Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, July 25, 1837, Image 1

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of Subscription f Watches. Jewelry, Silver Ware and JFA.YCY GOOD S. • At“the Lowest Prices. C. U. ST. JOHN. Watch MnfiW WASHIi\G r rOi\ iLiLL. a THE Subscriber:?have tr.ken th it coin luudious and well known public house in the City of Macon,—the iiushingtmi Hall, lately occupied by Air. M. D. Iluson.— liy the unremitting intention of both of them, they flatter themselves that their House wilt ob tain for them a general patronage from the Public.— They have secured the valuable services of a Lady, whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is inferior to no one in the State. Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors. The Stablesare attended by careful and experienced Ostlers. MUSTIAN A MOTT. I Feb5 1835 36 j CENTRAL HW ILh, > .Ilacon, Georgia. T ills establishment is now under the control of j the subscriber, who pledges himself to render , comfortable those who mav call on hint. Feb25 :t5 PETER J. WILLIAMS. CJaliighan’s Vegetable rF£F£Je ^K0 AGhTJE 1'lALJi, A certain and lasting Cure for that disease. T HE subscribers, having been appoi itedspecial agents for the sale of Cadigh«n’s Fever and gue Pills, are prepared to furnish planters and country traders with supplies of saidarticle. oil terms equally us favorable as they can be obtained of the proprre I Frutt’s X?pp(t SUiel ls. | fRlnf Medical Coiitge t>i lieorgiaut Augusts have Jl ■ given their opinion of tie; superiority of Doctor 1 rail s Ntpplt Shi, Id to any iiiiiip ei.-e ffilin no offered for the same purpose, w . i*i r, in inn ran lie-' pw-tinutui if necessary -to physicians nmf others. The opiinaii of Hr Baber and otlier physicians in Macon who have examined the instrument, accords with that of Doctor Dewees and tho Medical College of Georgia. The Instrument is for sale in Macon by the subscriber ouly price with printeddirections. - II. LOOMIS." Sign of the Goldin Mortar, Mulberry street. Certificate of Doctor J>ttrees “ Doctor Elijah Pratt: Dear sir—As I feel it a mat-- ter of mrten public importance to possess a means of lessening the terrible sufferings of sore ripples, I have much pleasure in being able to say that the “Shield" you oiler for ibe preventing and the cure of.this mala dy, is better adapted to this purpose than any I have heretofore seen. In the two or lliree instances Ihivo T<*** r p,v K DoLLAtts, paid in adcqgfgtpk pay ati*'?' stars. Tux Dollars, paid in advance paper fee years. pu t aiihin six months after the year has * 1 -* j Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum »***%,seed- If not paid nutil the end of the year, Mk r * --- annum toilI be charged—with interest —UC9IIC9 IU IUIUIUI his friend* and tlie public, that he con- He will remain here during tlic sum- I ntteniion to . . Watch SlaCT SS and Jeweler, Cotton Avenue, op pa- site the Washington Hall, respectful- ifJ'- -1 Hi Iv informs his friends and the public, - -.r,- . jj|§ -that be_ is now opening a new and —'**■'*' splendid assortment of WATCHES & JEWELRY, of the best quality and latest fashions, consisting in part of the following articles, viz: Ladies’and gentlemen’s Hold Duplex, Patent Le ver, Anchor Escapement and Lepiue Watches; la dies fine Gold Curb. Guard, Basket A Cable Chains; Witch Hooks, Seals nud Keys; Swivels, Finger ,hHM*** the above business in this city. H ffii varMn mer, and give his personal IS. ceil ing and Foricarrlinz And Produce, All such confided to bit caro will at ail tin, c » ^ ped by the first boats, having reference only to rates of freight, safety and expedition. Darien, July 8 3m GEO. T. ROGERS. Cotmnissioii Business, Darien. ■ riHlir. undersigned have resumed business as a . * hove, and will as heretofore pay prompt ulten lion to all business entrusted to their care. We believe g,|Mfafff* ,li ' fcrniD of Advertising. . j.