Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, October 31, 1843, Image 3

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THE MACO» GEOkCrIA TELEGRA PH. AdministratorN Hale. T . VT ,.„ V I t.,ol,l,on the tirst Tues.lay in JANUARY i V [before the Court-House door in Knoxville, , »,ZlnaMV, •within tb« legal hoar* of sale, one Negro fl ,*fordeo , toihe Esute „f j os hua Elhi, deceased. [ "' i "r ,n ’ilie beoetu of the heirs end creditors of said de- . he >Uyr K. W- DENNIS Admr. ( jlil —-—' jitiuinbiraloiOii Male* ' r «. T be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY \V »«. before the Court-House door in Knoxville, ' county, within the legal hours of sale, two Negro <r ** Tom and Isaac, and two thirds of lot of Land No^ 18, M* 0 ' A n eney Reserve, on the West side of 1 lint Kiv- nn.aacio to the Estate of William Bowden, deceased., tucky Jeans. Blanke’s, Merinos. Alpacas. Mnsiin de Laines ,..beion, bcefitol the heirs and creditors of said deceas- Crape deLnines. Chushans. Silt-. Lace*. Muslins. Ging- bams. Prints, a greni variety of Shawls. Nett Wool Cardi nals, Vestings, Ladies, and Gentlemen's Cravats, Gloves. MOORE & JOHNSON, B holesale anal Retail Dcnlers in DRY-GOODS, \ ^ ANNATI, are now opening their fall and win- ler supply, which has been purchased with particular reference to the country trade. Their stock comprises as ureat a variety of GOODS as can be found in the State; and diey are prepared to sell on the most reasonable terms WARE-HOUSE SIMMOAS CRAWFORD, Factor 4* Commission .llerchant, for Cash or city acceptance. 1 he following are some of the articles now in store: n road cloths, Cassimeres, Salinetts, Kerseys. Linseyp, Ken- ijij for t**** — , j ri T * r " ,s ? ‘ ‘ e GREGORY J. TURNER. Admr 0c» 31 . - . % : Ailininifclrafoi*^ ealc. , C| . . ^T-RSl'ANTro the l ist Will and Testament of Arthur j Shirting. Ticking. Ac. P Toll deceased, late of Houston county, will be sold, at ; Savannah. Oct. 17 i /“.l.idenre of said deceased in said county on Si- ,he 16th day of DECEMBER next, i Horses. 1 tJfi VVoke of Oken. 8tock Cattle and Hogs, Household Kitchen Forniture, Farming Utensils. Ac. Ac. Sale • a< ’, . „. rnnie of distribution among the Legatees. Terms **altos JOHN PE11DEW, Admr **0 131 5 De bonis non. with the Will annexed. C o ni in i s s i o n Business. fJlHE undersigned, havingbeen disappointed in the ar- | i rangements made by hunself and Mr. Wst. P. Row- j LAND, at the commencement of the season, takes* this meth- ] od of informing his friends an j the public generally, that he I has leased, for the balance of the season, the large and com- : modious Ware-House, on die corner ol Third and Wharf Streets, formeily occupied by JOHN JONES, He will ; sell, when directed. Cotton from ware house or wagons; I and in all cases use his best exertions to obtain the highest | 0 _„ market prices. He will also attend to the Receiving and) ! Hose, Table Covers, bleached and brown Sheeting andj Forwarding Goode, as also the purchase of Goods on order, i m *- i? ■- ° ( His Ware-House is situated immediately on the river, and within a small distance of the Rail-Road—thus possess j ing superioi advantages for snipping^ August 29, 1843 SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 48 8l* Hamilton, Hardeman & Co. FACTORS AND General Commission,Her chants SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Auaust.29,1813. JOHN B. ROSS & CO. CflERRY STREET, (BETWEEN COTTON AVENUE AND E. k T. K. BEALL'S WARE-DOUSE,) MACON, Have now in Store, a very large and general assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, WHOLESALE A>» RETAIL. GEO. .f. A7.?/BJERjtr, Alinlitbtmlor’i Sale. P URSUANT to the la>t Will and Testament of Arthur T„li deceased, late of Houston county, will lie Bold, on irst Tuesday in JANUARY next before the Court- SLL. said county, within the legal houra H f«le one Negro Man.named Blount, about 28 years old, * f ! , Negro Girl, named Amanda, about 18 years old. To ““ M ,„ r .he purpose of distribution among the Legatees. - Ja rhe div. JOHN PERDEW, Admr. ^Oct 31 5 " ^ onls non ' with the Will annexed. AduiiHivtialor’a Sole. inUH-UANT loan order of the Inferior Court of Hoos- Iron County, when aitting asa Court of Ordinary, win £ ,„IJ, at Perry, before the Court-Hiuse doorofaaid || fvontv, oo the firat Tuesday in JANUARY, next within the supplied entirely from their mauufectorv—thequaiity'o’f ..od’iioura of sale, the following property, to wit:—Lot of , the, work is ju-tly celebrated throughout the United L»nd No. 11, in die Hill district of Houston, containing States. for every improvement in style, texture, and dura- iUil acres, more or less, (subject to the widow a Gower.) ■ biltty. By this arrangement, the subscriber is enabled to t!,0 three Neg-oes, the same being the property of Fran* offer HATS and CAPS on belter term*, than the same Allen, deceased—sold for the benefit of the betrs and descriptions can be purchased in Chatleston, Savannah, or editors of said deceased. “ Terms will be made known on the day of sale. £,.31 5 JNO. D. WINN, Admr. le hopes, by strict and prompt attention to business, to | merit a share ol public patronage. j Oct31, 1843. 