Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, December 19, 1843, Image 1

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anijc PPKISHED EVE It Y T! i.SDAY MORNING, BY Wl- B.* I2'£*JLETT. n.tict—Brick Building, earner Cotton Avenue a °' r Pint Street. 125510 A I< B 8BJ?5© A A Si. /.r nnHE undersigned, having i‘eir.«ed from £ Jg? t) il Cotmn Avenue to- the v re on Mulberry 'Ipar*'/' ami ihird streets, opposite tlie Central Hotel. y'Vv-jJ ' vvvild announce to the citizens of Macon,and /Lja •• V’ viehiiiy, thnt he will there continue theprac- tae * tice tf Medicine in all its various branches, aifd will, as former^, attend to the calls of those who may deem it their interest to procure his services AT. S. THOMSON, M. IX Macon, Oct. 1st. 1813. S3 :SE\V BOOK STORE 0\ it iTOV AVL’tiS, FlTNUES Business at Ills old ecu Hi? offering's well "GROCEHI AND €5 o m m . s s a © E3 IS u s i ra c s . W E lake this method of informing onr friends nnd the poblir generally, that we are stiH connected in the 'Wtire-EIot: e and Hflnimioicii BnsliMuts, wliiclt ‘will t,o,'conducted at the stand occupied l>y us the past sensoh, (on Cherry-street, near Cotton Avenue.) F.rthe "ronvonience of our up-ca jnt y friends, we are building a SCALE HOUSE,nearly adjoining Col. Parker’s Store, on" the Avenue, which will be completed .by the first of Sep tember. 'Ve desire t, r,- rn pur thanks, for tho liberal patroiage bestowed on u:. ,; nnd trust onr exertions for the-interest of our patrons, to merit ilscoutinuaucKS « We will be prepared to make the customary Act f tree > oil rotten, fill Orders, and attend to such business ns ufay be Confided to us by our friends, oi> ns favorable terms as will be done bv any other regular House iu this plnre. i HAMILTON sc WINN. I -Macon,"July 1,1813.. - ■ *<k 41 o 1 Mill u.iY'uuUoo ANU hi at auch prices as cannot fail to suit purchasers, lowing articles are embraced in his stock: 60 bags Rio, Cuba and Laguira Coffee, . 5 hhds. Sugar, 100 Sacks Salt, 500 bushels Salt, £0 Kegs Nails, 7,500 lbs. Swedes Iron, assorted, 2 Rales Gunny Ragging, 40 Pieces heavy Dundee flagging, 44 inch, 10 Pieces Kentucky Ragging, 500 4b«. Twine, 25 coils GrasaLtope.J i Molasses, Loaf Sugar, Teas. Pfptfer, Spice, Son] Candle® Powder and Shot, Lend, Traces, Ax Three Vellor*. paid m advance, v. ill pay tor tue i r-rtnh one year. l ive Colin.-*. paid in advance,'wHk 5y for it two years. Ten Dollar*, paid in advance, w,l not paidWithin six months after the year has eom- not.tA.RS AND F1FTT CKSTS, per annum “f,lbe chided- If not paid until the end of the year, four doll*** per annum will be charged—with interest tliere- Paper will he discontinued until all arrearages are unless at the option of. the Proprietor. • ” Single Papers, |o non-Snbscribers, 12} ccuts each. Extra Pagers, to Subscribers, 6( cents each. TERMS or ADVF.ltTISI.VO: AnVERTlsF.MF.NT3 uni exceeding 12 lines, will be inserted me time for ONE DOLLAR; and FirTJT cests for each mbseqaent insertion. Sheriffs, -Tax Collectors’ and Coroners Sales, are char- afd hv the Levy. • . -j *A-reasonable deduction will be made to those wlion lver- UM by the year. '-Aww On all accounts fot Advertising, ke„ ns well as f, : bid ,-rifition, Interest will be charged, when not settled withm ,he year. •ry Xo Credit for Jsh Printing, Blank*, Ac.'.ryi I * Letters on Vastness connected wH ie Office, must ** M to secure attention. - ' " TI’UGJLE,V..