Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, December 12, 1843, Image 3

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THE MACON GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. uillhoaM: (from the Coiwmtteeon Internal Improve- ’'•Smha.l been referred a commumeat.on from 'he if* , " la ,ive to the expenditure* on the \V. & A It. «- ^'C^ument. connected with the <|ame-reported: •* l °' h ,se whole amount of appropriations is •3,173,108,84, ' h *, * 5tt ,„ of $-’.916 018,28 has been expended— unexpended fund* on hand, 833.544,78-amount »i* ,ua 'mended appropriation in State bond*, •-70,975,34. rf *Vl',xten! of road completed ia equal to 33 mile*. The ^ ■ndcrofthe 53 contemplated by the act of 1841, ap- the report oftlte Engineer, to be in such a Mate of r”^n«. a* P mj»«ifyn hope and belief of l» .peedy By estimates of the chief Engineer, it appear* [ umToOO in addition to existing appropnanon*, will be : f or the completion of the whole extent ot road to DEMOCRACY. ,veM»r)' °« t “u!jlhoi*e (from the »ame committee) to whom bad Jlr- ‘.-.-....I,l,- memorial of the Ocmulgee and Flint R. '^d the memorial of the Ocmulgee and Fit n^Cotnpsny made a favorable report, and submitted a 11 1 rctinestiitg our Senator* and Representatives .in C«i». ,3 T.„ S of Congre«tl.e passage of , law to remit the BY S. T. ROWLA.VH, AGENCY OF Till MECHANICS BANK OF AUGUSTA. rriHIS Office, etabluhed in the Ranking House occu- I pied by the Commercial Rank in this city, is prepared to purchase time and short sight Exchange at customary rates, and to receive deposites and collections. Sight Checks ot Ketc York at 1 per cent, premium. N. C. MUXKOE, Agent. Oct. 24 , 4 Election. this day, at hair past io o’clock, j Notice to Voters. JgY order of Council, a Book lor Register of Voters’ £T HDS. St. Croix Sugar, 30 bags Rio Coffee, tl 10 bis Cognac Brandy, 20 do Cuba do 15 bis While Wine Vinegar, 40 boxes Raisins, MACON: TUESDAY MORN1NC, DEC. 12, IS*3. ttta ' '"llnl Boad Iron. T!,c Scnoie was engaged Saturday in ibe consideration , V, j,iH reorganixe the several Judicial Circuits, and *■ Suable the labor* of the Judge* thereof, which waapaa- e.fhv yea* 43, lo nay* 32. Democratic CnndidaleH foe Prcaitlcnl. .IOII V ( . ( A LIIOI N, ol So. Ca. MARTIN VAN BUREN, of N. Y LEWIS CASS, of Ohio, ■gytiiis hill die county of Randolph is addedaoOie Chat- RJCH^^J. M. JOHNSON, OfKy ‘ l ‘, circuit. Bibb to the Ocmulgee, Paulding to the ’ „ ! l,l m,jFo^y.h and Lumpkin to tlie Western. The JAMES BUCHANAN, Of PeiHl ,mcs proposed for holding the several Court*, we refrain . TYLER OfYil tn 1ni» Sdn'WtiU they are definitely fixed. , I '* A » 11 » lnla ’ ”a(ew local and private bill* were introduced and read , To bp decided by a IVntioiml Convention in May 1844. *?/,£ Ifouie on Saturday last, a motion was made to re- insider the rejected bill “to provide for the protecooo and FOR CONGRESS, •'STwm to*'Je e .7fi“.*^wT njr ” . ’ Gen. JOHN w. A. SANFORD, of Baldwin. " Tlie House was engaged the balance of the day in the con- election' ox the first mo.yday u JAXVjtnr rest. .iJeration and discussion of the bill from the Committee on jli "" ■ 1 ■ j fur Judiciary, to establish * Supreme Court for the Correc- j silicon Cottou IHnrlirl. l ^?m^"arn W me. h .^ . The recei I> 19 dur ’ n S 'he past week, have been .icred by a majority of three votes.—Recorder. light, in comparison with the few weeks previous. The committee to whom wa. referred so much of the This is probably owing to the bad state of the gaMmnr’s message** relate* to the subscription for stock roa d St occasioned by the late rains. The news ;“,ui“ 0 "sve d^y i^eMig*?edffi?*^ec^ 0 an§“^t* re wn- P" the Acadia is daily expected, and in anticipa- lid subscription, and submit the following 20 boxes Sperm Candles, 15 do Tallow do 5 kegs Butter Crackers, 100 lbs Almonds. 20 bis Canal Flour, 50 kegs White Lead, 2 lately Negro Men, 12,000 Spanish Scffars, Dee 12 11 30 1 boxes do 10 do Lemons. 5 kegs Grapes. 10 bis Sweet Cider, 20 dozen Brooms, ALSO, [O’Wc arc nailtorized lo announce AVITjljIAlf MACARTHY as a candidate for County Treasurer, at the election in January next. Dec 12 11 1 83" The friend* of STEPHEN WOODWABD announce his name as candidate for the office of County Treasurer, at the January election. Dec 12 11 JO* The Democrat will copy. names, as provided by the City charter, will be open, on the 1st day of December next, for that purpose, at the Clerk's office, where all person's whose names are not on the Tax Book, can enterthem. 05" Office houis, from 9 to 12 o’clock, every day, (Sun days excepted ) , A. R. FREEMAN, c. c. Nov 23,1843, 9 Election Orders. A N Election for third lieutenant and Ensign of the Ma con Volunteers, is hereby ordered to be held at the Company's Room, on Saturday, the 23d inst. Decs' 10 ISAAC HOLMES, Capt.M.V [CT*We tire authorized to announce WILLIAM ROBINSON as a candidate for Coroner of Bibb county, at the election in January next. Dec 12 11 [CP Wc arc authorized to announce JOHN P. EVENS as a candidate for Justice of the Peace of the 564th District, G. M. at the election on the first Monday in January next. Dee 12 11 tifcird with said subscription, -SKb. tl> 8 legislature enacted a law for the construction of a Rad-Road Irom some point near the Tennessee River, io, point on the south-eastern bank of the Chattahoochee Hirer. The said Rail-Road was distinguished in the act. br ibe name of the Western and Atlantic Rail-Road ; that ii'«im>«lion explaining the object of the state to connect the sruern waters with the Atlantic Coast. The south-eastern terminus was to be selected for its eligibility a* a place irom which branch roads could be extended to Athens, Madison. Milledgeville, Forsyth, and Columbus. The 10th jeciwn of the act, which engaged the state in tte enter- ter 'rise, was obviously adopted with the view to induce f ; u '. ( . n , of (be state to unite their effort* and their means vith those of the State, in creating the great work then in rsntemplstion. In