Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, October 31, 1843, Image 1

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mrUHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING, rir " by •’* iuktlett. I , i riekbnildinff corner Cotton A rave nnd First |0' rI . ,treet—opposite Jones' tew ZkRiJ-I ■ Cotton Ace Warehouse. Selling' Off Xew York Co*!!! w tibms or subscript^)*: „„ l)oI!n. ». pai<* in advaurc, will pay for the Tel- . «■' venr . Five Dolinin, paid in advanre, will ; Wnrc-llon.r nml •r'i’“ ?* tK „years. Ten Oollarw, paid in advance, will 1 will be conducted at tl Commission R ii s i n ess. E take this method of informing our friends and the t we nre still connected in the ■miiosion Kii-ineas, which nd occupied by us the pi r«1HE subscribers, with the view of reducing their pres- I. out Stock, will sell at NEW YORK COST, for Cash. The Stock is new and desirable, and worthy the attention of purchasers. [EF” Country Mercbantaand.dealersgenerally.areinvked | to call and examine for then.'ei—- - Macon, June 13,1643. SAMUEL J. RAY A CO. 3T XW sa»3{gXG A,\B$ Si lOIER II. SPENCER, yyA VINO just receivetl per Steamer J. Godilanl, Just Received, 0 uit tite vear*. ' I season, (on Cherry-street, near Cotton Avenue.) Fir the INGHAMS, Primed Lawns. Calicoes, Muslins, ■iv Jf f 11 l0 i\d within »?x month* after th« year has com* convenience of our ui>-cotintcy friends, we are bondin'* a j \X White, i THRKK dollars kSD fifty cksts, per annum SCALE HOUSE, nearly adjoining'Col. Parker's Store, on ,,ff hnreed If not paid until the end of the year, four | the Avenue, which will be completed by the first ofSep- ner ansum will be charged—with interest there- tember. ' . ' f- att*** r 1 v 1 •. We desire to return our thanks, for the liberal patronage w ;jj j, e discontinued until all arrearages are bestowed on us heretofore; and trust that,by our exertions V T;, at the option of the Proprietor. 1 for the interest of our patrons; to iqerit its continuance. ^ Is Paper* to noa-Subscri^ere. 1-1 cents each. Extra j , We will be prepared to make the customary Advances ■ to Sab^riberi, «i cents each. | on Cotton, till Orders, and attend to inch business jismoy tkkms of advertising* j be confided to a* by olir friends,, tin ns favorable terms as s.e.n«ri*vMF*TS not exceeding 12 lines, will be inserted will be done by any other regular House in this place.* .' ‘ OVK DOLLAR; aad fiftt ce»ts for each I HAMILTON Ac WINN. Macon, July 1,1843. 41 | fun»cf rtr /^k. raVcoiiectftrs’ and Coroners’ Sales, are char- ■■'f^Ionnhic^Veduction wiU be made to those who ad ver- ^viVi's^oant* fot Advertising, kr~, as well as for Sub- . piitMu Interest will be charged, when not settled within ^fredil for Job Printing, Blanks, ke.XS • Letters on business connected wi*h the Office, must WARE-HOVSI! lirown, and colored Homespuns, Nankoen, itme and black Mixtures, Checks,Stripes, '. ' Tickings. Nettings, ' . r - - Silk and Cotton Hdkfs.: fancy Hdkfs. and Shawls, /*. ■ Stockings, Half Hose,Threads, Ac. . - Calf, Kip; and Morocco Brogans, Ladies’ Leather, Seal, anti Morocco Shoes & Slippers, Fur, Wool, and Palm Leaf Hats, , . . Knives nntlForks; Pocket Knives,a large lot. Just received and for tale, wholesale" and .retail, on the most reasonable term*. *•" E. A K_ It. GRAVES. . June 13 - •‘■37 . - - the balance of his spring purchases, is now pre pared to offer to the citizens of. Macon and vicinity, a full : I and complete assortment of fashionable Spring ami .Summer Clotliitig, enhststingofeyerv variety and stvle of Coats, Paxtj. and I Vests suited to the season, together with a great variety of! J Summer Scarfs, S'oekt, Gloves, Shirts, Collars, 'Bo-1 somt.Susptnders. ,$-e. »f-e. ALSO, a splendid assortment of Cloths. Cassimers, Vest ings,- Drab de Tatts," Camblets, Linen Drillings, Ac. all of I which will be'sold or made up to order on-the Very lowest terrasFOR CASH. • Feeling fully competent that I can makeitforthe inter est of gentlemen replenrshing thetr.ward-robes to purchase of me. I respectfully solicit a call from all ’ at the store one door below J. A. & Si S, Virgin’? Jewelry Store,-and di rectly opposite the north-west frbnljof the Washington Hall, where unprecedented bargains may always Joe found,. .Macon, April 18,1843. - ”0 .to secure mention. JUST RECEIVED, AT THE PEOPLE’S STORE, _ . (jOZEX WhiteJHack, and Slate Cotton Hose, at •I || . ents a |>air ; Handsome Black Broad Cloth, - , ; j. yard; 200 pieces Bird’s-Eye Diaper, at I3| cents * uni, COO dozen SnooT Cotton, manufactured from Sea } ■ j (-ottnn, (200 yards,) at 50 cent* a dozen; 10.000 yards j], 20 yards to the dollar; 10,000 ynrds Prints, -;il I. u'ires; Sh*s*n*;fi|»n'red and" striped; Plain Change rs Alo.ros, for Ladies’ dresses; Silk Shawls and Satin I iirlrtm; B“b Roy and Net Shawls,"ofevery description; I r , f aia ^trawand Tiisenn Bonnets,--Velvet Ribbons; r . ... j : M- 1. - : XT:j m v • m F" ten, for n.l and inside Trimmings ; Kid Gloves; Silk 1 Liars Cambric Handkerchiefs ; Ladies' Silk Cravats; ' ,'rtifmen'. Silk Cravats. of every description; Negro Ke-s-vs; bankets ; Linseys .