Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, November 28, 1843, Image 3

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: THE M A C O I¥ GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. llon.w« J»..unry Salon. fSTllt be *old, on the first Tuesday in JAMJAR* iV next, before the Court-House door in Terry, Hous- *MHtv within the legal hours of sale, , •"AU^hst Tract of Oak nod Hickory Land, lying in the 12th ni „riet of Houston county, known as Lots Nos. i33, 13-1, MS 1«3.175, sod 176, in the plan of said District, contain. ?Vj. the segregate. 1,215 acres, more or less; all levied on property of William Hamilton, to satisfy a mortgage J (fom Houston Superior Court, in favor of the Coinmer- •-» u a nk at Macon, vs. said William Hamilton. # * Also, the North-half of Lot No. 12, in the 14th District of |T AU5 nmcounty, containing 101| acres, more or less; levied n as the property of William J. Brown, to satisfy a mort- ,ee fi ft from Houston Superior Court, in favor of John D. Wuio. Administrator of Francis Allen, deceased, vs. said William J. Brown. AIM Lot of Land No. 82, in the Oth District of Houston eouaty, containing 202J acres, more or less; levied on as the property of Drewrry Clark, by virtue of an attachment, re- i ‘able to Houston Superior Conrt. in favor of Stephen R. llsm, vs. said Drewry Clark. To be sold by order of the iupeiior Court of said county. ■(Also, the undivided half of Lot of Land No. OH, in ihe 10th District of Houston county, being the part whereon the widow Dupree lived at her death;. levied on as the property of Ira E. Dupree, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa from Houston Superior Court, in favor of Benjamin B. Herb. Administra tor of Council 8. Bryan, deceased, vs. said It a E. Dupree. Alto Lot of Land No. 165, in the 13th District of Houston county ’; levied on as the property of Cullen Talton. to aatii- fv a mortgage fi fa, iasued from Houston Superior Court, in fivor of John Neal vs. said Talton. NorM 3 GEOKGE M. DUNCAN, Shff. 7/7// be told, at the tame time and place, One Lot of Land, in the 9th District of Houston county, | adjoining landa of John Jenkins, No. not known, containing S02J acres,more or less; levied on as the property of Sala- ibiel Knight, to aatisfy two fi fas from a Justice’s Court of said county, ip favor of Wiley Massey, vs. said Salalhiel Knight. Lew made and returned to me by a constable. Nov S3 0 war. HERRINGTON. D. Shff. D Surgical Operation. ^AIjTIBR. on liis wav to Savannah, will re main in this city for a few months, for the benefitof those who are afflicted with Club or lied Feet, Wry Seek, Con- tracUa Joints, and Strabismus or Squinting* Persons desirous of being relieved of those deformities, can secure his services, if application be made soon, lie also operates for Cataract or Blindness. DCr* His residence is at Mr. Lanier's Washington Hall. Macon, Nov. 21,1843. 8 tf Go-hen Jtiittcr and Cheese. "I KEGS Butter, superior Brand, X" 20 casks Cheese, 30 boxes Cheese, just received by THOMAS TAYLOR, ■Nov 21 fl On Cotton Avenue and Second st. ISyc Flour and Canal Flour. BLS. Rye Flour, 50 bis. Canal Flour, for sale in any quantity, by NnrfH 8 H. C. FREEMAN. H. <fc J. COWLES, H AVE now on hand, at the Store formerly occupied by Messrs. J. B. Ross & Co., a general assortment of Planters' Supplies, consisting of GROCERIES, STAPLE DRY-GOODS, KLlItDWARE, SHOES, &c. Ac. Macon, Oct 25,1843 G GRAVES 6l KXBBEE C ONTINUE the WARE HOUSE and COMMIS SION BUSINESS—are prepared at all times to make Advances on Cotton in Store, or shipment to any market desired, and solicit a continaanceofpatronage.| J Mac#n, August 22, 1843. 49 Stolen, ROM the lower common of the city, a small White Mare Pony, about 6* or 7 years old. Any person returning said Pony to the subscri ber, near the Macon Bridge, will be liberally rewarded. Nov. 21 2 3t K. MOBRATTY, A’cw Goods!! receiving a general assort ment of staple and fancy DRY-GOODS, of *ne latest st^Ie and patterns, which they offer for sale atfair prices, in brick building one door from Washington Hall. Sept25 52 GEO. W. PRICE A CO. IVew Goods! T HE Subscribers are no j Beer BLS. Beer, and Cider. 10 bis. Cider, just received per Rail-Read, by Nov 21 8 • h. C. FREEMAN. 30 BLS. Irish Potatoes, 50 bushels Sweet Potatoes, at 20 cents per bushel. Buckwheat, Crackers,Butter, Ginger Nuts,fresh supply, juat received by fi. C. FREEMAN. Nov 21 e CrnwfortI Jnnuary Sales. -C1TILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY IT next, before the Court-H&usc door in Knoxville, Crawford county, within the legal hours of sale, Lot of Land No. 189, in the 6th District of originally Houston, now Crawford county, containing 202j acres, more or less ; levied on as of Rigdon Powell, to sat isfy a fi fa from the Superior Court of said county, in favor Hiram B- Troutman vs. Rigdon Powell. Also, one House and Lot, in Francisville, whereon Wil liam B. Snelling now lives; levied on as the property of uid Snelling, to satisfy a fi fa from Crawford Superior Court, in favor of Jeremiah C. Harvey. Admr. Ac. vs. Wm. B. Snelling, and Christopher F. Fickliog, security. Property, pointed out b.v plaintiff! r Also, one Negro Boy, by the name of Houston, about 6 or 7 years old; levied on as the property of Allen Marshall, to satisfy a fi fa from Crawford Superior Court, in fovor of the Central Bank va. Allen Marshall. Nov 88 9 THOMAS ANDREWS, D. Shff. POSTPONED SALES.