5 WM W. BALDWIN. \ BIBB SUPERIOR COURT. rflHIS Court will meet on the first, in order to adjourn JL until llie second Monday in November proximo. EDW. D. TRACY, Judge. Oct. 04 -4 To Rent, , A large ROOM, well suited for a 1 Salt lor Meat I1I-S House Apply to M. S. THOMSON. Oct 31 Si .lion roe Agricultural Society. Hulls December Sales. ltTILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER \Y next, before the Court-House door in Jackson, Butts canty, within the legal horns of sale, 330 acres of Land, in the 1st District of originally Henry, nC Buns county. Lot No. 196. aud a pare of Lot No. 195; •.vied on as the property of William Stroud, deceased, by tiuue of two fi las from Batts Superioi Court, one in favor ol die Justices of the Inferior Couit or Butts county, and i:e other in favor of William Allison ; both against Bath- .beba Stroud, Executrix of William Stroud, deceased. Property pointed out by Henry 8. Maya. Also, 987 acres of Land, more orl-ss. in Butts county. Xrn. not known; levied On as the property of Bartholomew 8dl, to satisfy a fi fa from Butts Superior Court, in favor ,.f S erling S. Jenkins. Admr. of Willia C. Jenkins, deceas- e I, vs. Bartholomew Still. Property pointed out by deft. Also, lOlj acres of Land, more or less, in the 1st District eforigmally'Henry, now Butu-county *. levied on as the ■r iperty ol John Phillips, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from Bain Superior Court, in favor of Robert G. Duke vs. John Phillips. Property pointed oat in said mottgage fi fa. " Aha, two Lots, in the town of Jackson, Butts rounty, in ch-ling a Store House and Shoe-Maker’s Shop. Nos. 1 and j, in Square No. 3; levied on tu satisfy two fi fas from Bags Superior Court, one in favor of Thomas F. Millner. William H. Haxe'ip, Hannibal N. Millner, and George W. Clinton. v». Andrew J. Wilson ant! Leroy McMichael. aud ooe m favor of Asa Btillrill vs. Andrew j" Wilson,. Leroy Jfcjikliae!, John R. Wilson. Benjamin F. Tucker andP. M. Compton; levied on a- the property of Andrew J. Wil son and Leroy McMichael. Also, one H >rae, Buggy and Harness ; levied on as the property of Andrew J. Wilson, to satisfy a fi fa from Butts Njierior Court, in favor of Israel Lash aud Tbos. B. Lash is. said Wilson. Also, 19 Stage Horses, one Stage Coach, and 8 pair of Harness; levied on as the property of William Fuller, to ndsfy four fi fas from the Court ol Cornu.on Pleas City or Augusta, one in fnvor of John M. Barksdale, Admr of James L. in favor of John C. Stokes, one in uvor of Jeremiah McMullin. and one in favnr.of Merril P. Cdl-away, vs. said William Fuller. Property pointed out bv plai'iiitlV attorneys. Also three Negroes, Ginny. a woman, and her two chil* ■!rrn. Allen and one not named; levied on as the property of William Stroud, deceased by virtue of a fi fa from Butts -.-.erior Court, in favor of David J. Bailv vs Bathsheha Strood, Executrix of William Stroud, deceased. Prooer- tj pointed out by defendant. Also. 930 aor -s of Land, more nr less, in the 3d District »forigin illy Monroe, now Butts county ; levied on as the property o! Henry Parrish, Daniel Parrish. Thomas Par- rish, Leroy M Wiley, Thomas P. Norria. Hugh R Banks, vxi John R. Marshall, the firm of Leroy M. Wiley. Par '•'ut Co.; Horatio Miller. Samuel P. Ripley, George N. Miller. Henry C. Bessell. Ephraim Miller, and Charles V. Ca"oherlin, the firm of Miller, Ripley & Co. to satisfy a 5 fa from Butts Superior Court, in favor of the Officers of Court vs. Leroy M. Wiley. Parrish & Co. and Miller. Rip- lev k Co Property pointed out by the Officers POSTPONED SALE—Also.'50acres f Lot No.-32, »the iih District of Butts county ; lev ed on as the proper Hof Thomas Bearden, to satisfy sundry ft fas issued from i Justice’s ouri of said county, in favor of Y. 11 Norris vs Thomas Bearden, and others. Oat31 5 JOHN ANDREWS, D. Shff. !l’7J be told, at the tame time and place, 566 acres of Land, Nos not known, where the defendant m lives; levied on as the property of Thomss J. Carson, nntisfy a fi fa from Bulls Superior Court, in favor of Wil Eon J. Head vs. said Cars- n. Also, 1011 acres of Lat.d, No. not ; levied on as the property of James Higgins to satisfy two fi fas from Hitts Superior Court, one in favor of Robert G. Duke, and ■ be other in favor of Robert Douglass vs. Jam-s Higgins. Also, one black horse Mule; levied on as ibeproperty of 1 >«eph Higgins, to satisfy a fi fa from Runs Superior Court, iafavnr of Francis D. Fanning vs. Joseph Higgins. Also, 202j acres of Land ; levied on as the property of William McE haney, to satisfy a morieage fi fa fiom Butts Superior Court, in favor of Harriet McClendon. Adininis- infix of William McClendon, deceased, vs. William Me- Eilnney. Property pointed out in said mortgage fifa. Also, one Negro Boy. by the name of Green, about 10 years oid; levied on as the property pf L. Artaline Shock er,nr her interest in said Bov, io satisfy a fi fa from Butts 'aperinr Court, in favor of the Officers of the Superior Court vs. L. Adaiine Shockley. Oct 31 5 GRIFFllS C. McMICHAEL, D. S. Macon. - L T j e ‘V**' whicb 5 * ve, Y ,:ir g e ' will be constantly replen ished. It now consists in pan of 10 dor. fashionable Heaver Hats, 20 dor. do Cassimere Hats, 10 dor. do Russia Hats, 20 do*. do Moleskin HuU, 1 dor. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO. IOO DOZEN BROAD BRDI Beaver, JYntria anti Russia H A T S, warranted more durable than gny Hats ever sold in Macon. Also, t 50 dor. Youth’s and Children’s Hats, 20 dor. do. do.- Caps. ALSO. 20 dor. black and drab Sporting Hats, Together with a general assortment of FUR CAPS, coysisrrxo in paht of 3 dor. PBEMIUM OTTER-CAPS, 5 dt-r. Sea Otter Caps, 5 dor. Super N utria Caps, 20 dor. do. Muskrat Caps, 50 dor. Men’s and Boys’ Seal Caps, 50 doz. do. do. Sealette Caps. ALSO. 200 <loz. lien’s niul Koys’ Black anti WOOLHATS. All of which will be sold for Cash, at prices which can not fail to give satisfaction. Purchasers are ii.vited to call and examine at the old stand, sign of the “BIG HAT,” Mulberry Street. Braver, Otter, Jlitik. A ( oot> Skins, I|-.l.V3Ti;», for which the cash will be paid. Macon. Oct 17. lb 13. 