Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, August 08, 1837, Image 1

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* t MACON GEOItOIA TELEU By H. BARTLETT. .TMCO.V, GEORGIA. Tl r JBSDAl\ %TUGUST 8, 1837. Volume Xl»—Number 44/ ■" ••. Terms of Subscription rn«M Dotfc***, paid in advance, nB pay for the pa- ,„m0tr. Furr Dollahi, paid in advance, will pay ’ Tx« Dollars, paid in adennee r two year*, r Jive yuan. Jy Jar the paper ^ <fV* *’* Pf*id within sir. months ajter the year has ,„etd, Three Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum r ''\ ^ charged. Jf not 'paid until the end of the year, Rollers per annum will he charged—with interest r ,,r a Terms of Advertising'. < hertiseneats not exceeding on* smart, or 12 brevier vMbt inserted on-: time for One dollar. If hen „ then one insertion is given, 50 cents for each insertion Tax Collectors'and Coroners' Sales are chat- rgS uehintt' for Advertising, Job Printing, tfc. "hies for subscription, Interest will be c.arged, ^^olsettledheUUnthejear^ THE MACQK STEAM-BOAT COMPANY ^AKE this method to inform the merchants and pdblicgeneraliy.^n the interior of Georgia, that their M. line of boats will be in full operation early in ihe fall, and solicit their patronage for the line, believing tnat goods forwarded by the way of Darien isthe cbeadest for merchanU of the interior cf the State. and the most expeditious route. The Company have the following new and fine Steam-boats,*-all commanded by first rate Captains, to wit: Steam-Boat J. STOWE, Capt OTm. C. Mendall, CHIEFTAIW. Capt 6 Will cox, EXCEZi, Capt OT. 2., Willcox. Stljf JJI1IOJR, Capt Wm. JE* Johnson;« J?yortc S Darien JLinc of Packct.s - BRIG Macon, A; Bibbins, Master. •« Amelia Strong, Brown, ..*• “ Darien, C■ P. Bnlkey,. “ « New Jersey, B. Matthews, “ « Premram, J. Couborn, “ « (New) Schr. D. B. Crane, Baker, “ T . pJf vessels are all coppered, fastened and built , * ,j .|y for this trade, have experienced captains “S „:i , fl «ularly once a week from each port. ‘vesselsbound for Darien will find Dobov B r ..'ofsecess: 19 to 21 feet water will be found on the at liirh water, the same depth can be carried with- • * • n ,j|‘ s of Darien, 13 feetcnhic carried up to the i, -]'j, e anchorage in Doboy sound and river is nir-iculaily safe and S°od. with ample room tor ves- «!s to carry off the whole cotton crops, coming down o, rivers to Darien. HAWF.o, MITCHELL ft COLLINS. Agents Darien. flefer to James Goddard, Esq. Macon. Oct It), 1^36. 2 ______ annul ft cc Steamboat Company. . THE Public are mlornied tha.t this Company has now in opera^ tion, four boats, built express! j _ 'for the ■oiniiner trade, which wil fcguhrly between Darien and Macon, towed by iiv the steamer Altamalia, as far up the river as she J -\itil »"early in the full ns the state of the river will strait, thecomnmv will have in operation three Steam boats,W wit: the Ocmulgee, plying between Darien and Savannah; ami the Comet, and Alatnraaha. be t-ten Darien and Macon; together with 14-towboats, • and in complete order, being built expressly pr ihe trade, and commanded by experienced captains. , hicb will enable them to perforin the trip with des- id), anil hold forth inducements for those persons to . by the Company who wish to get their goods or -rodace expeditiously to market, The company having iv its charter, the privilege of insuring, will, at a moderate rate of premium, take risks on goods or pro- 1 :rc shipped by its boats, or placed in charge of its ••rat* forehipntrnnt. Arrtiv; for the above boats: REA A COTTON. Macon. IIOUGH & LATH BOP, HawkuisviHc. P. R. YONOE dir SON’8, Darien. GltANT ft YONGE, Sjivannah. KKR, BOYCE ft Co. Charleston. Jaueb 35 Boating Ware House* ‘ anti Co-niiiission Business. The undersign ed have entered .into n copartnvr- I ship for the trans action of tlto above business. The Boating business will bo conducted under the >me and style of J Goon wu> iV Co. and will be roan- .tgvtl and directed by J Goddard. fiie Ware House aid Commission Business, under ;>• name and stylo of Hardeman, Jones & Co. will .v managed and conducted by Thomas Hardeman and Jihn Jenen Tin; undersigned respectfully solicit for < vh establishment a share of public patronage. THOMAS HARDEMAN, JOHN JONES, . JAMES GODDARD. Inly 4 ® CjREnOllbE .1.YD CO.TI. TIMSNIO.Y B L SIJYESS. Jlyricli, Napier * Free- aPuiatl inform their friends and the O j& public generally, that they are enlarg- •J-\erXfZm mg their Wure House adjoining their aU . r< , un Cotton A venue, and will have it ready for the reception of cotton by the coinmc/ice- ciem ill’ the ensuing season. All cotton cousigned to tnornby Planters and otherr, dealing in the-article, or orders in buy and'sell <n-tbe market, will be promptly •ttrtitled t.. They likewise inform thosei Merchants •tho forward their’goods by Macon, that they have a hrge and safe Brick Store, for the reception of mcr- hamli/.e, and will receive and forward all goods con- •iiaed loihein. Their charges in every ir.