Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, July 11, 1837, Image 1

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i 4 ■ i MACON GEORGIA By W. B4BTI.ETT. Terms of Subscription Tunes Dow.xiw,paid in advance. will pay for the pa-\ • rfl' 1 kC utar. Five>, paid in adrance, will pap I -fl. V'^piaur two liters. Tu Dollars, paid ia advance rill p*3J al Cotnntiasiau Bit si ness, Darien. [ Watches. Jewelry, Silver Ware and .tiacojy. geobgia. rirmii*. jri/xr 11. tss7. lHE undersigned have resumed business as a bove, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten tion to all business entrusted to their care. We believe wo have made arrangements that will enable ns at all ,-^r the paper five gears. f r.,l paid within six months after the gear has1 !*nies to forward goods for the interior with the least 1 I possible delay, by steamboats when the river will ad- ' “*k."tor£*1'nTpaid"until fhfeml ofthe ytIn% |, or in extreme low river by small flaU or lighters, { " nt'tus per annum will be charged—with interest •» oilt expressly for that business. On our wharves 1 f ),r , are large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot i.ttrt*J ltr ' m . ton at the least possible expeose, and our opportunities to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not excel- ed by any other House. Darion, May 20, 1836. HAWKS, MITCHELL A COLLINS. OGLETHOPE INSURANCE & TRUSTCO. Terms of Advertising. Urcitisements not exceeding one syuare, or 12 brevier . w ;ube inserted onetime for One dollar. When . „ tha» one ‘""rtfo* « ****** 50 ce " l *f'*r ««e* iMsacal insertion. T** Collectors'and Coroners' Sales are chit- i% it?aU accounts for Advertising. Job Printing, 5fc. % a , for subscription, Interest will be c.urged, ‘ Vs «•>' fettled within the year. »>* Darien Line ofDarJ.el.s *'fa. ItaiG .Macon, A. Cibbms, M«,ter. * Amelia Strong, Brown, •• / < Darien, C. P. Bulkey, “ '• Now Jersey, B. Matthews, “ " Premium, J. Couborn, “ “ (New) Schr. D. Jt. Crane, Baker, " These vessels ale all coppered, fastened and bui'.t , ' lv for this trade, h ave experienced captains «il resiilarly once a weak from each port. V«ss •!* bound for Darien will find Doboy B r 1 of access: 19 to *1 foot water will be found 011 the n l 'i ni hifili water, the same depth can be carried with- miles of Darien, 13 feetcuhic carried up to the •iv Thu anchorage in Doboy sound and river is twr'inil ulv safe and good, with ample room tor ves- "clVtn carry off the whole cotton crops, coining down t!,s rivers to Darwm ^^L^ & CO LLIN3, Agents Darien. Refer 10 Jamxs Goddard, F.sq. Maco.i. (let 10. 1*36. 2 OF THE CITY OF .71.1 CO.Y. T HE public are hereby informed that the late Mer chants’ Insurance and Trust Company of this city has recently been incorporated by the Legislature of this State, under the above title, with autliorityto ^ w increase the Capital Stock to 500,000 Dollars, and to j kies, silver an- Scotch Snuff Boxes, gold and silver exercise TRUST and sundry other privileges. 100.- Everpointed Pencils, silver and gilt Bracelets, gilt, sil- jFVJ.VC Y 6? OOD id, At the Lowest Prices.’ ' • * C. G. ST. J‘JIIA. Watch Maker and Jeweler, Cotton Avenue, oppo site the Washington Hall, respectful ly informs his friends and the public, that he is now opening a new ;u*! splendid assortment of I WATCHES cV JEWELICT, of the best quality aud latest fashions, consisting ip part of the following articles, viz: Ladies’and gentlemen’s Gold Duplex, Patent Le ver, Anchor Escapement und Lepiue Watches; la dies line Gold Curb. Guard, Basket & Crude Chains; Watch Hooks, Seals and Keys; Swivels, linger Ri. . s, Ear Kings and Broaches; children’s EarKuobs and t ’res; gentlemen’s Curb and Linked Guard and Fob C« 'ns, Seals, Keys, Swivels, Sleeve links, bo som and , Mar Buttons, Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Guard Sea. *nd Keys, Medalions, gold and gilt Buc- 000 dollars of said Capital has been paid in. and will at all times be held in readiness to pay any losses due by this Company. Risks are taken ’to and from this city to any port or place, 0:1 as liberal terms to the r s sored ns any other Insurance office. Loans will le taken, >nd bills of Exchange purchased, Ac. WM. B. PARKER, Pres’t Jambs Rea, Sec’y. Jan 26 17 MACON STEAM-BOAT COMPANY, T ■ foUI-D give notice to die merchants ill Macon If and ihu country, that they ate prepared with three LIGHTERS, made to mu ou the Ucinnlgee ritcr at its I owes; water mark. Any good- that may he consigned u> the agents L. Baldwin A Co. Savan- , dr Hawes. Mitchell A Collins, Darien, or ordered m i„. shipped hy the line, will b*> forwarded with their usual despatch. The co'upauy has two Stern Wheel Boats. Superi or and Excel, which will he used to facilitate the - mils when the riter is damned safe to do so. 1 hey Mu' besides ihe J Stone, which boat run in the hue lot sci's m. purchased the Chieftain, a fine new side v. Mil. mi which will run between Savannah and llr.wkinsville, and so to Macon, when the river will sui’iiit. . p . With ihrse facilities, and a close attention ofthe r‘•i iits to dm interest of the sluppers, they hope for a ►liaie of patronage. J GODDARD, Agent. July 4 S3 3m J UST RECEIVED aud for sale by SMITH RODGERS A Co. 251) bbls Prime Klim, Gin aud Whiskey, 60 bbls Mackerel, Nos. i, 2 and 3, 80 hbl# and half bbls prune Flour, Cider, Apples, Sag hr,. Coffee, and many other ar ticles equally desirable, too tedious to mention. The above goods can be bought low for cash. Smith, Roiigers A: Co. would particularly invite those who are indebted to them to call immediately and pay their uotes and accounts, as they are needing the money to pay their own debts. Macon, Jan 12 15 Dark Prints. A N assortment dark small figured French prints nov 10 6 For sale hvCIt AFT A LEWIS. T ilEcnpartiiershiplieretofore existing under the firm of Jones. Dickinson A Co. is by mutual consent, tF : * day di^olved. L. S. JONES, TIM. DICKINSON, E. AUGUSTUS WAKE. Macon, May 17. 