^VH 12E'T.UJL. rjrtHE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Ma il con, aiid surrounding country, that he has taken the Store on Second street, adjoining tire Shoe Store of Messrs. Whitingifc Mix. a tiw doors nbove tlie Washington Hail; nnd is now openings large and splendid assortment of Family and I’ockt every kind and size, Southern and Mis "Choir, Juvenile Harp, Base P: Brown and blet Cotton Gsiiaba Red Ticking,! . .Vo,-Tory Thread. Cotton Drilling, m,-i.y Jeans, Kerseys, . Silk and Cotton HankerchlMs, -j iqpluding Men’s, Boys’, Women’s, igroes’ Shoes. AND Da SOLICIT attention to a New and Extensive assortment of cord, Letter, Bill a Calicoes, Flannt 10 boxes Shoes. Girls’, Children's and 2 Oct. 17 AND may want SCHOOL BOOKS to which will 1 e sold ct the low c: t pi wholesale and retail. He also receives as soon t.s pah from tin- Harper’s and rtliSrpol York, Boston and Philadelphia, , and fashionable literature oflhexb York priCvS. Constantly on hand a stock of L on the best foolscap paper. Macon, Oct. 4, lc-Kj. Mit:nTaetur<vl the past summer, from recently hnnoried Goods. by.'Ww T. Jennings k Co., very favorably known i]4 ara-mg the ntos^fanhioonble Drapers and Tailors .in the city of New Yurt. CONSISTING J)F - Siirtonis, ; § >V Froclt Coats, i’nuLllOQIlt, Vcsi$, Dress Coats, Coatees, a»jh - Offifc Coats, ’i’: i-r-'illjij Coats, JLa&lrs* an* Vioiili.v* Com ism S S B. Q BS- Bl! S 1 *8 C S H » r ipHE subscribers be<j leave t<» inionn their frisuds, and L the public in general,.that they have connected them* sclve* tofriuher in the* above business, under the firm of AND n.z't'TESSS' 'FMtfpTJnurGS. rfevery description. His Stockjeoinprises every article usually found in n Hut Stoi c, manufactured expressly for this market; hud from his facilities of obtaining constant 1 supplies, fresh from the manufacturers, he is enabled to of fer many inducements to Gash purchasers. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. WANTED, enter, .flint, A* Raccoon Skins, for which a fair price will be paid. GEO. I. SHEPARD. Macon, Oct. 10,1843. 2. Ih-*post paid. and are now erecting a large nnd convenient WARE HOUSE. near Cotton Avenue, on Poplar street. The location is dry nnd elevated, and unencumbered with old buildingsnml the nsurd liabilities of fi e,-and will he com pleted, and ready,for bnshtess. by the first of’September. They confidently nfmirj* the public, that nnylwsiness coti- sigued to their rare, will be, faithfully and promptly execu- tea. ' « Relying on tlie honesty of purpose and the long establish ed confidence of these" wlm know n’s.'wc feel nubestiancy tu loosing for a liberal share of nnljlicp jtrttuago. THOMAS It. GORMAN,- - - JAMES RICHARDSON. . Macon, July 4,1843. - -11 ± , ... - ASD Comsmssion Bnsincss. FT) HIE undersigned'having just entered fr*" , ~~*Hf R. into the warehouse nnd J>trMri*sion / ♦ [ J58 Business, take the liheity in this Vj let their friends and nequaintnnces'knmv gW r *ktSirt£* , A> j t> and to snlicit a share of their patron g<* They have taken the ware lmttse formerly, for a number* *(years, occupied bv Messrs. K. & T. N. Beall. Cotton ,toreJ with them, shall be welt taken care of. and every ex> ertiontrade to give satisfaction to their friends. They have made arrangements to ship Planters' Cotton is Sivaanxlt, Charleston or New York, to first rare houses, . when desired N. OUSLEY and GEORGE JEWETT, will give their undivided attention to the business. N. OUSLEY. GEO JEWETT. H C. FREEMAN. We ttkepleasure in saying to our old friends and ctutotrf- ersofthe warehouse formerly occupied, by us. that we hsve rented itto Messrs. Ousley. Jewett & Freeman, and* (Illicit for them a continuance of patronage, as every confi dence can be placed -in them. We will nssnrc our old friends, thnt they will find itm their, interest to give them their business, as they 'cannot bebett'er served. Macon, Nov. 1st. 1843 . 