Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, June 13, 1837, Image 1

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By M. BARTLETT. .7E1CDJV. GEOHGIA. TUESDAY. JTUJVE 13.1837. VoliimeX t.'~Sumbe 'S. Terms of Subscription Turks Dom~uw, Conmiission Business, Darien» i,p*id in advance, willpayfor the pa- j 'tflHK undersigned have resumed business I vru Dollars, paid in adcance.wtll pay) JL bove, and wiU »a heretofore pay prompt Crficj<t/«r two jean, TssDollars.paid in advance Gil Mfir the peferfive gears. /fas miH paid within six months after the gear has efostenetd, Three Dollars and Fiftg Cents per annum .jill be charged. If not paid until the end of the year, fjtr Dollars per annum teill be charged—with interest thereafter. < Terms of.Advertisinfir. Jjtertisements not exceeding onesyuare, or 12 brevier r vti wiU be inserted onetime for One dollar. Whew. then one insertion is given, 50 cents for to C K iShsuincnt insertion. serifs’, Tax Collectors’and Coroners’ Sales ar e t.hat. pdbj the levy. * 0* aU accounts Jar Advertising. Job Prr nt j n „ t a.^ u util as for subscription, Interest will Jr c.arged pbi net settled within the year. * ’ K-fipnorktt Darien of Dachtt.s ** - BRIO Macon, A. Bibbins, Master. " Amelia StVo ng| Browu, “ Darien, c. P. Bulkey, “ « New J e*raey, B. Matthews, “ “ ,£ r **' r - lUm i 3. Copborn. " " (N.evtr) Schr. I>. B. Crane, Baker, “ Those vessels are all coppered, fastened 1 and built expressly f»r this trade, have experienced captains „ n Jj regularly once a week from each port. Vessels bound for Darien will find Dobny B r . easy of access: 19 to 21 feet water will bo found on the Bit at high water, the same depth can be carried with- in six miles of Darien, 13.feet cubic carried up to the city The anchorage in Doboy sound and river is partieulaily safe and good, with ample room, lor ves- £,[„ to carry off the whole cotton crops, coming down the rivers to Darien, HAWES, MITCHELL & COLLINS, Agents Darien. Refer to JjLtaxs Godpard, Esq. Muco.i. Oct 10. 1*36. 2 MACONTfEAMBOAT COMPANY. STEAMBOAT, j. STONE. Capt. JJaxdki l, *■ SUPERIOR, “ <**0- Willcux •• E.\CEL, « J. L. Willcox I qiHS Company has now their line of Boats i • complete outer for freighting. They have a new steamboat called the J. STONE, low pressure engine, added to the lino. vyhich will run rogu forty he raven Savannah and Darien. STEAMBOAT SUPERIOR, CaptG. Willcox. EXCEL. “ J. Wu,lcox- will ran regularly between Macon and Darien, one of ibe SiHainlmats leaving Darien every five or six days with tow boats. The company haA) 16-tow bants (nil first rate boats,) built exprefsiy fo™hp navigation of the Ocmolgee and Alatauiaha rivers, their increased facilities will en able the company the means of giving the greatest despatch to cotton, or goods shipped by their line. They have two SCHOONERS tu. carry cotton and merchandise.between Darien an<‘ Charleston There are.nlsoseven.first rato PACKETS running regularly between Dariennnd New York, which come to. Ilavyes, Mitchell & Collins. Agents tor the above boats: ^ J, GODDARD. Macon. L. Baldwin A Co, Savannah. Ivr.n, Boyce & Cq. Charleston, Hawks. Mitchkll & Cqllws. Darieu, Gko. R. Robkkts, Hawkinsviile. J.in23 18 ..... . i pay prompt atten turn to all business entrusted to their care. Wo believe wa nave made arrangements that will enable us at aU time* to forward goods for the interior with the least possible delay, by steamboats when the riyerwill ad- out, or vn extreme low river by small flat* or lighten, Dniit expressly for that business. On our wharves are. Urge Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot ‘On at tho least possible expense, and our opportunities to forward cotton inland or. coastwise, are not excel- ed by any other Honse. Darien, May 20, J836. o’ HAWES. MITCHELL & COLLINS. oglethoptinsubanei&tbbstcb. OF TM1E CITY OF MACOJT. ' T il E public are hereby, informed tfiat the late Mer chants’ Insurance and Truat Company of this city has recently been incorporated by the Legislature of this Stale, under the above title, with authority to increase tha Capital Stock to 500,00Q Dollars, and to exercise TRUST and sundry other privileges. 100,- 00Q,dollars, o? said Capital him, been paid in. and will at all times be held in readiness, to pay any losses due by this Company. Risks are taken to and from this City to any port or pipes, on as liberal terms to the » s snr.ed as any other Insurance office. Loans wi'l I e taken, rad bills of-Exchange purchased, &c. ■ \VM. B. PARKER, Pres’t Ja"Xs Rba, Sec'y. Jan 96 17 TrrrsTUBBs, - Corner CoUon Avenue and Cherry Street. I S; receiir and has in (tore a general stock of G *oceries and stpale goods among which are 50 bags prime green coffee 10 do old Java (very fine) 10 lihds sugar 50 bbls Flour 150 bbls domestic liquors. 