43. Grniuigcc Steamboat Company. THE Public are iiilunneutha.t this Company has now in opera tion, four boats, built exprossjy tfor tlie - uminer trade, which will regularly between Darien and Macon, towed by Iq" the steamer Altamaha, as far up the river as she can intend. , _ , Ami a> earlv in the fall as the state of the river will admit, the company will have in operation three Steam !... wit: the Ooi.nlgce, plying between Darien ami Savannah; and the Cornel, and Alatamaha.bc ween Darien and Macon; together with 14 tow boats, nil now and ill complete order, being built expressly i„ r ; |,e trade, andoommntided byexperieiiced captains, which will enable them lo peiform the trip with des- na.cli. and h.dd forth inducements for those person* to shin bv the Company who wish to get their goods or produce expeditiously Ut market. The company having l.v its charter. Hie privilege of insuring, will, at a uimlerate rate of premium, take ri-Ua on goods or pro- dnci! shipped by its boats, or placed 111 charge of its .agents forshipment. Act tits for the above boats: REA A COTTON, Macon. HOlJfSlI it LATH HOP, Hawkinsvilla. P.R. YONGF..V SONS, Darien. tjR v.NT A YONGE, Savannah. KKR, BOYCE & Co. Charleston. June 0 35 Seating S&sivc jFXousc. emit Commission Business. The nndersign- (■ cd have .ctitered vinll> n copartner- iv-i .-XfpLadB skip for the trail*- c action of tl.c above business. The Boating business will bo couducti d under the mine and style of J.Goddwid A Co. ami w.l! b • m in- aji'J and directed by J Go.ldard. The Ware llonse and Commission Bu-ina*s under the name and style of Hardeman, Joocs ,V Co. will he managed and conducted by Thomas linn emannnd John Jones. Thu undawigned respectfully solicit for c.iclicstahlislimcnl a share of public patronage- THOMAS HARDEMAN, Copartnership .Cattec. T ilEsubscribers have this day formed a copart nership in business, under the firm of. Dickinson be IVare. and occupy Ihcstoreformely oc:upied by Jones, Dick inson & Co., where the business of that firm will be liquidated. TIMOTHY DICKINSON, E. AUGUSTUS WARE. .Macon, .May 17 34. July 4 JOHN JONES, JAMES GODDARD. 39 WAKE IIVUSE _ „ AYD CO.W.7IISSIO.Y Bt SIJh'ESS. .llyrick. Napier * Fre«- npman inform their friends and the ♦ i public gem rally, that they arc enlarg- ■ J mg their Wnre House adjoining their more on Cotton Avenue, and will have it ready fur the recaption of cotton by the commence ment of the ensuing season. All cotton consigned to them by Planters and others, dealiog in1 the article, or orders to buy and sell in the market, vvill be promptly attended to. They likewise inform thoso Merchants who forward their goods by Macou, that they have a large and safe Brick Store, for the reception or mer- chsadixe, and will receive and forward all goods con signed 10 them. Tlioir charge* in every instance will be as low as is customary in the city. Liberal advan ces will be made on cotton stored with thorn or ship ped bv them to any other market. Having one of the partners of their firm (Mr. A. it. Freeman) located in the city of New York for the pur pose of affording the necessary facilities to their bust- ness in Macon, they respectfully inform _ Merchants and others who b.-vc Hiisiaess to transact in that city, f at he will be prepared to attend to aRy Commission I usiness vith which ho may be favored. They cm- b ace the present opportunity to return their gratetul a‘ knowledgcments to their friends and the public For p <*t favors, and solicit a continuation of tbeir patron- * *• ... Ic addition to ihelr present stout, they wul receive 0 >rly this fall a fine assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, i'Htlery, Bale Rope, Heavy Hemp, Cotton Bagging, • * *» Clotliins, &c. &c. dee. Headymads- all of which they offer for >n'tablc fi>r tjie fall tram., sala on .the most reasonable te«~ . Macon, August^ ®1 _ “ — yoirlc p T HE subscribers having purchased or Me- g &. W. Baldwin their very extensive and Ww selected Stock of Goods* and taken their store, corner Cotton Avenue ana Cherry street, is prepared to offer such inducement? to purchasers as will net tail to insnrs a liberal share of public patronage. C inntry. Merchants, Planters and others are re- sptctfully invited to call where they will find a large '“ pl0 ‘raSf'jfSssCTT Mrcon, April 13 28 tf . "HATS, ■ Crockery & Hardwares \ T New York Cost for sale by Oct 27 4 _ GEO \v. PRICE CO $0 Copartnership IMotice. R obert wHEELER.nid e. p. Townsend have this day associated fkeiuselvcs in business •uidcr the firm of WHEELER A TOWNSEND. and having purchased the entile stock