3m 6 E. Sc T. N. BEALL. rip HE subscribers would inform tbetr friends, and the iL public generally, that they have received, during the past week, a general assortment of Gentlemen’s^,BOOTS, of. ell kind* • together with a- Targe assortment of Ladies’ and Misses’Gaiters and half Gaiters and Slipper*, thick and thin soles; to which they would call the attention of those -.. ; i.iuglo purchase, Al.>0, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Iu all the New anti-car Itii a very choice select! tin iScarfs. Oashmero do icf>, mfv- ityles. Cravxts, Hosiery, Drawers, Gloves, Linen and Muslin Shirts, Collars, Stocks, ,. IneWhi^g a general stock of JfontSi’s £:■ Wnifireii’s Clothing • rsmanS on to tl.cir extensive i:i«cK of ■e and Fancy T'rtESPEC'l i l LLY informs Mi old customers and the il ji, public got.'..-ally, that he is now receiving from jhe e< ;-hrafed Hnc 1* . :tary of Juris* Hvst,Sc Co.,a very extensive assoi riariit uf HATS AND €.\FS, * embracing every style and qaalitJ. Anr a ; his assortment may be firund V 10 doz. fashionable Beaver Hats. 20 do*. do Cassimere Hats, JO. do z . v do Russia Hats,^* .£0 doz. do Moleskin Hats, of excellent quality; which they will sell lame kinds can be bought in ilia city, for c Macon, Nov 12. 1343. 7 WHIT Consist!! very riel , Blee Black, and Coh cd Bon !i; Bit !:. }i!ue-H Striped, Colored,and Figured Sill.o; Ah c • a, Merino Orleans Cloths; ‘ , V JH Sv,R-?0* "£T£as*.'i * C tff.vir-TT- IV " ■ i '***-* '. ." r: at£< n s Atf frhOr- i V : :r- . .... fruu 6j to 85 cents. I : C\; ■ . ; f . is ^lieeSisi and : .i 1 >’Sia^-s, i varying from 5 to 13 cents per .yard; Bleached Slice i abd Sbinings, of sit qualities ami prices. i-3«y.eis iliisieiT, C. :i: -. "•hi.rol B!c tk >n 1 White. Plain at .1 Ribbed Silk 1 and Halt Hose; Ladle:.’ Cashmere More; Gemlett: Lamb’s WoolHt>If n. •»: IP . While, Colored,and ed Cotton Ilose and Half Hose. We have among our . W.iPAiy Articicu, A line assortment of Silk. Merino, A Ipacca, Cashmere, Wdtten SHAWLS; Velvet ('ravsts et.J ’Fees; Worsted Mitts; Silk and Kid Gloves; Fringe Button?; for Ladies’'Dresses, &e. Ac. . Gentlemen's Su Cravats, Scarfs, Gloves, uud other articles, too numetot mention. Wteenv.-.* k: *.*.* n. • Gn : w re bought under most,favorable cireumst ■ s, .. . hazard nothing in sat ►that we wiUaell them as Iow*as ti ny c a u be bought at" similar establishment in the State. We have a'.-,o received, wiihiu the lam weak, a Isrgt aortmeut of tJfivreiSBEisr ir4 Rii^. Among them may be (bund, &. me rich and choice pottc which they offer at prices unusually low for this market 03 3 Suore on Second Street, next door to G. W. Prii Nov 21 8 )anes ( ENG & MIX. miBFELLAS,&* i.pusiissioQ BoslEe;;:; • ' [E undersigned still contmues to occupy the WAR! It HOUSE on tiittrumor of Second a ... i‘ lars.ri -*t lie offers bis services in tec various branches offt^Mfkm tEouso nml Cainmissian Bitsiarss,' and U'spcctfi; ly solicits the. patrunage t f his friends an.! the mtb b genr ally ; trusting that, by his min tniitinga-fforte, he ihall 1 nbfe to meet the wishes of those who may honor him wit their—and expresses a feeling tf gratitude to h: friends for their libera! patronage. * JOHN M. FIELD. Sr-con, July 1. 