— WtH be told, at the tame lime and place. Lot of Land No. 143, and the North-East half of Lot No. US, all lving In the 2d District of originally Houston, now Crawford county; all levied on as the property of Allen Marshall, to satisfy sundry fi fas, issued from one of the Janices' Courts of said county, in favor of Hiram B. Trout- man vs. Richard Morris, and Allen Marshall, security.— Property pointed out by Allen Marshall. Levy made bv a constable, and returned to O. M. Colbert, lote L)ep. Sheriff. Also, Lot of Land No. 73, in the 6th District of originally Houston, now Crawford county; levied on as the property of William Richardson, to satisfy a fi fa from Crawford Su perior Court, in fator of Radford J. Turner va. William Richardson. THOMAS ANDREWS, D. Shff. Nov 58 9 «Y S. T. ROWLAND, At Private Sale, £)fl KEGS Hulled Buckwheat, 20 boxes do do small packages, 30 kegs Butter, 25 lbs. each, 50 bln. Flour, 25 casks Cheese, 50 coils Manilla Rope. Nov 21 a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Exchange on JVew-York, F OR sale by THOS. TAYLOR. October 3 i Atlininixlraior’a Male. "PURSUANT to an order of the honorable Inferior Court A of Dooly county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, •ill be sold, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, hr fore the Court-House door in Baker county, within the legal hours of sale. Lot of Land No. 313, in the 9th District ot" said county. Sold as the property of John W. Trutuck, J pressed, late of Dooly county, for the benefit of the heirs in! creditors of said deceased Terms on the day. SorSS 9 NORVEL R, TRULUCK. Admr. Adiniiiintralorn* Sale. T STILL be sold, on the first Friday in JANUARY next, 'T st the late residence of Arthur Burdin, deceased, in I) ~lv county, within die legal hours of sale, all the Perish- s ■> Property belonging to die Estate of said deceased.con- Mting of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Wheat, Corn, Fodder, li "uphold and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation Tools, Ac. t*.iV to be coi«inued from day to day. until Idl is sold. Terms made known on die day of sale. BRANSOM BARDIN, l Temporary Niv 16 9 WM. G. WALDEN, \ Admrs. Administrator’* Sale. W ILL be anld,on Tuesday, the 9thdav Iff JANUARY next, at the Plantation of the late jolm Tomlinson, deceased, several Horses and Mules, Corn and Fodder, Firming Utensils. Wheat, Cattle, and Hogs, and various other articles, too numerous to specify. Sold as the prop- em-of laid deceased, for the benefit of the creditors. Terms on the day. ELIJAH BUTTS, Admr. Nov 88 9 Cxeautor’H Sale. IX7TLL be sold, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY I 7 next, before the Coutt-House door in Jackson. Butts Monty, within the legal hours of sale, one Negro Woman, by the name of Clark, about 40 yeara old, belonging to the Etuienf Nancy McClendon, deceased, late of said county. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said decent- *1- Terms made known on the day of sale, Nov88 9 JOHN GOODMAN, Ex’r. NEW BOOK STORE OS corns AVENUE, Two doom abovedlcssra. JT. II. A IV. S. ELLIS DRUG STORE. J. BARIYES, H AVING MOVED to the above Stand, offers to tl public, a large Stock of BOOKS, STJMTIOWJtRH BLANK BOOKS. &c. &c. CHEAP FOR CASH. Family and Pocket Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, of every kind and sixe, in various binding. Southern and Mistoun Harmony, Kingtley’t Social Choir, Juvenile Singing Book, Mason’s Sacred Harp, Base Primmer, Dictionary of Musical Terms, «$-c. $c. Blank Books of every description, Court Re cord, nnd Docket Rooks, various sizes. Ledgers, Journals asd Day Books; Invoice. Re- ^coiid, Letter. Bill and Receipt Books ; In dexes. for Ledgers, Pocket Memoran dums & Pocket Ledgers, Ac. Ac. J. B. would respectfully invite teachers and others who may want SCHOOL BOOKS, to call and examine his stock which will be sold at the lowest possible prices, For Cash- whoiesale and retail. He also receives as soon as published all the new works from the Harper’s and other publishing houses in New York, Boston and Philadelphia, embracing all the cheap, and fashionable literature of the day, which besellsatNew York prices. Constantly on hand a stock of LAW BLANKS, printed on the best foolscap paper. Macon, Oct. 4,1843. 2 P OUR months after date, application will be made toth e honorable. Inferior Court of Houston county, when sit 'll! for ordinary purpose's, for leave to sell all the Lands bringing to the Estate of Caroline and J. J. Barrow, mi- sori snd orphans of William Barrow, deceased, late of Pu- inki county. GEO. B McCOLLUM, Guardian. Nov 28 9 EORUIA, Houston County.