-miseats not exceeding one square, or 12 brevier u inserted one time for One dollar. Il’htn '*>• on e insertion is given, 50 cents for tacit 'hfcotiutors' and Coroners' Sales are chat. amounts for Advertising, Job Printing, Ifc. as for subscription, Interest tcill be charged, « *“ . irithin the near. BATS, BATS, BATS GEORGE A. KUlIiEULY R ESPECTFULLY solicits the attention of pur chasers to a very large assortment of Hats snd Caps, which have been made by him expressly for retailing, and are warranted to be of superior style and quality to any ever before offered in Macon; among his assort- Witch Hooks, Seals nud Keys: “ ” Kings and Broaches; cl gentlemen's Curb and Linked Guard and , Seals, Keys, Swivels, Sleeve liuks. bo* ‘ r Buttons, Breast Pins, Fiuger Rings, uid Keys, Meda!ion9, gold aud gilt Buc- u Scotch SnufT Boxes, gold and silver ver and shell Combs, gold and silver Thimbles, gold, silver and steel Spectacles with glasses to suit every eye, Seed Coral, large Coral, Coral Necklaces, Dead Bags, Chains nud Purses, a variety of cut and plain Beads, Spy Glasses, Quizzing Glasses, Pocket Books, Emory cushions, card and cigar cases, imitation fruit, lucifer matches, fire machines. Rogers As Sons’, and Wade *Sr Butcher’s razors, Emerson’s razor straps, scissors, dirks, chess men and board, backgammon boards, dice, dominoes, steel pens, walking canes, pistols, powder ffosks, shot pouches, game bags, otto of roses, cologne, lavender and Florida water; fancy soap, lip salve, pearl and tooth powder, flutes, flageo- letts, accordions, shell ntnsie boxes, large ransic boxes, o play from 3 to 12 tunes, fiddles and fiddle strings, gentlemen’s dressing cases, hair nud tooth brushes. Birmingham nnd Sheffield silver platrdeastors, liquor stands candlesticks, branches, fruit baskets, snuffers nnd snuffer trays, tea trays, silver table, tea, desert, salr, mustard and cream spoons, soup ladles, sugar tongs and butter knives; marble, ebony and alabaster mantle clocksto run eighteen days without winding. Military and Military Trimmings, nnd a variety of other articles usually kept in his line, nil of which he will sell at the lowest cash * " and 1 ‘res; Fob C. us som arid . 1 Guard Sea. Ides, silver at. o Everpointed Pencils, silver and gilt Bracelets, gilt, sil ver and shell Combe, gold and silver Thimbles. go!d, silver and steel Spectacles with glasses to suit every r—. „ : C- ' “ ’ ” ”— ” * Bags, Chains nnd Purses, _ . Beads, Spy Glasses, Quizzing Glasses, Pocket Books, lucifer matches, fire machines, Rogers A Sons’, and Wade «Sr Butcher’s razors, Emerson’s razor straps. f " * * * _ boards, dice, dominoes, steel pens, walking * **L,Jiltd icilhin the, year. expressed ; snd I have lid hesitation to it will generally succeed, 1 am so well persuaded of this at this moment', that 1 cannot forbear to express a wish, that «ur city through the various apothecaries may bo supplied with them. 1 mi. yours.'<Vc. Chiltidclphia. VdthJon. J834. IV.*. P. DmrKJts." Morton’s ft*uIintTuic Expectoiunt CO UGB S S’JB ffl*, For Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, ConsuwptUnisand IShoop- ■ ing Coughs: ment may be found, Super fashionable black and drab beaver Hats, do broad brim do for elderly men, do fash do do satin beaver do do do du black and drab Russia beaver, ■Itf * {{RIG Macon, Amelia Strong, .i Darien, « NevvJorsey, 1 •• Premium, i « (New) Sclir. D. B. Crane, vessel* are all copperei - - H srofaccess Bir at high in ‘ix miles tiff- *'i partieula* 1 *!< lo carry il- rivers t * b¥lethope insurance atRusTca # uu utauK auuui.iu nussm ueuvt’r, Wide, meridian and narrow brims, otter, nutria, musk rat, raccoon and cony hats of every variety of shape * nd style, Youths’ beaver and satin beaver hats, latest fashions, Fur and Cloth Caps, consisting of super No 1, Otter Caps, •* “ seal, mink, muskratand cony do mens and boys full top cloth caps, „ ,, Robinson’s do do ., ,. acorn top celeste caps, OF TiMJE CITY OF .1IACOJY T HE public are hereby informed that the late Mer chants’ Insurance and Trust Company of this city has recently been incorporated by the Legislature of this State, under the above title, with authority to increase the Capital Stock to 5(10.000 Dollars, and" to exercise TRUST and sundry other privileges. 