1843. Itefcreuce—Cot. Wm. H. Reynolds, Maj James H,Hardaway, % .. Messrs. Rea h Cotton, Joshua G. 'Moore, Bryant Bateman, ' Stephen Otstelo William Mosele iBg- of “Sm,ll Profits |d*lo the times. o.£, v wil mrioi fail to be aa induce- I CUick fee their :*o ytnr- ■Believing thtflj Returns,” is best Goods at prices tl chafers. Macon, OctoheWO. 1S43. * CARESIIMG® 1115k 1‘OSITORY, Os Mulcekrt Street,Ni ti;e MtfraonisTChurch IV EW la AW BOOKS. AT ATLY REDUCED-PfilS Macon, Sign of the targe Bible, ll ACOAj Cl. TUST received, Peters' Digest of Cases decided in the ,F Supreme Court, and District Courts of the U. States, in J "ol». Peters' condensed Reports, containing the whole seres -he Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, f. ,ia its organization to the commencement of Peters’ lie- , at the January Term, 1827, 6 vols. Peters' Reports of Cases in the Supreme Courts of the i tilted States, 16 vols. Cotnyns' Digest, 8 vols * English Ecclesiastics! Reports, 5 vols Digest of New York Reports. 4 vols - Harrison’s Digest. (English) 4 vols FUillijts on Evidence, 4 vols btsrkic on Evidence. 3 vols Greenlesfon Evidence, 1 vol Story’s Equity Jurisprudence, (new edition) 2 vols I)j Equity Pleading, I vol D» on Partnership IJa on Bailments Da on Agency Do on Conflict of Laws Do on Bills, (just published) Budgen on Vendors Angel k Ames on Corporations, (new edition,just out) Blunders on Pleading and Evidencd Bayley on Bills ryilUt nbscrihcrs «rf now opening, oa3 are constantly k_ re -iviirmew additions to their lat^e and general as- snrtmi HOOTS AND S3S4>li!4. yvBich.was man- ufsetun 1 i. mlcr the immediate supervision tprf on? of the [ firm, in the best and most- fashionable styles. tLinngiuf: past su nmer. Timir slock of NEOSIO 8JI4FEK, - ch is large and well selected, wa3 ordered p'revious to the ad vance, at prices much lower than the .-atno .article* could now he boaght; in consequence of which, they^gre enable,! to offer them ppou such terms as otytnot fail to make it the interest of all win! wish this description of Shoes, to pur chase of them. '[' assortment of Ladies”, Misses’ana Children’s, and ot’icr'descriptions of lino Shoes, is also full, and will favorably compare, cither in-style or quality, with . anv to be found in this or any other Southern market. The styles and qualities being too numerous to enumerate i in an advertisement, they would simply say to all—Come, I examine, compare, and decicW fiu: yoc r-elves. Also, all articles used in Manufacturing. - STRONG 5t. WOOp. TTFWSSCRIBER, is receiving large additions to kis Houston. COJC’.Si;?!, CHABIOTEtS, BAROCCaEfi, iOi'CCSRS, AA AGONSj *>'«• , . from some of the tie.-t Northern Manufactories, which were made expressly for this market, of the best materials, and are warranted "equal if nolsuperior t» those of any otltfcr es tablishment. Those in want of any description of Carriages, will find it for iheir interest to examine tue quality and pri ces of his assortment. - ID'.rAHUNG, in nlltlie different branches executed in the best manner, by experienced workmen at less than former prices. , Carriage matters, will find a good assortmcnlof Elliptic Springs,Axeltrees.turnedanu boxed Dashes, Lamps,Bands. Knobs, Patent and Top Leather, Laces, Silk-and worsted Fringe, Tassels, and almost every article required in their business, at Augusta nrieps. ' March 1st. 1842.. 