3 expect to beabsent at the earnest solicitation aod by the advice and consent of several members of tlie Soci ety.—Notice is hereby given, that tlie Fair will take place on the FIRST, instead of the secon d ll cdnctday in No vember. It is therefore requested, that all Stock and articles inten ded to be exhibited at the in Forsyth by 11 o’clock, A M. of that day. E. G. CABANISS, Secretary. Ocf. 17 . 3 NEW BOOTS & SHOES, WARRENTON AND HILLEDGEVILLE STAGE NOTICE. THIS old and well known route, having been reduced to a Hack Line will run daily, to leave War- 7^7 renton after the arrival of the Cars from Augusta, anil arrive a' Mflledgeviile the next day at ll o'clock. A M.—leaving Milledgeville immediately after the arrival of t e Stage from Macon, and arriving at War- renton on the same day by 8 o’clock, P. M. The proprie tors take this occasion to inform tlie public, that every.exer tion will be made to render this Ling as comfortable and expiditious aa any in the State, from Augusta to Macon, via Warrehton. Sparta and Milledgeville. This Line will intersect with the Central Rail-Road, near Milledgeville, and at Macon with the Monroe Rail-Road and the Florida Line. Passengers from Augusta or Macon, will in all ca ses' have the preference over those on the route—they, therefore may be assured of no delay. E3” Agent ai Warrenton, D. N. Judson, Eagle Hotel, and at Augusta, W M. Fraser, United Slates Hotel. , KNOX & MOTT. . Proprietors, Oct. 2 J . 4t 4 GEORGIA, )To Harmon II. Howard, Esq., Adininis Bibb County. \ tratnr of the Estnte of Daniel Tucker, de ceased, and the heirs and creditors pf said deceased, and ail others whom h mayenneern. fTtAKE NOTICE, at tlie next Term of the Superior I Court, to he held in and lor said county, I shall apply to said Court for the appointment of Commissioners, lo lay off and assign my dower, or third part of lot of land No. three hundred and nine, in the 13th district of original ly Monroe, now Bibb County; of which Daniel Tucker late of snid ionniy, deceased, was seized and possessed, at t e time of his death.—Of all of which, lake notice. SARAH TUCKER. Relict of Daniel Tucker, deceased. Oct. 17 , 3t 3 Crawford December Sale. DU’ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER II next, before the Conn-House door in Knoxville. Crawford county within the legal hours of sale,' acres of Land. No. 16, in the 23 District cf original- G Hi< u uoo. now Crawford county, and 50 acres of Lot No. 19. in the. 2d District of originally Houston, now Crawford county, it being the North-West corner of said Lot ;• levied «o aa’ihe property of Daniel Newton, to satisfy a fi fa in fa vor of David Lockhart, Admr. and Adaiine Amos, Admrx. of E. M. Amos, deceased, vs. said Daniel Newton. Oct31 5 THOMAS ANDREWS. D.Shff. Il’i/J Ae told, at the ounta time and place. One Negro Girl, by-the name of Tenah, about 18 years o’J; levied on aa the property of Robe t S. Winn, to sotis- '.'"saadry fi fas issued Trom a Justice’s Court of said county, 'n favor of Smith Brewer and others. Property levied on and teiurned to me by a constable. On 31 5 E. H. HICKS, ShfT. Crawford dfnuunry Jlongagc Nnlc, W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the CoqtX-Hoti-e door in Knoxville, Crawford county, within the legal hours of sale, *621 acres of Land, No. 154. in the 7th District of origin- a Hy Houston now Crawford county 1 levied on to satisfy a irortgage fi fa in favor of Bond .V Murdock vs. John A. Kn glit. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. Oct31 5 THOMAS ANDREWS. D. ShlT. Him* Jniinnry Snlcs, W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the Court-House door in Jackson. Butts ^anty, within the legal hours of sale, 3 Lots, including the Indian Spring Hotel, of two acres *ach; the Lot on which the Bdliard House formerly stood, *h on the Indian Spring Reserve. A so, tlie following Ne- groea: David, 20 years old; Gabriel. 18; Jim, 15; Jack, T9; Ephraim, 8; Sarah, 30; Lydia, 25; Susan, 13; and Mark, 4. Also. 100 Beds and Mattresses and furniture for V e same; one hundred Bedsteads, some of them fine; fifty small Tables; twelve large Dining Tables; a Urge quantity of Breakfast and Dinner Flatea; Knives and Porks; Table and Tea Spoons; Casters, Salts. Ac.; Pitch- *;>, Dishes, and Steak Dishes; 1 Piano Forte; Mantle Executor*’ Snlc. XTSyflLL be sold, atthe 1 .te residence of John A. Ma- II; lone, deceased, in Butts county, on Friday, the first day of DECEMBER next, within the legal, hours of sale. Horses, Cattle. Hogs, Household ami Kitchen Furniture, and verious other articles too tedious to mention. Terms of sale made known on ’he day. MARTHA MALONE. Ex’rx. THOMAS B. BUHFORD. Oct 17 3 BRITTON BUTTRILL, AT GRSATLY REDUCED PRICES. T HE subscribers are now opening, and tire constantly receiving new additions to tlieir large and general as sortment of HOOTS AND SIIOKS, which was man ufactured under the immediate supervision of one of the firm, in the best and most fashionable styles, during the past sunnier. Tlieir block of NEGRO SHOES, which is large and well selected, was ordered previous to !the ad vance, at prices much lower, than the same articles could now be bought; in consequence of which, they are enabled to offer them upon such ierm9 as cannot fail to make it the interest of all who wish this description of Shoes, to pur