Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, May 30, 1837, Image 1

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IA TEAECrlfAPH. By M. BARTLETT- .1I.1COJW GEOHGI.1. TUESD.l 1*. F 20. 1837. Volume Xt.»N<lilnl>er 35. Terms of Subscription UotLAtu,j/aidin advance, will pay jbr the pa- ar> fin Dollars, paid in aileance, trill pay t?l£,jter two years. Ts.v Dollars, paid in advance ^ ffin^aufttMin six months qftcr the year has W ZlrtL Thru Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum ,*/■.! A " ■ f# ll<» nT lla mas mm ■jlit‘Med. p __ If not paid until the end of the year, t)7urs per annum will be charged—mth interest 'Zmafter- Terms Of Advertising. . *** f *4» one insertion is given, 50 cents for each iteautnt insertion, ’sirrif*'< CMcetprs 1 and Coroners' Sales are chat- i hu the lC9f» t* accounts for Advertising, Job Printing, Stc. ”*» as for subscription, Interest teill be e'.arged, ‘JluTsot settled wilkirn the year. vnrTork » Darien Line ofEachct.s URIU Macon, A. Uihbms, Must<y. Amelia Strong, Brown, Darien. New Jersey, Premium, (New) Sehr. D. B. Crane, C. P. Bulkey, B. Matthews, J. Couborn, Baker, ” »e«ets are all coppered, fastened and built for this trade, have experienced captains **! -I ,.«ularly nuen a week from each port. U bound for Darien will find Doboy D r ' f ac ■<•** ’ 19 <» 21 feet water will b« found on the nil.! l,.«h water, the came depth ean be carried witb- St dri JfiK Darien, 13 feet cubic carried tip to the The anchorage in Doboy sound and river is ■ariicolaily safe «nd *ood, with ample room tor vos- ^U tocarry off tlie whole cotton crops, coming down ,heri ' re iI , U?ES I MrtC„ELL A COLLINS. Agents Darien. Refer to James Goddarp, Esq. Maco.i. Oct 10. 1836. hacon steamboat company Commission Business, Darien. •C i ■' i tMuietxigood, h*Tfb4jlUlpMiil, Jbrofai— 'ns9 .A " have, and will as heretofore pay.. prompt atten tiou to all business entrusted to their care. We believe, we have made arrangements that will enable ns at all times to forward goods for the interior with the least possible delay, by steamboats when tire river will ad mit, or in extreme low river by small fiats or lighters, built expressly for that business. On our wharves are large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot ton at the least possible expense, and our opportunities to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not excel ed by any other House. Darien, May 20,1836. ■■■IIAIVCS. MITCHELL A COLLINS OGLETHOPE INSURANCE & TRlfiTTCO. OF THE CITS- OF .TJ.SCO.V. T ilE public are hereby informed that the late Mer chants’ Insurance and Trust Company of this city has recently been incorporated by the Legislature of this State, under the above title, with authority to increase the Capital Stock to 500,000 Dollars, and to exercisA TRUST and sundry other privileges. 100,- 000 dollars of said Capital has been paid in. and will at all times be held in readiness to pay any losses due by this Company. Risks are taken to and from this city to any port or place, on as liberal terms to the« » sored os any other Insurance office. Loans will I e taken, tod bills of Exchange purchased, Ac. WJf. B. PARKER. Pres’t James Rea, Sec’y. Jan 26 17 sTl' \'lBOAT, J. STONE, h .. SUPERIOR, C»pt. Mandei l, •I Gxo. WlLLCOX EXCEL, “ J- L. Willcox T HIS Company has now their line of Bouts 11 complete order for freighting. They have a mxv steamboat called the J. -STONE,.low pressure added to the lino, which will run regularly he ■ween Savannah and Darion. sTMMBOAT SUPERIOR, Capt G Willcox, EXCEL. ’• J- Willcox, v .ilr.i i regularly betwuon Macon and Darien, one of tin- Steamboats leaving Darien every live or six days with tow bouts. The co iipmy have '3 tow boats (all first rate boats,) iuilt expressly for the navigation of the Ontntilgee ,, id Alaumaha rivers, {heir increased facilities will en- j rile,he company the mean* of giving the greatest-1 despatch t<» cotton, or goods shipped by their line, 'ivvliave iwo SCHOONERS to carry cotton and) Merchandise between Darien am’ Charleston. There are also seven first rate PACKETS running tUiTy between Darien and New York, which come is Hawes, Mitchell & Collin*. , .sants for the above boats t J. GODDARD, Macon. Baldwin it Co Savannah. Ki;n, Bov*k At Co Charleston, . Hawks. Mitchell Afc Collins. Darien, Gko. R. Robkuts, llawUnsvillc. i.ui 16 - ' Ormttlttee SicaaiGoat Common u* ...■•iffviisw THE Public are .uformed to T.P. STUBBS, Corner Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street. I S receiviug and has in store a general stock of G ••eerie* and stpale goods among which art 50 bags prime green coffee 10 do old Java (very tine) 10 hlids sugar 50 bbls Flour 150 bbls domestic liquors. 30 qr casks wine (some of which are favor ite brands 20 each, whole and half bbls crackers 100 kegs nails assorted 20 kegs 3d dp' •50 bbls mackerel 65,000 lb* Georgia cured bacan 2,000 do leaf lard And many other articles which makes bis stack and assortment very good. Country merchants and others are requested to call and examine for themselves. T.P. STUBBS, march 22 25 3m Molasses Sugar, Coffee. Ai:. J UST received and for sale on favorable terms by E. BUSS IEEE, 100 hlids priqie Cuba Molasses, 47 „ „ St Croix and Porta Itic* Sugar. 