-tance will lie .slow as is customary in the city. Libera! advan ces will be made on cotton stored with them or ship ped by iliem to any other market. Having one of ihe partners of their firm (Mr. A. R. freeman) located in the city of New York for the pur- o<- of affording the necessary facilities to their busi- ae« in Macon, they respectfully inform Merchants ') I others who have business to transact inthntcity, '■ at lio will lie prepared to attend to any Commission I 'i-iuoss vith which ho may be favored. They cm- j tee the present opportunity to return their grateful J •v luinwledgcmenta to their friends and the public for j P 'st fivers, and solicit a continuation of their patron- j a e. In addition tu their present stoat, they will receive c rlv this fall a fine asssrtment of j" , Or) Goods, Groceries. Hardware, 1'utltry, Bale llopc, Heavy He ftp, Colton flagging, Readymade. Clothing' *«• * c * * c, „ «« table for the fall trade, all of which they otter for SJ '-‘ on the most reasonable terms Bacon, August 25 61 tf T Take Notice. , IIC subscribers having purchaspd the interest 01 J. Cowles in the firm of Geo. VV. Price & Co. ihe business in future will be conducted under the "imename, by WILLIAM COOKE, jam 14 GEO W PRICE Also sixteen first rate Tow-boats, builtexpreasly for the navigation of the Altamaha andfOcmulgee riv- trs. The J. Stone is a side wheel boat, low pressnre engine, carries 700 bales of Cotton, runs regularly 3 times a week between Savannah and Darien. The Steam-boat Chieftain is a new side wheel boat, and will carry 5 to COOJbales of cotton, to run regularly between Savannah and Hawkinsvillc, aud so to Macon, du ring the time of fall rivers. The meam-boats Excel and Snperiox vyill run regularly between Darien and Macon, towing two boats each; and one of the Steam-boats will leava Darien regularly eveiy 5 or 6 days: the usual time of passage Up is 5 to C days. The Macon Steam-boat Company Line are connected with the line of seven packets running regularly from NeW-York to Darien. R. M. Demill, 186, Front Street, New. York, is the Agent for the line of pack- eta, end Hawxs, Mitchell & Colliks the Agents of the packets at Darien. The Agents of the Macon Steam-boat Company Line are— KER BOYCE &. Co. Charleston, L. BALDWIN & Co. Savannah. HAWES, MITCHELL & COLLINS, Darien, GEORGE K. ROBERTS, Hawlnnsville. Any goods or produce shipped to their Agents, will be forwarded with despatch, or goods ordered to U shipped by the line. The Company, thankful for the patronage they have received from the merchants and planters,haveincreased tho means of conveyance largely, and the Agents pledge themselves to use every exertion to facilitate the interest of those who may ship by their line boats. _ _ _, J- GODDARD & Co. Agents. P- S.—There will also be a line of Schooners running regularly between Charleston and Darien, to the Company Agent in each place The Company would particularly request that shippers have their goods distinctly marked with the name and place in fall, which will frequently save detention, and a wronir destination. Macon. July 17.1837- 42 WARE-HOUSE AND COiOiHISSIOIV BUSINESS. THE undersigned w. uld respect- a. A fuly announce to their friends, and to the public generally, that thc\ have formed a copartnership for the pur pose of transacting the general waie- liouse and commission business, in the city of Macon, under the name and style of . IIAKDE3IAN, JONES & Co. * They have purchased the ware home lately occu pied by Messrs. Hamilton, Ilayes & Co., the well known situation of which, both as regards safety a- gainst fire and the convenience of its close stores, needs no recommendation. They are now ready for the reception of cotton, a'ld for the receiving and for warding the goods of their country friends, that may be shipped to their care. They will be prepared to extend the usual advances on cotton, stored with or slipped by them. And from the fact that they are pledged not to deal in cotton on their own account, they hope to receive a liberal share of public pat-! ronage. The business connected with their establisli- m> nt wil! have the exclusive attention of Thomas Hardeman and John Jones, who will spare no pains to serve and please its patrons. tho. Hardeman, JOHN JONES, J. GODDAUI). The undersigned have sold Uieir ware-house pro perty to Messrs. Thomas Hardeman, John Jones ui.d James Goddard. The ware-house and commission business will bo conducted by Messrs. Hardeman ft Jones under the name and style ol Hardetnau, Jone;- & Co. The undersigned in retiring from thcabow named business, feel great pleasure,in recommending those gentlemen te their former friends and patrons, as worthy oftlieir fullest confidence; and they would resvectfiilly solid for them a continuation of tl'i/ pat. ronage so liberally extended to them for the lust four years, and for which they will ever cherish the mo* lively sense of gratitude. HAMILTON, IIAYES A Co. Macon. July 18 1837 42 COMMISSION BUSINESS, DARIEN. THE undersigned desires to inform his friends and the public, that he c«n tinues the above business in this city, lie will remain here during the sum mer, and give bis personal mieniion to Receiving and M-'orirareling of Goods i Ami Produce, All such confided to his care will at_all times be ship ped by the first boats, haviug reference only to rites of freight, safety and expedition Darien, July 8 ,,L HATS, HATS, HATS GEORGE A. KIMBERLY OGLETHOPE INSURANCE & TRUST CO. or Tin: cm■ or .Tiuco.v. T HE public are hereby informed that the late Mer chants’ Insurance and Trust Company of this city lias recently lieep incorporated by the legislature of this State, under the above title, with authority to increase.the Capital Stock to 500,000 Dollars, and to exercise TRUST and gundry other privileges. 