- Kentncky Jeans; Satinet!*; 1,1 Tirki"?: Apron ChecJcs ; Cross Bard Muslin; Swiss Saiiin; Furniture Dimity; French Dimity; together with lir.'BiiIete nisortment of all kinds of IIKV-GOODt, , \v, will -e l nt the very l<>est prices. '7* STORE on Mulberry street, under the Washington | h,;]. C.RAXE * CLARK. Miron, Oct 04, 1843- - 4 C o ill missiOA E§ »; s i 11 c s s . f jPHE subscriber* beg leave to inform their friends, and I the public tn general, that they have connected Uteta- selves together in the above business,'under the firm of GOItllAN aV- IMC£IAKi>SO.\. and-arc now erecting a large and convenient WARE HOUSE. near Cotton Avenue, on Poplar street. The location is dry and elevated, and unencumbered with old buildings and the usual liabilities of fi e, and will be com pleted, and ready for business, by the first of September. They confidently assure the public; that any business con signed to, .will be faithfully and promptly execu ted. Relying on the honesty of parpose. and the long establish ed confidence of these who know us, we fed no hesitancy in looking for a liberal share of public patronage. ' THOMAS I^fORMAN, JAMES KIMkRDSON. ’ Macon, July 4,1843. I ofin- BOOXS AAI> SHOES. At Hut sign of the big boot. Mulberry Strut. r I'HE subscribers avail themselves of this method 1 forming their friends and the public generally, that in addition to their weliseleeted and extensive stock of Booto I and • Shoes, they bave just received ‘a new and fresh sup- L j ply from the most approved manufactories. Consisting partly of Gentlemen’s light and stoot sewed boots, do do. Pegged do,an elegant and cheap article, 'fine, stmt aud pump brogans. .with a good* assortment of Gaiter pumps and lasting brogans, all suitable to tlie season. Ladies fine kid slippers ana buskins, doth buskins, kid and leather shoes, made in the latest fashions, and most durable style. A large assortment of women's high and low-quartered \EW LAW BOOKS, AT $ P Jl'iS 2) ^ '$&*&. Sioke, Sign of the large Itiblr, .VI AC OX, Cl. I Il'AT received, Peters’Digest of 'Cases decided in the J Morcine Court, ami District Courts of the U. States, in fcirrs’ condensed Reports,- containing the whole seres m* Decisions of ihe Supreme Court of the United States, i u ill organization to the commencement of Peters’ Re- u. at tile January Term. 1837, 6 vols. Feiers' lleports of Cases in the Supreme Courts' of the ■ titc.l Suu-s. Ifi vols. Cornyns'Digest, 8 volt . ~ ' > • . English Ecclesiastical Reports, 5 vols t Dicesl of New York Reports, f vols Harrison's Digi-st, (English) 4 vols Pliillips on Evidence, 4 vols * 8rarkio on Evidence. 3 vols r - Orrenleaf on Evidence, T vol Siory's Equity Jurisprudence, (new edition) 3 vols Dll’ Equity Pleading, 1 vol Do on Partnership ' ■ ' - • - Do on ilailinetits . lb on Ageney ’, - Do on Conflict of Laws' li i on Bills, f just published) Sudgen on Vendors 1 Angel A Ames on Corporation}, (new edition.just oat) Saunders on Pleading and Evideuca . * ; Bsvley on Bills Adams on Ejectment ' . Eden on Injunctiour _ > Saunders on Uses and-Trust, Chi-.ty’s Pleading. Do’ Criminal Law, Do on Bills Ho on Contracts Do Blaekstnne . /• *-• ttla Medical Jurisprudence Pomyn on Contracts F uiblanqoe’a Equity ■ r. .’s Precedents _ Do on Conveyancing Rucue's Criminal Kvidencn *• -Do Civil Kvilteneo v; * Kinne’s Lnw Compendium .Do Kent Do Blaokstone Anthone’s Blackstone ■ f Wbeatofl’s Selwyn Russell on Crimes - " . Theobold on Principal end Surety Whentwonh mi Exc,cufars Davis’ Precedents . . • ■ . Roberta on Frauds . ... Collver on Partnership Teller’s Law of. Executors Mitford’i Pleading Hall A Beatty’S Chancfry Reports Eden’s Chancery Rcpojns ■'i . ’ Archibold’s Civil Pleating llnuvier's Law Dictionary Equity Draftsman Lawyer’s Common-Place Book Laws of Trade Introduction to LegalBcietice v ■ Me t"\ t—.r Commission Business. Z|IHE uudersigned stillcontmuestnoccupy the WARE- J HOUSE on the corner of Second and Poplar streets. He offers his services in the various branches of the AVurc- llon-r nml Coiiiiiiiasion Itii.iiuns, and respectful ly solicits the patronage of bis friends and the public gener ally.; trusting that, by hi* unrem-tting efforts, he shall be able to meet the wishes of those who may honor him with' their confidence—and expresses a feeling cfgratitnde to hi* friends for their liberal patronage. JOHN’ M. FIELD. Macon, July !. 1813- 1 - 41- 1S> Terence—Col. Wm. H, Reynolds, ) i . Maj James fi. Hardaway, S Messrs. Rea A Cotton, - i xaeon, Joshua G. Moore," | -' • ■■. SgSSSSSv’ William Moseley, Henry. W. C. Cleaveland. Cray ford. MACOi’V. GEORGIA. FTTHE subscriber bias again taken this Esiab [•'.tjc JL litkmenl, where lie will always be hap ^tiz pv to attend to tlie calls of his old customers, » and the travelling public generally. Macon, June 20 38 3. LANIER. LIBERTY HOTEL, T HE undersigned announces to tlie Public, that he has taken the. a- • Vcir, Vltt )tp> & iicsirnbie Good*. SAMV2X* J. HAY §L Co. H AVF just received nnd are now opening- a general ns- HTAPLH aid FA.M V DRY €4001>M. whi<I; wiliaell at very reduced prices for CASH, being anxious to reduce their present large Stock, atnong which may be found— Super Wool dyed Black, Blue*Biack and intisible Green Cloths. Cassimer, woolen, velvet, valenfia. and satin Vestings, Flannels, merinoes and printed Orleans .Cloths, French, English and American Prints. Cbstlleys, Musliiuic Lancs, French*Collars a.