30 qr casks wine (some of which are favor ite brands 20 each, whole and half bbls crackers 100 kegs nails assorted 20 kegs 3d do 30 bbls mackerel 65,000 lbs Georgia cured bacon 2,000 do leaf lard And many other articles which makes his stock and assortment very good. Country merclmnts and others are requested tooa!l am! examine for themselves. T. I\ STUBBS, march 22 25 3m CsT RECEIVED and lor sale by SMITH RODGERS & Co. 250 bblsPriroo Rum, and Whiskoy, 60 bbls Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, *0 bbls and half bbls prime Flour, Cider, Apples, Sugar, Coffee, and many other ar idea equally desirable, too tedious to mention. Th< low for cash. be bpngfit as & Co. would particularly invite tides above goods can Smith, Rodgers those who are indebted to them to call immediately and pay their notes and accounts, as they are needin the money to pay their own debts. Macon, Jan 12 15 ’ Bark Prints. A N assortment dark small figured French prints nov M> 6 FoysalebvCRAFT & LEWIS T HE copartnership heretofore existing under th< firm of Jones, Dickinson & Co. is by mutun consent, this day dissolved. Macon, May J7. L. S. JONES, TIM. DICKINSON, E AUGUSTUS WAKE. 43. Gcmulcee stuunhyat Company tffragiiaa!>> THE Public are inlnrmed tha-t .wasww 1 tbjaCorapany has now in opera tipn, four, boats, built expressly "for the -uinnier trade, wbicli will plv regularly between Darien and Macon, towed by by the steamer Altauiaha, as far up the river as she caii ns-:eud. ... And a* early in iho fill ns state qf the river will admit, tlie cotuninv will have in opetation three Steam boats,to wit: the Octaiilgee, plying between Darien ami Savannah; and the Comal, and ween Darien and Macon; together with I I towboats, all lie.v and ill complete order, being built expressly !or -.he trade, and commanded by experienced captains, which will enable thorn to perform the trip with des- jiatcli. and Imld foith inducements for those persons to i ( !iip bv the Company wlui wish to get their goods or produce rjrpnlitiouslyta market. The company having bv its charier, the privilege of insuring, will, ntn lilmleratn rate of preiuiUin, takftijiskswt goods or pro duce slapped by r, lin^te. or placed in charge of its err a is for-diipnient. Agents for the above boats: K E A A COTTON, .Macau. HOUGH A LATHROI\ Hawkiiisvillo. j*. It. YONGK .V- SONS, Darien. GRANT & YONGE, Savannah. KER, BOYCE Co. Charleston. Jinie t> 35 WIRE HOUSE AX’D CO.lI.TtMSSFOJV MSEVESS, rlyvick, Appier * jFrce.- > Ui;iq in form their friends and the Copartnership Jb'otiec, T HE subscribers have this day formed a copart nership in business, under the firm of. Dlckinspii A AY;ire. and occupy the store forinely occupied by Jones, Dick inson & Co., where the business of that' firm will be liquidated. TIMOTHY DICKINSON, E. AUGUSTUS WARE. Macon, May 17 34. Dissolution. J AHE copartnership heretofore existing under the film of WILLIAMS & BRADLEY is this day dissolved by ipuluul consent Either of the firm ■» duly authorise^ to settle th? business of tho concern. All persons indebted to the concern are requested to make immediate payment, as it ia necessary the busi ness should be closed immediately. J. G. WILLIAMS, C. II. BRADLEY. Having deposed of onr entire stock to Messis WHEELER & TOWNSEND, iq whom wo have perfect confidence,we take pleasure in recommending them to our friends and the public generally. May 1 fit 3\ W. & B. Copartnership Notice. r R OBERT' 'V HEELER and E. P. TOWNS have this day associated themselves in bu TOWNSEND business day .aider the firm of WHEELER A TOWNSEND, and having purchased the entire stock of Messrs Williams tV. Bradley, will continue the bnsiness at the old stand, in Third street, recently occupied by {hem. Mayl .31 tf TXIE SUBSCRIBERS H AVE purchased Mr. Laird H. Wilky’s inter est in the late firm of Fort, Hamil^o.v &. Wi- and Hamilton, Haves & Co- an4 given IRA E. FORT an interest in the same. Dry Goods business will bo continued at tfic same place, under the firm of Fort, Hamilton & Co. public gene rally, that they are eulntg iug their Ware Home adjoining their j,, or store on UottonAyeiiite, and will have j an< j t j )C w liro Houses and Cb;nmission Business as 2 reception of cotton by the commence- | Iiercto r ore ., „„dcrthe firm of HAMILTON. HAYES mums season. All cotton coii*«nea to , FOJIT, HAMILTON & Co. »rs and Olliers, dealing in the article, or time 23 52 is rua [x for the in-Mit m" the nnsu ltii'iu!>y Planters t ... or-ler. to buy and sell ’;i the market, will be promptly attr-mled t«. They likewise inform those Merchants who forward their goqils by Macon, that they have a largo, and safe Brick Store, for the reception of incr- vhaiidw and will receive and forward all goods con signed to them. Their charges iu every ir.-tauce yvill be us low as iseustninary in tho city. Liberal advau- vid will bo m-idc on cotton stored with them or tihip- ped by thorn to any other market. Having one of ibe partners of their firm (Mr. A. R. Frcciaaii) located iu the city of New York for the pur- •om of affording ibe necessary facilities to their bus!