Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, January 03, 1843, Image 1

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VOK»UJ«E XVII ■flit: .tf.tCOX GKOrtGIA TKIiKfiKAPn, PURU3HF.D KVKKY TURSDAT MORN>50, RY RI. RARTI.RTT, f)r7JCZ,bric1cb’iildin? corner Co'fon Avenue nnd First h.mcdjv, GBnnar*t %' 3, jst/s. street mrite.Tones' Warehouse. TERMS O* SUINSCRIPTION : Tlivce ©•linns paid in advance, will pay for the Tel egraph one year. Five Oollani, paid in advance, will |igy for it two years. Ten Dollar*, paid in advance, will pay for it five years. \Vben not paid within six months after the year has coin- .nenced, thkkk hollars anh fifty cents, per annum (Will be charged. If noi paid until the end ofilie year, four ;>oI.lahs per annum wil’ be charged—with imprest there after- No Paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are -raid, unless at the option of the Proprietor. » Single Papers, t* non-SnDscribers, 12} cents each. Extra tapers, to Subscribers. 6'i cents each. TF.KMS OF ADVERTISING; Advertisements "not exceeding 12 lines, will be inserted ine time for ONE DOLLAR; and FIFTY cents for each Subsequent insertion. Sli?ri»Ps f Tax Collectors* and Coroners’ Sales, are char ted by the Levy. A reasonable deduction will be made to those who adver tise by the year. . _ . On all accounts fox Advertising, Ac,, as well as for Sub- scriptton. Interest will be charged, when not settled within die year. (jy.Ya CrfililfarJ^b Printing, IHmifan, A’C.^TD j * Letters on business roinected wi'li the Office. inusl pejmst secure attention. HAJIIITO^’, HAKDi: TI A> & CO. Factors & General Commission UlvRCIIWTS, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. t j IHE above buMiress will have liic-pemranl and excla rive attention of* Col. E. HAMILTON, formerly of Milledgeville, and for six years a Factor and Commission Merchant of Macon, Geo rein. c e\\ Hamilton. Partners. * THO AS HARDEMAN. ( Charles f. Hamilton. REFERENCES: John liawls, Hawkinsville. George Walker. Pulaski. James K. Daniel, / c “mpter. J. A, S. Turner, W m. s Hn mill, James S. lleall, Hon. Lott Warren. Jas. Bond, It. K. lline-t. Esq., j 4 „ Col. Nelson Tells. | Albany. Hi n. Win. Tny’or; Cutlihert. nvatmah. Oct 1. 1642 CENTRAL HOTEL, Iflacon, Geo. , Prices Reduced. ■ Rehrd and Lodging, per month, .... I fDo. per week. * - • - • $23 00 9 00 15 00 1 50 supper, Dooly. > Palmyra. WAREHOUSE , . . , AND C cm mission Business. 1 J111E . subscribers be 8 >—' U 1 1 1- tve to InI’mi in thcii i .. k. V ^S| friendsand IM pph&jl that J 1 they nave, entercea into co- » pajiaerphipunderllle li-.ute l!--™ 1 '- Jfc Winn. *'.ir the ii. jr p *■ .-.f Ilnmilton &' \Viti«. ^or.the Jporpese.of transacting me above bu.sitie«s.r-rThey liave taken the large and con- venient \Varr-Hon*e on Cotton Avenue,lately ••ceupied by Messrs. Winn & ll'» leers. They respecttully;.. solicit a .share of patronage, promising to give tlieir best the interest of all whotnav entrust to them tlieir, business. July 31,1912. JNO.Winn. Theun.lfrsi-Hd^wltes pleasure InrecommenlingMessrs. H i'iiil'oii A, Winn,to the former patrons o r Hamilton & Jtcync' ls ar..l the public generally, ps rentlemen in whom ihcyin vcoiifi le. He feels assured that no exertion will )te spa-e I to advance the interests of those who may entrust business to tlieir direction. Very respectfully. \VM. H. REYNOLDS. Macon. Jnlv 21. 1-42. . . 43 Kit-HOLSE ' AND c O 3 - J - r 8 S J © NT 3 fJ SI X £ , _ J 4 HE undersigned has ta- ;j M 9.. ken the Wore SIon.c Vv-n-.ii. '/» * $St «*f A. n. Raf -twT . re omlv erecjeil on the corner of f c.‘ jj ~ ^ on ! in i i’.ipuiar street? H. tigers' ‘ HORSE ml COMMISSION. KUJjl.Nfc'SS. ami respect Lullv sob -as the pi’.ron ice of his friends, .and .the public ienerslly; trusting tint, by his untiring efforts, lie shall lie ihie in meet the wishes of those who may honor him with tlieir conS leuce. ^ JOHN M. FIELD. Reference. Col. William II. Revaolds.h Maj. James 11. Hardaway, i Rea & C Itlnn, , | Joshua G. Moore, j Bryant Bateman, Stephen Castalow. Ile.ij Webb, Dooly. E. & IS. IS; GI5AVS2S A RE now receiving tlieir fall supply of Groceries ; Staple Goods, consisting i:i part of the following :i clcs: 100 lilids. ^t. Croix,Porto Rico and N. O. Suuar, 10 boxes L**al. Lump and while Hnvanna cfo. 350 bagsj Ljguira nnd Java, 20 hlids. Moias- 10 chests fre ill Teas, 75 boxes Sperm and i fellow Candles, 30 '• Starch, tOO ** Soap, 20,000 Cigars, 20 bids. Copperas, Logwood, Sal-JEmtis, 25 bags Pepper, Allspice and Ginger, 20 mats Cassia, 150 bags Shot, 3,000 lbs. liar Lead, 30 tons assorted Swedes Iron. Bar Iron. Cast Steel. German, American and English Blister Sieel, i. .200 kegs Nais and Spikes, 10,000 lbs. Castings, 100 boxes Glass, 200 key* White Lead, 20 bbb- fjinseed. Sperm and Tanner** Oil, • Spts. Tutpemine, Varnish Jcc. » 400 pieces Bagging, 1.500 lbs. Twine, 300 coils .Grass .and Ilcmp Rope, 30 boxes iTj).ty}C-co. 15 crates Crockery,. 25 boxes C»)H.oi> Cards, 30 *• Axes, 20 bales Spun Cotton, 12 eases Wool Hots* 75 n»t*.s Shoes and Boots, • 4 1.200 sacks Salt. 15,000,1/is. Baron. * i : To<retlier with a large asSorimmt of Dry Goods, •shi-service*in uie.Wr.Vmni>ranchps of the WARE- c0; > rs ^ Ncoru Goods. Blanket*. Dom,«tici>, &<•• &c. which R5F mi COilMfS^loN and respect-1 will be stild as low as can be purchased in lliij city. Macon. Aug. 10,1842. 