Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, July 18, 1837, Image 1

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CrJBO p y jl. BiBTLCTT. rarm* orSvIpripttoD .u.ico.w gfoiigi.i. tulsslif. jug*' as. iss?. ’oh »«* S'ltvSBB ir» * fa rcf Dalian and Fiftg Cents per annum If " ol P aid mmtU tke e * d °f the r.< P’ r i**”** ,oiU *• charged—iriilh interest ^ ter ' Tj , r;J is of Advertising. not rrending one square, or 1*2 brevier * rtlt -Uk inserted onetime for One dollar. ITUin 5«* one insertion ie given, 50 cents for each (WCn 'r^iCdUcton’and Coroners' Salts or, chat- '-aunts far Advertising. Job Printing, ftc. 0, ji*lt*far subscription, Attest trill be e arned, *f r ?Jtl«l.cilhin tfejg _ ft/tricu Jsinc of I 9 achct.s * miiG Macon, A. llihbins, Master. *ffi •• Amelia Strong, Drown, *• Mr « Darien, C F. Balkey, “ fVjV ii New Jorsoy, D. Matthew*, •• £gi&n I* Premium, J. Co whom, ** •< (New) Sclir. D. B. Cratio, Baker, " . Ye *wl* are all coppered, fastened and bni’.t V lv for this trade, have experienced captains <*««* a week from each port. ^Vi libraa l Tor Darien will find WoboV B r ' 1 I' „ • |P to 21 feet water will bo found on the » <r , hinh water, the tutme depth cau be carried with- Clf , ;iL of Darien, 13 foot cubic carried tip to the '? * l T , l0 anchorage in D.ihoy sound and rtver is cl "' I,,l v <,tfo and good, with ample room tor ves- frb W«ny "If the whole cotton crops, coming down , , e *• "iijruhell & COLLINS, " - Agents Darien gofer jo J.iur.s Gootuiitr, Esq- Maco.v Or, 10. 113ft ■ 1 Comm&dsiom Bwrtnem, Darien, 1oB undersigned have resumed business as a hove, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten lion to all business entrusted to their caro. We believe we have made arrangements that will enable us at all times to forward goods for the interior with the least possible delay, by atcamboats when the river will ad mit, or in extrema low river by small flats or lighters, built expressly for that business. On our wharves arc large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot ton at the least possible expense, and our opportunitie* to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not excel- i cd by any other House. Darien, May 20, J836. HAWB8. MITCHELL ft COl.I.INS. it cites* '*ry, Silver Ware and / r g vons, At the Lowest Prices. . C. ii. ST. JOHN. Watch Maker and Jeweler, Cotton Avenue, oppo site the Washington llall, respectful ly informs his friends and the public, that he is now opening a new and splendid assortment of WATCHES A J2V. ELBT,. of the best qnality and latest fashions, consisting in part of the following articles, viz: Ladies’ and gentlemen’s Gold Duplex, Patenl I-c- ver, Anchor Escapement and Lepine Watches; la- j dies line <iolri Curb. Guard, Basket & Caule Chains; I M C* 11 n x m nr o mil or nn .- ui/j> tine (join Guru. GIUTti, nasKct Cc Gaoie Gitains; IIM5llKAi\lbh <36 I HUb I uUi "’itch Hooks, Seals and Keys; Swivels, Finger Of' Till? C'l 'FI * OF .//.Jf’O.V. Hi. s, Ear Hmgsaud Broaches; children’s Knobs ffll l|E public are litxeby informed that the late Mer- and '. res; gentlemen’s Curb and Linked Guard and JL chants* Insurance and Trust Company of this — ■ - ■ - - — " ’ ’ - • > JP|R JM Company | city has recently lioen incorporated by the Legislature of this State, under the above title, with authority to increase the Capital-Stock to 500.000 Dollars, and to exercise TRUST and sundry other privileges. 100.-, . •i'.Kl dollars of said Capital lias hern paid in. and will i ver and shell Combs, gold and Fob C, ’us, Seals. Keys, Swivels, Sleeve links, bo som and. 'iar Buttons, Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Guard Sea. >nd Keys, Medalions, gold and gilt Buc kles, silver iu.c Scnti'h Snuff Boxes, gold and silver j Everpointed Pencils, silver and gilt Bracelets, gilt, sii- ‘ silver Thimbles, gold. f VA 81! 1A a '1 '(Jx\ 11 o l 1. L i’llE Subscribers hare taken’tha. , - inodious and wdli-kun’.YU public house’hi j ff’&'-i hie ^ ofAIaebu.- lately occupied by Hy the unremitting attention of both of i pj‘ EabeFami , l -.r Y —i} . : . I JL gi'CM men etumouo: un: *i I well known pnbhchouse in . ,Vett’.i *M t Wmariy foi;: Hall, -j ft ir thrswHflo purpose, wliich nod by Mr. M. i). Huaon. j jj- necessary in physician* am? oiii.; Argnsja ;,t\vo ritv of Ifocinr "■iu oiHian sum capital wn* nern pain in. am win , ver and sbeHCemM, gold and silver Mill motes, gold. Siipei at nil time* be held in readiness to pay any losses due ; silver and steel Spectacles with glasses to suit every I do by this Coinpaoy. Risks are taken ’to uud from this city to any port or place, on as liberal terms to the r * surod as any other Insurance office. Loans wi*l • e taken, >nd bills of Exchange piircl n*< d. Ac. WM. B. PARKER. Prcs’t * James Rea. Rcc’y. Jan 9G 17 L’ST KLCE1VED and for sale by iiMlTil J RODGERS A- Co. 250 bids Prime Rum, Gin and Whiskey, f>0 bbls Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, ‘-0 bbls ami hal<’ libls prune Flour, Cider, Apples, Sugar, Co ffc. and many other ar ticles equally desirable, too ti:J < tta to mention. The above goods can be bought I «m (or .