Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844, February 06, 1844, Image 3

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Ji HE .11 A C O I¥ GEORGIA TELEGRAPH Of Price, is ver > ' Ve)l atte8ted ^ ,l,e ^ that the favoiable news by the Britannia lias &C |dl very light shipments from that port. C \n short, every thing would seem to indicate r .iher advance in price. Those who have no use money to pay debts, and can afford to speculate n their own Cotton, by holding it until the arrival !f.he news by the Caledonia, will do well, if ap- waranees are to be relied on. But had not those who owe money, and wish to pay it. better sell at • rood price, than risk the remote probability—and K Z,C it is-of doing worse ? There is reason in foisting eggs, however. C’lny Clnb, \ Clay Club was organized at the Central Ho- , e ! on Saturdny evening last. Washington Poe, £ ’ was elected President, and Henry G. Ross, £sfi. Secretary We understand that the meeting was not Quite so harmonious as might have been expected from a party that prates so much about the “harmonious democracy.” But with their family jars we will have nothing to do. They may cal/vnch other “LIARS” and we will not even say that they do not tell the noth—they may jeratch and fight until the fur flies, or they meet the (tie of the Kilkenny cats, and we will not interfere, but only look on with feelings akin to the old wo- mnn’s when the fight occurred between her hus band and the bear, Speeches weie delivered by E. A. Nisbet, Esq., •nd others, and the way the venom was bespattered on poor Van and the Locos, was distressing to de cency. The orators proved incontestably (on whig tuihority) that Henry Clay and his supporters were pure, consistent, nml unchangeable in their principles and political course; and as we are al- wavs willing to lend n helping hand to such as nerd it, we subjoin a few “beautiful extracts” for (he use of the young coonlings in the ranks to assist them in confirming the statements of the veterans in the cause. Here they arc—and we will furnish more anon: "Our correspondent with all hi* zeal.cannot arrives! die forced construction, (hat we • eceasarily, became Mr. Cal- boon is in favor, and Clay and Webster opposed to the dub Tressary scheme, are tinctured with Clayinn.Websier ism, Federalism, tbe American System and Abolitionism. Of thete sins we have never been accused by our enemies, sod it iateo late U tbe day for as lobe catechised by our triends.” To answer our correspondent categorically, we have tn iiv. that we are neither a Clay nor Webster man, and so farts the Sub-Treasury is concerned we are not a Calhoun nun."—Georgia Messenger. April 26. 1833. "As to the other charges of minor consideration, but no less false, viz: That the Georgia Whies are in favor of a National Bank. That the Georgia Whigs, n-e in favor of Henry Clay. That the Ge rgia Whigs, are panegyrists of Dauiel Web ster. We would express our deni tlin a very emphatic mono syllable, were not the use of it offensive to "ears polite ” Georgia Messenger. August 23,1938. Tj the Editor of the Georgia Messenger. July 34, 1333. "My best reflections and must careful investigations have confirmed the opinion that Congress has no power to char ter a Hank.” ■ Opposition to a National Bank lies deer, in the element* of our parry organization. We shah in vain expect the re* peetdueto consistent politicians, if we become tbe adve- cates of a National Bank.” “I belong neither to the house of York or of Lancaster. Mr principles will not permit me to support either Van Bu- ren or Clay.”—JE. A■ Mir let. There were no four footed coon* present, and be ing night, they were probably “professionally en gaged." Lore and Politic*. The Democratic Party at this time, may be lik ened to a blooming beauty, the success of whose personal charms, has made her capricious and hard to please; atnid a multitude of eligible suitors she cannot make up her ntind which she likes best Young ladies of this description have been known, if we may believe those who have noted their history, to reach an ebb-tide in their affairs, when no suitor offered himself and they were forced to remain involuntary spinsters Cm life, or mayhap to pick up some man lor a husband, as a last resort in a desperate case, whom a few years before, she had never had a thought of ever ap[dying to such a respectable purpose. Not that we suppose it possible, for Miss Dctnocraeie ever to meet such a fate, with the profusion of “loveyers” she can boast. O, no! It is true, that one worthy bachelor, with the modesty of his tribe, has retired from the contest. Another fiery Suitor, from Fort Hill, who could not mould the will of the obstinate damsel to his wishes, as easily as lie expected, has strode front her presence In something of a rage. But the well skilled gallant or Lindcnwold, is not so easily induced to abandon bis claims. A cold look or frown from bis Indy love does not an nihilate him. but he lives on in the hope that the smiles of the jilting jade, will soon gladden his heart. And she numbers Oil her “list of friends” two distinuuislied officers, who can shew lestimo ninlsof lltcir prowess on the battle field, in the way of sundry interesting scars. And theie is a naval hero, who can |x>iiiitothe ships lie has captured from the enemy, who is enstiug amarous glances at the coy maiden. There is a magic in gilt but tons, gold lace, aiguleltes, dec., that has power over the female heart, it is said by tltosff who know, es pecially when associated with the idea of “noble deeds and daring high.” And it requires belter prophets than we profess to