Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, June 20, 1837, Image 1

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MACON CrJKOK By III. BARTLETT^ JTI.lCOJ%\ GJEORGI.l. TUESV.lI', JTUA'E ‘20. 1837. Volume XI.—NumLcv Terms of Subscription ri«c* Ooiaxm, JW*4 ix, adtanu. mill pay for the pa-1 sirf«4f. Ftvx UottAH*. paid its advance, mil pay I If*, Lptr tteo years. Tit* Dollars, paid in advance K ijtibr the paper Jive yean. *"init net paid ceithin til months after the year has * Tine Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum ^hTrUrged. If not paid until the end oftheyatr, f» tr fttKsrs per annum mill be charged—with interest tkn*ft tr Terms of Atlvcrtisiugr, ij„rti*rne.nt$ not exceeding one square, or 12 brevier , mill be inserted onetime for One dollar. When then one insertion is gitfn, 60 cents for each insertion. ‘shrift’. Tax Collectors'and Coroners' Sales arechat- by the levy, ns sll actoni fit ell accounts for Advertising, Job Printing, g(c. lilts for subscription, ‘Interest tcill be c.arged, T.,d settled ivitkin the year ..TSTvork# Marten o iJKKJ Macon, A. Bibbins, Master. •• Amelia Strong, Brown, ** M *• Darien, C. P. Biilkey, ** gfa - " New Jersey, B. Matthews, “ ,‘jsska „ Premium, J. Couborn, “ « (Nejy) Schr. D. B. Crane, Baker, “ These veuels are all coppered* fastened and built vuressly for *•»’» trade, have experienced captains > ..:i re <.iiUrly once a week from each port. “twl' bound for Doric, will find Dubov B r „f access: 19 to 21 feet wator will be found oiltho B^r at high water, the snme depth can be carried with in six miles of Darien, 13 feetcnhic carried tip to the ritv The anchorage in Doboy sound and river is nnriiculaily safe good, with ample room tor ves- ° 9 |, | 0 nrry otf the whole cotton crops, coming down theriVe HAmS n MITCIIELL A COLLINS, Agents Darien. Pnfcr to James Goddakd, F.sq. Maco.i. Oct 10. 1836. 2 _ ' MACON STEAMBOAT COMPANY. *•61 Commission Business, Darien. r *f t H E undersigned have resumed business as a fc. bove, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten tion to ail business entrusted to their care. We believe we have made arrangements that will enable us at all times to forward goods for the interior with the least possible delay, by steamboats when the river will ad mit, or in extreme low river by small flats or lighters, bniit expressly for that business. On our wharves are large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot ton at the least possible expense, and our opportunities to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not excel- ed by any other House. Darien, May 20, 1836. ■ HAWKS. MITCHKLL & COLLINS *TrA'!BOAT, J- STONE, .. SUPERIOR, T Cnpt. Man'tiei l, “ Geo. Willcox EXCEL, “ J. I.. Willcox HIS Company has now their liue of Boats i i complete order lor freighting. They lavea OGLETHOPE INSURANCE & TRUST CO. OF 'THl: TITS' OF .U.ICO.V. T HE public are hereby informed that the late Mer chants’ Insurance and Trust Company of this city has recently lieen incorporated by the Legislature of this State, nuder the a bow title, with 'authority to increase the Capital Stock to 500.00P Dollars, and to exercise TRUST-and sundry other privileges. 100- 000 dollar* of said Capital has been paid in. and will at nil times lie held iu readiness to pay any losses due by this Company. Risks are Taken to and from this city to any port or place, on as liberal terms to the x s sured as any other Insurance office. Loans wiH le taken, snd bills of Exchange purchased. &c. Wil. B. PARKER. Pres’t James Rea, Sec’y. Jan % 17 T-KSfUBBS; T Corner Colton Avenue and Cherry Street. I S receiving and has in store a general stock of (S»oceries and stpule goods among whirl - ar« 50 bags prime greeu coffee « 10 do old Java (very fine) 10 hhds sugar 50bbls Flour 150 bbls domrstic liquors. 30 qr casks wine (some of which are favor ite brands 20 each, whole mid half bbls crackers 100 kegs nails assorted 20 kegs 3d do 30 bbls mackerel 05.000 lbs Georgia cured bacon 2,000 do leaf lard And many other articles which makes his stock and assortment very good. Country merchants and others are requested to call nml examine for themselves. T. P. STUBBS, .nnrcli 22 25 3m iff LIST Itf.CKlVED and for sale Watches. Jewelry* Silver Ware and/ AVP.V C I* G O OD S, At the Lowest Prices. • - C. G. ST.. JOHN, Watch Maker' and Jeweler, Cotton Avenue, oppo- j site the Washington Hail, respectful- J ly iuforms his friends and the public, ; that he is now opening a new and r splendid assortment of WATCHES A JEWELRY, | of the best quality and latest, fashions, consisting in part of the following articles, viz: Ladies’ and gentlemen’s Gold Duplex. Patent Le ver, Anchor Escapement and Lepine Watches; la dles fin* Gold Curb. Guard, Basket & Cable Chains; Watch Hooks, Seals and Keys; Swivels, Finger Ri.*.«, Ear Rings and Broaches; children’s Ear Knobs and . 'res; gentlemen’s Curb and Linked Guard and Fob O. "ns, Seals, Keys, Swivels, Sleeve links, bo- somand. 