48 Houston. August 1, 44 hit: scBscaiBEis i fSl.lKE titis me'hoil to inform their friends and the i I public, that they have l-een cmopelleo to remove , r r»tn the Imu.elately occupied by Hamillnn & Reynolds, p.tiie Wnif-Jlmisc adjoining, lately occupied by Winn V R' ger.s. wneie they are prepared to receive Cotton and Mriehaudize. Tbi».ht{i4»e is put in good repair, nnd is as Safe as the other fr<im lire, nnu they regret that in tlieir rir- ■.■nlnr they desigtnl^'l. Hamilton & Keynold's Ware ' nuse as the one to lie orcupiecl.Jiy.thenj, this ii-ifire will reach tlieir friends pi time to prevent, mistakes in the deli, eery of Colton. They feel it their duly u> state the.follow, mg rircunistam+s: in July last they leased of the proprie jors die first name 1 property—took pissesston. nnd expedt- e.l to occupy ittbniochout the sen-on. Early in August an execution atiainslthh mvnVr.4 tvaS leiyhd op it, atplpn Toes day la<t it was s .1.1 liv the alirritf. nnd tu.tvMtlist.viduigthe sui.scribers hid liberally for it. they were out bid by a com pany—who is now iti possession. ■ HAMILTON .V WINN. Maron, Sept. 8. CO' WAKE-SIOFS ■: COMimSSIOBI 3^7SI^TES?3. rilHK subscriber has remove*! ib the Ware HouAe nerir a Cmton Avenue, recently occupied by Hamilton, Jr JleytioMs. which ia both convenient on«i « oniparatively safe 1 from lire ; au«l lie is now prepared for the business of the | reason. His personal and uji livided attention will in all j case# I»e given to the fiotnqe Rnd.pale of Cotton, and he! )*oj»es to receive on additional share of the, p&U<vi.T«e of bis • fiiend;* Ami the public, an*l licit none will have reason to regret the confidence rejioscd in him. ; ! % Sept 20 5! JOHN JONES. I WAKE HOUSE AA5> COMMISSION BUSINESS. H aving.. large a: net ot Second n leased the i coinmodi* WaRE-UOTSE lor- merly orenpied by JKU’- ktf. 5c ruuch, on the cor- 1 Cherry street*, where we sh •iVeiv'i Cheap E+esirable Goods), w ■ 21 ATT, 6l Go. { ■ AVK just received and ore now opening a general as- k 1 soniueul •it.scasonuble. STAJPIiK ami VA51Y DRY GiiOOM, which they will sell at very reduced prices f »r CASH, being anxidua to..ieduce their pieseut iirge Stock, aiiL'iig wliica found— ... . :>uper Wojldved Black,Blue-Black and invisible Green Cloths. . . .. t Cassimer. ^roolfen velvet, valentia, and satin v ratings, l<'laimeU..ineriiines ami printed Orleans Cloths, French, English ami American Prints, Challeys, Musliude Lanes, French Collars am! Capes,^ Buck *ulue bbck. & ri.-li tig'd fancy color'd ^ilks & Latins Black India Satins. India R«ra. Spittalfield. Pcngee, Liu-, eu Cambric, nnd Grass Linen JJan Ikerchiefs, Mousliu de Lane & Satin Shawls Neca Ties, and Dress Handkerchiefs, Irish Linens. L'oen S.iirtings. Lawns mi l Diapers, Jaconet. Swt«s, Nnu sock and Book Muslins, Siia, Cotum & worsted lioisery; Gloves.5: Suspende ** Gent’s Merino Shirts and Pauls ; Stocks and Collars, Bed Ticks Brown 5c Bleach Shi rtiuga and Sheetings, Super bieached Long Cloths. Canton Flannels A Drillings' Kerse\s. Lin-eys; superior Bed and Negro Blnufitta. SheUA. Buflido Twist. Side and Ridding Combs, pool Turead. Tapes. Pins. Buttons. Ac. Witli in my * th.-r arti; les go tedious to wcntipii, ,j». P.. S. Purchasers will liod it to their interest to call. S. J. HAY & CO. Macon. Nov. 14, 1842. v - • Sew Good*! ACtV Goods!! 1I1E Subscribers are now tfdeiving a genets issort liieut of staple and fuucy DRY-GOODS, of a*e latest style and patterns, which they offer for sale at fair prices, ir brick building one door from Washington Hall. Sept 25 32 GEO. W. PRICE & CO. CftiSrit! Hank lYolr* 1AKEN for goods, at a small discount, by 11 tf SAM’L.T.llAY&CO. Iron. *:i3t, and Vails 1 ff TONS Swedes Iron, assorted sires, 1.0 2.500 bushels Salt, ^ - •» 100 Kegs Nails and Brads, assorted, for s»lc by July C 40 CHAS. CAMPBELL & CO "■EXCHANGE on New York, at short sight for the notes JUiof the Bank of St. Mary’s at 2 per cent, for sale by March 8 23 W. JL JOHNSTON At Co. S IGHT EXCHANGE on New York, for sale in sums to suit purchasers, at 1 per cent., by Dec. 20. 12 SCOTT.Ac CARHART. Ilawkimoillr Bill* Vfnaitrtl. TLLS of tlie Hawkinsville Bank, payable at Hawkins- !!c, (old emissiou) taken as Specie Funds for grods or debts. . . E. *5c R. R. GRAVES. Maren, Dec- C. 10 E. fWAlTSSEIVET, WVttrh -»lfaher and .fleeter. Cotton Avtxuz, o5E door below Chatman Ac Ross* old stand, . H AS the honor to inform his friends and the public, tliit he is goingtonpena Store, where he wi;l keep a general assort ment of It*// (eh rs tnd Seteefry, arid all articles usually kepi i.. his line, lie will devote all his personal attention to the repairing of Wniches of every description. Every piece inatle new by him, shall be warranted as good and to perform as well as the original; and Watches either.sold or repaired, shall_be warranted for one year. None but the best materials shall be used. “• * Jewelry repaired in the best manner, and at tlie shortest notice. To Watch-Makers. . ■ • Impnrteti directly from the mamif-ctories.’a complete as- i Montgomery.via Warrcnton, Sparta. MilledsevilleTMacon, ; COrtraent of the best Tool* anil Jlntcrinl*. at very mod- Barncsville. Talbotion, Columbus and Franklin : also, the Florida or Alligator Line to Tallahassee and Pensacola, vip Perry, Pindertown. Albany, Bainbridge and Q,uincy, are all kept at this house. Dec 14.1849 . .12. . Do. without Lodging, per month, Do. and Lodging per day, . - Single meal. ... . . . . . Lodging. - - - - - . . . Man nnd Horse per night, including ’ Lodging-nnd llreakfast 4 . - The subsoxiber'having taken a new* lease of this lishment. t3 prepared to wait upon those who may favor him with a call, at d confidently assures the tra velling public that nothing shall be wanting on his part, which may add to their comfort or convenience. Monroe Rail Road. To Travellers.’ 