be, to say if one of ihe button-men is not the fortunate swain yet. Who knows ? Of one Tact, all of the friends of Miss Democrn- cie, feel assured, it is that when she has finally made her choice, she will cleave to her husband, through good and evil report with a romantic affec tion known only to her sex. Destructive Fire in Augusta. Between 12 qnd 1 o’clock vesterJay morning. our citizens were smutted by the cry of Fire, which was discovered to proceed from the store of Messrs. Clarke &. Carsewel), for merly occupied by Jesse Kent, on Broad street, the second story of which was occupied as a d welling by Mr. J: F. Car- From Charleston rin JVcw York. Interesting froi SouUi Carolina—Extract or a letter received in New ^rk, and published in the Express, from elngbly rvspcctalQ gentleman, dated Charleston, S. C., January lOifi : al^LAYG C DON A f«°Evrs 7 u H™ P B«T?i 0 n ned r rCUy C K b; wa* occupied a*, duelling by Mr J: F. Car- wamfSX,,?' i -Vi m a ay . 2 h ! r The fire wlrfSia supposed to Lave taken from the «h« Henry C^T wUl need * re P !are ? f ,he ’torr.had prec-essed so far before it «t “ ifnlt^Jed J “ C .*. h, “’ b ° WlU ‘Ii.covmM. that nothing coulr be saved, either from the get it ,r„o, needed, she wdl throw it away” sto renrd,vel.’i„ 2 fronj which the familvnf Mr. Cruswelle,- J lie above IS copied from the last week’s Mes- ! caped with their cloathing. The loss of Messrs. Clarke senger., public is certainly indebted to the j tSSSt& “ highly respectable gentleman" lor the information, j ^ ^Jr.^Ke n'* ton beside* Had it r< mained a secret in his own bosom, the f ac '■ (•) * : 'ght never have been made known, as the Soul Carolina papers are silent on the subject. Wher Col. Preston was first suspected of Clay- ism, be ublicly pledged himself that “ he was not the man for Clay, nor Clay the man for him;" and, like »i!*J of the “Southern Whigs,” denounced him in f!«o Veiy bitterest terms, for the same prin ciples Ik still bolds, and with which they now sup port liiijt. Anything for Coonism and ihe spoils. STA ria.VN OF ftct icittiw In the Georsia Anuttul Conference, 1844. Augista District.—Janie, E. Evans, P. E. Augusts—G. P-. Bierce. 3. J. Turner. Colon an.—W. D. Arnold. J.incohton.—James Jones. Washington.—W. J. t-asuett. Il’ihht-.—A. J. Leei. /yiutstiUe.—J.W. Knight. IVuyi-.boro'.—J- C. Simmons, Warrinloii.—\V. H. Evans. Sprincfield.—E. White, 9c Craswell who are both young men,just commenced in v...: -l— - —- no insurance. the building, which was worth 2 to $3,000. was 61,000 in notes and papers, no insurance. The notes and papers, however, can all be established as well as bis recollection will enable him to do it, as his books were also consumed. The eflicieory ami zeal displayed bv the fire companies, which cannot be too highly commended, saved the adjacent buddings. C? tVe arc nulliorizril to nmionncc UK CRY M. COX as a can.!: late lor Receiver of Tax Returns for Bibb county, at the Election in 1845. Jau 9 15" D3’ tVe arc j Ocmulgee SSasaLc Kc-opcned, WITH A SPECIE CAPITAL OF Blarch of Illnxtmtian. Voting wnomanhnod! “the sweet muon on the horizon’s verge” a thought matured, bat not uttered—a conception warts and glowing, not yeicmbudietl—the rich halo that pre cedes the rising sun—the rosy down that bespeaks die ri pening peach—n flower— A flower which is not quite a flower. Yet is no more a bud I (Exchange paper. Young woomanhood! molasses touched with a little brim stone, spread on bread not buttered ! a being all joints anJ angel*. n nt filled out—an unformed form, deformed by stays —a palid thing that loves the ripening peach—a young wo man— A woman which is not quite a woman. Yet something more not a gat. [Broohlm News. Young woomanhood ! a half moon not yet ri*—a cake baked, but not turned—h- tcorn, all hot and smoking, not jet cold—a rich curdle which precedes the coming of butter —die thlckning down upon a gosling's back, that bespeaks toe future goose: a butterfly— A butterfly which is not quite a butterfly, And yet aim acatterpillar no how you cm fix it. [Sunday Morning sVems- Young womanhood! on uncorrecied proof, that’s full of fun, poeiry and errors! an unpaid printer’s bill, made up of items and figures, ending with 0; and of hopes never to be realized ! an apple toddy, without the brandy, sweet, spicy and insipid! a fragrant Havana— cigar, which is not quite a cigar—nor neither plug nor pigtail, A leaf unfit to chav, and yet too green to smoke ! Hullotlt—David Blalock. .Vupalssi.—J- Lewis. Jejfenon Mission.—J. J. M. Mapp. Burke " J- W. Fanner. Serit’n •' It. II Hushing. Jstroj H Ij- Savannah .nisfton.—L. G. II. Wiggins. Ossntsnr.—John Jones. Athens District.—John W. Glenn, P. E. Athens.—W. J Parker. Coeiglon -Sr Monroe.—J.P. Dnn*-an.J.B. Jackson. Wqlksnsvitle—It. Lane, A. D. Russell. Elirton.—W. M. Crumby. A. J. Reynolds. Malison.—Walter R. Branham. Ca'Mesi’ille.—J. U. Chappell, W. II. Crawford. Gwcnesboro.—Wm. Arnold. Ctirksville.—D- Thompson. ' • t)jford.—W. Knox. Emory College.—A.B. Longstreet. President; A. Means, G \V. Lane, Professor; W. D. Martin, Agent, K ngston mission.—Tn be *upp:ied. Cherokee District.—W. D Mathews. P. E. Armnnn.—J. W. Yarborough, M. Uellah. McDonough.—A. Pennington. W. A. F. Lawrence. tiriffm.—C. Trussell. J. B. Wardlaw. Cnrrolllon.—U K. Lucas; one lobe supplied. D cahtr.—A. Nesse. Ctssville—George Bright. J. M. Vestal. Marietta.—II. P. Pitchford, 11. A. Johnston. Dahlonega—R. Stripling '■* Latrrenccritlc.—E. Bennett, Thomas Fowler. Macon District.—J. W. Talley, X’. E. Macon.—J. 11. Payne. Milledgevitle.—E. H. Myers. Clinton.—D Kelsey. Eatonlon.—Isaac Boring. Forsyth.