Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, January 30, 1844, Image 4

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THE 31 AC OUT GEORGIA TELEGRAPH. ijujiii sum. Crnivfonl Februury tl'ILli Imsoli,on the first Tuesday in f£HKUAHY Y l next, before tUo Court-House 'door in Knoxville. Crawford county, within the legal hours of sale, SO acres of Laud. Xu. 101, >u the SJ District of originally H’uU-mi. now Crawlord county; levied on as ike property of Lit vis Davis. to satisfy one ii fa in favor of George \V t)i.u >kins xui others vs. Lewis Davis. Ait, 162 asres of LsaJ. in the 3J District of said county, and ;WJj acres. No. 16 J. in theJJ DLtriet; levied en as the pmperiy of J.nepb F. Walker aad John Wood*. both de fend tat* hi s«i i htas; also, els fi fas. in favor of R. J. WH- fiats ton, (levied on 162 seres of Laud, No. 16*2.) va. Joseph F. Walker and A. F. Walker. Property pointed out by defosjUuts. Also, 131) acres of Lind. No. 91,in the 3-1 District of said cnuticy. it being the North halfof said Lot; levied on te eat- isff o'sfe S Cs in favor of Claiborne Bateman and others va. William Bu^ol. property pointed out ny defendant. Le vy mode in i returned to me by a consttb’e. POSTPONED S.VLKS —At the same lime end place. Lou of Laud No*. 10] and 121. in the 6th District of ori ginally Houston, now Crawford county, and half of Lot No. 177, in the 'lit District of originally Houston. now Crawfaid county; all ldvied tin as the prooeny of Richard W. Ellis. . aao of the defendants in Bxceutiou, to satisfy sundry ii las Dsued fr.Mt Ct.iwiiird Sopcrinr Court, in favor of William B. Parker an 1 othe*a va. Janies M. fl its and Richard W. EQia. Property minted not by defendants. Also, bne-hstl of Lot of Land No 2J5; one-half of Lot No. 201; <50 acres of Lot No. 180; one-half of Lot No. 171; one hvfof Lot No. 179; aad one-lulf of Lot No. 177 ; all levied on as Ike property of James U. Ellis, to satisfy one fi fa issued from Ora* ford Superior Court, in favor of the South-Western Rail-Koad Hank va James M. Ellis and Rich aril W. Ellis. All the above Land being in the 7th District of said county. E. II. HICKS, Shff. II'ill be nth!, at ike tame time and place. One Negro Woman, by the name of J udy. about 50 years old ; levied on as the property of Drury Finney, to satisfy one fi fa issoe l from tue Inlertor Court of said county, in ,f«vsr of Johtt Knight vs. Drury Ftuaey. Property pointed out by plaintiff in execution. Also, SCO acre* of Lm l. more or less, No. 21, in the 7th District of originally Houston, now Crawford county; lev- ie-1 on as the property of Christopher Corl'.ran, lo satisfy one fi fa issued from Crawford Superior Court, in favor of Hiram 11. Troutman vs. Christopher Cochran, Jo*eph J. Bra-lfird, and James M. Harris, AJmrs., Ac. Property poir.ted out hy James M. Harris. Also, Lots of Laud Nos. 122 and 1<VI. both containing 101 acres, mote or less, all being in the 6th District of original ly Houston, now Ctswford county; levied on a* the proper ty of Richard W. Ellis, to satisfy one fi fit issued from Crawford Sunetior Court, ui favor of C. N. 11. Carter vs. Richard W.'Ellis, &•*. Ac. Dec 29 11 THOMAS ANDREWS. D. ShlT. Kiccntor’s Male. 1,\rILL be sold.on tue first Tuesday in FEBRUARY V Y next. Mwe the Com t- House door in Jackson. Butts roomy, within The legal boar* ol sale, one Negro Woman, by tlte name of Clark. about 10 years old, belonging to the Estate of Nancy McClendon. deceased, late of said county Sold for the benefit of die heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. Term# made known on the day of sale. Nov28 9 JOHN GOODMAN. Ex’r. UdlK Mite; iff Mateo. W ILL he sold, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, before the Cim-t House door, in the town of -Jackson, Butts couuty, within :iie legal houra of sale, the following property to wit.—101) acres of land, more or less; levied on as the property of Thomas L. Grimmit, to satisfy three u lasfro-n Hutrs Superior Court. Hurd and Hunger- Kied, va Tuoms* L. Grimmit and Henry S-Maya. Secty: Samuel it. Dunn. vx Ttiwm L. Grimmit and Henry 8. Mays, Sect’y; and Eeclwriah Oosil. vs. Thomas L. Gnm- mit and Labun Mig’uee, Sect’}* uu appeal, and A. J. Grim mit Soei'y on Slav. GRIFFIN C. McMICHAEL, D.Shff. Deeeetber, 36, 1613. 13 Peslysanl Bale. WiU be told, at the tame lime aad place. Lot of land'No. 173, in the first diu. of originally Monroe, now Runs county, levied oa a* the property of Willism MeElhenry, to satisfy one mortgage fi fa from Butts Supe rior Court, in favor uf Harrier McClendon Administratrix of William McClendon, deo'd. vs. William McElhenry. Property pointed out in said fi fa. A’so, 59 acres of land, more or less, [whereon the defend ant now lives,) in Butts county, levied on as the property ■of Thom* t I’earden, to satisfy sundry fi fas from a Justices' Court of said county, in favor of Young R. Norris, and oth ers, vs. Thomas Bearden. Levied ou and returned to me by a Constable. GRIFFIN C.I McMICHAEL, D.SMT. Dec. 36 .13 $ttwfc sum. Exccntsi ** Mnle. W ILL he sold.o.t tliefirst Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, before the Sourt-Hnuso door in Jackson. Butte county, within the legal hoar* of sale, one Negro Woman, named Fanny, about 10 years old. and Mima, her girl child, about 5 years old, and her boy child. Charles, about I year old. Sold a* a part of the Estate of William Hancock, de ceased, for the benefit of the legatees of bis Will. Terms made knowu on the Jay. Nor 28 10 JAMES T. MADDOX.’