22* tf J. W. BABCOCK. WAKE HOUSJE AND -• - Coiwnsissaon Business. ryiHE uodcrftigned liave formed a co* T ^ JL partnership for the transaction of a gf neral.'Ware House ^ Commuisioa bu»i- We have taken the large ami romtpo-: Heaver, Nutria and Si. warranted more durable ban any Hats ever sold in Macon. Also, 50 dnz. Youth’s and Children’s Hats, 20 do*. do. . do. Caps. ALSO, 20 doz. black and drab Sporting Hats, Together with a general assortment of • FUR OAFS, CONSISTING IMPART OF 3 doz. PBEM1UM OTTER CAPS, 5 di-z. Sea Otter Caps, 5 doz. Super Nutria Caps, 20 doz. do. Muskrat Caps, 50 doz. Men's agd Boys’ Seal Caps, 50 doz. do. do. Sealette Caps. Bp dious Ware House occupied the last season by Mr. John Jokes, and formerly by Messrs. Hamilton tc ReFXolds. These are very conveniently situated to the business part of the City, and at the same time, not exposed to accidents from tire, bv contiguity toother buildings.' We shall be prepared to make liueuat advances upon all priidntfo*in store, ot which shall be ordered to be ship ped 10 onr correspondents on the seaboard -, and will make retu t ii for .ill Cottons ordered to be shipped through us to 8avannah, C.. rlSston or New' York, as rapidly as sales can he vesRze I, and tho proceeds returned here. It will be'bur object to merit a share of patronage only by • faithful personal attention and watch fulness over the interests confided to u«, -The proceeds ot ail Ccttoii sent to us for sale, will be held Subject to tlie order oflhe owner; and the personal superintendence of one of the partners' al ways given to sales, as. well as to purchases of such articles of supplies as our onstomers mny order. ‘ MOULTRIE lc CAMPBELL. B. H. Moultrie, D. U. Campbell, July 1 dl The-undersigned having retired from tlie Ware House- Business, and transferred his interest to Messrs. Moultrie A Campbell.cordially recommend these gentlemen to his old friends and patrons, as worthy of their confidenre. JOHN JONES. THOMAS TAYLOR, ON COTTON AVENUE AND SECOND ST11EET, BtBJez.en jt.v March 1st, 164: For the removal nr,I 'permanent rure of all Disrates arising from an impure State of the Hood, orij, at f the system, namely jS (* ACROFULA, o Kingi evil. Rheumatism, Obstn -ue .1 -:i i, Pimples,or Pustules on the face, Chronic sore eyes, Ring worm, Tetter. id pain oflhe bones anjjti. 's. Symptoms, Sciatica, or Lmrr- | .join an InjudicmusnseolMer- ites, of Drop.-/, exposure or imprudence in life. o Cutaneous Era] Blotches, Biles, _' Scald Head, enlargement Stubborn Ulcers, SypUi'.iti bago, and Diseases arising AlsqjJChranic constitutional disorder!, will bo tentov by this preparation. v WOSBEKFCIi EFFECTSO? 8AWB8>?AB- 8APABILL.V SN NOKIVIt'3, CONSEt’- < TICVT. Read the following lrom Mrs.^Wm. Phillips, who has long resided at the Falls. The facts are well known to ah the old residents oftbat part of the city. Messrs. A. B. Sands A Co.—Bits» Most gratefully do I embrace this opportunity for stating tuyou the great relief I obtained from the use of your Sarsaparilla. 