of Messrs Williams &. Bradley, .will continue the business at the old stand, in Third street, recently occupied by them. May 1 31 tf Take Itifotice. T HE subscribers having purchased the interest of J. Cowles in tho firm of Geo. W. Price & Co. the business in future will he conducted under the same name, hy WILLIAM COOKE, jan 1 14 GEO W PRICE Just Received and for Sale. F REsHl GROCERIES—viz: 50 bbls N E Rum 17 bales Feathers, 2 do white do 10 bbls sperm Oil, 5 d.i clarified do 10 do dry Malaga Wine in qr casks 5 1 do Sherry do 3 do Whiskey and Neutral Rum 50 boxes and £ boxes Raisins Cognac Brandy 1st quality 12 boxes white and marble Soap Lemon Syrup and Family Butter By ISAAC NEWHALL. jan 12 15 Next door to the Post Office. Just Received and for sale by C. JO. HO H'LJ.l’R tf Co. Kegs of Nails, peftiD 20 boxes Soap, 10 hhd prime Sugar, 30 bags „ Coffee. 20 If host Cigars, 50 bbls Northern Gin, 20 bbls ale, 20 ,, Porter, CO doz Chnmpaigne Cider, All of which will be sold on the most accommodating terms for cash or short credit. May 0 32 ver and shell Combs, gold and silver Thimbles, gold, silver and steel Spectacles with glasses to suit every eye. Seed Coral, large Coral. Coral Necklaces, Bead Bags, Chains and Purses, a variety of.cut and plain Beads, Spy Glasses, Quizzing Glasses. Pocket Books, Emory cushions, card and cigar cases, imitation fruit, Iqeifer matches, fire machines, Rogers tc Sons’, and Wade & Butcher’s razors, Emerson’s razor straps, scissors, dirks, chess men aud board, backgammon boards, dice, dominoes, steel pens, walking canes, pistols, powder flasks, shot pouches, gatuo bags, otto of roses, cplogne, lavender and Florida water; fancy soap, lip-salve, pearl and tooth powder, flutes. Hageo- letts, accordions, shell music boxes, largo music boxes, o play from 3 to 12 tunes, fiddles and fiddle strings, gentlemen’s dressing eases, hair and tooth brushes. Birmingham and Sheffield silver platedenstors, liquor stands.candlesticks, branches, fruit baskets, snuffers and snuffer trays, tea trays, silver table, tea. deport, salt, mustard and cream spoons, soup ladles, sugar tongs and butter knives; marble, ebonv aud alabaster mantle clocksto run eighteen days without winding. military and military Trimmings, and a variety of other articles usually kept in his line, all of whieh he will sell at the lowest cash prices. He respectfully invites citizens and persons generally vis iting ourcity to call at his store aud examine his stock, where he is ever ready and happy to attend to those who may favor him with their calls. X B-—Particular attention paid to Watch Repair ing. Having selected the best of materials for repair ing Watches, he is now prepared to manufacture any part of a Watch, and will warrant every piece he inakns as perfect as the original, and his Watches to perform well. Oct 27 7 WO'2ZO&m T HE subscribers would iuforiu the public (hat they have formed a connection in business under the firm of YMRGI.YSif STRI.YGFEL.IjO JF, And will continue at the old stand of J. A. IfcS. S. Virgin, on Cotton Avenue, where all favors iu their liue w ill be punctually attended to. See our Advertisement. DR. STRINGEFLI.OW will be absent a short time from the city, aficr his return from Charleston, he will attend to Denial Operations, in all its branches. Single 01 whole sets of teeth set on gold plate or pivots, plugging, Ac. All work wad ranted to stand. His office for gentleman will he at our store. Ladies will lie attended to at his house hy leaving their rard the day previous. Dentists can lie supplied with incorruptible Teeth Gold toil, and materials generally, of which we intend to keep a good supply. J. A. VIRGIN. S. S. VIRGIN, .March 16 24 Dr S. L STRING FELLOW. HATS, HATS, HATS GEORGE'A. KIMBEREY ESPECTFULLY solicits the attention of pur chasers to a very large assortment of Hats and Caps, which have been made by him expressly for retailing, and are warranted to be of superior style and quality to any ever before offered iu Macou; among his assort ment may be found, ’ Super fashionable black anfl drab beaver Hats, do broadbrim do for elderly men, do fuslf do do satin beaver do do do . do black and drab Russia beaver, Wide, meridian and narrow brims, otter, nptria. musk rat, raccoon und cony hats of every variety of shape. mi style, Youths’ beaver and satin beaver hat?, latest fashions, Fur and Cloth Caps, consisting iff super "No 1, Otter Cups, “ seal, inink, muskrat and cony do incus apd boys full top cloth caps. „ „ Robinson’s do do acorn top celeste caps, children's fancy silk caps, Ac. Ac. Ac. For capes, Pelerins, muffs and ruffs, consisting of chinchilla, lynx, squirrel, sable, ermine, genett, rab bit and swansdown. Hats made to order at shortest notice. Hat trimmings,-alcohol and shellack. constantly ol hand. Oct 2<i 3 WASHINGTON HALL. a THE Subscribers have taken that com rnodioiis aud well known public house iu the City of Macon,—the It ushiugton Halt, lately occupied hy Mr. M, D. liuson.— > By the unremitting attention of both of them, they flatter themselves tiiat their House wiil ob tain for -them a general patronage from tlie Public.— They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is interior to no one in tiie State. Their tables will be furnished with the be«t the coun try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquprs- VoIwiiM- XI.