-ash. I. Smith, A Co. wc-i* « .injculsrly invite ,ife ami good, with nmple room lor^ves- jJio^ who are indebted to thi.ui call iuimodiat»ly and pay their notes and acconuts, as they are needing the money to pay their own debts. Macon. Jan 1:1 |5 ________ _ — A N assortment dark sroail figured French priuL« nov lh 6 For «slo livCRAFT A LEW IS fifTl copart uevsbuTheretofore existing under tHc fi firm of Jones, Dickinson & Co.. is by mutual consent, tbwday dissolved, L. 8. JONES, TIM. DICKINSON. E AUGUSTUS WAKE. Macon, May 17. 43. „.(ON STEAM-BOAT COMPANY, • WtoL'I.I) give notice to die merchants in Macon If ihe country, that they are prepared with Hires LIGHTERS, made to run on the Ocmulgeo ,„srv. its lowest water mark. Any good-that may K-con-i-ued to the agents L. Baldwin &, Co. savan- .; hi Raw cs. Mitchell Jfc Collins. Darien, or ordered M be «|ii|iped by the line, will b« forwarded with their linnl de«pnlch. Xhc company hud two Stern Wheel Bontd, Superi- or i i I Excel, which will lie used to facilitate the j >jJi when the ri ver i* deemeJ >nr»s to do so. 1 hey -ire besides tbo J Stone, which boat rnn in the line i,. t ts.isoii, purchased the Cbieffniu, a lino new side iiueel boat which will run between Savannah and Haivtiiisville, and so to Macon, when the river will iduit- . r . With these facilities, and a closo attention ot the J«uu t'ltlia interest of the shippers, they bo(ic for a diots of patronage. J UODDAlvD, Agent. July I :iO yUi Ocmttlgite Steamboat Cothpant/. t jv THE Public are informedtha.t ~' wV ' - this Company has uotv u> opera Jion, four boats, built cxpiiysly ^foraho summer trade, which will ,.; v regularly botwecB Darien and Macon, towed by iiv the steamer Altamaha, as far up the river as she fjitS'-cnd. _ , , \,i.| as early in the fall as the state of the river will , thocompany will have in operation three Steam 1 jt- ’tn wit; the Ocmulgee, plymg between Darien -I .S.ivariu ih; and tbo Comet, mid vn-.-u Darien and Macon; logetlier with 11 tow bants, -Si ip *v and in compldto order, being, buiit nprewij 1 . ;l,. trade, and commanded hy experienced captains. V. tick will enablo tliem to perform the trip with do*- • .tdi, and Indd forth inducements for those persons to ihip t,y tlm Company who wish to got their goods or produce erpeditioudgln market. The company having hv its charter, tho privilege of insuring, will, at a aoderato rate of premium, take risks on goods or pro dace shipped hy its boats, or placed m charge or its *»enu for shipment. .Wats for the above boata; REA A COTTON. Macon. HOUGH & I.ATHROP, Hnwkinsville. P. R. YONGE ft- SON8. Darien, GRANT & Y’ONGE, Savannah., BOYCE & Co. Charleston. June h 35 Boatinx Ware House, ami Cotnminnion JSitsiticss Tim undersign ed have entered into a copartner ship for the trails- Copartnership N otice, rai IIE subscribers have this day formed it copart- J3. neiship in business, under the firm of. Dickinson &. Ware. and occupy the store formely oc -upied by Jones. Dick iiison & Co., where the business of that firm will be liqnidated. Macon, May 17 TIMOTHY DICKINSON, E. AUGUSTUS WARE. 34. Copartnership Xfroticc. R obert wheeler and e. p. townsend have this day associated themselves in business under the firm of WHEELER & TOWNSEND, and having purchased the entire stock of Messrs Williams & Bradley, will continue the bnsiness at the old stand, in Third street, recently occupied by them May 1 31 tf ' Take Notice. T HE subscribers having purchased the interest of J. Cowles in the firm of Geo. W Price & Co the business in fntnre will be conducted under tb’ same name, by WILLIAM COOKE, jao 1 U GEO W PRICE iCTJ ■srnmss Just Received and for Sale. I NRENII GROCERIES—viz: 50 bbls N E Run 1 17 bales Feathers, 2 do wtiito do , 10 bbls sperm Oil, 5 do clarified do 10 do dry Malaga Wine in qr casks 5 } do Sherry do 3 do Whiskey and Nentral Rum 50 boxes and £ boxes Raisins Cognac Brandy 1st quality 12 boxes white and marble Soap Lemon Syrup and Family Butter By ISAAC NEWHALL. janlS 15 Nrxt door to tho Post Office. Just Itccpivfd niid lor sale by C. JL. MSOM'Lxl.VJP .V Co. Kegs of Nails, 20 boxes Soup, 10 bbd prime Sugar, 30 bags „ Coffee. 20 M best Cigars, 50 bbls Northern Gin, 20 bbls ale, " > ’ 20 Porter, 60 doz Champnigne Cider, AH of which will be soldon the most accommodating term* for cash or short credit. May 9 . 32 IMS eye. Seed Coral, large Coral, Coral Necklaces, Bead Bags, Chains and Purses, a variety, of cut and plain Beads. Spy Glasses. Quizzing Glasses, Pocket Books, Emory cushions, card and cigar cases, imitation fruit, lucifcr matches, fire machines. Rogers & Sons', and Wade & Butcher's razors, Emerson’s razor straps, scissors, dirks, chess men and board, backgammon boards, dice, dominoes, steel pens, walking cane*, pistols, powder flask*, shot pouches, game bags, otto of roses, cologne, lavender and Florida water; fancy soap, lip salve, pearl and tooth powder, flutes, flagea- letts, accordions, shell music boxes, large music boxes, o play from 3 to 1*2 tunes, fiddles and fiddle strings, gentlemen’s dressing cases, hair aud tooth brushes Birmingham and Sheffield silver plutrd^.istors, liquor stands candlesticks, branches, fruit baskets, snuffers and snuffer trays. teR t-ays, silver table, tea. desert, -•alt, mnstard and cream spoons, soup ladles, si gar tongs and butter knives; marble, ebony and alabaster inantli- clocksto run eighteen days without winding. Military ami Military* Trimming** and a variety of other arlieles usually kept in bis line, all of xvbieh lie will sell at tbo lowest cash prices. He respectfully invites citizens