•’x r W! Iliemlarti kslr. ILL be sold, at the residence of the subscriber. in . _ Jones county, on Saturday, llie 3d day of FRBKU ARY next, tie Perishable Pr opony of Reuben Roberts deceased, or such part thereof as ia not disposed of by the Will, to specific object*, constatinj ufh Horse. Buggv. and other articles. LUKE ROBERTS, Q.ji'ifle.1 Exr. Dec 19 13 ICxrculors’ Male. W ILL be sold, on the first Toesdav in MARCH next. before ike Court-House door in Jackson. Butts coun ty, within the legal boar* of ante, one Lot of Land, No. 171. in the \W Distric of originally Henry, ju >w Butts cuunlv.— Also, half of Lot Na. 139, in the same District and county. Also. Ben. a negro man.about 30 yeara of age; Wide. 23 year* old ; Sally a woman, about .10 years old ; and Miuia. a woman, about*23 years old. Said by an order of the Infe rior Court, when silting for ordinary purpolriP .is the prop erty of John A. Malone, deeeaseik—-for 'UP benefit of the heirs and creditor*. Terms on the dav nffm'e. MARTHA MALONE. Exr'x. THOMAS B. Dec 19 U BRITTON BUTTBILL. S b'xi-tuior,’ Male, W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, be loro tlie Court-House door, in Knoxville Crawford county, within tbe legal hours of sn>. Oue negro uiau, Jim.ahuo: 39 years uf age; aad Hannah, a Woman, abour 37 years of ace. Also, 1 lot of la nd. No 252. in the 2d District, formerly Houstou, now Crawford, containing 292* acres, more or less, end about 73 acres cleared, and in good farming or- Jer; and sold as the property of Zarliariah Holmuon. lale of said county, deceased! Self for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors of said deceased, and sold ou a credit until the 2.7th dsy of December next. Small notes and good security, will lie required. NATHAN HOLOMON. ) DAVID WORSHAM. \ January <,1913.15 Dooly .tlnrcb .Hurtga;c Bale. "MrifL be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next. V Y before die Court-House door in Vienna, Dooly couo- ty, withimhe legal hour* of tale. Two Negroes: John, a inxn, about 25years old, and Min ty.a woman, about 45 or 50 years old; levied on as the property of Alexander Meriwether, to satisfy one mortgage fi fa issued from Dooly Inferior Court, in laver of Henry C. Raqim-ve. Alexander Meriwether. Property pointed out in (aid mortgage fi fa. Dec 19 It THOMAS W. PETTBE, Sltff. Arfitrini.toior’a n«ie. A GREEABLY W an order of tue Inferior Court of Houston countv, when tilting for ordinary purposes, -willbesold.onthe first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, be- ■fore the Court-House door in Perry, Houston county, with in the legal hours of sale. Lot of Lana No. 132, in tlie 14th District of Houston county, enntrinirg 29 '4 tores, more .or less, belonging to tne Estate of William M. Powell, deceas ed, late of said county. Bold for tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Bold subject to the widow's dower. Terms cash. Oc 84 4 WM. McKEXZTE. A-lmr. AitininislrMtar’e Mule. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, before the Court-House floor in Knoxville. Crawford county, within the legal hours of sale, all tbe Land and Nerrors belonging to the Estate of Jason Meadows, deceased, late of said county. Bold agreeably to an order •of the Court of Ordinary of said county—for the benefit of 4he heirs and creditor* of said deceased. Terms on the day. Nov U ■ - 3 JASON WEST. A-lmr. Adiniuiatralor'rt Male. B Y virtue of an order of the honorable Inferior Court of Houston county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be soi l, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court-House doer in Vienna. Dooly county, within the legal hoars of sale. Lot ofLaiid No. 39. in the 6th District of Dooly county; belonging to tire Estate of John Wes-, de ceased,'lau- rf Houston county. Bold for tbe benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day. Nov 21 S ISAAC V/. WEST. Admr. Administrator’). Male. P URSUANT to no order of the honorable Inferior Court of Dooly county, when sitting for ordinary purposes.., -nvill be sold, on the fim Tuesday in FEBRUARY oext, before the Court-House door in Baker county, within the legal houra of sale. Lot of Land No. 313. in the 9th District of said county. Sold as the oroperty of John W. Trntuck. deceased, late of Dooly ena*itv. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased Terms on the day. Nov29 9 NORVEL R. TRULUCK. Admr Administrator’* Male. W ILL be told, on tfce first Tue- day in FEBRUARY next, before the Court-House door in Perry. Hous ton county, within the usual bourn, one half of Lot of Land No. 193. in the 5ih District of .Houston county, containing 101J acres, more or lesa—belonging to the Estate of McCuin Albritton, deceased, late of Bo rite couuty. Bold agreeably to an order of the Inferior Court of Burke county, when ail- • tint; for ordinary purpose*. Terms oath—purchasers to p.y for title*. — - - - ' JAMES ORUBBS. Admr. Xpett ;|i . ■ 6 Administrator’* Sole. TT>Y virtue of an Order of the honorable Inferior Court of J3 Houston caunty. when vitting fur ordinary purposes, -wilt be told, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, before the Court-House door in Perry, Honston ceanry, win a the legal hours of sale, Lot of Lead No. 372. in the 14lb District of said county; belonging m the Estate of John West.deceased, late of said county. Bold lor the benefitof the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on the day. , ISAAC W. WEBT, Admr. Nov 21 , . . : 8 ' Adtaiiiisivaior’a Postponed fink- TJUR8UANT to art order'of the Inferior Court of Hons Jl ton county! when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold, on tlie - firs) .Tuesday in FEBRUARY, -before the ■Coon House door .in Lanier. Macon county, within the le gal hours of sale, 5^ acres of Land, lying in the Norih-Rast corner of Lot of Land No.6. in the 15th District of origin ally Houston, now Macon county, belonging to the Estate of Joshua Taylor, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and ereditnr*. Terms ou the day ol sale. July 5 • 7t GEORGE W B AY, Admr, Administrator.