—W. W. Robinson, C. R. Jewett. ’ Cntloden.—B. XV. Cork. Tietggs ,1j- Wilkinson.—F. D. Lowry, J.R. Sparta.—A. T. Mann. ISandrrsviUe.—C. Raiford.R. W. Bighxm. Monticeilo.—II. Ctawfod. Wesley a u Female College.—W.II.Ellison; Presidents Anthony Agent. Columbus District.— Thomas Samford, P. E. Columbus.—Daniel Curry. Lagrange.—J.A Wiggins. Thomaston .—James Hunter. Troup,— E. W. Reynolds, A- Dotman, Harris .$• Tat hot—J. P. Dickinson. J. Scaife. Greenville—N.Smith. G. W.Furraby. Muscogee.—C. L. Hays. Talhotton—C. W. Key. Franklin.—W. Graham. Meritrether .$• Troup mission.—To be supplied. L. Pierce, agent of the American Bible Society, for the Slate of Georgia. Fort Gainf.s District.—I- F.Steagall, P. E. Blakily.—S. X’. Richardson. Ha lektnsville.—T. C. Coleman. Tazrirelt d- Ameiicus.—W. D. Bussey, II. Manifee. Culhberl .\- Fact Gaines.—.1. T. Tally. L'tmnkin.—T. D. Peurif iy, W. Foster. Albany—W. Hall. Perry.—S. M. Smith, James Harris. Fort Valley Mission.—James Dunwoody. Chattahoochee “ J. T. Turner. Ocmulgee " J. W. Carroll. Tallahassee District.—P. P. Smith, P. E. Tallahassee.—O. J. Pieice. Quincy.—R. H. Luckey. Gadsden.—R. H Howren, F. A. Johnston. / rots.—J. W noday. W.icuiIii.—A. GruhattL Thoma'ViUe.—A. Martin. Trmpviltc.—J. T. Smith. Madison.—A Peeler. Hamilton—S. It Fleming. Moult cello.—John M. Milner. Lake J ic/.'.on mission.—To be supplied. Gadsden ' j- ->• Richards. Nkwnansvili.e District.—T. C. Penning P.E. Nrwnaiisvillf.—V. H. Shelton. Columbia.—VV. W. Grilfiu. Osrnp >n mission —To be supplied. Vamp King " E. L. T Blake. Chnckcliatly “ J. Penney. Hillsboro •• J. M. Miner. Indian River “ A. J. Devera. Kry West " To be supplied. St. Mary's District.—L. C. Peek, P. E. St. Mary's.—J. S Lane. Brunswick —M. H. White, G. A. Malett. Jacksonville.— R. J. Cowart. Kassaii—G. M M, Donald. Hinesviltr.—V. W.,..l.ey, D. L. White. Irwin.— A. C Ilraner. Hnuirscille.—S. J. Childs. D trial—Joshua Knowles. Ttljsiir.—S. H- Cooper. I Vo rr .boro mission.—W. E. Adams. St. Ilia, •• J.W. Mills. John C. Carter, transferred to the Alabama Conference and appointed io charge of the Rnsse’.l Circuit. A. II. Mitchell, transferred to Alabama Conference, and appointed Pre-blent Centenary Institute. Prlegates to ihe General Conference.—L. Pierce, \\ . I. Park*. J.W. Glenn. G. F. Pierce. J.E. Evans, A. B. Longstreeu — I'Voni Tr-xn*. Reported invasion if Texas by Ihe Mexicans—A call to be made for Texas vatu ulcers to carry on an ojfen• sive war against Mexico— To procure hostages—la pay the Texian troops—Breach of faith by the Mexi cans—The first reading rf a Bill for the annexation of Texas to the United.' males—Failure of the Texan Commissioners. “ , The steamship New York, at New Orleans, from Galves ton. states that the rumors which reached here about a fort night ago. that the Mexican fleet was about to sail for Ha vana, received in Galveston a different version. Letters arrived therefrom Vera Cruz, aiming that troops were eon- eciitraiing on that point and that the true destination of the Mexican vesaels of war lying at 8*crificioa, was Galvesion Island. It is said, also, that letters to the same purport were forwarded to the Texiau authorities at the seat of Got em inent. A Bill has been offered to the House of Representatives, and referred to the proper committee, directing the Major General of Militia of the Republic, in case infrrmation was not received hv the 1st of March next, of the liberation of all tlio Texian* in captivity in Mexico, to makes public call for volunteers to repair to his standard at a pointdesiguated west of the Jaudal mpe river, for tliegiurpose of an war again*! the Mexican settlements and t.twus along the Rio Grande. The following are the specific objects laid down 11 be accomplished by the campiigu. viz: 1. To procure n sufficient number »f Mexican prisoners of the highest rank and cnusidrra'ion to be held by oor gov ernment as hostages for the good treatment and final release of oar citizens, prisoners, in Mexico. 2. To transfer the horror* of war from our soil to that of the enemy, bv destroying their towns, b:caking up their set tlements, and driving the inhabitant* beyond the mountains. 3. To support and pay par troops by confiscation o*' pro perly and foreign contributions. 1 The preamble to this bill recount* the breaches oMnith of which the Mexicans have been guilty toward* those unfor tunate prito-ers; and the fact that the terms of the armistita faithfully kept on the part of the Texian*. included ana: grremrnt for the liberation and safe escort to the boundary of all prisoner* on both side*. The proposed law. therefore aeems most just and proper. A bill proposing ine annexation'of - Texas to the Ui-ited States, had passed to its second reading in the House of Re presentatives. and been referred to the Committee oo For eign Relation*. A correspondent of the Houston Telegrrpli writing from the *e»t of Government, stales, that ail the Re • present.nives. and alt the Senator# aave me. composing this Texan Congress, are in favor of annexation. Rumors were rife slongthe western frontiers of a new and formi table Mexican invasion. Little importance, how ever seemed to be attached to them at Houston or Galveston. It was not supposed that the Mesicans (in that quarter t t least) contemplated any thing beyond their old system of pre datory and foraging partie*. News had been received from different sources, that the C< tnmi*sioners to Mexico had failed in their mission and retnming home. The Uenmt seems to be -redtted. They were said to be at Sabinas on the 10th nit. intending tn start for home on the 12th. Ti e Mexicans, it it stated, had no