100- 000 dollars of said Capital has beeu paid in. and will at all times be held in readiness to pay any losses due by this Coinpauy. Risks are taken to and from this city to any port or place, on as liberal terms to the r s stired os any otlier Insurance office. Loans will I e taken, -"vi bills of Exchange purchased, &c. WM. B. PARKER, Pres’t James Rea, Sec’y. Jan 9G 17 they cau be obtained of the proprre ^ . . I j A MONG the numerous complaints with which the Galliglian’s Pills, though useful for all diseases which | xml human family .-re afflicted, none arenioie .com- originale in u superabundant cclierlum of Life in tin: | iimui than coughs, colds. &c. and none more fatal in stomach, are more particularly intended lor Fever aud I their results, unless timely cure is taken to stop their Ague. In the first place they cleacse, strengthen a id j progress before they become too firmly seated upon give tone lo the stomach and bowels, and cieatea new ; the lungs. Notwithstanding the many remedies that r and healthy action throughout the system. '1 hey pro : have been offered to the public, not any have hereto- ducea natural and peiiuaneiit appetite; they defend j fore proved successful in procuring a certain and spee- Uie system against, new or subsequent attacks of the dy relief, disease; they assist the variousuperatiousofnatorcby "" cleansing the system of ail vitiated, corrupt- and acr.d humors, a nd thus inugorat- andreanimate the whole frame Pos-csaing a purgative quality, • they cannot remain in the.bovvels to produce such olher diseases as of ken follow the injiukcioiis treatineut of the.fever aud ague. They are composed entirely of vegetable matter, and may be taken by persons of bi th sexes and of all ages, with mtllm lei-t danger of unpleasant consequences. In fine, the public are assured that I Gaiiiguan’s Pills possess those -inestimable virtues, which are.requisite not only to arrest, but to eradicate j anil destroy the fast seeds of this most distressing ma- I lady of the human family. The proprietors solemnly ! * pledge tliemsoives tlr-it they du not contain a particle of mineral, iit any shape or farm, but are composed entirely of simple vegetable substances eiiher separately . or combined, and which without regard to sut or age are perfectly harmless in their effects upon the human system Letters and Certificates. From Gen. It in. It ellbom, llandvlph county, Ga. r October 24tii, Ie35. - Messrs Flitc/er & ll estcott, Gentlemen—It affords me great pleasure io give my testimony, in favor of, oitr “Gallighin’s- Fever and Ague Pills.’! I have lepeatedly employed them in my family, aud in every case they have succeeded be yond my hopes, in effecting thorough and permauem cures. They have also be-n used ex 1- ■-=- — neighborhood, during the past season, Baker, “ m a, fastened and built V,»r this trade, iiavo experienced captains \j once a week from each port. •Ulijiad for Darien will find Daboy B r 19 to 21 feet water will be found on tho wv.icr, the same depth can be carried with- nuns "f Darien, 13 feet cubic carried up to the The anchorage in Doboy sound nnd river is ,lv safe ami good, with ample room lor ves- -y oil’ die whole cotton crops, coming down r , to Darien. HAWF.S, MITCHELL & COLLINS, Agents Darien. ■ to James Goddard, Esq. Macon. children’s fancy silk caps, «Xrc.«fcc.&r. Fur capes, Pelerins, muffs and ruffs, consisting chinchilla, lynx, squirrel, sable, ermine, geuett, rab bit and swansdown. Hats made to order at shortest notice. Hat trimmings, alcohol and shellack. constantly oi. hand. Oc» 2(* 3 iooo 10 do heavy grass do suitable for square bales, 100 ps Tow Ragging, suitable fur square bales 150 bugs Lngitira Coffee iu small bags. RODGERS & Co. 250 bbls Prime Ruin, Gin and Whiskey, GO bbls Mackerel, Nos. 1. 