1 sha d ahto he OTDnv, through publish to all who are afilicted,* . nnd C';eii for iful stoiy. and for the nake of 'riefiyy et. ac- fi^ofsickness b-ft'feie with JU t jUections immediately look place over the entire sutfaceofmy body, causing sucit au enlargement that it was net . :-rary to add a yard to my Next" followed ujmn my limbs, Adams on Ejectment Eden on Injunctions Saunders on Uses and Trliat, Ckiity's Pleading. Do Criminal Law, Do on Bills Do oil Contracts Do Black atone Do" Medical Jurisprudence Cmnyn on Contracts vjj Fonblat ’ ” Oliver'! Ac, J OFFERS FOR SALE. . BAGS olj Java, lli I GUV 25 lilt.:, St. Croix at: 4.000 lbs. Standard Crashed i 2" id t lint Ml-'.: I'.-., 30 boxes Castile, Fancy, and 40 do Sperm awl Hull's J? 30 do Colgate’s ami Hull' 800 Stick.- Salt, large size, 20 boxes Tobacco, > 25 dozen Long-hand2e.Si:uv< 100 kegs Cut Nails and Brad COO lbs. Smoothing Irons, 50.0C9 lbs. Swedf sLri a. asset 2,000 lbs. German Bli -.i-.t-ii i ,' • m >.. t, £0 dor. 11 alter Ciu.i ..-, 20 do Bltoe IU - - 15 do Patent Rax , r Straps, 10,000 lbs. Hollow Wi r.- e 50 reams sunt-;- Blue .V Wbii 60 do Wxapjiiuz Pafcr, 500 boxes Table* belt, * 600 ps. -c-t ior Gu .tv r.t:J in 1,000 lbs three ; : Bs tSSM I jfeboxes Cotton and V. . . < _ _ Bli Sealette Caps. ^.V ALSO, 200 doz. Jlen’s anti Boys’ BiacSi Drub tut a sTisir tor a nn fi All of which will be sold ior Cash, at prices whicUcau- nol failtogivDsatisfaftion. v Purchasers are invited to call nnd examine at the old' stand, sign of tlie “BIG HAT,” Mulberry threct. deafer. OiliT, Mssitli, & €<>»?» Skins, ejy'fif, for which the cash vttill be paid. Macon. Oct 17.1613. 3 «... .’recodents ^ on Convevattcing Rose re's Criminal Evidence Do Civil Evidence ivinne's Law Compendium Do Kent Do Ulae.kstone ' Anthone'a Blackstone Wheaton's Belwyn 1! i ell on Crimes Theobold »n Principal and Surety Whentworth on Executors . D.ivi-' Precedents Roberts on Frauds Coilyer on Partnership Teller's Law of Executors Milford’s Pleading Ball & Beatty’s Chancery Reports Eden's Chancery Reports Arcbibold’s Civil Pleading Bourier'-t Law Dictionary Equity Draftsman Lawyer’s C°m(non*Tlflce Boole Laws of Trade Introduction to Legal Science Form B tok, (by n Member of the Bar, P! Cobh’a Le tl Fortin, ill the above Books will he soll fer C/i f. Legal gentlemen wishing to replenish I find it for their interest to rail, ns they cm heap at Macon aa they can '.it Savannah or they may always be sure of seeing the Ian* .-lard Works. 'J. At. B. will also order too ,- ,-tly to keep on hand, or loo rare to b ed; and having an efficient porehasing ngen WAiiSa MOSJS NEW GOODS along time despaired of cure.. trying and sickening as is the narrative many who may be so surely relieved, I curately state"it. Nineteen ycarsago last April, tt an Erysipelas eruption. Dropsical mry to add a yard to my drcsseS around the waist. Next tollowed upon nty limbs, ;ii, prspainful bevond description. Foryears,both .u autit- ; mer and winter,"the only mitigation of my sufferings was found in pouring upon those parts cold water. From toy limbs the pain extended over my whole body—there was "literally lorrae no rest, by day or by night. Upon lying clow:;, these pains would shoot through my system ct*.l com pel me to arise, and for hours together, walk the house, so :t i was almost entirely deprived of sleep. D; i time the Erysipelas continued active, and the ulcers enlnr- ! ged, and so "deeply have these eaten, that for two and a half years they have been subject to bleeding. Dm* ";*' - J «^e al most twenty yeanUm.Te coi.sulteamany AIMMMtn). ihese such ns me storing and selling of cotton, receiving ar.d tor- warding merchandize and filling orders, at •.heir well known stand. situate near the river, which for convenience ami se curin'from