terms to propose, short of the abolition of negro slavery in Texa*. and return of their country to tbo condition of a department cf Mexico- MARRIED, In Monroe county, on the 23d tilt., bv the Rev. William Hardy. Mr. JAMES TURRENTINE, of Houston county, j to Miss ELIZABETH A, daughter of Maj. Rowland Redding. In Monroe county, on the 9th uIl. bv the Rev. Mr. Bar ron. Mr. JOHN W, BURTON, of this county, to Miss CAROLINE G. MORAN. In Meriwether countv. on the lOili ulL, hy the Rev. James Hunter. M ij. PEYTON S. MOORE, n't Macon countv. Ala., to Miss ANN M. CROWDER, of Meriweiher. ' In Talbottnti. Go. on the ISih ult., bv the Rev. T. Mont gomery. A C. VAN EPPS. Esq ,of Eufunla, Ala .to Mis* CAROLINE L., daughter of Gen. N. Howard, of the for mer place In Albany. Ga.. on the 23d ult.. by the Rev. B. M. Rob ert*. Mr. JOSEPH THORN, to Miss MARY A.,daugh terof Needham Dudley. In Albany, Ga., on the 23d ult, bv James A. Newman, Esq. Mr. JOHN DRIGGERS, to Miss ELIZA J. BAS SETT. On the 23th ult. hy the Rev. J. II. CAMPBELL. Mr. ELISHA GRISWOLD, of Clinton, to Miss ELIZA BETH HARDEMAN, daughter of Thomas Hardeman of this city. In Cullodenville. on the 11th ult.. hy the Rev- T. F. Montgomery. JAMES W. CASTENS, of Talbotton, to Misa ANN V., daughter of James Oliver, of the former place. At St Louis. Missouri, on the 10:h ult.. bv the Rev. A. Bullard, AUGUSTUS PEABODY, to Miss M T. C. ECKLEY, eldest daughter of Levi Eckley, formerly of Macon. Ga. On the 18th nil., hy the ltev. Robert Fleming. Mr. JO SEPH RAINWATER, of Coweta county, to Miss CAR OLINE E. WALTON, of Campbell county. In Clark county, on ihe 1 till ult.. by the Rev. Dr. Clmrcli, Mr. EDWARD H. POTTLE of St Marys. Geo., to Mias EVELYN A. JENNINGS, daughter of the late James Jennings, Esq. In Clark county, oil the Pth alt., bv (he Rev. G. Lumpkin, Mr. BENTON MARTIN, of Henry county, to Miss JU DITH PUHYEAlt. of Clark. On the 1 f>ili ult~hv James W. Cook. Esq. the lion. FE LIX L. CLOTFE'LTER, of Texas, to Miss NANCY JACKSON.of Clark county. On the 18th ult., hv the *Rev. Mr. Sanders, Dr. E. C. L A W R E N C K. of Peufleld. to M iss C Y N T HIA A.,daugh ter of Col. R, Hubbard, of Greene county. On the 16lh ult.. bv the Hon. Thomas Stocks. DANIEL DUNCAN. Esq., to Miss MILLY WILLIAMS, all of Greene county. On the I8tli ult., by the Rev-J. N. Bolton. Mr. JAMES F. GEER, of Greene count*. to Miss MAIIY B., daugh ter of Rev. E. Callaway, ofWilkes county. On the 16th ult., by Wm. Seals. Esq.. Mr. THOMAS LOYD, of Jasper county, to Miss MARY ANN PAR KER. of Newton county. On the 19th ult.. by Robert A. Prior. Esq.. Mr. THO MAS L. HADAWAY, to Miss EMILY ATKINSON, all of Morgan county. In Clark county, on the 19th nit., by John Norton. Esq.. Mr. CHARLES L. FIELDING. oi'Hanford. Conn, to Miss ELIZA, BLAKELY, of the former place. On tbe25ih' the Rev. Stephen Howe. Mr. WIL LIAM L. MORGAN, of Hcnrv county, Ala., to Miss ELEANOR W. GAUNER. tif Randolph county, Ga. On tbe 29th nil.. V. the Rev. 11. O. Wver. Mr. WIL LIAM T. MITCHELL, of Montgomery, Ala., to Mis* JO SEPHINE J. WINKLER, daughter of the late Z. Wink ler. nl Savanmh. ? In Greenesbnro.’ Ga. on the 14th inst. by the Rev. Wes ley P. Arnold, tbe Rev. Bishop O. ANDREW, to Mrs. ANN L. GREENWOOD. 70,000. To bo circulated among ihe citizens of Macon and tbe sur* rounding country, in sums of 15.000 DOLLARS, 5.000 DOLLARS, 3.000 DOLLARS, 2.500 DOLLARS, And sums of evety denomination, down to SIX Dollars. The subscriber reipeetfully informs his friends, and the public generally, that he has removed his Ofliee to the Bank ing House recently occupied by the Omnu'gee Bank, where he is prepared tn dispense Fortune's favors to such.of her votaries as may feel disposed tn trust her; and tnev may rely on one thing—that all Cheeks, in the shape of Prizes, presentrd a' his counter, will be promptly paid in current funds, and the Notes of the former Bank, taken at value for Tickets. GUN-SMITHiNG-li r g 311E subscriber would inform the citizens of Macon and : -B. the public generally, that he has taken the standkmnvn j r as the oid Posi-Office, on Mulberry street, one door from I JOHNSOSL as tTCandidate for 1 B. S. Newcomb A C«'s. Eating House and Bowling Alleys, County, at the Election ii where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in the above j an g business, in a superir style. Rifles made tn order, and war ranted. Double Guns restocked, and all kinds of repairing done with despatch. He has also on hand, a few fine DOUBLE GUNS ; Ri- fle POWDER of a superior quality ; GUN POWDER; SHOT, of all sit:*: Baldwin’* Elastic GUN WADDING; plain PERCUiar-ION CAPr-; solit and ribbed do; Walk- e-'s best English Caps; POWDER FLASK*; SHOT POUCHES: and all articles usually kept in the line, whiclj. will be sold low for cash. E. S ROGERS. Macon, Jan 30. 1344 13 izrd to announce SOI*. B Receiver of Tax' Returns in January 1845. 15 THE FOLLOWING BRILLIANT SCHEME will be drawu IN COLUMBUS, on the 8th inst.. and the Drawing expected in this Oiiy. ou Friday, the 9th inst. GEORGIA LITERATURE . CLASS 15. PIIAIs& CO« lilnuarciR. I Prize ol* 025*®GO I do do 5,000 a do do 3,000 i do do S,590 5 do do . B,*300 And a large number of Prizes, ]n all, amounting to S®S(£ S3'-*€35) SD (2D o Any two Numbers must draw $12—Any one Number $G, fi)molulion ©1* CoparSsaersJsip. r»3HE firm of CHAPMAN & ROSS is this day dis- JL solved, hy mutual consent. WM. W. CHAPMAN. Macon, Jan. 1. 1344. 