'lar Buttons, Breast Pins,'Finger Kings, Guard Sea. *nd Keys, Medaliomq gold and gilt Buc kles, silver«... Scotch Snuff Boxes, gold and silver Everpointed Pencils, silver and gilt Bracelets, gilt, sil ver and shell Combs, gold and silver Thimbles, go.'d, silver and steel Spectacles with glasses to suit every eye, Seed Coral, large Coral, Corel Necklaces, Bead Bags, Chains and ‘Purses, a variety of cut and plain Beads, Spy Glasses. Quizzing Glasses, Pocket Books, F.inory cushions, card and cigar coses, imitation fruit, lurifer matches, fire machines, Rogers <Sc Sons', and Wade & Butcher’s razonq Emerson’s razor straps, scissors, dirks, chess men and board, backgammon boards, dice, domiuocs, atcel pens, walking canes, pistol*, powder flasks, shot jouelies, game bags, otto of roses, cologne, laveiidcE and Florida water; fancy soap, lip salve, pearl and tooth powder, Antes, flageo- letts, accordions, shell music boxes, large music boxes, o play from 3 to 12 tunes, fiddles and fiddle strings, gentlemen’s dressing cases, hair and tooth brnshes Birmingham and Sheffield silver platedcastors, liquor stands.candlesticks, branches, fruit baskets, snuffers and snuffer trays, tea trays, silver table, tea, desert, salt, mustard and cream spoous, soup ladles, sugar .. ' -&SE& HATS, If.ITS, MATS GJIOIIGE A. UJ.ULV.RJA ittbntion oi pnr- by SMITH RODGERS & Co. 250 Mils Prime Rum, Gin and Whiskey, t>0 bbls Mackerel, Nos. 1.2 and 3, *0 bids and lull' bbls prune Flour, Ocumlsec steamboat Company. ’ THE Public are inlnruieiithS-t f v.2! .fca. tins Company has now in opera |F^? ,0 'ir ^ oat - < ’ built expre.sslv r the -uninicr trade, which wiii j,;,- regularly between Darien uutl Macon, towed by bv ib,i steamer Altanmha. us far up the river as she can ascend. And as early in the fall ns the state of the river will ml,ml, ib., company will have in operation three Steam ■mi-,io wit: the Ocuiulgee, plying between Darien im,I Savannah; ami tho Comet, and Alatamaha. be j),irieii and Macon; together with 14 towboats, :..l a,,* nod iu complete order, being built expressly lur the trade, and coniniauded by experienced captains, which will enable them to perform the trip with des patch, and Judd forth inducements for those per.-ous to ship by the Company who wish to got their goods or produce arpeditionslyla market. The company laviug bv its charier, tho privilege of insuring, will, at a inmierntn rate of premium, take risks on goods or pro- <hice -hipped by its boats, or placed ill cliargo of its a-eiits liirsliipmciit. Agents for the above boots: REA * COTTON. Macon. HOUGH «fc LATHROP, llawkiusvilic. I*. IE VO.NfiK*. SONS, Darien. GRANT & YONGK, Savannah. KER, BOYCE & Co. Charleston. Jims n 36 M ARE ROUSE .CYD CO.W.UtSSIOJb' U t SIJVJESS. .tlyrich, Kapier At Free- r +- ~ np tUiltl inform their fricuds and tlie L ♦ jy public gent rally, that they are enlarg ing their Ware House adjoining their store on Colton Avenue, and iyill have The ubove goods can he bought low for cash. Smith, Uouckrs A Co. would particularly invite those who are indebted to them to call immediately and pay tiieir notes and accounts, as they are needing the money to' pay llieir own debts. Macon. Jan 12 1.5 n„v rteiuiTi cnllad tha J. STONE, low pressure I Cider, Apples, Sugar, Coffee, and many other nr , n one added to the line, which will run regu lnrly be tides equally desirable, too tedious to mention. The (rtven Savannah ami Darien. <TE V.MBOAT SUPERIOR, Cnpt G. Willcox EXCEL. “ J. Willcox will run regularly between M icon and Darien, one of li* SisamhoaU leaving Darien every five or six days with tow boats. Tii- company have 16 tow boats (all first rate boats.) built expressly for the navigation of the Ocmulgee anil AUDIO aha rivers, their increased facilities will en able the company tho means of giving the greatest ,"h to cotton, or goods shipped by their line. Tirv have two SCHOONERS_to carry cotton and merchandise between Darien am’ Charleston There are also seven lirstrate PACKETS running rrj ilxrly between Dariennnd New York, which come 11 Sl.xwes, .Mitchell <fc Collins. Ajents for the above boats: J. GODDARD. Macon. L. lUtvwiR *. Co Savannah. Kkr, Bovcx Ai Co. Charleston, Hawks. Mitchell &Com.I!*s, Darien, Gko. R. IIuskrti, llawkiusvilic. Inn 24 IS . « Dark Prints. A N assortment dark small figured French prim- lio v III C For «n!« by CRAFT dtr LEWIS. F9Nill-copartnership heretofore existing under the U firm of Jones, Dickinson &. Co. is by mutual consent, this day dissolved. L. S. JONES, TIM. DICKINSON. E. AUGUSTUS WAKE Macon. May 17, 43. Copartners/*ip .Votics '. T ilEsubscribers have this day formed a ucisiiip in business, under the firm of. Dirkiirion & M are. and occupy the store foruiely occupied by Jones, Dick iiisoii & Co., where the business of that firm will be liquidated. TIMOTHY DICKINSON, E. AUGUSTUS WARE. M icon. May 17 34. * j tongs and blitter knives; marble, ebony and alabaster ' mantle riocksto run eighteen days without winding. iVIilitnry a:id Military Trimmings, and a variety of other artielcs usually kept in his line, all of which he xvill sell at the lowest cash prices. He respectfully invites citizens and oersons generally vis iting ourcity to call at bis store and examine his stock, where he is ever ready and happy to attend to those who may favor him with their calls. N B—Particular attention paid to Watch Repair ing. Having selected the best of