aud persons generally vis iting our city to call at bis store and examine his slock, where he is ever ready and happy to attend to the** who may favor him with their ca N B—Particular attention paid lo Watch Repair ing. Having selected the best of materials fur repair ing Watches, he is now prepared to manufacture anv part of a Watch, and will warrant every piece lie make* as perfect a* the original, and his Watches to perfoim well. Oet *27 7 NOTICE. FHA HE subscribers would inform the public that they JB. have formed a connection iu business under the firm of IT ROOTS S STjRIJV'GL'LL £ O IT*, And will continue at the old stand ol J. A. »V. a. S. Virgin, on Cotton Avenue, where all favors in their line j ill be punctually attended to. See our Advet tisement. DR. STRINGEFLI.OW will be absent a short time from the city, after his return from Charleston, he will mend to Dental Operations, • nail its branches- Single ot whole sets of teeth set on gold plate or pivots, plugging, 4c. Ail work war! ranted to 6tand. His office for gentleman will be at our store. Ladies will lie attended to at his house by leaving their card he day previous. Dentists can be supplied with incorruptible Teeth, ,'ntd t oil, and uiatenids generally, of which we iutend ■<; keep a good supply, ■■ J. A. VIRGIN. S. 8. VIRGIN, March 1« 24 Dr 8. L STKINGFELLOW. JEMTS, 12.2TS, 22.ITS GEORGE A. . KIMBEBOT ES PECTFULLY solicits the attention of pur chasers to a very large assortment of 3£ats and Caps, which have been made by him expressly for retailing, and aro warranted to he of superior stylo and quality’ to any ijs er before offered in Macon; among his assort ment may be found, Super fashiouable’bhtck and drab beaver Hats, broadbrim do for elderly men, do fa*h do do satin beaver * do do do du black and drab Russia beaver. Wide, meridian aud narrow brims, otter, nutria, musk rat, raccoon and cony hats of every variety of shape. nd style, "Youths’ beaver and satin beaver hats, latest fitsliions. I'm* arret Cloth Caps, consisting of super No 1, Utter Caps. “ seal, mink, muskrat and cony do mens and boys lull top cloth caps. „ „ Robinson’s do do ., ,. acorn top celeste caps, children’s fancy silk caps, &c. &c. A-e. Fur capes, Pelerins, muffs and ruffs, consisting of chinchilla, lynx, squirrel, sable, ermine, genett, rab bit and sxvausdown. Hats made to order at shortest notice. Hat trimmings, alcohol and shellack, constantly ol hand Ont !}li 3 ' $j$t fTjl tl P. J:co' College _|L givep their eptuivlri sirK—t orLU.Cr .J. lithe: io otioreii iu be presented u _ ’i^iiebjiiliiotiof , , -i - , , ..-™-» other physicia’ua in Afacbn ho have them, they flatter ihomselves that their 1 louse ob-1 eMmioe ,i t ), e iAsjMmeu); ifcconbi with that of Doctor tain for them a general patronage from the Public.—j Powccsand the Medical CoUegt- of Georgia. Tlie ihcy have secured the valuable services of n Lady, ; Instrument is for sale imJIacoirby the subscriber onlv whose reputation as a manager of a public house, h . price *- witn ,,lilted diroctions! IT. LOOM I?;' inferior to no one in the Mate. * * ,hc Golden Mortar, Uulbr, ry .sira i. Tlieur tables will be furbished with tlie best the conn-1 Certificate of Doctor f.‘nr»s try affords,'mud their bar with the choicesrliquors.- j Iloctor u,;.^, j> ratt ; 0 oar fi, —As I foel it- a mat- 'Ihe Stablosare attended by^arefulnnd experienced i ter of much public importance to 'pos.-i-sk a means, of Ostlers. ^ ]V1L ST I AN & MOT I.- j lessening the terrible Mifieriffg-of n»y*p/cs. I hate Fcb^ 18.TV 3f. _ j much pleasure in being able to say that the ‘ f Sfiicld 1 ' CttiTsTU A1, llb l Eb, ' j you o fi’er lor the preventing null the euro of this mala- .Tfncan, .Georgia. ; dy, is better adapted to this ‘putpow than any I have T ’l 1)18 establishment is now aimer tlie control of j'lterettiforo seen. Itt the two or ibr * J instances Ib-'b the Jtiliseriber, who pudges .himself to render , know u them to be ttfcd, much' sath-faciion. has been comfortable those who may call on him. (expressed.; *pd I hai-e' iiq besitation to helii-ve it will Feb‘25 :{T, l*ii'ff.R J. WILLI VMSv ■ t generally sttccccd. I mil so Well persuaded of this at 'v r - ff , .L-.b.C i ff'i* njonicnt, lirit’Lcaitnot forbear to express a wish rFJ2.1Grp'l*2LLl A certain anil -tasting'Ciirrfor liu-.t tur-iute. T HE subscribers having been oppoi ned special i agents for the rah of l.a hgitni.’s E Cyer audj* gue Pitls, greprepaiv'l tojwrinsb pbirncts and congt/j-j traders with »uj pfiesjif »ud article, on terms equally ! as fayorabi-},-,-they t-fiu he ot'‘allied rff the propric j tors. j.. j tm.s moment, m il I cannot tortiear to express a wir ',JLSi J ‘ ur ritv thfphgfi the various apfrtliacarips-may h «se. * j --'’ti'phcd with '.ha:r. I -nu. yours, Ac. . ■d special i l , him<!ilq)hia..\eth'J<in.'\l i ‘M. \V»r. P. Dvwkrs.’* iWrlon’s PaittTouic Sxiu*tfoi;nu i COI GI2 A’I7f 2TP, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, ConSuwptivusMid U'libop- »■ ing Coughs.-» ' A M*)XG the unmetons eompiaints with winch the biiinan famUy .-re. afflicted, none • r ‘VliiHHHp iginate <nasupt.rafoui-iam . < •* hi*. »\c. amt noun mutq^py jtt ior-- psniottlarly mtt tulrc nir i gpt.riui^d^.r "i.f vs titm-ij cr rc i-* taficn to stop 1 Difir first place they licanso,_str. iigii.eua hc-turc they become too fitiuly_seat d upon e stomacb anoboisels, a, i. creams uery J the btagjt N'uUvjti siatidiiv d C. tcimy rc-no. dies that 113 I’or &ale> KEG8 prime family Butter, 40 bbls and £ bbls Flour, 18 kega Tobacco, hy C. L. HOWLAND & Co. Corner qf (Cotton Avenue At. Second sj. Jan 2? 