fact, language more expresssive of such tn intent, could not have been nsed. It set* out with a de rivation that. f° r the encouragement of the construction of brmch Kail Roads from the terminus of the State Rail- ;;„,l,on the Chattahoochee, to the several towns of Athens, jhJiaon, Milledgeville, Forsyth, and Columbus; and, then proceeds to enact, that so soon as charters shall have been obtained for the construction of said branch Rail-Roads, or ,av of them, and one half of the stock shall have been sub- .crtbeJ for, in all. or either; it should be the duty of the liororior io subscribe, in the name of the state, for one fourth of the capital stock of such company or companies, provided said subscription did not exceed $200,000 to any one branch. A charter was granted to the Monroe Rail- Koml and Banking Company to construct a Rail-Road from the town of Forsyth to the south-eastern terminus of the State Hoad, the stock not to exceed •1,200,000. Subse quently the company was authorized to appropriate a part of this stock to the completion of the road below the town of Forsyth, which reduced the stock for the road between ForsMl'i and the slate road, to •8G0,000. The act of 1836 remirc i that the tracts of all branch roads, by that act con- tai.pls'ed. should correspond in width with that of‘the niiu trunk. At the time the subscription was applied for, mure than one half of said stock was subscribed for, and the re |aUite payments made thereon, to make said sub- irrij, :i i-aliil and binding to all intents and purposes, and pr n adduced that the subscriptions were bona fide, anJ responsible persons, and that the tract of the road to ■ ,.eh as was required by the act of the general assem- My. The investigation which your committee has made, ha- • ulted in no discovery of any matter of tiling calcula- irj impugn or throw a shade of suspicion upon the oaths oft;,- 'uglily respectable gentlemen jvho made the affidavit roj.u ■ i In’the Executive; and if their deposition be true, your ■ nmiitiee believe there is an end of all question as is ; - ,■ .igntion of the state to comply with it* engagement. Th- ioih section contains an additional proviso, that the cue -nail not be required tn pay any part of said subscrip ts until the whole capital stock oi any such company shall have been subscribed for. This proviso, your, committee l u I, has been fully complied with, and from the best evi dence they ran command, the names subscribed, will chal lenge a comparison with those of any similar company in t:.i» state or elsewhere, for their ability and means to pay. Upon an investigation of the payments which have been mule, yourcoinmittee are satisfied that a very latge portion ofihem has been made in par funds, and what is equivalent tn par funds, iron, Ac. for the use of die road, at customary prices; that those who paid the note* of the company, a urge majority, that i» subscriber* representing a large tna- jonty ofibe stock, which was paid for in these notes, re- reived them at par. Hut your committee, upon reference tn the act under which payment of the state's subscription is claimed, find nothing which authorizes the investigation of the payments made. If they have been fraudently or jlle- {•Uyinade. it is a proper auoject of judicial examination, am) if found tohave been so made, the subscribers should be required to make good their subscriptions. As before rematked, the enquiry of your committee terminates when it is ascertained that the subscriptions, entitling the com- j'tny to demand payment of the state, have been faitly and bona fide made by responsible persons, which is found to iie the case. The following facts are therefore found to exist: Is;. That the state engaged to take one fourth of the stock of any company which should obtain a charter for one of said roads, provided said fou-th did not exceed $200,000. 2d. That this engagement was made for the encourage- merit of citizens to take stock in said companies. 3d. That * charter waa granted to the Monroe Rail- Road Company to construct a Rail-Road from Forsyth to the state road. 4th. That more than one hklf of the stock of said company bad been subscribed for agreeably to the terms of the char ter, and thereupon an application was made to the Gover nor for the state's subscription, which, upon , the evidence submitted, he was not at liberty to refuse, without disre- garding the injunction of the law. 5tli. That a large portion of said-stock has been subscri bed for by responsible persons, and that every condition upon which the said company has the right to ask for the payment of said subscription has been complied with. Your committee are of the opinion that the state cannot now pause to diseuss the question of the expediency of the law in the first instance. That day ia past. lion of very favorable accounts from Liverpoql, the animation in our market has reached a high pitch, and prices have advanced fully S of a cent over our last week’s quotations. On yesterday, 8 cents was readily obtained for the article in square bales. We heard of none being sold under 74 cents. (J/*’ We are indebted to the courtesy of the Hon. A. H. Chappell, our Representative in Con gress, for an extra Madisonian, containing the President’s Message. We nope Mr C. will con tinue his courtesy. Tltjj bill lo establish a Court for the Correction of Errors, has passed the House. We learn, there was an alarm of fire, in the State House at Milledgeville on Saturday, which created no little confusion. The alarm arose, we understand, from ignition of the chimney, of the Ex ecutive office. The 28th Congtess organized on the 4th.