—Whereas, John 8. Wit- vX liams applies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of Jeremiah W. Williams, dec., late of said county: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singa- >sr, the kindred and creditors of aatd deceased*, to be and ap pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. to shew cause, (If any they have.) why said- letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 24th Nov. 1843. 9 BRYANT BATTON. eeo rj.E0RUA, Dooly County.—Whereas. Brnnsom Bar- vJ din and William G. Walden, anply to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of Arthur Bardin, deceased, hk of said county: ’ These are, therefore, to rite and admonish all ami lingu ist, the kindred and creditors of aatd deceased, to be and ap pear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law, to shew esuse, (if any they have,) why slid letter* should not be putted. Given under my hand, this 16th Nov. 1843. 9 JOSEPH B. CLAPP, c c o cautiojv. ^JTOLEN ftom the Confectionary of Outlaw A Fisher, *3 on the ifight of the 7th of September last, one large Wf Skin POCKET BOOK, containing the following Notes; One Note on Joseph Jackson, for $41 12j, dated 1st January. 1843, due one day after date, and payable to Samoel Dawson A Brother, or bearer. One Note on John Stephen!, given to John Champion, and endorsed by John Qtiinpion, for $18, dated and due 1st January, 1843. Also, three Thirty Dollar Notes, on Win. Hnbanks, with Wiley Cobh, seeuritv, date not tecollected, but doe 1st January, 1843. and pa vable to Benjamin Smith, Guardian of the mi- of w. G. Paullett. The public are hereby cautioned neninst trading for any •Ttaid Notes; or the makers from paving them to any other :h.m th- M.Wriber. YOUNG !\ OT TLAW. Vienna, Dooly county. Nov. 17. 1043. 9 Gl JUST RECEIVED AT G. W. & E. WOODRUFF’S A large addition to their extensive Sleek of Staple and Fancy DRY-GOODS, Consisting of Elcoanes, Pariseans. Chusans, and TesanS, very rich and handsome articles for Ladies’ Dresses; Black, Blue-Black, and Colored Bombazines; Black, Blue-Black, Striped, Colored,mid Figured Silks; Alpacca, Merino, and Orleans Cloths; 20,000 Yards Calicoes, Among them some of the richest patterns ever off ered in this market, varying in prices from Of" to 25 cents. 20,000 yards Brou n Sheetings and Shirtings, varying from 5 to 15 cents per yard; Bleached 8heetings and Shirtings, of all qualities and prices. 200 Boxen Hosiery, Consisting of Black and White, Plain and Ribbed Silk Hose and Halt Hose* Ladies' Cashmere Hose; Gentlemen’s Lamb’s. Wool Half Hose; Black, White, Colored,and Mix ed Cotton Hose and Half Hose. We have among our Fancy Articles, A tine assortment of Silk, Meriuo, Alpacca, Cashmere, and Woollen SHAWLS; Velvet and Silk Cravats and Neck Fees; Worsted Mitts; Silk and Kid Gloves; Fringe and Buttons, for Ladies’ Dresses, Ac. Ac. Gentlemen’s Stocks, Cravats, Scarfs, Gloves, and other articles, too numerous to mention. . “ - When we know that these Goods were bought under the most favorable circumstances; we hazard nothing in saying, that we will sell them as low as they can be bought at any similar establishment in the State. We have also received, within the last week, a large as sortment of Carpeting- and Bus's. Among them may be found, some rich and choice patterns, which they offer at prices unusually low for this ma-ket. OS* Store on Second Street, next door to G. W. Price’s. Nov 21 8 itULLIIVERY AIVB FANCY GOODS, AND JO HESS .1I.1KIJYG. ]ITR8. W. II. MORRIS 111 would respectfully announce t» the Ladies of Macon and country generally, that she is now opening, on Cotton Avenue, opposite Messrs. Scott A Carhart, and next door to the Messrs. Orrs, on ENTIRE NEW Stock of the most Fashionable ami Latest Style of GOODS, adapted to all of which has been selected by one New York City. Great inducements will be held out to purchasers foi CASH; in consideration of which, she solicits a share of public patronage. If B. Orders from Town or Country, thankfully rereiv ed and promptly attended to. Her motto will ever be— “Promptness without delay, and punctuality with despatch.” Macon, Nov 7, 1843 6 GEO. JM. KI.1IBERE Y, R ESPECTFULLY informs bia old customers and tbe public generally, that he is now receiving from the celebrated Hat Manufactory of John Hunt Co., a vbry extensive assortment of HATS AND CAPS, embracing every style and quality. Among hi3 assortment tnay be fonnd 10 doz. fashionable Beaver Hats, 20 doz. do Cassimere Hats, 10 doz. do Russia Hats, 20 doz. do Moleskin Hats, 1 doz. Angola Silk Hats. ALSO, ONE HUNDRED DOZEN Beaver, J\*utria and Russia HATS, warranted more durable than any Hats ever sold in Macon. Also, 50 doz. Youth’s and Children’s Hats, 20 doz. do. do. Caps. ALSO, 20 doz. black and drab Sporting Hats, Together with a general assortment of FUR CAPS, CONSISTING IN PART OF 3 doz. PBEMIUM OTTER CAPS, 5 doz. Sea Otter Caps, 5 doz. Super Nutria Caps, 20 doz. do. Muskrat Caps, 50 doz. Men’s and Boys’ Seal Caps, 50 doz. do. do. Sealette Caps. ALSO, 200 doz. men’s nnd Boys’ Black anil Drab WOOL HATS. All of which will be sold for Cash, at prices which can not fail to give satisfaction. Purchasers are invited to call and examine at the old stand, sign of the “BIG HAT,’’ Mulberry Street. .Beaver, Otter, mink, A Coon Skins, If '.M'M'XI, for which tbe cash will be paid. Macon, Oct 17.1613. 