materials for repair ing Watches, he is now prepared to manufacture any part of a Watch, and will warrant every piece ho makes as perfect as the origiual, and his Watches to perform well. Oct 27 7 ESPECTFULLY solicits the atl chasers to a very large assortment of Hats usd Caps* which have been made by him expressly for retailing, and are warranted to be of superior-style and quality to any ever before offered in Macon; among his assort ment may be found, Super fashionable black and drab beaver Huts, do broadbrim do for elderly men, do fash do do satin beaver * do do do .do black and drab Russia beaver, Wide, meridian and uarrow brims,otter, nutria, ransk- rat, raccoon n^id cany huts of every variety of shape. nd style, ‘ * Youths’ beaver and antin beaver hats, latest fashions, Cur mud Cloth Caps, c^nsisSo^sg of super No 1, Otter Capa, ’* ■ “ seal, mink, muskrat and cony do mens and Bbys full top cloth caps, „ „ Robinson’s do do ., ,. acorn top celeste caps, children’s fancy silk caps, Ac. Ac. Ac. Fur capes, Pelerins, muffs and ruffs, consisting of chinchilla, lynx, squirrel, sable, erm.ine, geriett, rab bit and swansdown. Hats made to order at shortest notice. Hat trimmings, alcohol and shellack, constantly ol hand. Oct 2n 3 WASHINGTON HALL. \ 'tr,, THE Subscribers have taken that com J fr m.idiotwanJ well known public house in ' ___ , tftlijSg the Cifv of .Macon,—the Washington Hull, : r » ' lift*r2i I...). k.. xi. m o ii....... t -**- iVahighan’s Vegetab FJc. i'sj .Atl hj Jr. A certain and lusting Lure for that disease. HE subscriheis having been appointed special , . , ir ,, n ii i jl agents J or The sale of GatUghau’a Fevet and lately occupied by Ah. AL D. Unson. Fills, are prepared to iHrtush planters and country tt, a*/ , | 1 ® nnremtttinga enuon of both traders with suppiieapf.said article, ou terms equally hem,.they flatteg themselves that their House will ob- MS fitvorab i e a / u ; e y can be obtained of the pToprii tain tor them a general patronage from the Public.— They have secured the valuable services of a l.idy, whose reputation as a manager of a public bouse, is inferior to no one in the State. Their tubles will be furnished with the beet the coun try affords, mid their bar vr;b the choicest liquors. Guilighau’g 1’iiis, though useful for all diseases which originate inA supvrubi:iniBtii collection t.f tile in the stomach, are iuore particularly intended for Fevercnd Ague. In the first place they cleanse, strengthen a - id give tone to the stomach and bowels, and create a i.evr The Stablosare attendee 1 .by-carcfulnndexperience.I ■ a „ d te;lUilv a s tioI1 Uir01 ,,,. 0 ut the sy^tom. 1 Ley pro- Ostlers^ A1U&HAN A MO TT. j dure a natural aud peiuianent appetite; tliev jetted 3G ' the sy stem against new or subsequent, attacks of the disease; they assist the various operations of Katun by CENTRAL HOTEL, WP .Uncon, Georgia. idealising thesystem-of ulivitiated, corrupt and acrid T HIS establishment is now uuder the control of fhumon., and thus invigorate and reanimate tho Viol* the subscriber, who pledges himself to render t frame. Possessing a purgative quality, li.-ey tamti t comfortable those who may call on him. Feb 25 % PETER J. WILLIAMS. TOBUfLBMMB And Contractors THROUGIJOVT GEORGIA, B a Having received a number of commu nications from individuals, making inqni- . „ . . , ,. ”• 1 Jadv ot tlie bumsi'family, illipn* ries respecting my Brick Machine, tnvett- , *, . , - . r fed by jCnlvin ’Waterman, and now in site- P . ed ? e ,he . u ‘^ 1 ' ' 5 lh ,' ,t ltlP - v -"^^•cestful operation in this place. I take this "< copart dissolution. rail IE copartnership heretofore existing under th- M til >■> of WILLIA.M S A BRADLEY is this day dissolved by mutual consent Either of tlie firm n Inly authorised to settle the business of the concern. All persons indebted to the concern are requested to make immediate payment, a* it is necessary the busi ness should be.closr-d immediately. J. G. WILLIAMS, C. IE BRADLEY. Having disposed of our entire stock to Mossis WHEELER A TOWNSEND, in whom we liave pcrfect confidence,we take pleasure in pecomiucudiiig them to our friends and tlie public generally. May 1 Ct Ut • W. A B rnOTICii. T HE subscriber* would inform tlie public that they have formed u connection iu business under the firm of lriRGUTS* s TSU.VGl'EL, /> O If, Aud will continue at the old stand ol J. A.’ its'.S. Virgin, on Cotton Avenue, where all favors in ibeir line w ill be pu actually attended to. Fee our Advertisement. DR. STRINGEFLl.OW will be absent a short time from the'city, aRer his return from Charleston, he will attend to Dental Operations, n all its branches.’ Single oi whole sets of teeth set on gold plate or pivots, plugging, Ac. AH work xvnri anted to stand. His office for gentleman will be at onr store. Ladies will be attended to at his house by leaving their turd lie day previous. Dentists supplied with incorruptible Teeth, ,'old I cil, and materials generally, ofwhich we intend to keep a good supply. J. A. VIRGIN. S. S. VIRGIN, .March 16 24 Dr S. L ST RING FELLOW. for Sale. KEGS prime family Butter, 40 bbls aud j bbls vV^Dr, 10 kegs Tuhacco. by C. L. HOWLAND A Co. Corner of Cottou Avenue A. Second st. Jan-27 17 if ffT* &ook at This. ^ FBI IIE subscribers have lately received ‘a variety of .3 merchandise consisting of Dnj Goods, ISardtrure, Groceries, Superior <ills for lamp*.xml pain’s; Saddlery, Hats, Bonnets, Ac. Ac. which they believe will bear com pAtisou inquality and price to any in the city! ' l’er- | remain iu the bowels to produce such other disease* . us often follow tlie injudicious treatment of the lever I andagne. They are composed entirely of vegetable matter, and may lie taken by persons of b< th sexes' and ofuilagsj, wi.iiinuheleast danger of unpleasant consequetiees. Inline,the pnblic are assured that Gallignan’s Pills possess those inestimable virtues, whicn are requisite not only to arrest, but to eraclicah) and oestroy the fast seeds of this loo t distressing n;a- iadv of tiie humou family. The prpprictAssolemnly 1 '' T y do roi contain a i t. • .l: 11» nniierais m any soaro or lorui, hut are entufiesed- operation in his place. I take this ; , f ^ ^^ svltf . UK£es eitlter !4spil ilcJ / method of atm coring thorn, I invito ^nl whnfeo! dispo-: ' *1- . 1 \ ^ . . ;t , .. .* . # * sed to purchase rights to come «ud see the operation '*£*%'**’£?* \ of the miiehitje. and if there be one.who say* lie J *"*?,? * effects^, dm fc.rm.ft disappointotl in hi* expectations I bind uiyst-IC to pay [ • the exiieuses of his trip. F do not expect sell a; ILclJct'S 3l-c« CcrtiOClHfS< right to anv one without iheir first having seen the | From Gee. Uni. Ittllburn, Lur.siaiph county, Go. machine, but iu order to afford tin idea of its value 1 J Oetooer g lib, lc.s>- aunex the following certificate*, one of then: signed . Messrs Fletcher If lVestcott, . bv two of the mosi experienced Brickumbers in tlie J Gentlemen—It nllords megreat pleasure to give my Southern St'tes. In my nb-encc from Alucon ll.e ; testimony in favor of your “Gaiiignm’s Fever uoff Editors of the Messenger will act asuiy authorised ! Ao ,je Fill*.’ I ba«e icpcotedly en.|iliy« d them iH a'-ents. T. L. SMITH. | ,n f ljmily,and in every case they have succeeded be- ~April ID 1837 tf 29 "" j yond tuy hopes, in effecting thorough and permanent. ! cui4'->. They have also be’ n used extensively in niy’ We having witnessed the performance or Mr T L I neighborhood, during the past season, with thy numc, Smith’s now Brick Machine, invented bv Caivin U’a-; liappy and salutary effects, 'i he people iu nussi. PJ-a. ternian, now in operation in this place, take pleasure j •** country cannot too highly appreciate them, i in recommending it to the public. The fact ofihiper- ! •••V opinion they' sinndat the very head ol the I-t ot formanne is its host rceommcudution M o timed it. and I medicines lor the lever and Ague. Be assm-d I find that with new moulds and inexperienc ed hands, it *hn!l not fi'.il to reeommei.rl them to all persons » !m» made at the rate of Two Thousand Three Hundred I may inect «nth atflicted with that, ronblescmc anff and Sixty-Eight Bricks per hour. By moulding ten ! distressing disease. Yours tesptclivtly, hours in tlie day it would therefore turn out Twenty-j *' M - Wellbofs. three thousand ami six hundred per day- It requires j From Dr. John 71. Taylor, of Tailuiiasscc, I'luru.a. six bovs to bear off, four to saijci tho inoii iN, Ac. to- j Messrs, tlttcher Sf, IVcsieott, sons wishing to purchase arc invued to call'and ex i gether with four grown men. Tim* foiirieea liamU j GeiiUcmen.—Having prescribed Galligbnq's Fill*. amine for themselves, as es.Unragant catalogues and j i,ro ""fficawt tj* make the ..bovc named quantity of the ; in several cases of lever and Ague, with the most - • ( | most beautiful brick pur day. | l.ivoraldo ivsiilis, 1. cheorfullv reciunmetid them a- it JOHN SPRINGER. | valuable medicine, t;ji persons afilicted with ihiti div-' Macon,April !4lh 1837. DAVID F WILSON. } ease. Ke-peeifully,. Ac. I Tnllaliusscc, Dec. 18:5. I have witnessed the performance of Mr Tbend- j JNO. B TAYLOR, Bf. O. lick L Smith's new Brick Awaking Machine, just put j From Dr. IVm. J. Johnson, Fort Gaines, Georg.j. into operat'nn in this place, and feel no hesitation in j Messrs Fletcher Sf iieslcott, pronouncing it agreairnd i>seful improvement on any • Gentlemen—h run. the trials I have repeatedly civcn other method of Brick making 1 have - " ’ * “ * nbored puffs, are too often I'mpositiotis. ish ment is located on the corner of Tliird,.aud Mul berry streets. the other on the corner of Poplar street and Cotton Avenue. WM B. PARKER A Co. Dec 15 11 tf other method of Brick making 1 have ever seen—.miR | <• Galiighau’s Vegetable Fever and Ague IM.*,” dur- as to tlie quality of the Brick end expedition iu nia- [ hi., tlie- present tall and past sninmei", iu the cure of king. Bv request I timed the machine for bait on j intermittent or ague and fever, I take plcasujre in rp- i mi... ..u *i.„. . l... •!...* . 0 . 4 -.. Ccpar tnership Xlioticc. R obert wheeler ami e. p. tuwnsend have this day associated themselves in business under tlie firm of WllEELEK & 'TOWNSEN !