17 tf tC/*’ -jook at This. T HE subscribers have lately received a variety of merchandise consisting of Ilrff Goods, 22ardieare, Groceries, Siijicrior Oils for lamps and pain's; Saddlery, Hats, Bonnets, Arc. A c. which they believe will bear com parison inqnality aud price to any in the city. Per sons wishing to purchase are invited to call and ex amine for themselves, as exlraragant catalogues and nbored pulls, are too often impositions. One estab- ishnieut is located on the corner of Third and Mul berry streets, the other on the corner <if Poplar street aud Cotton Avenue. WM B. PARKER ft Co. Dec 15 11 tf New Fall Sail Winter Clothing. origma'.e i stomach, are ntore Ague.' In the I give tone to the ...... ,w.>,u, m ... _ aud healthy action thrbu^um.1 the system, t bey pro-1 have bceuefieicil to the public, not tiny Rave hereto- duce a natural and poiuiunuut r.j.pciite; they uctefu), fi/ro proved slfoccssful in procuring a certain and sr^e- the system agninvt new or suh.-tqm til atti.t i.» of die dy relief. disease ,* they assist the various oj.i raison* ol uaitire hy! - The proprietor having been an eye untnrsj (for ser-__ j cleansing the system of aUvittnfod, e. irupt and uor.d l oral years) of tlie astMiishiiig virtues of this extraor- iiumors,and inyigorutjlunmreiiqimuTe tne whole diiiary Medicine, at length deems it his duty to offer it frame IW- in? u pn.gauve qnality, they'-cam., t: ioii<epnbitr\ it».*i wav that it jnny receive a more ex- remain in thebyweljrto punfuCc f.,mh other th**t"cs J tensive circuiaue'ii; aud at a. price that tho poor may as often follow the nyitdiciiius trcauinv.’. of the lever ' recede the benefit of it as >vv1Pr- the rich, andagne. They are compand entirely of vegetaOi* i syrup’is. part it it’nriy efilcacioas in removing matter, aud may be taken by persons • i b' tli stxes cotiehs arising from cohls, tt'.tcudexl with hoarseness and ol all age 4, withjjt me tei a.u’mger of mvplea-unt , and soreness about the windpipe;.likewise shortness cenacqncsccs; iu line, the public are ajMiteil that t of breathing, f'glifness across the breast.-apconipauied Gallighan’s Pills jmssc-a those inestimable urtuw, | with h tickling cough; aud in all consumptive case.Hits vvjiicn are requisite nib only to arr* st, hutto cradicutc j use.isparticulafly reconmiended, likewise whooping and destroy tbelast seeds pf tnis mcr,t distressing ma-; cough is greatly relieved by its use—children laboring lady of tlie human family. ' The proprietors solemnly j under this distressing disease in innumerable iusts*- pieilge themselves thst they do not contain ft particle ' cos have been astonishingly, hrnoolti'd in a few dnys; • of minerals in any shape or form, .hut are iou-’pbxed the pleasantnos* of it is a great advani.ige, as children ontifoly of simple ttgi table subs/autes eitl.Vr sef.; taiciy [ will take it w ith as much pleasure as they will pre- or combined, and vvhitb wit).out regard to m x ot ago , - rves. _ • are perfectly harudess in tlieir cffecis upon the Lummi ! N. B.—The directions acconipanyiiig each bottle .. uou of the above burine**. Tlie Boating business will be conduct, d tinder the aims ofJGoDOxnn ft Co. and w.l‘ b.-ma.'i- a;ej ami directed by J Goddard. The Ware House and Commission Business, under du- nunc and style of Hardeman, Jones ft Co.; will is ui.ui.iged and conducted by Thomas, Hardeman and loin Jones. The undersigned respectfully sol.cit for ooh MtabUsimivnt a share of public patronage. THOMAS HARDEMAN, JOHN JONES, JAMES GODDARD. July 4 WAKE HOUSE d.YD CO.lI.7USS20.BLSEJVLSS. Myriclc, Kapici* A I re. - »man inform their fricuda aiul Uuj ♦ M public gout rally, that they ore enlarg ing their Ware House adjoining their store on Colton Avenue, and will have it wady for tho reception of cotton by the comracnce- iiifnt of the ensuing season. All cotton consigned to thnn Iiv Planters and others, dealing in the article, or orders*to buy and sell in the market, will bo promptly attended to. They likewise inform those Merchants uho forward their goods by Macon, that they liavca Urge sad safe Brick Store, for tho reception of mer- fhauduo, and will receive and forward all goods con- -igaed >o them. Their chnrges in evorv instance will lie as low as is customary in the city. Liberal ad van- *>* will be undo on cotton stored with them of ship ped by them to any other market. Having one of tin ‘ reeman) located New (roods- T HE subscribers are just receiving a splendid stock o SPRING GOODS, which having beon purchased under very favorable circumstance will be sold cheap. CUAVT ft LEWIS. April 10 28 GOODS AT COST. T ? IE nndersigned have determined on closing their business and arc now offering their stock, con sitting of a general assortment of Mnplo and Fancy Dry Goods, 22a ti, Shoes, Sarifilertj, Ha tut tear c. Sc. tat ton per cent on New York and Boston|cost, at retail tforeai n; and 5 percent at wholesale, or good paper, pavable 1st January next, with interest. We respect r ully invite our friends and the pnblie to give us a call. WILLIAM FORT&Co Tho q indebted to ns would do well to make mme diate p tyment. Fel. 9 19 