1 The Place offices of tlie Mail Line from Aucnslk',to I * c ' and A . ,1 " usta ’ T HIS? Road is in daily use to Griffin, 58 miles—-leaving Macon at 6. A. M. arrives at Barnesville at 19* A. Jt. 20 i and Griffin half past 12. ' Leaves Griffin at 9$, A. M. and arrive# at Barnesvfila at 1 75 j 12 M. and Macon 4$ P. M. estab- ! . Stages connect with it from Macon to Florida, Savannah, Augusta via. Milledgeville, Warrenton, Acc. and also via. Eatonton and Madison. From Forsyth dniiyto the Indian Springs; three times a week to McDonough,‘Decatur. Ma- ietta, &c.; from Bartlesville daily to Columbus via. Thorn* aston -\™d Talbottoii, and from Griffin every other day to Montgomery, Ala. via. Greenville, LaGrange, West Prunt, crate prices for cash.’ ’ Macon, Sept. 30, 1841, GREAT EXCITEMENT On Cotton Arenue. Don't i:iistake fie. house —tiro doors above his old stand. rilHE subscriber would teapectfully announce to his JL’ friends and the‘bublii>.-' that lie bas taken a part of the store occupied by Mr. JENKINS Hardware Merchant. where he will give his wholedtienui'n' to REPAIRING, and will execute all work entrusted to his care., * N*. B.—Watches. Ctncke, lewelry. Jcu: 5cc. made or re paired at (be shortest notice, and warranted. " * M. D. BARNES. Macon, November 8 2842. 6 8ELH.VG OFF AT REDVCPD PRICES l! C. G. ST. JOIIIV, Watch Maker and Jevrelier. R WASHINGTON HALL riiHE subscriber having sold his Iea r . ■ Ihe Washington Hall to Messrs. Bu ,* iY STUBttLEFiF.r.i). returns his grate • Cotton freighted from Griffin to Macon at $1 per bale, other articles 35 cents per 100 lbs.—intermediate places ia proportion. ♦ ; ' ' L. N. WHITTLE, Resident Engineer Office Momoe Rail-Road, Mgrnn, ) July 26th, LS42. { 44tf. 4MI efuringthe time he has occupied tlie Ilou: ’ 4?®.^°mvoc Rail Road iV Bankiug Company. B j 1 ?|° r ” ere( ^ b y *be Board, that an instalment of twenty dollare per share, on the Capital Stock of thU Campanv, extension above Forsyth, is required to be paid on Monday ' K • c l bird day of-April next, payment to be made at tliis Of ck- i Q Ce ' op Jcssq Pope. Forsyth, A. A. Gaulding or powled^einents to his friends iY the public, for 1 J° n *^ s * Griffin; John Dailey, McDonough; E. the very liberal patronage received front them ! Campbellton; Dr. Joseph Thompson Deca- occupied die House; and cnntjJently i "nt-'t >* r " ett ?, : Ja !" e3 Mc ®J ter l t-ecomin^iiH ltis kind friends to, and solicits their Support in i L ' c> Alexander. Gassville, or Jlir. John 1. behalf of. Messrs. Bullock & Stubblefield, as "f'r„‘!u n" 053 ' Ten "f” ee ' ' vll ° ar ? nu * nn ^ d t0 1C ' ami disposed to rentier them every comfort iii dt^ix. power, 1 -- l ~~ e Company. A true extract from the minutes while visiting the Washington Hall. 1 ’ ST. LANIER. The subscribers have taken the above House, and intend using every’irteiinS in tlieir power to sustain the character given it by Mr.'Lmiier. nnf. would be pleased at all times to see the former patrons firtlte House. . nujTore x, ■am Macon. Feb. 1J KUIRKK 14. Books tmtl Slatioaery. T HE subscriber lespectfirK^ announces to the public tkat. >!« has taken the Store on Mrri- fcerry street, recemly occupied by B. F. Gridin, and is now open, irtg a new and extensive a.v?orV lnent of BOOKS and STA TIONERY, selected by himself at tlie North, oud winds i® offered ot motleraie prices for cash or good paper etteruicx to his stock of prices for He would particularly invite ... Blank Books and Paper, which is superior Pi nny ever it the place, and will be sold at wholesale or retail, ©b t© ns that cannot fail to please. A supply of the text books need in the Georgia Fntn^s College, and the principal schools in town and country, will be constantly kept on hard—a liberal allowance made to teachers. Blank books and paper ruled and bound to or der.— Book binding in all its branches executed in die best style and warranted. JACKSON BARNB*. Macon, Oct. 3d, 1845 * Law ami Medical Rooks AT BOARD MAN'S LITERARY DEPOT. Signof the large Bille, two doors above SholweU LAW. Kin ' I Dec. 20. BULLOCK & STUBBLEFIEI 1842. 