13 WM. A. ROSS. WSLIiIAttf A. SaOSS C ONTINUED this business on bis o>vn account, having purchased from Mr, Win. W. Chapman bis entire in terest in the Stock of Goods lelcnging to the late firm. He has now on hand a well .selected stocu. of goods, consisting of DRY-CiOODS, jHeady-J)Ia<Je Clothing, Bints, Shoes, Hardware, GROSKERY, SADDLES, ac. Which will be sold veiy low for cash. . Jan. 1, 1844 18 WM. A. ROSS. .llsln fUtT/ISOA-.S I NDEBTED to the late firm of CHAPMAN & ROSS. will please make immediate payment, or suits will be brought indiscriminately. The papers are all turned ever to me tor collection, and can be found at time ui Wm. A Ross’Store. WM. W. CHAPMAN. Macon. Jan. 1, 1944 . 18 Goods! NEW GOODS!! T HE Subscribers tire now receiving a general iS3ort- merit» f staple and fnucy DRY-GOODS, of me latest style and patterns, which they oiler for sale at fair prices, iu brick building one door from \Vashimrton Hall. Scot23 5*2 GEO. W. TRICE & CO. ALSO, CLASS C, 12,000 DOLLARS! 10 OF 1,000 DOLLS. TO 15E DRAWN IN THIS CITY! WZ2B.VESB9*‘l 1% February fi t. TICKETS $4 03—Shares in proportion. KJ" Orders enclosing cash, promptly attended to Packages of Tickets warranted, as usual. Tickets always on hand, iu Lotteries drawing at Colum- GEOHGE ROBINSON. Agent 19 For Managers. bus and Augusta. Feb 7 x. rar. wszms, . ATTORNEY AT I,AW, MACOS, GEORGIA. Feb G. 1844 19 DIED, In Wetumpka. Ala.on the 23th of December. Mrs. MAR THA E. ber36tli year.daughterof Col. Thad dens Beall of Alabama^aud consort of John Tutty, formerly of Georgia. In Columbia county. Ga. on the 15lh nil. GAZAVv AY DAVIS, in the 68th year of his age. In Campbell county, on the 19ih ult. JOSEPH HOW ELL, in the 99th year of his age. , ' At Haw> the 27th ult. Mr. JOHN RAWLS in the S6lb year ol his age. P ’{ Council Chamber, HI aeon. Feb. 2,1841 REGULAR MEETING. Present—The Mayor. Aldermen Rytaudcr, Ross. Holmes’, Ellis, W'iss, Den ton. Absent—Aldermen Collins, Freeman. 1 3 HE minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed. The Bridge-Keeper reports tolls for week to date, $130 95 deducted for C. Campbell’s bill for oil, $11 00 $119 93 The special Committee to whom was referred the peti tion of Drav owners. Report adverse to establ.siting rate* for h.inling Cotton, believing it best, they should make their own oontraetsnccordiiie to weight and distance. (Adopte 1) Counri! went into tin Election lor Street Contractor, in place of Ainos Bemnn resigned, whereupon Miles G. Ste vens was declared duly elected, for one year from date, to perform the duties as set loitli in resolutions of this Cuun cil, fo'the sum of $2,550 Samuel J. Ray* Cos hill for Blankets for Guard House, amount. $7 00. was passed. The Committee on Public Property was requested to ob- taio from the Coomiittee of last Cnancil. the petition of V. J Biill ck.and Rejiort upon the same at next meeting ol Council. , On Motion A hi. Holmes. Resolved. That his Hon. the Mayor, be authorised to have suitable Shade and Ornamental Treeg, set out and hoxml iii the principal streets in the City, viz: Clierrv, Mulberry. Second and Third Streets and Ontiou Avenue, or so nmrh of them ns lay within the business pa>t of the City, under the direction «f Mr. Simri Rose, at an expense not to exceed one hundred and fifty dollars, and mat the citizens he tequested to aid Council by out * rees in front of their tespective residences and places ol business. (Agreed to ) ; - Resolv'd, That we reqnest the Honorable lusticea of ihe Inferior Cnutt m complete the sharing of the Court House Square by having an additional number of Trees planted therein. (Agreed to.) Conncil then adjourned. Attest, A. R. FREEMAN, c. c. Aditiiitistt-nlor’K Male. YETILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next V ¥ before the Court-House door in Vienna. Doolv coun ty. within the legal hours of sale, one Lot of Land. No. 17 in the 1st District of Doolv county, containing 202} acres, more or less, belonging to toe Estate of Thomas ceased, late ol said county. Sold agreeably to an order of the Inferior Court of Dooly couotv. when sitting lor ordinary purposes. Terms made known on the day. Jan 30 19 U M. M. ch HOUGHTON. Admr. Daotjr Nup. i'oait, Xsr. Adjaunicil Term, 1844- Henrt Pkttee. Admr. & J BILL of Interpleader, Ac. and lu marshal assets. srt Pkttee, Admr. A 1 Mart Savage, Adwrx. I vs. ( J I T appearing to the Court, that .Tames Stewart, one of the defendants to the above BUI, resides outuf the State: It is. on motion. Ordered. That service of the same be perfected, by pub lication in one of the public gazette* of Mxcon.once a month for four mm.ths. True extract from the Minutes, this 30th January. 1844. Feb 6 19 tn4tn THOMAS H. KEY. Clerk. To I>i-btor* utitl Creditor J^I.L persons indebted to the Estate of Arthur Bardin. deceased late nl Dooly county, by Note. Account, otherwise, arc requested to make imine-liaie payment; and those hiving demands against said E«tate, are required to render them in.dulv authenticated, in term* of the law. It RANSOM BARDIN. 1 Feb C 19 WM. G. WALDEN. S United Brothers’ Lodge, lYo. 5, I. O- ©. F. bYTILL hold a Meeting on Wednesday Evening, Feb- It 7 at the Lodge Room, 7 o’clock, P. M. Punctual attendance is requested, as business of import ation willcotne before the body. By order of tbo N. G. ' II. C. FREEMAF. Sec’y. Notice. D URING my temporary absence from the City of Ma con. Mr. Georoe Robinson will art as tny Attorney in Fact, in all matters concerning my business. Macon, Jan 31.1844 19 3t JA$. H. JENKINS. NEW STORE. THOMAS Ii. ROSS, ulgcnt, Corner of Colton Avenue and Cherry street, W 8 A3 just received a choice selection of 11 GROCERIES, Consistingo r Sugar. Coffee. Salt. Iron,Nails Bagging. Rope, Ram. Gin Whiskey. Tobacco, Molasses, Loaf Sugar, Rai sins. Irish Potatoes, Grindstones, Ac. Ac. 11c will also keep on baud, a good Stock of PROVISIONS, Sn # *!i as Canal. Baltimore, and Country KLOUR; Rice, Meal. Com. and Bacon; and ta determined to sell as low as any house in the place. Macon, Feb 6, 13-44. 