Bagging. tiStia fedk PIECES Hemp Bagging for sale I by REA ft COTTON. May 22 1-37 34 WANTED ZOOS &.V XBIS! n*atchcs, .leicetry, Silver IVare, AT. VIRGINS A S I'BJNGFELLOIV Would inform their Iriends and the public that they still continue at their stand on Cotton Avenue, and h i ve just icccivcd a fresh supply of Goods, con sisting in part of the following articles: Gentlemen’s aud Ladies’ gold lever anchor escapement independent second lepins and vertical WATCHES; silver lever plain and extra evvclled lepine and vertical do. all of which were se eded with choice tosuit this market, and will be war ranted to perform -veil; Ladies’ gold Neck Chains Gentlemen’s gold and silver Guard and Fob Chains old aud silver guard and fob Key*; Ear Knobs and trops; Breast Pius aud Finger Rings of all kinds aid. silver, gilt, and pearl Belt Buckles anil Slides racclets and Head Belts; gold and silver everpoint ed Pencils, steel Pens of the best qualities, gold, silver and steel spectacles, Quizzing Glasses, stiver table, tea. dessert, salt and mustard Spoons; sonpaudereatn Ladles, Sngar Tongs, Batter and Fruit Knives, silver Cups, Thimbles, Castors, Candlesticks, silver, brass, and bionzed; coral, gilt and glass Reads; ladies’ Bags oftlie latest fashions, Pusres and Pocket Books, < lari onelU, Flageofetts, Flutes, Fifes, Accordians, Music Boxes large and small. Drums, Organs and Violins Walking Sticks of various kinds; silver, gilt, shell, horn and ivory Cnu’ibs , Tea and Coffee Pots, Breacl Baskets silvei and japanned, fine painted Waiters, Knives, Razors, Saunders’celebrated Honor Straps with tablets. Pistols of varions kinds, Dentists’ Files, Gold Plate, Wire. Foil fte toy Watches, Rattles and Whistles for children; Snuffboxes, Percussion caps Pipes, Segar Tubes, Pocket Compasses Mathemati cal Instrument'’, ftc. MILITARY GOODS. Swords, Belts, Epatiletu. Plumes, Sashes, Buttons Lace, stars, ornament* too nutnorous to mention, which will be sold cheap for cash, or approved city accop lances. - - - N. B.—We have a choice scjectiou of materials for repairing Watches, and are prepared to make any new part, tyhich will warrant to perform as well as the niginal. Virgins ft Stringfellow feel grateful for past favors, and would still solicit a share of the pnlic patronage, hoping to give satifaotion to all who may favor them in ibeir line. March 1G 24 lfr«J Brooks of Forsyth, or myself June 6 36 tf L. L. GRIFFIN. T HE subscribers have now been nearly two years re-established at uicir old stand; their store of Tiano Fortes. Splendid Boston PIANOS, with 2 and 3 pedals, got Just received by jan 12 15 CRAFT ft LF.WI3. ho partners of'their firm (Mr. A. R. | Drugs & FailltS, Oils, GlaSS, &C j «* '«* earned^from « to «>0 feet w in the city of New York for the pur- j which in now very large, will be const rally replenish "J*®* ClothCarpemi 0 b«- f - 'osfl of affording the necessary facifitios to their tiiisi- ! ed, to meet the ensuing demand. Arrangements have j rxprn «.» wn/ir 1 nry in Macon,°tiicy respectfully inform Merchants j been made with importer* and dealers in Drugs and i - i i....:... .. ,.- n ..^i i. «n Chemicals in New York. Boston, Philadelphia ami Baltimore, to he furni-hcil at all lima- with new pre parations and the roost choice and g -.uuine articles kno-vnto the trade. . The increase of facilities aflotce*! merchants of this city, by our enterprising steamboat companies, in the transportation of produce and merchandize, enable toftTf -- ' • Csrpctics'r J UST received a Urge stock of Brussels, Ingram cd and Stair Carpeting . wide . IS. -ii-l other* who have business to transact in that city, t *t lie will bo prepared to attend toany Conunis'ion I usiacj* villi which ho may be fuvoretl. They cni- I* ice the present opportunity to return their gra-efirl kuiuvlcdgementsm Uteic friends and the public for P 'st favors, and solicit a continuation of their patron- j I In addition to their present stoex, they will receive t them 6 rly thi* fall a fine nsssrtment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Bale Rope, 11<-cry Hemp, Colton Bagging, Ready inaGe Clot(ittr^- Arc. Arc. Arc. *« talilo for the fall trade, all of which they offer for rilj on the most reasonable t rni* Jlaeon, August25 61 tf VOT/fc fjl HE subscriber* haying purchased of Me**fs J. # ft W. IUldwix their very extensive and Well •eh-eted Stock of Goods* *mi taken their store, corner Cotton Avenn|t«nd Chi ny street, i» prepared to offer such indmcints to ] urchasersas will not fail to insure a libera) j-hnre Ver great indiicemeiiL* to merchanu, planters aud others, to lay in their <npplicsat Macon April*20 *29 H ft J. SHOTWF.LL. Wo are iniihftri-u-il to aiin'miice BENJA- AIIN K Vi ARKI R *»a cwdidat" for ( lerk no of the Superior Conn of Bibb cmtntv. jn v»7 .. Wc arc authorised to an- notince HFNRY G ROSS, n ran ditate for re-election of Clcrkshio o< the Superior Court of rbiseonuty •I public patronage. 0 rantry, Merchant*, »ji»itfutly‘invited to call Planter* and othcra are rc- •pcufutly‘invited to call wliare they wifi find a largo ' «**m traeiit of staple and fency Dry Good*, nml Cro ten.