-td Capes, Black, blue-black, rich fig’d fancy color'd Silks Ac Satins, Black India Satins, India K°ra, Spittalfield, Pcngee, Lin en^ Cambric, and Grass Linen Handkerchief* 1 , Mouslin de Lane Ac Satin Shawls.. Neck Ties, and Dress Handkerchiefs, Irish Linens, Linen Shirtings. Lawns and Diapers, Jaconet. Swiss, Nansook and Bpok Muslins, Silk, Cotton & worsted Hosiery; Gloves & Suspende Gent’s Merino Shirts and Punts ; Stocks and Collars, Bed Ticks. Brown Ac Bleached Shirtings and Sheetings, Soper bleached Long Cloths, Canton Flannels Ac Drillings, Ketseys, Linseys; superior Bed an?l Negro Blankets, SheUtSc Buffalo Twist. Side and Riddijig Combs, • Spool Thre ail. Tapes. Pins. Buttons. Ac. With many other articles too tedious to mention. P. S. Purchasers will find it to tlieir inlerestto call. ’ ' S. J. RAY & CO. Macon, Nov; 14, 1.843. v G033SPja E. C21ArP, .ltiom Vik: at f.nw, , Doo! v cfnjiity. Georgia. C. 2. SZ-A2S2, Has removed h on Third Street, v professionally eng August 1. 184’J‘ ATTORNEY AT LAB', MAC OX. C a. s Office to the room next to Dr. Parson*, here he may always be found, when uot aged, 44 3^0WPJ~dTs2I©CKl£ Y, ATTORJEVS AT LAW. X'VriLL practice in tin- c«nnties of the .'outh-Wertc V v Circuit, Randolph, Lee, Early, linker, Decatur Doolv, Macon, Sumter. Telfair, Iivvin, l’ulaski, of tfce Southern; aud Houston. Crawford, Pike, Upson, Timts and Monroe, of the Flint Cireui;!— Office at Vienna, Dooly county, Geo. WILLIAM BROWN. MavOd 31 WIXFREY L. SHOCKLEY. hove House, recently occupied by William B Penuel, and is prepared for the reception of Boarders and it? Travellers. 11° U aware that Newspaper pro- riety and description, to U.ey^inpetr<,lly -inviro the j ^ He W ° ufd thereC,re “ &- attention of aH wishing to pnrehase, with the assurance that | ter ' e j! ,™ in prices shall be in accordance with tbe times. ’ shoes, sewed and pegged. Mens’ stout calf and kip boots— I ^ r j « j) kip shoes, high and low quartered Also a beautiful as- J Snrtmeul of Misses, boys and children’s shoes of every va- 1 They have also, and.constantly keen on hand a good as sortment of leather, lasts, pegs, thread, and all other arti cles used in the manufacturing boors and shoes. 03*B<>ou and shoes made aud , repaired,'with neatness and at the shortest notice. V .- V Strong a wood April 25 30 - aJE^ own fully. He assures tion as well as interest, shall pirompi untried,no expense withheld, to render theirkojourn with him both agreeuble and comfortable. His Table shall' be sup plied with the best this, and the Macon market can afford, hia House with obedient and attentive servants. Good, plea sant, well finished and supplied Lodging Rooms can be had. And last not least, the House shall not suffer for either want of attention, or abundance of wholesome proven ler. • _ The undersigned from an experience of some time-in the same business in the city of Savannah, pledges himself that he shall he able to give entire satisfaction.. Provisions are. plentiful and cheap. The Travelle • may therefore expect good fare, and a light bill. Cai.I. and Trt.' - Jan 3,1843 . ‘THOMAS WILLI AMS. tliu&ic S TO SIS-:, el'MCO*X» WARES 6I4HJNK . -- - AND 1 Commission Business. ZIAHE undersigned have formed aco- JL partnership fur tbe transaction of a general Ware House A Commission busi i rVlr ff " Ms- Jl«»Jj We here taken the large and eommo- ■lions Ware House occupied die last season by Mr. Jonw Jones. and formerly by Messrs. Hamilton aUevnoeds. These are very conveniently' situated to tbe business pan of tlie Citv, and at the same time, not exposed to accidents from fire, by contiguity to other buildings. We shell be prepared to make i.ibeiial advances upon all prodjice in store, or which shall be ordered to be sbip- . |>ed to our correspondents bn tbe seaboard; and will make returns for all Cottons ordered to lie shipped through us to Savannah, Charleston or. New York, as rapidjy as.salescau be realize 1. and the proceeds returned here. » , ■ It will be our object ton! eril a share rf patronage only b)f ? faithlul personal aiteulioo and' watchfulness .over the interests confided to us. The proceeds of all Cotton sent to us for sale, will be held subject to : tlie order oftbe owner; and-tbe personal superinlrudeticeofone oftbe partners al ways given to sales, as well as to purchases of such articles of supplies a* our customers may order. MOULTRIE & CAMPBELL. . B. H. Mocr.TRiE, D. C. Campbell, -e July 1 41 The nndersigned having retired from tlie Ware House BtismeSs, and transferred his, inlerest to Messrs. Moultrie A Campliell,cordially recommend these gentlemen to his old friends and