Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, November 14, 1843, Image 4

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THE 51ACOW GEORGIA TEX E GRAPH. 3)u&Uc Sake. Hull- niTmuhrr Mills'-. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court-House door in Jackson, Butts county, within the legal hours of sale, 330 acres of Land, in the 1st District of originally Henry, now Butts county. Lot No. 196. and a part of Lot No. 195; levied on as the property of William Stroud, deceased, by virtue of two fi fas from Butts Superiot Court, one in favor of the Justices of the Inferior Court of Butts county, and the other in favor of William Allison ; both against Bath- sheba Stroud, Executrix of William Stroud, deceased. Property pointed out by Henry S. Mays.. Also, 997 acres of Land, more orl-sa. in Butts county. Nos. not known; levied on as the property of Bartholomew Still, to satisfy u G fa from Butts Superior Court, in favor of Sterling S. Jenkins. Admr. of Willis C. Jenkins, deceas ed, vs. Bartholomew Still. Property pointed oat by def''t- Also, 101$ acres of Land, more or less, in the 1st District of originally Henry, now Butts connty; levied on a* the S roperty ot John Phillips, to satisfy a mortgage G fa from lutts Superior Court, in favor of Robert G. Duke vs. John Phillips. Property pointed out in said root tgage G fa. Also, two Lots, in the town of Jackson, Burts county, in cluding a Store House and Shoe-Maker’s Shop. Nos. 1 and 5, in Square No. 3; levied on to satisfy two G fas from Butts Superior Court, one in favor of Thomas F. Millner. William H. Haxe'ip, Hannibal N. Millner, and George W. Clanton, vs. Andrew J. Wilson and Leroy McMichael, and one in favor of Asa Bnttrill vs. Andrew J. Wilson, Leroy McMichael, John It. Wilson, Benjamin F. Tucker, and P. M. Compton; levied on as the property of Andrew J. Wil son and Leroy McMichael. Also, one Horse, Baggy and Harness ; levied on ns the property of Andrew J. Wilson, to satisfy a fi fa from Butts Superior Court, in favor of Israel Lash and Thos. B. Lash vs. said Wilson. Also, 19 Stage Horses, one Stage Coach, and 8 pair of Harness; levied on as the property of William Fuller, to satisfy four G fas from the Cimrt of Common Pleas .City of Augusta, one in favor of John M. Barksdale, Admr of James L. in favor of Joint C. Stokes, one in favor of Jeremiah McMullin, and one in favor of Mepril P. Callaway, vs. said William Fuller. Property pointed oat by plaintiffs’ attorneys. Also, three Negroes, Ginny. a woman, and her two chil dren, Allen and one not named; levied on as the property of William Stroud, deceased, by virtue of a G fa from Butts Superior Court, in favor of David J. Baily . vs Bathsheba Stroud, Executrix of William Stroud, deceased. Proper ty pointed out by defendant. Also, 230 acres of Land, more or less, in *tbe 3d District oforiginnlly Monroe, now Butts county; levied on as the property o! Henry Partiah, Daniel Parrish. Thomas Par rish, Leroy M. Wilev, Thomas P. Norris. Hugh R. Banks, and John It. Marshall, the Grm of Leroy M. Wiley, Par rish & Co.; Horatio Miller. Samuel P. ttjpley, George N, superior Court vs. Leroy if. Wiley. Parrish ft Co. and Miller, Rip ley ft Co. Property pointed out by the Officers. POSTPONED SALE.—Also, 50 acres „f Lot No. 32, in the 4th District of Butts county; lev ed on ns the proper ty of Thomas Bearden, to satisfy anndry G fas issued from a Justice's Court of said county, in favor of Y. R. Norris vs. Thomas Bearden, and others. Oct31 5 JOHN ANDREWS, D. Shfl. Witt be told, at the tame time and place, 566 acres of Land, Nos. not known, where the defendant now lives; levied on at the property of Thomas J. Carson, to satisfy a G fa from Bails Superior Coart, in favor of JVil liam J. Head vs. said Carson. Also, 101$ acres of Land, No. not known ; levied on as the property of James Higgins, to satisfy two 6 fas from Butts Superior Court, one in favor of Robert G. Duke, and the other in favor of Robert Douglass vs. Janies Higgins, Also, one black horse Mule; levied on as the property of Joseph Higgins, to satisfy a 6 fa from Butts Superior Court, in favor of Francis D. Fanning vs. Joseph Higgins. Also, 202J acres of Land ; levied on as the property of William McElbaney, to satisfy a mortgage G fa fiom Butts Superior Court, in favor of Harriet McClendon. Adminis tratrix of William McClendon, deceased, vs. William Mc Elhaney. Propertv pointed out in said mortgage G fa. Oct 31 5 GRIFFIN C. McMICHAEL. D. S. ■tint- December llorlgagc Mule. P OSTPONED SALE.—Willbe sold,on the first Tues day in DECEMBER next, before the Court-Honse door in Jackson, Butts county, within the legal sale bonrs, One Negro Boy, by the name of David, about 18 years of age; Jordan, a boy, about 13 years old ; Maria, a girl about 9 years old; and Betsy, a girl, about 7 ye#* old; levied on as* the property of John B. McRight, to satisfy two mortgage G fas in favor of Wm. Jarrell vs. John B. McRight. Prop erty pointed oat in said mortgage G fas. The above proper ty to be sold for specie. JOHN ANDREWS,D.Shff. Sept 26,1813. 1 lion-ton December Mortgage Male-. CX7TLL be sold, on the Grst Tuesday in DECEMBER T v next, before the Court-House door in Perry, Hous ton county, within the legal hoars of sale, One Bay Horae. 1 yoke of Oxen, 1 Piano Forte. 3 Milch Cows and Calves, 1 Ox Cart, 1 Bureau, 1 small Table, and £ Maple Reed-Bottomed Chairs; all levied on as the prop erty of Ed ward A. Harvey, to satisfy one mortgage 6 fa from Houston Inferior Court, in favor of Elizabeth Rndd, Administratrix of Wm. H. Rndd, dec’d. vs. said Edward A. Harvey, Property pointed out in said mortgagee fa. Also, Rebecca, a Woman; Seneca, a boy; Mentions, a boy; Americus, a boy; Tempy, a girl; Phillis, a girl; Fort; a boy; Antes, a woman; Auicos, a boy; Hannah a girl; and Newton,a boy; all levied on as the property of John Tomlinson, by virtue of a mortgage 6 fa, returnable to the next Inferior Court of Houston connty, issued on the foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor of William Haddock vs. Elijah Butts, Adm’r. on the Estate of said John Tomlinson, deceased; (said mortgage made by said Tomlinson in his life time.) Also, Isaac, Joe, Tyra, Mary, Hollis, Susy, and Fanny; all levied on as the property of Washington R. Bradwell, by virtue of a mortgage h fa issued from the Inferior Court of said county, on the foreclosureof a mortgage in favor of Isaac Bradwell, jr. and Thomas Bradwell vs. said Wash ington R. Bradwell. Also, Hannah and her infant child, and Charlotte, a wo man; levied on as tba property of Murdock McCaskill, by virtue of a mortgage 6 fa issued from the Inferior Court of said county, in favor of John McMillan, by his guardian, Murdock McCaskill, va. said Murdock McCaskill. Also, Jack, a man; levied on as the property of Murdock McCaskill, by virtue of a moitgage G fa issued from the In- ferior Court of said county, in favor of Archibald Bine vs. ■aid Murdock McCaskill. Oct 3 1 GEO. M. DUNCAN, Shff. 117// be told, at the tame time and place, One Negro Woman, named Malinda, about 26 years old, and her two children, Daniel, about 6 years old, noil Han- lion-ton December Males. W ILL be sold, on the Grst Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court-House door in Perry, Hous ton county, within the legal hours of sale. One Lot of Land, containing 175 acres, more or less, be ing the place whereon Joseph and William Ellis now lives, adjoining the lands of l’ortlock Thompson and Needham Smith, in the 11th D.