20 fga ESPECTFULLYinrorinsbis friend and the public, that be has just re-1 i*«4 j m 01, ceived a new assortment of V notches and Jewelry, of tlie latest fashions and most approved kinds; all of which he will sell at reduced prices, for CASH. GOLD 5c SILVER WATCHES, Gold Chains. Seals nnd Keys; Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Collar and S'eeve Buttons, 5cc. GOLD SPECTACLES, Silver a: d Steel do. with glasses to suit nil ages; SILVER SPOONS, Hodgers 5c S*»n*s and WostenhoTins finePocket Knives, Razors and Scissors; Razor Straps, Shaving Brushes, Ambrosial Shaving Creatn, fine Ivory Tooth Brushes, MANTLE CLCCKS, watranted to run 18 days without winding; side Lamps, Wicks and Glasses; Percus- .sion Cap Pistols; Steel Pens, fine Pocket Books, Gold and Silver Pencils. Silver nnd Steel Chains nnd Key?, Braid and India Robber Guards, Veritable Cologne. Violins and Strings, Music Boxes, Shell Combs, Gold and Silver Thim bles, 5cc- Those v»Hq ; wisli to avail tberr.selves of a rare opportu nity to bi-y cheap for cash, will do well to call and examine the above before purchasing elsewhe r e. as he will sell lower than any other establishment in the country. PLANTERS’ HOTEL, Comer of Walnut anil Third Street** 3Zaicon,CSco« [Formerly kept by Mr. L. Iriein. and recently by Mr. Al exander Richards.) .■HI K 8* CURD respectfully in- lT 1 forms her friend* ana the* public, generally, that she lias taken the above well known establishment, which has been newly'fittea fir* me comfort and convenience of Boarders. Thank ful for past favors, she renews the ten der of her services to the travelling public, and assures them that every attention will be paid to iheir comfort. FAMI LIES can bfe comfortably arcoinmddaied. her terms will be reasonable—corresponding with the pressure of tlie limes. Nov 2 , . _ 5 M.L. GRAYBILL, Cash Line of* Stages. WATCHES. REPAIRER. Particular attention will be paid to repairing all kinds of Watches and Clnrks. Having-selected iJie best mnieiiaJs for repairing Watches, be rs now prepat ed to manufacture any part of a Watch, aqtl will warrant every piece lie makes as perfect as the original, and his Watcbe&io perform wfcil. Nov. 1 1842 5. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY Os Mui.ueuuy Stkeet, Near the Methodist Church. JIUSIC STORE, JtlMOjy. sat "1— 11 i i ■M3&Z' T I B 1 /flHF SUBSCHIBER, ia receiving large additions to hi, I stock of COACHEN, CIIAKIOTJETS, DAnOVCHES, BUGGIES, WAGGONS, Ac. brtm some of tlie bent Northern Manufactories, which were made expressly for thi. market, of the best materials, and are warranted equal if nolsuperitir t<» those of any other es tablishment. Tbo«e in waul of any description of Carriages, will find it for tlieir interest to examine the quality and pri ces of hi, assortment. - HKI'AIIUNG, In nil the different branches executed in the best manner, by experienced workmen at less than firmer prices. Carriage maker*, will find n good assortment qf Elliptic Springs.'Axeltrees.turnodamI boxed Dashes. Lamps,Bands Knobs. Talent and Top-Leather, Laces, Silk and worsted Fringe, Tassels, and almost every article required in thei-t business, at Augusta prices. March 1st 1842. 22 tf J. W. BABCOCK. m B. ET Jiff © W S U S 3Sf s „ H A> E coni, antly on band ; nnd offer ft r sale at prices as low as ctn be purchased in the southern country j a splendid assortment ot PIANO-FORTES, hcra the Celebrt sd and long established of awss&isrs & ^ ESS3 CHICKERING AND MACKAYS. The we.l known reputation of these Manufactories pre- eludes the necessit * of commenting upon the excellence of their instruments, which have stood the tesi of every cli mate,for .many years. A L^it GE ASSORTMENT OF riOLL>’41. 8JUP£RIOR GUITARS, ItlCU K, TISO.41 BONKS, TRUMPETS. HORNS, CLARION GTS, FLAGEOLETS, FIFES, Ac. Ac. Ac. Violin, Guitar; and other Strings; Clarionet Heeds Tuning Hammers and-Forks; Violio Bows; Music Pa per, ,Vc. Acc. forming as complete an assortment of musical merchandize, as can b * found in the southern country. As they import direct from the Manufactures, they are enabled to sell tlieir gr ids at the very lowest prices U. Ac V^havo in addition to their catalogue, nn assort ment of FOREIGN MUSIC. . <,<> 07* Itlusic sold at reduccd'prices. 0y^Terms Cash. May 17. 1S42. - *' 33 /"'IN the 25th day of October, 184a t t ke LINE OF “ j STAGES will be in complete operation from For- sytlt to Decatur, via. Indian Springs, Jackson an.l McDo- nougb; leaving Forsyth Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays. after the arrival of the Cars from Macon, and return next days to time for the Cars to -Macon. As this will be one ol the most pleasant lines in the country, for the people from the up-couptry to Macon, Milledgeville, oavannau and all places. On. 18. A. E. JOHNSON, Proprietor. T HL subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Ma- a - ® ie P°Wic generally, that he has opened an egabushment on Mulberry street, r.ext door to Harvey Wfiotwelra Drug Store, for the inehufactaie and sale ofar- ttcles in the above business, where lie will keep constantly, on hand a^.arge and fresh assortment of Candies, Cordials, Syrups, Pastry, Fruit, &e» * nv i te d to call and examine for themselves. N. B.—Cdfcr anti Candy Pyramidc for wedding?, balls and parlies, made andornamented in the neatcsLstvle, at short notice. WM. SPEAR. November 29 9 3m * CMaYOV AiVB C OKUIAL MANUFACI? OUT, T HE citizens of Alacon, and the public generally, are respectfully informed that the sabscriber has openc?d an establishment on Cherry street, three doors below Tho mas Harrold’s, where he, intends carrying on the Confec tionary Business in all its various branches, and will at gil times keep on hand a laige and fresh nssoriment of Cakes. Candies, Cordials, Syrups, Paslry, He is also prepared to execute all orders for weddings, parties, balls, &c. with Cake and Candy Pyramids, made with neatness and dispatch. Call and examine. 