200 bags prime Cuba Coffee, 100 „ „ Laguila d» 50 „ „ white Java, 100 bbls N E Rum, 150 „ Northern Gin, 150 „ Baltimore Whiskey, 150 ,. Monoiigahala Whiskey, March 9 2 < Watches. Jewelry, Silver Ware gud Fd.V C r G RQDS,^ . At the LcWcst Prices, C.U. ST. JOHN. \Vatch Maker and Jeweler, Cotton Avenue, oppo site the Washington Hall, respectful ly informs hi* friends and the public, that be is now opening a sew and splendid assortment of WATCHES & JEWELRY, of the best quality and latest fashions, consisting in part of the following articles, viz: Ladies’ and gentlemen’s Gold Duplex, Patent Le ver, Anchor Escapement and Lepine Watches; In dies fine Gold Curb. Guard, Basket & Caole Chains; Watch Hooks, Seals and Keys; Swivels, Finger Ri s, Ear Ringsaud Broaches; children’s Ear Knobs and > res; gentlemen's Curband Linked Guard and Fob O. ’ns. Seals, Keys, Swivels, Sleeve links, bo som and . Bar Buttons, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Guard .Sea. »nd Keys, Medalions, gold and gilt Buc- kies, silver an.. Scotch SntitT Boxes, gold and silver Everpointed Pencils, silver audgilt Bracelets, gilt, sil ver and slid) Combs, gold and silver Thimble*, gold, silver and steel Spectacles with glasses to suit every eye. Seed Coral. large Coral. Coral Necklaces, Bead Bags, Chains and Purses, a variety of cut and plain Beads, Spy Glasses, Quizzing Glasses, Pocket Books, Emory cushions, card and cigar cases, imitation fruit, luejfer matches, fire machines, Rogers A Sons’, and Wade A Butcher’s razors, Emerson’s razor straps, scissors, dirks, chess men aud board, backgammon' boards, dice, dominoes, steel pens, walking canes, pistols, powder flasks, shot pouches, game bags, otto of roses, cologne, lavender and Florida water; fancy, soap, lip salve, pearl and tooth powder, flute*, Hageo- lett*, accordion*; shell music boxes, large music boxes, oplay from 3to 12 tunes, fiddles qnd fiddle strings, gentlemen’s dressing cases, hair aud tooth brushes Birmingham and Sheffield silver platedeastors, liquor stands, candlesticks, branches, fruit baskets, suit tiers and snufi*er trays, tea tmys, silver table, tea. desert, salt, mustard and cream spoons, soup ladles, sugar tongs and butter knives; marble, ebony and alabaster mantle docksto run eighteen days without winding, military and military Trimmings, nd a variety of other artieles usually kept in his line, all of which lie will sell at tlie lowest cssh prices. He respectfully invites citizens and persons generally vis iting our city to call at his store and examine hi* stock, where he is over ready and happy to attend to those who may favor him with their calls; N B—Particular attention paid to Watch Repair ing. Having selected the best of materials for repair ing Watches, he is now prepared tp manufacture any part of a Watch, and will warrant every pieco lie makes as perfect as the original, and his Watches to perform well. Oct 27 7 —— MBITS, MBITS, MI.1TS •EORGE A. KDmiiEKLY R ESPECT! ULLY solicits the attention of pur chasers to a very large assortment of Hats and Caps, which have been made by him expressly for retailing, and are warranted to be of superior style and quality to any over before offered in Macon; among his assort ment may be found, Super fashionable black and drab beaver Hats, do broadbrim do for elderly men, do fash do d* satin beaver do do do do black .aid drab Russia beaver. Wide, meridian and narrow brims, otter, nutria, musk rat, raccoon and cony hats of every variety of shape i nd style, Youths’ beaver and satin beaver hats, latest fashions, Erer mod Cloth Caps, consisting of super No 1, Otter Caps, ». •* “ seal, mink, muskrat and oony d* r, mens and boyy full top cloth caps. 'mryy,, „ Robinson’s do do ., acorn top celeste caps, children’s fancy silk caps, Ac. Ac. A-e. Fur cape*, Pelerins, muffs and ruffs, consisting of chinchilla, lynx, sqnirrel, sable, ermine, genett, rab bit and swansdonn. Hats made to order at shortest notice. Hat trimmings, aleohol and shellack, constantly ot. hand. Oct 2<* 3 InitflW WASUINUTON HALL. THE Subscribers have taken that cam modious and well knowu public house in the City of Macon,—the Washington Hall, lately occupied by Mr. M. D. Huson.— By the unremitting attention of both of them, they flatter themselves that their House will ob tain for them a general patronage from the Public.— They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, i* inferior to no one in the State. Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. The Stables are attended bv careful and experienced Ostlers. MUSTLAN A MOTT. Feb 5 1835 36 CENTRAL HOTEL, .Tlacon, Georgia. HIS establishment is now under the controiof the subscriber, who pledges himself to render i f t nmo comfortable those who may rail on him. Feb25 35 PETER J. WILLIAMS. Vuguiitbie EE> 'Eli vdJtrJU •dt.djJc EJULES, A ciridm aua lusmtg Curcjur tiiat uisiu-sc. T (iL subsetUiers haviUg Lee!) appoi iteospecial agents tor the sale of Uallighau s I ever and i'ue Ptiis, arepreptrud to furnish planters anocountry under* with stipule* o! . sau!article; on term* equally as favorable as tuey cat^ be obtained of the proprie tors. • Galligiian’S Pills, ihongJi useful for all diseases which originate in a superabunuaiil coiltctnn cl Lue u, ;be stomach, are mute particularly intended lor i'evcruiid Ague. In tlie first place Jiey cleanse, strengthen a id give tone to the stomach and bowels,uuo create u new and hoalthy action throughout the system. '1 liey pro duce a natural aud peiuiunent appetite; they oeieiid the system agaiust new or subsequent, attacks u! the disease; they assist the various operations of nature by cleansing the system of ali vitiated, corrupt and acrid humors, and thus invigorate and reanimate the whole Possessing a jiurgatite quality, they cannot this Company has now in opera- r tinn, tlircrt Steamboats, viz. tbo *Ocn:uJgee, Cant. Blankenship, ■ Ivins between Darien mid Savannah; and the Ala untliia. C-'»l>i- Lewis Wilcox, and Omiet, Capt Brant- hv. between Darien and Macon Tlie two boat*leave Darien for Mncou, alternately crcrr week with tinv boats, and being built expressly fj| tile trade, ami commanded by experienced Cap- ;tin, are enabled to perform the trip with despatch, .;nd bold forth indueeniente for those persons to ship t v the Company who wish to got their goods or pro- ,,'jrs cjptdiliously to market. The company having h it* charier, the privilege of insuring, will, at a lial.-ratn rate of premium, lake risk* on goods nr pro duce shipped by its boats, or placed in charge of its ngciit* forsliipraent. Agent* for tlie nlmve boat* t REA A COTTON, Macon. GODEY A KIMBERLY, Hawkinsville. P. it. YONGE A. SONS, Darien. GRANT A- YONGE, Savannah. BOYCE, HENRY A WALTER, Charleston. Ian 24 17 _ ' WAKE HOUSE ,BVD CO.lM.fMMSS i O.V B t S BY ESS. Myrick, Napier « I rc, - >mau inform tlioir friends and the public gent rally, that they are enlarg ing their Ware House ndjoiniug their i .more on Colton Avenue, und will have it ready for the reception of cotton by the commence ment of tlie ensiling season. AH cotton consigned to them by Planters aud others, dealing in the article, or order* to buy and soil 1 u the market, will he promptly •vtanded tThey likewise inform those Merchants trho farwant their goods by Macon, that they have a large and safe Brick Store, for the reception or mer chandize, and will receive and forward aH goods con signed tu them. Their charges in every instance will he ,a* low ns i* customary in the city. Liberal advnn- cts will h: luado uu coitoil stored With them or ship ped hv them to any other market. _ . Having oue of the partners of their firm (Mr. A. R. Freeman) located in the city of New York for the pur pose of atfordmg the necessary facilities to their busi ness in Macon, they respectfully inform .Merchants and other* who have business to transact in that city, that he will he prepared to allcnd to any Coiniuie-ion Business 'witli which lie mav ho favored. r i bey cm (Groceries. HHD Sugar. <% /OV 15 do Molasses, 20 hags Cotiee, 10 bbls Rice, J2 •* Cider, 12 “ Beer, 24 doz Porter, Ale, and Cider in battles, 35 boxes Raisins. 12 sucks Almonds and Filbert*. 20 M best und common Begars; 12 boxes sperm Candles, Just received and for sale by C. L. HOWLAND A Ca. Feb 23 21 Corner Cotton Avenue A. 2d sts. J UaT RECEIVED and for sale by SMl’llI RODGERS A Co. 250 bids Prime Rum, Gin and Whiskey, 60 bbls Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, SI bbls and half bbls prime Flour, Cidqr, Apples, Sugar, Coffee, and many other ar ticles equally desirable, too tedious to mention. The above good* ran be bought low for cash. SniT/t, Rodgkrs A Co. would particularly invite those who are indebted to them to call immediately and pay their note* and accounts, as they arc needing the money to pay their own debts. Macon, Jan 12 15 rtfew CJ-oods. T HE subscribers are just receiving a splendid stock o SPRING GOODS, which having been purchased under very favorable circumstauce will bo sold cheap. CRAFT A LEWIS. April 10 28 ran HE copartnership heretofore existing under the ifi firm of Jones, Dickinson & Co. is by mutual consent, this day dissolved. L. S. JONES, TIM. DICKINSON, E AUGUSTUS WAKE Macon. Mav 17. 43. Copartnership »Yotier. T HF. subscriber!