chase of them. Their assortment of Ladies’, Misses’and Children's, and other descriptions of fine Shoes, is also full, aud wiltfavorably compare, either in style or quality, with any to be found in this or any other Southern market. The styles and qualities being too numerous to enumerate in an advertisement, tliev would simply say tq all—Come, examine, compare, and decide/or yourselves. Also, all articles used in Manufacturing. STRONG & WOOD. Oct 24 4 Sign of the Big Boot. Mulberry street. THOMAS H. HARDEN, COMMISSION MERCHANT, s.tivi.v.v.ji/, fSEnntJt.i, I ts prepared lo execute all orders for sellms and purchas ing Produce, and will make liberal Advances on all Produce consigned to him for sale. Refer »o—Wm. Rearing A Sons. Chaihston. WiLEr, L-ask &. Co. “ P. A. Lawson'. Albany, Ca. P..K. Hines, Esq. *■ Rea tc Cotton. Macon, ~ Chas. Day & Co.. •• Johnson, Jones & Peck, GnJJin, Beck, Dobbins & Co. *• Kimbrough & Ridgway, Apulachicola, F Lockhart fc Young, •• August 1,1843. . 44 i ^ ’j le y are offering for sale at prices to correspond with ilie times. Every article wanted, i can be found at tiieii Store. The following comprises a part of their Stock: 1,500 sacks Sait, J OHN RVTHERFHRH, (Formerly of .liaron,) Commission Merchant, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. T AKES this .occasion to say. that his purpose is fixed not to speculati in Cotton.. He has the experience of near four years in a general^ Shipping and Commission Business in the city of Baltimore- August 1.1843. * 44 3mi3 .TOHIV T. ROW1MH, Factor A Comm ission Jflerthant, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, N. B.— Particular attention Will be given to Forwarding Produce and Merchandize. HALL T. HcOEfij Factor & Commission Merchant, Charleston, S. C. W ILL continue business on hi9 own account, at the counting room lately occupied by 'Shannon 1c McGee, No. 5, Boyce X Co’s Wharf. References to—Dr. R. Collins, Macon. Janies Smith Esq. - do Dr. T. B. Gormon, do • Hamilton & Winn. do Sept. 12th, 1843. 6w 50 ■TOSEPH 1ST, SEYMOUR C ONTINUE? Business at his old stand, on Cherry Street. He is now offering a well selected lot of GROCERIES, STAPLE DRY-GOODS AND SHOES, at such prices as cannot fail to suit purchasers. The fol lowing articles are embraced in his stock: 60 bags Rio, Cuba and Laguira Coffee, 5 hiids. Sugar, 100 Sacks Salt, 500 bushels Salt, 20 Kegs Nails, 7,500 lhs. Swede3 Iron, assorted, , 2 Bales Gunny Bagging, 40 Pieces heavy Dundee Bagging, 44 inch, 10 Pieces Kentucky Bagging, 500 lbs. Twine, 25 coils Grass Rope, I inch. Molasses. Loaf Sugar, Teas Pepper. Spice, Soap,. Starch, Candles. Powder and Shot, Lead, Tracfs. Axes. Coffee Mills, Sad Irons. Knives and Forks, Cotton and Wool Cards, plaited Boilers, Tea Kettles. The following articles of Dry-Goods : * 8 and 9 quarter Blankets, Negro Cloth, • Brown and bleached Sheeting and Shitting. Cotton Osnaburgs, Factory Thread, Cotton Drilling, Bed Ticking,KentuckyJeans, Kerseys, Calicoes, Flannels. Silk and Cotton Hankerchlefs, 15 boxes Shoes, including lien’s. Boys’, Women’s, Girls’, Children’s and Negroes'Shoes. Oct. 17 -. 3 Houston December lllarigugr Sales, W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEM3ER next before tlie Court-House door in Perry, Hous ton county, within the. legal hours of sale, One Bay Horse. 1 yoke of Oxem 1 Piano Forte. 3 Milch Cows and Calves, 1 Ox .Cart, 1 Bureau, 1 small Table, and 8 Maple Reed-Bottomed Chairs; all levied on as the prop erty of Edward A. Harvey, to satisfy pne mortgage fi fa from Houston Inferior Court, in favor of .Elizabeth Rudd, Administratrix of Wm. H. Rudd, deceased, vs. said Ed ward A. Harvey. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. Also,'Rebecca, a Woman.; Seneca, a boy; Menticus, a boy; Americas, a boy; Tempy, a girl; Phillis, a girl; Fort, a boy; Anaea, a woman ; Atticus, a boy; Hannah a irl; and Newton, u boy ; all levied on as the property of obn Tomlinson, by virtue of a mortgage fi fa, returnable to the next Inferior Court of Houston county, issued on the foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor of William Haddock vg. Elijah Butts. Adm’r. on the Estate of said John Tomlinson, deceased; (said mortgage made by said Tomlinson in his life time.) Also, Isaac, Joe, Tyra, Mary, Hollis, Susy, and Fanny ; alt levied On as the property of Washington R. Bradwell; by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from the Inferior Court of said county, on the foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of Isaac Bradwell, jr and Thomas Bradwell vs, said Wash- ington R. Bradwell.. Also, Hannah and her infant child, and Charlotte, a wo man; levied oo Us tlie property of Murdock McCaskill, by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from the Inferior Court of said county, iii favor of Johu McMillan, by his guardian, Murdock McCaskill, vs. said Murdock McCaskill. Also. Jack, a man;, levied on as the property of Murdock McCaskill, by virtue of a moitgage fi fa issued from the In ferior Court of said county, in favor of Archibald Blue vs. said Murdock McCaskill. Oct 3 1 GEO. M. DUNCAN, Shff. Will be sold, at the same time and place. One Negro Woman, named Malinda, about 26 years old, and her two children. Daniel, about 0 years old, and Han nah 3 years old; levied on as the property of Thomas Kimsev, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa, in favor of Mcsback Howell. Oct. 3. 1 WM. HERRINGTON,D. Shff. NE W HAT AND CAP STORE, TVHOXrEStllrT: .l.m RETAIL.. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Ma con, and surrounding country, that lie has taken the Store on Second street, adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Whiting & Mix, a few doors above flic Washington Hall; and is now openings large and splendid assortment of ^ Exrs Administrator’* £n3r. K GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court «f l\ Houston county, when siuing for ordinary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, be fore the Court-House door in Perry, Houston county, with in the legal hours of sale. Lot of Land No. 130, in the 14tb District of Houston county, containing 20"J acres, more or leas, belonging to the Estate of William M. Powell, deceas ed, late of said county 8old for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Sold subject to the widow’s I dnwer Terms cash. Oct24. 4 WM. McKBKZIB,Admr, ( Adiminiatrntor’n Male, anil Negroes la Hire. A GREEABLY toanorder of tlie Court of Ordinary of! Bibb county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JAN UARY next, before the Court-House door in Maron. Bibb rounty, within the legal hours of sale, 380 acres of Land, more or’ess. lying in the 3d District of originally Houston, now Bibh county, on the road leading from Macon to Tho- maston. well improved. Also, two Negroes—a woman, 45 years old and a man. 25 years old Sold as the properly of Simon Parker, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dereaaed. ICLr Will be Hired, at the same time and place, FOUR NEGROES—two men Jc two women. Terms on theday. Oct94 4 JOHN B. PARKER, Admr. Administrator's Nalr, TkURSUANT to an order of the Inferior Court of Hous- ji ton County, when silling ns a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the Court House of said County, within the legal hours of sale, .’he following lotB of land, to wit: Numbers 311. 312, and' 3ID. ■ in the original 13th district of said County, as the HATTERS' TRr.7f.7ir.TGS, of every description. His Stock comprises every article usually found in a Hat Store, ninnulat futed expressly for this market; and from his facilities of obtaining constant supplies, fresli from the manufacturers, he is enabled to of fer many -in Incements to Cash purchasers. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. 1VAMED) Oiler, .Hint:, tf Kaccoon Shin*, for which a fair price will be paid. GEO. L SHEPARD. Macon, Oct. 10,1843. 2 JOHN Is. JONES & <30. SOLICIT attention to a New and Extensive assortment of READY-MABE CLOTHING, Manufactured tlie past summer, from recently imported Goods, by Will T. Jennings Jc Co., very favorably known ns am^nJ tlie most fashionable Drapers and Tailors in the city of New York. CONSISTING OF Surtoiits, Fi-ocK Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Dress coats, Coatees, anil Office Coats, Travelling Coats, EiadieM■ and Gcnt!eiuen'» 1,000 bushels Alum Salt 75 hhds. Sugar, 10 boxes Loaf Su^ar, 400 bags Cuba and llio Coffee, 50 bags Java Coffee 20 hhds. Molasses, 100 bis. Whiskey, 50 do Gin, 30 do Hum, Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin, Madeira, Tenerifl’e. and Port Win. Linseed, Lamp, and Train Oil. 200 kegs White Lead, 100 boxes Window Glass. 300 kegs Nails, 40 tons Iron, 2,000 lbs. Si eel, Baud and Hoep Iron, Nail Rods and 5heet Ireu, 20 sets Blacksmith's Tools, 300 bags Shot, 100 kegs-Gun Powder, 250 canisters do 25 boxes Soap, 30 boxes Sperm and Tallow Candles, 30 boxes Tobacco, 500 coils Manilla and Hemp Rope, 600 pieces Cotton Bagging, 2,000 lbs. Bagging Twine, 100 pieces Negro Cloth, 500 Negro Blankets, 50 pair Bed Blankets, 16 pieces Broad Ch'ii; 15 do Cassitneres, 100 dozen Cotton Handkerchiefs. 30 pieces Silk do % 50 dozen Ladies* Cotton Hose, *500 yards Carpeting, 100 Men’s and Women’s.Snddlea, 15 crates Crockery, assorted, 50 Reams Cap and Letter Paper, Whips, Bridles, and Collars, 10,000 lbs. Castings. 500 do Sad Irons,) 1,000 do Waeon Boxes, 100 dozen Weeding Hoe*> 200 pair Trace Chains, 20 boxes Collins’ Axes, " 15 boxes Cotton and Wool Cards, 15,000 Segars, 20 dozen Castor Oil, 15 do Lemon Syrup. 15 do Stoughton’s Bitter*, lo do Spirits Turpentine, 10 do Copal Varnibh, 12 barre Is Blue Slone, 2 do Epsom Sal'.?, 5 bales Cotton Osnaburgs, •5 do Factory Yarn, 25 do Shirting and Sh. ‘tin 100 piece: s Red and White FI: coo do Calicoes, 20 do Ginghams. 20 do Muslin de La’me*. 20 do *black an l colored Si 10 do Pariseans, 5 do Alpaca Lustres, 5 do Pondicherry, 5 do Verona Figure*, 10 do Merinr.L-9, 10 do Black Lasting, 100 do Cambrics ami Musli 75 do Irish and Brown Lii -.-I’ do Salinetts, 30 do Kentucky Jeans, In do Salisbury Flannels, 150 do Bleached Homesput 10 Hearth llu. 10 cases Fashionable Hats, 20 do Wool Hats, 10 dozen Men’s and Bovs Cap*, 10 dozen Bonnets, I00 cases Shoes and Boots, ALSO, 10,000 LBS. PRIME GEORGIA MACON. October 3. 1843. l 200 dozen Spool Thread, Paint Brushes. Curry-Combs, Coffee-Mills, Double-barreled Sliot Guns, Single do do do Tubs, Buckets, Dippers, Hyson, Gun-Powder, and Imperial Teas. RATES OF FREIGHT 3 AC ON. AND PASSAGE Crawford December' mortgage Sales. W ILL he sold, On the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court-House dour in Knoxville, Crawford county, within the legal hours of sale, One Lot of Land. N<>. 233. containing 202J acres, more or less; also, one-third of Lot No. 220, all in the first District of originally Houston, now Crawford county; levied on as the property of William H. Heard, admr. on the Estate of Ephraim Heard, deceased, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of Archi bald Gray. Property pointed out in said mortgage.