—'-Number £€• Pratt’s Nipple Shields. fVpIIE Medicaj College of tieorgiu a; Augusta havd J$L given tlioir opinion of the superiority of Doctor Pratt’s Aip/dt Shield to any Itiing else hitherto offered for thr same purpose, which opinion can bo presented if necessary to physicians and others. The opinion of Dr Baber end o'her physicians in Macou. who havo examined the instrument, accri-nl* with that of Doctor Dewees and the Medical College of Georgia. The Instrument is (or sale in .Macon by the subscriber ouiy price $5, with printed directions. H. LOOMIS.' Sign of the Gulden dlortar, Mulberry street. Certificate of Doctor Deuces Doctor Elijah Pratt: Dear sir—As I feel it a mat? Ihe -’tablesare attended by careluland experienced , ter 0 ]'utiioli public importance to possess a means of Osiers. 3ILSUAN A. MO 11 • . (essenipg-the faesrible sufferings of sore nipples, I hare ■•*•* •* * ; ; much pleasure in being able to say that the “ Shield” OE.ATRAE ilOlEb, .Uacoh, Georgia. pleasure in being able to say that the “ Shield” 1 you offer lor ihe preventing and the cure of this niala- ! dy, is better adapted to this purpose than any 1 have T il IS'establishment is now uuucr t-ie couuoi of J heretofore seen. In tbp two or three instances Ihavo the subscriber, jylio pledges himself to render ( known them to be used, much satisfaction has bean comfortable those who mat nail 011 turn. Pel.25 33 PETER J. WILLI VMS. CraUi£kan*s Vegetable ! FEYEB AA‘D AG . F PrUS, A cert,tin mu! lusting tun far that uiMuue. r„', , -,‘"7T ", J HE subscribers having l ien appoi ited special PhdaddpUa. 1M Jan. 1S34. agents, for the sale ol GaligiMii’s Fever and j itloftOlPS Fill III OH iC EkpCCtOraut pile Pills, are prepared to furnish planter* ni.u country 1 COUGH S J*JK U i 3 , traders with supplies of said ariicm, ou terms equally j For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas. CutisnuipUunsand IIhoop. as favorable as they can he obtuiued ol the pi op l ie j ing Coughs. X 1 expressed : >iid 1 have no hesitation to believe it will generally succeed. 1 am so well persuaded of this at fkis moment, that I cannot forbear to express a wisq i ur city through the various apothecaries may bo supplied with them. 1 am yoius. Ac, H’m. I*. DAnuts,” Gallighan’s Pills, though useful for all discuses which | originate in usnperueiiiniaiii 10llec1u.11 id l.deiuiiie stomach, are more particularly intended lor fever and Ague. Iu the first place they cleanse, strengthen a id give tone to the stomach aim bowels, and create a new and healthy action tbioiigl.oiit the system. ’1 hey pro duce a natural and peiliKinuut appetite; they oeieiid llie system against new or subseqin lit attacks of the disease; they assist the vurioiis operations of nature, by cleansing the system if ail vitiated, corrupt and acr e humors, and thus invigotat atm reanimate the whole , A MONO the numerous complaints with which tho lAL huimtt) family .-re afflicted, lioue aremoie enip. inou Ilian cqilglis. colds. Ac-amt none mote fatal iu their results, unless timelyxare is taken tostop their progress before they become loo firmly seated upon the I tings. Nolivilii.sianding jljc pinny remedies that have been offered to the public, not any have hereto- dore proved successful in procuring a certain and spee dy relief. The proprietor having been an eye witness (for sevr eral years) of the astonishing virtues of this extraor dinary Medicine, at length deems it his duly to oiler it Si or Sale. KEGS prime family Butter, 40 bbls and 4 bbls Flour, Jan 27 16 kegs Tobacco, by C. L. HOWLAND A Co. Corner of Cotton Avenue A Second st. J7 tf O'/* &ook at frame. Possessing a purgative quality, they cannot j to the public, in a way that it may receive ainoreex- remain in the bowels 10 produce mu i. other diseases 1 ten jive circulation; and at a price that the poor may as often follow the injudicious treatment of the fever I receive the benefit of it as well ss the rich, and ague, ’they are composed entirely of vegetable j This syrup is particularly efficacious ill removing matter, aud may be taken by persons of bntli sexes : coughs arising from colds, attended with hoarseness and of all ages, without the least onager of unpleasant j and soreness about the windpipe; likewise shortness consequences. Iu fine, the public arc assured that j of breathing, tightness across the breast, accompanied Galligtian’s J’ll's possess those inestimable virtues, j with a tickling cough; and iu all consumptive cases its use is particularly recommended, likewise whooping widen are requisite not only to arrest, but to eradicate aud destroy the lost seeds ol’ this mo -l distressing tua- T li L subscribers have lately received a variety of j. i( j c p t j ie j iuu vui family. The proprietors solemnly merchandise consisting of pledge themselves that tiiey do not contain a particle Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, 0 p minerals ill any shape or form, hut- are composed Superior Oils tor lamps and piums; (saddlery, Hats, entirely of simple vegetable substances either separate'iv Bonnets, Ac. Ac. which they believe will bear com j or combined, and which without regard to sex or age parison inquality and price to any