1)ec - 6 - 10 M. U. ROGERS. PLANTERS COMMISSION BUS1- IV. GUXN A: CO. We ihe WAltE-IIOUSE AND NESS, under the firm of I>. A: are prepared to make liberal advances on cnitnn in Store, or From our experience in the Wauk-Housf. and Commis sion Bdsinkss; we feci warranted ^in soliciting the pafr**- tage of our friend? .and tin* public, believing their best in- io^eoi will be promoted by.n strict and undivided miention t (businessentrusted to our rare.. .... .. .. p. 5c ,WM. GU NX 5c CO. . At our old.stand, tbfc Piorb adjoining the Ware-Hqpse \ve keep constantly on hand a general asadftment of Sugar, i 'pfre Salt, Iron Xai/*, Jiasging. Mabuse*. Mackerel/, and alrn«»?t every other article, in the CiROCKUY line uhich will be soid low for cash, D. 5c WM. GUNN Aug. 16 46 Ragging, Rope, artd Twine. 100 Ps. heavy 4-4 inch Cotton Bagging, ISO . 4i .4-2 and 4-4 Hemp do. 50 C^ils* Manilla bale Rope, 50 Ido Hemp do, 250 lbs. Twine. Fot; sale by.* CHAKLE6 CA^IPBELL, 5c Co. August 20th. COP P E-K -S M IT mive ESTABLISHMENT. ( lOPPETl STILLS and WOILMS. kept on hand, and J made to order, at the Macun Found rv, bv May 11 32 XVM- Mr.ELlTOY. WAKE HOUSE A AO COMMISSION BUSINESS. rilHE undersigned fee!- ing grateful to their friends and patrons for the liberal support* heretofore received.lake great pleasure them and the public, genet ally, that they j : above business in all its various branches; ig JUli* .selling of couon. feceivb g and for j i .and filling orders, at •.heir,well kiiown : the river, which for conveiri^qce and se- | nipi i««xrpaxA^ by any Waar-Hnuse in nxas Hardeman, will an .h»;r^if,r„ r e crive I OuUoa and ihe filling J elf in every ease u>do , !l who may favor us GII.ES A: MOtJIYGER, attoiineys at lanv, Macon (h>. Gko. ILL practice ill the folloAfius countie*—!Macon,Ms rion. Crawford. Houston. D»nlv A Snmtcr. JOHN M. GILES. JOHN C. MOUNGER. Oct 25 1842 4 TV J. B. JOMES, attorney at law; v See to Vour Interests! T NOW offer lOOO piece, of SANDEllSON’S 44 inch superior heavy COTTON -IIAGGI.YG, which uit account of its ireigfit and' fCrcngllt. weighing 130 lbs. to the holt, which wilfbc tho cheapest article for your use.— Before making your purchase elsewhere, Come ! “See and Believe.” « THOMAS H. HARDEN. . • t Cotton Avenue. J62une . • B. H. .PLATT, ATTORKET AT LAW, CUTHBERT. Randolph County, (7a. ATirlLL promptly attend to any business entrusted to iii T T care, in the counties of Stewart, Slarinn, Randolph Early, Decatur, Baker, Lee, Sumter, and Dooly, in Georgia —and Russell and Barbour, in Alabama. Refer* to Col. D. C. Campbell, Jerry Cowles, Esq., Ma ron—Col. Joseph Henry Lumpkin. B. F. Hardeman, Esq- Lev. is J. Dupree, Geo. F. Platt, Islington.—Hon. Garnett Andrews. Washington.—Hon. Tints. F.Foster. Col. John Banks. Column,,*.—Mr. T. B. Bethell, John J. Cary, Esq.. Tho.nK.ton.—Mc-sr-.Dnnn A Martin, For,y(h.—V m. G• Porter. Appala ch irola.Ea.—Mr. W in. Harris, Charles ton S. C.—Messrs. Collins, Kcese & Co., Ac ic York. March 1 fi ' ly ” CHEAP! CHEAP! THE LARGEST LOT OF BLANK BOOKS & STATIONERY I AVER in Macon, for sale at New York prices if called j for soon—by J- B. MORHELL. Next door below ihe Washington Hall. October 25* . 4 3SOOK AYD IflTSIC STORE. /ffTHE Subscriber, having purchased of C. A‘. ELLS, his JL Stock of Goods in this place, in a short time will make large additions to it, and assures the, public dial they may expect to find, at all times, a well selected assortment ot Law, Medical Miscellaneous and School Books, and all oth er articles usually kept in Book-Stores, which will be sold cheap for Cash. I have a Bindery in full operation, and will manufacture any kind of Blank Record or Docket Books for Courts, at the shortest notice, on Mulberry-street, two doors below tlie Washington Ball. JONATHAN B. MORRELL. Mav 3 32 Cooler’s IYew Novel, W ING and Wing, or Le Feu Follet, American Almanac, for 1843* Kinne’s Blackstone, Kent’s do. Just received and for sale by J. BARNES. November 28. 9 September. 13 71ACOM, On. 50 JXT1LA Superior Cheese. A. No. 1, Coml Flour \fiecitj, Mr. t yif iieraopalmneotipu to the seJ • ft'^ »p lers,for g.cids, .‘iiid pledges Ifn beH.t'i proqioie .the^meres' ^iihllicir patronage anil intlu«*nce. , v * i, •* i Hardeman y Hamilton*. I Mac in. Aug. 3. 1842. 45 j EX1* ECT ING xo go to Savannah early in the -fall, with ^ view ofppgaginff in the ( o t iiiui<»iou there, l have disp ».-**.! «h jnv i^iteiest iutlie. cnnver't °f E- Hauiil- | Si*n A Hnndeirrui..(o my son, Mr. CU AUX*ES F. HAMr lL v l?ON,>vo.>s.r ^leading.4of character, and porrectknowl- q Ije of tm«hie.-*. will, quali.y him^qr .ihe employment in \vhich heis cog ige In thus retiring from, the con* qern.tbci leave to tea ler my graielnl iv'knowleilgrmrnts to my frlepds for p:mfaY“»'*. and >vopld kii'dlv solicit for ihe new concern of HARDEMAN’ A HAMILTON, a eon: 1 •.inuatioij i»t‘ ihyir suppori., will) ihe. asaurnm-c that it will be grate Lull V acknowledged by me. as though J werq sa ill a vfVihcri)l\hcrfincfr,i." E. HAMILTON. Macon. Awe. 2^. 1^42 — .Dag aerreotyps Portraits 1 . - {A # l>RO Al)BE*N J respeetlqlly annpuncr^ to th« . ifeus of Macon over file store fnnperV POWERS & JOHNSTON attounkys at law;,. ) Macos, Gxn. A; r. ruuTits, •. Marcus .OHXSTOX. Oct 12 49 pieces Kentucky Bag- prntluce at fair prices. ' THOMAS H. HARDEN. Alnmcr n( l.nw, VUUTXA, Dooly rnuqty. May 10. 