—There was a pretty full attendance of members. J. W. Jones of Virginia was elected Speaker. On the 5th, the President’s Message was review ed and read in each House. This will be fouud at length in our columns—but we have no space for .com merits. Tire Monroe Rail-Road appropriation bill is to be taken up in the House of Representatives, we understand, this day. We are told there is little doubt of the passage of the bill by the Legislature. Should the Legislature make this appropriation at this time, it will insure the prompt completion of the Road, the grading of which to the terminus, is all but finished, most of the wooden superstruc ture furnished, and a large portion of it laid down —the purchase and laying down of the iron, being now the heaviest expense to incur, to fbrm.a junc tion with the State work. Had this appropriation been made by the last Legislative, the whole line would now have been in "successful operation, from Savannah to De- lvalb, together with the 33 miles of the State Road already finished,—which has been lying idle, subject to decay and wanton injury for nearly a year—and must remain idle, until the Monroe or Augusta Road reaches it. But let the Legisla ture pay its subscription, its hopest obligation to the Monroe Rail-Road, and the junction will soon be effected. Business on this Road, we learn, has increased very considerably since the completion of the Cen tral to Macon, and must continue to increase, as the former advances. The present upper termin us is at Griffin—but will be extended in a short time some 20 miles higher up. A new and splen did additional locomotive, of the largest size, ha9 been shipped at the North for this Road, and is daily expected. Grammar class, stand up. The first—how ma ny parts of speech are there? Three, sir—Politics, Coons, and Lokerfokers. The next—Parse Politics. Politics are an article, finer tense, objective case, uncertain mood, governed by the majority. Right. The next—What is coons ? Coons are an indigenous and heterogenous insect, found in most of the States of North Carolina, par ticularly in the uncultivated parts. The next—What else about coous. He are a sly, cunning, and deccptious critter—a great pest to farmers, robbing their corn-fields, or- \RAH BRANTLY chards, and hen’s nests:—that's why the newspa- jucs county, aged 54 : p etg a | w ays keeps him on his back. That’ll do—that’ll do: You may go to your eat. The next—Parse Locofocos. of the ] Locofocos is a verb, and signifies to suffer, to do, <M«I School (or tfurtl Shell) Baptists, \ and to be—they are in the present tense, posses- fkom the charge or s j ve cnset potential mood, and governed by- — — That’ll do—the class may sit down. * COMMUNICATED. CENTRAL RAIL-ROAD. Wc learn from the Savannah papers, that the reccipis of this Road, for the last four months, were $110,000. Noiv, it is a matter of astonishment to ! us. that, with such an income, the Company suffer their Bills, Bonds, and Stock, to sell at such ruin ous depreciation; while the Georgia Rail-Road, J with much less means, and more debt, keep their Bills and Bonds at par, and their Stock much a- J3* GEORGE ROBINSON is nnnouucrd n* a candidate for the" office of Justice of the Peace, at the en suing election in January. He will be supported by many of the OLD 564TH. CASTINGS. J UST received, a well assorted lot of Castings,including Pots, Ovens, Spiders, and Andirons. Dec 12 JOS. N. SEYMOUR. 0 BLS. PEACH BRANDY, a genuine article, fo sale by » JOS. N. SEYMOUR. Dec 12 11 rgvHE undersigned have commenced the a- 8 bove, in connection with their CLOTH ING BUSINESS, and are prepared to man ufacture Clothing, of every kind, in the latest style, and at the shortest notice.. The exclu sive euention of one of the firm, will be given to this branch of their Business, and-whose experience, they believe, will enable them to give entire satisfaction. They will at all times have in their employ the best workmen ; and will be supplied from New York and Phila delphia. with whatever may be of interest to the fashiona ble world. The patronage of the public i* respectfully so licited. J. &. E. SAULSBURY. 5 Macon, Dec 12, 1843 11 ' EATING HOUSE. T HE.subscriber takes ibis opportunity to inform bis friends and tbe public, that he continues at bis old stand, and will be in readiness to minister to their wants in every department belonging to his line of business. The facilities of intercourse with Savannah', afford him the snpplies of that market, and being the Agent of that well known concern, LUDDINGTON it THOMPSON, he is able to assure his friends that he will be daily supplied with Fresh Fish. Oysters, and every oilier delicacy that can be obtained on the sea- board, and at Savannah. His arrangements for daily supplies by Rail-Road, are perfect and permanent. MEALS can be obtained at any hour, from sunrise to midnight; and his Fare will comprise all the varieties ot Fish, Game, and Meats of the season, served with nearness, and in quietness, by attentive and civil servants. For Sale to Families. OYSTERS in the shell, by the bushel, keg, or gallon, Do Pickled, - With FISH of all kinds. Dec 12 11 E. C. GRANNISS, Agent. PORTRAIT PAINTING. R J. CURTIS, Portrait Paister, informs the in- . habitants of Macon,lhathe will remain here for asliort time. Persons wisliinga food L ikeness, at a moderate price, will find Mr. C. at the Cettral Hotel. Dec 5 10 3t Surgical Operation. D R. A. WALTER, on his way to Savannah, will re main in this city for a few months, for the benefit of those who are afflicted with Club or Reel Feet, IVry-Seck, Con tracted Joints, and Strabismus or Squinting. Persons desirous of being relieved of those deformities, can secure his services, if application be made soon. He also operates for Cataract or Blindness. 0*His residence ia at Mr. Laxjek’s Washington Hall. Macon, Nov. 21,1843. 8 tf Negroes to Hire. W ILL be Hired, in the City of Macon, Bibb county, the Court-House, on the first Tuesday in JANUA RY next, to thebighest bidder, until the 25th day of De cember thereafter, the Negroes belonging to the Estate oL Luke J. Morgan, deceased, consisting of Men, Women, and Children, seven Fellows accustomed to work on the Rail- Road, (one of which is a good Rail-Road Blacksmith.)