patrons, as worthy of their cr^ifidence. JOHN JONES. - ember oftbe Bar, Philadelphia) Form Book," (by . Cobb's Legal Form*. , . - -- ■’ - . - Z All taa above Book* will lie aold for Cash, and Cash *'}». Legal gentlemen wishing to replenish their libraries. *■11 find it for tbeir interest to call, as they can obtain Cate *'dieapsi Macon a* they can'at Savannah or Charlesion; '4 iliey mav always be sure of seeing the latest editions ol «uslanl Works, ’J. M. It. will also ord8r *uch Works as Mo costly to keep on XVAItK iSlll'SK Ml) COHlilKSlGN B li S I Y ESS. ritHE undersigned feel- A ing grateful to. their fy;.. ■ friends and patrons fqr tbe liberal" support heretofore received, lakegreat pleasure- iu announcing to them aiid the public genet ally . that they will continue the above business in all its-various branches; aneb as tlie storing and selling of cotton, receiving and for warding merchandize and finingorders,al tbeir well known stand, situate near the'river, wlncji for convenience and se curity from fire, is not surpassed by any Ware-Honse in the city. Mr. Thomas Hardeman will as heretofore give his personal attention to the selling or Cotton and the filling of orders for goods, and.pledges himself in every case to do Ids best to' promote the mterest ol all who may favor us w itli their patronage and influence. ' HARDEMAN & .HAMILTON. Macon,Aug,3, 1842. '. - v 45 7VKW BOOTS AWD SHOES, JUST RECEIVED, ON SECOND STREET. T HE subscribers would inform tlieir friends and the public generally, that I they have a fine lot of Gentlemen's fine ! ^ Bools nml Caters, Lnsling nml Gontsiiin. Also a large assortment of LADIES’ HALF GAI- j TEILS AXD SLIPPERS of all kinds. Also, a great va riety of Misses’ colored-and block Half Gaiters and Slip-1 pet's; with a general assortment of Children’s Gaiters and HairGaiters. which we will sell as low as those oftbe samp quality can be bought in the State FOR CASH. I - ' - ; . WHITING & MIX. N. B.—All those whose accountswere due; 1st January, 1843,and remain"unsettled. July 10th.' will have to settle with cost. This furnishing jShoes without pay, we think rather apoor business, these lime* M, I CENTRAL HOTEL, Hlacon, Geo. T JIE subscriber having become the Proprietor of this well known establishment, respectfully solicits tbe se .has be patronage of-the .’public, cleansed t The bouse has been entirely and renorineJ; the rooms replenished with clean beds and suitable furniture, and the wholelntertor of the establishment adapted, to the comfort of his guests. That the domestic economy of the House will bit such as to grati fy tlie mostfastidious, he lias but toiuforin the public, that he has engaged as general Superintendents, WM. SHI VERS, JUNE. AND LADY, whose career as Managers ofa Tavern in Spartai for nine years, has commended him to the favorable notice of tlie travelling public. WM. G. THOMAS, Sept. 19 c , ; • The undersigned having disposed of ht* proprietorship In the Central Hotel, to Mr. W. G. Thomas, from his knowl edge of him, and the well known capacity of Mr. aud Mrs. dliivers, in-the management of a Puhlie House, can with confidence, recommend the Central Hotel to the patronage of his friends and the public. F. SIMS. Sept. 19 • . . 51- A- S5. mXfiBV, ATTORNEY AT LAB', VIENNA, GA. j V^riLL practice in all the counties of the South-West- v T ein Circuit. And also.Thomas, Lowndes, l’ulaski, Irwin, and Laurens, of the Southern Circuit. tCr" He may always be found at his Office in Vierns, Ga.. whpn not profosoionally engaged. 30 . 35 w!2m C-22.2S & KOUKGER.’” ATTOllNEYS AT LAW. I. vxiku. Maco.v Co. Gko. "^k^/'ILL practice in the following counties—Macon, Ma » f rion, Crawford, Houston, Dooly Ic Sumter. JOHN’M. GILES. JOHN C. MOUNGER. .Tan 23 ATTORNEY AT I,AIV, PERRY. GEO. PAiasao & spsar, ATTORNEYS AT DAXV, FORSYTH, MONROE COUNTY. GA Juno 15 37 MEHSCAIi KEM0YAL. rrtUE undersigned, having removed from j Macon,forttansporlation daily, (Sundays excepted.) _fi Cotton Avenue to the store on Mulberry Moiland Passenger Train, will run to ami fro FBOJt SAVANNAH TO MACON, GEORGIA. This ROAD is open from Savannah to “ Me Calls’ Mill,’’ 1S7) miles-from Savannah, and 2) miles from the Depot at ;; The rotn Mc- Cotton Avenue to the store on I . _ and third streets, Opposite tile Central Hotel, | Calls’ Mill, on and after the first day of August next, would announce tothe citizens of Macon,and | Road will be finished and opened to the Macon Depo vicinity, that he will there continue theprac- October next. tice of Medicine in all its various branches -'I and will, as formerly, attend to tbe calls- of those who may deem it their interest to procure hia services • M. S. THOMSON, M. D. : Macon. Oet. 1 sf. 1843. 