- - Also, one Lot of Land, No. 55, in the first District of ori ginally Houston, now Crawford county, containing 202j a- cres, more or less; levied on by virtue of a mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior Court °f said county, as the prop erty of Joshua Edis,in favor of Nathan Respass. Property pointed out in said mortgage^ Sept 26.1843. 52 ,, E. II. HICKS. Shff. 25 | 65 95 II 25 1 50U 7512 00 CO 10 1 25 10 15 1 75 2 0U 50 55 35 25 20 20 2 3012 GO |3 00 25 3 00 1 00 Butts December Dlorlgngr Snlc. r OSTPONED SALE.—Will he sold, m the first Tues- Hday in DECEMBER next, before the Court House door in Jackson, Butts county, within the legal sale hours. One Negio Boy, by the name of David, about 18 years of agey-Jordan, a boy, about 13 yearsdd; Maria, a girl .about 9 years old; and Betsy, a girl, about 7 years old; levied on us the property of John B. McRight, to satisfy two mortgage fi faa in favor of Wm. Jarrell vs. John 13. McRight. Prop erty pointed out in said mortgage fifaS. The above proper ty to l.e sold for specie. JOHN ANDREWS, D.Shff, Sept 26.1843.1 *fer property of the estate of John J. Culler, deceased To be and furniture for £" a P f< / llie 0 f t h e heirs and creditors-terms on the ( ] av . GEO. F. RILEY, Admr., de bonis non. Oct. 24 t——— Administrators’ Sale. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday inNOVEMBER next, before the Court-House door in the town of Ir- winville. Irwin county, agreeably to an order of the honora ble Inferior Court of Crawford county, when silting for or dinary purposes. — ... and 3d Section, when drawn Sold as the property of Josh ua Rowe, deceased,late of Crawford county.for the benefit furniture; 2 Clocks; 1 large Centre Table; 1 small do; 2 3<>fas; 2 dozen fine Sitting Chairs; 3 large Looking Glass- 1 Carpet; 3 dozen Sitting Chairs; 150 common do; a quantity of Wash Bowls and Pitchers for rooms; a large quantity of Looking Gln-ses fir rooms; a quanti.y of Bar £«■ Furniture Lamps, occ.; Iron,, Shovels, and Tongs. ua lU)we fleceasea . „« , kitchen Furniture, consisting of a large quantity of C<iok- of lhe h ; ntui cre ditnrs •• — WILLIAM B. WHITE, Iu all tlie New and various styles ; Together witli a very choice selection of Silk and Satin Scarfs. Cravals, Mohair and Cashmere do Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Drawers, Under Vests, Gloves, Suspenders, Linen and Muslin Shirts, Collars, Stocks, Ac. Including a general stock of Youth’s & Children’* Clothing, NEtxRO CLOTHINtt, UMBRELLAS, <fc c Believing that the system of “Small Profits and Q.uick Returns.” ts best suited to the times, they will offer their Goods at prices that cannot fail to be an inducement to pur chasers. Macon, October 10.1843. 2 JpqOUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Twiggs county. all 1 when sit- belonging to '¥- v tne . urposes. Gold Lot No. 678. in thg 18th District, of T-viggs county. j^B. ANDREW^ 8 ' i Mmn i^Utenails; 3 11 set Dining Tables; all lev lf ^ on as the property of Henry Dillon, lo satisfy 5 fi fas from the Superior Court, and 6 from the Inferior Court of a «Ua county in favor of Thomas C. Nisbet, Administrator ®fi»hn Nisbet. deceased,- vs. Henry Dillon and John C. ''fitters; 2 in favor of .Tames Wnkemau, bearer, vs. Hen* 2 Billon; Harvev S. Hoadly vs. Henrv Dillon; William fUwyvs. Henry Dillon ; tfsxey & Bartlett vs. Henry Dil- ***5 JCharles F. Newton and William V. Burney vs. Hen- Dillon; David Rider vs. Henry Dillon v Charles Camp- MlfcCo. vs. Henvy Dillon; Robert G. Duke vs. Henry Bulyn; and William White vs. Henrv Dillon. ■ mortgage Estate of Robins Andrews, deceased, late Oct 10 2 JOS. II. ANDREWS, f Postponed Administrators’ Hale. \A7ILL he sold, on the first Tuesday in NOVEMBER v v next, before the Court-House door in the town of Van Wen. Paulding county, agreeably to an order of the honorable Inferior Court of Crawford county, when sitting nnD r T.—1—: -' -t| l. ,n the for ordinary purposes,Gold Lot No. the 18th District, OPRmontWfer H.te.apphc.nouwdl be made to the ^ ^ ^. P, ^ drawn. Sold as the property of Josh- ua Rowe, deceased, late of Crawford county, for the bene- July 25 HARMON ROWE, - Admrs. 43 honorable Inferior Court of Crawford county, when sitting for ordinary purpose’, for leave to sell all the No- groes belonging to the Estate of Samuel Bradey, deceased, WILLIAM B "WHITE Jaie of Muscogee county. THOMAS BOZEMAN, Ex’r. Oct 24 .. —* MaCON COUSTY.—Inferior Court, iu Chambers. To all whom it may concern, all or any - . , , , .. . - T person holding orders drawn on the county ofMacon.infa- ALES.-OneNegro Man, by the name fin, for ordinary purpose* for leave lo ! vor of Gre3 , m „, Butler, arc -equested to present said or F OUR months afterdate, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Butts county, when sit- July 25 G - ' EORGIA I HARMON ROWE. • Admrs ^ York, ab n»t -jiJ years old | and Millev and her two chil- Negroes belonging to tlie Estate uf John A-Malone, deceas- «!**• Jim nod Joe ; levied on as the property of Young G. ed, late of Butts county. _ , **lone. jo satisfy one mortgage fi fa in favor of John Grie-, MARTHA MALONE, Ex rx. of Eiix;*betTii C. Dennis, vs Young G Malone. Negro Man, by tlie name of Ezekiel, about 30 ■J* 1 V*old; levied on as the property of Jame- Brndv, to one mortgage fi fa in favor of John Grier, Exr. of ' jw^bc. Dennis vs. James Brady. Property pointed ‘’""■••id mortgage fife. JOHN ANDREWS, D. Shff. . 