3 Haiiuillon, Hardeman & Co. FACTORS AND General Commission *Her chan ts SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. August 20, 1843. JHOMAS H. 1IAKDE Y, Commission Merchant, S.lIM.l’.r.lH, VEOKfil.t, I S prepared to execute all orders forselling and purchas ing Produce, and will make liberal Advances on all Produce consigned to him for sale. Refer to—Wjf, D,earing & Sons, Charleston. Wiley, Lane & Co. « P. A. Lawson. Albany, Ga. R. K. Hines, Esq. " Rea A Cotton, Macon, Chas. Day & Co.. " Johnson, Jones Sl Peck, Griffin, Beck, Dobbins & Co. “ Kimbrough & Ridgway, Apalachicola, F Lockhart 3c Young, “ August 1.1813. 44 'jJ'OHA T. liOWLAiYB, Factor4 Commissionsllerchant, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, N. B. —Particular attention will be given to Forwarding Produce and Merchandize. . JOHN B. ROSS & CO. CHEKRF STREET, (BETWEEN COTTON AYE.WE Hd E. & T. N. BEALL’S WARE-HOUSE,) MACH, Have non* in Store, a very large and general assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, III 11 Mi'll IMHOli, Which they are offering for sale at prices to correspond with the times. Every articles WMteJf cm be found at their Store. The following comprises a part of their Stock: Opened For the Season, NEW EATING HOUSE. (Adjoining the Boirms Saloots,) B. S. NEWCOMB & CO. Proprietors, rilHE facilities afforded by the Central Rail-Road, of a I daily communication with the seaboard, have induced the snbscribers to open an Eatiso Establishment, to be conducted on a plan hitherto unknown in the interior. Their Splendid Saloon is open, on Mulberry street, in the building next below the Central Hotel. Having become Agents for W. Bransby & Sons, of Sa- rannah, long and favorably known as Oyster Gatherers, the subscribers are enabled to offer superior inducements in their line. 'They will receive daily supplies by the Rail-Road, and will be prepared to furnish OYSTERS in the shell. Do by the bushel, keg. or gallon, w )) 0 pickled. “FISH of all kinds that can be obtained in Savannah or vibinity.- ■ CRABS and SHRIMPS, together with a constant supply of-every description of sea food and game in their season. ■.Epicures and all lovers of the “good tilings of this life.” are invited to call, partake, and judge fot themselves. PARTIES and CLUBS furnished at the shortest notice. QT* Heals serred at all hours. {CJ? This Room is separate and distinct from the Holding Saloon. TO FAMILIES. Every delicacy of the season can be procured in any quantity, as above. B. S.NEWCOMB Sc CO. * Macon, Oct 31, 1843 5 Ifooly Jnuuarr Bales. P OSTPONED SALES.—Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, t efore the Court-House door in Vienna, Dooly county, within the legal hours of sale, Three Negroes, to wit: Jacob, about 30 years old; Dick, about 25 years old; and Cate, about 20 y eats old; levied on as the property of Maria Betnbry, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Justice’s Court in favor of Nathaniel Wade vs. Da vid Scarborough and Maria Bembry, for the use of James BoatrighL Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, Lots of Land Nos. 2 and 3, in the 16th District, and the place known as Ford's Stand, in the 15th District of Dooly, where Golden now occupies as a public house; all levied on as the property of Robert G. Ford. to satisfy one fi fa from Lee Superior Court, in favor o! Griffin Smith vs. Robert G. Ford and Jacob Shiver. Also, one House and Lot, in the town of Vienna, No. not known, where Anderson D.Moore keeps a Grocery ; levied on as the property of. John M. Bottom, to satisfy two fi fas from Dooly Superior Court, one in favor of Luther Roll vs. John M. Bottom, and one in favor of Alien B. Chastain vs. John M. Bottom. THOMAS W. PETTEE, Sbff. Nov 21 8 Hint* JTnnnaiy Sale. U¥TILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY T T next, before tbe Court-House door in Jackson, Butts county, within the legal hours of sale, Lot of Land, No. not known, it being the place tvliereon the defendant. Daniel Earp. now lives, in the 4th District of originally Monroe, now Butts county, and more particu larly known as the place where Allen McClendon formerly lived. Also, one Negro Boy, by the name of Ned, about 6 years old; and Ben, a man, about 24 or 25years old; all l evied on as the property of Daniel Earp, to satisfy one fifa from the Inferior Court of said county, in favor of Nathan H. Beall vs. Daniel Earp. Nov 21 8 GRIFFIN C. MeMICHAEL, D. S. Administrator** Sale. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY nrxt. before The Court-House door in Perry, Hous ton county, within the usual hours, one-half of Lot of Land No. 195, in the 5th District of Houston county, containiug 101J acres, more or less—belonging to the Estate of McCain Albritton, deceased, late of Burke county. Sold agreeably order of the Inferior Court of Burke county, when sit ting forordinarv purposes. Terms ca.'h—purchasers tn pay for titles, JAMES GRUBBS. Admr. Nov 21 8 A LL nui CATTTXOrr. persons are hereby cautioned against trading for a . nuinl>e r of small Note*, aixe mt recollected, in all a- ![ioaniing to 0450, one-half due on Christmas folio J»ring, and the other half, the Christinas after; given by the undersign- to Richard Seymour, dated some time in January, 1839. The above Notes were given for a piece of property, *hich h ns. with consent of parties, been returned, and the Cnr WILLIAM B. JONES. /ford county, Nov 28, 1843. 