in the city. Per sons wishing to purchase are invited to call and ex amine for themselves, us extravagant catalogues aud ulioied putt's, are too often impositions. One estah- islinieiit is locatedon the corner of Third am) Mul berry streets, tho other on tlie corner of Poplar street and Colton Avenue. WM B. PARKER A Co. Dec 15 11 tf RTew CC'Ocds. T HE subscribers are just receiving a splendid stock o:' SPRING GOODS, which having been purchased under very favorable circunisiunce will be sold cheap. CRAFT A LEWIS. April 10 28 GOODS AT COST. rHN 11E undersigned have determined op closing their jfi. business and are now offering their stock, con sitting of a general assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Shoes, Saddlery, Hartltrare. Sr. tattoo per cent on New York and BoslonJcost, at retail tforcai li; and 5 percent at wholesale forjeash, or good paper, pavahle 1st January next, with interest. We respect fully invite our friends and the pnblic to give us a call. WILLIAM FORT ACo Tho e indebted to us would do well to make mmc diate pivuicnt. Fob!) 19 iooo ,,,E ^ May, 22.1«37 34 llemp Bagging for sale REA A COTTON. WANTED B Y the subscriber, Monroe Rail Road Bank Bills, for which ten per cent per annum will be givqn. Apply to Larkin Griffin or Peter Solomon of Macon, or Alfred Brooks of Forsyth, or myself. June 6 36 tf L. L. GRIFFIN. T HE subscribers have now been nearly two year* re-established at tneir old stand; their store of Drugs & Paints* Oils* Glass* Ate which is now very large, will be constantly replenish ed. to meet the ensuing demand. Arrangements have been made with importers and dealers in Drugs and Chemicals in New York. Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore, to be furnished at all times with new pre parations gud the. most choice and genuine articles known to the trade. The increase of facilitiesaffoided merchants of this city, by our enterprising steamboat companies, in the transportation of produce and merchandize, enable them to effer great inducements tu merchants, planters and others,do lay in their supplicant Macon. April20 29 II A J. SHOTWELL. Bgga We are authorised to annnunce HENJA- Sre? MIN R WARNER as a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Bibb county. june 27 We arc authorised to an- nounce HENRY G. ROSS, a can- dilate for re-election of ClerksltiD of the Superior Court of this connty LOOK AT TmS ! JYalches, .ft ire try, Si/rer fYarc, Sr. VIRGINS A STKINGFELLOW Would inform their friends and the public that they stilt continue at tbeir stand ou Cotton Avenue, and h ivejust received afresh supply of Goods, con sisting in part of the following articles: Gentlemen's and Ladies’ gold lever anchor escapement independent second lepine and vertical WATCHES; silver lever plain and extra jewelled lepilie and vertical do. all of which were se lected with choice tosititihis market, aud will bo war ranted to perform -veil; Ladies* gold Neck Chains ; Gentlemen's gold and silver Guard and Fob Chains: gold and silver guard and fob Keys; Ear Kuofis aud Drops; Breast Pius and Finger Rings of all kinds; gold, silver, gilt, and pearl Belt Buckles and Slides, Bracelets ana Head Belts; gold and silver everpoiut- ed Pencils, steel Pens ofthe best qualities, gold, silver and steel spectacles. Quizzing Glasses, silver table, tea. dessert, salt and mustard Spoons; soupaudcreain Ladles, Sugar Tongs. Butter and Fruit Knives, silver Cups, Thimblea, Castors. Candlesticks, silver, brass, antlbionzed; coral, gilt and glass Beads; ladies’ Bags ofthe latest fashions, Pusres and Pocket Books, ( lari onetts, Flageolet!*, Flutes, Fifes, Accordiaas, Music Boxes large and small. Drums, Organs and Violins Walking Sticks of various kinds : silver, gilt, shell, horn and ivory Combs , Tea and Coffee pots. Bread Baskets silvei and japanned, fine painted Waiters, Knives, Razors, Saunders’ celebrated Razor Straps with tablets. Pistols of various kinds, Dentists’ Files, Gold Plate, Wire. Foil Ac toy Watches, Rattles and Whistles for children; Snuffboxes, Percussion caps. Pipes, SegarTubc*. Pocket Compasses. .Mathemati cal Instruments. Ac. MILITARY GOODS. „ Swords, Belts. Epaiiletis, Plumes, Sashes, Buttons, Lace, stars, ornaments ton numorous to njentio,u, which will be sold cheap for cash, or approved ,q(ty accep tances. N. B.—We have a choice selection of materials for repairing Watches, and are prepared to make any new part, which will warrant to perform as well as the original. Virgins A Strjngfellow feel grateful for past favors, and would still solicit a share of the pulic patronage, hoping to give >atifactiou to all who may favor them in .heir line. March 16 24 Fiano Fortes. - O Splendid Boston PJANOS, with 2 and 3 pedals, Sait received by I jan 12 15 CRAFT & LEWIS. Carpeting* , ' J UST received a large s|ock ol Brussels, Ingram ed and Stair Carpeting. Also, Oil Cloth Carpeting from 2 to 20 feet wide . April 20 29 CRAFT A LEWIS. Summer Clothing. A VERY large assortment made up to order. Jus*, received .by SACKS Liverpool line Salt, for sale by Match 23 35 REA A COTTON. We are authorised to announce JO SEPII J HOLLOMAN a candidate for re-election to the Clerkship of lh^ Inferior Court of Bibh connty. 33 ■\V£ are authorised to announce, WRIGHT NEEL a candidate for Clerk of the .Inferior Court at the en- Feb 2.