10).- 000 dollars of said Capital has been paid in. and will at all times be held in readiness to pay any losses die by this Company. Risks are taken to and from tMs city to any port or place, on as liberal terms to the is sured aa any other Insurance office. Loans wiU )e taken, >nd bill* of Exchange purchased, die. WM. B. PARKER. Tres’l James Rea, Sec’y. Jan 26 17 3m GEO. T. ROGERS Contisiission Business, Darien. . fJlHE undersigned have resumed business as a .3. bove, and will as heretofore pay prompt alien tion to all business entrusted to their care. We belie e we have made arrangements that will enable us atui. times to forward goods for the interior with the leas possible delay, by steamboats when the river will ad mit, or in extreme low river by small fiats or lighters, built expressly for that business. Oil our wharves are large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot ton at the least possible expense, and our opportunities to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not exeel- ed by any other House. Darien, May 20, 1836. HAWES. MITCHELL ft- COI.LINS- lO Medicine Chests, liex.'v P OR plantations and fainilie^'ulith directions for using. For sale bv J- II. & W, S. ELLIS. Xnv 17 7 Cotton Avenue JtMIN SPRINGER, is a candidate for Sheriff "f Bibh County. July 26 GEORGE W. ELLIS is a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Bibb conn- ■7> -l the ensuing election iu January next. July II 40 ■ We are authorised to announce BENJA MIN R WARNER^** a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Bibb countv. _27 ■ ' We arc authorised to an nounce HENRY G. ROSS, a can- ditatefor re-election of Clerkshin of the Superior Court of this county 11HDS S'. Croix' Sugar i 54 bbls Whiskey 6 . “ Nortl ern Gin 34 “ N. E. Rum 18 “ Cordial 12 qr. Casks .Malaga Wine 3 “ Mnderia do 1-2 Pipe Cog. Brandy \ •• Chatnpaignc Brandy 2 “ Holland Gin 12 bbls llonontahala Whiskey 53 “ No 3 Mackerel t 41 “ - Prime Pork 30 *• Sup. Balt. Flour 20 Boxes Soap 30 “ Raisins 18 “ Sperm Candies 19 “ Starch 25 Bags Java Cofie 25 " Cuba do 5,000 lbs Castings 15,000 “ Ironi . 150 pcccs Ilea vy Hemp Bagging 42 in. Fc; sale on consignment by J. GODDARD &. Co. July 25 42 1 WECES Hemp Bagging, JL V vUr 10 do heavy grass do suitabb » for square bales, 100 ps Tow Bagging, suitable for square bale 150 bags Lnguira Coffee iu Miialhbatts, ;.. 100 do Cuba do 19 hhds New Orleans Sugar, 22 do prime St Croix do 7 bbl* Sugar, a prime article, 5 tierces Loaf Sugar, 10 bids N. E Rum. 10 do Gin, anchor brand, 2 pipes Holland Gin, . 12 nhds Whiskey, 15 bbls No. 3, Mackerel. 16 hhds Molasses, a prime article, 25 tierces do do do.. 10 bbls pickled Pork. 8 qr casks sweet Malaga Wine, 3 boxes brown Haranna Sugar, 6 bbls first.qua'ity Linseed Oil, 2 do Spta Turpentine. 25,00 lbs Whiling, For sale by REA & COTTON* Third st afbw doors south of Central Hotel. July 18 40 Dark Prints. N assortment dark small figured French prints Fm " * a very large Hats and Caps* which lave been made by him expressly for retailing, and are warranted'to be of superior style and quality to tuiy ever before offered in Macon; among his assort ment miy be found, - Super ftshionable black and drab beaver Hats, do broad brim do for elderly men, do fa*h do do satin beaver do do iu du black and drab Russia beaver, Wide, meridian aud narrow brims,otter, nutria, rausk- ltu, raccoon and cony hats of every variety of shape i nd style, Youthi’ beaver and satin beaver hats, latest fashions, JTtir and doth Caps, consisting of super No 1,.Otter Caps, •* “ leal, mink, muskrat and cony do meti3 and Soys full top cloth caps, i, ,, Robinson’s do do acorn top celeste caps, j children's faucy silk caps, &c. &c.& c. Ear capes, Pclerina, muffs and ruffs, consisting of chinchilla, lynx, squirrel, sable, ermine, genett, rab bit and swansdown. Hats made to orderatshortest notice. Hut trimmings, alcohol andshellack, constantly oi. hand. Oct 20 3 : TO TRA f'EJLERS. T HE Rail Road Cars from Charleston, (S. C.)tO Augusta, (Ga.) is daily passed over each way Irf atrain of Passenger Cars, leaving each end of the line at si v o’clock iu the morning, and arriving between six and seven O'clcokj-tho same day, in the evening. The improved condition of the Road, by embank ment and new* iron, Warrants the recommendation to Travelers to tike this route- In going Nojth lroin Charleston, they have the R ESPECTFULLY solicits the attention of pur- choice either to take the Steam Packet which leaves chasers to a very large assortment of „ Charleston twice a week