- iim in Macon, they respectfully inform Mercfia^ts ■■ad others who have business to transact in thqt city, I st he will he prepared to attend to any Commission I usiness «iih which ho. may be favored. Tliey era- U ice tlie present opportunity to return their grateful kninvlcdgements to their friends and the public far p 'st favors, and solicit n continuatioo of their patroq- l» e. ... In addition to their present.atock, they will receive (t'rlv this fill a fine asssrtment of Dry Gooils, Groceries, Hardware, l 'utlery, Bale Jynpc, Heart) Hemp, Col(on 1tagging, Readymade ciot itin?r, dec, &c. «Sc. "liable for the full trade, all of which }hey offer for -mIi on the most reasonable Kins Macon, August25 61 tf TO TICE. TJIHE subscribers having purchase,! of Messrs J. | • & W. Baldwin their very extensive and well N « roic-teu Stock of CJ-oods, „ • store, corner Cotton Avenue and I iCi; t;d;c*y their m>d to offer such indncemniits j E)i. riy street, Jr prep. ''il to insure a liberal share to i urc(lasers'aa will not >. ol public patronogei • and oihprs are re- C" ‘ontry.'Merelu.nts, Flmiters -vil! 'find n Imge i,»ei .fnily;invited to call where tliey *. -ts, and Gro tmeut of staplo and fancy Dry Cota. vp.TT cer» s. JOHN J. BEN*, .Micon, April 13 28 tf GOODS AT COST. 1 1 IE undersigned have determined on cloying their . business and ore now offenug their stock, cqn suilni- of a general assortment of Maple mid Fancy Dry Goods Hitt*, Shoes, Saildtcry, fSartttrarc■ Sr. hi ten per centon New York and Bosto | -ost, at r m l ^To.-ea li; and 5 peront at wholesale forjca-ih, or god paper, payable 1st January next, with interest. We t*»|i"ci 'ally invite our friends and the public to give u* a call. WILLIAM FORT &Co Tho e indebted to us would do well to make mine diale p ivuient. Febil ' E.i.V C F G O OJf S, At the Lowest Prices. . , - C. G. ST, JOHN, Watch Maker and Jeweler, Cotton Avenue, oppo site the Washington Hall, respectful ly iuforms his friends and the public, that be is now opening a nevr and spleudid assortment of WATCHES X JEWELRY, of. the best quality and latest fashions, consisting in part of the following articles, viz: Ladies’and geutlemen’s Gold Duplex, Patent Le ver, Anchor Escapement and Lepine Watches;. In dies fine Gold Curb. Guard, Basket & Cable Chains; Witch Hooks, Seals and Keys; Swivels, Finger Ri a. Ear Ringsaud Broaches; children'sEarKnobs and ,*>es; gentlemen's Curb and Linked Guard'and Fob C, tw, Seals, Keys, Swivels, Sleeyo. Irak*- bo som and . *iar Buttons, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Guard Sea,. Mid Keys, Medalions, gold and gilt Buc kles, silver ai.^ Scotch Snuff Boxes, gold and silver Evcrpointed Pencils, silver, and gill Bracelets, gilt, ail- yer and shell Combs, gold, and silver Thimbles, gold silver and steel Spectacles with glasses to suit every eye. Seed Coral, large Cora). Coral Necklaces, Bead Bags, Chains and Purges, a variety of cut aqd plain Beads, Spy Glasses, Quizzing Glasses, Pocket Books, Emory cushion^, card aqd cigar cases, imitation fruit, lucifer watches, fire machine*, Rogers & Sons’, and Wade & Butcher’s razors, Emerson’s razor straps, scissors, dirks, chess men aqd board, backgammon boards, dice, dominoes, steel pens, walking canes, pistols, powder,fi&sks, shot pouches, game bags, otto of rofen, cologne, lavender and Florida water; fancy soap, lip salve, pearl and tooth powder,'Sutes, flageo- letts, accordions, shell music boxes, large music boxes, o play from 3 to 12 tunes, fiddles and fiddle strings, gentlemen’s dressing cases, flair aud tooth brushes. Birmingham and Sheffield silver platedca^tors, liquor stands, candlesticks, branches, fruit baskets, snuffers and snuffer trays, tea fays, silver table, tea. desert, salt, mustard and cream, spopns, soup ladles, sugar tongs and butter knives; marble, ebony and alabaster mantle clocksto run eighteen days without winding. military ami military Trimmings* and a variety'of other artieles usually kept in bis line, all of which he will selj at the lowest cash prices. He respectfully incites citizens and persons generally vis iting our cay to call athis store and examine his stoc’-;, where he is over rea^y and happy to attend to those who may favor him with their calls. N B—-particular attention paid to Watch Repair ing. Having selected the best of materials for repair ing Watches, he is now prepared to manufacture any part of • Watch, and will warrant every piece he makes as perfect as the original, and his Watches to perfoi m well. Oct 2!? 7 ’'Z> T HE subscribers would inform the public that they have formed a connection in business under the firm oC VIKGI.YS S STKEYGFEEE O IP, And will contiuue at the old stand of J. A. «fe 8. S; Virgin, on Cotton A vouue, where all favors in their line vi ill be punctually attended to. See our Advertisement. DR. STRINGEFLLOiy will be absent a short time from the city, after'his return from Charleston, he will attend to Dental Operations, in all its branches. Single oi whole sets of teeth set •n gold plate or pivot#) plugging, &c. AU work warS ranted to stand. *, His office for gentleman will hie at our store. Ladies j- will be attended to at his house by leaving their raid I tlie day previous. Dentists can be supplied with incorruptible Teeth, Gold foil, and materials generally, of which we intend to keep a good supply. J. A. VIRGIN. S. S. VIRGIN, March 16 24 Dr S. L STRINGFF.LLOW. DATS, DATS, DATS GEORGE A. KIBBERLY TTB ESBECTFULLY