1 Oct 17 THOMAS B. BUBFORD, BRITTON BUTTRILL, i E ders to the county Treasurer on or before the first Monday iu November next, as the court is unxious to effect a settle ment on said orders, an4 it is ordered by the court that this HOUSTON LANDS FOIS SAFE. \TT1LL be sold on the first Tuesday in v T December next, at the Court House in Perry, Houston County, the Plantation, belong ing to the Estate of Robert Coleman deceas- ed, containing 7 lets of Pine Land, about 650 hich is cleared; the Lands are good and level, tlie location is desirable, about 20 miles from Macon,in a most excellent neighborhood, with every improvement con venient. Upon the premises, there is a pretty good frame dwelling, Ac Ac.; these lauds are very desirable: persons wishing to purchase, would do well to look at this place be fore they buy. In addition, it possesses most excellent wa ter, and the whole tract is watered by a never failing stream, which runs through it Purchasers f re referred to Maj. N. H, Beal, or to Gen. Rutherford.or the subscribers on the premises. These lands are sold tinder the Will, and for the purpose of a final settlement of the Estate. WM M. POPE, I „ JNO. G. COLEMAN, j Dxrs. N. B. The Executors having been interested in the Sale last Fall, and to give satisfaction to all, it has been surren dered, and will again be sold as above. Sept. 19 51 Executors’ Sale of valuable property. P URSUANT to an order of the Inferior Court of Bibb county, siuing for Ordinary purposes. We shall offer for sale on the first Tuesday in December next, all the lands belonging to the estate of William Nixon deceased,to wit: 1,6:13 acres of land, more or less, lying within 3 or 4 miles of the citv ol Macon, on which is situated the plantation of the said deceased, this body of lands, (nearly all within the Macon Reserve,) are all well timbered, and considered ve ry productive—they will be sold in the quantities specified in the original grants. Aleo one swatnp lot, on west aide Ocmulgee river, about four miles from Macon, containing 98 acres more or this lot about 50 or CO acres clear ed and in cultivation, esteemed extremely fertile, one lot in Vittevilla unimproved, acres more or less, two brick tenements and the ground oil which they stand, in Wilson's Range, Macon, well calculated for business purposes. The sale made for the purpose of paying the debts, and distribu tion among the heirs of said estate. Terms which will be liberal, will be made known on the dav of sale. V. NIXON. Ext’x. J. D. WINN, Exor. Macon, Sept. 19. 1843. 51 G EORGIA. Bibb County.—Whereas. Armand Lefils, Junior, applies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of Allen L. Luce, deceased, late of said county : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred- and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at roy office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said let'ers should not be granted. Given under my ban"!, at office, this 2d Oct. 1843. • * BENJ. E. MYRICK, c c o G EORGIA, Crawford County.—Whereas. Francis H. Mardock applies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of SarahTanner, deceased, late of said county: | hese are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu- j Passengers 5 c. pr. mile, (children under l’.’ys. A sertts. half price, Cotton per bale, (round or square) not exceeding 400 lbs. weight,.. Cotton per bale, (round or square, over 400 lbs. per 100 lbs Boxes, bales, and all measurement goods,.'...... per cubic foot, Sugar, Coffee, Rice. Iron, Hardware, and all other articles that go by weight, '. .per 100 lbs. Hogsheads and Pipes of Liquor,...,.... each. Hogsheads^ Molasses and Oil, * each. Barrels of Liquor, Fish, Beef, Pork, Lime, Ac each, Barrels of Molasses and Oil, each, Bis. of Flour, Potatoes, Fruit, Onions, and all other light bis. each, J bis. Pork, Fish, Liquor, Ac. A all Kegs of 10 gals. A upwards, each, l bis. Flour, Fruit, Potatoes, Ac..., each, Salt in sacks not exceeding four bushels each, Salt in sacks over tour bushels, per bushel, Corn, Wheat, Meal, and all other grain in bags,... per bushel, Colton Bagging per piece. Boxes of Soap, Candles, Ac. or common size each, Brooms in bundles,.................................per dozen. Backets, Collars, Scythes, Shovels A Spades,Sifters, Ac.perdozen, Chairs,. per dozen. Boxes'Fruit, Cigars, Ac ... .each, All small packages not weighing 10J lbs. nor measuring 2 feet, each. Blacksmith's Bellows,......; each. Potatoes, Apples, Ac per bushel, Demijohns, Jugs, Jars. Ac. not over two gallons, each, Demijohus, Jugs, Jars, Ac. over two gallons....,,. each, Ploughs, each. Bales of Hay and Fodder, not over 400 lbs '....each, Four Wheel Carriages ; ....each, Two Wheel Carriages, each. Post and Stage Coaches and Road Wagons,... each, Lumber, sawed and hewed,-per 1,000 feet,...'............ Wood per cord, LIVE STOCK. Hogs, '. per head, Oxen and Beef Cattle, ....per head, Horses .... per head. Sheep. Goals, Calves,aud Dogs,............per head. Turkeys and Geese in coop3, ».per head, Ducks and Chickens in coops per head, Special contracts may be made with tlie Superintendant of Transportation, for Freight, on llie following articles, when in large quantities, viz: Horse-. Hogs, Cattle, Lumber, Wood. Brick, or Stoue, Ac. Ac. Planters or Farmers are allowed lo pass free of charge, for passage, when accompanying llie produce o r their own farms to market. , - , Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, destined for the interior of this State, Tennessee, or-Alabama, consigned to tlie Agent of this Company, at Macon, will be received ami forwarded from any point of this Road, by wagons, to their place of des tination, free of chat ge