for Wilmington. (N_. C.) thence to Roanoke by good Stfige Conches, and from there to Petersburg •ir'Norfolk. or Rail Ronds. Or once a week by Steam Packet direct to Nor folk. p Or once every other week by Steam Packet direct to Philadelphia. Or once a week by Steam Packet direct to New York. These Steam Packets are all of the first clast and well conducted. - , Besides these, there are several line of Ship* find i’ratt’s Nipple Shield to dny thing qJse for the same purpose, which opinion can be presented if necessary, to physicians and othcTS. The opinion of Dr Babermul other physicians irf Macoti, who have examined the instrument, accords with that of Doctor Devveos and the Medical College of Georgia. The Instrument is for sale in Macon by the subscriber only price )j>5, with printed directions.. II. LOOMIS. Sign of the Golden Mortdr, Mulberry street. Certificate of Doctor Dcwces “ Doctor Elijah Pratt: Dear sir—As I feel it. a ma" > ter of miich public importance to possess a means of lessening the terrible suffering* of sore ■gipples, I have, much pleasure in being able to say that the “ Shield? yon otter for the preventing and the cure of this mala* dy, is better adapted to this purpose than any I hay® heretofore seen. In the two or three instances Ihftf? known them to be used, much satisfaction lApI beej' expressed: mid I have no hesitation to wi 11 generally succeed. I am so well persuaded of this at this moment, that I canuot forbear to exprpssta wish tiiat cur city through the various apothecaries may be supplied witli th6m. 1 am yours, &c. Phitailrlfdiia. IS& Jan. 1834. Wm. P.,” ^ortiiu’s Pulino^c Kxirectoiiint ST J Uox' IV ED and for sale by SMITH RODGERS & Co. 250 bbls Prime Rum, Gin and Whiskey, 60 bbls Mackerel, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, 80 bbls and half bbls prime Flour, Cider, Apples, Sugar, Coffee and many other ar ticles equally desirable, too ted it us tu mention. The above go--ds can be bought I m\ tor Smith, Kougers & Co. would particularly invite those who are indebted to them *•- call immediately and pay their notes and accounts, as they are needing the money to pay their own debts. Macon, Jan 12 ,15 I COUGH SVltUD, Brigs, one or uioto leaving every wind for Northern j j’ or Coirghs, Colds, Asthmas. Consumptions and IVhoop- J* or * 3 ,. . » in" Coughs. If going South or West—at Augusta there are sex- _ -\ioNG the numerous complaints with which the eral daily and tn.-weekly Stage Coaches, iw i human family r re afllicted, none are moie coin- points South arid k*est. ? ! mon thau coughs, colds. Arc. and urine more fatal in At Aiken. 120 miles from Charleston, there is a their re * 4ll ,. . unless t.meJy care is taken to stop their 2, -~ ^— u *“’** - week, for Greenville. thev become too firmly seated upon Stage Coach leaving twice S- C. and tlie Mountains. So little or ho delay can taka place in going on after ieavina the Rail Road. Jii!-. 23 42 CTatcHOs. Jewelry, Silver ware jF.i.v c p « ft o n s, At the Lowest Prices. 07* hcoL at ‘tfhisi- T HE subscribers have lately received a variety of! Guard Sea. merchandise consisting of Drtj Goods, Hardware. Groceries, Superior Oils for Jampsand pain's; Saddlery, Hats, Bonnets, Ac. ftre. which they believe will bear com parison iuquality and price to any in the city. Per sons wishing to purchase are invited to call and ex amine for themselves, as extravagant catalogues and a bored putfs, are too often impositions. Oue'estab- ishment is located on the corner of Third and Mul berry streets, the other .on the corner of Poplar street and Cottou Avenue. WM B. PARKER ft Co. Dec 15 11 tf nor U* T Pur sale bvORAFT &■ LEWIS copartnership heretofore existing under the ■m of Jones, Dickinson ft-Co. is by mutual HE firm consent, th : « day dissolved. L. S. JONES. TIM. DICKINSON, E AUGUSTUS WAKE. Macon, May 17. 43. Copartnership JYotiec. T ilEsubscribers have this day formed a copart nership in business, under the firm of. Dirkinsoxi & Ware, and occupy fiie store forinely occupied by Jones, Dick iuson ft Co., where the business of that firm will be liquidated. Tl.Ut>THY DICKINSON, E. AUGUSTUS WARE. Macon, May 17 ' 34. TOWNSEND day associated themselves in business under the film of WHEELER A TOWXSEIVD, and having purchased the entire stock of Messrs Williams ft Bradley, will continue the business at tlia old stand, in Third street, recently occupied by them May I 31 tf Wev7 Goods. T HE subscribers are just receiving a splendid stock of SPRING GOODS, which having been purchased nuder very favorable circumstance will be sold cheap. CRAFT ft LEWIS. April 10 23 SILK GOODS. Nelson, Carlcton & Co. No. 12, Pine St. New York, G IVE notice to their customers that they ere pre pared with their usual choice assortments of French, Italian and India Silk Goods. Also, a complete assortment ol UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, AND STRAW BONNETS. All of which will be offered for sale'on favorable terms. New York, July 12 2m 42 15,000 BUS. Salt 500 sacks “ 400 nieces very heavy Dun dee Bagging 42 in. 35 TonsGrind Stones 12 bbls Vinegar For sale bv J. GODDARD