>, : and having purchased the entire stock of Messrs I Williams A- Bradley, will continue tlie business at die old stand, in Third street, recently occupied by them. , Mnv 1 31 tf 1 THE SUBSCRIBERS JTTTAVF. purchased Mr. Laird H. Wiley’s inter- jalxL estin tlieiale firm of Fort, Hamilton A Wi ley. mid Hamilton, Hates & Co. and given IRA E. FO»RTan interest in the same. The Dry Goods business w 'll be continued at the same place, under the firm of T ort, Hamilton & Co. and the Ware 1,’ouscs and Commission Business as heretofore, undert»Ne firm of HAMILTON, HAYES A Co. FORT, HAMILTON A Co. June23 32 it ready for the reception of cotton by the commence' inent of the ensiling season. All cotton consigned to thsui by Planters and others, dealing in the article, or orders 1(. buy nnd sell m the market, will be promptly — ——-—'-fW-Af-n attended t>." They likewise inform those .Merchants »»OT1CC. _ •viu» forward tl.eir goods by Macon, that they have a FSN HE subscribers hari.VI purcliased the interest or Grgenndsafe Brick Store, for tlie reception of iner- .M. J. Cowles in the linn of Geo. W. 1 rice A Co. < h indue. «ud will receive and forward all goodscon- the business in future will 1 r-rvJVvI.' "igned (. them. Their charges in every in-tnnee will j same name, by IV* LUAM^LOOIU., be ns low as is customary in die city. Liberal advan- i jan l’ 1 14 — * will In undo on cotton stored with tliciu or ship- j Notice. GKO w PRICE lieiUiyttieni to iiiiv other market. ’ FHlHE copartnership existing in tl’*J • A. Ik | Jl the subscribers under tlie firm oi ANDERSON, ' Having one of the partners of tiieir firm (Mr. / Freeman) located iu the city of New York for the pur- *ose of alhirding the necessary facilities to tiieir busi ness in .Macon, they respectfully inform Merchants nd others who have business to transact in that city, 1 M be will be prepared to attend to any Commission I iisiness-*ith which ho may be favored. Theyem- *> see the present opportunity to return their grateful * "'""vicdgeinentsto their friends and the public for i"st favors, and solicit n continuation of their pntron- a e. f't addition to thefr present stock, they will receive -rlv this full a fine nsssrtiuent of DryGootls, Groceries. Hardware, 1 “lltry, Bale Rope, Heavy Hemp, Cptton Bagging, Readymade Clothing, Ac. Ae. Af. 'able for the full trade, all of which they offer for «i i on the most reasonable terms Macon, August25 01 tf 1YOTICE. “ ’1 Hr. subscribers having purchased of Messrs J. A W. Baldwi.v theii very exteu*ive and well * dvctvd Stock of Croods* a nii taken their store, corner Cotton Avenue and Fh. rry slrecl, is prepared to offer such inducements ! « purchasers as will not fail to insure a liberal share u i public patronage. C uintry. Merchants. Planters pnd others are re- •ptufutly^invited to call where they wil 1 find n large *’so'. intent of staple and fancy Dry Goods, and Gro I PECK &■ Co. is this day dissolved bytn utual consent. Thu unsett'ed business of the concern »'•« bent tend, d to by John Anderson or J M Peck. j avi 1erson » J M PE ?„£• . TI) JOH.^^O^i Macon, May 16,1837 34 J S JONE,^ TiZacon Academy. £OOZ AT THIS ! TVrttrhes. Aetrclrrj, Silver JJVrrc, Sfc. VI1CGIN8 A S l KUiGI ELLOB Woqld inform their friends a|id the public that they still continue at their stand on Cottou Avenue, and h'vejust received afresh supply of Goods, con sisting in partofthe following articles: Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ gold lever anchor escapement independent second lepine aud vertical WATCHES; silver lever plain and extra jewelled lepine and vertical do. all of which were se lected with choice tosuit this market, and will be war ranted to perfirm well; Ladies’ gold Neck Chains ; Gentlemen’s gold and silver Guard and Fob Chains: gold and silver guard and fob Keys; Ear Knobs aud Drops; Breast Puts and Finger Ring* of all kinds; gold, silver, gilt, aud pearl Belt Buckles and Slides, Bracelets and Head Belts; gold and silver everpoint ed Pencils, steel Pens of the best qualities, gold, silver and steel spectacles, 'Quizzing Glasses, silver table, tea. dessert, salt nnd mustard Spoons; soupondcrenm Ladles. Sugar Tongs. Butter and Fruit Knives, silver Cups, Thimbles, Castors, Candlesticks, silver, brass, and biouzed; coral, gilt and glass Beads; ladies’ Bags ofthe latest faslpous, Pusres and Pocket Books, Clati onetts, FlageolctL«, Flutes, Fifes, Accordiaus, Music Boxes large aud small. Drums, Organs and Violitts Walking Sticks of various kinds : silver, gilt, shell, horn and ivory Combs , Tea and Coffee Pols, Bread Baskets silvei nnd japanned, fine painted Waiters, Knives, Razors, Saunders’ celebrated Razor Straps with tablets. Pistols of various kinds, Dontists’ Files, Gold Piute, Wire. Foil &c toy Watches, Rattles and Whistles for children; Snuffboxes, Percnssiou caps. Pipes, Segar Tubes, Pocket Compasses. Mathemati cal Instruments. Ac. MILITARY GOODS. Swords, Belts, Kpailjfilis, Plumes, dashes. Buttons. Lace, stars, ornaments too Humorous to mention, which will be sold cheap for cash, or approved city accep tances. N. B.