fire, is not surpassed by any Ware-House tn the city. Mr. Thomas Hardeman will as heretofore give his personal attention to the selling of Cotton and the filling of orders for goods, and pledges himself in every case to do his best to promote the interest of uil who may furor us vU,dt their patronage amUtdUtcitce^ & HAMILTON. Macon, Aug, 3, 18-52. FXPECTINJrto go to Savannah early in the fall, with a view of engaging in the SJok.uHsmou tJuuirt*«» there, I have disposed of my interest in the roarer* of E. Hatnil- t.‘n A my son. Mr. CHARLES F. HAM- ILTQM* whose steadiness of character, nnd correct httmvl- e lce of business, will qualify him for the employment in which he is about to engage. In thus retiring from the con cern. I l>eg leave to tender my grateful acknowledgments w I,ur friend* lor nasU:tvorj,and would.jdndlv for lbe »,«w concern of HJCUDlTWAN & HA^rCLTON. a con* linuatlmi of iheir *unpon, with the assurance ibat U will he jjcraiefuBy.acknowlffclgecl by me, asthou^h 1 a member of [heconcern, BA.AJL i U2%. PROCLAMATION EXTRAORDINARY! To the Mcdicnl Faculty of tlie State of Georgia: IIEREA6. for a number of years past, a strenuous effort bas been made by many of you, to impress up- - public mirnl a belief, that the properties of the Lithe- Jlala of l.iattiA. nrcoftfie most poisottou.t character nmol tc.idency; SO muejt M a.- to be sai l to protlur < in -n *. -re iiblv short -j . c of rati*;, and under the I ttvfui and di-tresslag eiroum-c.ances: And | iSHaCreports of death l>y Lobelia', based upon the rniprewiona, have been cireu.'.dtf'fi i'i certain ouarterr, j nlarlv in the City of. Macon nnd vi.-init.v, which are Scotch and ASttcaboy •GQ(5BS, DDLEli 1 calculated, perhaps intended, to i;y :-rt*ss ot tree \ enquirv.’and by conse-juence. the a . va: : j a l;.*.uivl- ’ edge of true Medical Sciencet And « Whereas, it is deemed of the utmnst i: p r; tttce tn com- : mutiit; . ' ut they should he well WStnted in regard to the real properties of an article claitbiltg : , » high pretensions i to pttb'i c ' •• ■ cr 1- arTtmiJesrt.f- I'scru^inH-v *.ii>*- ■ | Now. therefote. that the points at tzs-Je may he thorough- 1 ly tested, and finally settled and laid at rest forever, and the | cause of science ad vs .ted by. the elwjjjjfttioii o[troth, I ^ have theugbt it fit and propel thus tdtssoett i^YW.-iASa- j TION, ofl'ering a reward ol FIVE HUNDRED DOL- j LAllS to any Doctor o'f Medicine, who will, with a reason able quantity otLoirflV*/n/?«f<z, pure and unadulterated, kill any living animal.(reptiles and insects excepted J winch I shall be in the enjoyment of good health at the time of its exhibition—a state "which, ol all others, is known to be the most eligible and fit for the free and uninterrupted action of poison. ■ -- t I And, in order more fully to test tlie trutn knd sincerity or tlie accusations and repnrtsabove re.V-: : d i->, I am willing I to submit my Practice and iu results, ' *r . two, three, or j even seren "years, Wa fair comparison with that of any DOC TOR OK MEDICINE, using Calomel, Opium, and other poi-J sons, with the Lancet, for a like length of time; each to trij tested: 1st, by the number .of eases; 2d. the number of cures; 3d, the numherof deaths; nnd lastly, tho- number of ruined and broken constitutions, properly so called.; J D ' i't mistake the house—tmo doors ntovehix old stand. rr.TllE subscriber would respectfully announce to Ins JB. friends and the public, that he has taken