-'rict; levied on ns the property of Jo seph nnd William Ellis, to satisfy sundry ti fas from a Jus tice's Court of Houston county, in favor of Alinaia Brunson vs. Shenard Barden, principal, Joseph Ellis, William Ellis, nnd Thomas Ellis, security. Levy made and returned by n constable. Also, 90 acres of Land, whereon Thomas Reddick used to live; also, 100 seres of Land, more or less, adjoining the lands of Mathew Sykes, Nos. not known; 4 I ead of Cattle; 2 Hogs; 1 large Chest; and some other articles, too tedious to mention ; levied on as the property of Thomas Reddick, to satisfy a 6 fa issued from Houston Superior Conrt, in fa vor of Thomas P. Stubbs vs. said Tkomaa Reddick, Tho mas Dawkins, and Isaac Williams. Oct 31 C WM. HERRINGTON^. Shff. Will be told, at the tame time and place. Two Lots of Land. Nos. 287 and 286. and part of No. 303, all lying in the 13th District of Houston connty; all levied on as the property of Jamas M. Dye, as Trustee of Alexander J., to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Jus- tice’a Court of Burke county, in favor of Mark Tarver vs. James M. Dye. Trustee for Alexander J. Nowland. Also. Lot of Land No. 161, in the Ctb District of Hous ton county; levied on ns the property of Thomas J. Hand, to satisfy one fi fa issued from Muscogee Superior Court, in favor of Henry Hand vs. said Thomas J. Hand. Oci31 G GEORGE M. DUNCAN. 8hff. a?n*lfc Sales* Dull- January Male*. \\TILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY ▼ T next, before the Coart-House door in Jackson, Butts county, within the legal hours of sale, 3 Lots, including the Indian Spring Hotel# of two acres each; the Lot on which the Billiard House formerly stood, all on the Indian Spring Reserve. A’ so, the following Ne groes: David, 20 years old; Gabriel, 18; Jim, 15; Jack, 12; Ephraim. 8; Sarah, 30; Lydia, 25; Susan, 13; and Mark, 4. Also, 100 Beds and Mattresses and furniture for the same; one hnndrod Bedsteads, some of them fine; fifty small Tables; twelve large Dining Tables; a large quantity of Breakfast and Dinner Plates; Knives and Forks; Table and Tea Spoons; Casters, Salts. &c.; Pitch ers, Dishes, and Steak Dishes; 1 Piano Forte; Mantle Furniture; 2 Clocks; 1 large Centre Table; 1 small do; 2 Sofas; 2 dozen five Sitting Chairs; 3 large Looking Glass es; 1 Carpet; 3 dozen Sitting Chairs; 150 common do; a quantity of Wash Bowls ami Pitchers for rooms; a large quantity of Looking Glasses for roomS; a quantify of Bar room‘Furniture*. Lamps, cco.; Irons, Shovels, and Tongs; Kitchen Furniture, consisting of a large quantity of Cook ing Utensils; 3 Bureaus, and 1 set Dining Tables; «U-lev ied on as the property of Henry Dillon, to satisfy 5 fi fas from the Superior Court, and 6 from the Inferior Court of Butts county, in favor of Thomas C. Nisbet, Administrator of John Nisbet, deceased, vs. Henry Dillon and John C. Watters; 2 in favor of James Wakeman, bearer, vs. Hen- rv Dillon ; Harvey S. Hoadly vs. Henry Dillon; William Maxev vs. Henry Dillon; Maxey ft Bartlett vs. Henry Dil lon ; Charles F.'Newton and William V. Barney vs. Hen ry Dillon; David Elder vs. Henry Dillon; Charles Camp bell & Co. vs. Henry Dillon; Robert G. Duke vs. Henry Dillon; and William White vs. Henry Dillon. MORTGAGE SALES.—One Negro Man, by the name of York, about 26 years ; and Milley and her two chil dren, Jim nnd Joe; levied on as the property of Young G. Malone, to satisfy one mortgage fi fa in favor of John Grie-, Exr. of Elizabeth C. Dennis, vs./Young G. Malone. Also, one Negro Man, by the name of Ezekiel, about 30 years old; levied on as the property of James Brady, to satisfy one mortgage fi fa in favor of John Grier, Exr. of Elizabeth C. Dennis, vs. James Brady. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. - -. Oct 31 5 JOHN ANDREW8, D. Shff. Crawford December Male. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court-House door in Knoxville, Crawford caumy, within the legal hoars of sale, 202$ acres of Land, No. 1G, in the 2J District cf original ly Houston, now Crawford county, and 50 acres of Lot No. 19, in the 2d District of originally Houston, now Crawford county, it being the North-West corner of said Lot; levied on as the property of Daniel Newton, to satisfy a fi fa in fa vor of David Lockhart, Admr. and Adaline Amos, Admrx. of E. M. Amos, deceased, vs. said Daniel Newton. Oct 31 5 THOMAS ANDREWS, D.Shff. IVill be told, at the tame time and place. One Negro Girl, by the name ofTenab, about 18 years old; levied on as the property of RobertS. Winn, to satis fy sundry ft fits issued from a Justice's Court of said county, jn favor of Smith Brewer and others. Properly levied on and returned to me by a constable. Oct 31 5 E. H. HICKS, Sbff. Crawford December .Moi-lgngc Mule-. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, before the Court-Houre door in Knoxville, Crawford county, within the legal hours of sale, One LotofLand,No.233, containing2021 acres, more or less; also, one-third of Lot No- 220, all in the first District of originally Houston, now Crawford county; levied on as the property of \\ illiainR. Heard, admr. on ihe Estate of Ephraim Heard, deceased, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of Archi bald Gray. Property pointed out in said mortgage. Also, one Lot of Land, Is o. 55, in the first District of ori ginally Houston, now Crav.'ford County, containing 202$ a- i res, more or less,- levied on by virtue nfi mortgage fi fa issued from the Superior Court of snid oouniv, as the prop erty of Jorhua Ellis, in favor of Na than Respass. Properly pointed out in raid mortgage. Sept26,1813. 54 ' E. 11 HICKS, Shff. Cratrfonl Jjannary mortgage Male. ysTTriLL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY 7 T next, before the Court-House door - in Knoxville, Crawford county, within the legal hours of sale, 2021 acres of Land, No. 154, in the 7th District of origin ally Houston, now Crawford county; levied on to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of Bund "ft Murdock vs. John A. Kniglit. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. Oct31 5 THOMAS ANDREWS,D. Shff. Administrator’s Sale. "VSTILL be sold on tlie first Tuesday in DECEMBER T T next, before the Conrt house door in the county of Dooly, in legal hours. The interest of William Stieetman deceased, in lot of land No. 82, in the 2d district of said county. Sold nnder an order of the conrt of Ordinary oi Crawford connty, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Win. Street- man, deceased. EBBEB.T M. DAVIS, Adm’r. Sept.ll. 1843. 50 Executrix -Sale. A GREEABLE to an order of the Hon. Inferior Court xjL of Jones county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold at the conrt-hoose door of Crawford connty, in the town of Knoxville..on the first Tuesday in December next, to the highest bidder, lot No. 11, containing one third of an acre, more or less, together with the improvements thereon, all lying in the town of Knoxville—sold as a • part of the real estate of John Simmons deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of thedec’d. Terms of sale on the day. Sept.4,1843. 50 MARTHA SIMMONS. Exr’x. Administrator’,, Sale. T3URSUANT to the last Will and Testament of Arthur ST Tull, deceased, late of Houston county, will be sold, at the late residence of said deceased in said county, on Sa turday, the' 16tlt day of DECEMBER next, 2 Horses. 1 Gin. 1 Yoke of Oxen, Stock Cattle and Hogs, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Farming Utensils, ftc. ftc. Sale for the purpose of distribution among the Legatees. Terms on the day. JOHN PERDE W, Admr Oct 31 5 De bonis non. with the Will annexed. Administrator’s Sale. "I XT’ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY 7 T next, before the Court-House door in Knoxville, Crawford couuty, within the legal hours of sale, one Negro Woman, belonging to the Estate of Joshua Ellis, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms on the day. Oct 31 5 E. W. DENNIS, Admr. Administrator’!* stale. NSX7TLL be sold, on the first Tuesdav in JANUARY Tt next, before the Court-House door in Knoxville, Crawford county, within the legal hours of sale, two Negro Men, Tom and Isaac, and two thirds of Lot of Land No. 18, in the Old Agency Reserve, on the West side of Flint Riv. er, belonging to the Estate of William Bowden, deceased. Sold for uielteDefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. Terms on the day. Oct 31 5 GREGORY J. TURNER. Admr. Administrator’s! ."Sale. TJURSUANT to the last Will and Testament of Arthur JL Tull, deceased, late of Houston county, will be sold, on the first Toesday in JANUARY next, before the Court- House door in Perry, in said county, within the legal hoors of sale, one Negro Man,named Blount, about 28 years old, and a Negro GirJ, named Amanda, about 18 years old. To be sold tor the purpose of distribution among the Legatees. Terms on the day. - JOHN PERDEW, Admr. Oct 31 5 De bonis non. with the Will annexed. Administintor’s Male. T3IJR5UANT to an order of the Inferior Court of Hous- JL ton County, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold, at Perry, before the Court-House door of said connty, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY, next within tlie usnsl hoars of sale, the following property, te wit:—Lot of Land No. 11, in the 14ib district of Houston, containing 202$ acres, more or less, (subject to the widow’s Dower. Also three Negroes, the same being the property of Fran cis Allen, deceased—sold for the benefit of the heirs aqd creditors of said deceased. Terms on tlie day. Oct. 31 5 JNO. D. WINN, Admr. Administrator’* Salt*. A GREEABLY to an order of the Inferior Court of XTL Houston countv, when silting for ordinary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, be fore the Court-Hoase door in Perry, Houston county, with in the legal hours of sale. Lot of Land No. 130, in the 14th District of Houston connty, containing 202$ acres, more or less, belonging to the Estate of William M. Powell, deceas ed, late of said county. Sold for the benefit of die heirs and creditors of said deceased. Sold subject to the widow’s dower. Terms cash. Oct 24 4 WM. McKENZIE, Admr. Administrator’* Male. TTIURSUANT to an order of the Inferior Conrt of Hous- JL ton County, when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will he sold on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the Conn-House of said County, within the legal hours of sale, the following lots of land, to wit: Numbers 311,312, and 319, in the original 13th district of said County, as the property oftbe estate of John J. Caller, deceased. To be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors—terms on the dav. GEO. F. RILEY, Admr., de bonis non. Oct. 24 4 Adminiitraior’* Male. tSTirlLL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY f J next,before the Court-House door in Perry, Houston county, within the legal hours of sale,the following Negroes, to wit: Eaton a man, about 45 years old, and Isaac, a man. about 40 years oi l Isold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Jos je Doles, deceased—agreeably to an order of the Conrt of Ordinary. Terms on the dav o*" sale. Sept 26.1843. 52 THOMAS DOLES. Admr. Aduiiniftti*aloi**» Sale. *VM7"ILL be sold, 00 the first Tuesday in JANUARY ™ vest, before the Court Hoove door in Macon, Bibb county, within the lesol hours of sale, one Negro Man, by the name of George, belongin" to the Estate of Hamilton Atchison, deceased, late nt Bibb county. Bold for the ben efit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Nov 1 6 S. B. HUNTER, Admr. AiliminiNlrnloi-’a Male, mill Krgrocs to IIIi-c. A GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary of jTJL Bibb county,will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JAN UARY next, before the Court-House door in Macon, Bibb connty, within the legal hours of sale, 380 acres of Land, more or less, lying in the 3d District of originally Houston, now Bibb county, on the road leading from Macon to Tho maston. well improved. Also, two Negroes—a woman, 45 years old. and a man, 25 years old. Sold as tlie property of Simon Parker, deceased,* for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. ffj* Will be Hired,at the same time and place, FOUR NEGROES—two men ft two women. Terms on the day. Oct 24 4 JOHN B. PARKER, Admr. JBxcciiiors’ Sale. XX7’fl‘L he sold, at the late residence of John A. Ma- T T lone, deceased, in Bhtts coupty, on Friday, the first day of DECEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Household and Kuchen Furniture, and various other articles too tedious to mention. Terms of sale made known on the dav, MARTHA MALONE. Ex’rx. THOMAS B. BURFORD. >» . Oct 17 3 BRITTON BUTTRILL, S 2U0al Notices. F OUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Houston county, when sit ting fur ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Laud and Negroes belonging to the'Estate of John Tomlinson, de ceased, late of said county. July 25,1843. 