*, JOHN J. Mrcon, April 13 28 tf BENNETT HATS. Summer Ciotluiig. A VERY large assortment made up to order, 2lL Jn*’. received by April 2ft 29 CRAFT ft LEWIS. Bolting Cloths; ^ I.L sizes and qu ibtie*, April 20 L inseed oil and train oil just ree«iv ed and for sale by Dec *29 13 J 11. ft W 8 F1.U8. For sale by 29 CRAFT ft LEWIS, We an- audinrii-ed to snnoui>r t- Jt • PH J HOLLOMAN a candidate re-clection to (he Clerk-hip of the I’erior Court if Bilili cownty. , ■ 33 WE are authorised to announce : H'KK.m NELL a-cum: mats •tot' rstifiy Clerk of the luferior Coutt at the «»- Feb 23 21 Winter Sprained k*perxa Oil, J UST received for sale by J. 11. ft, W. 8. HUS- Dee*? >2 For Sale. - TJ LHS. Fresh LEAF L.ARD, of *u B ?t»W|wrior quality, prepared here, aud K t op in neat covered tiu coiins, coiilamnig about 75 each. Also, in progress of curing, 75000 Jb* choice BACON, by WM. B PARKER ft Co. Jau 2<> 17 ' T the M icon Clothing Store, one doot above Win. B. Johnson’s Jewelry Store. The sub scriber is now receiving his Fall and Winter Stocfe of Clothing, (which has been manufactured by Lewis f itch the past summer,) und w hich will be sold oil* us cheap, for cash, as at any other establishment, co.xsistixo or Super Black. Blue. Brown, Green, Invisiblo Greet! and Claret Dress Coats. Super Black, Clue, Brown, Green, Invu ; jIc Green Claret and Mixed Frock Coats. Brown, Green, Mixed and Cndet mixed Coatees. Fine Blue. Black, Green, Brown and Mixed Pant*. Super ribbed, striped, corded and plaid Casimcre do Beaverteen, Cord aud Lion Skiu Pantaloons. 'liner Blue, Brown, Green, Mixed and Drab Over Coats. Goat’* Hair and German Camblet Wrapper do. Gentlemen’s super Blue, Black and Invisible Green Broadcloth Cloaks, Ladies’ super Olive, Green and Claret Broadcloth Cloaks. Ladies’ figured Merino, plain do. and Circassian Cloaks. Super Blqeatid Pilot Cloth OverCoats. • Drab, Blue an«l Olive Dullle Over Coats; Lion Skin and Green Blanket Over Coat*; Kentucky Joans Frock Coats and Pantaloons; Cloth, Satinet. Peters haul and Beaverteen Hunting Coat*, Cloth and Satin et Round Jackets. Black and Blue Cloth black figured and plaid Y'cl- vet, plain and figured Lngluh (Silk, dark Valencias, Toilinet. Woollen Velvet, t>Jack and .-triped Satin, Bombaziue, Tabby Velvet, and Satinet Vests, Fine Linen and Gotten Shirts, plaid and striped Gingham Shi *s,Silk, Cotton, Merino patoutanil iamb YVnol Shirts tot cotton and woolen, flannel Canton, flannel and ril 1 d cotton Drawers. Wool, La il Yvool, patent Mcriun and brown cot ton Half H i Fine W f Buck, Ilors'-skin, Beaver, Whi'e Kid, Liened B /• j. Lisle thread, black, white and colored Silk GIov . Black ui white Silk Half Hose ; Russian Belt*, Money lb s, nett, worsted und cotton, Silk and Gum Suspenders, Cravat and Cravat Stiffeners, Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Bombazine, Satin, Velvet plain and plaited Stocks, blue, black and xvhite crimped Silk Stocks, Spitalfield, English Silk, red and yellow Ban dana, white and red Pongee Silk Pocket ila.nlker chiefs, plain and milled Bosoms Collars, Purses,Cloth, Fur and Hair Seal Skin Caps, Wool Hats, a large as sortment of Fur Hats, Silk Hat*. Boots and Shop*, n good stock of Negro Clothing, also fine blue aptl black Cloths, Canvas, Padding, gilt and lasting Butt ms, ■' ‘ ’ R: Colton Wadding, Military Ball Buttons. Cord. Ta sel*. Stars, Lace, Epaulctts, &c. ftc. Nov. J7 7 HORACE FITCH. Gcnflenien wishing their Cloths made at the North will, by leaving their names with me, have them made in the best manner, and most fashionable style. H.F. i'lour, Dacon, Sard, die. BBLS Ohio Flour, prime quality, 40 Kegs Lard, 3500 lbs Georgia cured Bacon, 10 tierce* Rice, Just received and for sale by April 13 28 REA & COTTON. NCW Carriage Establisliiaent T HE subscriber will receive in a lew daysa large stock of Carriages, Barouches, Sc. Most of them made by the best workmen in Newark and New llnvcn. LUKE BLISS. Macon. Dec 14 11 - Uit. K. II. kaubolFii O FFERS his professional services to the people of Macon and it* vicinity, Do will be found at his room, on the sicopd floor of the New Commercial Banking house during the day. and at night, at his te- idenee on Beall’s Hill. May 6 32 3m Croclrory &£ Hardware. T Nt»\v YovK Cost fot sale h p-L-ca WE are authorised to announce I NEWSOM a caudidntr for Ta'x Colli May SO, 183 \VE ims? -r:or of Bibb county. ; 15 Oct. *>7 t SiwF ite i>y tj*t geo w i'iHcr $ co 3 KT ACKH Livenioolfine Salt, for safe by- March 23 25 RI 4 ft COTTON ' are authorized to an nounce THOJMA& Is. :OSS, a* n candidate for Clerk of the Inferior. Court of Bibb enmity. ] M.w 2Slh»Ic?57 Ladies Clonks, G LOTH and Merino Cloaks—worth from §10 to $50. nor 10 6 CRAFT ft LEWIS Carpeting. H UST received, a few pieces of Ingrain Carpetire ♦J? which is for sale at reduced prices. dec IS.' U P W PRICE ft Co Kcdiciite Chests, I 'l OR nlantations aud families, witli directions for < using. For sale by J- II-ft W. S. ELI.IS, N„ v 17 7 Cotton Avenue 500 ynzti f> I.-1UO UVIWM — liberal prices will he paid app.'iv to ;TIT REA A COTTON: US. A J. SIIOTWELL ■■rjr AVE just received an assortment of fresh Pcr- JL fiuncry, among which are Milk of Hoses; Esprit de Rose, r* * Ezt Jessamine; ext <>drat, „ Milk-flowers; „ Violets, Cologne Water; Lavender Water, Florida do. Honey do. Orange flower water, Rosewater (French). Macassar Oil; Bear's Oil, Ward’s Vegitabto Hair oil; Antique Oil (French) Marrow Ponia'nm; French Ponmtmn. Kcphaiia (for the linir) Preston -melting Salts, Vegetable Rouge; Vinegar or Rouge. April 20 29 ' . - i.. j system Letters and Certificates. From Geu. tlm. Wellborn, liundolph cist.'y. Go. October 2-hb, 1^35. Messrs Fielder ft Wcstcult, Gentlemen—It affords tne great pleasure jo give my testimony iu favor ofjour ‘ uiiligti m ’s Fever anti l Ague (ills." 1 have lepi-atea.y «.ti>} inyco t'-cni it my family, and in every case they have succeeded be yond toy hopes, in effecting thorough and permanent cutes. They liavc also bc* i; u.