a part of the store occupied by Mr. JENKINS, Hardware Merchant, where he will give his whole attention to KE. AIRING, and will execute all work entrusted to his care. "jf. ii. Watches. Clocks, Jewelry, kc. Ac. made or re paired at the shortest notice, and warranted. r , M. V. BARNES. -Macon. November 8- 1842. ^ felt. Upon taking thes and in twelve days fro menced taking yourS :: and rest by night as reft ; a,-:'':::. IF :■ Z/&IC STOHJE, . sJOHJOTSSElOH iiDSiaCEr's K shall continue ibe Wnrc House nnu Cpinmi*sion Bnsincss. the ensuing sraso'u..ot our old stand, on rner of Cherry andfiecoHil rilreets. affering oar services again to the. public, wr have no ts to moke-bedevingthat onrp-ast -v u.lmu wdl l.e a cut guarantee for the faithful performance of the hat tuav ho.hereafter confided m us. - ' will at nil times he-prepared ty make liberal Ad- i on Cotton, in Storfc. or on shipments made to onr sin'Savannah, Charleston .rig* Yas^ noosr, CENTRAL F0I;\V A" f|T11E Central Ua ■ ,,f Cic ■ x having wQagd of ruEuing an Pi the present y xr, with t their own Lock, they promptond raf>- i-ouvey: A ■ Ac. m ! in* meat with the Pos: Oi.i be r I lowed to carry a M They are prepared to »ad and Banking CowrANr :ed to the' subscribers this jar j- ESS over their Road during vilege of an apartment under anperior advantages for the of valuable Articles, Bpccie, ring able to make no arrange- [wnment. 1 y which they will rive and forward Goods of all -nnunh and Macon, and interine ivnnoub and Charleston, with airh : tnd w ill nl-npay particu- of GjckU, c«»!It*cllon run! 4> *y* • ills, nn.l trans^ctuu; ■.!! kiauaof K A v 5 coriW'UtiY on hand, nnd oner*if r «nie ai prices ns low ns t;*n be purchased in the southern country, a splendid assortment o| PIANO-FORTES, from the Celebrated and long established Manufactories of CillGKERINfi AND HACK AYS. TIm* \yc*1 known reputation of these Manufactories pre* •cludt ^ the noceasit; of commenting upon the/excellence of t.ici. . ’. iurtienu.'▼hicU have stood the test of every cli SSORTMENT OF vroi.i.\s, ttirpjiRio:: r.uiTAKS,BUfii-cS, il between ►fled farts are s^hst.-Muin WILLIAM II i: JCJI. . /' ,• <! r , ' at Sort, i'i intent to .fv PIECEB heavy Gunny Bagging, U_7 joo “ Kentucky d» 50 Rusia. do 2U0 *• Coils Monilla Rope, 500 lbs. Baggihp Twine. r sale on reasonable tcrmjbv kCo. rularly through dtarge, to carry e tit*-patch uud from Macon to (’ all kinds of Mere, on the '• r-t Macon-o// Savannah do. ansi Ticc«i Trace Chains, HO Anv’- Harrold, 150 Hand and Sle.luo ble 1 ind t ;rew Plates, •• • ' t 1 nrh. :* ' F th< b lins, ■ ' ; 1 % H ' - : 100 rifts Waiynii Boxes, - * w - r 'i wit 100 Tea Kettles, 3: Sn-.i-cP. : 1,000 lbs Bar Lead, Sh> d Knob Leeks. 1 Iron Chest. AX.SO. A coinj'-f*!*' nricortni^nt ff Pcik J!23d 6*04’SiC* JisaiTC.* TABLE KNiVEcS & FOB Just received and f »r sale by Macon, Nov 14,1343. 7 E. B. Wl ‘ La-.vns. Calicoes. Muslins, colored Homespuns, Naule tures. Checks, Stril>es, Nettings, ' kf*.: fancy* Hdkfs. and Suav f-A INGHAMf br White, Hire BHteand M Silk and Co Stockings, 1 Calf. Kip. a Ladies’ Lc: Fur. Wool Knives an 1 ivor*s;iS T'cf rcitfeg, OKO.W. PRICE k CO B, & V. Inv, meat of Z'Oi'i D^Mofii sold c*b! rcfisicctf prices 'crisis i uali. A i.monds, hrazii NUTS SODA HI '1 XR8. mackkkkl. .-ii Just received and for »td» Uev T • Knives. D. 0. CAMPBELL Mteor, S< jnoitreusonabie let June 13 M. «. FREEMAN Wo. 153 Bar/ • t rt ct. ■irk. Acrnt.f r?r ren Am UngGoodtht id Mer eft