43 ELIJAH BUTTS. Admr. I GRAVES & KIBBEE CONTINUE the WARE HOUSE and COMMIS- SION BUSINESS—are prepared at all times to mako Advances on Cotton in Store, or shipment to any market desired, and solicitacominaanceofpatronage. Macon, August 2*, 1843. 49 5AOUR months after date, application will be made to If 1 the Inferior Conn of Warren county, when silting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell all the Land and Ne groes, on Greenbrier, in Clark county, adjoining S. Bras well and others; it being the estate of Richard Beasley, de ceased late of Warren county; for the purpose of a division among the heirs of said Estate. . ROBERT BEASLEY, Admr. Macon, August 15th", .1843. 4G TTlOUIt months after date, application will be made to the fi? honorable Inferior Court of Dooly connty. when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a Tract of Land, be- longing to the Estate of Thomas Knight, deceased. WM. M. S. HOUGHTON. Admr. August 15,1843. 46 F OUR Months after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Butts County, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell one negro wo- mm, belonging to the estate of Nancy McClendm,'dec’d. Sept. 71843.- 50. JOHN GOODMAN. Executor TJNOURtnonths after date, application will be made to if the honorable Inferior Court of Bibb county, when sit- ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell one house and lot in the town of Thomaston, Upson county, as the proper ty of Sterling P. Lynn, deceased, for the purpose of execu ting titles to said Sterling F. Lynn’s bond that is out for ti tles to the same. ROBERT BEASLEY, Adm’r. Macon, Sept. 4. 49 in tile P URSUANT to an order of the Inferior Court of Bihb county, sitting for Ordinary purposes. We shall offer for sale on the first Tuesday in December next, all the lands belonging to the estate of William Nixon deceased, to wit: 1,C33 acres of land, more or less, lying within 3 or 4 miles of the city of Macon, on which is situated the plantation of ihesaid deceased, this body of land*, (nearly all within the Macon Reserve,) are all w ell timbered, and considered ve ry productive—they will be sold in the quantities specified in the original grants. Also one swamp lot, on west side Ocmulgee river, abont four miles from Macon, containing 98 acres more or less,on this lot about 59or 60 acres clear ed and in cultivation, esteemed extremely fertile, one lot in Vineville unimproved, acres more or less, two brick tenements and the ground on which they stand, in Wilson’s Range,Macon, well calculated for business purposes. The sale made for tlie purpose of paying the debts, nnd distribu tion among the heirs of said estate. Terms which will be liberal, will be made known on the day of sale. P, NIXON. Ext’x. Macon, Sept. ID, 1843. 51 J. D. WINN, Exor. F OUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court of Houston county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real and person- al property, oelonging to the estate of Moses Roundtree, late of said county, deceased—for the-benefit of the heirs and creditors. - , SEABORN C. BRYAN, Adm’r. August 30 - 49 I T! OUR months after date, application will be made to * the honorable Inferior Court of Dooly county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to the Estate of Hardy Royal. .Turn, deceased. MOSES PlfcKIN. I ... JOHN C. ROYAL. J Admr Sept. 4th, 1843. 51 F OUR months after date, application will be made-to the honorable Inferior Court of Butts county, when sit ting for ordiuary purposes, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the Estateuf John A. Malone, deceas ed, late of Butts county. MARTHA MALONE, Ex’nt. THOMAS B. BURFORD, . Oct 17 3 BRITTON BUTTRILL, $ F OUR months after date, application will be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Twiggs county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to the Estate of Robins Andrews, deceased, late of Twiggs county. ISIIAM G. ANDREWS, ^ Admrs Oct 10 JOS. B. ANDREWS, C X EORG1A, Crawford County.—Whereas, John Jones JT applies to me for letters of Administration on the Es tate of Diannah Hester, deceased, late of said county: _ ’1 hese are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 3d Nov. 1843. 6 E. W. DENNIS, c c o G EORGIA, Houston County.—Whereas, Ezekiel H. Adams applies for letters of Administration on the Estate of John McKenzie, Jr., deceased, late of said county: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appearat my office, within the time prescribed by law to snowcaose (if any they have.) why said letters thnuld not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 24th day of Oct., 1843. 5 BRYANT B ATTON, c. c. o. THREE VALUABLE PLANTATIONS FOR SALE. T HE PLANTATION in the first District of Dooly connty. nine miles below Travellers’ Rest, near the road to Drayton, known as Hines’ Pond Place. It consists of 1,100 acres of very superior Land—800 under fence, but little of which has been cultivated more than three years. No expense or pains was spared in erecting upon the place the necessary buildings. Dwelling Honse, Overseer's and. Negro Cubbins, Gin-House, Barn, Cribs. Fodder Houses, Stables, ftc. all new and in fine order. Bat few places have been so thoroughly or well improved, or can offer to many inducements to the planter as this—among them, pure free stone water, not often found in the low country. Thus far, it has proven entirely healthy, and will doubtless continue' so, as the neighborhood has for many years been almost en tirely exempt from sickness. Persons wishing to purchase or rent, can examine the place, by calling on Jobo S. Tho mas or William S. Hamel, Esqs. residing near, who will have the place shown to them; or for further particulars, the undersigned would refer to T. G. Holt,* James Dean, Esqs. Dr. C. West, Macon, or R. K. Hines. Esq. Albany. Also, the VALUABLE PLANTATION in Pulaski county, 5 miles from Ilawkiusville, known gs the Collier Place, containing 1,600 acres of fine Land, with about 209 acres of open Land,a good comfortable frame Dwelling.out bouses, and a two-story framed Grist Mill, with two pair of stones, and a Saw Mill in complete order. Both Mills are situated on a never-failing stream, entirely new, and in com plete repair.' This is a desirable and healthy location, and cannot fail to please such as are in pursuit of a valuable Plantation, with a Grist and Saw Mill, and every thing at tached for the convenience of farming. Also, the PL Monroe county, known as the Rutherford Place, 10 miles from Macon, adjoining the lands of Needham Mims and John Powers. This place contains 600 acres of fine Land, most of which is cleared and under good fencing, a comfortable Dwelling, Negro Cabins, Gin-House, ftc. ftc. situated on an elevated site, within 3 or 400 yards of the Monroe Rail-Road, and is considered en tirely healthy. This place, with a little, improvement, is susceptible of being ouc of the handsomest locations