1 52 ! A l*£*D H« !i E*S. I G ^ I I L I s A , D n V\ tl cons atltly on hand, and offer for sale at prick? On Mulberry Street, Near the Methodist Church. JL JL as low'as cm be purchased in the southern country, a splendid assortment of * " PIANO-FORTES, THE JVEWYORK STOKE. G W. & E. WOODRUFF, woultf* respectfully in- • form the citizens of Maoon, aud surrounding country, that they have moved.their Store to Second street, under the Washington Hall, next door to Geo. W. Price, where "TJlsCRIBER, is receiving large ndditionsto his C H I C K E R 1 N G AND [VI A C K A Y S . I- The well known reputation of tbqse Manufactories'pre ffililh S COACHES, CHARIOTETS, RAROUCHES, j eludes the necessity o’f commenting upon the excellence of BUGGIES, WAGONFf, ,V^. „ j their instruments, which have stood tile lest of every cli from some of the best Northern Manufactories,wbich were mate,.for many years. made expressly for thi* market, of the best material*,- add 1 A LARGE ASSORT M ENT OF are warranted equal ifnotsuperior td those of anyotlier es- I VSOl.INS. SCPJURIOU GUITARS, RUGI.ES, tablisliment. Those in want of any description of Carriages, 1 TROMBONES, TRUJlPETS. JJOKNS, will find it for tbeir interest to examine the quality andpri-j CEAKIONETS, FLAfiliOLEl’S, ce* of bit assortment. • FIVES, Sec. Sec. See. Repairino, in nUthedifferentbranchea executed in the ' Gai an( l other Strings; Clarionet Reeds, best manner, by experienced workmen at less than farmer Tu|)ing an j Forks ; Violin Bows; Music Pa- pnres. . , . _rwii:_,:- r per, Ac. jkc. forming us complete an assortment of musical merchandize, as can be found in the southern country. Carriage makers, will find a good Assortment of Elliptic Springs,Axeltrees.turned and boxed Dashes, Lames, Banda, Knobs! Patent and Top Leather, Laces, Silk and worsted Fringe, Tassels, and almost every article required in their busineAs, at Augnstii prices!" March 1st, 1842. 22 tf J. W. BABCOCK. EXPECTING to go to Savannah early in the fall, with a view of engaging in the O© ratals* ion Builasss there, I have disposed of my interest in the concern of -E. Hamil ton A Hardeman, to my son, Mr. CHARLES F. HAM ILTON, whose steadinessof character, and correct knowl- qualify him for the employment in - , r , . P ! wluch he is about to engage. In tiius retiring from the con- laineti; and having an efficient purchasing agent in eacaoTI C4rn ]|,,., leave to tender my grateful aekndwle.lgments to publithinf (tkics.'NeVr York. Philadelphi*, and my friends for pa?tfavor», nnd would kindly solicit for the . — , . * I edge ofbusines hand,’or too rare to be easily ob-1 -i .. SEEDING OFF AT REDUCED PB1CESJ.’ C. G. st7 joha, Watch Halier and Jeweller, I ff > ESPECTFULL Yinforinsbiafi-iends Jtv and tbe public, that be has just re ceived a new assortment of 1 lf\itclics-fsu(l Jewelry, of the latest fashions and most approved I kinds; all of which’ be will sell at reduced j prices,'for CASH. | GOLD & SILVER WATCHES, Gold Chains, Seals and Keys; Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Coljar and Sleeve Buttons, Ac. GOLD SPECTACLES, Silver ard Steel do. with glasses to suit all ages; SILVER 1 SPOONS, Rodgers A Son's and Wostenliolms finel’ocket Knives, Razors and Scissors; Razor Straps. Shaving Brushes, Ambrosial Shaving Cream, fine Ivory Tooth Brushes, MANTLE CLOCKS, warranted to run 18 days without winding; side Lamps, Wicks and Glasses; Percus sion Cap Pistols; Steel Pens, fine Pocket Books, Gold and Silver Pencils, Silver and Steel Chains and-Keys, Braid and India Rubber Gnards, Veritable 'Cologne. Violins and Strings, Music Boxes, Shell Combs, Gold and 8ilver Thim bles, Ac.' Those who wish to avail themselves of a rare.opportu- nily to buy cheap for cash, will do well to call and examine the above before purchasing elsewhere,as be willaelllower titan any other establishment in tlie country. WATCHES REPAIRED. Particular attention will bo paid to repairing all kinds of j Watch* and Clocks. Having selected die best mnlei inis , for repairing Watches, he is now prepared to insnulaeture i any part of a Watch, and will warrant every piece lie makes as’perfect as the original, and his Watches to perform well. Nov. 1 1842 •> As they import direct from the Manufactures, they are enabled to sell tlieir goods at the very lowest prices. B. A V. have in addition to their catalogue, an assort ment of FOREIGN MUSIC. . 07*Music sold at reduced prices. Q^Tcrms Cash. May 17. 1842. . T - . 32 PASSAGE FOR 187$ 3IILES. In Passenger Car, - • - 83 00 '• Baggage M - - - 5 oh Children under 12 years, half price. The Trair.s wil[ leave (uniil further notice) as follows Leave Savannah, at 6*JL, M. and leave McCalls’, at 6, A. The Charleston Steamers will leave Savannah every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, after the arri val of the trains. August 1 44 SSO REWARD. T5 ANA WAY , on Monday, the 2d instant, from niv resi- • dence, in tlie City of Montgomery, Ala. a Xegro Man, ^ „ ^ named CHARLES. aboat30years old. 5 feet 7 or 8 inches this,City. We have now on hand a good assortment of i high, slim built, with a dark brown complection, and having l kind of Goods, together with a vaiiety of patterns of Car- a coarse yoice.