solicit!! the attention of pur- JfLMb chasers to a very large assortment of Kats a*d Caps* which have been made by Jiiia expressly for retailing, and are warranted to be of superior style and quality to any ever before offered in Macon; among his assort ment may be found, Super fashionable black and drab beaver Hats, do broadbrim do for elderly men, do fash do de satin beaver do de do du black aad drab Russia beaver, Wide, meridian and narrow brims, otter, nutria, musk rat. raccoon and cony bats of every variety of shape. nd style, Youths’ beaver and satin beaver hats, latest fashions, Far and Cloth Chips, cons is tins of super No 1, Otter Caps. •* •** seal, mink, muskrat and cony, de mens,and boys full top cloth caps. „ „ Robinson’s do do ., acorn top celeste caps, children's frney silk caps, Ac. Ac. Ac. Fur capes. Pelerins, muffs and ruffs, consisting of chinchilla, lynx, squirrel, sable, ermine, genett, rab bit and swansdown. Hats made to order at shortest notice. Hat trimmings,.alcohol andsbellack, constantly ml hand. Oct 2d 3 £*orSale. Oil A KEGS prime family Butter, QPMP 40 bbls and j bbls Flour, 10 kegs TobaCfco, by C. L IIQWLANB & Co. Corner of Cotton Avenue & Second st. Jan 27 17 tf WASHINGTON HALL. o n THE Subscribers have taken that coin modulus ciul weli.known public house in {11! gb the City of Mapon,—the II ashington Hull, lately occupied by Mr. M. D. Duson.— ^ By tho unremitting attention of both of them, they flatter themselves that their House will ob tain for them a general patronage from the Public.— They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is inferior to no one in the State. Their tables will be furnished with the best ..the coun try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. . The Stables are attended by careful and experienced Ostlers. • MUSTIAN & MOTT. Febj> 1835 36 CENTRA!, HOTEL, Jtlacon, Georgia. T HIS establishment is now under the control of the subscriber, who pledges himself to render 1 frame comfortable those who tnay call on him. PF.' * Crt-lagl Vegeii. jle FEYA.Jt .1 jCD AGUE l aJL.ES, A certain and lasting Cure for thu. disease. fill UK subscribert having been app unted special : u agents lor the sale of Gallighai.'s Fever and gue Piia, are prepared to'furnish pluntei and country traders with supplies of said article, on . ruts equally as favorable ;.s they can bo obtained i f the pioprie tors. Gallighan's Pills, though usefulfor all diseas es Ivhich originaie in a snperabuudam cblletlitn • 1 Liie iu ihe stomach, are more particularly intended for Feveraud Ague. In the first place they cleanse, strengthen a id give tone to the stomach and bow els, and ervute.^ t.eiv and healthy action throughout the system. They j ;o- duce a uatural and permanent appetite; they cclvnd the system agaiust new or subsequent attacks of the disease; uiey assist the various operations of nature by cleansing the system of all vitiated, corrupt and acrid humors, and ihlis invigorate antlrt-animate tlie whole i'lisseasing a purgative quality, they cannot Feb 25 35 F.TKR J- WILLIAMS. remain in ibe bowels to produce such other diseases aaoften tullow the injudicious treatment of tlie fever or k «r-r m ar tpsVx •. f and ague. They are composed eiitirely of vegetable J AJ J-MJI M-j&PJea it ® ;• matter, and may bo taken by persons of both sexes £[?* £ook at This. T HE subscribers havolalely received a variety of merchandise consisting of Dry Good#, Djardtcare, Groceries, Superior Oils for lamps and pain's; Saddlery, Hats, Bonnets; Ac. A-c. which they believe will bear com parison inquality and price to any in the city. Per sons wishing t<> purchase are invited; to ca'-l aud ex _ amine for themselves, aa extravagant catalogues and abored puffs, are too often, impositions. One estab- 1 ishmeut is located on the corner- of Third and Mul berry streets, the other on the corner of Poplar street and Cotton Avenue. WM B. PARKER <St Co. Dec 15 11 if Neiv Fall «n:l IFiuter Clothing, A ml Contractors TUMOUGHOUT GEGHGIA. Having received a niunbi.-r of commu nications from individuals, making mqui- i! «l ries respecting my Brick Machine, inven- UAjJflHr ted by Calvin Waterman, and now in siic- cesiful operation iti this, place, 1 Like this method of anwesring them, I invite all who feel dispo sed to purchase rights ta conje and see the operat.on of the machine, and if there be one who says he is disappointed in hi* expectations I bind myself to pay the expenses of. his-trip. I do not expect to sell a right to any one without i heir first having seen the machine, but in order to afford an idea of its value I annex the following certificates, one of them signed by two of the most experienced Brickmakcrs in the Southern States. In my absence from Si aeon the Editors of the Messenger will act as my authorised agents. T. L. SMITH- ‘April 19 1837 tf 29 • We having witnessed the performance of MrT L Smith’s new Brick Machine, invented by Calvin Wa terman, now in operation in this place, take pleasure in recommending it to the public. The fact of its per- /- • l . K „ A J la I and of ali ages, without the least danger of unpleasant