33 " Georgia. FAIWBR0& SPEER, ATT.OB.HEV* AT I.AIV, •. i I. FORSYTH. MOSROE COUNTY. GA. -Jane 15 ^7 E ■■ Candles, and Molasses. Als gingand Twine for CASH, B UlLDn O, K U K Y A Y D lVAOn LOTS,—BRICK VARDA Ac. P ERSONS desirous «'f settling near Macon, on high healthy and commanding Sites—nr of obtaining wood and. Garden Lots, or Brick Yanis within a short distance of Town, would do well to apply to the subscriber—who would also sell the Plantation where lie now resides, con taining six or seven hundred acres, or nnv part of it. June. 21 36 M. BARTLETT. .Hbeeliugx. Ac. 4 A 5-4 5c 6-4 Unbleached Sheetings. “do do Bleached do. 3-4 7-8 A 30 in. Unbleached Shirtings, do do do Bleached do. Cotton Osnoburghs, Marlboro Stripes, ’ Prints in great Variety, x Cotton Hosiery. Kentucky Jeans—Negro Kcrsvs; Sutiinets. 8 4 iY 9 4 blankets ,, ^ . k .. Wrttepioi*e cards. . • y The abovearficlc?; are offered for sale, at greatly reduced prices, by C. DAY. cor. Mulberry 5: Second-sts. * Mnif'r, toffee, Ac. ChPZ BAGS Cuba Coffee, /wO 75 •• Rio do. 20 B-'xea Cheese, 8 Hhds. Sugar.* 10 Bbls. Molasses. »• * - 6 Boxes Spenn Candles, for sal* by Dec. 6. 10 T. II. HARDEN. Pain.* and Oils. ftflA KEGS Nos. 1 and 2 White Lead. 300 gallons Linseed Oil, 200 do Lnmp Oil. With a variety of Colors for Painters’ use. for 9nle by’ Jnlv 6 40 CHAS. CAMPBELL & CO Economy in Gentlemen's Dress. f|UIE subscribers would inform the citizens of Macon, JL and surrounding country, that they are making up the bes^style of Gentlemen's garments, at a small advance from New York cost, being a reduction of at least fifty percent, from formbrrates. Being determined to conduct husincs* exclusively for CASH,' we are not under the necessity of making the honest pay for the dishonest customer. We have made atrangements with extensive Cloth es tablishments in New York, from which we receive monthly supplies of the latest and most fashionable style of French and English Cloths and Cassimeres of Superfine and Me dium qualities, which we are enabled to make to order, in a style of elegance and durability not to be surpassed, at the following reducedsdau .. Dress Coats cf French and West of England Wool Dyed Cloths, from Do. do. do. Supr. Pants of Supr. French and English Wool dyed Cassimeres, Vests of plain and figured Silk Velvet, Silk Cashmer, Satin, Ac. 5cc. Ashburton, do. Joinville waved and plain Beaver Over Coats, Dress Coats made and trimmed for Pants and Vests, An entire suit can be furnished at twenty*four hours no tice. Our country friends w’ill find this ararngemeni high ly satisfactory, as many may prefer having their clothing made to order, would their stay in * tlie city admit of it.— In addition to the above, we offer to country tailors a gen eral assortment of trimmings, at very low prices, and re spectfully solicit tlieir patronage. MERRITT 5c SPENCER. Klacon, Dec. 6. 10. $13 to 25 25 to 30 $G toJ2 $4 to 10 $29 to 35 9 to 12 2 25 to'3 C:S. THOMAS. «fc <JO. DRAPERS & TAILORS. H AVE just received a choice assortment of Spring and Summer goods, and ‘iftvi:e the attention of the public to them. They are prepared to make them dp in the be and most fashionable style... AJ1 work done by them is warranted, both as regards fit ana workmanship. N. B. Particular attention paid to* Cutting for person* from the country, done at short notice and with great care at the storp of C. 3. Thomas, 5c Co., a lew doors above the Washington Hall. Macon, March 22, 25 : 'FOR HALE. eytt A HOUSE and LOT, well improved, in a desira list ble part of the city ;'terms Favorable.—Appl Dee. 6, , ROWLAND 5c SAUL tf BURY, HJHJP _ o .Cik-.l ..d vicinity .'tint bo h«f t^kon room, . crvtpie4 bv Win. H. I nrkrp, op- ! * ' " ‘' "koto i| ill J (•) »*a,pecimta»i P? u»ra tbair likeneaaaa taken. Deeamlaar 11 h LANIER & CLOPTON, ATTOUMEK AT.LAtV; . . .. (iRlfTlS, GEORGIA.. W ILL Bractico-ln thtsfolltmingcoanoes: Fikt>.Henry I FavettO, Coweta, Meriwetlwr: Upsotr, Talbot. Bibb. M Su" dli r ^ DAVH?CLQPToic R ’ IV S DENNARD, . . . . ATTORNEY AT.LAW,; , riMMr. »mm Boy for Sale. SMART; active yellow BOY, about 12 yenrroldiwii l he sold low for specie lunds. Inquire at this office. November 8. 1642. 6 Tor Sale. A CnOICE .rtic'.e Notbern Butter, 5 Hblj Otiionj, 1 Lot Snperior Jara.Co ffee, .. 1 do choice Hams. Just receivl-rfi: t... i ^ l *- ; o-t i 3 USHER & FREEMAN. On Con^lurnineni. ’ I RISH-Potatoes, of a su^rirtr quaiirv'. ;ptithe stiptr house Molasses in barrels. Cheese, Rope, Cuba and Rio Coffee, Flour, Ac. For sale lou> by W - ' - Daa Ml \« WD * lltft illacon Iron anil Brass Foundry AND MACHINE SHOP. Comer of Fourth and Walnut Streets. subscriber, haring purchased tlie J. interest of Mr. Win. McElrov, in this Establishment, and having disposed of near ly all the old patterns*belonging to the lat, firm of Findlay <Y McElroy, he has now *u progress, complete se/ls of new patterns for Mif.E and gin geering, of every description, and warranted superior to atiy heretofore made in this place. Among the various articles made to order, are the following, viz : Improved Balkmce Crank Wheels and Guides for Saw Mills; Milll?pirultes, wrought apiVcaAt;Screws anil Biles' Anti-Friction Plates and Halls for cotton-packing screw— Black-Smithing. Steam Engine, and Mncliitie Work'in gen eral. Front long experience in the above business, the sub scriber is prepared to wa rrant h ; 3 work, in point of execu tion, iqutu to any in the Uhited States. (CP The highest prices will be paid, for Ol^ Copper, Brass, Lead, and Cast Iron. ROBERT FINDLAY. Macon. May 4. 