“- 21 WE art authorised to announce IIF.NRY NEWSOM a candidate for Tax-Collector of Bibb county. May 30. 1637. 35 WE are authorized to an nounce THOMAS L. ROSS, as * candidate for Clerk of tire Inferior Court of Bibb county. May 28th;1837. ' 35 April 20 29 CRAFT A LEWIS- Bolting Cloths. A LL sizes and qualities, A , For sale by Apiil 20 29 CRAFT A LEWIS. L inseed oil and train oil just receiv ed and for sale by Dec 29 13 J- II. A W. S ELLIS. Winter Strained Sperm Oil. J UST received for sale by J. H. A W. S. ELLIS. Dec 2 ’ 12 For Sale. -w LBS. Fresh LEAF LARD, of su * Fperior quality, prepared here, aiid J ,nt up in neat covered tin canns, containing about 75 bs each. Also, in progress of curing, 75000 lbs choice BACON, by WM. B PARKER A Co. Jan 26 17 • Ladies Cloaks. C LOTH and Merino Cloaks—worth from 849 to S50. nov 10 6 CRAFT A LEWIS. Carpeting. J UST received, a few pieces of Ingrain Carpeting which is for sole at reduced prices. dec 15 II G W PRICE A Co Medicine Chests, F OR plantations and families, with directions for using. For sale by J. H. AW. S. ELLIS Nov 17 7. Cotton Avenue 500 Ane6 BAGS Cotton are wanted,' for which liberal prices will be paid appliy to 36 REA A CSTTON. New Fall :uui Winter Clothing. A T the Mscon Clothing Store, one doot above Win. B. Johnson’s Jewelry Store. The sub scriber iji now receiving lii* Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing, (wbic)i has been manufactured by Lewis Filch’the past stqnmer,) aud which will be sold off as cheap, for cash, a* at any oilier establishment, CONSISTING OK Super Black, Blue. Brown, Green, Invisiblo Green aud Claret Dies* Coats. Super Black, Bine, Brown, Green, Invis ; jle Green Claret am 1 Mixed Frock Coats. Brown, Green, Mixed and Cadet mixed Coatees. Fine Blue. Black, Greeu, Brown and Mixed Pants. Super ribbed, striped, corded and plaid Casimcredo Beaverteen, Cord and Lion rain Pantaloon*, v-iiper Blue, Brown, Greeu, Mixed and Drab Over Coat*. Goat’s Hair and German Camblet Wrapper do. Gentlemen’? super Blue, Black and Invisible Green Broadcloth Cloaks, Ladies' super Olive, Green and Claret Broadcloth Cloaks. Ladies’ figured Merino, plain do. and Circassian Cloaks. Super Blue and Pilot Cloth Over Coats. Dri<b, Blue aud Olive Duffie Over Coats; Lion Skin and Green Blanket Over Coats; Kentucky Jeaiis Frock Coats and Pantaloons; Cloth, Satinet, Peters bam and Beaverteen Hunting Coat*, Cloth and Satin et Round Jackets. Black aud Blue Cloth black figured aud plaid Vel vet, plain and figured English |Silk, dark Valencias, Toiliuet, Worllen Velvet, black and striped Batin, Bombazine. Tabby Velvet, and Satinet Vests, Fine Linen anil Cotton Shirts, plaid and striped Gingham Shi 's.Silk, Cotton, Merino patentand lamb Wool Shirts let cotton and woolen, flannel Canton, flannel and’ ril’ d cotton Drawers. Wool, La il Wool, patent Merino and brown cot ton Half H * Fine W »’ Buck, Hors'■skin, Beaver, White Kid, Lieued B 1 1, Lisle thread, black, while and colored Silk Glov ^ Black*, white Silk Half Hose; Russian Belts, Money Br s, nett, worsted and cotton, Silk and Gum Suspenders, Cravat and Cravat Stiffeners, Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Bombazine, Satin, Velvet plain and plaited Stocks, blue, black and white crimped Silk Stocks, Spitalfield. English Silk, red and yellow Ban dana, white and red Pongee Silk Rocket Handker chiefs, plain and ruffled Bosoms. Collars, Purses,Cloth, Fur and Hair Seal Skin Caps, Wool Hats, a large as sortment of Fur Hats, Silk Hats. Boots and Shoes, a good stock of Negro Clothing, also fine blue and black Cloths, Canvas, Padding, gilt and lasting Buttons, Cotton Wadding, Military Ball Rattans. Cord, Tas sels, Stars, Lacc. Epaulctts, Ac. Ac. Nov. 17 7 HORACE FITCH. Gentlemen xvishing their Cloths made at the North will, by leaving their names with me. have them made in the best manner, and most fashionable style. H.F. ~~Flour, Bacon* Itard, 6lc. g F&AA BBLS Ohio Flour, prime quality, 11 40Kegsl.ard, 3500 lbs Georgia cured Bacon, 10 tierces Rice, Just received and for sale by April 13 28 REA A COTTON. New Carriage Establishment- T HE subscriber will receive in a lew days a large stock of Carriages, Barouches. Sc. Most of them made by the best workmen :n Newark and New Haven. LUKE BLISS. Macon. Dec 14 11 DIt. U. II. BANDOLPII O FFERS his professional services to the people or Macon and its vicinity, He will be found at his room* on tho ftecood floor of tlio Now Commercial Banking house during the day. and at night, at hts re- idenceon Beall’s Hill. May 6 32 3m are perfectly harmless in their effects upon the liinmtn system Lpttcrs and Ccvtffirjucs. From Gen. It in. H tUborn, Daudo/ph county, Ga. October 24th, 1635. Messrs FleJfiler if West cotl. Gentlemen—It affords me great pleasure to give my testimony in favor ofjeur “Gallighan’s Fever aud Ague Pills.'' I have lepealediy employed then! ill my family, and in every case they have succeeded be yond my’hopes, in effecting thorough a,| d permanent cure*. The) have also be-11 used extensively in my neighborhood, fluring the past season, with the santp happy and salutary effects. The people in this section of country cannot too highly appreciate thepi, for in my opinion they stand at tlio very head of tlie list of medicines for the Fever and Ague. Be assured I shall not fail to recommend them lo all persons whom I may meet with afflicted with that -rimblesome and distressing disease. Yours respectively, Wjj. Wkii.born. From Dr. John D. Taylor, of Tallahassee, Florida. Messrs. Fletcher Sfi Westcolt, Gentlemen.