in Georgia. For terms, apply to A P. PATRICK, Or in his absence, to James Deak, 1 T G. Holt, or > Macon. Nov 6.1833 6 G. M. Logan, Esqs.) JUST RECEIVED, AT THE PEOPLE S STORE, £}r$rk DOZEN White, Black, and Slate Cotton Hose, at 4V/U 12J cents a pair; Handsome Black Broad Cloth, at $2,75 a yard; 200 pieces Bird's-Eye Diaper, at 12$ beats a yard ; 600 dozen Spool Cotton, manufactured from I Island Colton, (200 yards,) al 50 cents a dozen; 10,000 yards Homespuns, ai 20 yards to the dollar; 10,000 yards Prims, some beautiful patterns, at extremely low prices; high col- ored primed Velvets, for Ladies’dresses; Elegant Striped and Changeable Silks ; Black and Blue Black Satins; Im perial Lustres; Shasans,figured and striped ; Plain Change able Alpacas,for Ladies' dresses; Silk Shawls and Satin Cardinals ; Rob Roy and Net Shawls, of every deset iption; Fire Plain Straw and Tuscan Bonnets; Velvet Ribbons; Flowers, for out and inside Trimmings ; Kid Gloves; Silk and Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs ; Ladies’ Silk Cravats; Gentlemen’s Silk Cravats, of every description; Negro Kerseys; (Bankets ; Linseys; Kentucky Jeans; Satinetts; Bed Ticking; Apron Checks ; Cross Bar d Muslin; Swiss Muslin ; Furniture Dimity; French Dimity; together with a complete assortment of nil kinds of DRY-GOODS, which we will sell at the very lowest prices. 03* STORE on Mulberry street, under the Washington Hall. CRANE ft CLARE. Macon, Oct 24,1843. 4 Hamilton, Hardeman & Co. FACTORS AND General Commission JftercJum Is SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. August 29, 1843. 48 - THOMAS II. HARDEN, Commission Merchant, , SJI’./.r.rJH, GEOEGM.t, j! 8 prepared lo'execute all orders for selling and purchas-- ing Produce, and will make liberal Advances on all Produce consigned to him ( for sale. Refer to—Wm. Hearing ft Sons, Charleston. , Wilev, Lane ft Co. “ P. A. Lawson. Albany, Ga. R. K. Hines, Esq. “ - Rea & Cotton, Macon, Chas. Day & Co., “ Johnson, Jonf^s & Peck, Griffin, Beck, Dodbins.& Co. •• Kimbrough /HRidgway, Apalachicola, F Lockhart ft Young, “ Augu st 1,1843. 44 JOHN T. ROWLAND, Factor J Commission JtMerehant, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, N. B. —Particular attention will be given to Forwarding Produce and Merchandize. Opened for the Season, NEW EATING HOUSE, (Adjoining the Bowling Saloon,) B. S. NEWCOMB & CO. Proprietors, TITHE facilities afforded by the Central Rail Road, of a I daily communication with the seaboard, have induced the subscribers to open an Eating Establishment, to be conducted on a plan hitherto unknown in the interior. Their Splendid Saloon is open, on Mulberry street,in the building next below the Central Hotel. Having become Agents for W. Bransby ft Sons, of Sa vanna b, long and favorably known ns Oyster Gatherers, the subscribers are enabled to offer superior inducements in their line. They will receive daily supplies by the Rail-Road, and will be prepared to furnish OYSTERS in the shell, Do by the bushel,keg, or gallon, *. - Do pickled. FISH of all kinds that can be obtained in Savannah or vicinity. - CRABS and SHRIMPS, together with a constant supply of every description of sea food and game in their season. Epicures ana all lovers of the “ good things of this life.” are invited to call, partake, and judge foi themselves. PARTIES and CLUBS furnished at the shortest notice, 03= Meals served at all hours. 03* This Room is separate and distinct from the Bowling Saloon, TO FAMILIES. Every delicacy of the season can be procured in any quantity, as above. - - _ B. S.NEWCOMB ft CO. Macon, Octal, 1843 5 NEW STORE, WJHOM.ESMLE J1JVD liETallE. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Ma con, and surrounding country, that he has taken the Store on Secondstreet, adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Whiting ft Mix, a few doors above the Washington Hall; and is now opening a large and splendid assortment of AND It.lTTJEItS' of every description. His Stock comprises every article usually found in a Hat Store, manufactured expressly for this market; and from his facilities of obtaining constant supplies, fresh from the manufacturers, he is enabled to of fer many inducements to Cash purchasers. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. WANTED, Otter, .11 inI:, A' ttarroou Skins, for which a fair price will be paid. GEO. I. SHEPARD. Macon, Oct. 10,1843. 2 AUCTION AND Commission Business. T HE undersigned will continue the above business, at the stand occupied by Rowland ft Saulsbury. Sept. 26, 1843. ~ S. T. ROWLAND. My r, having ceased on the 1st July last, the business has from that period been continued by Mr. S. T. Rowland oo-his own account, for whom I would respectfully solicit a contin uance of the patronage so generously extended to the late firm, having every confidence, that any business entrusted to his charge, will meet with strict attention. Sept. 26, 1843. 52 J. L. SAULSBURY. BONNETS- nnHE subscriber has juat received — tsa.-vn JL a fresh supply of fine and fashion- a bl e Florence, Tuscan, and Straw ^ BONNETS. Also, a few Dress f . , . £ Patterns rich Mouslin de Lane; an ns- V sortment of Elastic and Half long rive-xSfiJ&r Rich and Fashionable Dress Silks, at reduced prices; also, one piece Turky Satin. G.L. WARREN, One door above G. A. Kimberly’s. Pet 31 ■ ' 5 NEW BOOK STORE OS COTTOS AVENUE, Two doors above Messrs. J. II. ft IV. S. ELLIS’ DRUG STOKE. . J. BAMES, H AVING MOVED to the above Stana, offers to tie public, a large Stock of n O OKS, S T.f TIOjVtlR 1% BLANK BOOKS, &c. &c, CHEAP FOR CASH. Macon, Oct. 4,1843. . 2 NEW GOODS. IMPORTANT CAUTION HOKE TESTIMONY I N favor of the Improved Botanico Medicals practiced by Dr. Thomson, in Macon, (J a wl, v *«« receive and treat cases as heretofore, either acute l* 0 and fronAvlience personslivim— - J; e or chrft„ T HE public are Hereby cautioneu -uyuuiM- v^ag lmpo*- medicines lo guit the b s ‘ di * b . ed /pan. by paying. - these hard tune,, one dolhtr ant) , ti ^ as n^le. It S fwentv-five or one dollar and fifty cents lor a box a bottle of anv kind of Medicine to euro Chills and i ever when a box of Hull’s Fever and Ague and AnU-i ever Pills, can be bad for only One Dollar, that have never loll ed in a single instance of curing the Chills and r ever, when used according to the directions accompany ing them. Ile- metnber this, and next time get Hull’s Pills, and thereby save your half a dollar. For s ;| !e by_ , J. TI. yy . c. iliLLio, August 1, 1843. 44 - Macon, Ga. VEGETABLE FEVER AND AGUE 4 X AND ANTI FEVER 3 • ; PlliXS A certain and effectual cure for Ague and Fever ; also, used successfully in the treatment of Bilious Lever, Nausea. General Delility, and Nervous Weakness. nnHE most flattering recommendations of this Medicine, JL have been received from many eminent Physicians and others who have used it. -Arid it is presumed that no med icine has ever been used, whose action has been more ben eficial pleasant anil invigorating, and cqlled forth from af flicted.sufferers such expressions of heartfelt gratitude and thankfulness. Persons "taking the Pills, soon find them selves relieved—Chill broken ! . Fever gone 11 Stomach and head free and healthful!! 