*’ Male. It/ILL be sold, on the 3lsi day of JANUARY next, at r V the lote residence of James Powell, deceased, in Dnnlv county, within the legal hour* of sale, all the Perish able Properly belonging to the Estate of said deceased, con sisting of Horses. Cattle. Hogs, Wheat, Corn. Folder. Household and Kitchen Furniture. Plantation Tools. Ac. Sale to continue fr„ia day 10 ilav. until all is sold. Terms ontheday. A MB HOPE POWELL.? . , Dec 19 13 * CHARLES POWELL. S r> Bankrupt Sale- O N FRIDAY, the 2d day of FEBUUAUY next, at 11 o'clock. A.M.i will front of his residence, the effects of JOHN B. S TOW. a Decreed Bankrupt, consist ing of the Pillowing artie'es: 1 Iron Safe 1 Sign and Crane, 1 Centre Table, 1 Sofa. 1 dozen Mahogany Chair*. 1 Rocking Chair. 1 pair Card Tables. 1 Mantle Clock. 1 Book-Case, 3 Cut Decanters, 2 small*Gold Watches, a hit of Bonks. Ac. Ac. Also, Open Accounts returned bv him. amounting to Sl,- 981 78, aud Notes aniouming to 8875 04. •ISAAC HOLME.**. Agent fir M. Myers, General Assignee in Bankruptcy fur the Dist. of Ga. Macon. Jan 32,1644 17 To Debtor* and Csrtltior*. A LL persona indebted to the Estate of Reuben Roberts deceased, lale of Jones county, are requested to make immediate payment; and lio*e having demands ngaiiisl said Estate, are rrquired to present them agreeable t-i law. Janl6. 1841 16 LUKE ROBERTS. Exr. To Debtor* m:d Creditor*. ALL persona indebted to the Estate of Edward Engram. * JL deceased, lale of llousii.n county, are herehv request ed to make i'nu ed'ate payment; and those h a ring demand > against said deceased, wifi render them in agreeab'e to law. Jnn 16 16 4: CHARLES WEST. Kx'r. 1'* Debtor* imd Crrditois. A LL persons indebted to tbe Estate of William H. Rudd, deceased, late of Houston county, are requested to make immediate payment; and those having demand* against said Estate, are required to present them agreeable to law. MORTEN X. BURCH. Admr. Macon. Jaa 23.1844 17 jrM In Bibb Mu oriar lourt, November Term. 1813. HesarB. Him, ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE, in e>*. > Superior Court, /letur/tulle lo .Yu- Ax* P. Him.. ) vernier Term. 1843. It appearing by the return of the Sheriff, that Ann P. Hi!!, the defendant in the above case of Libel, cannot be found within the limits of this county; and it being shown that the said Ann P. Hill resides without the limits of the Stale a- fnressid; it is now, on motion of E. Clifton Blake, plain- tifi "# counsel. Ordered, That ierrjce of said Libel be perfected, by- publishing this order in the Georgia Telegraph, printed a Macon, once a month for three moi-ths before tlie next Tern*, of this Court; ami by a service of a copy of the annve sla ted Liliel upon the defendant at her residence, three months before the next Term. A true copy from tbe Minutes of Bi >b Superior Court Jan 9.1844. 16 tn3m H. G. ROS^. Clerk. Strayed, FROM the plantation Intelv occupied by Si mon Parker, decease,!, iu Bibb county, a dark Bay HORSE, about 6 years old. bis right eye out, lias a small blaze in his face, and one white bind font; no other marks recollected. Any person delir- eriog said Horse to the subscriber, on said premises, or giv- stiff information to that he can be had. shall bo liberally re warded. RACHAEL PARKER. Jan 1* 16 3t" ? T is well known that Laxdueth's Gatings Sexdj arc superior to n)l others. The credit which these Seeds sustains, and the yearly increasing demand, is satisfactory evidence of approval. A supply of tha above Seejs.ofthr growth of 1843. just received and for sale by GEORGE PAYNE, who is Agent for the same. Jan 2 14 4iq SH.UlUil Ailuliui'lmlor*’ Mnle A GREEABLY to an order ol the Inferior Court of J3L Twiilgnaeumy. wi:»n sitting for ordinary purposes, will be aoid.on the !lr»*. Tuesday in MARCH next, before tha Court-Hmjsc door ns Marion. Twiggs county, within the legal houra of sale, alltbe Lands belonging to tbe Estate of l’.ohins An Iresvtvuaeeased, late of i- i .i county, to wit: 72J rss of Land, being a part of Lot S’o. 120. and 72 ] teres on void Lot; TvJ nrres, being part of Lie* No*. 120 and 131 ; 72} acres, heir.; a part of Lot No. 181; 73J acres, whereon ■ Job-; Booford 1 ■'-.v lives; 71J seres, be-g s part of Lot No. 144; 7g j acres, where J. B. Andrews formerly lired; 72J acres, where J. B. Moon formerly lived; 72) acres, being part of Lot 0.145; 130 acres, beinp part of Lot No. 144; 130 sores, being-part of Lee Ho. 145; Lot No. 116, 202) n- -crei. avr.:np; Lc’t No. 150. 208Jacres, swamp; Lot No. 158.2034 acres, swamp; 101J acres, known ns the Line Hill balfLo:- .’,11 tl.e phove in-uod Lend*, when suff'eved. I tie 'll Di -r t f fo-i - ally 2?lh Dis trict of originally WiHrinw -i now Twirls county, most of the above Ltnds are t '-rably w -U improved. Terms made known on t'.e day of sale. * <* ISHAM G. ANDREWS. ? . JOSEPH B. ANDREWS. S'" Dec 26 13 The dnn P’ : o fiitnrdlrm*’ Mule. JliRdU ANT to no ord—r -f tiie T r-V.riur Court oflfous- ty, when ••!"!•"* for ord.i.vry purposes, will be •old, before the C-inr'-Ko-i.-* coir -o berry. Hou.stou roun- tv. on the first Tuesds, in M KCI1 next, within tlie legol hours of sale, the nndiviJe; ere, of Lot of Land Xo. 34 eonoiv—Se'onging to 1 •rpbsns of Jn'nes fv M 'N ii- benefit of said miner orp't m GEO. merest ol’ two fifths of 13.7 a- i.i the 14:h District of said Xair 0-'i Frances McNair. !* eased. To be sold for the Tr",n it the day. ! DUNCAN. Guirdho fo- Keot McNair. 