—We have a choice selection of materials for repairing Watcngs, and are prepared to make any new part, which will warrant to perform as well as the original. Virgins &, Stringfellow feel grateful for past fuvors. and would still solicRa share of the pulic patrouage, hoping to give satifactinu to all who may favor them iu .heir line. March 16 24 Piano Portes. Splendid Boston PIANOS, with 2 and 3 pedals, /OSt Just received by : m |5 • nsipp x. ipuna jun 12 CRAFT & LEWIS. Carpetings JU4T received a large stock of Brussels, Ingrain S«tv Fall and Winter Ulotlain^. A T the Macon Clothing Store, one d"tn above Win. I). Johnson’s Jewelry Store. The sub scriber is now receiving his Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing, (which has been manufactured by Lewis 1 licit tlie past summer,) and which will be sold off as cheap, for cash, as at any other establishment, CONSISTING OK Super Black, Blue, Brotvn, Green, Invisible Green and Claret Dress Coats. Super Black, Blue, Brown, Green, luvis- ble Green Claret and Mixed Frock Coats. Brown, Green, Mixed ami Cadet mixed Coatees. Fine Blue. Black, Greeu, Brown and .Mixed Pants. Super ribbed, striped, corded nnd plaid Casiinerodo Bcavertecn, Cord and Lion Skin Pantaloons. •-■■per Blue, Brown, Green, Mixed and Drub Over Coats. Goat’s Hair and German Cuinblet Wrapper do. Gentlemen’s super Blue, Black aud Invisible Green Broadcloth Cloaks, Ladies’ super Olive, Greeu uud Claret Broadcloth ' Cloaks. Ladies' figured Merino, plain do. and Circassian Cloaks. Super Blue and Pilot Cloth OverCoats. Drab, Blue and Olive Dnfile Over Coats; Lion Skin and Green Blanket Over Coats; Kentucky Jeans Frock Coats and Pantaloons; Cloth, Sutinot, Peters bam and Beavertcen Hunting Coals, Cloth and Satin et Round Jackets. Black and Blue Cloth black figured aud plaid Vel vet, plain and figured English (Silk, dark Vulaucias, Toilinet, Worllen Velvet, black and 'striped Satin, Bombazine, Tabby Velvet, and Satinet Vests, Fine Lineu aud Cotton Shirts, plaid and striped Gingham Shi ’s.Silk, Cotton, Moriuo patcutand lamb Wool Shirts iet cottou and woolen, flannel Canton, j flannel and: ril' d cotton Drawers. W’oqI, La i! Wool, patent Merino aud browncot- ton Half II s Fine W »’ Back, Ilors skin, Beaver, White Kid, j Lieued B / t, Lisle thread, black, white and colored < Silk Glov „ Blacks, white Silk Hqjf Hose; Russian Belts, I •Money Br s, nett, worsted aud cotton, Silk and Gum [ Suspenders, Cravat and Cravat Stiflenors, Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Bombazine, Satin, Velvet plain and plaited Stocks, blue, blucknttd white crimped Silk Stocks, Spitulfield. English Silk, red and yellow Ban dana, white and red Pongee Silk Pocket Handker chiefs, plain aud rilflled Bosoms Collars, Purses,Cloth, Fur aud Hair Seal Skin Caps, Wool Hats, a large as sortment of Fur Hats, Silk Hats. Boots and Shoes, a grod stock of Negro Clothing, also flue bine aud black Cloths, Canvas, Padding, gilt and lasting Butt ms, Co'ton Wad.jing, Military Ball Buttons. Cord, Tas sels, Stars, Lace, Epaulette, &c. dee.. Nov. 17 7 HORACE FITCH. Gentlemen wishing their Cloths made at the North will, by leaving their names with me. have them made in the best manlier, and most fashionable style. H.F. For Sale* hour The result of that trial shows that with 14 bands tlie machine will turn out of beautiful mid veil tempered Brick.2358 in one hour, or about 40 to (be minute. JNO. RUTHERFORD. Macon. April 19 1937 Just Received saisd f«u- sale Sty C. M.. IiqWEAJVD St Co. gris a* hegs of No:is, /zdtbtiJ 20 boxes Soap, 10 bhd prime Sugar, 30 bags „ Coffee, 20 M best Cigars, 50 bbls Northern Gin, 20 bbls ale, 20 „ Porter, CO doz Champaignc Cider, All of which will be sold on the most accommodatin terms ler cash or short credit. .May !> 32 rniiiuiciidmg them as a certain and *pe.;ific remedy— j iiow obstinate soever, the cases may be. These , ills j liavs been extensively used in tills Motion of the Ctinu- i try, aud so tar as I know, without disappointing the : expectations of a single iiuii*itTnul. i iidiKov. 1835. WM J. JOHNSON, M. D. T stock o SPRING GOODS, which lining been purchased iiuder very favorable eucumstance will be sold cheap. April 10 CRAFT A LEWIS. 28 ed and Stair Carpeting. T HE Female Department of this Institution .**** J Also, Oil Cloth Carpeting from 2 to.20 feet wide . g become vacant by the resignation of ^ * r I / " — ‘ r - ' l '" '“ Darby he late Rector, tlie Trustees are desirous to’ / —•*- employ a competent Teacher to take charge ol the April 20 29 CRAFT & LEWIS. same, fhn already large population of the city pi ces it oat of the reach of the embarrassments which frequently attend Schools dependent mostly upon aid .from abroad for a support always precarious and fluc tuating. The Trustees therefore feel well assured that to a Teacher of high character and qualifications a very liberal patronage is certain, and from such they invite propositions. Communications addressed to either of the Trus tees will be promptly answered. ' AMBROSE BABER, F.DW D TRACY. J AMES SMITH, rAH JATHAN C M UN ROE .1 Trustees. «nr*. Micon. April 13 28 JOHN J. BENNETT tf T GOODS AT COST. . IE undersigned have determined on closing tiieir business and are now offeriug their stock, con *unng of a general assortment of ' Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, flats, Shoes, Saddlery, Ifnrt/irare Sc. wt ton per cent on New York ind Itosto I n«t, at r ua 1 fforoa-li; and 5 per ent at wholesale