1 Strength and appetite in creasing and improving, arid all nervous weakness fled. When taken according to the directions accompanying them, they never fail to cure the Chill and Fever the first day, and never sicken the stomach or operate upon the bowels. Their action, upon the whole system, "is so charming, that persons are invariably surprised and pleased with their ra pid and complete restoration to health.. The Pills are purely and solely Vegetable; and the hap py combination of the ingredients and their proportions, are sach as to produce a medicine which never fails to relieve when relief is attainable. Each box contains 20 doses of Pills—Price One Dollar. (From Dr. Hagood.) - Mount Pinson, Ala., Feb. 3,*1843. This may certify, that I was appointed an Agent for the sale of Hull’s Fever and Ague pills,about nine months ago. The agent left me, ns he thought, a sufficient supply to last twelve months, but the Pills have proved so certain and ex cellent a medicine, that I have been entirely out of them for some time, and could have sold double the quantity, if they had been left with me. I consider them as good a medicide as can be used for the cure of Fevers, or Ague and Favers. I have prescribed them in a number of cases of Fevers, after first administering an emetic or cathartic, and always with the most happy results. In fine, I. have never known Hall’s Pills to fail curing the Chills and Fe ver, in a single instance. ZACHARIAH HAGOOD. (From Du. Mattison.) ' Benton county, Ala., August 19th, 1842. This is to certify, that about Six months ago I was ap-' pointed an Agent for the sale of Dr. Hull’s Fever and Ague Pills. At that time the travelling Agent left with me, as he thought, a sufficient quantity to last twelve months, bat the Pills are so much approved, that I have sold' all out, and ige county, Ky„ Nov. 11,1842. [ hav ‘ ~~ Brdcieil'ridi This may certify,that I nave used Dr. Hull’s Fever and Ague and Anti-Fever Pills in my family, for the cure of Chills and Fever, with great success. Also) six of my bro ther’s family were sick with Chills and Fever—they were all cured by the use of two boxes of Hull’s Pills: I consid er them superior to any medicine of the kind ever used in my family. BENJAMIN BATES. Elyton, Jefferson county, Ala., Feb:3, 1843. This is to certify, that I was appointed last April, an Agent for the sale of Dr. Hall’s Vegetable Fever and Agae and Anti-Fever Pills—since which time I have sold about forty boxes. In not a single instance, to my knowledge, have they failed to cure Chills and Fever, when used according to directions. Since I became an Agent for the Pills, I have had twelve or fifteen different cases of Chills and Fever in my family, and Hull’s Pills have cured every case. JOHN CAMP. For sale by J.H. ft W.S. ELLIS, August 1. 1843. 44 ■ Macon, Ga. medicines will reach all cases so as tocnretbemVk* 1 hardly be doubted that ifproperly and carefully*'*^ I tered, thousands that are now lingerincout a" 1;,;,*T" c h- | might be greatly benefitteJ, and in many cured. cs “naily I His medicines are taken from Nature’s labotatnn pared forthe use of man by the Great Chemist I knows his wants, compared with whose preparation ’ of nten are as nothing, or if possible, worse, as even- I experience so fully demonstrates. But tn the te:t; r 2 .'T' 8 The followingcases are both peculiar though\erv i mon, (for that reason they are published.) the first - ,,1°®" ! prolapsus uteri, Icucorrhaa, great debility, 4c- other the gentleman speaks for himself. ' ' tx M a mi TarccrtHiU ’ Twi SSsCo.Jan.-tOtki lti Hr AI. S. Ihomson: Dear Sir—I am happy to be able to inform you ti,. , health of my negro woman Boda, since she left you ha, Li/ steadily improving, till now I consider it nearly re lished. Not having seen her while with you in II,v , was but little prepared to witness, without astonishment. 0 ] great change that had taken place in her appearance fo • stead of the thin, ematiated and broken down person t/ 11 ) sent you, she returned the best looking neerou the plantation. When she left here I would have ten dollar, bill for her, now she is worth fifty timesfr,^ tmiV I artt also happy to inform you- that I have never ^htdv least return of any of the symptoms of that distressinr cm* plaint of which you so unexpectedly cured me three ago, after Drs. Slappey, Dupree, 1 Tomblin ft Camming pT! ol the most eminent of the faculty in these parts, bad fii-j arid the complaint had run on me for upwards of ifuf years. I confess that when you said you thought von con]!! cure me I had very little faith, but notv am coeviueed nJ! thoroughly that their failure to cure disease is no good son why such disease should be pronounced incurable am also convinced that complaints eveq of longsiaadine’hl, be finally eradicated, if the use of proper remediei i, sorted to; it has at least been bo in my case, and as I m,;. different as to who knows it, I will, for the benefit of tW similarly aiiiicied state that my complaint was gleet,mi m well assured that the publication of' this fact, should voa think it proper, would carrv iov to the hearts of many j ow hopeless of relief, by pointing them to where iney mtyob. tain a remedy. 1 Wishing you every success in vonr laudable effort! to advance the stan lard of true medical science, I eubicr'be myself yours with every sentiment of respect OBEDIAH ADAMS. I have been cured of a disease similar to the above,b» Dr. Thomson, after having had it for upwards of twehe months. THOS. K. FDLLEB. Monroe Co- 13th Jan. If43. This may certify that my son John has been afflicted vtitb lumbago, or rheumatism, for upwards of two years, ia thu time be had been subjected to very severe attacks, donaj which be was unable to walk or even stand, and when liv ing down was unable to rest in eny other position than on his abdomen, suffering acutely in painfubmisery. In this situ ation I applied to Dr. Thomson, of Macon, who won re stored him to comfortable health ; he has bad no attack ia the last twelve months. JOHN BURGY, Sear. Macon. 