for Storage or Forwarding. Colton, Merchandize, or Produce, of any description, will he received by the Company’s Agents, at Griffin, Bartlesville, or Forsyth, and forwarded direct to Savannah, free of any charge, other than tlie regular rates of Transportation. Ar rangements must be made in all instances, for die payment of Freight und expenies, with dm Company's Agent at Ma con, or nt the Depot where the gootls are received or delivered. The attention of Merchants and Planters, is solicited to tlie advantages offered them under the above arrangements, for shipping their Produce to Market, and obtaining their supplies, through this channel of communication with the seaboard. The Central Rail-Road is now completed and in operation, from Savannah to iviihiu 2{ miles of our Depot, ami will bo completed to Macon early this fall. This Road is in daily operation to Griffin. 60 miles above .Macon ; and, by the first of December, will be opened for Business to Leakville;21 miles above Griffin; and to life junction widt the Western ami Atlantic Rail Road, early next spring. That portion of the Road originally laid with die thin plate Rail, has been rebuilt this summer, and laid with heavy flange Rail, and the whole Road from Macon to Griffin, is now in good order for business. Merchants living in the upper part of tlie State, will find it decirtedly to tlieir interest, to ship tlieir goods by way i f Savannah, over the Central and this Itail-Road c'onsigned to our A gents, as goods can he hauled from Bat ticsville or Griffin, to Columbus, for 45 a 50 cents per 100 pounds, or any other partofthe country at proportionable rates. ciately, unless otherwise ordered. J. 1>. fi RAY, 25 30 40 25 30 40 1 00 1 SO 2 00 25 25 25 25 >. 25 251 50 75 1 00 5 G 7 25 25 25 25 50 50 25 25 37 50 75 88 1 00 2 00 3 00 75 1 25 1 63 2 00 3 501 5 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 1 00 2 00 25 38 45 1 50 2 00 2 50| 2 00 3 00 4 00 25 33 45 3 3 4 2 2 2} 50 All goods will be sent forward immediately, unless otherwise ordered. August 22, 1843. 47 Agent and rintendant of Trarsportati IHssoIulion. rj^HE Partnership between the undersigned, in the Prac- of L Our joint attention d business. Knoxville, Oct 20, 1843. lissolved, by mutual consent. *s wiil be given to ail unfinish- GKO. tt. HUNTER. TI10S. C. HOWAltD. W ANTED, h October T Centra! fi2:iiak Yolc* TII03. TAYLOR. NEW BOOK STORE 0.\ COTTO.V AVENUE, Two doors above Messrs. J. II. A. XV. S. ELLIS’ BRIG STORE. J. BARGES, H AVING MOVED to tlie above .Stand, offers to tit public, a large Stock of BOOKS, ST.lTSOX\lRJ', BLANK BOOKS, &c. &c. CHEAP FOR CASH. Macon, Ofct. 4,1843. 2 F Exchange on Ycw-York, OR sale by TJ10S. TAYLOR. October 3 1 AUCTION AND Cosm;;iM«sioi» Business. rBIllE undersigned will continue the above business, a’ X »uc ’ - - iHJ To Rent, A D\\ SLLIJ’G house tt, Cr.urt Hossc Square* Also two Rooms over the subscribers Sture. Pos session given first of October next. CHAj. CAMPBELL A Co. | 1 jept.26 I 1843 1 My connection witli the firm of Re (tY, having ceased on the 1st July la.-t [ that period been continued by Mr. 5 own account, for whom I would respc uance of the patronage so generously I firm, having every confidence, that an j to his charge, will meet with strict Ett Sept. 26, 1343. 52 J. T. ROWLAND. WL.tXD A Saulso!* , the business has from . T. Rowland on Lii ictfully solicit a contiib extended lo the late y business entrusted L. SAtTtSBURY. Fot Rent, A HOUSE in Vineville, occupied by H. J !^ 0 --a. il, llebhaid. Possession given tlus 1st • of October next. Apply to E. B. WEED. Sept. 19, 51 Bibb inferior September F OR the purpose of ascertainin' by the courtly of Bibb. It is oi holding demands against the county passed, l, are notified to present the Court, on or before the first Month registered in a book, to be kept Itisjurther ordered, that this! week in the Messenger and Toh*_: that no order be hereafter imid 0c|3l Flour. CHGIdE article of FLOUR^for sale by Oct 13 . F.xrs 1-,* j,• ji.!i~h<■ -! i” tlie (jeorcia Mes.-engci and Macon Teie- lar, the kindred and creditors of said drccase-1. to lit* an l p?'* graph weekly for one mouth. _ appear at my office, within tlie time prescribed by law. to jjii$ V* Mul A true extract from the mtnntcs of tho Inferior Court.— shew cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should not Parker, i H. C. FREEMAN. Septetnbet 9th, 1843. I» GILBERT C. CARMICHAEL, Cl'k i, •. be grantud. ' t _ »“jr' ■ Given under mv hand, this 30th Sept. 1843. a. XV. DBXNIS, « e o For Sale or Rent, THE HOUSE and LOT in the suburbs of the City, formerly the residence of A. It. McLaughlin, Esq. The Lot contains four acres, and on it is an Orchard of well selected »Fruit. Apply to D. C. CAMPBELL. Macon. Sept. 19,1843. 51 To Kent, ^NE ltrilf of tit a t It >tig and commodious store on Mulberry street, formerly occupied by Win. 14. ned atilv opposite die Central Ilo'el. Por Terms apply to * M. 5. THOMSON. 2«th,1843,* 5*2 within that iimt shown. day of Septen Sept. 19 , or by Court, ) Term. j) what is llie amount due dered, that all persons in the shape of “ orders m to the Cietk of this y it. November next, to for that purpose, ule be published once a, a ph, until that lime, and* !crol the Couit,orcause esufthe Court, this 12tb J. E. JEFFERS. Clerk I. Bagging', Slope, aitd Twine 500 PS. Superior liOO p?. Hear 5,000 lbs. Manr 500 lbs.Bagg Just received and fi ■Baecm ee Bags Ralston's Bt “>S«« 15 [idin Gumi\ Dund la Bale Rope.' ” ng Twine. r sale at low prices, by Tilomas tavlor. ; 5 - nc« de ir to Branch -hate