1841. . SEEMjIJYG off .it cost. AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF READY-MADE CLOTHIiVfii T 1HE subscriber intending to close his present business, others his entire Stock of New and Fa^hionabU Cloth ing at COS T. consisting in part, of Beaver and Pilot Overcoats, Do. do Frock Coats, Ladies Cloth Cloaks, Gentlemen’s da. Extra Fine Black Drdss' Coats from Black Cloth and Cassimere Pants, Satin Vests, extra' M ne, Cotton Shirts, Lined, llosoms, Pilot Frocks Coats, Together with every article of Gentlemen’ made expressly to order, durin, New atui fashionable Goods. Beaver Cloths. 4dolfew pieces superior Wave Beaver cloth, at from 3 t mersars per yard. Also a few pieces of Cloths and Cassi- Al. which will be sold at prime cost. Nov. 15. 6 R. W. MORRIS. $iS to tis 00 4 “ 7 00 3 " 4 00 1 “ 1 74 3 50 l apparel, Cfility on Criminal Law, do on Bills, do on Contracts, do Pleading, Cotr.yn on Contracts, Peters’ Reports, Oliver’s Precedents, Milford’s Pleadings, Archibold’s Civil Pleadit do Practice, G'eenlcaf on Evidence, Koscde's Civil do Story on Agency, Collyer o:i Partnership, Itussell on Claims, Ball and Beatty’s Chancery Conklin's T: Reports, Oliver’s Law Summary, Eden’s Chancery Reports, Conductor Geueraiis, Eden on Injunctions, Vattcl’s Law of Nations, Davis’ Precedents. 3IIC3>5C Afj. Dutiglison’s Dictionary of Valpeau's Anatomy, Medical Terms, Blackstone, do Kent, do Law Compendia** Wheaton's te'wvn, Fonblanque’s Equity. Adams on Ejectment, Canning's Speeches, Roberts on Frauds, Toller o:i Executions, W entworth on do Stevens *Y Benccke on Aver age A Marine Insurance, Stearns on Real Action, Theobold on Principal sad surety, ties, Dungiison's Practice, do Medical Student, do Elements Hygiene, Dewee’s Practice, do Midwifery, Armstrong’s Practice, Coster’s do Morton on Consumption, Macculloch oil Malaria, Clark on Cliinnte, Ryland on Larynx, Trousseau 5c lielloc cu do Eberle’s Practice, do Therapeutical, do on Children, Meigs’ Midwifery. Gooch’s do James on Burns, m. io on the B Gross’ Pathologi llorner’s Special Al Hunter's Surgery, “ Dupuytren’s do Liston’s Practical Surgery, Oliver’s Physiology, Arnot's Elements o f Physics, Abercrombie on Stomach, Broussais’ Pathology, do on Fevers, do on Infiamation, Williams on the Chest, Lacnuec on the Chest, Gerhard on the Chest, London Dissector, Dublid do Parrish on Hernia, Johnson on the Liver, Farraday’s Chemical Manip- Duparqueon the Uterus, ulations, pjunjer on Venereal, Beck’s Med. Jurisprudence, Hall on the Nervous Systeaw Smith’s Class Book of Anal* Berlin on the Iletrt, omy, Coates’. Popular Medicine, Smith on Fevers, Gunn’s Domestic do Lewis on do Cooper's Dictionary, do on Phthisis, Home Rook of Health, Paine’.- 1 Materia Medics, Ladies* Med. Pocket Book. The above will be sold low for GASH. In addition, J. M, B. lias a complete assortment of Mis cellaneous and School Books, Cap and Letter Paper, Steel Pens and Quills, Porcelain and common Slates, Drawing Pencils, Bristol Boa:d, Ink, Sand, Blotting and Envelop* Paper, Ac, Ac. ^November 15, l S42. 7 Valuable LasuhTaml Negroes, FOR S.1JLF. N obedience to an order of ;he Inferior Court of the county of Crawford, when sitting ar, a* Court of Ordinary, will be sold). before tbs Court' House door in Knoxville* on the first TUESDAY in January next, the following named property belonging to the es tate of Joshua H. Bighorn', late of said, deceased, to wit: THIRTEEN LIKELY NEGROES, consisting of young men, women, and three children, among wlticii are two good Carpenters. Also, the following lots or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the Old Agency Reserve in said county, nnd distinguished in the plan of said reserve as lots-Nos. 9, 10 and 11, and Fractional lots Nos. 14. 15 and 1G, lying all in one body, and containing i:i all, about one thousand acres. Also, der, before tl Wilkinson co land, tn wit: son, 140 acre: son, and ten : county, all ly The above Jo fit of the heirs The negroes > cash, and with notes at ihe same time, by virtue of the same or- e court house door in the town of lrwinton, nity. the following lots and parts of lots of Lot No. (ill,) in the 5tli district of Wilkin- of lot No. 88, in the 5th district of Wilkin- cres of lot No. 120, in the 4th district of said ng in one body and containing 350 acres.— scribed negroes and lands sold tor the bene- and creditors of Joshua II. Bighatn, dec’d. /ill be sold for CASH. The lands, one half credit of twelve months for the remainder, i 1 approved security.—The sale will continue from day to day until all is Sold. DOROTHY B. HIGH AM, ndra’rx. HOWELL II. BIGHAM, adin’r. Crawford co. Oct. 25th, 1842. 