2 and 3, SO bbls and half bbls prime FJour, Cider, Apples, Sugar, Cotlcs and many other ar ticles equally desirable, too led ii us to mention. The above goods can be bought 1 ow lor cash. Smith, Rodgers «V. <’o. would particularly invite those who are indebted to then, <•' call immediately aud pay their notes and accounts, as they are needing the money to pay their own debts. Macon, Jan 12 15 prices. He respectfully invites citizens and persons generally vis iting our city to call at his store and examine his stock, where he is ever ready and happy to attend to those who may favor him with their calls. N B—Particular attention paid to Watch Repair ing. Having selected the best of materials for repair ing Watches, he is uovv prepared lo manufacture anv part of a Watch, and will warrant every piece he makes as perfect as the original, and his Watches to perform well. Oct 27 7 Jf. -.jx, THE Public are informediha.t _ this Company has now ill opera fij^^gj^SgLtion, four boats, built expressly fur the summer trade, which will ffsularly between Darien and Macon, towed by [vibe steamer Altamaha, ns far up the river as she taJ av early in the fall as the state of the river will rimit the company will have in operation three Steam l*jU.W*vit: the Ocumlgce, plying between Darien J Savannah; and the Comet, and Keen Darien and Macon ; together with 14 tow boats, tea *nd in complete order, being built expressly ar iu ' trade, and commanded by experienced captains, which wifi enable them to perform the trip with des- n.-fi and hold forth inducements for those persons to |L |,v the Company who wish to get their goods or - i-Juce expeditiouslyla market. The company having ‘li iu charier, the privilege of insuring, will, at a acetate ( ,f premium, take risks on goods or pro- dripped by its boats, or placed in charge of its 100 do Cuba do 19 ldids New Orleans Sugar, 22 do prime St Croix do 7 bbls Sugar, a prime article, 5 tierces Loaf Sugar, 10 bills N. E Rum, 10 do Gin, anchor brand, 2 pipes Holland Gin, 12 nhd* Whiskey, 15 bbls No. 3, Mackerel, Iff hlids Molasses, a prime article, 25 tierces do do do 10 bbls pickled Pork. 8 qr casks sweet Malaga Wine, 3 boxes brown Havnnnn Sugar, 6 bbls first qua'ity Linseed Oil, 2 do Spts Turpentine. ,00 lbs Whiting, For sale by (Cr* juoois at HE subscribers have lately received a variety of T HE subscribers would inform the public that they have formed a connection in business under the him of ITRG GTS A* STslIuTGFFGJL O IP, And will continue at the old stand ot J. A. S. S, Virgin, on Cotton Avenue, where all favors in their line v\ ill be punctually attended to. See our Advpitisenient. DR. STRINGEFLLOW will lie absent a short time from the city, after his return from Charleston, he will attend to Dental Operations, mall its branches Single oi whole sets of teeth set hi gold plate nr pivots, plugging, «Lc. AH work warj JL merchandise consisting of Dry Goods, Bardicare, Groceries, Superior Oils lor lamps and pains; Saddlery, Hats, Bonnets, &.c. .Yc. which they believe will bear com parison inquality and price to any in the city Per sons wishing to purchase are invited to call and ox auiiuo for themselves, as extravagant catalogues and abored puffs, are too often impositions. Dae estab- isiiinetit is located on the corner of Third and Mul berry streets, the other on the corner of Poplar street and Cotton Avenue. WM B. PARKER <& Co. Dec 15 11 tf New Full ami -Vinter Olotliini;, A T the Micon Clothing Store, one dnoi above Wm. B. Johnson’s Jewelry Store. The sub scriber is now receiving his Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing, (which has been nmuuliyiturea by Lewis Pitch the past summer,) and which will be sold off as cheap, for cash, as at any oilier establishment, CONSISTING Of Super Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Invisiblo Green aud Claret Diess Coats. Super Black, Blue, Brown, Green, invis' Me Green ipnw fordiipnient. I \•c-uls for the above boats t * RI’.A & COTTON, Macon. HOUGH & LATH HOP, HawkinsviJJe. J*. R. YON’GE* SONS, Darien. GRANT & YONGE, Savannah. KER, BOYCE & Co. Charleston. June b 35 _ . Boating: Ware House, trad Commission Business. ship for the trails- action of the above business. TV Boating business will ba conducted ttndrr the :::ue and style of J Go»d uid &. Co. and will bo inan- i.