— Will be hired st private contract, by application to me at Washington, Wilkes county, previous to the 22d day of De cember. Terms made known on the day. LEWIS S. BROWN, Admr. Dec 5 10 on the Estate of Luke J. Morgan, dec. Notice; B Y Resolutionof Council, no person will be allowed to vote for Mayor or Aldermen, at the approaching Elec, lion, who has not paid up all arrearages of Tax doe the City, Nov 28,1843. " 9 A. 11. FREEMAN, c c. lO.OOO. GEORGIA LITERATURE 1 rMt? r 3ST' JHE CLASS 15—Extra. To be decided by tbe Drawing of the Grand Consolidated Lottery of Delaware, Class No. 50, to be drawn at Wil mington, Delaware, Dec. 14, 1843. r 72 Number Lottery.—11 Drawn Ballots. WHOLE TICKETS $4, Halves $2, Quartets 81. O* Sales close on Saturday, tbe 16th injt. MARRIED, In Meriwether county, on the 16th ult. by the Rev. Jas. Ranter, Mr. CHARLES B. ZUBER, to Miss MARY A. B. CLEMENTS, eldest daughter of Bishop Clements, Esq. of the above place. DIEDj On tbe 23d of October, Mr... wife of Mr. Benjamin Brandy, of years. Georgia Uiteratare Lottery, CLASS <19, To be Drawn in Augusta, Georgia, December 12th, 1843. 75 Number Lottery—12 Drawn Ballots. WHOLE TICKETS S1.50, shares in proportion. $3,000. Georgia Literature Lottery, CLASS To be drawn at Augusta, Geo, Dec. 15, 1843. 00 No. Lottery—14 Drawn Ballots. WHOLE TICKFTS, SI,—SHARES in proportion. Tickets by the package or single, for sale by GEORGE ROBINSON.-Agent. Dec 12 11 For Managers. DRAWING, CLASS 47. 13, 14, 15, 5, 55, 50.33,42,73,27, 61, 67,10. CLASS 48. 29,38. 17, 49,'62, 64, 34, 31, 20, 6, 12,70. Holders of Prizes will please call and receive the Cash, or renew in the next Scheme. Dec 13 11 GEO’ ROBINSON. Agent. VINDICATION a 2 O @ ® IR ‘S’S BT JOEL MATHEWS. T UST PUBLISHED, and fot sale at this Office, and at the several Book Stores in this city. Also, by most of the Preachers of this denomination. Price, 25 cents, single copy, or • l 75 per dozen. !P ’} 3. f Council Chamber, MACON. Dec. 8,1843. REGULAR MEETING. Present—The Mayor, Aid. Jtylander, Ross, Ray, Denton. Absent—Aid. Risbet, Barnard, Winn, Moultrie. The Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and C °Tl™Bridgo keeper reports tolls for week, Dei 1, $131 90 j the Central Rail-Road. There must be ei- Do do do do do Dec 8, 115 fit ther a great neglect of duty, or inefficiency in the Smith & Curry’, bill for 840. for repairing 3 Fire En-1 administrat ; on „ Savannah; indeed, the daily ob- pnes, was passed and ordered paid On motion Aid. Ray. the following Preamble and Reso lution were read and passed: Whereas, by an Act of the Legislature, passed in the Jear I833, the time for the payment of the balance doe oy •he City, on the purchase of the Bridge, was extended, upon me condition, that the City Council of Macon should give a Bond, in double the amount of the purchase money doe, payable in five equal annual instalments—the first of which fall* due in January next. And whereas, the said "end has so far been neglected to he given, by which the ,- v m ”y be made responsible for all the accruing interest: Be it, therefore. Resolved, That the Mayor be, and he is hereby authorized to execute, in the name of the City, a : ilmn bv the river. I Bond to His Excellency, the Governor of Georgia, for the , ' , , , , • hseofthe State, m the sutnof twenty-five thousand dollars, | llioy could be WUCll l being double the amount of the purchase money due on the I lnca t. '?'?,S e > co,; hiioii. d fnrtlte paymentoftwenty-five hundred | * —;—— — f . . annually, for five year*—the firot instalment to fall The"?brrespondent of the Chrontc.e and Sentinel, is ve x- “Oe in January next. ( od because the Democrats will not let the Legislature do 1 1 :. mu. i-e. t.. r :st. ! iI -dinani'e, entitled <"> j I hi it a. and yet, in the same h'l‘< r, soy s more lies been »n Ordinal!. .• t.> fund li.,: I r,,;,,. ,. It;;;., w:i . rend, nnd dene by the present body, titan ever has been in the same 3| fl"vi-r tor s, ,'end reading, to tlie next regular meeting. j length of time. Little like Mr. Clay’s letters to Mr. Men. t a,; urned. I wetner, and Messrs. Branham and Bledsoe—ho did and he servation, and general complaints we hear, is strong evidence of mismanagement in some of the depart ments. With a stock of 20,000 bales of Cotton in this city, the Cars have been leaving here, either entirely empty or with parts of a load—thereby losing from 500 to Si,000 a trip, which ought to be made to the Company; and all for their adher ence to some vexatious rules, or higher freights $30 REWARD. R AN AWAY from the subscriber, near Macon, on the Cth inst. a dark Negro Man, by the name of ISAAC, about 3.1 yrs- old ; about 6 feet high, and stout built; the white of his eyes somewhat red; has some marks on his right arm, occasioned by the bite of a dog; is n good Carpenter; went ofT on a sorrel Mare, with a small white on her face. He probably has on a blue sattineit round coat, and a blue camblct cloak, some* what worn. It is likely he has a free pass. A reward of $25 will be given for his apprehension in this State, or $30, if out of tne Stale. Dec 12 11 JAMES R. PERRY. Lost or Stolen, S OME few weeks since, a small Leather FOCKET BOOK, containing one Note for 816, on Ciceio A. Tharp—one on the subscriber and Sami. Robinson, for $25, which has been paid—one other small Note on the subscri ber, which has also been paid. The public are cautioned against trading for any of the above Notes. A liberal re ward will be given for their delivery to me, or any informa tion so that I may get them. WM. MOONEYHAM. Crawford county. Dec 11,1843.11 It* Dooly Jlnrch .Bortgage Sale. \TKTILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, \\ before the Court-House door in Vienna, Dooly coun ty, within the legal boars of sale. Two Negroes: John, a man, about 23 years old, and Min ty, a woman. abont 45 or 50 years old; levied on as the property of Alexander Meriwether, to aati.’fy one mortgage fi fa issued from Dooly Inferior Court, in iavorofHenry C. Faqua vs. Alexander Meriwether. Property pointed out in saffi mortgage ft fa. THQMAg w PETTEE, Shff. JOS. & E JO