consequences. In fine, the public are assured'"thet Gallignaii’s Pills possess those iuestimubie virtues, whicli are requisite not only to arrest, but to eradicate and destroy the last seeds of this most distressing ms- lady of the huui tn family. The proprietors solemnly pledge themselves,-thst tb«y do not contain a particle • of minerals in any shape or form, but are composed . entirely of simple vegetable substances cither separately orcombiued, aud which without regard to sex or ago are perfectly harmless in their effccts^upon the human, system Letters and Certificates. From, Gen. U'm. Utllburn, Randolph county, Sa. October 24th, 1835. Messrs, Flctchtr Sf Westcott, Gentlemen—It affords megreat pleasure to give my testimony in favor of your “Galligbrn’s Fever and Ague Pills." 1 have’ repeatedly employee them to my family,and in every case they have succeeded be yond my hopes, iu effecting thorough uid permanent cures. " They have also be>-n used extensively in my neighborhood, duriug the-past season, with the same happy and salutary effects. The people in this section of country cannot toO highly, appreciate them, for in my opinion they stand at tho very head of the list of ’ formanee is its best recommendation M e timed it, aud medicines for the Fever and Ague. Be assured I find that with tiew moulds and inexperieijred hands, it I shall not fail to recommend them to all persons whom made at the rate of Two Thousaud Three Hundred j I.may meet with afflicted with that roublescme and Take iwptice. T HE subscribers having purchased the interest of J. Cowles in Rie firm of Geo. IV Price & Co. the business in future will be conducted under tlie same name, hy WILLIAM COOKE, jan 1 J4 GEO W PRICE Notice. T HE popartuersbip existing in this place between the subscribers under thetirm of ANDERSON, I*ELT\ & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The imsetl'ed business of the concern will he at tend <i to by John Anderson or J M Peck. J ANDERSON, J 31 PECK. T D JOHNSON, Macou, May 16,1837 34 J S JONES ^Sacon Academy. T HE Female Department pfthis lustitution hav g become vacant by the resignation of 31 r D :irbv the late Rector, the Trustees arc desirous to employ a competent Teacher to take charge of the same. Tip! already large population of the city pla ces it out of the rgach of the embarrassment? which so frequently attend Schools dependent mostly upon aid from abroad for ,i support always precarious and fluc tuating. The Trustees therefore feel well assured that to a Teir.her of high character and qualifications a very liberal patronage is certain, and from such they iuvite propositions. Communications addressed to either of the True lec« will be promptly answered. AMBROSE BABER, KDW JAMES NATHAN To Rent. A Dwelling House, with the requisite out buildings, pleasantly situated, in a healthy section of the couulty. on the Thomaston road, sixteen pxiles from Ala- con. Also a store at the same place, in a thickly settled neighborhood, affording an excellent stand for busi- -,,>s. Apply at this office. ■ 'nr?h9 ’ 23 6teow It. LOOS AT THIS! Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Sc, VIRGINS A STKINGFELLOW Would inform their friends and the public that they still continue at their stand on Cotton Avenue, and hive just received afresh supply of Goods, con sisting in part of the following articles: Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ gold lever anchor escapement independent second lepine aud vertical WATCHES; silver lever plain and extra jewelled lepine and vertical do. all of which were se lected with choice tosiiit this market, and will be war ranted to perform -veil; Ladies’ gold Neck Chains; Gentlemen's gold and silver Guard and Fob Chains: gold and silver guard and fob Keys; Ear Knobs aud Drops; Breast Pins arid Finger Rings of all kinds; ;old, silver, gilt, and pearl Belt B.uckles and Slides, bracelets and Head Belts; gold and silver evcrpoint ed Pencils, steel Pens of the best qualities, gold, silver and steel spectacles, (.luizzilig Glasses,, silver table, tea. dessert, salt and mustard Spoons; soup and cream Ladles. Sugar Tongs, Butter and Fruit Knives, silver Cups, Thimbles, Castors, Candlesticks, silver, brass, and bronzed : coral, gilt and glass Beads; ladies’ Bags ofthe latest fashions, Pusres and Pocket Books, Clari onelts, Flageoletts, Flutes, Fifes, Accordians, Music Boxes large and small. Drums, Organs and Violins Walking Sticks of various kinds; silver, gilt, shell, horn and ivory Combs, Tea and Coffee Puts, Bread Baskets silvei and japanned, fine painted Waiters, Knives, Razors, Saunders’ celebrated Razor Straps with tablets. Pistols of various kinds, Dentists' Files, Gold Plate, Wire. Foil &c toy Watches, Rattles and Whistles for childreu; Snuffboxes, Bercus.qiojn caps. Pipes, Segar Tubes, Pocket potqparsos. Mathemati cal Instruments. &c. MILITARY- GOODS. Swords, Belts, Epauletts, Plumes, Sashes, Buttons, Lace, stars, ornaments too numorons to mention, which will be sold cheap for cash, or approved city accep tances. N. B.