-rj ami directed by J Goddard, flie Ware House aad Commission Business, under lit none and style of Hardeman, Jones & Co. will L- managed and conducted by Thomas Hardeman and Joim Jones. The undersigned respectfully solicit for ncbM’.oblwIinient a share of public patronage. Cho/era .'Morbus. Diarrhoea. Sc. Sfc, Prepared, and suit! by the sole Proprietor, HO DEUX S. BERNARD. Druggist. Norfolk, Vu ~ ' Z- Fatcnt Right Secured* queues of the very great and increasing l>ark Prints. N assortment dark small figured Frenrh print- HOV I» (’» For sale by C ii A FT A LEWIS I' 1E copartnership heretofore existing under the Price $i■ I Nrouseq ’ deiooud for this invaluable preparation, induced by the many cures which have been effected by the use of it in cases of Asiatic Cholera, common Cholera Morbus iu children, aud Disorders of the Bowels gen erally, the proprietor lias prepared, and will continue to keep on hand, a large supply. READ AND BELIEVE! .' .' This Remedy has been used by. mauy eminent Physicians, some of whom have charge of the largest 8 firm of Jones, Dickinson & Co. is by muti ■oiisent, this day dissolved. L. S. JONES, TIM. DICKINSON, L AUGUSTUS WAKE. Macon, May 17. 43. J. A. VIRGIN. S. S. VIRGIN, Dr S. L STRINGFELLOW. Copartnership .Yotiee. •'il^lIE subscribers have this day formed a coparl- JL uership in bnsincss, under the firm of. Dickinson &. Warc. uid occupy the store furmely oc a upied by Jones, Dick iisnii & Co., where tb« business of that firm will lie liquidated. TIMOTHY DICKINSON, E. AUGUSTUS WAKE. Macon, May 17 3-L March 16 24 Hospitals in the United Stales, where the Cholera, has prcvailid to a great extent, and been fatal to iutem- peraie, asetl, and lunatic persons. Their confidence in this Medicine is such, thatlhey say they are not a- : raid of the most inveterate cases, of Asiatic* Cholera, when taken in time. The following are qltly a small proposition of the i certificates 1 hive of the efficacy of this certain Reme- for Cholera. Those opposed to quackery, will at once see this is nothing of the k -ml—for those persons who have subscribed their names to these certificates, live Hinting ns, and are known to be uien of the first stand ing, and upon whose word the m most reliance can be placed. Claret and Mixed Frock Coats. Brown, Greeu, Mixed and Cadet mixed Coatees. Fiue Blue. Black, Green, Brown and Mixed Pants. Super ribbed, striped, corded and plaid Casiineredo WWdkCfi Aeicelry, Silver If ‘arc. Sc. VIKOINS * STB1AGFELLOW g- Would inform their friends and the public that they still continue at their Beaverteeu, Cord and Lion Skin Pantaloons. - upcrBlue, Brown, Green, Mixed and Drab Over Coats. Goat’s Hair and German Caniblet Wrapper do. Gentlemen’s super Blue, Black and Invisible Green aw* / stand on Cotton Avenue, and have just 1 djum received a fresh supply of Goods, con- sisting in partofthe following articles: Gentlemen’s and Ladies' gold lever anchor escapement independent second lepine and vertical WATCHES; silver lever plain and extra ewelled lepine and vertical do. all of which were se- er.ted with choice tosuit this market, and will be war ranted to perform -veil; Ladies’ gold Neck Chains ; Copartnership ZVotice BERT WHEELER and “ TC .Y R obert wheeler and e. p. townsend have this day associated Uiemselves in business ■uider the firm of WHEELER & TOWNSEND, and having purchased the entire stock of Messrs Williams vY Bradley, will continue the business at die old stand, in Third street, recently occupied by them. Broadcloth Cloaks, Ladies’ super Olive, Green and Claret Broadcloth Cloaks. Ladies’ figured Merino, plain da. and Circassian Cloaks. Super Blue and Pilot Cloth Over Coats. Drab, Blue and Olive Dufile Over Cunts; Lion Skin and Green Blanket Over Coats; Kentucky Jeans Frock Coats and Pantaloons; Cloth, Satinet, Peters WAKE HOUSE ,I.YO CO.lI.rilSSIO.Y BISI.YESS. NIj rick, Napier A Free* V ■ uP mail inform their friends and the L ♦ public generally, that they are enlarg Take Wotice. T HE subscribers having purchased the interest of J. Cowles in the firm of Geo. W- Price & Co. the business in future will be conducted under the same name, by WILLIAM COOKE, jan 1 14 GEO W PRICE £3cw Groods. T HE subscribers are just receiving a splendid stock o SPR'NG GOODS, which having been purchased under very favorable circumstance will be sold cheap. C RAFT & LEWIS. April 10 28 GOODS AT COST. T l IE undersigned have determined on closing their business and aro