal deduction made to Merchants iu theco untry. Dec 8 10 ttOJxDS A’A’ COh'f. T IIE undersigned have determined on closing their business and arc now offering their stock, con sisting of a general assortment of Staple and Fancy Drj’Coods Hats, Shoes, Saddlery, Hardware- Hr. tat ten per centon New York find Boston cos;, at leufl tlbrcUsh: and 5 percent at wholesale for cash, or good pqper, payablu 1st January next, with interest. Wo respectfully invite our friends and the public to giro, us a call. \YIU JAM FORT & Co Those indebted to us would do well to make in:tea diale payment. Feb!)' 10 . CiT RLCEiyiJ> and for skit* by RODGERS &C<i. 250 bbls Prime Run), Gin and Whiskey, 60 bbls Mackerel, Nos. 1. 2 and 3, 60 bid- mid half bbls prime Flour, Cider, Apples, Sugar. Coffee, and many other el-- tides equally desirable, too tedious to mention. Tlnv above goods can be bought low for cash. Smith, Rouckhs *fc Co. would particularly invite- those who are indebted to them to call immediately and pay their notes and accounts, as- they aro needing- the uioney to pay their own debts. Macon, Jan 12 15 TONS best Swedes Irani **• Nails, Rods, Hoop and Band da- 50 bbls superfine Flour, 25 4 do do 1 o, Just received aud for sale by -Feb 1 18 K. RUSSELL. '— —FoFSaie: * ~Q LBS. Fresh LEAF LARD, of id _EL 'ii; 'aV vFperior quality, piepared hero, and put up iu neat covered tin tan us, containing about 7fp lbs each. Also, iu progress of curing, 7500C lbs choice- BACON, by WM. B PARKER & Co. Jan 26 17 ZiiffiC. ’ 4 FEW coskr Northern Lime, in good order, fot saleby JOHN T. ROW LAND, Ageut. Jan 26 17 .Tor Sale. KEGS prime family Buttor, 40 bbls and 4 bbls Flour, 10 keg* Tobacco, by C. L. HOWLAND & C*. Corner of Cotton Avenue & Second sf. Jan 27 17 if • Ladies Clonks. (LOTH and Merino Cloaks—worth from 840 t* > 850. novlO 6 CRAFT & LEWIS. Take Notice. T HE subscribers having purchased the interest of J. Cowles in the firm of Geo. W. Price & C*. tho business in future will be conducted under tbe- sarae name, by WILLIAM COOKE, jan 1 14 GEO W PRlpE. r | BecS lVax. " iff'l ASH will be givepTor good Bees Wax, by VLV Dec 22 12 J. H. AW S ELLIS Gulf Cotton Seed. "3 OSacks’ warranted genuine, expected dai- J(_ Tsr ly, and for sale bv jau 5 14 REA & COTTON Removal. C L. HOWLAND & CO-have removed to the • staud formerly occupied by Bryan & Kelton, corner of Cotton Avenue aud 2d street*, where they have for sale, a complete assortment of BOOTS, SHOES & DRY GOODS, Also, a large lot of GROCERIES—viz Bbls N E Rum, bales Feathers, bbls sperm Oil Clarified Oil, dry Malaga Wine in i aud J casks Sherry Wine do. Whiskey and Neutral Rum Boxes and 4 boxes Raisins. Cognac Brandy K»gs Malaga Grapes. Principe & Havana Segars White and Marble Soap, sperm Candles Lemon Syrup, tubs family Blitter, on best terms, jan 12 15 Just Received and fer Sale. F RESH GROCERIES—viz: 50 bbls N E Rum 17 hales Feathers, 2 do white do 10 bbls sperm Oil, 5 do clarified do 10 do dry Malaga Wine iuqr casks. » 8 J do Sherry do 3 do Whiskey and Nentral Rum- 50 boxes and 4 boxes Raisins Cognac Brandy 1st quality 12 boxes white and marble Soap Lemou Syrup and Family Butter By ISAAC NEWHALL, jan 12 15 Next door to the Post Office. Take Notice. T HE subscriber having disposed of his Interest i« the firm of Geo. W. Price & Co. to Wifliaaa. Cooke and Geo. W. Price, who will receive and pa;/ srll debts of said firm. jan 1 J COWLES. *" PaperiJitt' for Kooius. ~ r ' J UST received a good assortment of handsome pa per hinging ami bordering. Oct 13 2 H. & J. SHOTWELL. Carpeting;. J UST received, a lew pieces of Ingrain Carpeting which is for sale at reduced prices, dec 15 II G \V PRICE A. Co tITIediciiic diesis, S 530R plantations ana families, with directi . using. For sale by J. H. &. W. S. EL! Nov 17 directions for ELLIS. Cotton Aventra Take Notice. T HE subscriber wishes to hire ten or twelve No- gra Fellows for six, eisht, or ten months, and for which liberal wages will be given. March 3 22 WM. DANIEL Salt. Allf/YA Bushels afloat, For sale by £7fit* REA & COTTON, da" 12 15 j UST RECEIVED by boats 13aud 16. 500 kegs White Lead in oil, 100 gals. Linseed oil. of superior qualities, 4 58 H. & J. SHOTWELL. vug 4 Crockery & Hardware. A T Blew York Cost for sale by (let. 27 4 GEO. W. PRICE CO Garden Seeds. P RF.SIi from Baltimore. Just received by Jan 19 16 CRAFT & LEWIS? 130 Petit Gulf Cotton Seed. Sacks W arranted genuine,. -ImporW-d* from Rodney. Just arrived. ai,rl for saleby REA & COTTON. Jan 19- ' . 16 Vinegar, consignment;—A few barrels first rate- AppfeT Vinegar. Country Merchants wiiLbe mniphot.? J. H & W. S. ELI on favorable terms by y - ■ : - *• I ^ O0A JEngrariny. H Copperplate ting> T HE subscriber baying purefnwed a Copper fAarwL Press, and employed a good and experienced, ENGRAVER, is prepared to execute* all orders'll^ the line. ■ 0 „ Visiting Wedding, Business Cards and -Cards of* ' Address rvatlj engraved and printed. Notary Public, Motto, and other seals engraved, and. 1 engraving generally welt executed Persons in want are requested to call and examine * specimens. WM. B. JOHNSTON.- March 9 . 23 4t lOOO Butter. lbs. Pennsylvania Butter. For sale by 9 CHARLES CAMPBELL, Dark Prints. A N assortment dark small figured French prints . n*v 10 < For sale by CRAFT & LEW 18. f Petit Gnit Cotton seed—Cheap. i f If 'l HE subscriber has on hand a lalaucebf a lot of* i JL the above seed, which can be recomraendad. as | thev were tried last year To close an old bnsincss ! the se»d will be sold at cost and che.rjres—say $1.23 l perbushel. They are at the store of Thus P Sights, on Cotton Avenue. JNO. RL riTElil ORU. March 1.4