-, have this day formed a copart nership in business, under the firm of. Dickinson »V Ware, and occupy.the store furmcly occupied by Jones, Dick inson A Co., where the business of that firm will be liquidated. TIMOTHY DICKINSON, E. AUGUSTUS WARE. Macon, May 17 34. dissolution, T HE copartnership heretofore existing under the film of WILLIAMS A BRADLEY is this day dissolved by mutual consent Either of tlie firm is duly authorised to settle the business of the concern. All persons indebted to the concern are requested to make immediate payment, as it is necessary the busi ness should be closed immediately. J. G. WILLIAMS, C. H. BRADLEY. Having deposed of our entire stock to Messis WHEELER A TOW NSEND, in whom we have perfect confidence,we take pleasure in recommending them to our friends and tlie public generally. May 1 fit 31 W. A R. arovxcE. T IIE subscribers would inform the public that tipsy have formed a connection in busiuess under the firm of EJRGM.VSSt STREVGEEELO W, And will contimie at the old stand of J. A. A S. S. Virgin, on Cotton Avenue, where all favors in their line " ill be punctually attended to. See our Advertisement. DR. STRINGEFLLOW will be absent a short time from the city, after bis return from Charleston, he will attend to Dental Operations, in all its branches. Single gi whole set* of teeth sot on gold plnte or pivots, plugging, Ac. All work warl ranted to stand. Ilis office for gentleman will Im at our store. Ladies will be attended to at his bouse by leaving their <ard the day previous. Dentists can ho supplied with incorruptible Teeth, Gold Foil, and materials generally, of which we intend to keep a good supply. j. A. VIRGIN. S. 8. VIRGIN, March 16 24 Dr S. L STRING FELLOW. Wor Sale. (J A|i KEGS prime family Butter, 40 bbls and 4 bbls Flour, 10 kegs Tobacco, by C. L HOWLAND A Co. Corner of Cotton Avenue A Second st. Jan 27 17 if (U“ Xtook at ^hiSa T HE subscribers have lately received a variety of merchandise consisting of Dry Goods, IMqrdtcare, Groceries, Superior Oils for lamps and'pain's; Saddlery, Hats, Bonnets, Ac. Ac. which they believe will bear com parison inquality and price to any in the city. Per sons wishing to purchase aro invited to call and ex amine for themselves, as extravagant catalogues aud atmred puff*, are too often impositions. One cstah- ishipcut is located on the corner of Third and Mul berry streets, the other on the corner of Poplar street and Cotton Avenue. WM. B. PARKER A Co. Dec 15 11 tf The Oglethorpe House IS now open for die reception of visi tors. under the superiutendanco of Mrs Mary A Sinead. CALHOUN A BASS. Columbus. April 13 30 fit TO JSUU.lMg’ilB And Contractors TUB’ VC ' \CCDT GEOIXGi.l. c__a J i.tving-rei • •< a -.iober nf at-mmu- mentions from individual*, making .uqpi- ries respecting my Brio- Machine, irrven-j -fit ted by Calvin Waterman, aud nov. :r; sue- j eesiful operation in this place. 1 take this j method of anwesring them. I invite ad whoieel di.*po- | sed to purchase rights to entpe and see the operation of tlie machine, and if there be one who says he is disappointed in his expectations I bind myself tv pay the expenses of his trip. I <lo not expect to sell a right to any one without their first having seen the machine, but iti order to afford an idea of it* value I annex the following certificates.-one of them signed by two of the most experienced Brickmakers in the Southern St«te». In iny absence from .Macon the Editors of the Messenger will act ns my authorised agents. T. L. SMITH. April 19 1837 tf 29 _ remain in thoboMcisio procure cuil. other diseases I as often follow the injudicious treatment of the fever aud ague. They i*r» composed entirely of vegcfabi6 mutter, and may* be taken by peiscus of‘b<ln texra and of all ago*, wi It uu the least danger of unpleas int cnuscqueuces. in fine, tile j bhlic are assured time’s Pills possess those inestimable virtues, widen are requisite not only to arrest, hut to eradicate and oesttoy the last seeds ot ti:is mo d distressing ma in ay of the hum.hi family. Tlie proprietors s.drnmlv pV !::e themscives th t they do not contain a parlir.le of minerals in anyshapo or foitu, hut are composed entirely of simple vegetable substances either separately or rond:tned/’and which without regard to *<x or age are penectly harmless in titeir etiiccis upon the htimap system Letters anti Crujgcaies; Frcpi Lev. ifi.’t. UUIbom, lU:r.c.-lph county. Ga. October24ih, Ie35. SScssrs Fletcher tf It'estcott, Gentlemen—It affords me great pleasure to five nnj testimony iu favor of \ cur “GaHigiian’*’Fever anil Ague Fills.’’ I have lepentcdiy en ployed them in my family,and in every case they have succeeded be yond my hopes, iu effecting thorough and permanent cures. They have also be-ii used extensively in my neighborhood. during tlie past season, with the sanio happy and salutary effects. The people iu tiiis section of country cannot tod highly appreciate them, to; in my opinion they stand at the very head of the listof medicines for thp Fever arid Ague, Be assured I shall not fail to recommend them to all persons whom Wc having wituessed the performance of MrT L ■ I may meet with afflicted with licit roubiesoine and Smith’s new Brick Machine, invented by t aiviu Vva- j distressing disease. Yours respectively. War. Wellborn. From Dr. John D. Taylor, of Tallahassee, Florida. Copartnership Iffotice, ... „„ ... r - i narmORERT WHEELER and E. P. TOWNSEND p.