9 3t THOMAS TAYLOR, ON COTTON AVENUE AND SECOND STREET, /.v STAPLE GOODS, CHOICE GROCERIES, — . in a, — * V li MM —li. — |-i>, ,tv., „CMI, ICIUIIICU, OKU ,1,0 1 dC, AC, AC. ••War of the Nmr* refusesto give them up;in consequence OFFERS FOR SALE, AT VERY LOW PRICES, ••which, 1 am determined not to pay them. j Qr w \ BAGS old Java, Rio, Cuba, and Laguira Coffee, OvIG 25 hhdsSt. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars, [ 5.000 lbs. Standard Crashed and Doable Loaf Sugar, 20 hhdi Cuba Molasses, 30 boxes Castile, Fancy, and Variegated Soaps, 10 do Sperm and Hull’s Patent Candles, 30 do Colgate’s and Hull’a Steam Soap, No. t, 800 Sacks Salt, large size, 20 boxes Tobacco, 25 dozen Long-handle Shovels and Spades, 100 kegs Cut Nails and Brads, 1,000 lbs. Bar Lead, 600 lbs. Smoothing Irons, 200,000 Cnt Tacks, 50,000 lbs. Swedes Iron, assorted, Ijto 10 in. wide. 2,000 lbs. German Blistered and Cast Steel, 100 bags Tatent Shot, 10 doz. Wilson’s Coffee Mills, SO doz. Halter Chains, 100 doz. superior Blacking, 20 do Shoe Brushes, 10 do Curry-Combs, 15 do Patent Razor Straps, 10,000 lbs. Hollow Were, (assorted sizes,) 50 reams super Blue Sc White Ruled LetterA Cap Paper, 60 do Wrapping Paper, 500 boxes Table Salt, 600 ps. superior Gunny and heavy Dundee Bagging, 1,000 lbs three-ply Bagging Twine, 10 boxes Cotton nnd Wool Cards, •10 dozen Pails, Mats, Brooms, and Seives, 60 do Pen, Pocket, and Fancy Knives, 75 do Knives iIRd Forks, too do Quilled Top, Side,and Dressing Combs, 12,000 SEGARS. _ . 20 boxes Imperial, Hyson, Poucliong and Souchong leas; Spices, of nil kinds; London Mustard; Indigo; Madder; Copperas; Sal Aeratus; Salt Peire; Epsom Salts; Starch; Scotch and Macaboy Snuff— together wtth an assortment of DOJIESTIC DRY-GOODS, HATS, CAPS, SADDLERY, Boots and Shoes. Macon, Nov 14, 1843, 1 $6,000. Georgia Literature Lottery, CLASS 45, T«be D rawn in Augusts, Georgia, November 2Sih, 1S43. 75 Number Lottery—12 Drawn Ballots. WHOLE TICKETS $2. Halves $1, Quarters50 cts. $10,000. Georgia Literature Lottery, CLASS 33—Extra. Toba decided by the Drawing of the Grand Consolidated h^Ucry of Delaware, Class No. 48, 10 be drawn ac Wll- ^(pon, Delaware. , 75 Number Lottery.—13 Drawn Ballots. " HOLE TICKETS $4, Haifa *8, Quartets $1. All orders from the country will be promptly attetided to, •I^PPtying to •"ot 28 Jldi»ini»!rator’M Waif. W ILL be sold, on Friday, the 5th day of JANUARY □ext, at the late residence of Rial Griffin, deceased, in Stewart county, all the Perishable Property belonging to the Estate of said deceased, consisting of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Goats. Corn, Fodder, Wheat, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation Tools, dec. dec. (CP Will be Rented, at the same time, the PLANTA TION belonging to said Estate. Terms on the day. Nov 21 8 LEWELLIN PHILLIPS, Admr. NEW HAT AND CAP STORE, irJTO£JES.IXE .fJI’JJ JlE'r.lJJL. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Ala- con, and surrounding country, that he has taken the Store on Second street, adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Vyhitiiig dc Mix, a few doors above the Washington Hall; and is now openinga large and splendid assortment of 8 1,500 sacks Salt, 1,000 bushels Alum Salt, 75 hhds. Sugar, 10 boxes Loaf Sugar, 400 bags Cuba and Rio Coffee, 50 bags Java Coffee, 20 hhas. Molasses, 100 bis. Whiskey, * 50 do Gin, 30 do Hum, Cognac 13 randyj Holland Gin, Madeira, Teneriffe. and Tort Wise, Linseed, Lamp, and Train Oil, 200 kegs White Lead, 100 boxes Window Glass, 300 kegs Nails, 40 tons Iron, 2..000 lbs. Steel. Band and Hoop Irorr, Nail Rods and Sheet Irof^ 20 sets Blacksmith’s Tools, 300 bags Shot, 100 kegs Gun Powder, 250 canisters do 25 boxes Soap, 30 boxes Sperm and Tallow Candles, 30 boxes Tobacco, 500 coils Manilla and Hemp Rope, 600 pieces Cotton Bagging, 2,000 lbs. Bagging Twine, 100 pieces Negro Cloth, 500 Negro Blankets, 50 pair Bed Blankets, 10 pieces Broad Cloths, 15 do Cassimeres, • * 100 dozen Cotton Handkerchiefs, 30 pieces Silk do 50 dozen Ladies’ Cotton Hose, 500 yards Carpeting, • 10 Hearth Rugs, 10 cases Fashionable Hats, 20 do Wool Ha ts, 10 dozen Men’s and Boys Caps, 10 dozen Bonnets, lOO cases Shoes and Boots, 100 Men’s and Women’s Saddles, 15 crates Crockery, assorted, 50 Reams Cap and Leiier Paper, Whips, Bridles, and Collars, 10,000 lbs. Castings. 500 do Sad Irons,| 1,000 do Wagon Boxes, 100 dozen Weeding Hoes, 200 pair Trace Chains, 20 boxes Collins’ Axes, § 15 boxes Cotton and Wool Cards, 15,000 Segats. 20 dozen Castor Oil, 15 do Lemon Syrup, 15 do Sto ugh ion’s Bitterii, 10 do Spirits Turpentine. 10 do Copal Varnish. 2 barrels Blue Stone, 2 do Epsom Salts,! 