WIN SAIJESBURY H AVING purchased of Mr. R. W. MORRIS, bis en tire Slock of CLOTHING, CASSIMEStSS, &c are prepared tn offer the same at very reduced prices for cash The Stock is new, and the Clothing manufactured in the latest style, and in the best manner. They feel warranted in saying, that, as regards variety, quality, and price, their Stock cannot be surpassed by any in the city. They have on hand. Gentlemen’s super Beaver and Pilot Cloth Gentlemen’s super Beaver and Pilot Cloth FROCK COATS, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's super CLOTH CLOAKS, Gentlemen's Blue. Black. Green, Cadet Mixed Frock and Hress Coats, Gentlemen’s super French Cassiracre FROCK COATS Gentlemen’s Cloth; Cassimere, Sattinett, and Jeans YOUTH’S CLOTHING, OF EVERT DESCRIPTION ; BLUE, BLACK, MIXED, AND FANCY CJLOTJIS .LVJ1 C.lSSI.VnEl£JES. Also, a splendid assortment of VESTS, Gloves, Suspenders, Shirts, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, HOSIERY, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, &c &c Macon, Dec 5, 1843 ICr* The undersigned, having disposed of his entire stock of CLOTHING to Messrs. J. & E. SAULSBURY. would recommend them to the patronage of his former ens- tomets and the public general'y—believing that their ar rangements are such as will enable them to offer their Goods at such prices as to make it to the interest «f purchas ers to buy of them. R.* W. MORRIS. Dec 5, 1843 10 3m Sack Coats. T WEEDS Cloth and Satinett Sack Coats, of a superior quality. For sale by J. A E. SAULSBURY. To tlic Ladies. A FEW Ladies superior Spanish Cloth Cloaks, (or Josee’s) being an entirely new style. Just received and for sale by J. & E. SAULSBURY. Dec 5 10 Gcallcmen’s Cloth Cloaks. J UST Received a handsome assortment of Gentlemen’s Circular Cloth Cloaks, (Broadway style) For sale Pec,5 J. & E. SAULSBURY. 10 WASHINGTON HALL, MACON, GEORGIA/ FY1HE subscriberhas again taken this Estab JL lishment, where he will always be hap pv to attend to the calls of his old customers, and the travelling public generally. Macon, June 20 38 8. LANIER. CENTRAL HOTEL, illacon, Geo. T HE subscriber liaving become tlie Proprietor of this well known establishment, respectfully solicits the patronoee of tbe public. The house has been entirely cleansed end renovated; the rooms replenished with cle; Houston .Inniiary Sale*. AT^ILL be sold, on the tirst Tuesday in JANUARY ▼ ▼ next, before the Court-House door in Perry, Hous ton county, within the legal hours of sale. All that Tract of Oak and Hickory Land, lying in the 12th District of Houston county, known ns Lots Nos. 133, 134, 135,162, 175, and 176, in the plan of said District, contain ing, in the aggregate. 1,215 acres, more or less; all levied on as the property ofWilliam Hamilton, to satisfy a mortgage fifa from Houston.Superior Couri, in favor of the Commer cial Bank at Macon, vs. said William Hamilton. Also, the North-half of Lot No. 12, in the 14th District of Houston county, containing 101J acres, more or less; levied on as the property of William J. Brown, to satisfy a mort gage fi fa from Houston Superior Court, in favor of .John D. Winn. Administrator of Franeis Allen r deceased, vs. said WilliamJ. Brown. Also, Lot of Land No. 82, in the 9th District of Houston county, containing 202$ acres, more or less? levied on as the property of Drewrv Clark, by virtue of an attachment, re turnable to Houston Superior Court, iu favor of Stephen R. Ham r vs. said Drewrv Clark. To be sold by order of the Superior Court of saki county. Also, the undivided half of Lot of Land Na. 2W r itrthe 10th District of Houston county, being the part whereon the widow Dupree lived at her death; levied on as the property of Ira E. Dupree, to satisfy a mortgage ft fa from Houston Superior Court, in favor of Benjamin B. Herb. Adminisira- tor of Council S. Bryan, deceased, rs. said Iia E. Dupree. Also, Lot of Land No. 165, in the I3th District of Houston county \ levied on as the property of Cullen Talton. to satis fy a mortgage ft fa, issued from Houston Superior Court, in favor of J ohn Netd vs. said Talton. Nov 28 D GEORGE M. DUNCAN, ShfT. WiU he sold t at the same time and placc t . One Lot of Land, in the 9th District of Houston county, adjoining lands of John Jenkins, No. not known, coutaining 208} acres,more or less; levied on as the oroperty of Sola- tbiel Knight, to satisfy two fi fas from a J ustice’s Court of said county, in favor of Wiley Massey, vs. said Salathiel Knight. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, one L*oi of Laud, No. 196, in the 10th District of saidcounty, and 2 Negro Slaves, Adam, 50 years old, and Tom, 35 years old; levied on as the property of Seuus H* Clark, to satisfy one fi fa from Houston Inferior Court, in fa vor of John Barton vs. Senus H. Clark. Nov 28 9 WM. HERRINGTON. D. Shff. H. & J. COWLES, H AVE now on hand, atlhe Store formerly occupied by Messrs. J. B. Ross & Co., a ge neral assortment ot" Planters’ Supplies, consisting ot ^ GROCERIES, STAPLE DRY-GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, &c. Ac. Macon, Oct 25, 1843 ^ NEW GOODS .vi: tr yo'rk s t ore. rflHE subscriber would respectfully announce to theeiti- JL zens of Macon and its vicinity, that he is now opening his IVew Stock ol Wrv-Goods, at die New York Store, formerly oecnp’ed by G. XV A E. Woodruff, next door to H. Fitch A Co. on Mulberry street, where - a share of patronage is respectfully sofictied- Macon. Nov 28, 1S43 9 EDWIN 11ART. Crawford January Males. 11 ^IL I< be sold, on the first Tuesday in _ JANUARY T* next, before the Court-House door in Knoxville, Crawford county, within the legal hours of sale, Lotof Land No. 189, in the Cth District of originally Houston, now Crawford county,containing202{ acres, more or less ; levied on as the property of Rigdnn Powell, to sat isfy a fi fa from the Superior Court of said county, in favor Hirtitn B. Troutman vs. Rigdon Powell. Also, one House and Lot, in Francisviffe, whereon Wil liam B. Sneliing now lives; levied on as the property of said Snellinc, to satisfy a fi fa from Crawford Superior Court, in favor of Jeremiah C. Harvey. Admr. Ac. vs. Wm. B. Sneliing, and Christopher F. Fickling, security. Property pointedoiu by plaintiff. Also,one Negro Boy, by the name of Houston, about Gor 7 years old; levied on as the property of Allen Marshall, to satisfy a fi fa from Crawford Superior Court, in favor of die Central Bank vs. Allen Marshall. Nov 28 9 THOMAS ANDREWS, D. Shff. POSTPONED SALES.