*t; B ■»» ** »v*— i'#*t favors, and solicit a cnnfiiiuation of their patron LOOS AS? THIS l Watches. Jetrelry, Sitter Ware. Sc. VIRG1N8 «c STRINGFELLOW Would inform their friends and the public that they still continue at their stand on Cotton Avenue, and hivejust received afresh supply of Goods, con. sisting in part of the following articles Geutleinen’s and Ladies’ gold lever anchor esrapemer,t independent second lepine and vertical WATCHES; silver lever plain and extra jewelled lepine and vertical do. all of which were se lected with choice tosuit this market, and will bo war ranted to perforin well; Ladies’ gold Neck Chains ; Gentlemen’s gold and silver Guard and Fob Chains: gold and silver guard and fob Keys; Ear Knobs aud Drops; Breast Puis and Finger Rings of all kinds; gold, silver, gilt, aud pearl Belt Duckies and Slides, Bracelets'nnd Heai} Belts; gold and silver everpoint ed Pencils, steel P.eps oftbe best qualities, gold, silver and steel spectacles, Quizzing Glasses,* silver table, tea, dessert, salt and mustard Spoons; sonpandcream Ladles, Sugar Tongs. Butter and Fruit Knives, silver Cups, Thimbles, Castors, Candlesticks, silver, brass, andbionzed; coral, gilt and glass Beads; ladies’ Bags ofthe latest fashions, Pusres and Pocket Books, Clari onetts, Flageoletts, Flutes, Fifes, Accordians, Music Boxes large and small. Drums, Organ* and Violins Walking Sticks of various kinds : silver, gilt, shell, horn and ivory Combs , Tea and Cotfte Pots, Bread Baskets silvei and japanned, fine painted Waiters, Knives, Razors, Saunders’ celebrated Razor Straps with tablets. Pistols of various kinds, Dentists’ Files, Gold Plate, Wire. Foil Ac toy Watches, Rattles and Whistles for children; Sauff boxes, Percussion cap.*, Pipe*, riegar Tubes, Pocket Compasses. Mathemati cal Instruments, Ac. MILITARY GOODS. Swords, Belts, Epauletts, Plumes, Sashes, Buttons, Lace, stars, ornaments too numorous to mentiou, which will be sold cheap for cash, or approved city accep tances. N. B.-rrWe have a choice selection of materials for repairing Watches, and are prepared to make ony new part, which will warrant to perform os well as the original. Virgins & Stringfellow feel grateful for past favors, and would still solicit a share of the pulic patronage, hoping to give satifaction to all who may favor them in Jieir linn. March 16 24 In addition to their present stock, they will receive •’arlv this fill a fine asssrtramit of Wry Gooils, Groceries! Hardware* Cutlery, Jlalc Hope, Heavy Ilcmp, Colton Hogging, Ite.Klynsacle Clothing, Ac. &c. Ac. ►nitahl* for-the fall trado, all of which they offer for sale mi the most reasonable tsrtw Macon, August 25 61 tf Jnst RrecIved and for sale by _ C. E. MiO IVE.EVB ft Co. Q, Kegs of Nails, 20 boxes Soap, 10 hhd prime Sugar, 30 bags „ Coffee, 20 M best Cigars, 50 bbls Northern Giu> 20 bbls ale, 20 „ Porter, 60 doz Chiimpiiigue Cider, All of which will be sold on the most accommodating icrms lor cash or short credit. May 9 32 tfnst Received and for Sale. P RESH GROCERIES—viz: 50 bbls N E Rum 17 bales Feather*, 2 do white do 10 bbls sperm Oil, G du clarified do 10 do dry Malaga Wine in qr casks 5 | do Sherry do 3 do Whiskey and Neutral Rum 50 boxes and 4 boxes l'aisin* Cognac Brandy 1st quality 12 boxes white and marble Snap Lemon Syrup and Family Butter By ISAAC NEWHALL. jan 12 15 Next door to the Post Office. f Bbls Family Flour JL W 75 Bbla Irish Potatoes. Ju»t received and for sale by REA A COTTON. April oih. ’ Jk/k SACKS Liverpool fine Salt, for sale by UVV March28 25 REA A COTTON. r Bees Wax. ASH will be given for good Bees Wax, by Der n 12 J. H. A W e ELLIS ■itidur the firm of WIIEELEB & TOWNSEND, mid having pun-based the entire slock of Messrs Williams A Bradley, will continue the business at the f old stand, in Third street, recently occupied by (bem. May 1 31 tf fHE SUBSCRIBERS H AVE purchased Mr. Laird H. Wilkv’s inter est ill thelate firm of Fort, Hamilton & Wi- i.kv. ni)d Hamilton, Haves A Co. and given IRA E. FORT an interest in tbo same. The Dry Goods business will bo continued at the same place, under the firm of Fort, Hamilton A Co. and the Ware Houses and Commission Business as heretofore, under the firm of HAMILTON, HAYES A Co. FORT. HAMILTON A Co. June 23 52 Piano Portes. gjll Splendid Boston PIANOS, with 2 and 3 pedals, Just received by jan 12 15 - CRAFT A LEWIS. Wake ftotiee. T HE subscribers having purchased the interest of J. Cowles in the firm of Geo. IV Price A Co. the business in fntnre will be conducted under the same name, by ' WILLIAM COOKE, jan 1 14 GEO W PRICE Notice.' HE copartnership existing in this place b< tween the subscribers under the firm of ANPLKSON, T he copi the sub: BHL PECK A Co. is this day dissolved by-mutual consent The iiusett'ed business of the concern will be attended to by John Anderson or J M Peck Carpeting". J U^T received a laige stock of Brussels, Ingrain cd and Stair Carpeting . Also, Oil Chtb Carpeting from 2 to 20 feet wide . April 20 29 CRAFT A LEWIS. , Summer Clothing. VERY large