now offering their stock, con sisting of a general assortment of Staple anil Fancy DryCfoods, flats, Shoes, Saddlery, Bardtrare. Sr. tat ten per cent on New York and Buston|cost, at retail :for ca: h: and 5 percent at wholesale forjeasb, or good paper, pavable 1st January next, with interest. We rcspcci folly invite our friends and the public to give ns a call. WILLIAM FORT&Co Tho-e indebted to us would do well to make mme diate p lyment. Feb 9 19 i»g their Ware House adjoining their store on Cotton Avenue, and will have ;i ready for the reception of cotton by the commence, ment of the ensuing season. All cotton consigned to ikfinby Planters nud others, desling in the article, or , orlen lo buy and sell in the market, will be promptly s'tenkd to. They likewise inform those Merchants «jio forward their goods by "Macon, that they haven and safe Brick Store, for the rccepliou of mer- Ai'iifae, and will receive and forward all goodscon- •i'licd 10 them. Their charges in every in-tnnee will btulowan is cn.Hiomary ill tho city. Liberal ad van- w will be made on Coll on stored with them or ship- psdbv them lo any other market. Having one of ibe partnersof their firm (Mr. A. It. freeman)Inr.iitcd in the city of New York for tlio pur- •<e of aiFoidiug tho necessary facilities to their husi- iik, in Macon, they respectfully inform Merchants saJ others who have business to transact in that city, i tt lie will be prepared to attend to any Commission I i-iness vjth which ho may be favored. They cm- b Jtethe present opportunity to roturn their grateful « knowledgements lo their friends and the public for y at fives, and solicit a continuation of their patron- ill receive et Round Jackets. Black and Blue Cloth black figured and plaid Vel vet, plain and figured English |Silk, dark Valencias, Fine Linen and Cotton Shirts, plaid and striped Gingham 8hi *s,8ilk, Cotton, Merino patentand lamb Wool Shirts ret cotton and woolen, flannel Canton, flannel and ril* d cotton Drawers. Wool, La if Wool, patent Merinaand brown cot ton Half H s Fine W •* Buck, Hors 'skin, Beaver, White Kid, Liened B / j, Lisle thread, black, white and colored Silk Glov . Black n. white Silk Half Hose; Russian Belts, Money B< s, nett, worsted and cotton, Silk and Ginn Suspenders, Cravat and Cravat Stiffeners, Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Bombazine, Satin, Velvet plain and plaited Stocks, blue, black and white crimped Silk Stocks, Spitulfield, English Silk, red and yellow Ban dana, white and red Pongee Silk POckct Handker chiefs, plain and ruffled Bosoms. Collars, Purses,Cloth, Fur aud Hair Seal Skin Caps, Wool Hats, a large as sortment of Fur Hats, Silk Hats. Boots and Shoes, a good stock of Negro Clothing, also fine blue and black Cloths, Canvas, Padding, gilt and lastiug Butt >n<, ofthe latest fashions, Pusres and Pocket Books, ( lari ouetts, Flageoletis, Flutes, Fifes, Accordians, Music Boxes large and small, Drums, Organs and Violins Walking Sticks of various kinds ; silver, gilt, shell, horn and ivory Combs , Tea and Coffee Pots, Bread Baskets silvei and japanned, fine painted Waiters, Knives, Razors, Saunders’ celebrated Razor Straps with tablets. Pistols of varions kinds. Dentists' Files, — . vVatcho., Rattles and. toxes, Percussion caps. Gold Plate, Wire. Foil Ac-o to; Whistles for children; Snuffl Pipes, Segar Tubes, Pocket Compasses. Mathemati cal Instruments. &c. MILITARY GOODS. Swords, Belts, Epauletts. Plumes, Sashes, Buttons, Lace> stars, ornamonts too numorous to mention, which will lie sold cheap for cash, or approved city accep tances. , _ N. B.