60L0M0N FUDGE. Guard L> u w u e A GENERAL asaorimenlorGARDEN SEEDS,war ranted to germinate, received and for sale by , J. IL A VV.3.ELLIS. Cottou A Jan. 26 * 13 \\I ARRANT ED genuine, and the Growth of 1913. v Y from iho celebrkfed Seed Garden of Wethersfield, Conn. These Seeds are raised with the greatest eare and atten tion ; and put up ip the neatest manner, with printed direc tions for cultivating soil, best adapted tn each kind. Ac. For sale hy n/ i ,- HARVEY SHOTWELL. Jan 16 1 16 NEW GOODS. ■J tfk CAfE.S New Style Merrimack Prims, A\r 1,500 piece*assorted English nnd American Prints, Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shir ings, Ticking*,Umbtwllhs-; Point. Ilufiil, and Rose Blankets. Striped and Plaid Linseys; Kersevs. Plaids, and Kentucky Jeans, just received and for sale bv the piece or package. Nov 28 9 SAMUEL J. RAY A CO. STEWART’S Sfenrn Refined Tanilla Cream CANDY. J UST received and for sale by Jan 16 16 n. C. FREEMAN. &.CS31 Notices. HA OUR months after date, application will be made to the JL' • mf.-riur Court of Jane* coumy. when sitting for ordi nary pur|)oses, fur leave to sell two Negroes, (Major and Betty ) belonging to the Estate of Keubeu Roberts, deceas ed. Itr.e ol said county. Sold for the purpose or making distribution among the Legatees named in his Will, as en titled to distributive share thereof. Dec 19' 12 LURE ROBERTS, Qualified Exr. F OUR months after date, application will be made to the Inferior Court i-f Houston county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Wil- :ia>» U. Rudd, deceased, late of said county. Jan 23 10 MORTEN N. BURCH. Admr. 1 71 OUR In ietln efter date, application will be made to 1 the honorable Inferior Court of Butts county, wltcusil- ting for ordiuary purposes, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes belonging to the Estate of John A, Malone, deceas ed, late uf Butts county. MARTHA MALONE. Ex'rx Oct 17 THO.MA3 B. BURFORD, ri BIUTTON BUTTRILL. < , P OUR inotitlis after date, application wi! honorable Inferior Court of Twiggs cu ill be made tutlie couuty. when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave lo sell all the Lands belonging to the Estate of Robins Andrews, deceased, late .A Ttrjggs county. 13HA.M Or. ANDREWS. ? . , m _ Oct To 3 JOS. B. ANDREWS. ( Admrl OUR months after dale, application will be matte to t the honorable Inferi ir Court of l’ulaski coumy, when sitting fir ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the Negroes lie-ongitig to ibe Estate of Hugh Carr, deceased—for the benefit of the heirs. JOSEPH N. CARR, Admr. Nov 14 7 P OUR months after date, application will be matie lo tue honorable Inferior Court of Houston county, when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the Lands be.ouging to the Estate uf Caroline and J. J. Barrow, mi nors and orphauj of William Barrow, deceased, late of Pu laski county. GEO. B. McCOLLUM, Guardian. Nov 23 9 jfl EORGIA. Houston County.—Whereas, lticliaru June- v*f son William Siniih apply to me for letters of Ad ministration on tlie Estate of Nedhatn Smith, deceased, late of said comity: These are.therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singu lar. the kindred awl creditors of said deceased, to be anil appear atmy oliice, within the time prescribed bylaw, to shew c.luac. if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 2d day of Jan. 1844. 15 BRYANT HATTON,ecu G EORGIA, Butts Couuty.—Whereas Nancy launders applies 10 me for letters of Administration on ihe Es tate of Joint Saunders, deceased, late of said coun y: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ba and ap pear at my odiite, v ithin the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any they have,) why slid letters should nut be granted. Given uuder my band, this 23d Dec. 1843. 14 JOHN a EOKGIA. Dooly County.—Wheieas, Olive Harp ap- IT plies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate ol James Iiarp, deceased, late of said couuty: These are, there lore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law. to shew cause, (if any- they have.) why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand, this 22d JJec. 1943. 14 JOSEPH B. CLAPP, ceo DRUGS, .1WDIUWES, <fcc. & A FRESH SUPPLY, just received by a. II. A W. 8.ULU8. Sfaton/c Hall, Colton Avenue. Macon, Ga. Among which are the following MEDICINES, Sulphate duiniue (French); Cantharides G EORGIA, Dooly County,—Whereas. Jobu Varna (lore upp.ies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of Henry Stewart, deceased..late of said county : Tuese are therefore to cite and adm miah all and singular the kindred and ci editors of said deceased, lobe and appear at my office*, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause (if any they bare) whv said letters should no*, be grant ed. Given under my hand, this 22d day of Dec. 1813. 14 JOSEPH B CLAPP, c co G EORGIA,DoolvCounty.—WItereaa,Elizabeth Ward applies to me for le’ters of Administration on the Es late of Elisha Ward, deceased, late uf said county: These are, therefore, to cite and ndmouiali all aud singu lar. the kindred anil creditors of said deceased, to be aud apfiear at my ntfiee, within tlie tune prescribed by law, tn shew cause, .{if any they have,) why said letters should not bn granted. G.vett uuder niv hand, this 9th Jan. 1314. 17 JOSEPH It. CLAPP, cco J s EORGIA. Doolv County.—Whereas. Alattliew r tojd * R and C risiian Williams apply »o ine for letters of Ad mini-traro.-i on the Estate of Robert Williams, deceased, late of said county: ' These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear atmy office, within the time prescribed hy law, to shew cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand, this 9lh Jan. 1944- 17 YoftEra ii. OtAlT.rer G EORGIA.Crawford County.