assortment made up to order, April 20 Jus*, received by 29 ’ CRAFT A. LEWIS. Bolting Cloths n LL sizes and qualities, ^April 20 -jr" IN SEED OIL AND TRAIN OIL just reteiv I 1 ed aud for sale by ^ Dec 29 13 J FI. A W. 8 FI.LIS. New Fall anti Winter C(qlliing> A T the Macon Clothing Store, one door above Wm. B. Johnson's Jewelry Store. The sub scriber is now receiving his Tall and Winter Stock of Clothing, (which ha* been manufactured by I.ewi* Fitch the past summer,) and which will be sold off* as cheap, for cash, as at any other establishment, consisting or Super duck, Blue. Brown, Green, Iqriniblo Creen and Clkret Dress Coats. Super Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Invisible Green Claret and Mixed Frock Coats. Brown, Green, Mixed aud Cadet mixed Coatees. Fine Blue. Black, Green, Brown and Mixed Pants. Super ribbed, striped, corded and plaid Casiiuercdo Beaverteen, Cord and Lion Skin Pantaloons. Miper Blue, Brown, Green, Mixed and Drab Over Coats. , Goat's Hair and German Camblet Wrapper do. Gentlemen’s super Blue, Black aud Invisible Green Broadcloth Cloaks, Judies’super Olive, Grcea ond Claret Broadcloth Cloaks. Ladies’ figured Merino, plain do. aod Circassian Cloaks. Supep Blue and Pilot Cloth OverCoats. Drab, Blue and Olive Duffle Over Coats; Lion Skin and Green Blanket Over Coats; Kentucky Jeans Frock Coats und Pantaloons; Cloth, Satinet, Peters ham and UeaverteeR Hunting Coats, Cloth and Satin et Round Jackets. Black and Blue Cloth black figured and plaid Vel vet, plain aud'figured English |Silk, dark Valencias, Toiliuef, Woollen Velvet, black and striped Satin, Bombazine, Tabby Velvet, and Satinet Vesta, Fine Linen and Cotton Shirts, plaid and striped Gingham Shi *s,Silk, Cotton, Merino patentand lamb Wool Shirts tet cotton and woolen, flannel Canton flannel and; ril' d cotton Drawers. Wool, La d Wool, patent Merino and brown cot ton Half H » Fiue W »' Buck, Horaeskin, Beaver, White Kid Lienerf B / j, Lisle thread, black, white and colored Silk Gloy h Black*, whito Silk Half Hose; Russian Belts Money Br a, nett, worsted and cotton, Silk and Gum S’isponders, Cravat and Cravat Stiffeners, Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Bombazine, Satin, Velvet plain and plaited Stocks, blue, black and white crimped Silk Stocks, Spitalfield, English Silk, red and yellow Ban dana, white and red Pongee 3>lk Pocket Handker chiefs, plain and ruffled Bosoms, Collars, Purses,Cloth, Fur and Hair Seal Skin Caps, Wool Hats, a large as sortment of Fur Hats, Silk Hats. BooD and Shoes, a grod stock of Negro Clpthing, also fine blue and black Cloths, Canvas, Padding, gilt and lasting Butt >ns, Coiton Wadding. Military Ball Buttons. Cord, Tas sels, Stars, Lace, Epauletts, &c. Ac. Nov. 17 7 HORACE FITCH Gentlemen wishing their Cloths made at the North will, by leaving their names with me, have them made in the best manner, hud most fashionable style. |LE• For Sale, 3.5D.OOO atL, 61 hlids St. Croix Sugar of superior quality, 50 bags Coffee, 45,000 lbs Swede Iron, 100 kegs Nails, assorted, 25 hhds choice Molasses, 150 whole and half bbls Canal and Ricnniond Flour, 5 pipes pure II. Ginand C. Brandy warranted pure and three years old, 20 bbls oU Monongahala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Rum, and20 Gin, * 41 DAVID RALSTON- terman, now in operation in t!ii» place, take pleasure in recommending it to the pub! • . The fact of its per formance is its best recomv endption We tinted it. and find that with new moulds and inexperienced hands, it made at the rate r.f Two Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty-Eight Bricks per hour. By moulding ten hours in the day it would therefore mm out Twenty- three thousand and six hundred per day. It requires six boys to bear off, four to saud the moulds, Ac. to gether with four grown men. Thus fourteen hands are sufficient to make the above named quantity of die most beautiful brick per day. " John springer, Macpp,April 14th 1837. DAVID F WILSON. I have witnessed the performance of Mr Tliend- rick L Smith’s new Brick Making Machine, just put into operation in liijs place, and feel-no hesitation in pronouncing it agreat end useful improvement ph any other method of Brick making I have ever seen—both as to the quality of llio Brick and expedition in ma king. By request I tinted the machine for lmlf ail hour The result or that trial shows that widi 14 hands the machine will turn out of heaqtiful and rcell tempered Brick,23G-i in one hear, or about 40 to the minute. JNO. RUTHERFORD. Macon. April 19 1937 T 1 JTOTMCE. IJE subscribers having purchased of Messrs J. A W. Baldwin theit very extensive and wel! selected Stock of Goods, and taken their store, corner Cotton Avenue and Cheriy street, is prepared io off. r such inducement* to purchasers as will not fail to insure a iibciai share of public patronage. Country, Merchants, Planters and mheis arc re- spectfuUy'invited to call where they will find a laige assortment of staple and fanev Dry Good*, and tiro cerics. JOHN J. BENNETT iMrcon, April 13 28 :f For sale by 29 CRAFT A LEWIS. Winter Strained &perm Oil. UsT received for *ale_ by Dec 2- J. H. AW. S. ELLIS. 