ft Co GOODii AT COST. rsj‘1 HE undersigned have determined on closing their JL business and are now offering their stock, ceu skiing of a general assortment of Maple and Fancy Dry Goods, Shoes, Saddlery, Hardware. Sc. tat ten per cent on New York and Bostoujcost, at refai tforeaih; and 5 percent at wholesale for|cash, orgood paper, payable 1st January next, with interest. We respect uilv invite our friends and the public to give us a call. WILLIAM FORT &Co Tho -e indebted to us would do well to make one diatc p lyment. Feb .0 19 Dr. Dupont’s Vegetable Tooth-Ache Elixir. A CERTAIN AND IMMEDIATE CURE. D R. DUPONT having appointed several agents for fiie sale of his valuable Drops for the cure of Tooth-ache, can with confidence recommend it as an infaillible cure inall case*, however severe; giving re lief in a verv few minutes, end that too. without any imurv to the teeth or gums. It possesses the property of enlivening the gums when in a morbid state, and of restoring a healthy and vigorous action. For sale by July 11 40 .J II ft W S ELLIS. OCdlilLGWE BAA'K STOCK. dt r SHARES Ocmulgee Bank Stock for sale 4 *>% July 26 4*3 by REA & COTTON. J AMES L SAULSBURY will act as agent for J. Goddard ft Co. and myself during mv absence om the State J. GODDARD fr Macon July 24 42 they If We are authorised to anuchnce JO SEPIl J HOLLOMAN a candidate for re-election to the Clerkship of the Inferior Court of Bibb county. 33 WE are authorised to announce WRIGHT NEEL a candidate for _ Clerk sf the Inferior Conn at the en ding election. Feb 23 21 _ are authorised to announce HENRY NEWSOM a candidate for Tax Collector of Bibb county. May 30.1837- 35 WE are authorized to an nounce THOMAS L. ROSS, as a candidate for Clerk of the Inferior Conn of Bibb county. May 28tbJ837. 35 FOR KALE. THAT desirable residence, situated upon the Columbus road, about a mile, formerly occupied by Gen. J. Bennett, and known as “Locust Place.” The above consists of 20 acre* of land, well provided with wood and water, and having there on a good log house, with the necessary outbuildings Apply to July 25 42 is REA ft COTTON. For Sale* OR would be exchanged for Land, the House and Lot on 4th street opposite the Presbyterian ( hurch. (at present occu pied by Mr. ’A. T. Conner) possession given on tho firit of October, for terms ap- W. S. ELLIS. July 26th 1837 42 TO LS*E. A room immediately over oar store well adopted as a counting roomora slee- Ping apartment, «P A to &ceTToi? Jnly4. 3D ply to T HE subscribers have now been dearly two years re-established at tneir old stand; their store of Drugs £c Faints, Oils* Glass, &c which is now very large, will be constantly replenish cd, to meet the ensuing demand. Arrangements have been made with importers and dealers in Drugs and Chemicals in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore, to be ftimishcd at all time* with new pre parations and the most choice and genuine articles known to the trade. . - S*. The increase of facilities afforded merchants of this' 1 city, by our enterprising steamboat companies, in the transportation of produce and merchandize, enable them to effer great inducements tu merchants, planters aud others, to lay in their supplies at Macon. H. & J. New Fall aud Winter Clothing. A T the Macon Clothing Store, one d<»oi above Wm. B. Johnson's Jewelry Store. The sub scriber is now receiving bis JFall and If'infer Stock of Clothing, (which has been manufactured by Lewis f itch the past summer,) and which will be sold off as cheap, for cas(t,,asat any other establishment, CONSISTING OF Super Black, Blue. Brown. Green, Invisiblo Green aud Claret Dress Coats. Super Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Invis’ We Green Claret and Mixed Frock Coats. Brown, Green, Mixed and Cadet mixed Coatees. Ftue Blue. Black, Green, Brown add Mixed Punts. Super ribbed, striped, corded and plaid Casimcrc do Beaverteen, Cord and Lion Sian Pantaloons. •-uper Bine, Brown, Green, Mixed and Drab Over Coats. Goat’s Hair and German Camblet Wrapper do. Gentlemen’s super Blue, Black aud Invisible Green Broadcloth Cloaks, Ladies’ super Olive, Green aud Claret Broadcloth Cloaks. Ladies’ figured Merino, plain do. and Circassian Cloaks. Super Blue and Pilot Cloth OverCoats. Drab, Blue aud Olive Dufile Over Coats; Lion Skin and Green Blanket Over Coats; Kentucky Jeans Frock Coats and Pantaloons; Cloth, Satinet, Peters ham arid Beaverteen Hunting Coats, Cloth and Satin et Round Jackets. Black and Blue Cloth black figured and plaid Vel vet,'plain and figured English |Si|k, dark Valencias, Toilinet, Woollen Velvet, black and striped Sctin, Bombazine, Tabby Velvet, and Satinet Vests, . Fine Linen and Cotton Shirts, plaid and striped Gingham Shi ts.Silk, Cotton, Mcrilip patent and lamb Wool Shirts tet cotton and woolen, flannel Canton, flanuel and. ril'd cotton Drawers. Wool, La if \vqol, patcntMerino and brown cot ton Half H s , n Fine W i* Buck, Horsrskiu, Beaver, Whi*e Kid, Liened B t j, Lisle thread, black, white and colored Silk Glov „ . Black n. white Silk .Half Hose; Russian Belts, Money Br s, nett, worsted and cotton. Silk and