—Wiieretfs.E. W. Den nis. Administrator ou the Estate of Lewis Tanuer- leccascd, late of said county, applies for letters of Dismis sioti: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar.the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office, within thetime prescribed by law,lo show cause, (if any* they have,) why such letters should not be gr.iR’ed. Gi venunder my hand at my office, this 21 st day of October, 1813. 5 B.W. DENNIS.c.c.n. G 1 EOKGIA. Crawford Couuty.— Wnerea*. illuiard T Crutchfield. Executor on tlie Estate of Robert M. Wright, deceased, late of sail county, applies to uie for let ters of Dismission from said Estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred audeteditors of said deceased, to be and qqx-ar ut my office, withi t tlie time prescribed by law, to show cause, if auy they have,.why aaid letters should not he granted. Given under ray hand at a Dice, this 6th Nov. 1843. 7 E. W. DENNIS, cco G EORGIA. Crawford County.—Where**, Daniel C Rowell, Administrator, with tbe Will annexed, on the Estate of William Rowell deceased late of said county, applies to me for letters of Dismiasion from aaid Estate.: Tltess are, therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at ray office, within the time preacrioed by law, to -mew cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under tny hand, this 14th Nov. 1843. H E. W. DENNIS,ceo G EORGIA. Crawford County.—Wltcreas, Fl'tncia 11. Murdock, Administrator on the Estate oT 3arah Tan ner, deceased, late of said county, applies to me for letters of Dismission front aaid Estate: Tuese are. therefore; to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred nod creditors i.f said deceased, tn be ai d appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law. to anew cause, (if anv they have,) why said, letters should not be granted. . Given under uiy hand, this 14th Nov 1843. 8 E. W. DKNXI&ceo G EORGIA. Crawwiil County.—Whereas. Gregory J. Turner, Administratorof the Estate of William Bow den, deceased, late of said county, applies for letters of dis mission from said Estate: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and ere litora of said decea- ed, to be and ap pear at mv office, within the tin* e prescribed hy law, to ihe w cause if any they have, why said letters should not be grant ed. Given under my baud, this 3d day of Jan. 184-1. 15 ' E. W. DENNIS, cm ^'fEORGTA; Houston CocXTI.—Whereai Nauiau G *OT Lewis, administrator ou tlie estate of Benjamin Lewis •lebesred. late of slid couuty ; applies tome tor letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and ainga lartbekin j -ed and creditor* of said deceased, tn he and ap- pearat ray office, wiritiq the time prescribed by law. toahew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be gran tcil. Given under my hand, at office; this 1 lib Sept. 1843. 5i Bryant batton. c. c.o.. Sulphate Morphine Acetate do Aqodine Acetic Acid Oxalic do Citric do, Prtuiic do*. Tartaric da* Ammonia do (Arom sptsjj Amnnonials pulv, Veratrine Strychinine EuietiaeJ Uueubarbine) Croton Tiglium) Secale Curuutnm Oil S napine Oil Camharidin Proligenou* ActdJj Hydrtatate Pnata'a I’epperino Oil black Pepper Trish Moss Mask Chloride Soda Citrated Kali Chloride Lime Medical Mustard,in pot* Opium demircotized Cyanuret Potassium Comp. Tonic extract Currageen (prepared) ripigelia comp extract) Blue Moss Procip. ext. bark Peruvian do Calisaya do Toxa do Red do Chamomile flowers Senna Uva Ural Horehound Sage African Cayenne Bayberry b'ark, powdered Blood root do Colchicum do Golded Seal Slippery Eltn, powdered Quassia Gentiar, powdered Cort Aurant do Lobelia and seed i Hemlock Skunk Cahbago Squills Gamboge Ho|# Mezerlum Alkanetroot Cort CassariUa do Sassafras Ladies’Slipper Golden thread Saffron Cinnamon bark Powdered Ginger Root * do. Curcuma Mustard seed Mace Cloven Nutmegs Caraway seed Anise do Coriander do Arrow root Aque Fortis Anodyne (Hoffman's) Borax Black Lead Brimstone Blue stone Juniper berries Cubeb do Oxide Bismuth Bees-wax Burgundy Pitch Balsam Copavi do Tolu do Peru Black drop PATENT MEDICINES Ac. Fly Stone Colocytith Court Plaster Castor Oil (fresh) Sweet Oil do Charcoal, pulvj Corks, velvet) Calomel Antimony Aloes Rheubarb Jalap Digitalis, Opium Prepared Chalk Acetate Lead do Cupri do Zinc Arseniate Potassa Ether Sulphuric do Nitric Nitrate Silver do Potassa Phosphate Sods do Iron Sulphate Iron do Potasaa do Soda do Magnesia Borate Soda Phosphorus Manna flake Ointment liyd. Pota do Iodine do Veratrine do Itch Oxide Mercury Extract Jalap do Butternut Hyosciainti* Gentian Belladonna Taraxiei Rhubarb Nux Vomica Ilhatania Cicuta GlycyrrhizaJ Gum ArabacJ do Camphor do Scammony do Myrrh do Asaftctida* do Guiac Pearl Barley Syringes Jionev Otto itoses Magn esia, calc d do carb Isinglass Quicksilver Sedlitz Powders 'Soda do Saratoga do Sponge Tamarinds Wafers Sarsaparilla Red Precipitate White do Black do Pearl Asb Annatta Indi^j, Spanish final Logwood •Fustic Copperas •Spanish brown *' Venetian red Madder Fig blus N utgalls Alum Coqhineal Spts Turpentine Venice do Starch Salt Tartai Salt Ammechiac Glue Rosin Jujube Paste do do do do do do do do do Lee's Pills Opodeldoc Chapman's anti-dvspectic Pills Peters' do do Hunter’s Pills Hooper’s do Amlersou’sdo British Oil Bateman’s drops Tompson’s Eye-water Godtrey’s Cordial Salts Lemon Worm tea Effervescing Magnesia Botanieal drops Swain's Panacea Indian’s do E s. Iceland Moss Cough Mixture Fuid ext Sarsaparilla Syr Liverwort Comp. Sarsap. Cubebs and Copavi Comp, fluid ext. Pink Root, by G. W. Carpenter Dalby’s Carminative Bleaching Liquid Mead’s Pills Issue Plasters Elixer Life Ginger beer powder Medicated Oil Silk Digestive Elixer Pile remedy Chlorine Tooth-wash Bay Rum Balsam ftoney Cough Lozenges Extract Coflce Cullen's liquid Magnesia Potter’s Catliolicnn Rowan’s Tonic Mixture Relfe's Vegetable Specific Oil Wormseed Ext Buchu Ext Roneset Tonic Extract PERFUMERY AND BRUSHES &o Hair Powder Almoud Paste) Pearl do Ground Paint Brushes Rouge do Sash do Milk of Rose* Oval Varnish fold Cream Camel hair Cream Altnr.nds Badger's hair Florida Water,.various sizes Graining Cologne do .do - do Flesh * ’ do do do do G EORGIA. Iloustnn County.