—having prescribed Gallighan’s Pills, in several cases of Fever and Ague, with the most favorable results, I chct rfiillv recommend them a* a valuable medicine, to persons afflicted with that dis ease. Respectfully, Ac. „ Tallahassee, Dec. 1835. JNQ. 13. TAYLOR, M.D. From Dr. Wm. J. Johnson, Fort Gaines, Georgia. Messrs Fletcher Sf Westcolt, Gentlemen—From the trials I have repeatedly given “Gallighan’s Vegetable Fever and Agile Pills,’’ dur ing the present lull und past summer, iu the cure of intermittent or ague and lever, 1 take pleasure in ro- ciiiiuiieiidiug them as a certain arid specific remedy— how obstinate soever the cases may be. These Pills have been extensively used in this section of the coun try, and so far as I know, without disappointing the expectations of a single individual. 11th Nov. 1*35. ^ WM. J. JOHNSON, M. D. From the Rev /' L. Jackson, Fort Gaines, Georgia. Messrs. Fletcher Sf Ifestcott, Nov 12th, 1^35. 1 have a prejudice against patent medicines, and es pecially against tlmse that “ pledge to cure in every in stance,’’ but truth Compel* me to say. that of the 200 boxes of vour pills which 1 purchased to sell, not one box. to my knowledge, has failed to enre. A few ntoRths ago, Gallighan’s Pill? were unknown lierc.aud now they are sent for by the mail buys, Ac. 60 miles, south and east, I .-ball probably find sale fur a Tho-is- and boxes next year, and wish yon to send me that number when convenient. 1 feel that, in common with hit who. are subject to the disease, I am much in debted to you, aud have no doubt you will meet with your well-earned reward. Rcspectfidlv yours, Ac. p. l. Jackson. From Dr. S. M. Ingersoll. Columbus, Georgia I nave used Galligtian’s Pills with success,—they have more than met my expectations. Nov 20.1835. S. M. INGERSOLL, hi. D. From Dr. Elijah A. Dunn, Irvington, Alabama. Messrs. FI either Sc Westcott, Novj 1, 1835. Gentlemen—Agreeably to your wish I am pleased to state how far I am acquainted with the character of your “Fever and Ague pills.” Diirin.- the last sum mer and fall they have been much used in this part of the country, and. so far as I have observed, they have proved highly beneficial to those vv ho have taken them. In ordinary cases of Ague and Fever, medical advice is seldom sought; but I have recommended your pills to the sick in oue. or two very obstinate cases, and the use of them was followed with signal success. I therefore consider your pills a safe and valuable medicine for Ague and Fever, and cheerfully recom mend them to the notice of persons afflicted with that disease. With respect, YonrOht 8ervt. ELIJAH A. DUNN, M. D. Just Received and for sale a large supply of the a- bove Pills at tho proprietors price bv H. A J. SHOTlVELL, Agents. Corner third and Mulberry streets, opposite the Central Hotel, Mneon cough is greatly relieved hv its use—children laboring tinder,tins distressing disease in inutimerahle install: ces have hetn astonishingly in a few duysj the pleasantness of it is a great advantage, as children will take it with a* much pleasure as they vvill pre serves. N. B.—The directions accompanying cadi bottlq will In-signed by Wm L Perkins, the sole proprietor. Each bottle is sealed with the impression of MOR TON’S PULMONIC EXPECTORANT COUG1J SYRUP, plai i’y stamped on it. For certificates, sec the directions. WM. L. PERKINS. We have just receive/! a fresh supply of the above, and cun safely recommend it a* a very excellent ntedi- eiue. Oct , 2 H.AJ. SIIOTU’El.I.. Ag'ts. Remedy for Asiatic (C?3iolera,"~ Cholera.llorbns, Diarrhcra. SCc. Sfc- Prepared and sold by the. sole Proprietor, ROBERT 3. BERNARD, Druggist, Norfolk, Va Price 81—Patent Bight Secured. I N consequence of the very great and increasing demand for this invaluable preparation, induced bv the many cure* which have been effected by t!ie use of it in rases of Asiatic Cholera, rnininon Cholera Morbus in children, and Disorders of tho Bowels gen erally, the proprietor has prepared, and jvill continue to keep ou hand, a large supply. READ AND BELIEVE! ! ! This Remedy has been used by many eminent Physicians, some of whom have charge of the largest Hospitals iu the United States, where the Cholera, lias prevailed to a great extent, ami been fatal to intem perate, aged, and lunatic person*. Their confidence in this Medicine is such, that they say they are not a- fluid ofthe most inveterate cases of Asiatic Cholera, when taken in tipic. The fiffbiwipg are only n small proposition ofthe cirtificetri- fhaye of the efficacy of this certain Rcnie- for Clioiera. Those opposed to^qnackery, will at once see this is nothing of the k'ti'l—lor those persons who have subscribed their names to th-so certificates, livq among us, and arc known to be men of the first stand ing, and upon whose word tiie utmost reliance cun be placed. Norfolk July 17, 1835. Mn. R. S. Bernard, C“itt:—I am greatly opposed to any thing like quack- cry. but when I reflect upon the good