—JPtB be sold, at the same lime and place. Lot of Land No. 143, and the North-East half of Lot No. 142, all lying in the 2d District of originally Houston, now Crawford county; all levied on as the property of Allen Marshall, to satisfy sundry fi fas, issued from one of the Justices’ Courts of said county, in favor ofHiram B. Trout man vs. Richard Morris, nnd Allen Marshall, security.— Property pointed out by Allen Marshall. Levy made by a constable, and returned to O.'M. Colbert, late Dep. Sheriff. Also, Lot of Land No. 73, in the 6th District of originally Houston, now Crawford county ; levied on as the property ofWilliam Richardson, to satisfy a fi fa from Crawford Su perior Court, in favor of Radford J. Turner vs. William Richardson. THOMAS ANDREWS, D. SUIT. Nov 28 . 9 Butts January Males. W ILL be sold, oil the first Tuesday, in JANUARY next, before the Court-House door in Jackson, Butts county, within die legal hours of sale,. Lot of Land No. 6, in the 4th District of originally Mon roe, now Butts county; levied on as the property of Thomas Fsster, to satisfy one fi fa from Butts Superior Court, in fa vor - of William Foster vs. Thomas Foster, and Samuel Bellah, security. Property pointed.outby defendant. Also, Lot of Land No. 3li, in the 1st District of originally Henry, now Butts county; levied on as the property of Witt C. Wise, lo satisfy one fi fa from Butts Superior Court._ in favor of Aaron Woodward vs. Wm. McElhenny, \Vm Fullington and Witt C. Wise, security. Property pointed out by plaintiff. G. C. CARMICHAEL, D. Shff. POSTPONED SALE.—Will be sold, atlhe same time and place, 937 acres of Land, more or less. Nos. not known; levied on as the property of Bartholomew Stell, to satisfy a fi fa from Butts Superior Court,in favor of Sterling S. Jenkins. Admr. of Willis C. Jenkins, vs. Bartholomew Stell. Prop erty pointed out by defendant. Nov 28 9 JOHN ANDREWS, D. Shff. IWILUJVERY AjYII FANCY GOODS, AND I* it us's j/jjam M rs. tv. ir. jio it r iff would respectfully announce to the Ladies of Macon and country generally, that she is now opening* on Cotton Avenue, opposite Messrs. Scott & Carliart. and next door to the Messrs. Orrs, an kntikf. NEW Stock of the mo-t Fashionable and Latest Style of GOODS, adapted to- the above Business ; all of which has been selected by one of tbe best judges in New York City. Great inducements will be held out to purchasers fot CASH; in consideration of whirb, she solicits a share of public patronage. N. B.—Orders from Town or Country, thankfully receiv ed and promptly- attended to. Her motto will ever be-— -Promptness without delay, and punctuality with despatch. Macon, Nov 7.1843 ^ Ml Stolen, ROM the lower common of the city, a small White Mare Pony, about 6 or 7 years oM. Any person returning said Pony to the subscri ber. near the Macon Bridge, will be liberally rewarded. Nov. 21 3 3t E. MOURATTY. IVew Goods! New Good*!! T HE Subscribers are now receiving a genera! Assort ment of staple and fancy DRY-GOODS, of *ne latest style and patterns, which they offer for sale at fair prices, ini brick building one door from Washington Hall. Sent 25 52 GEO. W. PRICE & CO. Hamilton, Hardeman & Co. . FACTORS AND General Comm iss ion Jtlerch an fs SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. August 20,1S13. 4 9 THOMAS II. HAKDEA, Commission Merchant, s.nvi.T.r.i/f, attotmi.i. g and purclins- aU Dooly - January Sales. P OSTPONED SALES.—Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in'JANUARY next,! efore tlie Court-House door in Vienna, Dooly county, within the legal hours of sale. Three Negroes, la»wit: Jacob, about 30 years old; Dick, about 25 years old; and Cate, about 20 yea:s old; levied on as the property of Maria Bembry, to satisfy sondiy fi fas from a Justice's Court in favor of Nathaniel Wade vs. Da vid Scarborough and Maria Bembry, for tke use of James Boatright. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, Lota of Land Nos. 2 and 3, in the 16th District, and the place known as Ford’s Stand, in the 15th District of Dooly, where Golden now occupies as a public house ; all levied on as the property of Robert G. Ford to satisfy one fi fa from Lee Superior Court, in favor ot Griffin Smith vs. Robert G. Ford and Jacob Shiver. Also, one House and Lot, in the town of Vienna, No. not known, where Anderson D. Moore keep3 a Grocery ; levied on as the property of John M. Bottom, to satisfy two fi fas from Dooly Superior Court, one in favor of Luther Roll vs. John M. Bottom, and one in favor of Allen B. Chastain vs. John M. Bottom. THOMAS W. PETTEE, Shff’. Nov 21 8 ■R S prepared to execute all orders for selling am 1 insr Produce, and will make liberal Advances Produce consigned to him for sale. Refer i»—Wm. Djcaring <5c Sons, Charleston. WiLEr, Lane & Co. P. A. Lawson. Albany, Ga. R. K. Hines, Esq. “ - Rea & Cotton, Macon, Chas. Day & Co.. “ Johnson, Jones & Tkck, Griffin, Beck, Dobbins &. Co. " Kimbrough A Ridgway, Apalachicola, F Lockhart & Young, •* August 1,1843.44 JO ISA T. ROWE AAR, Factor A Commission site reliant, SAVANNAH, GEORGM, N. B.—Particular attention will be given to Forwarding Produce and Merchandize. Rye Flour and Canal Flour. CJT BLS. Rye Flour, H50 bis. Canal Flour, for Sale in anv quantity, by Nnv 21 8 H. C. FREEMAN. Beer and Cider. 