^ When he went off*, he took with him, a wa- petjng, Blankets, Kersev, Linseys, Hearth Rum, Oil Cloths ! gon. having on its hind axletree, the No. 29, and two iron 43cc. to all of which we invite purchasers of Dry Goods to j grey horses, but one darker than tlie other. The Negro call and examine for themselves, as w'e arecoufident we j raised in Clinton, Jqnes county, Ga., and lias bee can pJease both iq quality aud prices. Macon, Oct. 10 GREAT EXCITEMENT On Cotton CITY TAX. B Y Resolution of Council, the Treasurer, is authorised to receive fer the City Tax due for the year 1843,' one halfin the change bills issueJ by the City, and one half current money. Tne books are now open for the payment of Taxes, and will be closed on the first day of November next, after which latter date, executions will be issued a- gainstderaulters. ■> The Treasurers office will be open from 9, until 12 o’ clock, A. M, erery day, Sunday excepted, where pay ment can be made. -A. R. FREEMAN, Treasurer. Sept. 12£0 AND ced, with the^wagon and horses, beyond Columbus, geing eastward. The above reward will be given to any person taking him an! putting him in Jail, so'that I may recover him and tlie wagon and horses. Oct 7 3 5t* miLIP RODGERS. JusJ Received, A ND. For sale cheap, a full supply of Northern Ham.; Shoulders, Pickled and Dried Beef, and Dried Tongues, at LUDINGTON A THOMPSON S. OcL 17 3 .lust Received, A choice lot of Irish Potatoes Oct. 17 .UdINGTON A THOMPSON'S. Just Received, A choice lolefNorthern Rutter, at Oct. 17 LUDINGTON A THOMPSON'S. mgs undersigned have formed a Copartnership for tlie .1 transaction of a general .Auction Ac Ccninii-niou Businrun—they have taken a store in the centre of busi- ^ ness, on Mulberrv street, two doors suuth of the Vyasbing- -— — ton Hall. We will assure our friends who may favor us | with their patronage that if prompt attention to business, a strict compliance with tlieir orders, a faithful discharge of all duty will secure their interest, no exertions ,on our part shall be tcanting to effect it. We solicit consignments from our friends in Savannah. Charleston, Baltimore, New Voik and Boston—country. - n.' , 1 produce aold, tnd-orders for all kinds of goods supplied. Don’t mistake the house—ttro doors abort his old stand. I ‘ .. DAVID REID niHR ‘>nlvu*ribf*r would resn^ctfallv announce to'hia 1 ‘ C. A. ELLS. teTust Iceceivcd, fine lot of Onions, at LUDINGTON Ac THOMPSON*?. ;j .Insi Received, | * choice article of Cucumber Pickles, at : xSL LUDINGTON A THOMPSON’S. Oct. 1.7 3 rfIHE subscriber would respectfully aunounce to his ] JL friends and tbe public, that he has taken a part of the store-occupied by. Mr. JENKINS, Hardware Merchant, where he itfill give bis whole attention to REPAIRING, and will execute Sit work entrusted to his care. " N; B.—Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Ac. Ac. made or re paired at the shortest notice, and warranted. | . J M: D. BARNES. Macon, November 8. 1842. 6 Sill S 1 #ij __ ti )dly solicit B '■ in >1-' i*'e nahieil toa vail himselfof unusual facilities, i wconcerool' HARDEMAN A HAMILTON, a con- JoIt 19 42 I tinualion of their support, with the assurance that it will be as urutefolly acknowledged by me, as thorn.’: 1 were still a JFttCt.ll iron J' Brass M'Olimll'IJ ; member of the concern. E. HAMILTON. AXD ?BAt'illXI SHOP. inr Work, Iron \I1LL and flinfJhtringi Sttajm l „ _ , •'I and Brats Catlings cf every description, made to •rifr.and Machim: Work in General, corner o r Fourth •*4 Walnut >ueets. 53* Tlie hiuliestprices will be paid for Old Copper, Urnw, I.rnd. and (Inntlt-on. J»n 31 17 ROBT. FINDLAY. I0.XR0E RAIL ROAD A BAM1VG fO.UPAXY. ) Macon, August 16, 1843 ) I T i* ordered by the Boanl, that an Installment of Fifty Dollars per share on the capital slock of ibis Company, -•iirasion above Forsyth, is required to lie paid on Mon- by.tbe add, of November nextt payment to be made at Ai,office, or to Col. Jesse I'ope. Forsyth ; A. A. Ganlding ’Samuel G. Jones, Griffin; John Daily, McDonough; boct. Joseph Thompson. Decstor; H. Foote, Esq, Ma- uetts; James McKmee.Home; Messrs. Russell A Alex- Uidcr. C*<*ville, or Mr. John P. Long. Chattanooga, (Tenn.) *i« art authorized to receipt for the Company. 4 true extract from the ninutes. M. L. GRAYBILL, Cashier. August 22 47 Mscon. Aug. 85.1842 WARE HOUSE Commission Business. YY7-K shall continue the Ware House and Commission i f Business, tlie ensuing season, at our old stand, on the corner of Cherry and Second Streets. In offering our services again to the pnblie. we have no pledges to make—believing that onr past conduct will be a sufficient guarantee for the faithful performance of the trust that may be hereafter confided io ns. We will at all times be prepared to make liberal Ad vances on Colton, in store, or on shipmeuts made to our Agents in Savannah, Charleston or New York. e D. A W. GUNN A CO. The subscribers intend keeping on hand, a full supply of Dry-Goods. Cotton Bagging, and Family Groceries, of all kinds; which the^ will be glad to furnish f to tbeir custom- •cr«, upon as i terms as any house ^Macon. Aug. 22 JEW FALL A.