— Whereas. Joint Killeo, Admaiistrat-ar on the Estate of Joseph Cutti. ileceas- ed. late of said couuty, applies fur letter* of Dismission from sahl Estate: These.are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be-and appear at my office, within tbe time prescribed by law. to shew cause, lif tiny they have.) whv said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand, this Ctb Nov. .*• 43. 7 BltYANT BATTON.rco G EORGIA*. Crawford .County.—Witereas. Jeremiah C. Harvey. Administrator nn the Estate of .-'rancis Bacon deceased, late ufsaid county, npplies to me for let ter* of dismission from said estate: These are therefore tn cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pears* my office, within the time prescribed by law. toahew cause, if any they have, why sail) letters should not be grant- fed. Given under my hand, this 24lh dav of Aug. 1843. 48 E. W. DENNIS, c c. n d’X EORGIA. Crawford County.—Whereas. Jasou West; " T Administrator nn the Estate of Jason Meadows, de ceased, late of said county, applies to me for letters of dis mission from said Estate: -tieie are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditor* of aaid deceased, to be an l appear atmy office, within the time prescribed by law. to shew cause, ('ifany they have.) why said letters should not be granted. Given unileruty hand, this Nth Dec. 1343. 12 ' K. \V. DENNIS, cco HI' S. T. Ii O TF*jL. J. V/J, (AT PRIVATE SAEH;) /JAAr?. Castings. IS5M*. Cana 44* M ' 20.000 lbs. Scoter Bar Iron, 30 ) no do Flour. do j" I EORGIA- Crawford Coun'y — Where**, Elb?rt M. Vjffj) 1V»..Administrator on Ute'EsMte of William Street- niati. deceased, late of said county, applies to me for letters ofdistaissinn front said Estate: These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all and singu lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bp f nd ap peer atmy offiefe,.within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any they have, whv said letters should not he gran ted. Given uutler ray hand. ihi< 3d day of Jnn 12 _ E. W■ DENNIS, cco C *» ! > it i I a. u-.-f SBc-iuuty—Whereas,Turin JT-A-lmi.-i-'ritor and Nan-y Catte. Administ.t, tit'-’ F-' i'e of Tuom-is Calei. dc.-case I. late of >C’V Evict*. CASKS NEW R1CB. for a-de hi- ut*r Calcs fitrix. «»r ' , apply to flip for letters n\ from saM Rstme: T :e.e ire ib-rcfjreto ci;e . , I adroonidt all and singular i theki:;i f»r*. nod rreditor^ of d^ferw 1, to lie an l ap .. . . r n . ,- „.q -voiiin tie'time preicribe 1 bv law. tosbev C1,! * e •’UV tii.-v have, why s ii I letters ahou i n-.t be gran i-tni uutlar my itaud, this -'U day of Ja-i. l : 14. HjNNIo. ceo Lavenderde Rose do liesrs’ Oil Ward’s Hair Oil Marrow Pomatum J Orange Flower Water Macassar Oil Spirit of Rose Camphor Soap Musk do Emollient do • Windsor do do do Brown Wash Balls Curling fluid Antique Oil Horse Hair Nail Comb ~- U’ooth do •Cloth •Scrubbing' Shoo do do do do do ass'd do do do do do do silver wire do do do Patent feather Brooms' •do do Dusters do do Brushes Filch Tools Counter Brushes Hat do Crumb . do LipSalve (Persian Otto Roee)Shaving do Tooth Powder (superior) Shaving Oil Erasive do Powder Puffs and boxes Extract Bergamot * ’ * Preston Salts do Rose Smelling bottles do Musa d Tapers Honey Wnter “ Dutch Cologne Shaving cakes Atkinson's Depilatory SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Ac. Cupping Glasses do <lo with airpumo* Gum Elastic Catheters Silver do Seton Needle* Spring Lancet blades Tooth claws Gum Lancets Amputating cases Trepanning Instruments Dissecting do •• Pocket cases Spring Lancets Evans’thumb do Dentists’cases Teeth Keys j do do moveable buttons Medical Spoons Scarificators Scalesnnd Weights Aboea* Lancets Teeth Files Tourniquet* * The subscribers intend keeping a full assortment .of Urns*, medicines. Paint*. Oitu,Shop«Fiiriiirure, Ac., consistingaifarticle* in the line necessary for the snp plv of-Physicians. Plantations or Families. 'Tltev will be supplied with the best that ecu be selected out of the New York.and Philn'lc'qltia markets. Orders from Merchants ni l PhvshfianiwiU receive prompt attention. ■Tit 99*A .71 J. II. A \V. 8. ELLIS- PROVISIONS. 20 BOXES Raisins, 20 boxes Saidines, • Ftiltni: Market Beef, Pickled Beef Tongues, Buckwheat, Canal Flour, live Flour, B •cr. Cider; For sale by H. C. FREEMAN. Jan 16 18 -uttfa LAND. V X*OT OP LAND. sinmieH in TTou*tnn ronnty. arf. joining the Plnntation of Gen. Rutherfoni. for sale by U»£4li€i». iiaR5A)»iL:irkiihS. uc. A FRESH SUPPLY, just received t>y UAKVl'.V SUU’niliM., Corner oj Mulberry and Third Strict*, oppotxle ihe Cent rut Motel, Macon, Ou Sulphate Quinine do Morphine Acet. Morphine, Court Plaster Castor Oil Citrated Kali Chloride Soda Seuna Alex " ‘ Cav enne African Indigo Spanish Float Caraway Seed Anodyne lloflamont Aqua Fonia Juniper Berries Beea Wax Charcoal Pulv. Corks Velvet Calomel Eng. Calomel Am. Croton Tiglium Gum Arabic Gamboge Blue Stone Salts of Tartar Extract Jalap do Lemon, for pies, sauces, Ac., a uew and very conve nient article Extract Valerian “ Aeconttn " Buchu cotnpd Pink Root Fluid ** Augustura ** Hardback " Lettuce M W le M “ Cort Peru compd “ Bark Precipitated " Nux Vomica “ Rhubarb “ Gentian “ Ratania “ Dandelion " Colocyntli pure “ “ compound “ Balsam Copavia ** Hyoscamus “ Cicuta “ Stramonium “ Belladonna “ Boneset ‘ Butternut “ Glycopt “ •• refd Eng. “ Sarsaparilla Herbs Herehound “ Cleavers “ Catnip “ Thoioughwort “ Cicuta ’i Marsh Melon " C d foot “ Pirs.ey ** STctrraint “ S-crvey Grass “ Hvazeamous “ Wormwood “ Double Tansey * Hyssop “ Horse Radish ** Bitter Sweet ** Lemon “ Sweet Mrajoram “ Motherwort ** Penncroval “ Sage Cantharides Fly Stone Ccilocynth Acetic Acid Sweet Oil Veratrine Shychonir.eJ Digitalis Creta prept trish Moss Oxalic Acid Cetric do Prussic do Tartaric do Opium Pepperine, Uva Ursi Sage. Syrenges Honey,'Squills Mezerian Hemlock Hops Saffron Evicuroa Nutmegs Wafers Cloves Quicksilver Arrowroot Logwood Madder Allura Fig Blue Bnmstane Starch Glue Antimony Aloes Soot Rhubarb Emetine Musk. Blue Mats HorehoundJ Otto Rote Isinglass Sponge, Mace Annato, Copperas Borax, Nutgallsj Rosin Oil Almonds “ Annisede “ Burgamott “ Cajiput > “ Cassia “ Cloves " Caraway “ Onganuro^ Atithos * Juriper “ Lavender) Jessamine* “ Fennel “ Savine fresh “ Goldwood “ Wormseed “ double Tansey “ Peppermint “ Spearmint “ Tansey pure “ Cedrat r proton “ Sage Pulegi “ Sarsafras *• Orange •• Cedar “ Black Pepper “ Hemlock* ' 41 Spruce “ Cantharides “ Tar “ Copavai “ Amber reel i. “ “ com “ Seneca *' Rhodium ” Nerole •• Camomile *' Valerian •' Cubebs • Wormwood “ Nutmegs " Anniseed . Spatalas assorted Syringes ,, Tresses •• Brushes “ Tooth Brushes Nail Brushes White Wash do No 1,2,3 Bet Brushes No 1,2, 3 Flesh do No 1, 2,3 Cloth Brushes, fancy from No 1 to IS Blacking Brushes assorted Bristol Brick Sheep Skins, extraFrenchNo 1, 2 and 3 Almond Paste Antique Oil Balm of Columbia Bears Oil Cream of Amber Cold Cream Cologne Farina ** F ranch “ German “ American Extract Millifloret Lip Salve Otto of Roses Macassar Oil Pomatum Pearl Powder Preston Salts Toilet Ponder Vqgrtsble Rouge Vincgae Aromatic Eve Water Godfrey’s Cordial Hayes Linnment Harlem Oil Itch Oointment Funnels Wedgwood from N l to 5 Galley Pots assorted Mortars from 1 inch to 12 Medical Spoons Pill Tiles graduated from inch to 12 Polishing Clay- Putty Knives Apoth’s. Scales and Weights Wicking for Lamps Extract Roses Essence of Tyre Florida Water Freckle Wash Hair Oil Ward’s' Hungary Water Hair Powder Indian Dyej Kapliatin Orange Flower Water OF ALL KIXDS, DONE AT SHORT NOTICE, IN A NEAT STTle on* the most reasonable tebj. s ’ ANB AT THE OFFICE OF THE iRnccu <5cov£fa STcUgtaiifi —srcMt.zs— PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, LAW 8MKK8, H«KCBtUfi HOUSE EIEXff, I£En £l ’ ^sa. aca „ Iff \IItJL-li O l &JE CJEIp &c, &c. ire. ’ A GOOD ASSORTMENT 0^ 0B3B 3BL. J*SL_ lyssn IHFs£: ^ Of use in this Slate, minted onfne paper, h. lenl kept on fiand, and fu. sale aiverv lew ' Macon. June 1. 1843. 38 CAl-'S! GAPS!!' ed at the New Hat and Cap Suneof J M '***>*• Kot 14 7 GKO. I. SHEPARD. Fire Insurance. r | UD<Jer *;e»«i. Agents for the ACtra l MBt ,„. ", Company ol Hartfoid Conn., are ptepared nsks on Buildings, Merchandize in Store and Cat, - VV ara-houses, in the Citv of Macon ai d its riciehv, ,^ Feb 7 REA A COTTON, a, u BLAJNK At Boaiftman’s. io CiSXiiVES & C ONTINUE the WARE HOUSE and f-naw. •-iON BUMNEtlj—are ptep;.ied at all t4^ " maae Advances on Cciion in Store. 01 shit “ ma.kei destred. and arliri.. eontinoanceof'J* Macon August 22. 1843. | »iroti(p,q[ 11. <Sc J. GttWLfcS, H ,eceiTtJ - Fresh Market el jLJI C«Dal Flour. Krnala A • *» New Buckwheat, in balf and S quarter Ur! tj, 5 ***”' Together with BnpffSnpr. Sugar, t efleo. Ac. Ac •Varon. bnvm Q l\LW GOOJ3S; J. IJ.l Y ^ A-* Iar£e ard FUKEIjiA AM) AJIE8ICAS FA\fL AM) mm „ dry-goods The entire stock is „nc and te.y c. v riett, erd »,TH. sold at V.HeI.XSSI X OH HXTA1L. aid e ,t:y !c*e,,|!kn examine lor tUult!,,,' Purchasers ate invited to call aid Niiv 7.1843 *»fla fcioihs aiid. Cassiireirc ^^ K,l e*a»d Black. Blue, Bri.wn* vistb.e Greer. Cloths, Freed, and American lew priced Cloths Plain and Fancy Bearer C.uths. Soger Wool dyed. Black sot. Blue Black r 8!! c„er„ Colored and Fancy ( err*, of every variety Also, a few pieces ol GiraCe Cloth, (o, Buntli , Vv,-, s Samuel j. bay a cc. BONNETS. f J7HE subscriber has just reccuri /YlvXK® m ■’“PP'.vofficeandf..fc,«i. tStei- # an.aedSlrmt C.V. 5ET8. A.'fo. a lew Drew ■ y-f- • • "atterus rich Mout-lm de L-"0»»- yiV 'T- '*- *• nn.ent of Elastic ai d EsJf Iff Mitts; IIich «nd Faskionslle l;m* Silks. «t reduced pr ; ces; alio, car piece Turky Satin. „ , g. l. warren. On« door above G. A. Kimberly's. THREE VA I.UABLE PJaAKTATIO-liS Mncon. Nov 14. IP43 K. B WEED EXCHANGE. j CJTGHT CHECKS on New York, fop sale bv I >3 (Vt 31 5 HENRY C. FREENfAN. exchangeT FATJENT IXEUICIKES. British Oil Blue Smalls Balsam Honey Deep Blue Smalts* Spice Bitters Red do Bateman’s Drops Green do Butler's Magnesia Brown do Bailey's Extract Sarsaparilla, Black do a’new and superior aid- Indian Specific cle, u4ed in praierenc* to New England Cough Syrup all others Opodeldoc Corn Plaster Moffat's Pills Cephalic Snuff Photnix Bitters Chemical Pile Ointmen Jewett’s Pills Essence of Peppermint Dean's do Gordack’s Cordial Davenport's do SoapNaplei Mead’s da “ Castile Swaim’s Panacea •• White bar Saratoga Water " Variegated Tcmato Pill* *• in pots No 1,2, 3 Wertuil'upe Swain’s Haynes' Pills French Pills Beckwith's do I)i Lngier's Fever and Ague Peters’ do Pill* Elmore’s do tGhalegnre’s Fever and Ague Mcskin’s do Pills SI K6IGA1 ID S! ItVAIENTS. Amputating Instruments in ca-Xaucents Evan's best ses “ com shell handles Amputating and Trepaning “ Gum Instruments in cases " Abscess G E Bougie'sCuppinglnstrn- “ Cases incuts with Scarificator Nursing Tubfeslvory and Five CuppiDg