for,ca.h, or go d Piper, payable 1st Jauunrynext. with mfercst. Wfc r * , P"cl r uuy invite onr friends and the public to give B *»call. WILLIAM FORT &Co Tho e indebted to n* wonld do well to make mine mate p lyment. Feb SI 19 To Kent. A Dwelling House, with the requisite out buildings, pleasantly situated, in a healthy section of the couutiy, on Lite Tbomaston road, sixteen miles from Ma con. Also a store at the same place, in a thickly settled neighborhood, affording an excellent stand for busi ness. A pply at this office. MorcbO 23 Cteow Apri. Summer Clothing. VERY large assortment made up to order, Just received by 120 29 CRAFT & LEWffc 1 . Bolting Cloths* ”-es and qualities, 29 For sale by CRAFT *V LEWIS. April 20 -S' INSF.ED OIL AND TRAIN OlLjust receiv JL ed and foi * 8aleb y Dec 29 13 J H. <fc W. S ELLIS. Winter & ‘trained Sperm OiJ ? “ST “ n'i W. S. ELLIS. 12 J Dec? lOOO Dec. I !• R utter. ii eE. '.osylvania Butter, lbs. Fc^ ?a j e by CHa \/?.LES CAMPBELL. P Garden Seeds. RFSII from Baltimore. Just received by **» W 16 CRAFT & LEWJS. To Bent. Possession given immediately. The brick house re ently occnpied by Ossiau Gregory, corner of Cherry and 3d streets as a dwelling Apply to Mr. Graves, (store underneath,) or to 29 ' OSSIAN GREGORY THE SUBSCRIBER offers his HOlTsV and LOT for sale in East Macon, contain- ing about 7 acres, with about 300 fruit tree* of the best selections. Any persnv wishing to purchase will do well to cell and examine the premises. The terms will be liberal. .May E8 34 3t «EO. ». WARDLAW. lOOO, -S’AF LARD, of su t* ( " fri d r t /,Ua,i,r ’ P -o T u P tain?ng h a| e put up in neat Covered tin canns, i ° lbs each. Also, in progress of curing • K .- p 1 p? BACON, by WM. B PA» ^ co ' Jan 26 17 and about75 I'iioico Ladies Clonks. , e , n .. C LOTH and Merino Cloaks—worth 10 $50. novlO 6 CRAFT & Carpeting. ^ J UST received.a few pieces of Ingrain 4 >ar P whirb is for sale at reduced prices, dec 15 II etirg I prices. G W PRICE A Co Ulcdiclnc Chests, f F OR plantations aud families, wiih eirectio •'W osing. For sole by J.H.& W. 8. ELLi s - Nov 7 Dolton Are. nne . LBS Bacon, 10,000 lbs Lard, 01 hhds St. Croix Sugar of superior quality, 50 bags Coffee, 45,OQ'0 lbs Swede Iron, 100 kegs Nails, assorted, 25 hhds choice Molasses, 150 whole and half bbls Canal and Ricnmond Flour, 5 pipes pure IT. Gin and C. Brandy warranted pjjre and three years old, 20 bbls old Monnngabala Whiskey, 5 proof, 75 bbls pure Runi, and 20 Gin, 41 DAVID RALSTON. SUour, Bacon* Lard, &c. Tf BBLS Ohio Flour, prime quality) S. 40 Kegs Lard, ' 3500 lbs Georgia cured Bacon, 10 tierces Rice, Just received and for sale by April 13 28 REA & COTTON. j From the Hiv P. L. Jackson, Fort Gaines, Georgia. I Messrs. Fletcher ly U'criudi, Nov J2ih, i&S. j I have a prejudice agaiusl patent medicipe*, and es- pni iaSiy against llmse limt •• pledge to cure iu every in- i siance,” but trutli compels me to say, that bf the ii( 0, ! boxes of jottr pills wiiieb I purchased to sell, not one* : box. to iny k:iowled:e, lias laiicu 10 cure. A !t\v i months ago. Galiigiian’s Piilsxvere unknown bere.and ; now they are sent for by *ke mail boys, &c. < 0 miles, j soulli and, l sliali probably tit.d sale for a ’tho s-- ! o n; Ions next year, and wish you to send me that • nunilii-r when convenient. 1 tael that, iu common Fk-iyy .if... with i.ll who are subject to ihe disease,! an: much in ure deb’.ed to you, aud have no doubt'} cn will meet w i:h HE subscribers are just receiving a splendid ,, v ’ , , ,, ,, . — J "... i. your w elbcarned reword. Respectfully years,&i - . P. L. JACK.SON. From Dr.S. M. Ingcrsoll. Coin a:', us, Georgia I have used Galiigiian’s Pills with success,—they have more tliau met my expectations. Nov 2II, 1-35. ». 4L INGF.RSOLL, M. D. From Dr. Llijdh A. Dunn, Irvington, Alutotna. Messrs. Flctchor (f lVcsteott, Nov, 2, 1835. f Gentlemen—Agreeabiy to your wish I a:h pleased ; to state bow far I am acquainted with the dharacter of I your .“Fever and Ague pills.” Dunns the last sum- i uier and full they have been much used in this part oi j tlie country, and. so far as I have observed: they ba\ e | proved highly beneficial to those who have taken them: j <u ordinary cases of Ague and Fever, medical advice j is seldom sought'; but l have recommended your pills j to the sick in one or two very obstinate cases, nnd tho use of them was followed w ith signal success. I therefore consider your pills a safe and valuable- medicine for Ague and Fever, and ciu cifally recom mend them to the notice of pcisous i.i!hc\ed with that disease. Willi respect, Yourt l.-t Servl. ELIJAH A. DUNN, M. D. Just Received and for sale a large supply of the a- bovc Piiisat the proprietors price by H A. J. SHOT WELL, Agents. Corner third and Mulberry streets, opposite tho Central Hotel, Macon Just deceived auri Sot Sale. [ NUE.'II GKUCEKILM—'viz: 50 bbls N L Rum 1 17 bales Feathers. 2 do white do ’ll bbls sperm Oil. 5 do clarified do It) do dry Malaga Wine iu qr casks 5 j do Sherry do 3 do Whiskey and Neutral Rum 50 hnxc*,and 4 boxes Raisins Cognac. Brandy 1st quality 12 boxes white and marble Soap Lemon Syrup and Family Butter By ISAAC NEWHALL. jan12 15 Ntxt door to the Post Office. Monroe Bail Bpad & BaiskimvUo. Macon. June. 5, 1837: A T a called meeting. Ordered, that inpayment of alJdebt* created by discounts on hills of exchange the bills of this insli.ution will be received :ii a pre mium of one percent If nnde within ninety days.