—We have a choice selection of materials for repairing Watches, and are prepared to make any new part, which will warrant to perform as well as the original. Virgins &. Stringfellow feel grateful for past favors, and would sfill solicit a share of the pulic patronage, hoping to give satifaction to all who may favor them in .heir line. March 16 24 Dr. Dupont’s Vegetable TootSi-AcIie Elixir. A CERTAIN AND IMMEDIATE CURE. D R. DUPONT having appointed several agents for the sale of his valuable Drops for tlic cure of Tooth-ache, can with confidence recommend it as an infaillible cure inall coses, however severe; giving re lief iu a very few minutes, end that too. without any injury to the teeth or gums. It possesses the property or enlivening the gums when in a morbid state, and of restoring a healthy and v igorous action. For sale by July 11 40 j H A W s ELLIS. Cloths, Canvas, Padding, Cotton Wadding. Military Ball Buttons. Cord, Tas sets, Stars, Laco, Epauletts, &.c. &c. Nov. 17 7 HORACE FITCH. Gentlemen wishing their Cloths made at the North will, by leaving their names with me, have them made nnd most fashionable style. II.F. la ad lition to chclr present stock, they W « riy this faff a fine asssrtmeut of Dry Goods Groceries Hardware, i'ulltn/, Balt Rope, Heavy Hemp, Cotton „ ’ lagging, Readymade Clothings Ac. Ac. Ac. •alible for the lull trade, all of which they offer for **'■' n " the most reasonable terms- -Macon, August 25 61 tf B V the subscriber, Monroe Rail Road Bank Bills, for which ten per cent per annum will be given. Apply to Larkin Griffin or Peter Solomon of Macon, or Alfred Brooks of Forsyth, or myself. June 6 30 tf L. L. GRIFFIN- T IIE subscribers have now been nearly two years re-established at tneir old stand; their store of Drugs &. Paints, Oils, Glass, &c which is now very large, will be constantly replenish ed. to meet the ensuing demand. Arrangements have been made with importers and dealers in Drugs and Chemicals in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore, lobe furnished at all times with new pre parations and tho most choice and genuine articles known to the trade. The increase of facilities nffoided merchants of this city, by our enterprising steamboat companies, in the transportation of produce and merchandize, enable ist manner. 2Plour, Da con, lard, <StCi ^ xk BBLS Ohio Flour, prime quality, Iv 40 Kegs I-ard, 3500 lbs Georgia cured Bacon, 10 tierces Rice, Just received and for sale by il 13 28 REA & COTTON WAIM’S PANACEA. Swaim’s Vermifu 1 Superior .Mustard,. T jyoticb. . „„ IIP. subscribers having purchased or Messrs J. - A IV. Ralhwix their very extensive and well •tlcctcd Stock of Goods, •in taken their store, comer Cotton Avenue and flu ny Atrret, is prepared to offer snch inducements h | urebasers as will not fail to insure a liberal share # l public patronage. Ciantrr, Merchants, Planters nnd others are re- •jnufullyjnvited lo call where they will find a large •unit ment of staple and fancy Dry Goods. andGro «rii*. 1 JOHN J. BENNETT Frosh Olive Oil. do Castor Oil, do Honey, do Jujube Paste, Bath Polishing Brick, Harwell’s Tetter Oiutment, Effervescing Magnesia, Central Hotel, Macon Dotanical j-tfLedicineS' AYBEKRY BARK, powdered, Golden Seal do _ Hemlock Bark powdered; Nervin powdered, Prickly Ash do. „ Poplar Bark „ Wild Cherry do „ Slippery Elm do ., White Pond Lilly; Lobelia Seed, Saponaceous Compound Fancy Soaps, Otto of Rose, Sal Aeratua. " \- The above, with a variety of articles in the line ust received by J. II. &W S. ELLIS, GalliKlitm’s Fever nn<l Ague Fills, .illy; Lobelia Seed, Lobelia, herb; Skunk Cabbage, Indian Turnip; Golden Thread; Indiar. Sage; Sauiach Bark, Balmon) or Bitter noot; BitterSweet, Gum Myrrh ; Cayenne Pepper, African. Jlisl received aud for sale by April*20 29 H. & J. SIIOTWELL. IF' ’ J a “'11" 40 J II & W S ELI .1S, Cotton Avenue Macon; From Dr. John B. Taylor, formerly of Baltimore, and note one of the most extensive practitioners in Talla hassee, Fioridu. . “Having prescribed Gallighan’s Pills, in several ca ses of fever and ague, with the most favorable results. I cheerfully recommend them, as a valuable medicine, to persons afflicted with that disease." From Dr. S M lugcrsoU. Columbus. Ga. I have used Gallighan’a Pills with success—they have more than met ray expectations.” From Mr IlmC Bisstl Columbus, Ga “I have tried them (Gallighan’a rills) in a severe at GEORGE W. ELLIS is a candidate New Carriage EstaDHshinciiL \HE subscriber will receive in a lew days a I stock of jS*So for Clerk of the Snperior Court of Bibb coun ty, at the ensuing election iu January next. July 11 40 We are authorised to announce RENJA- ailN R WARNER as n candidate for Clerk of ihe Superior Court of Bibb county. _ 0 Piano Fortes. i) Splendid Boston PIANOS, with 2 and 3 pedals, ^ -inft received by 12 15 CRAFT A LEWIS- ?