12 Macon, May 16, ) a 37 34 J ANDERSON, J M PECK, TD JOHNSON, J S JONES. April 20 To Rent. Possession given immediately. The brick house re endy occupied by Ossian Gregory, corner of Cherry and 3d sued* na a dwelling Apply to Mr. Graves, (store underneath.) or to 29 OSSL4N GREGORY. Til E SUBSC! RrBER offers hi* HOUSF and LOT f»r sale in East Macon, contain ing abont 7 acres, with »bout 300 froi tree* of the bestselections. Any persoi wishing to purchase will do well to call mt; examine the premises. The term* will he liberal. .May 18 34 3t GEO. B. WARDLAW. ••••]& lOOO Dee. 1 Butler. Ibs. Pennsylvania Butter. For sale by 9 CHARLES CAMPBELL. For Sale. -g LBS- Fresh LEAF LARD, of su i f 1Fperior quality, prepared here, and pat up iti neat covered tin canns, containing about 75 lbs each. Also, in progress of curing, 75000 lbs choice BACON, by ~ WM. B PARKER & Co. Jail 26 17 Ladies Cloaks. C LOTH and Merino Cloaks—worth from 840 to $50. nov 10 6 CRAFT A LEWIS. Carpeting. J UST received, a few pieces of Ingrain Carpeting which is for sale at reduced prices, dec 15 II O W PRICE A Co Medicine Chests, 10R plantations and families, with directions for using- For sale by J. H. A W. S. ELLIS. Nov 17 7 Cotton Avenue Flour, Bacon, Lard, &c. -g BBLS Ohio Flour, prime quality, Jl nJY xx 40 Kegs laird, 3500 Ibs Georgia cured Bacon, 10 tierces Rice, Just received and for sale by April 13 26 REA A COTTON. New Carriage Establishment- T HE subscriber will receive in a lew days a largo stock of Carriages, Barouches, Sc. Most of them made by the best workmen ;h Newark and New Haven, LUKE BLISS. Macon. Dec 14 11’ Take XtToiice. T t HE subscriber having disposed of his interest in the firm of Geo. W. Price A Co. to William Cooke and Geo. W. Price, who will receive and pay sll debts of raid firm. jan 1 , . J COM T ; l- 9 V DOZ. very superior Leioou ayiup, tF40 doz „ „ Stoughton Bitters, For sale by i April 20 29 _ H. A J. SHOT W ELL. Genuine Rowand’s Tonic Mixture. A FRESH supply just received and for sale by Nov 17 7 J. H. A W. s. ELLIS, Cotton Avenue, Macon. Ba lOOO p "i5' L90J98 LU»ii . IIE undersigned have determined on closing their business and aro non offering their stock, ton sisting of a general assortment of Stable ami Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Shoe's, Sadtllery. SMnreitrarc Sr. tat ten per cent on New York ;nd Bosto J >*t, at r a 1 Messrs. Fletcher Sf IVestcott, Gentlemen.—Having pre.-erihed Ga'.lighan’s Pills, in several cases of Fever and Ague, with the most favorable result*, I cheerfully r- commend them a* n valuable medicine, to persons afflicted with that dis- ■ease. Re-pectlully, Ac. Tallahassee, Dec. 1835. JNO. B TAYLOR, M. D. From Dr. Wm. J. Johnson, Ft rl Gaines, Georgia. Messrs Fieldu.r If II estcott, Gentlemen—From the trials I have repeatedly given “ GaIJighan's Vegciable Fever und Ague Piils,” dur ing tbo present tali and past summer, in the cure of intermittent or ague and fever, I take pleasure iu re- corpiiici ding them as a certain and *pe.:ilic remedy— how obstinate soever the case* may be. These Pills bay ■ been extensively used in tlii* section oi' the.coun- try, and so far a* I know, without disappointing the. expectations of a single individual. 11th Nov. 1635. WM J. JUl'NSON, M. D. From the llcv P..L. Jaikson, Fort Gaines, Georgia. Messrs- Fletcher Sf II estcott, Nov 12th, 1835. 1 have a prejudice again.*! patent medicines, and es pecially against these that “ pledge to cure in every in stance,” but truth compel* uie to say, that of the 200 boxes of vour pills wt.ieli 1 purchased to sell, not one box. to my knowledge, lia* tailed to cure. A lew months ago. Guliighan’s Piils were unknown here.aud , now they are sent lor by the mail boys, Ac. (>0 miles, south apd east, I shall probably find sale tor a Thous and boxes next year, and wish you io send me that number when convenient. I leal that, in common with ell who are subject to the disease, I am ihuch, in debted to you, aud hove no doubt you wril meet with your well-tarred reward. Respectfully vmns. Ac. P. L. JACKSON. From Dr. S. M Jagersoll, Columbus, Georgia I have used Gabighau’s Pills’ with success,—they have inoie than nlet my expectations. Nov 20, irl&. A. M. INGKRSOLL, M. 1). From Dr. Elijah A. Dunn, Ifuington, Alabama. - Messrs. Fletcher Sf tleste.ut, Nov, 1, 1635. Gentlemen—Agrocabiy to your wish I .