5 bales Cotton Osnaburgs, 5 do Factory Yarn, 25 do Shirting and Sheeting, 100 pieces Red aiul White Flannel*, coo do Calicoes, 20 do Ginghams, 20 do Muslin de Laines, 20 do black and colored Silks, 10 do Pariseans, 5 do Alpaca Lustres, 5 do Pondicherry, 5 do Verona Figures, J 10 do Marinoes, 10 do Black Lasting, 100 do Cambrics and Muslins, 75 do Irish and Brown Linens, 20 do Saiineits, 30 do Kentucky Jeans,* 10 do Salisbury Flannels,! 150 do Bleached Homespun, 200 dozen Spool Thread, Paint Brushes. Curry-Combs, Coffee-Mill^, Double-barreled Shot Guns, Single do do do Tubs, Buckets, Dippers, Hyson, Gun-Powder, and Imperial Tecs . ALSO, 10,000 LBS. PRIME GEORGIA BACON. MACON; October 3. 1843. l RATES OF FREIGHT AND PASSAGE DISTANCES IN JULES FROJI IflACON. | 5 | 13 | U) | 24 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 46 | 52 | 60 25 | 65 f 2o 1 5011 751* C9 AND Il’clTTEIZS’ TRIJtrMlArGS. of every description. His Stock comprises every article usually found in a Hat Store, manufactured expressly for this market; and from his facilities of obtaining constant supplies, fresh from tbe manufacturers, he is enabled to of fer many inJucementsto Cash purchasers. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. WANTED, Otter, .Wink, A’ Mtaccoon Shins, for which a lair price will be paid. GEO. L SHEPARD. Macon, Oct. 10,1843. 2 BONNETS. Oct 31 T HE subscriber has just received a fresh supply of fine and fashion able Florence, Tuscan, and Straw BONNETS. Also, a few Dress Patterns rich Mouslin de Lane; an as sortment of Elastic and Half long Mitts; Rich and Fashionable Dress Silks, at reduced prices; also, one piece Turky Sat'n. G. L. WARREN, One door above G. A. Kimberly’s. 15 2 00 2 50 1 00 1 50 2 00 20 30 30 1 50 2 00 1 25 3 50| 3 00 2 00 38 2 00 3 00 33 20 2 33 1 00 7 S3 3 00 1 63 2 50 4 00 2 3012 6013 0« Carpeting! Carpeting!! JUST RECEIVED AT THE ? E O F LE’S STORE, A FEW pieces of superior quality, and hand handsome patterns. .As it is not our intention to keep Carpeting, e will close out the lot. for cash, at New York Cost. Those in warn of the above article, are respectfully invi ted to give us a mil. CRANK Sc CLARK. Kf* Store on Mulberry street, under Washington Hall. Nov 21 8 THREE VALUABLE PLANTATIONS A>ln>ini«trntor*» Male. B Y virtue of an order of the honorable Inferior Court of Houston county, when sitting for ordinary purposes will be sold, on tbe first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, before the Court-House door in Perry, Houston county, within the legal hours of sale, Lot of Land No. 272, in the 14th District of said county; belonging to the Estate of John West, deceased, late of said comity. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of saiiTdeceased. Terms ontheday. ISAAC W. WEST, Admr. Nov 21 8 Administrator’* Sale. H Y virtue of an order of the hoaorable Inferior Conrt of 11.'ustnn ciiui'ty, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court-House door in Vienna, Dooly county, within the legal hours of sale, Lot of Land No. 39, in tbe 6th District olDooly county; belonging to the Estate of John West, de ceased, late of Houston county. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day. Nov 21 '8 ISAAC W. WEST. Admr. Administrator’* Male. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the Court House door in Macon. Bibb county, within tbe legal hours of ssle, one Negro Man, by tbe name of George, uelonging to the Estate of Hamilton Atchison, deceased, late of Bibb county. Sold for the ben efit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Nov 16 S. B. HUNTER, Admr. GEORGE ROBINSON. Ageot. 9 For Manager. DRAWING. CLASS 43. :3 > 15. Cl, 17, 10, 44,20,5.29. 1, 79.25, 34, 85,72 CLASS 44. 9 -G. 19, 1, 75, 61, CG, 30, G4, 78, 58,16, 24. 1 dders of Prizes will please crII and receive tbe Cash, m the other Schemes. *' UT ‘* » GEO. ROBINSON, Agcut. Adiminntrator’* Sale. A GREEABLY to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Bibb countv. will be sold, on the first Tuesday in JAN UARY next, before the Court-House door in Macon. Bibb county, within the legal hours of sale, 380 acres of Land, more or less, lying in the 3d District of originally Houston, now Bibb roantv, on the road leading from Macon to Tho- maston. well imp J QIV ^^5h»rst.-a_-» ^ 3 women. Sol for the benefit Terms on the day. Oct Si 4 JOHN B. PARKER, Adtnr. ISxeculor’N Sale* W ILL be sold, on ihe first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before tbe Court-House door in McDonough, Henry county, within the legal hours of sale, Two Negroes, Dave, a man. about 30 or 35 years old, and Lucy, a woman, about37or 38years old. Sold pursuant to the last Will and Testament of John S. Ingram, deceased, for the benefit of his heirs and creditors. Also, two Horses, and various other articles, belonging to said Kstate. Terms on the day Nov 21 t JOHN GREER, Lx’r. FOR SALE. inE PLANTATION in the first District of Dooly 1 county, nine miles below Travellers’ Rest, near the rood to Drayton, known as Hines’ Pond Place. It consists of 1,100 acres of very superior Land~800 under fence, but