Gtirn Suspenders, Cravat and Cravat Stiffeners, Silk and Gingham Umbrellas, Bombazine, Satin, Velvet plain and plaited Stocks, blue, black and white crimped Silk Stocks, Sfiitalfield, English Silk, red aud yellow Ban dana, white and red Pongee Silk Pocket Hattfiker chiefs, plain and rallied Bosoms, Collars, Purses.Clotii, Fur and Hair SeafSKm Caps, Wool Hats, a large as sortment of Fur Hats, Silk Hats. Boots and Shoes, a geod stock of Negro Clothing, also fine blue and black Cloths, Canvas, Padding, gilt and lasting Butt ins, Cotton Wadding, Military Ball Buttons. Cord, Tas sels, Stars, Lace, Epaulctts, &c. ftc. Nov. 17 7 HORACE FITCH. Gentlemen wishing their Cloths made at the North will, by leaving their names with me, have them made in the best tnpnner. and most fashionable style. II. F. -1-ch Vtikoi ! eral years) uf the astonishing r C.G. & L. / DIN. V\ .i,ch . . t Jinary Medicine, at tiM;ti> deem and Jeweler, Cotton Avenue, oppo site the Washington Hall, respectful Iv iuforrns his friends and the public, that he ■* now opening a new and splendid assortment of WATCHES & JEWELRY*; of the best quality and latest fashions, consisting in part of the following articles, viz: Ladies’ and gentlemen’s Gold Duplex, Patent Le ver, Anchor Escapement and Lepiue 'Watches; la dies fine Gold Curb. Guard, Basket ft Caule Chains; Watch Hooks, Seals and Keys; Swivels, finger Ri s, Ear liipgsaud Broaches; children’s Ear Knobs and "res; gentlemen's Curb aud Linked Guard atid Fob O, ns, Seals, Keys, Swivels, Sleeve links, bo som and. 'lar Buttons, Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Guard Sea. ’lid Iveys, Medulious, gold and gilt Buc kles, silver am. Scotch Snuff Boxes, gold and silver Everpointed Pencils, silver and gilt Bracelets, gilt, sil ver and shell Combs, gold and silver Thimbles, gutd, *ilver and steel Spectacles with glasses to suit every eye, Seed Coral, largf? Coral. Coral Necklaces, Bead Bags, Chains and Purses, a variety of cut ana plain j Beads, Spy Glasses, Quizzing Glasses, Pocket Books. Emory cushions, raid a:M cigar cases, imitation firuii, lueifer matches, fire machines, Rogers & Sons’, and Wade ft Butcher’s razors, Emerson’s razor straps scissors, dirks, chess men and board backgammon boards, dice, dominoes, steel pens walking canes, pistols, powder flasks, shot pouches, game bags, otto of roses, eclogue, lavender and Florida water; fancy soap, lip salve, pcarland tooth powder, flutes, ilageo- letts, accordions, shell music boxes, large music boxes, o play I'foui 3to 12 tunes, fiddles and fiddle strings, gentlemen’s dres/ing cases, hair and tooth brushes Birmingham and Sheffield silver plated -astors, liquor stands candlesticks, branches, fruit baskets, sunders and snuffer trays, tea fays, silver table, tea. desert, salt, mustard and creaui spoons, soup ladles, sugar tongs and butter knives; marble, ebony aiH| alabaster mantle elocksto run eighteen davs without winding. military atitl military Trimmings, and a variety of other articles usually kept iu his line, all of which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. He respectfully invites citizens and nersons generally vis iting our pity to call at his store and examine his stock, where he is ever ready and happy to attend to those who may fsjrqr him with their calls. N B—Funicular attention paid to Watch Repair ing. Hayirih, selected ihe best of materials lor lepair- ing WatchejTfie is now prepared to manufacture any part of a Watch, and will warrant every piece lie makes as perfect as the original, and his Watches to perfoim well Oct 27 7 100 Floor* Bacon, Bard, &c. >LS Ohio Flour, prime quality,. 40 Kegs Lard, _ - 3500 lbs Georgia cured Bacon, 10 tierces Rice, Just receiv ed and /or sale by April 13 28 ; REA & COTTON. aroFXC*;. T HE subscribers would inform the public that they have formed a connection in business under tin; ‘"W'JRG l.VS S STRI.TGFELI.O fV, Aud will continue at tne old stand ol J. A. ft. b. 8. Virgin, on Cotton Avenue, «\here all favors in their line'w iii be punctually attended to. See our Advertisement. DR. STRINGEFLI.OW will l>e absent a short time from the city, after his return from Charleston, he will attend to Denial Operations, in all its branches. Single ot whole sets of teeth set on gold plate or pivots, plugging, ftc. All work war: ranted to stand. . ... Hisoliice for gentleman will be at our store. Ladies will he attended to at his house by leaviug their urd the dnv previous’. ...... De'i tists can lid supplied with incorruptible 1 eeth. Gold l oil, and materials generally, of which we intend to keep a good supply- a S. S. VIRGIN, March 16 24 Dr S. L STRINGFELLOW. April 20 29 SHOTWELL. Galliglian’s Fever and Ague Pills, F OR sale by July II 40 JH&1VS ELLIS, Cotton Avenue Macon; From Dr- John D. Taylor, formerly of Baltimore, and •tow one of the most ez'tnsite practitioners iu Talla has tee, Florida. - “Having prescribed Galligban’s Pills, in several ca- #esof fever and ague, with the most favorable results, I cheerfully recommeod them, as a valuable medicine, to persons afflicted with that disease:” From Dr. S M Iugenoll, Columbus, Ga: I have used Gallighan'a Pills with success—they have more than met my expectations.” From Mr JfiuC Bissd, Columbus, Ga. “I have tried them (Gallighau’s Pills) in a severe at tack of chills and fever, which I bad in June last, and *he result was an immediate and permanent core.” ce.ttrajl dajyk jyotes. W ANTED a few thousand dollars in notes ofthe above Bank for which a liberal premium will be patd.