1 J? BLS. Beex-, IO 10 bis. Cider, just received per Kail-Itcad, by- Nov 21 8 II. C. FREEMAN. Oik BLS. Irish Potatoes, yU 50 bushels Sweet 1’otatoes, at 20 rents per bushel. Buckwheat. Crackers, Butter, Ginger Nuts, fresh supply, ju3t received by H. C. FREEMAN. Nov 2t S X.OST, O N the 2fst instant, on the road from Thornastmi to Tur ner’s Factory, a small POCKET WALLET, con siderably used, containing between 50 and $100, on various Banks, with a small amount of silver. Any information will be thankfully received, and a liberal reward paid to the finder, on its being delivered to the subscriber, at Bel view, Talbot county. WADE H. FULLER. Nov 28,1843. 9 Bulti January Male* «TILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY ▼ ▼ next, before the Court-House door in Jackson, Butts county, within the legal hours of sale, Lot of Land, No. not known, it being the place whereon the defendant. Daniel Earp, now lives, in the 4th District of originally Monroe, now Buds county, and more particu larly known as the place where Allen McClendon formerly lived. Also, one Negro Boy, by the name of Ned, about 6 years old; and Ben, a man, about 24 or 25 years old; all levied on as the property of Daniel Earp, to satisfy one fi fa from the Inferior Court of said county, in favor of Nathan H. Beall va. Daniel Earp. Nov 21 8 GRIFFIN C. McMTCHAEL, D. S. Rooty January Sales. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the Court-House door in Vienna, Dooly county, within the legal hours of sale, One Lotof Land, No. 14, in the 1st District of said coun- ; levied on as the property of Council S. Brvan, to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor ot the Officers of Court, for their cost, Levied on and returned to me by constable. POSTPONED SALES.—At the same time and place, One Lot of Land, No. 48, in the 9tli District of said coun levied on as the property of Littlebury Sims, to satisfy one fi f#in favor of Win. and D. Remshart and others vs. Littlebury c^ims. Also, one Lot of Land, No. not known, but known as the STRAYED, FROM the subscriber, on the night of the 21st instant, between Thomaston and Flint River, a dark brown MARE MULE, about 6 years old, somewhat rubbed by the harness, a good pacer— no other marks recollected. The undersigned would be thankful for any information, and a suitable reward given for the ^ eturn of tlie animal. WADE H. FULLER. Bel view, Talbot co. Nov. 28.1843. 9 Came to nay Plantation, A BOUT tlie first of September last, a SMALL GllEY HORSE, nearly white; supposed to be 5 years oid ; rides well, paces and trots finely; his eyes are wee k, or has that appearance. The owner is requested to come forward, pay charges, and take him away. WM. SPELL. Vienna, Doolv county-Nov. 1.1843. 9 tf beds nnd suitable furniture, and tbe whole interior of tbe place where Elizabeth Burgess fives, in the 2d District of establishment adapted to the comfort of his guests. That Dooly county; levied on to satisfy one li la in favi the domestic economy of the House will be such ns to grati fy the most fastidious, lie has but to inform the public, that he has encaged as general Superintendents, WM. SHI VERS, JUNlt. AND LADY, whose career as Managers ofa Tavern in Sparta, for nine years, has commended nim to the favorable notice of the travelling public. WM. G. THOMAS. Sept. 19 The undersigned having disposed of his proprietorship In the Central Hotel, to Mr. W. G. Thomas, from his knowl edge of him, and the well known capacity of Mr. and Mrs. Shivers, in the management of a Public House, can with confidence, recommend the Central Hotel to the patronage of his friends and the public. F. SIMS. Sept. 19 51 Guardians’ Sale. r URSUANT to an order of the Inferior Court of Hous ton count v. when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold, before tile Court-House door in Perry, Houston coun ty, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, within the legal h'ours of sale, the undivided interest of two-fifthsofl35a- cres of Lot of Land No. 34, in the 14tli District or said county—belonging to Felix McNair and Frances McNair, orphans of James S. McNair, deceased. To be sold for tlie benefit of said minor orphans. Terms on the day. GEO. Mi DUNCAN, Guardian for Felix McNair. SOLOMON FUDGE, Guardian Dec 12 11 for Frances McNair. nereased by better manage- Coitncil t Attest. A. H. FREEMAN, C. C. : did’nt.—Cassvillc Pioneer. Administrator’s Stale. Large as tlie receipts now are, W^exi.^tffieiaTeSe’ncJof^{vUefoemn'F-™! in Upson county, within the legal hours ot sale, all the Per- ishable Property belonging to the Estate of said deceased, consisting ofliorses. Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Corn, Fodder, and Wheat, Farming Tools, Household and Kitchen 3? ur- niture, Ac. Ac. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and credit- ors of naul deceased. Terms of sale on the day. Sale to continue from dav to day. until all is sold. . K? The Plantation will be rented, and the Negroes hi red, at die same time ami place. Dec 12 11 WILLIAM McKINNEY, Admr. NEW BOOKS, At BOARRHIM’S Mlook Store, Sign or (lie Bible* r llE subscriber lias just received a large supply of sea sonable BOOKS, comprising all the late publications, among which are the American Annuals, viz: The Gift, for 1844, The Winter Green, for 1844, The Opal •' €l edited bvN.P. Willis, The Rose of Sharon, 1844, Friendship’s Offering, 1844, The Literary Souvenir, do The Little Keepsake, The Little Gift, • The Child's Gem, Su Nicholas Gift, Annualette, Youth's Keepsake, Holiday Tales, Marco Paul’s Travels, Heroes of England, Old Humphrey’s Observations and Thoughts, Percival’s Poems, and a great many other Books, too numer ous to mention. Also, Account Current and Bill PAPER; Cap and Let ter PAPER, ruled and plain, for writing and printing; blank Cards; common PRINTING PAPER. Also, an extensive assortment of School, IfliscellnneoifM, !VKedical> nnd Law BOOKS, All of which will be sold at low prices, for Cash. Dec 5 io J. M. BOARDMAN. s EXCHANGE. IGHT CHECKS < Oct 31 5 i New Ynrk, for sale bv HENRY C. FREEMAN. Christopher B. Strong vs. Elizabeth Burgess. Nov 23 10 JAMES G. OLIVER, D.?hff. s EXCHANGE, 1GIIT EXCHANGE on New York, fin sale by Nor 14 7 4in WM. 1’. ROWLAND. Butti January Sale*. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, before the Court-House door in Jacksou, Butts county, within the legal hours of sale, 3 Lots, including the Indian Spring Hotel, of two acres each; the Lot on which the Billiard House formerly stood, all on the Indian Spring Reserve. Also, the following Ne groes! David, 20 years old; Gabriel, 18; Jim, 25; Jack, 12; Ephraim, 8; Sarah, 30; Lydia, 25; Susan, 13; and Mark, 4. Also, 100 Beds and Mattrc?sse3 and furniture for the same J one hundred Bedsteads, some of them fine; fifty small Tables; twelve large Dining Tables; a large quantity of Breakfast and Dinner Plates; Knives and Forks; Table and Tea Spoons; Casters, fc>alts. &c.; Pitch ers, Dishes, and Steak Dishes j 1 Piano Forte ; Mantle Furniture; 2 Clocks; 1 large Centre Table; 1 small do; 2 Sofas; 2 dozen fine Sitting Chairs; 3 large Looking.Glass es; 1 Carpet; 3 dozen Sitting Chairs; 150 common do; a quantity of Wash Bowls and Pitchers for rooms j a large quantity of Looking Glasses for rooms; a quantiiy of Bar room Furniture*. Lamps, Ac.; Irons, Shovels, and Tongs. Kitchen Furniture, consisting ofa laqgo quantity of Cook ing Utensils; 3 Bureaus, and 1 set Dini.ig Tables; all lev ied on as the property of Henry Dillon, to sat isfy 5 fi fas from tlie Superior Court, and 6 from the Inferior Court of Butts county, in favor of Th*mas C. Nisbet, Administrator of John Nisbct, deceased, vs. Henry Di.Ion and John C. Watters; 2 in favor of James Wakeman, bearer, vs. Hen ry Dillon; Harvey S.Hoadly vs. Henry Dillon; William Maxev vs.Henry Dillon; Maxey A Bartlett vs. Henry Dil lon; Charles F. Newton and William V. Burney vs. Hen ry Dillon ; David Elder vs. Henry Dillon ; Charles Camp bell A Co. vs. Henry Dillon; Robert G. Duke vs. Henry illon ; and William White vs. Henry Dillon. MORTGAGE SALES.—One Negro Man, by the name of York, about 26 years old ; and Milleynnd her two chil dren, Jim nnd Joe ; levied on as the property of Young G- Malone, to satisfy one mortgage fi fa in favor of John Grie r , Exr. of Elizabeth C. Dennis, vs Young G. Malone. Also, one Negro Man, by the name of Ezekiel, about 30 years old; levied on as the property of Jame** Brady, to satisfy one mortgage fi fa’in favor of John Grier. Exr. of Elizabeth C. Dennis, vs. James Brady. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa, Oct31 5 JOHN ANDREWS. I). ,SbtT. frawfoi’il Jimunrv .llort^njrr Hair. VMyTILL be sold, on tlie first Tuesday in JANUARY ▼ V next, before the Court-House door in Knoxville, Crawford county', within the legal hours of sale, 2C 2i acres of Land, No. 154, in the 7th District of origin ally Houston, now Crawford county; levied on to satisty a mortgage fi fa in favor of Bond A Murdock vs. John A. Knight. Property pointed out in said mortpane fi fa. 0* 131 5 THOMAS ANDREWS, D. SUflf. CaOlUTIOJW S TOLEN from the Confectionary of Outlaw & Fisher, on the night of the 7th of September last, one large Calf Skin POCKET BOOK, containing the following Notes: One Note on Joseph Jackson, for $41 22^, dated 1st January. 1843, due one day after date, and payable to Samuel Dawson & Brother, or bearer. One Note on John Stephens, given to John Champion, and endorsed by John Champion, for $18, dated and due 1st January, 1843. Also, three Thirty Dollar Notes, on Wm. Hubauks, with Wiley Cobb, security, date not recollected, but due 1st January', 1843, and payable to Benjamin Smith, Guardian of the mi nors of \V» G. Paullett. The public are hereby cautioned against trading fur any of said Notes ; or the makers from paying them to any other person than the subscriber. YOUSG T. OUTLAW. Vieni a, Dooly county, Nov. 17. 1843. CAUTION'. 9 fit 4 Lti persons are hereby cautioned against trading for a XjL number of small Notes, size not recollected, in all a- mounting to $450, one-half due on Christmas following, and the other half, the Christmas after; given by the undersign ed to Richard Seymour, dated some time in January, 1839. The above Notes were given for a piece of property, which has. with consent of parties, been returned, nnd tile holder of the Notes refuses to give them up; in consequence of which, 1 am determined not to pay them. WILLIAM B. JONES. Crawford county, Nov 23, 1843. 9 3t S3 REWARD. I OST or STOLEN, on the night of the 29th ult. at the Auction Room of John P. Gavan, a Yellow CALF KIN POCKET BOOK, containing about 8 or $9 in pa per and silver. Also, one Note on John T. Booth, in favor of John Tamplin,jr. dated sometime in the early part of 1842, and due one day after date. Also, one Note on James Liverman, for $15 50, in favor of John Tamplin.jr. date and time due not recollected. Also, several receipts nnd notea. paid, in favor of John Tamplin, jr. Any person delivering said Book and contents, atlhe Telegraph Office, in Macon, rill receive the above reward, and no questions asked. DCF Tlie makers of said Notes, are hereby cautioned a- ainst paying them to any person but myself, as I shall make application for a renewal of the same. JOHN TAMPLIN, Jr. Talbot county, Dec 5, 1943. 10 2* JgjKCcutor’M Male. ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, belore.the Couit-House door in Jackson, Buna, county, within the |£gal hours o( sale, one Negro "Woman, by the name of Clark, about 40 years old, belonging to the Estate of Nancy McClendon, deceased, late of said county. Sold for the benefit of tlie heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. Terms made known on the day of sale. Nov28 9 JOHN GOODMAN, Ex’r. W 1 , Kxrcntor’a Hale. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, befgre the Court-House door in Jackson. Butta county, within the legal hours ojf sale, one Nei:ro Woman, named Fanny, about 40 years old, and Mima, her girl child, about 5 years old, anil her boy child, Charles, about 1 year old. Sold n* apart of the Estate of William Hancock, de ceased. for the benefit of the legatees of hie W ill. Terms made known on the day. Nov 28 10 JAMES T. MADDOX. Ex’*.