19 VA 1.1 A El L !:' i»i. A NT ATIOX FOR SALE. fllHE subscriber offers fur sale. Uiat valua- I ble PLANTATION, known as Ross* Place, two miles above Macon, on the East side of tbe Ocmulree Ri^er, containing 400 acres—350acres « leared, 200 of which is first rate Cora and Cotton Land, under tolerable good fence, and is well watered. The whole 400 acris can be enclose- with one rofle rf feme—it being in the ben 1 of the Hirer* The above place will be sold on reasonable terms, if ear To l>fblo*N ntid Creditor*. \ Lh pernutH indebted to the Estate of .James Powell deceased, late of Dooly county, nte hereby requested to make immediate payment; and those having demand- against said Esiare. are required to present them agreeable to law, to ms. «s Administrator, or Cin* Powell, my ngert. Feb 6 10 AMBRG^F: POWELL. Admr. I TIOUR months after date, application will be raids loth» * Inferior Court of Up«’H countv. when sitting for ordi nary purpose*, for leave to *ell tbe Land and Negroes be longing to the Estate of Wiley Dean, deceased late of said county. Feb-6 19 WM. MoKlXNEY. Admr. P OUR months after date, application will be made to tin Inferior Court of D«"dy muntv, when silting for «»rd; nary purposes for leave to sell all the Lands belonging t« the*Estate of .lames Powell, deceased, lrie of said county. F-b 6 19 AM BROKE POW ELL. Admr*; I ^OUIt months after date, application will be made to the ’ Inferior Court of Houston coipity, when sitting lot or <1 nary purposes, tor leave to sel’ n portion of the L ind and Negroes belonging to ihe Estate of Thomas Woodard, de ceased, late of said c.)un»v. Feb C 19 SYLVANU8 3. BRYAN. Admr. SI. & J. COWLES, n A VE now on liamt. nt tue Store formerly orcupieJ by Messrs. J B. Ross A Co., a genetal assortment of Plauteis’ Supplies, consisting ol GROCERIES, STAPLE DRY-GOODS, HARDWARE, SHOES, &c. Ac. Macon. Oct 25. 1343 G GREAT BARGAINS IN $tr@0€S$* rvlHE subscriber, being about making a change in his bu- JL siness will (for t:ie purpose of red' cing his Slock.) sell hi* GOODS AT VERY REDUCED PRICES. liitt Stinrk consists iu part of Rn:u unit Fasai»*nab!e/:o!or : ed and black Silks and Satins; Rich Si. k Shawls; Mantles and Neck Ties; a few Velvet Mantillas ; real French Mus lin de La ine; Craje do.; Chusaus. Alpaccas, Aetdiaus. Bombazines; Rich colored and black Silk Velvets; French Cambrics; Calicoes; pure Irish Linen; Silk, Linen, and Cuiton Handkerchiefs; Si.’k and Cotton Hosiery; Gloves; Ladies’ Florence, Tuscan, and Straw Hats. dec. &e. Also, Supertine Broud-Cloth* ami i’a^aiinere*, to gether with most other articles usually kept in Dry Goods Stores; all of which will l>e sold very low tor Cash. DCJ* Country Merchants and others, would do V'ell to call and examine his Stock. G. L. WARREN. First door above Geo. A. Kimberly's Hat Store. Jan 23 1? NEW AXD HIGHLY IMPROVED WOOL CARDING »W.fCI7/.V£JR V. r¥lIIE undersigned respectfully informs ilic citizens of A Houston. Bibb, Crawfmvi, Macon, Dooiy. Twiggs, Talbi»t, Pulaski. Sumter, and tiie Wool-Growers of other counties, that he will have lfi operation, by ilie 15:h of April j next, at die Mil!t of Wilburn Maadi-x, o: 1 Mossy Creek, in Houston caumv, a set of superior WOOL CARDING MACHINERY, built on a new and highly improved plan ; when he would snlVitilie patronage of all Wool-Growers, bo;h far and near; Every effort shall be made to please, and entire satisfaction given at all limes, or no charges trade. Arrangements are made for running the Machinery night and day, for tiie accommodation of those coming from a distance, that they may be detained ns little as possible. He will constantly keep on hand, a full assortment of FACTORY YARAS & CLOTH, JLE.STSSER, St. 3 c. which will he sold as low as can be rold at Factories, to* Good COW-HIDES and TALLOW, will be taken in exchange for Goods or Wool Cardin_. at a fair price. {Cf* All burs and hard substances must be cleaned oat of the wool, before carded. D. W. PARR. January 9. 1844. 13 3m AdiniuiMi-nlorn> Sale. B Y virtue of an order of the Inferior Court of Twiggs count j, when sitting for nrdiiiary'purposes. will be sold, on the first Toes lay"hi APRIL next, before the Court- House door, in tl e City of Macon. Bibb county, within the legal hours of sale, 73 acres of Pins Land, whereon Hirarai M. Allen now lives, n Bibb ;onntv. eight miles below Ms* con.on tbe Marion road. Also. 177 acres of Swamp Land; adjoining Newman lingers and H. M. Allen on two sides; and die Ocmulgee river on the West side, about eight htiles from Macon. The first named Land has about IS acres cleared, on which is the necessary building* for a small family. - The last n imed Lnnd has 35 or 40 acres cleared, w itliout buildings. All to he sold as the property of Robins Andrews, decea.ed. late of Twiggs county —for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the day of sale; JSHA.M G. ANDREW:?, > . , ■Tan 30 38 JOSEPH B. ANDREWS; J Acmirs 4 lEUKliiA, Houston County.—W he teas, Stephen R. HjT Ham applies to me for letters of Administration de bo nis mm. with ihe Will annexed, on the Estate of Daaiel Chirk, Sen., deceased, late of said county : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at tny ofliee. within the tinie prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any th3v have,) why said letters should not he granted. Given under mv hand, this f2d Jah. 1344. 13 HRYaNT oTl G < EOROIA. Houston County.