—Wo have a choice selection of materials for repairing Watches, and are prepared to make any new part, which will warrant to perform as well as foe original. Virgins & Stringfellow feel gratefal for past favors, and would still solicit a share of the pulic patronage,' hoping to give satifnetkm to all who may favor them iq .heir line. •March 16 24 Piano Fortes. Splendid Boston PIANOS, with 2 and 3 pedals, SO Jutt received by jan 12 16 C RAFT & LEWIS Carpeting’* J U 'T received a large stpek of Rrusspls, Ingrain ed and Stair Carpeting. Also, Oil Cloth Carpeting front 2 to 20 foet wide April 20 29 CRAFT & LEWIS. A T the Macon Clothing Store, one d»ot'above Wm. p. Johnson’* Jewelry Store, The sub scriber is now receiving his Fall anti D’inicr Slosh of Clothing, (winch has been manufactured by Lewis Fitch the past summer,) and which will be sold off as cheap, for cash, as at any other establishment, consisting or Super Black. Blue. Brown, Green, Invisible Green and Claret Dress Coats. Super Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Invis ; ble Green .Claret and Alixed Frock-Coats. Brown, Green, Alixed aud Cadet mixed Coatees. Fine Blue. Black, Green, Brown and Mixed Pants. Super ribbed, striped, corded and plaid Casimere do Beavcrteen, Cord and Lion Skin Pantaloons, tiuper Rlne, Brown, Groen, Mixed and Drab Over Coats. Goat's Hair and German Camblet Wrapperdo. Gentlemen’s super Blue, Black and Invisible Greon Broadcloth Cfoaks, Ladies’ super Olive, Qrceq aud Claret Broadcloth Claaks. Ladies’ figured Merino, plain do. and Circassian Clpaka, Super Blue and, Pilot Cloth Over Coate. Drab, Blue aad Olivo Duffle Over Cents; Lion Skin and Green Blanket Over Coats; Kentucky Jeans Frock Coats and Pantaloons^ Cloth, Satinet, Peters bam and Bcavcrteen Hunting Coats, Cloth and Satin et Round Jackets, Black and Blue Cloth black figured and plaid Vel vet, plain and figured English |Silk, dark Valencias, Toilinet, Woollen Velvet, black and striped Satin, Bombazine, Tabby Velvet, and Satinet Vests, Fine Linen and Cotton Shirts, plaid and striped Gingham Shi 's.Silk, Cotton, Merino pateqtaqd lamb Wool Shirts let cotton and woolen, flannel Canton, flannel and. ril 1 d cotton Drawers. Wool, La tl Wool, patent Merino end brown cot ton Half II s Fine YV »’ Bnck, Hors?skin, Beaver, While Kid, Lien?d B / i, Lisle thread, black, white aud colored Silk Glov Black a. white Silk Half Hose; Russian Belts, Money Br s, nett, worsted and cotton, Silk and Gum Suspenders, Cravat aud Cravat Stiffeners, Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Bombazine, Satin, Velvet plain and plaited Stocks, blue, black aud white crimped Silk Stocks, Spilalfield, English Silk, red and, yellow Ban dana, white and roil Pongee Silk Pocket Handker chiefs, plain and ruffled Bosoms, Collars, Purses.Qloth, Fur and Hair Seal Skin Caps. Wool Hats, a large as sortment of Fur Hate, Silk Hate. Boots and Shoes, a good stock of Negro Clothing, also fine blue and black Cloths, Canvas, Padding, gilt and lasting Butt ins, Cotton Wadding, Military Ball Hiittopa. Cord, Tas sels. Stars, Lace, Epaulette, &c. &c. Nor. 17 7 HORACE FITCH. Gentleman wishing their Cloths at the North will, bv leaving their names with me, have them made in the best manner, and most fashionable style. II.F and Sixty-Eight Bricks per hour By moulding ten hours in the day it would therefore turn out Twenty- three thousand and six hundred per dav. It requires six boys, to bear off, four to sand the mou.-ds, Ac. to gether with four grown men. Thus fourteen hands are sufficient to make the above named quantity of the most beautiful brick per day. JOHN SPRINGER, .Macon, April 14th 1837. DAVID F WILSON. I bave witnessed tlie performance of Mr Theod- rick L Smith’s new Brick Alakiqg Machine, just put into operat’on in this place, and feel no hesitation in pronouncing it agreatnnd useful improvement on any other method of Brick making I have ever seen—both as to the quality of the Brick and expedition ill ma king. By request J timed the machiue for half an hour The result of that trial shows that with 14 hands the machine will turn out of beautiful and tcell tempered Brick,2368 in one hour, or about 40 to the minute. JNO. RUTBERVORD. Macon, April 19 1937 distressing disease. Just Received and lor sale by C. E. HOWEAJTD S Co. Kegs of Nails, 20 boxes Socp, 10 hhd prime Sugar, 30 bags „ Coffee, 20 M best Cigars, 50 bbls Northern Gin, 20 bbls ale, 20 ,. Porter, 60 doz Champaigne Cider, All of which will be sold on tho most accommodating terms for cash or short credit. May 9 32 jAevj €?oads* T HE subscribers are just receiving a splendid stock o SPRING GOODS, which having been purchased under very favorable circi Distance will be sold cheap. CRAFT & LEWIS. April 10 ' 28 5’usfc deceived and far {Sale. P 11E8H GROCERIES—viz: 50 bbls HE Rum 17 hales’Featherq, 2 do white do 10 bbls sperm Oil, 5 do clarified do 10 d« dry Malaga Wine in qr casks 5 J do Sherry do 3 do Whiskey aad Neutral Rum 50 boxes and i boxes Raisins Cognac Brandy 1st quality 12 boxes white and marble f|oap Lemon Syrup and' f amily Butter By ISAAC NF.WWALL. jan 12 15 Ntxt door to tbe vest Office. Ulouroe Rail Road & Banking Co. Macon June 5, 1837. A T a called meeting. Ordered that in payment of alldebts created by discounts on hillsofexchange the bills of this instilution will be received at a pre mium of one percent if nmde within ninety days.