^ajiply to REA & COTTON. Blauks far sole at this offieo. Uieir. Carriage Establishment T HE subscriber will receive in a lew day sis. large stock of Carriages, Barouches, Sc. Most of them made by the best workmen in Newark and New Haven, LUKE BLISS. Macon. Dec J4 11 DR. K. II. RANDOLPH , O FFERS bis professional services to the people of Macon and its vicinity, He will be found athis room, on the second floor of the New Commercial Banking house during the day. and at nig|it, at his te- idence on Beall’s Hill. May 6 32 3m IT. & jTSSIOTWELL ^ , ■ i AVC just received an assortment hf frosh Per- JJ fumerv, among which are / ‘-'’Milkof Roses; EspritdeRose, Xxt Jessamine; ext Cedrat, „ Milicflowere; „ Violets, Cologne Writer; Lavender Water, Florida do. Honqy do- Orango flowar water, Rose water (French) Macassar Oi!; Bear’s Qil, Ward’s Vegitablellair'cil; Antique Oil (French) Marrow Pomatnm; Frdncli Pomatum, Kephalia (for the hair) Pre ston smelling Salts, Vegetable Rouge; Vine sat of Rouge. April 20 29 npH ESubscriberhas engage** Mr. James R. Perry J. to superintend his Mills. t Any person wanting McDonald. 1 snperinteu Lumber will j.i- --- ■ or.!! on him. Augl 3t £002£ A® THIS !. n-atehes, Jewelry, tf* VliiGINSft STKINWELLQW Would inform their friends auutlie public that they still continue at their stand on < otton Avenue, arid h'Vejust received afresh supply of Goods, con sisting in partofthe following articles: Gentlemen’s and Ladies’ gold lever anchor escapement independent watidl^im) and vertical WATCHES; s*L er ,Rver P lam a '*dextra Lied wifi, choice tosuit this p^et. ' b h e , oted to perform veil ; La^ s '*! Gentlemen's gold and silver Gu l,r ' i gold and silver guard and fob K e ) ' . Drops; Breast Pms nm’Firre, I gold, silver, gilt, and piearl Belt Rue s 4 ‘ ' Bracelets and Head Belts; gold and «i|^ r ®.. ^j| ver ed Pencils, steel Pens ofthe best qualiti® ’ . and steel spectacles, Quizzing Glasse ’ j ’ tea, dessert, salt and mustard Spoons; - „ P.’ -. ladles. Sugar Tongs'; Butter ami Fruit * ’ Cups, Thimbles, Castors, Candlesticks, , * and bronzed; coral, gilt and glass Bends’ ‘‘“m "fS ofthe latest fashions, Pusres and Pocket P . . onetts, Flageoletts, Flutes, Fifes, Accot d, ' l g Boxes large 3nd small. Drums, Organs , „ Walking Slicks of various kinds : silver’ ^ ’.. j horn and ivory Combs , Tea aud Coft'ee ^r.,; ters Baskets silvei and japanned, fine painr " i, r ., n c Knives, Razors, Saunders’ cel 'brated R ; 5, p:j P with tablets, Pistols of various kinds, Dent*,,' j Gold Plate, Wire. Foil ftc toy Watches U • Whistles For children; Snuffboxes, Percns-.liemiuL Pipes, Segar Tubes, Pocket Compasses IVl cal Instruments, ftc. _ , „ , MILITARY GOODS. Swords, Belts, hpauletw. Plnmes,.Sashe*. Buttons, Lace, stars, ornaments too nuraorous to mention which will be sold cheap for cash, or approved city accep tances. 1 . * N. B.—We have a choice selection nfmaterialsTor repairing Watches, and are prepared to make nhv new part, which will warrant to perform as well as the original. Virgins ft Stringfellow feel grateful for past favors, and would still solicit a share of the pnlic patron e hoping to give satifaction to all who may favor them in .heir line. March j 6 24 SALT. BIN’HELS Salt 300 Socks do f >r sale by REA & COTTON. ihe lungs. Notwithstanding the many remedies Hurt have been offered to the public, not any have hereto fore proved successful iu procuring a certain and soec- dy relief. • The proprietor having been an eye Witness ;for svv-. ' big virtues of ihiLeitraor- diuary Medicine, at leimlh deems it his duty to nllet it to the public, in it w.iy that it may receive a more ex- tenaive circulu.iou; and at a price that the poor may receive die benefit of it as well ns the rich. This syrup is particplarly efficacious in removing coughs arising f?om colds, attended with hoarseness rind soreness about the windpipe; likewise shortness o^brcatiu^iT. tiglitimss across the breast, accompanied, with a tickling cough; and in all consumptive cases its iAc is particularly reccmuieiulsd. likewise vv hooping cough is greatly relieved by its use—children lain ring under this distressing disease iu innumerable install^ 1 os have bei n astonishingly bunclitted in a few duys; the pleasantness of it is a'great advantagei bs children will take i with aK tiiucb pleasure as they will pre serves. . ... N. B.