—Whereas, Thomas A: V 11. Sledge, Administrator, cie bonis non, on the E; ato of Harris Alien deceased, late or said county, applies tot. o' for letters of dismission from said Estate: These ure, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singu lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and ippear at tny office, within the time prescribed by Jaw, to hew cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand, this 22d Jan. 1844. IS BRYANT HATTON, cco • .. HE undersigned have commenced the a- 1 hove, in connection with llieir CLO TH ING BUSINESS, ami are prepared to man ufaclure Cioilung. of every kiud. in the latest sty le, nnd at the shortest notice. 'The exclu sive mention of one uf the firm, will be given to this branch of their Business, and whose experience, they believe, will enable them t«» give entire satisfaction. They will at all times have iu their employ the best workmen ; and will be supplied from New York and Phila delphia. with whatever may be of interest to the fasbiona- ble world. The patrouage of the public ts respectfully so- doited. J. i E. SAULSBURY. Macon. Dec 12, 1343 JVI3 SSI OrY.I HI. Ml HAT AND CAP JbSlABLI»ilLIi£»T. Ju«t Received} g n HDS. f»t. Croix Pnpnr, .1 s f too bags prime Rio Coffe 40 bU. Boston 11 23 do Jenok’s (Tin, 203 Sacks SALT. 2030 lbs. old Hams, Buckwheat and Rve Flour, Jan 30 13 20b’.s. rectified Whiskev, 50 do CANAL FLOUR, 500 ps.CASTINGS. Irish Potatoes, IL C. FREEMAN. amusic STORE. .7S.RCO.h'. mm.uw'Q <& ^ k m w ic ssr s n A > fi eons antlyon hand, and offer ft r sale at pricer as 'I.iw a* c tn be purchased iu the southern country splendid assortment ol PI ANO-FOltTKS, from tbe Celebrated and long established Manufactories of ssrwisnsrs ’<& am AND J. CHIC KICKING. The we.lknown reputation of these Manufactories pre elude* the necr.isit - of commenting upon the excellence ol their instruments, which have stood the test of every cli mate, for many years. ALAltGE ASSORTMENT OF VIOUMI. ta'I>£lHOBC»IT.inS, UTfil.Gfi, TKU.3IBO.NKt4, TiHJIJ’HTfi. 1I4»UIV!I, CLAKIO.3KTaf, FL VKKULCT8, FIVB3, At. Ac. Ae. Violin. Guitar, and oilier Strings; Clarionet Reeds. Tuning Hammers and Forks; Violin Bows; Music Pa per, Ac. Ac. forming us complete an assortment of musical merchandize, ns can hi found in the southern country. As thev import direct from the Manufactures, they are enabled tosell their giods at the very lowest prices. B. A V. have in ad lition to their catalogue, an assort- meat of FOREIGN MUSIC. sold reduced ;>i*iccs. Terms Ca&h. May 17. 1842. , 33 AilusiniatrntorK* Sale. W ILL he sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court-House door, in Vienna. Dooly atered. The whole 400 aerts can he enclosed county, within the legal hours of sale, all the Real Estate belonging to Hardy Royal, Jr. deceased, lote «f said coun ty. Sold under an order of the Inferior Court of said coun- lv anidication is made to the subscriber, near Macon, on die ty, while silting for oidinary purposes Term* on tbe day. Clinton road. LUKE ROSS- MOSES PIPKIN. «EO. f. sntePAR15, Is rereiving weekly addition* to liis hitherto splendid stock i f HA TS AND CAPS, DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORY, lie is ii vv prepared tn offer rare inducements to city ind country purchasers. Possessing advantages excelled hy no Hat Establishment in the State, he will afford his Goods nt os loir, or peuh'aPs lower prices. Every style of HATS AND CAPS may be found atdtts Store. AMONG THEM— FASHIONABLK, MEDIUM, AM) : ■ -■ . I. t, mi i ui;t} UiiooiJimi, RI ,Volc-$kio. assd Si3!i ^ 0 ^ ALSO; A FINE ASSORTMENT OE CONSISTING OF Oiler, ShstlaiiiJ Seal, JVtiltia. and JIusirnt. ALSO. Men’s and Youths’ Cloth and Velvet CAPS, Dooly Itlnvch Sales. W ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Coort-House door iu Vienna, Dooly coun ty, widiin the legal hours of sale, * Lot of Land No. 131, in the 14th District of said county; levied on as the property of William Roberts, by vittue of two Justice’s Court fi fas in favor of George Hargrove vs; William Roberts. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. A'so, Lot of Land No. 205, in the 7th District of said conn y ; levied on os the property of Wesley Doughtrey, by virtue of a fi fa in favor of Charles Guyton and Moses Guyton vs. Wesley Dougliuey. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. - _• Also, four Negroes, viz: Louisa, Maria, Nelson, and a liild; levied on as the property of Reuben E. Brown, by irtueoffifas in favor of James While vs. Reuben _E. Brown; Joseph E. McCoy vs. said Brown; Haslatu, Price A Co. vs. Reubeu E- Brown, and anodier; Isaac Newell vs. Reuben E Brown, and David C. Campbell, security on the stay of execution. ADn. one House and Lot, in the town of Vienna ; levied on as the property of John M. Bottom, by virtue of a fi fa in' favor of Luther Roll vs. John M. Bottom. Said House and Lot i* at present occupied by said Bottom as a grocery store. Also, one I otofLonu, No. 93. in the 11th District of Dooly county; levied on hy virtue of a fi fa in favor of Ca leb M. Norwood vs. Joseph Davis and Samuel Story, as the property of said Davis. Levied on and turned over to mo by tlie former Sheriff, Tbentns W. Pettee. Also, four Lots of Land, in the Sd District, No. nor known, but the Plantation whereon William P. Causseaux now re sides; and two Negro Women ond 7 children, named Pa- meli.3, Mahalia, Dennis Henry. Jim, Parris; Sam, Abram, and dandy ; all levied on as the property 6f William Pr Causseaux. by virtue of sundry fi (as in favor of Wiley Kent vs. William P. Cimsseaux and James Gan.ble. Levy' made an! returned to roe by a constable. ■ ~ f Jan 26 13 YOUNG P. OUTLAW, Stiff. TtW be sold, at the same lime and place, Lots of Lund Nos. 9 anil 36, in the 6th District of Dooly mumy; levied on as the property of Alexander Bustle, or his claim or interest therein; levied on a3 tba property of. said Bustle, bv virtue of a Justice's Court fi fa in favor of Abraham Y. l’eavey v». Alexander Bustle. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also, tbe interest of Thomas Beinbry in and to Lot of Land No. 50. in the 7ih District ot said county; levied on' hy virtue ot a fi fa iu favor of Thomas U. Gatlin vs. Tho mas Beinbry. Also, 150 acres of Land, more or less, it being part of Lo of Land No. 119, (the South side of said Lot.) in the 1st Dis trim of said county, with a Grist Mill tliereon ; levied on as •heproperty ol Hugh Smith, by virtue offi fas William M. Livingston vs. Hugh Smith: John B. Wright vs. Hugh Smith and Williaiii Livings tori, for the use of David W. Culpepper. Property pointed ont bv said Colpepper. Jah SC 13 ' WM.FARNELL, D. Shff- Donly illarth Sale. \ ITILL be sold, before the Court House door, in Vien- ? v ua. Dooly county, within the legal hours of sale, Otr the first Tuesday in APRIL next, 5,000 lbs. of Seed Cotton, more or less; levied on as tho property of Willis Pope, to satisfy or.e fi fa in favor of William Blanchard >'». Wiilis Pope. * Property pointed out said Blanchard. JAS. G. OLIVER, D. Sliff. Jan 30 Id Do do Hate Seal do Do do 9ealette do Do do Glazed do Fab 6,1(44 Jaa 30 1* JOHN O. ROYAL, - Admra Gentlemen's rCfnvy €a»»s; A LARGE LOT OF Men’s iinil Boy*’ Black and Qrab SPORTING S3 ATS; Together with an extensive Stack of ITJon’s and Boys’ BltfcSc and Drub WOOL HATS, <fcC. U-T" The attention r,f titose in w ant of any articles in this line, is respectfully invited. Store on Second Sf reef, a few door* above the Wash ington Hall, and adjoining the Shoe Store of Messrs. Whi ting & Mix. vv rsc zee: otter. Kink, iinfl Raccoon Meins, ;or wh ch i! e C.iab will bo paid. Macon, Jan 30, IS 14 IS GEO. X. SHEPARD. Koitfiion IDnrch SslM. W ILL be sold,on the-first Tuesday in MARCH next, before tbe Court House doer* in Perry, Houston cour.ty. v.-ithin the legal hours of sale, Lot of Land No 129, in the lOih District of said countv; levied on as the property ot John Gilbert and Thomas J. Gilbert, to satisfy rr.ndry fi fas from the Justice’s Court uf the District, G. M.. in favor of George Walker vs. said John Gilbert and Thomas J. Gilbert. Property point ed out bv the phi.miff. Le---y made and retained to me by a constable. . j Abo. Lot of Land No. 23, in the 5th District of said coun ty; levied on as the property of James II. Holt and Maty D. Morris, to satisfy one fi fa from the Justice’s Court of the 771st District. G. M-in lavorof Daniel Altman vs. raid James H. Holt and Mnrv D. Morris. Levy made and re turned to ine by a constable. Also, Lbl No. 140. in die 13tli District of said county;' levied on as'tlie property of Turner G. Pierce, lo satisiy iOndry fi fus from a Justice's Court ofssid county, in favor of Amos Lassiter, assignee of Allen E Barton, plaintiff in said fi fns. vs. said Pierce. Levy made and relumed to me by a constable* ^ Abril one Lot ofLand. whCreon Simon Dupree now live;),- No. not recollected; levied on as the prr.petty of said Du pree. to satisfy a fifa from the Superior Court of said coun ty, in favor of John Lamar vs. arid' Dupree. Aho.'one Negro Girl, by the name of Eliza; levied on as die property nl William T. Brown, to satisfy one fi la from the Inferior Coutt of said count;., in favor oi Kelly A Rice vs. said Brown. Also, oue two acre Town Lot. in Fort Valiev, in said county, well improved, now in the possession of Joseph Tooke; levied on as the property oflVareliBio }i. Daniels, M satisfy, one) Ii fa from a Justice’s Court of said countv. in lavorof Hiram Dunbar, bearer, Vs. said Wsrclism 15. Dan iels Levy mode an>l returned to me by n constable. Also. 11 head ol bheep 1 Or. Cart, aiid 300 bushels Corn, more or less-, all levied on by virtue of an attachment in fa vor uf bamuel Clark vs. Drewry Clark—returnable to Hous- ton Inferior Court. July Term.*l£43; -nlto be sold in ube- dience. to an order of said Court. A!iO. Luts ofLand Nun. 2 ami the lOili District of Houston county, well iriiproved f levied on as the property ot Stephen R. Ham, to satisfy sundry fifas from a Justice’s Court of said county of Hi ision. in favor of James Hardison vs. said Ham. Levy made aud returned to me by a con stable. ALso. one Lot of Lu d, No* not known, whereon Henry J- Engt am sow lives; levied on as his property, by virtue of two fi fas from Houston Superior Court, one in favor of Br\- snt Hatton, and one in favor cf Jamca T. Thomson vs. said Engram. Also, Lot of Land No. 153, in the 10th District of said county; levied on ns tbe property uf John Rbwlasd. to sat isfy a fi fa issued from a Justice's Court of Laurens countv ■tt favor of Adatn Hrinter, tramrerved lo W. II. Calhoun.'- Levy made and'returned tome by a cc u.u ide. Alsri, the undivided half of Lots of Land Nos. 2S0, 297, nnd a riart'of Lnt No. 303, : IMjri'ric! of Houston "O limy : levied or. ns the property of Alexander .T. Nnw'nnd. to-satisfy'snmtryfi fas from tlie A ;,,s’ Coarta of the onumv of said 9tate; two of said fi fas in firnrof L.P.Brown vs.snirl Nowland ; four in favor of M:, r k Tar. vm vs. James M. Dye. trustee for Alexander J. Nowland; and turcei'i l.ivor nt (\rn» HucLnn. f„ r the ure of Mark Tarver vs. James M. D'ye, tro-tee for Alexander J. Now- la-”! Lev r* u’n.'e nnd returned to me by constables of said cow t j of Housto:. J«s»3 1* WM. KLRRINSTON, 6hff.