19th Jib. 1843, This will certify that I have been afflicted with rbeunu. tism for Jive years, sometimes in such agony tint I conli neither sit nor stand, and with difficulty he down,'during which time 1 found nothing that could benefit me, till I sp. plied to Dr. Thomson, who with one prescription entirely cared me. in the'short space of three weeks. Ihavehsd no return of it in eighteen mouths. SAMUEL HOWKLL. Maconcoanty, 10th Jan. 1843. This may certify that for upwards of two years I htw had a disease in my chest, which was frequently very dis tressing, sometimes almost stopping my breath, in such t way as to make me believe that my end was near. Iofiea suffered greatly from pain, which deprived life ofittpleit- ares and almost made it a burden. I was in this state what I applied to Drs. Thomson ft Woodruff, who. 1 am hippy to say, soon restored me to my usual health, which I hire enjoyed now near two ‘ years without having any auick of my old complaint. . ELIAS A. WALLACE. Macon. Ga. 6ili April 1849. About 6 months ago I was violently attacked with acate rheumatism, the pain of which was so excrutiating that I could neither get in or out of bed, or even undress myself without assistance, and would often cause me to cry like t child. I was treated by one of the best mineral Physicitsi in the city, but without apparent benefit, for I continued to get worse till I applied to Dr. Thomson, who socn eradica ted the disease from my system, and leftme in better health than I had enjoyed in eighteen months. fob 7 19 W. H. GRISWOLD. SAUITJEIi J. RAY & CO. A RE receiving and opening a large and desirable slock of seasonable FOREIGN AM) AMERICAS FAXCT AIR STAP1E DRY-GOODS. The entire stock is new and very complete, and will be sold at wholesale or retail, at the very lowest prices. Purchasers are invited to call and examine for themselves, Nov 7,1843 6 Bagging, Rope, and Twine. C("VO) FS. Superior Gunny.Bag^ OUv 300 ps. Heavy Dundee Bagging, 44 inch, 5,000 lbs. Manilla Bale Rope7 500 lbs. Bagging Twine, Just received and for sale at low prices, by THOMAS TAYLOR, Ralston’s Buildings, next deor to Branclt State Bank. August 15 4G Superfine -Northern Flour. T HE subscriber bas now in store, for sale, and will con tinue to jceep a fresh supply of Choice Brands, put up expressly for family use. Also, .Soila, 'Witte, Milk, Sugar, nntl Wntcr Riscnit Purchasers wishing ariicles,’ will find it to their interest to call. THOMAS TAYLOR, Ralston’s Baildtngs, next door toBrauch State Bank. Maccn, Oct 17, 1843. 3 For Sale or Rent, THE HOUSE and LOT in the suburbs of the City, formerly the residence of A. R. McLaughlin, Esq. The Lot conta'.ns four acres, and on it is an Orchard of well selected i Fruit. Apply to D. C. CAMPBELL. Macon, Sept. 19,1843. 51 To Rent, Rtf!} sf'hNEhalfof that long and commodious store on ,ij-f| Ar Mulberry street, formerly occupied by Wm. B. Parker, immed atjly opposite the Central Ho'el. For Terms apply to M. S. THOMSON. Sept,2Gtli, 1843. 52 To Rent, I A large ROOM, well suited for a Salt'or Meat I House. Apply to M. S. THOMSON. b Oct 31 5 Just Received, A FINE lot of Northern made Butter and Cheese, for sple cheap at Luddingtox ft Tttojtrsos’s. E. C. GRANNIS6, Agent. August 2* 47 Salt, Sait. 1 /YIY/Y SACKS SALT, large size. For sale by THOMAS TAYLOR, Ralston’s Buildings, next dour toBranch State Bank. August 15 46 Central Rank Notes W ANTED, by THOS. TAYLOR. October 3. 1 Exchange on JVew-York, JpIOR sale by THOS. TAYLOR. October 3 COOK'S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, F OR tbe'Cure of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, ftc. For sale by J. H. ft W. S. ELLIS. Oct 31 Dissolution. T HE Partnership between the undersigned, in the Prac tice of Law, is this day dissolved, byinutual consent. Our joint attention and services will be given to all unfinish ed business. Knoxville, Oct 20,1843. GEO. R. HUNTER. THOS. C. HOWARD. 4 EXCHANGE. IGHT CHECKS on New York, for sale by & Oct 31 5 HENRY C. FREEMAN- A PUBLIC BLESSING, T HESE Pills-have long been known and appreciated for their extraordinary- and immediate powers of re storing perfect health to persons suffering under nearly ev ery kind of disease to which the hbman frame is liable. They are particularly recommended to all'those persons who are afflicted with any kind of a chronic or lingering complaint, as there is no medicine before the public which has so natural and happy effect upotl the system, in correct ing the stomach and liver, and to the formation of healthy chyle, and thereby purifying the blood. They are acknowledged, by the hundreds and thousands who are using them, to be not only the most mild and pleas ant in their operation, but the most perfectly innocent, safe, arid efficic it medicine ever offered to the public. Those who once make atrial of these Pills, never afterwards'feel willing to be without them, and call again and again for more; which is sufficient proof of their good qualities. HEADACHE—SICK OR 2VERVOI7S. Those who have suffered and are weary of sufferieg with this distressing complaint, will find Spencer’s Vegetable Pills a remedy at once certain and immediate in its effects. One single dose of the Pills, taken as soon as the headache is felt coming on. will cure it in one half hour entirely. As a remedy in summer anfbotccl complaints, they dis play their wonderful powers to adtuiraliou, and are far su perior to any thing in use for these complaints. In Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, they stand unri valled. Many have been cured in a few weeks, after hav- suffered under the dreadful complaint for years, n Habitual Costivencss, they are aecidedly-superior to any Vegeteble Pill ever brought before the public; and one 25 cent box will establish their surprising virtues, t>nd place them beyond the reach of doubt, in the estimation of every individual. They are invaluable in nervous and hypochondriacal af fections, loss of appetite, and all complaints to which females alone are subject. They uru mild in their action, and convey almost imme diate conviction of their utility from die first dose. They may be taken by persons ofany age; and the feeble, the in firm, the nervous, and delicate, are sire ngdiened by their operation, because they clear the system of bad humors, quiet nervous irritability, and invariably produce sound health. Upwards of three hundred and seventy thousand boxes of these inestimable Pills have been sold within the last twelve months in three States alone, and more than throe times the same quantity in other S ates. As an anti-bilious medicine, no family should be without them. A single trial of them is more satisfactory than a thousand certificates. (From G. A. Huddleston, Esq., a very respectable Merchant, of Wilson county, Tenn.) Huddleston, Cross Toads, Wilson county, Tenn. ? January 14, 1843. j This ia to certify, that I was appointed an Agent for Dr. Spencer's Vegetable Pills last April, since which time I have sold about seventy boxes, and they have given better satisfaction, and'are liked much better than any other Pills I ever sold ; the best evidence in their favor is, that those who once make a trial of these Pills, are not willing to be without them, and call again and again for more, and always prefer them to any other. I have used the Pills in my own family with