—The directions accompanying each bottle will be signed by Wm E. Perkins, the sole proprietor. Each bottle is sealeil with the impression of MOR TON’8 I’ULMONIC EXPECTORANT COUGH SYRUP, plainly stetnned on it. For certificates, see the diiections. WM. L. PERKINS. . We hive just received a fresh supply ot the above, and can safelV-recbuitnot'd it as a very excellent medi cine. < c *’ 1 2 H.ftJ. SHDTWI 1 I.. Ast’ts. jitomedy i'or Asiatic tioitra* Cholera .Morbus, Din rebate. Sc. Sc. Prepared and sold by the sole Proprietor, ROBERT S. BERNARD, Druggist, Norfolk, Va Price $1—Patent Right Seemed. t N consequence of the very great and increasing demand for this invaluable preparation, induced by ti.e inanv citres which have been effected bv Uie use of it in casts of Asiatic Cholera, common Cholera. Morbus iu children, and Disorders ofthe Bowels gen erally, the proprietor has prepared, and will continue to keep uu hand, a large supply. READ AND BELIEVE! ! ! This Remedy has been tjsed by many eminent Physicians, some of whom have, charge of the largest Hospitals in the United States, where the Cholera, haa prevail! d to a great extent, ;riid been fatal to intern- penile aged, and lunatic, persons. Their conhdcnc^ in tiiis Medicine is such, thatihey say they are not a,' fraid of the most inveterate cases of Asiatic Cholera when taken in time. 1 ... The following are only a small proporation of the certificates 1 have ofthe efficacy of this certain ileme- for Cholera. Th se opposed tn quackery, will m once see this is nothing’of the Rind—for those persons vv.ho have subscribed their names to these certificates, live among us, and arc known to be men of the first stand ing, and upon whose word, the utmost reliance cau be placed. I , Norfolk July 17, 1835. Mr. R. S. BER.VAKP, 8ir :—lam greatly opposed to any thing like quack ery tin; when I.reflect upon the good your Invaluable Remedy for Chplera lias done, and might continue to do. if made generally known, 1 am willing to throw aside any thing like prejudice anil freely give my o- pinion upon your medicint;. In ,iuy situation ol life it frequently happens that diseases of every Itind^ • come under my observation. But the major part bl them seem to he nt this season of die year premoni tory symptoms of Cholera—many ol which no doubt prove fatal for want of such a preparation as yours. Now, sir, this Remedy for Cholera (as you call it) s the very thing that is wanting to slay the progress ol h s distressing d scase. This I speak from expreuce. 1 have not only used it repeate ily in my own family*, hut have administered it to msuy others and I can with truth say its effects have surpassed my most sanguine expectation; in several cases where the bowels were iu a most deranged slate, other remedies had been administered until really Ihe patient was iu great dan ger of dying, and from simply giving a docs or two of your "Remedy for Cholera as described, immediate reliefcv-ts found. I11 one instance I used it upon a sort out. a member of my family, that was labouring under k ureadful bowel complaint, spasms and vomi ting—foV some time my wife and self had serious ap- prclie.i-iiijstlist she would die. But aftergiving one dose Remedy for Cholera the vomiting ceased, rhe pains gradually disappeared, and the next Jay she entire!) recovered. I have also used this medicine with children troubled cvitli bowel or summer com plaint, and iu no case has it failed to cure 1 tlie in ; most willingly do I recommend it to all my acquaintan ces. and hope all pindeiitpcrsons will avail themselves of so valuable a medicine.. : ARTHUR COOrF.R. Sold’by J. II. ft W. S. ELLIS. Agents Cotton Avenue—Ma S VVAlTl'S PANACEA, tj-v.aim’s Vertnifa 7* Superior Mustard; Fresh Olive Oil, do Castor Oil, do Honey, do Jujube Paste, Bath Polishing Brick, Harwell’s Tetter Ointment, Effervescing Magnesia, Saponaceous Compound Fancy Soaps, Otto of Rose, Sal Aeratus. The above, with a variety of articles in tlie Idle ust received by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS, Nov 16 77 Cotton Aveuue. 18.000 July '30 43 Illusie. T HREE ahonsand pages new and popular Mu sic just received consisting of Songs, Marches Quick Steps, Gallopades Waltzes ftc. GRIFFIN ft PURSE Sign of thr Bible Mulberry Street. Macon. July31 43 1 Faiata and Oils. SJ/O- KEGS W hite Lead, pure. 300 kegs „ „ No J. 200 „ „ „ No 2, 1000 gallons Linseed Oil, prime", 1000 „ Lamp „ 500 Train „ 6P , Neats foot oil. 200 Spts Turpentine, Venetian red, fe, ai)ish brown, Indian red, CbrOoc green, chron- yellow, Pmssiau blue, Spanish float; Indigo, Vermillion, Chinese and Eng ish drop Lake, drop black, lamp black, red lead, litharge Turkey Umber, Tena Descienna, Pumice stone, Verdigris ground ii caustics, smalts, blue brown and green frostings, ..lue, white, green and purple yeHoW Ochre whiting, rose pink, gnld and silver leaf, gold bronze, imitation gold bronze, copper bronze, copal varnish for pictures. Also a general assortment of PAINT BRUSHES, consisting ef ground paint brushes, cash tool*, camfl hair bleeders, sable hair Headers, varnish brushes, graining brushes, sable portrait Pencils, lining I rush es, wire bound Fitch tools, white < washing a fid plats terers brushes, scrubbing and shoe bsushes, * Just received and for sale by April 20. 20 If. & J. SHOTWF.I l. M OKROE Rail Road Bank Bills,’ ' will be taken by the suberibers at par for Goods at Of Callaghans old stand. July" 25 42 MUNSON ft MALDEN