\fl AVIATES G'.iODS!! now ARRiruiO DIRECT from hew tore. r pHE undersigned would respectfully inform bis friends * *nd the public, that he is now receiving a well assort- VJnoi of FALL Olid WLYTBR DI£Y GOODS, Raffia De Lanes, rich Crape De Lane«. Imperial Chu.nns Price 25 cents. Alapscas, Kaliannea, 6000 yard*.printed Calicoes, I **““ •’•"ocable styles. Black and rich colored Velvets. Heavy , Irish Linens, Brown A bleached Linen Table Cloths, and elegant n--.ortment of rich Black, Bine Black I •’« colored Dress Silks and Satins, with a general assort- nf gilk Goods. Handkerchiefs, Mantles, Shawls, j jjwzei and Hosiery, Genuine Hammings' .Needles, Pjns, , *nd Byes, Whalebone, Ball Coni, Ribbons, Cottop I ““jhlk-Umbrollas, Paper Hungings, Ac. Ac. AI*o. splendid ass.irtmeiit of BROADCLOTHS and . “•'wer*. Plannel*, Ac together with most other articles kept in Dry Good’a Stores. All of which will be low as the lowcit for CASH. A share of the pub 's 6. , ' roo! '? e ** raapeetfolly solicited, at 1st door above G. W Early’s HatSuire. ' G. L. WARREN. tJ!: DRESS MAKING, in the beat manuer.and most “wosble style. 1 14th, 1813. H ! M. S. BALL & CO’S. r(VVwervr,. JTJB If ISO OKS—J art Sreccivccl. \ O. 5 of Brandes’ Encyclopwdta of Science, Literature > and Art. Pnce 25 cents. The Farmers Encyclopmdia— Embracing all the recent iscoveries in Agricultural Chemistry, by C. N. Johnson. Mocanley’s Essays complete in 4 vols. Scott's do. Wtlion’s do. 3 " The Noetes Ambrosian® complete in 4 vols Alzo a cheap edition of Macanley, at 25 cents a vol. Flora’s Interpreter. Flora’s Lexicon.—For sale at April 18 29 '• BARNES’ Book store. Hn^insr anti Rope. fk /wi PIECES heavy Gunny Bagging, yUUlOO “ Kentucky do 50 " Husia. do 200 “ Coils Monilla Rope, 500 lbs. Hagginp Twine. For sal. on reasonable terms bv. ^ AueusfJ DAILY EXPRESS, GENERAL FORAYARDIXG & COMMISSION JIOUSE. T HE Central Rail Road and Banking Company of Ge-irgin having granted to the subsoribera the pri vilege of running an EXPRESS over their Road during the present year, with theprivilege of an apartment under their own Lock, they oiler superior advantages for the prompt and safe conveyance of valuablo Articles, Specie, Ac. Ac. and ore in hopes ol being able to make an arrange ment with the Post Office Department. 1 y which they will be -llowed to carry a Mail Bag. They are prepared to receive and forward Goods of all descriptions, to and from Savannah and Macon, and interme diate places and between Savannah and Charleston, with the greatest safety and despatch; snd will also pay particu lar attention to the purchase of Gouts, collection and pay- menu of Drafts, Notes and Bills, and transacting all kinds of business in the above places. They have also extended their arrangement to run their Express by the Southern Boats to Picolata, in Florida, and intermediate places on that route. They intend to put on Teams, to run regularly through from Macon to Columbus, under their own charge, to carry all kinds of Merchandize, wiih all reasonable despatch and safety, on the first of October next. MACON—Office at the Washington Hall. SA VA N N A11—Office at Ko. 153 Bay strut. DO. S. PhUbrick. Afent.for rereictng-and for yarding Goods and Merchandise. CHARLESTON. S. C—Anns Head, Agent, office No. 96, East Bay. July 4 40 tf M. S. BALL A CO. XEW BDOYiS, At Barnes’ Bool* Store. jmT PUBLISHED. TEPHENS’ new work on Yucatan, Hoboken, a Romance of New York, by Theodore S. Fay. No. 8 of Allison's Europe, No. 1 2 A 3 Harper’s Edition of Shakespeare, No 4 Family Library, 25 cts a Vol. Seward’s Narrative, by Mrs. Porter. Conquest ami Self-Conquest, or which makes tlie Hern. ALSO.—A large supply of School Books nnd Stationary, Blank and Record Books, of all kinds, Bibles, Prayer, Hymn, Music and Singing Books, ofevery description. May 23-34 Hp.NRY G. Lamar, Macon. Thomas Taylor, do. It a a A Cottos. do. ' Geo. A. Kimberly, do. References, y James, Goddard, do. E. A R. R. Graves, do. E. A T. N Beam,, do. -Cits. Campbell A Co. do. Wuigley A Hart, do. Macon. Ga. Nov. 1, 1842. 5 • Xcw Goods! Hew Goods!! T HE Subscribers are now receiving a general assort ment of staple and fancy- DRY-GOODS, of «nc latest style and patterns, which they offer for sale at fair prices, :_ brick building one door from Washington Hall. Sept 25 52 GEO. W. PRICE A CO. Fire Insurance. T HE Undersigned, Agents for the ADtna Insurance Company of Hartford Conn., are prepared to take Buildings, Merchandize in Store and Cotton in Jitv of Macon aud its vicinity, against REA A COTTON, Ajfu 23 ly risks on noildings, Ware-honses, in the Fire. Groceries. T HE subscribers continue to keep on band at the old stand, opposite the Washington Hall, a good assortment of Groceries. Bagging, Salt, Iron. Ac. which they will sell low for Cash. C. CAMPBELL A Co. June 6 36 47 Salt and iron. OADH SACKS Liverpool Salt, /WVr.vzvz 20 Tons Swedes Iron, For sale by Au; 0HAS. CAMPBELL A Co. *7 Cherry Street SiaL’cry. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Ma con and vicinity, tliat be has opened a Baking Estab lishment, opposite Tbomas Harrold, on Cherry Street, he respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. Having a professional Baker, he confidently assures those who may patronize him, that his manufacture will be of superior quality. JOHN T. HARBAUM. Sept.5. ■•48 ly* , Bacon. 