little'of which has been cultivated more than three years. No expense or pains was spared in erecting upon the place the necessary buildings. Dwelling House, Overseer’s and Negro Cabbins, Gin-House, Barn, Cribs. Fodder Houses, Stables, See. all new and in fine order. But few places have been so thoroughly or well improved, or can offer so many inducements to the planter as this—among them, pure free stone water, not often found in the low country-. Thus far, it 1ms proven entirely healthy, and will doubtless continue so, as the neighborhood has for many years been almost en tirely exempt from sickness. Persons wishing to purchase or rent, can examine the place, by calling on John 8. Tho mas or William S. Hamel, Esqs. residing near, who will have the place shown to them ; or for further particulars, the undersigned would refer to T. G. Hdt, James Dean, Esqs. Dr. C. West, Macon, or R.K. Hines. Esq. Allany. Also, the VALUABLE PLANTATION in Pulaski countv, 5 miles from Hawkir.sville, known as. the Collier Place, containing 1,600 acres of fine Land, with about 200 acres of open Land, a good comfortable frame Dwelling out houses, and a two-atorj framed Grist Mill, with two pa r of stones, and a Saw Mill in complete order. Both Mills are situated on a never-failing stream, entirely new, and in com plete repair. This is a desirable and healthy location , and cannot fail to please such as are in pursuit of a val uabie Plantation, with a Grist and Saw Mill, and every ibiug at tached for the convenience of farming. A Iso;'the PLANTATION in Monroe county, known as the Rutherford Place, 10 miles from Macon, adjoining the lands of Needham Alims and John Powers. This place contains 600 acres of fine Land, most ofwliich is cleared and n tn1es ceod fencing,ya comfortable Dwelling, Negro Cabins, ■tGiii-jIouse, See. ArVmuated on an elevated site, within 3 or 00 yards-tofthe Monroe Rail-Road, and is considered en tirely healthy. This place, with a little improvement, is susceptible of being one of tlie handsomest locations in Georgia. For terms, apply to A P.PATRICK. Or in his absence, to Jamks Dean, ) T. G. Holt, or > Macon, Nov 6.'1833 6 G. M. Logak, Esqs.) S EXCHANGE. IGHT CHECKS on New York, for sale by Oct 31 5 HENRY C. FREEMAN. EXCHANGE, Passengers 5 c. pr. mile, (children under 12 ys. £ servts. half price, Cotton per bale, (round or square) not exceeding 400 lbs. weight,.. Cotton pSr bale, (round or square, over 400 lbs. per 100 lbs Boxes, bales, andall measurement goods,.... per cubic foot, Sugar, Coffee, Rice. Iron, Hardware, and all other articles that go by weiglit, ... ...........per 100 lbs. Hogsheads and Pipes of Liquor, each Hogsheads of Molasses and Oil,............... ..........each, Barrels of Liquor, Fish, Beef, Pork, Lime, &c each, Barrels of Molasses and Oil, .each, Bis. of Flour, Potatoes, Fruit, Onions, and all other light bis. each, J bis. Pork, Fish, Liquor, Ate. Sc all Kegs of 10 gals. A upwards, each, ‘ bis. Flour, Fruit, Potatoes, See..........................each, Salt in sacks not exceeding four bushels.......... . ........ .each, Salt in sackVover four bushels, per bushel. Corn, Wheat, Meal, and all other grain in bags, per bushel, Cotton Bagging —per piece. Boxes of Soap, Candles, Ac. of common size,.............. -each. Brooms in bundles, .per dozen, Buckets, Collars, Scythes, Shovels Sc Spades, Sifters, See. per dozen, Chairs ...per dozen. Boxes Fruit, Cigars, Ac............ — —.,.each, All small packages not weighing 103 lb3. nor measuring 2 feet, each. Blacksmith's Bellows............................. each, Potatoes, Apples, See ....per bushel, Demijohns, Jugs, Jars. See. not over two gallons,. each, 1 Demijohns, Jugs, Jars, &c. over two gallons....... each, Ploughs, each, BalesofHay and Fodder, not over 400 lbs.., each, Four Wheel Carriages, each, Two Wheel Carriages, each. Post and Stage Coaches and Road Wagons,.. ...each, Lumber, sawed and hewed, per 1,000 feet,... — Wood,.... pet cord, LIVE STOCK. Ho-s, per head Oxen and Beef Cattle, per head, Horses per head, Sheep, Goats, Calves,and Dogs...... per head. Turkeys and Geese in coop3 per head, Ducks and Chickens in coops,—...........per head. _ ^Special contracts may be made with the Superintendant of Transportation, for Freight, on the following articles, w large quantities, viz: Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Lumber,'Wood, Brick, or Stone, Ac. Ac. 4^ ... Planters or Farmers are allowed to pass free of charge, for passage, when accompanying the produce or their own farms to market. ■ ... . , . Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, destined for the interior of this State, Tennessee, or-Alabama, consigned to the Agent of this Company, at Macon, will be received and forwarded from any point of this lload, by wagons, to their place of des- rination. free oi'chaige for Storage or Forwarding. Cotton, Merchandize, or Produce, of any description, will be received by the Company s Agents, at Grinin, Barnesville,.