— And upon all suits ihat shall be commenced in favor of this institution during 1837, for collections, nothing will bp-received in payment but the bills of this Eank ir specie. A true extract from the minutes. 36 tf PETER SOLOMON. Cash {Summer Clothing. VERY large assortment made up to erdcr, April 20 Jus*, received by 29 CRAFT & LEWI? mswergd. tOSE BABER,. 3 D TRACY. I S SMITH. IAN C MUNROE J Trustees 19 F Garden Seeds. R' SH from Baltimore. Just received by 1*5 13 J.6 c/iAfT 4 LEWIS; April 20 To &eni. _ session given immediately. The , fos- -*e rc eQtly occupied by Onian brick bou 0 f Cherry and «d streets Gregory, cm. Apply to .Mr. Graves, as a dwelling Vi.-fo (storeutffierneatfo^ R GRHGOlwY THE SUBSC Rl his HOtfsfe and LOT for sale in East Afacorr, corrtairi- IliA ing about 7 acres, with ‘bout 300 fruit liiii trees of the beat sections. Any person - wishing to purchase will do w ? examine the premises. The term s will iff*™\rr May J* "34 3t, GUO. B. WAROLW- Bolting Cloths* A LL sizes and qu ilities, 2* For sale by April 20 29 CRAFT &. LEWIS. IN SEED OIL AND THAI hi OIL just receiv ■ J ed and for Mite by Dec 29 13 J. H. dfc W. S ELLIS. Winter Strained {sperm ■snr B UST received for sate by •I J. H: & W. S. ELLIS. Dec*2 1*’ Butter. Jk/ll 4k lbs-Pennsylvania Butter. J.VV : V For sale by Dec. 1 9 CHARLES CAMPBELL. For Sale. LBS. Fresh LEAF LARD, of su perior quality, prepared here, and Jan 26 17 Ladies Cloaks. C LOTH aud Menu Cloak's—worth from 840 to 350. nor 10 6 CRAFT & LEWIS. Carpeting. J UST received, a few pieces of Ingrain Carpeting which ia for sale at reduced prices, dec 15 11 G W PRICE Sr. Co medicine Chests. _ if "■"YOR nlautatiocs aud families, witn directions for F using For sale-by J, H. A W. S. ELLIS For Sale, LBS Racon, _ B 10,000 lbs Lard, 61 lihds St. Croix'Sugar of superior quality, 50 bags Coffee, * 45,000 lbs Swede Iron, 100 kegs Nails, assorted, 25 bhds choice Molasses, 150 whole and half bbls Canal and Ricnmoud Flour, 5 pipes pureH. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pure aud three years old, 20 bbls old Monnngahala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Rum, and 20 Gin, ' *41 DAVID RALSTON. Flour# Bacon, Lard, &c, "S dhdh BBLS Ohio Flour, primequaiity, JL nLFMP 40 Kegs Lard, 3500 lbs Georgia cured Bacon, 10 tierces Rice, Just received and for sale by April $3. 28 REA & COTTQN. .li: :v New Carriage Establishment T HE subscriber will receive in a few day a a largo stock of Carriages, Barouches, Sc. Most of them made by the best workmen ;n Newark aud New Haven. LUKE BLISS. Sfaeon. Dec 14 11 WAXffTFX) B Y the subscriber, Monroe Rad Road Bank Bills, for which ten per cent per annum will be given. App v to Larkin Griffin or Peter Sc mon of Macon, of Alfred Brooks of Forsyth, or myself. June 6 36 tf •• L. GRIFFIN. MUSIC. M ISS aiARIA T. LORD at::ounces that she will give Jliisic Besson* in the Female A- cademy in Macon, commencing tlie 12th June next. Tfer-US.—-$20 per quarter payable in advauce. No pupil received for less than a quarter. Those who are desirous of entering pupils are referred to L. ley. Jlay 17 _ MISS LORD has been engaged in my School as the Principal Music Teacher li.i the last three years, and it gives me ol earn re to sta c hat she ha3 given un usual satisfaction; uid her «k i: as an instructress in- Music needs no highor renomnuudation than the pro- ficiency of her pupils. TiiOMAb JJ. SLADK, Clinton. May 17 34 3t H otic a. Third as d last Warisinsr- rglHE subscribers will attend at tlie oiHce of Lip- a pitt &. Higgins, ;hc usual place ol’ holding Jus tices Court for the oC4th dis;. G. M. on Thursday the i5ih of June next, for the purpose of collecting the State aiid County Tax of 3aid dist. fi>r tlie year 1836; and also to take in the 'Rax Returns for the present year Also tho same notice is given that tlie subscri bers will attend at the Court House, tire usual place of holding Justice Court for tho 716th dist. G. 31 . on Friday the I6th of June, for the purpose of collecting the State ui.d County Tax of ihat dist. for the year 1836, and to take tho Returns for tlie preibnt year (1637.) JAMES GATES, t c. e. c, JAMES HOLLINGSWORTH, t: h. b. c-'- June 6 36 ~T“ r •A’ake ftTotice. T HE subscriber having disposed of h;s interest in the firm of Geo. W. Price <5c Co. to William Cooke and Geo. W. Price, who will receive and pay all debts of said firm. jan 1 J O' - ''-'- L r S j ■ f-r-r 50 JtOZ. very supenor Lemon 8> r>*p 40 doz For sale by- April 20 29 Stoughton Bitters, H. & J. SHOTWELL. Genuine Roivaml’s Tonic nixture. A FRESH supply just received and for sate by A Nov 17 7 J- H. * W. 8. FLi IS, Cotton'Avenue. Menu Crockery & Hardware. T Ne’.v York Cost for sale by L iwit. 27 1 GKO. W PRICF. ^ CO i'liikd States Bscsrfe.Xotes. TT MI LL Mates I ar k notes in snnis tir suit np- U plicants for sale by' SEA &• June 6 36, . - r.