10,000 2,000 lbs Hams and Shoulders, for sale by C. CAMPBELL & Co# June 6 36 PROVISIONS. T>ACON, Lard; Flour, and Meal, for sale by JLS J. N. SEYMOUR. OcL 17 3 Stolen, B74ROM the Central liaiFRoad Depot, on Friday last, J. a B roivn Goat Hair Camblct Cloak, large and full, dou ble wadded in the back.lined with green worsted, with n very large Cape. large Collar, and facing of Silk Velvet. The finder will be liberally rewarded, and no questions asked. THOMAS KNIGHT. Macon, OcL 17 3 Hails, Hh Plate, Iron and Hol low ^Varc, I •jLvfvF 100 boxes Tin I* In to, 10 Ton llatand square bar Iron, G Ton English Hollow Ware, 20 dozen Collins’ and King’s Axe*. 2 do. Mill Saws, 300 lbs. Baggiifg Twine, 25 Coils Rope. J000 lbs. Iron Wire, 1 Cose Sheet Copper, 1 do. Sheet Zinc, „ 1 Roll Sheet Lead, lOOOlhs. BnrLead,^ 10 doz. iron wire Sifters, 1 Ton Sheet Iron. 1 do. Sheet Steel. Bellows, Anvils. Vices, Screw Plates, Hand and Sledce IIamu.ers. Received and for sale by E. B. V ELD. Macon, Sept. 19. ' 51 Notice. P ERHAPS the citizens of Macon and vicinity, do not know that tbe subscribers have thought best to stop retailing Liquor, and fill up with a general assortment of Family Groceries; And if not. we will now state to the public generally, that hey have, and continue at tlieir old stand on Mulberry street, next to the old Darien Bank, where they will keep _ ir f Coflec, Glasses, Iron, Sail, Arc. Ac. HHDS. St. Croix Sugar 30 do. N. Orleans do. 15 Porto Rico do. 20 boxes and bis. Loaf and Crushed Sugar, 10 do White and Brown Havana do. 30 hhds. £Juba Molasses, 5 de. Trinidad do. -60 bbls. N. O do. 12 Tierces Rice, 250 bags Ri>* Coffee., 150. do Laguira do. 20 do Java do. 25 Tons Iron, flat, round and square, Band, hoop and rod Iron. Cast, German and Blistered Steel, 5 Tons Castings, Carolina Steel and Patent Hoes. “Ames” Shovels. Ion "’hand led do. Scythe blades. Smoothing Irons, 250 koijs Kails nnd Brads, 15 boxes Cut Tacks, J, G, 3, 10 and i'2$ 1100 sajks Salt, Table do- Duponi’s Powder, 2500 lbs. Lead, 250 bagi Shot, 30 boxes Tobacco, 50 do. common and fancy Soaps. 50 do. Sperm ami Tallow t'nmifes, 100 do. 8-10, 10-12, and 15-1G Glass, 250 kegs hite Lead, Linseed /Sperm, Train and Castor Oils, Copal Varnish, with n general assortment cf colorr. Indigo, Madder, 'Spanish Brown, Conpera*, Blue Yiu Epsom and Glauber Salts, Sal A r atis. Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloves. Nutmegs, Mustard. Borax, Macoboy and Scotch Snuff* 150 Reams Writing and Wrapping Paper, A largs lot of Grindstones. 20 Grates Crockery assorted, with many other art! cles too numerous to mention. All ofw.ich will be sold low as can be purchased in this market. Apt ill 07 E. Ac R.2R. GRAVES. B;u Tb Superfine Xorthcrn Flour. T HE subscriber has now instore, for sale, and will con tinue to keep a fresh supply of Choice Brands, put up expressly for family use. Also, NoJo, Wine, .tlilk, Sogn*', nnd Water Ri-cuit. Purchasers wishing pri.hc articles, will find it to their interest to call. THOMAS TAYLOR. Ralston’s Buildings, next door to Branch Slate Bank. Macro, Oct 17, 1843. 3 Pork; all kinds of Pickles in jars; Sweet-meats. Prunes, Raisins, Almonds, and all kinds of country prodace that can be called lor io farnilv use, or that ran lie itad. LUDD1XGTON A THOMPSON. By E. C. GHAKNI8S. Agent Macon, Jmie 13,1843. 37 Sttcttr, Coffee, J0c. eyc\ HHDS. P. 11. nnd St. Croix S.:_ar, ciV7 200 bags Rio and Laqulra Coffe 30 Hhds Cuba Molasses. With a general a-.-ortment of Groceries and Staple Dry Goods. For sale by ClIAS. CAMPBELL A Co. PnsEals asjfl QSiSs. KEGS Nos. 1 and 2 White Lead, 300 gallons Linseed Oil, 200 do Lamp Oil, With a variety of Colors for Painters’ use, for sale by July 6 “ 40 CHAS. CAMPBELL * C® Groceries, Iron. Ac. subscribers have on hand and offer for r ale, {LOW FOR CASH.) I Of liA piece*Goiiny Bagging, 44 a 4f> inch, wide, we ■ a- AOi/iiing 21 a 2? lbs. pr.yard. a 38 ns. per ;. ard. Manilla ana Hemp Rope, and RussiaCoidage, Also a large stork of St. Croix, Porto Rico, and Xew- •Orleans Sugars, Cuba, Rio, Laguira, Porto Rico and Java Coffee, • litif ft timer at •Issortuirnt of Groceries. 100 tons English, American, and Sweeds Iron. Nails, Cast Steel, German and American Steel, Collins’, Hunt’s and Mason’s Axes. 230 dozen Old Madeira Wine of finest brands. SIMS Ac LAMAR. Nd. ISO 1$- 101 Boy Street, Saca.unah. Sept. 12. 51 2m ic Universal ITIcdicincs, veireti JjNOH, sal Mav T GEO. W. PRICE A CO f I 8-’ xn i.l. NUOAI.N yitiiiutiact uj-l C.u- pany Cotton Yarn and Oznaburgs, conjtapti .- on hat d it for sale, at the Factory prices, whnieoale ard retail by April 4 27 E. A R- fu.GRAVES. 1 er TONS l.*3 2,500 bus! lies Ir 2,500 bushels Salt, 100 Kegs Nails a 500 orleds id Brads, assorted, for sale bv CHAS.CAMPBELL A CO. 1OO dozen Cotton Cards, *UST received and for sale low, by E. ic R. R. GRAVES. June 1$ 37