entire success—in Costiveness, Sick Headache, and Bowel Complaint, they are the best medicine I am ac quainted with. G. A. HUDDLESTON. (From avery respectable Planter in Alabama.) Washington county, Ala., March 8,1843. To Dr. Spencer : Dear Sir:—I hnvo used your Vegetable Pills in my family the last year, with great success, and I consider them the best Pill I ever used. I have made considerable use of many other popular Pills, but I am convinced that yours are superior to any of them. For Sick Headache, th*y are an excellent medicine. For Bowel Complaint, I think them the best medicine in the world, and also for the Bloody Flux. I can say to you, that I made great use of them last season. I had Twenty of my Blacks sick with the Flux, and I administered your Pills freely, and I did not loose a single case. Aly neighbors speak in the highest tetnts of them. Respectfully, yours, JESSE JORDAN. Sands’ Sarsaparilla, From Mr. Adam Riser, a popular Merchant in Tal ladega county, Ala. Riser’s Store, Talladega county, Ala , Aug. 1G. 1842. This is to certify, that I have used Dr. Spencer’s Vegeta ble Pills in my family, for the last six months, and I consid er them the best pills I ever used. I was appointed an A- gent for the sale of them, about six months ago. at which time the travelling ngeutlefnne about 100 boxes, and Ibavo sold out every box long since, and could have sold as many more, if they had been left. I think every family should I therefore may b keep a supply always on hand. I have never sold any Pills i [GP Agent at Warrenton, I). N. J .Hotel in my Store, that have been liked so well as Spencer’s Veg- and at Augusta, W. M. Fraser, L mj^d \t()TT etable Pills. ADAM RISER. , KMJ-N " v - ieK , For sale by ' J. H. ft W. S. ELLIS, , * August 1, 1S43. 44 Maoon ,6a. I Oat. 24 For the removal and permanent cure of all Diteani arising from an Impure Slate of the blood,er \abiltj the system, namely : ^ CROFULA, or King’s evil. Rheumatism, Obstiaut ► t Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimple*, or Pustules on iheface, Blotches. Biles, Chronic sore eyes. Ring worth, Tstter, Scald Head; Enlargement and patri oftbe bones and joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms, Sciatica, oi Ltunbi- go, and Diseases arising from an Injudicious use of Mercu ry, Ascites, of Dropsy, exposure or imprudeuce in lifc. Also, Chronic constitutional disorders, will be removed bj this preparation.- tt’ONDEKirET, EFFECTS OF SANDS’ SAK- SAIMRILLA IN NORWICH, CONNEC TICUT. Read the following iroin Mrs. Wm. Phillips, who bn long tesided al tbe Falls. The facts are well known toill the old residents of that part of the city. Messrs. A. B. Sands & Co.—Sirs: Most gratefully do I embrace this opportunity for stating loyou the meat relict I obtained from the us6 of your Sarsaparilla. 1 shall abj> be happy, through you, to publish to all who are afflicted, as I lately was, the accountof my unexpected, and even fa a long time despaired of cure. Mine is a painful story, trying and sickening as is the narrative of it, for the sake cf many who may be so surely relieved, I will briefly yet ,t- curately state it. _ . Nineteen years ago last April, afitofeicknessleftmewiil an'Erysipelas eruption. Dropsical collections immediiteijF took place over the entire suifaceoftny body, causing*^ au enlargement that it was necessary to ada a yard to my drCsses around the waist. Next followed upon my h:- ■ ’/ ulcers painful beyond description. For years, both ini'®’ mer and winter, the only mitigation of my suffering! found in pouring uponthose parts cold water. From my limbs the pain extended over my whole body—there wit literally for me no rest, by day or by night. Upon 1/mj dqwn, these pains would shoot through my system and com pel me to arise, and for hours together, walk the house, *> that I was almost entirely deprived of sleep. During ns-* time the Erysipelas continued active, and tlie ulcers enlar ged, and so deeply have these eaten, that for two and a ba.i yearsthey have been subject to bleeding. During these in most twenty years I have consulted many physician!,. These have called my disease—as it was attendee! with an obstinate cough and a steady and active painjn my side—a dropsictl consumpsiun ; and though they have been »kilful pr»ctit:on- ers, they were only able to afford my case a partial and tem porary relief. I had many other difficulties too comphci- ted to describe. I have also used tnanv of the medicines tlmt have been recommended as infallible cures for this dir ease, yet these all failed, and 1 was most eniphancmy growing worse. In this critical condition,given up by mend* and expecting for myself relief only in death. I was by t-^ kind interposition of Providence, furnished with your, w me, invaluable Sarsaparilla. A single bottle gave me assurance ofliealth. which for twenty year* I had not ones felt. Upon taking the second my enlargement dirotnisbeo, and in twelve days from the -til of October, when I com menced taking your Sarsaparilla, I was able to enjov s.ecf and rest by night as refreshing as any I ever enjoyed ivhea in perfect health. Besides, I was in this short time, rear ved from all those excruciating and unadeviated i-ce-' - had afflicted my days, as well as robbed n e ol n y r.-- repose. The ulcers upon my limbs arc healed, tlie r.o--- pelas cured, ft my size reduced nearly to my former nte ai ure. _ Thus much do I feel it a privilege to testify to the emeu. of your health-restoring Sarsnparilla. A thousand IB** sirs, from one who^e comfort and whose hope ot t“ : -g health are due under God, to your instrumentality. -’-V may- the same Providence that directed me to your make the happy ar.d honored instruments of blessing N as diseased and despairing as your much relieved a** grateful friend. ASENATH M. PlIILLir-- New London Co. ss. Nonrich, Nov. 4d f ’r Personally appear the above named Asenatli II. ”■ 01 and made oath of the facts contained in the foregotBI* mentbefore me. RUFUS\V.MATHEM >0. Justtceofthe Pe** Being personally-acquainted with Mrs. PHILM 1 ’ 5 , tily that the above asserted facts are substantially true. WILLIAM H. RICHARDS, Minister of the Gosjtcl al Aorwich, l 1 ’- ’ For sale at New York price, b\ . J.H.&W. S. ELLIS, mmm m STAGE NOT THIS old and well known rou., aving been reduced 10 “ ,,- ar . Line will run daily. “> **?!£, (V’ renton after tlie arrival oij* a"fi- r \Var- , u to leave the arrival of from Augusta, and arrive at Milfedgeville die Jf**, 11 o’clock, A. M.—leaving Milledgeville immediate „ the arrival of the Stage from Macon, and ru rivin:, renton on the same day by 8o’clock, P. M. *ne I ■ intersect with the Central liail-Koad, near jori^ and at Macon with the Monroe Rail-Road r.nd tn. ^ ca Line. Passengers from Augusta or Macon, will ses have the preference over those on the ro 1 assured of no delay. _j c j{ 0 te! Eai