- » J % i OS'SI, 97 liberal prices will he paid appliy to J:n,e6 36 REA & COTTON. JACKS Live:pool lino Salt, for sale by Mrirc’i 23 25 REA & COTTON. -v Bbts i .iinilv Flour .5. r 4 P 75 Bbls Irish Potatoes. Jusi r :ceivcd.Miid for sale by REA & COTTON. April 5ib. ■" job FriLtiofe 'done at this Office.' 6 Not I? 7 ~g AAA PIECES Heinp Bagging for sale . J.9f"9f by REA & GOTTON. Gotten Avenjre $1 ay, 2SS, 34 Yours rest Wm. WtutoxN. From Dr. John B. Taylor, of Tallahassee, Florida. Messrs. I Itlchir If Westcott, Gentlemen.—Having prescribed Gallighan’s Pills, in several cases of Fever and Ague, with the most favorable results, I cheerfully recommend them as a valuable medicine, to persons afflicted with that dis ease. Respectfully, &c. Tallahassee, Dec. 1835. JNO. B TAYLOR, M. D. From Dr. Wm. J. Johnson, Fort Gaines, Georgia. Messrs Fletcher Sf Westcott, ■ Gentlemen—From the trials I have repeatedly given “ Gallighan's Vegetable Fever and Ague Pills,’.’ dur ing the'present fjdl and past summer, in ihe.cnre of intermittent qr ague and fever, L-take pleasure in re commending them as a certain and specific r medy— how obstinate soever the cases htay be. These Pills have been’.extensivcly used in this section of the coun try, and ?o far as I kuow/iyitlibut disappointing the i expectations of a single individual. 11th Nov. 1835. \V:,r J. JOHNSON, M. D. From the Dev P. L. Jfickson, Fort Gaines, Georgia. Messrs. Fletcher Westcott, Nov 12th, 1835. I have a prejudice against patent medicines, and es pecially against tlmsc that “ pledge to cure in every in stance,” but truth compels uie to say, that of the 200-- boxes of ) our pills which Ji purchased to sell, not one box, to my knowledge, has foiled to cure. - A few months ago. Gnlliglian’s pills were unknown here,and now they are sent for by the mail boys, &c. 60 miles, south and east, I shall probably find sale for a Thous and boxes next year, and wish you to send me that j number when convenient. 1 iujl that, in common with til who are subject to the disease, I am much in debted to you, and have no doubt you will meet with* your well-earned reward. Respectfully yours, &c. P. L. JACKSON. From Dr. S. M. Jngcrsoll, Columbus, Georgia I nave used Gallighau’s Pills with success,—they have more than met my expectations. Nov 20, 1-35.' 8. M. INGERSOLL, M. D. From Dr. Elijah A. Dunn, l':i:r.rjton, Alabama. Messrs. Fletcher Sr Westcott, Nov, 1, 1835. Gentlemen—Agreeably to your wish I am pleased to state how far 1 aiiiacquainted with the character of' yonr “Fever and Ague pills.” During the last sum mer aud fall they have been much used in this part of tlie country, and, so far as I have observed, they have proved highly beneficial to those who have taken them. (n ordinary cases of. Ague and Fever, medical advice is seldom sought; but I have recommended your pills to the sick in one or two very obstinate cases, and the use of them was followed with signal success I there fore consider your pills a safe and valuable ■ m:diciue for Ague and fever, and cheerfully recom-- mend them to the : otice of persons afflicted with that disease. Wi;h respect, YonrObt. Scrvt. " ELIJAH A. DUNN, I>1. D. Just Received and for sale a largo supply of the ru bove Pills at the proprietors ptice by II &J. SHOTWELL, Agents. Corner third and Mulberry streets, ppposile the ■ Central Hotel, Macon. * Botanical 3$Sedisincs.. B AYBERRY BARK, powdered, Golden Seal do Hemlock Bark powdered; Nervin powdered, - Prickly Ash do, „ Poplar Hark , r Wild Cherry do „ Slippery Elm do „ White Pond Lilly; Lobelia Seed, Lobelia, herb; Skunk Cabbage, Indian Turnip; Golden Thread,-. Indian Sage; Samach Bark, Balmony or Bitter Root; BitterSweet, Gum Myrrh; Cayenne Pepper, African. Just received and for sale by- April 20 20 H* & J- SHOTWELL.. BV DANIEL T. REA, OPPOSITE THE NEW MARKET. T HE subscriber having in bis employment some of the most efficient workmen to ba found, he/ will be abla to undertake largely either i;i t' o eTty or, country, all kinds of ifodse aud Sign Painting, Fancy Chair Pointing, ' Gilding and Glazings Paper Hanging, Imitation ot Woods »u<i Marble, Enameling, &c &c. Feb 22 1y 21 ‘ f TCisdcw GJ®ss k BOXES.6 by 10 WindowGlk^s,-. £125 „ 10 by’J 2 do- do.. 75 , r 12 by 16 do do- 30- 12 by 14 do.y do- 20' II by 16 d dr: do - 50 12 by 18 do- <U With:aevoraldthcr sizes jiist received and for sa!o.— bv ’ T H. &- E SHOTWELL, Contop of :id If.-Mulberry sts: opposite thi CcntTalhetdJ> April20~ 30 - 'js. ~ ' - -i-- Fapetiit^ ror ISooins. ■ UST received a good assortment of handsofne pa per hanging and bordering. Oct 13 2 H- &. J. SHOTWELL; We are authorised to-armounciv JG’ 'SEPH J HOLLOMAN a cawjidafo, for re-election to- tha Clerkship of tbe*" InferiorCofri of Bibb county. 33 » Mat IB suing cificticn. WE are* aathorised to announce, WRIGHT NEEL a candidate for Clerk of tho Inferior Court at the en»- FVb 23 21 . WE are authori-< d to announce '^j&SXiESmi IIENRY NEWSOM a candidate 'CjtahO q- ;li Collector of Bibb county. May 30, 1837. 35 WE are authorized to an- . „ounce THOMAS L. ifOSS, aa S V - > ;l candidate for .Cierk of the Inferor Court of .Bibb’county.' ' Mav abtb.lSo,. 75