your Invaluable Remedy for Cholera has done, aud ntiglu continue to do. if made generally known, I am willing to throw aside any thing like prejudice and freely give my o- pinio.i upon your tneilicilie. Iu my situation of life it frequently happens that diseases of every kind come under my observation. But tiie major part of them seem to be ut this season ofthe year premoni tory symptoms of Cholera—many of which no doubt prove fatal for want of such a preparation ns yours. Now, sir, this Remedy for Cholera (as you call it) is the very thing that is Wanting to stay the progress of this distressing d This I speak from exprenco. I have not ouly used it repeatedly in my own family", bntbavc administered it to liisuy others and t can with truth say itseffeejs have surpassed my most sanguine expectation; in several cases where the bowels were j iu a most deranged state, other remedies had been j administered until really the patient was io great dan- I gor of dying, and from simply giving a docs or two 1 of your Remedy for Cholera as desriihcd, immediate j relief was found. In one instance l used it upon a servant, a member of my family, that was labouring under a iireadful bowel complaint, spasms and vomi ting—for so in? time my wile and self had serious ap prehensions that she would die. But aftergiving one dose of your Remedy for Cholera the vomiting ceased, the pains graduaily disappeared, and the next day she entirely recovered. I have also used this medicine with children troubled vvitji bowel or summer com* plaint, and in no case has it failed lo cme-lhemi most willingly do I recommend it to all my acquaintan ces. and hope all prudent persons will avail themselves of so valuable a medicine.. ARTHUR COOPER. Sold hy J. II. A W. S. ELLIS. Agents Cot',os A rrnue— M a to S WA II. * J. SIIOTWEM. H AVE just received an assortment of frosh Per fumery, among which are Milk of'Roses; Esprit de Robc, Ext Jessamine; ext Cedrat, „ Milleflowere; „ Violets, Cologne Water; Lavender Wa,(er, Florida do. Floaey do. Orange flower water, Rose water (French) Macassar Oil; Bear’s Oil, Ward’s Vegitab|eHair oil; Antique Otl(Fionch) Marrow Pomatum; French Pomatnm. .Kephalia (for the hair) Preston smelling Salts, Vegetable Rouge; Vinegar of Rouge. ^ April 20 29 Take Notice. T HE subscriber having disposed of his interest iR tlie firm of Geo. W. Price A Co. to William Cooke and Geo. W. Price, who will receive and pay all debt* of raid firm. jan 1 J COW LF.S. mr DDZ. very superior Lemon Syrup oU n ^ 40 doz For sale by April 26 29 Stoughton Bitters, H. & /- SHOTWELL: Botanical aft edicines. B AYBERRY BARK, powdered, Golden Seal do Hemlock Bark powdered; Ncrvin powdered, Prickly Ash do. „ Poplar Bark „ Wild Cherry do „ Slippery Elm do White Pond Lilly; Lobelia Seed, Lobelia, herb; Skunk Cabbage, Indian Turnip; Golden Thread; Indian Sage; Samach Bark, Balraony or Bitter noot; BitterSweet, Gum Myrrh; Cayenne Pepper, African. Just received and for sale by April20 29 H. A J. SHOTWELL. Window Glass f P*tA BUXES.8 by 10 Window Glass. JLOtF;185 „ 10by;i2 do do.' 75 ,, 12 by 16 do do 30 „ 12 by 14 do do 20 „ 11 by 16 do do 50 „ 12 by 18 do do With several other sizes just received and for sale 5y ' H. A J. SHOTWELL. Comer of 3d Sf Mulberry sts. opposite the Central hotel. April 20 • 30 French Quinine* TU ST received and for sale hy «9 J. II AW 3. ELLIS. United States Bank Notes. KITED States bank notes in sums to snit ap plicants for sale by REA A June 6 36 Papering for Booms. "M UST received a good assortment of handsome pa 9jf per hanging and bordering Oct 13 2 II. A J. SHOTWELL. Genuine Roivand’s Tonic Mixture. A FRESH supply just received and for sale by Nov 17 7 J. H. A W. S. ELLIS, Cotton Avenue, Mdcart. u AIM’S PANACEA. Swaim’s Vcripifn Superior Mustard, Fresh Olive Oil. do Castor Oil, do IIoiigv, do Jujube Paste, Bath Polishing Brick, Harwell’s Tetter Ointment, Effervescing Magnesia, Saponaceous Componnd Fancy Soaps, Otto of Rose, Sal Aeratus. The above, with a variety of articles in lh.e line Ust received by J. II. AW. S. ELLIS, Nov 16 77 Cotion Avenue. faints and Oils. fCL KEGS White Lead, pure. ra 9 300 kegs ., ., No 1, ' 200 ,. „ „ No 2, 10G0 gallons Linseed Oil, prime, 1000 „ Lamp „ 500 „ Traill ., 60 „ Neats foot oil, 2l ! 0 „ Spts Turpentine, Venetian red, Spanish brown, Indian rod^Chrone green, chrone yellow, Pnissian blue, Spartfjsh float,< Indigo, Vermillion, Chinese and English dix.ip Cake; drop biack, lamp black, red lead, lith;.Tgui Turkey* Umber, Tena Uescienna. Pumice stone,. Verdigris ground in caustics, smalts, bine brown *and green* frosting*, blue, white, green nud'pnrple jrrtilow Ochre, whiting, rose pink, gold and silver leaf, geld bronze, imitation gold bronze, copper bronze, copal varnish for pictures. Al*o a general assortment of PAINT "BRUSHES consisting of ground paint brushes, sasf tools, camil> hair blenders, sable hair Menders, varnish brashes,* graining brashes, sable portrait Pencils, lining Irtish •* es, wire bound Fitch tools, white washing aud pltis terers brushes, scrubbing and shoe brushes, - Just received and for sale by Apiil 20 20 H.iVJ. SHOTWEI1,- Bees Wax. C ASH will be given for good Bees Wax, by D«?c22 12 J..IL A W 3 ELI49 .xdLjz-apt* t*or *z-t- ‘ ■vw’Jpf-V ‘ i o- 1 e* 1 ,4**— :x-*-* v W'