— Aud upon all suits that shall be commenced in i'svnr of this institution during 1837. for collections, nothing will be received in payment but the bills of this Bank or specie. A true extract from the minutes. 36 tf PETER SOLOMON Cash OTA5tfT£3> B Y the subscriber, Monroe Kail Road Fank Bill*, for winch ten per cent per annum will !>e gjven- Apply to Larkin Gritfiu or Peter Solomon of .Macon, or Alfred Brooks of Forsyth, or mysc’f June 6 36 tf L. L. GRIFFfN. Now Carriage Establishment* T H E subscriber will receive in a tew days a largo stock of Carriages, Barouches, Sc. Most of them made by the best workmen in Newark and New Haven. LUKE BLISS. Macon. Dec 14 11 Take 2SS otice. T HE subscriber having disposed of his interest in the firm of Geo. W. Price & Co. to William Cooke and Geo. W. Price, who will receive and pay *11 debts of ’lid firm. jan 1 J COWLES 5<T DOZ. vely superior Lemon djrup, 40 doz „ ,, Stoughton Bitters, For sale by April 20 29 H. & J. SHOT WELL. Genuine Kowand’s Tonic Mixture.. A FRESH supply just received and for sale by Nov 17 7 J. H. & W. S. ELIJS, Cotton Arenas. Mason. botanical i&edisincs. B AYBLKHY BARK, powdgred, Golden Seal do llcuilnck Bark powdered; Ncrvin powdered. Prickly Ash do, „ Poplar Bark „ • Wild Cherry do „ Slippery Elm do .. V\ lute Pond Lilly; Lobelia Seed, Lobelia, herb; Skunk < alibaie, Indian Turnip; Golden Thread; Indian Sage; Samach Bark, Bahnayy or -litter wool; Bitter Sweet. Gum Myrrh ; Cayenne Pepper, African. Jusl received nnd for sale by April 20 2‘) H & J. SHOTW I.LT„ IHUSBC. eJO ISS MARIA T. LOiiD announces that sl<<: will Itai. give .Music ALessons, intiie. Female A- cadernTin Macon, commencing the 12lh June next- Ter>ns.—-820 per quarter payable in advance. < — ~o ,\ -fwvrgafffrvr?' r' No pupil received lor less than a quarter. Those who it. dA.iiAvij7lrJlAy 'v.rj are desirous of entering pupils are referred to E. licit- ' by ley. May 17 “ , ! DANITpH, T. RCA. MISS LORD has been encaged in mv School as i OPPOsl'lE T HE NEW JIARSET. the Principal Music Teacher (m the last three year,, i FSllHi suiisciilier having in bis tmployir.i nt some and it gives ine pleasure to sta-o that she lias given in'- ] Ji <d the most etheicut workmen to bo louud, he usual satisfaction; and her skill as an insttuctress in j wnl be abl.r to undertake largely either i < the city of Music needs no bighor recointiiendation than the pro I country. ficienev of har pupils. .Clinton, May 17 31 THOMAS B. SLADE. 3t ' X^otice. Third nuil last Warning. T HE subscribers will attend at the office of Lip- I pitt & Higgins, the usual place of .bolding Jrt«- j tices Court for die 564th dist. G. M. on Thursday the j 15tli of June next, for tlie purpose of collecting the | State and County Tax of said ilist. for the year id36; J and also to take in the Tax Returns for the present year. Also the same notice Is given that the subscri ber* will attend at the Court House, tip! usual place of holding Justice Court for the 71titli dist. G. M. on Friday the 16th of June, lor the purpose of collecting the State and County Tax of that disl. for tlie year 1836, and to lake the Returns for thd present year (1837.) JAMES GATES, t c. b. c. JAMES HOLLINGSWORTH, t. n. b. c. June 6 36 j • to undertake largely either i :i!l kinds of , - House and Sign Painting, Fancy Chair Paiiitiiig^ Gilding and Glazing, Pa r er Hanging, Imitation of W oods and .Marble, Enumeling, &c ito. Feb 22 ly at VJizecv^ Qilass 125 ,, 10 bv 12 do. 75 .. 12 by 16 do do 30 „ 12 by I f do do 2t» , 11 by 16- do do 60 12 bv 18 do do Crocker T New Yo r . Oct 27 t HATS, l & Bardwarcv Gosl for «ale bv cr-:n vv price # rrr United Sttilt s Bank Motes, U Nl'11 I Stetfs Bank notes in sum- tr snit ap plicant* for sale by REA & CO’i'l’OKJi June 6 36 500 liberal price* will be paid appliy to ' June 6 36 REA A. COTTON. Bagging - . lOOO p,E ^ s ’ .« ay, 30, lfc3? 34 ing for sale REA & COTTOJL , ‘>ACKS Liverpool fine Salt, Ibt sale by March23 25 REA A,COTTON. ; TS Bbls Family Flonr Ji 75 Bbl* Irish Potatoes. Just received and for sale by REA & COTTON. April 5ih. web £riiitirg done at itiiis Oace, With sevcraLy filer sizes just received and forsajb bv H. & J. SMOT1V ELL. ‘ • Corner of 3it Sf Mnlhcrry.sto. opposite the Central hotel- AprrhKI 31) ' PsppriSjf for Rooms,' J UST received a good assortment of handsome pa per hangurgatid bordering. i Qet r:r 2 H. A- J. SDOTWELL. We are authorised Kraunoimce JO • jSvr'SEra j HOLLOMAN a candidate forre-elV-ctiotr Ur the CFerk-hE, of the: “ Inferior'Conrt of Bibb cctinty. 7fny J6 / 3.7 W li ,'rre authnriserf to■ ant.otttied- IVRIGHT NEEL a caod.datg for Clerk of the Inferior Conn at the en— mine election. Fob 23 2f WE are .irrrliorisen rc announce HENRY NEWSOM a. candidate for Tax ColTwar of Bibb May 30, 1837. . 35 to an- W.E are autliorizei noonce THOMAS L. ROSS. a candidate for Clerk of die Inteiir. Cruit ol lilt b c< unty. May 28th, 1857. V, • m • i a