Glas- Needles Setons ses “ -Curved. Catlieters male Nipple Shells female Pocket Case, containing 22 In Couching Instruments inca- sticn.enu. ses PocketCasescontaining 16 In Camelar’s doable silver Dis- strumftiis secting Instruments incs-Pocket Cases containing 12 »e« .', G ilnititruments Dentist's Instruin'l* forplug- Proben ging and scaling Pessaries gum clastic Forcept’s Midwifery Saws Amputating Dissecting Stethescopes Dressing Scissors straight ami enrved Bone Stoniarii'.Tubes E G. Tooth and patterns Tooth Keys ivoryhandlo Clyster Bags with Ivory Pipes spring Ilair Lin Pins ToothiKey^pivot handle Knives Amputating spring *’ Calline Toeth Keys ivory handle hinge Whispering Tubes for deaf fulcrum I>ersoiis, a most valuable Tourucouet article Tooth Files GLASS V/ a si r. Ac . Specin Bottles from jpt to 2 Nipple Shells gallons Nursine Bottles Tincture Bottles from jpt to .do Flasks 2gallons Funnelsa'.sorted Salt mouth Bottles Cupping Glasses Breast Pipes Phials assorted Urinals -Graduate Measures PAINTS. White Lend ground in Oil Drop Black ’ IG1IT EXCHANGE on New York,for sale hy •y 14 ^ 7 4m WM. P. ROWLAND. ilo do dry Red Lead Black Lend Spanish Brown Venetian Red Yellow Ochre Cltrotn Yellow Chrome Green Litherage Prussian Blue) Vermillion Verdigris Ivory Black Terra He Senna Rotten Stone ■ Ruirh Pink Dose Pink Spanish Wbita Paris White Gum Shellack * Linseed Oil Lamp Oil Train Oil Neats Foot Oil Spirits Turpentine varnish Copal •“ Japan “ Rlack Bather -Gold Leaf Silver Leaf Pomire Stone Patent Yellow Chalk Red do White Putty Carmine Drop Lake FOR SALE, -r fg HK PLANTATION in tbe frft Tbirict fi J rcimifv t mtsF miles below TrovHleTs’ Ptsi. near lk road m Dr«T ion, known as Hiiied’ Pci.d Itc*» «>f 1.1 CO of very su|>erior Loi.d—HC mtler lenf.Ui tijiip of vuK’li bus been eiiluTaird n on* ilsin ilireejm^ No expeuFr* or pains ?f ared in etenii g dim ii ibe |W? rlieLeferMrybufldinrs. Dwelling Houte. O Nepro C r.Lbin», Gin House, Barn. Cribs. FuMei Hnnl ^tnbies. &c. all new and in fine o«*der. Hut lew l ioro bu t een fo thoroughK or well unproved, or ran rfer to r.n? ii durenienis to tbe planter os this— saicr.r tl eui. | «• blf stone water, not often found in tbe low ct y»u\ In* ^ it ln»s proven entire^ bealtbv t ^nd will twf5i «>. as the re)gi;liorl;ri<*d ,h*s lor tnm.x \fai* tcec ale • Jirelv eien pr Irani «irkne*». Pertor a wistiie tri* -•!«•* orrem. ran e.xairire tbe pWe, l\ c«]JmaimM* l. *** nuis or Wilhrm S. H.n ei. K qa. retidfr- ^ have the plore fli« wn m tl.ein ; « r lor further fKwtai. the under^ned would reertoT.C. IMt. .Itnr? T'-ctc. Lsqj. Dr.C, w e.<T. Mnrcm. or B. K Hit e5. Kjo. /Jl *7 Ain. ihe VALUABLE PLANTATION in ]. eotihfy. 5 nn:e^ from Il:.wkit sville, l.cowti as tie l 1^ Tlnre. contmmnp 1.600 acres of hne Lnud, with acre* of open Land,a good roiufottab r ffau.e JIveLiifirtt houfe». and a two-Ftnry fren ed GVirt Mill, with two j«f stones, and a Saw Mill irt cmpleie order. Bpih A* suumeo r.n a never failing »trenin, entire!v new. ai d iocro** t lete repair. This i* a desirable nnd betilihv local)*r,► ^ cannot fail M please such as me in purfvitof > rrlv-a*!• rlnntatirti. with a Giist and Saw Mill, nnd eterj ith|*** taclied for the convenience ol furroing. Alfo the PLANTATJON in -Monroe ecu til v, H the Rutherford Place 10 nrles In in .Vactn lands ol Needham Mims and Jrlm I owrts. This («<• contains 600 acres of fine Land n , ft of which is cleared a i under good fencing, t cnn.frrtcLIe Duellirr, Negro ( :Wf> Gin-Honse, &c. Ac. situated on an vIctziic site, »*!'■* y® r ds of the Mource Rail Road, nnd in cct»s ; det«i urely l eahhy. Thin place, with a little iu province f Miscepnble of l eing one of 0je handsciceft lrmw** * Georgia For tern.5. apply to A P. PATRICK. Or in bis absence, to .IjOiEs Dean, ) vr ••• T G.lf6tT,*or >Macon* Nov 6,1833 r. G. M. JLooax. Ergs, j COOK'S £ IiTI-fiZlIOVS PSIItS, IO R the Cure of Liver Complain:, Dvep*p^»-* l i A 1 For sale by J. H. A W. S. KLI» Oct 31 5 G<-xchnii£e oia i\nv-.l’or!n fTIOR sale by THOS. TAYIOJ- A 1 Oct. 1 er 3 x fi ;iiBitTiisd Oils, •yflft KEG? Nrs.l and 2 White Lead, •JUUaWgilloiii Linseed Oil, 200 do Lamp Oil. With a variety ofColors for Painters’Bse. forssick T . Ju *y 6 40 CI1 AS. CAMPBSU*S!L Cai’iietiiijr! Carpctirg'JJ Jl'ST 11ECE1YED AT THE PEOPLE’S SffOStB*, A KE15 pieces of su[-eriorquality, and hand D r - ■ patterns. As it is not nur intention to keep we will.rlore out the lot. for rash, nt New Yoik-Cc* ; Those in want of the above article, sre refperffi Jr ' ted to give us a call. CRANK A Cl-‘ IO* Store on Mulberry street, under Wafltirpien J- 1 - Nov 21 * 8 Hue tin Irt. u &' Hr ass Foundry AN 177 A CIS r X A , t 'J ILL and CJtn Clet-nrtg, Sttcw E*F 9f P or *'L \z --« * ®tid Brass Cashui?s of everv description, r .v order,and Machine Wokk ii.Ccneral, cornero f f c -‘* and Walnut £tieets. tT The highest prices will be paid for Old * j KSrn**, IaCtttl, and f'nm lion. tl . n » iV. dan 31 17 KO.BT. lOSTf O N tlie Cist instant, rn the rond from Thnrn»?Jf‘ - ( . : . ner’s Factory, a nuall POCKET '' x . r n* siderablv u.‘ed, cr-ntnining between . r 0a»d $10'-'. . .p« Bnnkp, witl) n umill nmount of silver, An\ g ;j n ill Le thankfully received, and a liberal r€ v, ;, ’ u •. p f . the finder, m it^ being delivered to the fnbscr view, Talbot county. WAD£ H. L L * Nov 2*. 1?43. * » T . I thankful for Drop Lake r or »he i etnrn of tho antmtl Patent Brush and f l0 j7 m i v i mm *r.u—•««. Kot. •f«l I Uimdm FTItAYEP, v ,.v e ::8 FROM the subscriber, on ihe ntcli o< • ] , <l instant, between Thoroaston and hj ^ f i Jerk brown MARE MULE, about « . sotnewhai rubbed by W e harr.eff ■ a P? 1 1-er marks reeffieeted. Ti e undersigfef^^^ and a WADE H- I' ». 1646.