-ed extensively in my neighborhood, during the p:ts*. season, with tlie same happy and salutary effects. Tho people in this section of country cannot too highly appreciate them, lb; in my opinion they stand at tlie very head of the list of medicines for tho Fever and Ague. Be a sail red .1 shall not fail to rernuimcnd them to all persons whom I may meet with afflicted with that’ rroublesome and distressing disease. Yours respectively, War. WxLi.Bonx. From Dr. John B. Taylor, of Tallahassee, Florida. Messrs. Fletcher ft W'cstcult, Gentlemen.—Having prescribed Gallighan’s Pill*, iu several coses of Fever and Ague, with the most favorable results, I cheerfully rn;t uiuieim them a* h valuable medicine, to persons afflicted with that dis ease. Re-peclftilly, ftc. Taliahassee.’Dec J835. JNO. B TAYLOR, M.D. From Dr. IIin. J. Johnson, Fisrt Gaines, Georgia. Messrs Flacker ft Iri.stcutt, Gentlemen—1'iotu the irials I have repeatedly given “Galliginui'. Vegetable Fever oruTAgoe Pills,” dur ing the present fall and past t-munier, in -die cure of’ intermittent or ague and level, 1 take plrusurt in re commending them ns a certain ami rpc ilir rt-Uicdy — how obstinate soever the cum s may be. Ti.-.-k- i'iils hcv-.- been extensively used iirtliis secljj>lidf !ie'to:ui- try, and so far a*- I know, without.disappointing tfie exp-ctation.' of u .-itigfe -ndivitriial. JlthNov. 1835. WM J. JOHNSON, M. D. From the Ilex- P L. Jackson, Furl Gaines, Georgia. Messis. Folchtr ft I'.sficvtt, J'ibv JJU., i~.}o. i have a pit jimioi against pan-in ih’cdiciue.s arid oj- pecially igsio.-l tii-ae that “ pl'enge .<> emit in ertt-ry in stance,” but truth cou p, i* ice to my, "tk.-.t x>i U,.- 2i-0 boxes of dour pills which 1 port Iuim-u to not one box. to my kaovvli d;-e, lu.s tailed to core. A few months ago. Gallighan’s Pills were iiukricwu here .a lid now tl.ey are -cut for by tlie mail boys, ftc. LO lilies., south and east, I .-bail probably tied said for a Tho-is- and boxes next year, .,im wish yon. to send toe that number when 'convenient, i feel that, in common with i II who are subject fo the uiies.-e, I am liiocli iin debted to you, aud Tiavp no doubt-y on will rncf-t v\ iih yonr vvelj-tarnetf reward, itopi i-tjfolk vutir-, ftc. P. 1-J.UK^tlN. From Dr. S. M Ingecsntl, Columbus, Geoigia I have used Gal iglmu’s Pills with success.— they have more than met ray expectations Nov 20, 1X35. S. M. INUEKSOLL, M l). From Dr. Elijjk. A. Dunn, Irvington, Alabama. Messrs. Fletcher ft- llcsteott, Nov, 1, 1835. Gentlemen—Agreeably to your wUoI atn pleased will lie signed by* H oi C Perkins, ibc sole proprietor. Each bottle is seat’d with tiro impression of .VOR TON’S PU1 MONU - I.N1K TUKAXT COUGH SYRUP, plainlysuSmpcd on it. Fur certificates, soe ibe directions. WM. L. PERKINS. W^hav'ejnst received a fresh supply of the above, 1 have’ repeatedly--tn.} foycu them in |.«nd«M*W. sMely recommend it as a very excellent niedi- in everv case thev have sncctcdcd be- eine. Oct ’ 2 II. ft J. 811(1*1 Wi.l.L. ti. liemcdy ib» > Asiatic Cholera, Chotr.ra.iforbus. 11 ia>- - hafcf, &c. We. Prepared and.sold by the site. Proprietor, It ODE IIT S. BF.1LKAUD, Druggist, Norfolk, Cn Price $1—-Patent Right Secured. 5 N f’onsjqiianc-i of the very great and increasing demand lor this imaluable preparation, induced by the many cares which have been effected by the use iifit iu cases of Asiatic Cholera, common Cholera Morbus in children, and Disorders ofthc .Bowels gen- erallffthe proprietor has prepared, uud will continue ! to keep on hand a large supply. - READ AND BELIEVE! ! ! This Remedy has been used by many eminent Physicians, some of whom have charge of the largest Hospitals in the United States', where theCholera. has prevailid to a great extent, and been fatal to ioteni- per.ife. aged, and lunatic persons. Their confidence in this Medicinal I* such, that they say they are not a- frnio of th<-m >-<t inveterate cases of Asiatic Cholera, when tilkcn iu time. The following are only a small prnporuiinn of the ceiyi fictile- i have of the efficacy tif this certain Retnc- ar t i-ol, i i. Tb se.opjjb-ed toqmf k< ry. v. iil f t onco see ii,: • is nolliing-o, tho le nd—for those persons who have subscribed tiv-ir names to tii»se cer-ificates, live aiitpng na, and arc known to be men ,«f oa first siainj- irtg, ami upon whose word the altruist rc’iiitiee can be placed - Norfolk July 17, 1835. .Mr.. R S. Bkrsitin'. Sin:—lam gre ctiy opposed to any thing iiltgquack ery but when I reflect upon the goml.vo.-r Invariable Remedy for Cholera has done, and nog,hi continue to do, ifinmlO saferidly known, I am willing to throw asi teVr. thing Ii’.-*] -ejuiiice and - freely, give my o- pHfimi' -’poii yr; .r nit‘Miciiie. In my situational’ Ufe it ftequeiitfy happens that disease* cd' every kind conn* under my ob-ervntion. r But tlie major part of tlietn sei'ni to be at this *yason <-f tbo year premoni tory symptoms of Cholera—many of which no doubt pro.e fatai for want of s'lch a.