5 Three Valuable Plantations FOR S.SEE. i in tin SILKS. J UST R EGSIVKD, by the Subscriber an.es5ortment of Rich Black Watered Coloured Striped Silks Colloiccd Figured Changeable do, dark Coloured Changeable Cheni, do J dark Coloured and Satin Strij ped do j A 4-4 Plain Black do., also a large assortment of Plain A Fancy Colloured do. Silk Fringe, Buttons, Black A Coloured Super Kid Gloves, Tuffata A Safin Ribbon?., Elegant Velvet Mantles A Mantillas, a large as- | sortment of Rich Mout-lin de Lanes, Plain drawn A Rever ed Tarlatun Muslin, Super Swiss do. Heavy 8-4 10-4 10 by 12-4 A 10 by 20 4 Super damask Table Clotlis, 5-4 6-4 A 12 4 Heavy. Bleached Sheeting. White A Red Flannel Welch do- Bleached A Unbleached Canton d^>, Brown Holland. Kentucky Jean? Ac. also in Store a large assort ment of fancy A Staple dry goods, which he will xell'as low as tit? same "can be bought in any Southern City- The La-, dies fif Macon A'Vicinity are respectfully invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing. G. i. WARREN. *. _M.acon Nov, 22d 1S42. , 8 First door'abdve G. W- Kimberley’s Hat Store. N. B. Dress making in the bust manner and moat fashion able stvle. first district, Dooiv county, nir.o low Traveller’s Rest, near the road to Dray- n as Hines’ Pond Place; it consists of 1100 acres perior land, 800 under fence, but. little of which cultivated more than three years. No expense ’as spared in erecting upon the place the tiecessa gs. Dwelling House, Overseers and Negro cab- House, Barn, Cribs, Fodder Houses, Stables, Ar. all new and in fine order. But lew places have been so thoroughly or well improved, or ran offer so monv in ducements to the planter as tide, among them pure free stone water, not often found in the low-eountrv. Thus far it.has proven entirety healthy, and will doubtless continue so, as the neighborhood hat lor many years been almost en- titely exempt from sickness. Persons wishing io purchase or tent, can examine tlie place by calling on John ia. Tho mas or William S. Hamel, Esqrs. residing near, will have the place shown to them, or lor further particulars, the undersigned would refer to T. (>. Holt, James Dean, Esqrs. Dr. O. West, Macon, or 11. K. Hines, Esq. Albany . Al»o, the valuable Plantation in Pulaski county, Smile from Il.awkinsville. known as the Collier place, containing 1G hundred acres of fine land, with about two hundred acres of open laud, a good comfortable frame dwelling, out houses, and a two story framed Grist Mill with two pair of stones, and a Saw Milt in complete order, both mills aro situated on a never-failing stream, entirely new and in c io plete repair. This is a desirable and healthy location, onv* cannot fail to please such as are in pursuit of a valuable plantation, with a Grist and Saw Mill, and every thing at tached for the convenience of farming. Also, the Plantation in Monroe county, known as tho the past summer, from ; Rutherford place, ten miles from Macon, adjoining tho lands ot Needham Mims and John Powers; this place con tains six hundred acres of fine land, most of which is clear ed and under good fencing, a comfortable dwelling, negro cabins, gin house, Ac. Ac. situated on an elevated site, within three or four hundred yards of the Monroe Rad Road, and is considered enlitely healthy. This place with a little improvement, is susceptible cf being one of the handsomest locations hi Georgia. For terms a poly to A. P. PATRICK, Or in his absence, to James phas ^ T. G. Hoi*t or > Macon. G. M. Loots. Esq.) November 22, 1842. S rv 1 \VX nro authrfirfeeil to mmotrnce FRED ERICK SIMS, as a candidate for Dec. .20. , , . 12 v. • WK! rftithorized to announce A. R- . KRE EM AN: • as a candidnte for Clerk of Council. D*c- 80, 12 City Council Change Bills. A FEW Hundred iJc>n»rt- aantt-d at low rate., t.v iV ROWLAND A SAULSBURY, Noyem^ttr 29, 4 , -9 O CnULGEE BANK 1VOTES wanted. t,t lov rates by ’ ROWLAND A SAULSBURY. November M. BLANKS&r tab *4 .jue. Y© Hu cubit: A Curefor HARD TIMES/' 1 ! ! .Buyers of Dry Good** book nud Rend. W. A E. WOODRUFF are selling Bargains, hea-’ "IT• ped upon Bargains: Our stock comprehending a i large and general assortment, was selected with the great est care and attention by one of the firm, now at the North, | —which having been purchased in the month of August, j before the passage of the late Tariff bill, and when, as ia j believed, the Northern Markets were aL tlieir greatest de- i pression we can amt icill sell as low as the same Good#, can be bought in this'city—perhaps loicet. Do not take- ! our word for it, but jusicall and see, before purchasing eis* where. We are aware that Rule faith is usually placed in adver^. tisementaat the present day. owing to the fact that the grea ter part arc made without reference to truth, for the purpose of humbugging the public “ As tins is a day ot humbug, ’ it “ becomes purchasers to examine qualities and compare prices,” We are selling fine Black and Blue black Bom- t bazilies at from $1 to 62—rich Mou*. de Lames from 25 to, 1.00—1 case dark Prints. 1300 yards. 10 yds.for 1,00—cheap dark Prints, per yard—Bleach’d Shirtings and .Sheet-. i:ms, from Gjto 25 cents per yd—Brown Shirtings.and Shee tings cheaper than the cheapest—White >pool Thread. 20 Spools for 8100—Also, Carpeting Rugs and Oil Cloths.^ I Together with alarjre variety of Goods, proporiionably low’ —to which the attention cf our friends and customers, j* respectfully invited. ' Store on* Mulberry street, oppotitu Stroug a ad Wa«4 . ftkoa ftwpt. Om 19 *