-iin pleased to state how lai 1 am acquainted with the character of your “Fever and Ague pills.” During the Inst sum mer and fall they have been murb used in this part of per centon ."View vorK ;nu nosio | ost, ai _______ tforcash; and 5 percent at wholesale forjea-h, oi go d the country, .and. so far as 1 have observed, they have paper, payable |st January next, with mti rest. G <• j proved highly beneficial to those v\ bo h^< taker them. .i li... *n ordinary cases of Ague and Fe __ _ hi rcspectfuily invite-our friends and the public to give us a call. WILLIAM FORT ACo Those indebted to us would do well to make nime diate payment. Feb9~ _I9 faints and Gils. gw-Ah Kr.GS White Lead, pure. U 300 kegs „ j. No 1, 200 „ „ „ No 2, j 1000 gallons Linseed Oil, prime, , 1000 „ Lamp „ 500 Train ., CO ,. Neats foot oil, 2W „ Spts Turpentine, Venetian red, Spanish brown, ludiau red, Cbrone j green, chrone yellow, Piussian blue. Sp»ui*h float, j Indigo, Vermillion, Chinese aud Eiig.ish drop Lake, drop black, lamp black, red lead, litharge, Turkey Umber, Tana Descientia, Pumice stone, A’erdigris ground in caustics, smalts, blue brown and green frosting*, blue, white, green and purple yellow Ochre whiting, rqse pink, gold and silver leaf, gold bronze, imitation gold bronze, copper bronze, copal varnish for pictures. Abo a general assortment of PAINT BRUSHES consisting of ground paint brushes. sa3h tools, camil hair blenders, sable hair blenders, varnish brushes, graining brushes, sable portrait Pencil*, lining I rush es. wire bound Fitch tools, white washing and plais- tcrors brush 's, scrubbing and shoe brushes, Just received and for sale by April 20 20 H. A J. SHOTWr.LL. . HATS*,. Crockery <at Y.rare» T New York Cost for sale by , Oc». 27 4 GEO. W. PRICE'# CO o ; F Vinegar. N consignment.—A few barrels first rale Apple Vinegar. Country Merchants will lie stippliec nf. favorable terms by J. It A W. S. F/L1.1S. Gurdcit Svedi. * - ' RESII from Baltimore. J ust received bv Jan 19 16 ., CRAFT A LEWIS.-.,- Puffer- Hunglngk. LARGE stock—some spleadid patterns, for sale bv N»v 24 H , f . CRAFT A LEWIS. ' “ Btirai Print's. * N assortment dark small figured French print* nov 10 6 For *»<» bvCI»A FT A I * V ' * : ’l.'ouic Mixture 4 ordinary cases of Ague and Fever, medical advice is seldom souslit; but 1 have recommended your pills to the sick iu one or two very obstinate cases, and the use of them was followed n rib signal success. I therefore consider your pills a 'safe and valuable medicine for Ague end Fever, and cheerfully recom mend them to the notice of persons afflicted with that disease. With respect, YourOht Serrt. ELIJAH A. DUNN, M. D. Just Received and for sale a large supply of the a- bovc Pills at tlie proprietors price by II itJ. SHOTWELL, Agents. Corner third and Mulberry streets, opposite tie Central Hotel, Macon Botanical X&edisines. B AYBERRY BARK, powdered, Golden Scat do Hemlock Bark powdered; Ncrvin powdered, Prickly Ash do, „ Poplar Bark „ Wild Cherry do „ Slippery Elm do ,. White Pond Lilly; Lobelia Seed, Lobelia, herb; Skunk Cabbage, Indian Turnip; Golden Thread; • Indian Sage; Samach Bark, - Balmony or Bitter ivoot; BitterSweet. Gum Myrrh; Cayenne Pepper, African. Just received and for sale by April20 29 H. A J. SHOTWELL. A AffNCJL Fevef and Ague-Clithvtiri |T —Quinine Mixture, lor sale by nril 26 a* J. II. A IV. .9. F LTS, * G EORGIA. But's coumy —George R Bvars of th.'614tli district, G M. toils before Clayton Sf Ccody. a justice of the peace fin said county, one bay mare, supposed to be six or seven years old, with a switch tail, and her left bin ! )eg white nearly half way up, and shod all round. Appraised by W O Jenkins and Robert Byars to sixty dollar*,this 9th May, 1837. 34 JOHN GOODMAN. Clerk. -gTAOUit month* after date application will be made JE to the Inferior court of Houston county, sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the slaves be longing to the estate of Ilenrv Rouse, late of said con nt “.deceased. ELIJAH BURNHAM. Mav 15 33 Adin’r. To Rent. A Dwelling House, with the requisite Also a store at the same place, in a thickly settled HlH.rfiJi’s Improved. i'E.MST POWDERS. % ovvders are an admirable substitute for Yeast in making all kinds of Batter Cukes, and have the advantage over that article in making the batter perfectly light and ready for baking the inst uvt they arc mixed. Buckwheat and other cake's, when' ■cade with these powders, are less likely to disagree with the stomach, than those made with yeast; and as- it require* but a few minutes to prepare for bakingy- tlic possibility of having ti. era sottris entirely avoid “T Sold by. 11 A J SHOTWELL, Corner of Mulbeyry a|id Third streets, Macon.. ■Mjv io ; T aft-” - u : ! - DY DANIEL T» REA. OPPOSITE THE NEW MARKET. . T HE subscriber having in his employment (S«i^ of the most efficient workmen to be found, he*.-. will he abl? to underiake-larecfy eifheri > «rv countrv. all. kinds of House und Sign Painting;, Fancy Chair Painting; Gilding; a ir-J Glazing, P»t-er ffangtng. Imitation of U'oods aii'LMarble, Euameliirg, Air Ac. Feb 22 IV 2L - vVindew Glass BOX'E SJ8 by 10 W indou Glass’/ IH-25 f»- I0byJ12 do do.- 75 12 by 16 do do*. W Hby U do do' 20 fl by 16 do' dir 50 12 by 18 do do by H. A, J. SHOTAV ELI. Corner of 3<7 if Mulberry sts. opposite the Central hotel. Aprjl20 30 ~ Papering for Rooms. TUST received n-goudassoriment of haiulsome pa OjP . per hanstimtand borderine Rowand’s Tonic 91 lit nre.r