- preparation us yours. Now, sir, this RBinmly Tor Cholera (asyou call it) is the very rhiiigtimj is wanting to stay the prosress of this distres-ing a seise. This I speak from expreuce. I have not only used it repeate tly in niy- own family, but have'adpiiuislered it to m«ny othersnud I can with truth say its effects have surpassed tny most sanguine expectation-; in .-everafeases where the bowels were* % jn ii most deranged state, other remedies had been administered nu ll really tlie patient was in great dan ger of dying, anil from simply giving a does or two ot your Uouicdy for Cholera as described, immediate relief Wos found-. lit one instance;! used it upon a servant, a m-nibry ofjwv family, jbal was inhouring under a ureadfu) bowel complaint, 8pa.«ms and vomi ting—for some time niy wife nnd self had serions ap- prehensions ilmCslio vv on Id die. lltit after giving o«;e dose'nfyvtit Remedy for Cholera the vomiting'ceased, tl.frpains graduelly disappeared, and the next doy she pnlorqlv recovered. I have aiso nse.d this .medicine with children troubled with bowel or summer com plaint, und iii no case has it failed to cure' them r inost.williiifK' do I recommend it to all my acquaintan ces. and hope all pritde'utpersons will avail tlicnistives of so valuab’e amerfieine.i ARTHUR CQOPFR. - Id hy J. H. & VV. S. EI.LISiApents Cot inn A venae—M a if to stale how far i am acquainted with the character of your •‘Feviir nnd Ague pills.” During the last sum mer and fall they have been much used iu this part of the country, and. so far as I have, observed, they have f roved highly beneficial to those who have taken them, n ordinary cases of Agile and Fever, medical advice is seldom sought; but 1 have recommended your pills to the sick in one or two very obstinate cases, and the use of them was followed with signal suet-css I therefore consider your pills a safe and valuable medicine for Ague and Fever, and chterfnliy recom mend them to the notice of persons afflicted with that disease. With respect. VbtirOht Servt ELIJAH A DUNN, M. l>. Just Received and for sale a large supply of tlie a- liove Pills at the proprietors price by H ft J. SHOT WELL, Agents. Corner third and Mulberry streets, opposite the Central Hotel. Mueon JSotaiticai Medicines. B A-YpERRY BARK, powdered, Golden Seal do , Hemlock Bark powdered; N*fv» powdered. Prickly Ash do. Poplar Bark „ Wild Cherry «lo „ Slippery Elm do White Pond Lilly; Lobelia Seed, Lobelia, herb; -Skunk l «W>«; e, Indian Turnip; Golden Thread; i Indian SogC.; 8aniacb Bnrk. .-.-i f, Bahnoiiy; or Bitter repot; Bitter Sweet, Ginn Myrrh; Cayenne Pepper, African. Just received and for sale by April20 2!* II. ft J. SHOT A ELL. S’ WiadftW Grjass Tj tf A BOXES.8 by 10 UindowGlass, XeP’dF.ia-A „ JO by 1*2 do do. r 75 „ I’Jbylfi do do 30 ., 12 by 14 do do ' 20 , If by 16 do do 50 „ l9Sy 18 do do With several other sizes just received ar.d for sale by Ii & J. 8HOTU E1,X, ’ Comer of fid ft Mulberry sts opposite tke Central hotel. April 20 - 30 - ’ French Qnininc, ff U 8T received and for sale by B J. II ft W 3. ELLI9. VVAIM’S PANACEA, Swaim’s Vcrmifn Superior Mustard, Fresh Olive Oil, do Castor Oil, do Iloncv, *" do Jrtjubo Paste, Bath Polishing Brick, Harwell’s' Tetter Ointment, Effervescing Magnesia, Saponaceous Compound Fancy Soaps, Otto of Rose, . SalAeratus. The above, with a variety of articles in the lino list received by J. II. ft W. S. ELLIS, Nov JO 77 Cotton Avenue. m Take Notice* rB1 IIF. subscriber having disposed of his interest in 2 the firm of Geo. W. Price vV Co. to M’illiam Cooke aud Geo. \Y. Price, who will receive and pay all debt* of aid firm. jan 1 Vntfed Stilt-.** Bank Nwtcs. "ffT Nm D Stmcf 1 ank rioti- ii. jnne to snit :tp- U pbcant* for sale by REA ft COTTON.Ii June 0 35 faints and Oils. fiO) (tTZi RI GS White. Lead, pure. Gjt 300 kegs „ .. So I, 200 ,. .. „ No 2, 1000 gallops Linseed Oil, pritfie,—- 1000 ,/ Lamp ,^- 5C0 ■ 'Plain ,. CO „ Neats foot oil, 2(0 „ Spts Turpentine?- Y'cnetian red, Spanish brown, Indian red, ClPbnei-’* green, chtouc yellow, Prussian blue, Spanish fleets Indigo. Vermillion, Chinese aud Eng iah drop Gakex drop black, lamp black, red lead, litharge. Tnikeyf Umber, Tena Dcscitnma, Pumice stomr, Verdigris^ "tonnd iu caustics, pmalts. blue brown and greesd frosting?, blue, whito, green and purphry-cllow Ochrit- whitinz. rose pink, gold ami silver fe;-f r gold, bronze^ imitation gold bronze, cojipcr Erouze, copaf v’amrrit* ) for pictures. Al.-o a general assortment orPA-INTBRCSKn^t consisring of ground paint brushes, uash root*, cacrit .’OU’LES April *20 29 DOZ. very super 40 doz „ „ ■ For sale by efwr 1 -r^.riip, , r Stoughton Bitters, II. ft J.8HOTWELL. | F:i»rt*rii»or Fox’ Kooim. ■g'UST received a enoiE -sorinieutof handsome pa : anf n-r hsnjringaiid bordorimr ! Oct 13 2 H. ft J. SHOTY\TLL._ ; ftcmifric Rowniid's Tonic .Mixture. r PJ1ESI1 suppiy jhst reteiv.-d and for sale by A Nov W 7 lit. U ft VV. 8. ELLIS, OcUonAr-.nne, Macon. hair blenders, sable hair tienderx. varnish frnr-bc.->^ graining bm-'bes.sable porlr.dt Pencil-*, lining r ms-fi, es. wire bound Fitch tools, white washrr.g and pbtrf ter? ra bruslr-s. scrubbing and shoe brirehc?, Ju*t received and for sale by H. ft J- April 20 20 C ASH will be s Deo 28 W SHOTWET ——— — -i Bees Wax. riven tor good Bees Wax. hy- J. H. ft W S LiAJSI