- or Forsyth, and forwarded direct to Savannah, free of any charge, other than, the regular rates of Transportation. Ar rangements must be made in all instances, for the payment of Freight and expenses, with the Company’s Agent at Ma con, or at the Depot where the goods are received or delivered. The attention of Alerchants and Planters, is solicited to the advantages offered them under the above arrangements, for shipping their Produce to Alarket, and obtaining their supplies, through this channel ofcommunication with the seaboard. The Central Rail-Road is now completed snd in operation, from Savannah' to within 2J miles of our Depot, and will be completed to Alacon early this fall. This Road is itt daily operation to Griffin, 60 miles above Macon; and, by the first of December, will be opened for Business to Leakville, 21 miles above Griffin; nnd to the junction with the Western and Atlantic Rail-Road, early next spring. That portion of the Road originally laid with the thin plate Rail, iias been rebuilt this summer, and laid with heavy flange Rail, and the whole Road from Macon to Griffin, is now in good order for business, . . . Merchants living in the upper.part of the State, will find it decidedly to their interest,* to slnp their goods by way of Savannah, over the Central and this llail-Road. consigned to our A gents, as goods can be hauled from Barnesville or Griffin, to Columbus, for 43 a 50 cents per 100 pounds, or any other partof the country at proportionable rotes. All goods will be sent forward immediately, unless otherwise ordered. J. D. CRAY, August 22, 1843. I 0# < 58 58 a 58 25 1 25 58 58 1 00 4 00 2 25 7 00 4 90 50 S 00 i 00 vhen in Agent and Superintendant of Transportation. JOSEPH B. CIAPP, Attorney at Lnw, Vienna, Dooly county, 10. 32 Georgia. SHOWN & SHOCKIEY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. W ILL practice in the counties of the Bouth-Western Circuit, Randolph, Lee, Early, Faker, Decatur Dooly, Macon, Sumter. Telfair, Irwin, Pulaski, of tfi« Southern; and Houston, Crawford, Pike, Upson, Butts and Monroe, of the Flint Circuit.—Office at Vienna, Dooly county, Geo. WILLIAM BROWN, May 23 34 WINFREY L. SHOCKLEY. OL./ 3 We are nulborizfil to announce AJtOH BARNES as a candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns of Bibb county, at the election in January next. Nov 7 6 OJ 3 We arc authorized to nnnomce 801*0- MON R. JOHNSON as a candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns, at the ensuing January election. Oct 31 5 ■;r 1* A KYI ON If. HOWARD is a candidate for SHERIFF of Bibb county, at the next Election. Oct 24 3 BJ 5 RICHARD BASSETT is a candidate for TAX COLLECTOR of the county of Bibb, at the next Election. Sept. 19. 51 A. TL. WRIGHT, ATTORNEY AT I*AW, VIENNA, GA. W ILL practice in all the counties of the South-West ern Circuit. Anil also, Thomas, Lowndes, Pulaski, Irwin, and Laurens, of the Southern Circuit. DCF* He may always be found at his Office in Vierna, Ga.. when not professionally engaged. May 30 35 w!2m 03 s * ABSALOM JORDAN is a candidate for Tax Collector of Bibb county, at the election in January next —and will not be caucused down. Sept. 5. 49 [O 3 We arc authorized to announce AARON LESSEL as a candidate for Tax Collector of Bibb county, at the Election in January next. Oct 10 2 GILES & MOTTO GBR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Lanier, Macox Co. Gin. W ILL practice in the following counties—Macon,Ma rion, Crawford, Houston, Doolv Sc Sumter. JOHN 31. GILES. JOHN C. MOUNGER. Oct 251843 4 J. S. DENNA BLZ>, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jan 25 PERRY. GEO. FAMBRO & SPEAR, ATTORNEY* .IT LAW, FORSYTH. MONROE COUNTY. GA June 15 37 rCP Wc arc anlhorized to announce JABE8 RICHARDSON as a candidate for Receiver of Tax Re turns of Bibb County, at the election in January next. Aug. 29 48 CJDBIRY XI. COX, is a Candidate for Korol. er of Tax Returns, of Bibb county at the next Election. Oct 17 3 ffZF 3 Will. 1>. RAINEY it* a candidate for Re ceiver of Tax Returns of Bibb county, at the ensuing elec tion in January next. Sept 19 51 O 3 K. K. PARKER is n candidate ter Clerk of the Superior Court of Bibb county, at the election in Jan uary next. Oct 3 1 (O 3 We are authorized to announce the name of David Giles, of Houston County, as a candidate for Sheriff of said county, at the ensuing election. Buckwheat. Q.R. Bis. and Kegs New Buckwheat, OVr 50 Bbls Superfine Family Flour, tills day received from New York, and for sale by Macon, Nov 7 6 THOMAS TAYLOR. S IGHT EXCHANGE on New York, foi sale by Nov 14 7 4m WM. P. ROWLAND. LAND. A LOT OF LAND, situated in Houston county, ad joining the Plantation of Gen, Rttheribrd, for sale hv Macon, Nor 14, 1843. E. B, WEEDl IE? We are anthaiized to anooanee EASON S JOINER as a candidate for the office of Receiver of I Tax Returns of Houston county, at the election in January next. August 1 44 | Jftacon Iron 4* Brass Foundry A YD IWACHIYE SHOP. M ILL and Gin Geering, Steam Engine JlWl, Ivon and Brass Castings of every desci iptiou, made to I order, and Machine W^ork in General, corner of Fourth 1 and Walnut Streets. OCr* The highest prices will be paid for Old Copper, BrnftN, Lrad, and Call Iroiit 17 HQPTeflXVLA X