|NTrgceivcdS'if?!*^** Dru * fe] *' I,! « rain W •*«! and Stair Cnrpr" ,n * • „ { • . •» Paints and Oils. L KEGS White Lead, pure. P 300 kegs „ .. No 1, 208 „ „ ' „ No 2, 1000 gallons Linseed Oil, prime- 1000 500 Carriages, Barouches, Sc. Most of them made by the best workmenhi, and New Haven. LUKE BI Mnron. Dec 14 OK. K. 'll. RANDOLPH We are authorised to an nounce HENRY G. ROSS, * can- dilute for re-election of Clerkslnn of the Superior Court of this comity Lamp n Train „ Neat9 foot oil, „ Spts Turpentine-/- Venetian red, Spanish brown, Indian red, CliiouB’ green, chrone yellow, Prussian blue. Spaui.-h floet* Indigo, Vermillion, Chinese and Engisli drop Liike^ drop black, lamp black, red lead, litharge. Turkey Umber. Teua Dcscienna, Pnmicc stone, Venligtis ground in caustics, smalts, bine brown and green frostings, blue, white, green and purple yellow Orliro whiting, rose pink, gold and silver leaf, gold bTonzt?i imitation gold bronze, copper bronze, copal varuisJv Aho a general assortment of PAINT BRUSHES consisting of ground paint brushes, sash tools, camil hair bleeders, sable hair blenders, yarr.ish bn o-a os, graining brushes, sable portrait Pencils. rrus a es, wire bound Filch tools, white xva»hmg Ulta plaig terers brushes, scrubbing and shoe brushes. Just received sad for side by April 20 20 II. A3. SHOTWEIu_ O FFERS his profe.-sional serv ices to the people of Macon and its vicinity, lie will be found at his room, on the iccond floor of the Mew Commercial Banking house during the day. aud at night, at his rc- idence on Beall’s Hill. Mav 0 32 3m . ar&TrsiiofwELL * as-oituietit of frosh I er- taek of chills snd fever, whiehl had in June last, and the r sult wasan immtdiu'e "».d peimrin-ul cure.*' ? Jaunimcr Cloibiugi We are anthoriseil to announce JO SEPII J HOLLOMAN a candidate for re-election lo the Clerkship of the Inferior Court of Bibh county. 3 8 ATS jiril2ft JlU y CRAFT * LEW1*L_ Bolting^Olotks. LL sizes and qu ilities, For sale by . ptil 20 29 CILAFT A LFAUS^, INSF.ED OIL AND TRAIN OlLjust receiv I ed and for sale by H AVE just received an fumery, among which are Milk of Roses; Esprit de Rose, Ext Jessamine; ext Ccdrat, „ Milleflowers; „ Violets, Cologne Water; lavender \V atcr, Florida do. Honey do. Orange flovver water. Rose water (French) Macassar Oil; Bear’s Oil, .. Ward’s Vegitable Hair oil; Antique Oii(I rcuch) Marrow Poma’nm; French Pomatum. Kephalis (for the hair) Precton smelling Salts, Vegetable Rouge; Vinegar of Rouge. April 20 29 ‘Cake Notice. HE subscrilier having disposed of his 'nterest in the firm of Geo. W. Price & Co. to U illiam Cooke and Geo. W. Price, who wUl receive and pay all debts of said firm; jan 1 » CuItLL^. :kery & Hardware. Yorff Cost for sale by 4 GEO V PRICE dj CO ACK3 Liverpool line Sait, tin sale by March23 25 REA A COTTON. Ladies Cloaks. C LOTH and Merino Cloaks—worth from 840 to 850 nov 10 6 CRAFT & LEWIS. Carpeting. J UST received,* few pieces of Ingrain Carpeting which is for sale at reduced prices. o> dee 15 II G AV PRICE A Co J. H A W S. ELLIS. WE arc authorised to announce WIUGHT NEEL a cauddsta for Clerk ofthe luferior Court at the er- Hit A Ustitcd States Sank Notes. , U N IT LI: Maus 1 auk notes in sums to unit ap; plicanta for sale by REA A COTTON.It June 0 36 . Papering for Rooms. J UST received a good assortment of handsome ps per hanging anil bordering . Oct 13 % H. & J- SHOTWELL. Genuine Botvand’sTonic Nfixtnrc. A t Itr.SH supply just received and lor sale by Nov 17 7 J. H. & IV. S. ELUS, CottonAtontec, Maton. suing election. WE arc authorised to announ*-. Winters trained operia v>a! HENRY NEWSOM a candidnp for Tax Collector of Bibb county May 30. 1H37. 35 UST received foreale by WE are authorized to an- nonnee THOMAS L. ROSS. a. a candidate for Clerk of tbc Inferior Court of Bibb county. May 28thJ83T. ^ ( Bees "Wax. flrivcJi *ui ffood IScss »V tix, by j b. H. &. W S ELLIS r-k sv LBS. Fresh LEAF LARD, of sn U Mperior quality, prepared lure, and neat covered tin canns, AK in cT* tliisO«c«*